JP Morgan - Brochure - Global Section

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This is where you need to be.


J.P. Morgan is a marketing name of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its subsidiaries worldwide.
©2008 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is an equal opportunities employer.
In 2008, J.P. Morgan was:
• Named in the top 10 of BusinessWeek’s “50 Best Internships”
and ranked as one of the Best Places to Launch a Career.

• Ranked Best in Training in the Vault Guide to the Top 50 LET’S INTRODUCE
Banking Employers.

• Ranked #10 in the top 100 companies in the IDEAL

Employer MBA Rankings.

We’ve written this briefing for you, That’s why we’re taking the time to
keeping in mind that a career choice is introduce ourselves. You may have heard
about the biggest investment you can of us already. You may be aware of some
make. No one knows what the future of the headline facts: that we have
holds, but we do know that we can rely operations in more than 50 countries,
on certain things. Our size and stability that we employ many of the finest minds
mean that we’re well positioned to in global finance and have assets in
weather any economic storm. Our excess of $1.6 trillion. All very impressive,
tradition of entrepreneurship means but what does it mean for you?
that we’re never going to be stuck with
We’re as dedicated as we’ve ever been
one way of thinking. And our commitment
to giving our people the world-class
to seeking out, developing and rewarding
training and development that shapes
new talent means that we’re never short
their futures and ours. You’ll quickly
of fresh ideas.
realize that we’re just as committed
You have a wide variety of career to the world we live and work in.
options to choose from. So why We’re proud of our business, and
choose J.P. Morgan? we’re confident that you will be too.

There is not one definitive answer, and Read this briefing. Visit our website.
we’re not in the business of making glib Meet us on campus. Join
statements. Now, more than ever, it’s and make
essential that you make an informed your decision. You might decide we’re
decision about your future. Consider all not for you. You might decide we are.
the evidence. Weigh the pros and cons. But whatever your decision,
Believe in your choice. make sure it’s yours.
The most compelling reasons for joining
FOR FUTURE COLLEAGUES J.P. Morgan stem directly from who we are, The ‘Hot Six’ reasons for joining l 10
what we do and how we do it. This is our Our business philosophy l 18
bottom line. Industry recognition l 24


You need to know if we’re right for you and if
you’re right for us. This will help you make the Our ideal candidate l 29
right career choice and a successful application. Diversity matters l 32
Training and development l 33
Career paths l 35
Go Global l 37
Corporate social responsibility l 40
Recruiting process tips l 43


Find out more about the business areas you
can work in and ways of getting involved with Our business areas l 48
J.P. Morgan. This is the detail.

If you want to build a career
in global finance today,
this is where you need to be.
“We continue to have an outstanding
strategic position, a great brand,
strong character, fantastic employees
and a remarkable future. I am
privileged to lead this company.”

Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co.



Who better to tell you the reasons 1. Our scale, scope and prestige
to join J.P. Morgan, than J.P. Morgan
people themselves? We’ve asked our 2. Our reputation as a business innovator
colleagues why they joined us and
why they stay, and the same six reasons
3. The quality of training and development
came up again and again. We’ve listed
them here in no particular order as
4. The chance to make a personal impact
they’re equally important to us – 5. The exceptional quality of work
they’re what make us unique. This is
where you need to be, and this is why... 6. Our spirit of cooperation and teamwork
the hot six

1. Our scale, scope and prestige. 2. Our reputation as a business innovator.

This is where you’ll benefit from our global success. This is where you’ll think in new ways. Innovation has
Suffice to say that, with thousands of the world’s finest driven us from the earliest days, and continues to drive us now.
minds across the Investment Bank and Asset Management, New products, new partnerships and new ways of doing
in over 50 countries, you could be doing business just business. We continue to build a strong foundation for long-
about anywhere. Precisely what you’ll be doing will depend term growth that enables us to accomplish the extraordinary.
on your own goals, professionally and personally. Our goal We’re the bank that helped build corporate America, rescued
is to become the best financial services company in the the New York Stock Exchange, created the world’s first
world. We’ll expect the same level of ambition from you. billion-dollar corporation and invented the concept of
relationship banking. And most recently, we successfully
integrated Bear Stearns. We combine unprecedented global
leverage in the markets with an entrepreneurial zeal that
allows us to explore every facet of our industry.

“Our unique global network means that we work seamlessly with

our counterparts in over 50 countries. In an industry that is as fast-
paced as ours, with changing market conditions and evolving products, “At J.P. Morgan, development of unique products, investment in
we have the power of thousands of like-minded people working technology and concepts are a key requirement for us to lead at
together in a culture of teamwork, partnership and execution. Even the forefront of our industry. Our culture encourages us to think
though we are located across different time zones and geographies, ‘outside the box’ to achieve great results for our clients. We’re
our aim is the same – to provide consistently award-winning constantly coming up with innovations in the marketplace and
service to our clients in constantly-changing market conditions.” pushing ourselves to achieve. It’s who we are and what we do.”

Danny Soh, Marie Linehan,

Associate, Sales & Trading, Singapore Analyst, Technology, London

11 12
the hot six

3. The quality of training and development. 4. The chance to make a personal impact.
This is where you’ll never stop learning. We take your This is where you can make a name for yourself. It’s our firm
continual development very seriously. Training is continuous belief that an individual can only flourish as part of a team,
and doesn’t end with the conclusion of your initial formal for the benefit of all involved. On the job, your responsibilities
orientation and training program. Your trainers will include and contributions will be substantial, and development and
professors from the world’s best business schools and our promotion are often rapid. Rewards are significant. But if you’re
senior people and leaders. The theoretical and the practical only in it for the money, then you’re probably not the kind of
are combined here like nowhere else. No wonder we’re told person we’re interested in. Those who do best are those whose
that our training and development programs are the best motivations lie elsewhere – in the thrill of the deal, in new ways
in the industry. of doing business, in client satisfaction. Our best performers
love their work, and work as part of an outstanding team.

“I was given responsibility from the first day. I got to meet with
top management even as an Analyst, and I was immediately
“The Equity Research department has continued to invest in my asked to attend a client meeting with the team. That degree of
development and the development of all of my peers through client exposure so early simply doesn’t come with any other job.
Research University, which includes writing workshops, accounting During my first year, I was the key Analyst involved in the day-to-day
policy presentations and providing opportunities to pitch stock execution and closing of six transactions under supervision of a
ideas to senior management.” senior Vice President.”

Darren Hicks, Jennifer Lee,

Associate, Research, New York Associate, Investment Banking, Hong Kong

13 14
the hot six

5. The exceptional quality of work. 6. Our spirit of cooperation and teamwork.

This is where you’ll master complex challenges. This is where you’ll inspire, support and connect. Our success
Never underestimate how important your quality of work is. depends on our open, intellectually honest culture. Before too
You’ll be given opportunities every day – and right from the long, we’ll expect you to inspire your colleagues. But let them
very start. You’ll enjoy exposure to a quick-flowing pipeline inspire you, too. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Enjoy your
of varied and high-quality work. You can work on the world’s work. Build life-long friendships. And always remember that it’s
top deals, manage money for sophisticated investors, all about the team. After all, you’ll be part of the best there is.
make complex trades or launch cutting-edge products in
global finance. The challenges you face will test you
professionally and drive you to develop personally. And if
you’re anything like us, you wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Whether working with clients all over Europe, or working with

my counterparts on site in New York, it’s amazing to be involved “One of the most satisfying parts of the job is making something
in incredibly complex deals. It’s an incredibly fast-paced and happen for a client that helps fulfill their personal goals. But this
exciting environment where market conditions can change by can’t be done alone. It means coming together with a number of
the minute. Picking up the newspaper and reading about key specialists as one big team and leveraging each other’s expertise,
projects I’ve worked on fills me with an immense sense of pride bouncing ideas off of each other to collectively create a solution
and satisfaction.” that we wouldn’t have been able to come up with individually.”

Jonny Moran, Jenny Fung,

Analyst, Investment Banking, London Associate, Private Bank, San Francisco

You’ll find more detailed profiles and personal insights, and be able to connect with our
Analysts, Associates and recruiters at
15 16
Our business philosophy hasn’t products or applying technology in new
changed since 1933. That’s when ways. It’s progress. It’s achievement.
J.P. Morgan, Jr. first said that he wanted It’s having sound ethical foundations.
his bank to be known for ‘doing only It’s constantly striving for excellence.
first-class business… in a first-class It’s the way we do business every
way.’ The world is now so full of empty single day. Yes, that means that we
slogans and disposable mission expect great things from our people,
statements that it’s easy to overlook but the business is organized to

the power and resonance of his provide the professional challenges,

message. Yet it’s more relevant today support networks and training tools

than ever. He was talking about the that enable you to do your very best.

revolutionary thinking and pioneering First-class business in a first-class

spirit that fuel innovations, keeping way is more than a description of our
us ahead of the competition in any culture and reputation. It’s about the
economic climate. But it’s so much pride and job satisfaction our
more than creating new financial employees experience at J.P. Morgan.

“Size does matter in our
industry – provided that size
translates into operating and
OUR GLOBAL scale efficiencies, increased
NETWORK. profit margins, stronger
earnings and leadership
positions. And the benefits of
size can only be realized with a
It’s now clearer than ever: the winners
in global finance will be those who
one of the broadest and most global
financial platforms in the world, which
culture that values teamwork,
can provide their clients with access
to the best financial products and
means we can offer unrivaled solutions
to our clients, whether they’re
partnership and execution.”
services faster than anyone else. corporations, governments, private
In today’s climate, size, scale and firms, financial institutions, non-profit
staying power matter, and J.P. Morgan organizations, retail clients, or
has what it takes to succeed. This is wealthy individuals. What’s more,
no sales pitch; it’s a fact. J.P. Morgan along with all the resources and
Bill Winters,
now employs approximately 38,000 opportunities of an integrated global
co-CEO, Investment Bank
people in the Investment Bank and network, we offer you the chance to
Asset Management globally, with become an industry-leading specialist.
clients in over 100 countries. This is


19 20
Our business platform Leading figures
“We’ve already done the Our industry is incredibly fast-paced.
To gauge how to best react to market
Quite simply, we offer our clients the
most complete and innovative
financial solutions in the industry. We
difficult things. We’re changes and inspire the development
of new products, we need to build solid, have global leadership positions in all
trusting relationships with our clients. our key areas – mergers & acquisitions
positioned where we want Understanding the complex interplay advice, capital raising, restructuring,
of those financial needs allows us to risk management, sales & trading,
to be. We have the platform. grow, manage and sustain their wealth, research, private banking, investment
while informing our own development management, and private client services.
We have the momentum. as an organization. We create new We also participate in proprietary
products and strategies all the time. trading, investing and market-making

We have the people. Our organic growth, selective

acquisitions and annual investment
in cash securities. Institutional Investor
recently named J.P. Morgan the “Best

And our results show it.” of $7 billion in technology allow us

to continually expand the breadth and
Overall Investment Bank.” And, Alpha
Magazine ranked J.P. Morgan Asset
depth of our business platform. When Management as the largest hedge
you join J.P. Morgan, you become part fund manager in the world for the
Steve Black,
co-CEO, Investment Bank of a dynamic entity. We’ll continue to second year running.
change as your career unfolds, just
as we have throughout our history. Making the investment
The paradox of today’s economy is J.P. Morgan has always set the pace of
that this very willingness to change, progress in financial services. For you,
evolve and innovate is the key to our that means unprecedented support
long-term stability and security. Our and the opportunity to take advantage
fortress balance sheet is one of the of a wide variety of career paths that
reasons we were able to integrate may take you across the globe and
Bear Stearns. This sort of change into different business areas.
brings exciting new opportunities, For specific information about the
challenges and exposure as you range of J.P. Morgan opportunities
develop in your career. available to you, flip to the back
of this book, and also visit

Our mission is to become the best financial services company in the
world. We believe it’s an achievable goal, and we have the determination
to succeed. Listed below are just a few of our recent accolades – proof
that we are well on our way.

• Best Overall Investment Bank – Institutional Investor

• Derivatives House of the Year and Best Derivative House over the
past 20 years – Risk magazine

• Most Impressive Bank – Euroweek

• Best M&A House Asia Pacific – Euromoney

• #1 on Hedge Fund 100 list for the second year in a row

– Alpha Magazine

• Best Foreign Investment Bank in Japan – FinanceAsia

• Investment Trust Group of the Year – Investment Week

• Bond Trading House of the Year – The Banker

• #1 US Institutional Private Equity manager – Pensions and Investments

• Best Equity Linked House – FinanceAsia

• Best Global Equity Capital Markets House – Euromoney

In 2008, we acted as the Lead Left Bookrunner on the Initial Public Offering (IPO)
for Visa, the largest IPO ever completed in the US and the third largest worldwide.

“The level of change and innovation within
J.P. Morgan has created an enriched

environment for learning and development:
there is an exceptional scope to get involved
in projects and activities that challenge and

RIGHT FIT. extend the professional reach of the individual.

Some people are packing experiences into
two or three years that might take a whole
career to get in a traditional firm. Intensified
learning like this breeds people who are
always up for the next challenge, functionally
and psychologically.”

Blythe Masters,
Head of Global Commodities, Investment Bank

Why do we insist on talking about our We list a number of qualities that our
business, when we should be selling people have below. These need to be
you the benefits of working here? evident in the way you live your life.
Because we know the people who The inclinations and potential to
enjoy learning about how businesses succeed are already in you. Now, it’s
work are those who become our a matter of developing the aptitudes “First-class business in a first-class
highest achievers. They thrive on doing to do so.
the deals, building the relationships,
We have stringent requirements, way is a commitment not just for how
meeting the challenges, delivering
including exceptional academic
the solutions. The success that enables
qualifications, an aptitude for
we interact with our clients, but also
us to reward high performers with
top-tier rewards is created by talented
numbers and a strong interest in our
industry. Personality fit is key, and so
how we work with each other. It is
people doing something they love.
are independence, maturity, drive,
that constant desire and motivation
You could come from any background initiative, and integrity. Because
and could have studied any subject. diversity of thought and approach to be the best in the business that
It takes a wide range of talented is so important, we recruit from all
individuals working together to disciplines. Of course, a strong unites us at J.P. Morgan regardless
achieve and be successful. analytical aptitude is essential.
of job title or function.”
Other qualities we look for include:
• Excellent academic performance
Mary Callahan Erdoes,
• Exceptional communication skills
CEO, Private Bank
• The presence and confidence to work with senior people and clients
• Demonstrated ability to flourish in a team environment
• Fluency in English, although a second (or even third)
language can be an advantage

“At J.P. Morgan,
we strive to DIVERSITY
create an inclusive
where people can The value we place on independence characteristics, there is no typical
of thought cannot be underestimated. J.P. Morgan employee. And we plan
authentically be This is perhaps nowhere more true to keep it that way. Take a look at
than in our attitude toward diversity. our website to find out how to get
themselves and Diversity and inclusion are important involved with our initiatives, such as
to us. Not just because it’s good for Launching Leaders, Winning Women
contribute their our business, but because it’s the and Proud to Be. You’ll also find
right thing to do. We expect all of our evidence of the many awards we’ve
very best.” people to be intelligent, committed won that recognize our commitment
and ambitious. Beyond those to being an employer of merit.
Jes Staley,
CEO, Asset Management Here are just a few of them:
Executive Sponsor of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual
#1 Company for Recruiting and Retention
Transgender (LGBT) employee networking
– DiversityInc magazine, 2008
group, PRIDE
Top 50 Companies for Diversity
– DiversityInc magazine, 2008, for the eighth year in a row
Top Companies for Multicultural Women
– Working Mother magazine, 2008, for the fifth year in a row
Top 5 Companies for Diverse MBAs
– DiversityMBA magazine
Named to “Diversity Elite” list
– Hispanic Business Magazine, 2007 and 2008
Top 50 Companies for Latinas
– LATINA Style magazine, 2007, for the seventh year in a row
Leading Edge Company for LGBT Employees
– Stonewall*, 2007
*An LGBT advocacy organization in the UK

Your personal development is a core picture and a range of transferable
business principle, because helping skills. Our continuous training and
you meet your career objectives as development programs are designed
fast as possible is plain business to transform high-potential individuals

TRAINING AND sense. That’s why leading professors

and specialist consultants, as well as
into high-performing professionals.

In 2008, we trained hundreds of

J.P. Morgan’s most experienced senior

DEVELOPMENT. professionals, are dedicated to your

development. Each business area has
Analysts and Associates from all over
the world. We wanted to clarify what
really distinguishes our approach from
its own structure and syllabus to close
the competition, so we commissioned
the gap between theory and practice
the comparative analysis below.
in your specialty, providing you with
an understanding of the big business

Unique and distinctive features of the J.P. Morgan approach

to training & development:

“You need a dynamic approach to training because,

• Our education programs are on par with the world’s finest business schools
even within one career path, the skill sets have to
• Professionals from our business are actively involved in training design and delivery
change. Starting out, it’s about building a foundation. • Many of our best Analysts and Associates are given the chance to leave their day jobs
By the time you are Vice President it’s all about for 2 to 8 weeks to coach and train, acting as tutors for the participants

building relationships. Our approach to training • We have a global approach to training to mirror our global reach, allowing you to
develop an instant network of colleagues globally
makes that evolution happen more smoothly,
• Training is business-specific and tailored to our different divisions
so Analysts start learning the relationship and
• Development is continual
client-facing skills earlier.” • Coaching and development are recognized and celebrated as leadership behaviors

• Our Mobility Network enables Analysts and Associates to explore opportunities

Bill Winters, to join other lines of business
co-CEO, Investment Bank

J.P. Morgan ranked Best in Training for 2008

in the Vault Guide to the Top 50 Banking Employers.
“Your career progression depends greatly on
We live and breathe a performance to move up to the next level. A common
culture based on encouragement, global framework is vital for clarity your capability and not your seniority. After
support and providing the tools to and fair play: you can only have a
achieve our ultimate potential. The meritocracy if everyone is judged by working for some years, this still stays true.
sheer scale of our business provides the same standards. In the US and
I have earned responsibilities that would
an enormous range of development European regions, newly promoted
opportunities, from lateral role changes Investment Banking Associates are not be typically given to someone at my
to international transfers, as well as provided a four-week sabbatical
promotions within your line of business. directly following their promotion. level, thus making my job challenging
Wherever you start in our business, This sabbatical was instituted to
the pathways of opportunity run recognize the hard work and and rewarding every single day.”
wide and deep. dedication of these individuals.

With so much to offer, it’s important Employees are encouraged to be Alex Chua, Associate, Sales & Trading, Hong Kong
to understand how you’ll achieve your mobile, expanding their skills and
career goals. We set out clear road learning new ones – whether they
maps to explain what defines high want to transition to another group,
performance at each stage and what another country or another business
recommendations or specific training area altogether.
and development activities you need

Global metrics per annum

Analyst Associate Vice President Executive Managing Employees involved in recruiting the best talent: 3,900+ people
Director* Director Employees involved in training and development design and delivery: 500+ people
*Investment Bank title only.


“As a truly global business, investing in our talent – around

the world – is the most important investing we do. At J.P. Morgan
Asset Management, we encourage you to be mobile and take
advantage of our scale and scope in your career, whether
We have offices across 50 different
countries and clients in over 100. Each This means that when you join us,
that’s moving from one business to another or entirely
country or region has its own unique you become part of a well-connected across the globe. Our platform will give you a chance to
challenges and opportunities, although global network. You’ll interact with broaden your skills faster and to make a difference in a
the business principles behind them and learn from colleagues all over the dynamic global business.”
remain consistent. Sharing ideas and world. You’ll work on cross border
best practices promotes understanding deals. You could gain experience in
and encourages new ways of learning another J.P. Morgan office in another Eve Guernsey, CEO, Investment Management Americas
and doing things. It bonds us together country by working on a transaction,
as a global team. How we work spending time there or making a
in New York affects how we work mobility move. Where you start is not
in Hong Kong and vice versa. necessarily where you’ll end up.

The Investment Bank and Asset Management training programs

are global and begin in New York City. So no matter what city you
start in, you’ll start off with a global network from day one.

“It was encouraging to join the firm and find that there are individuals
like me who are both willing to support and participate in meaningful
events to back global causes. I never thought a career in investment
banking would accommodate my interests outside of work.”
Michele Malejki, Analyst, Investment Banking, New York
To us, corporate social responsibility managers to assess our financial
means more than a token gesture: transactions worldwide. Our
it’s a long-standing commitment to the Environmental Markets Group
world around us. That commitment is provides carbon advisory and risk
a part of who we are and how we do management services to clients.
business. It affects the investments Our firm intends to reduce its carbon
we make and the way that we think. emissions by 20% in four years, using
When our business is strong and well- 2005 figures as a baseline. And, we
governed, we’re in a better position are offsetting all employee air travel.
to translate positive financial results
Microfinance: Financial services
into sustainable community and
can do tremendous good by providing
environmental efforts that
access to the world’s capital through
benefit everyone.
microfinance. Because it stimulates and
Environment: We recognize that supports the development of wealth-
the health of the economy rests on creating businesses, microfinance has
the health of the planet. Our goal become a very effective tool in many
is to make a positive contribution emerging countries. That’s why we
to sustainability by integrating created a dedicated investment banking
environmental principles into our unit to support microfinance and
business model. We’ve strengthened social enterprises around the world
our efforts by hiring dedicated and encourage our own people to
environmental and social risk become actively involved.

We offer employee discounts on loans for hybrid and fuel-efficient vehicles through our online
Green Shop, which has special offers on environmentally friendly products and services.

In London, we got rid of rubbish bins in the office. This has resulted in saving the equivalent
of 12 tons of paper per week.

PHILANTHROPY. international volunteer activities through
a number of organizations. Team IB is
• In 2007, team IB partnered with Teach
For America to provide much needed
We don’t just do good work. We also do good. the Investment Bank’s global employee school supplies for 550 teachers. This
volunteer program, designed to help was made possible through a $25,000
employees across the firm support donation from the Give-It-Away campaign.
philanthropic efforts and causes that Over 80 employees participated in a
Good Venture. It’s our promise to the Give-It-Away matter to them and encourage other school supply packing event where
world. It’s not lip service. Nor is it a Our philanthropic efforts often inspire colleagues to do so. Since June 2006, kits were made for the teachers. The
profile raising exercise. It’s part of innovative thinking. In 2006, we did team IB has raised $2 million, benefiting volunteers then presented the kits to
the ethos that runs throughout our away with the traditional campus give- 52 organizations and initiatives from the teachers at their orientation session
business. Put simply, doing good aways of pens, umbrellas, and yo-yos malaria prevention in Africa to poverty at New York University.
work makes good business sense. and now ask students to vote for a alleviation in Latin America. It’s not
• An employee in India ran the Coastal
non-profit organization to receive the about money; it’s about taking action
Good Venture Day of Service Challenge, one of the most challenging
money we would have spent on those and making a tangible difference.
In 2008, interns in the US, Europe and endurance races in the world, in Costa
items as part of our Give-It-Away
Asia participated in our Good Venture Here are a couple of examples of team IB Rica. Money raised from the effort helped
campaign. In 2007, we donated a
Day of Service program. From building projects that have made an impact: build Mumbai’s first children’s hospital.
combined $80,000 to the winning
bicycles and donating them to charities across the globe – money
underprivileged children to working that is already making a difference.
with schools to improve playground That same year, over 8,000 people
facilities or partnering with programs voted globally in the campaign.
to support children in hospitals, This year, we want even more
the chance to volunteer and make people to vote online. Visit
a difference will help enrich your
experience with us and improve the to find out more.

lives of others. And, in 2007, our Employee Involvement

summer Good Venture intern project Like our business, our sense of Global metrics per annum
led by US interns raised $70,000 for community is global, and we support
over 20 charities. our people’s local, regional, and Non-profit organizations supported: 2,400+
Global charitable reach: nearly 500 cities, across 33 countries
Employee led volunteer projects: 1,800+
Charitable contributions: $113,000,000+

41 42

This is less about impressing us, and more about you getting the
future you want. These are our top tips:

We get tens of thousands of applications each year from which we identify the
relatively small group of people who have the drive, creativity, academic credentials,
intellectual agility, and interpersonal skills to thrive in our business. Read our
website for in-depth information about our business areas. You’ll need to tell us
which one you want to join – and why. Read the business press. Attend our events.
Talk to people you know who work here. Discover all you can about the wider
context of the industry.

Get to know us
We think the best way to get inside any organization is to actually get inside that
organization. That’s why we run a number of events on campus and at our offices
where you can meet us and talk to us, face-to-face. More details are on the
Campus Schedule section of our website.

Join the J.P. Morgan Community

Join the J.P. Morgan Community on Facebook. This community connects you with
current Analysts and Associates and members of our recruiting and training teams.
Take advantage of our discussion boards and find out about events, latest news
and ways to get involved with J.P. Morgan. Visit

“Preparation is key. Understand your motivation for
Think over your decision
Before you apply, think carefully about your application. Take a long-term applying and research the company. Talk to our
perspective and look at the big picture. Some of the best careers are launched
and built during the toughest markets. Explore what we have to offer as an employer, people. Make a lasting impression by standing out for
and reflect on all the strengths and qualities that you will bring to our business.
the right reasons. Demonstrate your motivation and
That could be extracurricular activities, interesting life experiences or examples
of teamwork, as well as academic achievements. drive for the job, think about the questions you may
Start early. Gain experience
We hire the majority of our full-time Analysts and Associates from our internship
be asked and prepare for them. Above all else, don’t
class, so it’s worth carefully thinking about your summer internship early.
act a part – just be yourself.”
Wherever you are in the world, making a wise decision about your career is easier
to do when you participate in our special initiatives and take advantage of our events.

Make a lasting impression Esther Oxenbury,

Head of Investment Bank Recruiting, Europe
We work closely with our clients, so we want to see the strength of your personality.
Think of specific examples that demonstrate your qualities and behaviors, whether
you have led a team project or organized an event on campus.

In the end, this is not just about impressing us. You need to be
sure that this is the profession – and the place – where you will
be most happy, fulfilled and successful.


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