The Job Hunting Guide: I Am Here

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Enhancing your job search

to find the right role for you.


Services & Assistance from Langley Search & Interim



I am here
Change Beliefs


Our guide will help you to:

 Improve your CV and interview techniques
o With our proven tips and advice

 Network your way to success

o By building influential life-long contacts

 Build your ideal career

o Develop your skills and knowledge bespoke to your career path


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Introduction – Langley’s Services 3

Understanding your Current Situation 5

Creating a Vision for the Future 6

Planning the Steps towards your Next Role 7

your market value; researching the market; recruitment agencies

Writing a CV 10
presenting yourself in the best light

How to be a Successful Networker 12

Successful Interviewing 13

Advice on resignations and counter offers 14

Interim Management 17
understanding the Interim market; learning about your choices

Appendix 20
sample CVs; links; resources


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Langley Search and Interim is the leading niche recruiter of

senior level positions within the areas of Procurement, end-
to-end Supply Chain, Transformation and Operational
Our Executive Search and Interim Management teams work with a broad range of clients
Internationally, operating across the following practices:

Public Sector
Including Local Government, Central Government, London Boroughs, NHS,
Charities, Third Sector, Further Education and Housing Associations

Including Aerospace, Automotive, Energy & Utilities, Defence, Oil & Gas,
Construction, FM and Pharmaceuticals

Technology & Professional Services

Including Retail Banks, Investment Banks, Insurance, Private Equity, Venture Capital and

Including FMCG (food and non-food), Retail, Leisure and Media

Our relationships with our candidates are of paramount importance to us: you provide
the foundation for all we do. We know that the ways we engage with you, from pre-
qualification and registration to job applications are vital to our continuing success in placing
high calibre professionals across a wide range of roles.

Those thinking of entering the job market, moving jobs, changing career path or simply
exploring their general employment options often look to the recruitment profession for
advice and guidance. Many accomplished networkers can accurately discriminate options and
negotiate directly with employers, but when starting out you can quickly benefit from expert
support and insight to help you find your way to a new job or career.

Some of our candidates have expressed that services of other recruitment companies can vary
dramatically in terms of quality and accessibility. Over the years, Langley has become highly
skilled in delivering a range of candidate advisory services to complement our core recruitment
process. This document outlines the services we provide to help you with your job search,
along with insight and tips to help you find the right role for you.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Our Core Services

We know that looking for a new job can be full of challenges, and we are proud to represent
every single one of you who chooses to work with us in the search for their next role. As a
standard, we offer:

An assessment of your current skill set, achieved through an extensive competency-

based interview and an appraisal of your work history
An opinion of how your skill set might be received in the current job market (including
a recommendation of how your skills and experience might transfer to allied roles and
A discussion of where your skills and experience might be applied to Langley’s current
The professional management of your CV through the application process, from its
submission to a client through setting up interviews and the final brokerage of
offer/start details
A continuing commitment to provide you with a high quality service through open
communication once placed in your new role.

Additional Services
The success of your job search can be affected by multiple factors. Langley offers a number of
additional services to help you to manage your search and advise you on how best to achieve
your goals, including:

Comprehensive assessment of your current situation - pinpointing ‘where you are’ to

get ‘where you want to be’
The opportunity to create a viable, detailed and compelling vision for your future -
achieving your goals is much easier with a comprehensive picture of your career;
Help climbing the steps towards your goal - planning incremental, practical steps
towards a target enables you to meet it in a managed, informed way
Support in presenting yourself in the best possible light through your CV - marketing
yourself, the power of words and the design of your CV
Advice on writing an influential covering letter - using words to your best advantage;
Guidance in identifying appropriate networking opportunities and maximising the
outcomes – gaining exposure to influential people and expanding your options
Coaching for success in interviews, tests and assessment centres
Consultation on actions following an interview - and how to keep your agency ‘onside’
Handling offers, counter-offers, resignations, gardening leave, references and notice


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Understanding your Current Situation

When you start considering a move, it’s important to really
understand your current situation and what this means for Useful questions
your job search. to ask yourself:
This can be achieved by establishing a rounded, balanced view
1. What’s the main
of your current:
2. How do you know
Level of satisfaction
it’s a
Beliefs around why you need a change.
Sometimes you might find it helpful to gain feedback and
3. How is this
opinions from others about these qualities. You may even want
situation affecting
to engage a career coach or mentor to help form a clear
you, specifically?
picture of your present state.
4. Who else is
It’s only when we really know where we are affected by this
that we gain a better idea of where we want to situation?
5. How are they

6. What stops you

from changing
the current


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Creating a clear vision of your future is easy for some, but Useful questions to
more effort is required for others. One thing is consistent guide your vision:
when setting goals – when you can see, hear, feel and believe
in a compelling, positive future for yourself, it is much easier to
achieve. Take into account the questions in the box on the 1. What do you want,
right. specifically?

Set aside as much time as you need to ask and answer 2. When do you want
questions like these: it’s better to deliberate now than get it?
halfway through a round of interviews for a job that you don’t
really want. Again, it’s often useful to spend time with people 3. What will happen if
you trust and whose opinions you value to discuss your you get it?
options and help you evaluate your next steps.
4. What will happen if
you don’t?

5. Why is it worth

6. How will it affect

your family,
friends, skills and
life overall?

7. What will be
different as a


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Understanding your market value

It’s useful in any climate to understand your market value: not simply in terms of your financial
remuneration, but also an assessment of the intrinsic value of your skills, knowledge, expertise,
aptitudes and even your beliefs in terms of how they might add value to a business.

This level of awareness is likely to require both feedback from informed sources in your
network and extensive research into market trends, current recruitment drives and
remuneration packages offered for profiles similar to your own across a range of industries and
job types.

As recruitment consultants we see employment trends every day. We work with multiple
clients, across numerous sectors, to broker negotiations over salaries, job responsibilities,
flexible benefits and much more. Well-informed, professional recruiters are in the best
position to help you.

Researching the market & responding to adverts

Keeping a close eye on the media can help you stay informed about possible opportunities in
the job market. Get to know which periodicals, newspapers and websites are useful in your job
search: many will advertise roles that may be appropriate for you, and others will include
important information about anticipated recruitment campaigns, advice on success in the job
market or even hints and tips on how to put together your CV.

A few good ‘rules of thumb’ on responding to adverts include:

Identify whether the role is advertised directly by the hiring client or by an agency –
you’re likely to respond in a very different way to each, and will be able to set different
expectations on what information you are likely to receive and what you may need to
do in the first stage of your response to the advert.
Research the company advertising: for an agency, check out their credentials and
standing in the community in which they recruit. For an employer advertising directly,
research them too: have they gone through a recent merger or MBO? Are they stable,
growing, losing market share, diversifying, going through a corporate re-structure?
Check the fundamental details of the role: salary/package, overview of deliverables,
specific qualifications or experience required, location of the role, company details etc.
Unless you are aware of these essentials, you might find yourself wasting time and
effort applying for a role for which you would not be short-listed.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Working with Agencies

A Good Recruiter
There are almost 20,000 recruitment companies registered in
the UK today – the reputation of the recruitment profession is
mixed at best.
1. Give impartial
Choosing which agency to help you in your job search is an advice based on
important consideration for many people, and for good reasons: knowledge and
Your recruitment agency is your ambassador and
representative in the job market. Current trends are 2. Recognise
suggesting an increasingly challenging environment in transferable skills
which to seek and secure new employment. As such, you and advise on
need to be represented in the most appropriate way and how best to
marketed as effectively as possible; position these in
You need to feel confident that your agency has your best the marketplace
interests front of mind - not just their fee;
You need to know that your skills, experience, 3. Engage in
knowledge and aptitudes are being interpreted and meaningful
presented to your best possible advantage in the dialogue with you
marketplace; to determine
You should feel confident that your recruitment your precise
consultant knows what you want; requirements
Your recruitment consultant should have a level of
knowledge and skill commensurate with their objectives 4. Successfully
to help you secure a new job. evaluate your
levels of
Research the market before choosing one to represent you: competence
across a range of
Find out if the agency is specialist/niche or generalist: the skills and advise
former are more likely to have more knowledge and on areas for
expertise about your area of business. If you are looking development in
for a career change, a generalist agency may be able to relation to a
provide a wider spectrum of opportunity and advice. career aspiration
Research the agency: visit their website, ask colleagues
for references and find out all you can about their 5. Inspire
credibility and track record of successful placements at confidence.
your level with the type of clients that you aspire to join.
Ask about their recruitment process: a good agency will
not send your CV to a client without first getting your
agreement; they should not pressurise you to make a
choice about your next job but, rather, they should work
in partnership with you to identify suitable opportunities.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Working with Career Coaches & Modelling Success

There is a growing body of evidence to support the notion that working with an independent
coach can facilitate positive change and help to generate clarity and purpose in the behaviours
and thinking patterns of people desiring change in their lives.

This is no less true of those people looking for a new job opportunity. Opting to work with a
career coach can be enormously beneficial in helping to clarify your current situation, your
aspirations and your goals around finding a new role or even a new career.

Langley is happy to support you in developing these skills: you can speak to our in-house
performance and career coach who is qualified and experienced in these areas. Understanding
how others are successful in job hunting (and, indeed, other elements of managing their
careers) is invaluable.

By extension, learning how to model the behaviours and thinking patterns of successful people
can be a very powerful means by which excellence and success can find its way into your own
career. Langley is again happy to advise you on this matter and we offer a referral service if you
wish to consider this option.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Your CV should:
There are many different opinions on how to maximise the
impact of your CV in the market place, with most of these 1. Evidence what
views focused around the format and content of your CV. you do
Recruitment consultancies, HR professionals, hiring or line
managers, colleagues, friends and family may all have a view on 2. Showcase what
how best to present yourself on the page – a dilemma! you have
However, Langley’s experience over the years has confirmed a
number of principles that we recommend using as guidance 3. Tell the reader
when constructing your CV. what you want
A CV is an information document first and foremost, and we all
4. Inform the
know that information is best received (and remembered)
reader of what
when the presentation of that information is succinct and
you offer
engaging. It is true that the CV is a tool by which you ‘sell
yourself’ to a prospective employer, and is often your first
introduction to a future employer. As such, it’s important to get
it ‘right’.

A variety of different people read your CV - HR, line management, senior management,
consultants and third parties that may be part of a recruitment outsourced solution, possible
future colleagues, agencies, head-hunters, people whose first language may not be English, and
so on. It sometimes pays to have a few different versions of your CV to allow for these
different audiences.

However, it’s important to remember that the best way to sell yourself is to explain what you
do and what you have accomplished. Mission statements are fine - but they are often a
statement of intent. Employers want to know what they are getting, not what they might be
getting at some point in the future.

Bear in mind also that many people who read your CV are not as experienced in extracting
key information (like skills and experiences) as a recruitment consultant that reads CVs every
day. So it’s worth spending time considering how best to convey your key skills, experience
and potential to a future employer.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Hints & Tips for Writing Your CV

Keep it to a maximum of three
pages – more than this and
readers may begin to disengage.
Make sure that your most
significant achievements are
listed on the first page – this way,
it is less likely to escape the
reader’s attention.
Use a mixture of bold, italics and
bullet points within your text; be
careful not to make it look too
cluttered or too busy – succinct
and easy to read is the rule.
Present your experience before
your qualifications – most employers want to know what you actually do before they
consider your qualifications.
Ensure all contact details are clearly visible – there is nothing more frustrating than
seeing a great CV but not knowing how to contact the applicant!
For CVs pitched at a permanent role, list your jobs in chronological order from your
most recent/current role to at least 10 years ago. Roles before10 years ago can be
summarised or even simply listed: company, role title, dates of employment should
Ensure there are no gaps in your work history. If there are periods of unemployment,
offer a clear explanation.
For each role in your career, explain your deliverables/targets, your achievements
against them and how you achieved them – i.e. what you did, and how. Evidence is a
powerful persuader.
For each role in your career, demonstrate how your experience has developed your
skills and understanding; also explain some of the key relationships in the roles. Your
CV will not only tell the reader what you have done, but will also help to fashion a view
of your skills in the broader context of your ability to influence and persuade.
Employers will often have two fundamental questions running through their mind when
considering your application:
o Can you do this job?
o Will you be able to work with their existing staff?
Finish your CV with something personal - usually an indication of your interests outside
work, and ideally not the standard ‘I like to go out with my friends, read, cook and go
to the gym’. It’s always a slightly contentious area, but it’s true that most people who
assess a CV like to get as rounded a view of the applicant as possible. Giving an insight
into your private world can help to differentiate between one CV and another. Again,
caution and care is needed in this area but, on the whole, it pays to think about how to
make your CV ‘feel’ different from the rest.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Networking has always been an essential part of creating new opportunities. In its broadest
sense, networking is simply maximising the conversations you have with others. In a more
specific sense, and within the context of seeking a new job, networking in a more structured
and considered way can be an extremely powerful tool.

How to be a Successful Networker

Many networking forums offer

excellent opportunities to share
ideas and gain knowledge from the
experience of others. These forums
can also yield significant career
options by virtue of being introduced
to influential people in your target

Our advice is to actively seek out

these groups, ideally through the
recommendation of others whom
you trust and decide for yourself
whether they may be useful for you.
Maximising your personal network of
contacts is one of the best ways to
become informed about trends in the
recruitment market place, and to
generate introductions to influential people.

Once a networking opportunity or forum has been identified, the skills required to maximise
that moment are often in two domains: preparation and communication/interpersonal skills.
Preparation is crucial: go to networking opportunities well informed about the people there,
what they do, what questions to ask them and what you want from the event.

With regard to communication/interpersonal skills, networking is all about rapport. Rapport

enables networking conversations to flow freely and valuable information to arise with little
effort. Questions are essential - particularly those that help the other person feel that they are
important and valued. A number of networking forums well established on the Internet, like
LinkedIn, can prove highly profitable in making new contacts and gaining market knowledge.

Langley is highly skilled in recognising the mechanisms of networking forums and we are happy
to extend our knowledge and experience in this area to help you develop your skills in


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


The question of how to successfully navigate job interviews is How to be

much debated, and the public domain is overflowing with Successful at
suggestions – some potentially helpful, others not so much.
Langley’s guidance on interviews is clear and simple, and Interviews:
bespoke to your situation.
1. Be honest
We offer interview preparation and coaching for all candidates.
In these 1-2-1’s, experienced Langley Consultants will help you 2. Be ‘present’ and
to refresh your skills in all five areas of interview success. As a engaged with the
start, however, here are some useful hints: interviewer(s)

Build rapport through firm (but not excessive) 3. Be informed

handshakes, eye contact and subtly matching body about the job and
language and verbal language. the company
Listen to what is being said and asked - there’s nothing
worse for an interviewer than to experience 4. Talk about what
inattentiveness from the applicant. you have DONE,
Talk about what you know and have done rather than not what you
hypothetical situations or future promises. might do
Don’t speak badly of your current/last employer –
loyalty is valued in the minds of hiring managers. 5. Strike a healthy
Ask relevant questions - find out more about the job, balance between
the company and the longer term opportunities. asking questions
Remember, this interview is not one-sided; you need to and listening
find out if the job’s right for you.
At the end of the interview, shake hands firmly and
express your interest in moving to the next stage,
even if you’re not quite sure: time spent in reflection
is a powerful tool to use when evaluating your
experiences during the interview.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Dealing with Resignation & Counter-Offers

Once you have successfully obtained an offer for a role that both suits your skills and
experience and that you really want, the final step is to cement your decision. Detailed below
are some thoughts on how you might deal with resigning when you get your new role, along
with what you might do in response to a counter-offer (your employer offering you more
money or benefits to stay).

What can you Expect When you Tender your Resignation?

Your company will be sorry to lose you – you have contributed to achieving important
business goals and objectives. You are probably involved at the moment in a project within
your workplace that requires your talents. Put yourself in your manager’s position: what might
you do?

What Should you Consider if your Present Employer Offers

you an Incentive to Stay?

You initially considered changing companies because your present position can no longer offer
the growth potential to match your experience. It is probably fair to say that your present
company has helped you progress professionally and as a result, you may feel uncomfortable

You will also be leaving fellow managers and colleagues, some of whom you might even
consider your friends. These people may have been instrumental in advancing your career. All
or some of these factors may make you feel uneasy. It is natural to resist change and
disruption. Your manager will be no exception – they will want to keep you, and may attempt
to do so with a counter offer.

Counter offers have many variations:

1. ‘This is confidential and I shouldn’t really be telling you this, but we were looking at
promoting you in the next six months.’
2. ‘We’ll match your offer and put it into effect next pay day. I had meant to review it anyway.’
3. ‘Don’t make a decision now: have a think about it and we’ll sit down next week to discuss.’


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Implications of the Counter Offer

Of course it is flattering that your company is concerned to hear that you are leaving, so your
emotions can obscure the reasons behind your decision to leave. It is natural to be
apprehensive and to let that one final doubt about doing the right thing grow out of proportion
the more your manager tries to convince you. Stop and ask yourself these questions:

1. ‘I made the decision to leave because I felt the new position offered me the best
environment to fulfil my career needs. If I stay, will the situation here really improve
just because I said I was leaving?’
2. ‘If I stay, will my loyalty be suspect and affect my chance for advancement once the dust
has settled?’
3. ‘This pay rise makes me expensive in comparison to other colleagues for the job
position I am in. How will that affect any future pay rises?’
4. ‘I got this counter offer because I resigned - will I have to do that the next time I think
I’m ready for a rise or promotion?’

The Professional Attitude

The professional manager will make an objective career decision free of emotional pressures.
Advice will be offered by well-meaning friends, relatives and business associates. Depend
primarily upon your own judgement because quite simply, you are the only one who can fully
understand the implications.

Remember: the counter offers are a belated recognition of the contribution you have made to
your company. If it had come unprompted, wouldn’t that be a lot more flattering? Move ahead
with the goal of making yourself as valuable to your new employer as you now know you were
to your old.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Writing your Resignation Letter

Your resignation letter will be the final document in your personnel file. This means it will be
the first document seen when a future employer calls for a reference or if you were ever to
reapply to your company. It is also important to leave on a good note as you never know when
you may end up working with a colleague or previous manager again! Therefore heed the
following tips:

Write your resignation letter in a manner that will maintain a good relationship with
your employer and associates.
Show enthusiasm and appreciation for the job you have held.
Emphasise what you have contributed to the company or organisation, highlighting the
skills that you’ve used. Personalisation is fine to a degree, however too much
sentimentality is ill-advised and can be unprofessional.

Below is a sample resignation letter for your reference.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Could you be an
If you have never been employed on an Interim contract there are Interim Manager?
probably many questions that you might want to ask.

Below are a number of features of being an Interim that you may 1. Are you a robust,
want to consider: self-sufficient, self-
motivated worker?
Diversity: 2. Can you deliver
to tight deadlines
Interim work gives you the opportunity to work across a range of and demanding
projects in a number of different industry sectors. The nature of targets?
project work, and the relative short-term engagement of an
Interim contract (compared to permanent roles) allows for high 3. Do you work well
levels of visibility, reward and recognition. under pressure?

Skill Development: 4. Are you an

expert in your
The variety of challenges managed by Interims allows you to field?
enhance existing experience, develop new skills and broaden your
knowledge base. 5. How easily do
you engage,
Financial Rewards: interact and
influence others?
There is sometimes a belief in the marketplace that Interim
Managers earn more money than their permanent equivalents. 6. Can you quickly
Whilst this is sometimes the case for experienced managers, the grasp problems
costs of running your own business must be considered. and find
Interim Managers are paid at a premium and must take into solutions?
account that there will be times in the year when they will not be
working; the guarantee of ongoing work throughout the year is 7. Do you like being
perhaps the biggest concern for people considering a career in the in control of your
interim arena. own destiny?

Delivery Focused:
As an Interim Manager, the emphasis for the majority of assignments will be delivering to a
well-defined set of targets and expectations. This will give you significant focus in your role and
you will have the added benefit of being able to clearly measure your success.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Team Role:
Some Interims have experienced a sense of relative isolation in their Interim contract; others
thoroughly enjoy the autonomy it provides. It is useful to reflect on whether you would be
happy in a career that does not readily allow you to become part of a business’s long-term
strategy or a sense of being part of the established perm team.

Being in Control:
Joining the Interim market
allows you to take control of
your own career, whether
through becoming a subject
expert or developing a wide
portfolio of experience that can
be utilised across a range of
subject areas. Successful
Interim Managers embrace the
challenge of being self-
motivated in this regard and
enjoy being proactive in their

Advice on Becoming an Interim Manager:

Having read through and answered positively most of the questions above, it would be useful
to understand the processes and likely experiences that you will go through in your quest to
establish a career in this area.

The Process of Joining the Interim Market:

There are two options: if you are sure that a long-term career as an Interim Manager is a
preferred choice, you need to seek advice about setting up your own limited company and the
various levels of insurance that are required. You will also need to consider the best way to
organise and manage your finances.

For further advice, there are a number of established organisations and websites that can help.
If you are not sure about the long term, a fairly low risk approach would be to adopt the
services of an ‘umbrella’ company. These organisations provide accounting, legal and insurance
cover. There are many choices in the market and your preference will depend on cost, level
and type of service offered.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

The nature of Interim work means that you become your own boss. As such, you will be able
to manage your own finances, decide how many days you want to work each year, choose
what sort of projects to accept and take responsibility for your work-life balance.

Daily Rate:

Your daily rate of pay will be determined in part by your previous salary. Another factor that
bears on your day rate is the amount of Interim experience you have accrued. You will need to
consider this when making a move into the interim market.

Your first Interim contract, for example, may be at a lower level than you might wish - but this
is only a reflection of your relative inexperience in this field.

The Interim CV:

The majority of Interim Managers will have accrued a higher number of roles than their
permanent equivalents. As a result, the Interim CV will need to be succinct yet deliver a clear
message about your achievements and capabilities.

Whether you choose to design your CV with a focus on achievements or knowledge, the most
important consideration is to ensure that your CV has impact. This means that it needs to
stand out amongst many and convey your ability to deliver against a specific brief (see
Appendix for examples of well designed CVs).


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Model CV: Interim

J SMITH BSc, MCIPS 75 Hanover Square, London SW1 5RZ

Mobile: +44 (0) 123 456 7891
Home: +44 (0) 123 456 789
Email: [email protected]

Over 15 years of international experience in Supply Chain and Project Procurement Management, having
risen to senior levels within Food, Consultancy, Travel, Financial Services and other sectors. Led outsourcing
exercises in the logistics and FM areas and managed procurement projects ranging from offshore
construction to charge card and system installations. Highly refined influencing, interpersonal and
management skills. Successfully presented business cases to both internal and external board level decision


FM: Catering, Security, Fleet, Cleaning, Security, Maintenance, Post Room

• Savings of £150K (15%) & enhanced service levels achieved by rationalising courier suppliers and
initiating implanted service
• Reduced cleaning contractors from circa 300 to 6 - savings of £250K+ p.a.
• Moved from reactive to PPM/helpdesk system saving £120K+ on £1m spend.
• Catering supplies- supplier rationalisation and savings of £1.2m from £8m.
• Pan-European fleet management experience since 2002 - fleet sizes from 1000 to 2500 cars, savings of
£300k to £500K achieved without vehicle downgrades

TRAVEL: Air, Rail, Hire Cars, Hotels

• Developed strategy and negotiated discounts from 10-40% on £40 million air spend. Implemented and
policed preferred carrier programmes
• Negotiated additional reductions on out sourced travel agency
• Developed UK and European preferred hotel programmes. Savings of 20% achieved on EU hotels
alone by rationalisation from circa 30 to 6.
• Pan European hire car deal implemented with savings of circa £50K

OUTSOURCING: Logistics, Distribution, Couriers, Maintenance

• Fleets of 200 to 500+ vehicles and drivers out sourced in both UK and Europe
• Enhanced out sourced post room services.
• Reactive in-house maintenance out sourced to PPM - savings of 25% (£100k) achieved after TUPE
• Procurement support to dangerous goods fleets of up to 400 vehicles


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

HR: Temporary & Contract Labour, Flexible Benefits

• Implemented circa 25 perm & temp contract labour contracts with reduced charges and enhanced
• Implemented circa 10 contracts for elements of flexible benefits package (retail vouchers/child

• Sub-contract Services (Civil, M&E, E&I Tankage) Capital Equipment and Bulk Materials
• Led negotiations, placed contracts and settled claims for multi £million construction sub-contracts -
all disciplines
• Packages, equipment and turnkey facilities for offshore gas rig and refinery construction and static fuel
storage terminals and liquid gas trailers
• Bulks: Purchased Steel plate and sections, piping, electrical and instrumentation materials

E-SOURCING: “Frictionless” Sourcing, SAP

• Led business process blueprinting teams for SAP MM system installation
• Developed & issued Rfxs on Frictionless

Team Leader:

Led teams of up to 20 people implementing change programmes.


French (semi-fluent), Spanish (good), Italian (basic)

Career History:

Dates of Employment Company/Organisation Position

October ‘14 Company Name Category Specialist

May 14 – September 14 Company Name Senior Consultant

March 13 – February 14 Company Name Lead Consultant

May 12 – February 13 Company Name UK Procurement Manager

August 11 – April 12 Company Name Vice President

September 10 – July 11 Company Name Strategic Sourcing Team Leader

February 04 – August 10 Company Name Various rising to European

Procurement Manager
Model CV: Permanent


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V Singh BSc 53 Hanover Square, London SW1 5RZ

Mobile: +44 (0) 123 456 7891
Home: +44 (0) 123 456 789
Email: [email protected]

Extensive Supply Chain & Logistics experience across Manufacturing, Retail and Food Sectors. Drives
improved financial performance through innovative strategic source planning and leadership of team.
Establishes new directions and focuses on the effective delivery of goals. Strong creative, leadership, team
building and communication skills.

Company Name Position UK turnover: £4.7bn

Company Name Head of Supply Chain 2013 – 2015

• Management of procurement budget of over £160 million per annum

• Operational and quality responsibility of transport, warehousing (wholesale and 3rd Party),
inventory and procurement functions
• Drove network from 23,000 nationwide deliveries per annum to 96,000 implementing new
• Operational lead for large scale integration project
• Development of planning processes, succession plans and standard operating procedures

Company Name Position UK turnover: £3.5bn

Company Name Head of Logistics 2010 – 2013

 Improved forecast bias 33% and forecast accuracy 11% while avoiding large stock outs valued at ~$3.1
million by leading S&OP Process and strengthening interdepartmental communications to deepen
trust between different departments
 Reduced drop stocks by £18million, close to expiration stock by 86%, Net Working Capital by 43%
and in-stock days by 41%
 Identified and delivered £5million savings by increasing efficiencies, improving high levels of cost to
expired stock and increasing visibility of batch numbers and stock ages
 Reduced factory costs by £1.1million by introducing and tracking stock outs KPIs and improving
supplier relationship management


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.

Company Name Position UK turnover: £1.6bn

Company Name Project Manager 2006 – 2010

• Implemented new £2.3million contract in to an existing site - included commercial, operational

and technical workstreams
• Managed key workstreams as part of an improvement programme for an £18million per annum
distribution contract for an outlet retailer
• Designed, delivered and communicated KPIs to significantly increase supply chain efficiencies
• Consultancy project for leading international high street retailer, including analysis of demand
planning, developing and delivering procurement strategy, identifying and delivering efficiency
savings of £4.1million

Company Name Position UK turnover: £1.6bn

Company Name Production Manager 1998 – 2006

 Increased sales of locally produced products by assessing route to market, consolidating distributors
from 3 to 1and re-establishing exports
 Drove sales to $5.2 million year-on-year
 Increased portfolio of locally made products, securing significant sales increase
 Raised tonnage 25% year-on-year and 32% above budget.
 Led increase in profit by reducing distributor margin from 34% hidden margin to 18% with higher
Company Name

Assistant Production Manager 1996 – 1998

 Steered European product launch initiative delivering 92% efficiency and lost profit of 2.7million in just
12 months negotiating with co-manufacturing partner to achieve identical UK and European products.

Shift Production Manager 1994 - 1996

• Increased operating efficiency (OE) by 19% and reduced waste by 10% on £7million material usage through
creating, implementing, and enforcing first formalized operating procedures.

Earlier career experience across FMCG companies spanning 1989 – 1994

Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
Experienced international conference panellist and speaker.

Interests: School Governor. Sports: Swimming and Tennis.


Enhancing your job search
to find the right role for you.


Useful Websites:


‘What colour is your Parachute?’ – Richard N Bolles (pub: Ten Speed Press)
‘Logistics and Supply Chain Management’ – Martin Christopher (Financial Times Series)
‘The Procurement Value Proposition: The Rise of Supply Management’ by Gerard Chick

Contact our Dedicated Team: Langley Company Page

[email protected] Langley Profile Page
+44 (0) 844 847 8336 @LangleySearch

Find us here:
Langley Search & Interim
Suite 2.1
Kings Cross Station
London N1C 4AX

© Langley Search & Selection 2015. This document and is contents are not to be distributed or copied
by any means, in part or whole, by any third party without the express written consent of Langley
Search and Selection.


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