2.2 Mine Illumination - Glare Health and Safety

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2.1 Discomfort Glare
2.1.1 Saturation glare
2.1.2 Contrast glare
2.2 Disability Glare
2.2.1 Veiling brightness
2.2.2 Successive glare







4.1 Lighting and Accidents in Mines
4.2 Lighting and Fatal Accidents in Mines
4.3 Accident Reporting
4.4 Lighting and Production
4.5 Lighting and Health
4.6 Lighting and Mental Health
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In fact any mining task can be performed quickly, safely, and accurately,
if the working field is clearly visible and the miner has the skills and desire
to do the job.
Visual performance = Task Visibility + Human Factor
Task visibility depends on four measured variables. These are:

The size and detail to be seen

The time available for seeing the task

The luminance and colour contrasts between the task and its

The average luminance to which the eye adapts when viewing

the task.

In any underground mine the first two parameters are not in our control,
whereas the last two parameters can be altered wisely by having a good
understanding of glare and its effect on task visibility. Glare reduces the
task contrast and causes the eye to adapt to a higher luminance level
than necessary. Other factors like emotional state, fatigue, motivation,
job training, health should be considered in the human factor of the visual
performance. Safety and production are adversely affected by irritation
and fatigue, caused by glare.
The human eye is sensitive to a particular range of luminance, which is
determined by the average adaptive luminance in the visual field. This
range at the lower end is determined by the threshold of vision, the point
at which an object can just barely be seen. By increasing the luminance
level the clarity improves but beyond a certain luminance level, even
though we go on increasing the luminance, there wont be any further
improvement in the clarity with which we see the object. This we call the
upper range of the luminance. The effects on this unwanted light on visual
performance is classified into two types,

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Discomfort Glare, which increases eye fatigue, causes distraction,

and generally plays havoc with the human factor.


Disability Glare, which reduces the task visibility

2.1 Discomfort Glare

At higher luminance levels, task visibility is not affected but the human
factor will be influenced because of the discomfort experienced due to the
sudden increase in light. This discomfort ranges from a slight wincing
(slight involuntary shrinking movement of the eye out of pain or distress)
reaction to acute pain when exposed to very bright lighting. Discomfort
glare increases with the luminance of the glare source, increases with the
number of glare sources in the field of view, decreases as the angle of the
source from the observers line of sight increases, and is reduced if glare
source is seen in bright surroundings.
Discomfort glare is further divided into two types saturation glare and
contrast glare.
2.1.1 Saturation glare
Saturation glare refers to a situation where the visual fields brightness is
beyond the limit of the eyes adaptation ability thus causing irritation. As
we know that underground mines are completely dark, this type of glare
is completely ruled out in the underground mines.
2.1.2 Contrast glare
Contrast glare, which is most common in the underground mines, occurs
when the luminances of the objects we intend to see are within the eyes
adaptation limit, but the light source in the visual field has a luminance
higher than the eyes adaptation state.
2.2 Disability Glare
The task visibility is directly affected by the disability glare, which
ultimately results in the visual performance getting affected. It increases
with the age of the eye and decreases as the angle from the glare source
to the line of sight increases. It depends mainly on the illuminance from

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the glare source falling on the eye, and decreases with the distance from
the glare source.
Disability glare is sub-divided into two parts, i.e. veiling brightness and
successive glare.
2.2.1 Veiling brightness
Veiling brightness is resulted from the scattering of light from the glare
source, which results in a loss of contrast perception. Thus in order to
obtain the normal level of visibility when veiling brightness is present, the
task contrast should be increased and if the veiling brightness is removed
then the task returns to full visibility.
2.2.2 Successive glare
Successive glare or transient adaption is resulted by the neural response
in retina, which causes a shift in the eyes adaptation state or luminous
sensitivity range. Increasing the task luminance can minimize successive
glare. Since the eye takes some time to adjust and readapt to the normal
conditions, it is characterized by a continuous loss of seeing efficiency
even after the glare source is removed.
When any light is misdirected and that usually shines directly on the eye
instead of on the object we wish to see, it can be considered as glare.
Glare can be reduced to acceptable levels by using several techniques,
which keep this unwanted light out of the eye.
1) Use a large number of small sources rather than a small number of
high-luminance sources.
2) Mount luminaries out of the field of view of the common work place.
3) Screening, shielding the sources from direct view or coveringwith
diffusing platesor filters or cross polarizers greatly reduces glare.
4) Since glare is also due to sudden changes in illuminance, more
uniform lighting can reduce it.
5) Educate workers not to shine cap lamps into other workers eyes
when travelling in cages or passing instructions.

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6) Use proper or correct lighting and avoid specular materials such as

metallic paint on mechanics or wall rock and choose a flat paint
when possible.
7) Keep the surrounding and surrounding luminances high. Only 1/30th
of the task luminance is necessary for accomplishing the task.










We have certain evidences that show the impact that lighting has on the
workers productivity, safety and morale. Though the general level of
lighting in a mine does not approach the standards, taking mine
economics into account, a strong need to improve lighting over that
supplied by vehicle headlights or the common cap lamp is felt.
The importance of visibility and its relation to accident rates has already
been proved (Roberts, 1954) and is shown in Fig. 1.

Rate per thousand employees








31-41 41-51
Age group



Fig. 1 Fatality rates in various age groups in British coal mines

Here a comparison is made of the fatality rates in the various age groups
employed. Fatalities are considerably high in older underground workers
as visual performance deteriorates with the advancing age and this can be

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countered by improving the lighting environment. The need for better

underground lighting is inferred as it may help an old worker recover from
a dangerous position in time, to avoid an accident, if he has more time to
Production losses, lowering of work quantity, increase in error frequency
and accident rates are a result of visual stress.
4.1 Lighting and Accidents in Mines
Lighting intensity related to accidents is gaining more attention across the
globe. A research on mine lighting was carried out in a Hungarian mine,
where one part of the mine was lighted with artificial lights and the other
part illuminated only with cap lamps. The accident rate has decreased by
60% in the part that was lit by artificial lights. A correlation was
established between the illumination level and the number of accidents
which is given in Table 1 (Trotter, 1982).
Table 1 Impact of illumination on number of accidents
Illumination (Lux)

Number of Accidents (%)







35% of all minor accidents in Indian underground coal mines are

attributed to the poor lighting condition (Mishra and Dixit, 1978). In
another mine study in a large West Virginia coal mine in the United
States, six production sections were in operation through out the 24month period during which the test was carried out. Not a single major
accident was reported during this time period in the only section in which
mine lighting system was installed (Trotter, 1982).
In another study conducted by the General Electric, it was showed that an
accident reduction of 32% occurred when the illuminance level was raised
from 50 Lux to 200 Lux (Grandjean, 1969).

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Low light condition can cause visual fatigue, irritation and reddening of
the eye lids, double vision, headache, decrease in the powers of
accommodation and convergence, and a decrease in contrast sensitivity
and speed of perception (Jensen, 1977). The effects of light intensity on
performance and fatigue is shown in Fig. 2 (Schaffer, 1961).

Fig. 2 Effects of light intensity on performance and fatigue (after

Schaffer, 1961)

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4.2 Lighting and Fatal Accidents in Mines

The factors that contribute to the accidents and injuries can be grouped
into three categories (Trotter, 1982):
a) Host: Those aspects of the worker that may influence his
involvement in an accident or resulting in an injury. This includes
inadequate training, unsafe attitude, fatigue, boredom, frustration,
worry, intoxication, violating mine rules etc.
b) Agent: The object that may cause the injury or accident to occur.
c) Environment: The circumstances that surround the occurrence of








illumination, humidity, dust, air velocity etc. are taken into











information is not available due to insufficient lighting. Processing of the

image is slow and it takes longer to react to the situation. The slowness in
speed of perception has been the cause of many underground accidents
over the years. Keeping in mind, the safety considerations, particularly
where moving machinery are involved, the illuminance level should be
kept high.
4.3 Accident Reporting
According to Trotter, (1982), enough evidence exists to show that lighting
often plays a vital role in the underground accidents. Generally the name,
location, witness, act being performed, equipment used, and the time of
accident etc. are recorded in the accident record report. The method and
condition of the lighting at the accident site, specifying the involvement of
lighting in the accident, should be mentioned along with recording the
actual photometric values for severe accidents. These measurements can
be made with the help of suitably calibrated photometers. Additional
illumination system can be designed with the help of the valuable
information available by the compilation of accident records over a period

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of time. According to Trotter (1982), after installing additional lighting

system, there will be a drop in the accidents as compared to before
installation of additional light sources.
4.4 Lighting and Production
Trotter, (1982) has described about the results carried out by various
scientists relating light levels to that of production. Some of the important
studies as reported by Trotter (1982) are produced below.
Based on several experiments on Lighting vs. Productivity, it has been
observed that generally performance increases up to 1000 Lux (Reported
by Trotter based on the study of Schaffer, 1961). Increasing the
illuminance beyond this value may seem justified in terms of production,
but it will have severe consequences as it results in glare. The economic
cut-off point depends on the nature of the task. The more difficult the
visual task, the greater the need to light it well.
A study was made of the effects of increasing the illumination in an
American cotton mill (Grandjean, 1969). After increasing the intensity of
light from 170 lux to 340 lux, production rose by 4.6%. As the production
cost fell by 25%, it was further decided to increase the illumination to 750
lux. Production again rose by 10.5% measured from the 170 lux base and
production costs were lowered by nearly 40%.
In another experiment, the productivity of keypunch operators dropped by
12% when the lighting was reduced from the 1600 lux to 540 lux and
increased back to its former value when the lighting was increased back to
1600 lux (Jensen, 1977). A vast number of experiments show that
increase in the lighting conditions increases the performance and
productivity. As the illuminance level increases, the visual performance of
the older workers approaches that of the younger workers as shown in
Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3 Comparison of visual performance between two different

age groups (after Lyons, 1980)

4.5 Lighting and Health









Nystagmus produces uncontrollable oscillation of the eyeballs, headache,

dizziness and loss of night vision. Working under very low level of light for
a long period of time is the main contributing factor to this disease. Since
coal is a poor reflector of light, this disease affects many of the coal
miners. At one point of time it was estimated that 70% of the

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underground coal miners suffered from this disorder in Europe and in the
UK (Trotter, 1982), many of whom were never able to work underground
again. With the introduction of electric cap lamps and improved coal
mining methods, nystagmus virtually disappeared.
According to Trotter (1982), visible light of wavelength 380-760 nm
produces few hazards if glare is not considered. Surveying of the tunnels
is often aided by laser light, but incorrect usage may lead to the damage
of the eye. Prolonged exposure can cause eye damage ranging from mild
retinal burns to the loss of vision.
However with recent technological advances in new light sources, it is now
possible to have lighting levels in the mines that were not achieved
previously, hence resulting in increase in safety and efficiency of the work.
4.6 Lighting and Mental Health
The absence of light can cause psychological depression and low morale.
The use of efficient light sources has always been the trend in the mining
industry. The spectral energy distributions of these sources are varying
more and more from that of the natural light. Mercury vapour lamps
produce a bluish white light where as high pressure sodium lamps produce
a yellowish light (Trotter, 1982). We usually perceive blue as a cool light
and yellow as a warm light. This feeling of cold or warmth could affect a
workers comfort when combined with the mines ambient conditions.
To overcome the increasing cost of electrical energy, there is an
increasing tendency in mine to use coloured light. The psychological
response of humans to these different colours is different, according to
the effect that different colours have on the endocrine system (Trotter,
According to Trotter (1982), exposure to pure red, raises heartbeat, blood
pressure and respiration rate, and produces a sense of excitement. Blue
or green lights have a calming or depressing effect. Pink, both reduce
excitement and lowers muscle tension, making aggression difficult or

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The use of fluorescent lights that approach the spectral energy distribution
of the sun could be one solution to this dilemma, but this involves high
capital cost (Trotter, 1982). As an alternative, different types of energy
efficient lights in various combinations, such that objects do not appear
too blue or green could be used.
Rather than having the worker adapt to very little light, it is very much
preferable to have them adapt to the colour of some commonly used light
source. (Trotter, 1982).

Deshmukh, D. J. (2008); Elements of Mining Technology, Vol. II;
Denett& Co., Nagpur, India.
Grandjean, E. (1969); Fitting the task to the man an ergonomic
approach;Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Jensen, J. H. (1977); The role of light and radiant energy in health and
safety; Professional Safety; April; pp. 12-16.
Lyons, S. L. (1980); Exterior Lighting for Industry and Security; Applied
Science Publishers Ltd., England.
Mishra, V. S. and Dixit, J. P. (1978); A new psychoengineering strategy
for safety in mines; Indian Mining and Engineering Journal; June, pp. 712.
Roberts, A. (1954); The Visibility Factor and its Effect on Morale and
Safety in Mines Colliery Guardian; 189, 749.
Schaffer, F. (1961); Lighting and Accidents (in German); Licht und
Beleuchtung; Vol. 9(1), pp. 1-4.
Trotter, D. A. (1982); Lighting of Underground Mines;Trans Tech
Vutukuri, V. S. & Lama, R. D. (1986); Environmental Engineering in
Mines; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

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