Communication Systems in Underground Mines
Communication Systems in Underground Mines
Communication Systems in Underground Mines
Where a and b represent tunnel width and height, respectively. m and n are numbers of half wavelengths (hybrid
electromagnetic modes HEMmn) that will fit in the a and b dimension. and ? are the dielectric and permeability
The low-loss dielectric oversized waveguide supports many hybrid electromagnetic modes HEMmn. Laakman
and Steier [5] have shown that the propagation constant ? g associated with each mode (m, n) can be expressed
explicitly, provided that the transverse dimensions a and b as well as wavelength ? verify the following inequalities:
are the free-space permittivity and relative permittivity, respectively.
are the angular
frequency and the conductivity, respectively. Note that Re means real part of the variable.
Equation (4) indicates that the attenuation of the radio wave propagation in an empty, straight and unobstructed
rectangular tunnel is proportional to
and thus decreases as the square of the frequency but only if the
wall roughness remains small. Equation (5) represents the phase difference of different HEMmn mode with respect to
propagation in free space.
An electromagnetic wave travelling along a rectangular tunnel in a dielectric medium can propagate in any one
of a number of allowed waveguide modes. All of these modes are lossy modes because any part of the wave that
impinges on a wall of a tunnel is partially refracted around the surroundings and partially reflected back into the
waveguide. The refracted part propagates away from the waveguide and represents a power loss. The attenuation rates
of the waveguide modes depend almost entirely on refraction loss. The overall loss in strength, in a straight gallery, is
the sum of propagation loss and the insertion loss of the transmitting and receiving antennae. It has been found that the
total loss is minimal in the range of about 450-1000 MHz, depending on the desired communication distance and tunnel
Mine-Wide Communication
Large attenuation of radio wave in hard concrete coal strata posses a problem in covering the large
communication range. Labyrinth path and complex geological conditions of mines further put hindrance in wireless
communication. Corners and bends in underground mine galleries present the obstacles to the propagation of UHF radio
waves. But if an active antenna is placed near / at the turn of the path, the signal may be amplified to give better
communication. Further, we can not go for higher wattage of transceivers due to intrinsic safety limit in hazardous area
(i.e. coal mine). In order to establish mine wide communication system keeping in view of all the above conditions, we
propose leaky feeder cables as antenna as well as transmitting lines.
A leaky feeder [2, 3] allows signals to leak out of or into itself at a controlled rate. It effectively behaves as a
long antenna that can guide radio waves around corners and bends. The communication system is featured by very high
frequency (VHF) frequency modulated (FM) high band operation in the 146-174 MHz with an acceptable radio
frequency (RF) power output as required for an underground mine. The cable is characterized by excellent frequency
response over the required spectrum to meet the specifications of mine industries. It may be fire resistant, water
resistant, etc. according to the needs of the same. Line amplifiers are inserted after every 350 meters of the cable to
automatically compensate for the RF loss or other additional loss in the cable. These amplifiers operate independently
in both the forward and reverse directions. All equipments connected to the cable are powered from the cable itself. The
VHF transceivers with intrinsically safe within 2 watts with loop antenna and leaky feeder cable as transmitting media
followed by repeater at regular intervals would be used for communication through galleries. Due to skin effect
phenomena, the radio waves emit (leak) in larger periphery through leaky feeder cables and with help of repeater, the
attenuated waves can be further amplified. By placing repeaters at regular intervals, the entire mine area can be covered.
Trapped Miner Communication
In underground mines, sometimes due to fissured strata, the roof or side wall of a gallery collapse, miners get
trapped inside sealed area. Many miners get trapped beneath the big chunk of fallen roof. A communication link
between the trapped miner [1, 6-7] and rescue team is essential to find out the actual location of trapped miner for
rescue operation. Studies revealed that attenuation of low frequency is comparatively lower through coal block. The low
frequency tone signal modulated over RF signal 457 kHz can be transmitted through large thickness of coal block.
Instrumentation Division of Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad is actively engaged in development of
various wireless communication systems for different locations in underground mines. Some of the developed systems
were experimented in the field and described below.
Leaky feeder based RF communication system [1-3] would be established for communication in mine labyrinth
gallery in recent future.
The carrier current system working on induction theory was used for shaft communication and also experimented in
galleries for line-of-sight communication working on the same principle.
VHF and UHF transceivers of 160 MHz and 450 MHz with 1 W output power have been used in a straight
gallery for line-of-sight communication as well as for the cage communication.
Medium frequency transceivers of 457 KHz and 50 mW transmitting power have been used to establish voice
communication link between trapped miner and rescue team.
Field Trials
The field trials were performed in 9th and 12th pits of the Bagdiggi Colliery (depth around 200 m from ground to
surface), BCCL, Nandira mine (inclined mine), Talcher area, MCL and Chinakuri Mine (depth around 612m from
ground to surface), ECL with, UHF transceivers, VHF transceivers, trapped miner locators and induction theory based
communication system.
The VHF and UHF transceivers were tried in straight galleries of the underground mine for line-of-sight
communication purpose. It was observed that the range of UHF transceivers was about 300 m (width around 4 m) as
shown in figure 1 from B to A and the range of VHF transceivers is about 75 m.
The trapped miner locator had a range of about 30 m in a straight gallery and was able to penetrate a 3-4 m thick wall.
The induction theory based communication system was tried in moving cage and was observed that the
communications were established properly with the person available at the surface and person available in the moving
cage as shown in Fig. 2.
The cage communication was also done with the UHF transceivers as shown in Fig. 2. The communication
was made from surface (A) to moving cage (B) and then to pit bottom (C). It was also observed that the communication
extended to a further 10 m from pit bottom (C) to (D).
The other experiment was performed for line-of-sight communication in the underground gallery using the
same induction theory based communication system. It was observed that the communication could be made to the
point up to which the continuous induction is possible.
The experiment was also performed with trapped miner locator in 12th pit of the Bagdiggi mine as shown in
figure 3. The transmitting and receiving ends of the system were available with persons A and B standing in the 8th
seam and 7th seam, respectively. The parting between both the seams is about 12-15 m. The signal was loud and clear.
But the system still needs some modifications.
With successful field-trials at several mines, it is felt that an effective and reliable wireless communication
system can be established in an underground mine. Depending on the width of mine galleries and cage dimensions,
optimum frequency selection of transceivers can be done to enhance the coverage distance. The communication tools of
the shaft communication system can not only be used for effective communication in a moving cage but also can
genuinely be further used in galleries with the support of induction materials in any form. Leaky feeder communication
system, though not used in the field trials, is analyzed to be one of the most competent wireless VHF communication
systems that exist today in underground mines.
The coverage distance of all different communication system is found to be satisfactory in spite of the
attenuation occurring due to irregular structure of mines. The proposed communication tools can, thus, be adopted to
replace the age-old wired (landline telephones) communication system.
Authors are thankful to Director, Central Mining research Institute, Dhanbad for giving permission to present the
paper. Authors are also grateful to mine management of Bagdiggi Colliery of BCCL, Nandira Mine of MCL and
Chinakuri Mine of ECL for providing necessary help during the field studies. Sincere thanks are also due to the DIT,
MCIT, Govt. of India, for sponsoring this development project.
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