A Simple Analytical Method For Calculation of Bearing Capacity of Stonecolumn

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A simple analytical method for calculation of bearing capacity of stonecolumn

J. Nazari Afshar1, M. Ghazavi2,*
Received: February 2012, Revised: May 2012, Accepted: July 2012

The Stone-column is a useful method for increasing the bearing capacity and reducing settlement of foundation soil. The
prediction of accurate ultimate bearing capacity of stone columns is very important in soil improvement techniques.Bulging
failure mechanism usually controls the failure mechanism. In this paper, an imaginaryretaining wall is used such that it
stretches vertically from the stone column edge. A simple analytical method is introduced for estimation of the ultimate bearing
capacity of the stone column using Coulomb lateral earth pressure theory.Presentedmethodneeds conventional Mohr-coloumb
shear strength parameters of the stone column material and the native soil for estimation the ultimate bearing capacity of
stone column. The validity of the developed method has been verified using finite element method and test data. Parametric
studies have been carried out and effects of contributing parameters such as stone column diameter, column spacing, and
theinternal friction angle of the stone column material on the ultimate bearing capacity have been investigated.
Keywords: Stone column, Bearing capacity, Soft soil, Bulging, Lateral earth pressure

1. Introduction
The construction of structures such as a building,
storage tanks, warehouse, earthenembankment, etc., on
weak soils usually involves an excessive settlement or
stability problems. To solve or reduce encountered
problems, soil improvement may be considered. Various
methods may be used for soil improvement. Three
categories involving column type elements, soil
replacement, and consolidationmay be considered [1].One
effective method is stone-column referred to by other
names such as granular column or granular pile.
Stone-column is useful for increasing the bearing
capacity and reducing settlement of foundation soil. In
addition, because of high permeability of stone column
material,consolidation rate in soft clay increases. In stonecolumn construction, usually 15 to 35 percent of weak soil
volume isreplaced with stonecolumn material. Design
loads on stone-columns ordinarily vary between 200 to
500kN[1]. The confinement of stone-column is provided
by the lateral stress due to the weak soil. The effectiveness
of the load transmitted by stone-columns essentially
depends on the lateral stress that exerts from the
surrounding soft soil.
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
1 Assistant Professor, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad
University, (IAU), Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Upon application of vertical stress at the ground

surface, the stone column material and soil move
downward together, resulting in stress concentration in the
stone column because of higher stiffness of stonecolumn
material relative to the native soil. Stone-columns are
constructed usually in equilateral triangular pattern and in
square pattern. The equilateral triangle pattern gives more
dense packing of stone-columns in a given area.
Barksdale and Bachus[2]described three typesof
failure, whichmay occur upon loading a stone column:
bulging failure, shear failure, and punching failure. For
bulging failure mechanism, Greenwood [3], Vesic [4],
Hughes and Withers [5], Datye and Nagaraju [6], and
Madhav et al [7] and for shear failure mechanism, Madhav
and Vitkare [8], Wong [9], Barksdale and Bachus [2], and
for punching failure mechanism, Aboshi et al[10]presented
relationships for prediction of the ultimate bearing
capacity of single stone-column.
The ultimate bearing capacity of stone columns
originally depends on column geometry, stone column
material properties, and properties of native soil. Normally
the column length has a negligible effect on the long
column ultimate bearing capacity. Since the applied load is
transfered from the column into the surrounding native
soil, a small portion of the load is transmitted to column
the bottom. This has been found experimentally for long
columns (Hughes and Withers [5];Pitt et al. [11]). In
practice, stone-column diameter and length usually varies
between 0.9-1.2 mand 4-10 m, respectively. For single
isolated stone-column, with length to diameter ratio equal
to or greater than 4 to 6 (long column), the most probable

International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014

failure mechanism is bulging failure.Various researchers

have proposed the analysis of granular pile reinforced
ground. Shahu et al. [12], [13] presented a simple
theoretical approach to predict deformation behaviour of
soft ground reinforced with uniform and non-uniform
granular pilemat system.Bouassida [14] , [15] presented a
method for evaluation of the stone column bearing capacity
by usingof limit analysis method. Lee and
Pande[16]performed axi-symmetric finite elelement analysis
stonecolumns. They established equivalent material for in
situ soil and stone column composit. In this research, they
modified axi-symmetric condition for plane strain.
homogenization procedure for predicting the settlement of a
foundation on a soil reinforced by stone columns. They used
homogenizationstechnique and converted composite native
soil and stone column to unit composit material. They also
made some simplifications intheir calculation procedure.
Physical model tests were also performed on stone columns
(Wood et al., [18]; Ambily and Gandhi [19]).
In the present study, by using an imaginary retaining
wall, a simple analytical method is developed for
estimation of the bearing capacity of an isolated stonecolumn failed by bulging failure mechanism. Most of
existing approaches for bulging mechanism need several
mechanical parameters for prediction of ultimate bearing
capacity. However, the new developed method, only
needscohesion, internal friction angle, and density of the
stone column material and native soil.

2. Bulging Failure Mechanism

In homogeneous soil reinforced by stone-columns, if
the length to diameter of the column is equal to or greater
than 4 to 6, the bulging failure occursat depth equal to 2 to
3 diameters of stone-columns (Fig. 1). However, there is
numerical and experimental evidence indicating that even
bulging can occur in shallower depth less than 2-3D(Pitt et
al.[11]; Murugesan and Rajagopal [20]).Hughes et al. [21]
observed the bulging failure by performing experiments.

A limited number of theories havebeen presentedfor

prediction of the ultimate capacity of a single stonecolumn supported by soft soilin form of 1 3 K Ps .
Here 1 is the vertical stress on stone clolumn, 3 is the
lateral confining stress, and K P is the passive lateral

earth pressure coefficient offered by the stone column

material (Greenwood [3]; Vesic [4]; Hughes and Withers
[5]; Datye and Nagaraju [6]; Madhav et al. [7]). Most of
early analytical solutions assume a triaxial state of stresses
representing the stone-column and the surrounding soil.
The lateral confining stress that supports the stonecolumns is usually taken as the ultimate passive resistance
induced to the surrounding soil as the stone-column bulges
outward against the soil. Since the column is assumed to
be in a state of failure, the ultimate vertical stresstolerated
by the stone-columnis equal to the coefficient of passive
pressure, K PS , times the lateral confining stress. In other
1 sin s

3K P
1 3 tan 2 (45 s ) 3
1 sin s


Where s = internal friction angle of stone-column

Most of researchershave attempted to predict the value
of surrounding confinement pressurein eq. (1). Vesic [4]

3 cFc' qFq'


Wherec=cohesion, q= ( 1 2 3 ) / 3 =mean (isotropic)

stress, at the equivalent failure depth, and Fq' and Fc'
=cavity expansion factors. Vesic [4] presented a graph for
calculation of expansion factors ( Fq' and Fc' ) which are
functions of the internal friction angle of the surrounding
soil and the rigidity index, I r . Vesic [4] expressed the
rigidity index as:

2(1 )(c q tan c )


Where E = modulus of elasticity of the surrounding

soil, c = cohesion of surrounding soil, = Poisson's ratio
of surrounding soil, and q is within the zone of failure.
Hughes and Withers [5] considered the bulging type
failure in single stone-columns to be similar to the cavity
expansion developed as in the case of a pressuremeter test.
Therefore, eq. (4) may be used for computing 3 in
frictionless soil as:
3 r c[1 Ln

2c(1 )


Fig. 1 Bulging failure mechanism


J. Nazari Afshar, M. Ghazavi

Where r = total in-situ lateral stress (initial) and E c =

elastic modulus of the soil.
Eq. (4) gives the ultimate lateral stress if c, , Ec, and
are known. In the present research, assuming the bulging
failure mechanism, only the first two are required to
determine the bearing capacity of an isolated stone-column
reinforced soil.
In realstone columns are using in-group, but in the
literature there is no comprehensive appraoch for
estimation of the ultimate bearing capacity of group of
stone columns. Barksdale and Bachus [2] presented a
simple approach by approximating the failure surface with
two straigth rupture lines. The develpoted approach did not
consider the possibility of a local bulging failure of the
individual column. Hence, the approach is only applicable
for firm and stronger cohesive soils having an undrained
shear strength greater than 30-40 KPa. However, it is
useful for approximately determining the relative effects
on ultimate bearing capacity design variables such as
column diameter, spacing. However, in soft and very soft
cohesive soils, the ultimate bearing capacity of stone
column is predicted using the capacity of a single, isolated
column located in-group and to be multiplied by the
number of columns[2].

3. Developed Analytical Method

Fig. 2 illustrates a shallow foundation constructed on
stone column reinforced surrounding native soil. Stone
columns are usually used in rows and groups with square
or triangular configurations to support raft foundations or
embankments. An isolated stone column acts in an
axisymmetrical ring, which is surrounded by native soil in
a ring shape. The thickness of these rings may be
determined such that the area replacement ratio in the
model is kept constant similar to real situation in the field.
In addition, the center-to-center distance between rings is
kept equal to the spacing between columns in the field
(Elshazly,[22][23]). When stone columns are used in
groups, they may be idealized in plane strain condition.
Since stone columns are constructed at center to center, S,
for analysis in the plane strain condition, stone-columns
are converted into equivalent and continuous strips having
a width of W (Fig. 2).

Others have used the conversion of three-dimensional

objects to equivalent and continuous stone-column strips.
For example, Barksdale et al. [2], Christoulas [24], Han et
al. [25], and Abusharar et al. [26] used this idealization for
analysis of slope stability reinforced with stone columns.
Zahmatkesh et al. [27] used this technique for evaluating
the settlement of soft clay reinforced with stone columns.
Deb [28], [29] considered plane strain condition for group
of stone columns for predicting the behavior of granular
bed-stone column-reinforced soft ground. The above
hypothesis was also used for soil-nailed walls in
excavations. In this application, for numerical modeling of
soil-nailed walls, nails which are actually discrete
elements are replaced with equivalent element as plate or
cable. Therefore, discrete nails are replaced with
continous element extended to one unit width ([30]
Based on the above hypothesis, for stone column
analysis, W, the width of continuous strips for each row of
stone columns is determined using (Fig. 2):



Where AS =the horizontal cross sectional area of the

stone-column, S=center to center distance between two
subsequent stone columns.
The failure mechanism is assumed as shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 3 Imaginary retaining wall conception

A vertical imaginary retaining wall is assumed to pass

the foundation edge, as considered originally by Richard et
al. [32] for determination of the seismic bearing capacity
of strip foundation on homogeneous granular soil. The
stone column is subjected to vertical pressure originated
from the foundation. As a result, at the failure stage, the
stone column material exerts an active thrust on imaginary
wall AB (Fig.3). This force is determined using the
Coulomb lateral earth pressure theory and properties of the
Fig. 2 Stone-column strip idealization
International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014


stone column material. The active wedge makes angle a

with the horizontal direction. The imaginary wall is
assumed to push the soil on the right had side. As a result,
the native soil reacts by its passive pressure state. The
passive wedge makes angle P with the horizontal
For active wedge (Fig. 3), the value of a is computed
using, [33]:
tan s C1


a s tan 1


C1 tan s tan s cot s 1 tan 1 cot s

C 2 1 tan 1 tan s cot s

Where, s is the internal friction angle of the stone

column granular material.
Similarly, the value of P for native soil with internal
friction angle c and cohesion cc , can be calculated


C3 tan c tan c cot c 1 tan 2 cot c

C4 1 tan 2 tan c cot c

K as s H 2 qult K as H


Where kas=lateral active earth pressure coefficient, s

=unit weight of stone material, and H=the virtual wall
The passive force is determined from:
Pp K pc c H 2 q HK pc 2cc K pcc H


Wherekpc=lateral passive earth pressure coefficient, c

=unit weight of stone material, and q =surcharge pressure
on passive region surface.
The values of K as and K pc are expressed,
respectively, as,[34]:

K pc

K pcc


cos 2 1

K pc (1 w )

sin ( s 1 ) sin ( s )

cos 1

Active state

Passive state

cc 50 kPa

c w cc

c w 0.5cc

cc 50 kPa

cw 50 kPa

cw 25 kPa

In eqs.(6), (7), (10), and (11), characters 1 and 2

represent the friction angle of stone-column material or
native soil with imaginary rigid retaining wall,
respectively. In this research, 1 s 2 and 2 c 2 are
assumed as suggested by Richard et al. [32].
The height of the imaginary wall is given by:
tan a

K H q K p 2cc K pc
cos 2 2 pc c
K as
cos 1

cos c
qult cc 2


K cos c
cos c K
K pcc

2 1 W
q pc
s tan a

K as

K as
s K as
cos s






Eq. (15) is similar to the conventional bearing capacity

relationship for shallow foundations, given by:



1 H
2 s

Simplifying eq. (14) and substituting for H W tan a

leads to:

Where N c 2


Substituting eqs. (8) and (9) into eq. (13) gives:


cos 2 c
sin ( c 2 ) sin ( c )

cos 2


The equilibrium euation for the forces in the horizontal

direction on the face of the imaginary rigid retaining wall

q ult c c N c q N q

cos 2 s

cos 1 1

Value of cc

Pa cos 1 Pp cos 2

The active force, Pa, is computed using:

K as

Table 1 Value of cw in terms of value of cc based on CP2 code [36]

H W tan a

tan c C3

P c tan 1



Where cw is the wall-soil interface cohesion and varies

between 0.3cc for stiff soilto cc for soft soil. In the
absence of experimental data, cw 0.45cc may be used
[35]. CP2Code[36], limits a maximum value of 50 kPa for
cw . Table 1 shows cw values for active and passive


W c N
K pcc
K as



K pc cos 2
K as cos s

cos c K


N tan a
s K as c


J. Nazari Afshar, M. Ghazavi

Fig. 4 presents variation of N c coefficient versus s for

various friction angles of native soilhaving a cohesion of
50 kPa or less. Fornative soil having a cohesion greater
than 50 kPa, N c coefficient must be calculated using eq.

(16). Figs. 5 and 6show the variation of N q and N

coefficients versus the friction angleof the stone column
material, respectively.

Fig. 4 Variation of N c versus stone column material friction angle for various native soil friction angles (Cohesion of native is less than 50 kPa)

Fig. 5 Variation of N q versus stone column material friction angle for various native soil friction angles

Fig. 6 Variation of N versus stone column material friction angle for various native soil friction angle (
International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014

1.2 )


4. Evaluation of New Simple Method

and 11c, respectively. In Vesic method, for calculating the

ultimate bearing capacity for stone-columns, Fq' and Fc'

4.1. Comparison with vesic analytical method

are assumed as below: For soil 1,2,3, and 4, Fc' 2.4 and
Fq' 1 . Soil 5 and 6 have Fc' 2.4 and Fq' 1.25 .Fig. 7

An example considered for comparisonthe results of

new simple method with those of Vesic method. The unit
weight of the native soil is c 17 KN / m 3 and that of the
stone-columnis s 19KN / m 3 . The stonecolumn diameter
is D 1 m, and center-to-center distance for stonecolumns
is S 3 m. For analysis, six types for native soil are
assumed. Soil 1 has cc 30 kPa and c 0 . Soil 2 has
cc 40 kPa and c 0 , soil 3 has cc 50 kPa


c 0 , soil 4 has cc 70 kPa and c 0 , soil 5 has

cc 30 kPa and c 5 , and soil 6 has cc 50 kPa and

shows results of analysisfor six types of native soils and

for different internal friction angles for stone-column
materials. As seen, the new simple method gives relatively
similar data to those of Vesic method, especially for
cohesive soils. The minimum and maximum ratios of new
method data to those of Vesic method varies 90% to
109%, as seen in Fig.7. In the developed method, for
prediction of the stone column bearing capacity, only shear
strength parameter of stone column and native soil
materials are required, whereas in the Vesics method, in
addition to these, the Poisson ratio and young modulus of
the soil are also required.This may be considered the
superiority of the new method to that presented by Vesic.

c 5 . In Vesics method, for all six types of soils, the

Poisson ratio and young modulus are assumed to be 0.35

Fig. 7 Comparison between bearing capacity value determined from new method and Vesic method

4.2. Comparison with numerical results

Some analyses were carried out using finite element
method based on PLAXISto compute the ultimate bearing
capacity of stone columns. The constructed numerical soilcolumn system behavior was validated using experimental
data on a real single stone column performed by
Narasimha Rao et al. [37].They used a test tank with 650
mm diameter. The clay thickness was 350 mm. A stone
column having a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 225
mm was constructed at the center of the clay bed. The
column was loaded with a plate with diameter equal to
twice the diameter of the stone column. Properties of clay
and stone are shown in Table 2.


Table 2 Material properties used in Plaxis program for validation




Shear strength ,cu (KPa)


Internal friction angle


Modulus of elasticity (KPa)



Poisson ratio



In the present paper, an axisymmetric finite element

analysis was carried out using Mohr-Coulomb failure
criterion for clay and stone materials. In the finite-element
discretization, 15-noded triangular elements with boundary
conditions as introduced in test were used.In all numerical
analysis no interfaceelements were used Atthe interface
J. Nazari Afshar, M. Ghazavi

between the stone column and soft clay, because

thedeformation ofthe stone columns is mainlyby radial
bulging and no significant shear is possible.In
addition,theinterface between a stone column and clay is a
mixed zonewhere the shear strength properties can vary
depending on themethod of installation.As this is not
precisely known, an interfaceelement is not used[19].A
similar finite-element analysis without an interface
element carried out by Mitchell and Huber[38],Saha et
al.[39], and Murugesan and Rajagopal[20].
Fig.8 compares the results obtained from the laboratory
model test reported by Narasimha Rao et al.[37] and the
finite element analysis carried out by the authors. As seen,
the load-settlement variation obtained from the finite
element analysis is in good agreement with those obtained
from tests.

has cc 30 kPa and c 0 . Soil 2 has cc 40 kPa and

c 0 , soil 3 has

cc 50 kPa


c 0 .Fig.9

compares the results obtained from analytical and

numerical methods. As seen, the new simple method gives
relatively similar data to those of the FE method.

Fig. 9 Comparison between bearing capacity values determined

from new analytical method and FE method

4.3. Comparison with experimental results

Fig. 8 Comparison between FE analysis and tests

An example is considered for comparison the results of

the new simple method with those of finite element
method. The unit weight of the native soil is
c 17 kN / m 3 and that of the stone-column is
s 19 kN / m 3 . The stone column diameter is D 1 m,

and center-to-center distance for stone columns is S 3 m.

For analysis, three types for native soil are assumed. Soil 1

Cases 1-5
For cases 1-5, an investigation on the behavior of
granular piles with different densities and properties of
gravel and sand on soft Bangkok clay was carried out
byBergado and Lam [40]. Table3 shows that for the same
granular materials, the bearing capacity increases with
increasing the number of blows per layer, resulting in an
increase in densities and friction angles. The average
deformed shaped of the granular piles is typically bulging
type and all of granular piers have an initial pile diameter
of 30 cm. Soft Bangkok clay had an undrained cohesion of
cu 15 kPa and internal friction angle of c 26

Table 3 Properties of granular piles

Test No:

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Proportion of sand in volume


Proportion of gravel in volume







In-situ average density (kN/m3)






Friction angle (deg)






Measured ultimate load (kN)
















Predicted ultimate load using new

method (kN)
Deviation between predicted and
measured load

International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014


Table 3 shows the results for the ultimate bearing

capacity of granular piles, calculated by new simple method
and reported from experimental load test. The deviations
between the data are also shownwith respect to the
measured data in Table 3 where the positive and negative
sings represent over and under estimations, respectively,
with respect to the measured data. As seen, there is a good
agreement between predicted and measured data.
Case 6
A large-scale test was conducted by Maurya et al. [43]
on a stone column in India.The stonecolumns were
installed in a triangular pattern with S 4 m, D 0.9 m,
and length of L 6.6 m . For stone column material, the
density was s 22 kN / m 3 and the friction angle was
s 46 .Laboratory tests on soil samples collected from
marine clay strata indicated that the cohesion valuesvaried
5 to 12 kPa, liquid limit ranged 69% to 84%, the plastic
limit was 25% to 32%, and the in natural moisture contents
varied 40% to 68%. The ultimate bearing capacity of
native soil was 34 kPa. Field load tests were carried out on
stone columns using real footings.The loaded area was
larger than the cross-sectional area of the stone column.
This is because applying the load over an area greater than
the stone column increases the vertical and lateral stresses
in the surrounding soft soil. As a result, it reflects the
insitu condition under raft foundation or embankment.A
reinforced concrete footing (RC) was constructed on the
sand blanket.The diameter of the RC footing in case of
single column wasequal to the spacing of stone columns,
i.e. 4m, with center ofthe footing coinciding with the
center of the column.The ultimate load was about 800kN
for the single column test at a corresponding settlement of
about 23mm.If the average cohesion of the soft soil is
assumed8.5 kPa, the developed simple method givesthe
stone column ultimate bearing capacity of qult 414 kPa .

If this value is multiplied by the cross sectional area of the

stone column and added to the net area of the RC
footingmultiplied by 34 kPa (the ultimate bearing capacity
of native soil), the ultimate load becomes about 670kN.
This differs only -16% from the measured capacity.
Case 7
Narasimha et al. [37] carried out a small-scale physical
model test on a single stone column. The test tank used in
their experiment had 650 mm diameter. The clay thickness
was 350 mm. A stone column having a diameter of 25 mm
and a length of 225 mm wasconstructed at the center of the
clay bed. The column was loaded with a plate of diameter
equal to twice the diameter of the stone column. The
undrained shear strength ofthe clay was 20 kPa and the

internal friction angle of the stone column material was 38o.

The experimental results showed that the ultimate
bearing load carried out by the single stone column was
350 N. The bearing support offered by the clay soil in
contact with the loading plate is obtained
qult cN c 5.7 20 kPa 114 kPa ,





sectional area of the stone column and added to the net

area of the loading plate multiplied by 114 kPa, the
ultimate load becomes about 286 kN. This differs only 18% from the measured ultimate load.
CaseS 8 To 10
Murugesan and Rajagopal[44] carried out a large-scale
physical model test on a single stone column.The test tank
used in their experiment was cubic and dimensions of
1.2 1.2 0.8 m. For stone column material, the density was
s 16 kN / m 3 and the friction angle was s 41.5 .The

undrained shear strength of clay was 2.5 kPa determined

from in situ vane shear strength In the laboratory, the
strength and the plasticity index of the clay were measured
2.22 kPa and 32, respectively. The clay saturated density
was c 16.88 kN / m 3 .
Murugesan and Rajagopal [44] tested three single
stone-columns having diameters of 5, 7.5, and 10 cm. The
length of all three stone columns was 60 cm. The load was
applied on a plate having a diameter equal to twice the
column diameter. The experimental results show that the
ultimate load tolerated by single stone columns and native
soil are 110 N, 320 N, and 620 Nfor stone-columns having
diameters 5, 7.5, and 10 cm, respectively. The bearing
support offered by clay in contact with the loading plate
was qult cN c 5.7 2.22 kPa 12.65 kPa , using Terzaghi
method. The developed simple method gives qult 31 kPa
for stone-columns with different diameter. If this value is
multiplied by the cross sectional area of the stone column
and added to the net area of the loaded plate multiplied by
12.65 kPa, the ultimate load becomes about 135 N, 304 N
and 541 N for stone-columns with diameters of 5, 7.5, and
10 cm, respectively.These differs only 23%, -5% and-13%
from the measured forces for 3 columns, respectively.As
shown for above tencases, the new method over-estimates
the ultimate load for four cases and under-estimates for six
cases (Table 4). Therefore, obviously the developed simple
method has capabilities to determine the ultimate load
carried by a stone column and thus is used subsequently to
perform further analyses on stone columns.

Table 4 Difference between measured and predicted values for ultimate loads carried by stone columns
Case 1
Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9

Measured ultimate load (N)

Predicted ultimate load
using new method (N)
Deviation between
predicted and measured



qult 241 kPa . If this value is multiplied by the cross

Case 10































J. Nazari Afshar, M. Ghazavi

5. Parametric Study
A series of parametric studies has been carried out
using the developed method. The unit weight of the native
soil and stone-column were taken c 15 kN / m 3 and
s 18 kN / m 3 , respectively. Also, diameter and center-to-

center distance of stone column were taken , 0.8 m, and 2

m, respectively.Fig. 10 shows variation of stone column
ultimate load versus native soil cohesion for various stone
material friction angles. Results shows, the stone-column
axial bearing capacity increaseswith increasing the internal
friction angle of stone-column material.
Fig. 11 shows the variation of the ultimate axial load
versus the stone column diameter for various stone
material friction angles. In Fig.11, the native soil shear
strength was assumed to be cc 50 kPa . As observed, the
internal friction angle of the stone material is more
effective on the ultimate load for stone columns with
greater diameter.There is also a negligible effect on the

ultimate load for stone columns with diameters less than

0.6 m.
Fig. 12 shows the effect of space between stone
columns with diameters of 0.6 m, 0.8 m, 1 m and 1.2 m for
native soil with undrained shear strength of cc 40 kPa
and stone column material with internal friction angle of
s 42 . As seen, the ultimate load carried by the stone
column decreases by increasing stone column center-tocenter distance of columns, especially by increasing the
diameter of stone columns. In addition, the limiting
ultimate load of the column decreases up to S/D=2-3.For
S/D greater than 2-3, the reduction in the ultimate load is
negligible. These findings are wellin accordance with
experimental resultsreported by Ambily et al.[19]. They
observed that as column spacing increases, the axial
capacity of the column decreases and the settlement
increases up to s /d=3. Beyond this, the change is

Fig. 10 Variation of stone column ultimate load versus native soil cohesion for various stone material friction angles

Fig. 11 Variation of stone column ultimate load versus stone column diameter for various stone material friction angles
International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014


Fig. 12 Variation of stone column ultimate load versus stone column spacing for various stone material diameters

6. Conclusions


A simple method has been presented for determination

of the ultimate load carried by stone columns. In the
presented method three-dimentional problem of stone
columns is converted in two-dimentional problem by using
of traditional equivalent stone column strip .The method is
based on the lateral earth pressure theorem and requires
conventional Mohr-coloumb shear strength parameters of
the stone column material and the native soil to be
reinforced.The method also requires geometry parameters
including diameter and spacing of the stone columns.The
method predictions were verified using finite element
numerical method and test data reported from available
tests carried out by other researchers and showed
reasonable agreement.
Parametric studies were carried out to determine the
role of influencing parameters. The following concluding
remarks may be extracted from the developed method:
1- The stone columnbearing capacity increases with
increasing the friction angle of the stone material and the
stone column diameter.
2- The stone column capacity decreases by increasing
the stone columncenter to center distance to S/D=3 and
beyond this value, the decrease of the stone capacity is
3- The use of stone columns is more efficient in softer
cohesive soils.
The developed method is very simple, efficient and is
very useful for estimation of the stone column ultimate
bearing capacity. Although the predictions made by the
developed simple solution are satisfactory, more
laboratory and field tests and sophisticated numerical
analyses are required to quantify the predictions of the
developed solution.












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International Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 12, No. 1, Transaction B: Geotechnical Engineering, January 2014


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