The Behaviour of Embankments On Clay Foundations

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The behaviour of embankments on clay foundations

Departmetlr of Civil Etlgineeritlg, Laval University, Qllebec, P.Q., Carlada G I K 7P4
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by NC STATE UNIVERSITY on 01/17/13

Terratecl~Lid., 275 B e t ~ j a t ~ Hlrdorl

ir~ of Civil Etzgitzee~.itlg,
St., Morztreal, P.Q., Carzarla H4N I J l and Departt~~erzt
Laval Utziversity, Quebec, P.Q., Carzada G I K 7P4
Received August 23, 1979
Accepted January 23, 1980

The present design practice for embankments on clay foundations is reviewed and its short-
comings are evidenced.
A detailed analysis of field observations shows that the actual foundation behaviour differs
significantly from the postulated sequence of undrained construction reponse and drained
long-term consolidation. In particular a significant consolidation occurs during the very first
stages of embankment construction.
Design methods are reviewed and modified if necessary to account for this phenomenon. The
new design approach, while largely empirical, is simpler and more reliable than existing

Les techniques courantes de dimensionnement des remblais sur fondations argileuses sont
revues et leurs limitations sont mises en Cvidence.
Une analyse dCtaillCe des observations d'ouvrages montre que le comportement riel des
For personal use only.

fondations est nettement diffirent de l'hypothkse courante d'une reaction non drainCe en cours
de construction suivie d'une consolidation 2 long terme. En particulier le diveloppement d'une
importante consolidation au tout dCbut de la construction du remblai est mis en evidence.
Les mCthodes de dimensionnement sont examinCes et Cventuellement modifiCes pour tenir
compte de ce phknomkne. La nouvelle mCthodologie de calcul, bien que largement empirique,
est plus simple et fiable que les mithodes existantes.
Can. Geotech. J., 17, 236-260 (1980)

Introduction they have been developed on the basis of experience.

With the development of communication networks, The last major review of design practice was made by
as well as of river control and water retention struc- Bjerrum (1972). It was based on a series of well-
tures, the design and construction of embankments documented case histories, pointing cut a necessity
on soft clays have become a problem of major im- to improve the methods of stability analysis. Con-
portance to geotechnical engineers throughout the sequently Bjerrum suggested important empirical
world. In Canada, soft sensitive clays cover a large adjustments for the stability analysis but otherwise
part of the populated areas in Quebec and eastern confirmed the apparent validity of the assumed
Ontario, where they affect the construction of high- undrained behaviour of clay foundations during con-
ways; they also occur in the lower and southern struction as well as the applicability of the various
regions of the James Bay area where they increase the methods available for the prediction of settlements.
difficulties involved in the present development of the Since then many new case histories have been pub-
hydro-electrical potential of the rivers; clay deposits lished and new interpretations of the field observa-
are further encountered in the southern regions of the tions have been developed, particularly in the
Prairies as well as locally in British Columbia. The Canadian literature. In parallel, new progress has
capacity to design an embankment economicaljy on been made in the understanding and description of
a clay foundation and to predict its behaviour is thus clay behaviour. As a result, it has become evident
of general interest to the profession. that some fundamental aspects of the design practice
As usual in geotechnical engineering, the methods summarized by Bjerrum (1972) required reexamina-
for the design of embankments on clay foundations tion and that significant phenomena, which occur
have been developed from simplified assumptions during and after construction of an embankment on
and empirical approaches. They have been in exist- a clay foundation, were not properly understood or
ence for periods of 20 years or more during which accounted for.
@ 1980 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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