Unit - 1 - Two Mark Questions
Unit - 1 - Two Mark Questions
Unit - 1 - Two Mark Questions
36. Distinguish between direct and indirect method for solving simultaneous equations.
Using Taylors method find y(0.1) given y=x+y, y(0)=1 correct to two decimal places.
Define pointwise solution.
Explain step-by-step methods for solving ODE.
State the order of error for Taylor series method.
State the order of error for Euler and Improved Euler method.
What are the single step methods of solving a differential equation numerically? Give an
Fill in the blank : ____________ is the same as modified Euler method
By Taylors series find y(1.1) given y=x+y, y(1)=0.
In solving dy/dx=f(x,y), y(x0)=y0, write down the formula for Eulers improved method.
Compare the Taylor series and Runge Kutta methods.
State any one multi step methods of solving ODE.
State the disadvantages of Taylors series method.
Given y=1-y and y(0)=0, find y(0.2) by modified Eulers method.
Compute y(0.1) by improved Eulers method given that dy/dx=y+sinx, y(0)=2.
By Eulers method find y(4.1) given y=(2-y2)/5x.
State the RK method of first order for the solution of dy/dx=f(x,y), y(x0)=y0
Write the merits and demerits of Taylor method of solution.
What is the Predictor Corrector method of solving a differential equation?
Write R K method of second order for the solution of dy/dx=f(x,y), y(x0)=y0
Write the improved Eulers formula.
Write the Milnes Corrector formula
Write down any 2 demerits of Milnes method.
Write down the R K formula of fourth order to solve dy/dx=f(x,y) with y(x0)=y0
Define a point wise solution.
State modified Eulers method to solve y=f(x,y). y(x0)=y0 at x=x0+h.
A particular case of R K method of second order is ________.
What is the use of Corrector formula?
Write down the formula for the predictor used in Milnes P-C method.
Differentiate Improved Euler and Modified Euler methods.
Explain the distinguishing properties of Runge-Kutta methods.
67. Classify the following partial differential equation Uxx+2Uxy+Uyy=0
68. Classify the equation Uxx+Uxy+(x2+y2)Uyy+x3y2Ux+cos(x+y)=0 as elliptic, parabolic and
69. Write down the general explicit formula that is used to solve parabolic equations.
70. Write down the standard five point formula used in solving Laplace equation.
71. Classify the equation fxx+2xy+4fyy=0.
72. Write down the diagonal five point formula in solving Laplace equation over a region.
73. Define a difference quotient.
74. Define hyperbolic type of partial equation.
75. Classify the PDE y2Uxx+x2Uyy=0
76. What is the standard five point formula used in the numerical method solution of 2
77. Classify the equation x2Uxx+(1-y2)Uyy=0, -1<y<1.
78. Define standard five point formula for laplace equation.
79. Classify the PDE x 2U / x 2 +(y 2U / y 2 ) = 0 , x>0,y<0
80. Classify one dimensional heat equation.
81. How many conditions are required to solve one dimensional wave equation?
82. Classify PDE Uxx+2Uxy+4Uyy=0.
83. Write the standard five point formula for 2 U=f(x,y).
84. Write down the formula of Crank Nicholson difference scheme to solve the parabolic
85. Write the difference equation corresponding to the hyperbolic equation.
86. Classify the equation fxx+2fxy+4fyy=0.
87. Write down the diagonal five point formula for 2 U=0.
88. Define hyperbolic equations.
89. Define parabolic equations.
90. Classify the PDE : (i) (x+1)Uxx-2(x+2)Uxy+(x+3)Uyy=0.
(ii) xfxx+yfyy=0, x>0,y>0.
91. Write an explicit formula to solve U / t = 2U / x 2 .
92. What is the classification of fxx-fyy=0?
93. Write the five point formula to solve uxx+uyy=0.
94. Define Liebmanns iteration process.
95. Classfify the PDE xUxx+yUyy=0, x>0,y>0.
96. Define elliptic type of PDE.
97. Classify the PDE x2Uxx-y2Uyy=0.
98. Give examples for parabolic equations.
99. Classify the equation 2u / x 2 = 1 / 2 ( 2 u / t 2 ).
Name the two methods to solve one dimensional heat equation.
101. Reduce the Poissons equation Uxx+Uyy=f(x,y) to a difference scheme at the points of a
square mesh, taking x=ih, y=jk(=jh).
102. Discuss the stability analysis of Bender-Schmidt scheme and Crank-Nicholson scheme.
103. Discuss the stability analysis of explicit formula for solving wave equations.
104. Write the finite difference explicit formula for solving Utt=a2Uxx
105. Express 2 u=f(x,y) in terms of difference quotients.
106. In solving the wave equation how will you express the initial condition ut ( x,0) = 0.
107. Classify the PDE : x2Uxx-y2Uyy=0.
108. Classify the equation x2fxx-(1-y2)fyy=0 for all x and y [-1,1].
109. Give examples of elliptical and parabolic equations.
110. What is the classification of fxx=2fxy?
111. Write down the explicit scheme to solve one dimensional wave equation
112. What is Bender-Schmidt Recurrence equation? For what purpose you use it?
113.Write the purpose of Liebmanns process.
114. Write down Crank-Nicholson explicit formula.
115. What should be step size in t direction to use simplified Crank-Nicholson formula?
116. What should be step size in t direction to use simplified Bender-Schmidt formula?
117. List out any two methods to solve parabolic pde.
118. Write the difference scheme for Poisson equation.