(Part - I) Strategic Management (Eng)

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Objectives :
1. To introduce students to the subjects of Strategic Management.
2. To give them fair understanding of strategy formulation, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation.
3. To familiarize students to corporate strategies, functional strategies and
global strategies.
4. To develop capabilities of the students to analyze cases and develop
strategic solutions.

Module 1

: Introduction to business policy their definitions, nature, scope,

significance, elements and processes.

Module 2

: Introduction to strategic management their definitions, nature,

scope, significance, elements and processes.

Module 3

: Strategic Formulation Vision, Mission, Business Purpose,

Objectives and Goals.

Module 4

: Environmental Scan Internal Environment and External

Environment & SWOT Analysis.

Module 5

: Formulating Strategic alternatives and Strategic choice

Module 6

: Strategic formulation the input stage, matching stage and

decision stage, cultural aspect of strategic choice and functional


: H.R. Strategies, Marketing Strategies, Financial Strategies,

Operational Strategies, Making Strategic Choice.

Module 8

: Matching the organizational structure with Strategies

Module 9

: Stages in Organizational Development and Strategy Structure,

Restructuring and Re-Engineering

Module 10 : Introduction to Corporate Level Strategies modernization,

integration, diversification.
Module 11 : Introduction to Corporate Level Strategies - turn around,
liquidation and disinvestment.
Module 12 : Introduction to Corporate Level Strategies mergers, takeovers,
joint ventures.
Module 13 : Strategy implementation issues in implementation, project
implementation and control procedures, resource allocation.
Module 14 : Strategy Implementation Resource allocation
Module 15 : Corporate ethos, culture and ethics, management of change.
Module 16 : Strategy Implementation Management of change
Module 17 : Strategic Evaluation monitoring and control of strategic
formulation and implementation
Module 18 : Techniques Of Evaluation And Control Strategic Control And
Operational Control, Budgetary Control
Module 19 : Techniques Of Evaluation And Control PERT / CPM, Variance
Analysis, Measuring Organizational Performance, Taking
Corrective Action
Module 20 : Global issues in strategic management the global challenges,
strategies for competing in global markets, local markets.
Module 21 : Export Strategies, Licence strategies, Franchising strategies.
Module 22 : Multi country organization global strategies, guidance for success
as a global competitor.
Module 23 : Applying the Strategic Management process through case study
method the case preparation process, analyzing cases, reporting

Suggested Readings / Books:

1. Strategic Mgt.
Fred R. David
Prentice Hall International
2. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt.
Dr. Azhar Kazmi - Tata McGraw Hill Publi. Col Ltd.
3. Strategic Mgt.
Beni Banerjee
4. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt.
Jauch Lawrence R & William Glueck
McGraw - Hill Book Co.
5. International Strategic Management (suggested for Global Strategies)
R.M. Shivstava
Himalayan Publishing House.
6. Strategic Mgt. - a multi-perspective approach
Edited by Mark Jenkins & Veronique Ambrosmi
Palgrave (Publication)
7. Strategic Mgt. - Thomas L. Wheelers & J. David Hunger
Addison -- Wesley Publishers.
8. Strategic Mgt. Competitiveness & Globalisation.
Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson
South - Western Thomson Learning
9. Business Policy & Strategy - Concepts & Readings.
Daniel Mc Carthy, Robert Minichiello, Joseph Curran
All India Traveller Bookseller Delhi
10. Strategic Mgt.
John A. Pearce II & Richard B. Robinson Jr.
A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors Delhi
11. Strategic Mgt.
Alex Miller & Gregory G. Dess
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. Strategic Mgt. - Concepts & Cases

Arthur A. Thompson Jr. & A.J. Strickland III
Tata McGraw - Hill Publi. Coin. Ltd.
13. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt.
Dr. L.M. Prasad. Sultan Chand & Sons. New Delhi

The greatest difficulty in the World is not for people to accept new ideas but
make them forget about old ideas John Maynard Keynes (Economist)
The organization sets the objectives and works towards their achievement.
Once these objectives are defined and strategies determined, certain policies
have to be made to put them into action. Business policies act as a guide to
action. They provide the frame work within which an organization has to meet
its business objectives. The policy points out the direction in which the
company ought to go.
Decision making is the primary task of a manager. While making decisions, it is
common that managers consult the existing organizational policies relevant to
the decisions. Policies provide a basic framework within which managers
operate. Policies exist at all level in the organization. Some may be major
policies affecting the entire organization while others may be minor in nature
affecting the departments or sections in the organization. It has to be
remembered that a policy is also a decision. But it is an due time standing
decision, in the light of which, so many routine decisions are made. Following
are examples of business policies.
i) "We promote employees on the basis of experience"
ii) "We sell televisions only for cash"
From the above policies, one could understand that there is a problem and the
policies help as a guide for finding the solution.

Some policies are just broad guidelines while some can be more specific.
According to Koontz and O'Donnell, "Policies are plans in that they are general
statements of principles which guide the thinking, decision making and action
in an organization."
Policies aid in decision making and are the basis for procedures. They are
responsibilities of top management. Policies are applied in long range planning
and are directly related to goals. They are concerned with estimating
availability of resources, their procurement their augmentation and their
efficient utilization.
Types of Policies:
Policies come into being in any organization in different ways. Koontz and
Odonnel have classified policies on the basis of their source under the
following categories1. Original Policy: The top management formulates policies for the
important functional areas of business such as production, finance,
marketing etc. The objective is to help the concerned functional
managers in decision making in their respective areas. Thus originated
policies are the result of top management initiative. These policies are
formulated in the light of the enterprises objectives. They may be broad
or specific depending on the degree of centralization of authority. If they
are broad, they allow the manager some operational freedom. On the
other hand, if they are specific they are implemented as they are.
2. Appealed Policies: Managers often confront with particular situations as
to whether they have the authority to take a decision on a particular issue
or problem. The policies regarding some issues may be unclear or may be
totally absent. In such case, he appeals the matter to his superiors for
thinking. Appeals are taken upwards till they reach the appropriate level
in the hierarchy. After thorough examination of the issues involved,
policy decision would be taken at the appropriate level.
3. Implied Policies: In some cases there may not be specific policies.
Managers draw meaning from the actions and behaviour of their
superiors. Though there is no explicit policy, managers may assume it in
a particular way and go about in their day-to-day operations.
4. Externally Imposed Policies: These are the policies which are not
deliberately conceived by the managements. They are rather, imposed as

the organizations by the agencies in the external environment like

Government Trade Unions, Industry Association, Consumer Councils
etc. These agencies to protect the interest of the respective groups may
lay down certain policies to be followed by the business. As the
interaction of the business with external environment is increasing, one
can find many policies thus coming into being in any modern business.
For instance, the recruitment policy of the organization is influenced by
the Govts policy towards reservation to weaker sections. Anti-pollution
measures, concern for the quality of the product, customer care and
service etc. come under this category.
Business policy is the guide post to decision making. It helps in the managerial
thinking process and thus leads to the efficient and effective attainment of the
objectives of any organization.
Business policy has been defined as "Management's expressed or implied intent
to govern action in the pursuit of the company's objectives." Business policy
clarifies the intention of management in dealing with the various problems
faced. It gives the managers a transparent guideline to take their decisions by
being on the safe side. Business policy helps the manager in identification of
the solutions to the problem. It provides the framework in which he has to take
the decisions. Following are the different view points of leading authorities as
to what is business policy ?

The first category holds the opinion that policy and strategy are
synonymous. Business policy has been defined by William Glueck as
"Management policy is long range planning. For all practical purposes,
management policy, long range planning and strategic management mean
the same thing." However, this view is quite controversial as strategy and
Business policy do not mean the same thing. Strategy includes awareness
of the mission, purpose and objectives. It has been defined as, "the
determination of basic long term goals and objectives of all enterprise, and
the allocation of resources necessary to carry out these goals", while
policies are statements or a commonly accepted understandings of
decision making and are thought oriented guidelines. Therefore, strategy
and Business policy cannot be used interchangeably as there is a clear line
of differentiation between the two terms. This view stress upon the
assumption that business strategy and policy are more or less the same.
However, this view did not receive much support from various authorities
in the area of business management.


The second group of experts view Business policy as the process of

implementing strategy in the words of Frank 1. Paine and William
Naumes, "Policies guide and channel the implementation of strategy and
prescribe the processes within the organization will function and be
administered. Thus the term policy refers to organization procedures,
practices and structures, concerned with implementing and executing

Supporting this view, Robert Mudric has defined Business policy as "A policy
establishes guidelines and limits for discretionary action by individuals
responsible for implementing the overall plan."
The view represents Business policy to be:
Laying stress only on the practical side and ignoring the strategic dimension.

The third group considers business policy to be decisions regarding the

future of an organization.

Robert J. Slockler defines Business policy as, "Strategic guidelines for action
and spells out what can and what cannot be done in all areas of a companys
According to the policy manual of General Electric Company, "Policy is
definition of common purpose for organization components of the company for
benefit of those responsible for implementation, exercise discretion and good
judgment in appraising and deciding among alternative courses of action."
The views of different management authorities differ because of following
There is no clear differentiation of policy from other elements of planning.
There are different policies made at different levels of management for
directing executives.
Business policy encompasses and relates to the entire process of planning.
Thus, Business policy focusses on the guidelines used for decision making and
putting them into actions. It consists of principles along with rules of action
that provides for successful achievement of Business objectives.



After understanding the concept of Business policy, following features can be
General Statement of Principles: Policies are general statement of
principles followed by Business for the attainment of organizational
objectives. These principles provide a guide to action for the executives at
different levels.
Long Term Perspective: Business policies have a long life and are
formulated with a long term perspective. They provide stability to the
Achievement of Objectives: Business policy is aimed at the fulfillment of
organizational objectives. They provide a framework for action and thus
help the executives to work towards the set goals.
Qualitative Conditional and General Statements: Business policy
statements are qualitative in nature. They are conditional and defined in
general manner. These statements use words as to maintain, to follow, to
provide etc. They call be specific at times but most of the times, a Business
policy tends to be general.
Guide for Repetitive Operations: Business policies are formulated to act
as a guide for repetitive day to day operations. They are best as a guide for
the activities that occur frequently or repeatedly.
Hierarchy: Business policies have an hierarchy i.e. for each set of
objectives at each level of management there is a set of policies. The top
management determines the basic overall policy, then the divisional and / or
departmental policies are determined by the middle level management and
lower level policies are more specific and have a shorter time horizon than
policies at higher levels.
Decision Making Process: Business policy is a decision making process. In
formulating Business policy one has to make choices and the choice is
influenced by the interests and attitudes of managers engaged ill making the


Mutual Application: Business policies are meant for Mutual application by

subordinates. They are made for some specific situation and have to be
applied by the members of the organization.
Unified Structure: Business policies tend to provide predetermined issues
and thus avoid repeated analysis. They provide a unified structure to other
types of plans and help mangers in delegating authority and having control
over the activities.
Positive Declaration: Business policy is a positive declaration and a
command to its followers. It acts as a motivator for the people following it
and thus they work towards the attainment of the objectives efficiently and
effectively. The Business policy lays down the values which dominate
organizations actions.
The Business policy of an organization is influenced by various interrelated
and interacting, factors. These factors can be classified as internal and external
factors. The determinants which are internal to the firm/organization and which
influence the decisions directly are known as the internal factors. External
factors include all those factors which act from outside the firm and influence
the organization externally. We discuss these determinants one by one below:
Internal Factors
The determinants include the Business mission, Business objectives, Business
resources and the management values which are all internal to the organization
and play a very important role in the formulation of Business policy.

Business Mission: The policy maker has to understand the Business

mission, so that the policy is in tune with it. Business mission provides
the company with the meaning for which it exists and operates. Because
policy provides guidelines for managerial action, it has to be made in a
manner that it accomplishes the Business mission.


Business Objectives: Another internal determinant of Business policy

are the Business objectives. All organizations frame organizational
objectives and work towards their achievement. Policy makers must take
into account the economic, financial and other objectives of the company.


The Resources: The organization has to carry out its activities keeping in
mind the resources it has. The Business policy has to identify the various


resources available and then only call it be made sound. The size of plants,
capital structure, liquidity position, personnel sk0is and expertise,
competitive position, nature of product etc. all help in the formulation of
Business policy.

Management Values: Business policy reflects the values imbibed in the

organization. The personal values of the managers forming Business
policy influences its formulation. Management values differ from
organization to organization. It is an important determinant of Business

External Factors
These include the forces external to the firm. The external determinants of
Business policy are industry structure, economic environment and political

Industry Structure: The formulation of Business policy is influenced by

the industry ill which the firm exists. The structure of industry comprises
of size of firms, the entry barriers, number of competitors etc. The
Business policy is formulated keeping in mind competitors, strategies,
policies, etc.


Economic Environment: Economic environment comprises of the

demand, supply, price trends, the national income, availability of inputs,
the various institutions etc. It includes all these factors which influence the
policies of the firm. Therefore, it becomes one of the most important
determinants of Business policy.


Political Environment: The firm has to carry Out its activities in

accordance with the government regulations and policies. If these are not
complied with the firm would not be able to meet its objectives in ail
efficient manner. The various policies like monetary policy, fiscal policy,
credit policy influence the Business policy of the firm.


Social Environment: The firm affects various sections of the society. The
various sections ill turn influence the activities of the firm. The social
beliefs of the managers influence policies. The religious, cultural and
ethnic dimensions have to be dealt with while formulation policies of an


Technology: Every now and then, new technologies are entering the
market. An organization has to change with the changes in the


environment. It has to remain up to date with respect to technology it uses.

Thus technology also plays an important role in formulation of Business
Business policies are statements of guidelines for Business thinking and
action. They lay down the approach before the management to deal with the
challenges in the environment. They cover the following broad areas that affect
the decisions of the Organization.

Business policy consists of a variety of subject that affect various interest

groups in the Organization and Outside it.


Business policy is concerned with the various functional areas like

production, human resources, marketing and finance.


We call understand Business policy areas in two broad categories: Major

and minor policies. The overall objectives, procedures and control are
covered in major policies. These policies are concerned with each and
every aspect of the Organization, its structure, its financial status, its
production stature, its human resources and all those issues which require
attention like mergers, research, expansion, etc. Basically, the top
management is involved in the framing of such major policies. Further, the
operations and activities are also carried Out by executives so that the
organizational objectives are met.

The minor policies are concerned with each segment of the Organization with
emphasis oil details and procedures. These policies are part of the major
policies. The operational control call be made possible only if the minor
policies are implemented efficiently. The minor policies are concerned with the
day to day operations and are decided at the departmental levels. The minor
policies may cover relations with dealers, discount rates, terms of credit etc.
Thus, Business policies cover wide range Of Subjects ranging from operational
level policies to the top level policies.






A plan or course of action or a set of decision/rules making a pattern or

creating a common thread.
A pattern or common thread related to the organizations activities which
are derived from the policies, objectives and goals.
Concerned with pursuing those activities which move an organization from its current position to a planned future position
Concerned with the resources necessary for implementing a plan or a
predetermined course of action.

Five Ps Of Strategy
Strategy is a Plan
Strategy is a Ploy
Strategy is a Pattern
Strategy is a Position
Strategy is a Perspective



The twenty fifth National Business Conference sponsored by the Harvard
Business School Association in 1955 made one of the earliest attempts to
discuss the concept of strategy. In 1965, Ans off published a book "Business
Strategy" which was based on his experiences at the Lock heed Aircraft
corporation. Chandler's historical study of the development of some of the
American enterprises proposed strategy as one of the most important variables
in the study of organizations. From the literature on strategic management, it is
evident that strategic planning refers to the management processes in
organizations through which the future impact of change is determined and
current decisions are made to reach a designed future.
The word strategy is derived from the Greek word "strategtia" which was used
first around 400 B.C. This implies the art and science of directing military
forces. In business parlance, there is no definite meaning assigned to strategy.
A few definitions stated below may clarify the concept of Business strategy:
Kenneth Andrews (1955) "The pattern of objectives, purpose, goals and the
major policies and plans for achieving these goals stated in such a way so as to
define what business the company is in or is to be and the kind of company it is
or is to be"
Igor Ans off (1965) explained the concept of strategy as "the common thread
among the organizations, activities and product markets, that defines the
essential nature of business that the organization was or planned to be in
Alfred Chandler (1962) Strategy and structure of the American
The determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives for an enterprise
and the adoption of action and the allocation of resources necessary for
carrying out these goals"
Henry Mintzerg (1987) explains that "strategies are not always the outcome of
rational planning .. a pattern in a stream of decisions and


Ans off (1984) "Basically a strategy is a set of decision making rules for the
guidance of organizational behavior.
William Glueek defines the term strategy as "the unified, comprehensive and
integrated plan that relates the strategic advantage of the firm to the challenges
of the environment and is designed to ensure that basic objectives of the
enterprise are achieved through implementation process"
Arthur Sharplin (/985) Strategic Management.
"A plan or course of action which is of vital, pervasive or continuing
importance to the organization as a whole".
From the definitions discussed above, we may identify the following
It is a plan or course of action or a set of decision rules.
It is derived from its policies, objectives and goals.
It is related to persue those activities which move an organization from its
current position to a desired future state.
It is concerned with the requisite resources to implement a plan.
The term "Strategic Management" is gaining importance in the era of
privatisation, globalization and liberalisation. A few aspects regarding the
nature of strategy are as follows:
Strategic Management is related mostly to external environment.
Strategic Management is being formulated at the higher level of
management. At operational level, operational strategies are also
Strategic Management integrates three distinct and closely related activities
in strategy making. The activities are strategic planning, strategic
implementation and strategic evaluation and control.
Strategic Management is related to long term.
It requires systems and norms for its efficient adoption in any organization.
It provides overall frame work for guiding enterprise thinking and action.
It is concerned with a unified direction and efficient allocation of
organization resources.
Strategic Management provides an integrated approach for the organization
and aids in meeting the challenges posed by environment.



The major components of Business strategy are purpose and objectives, vector,
competitive advantage, synergy, personal values and aspirations and social
obligations. AP soff has used the term "common thread" for the purpose.
According to him, the common thread is a statement of relationship between
present and future product market postures. In this section, the different
components of Business strategy are discussed.
Business objectives should be stated in such a way so that they may provide a
clear idea about the scope of the enterprise's business. Objectives give the
direction for which action plan is formulated. Objectives are open-ended
attributes denoting a future state. Objectives translate the purpose into goals. A
few specific aspects about objectives are as follows:
The objectives should
have time frame
be attainable
be challenging
be Understandable
be measurable and controllable
For having clarity in objectives, the business domain is de fined specifically in
terms of a product class, technology, customer group, market need or some
other combination.
Business strategy has one more important component i.e. Vector. Vector gives
the directions within an industry and across industry boundaries which the firm
proposes to pursue. If an organization has the objective to maximize sales, the
series of decisions will be to enhance salesman's commission, release
nationwide advertisement, introduce total quality management and introduce
new product range. Vector signifies that a series of decisions are taken in the
same direction to accomplish the objectives.
Competitive Advantage
Business strategy is relative by nature. In the formulation of Business strategy,
the mana0ernent should isolate unique features of the organization. The steps to
be taken must be competitively superior. While making plans, competitors may
be ignored. However, when we formulate Business strategies, we cannot
ignore competitors. If all organization does not look at competitive advantage,


it cannot survive in a dynamic environment. Tills aspect builds internal strength

of the organization and enhance the quality of Business strategy.
Synergy means measurement of the firm's capability to take advantage of a new
product market move. If decisions are made ill the same direction to accomplish
the objectives there will be synergic impacts. The Business strategy will give
the synergy benefit.
Strategic Management performs the following functions:

It provides a dual approach to problem solving. Firstly, it exploits the most

effective means to overcome difficulties and face competition. Secondly, it
assists ill the deployment of scarce resources among critical activities.


It focuses attention upon changes ill the organizational set up,

administration of organizational process affecting behavior and the
development of effective leadership.


It offers a technique to manage changes. The management is totally

prepared to anticipate, respond and influence to look at changes. It also
offers a different way of thinking.


It furnishes the management with a perspective whereby, the latter gives

equal importance to present and future opportunities.


It provides the management with a mechanism to cope with highly

complex environment characterized by diversity of cultural, social,
political and competitive forces.




Every organization whether small or big has certain objectives to be achieved.
Each of them has to prepare a broad plan for achieving those objectives.
Strategy is a plan of action prepared to achieve the organizational goals. It is a
broad long term plan formulated to direct the business activities. Strategy
formulation means defining the strategy in a very clear and simple words.
Strategy formulation means stating the outline and the features of a strategy. It
simply means preparing the action plan.
Strategy is a pattern or plan that integrates an organization's values, major
goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole. A well formulated
strategy helps to marshal and allocate an organization's resources into a unique
and viable posture based on its relative internal competencies and
shortcomings, anticipated changes in the environment, and contingent moves
by intelligent opponents.
Developing Strategy:
Formulation strategy that is an effective guide to action s both an art that
individual managers must develop and a process that a well managed firm must


Steps in Strategic Formulation:


Benefits of Strategic Planning

Able to set more realistic objectives that are demanding, yet


A need for better information for decision-making may be recognized.

Growth can be accelerated and improved.

Poor performing areas can be identified and eliminated

Gain control of operational problems.

Develop better communications with those both inside and outside of

the company.

Provides a road map to show where the company is going and how to
get there.

Develops better internal coordination of activities.

Develops a frame of reference for budgets and short range operating



Gives a sense of security among employees that comes from better

understanding of the changing environment and the companys ability
to adapt.


Developing a right strategic perspective contributes to effective implementation

of strategy. However organization often fail to develop sound strategic
management perspective for a variety of reasons. some of these reasons are:
1. Lack of awareness within the top management team about the
organizations real operating situation. This happens when information
systems fail to provide the information the top management needs to
determine the organizations position relative to competitors ,
consumption trends, relative costs, etc.
2. Kidding themselves syndrome: This happens when senior managers are
collectively deluding themselves about the organizations conditions.
Usually this occurs when the senior management team act as a tightly
knit group. As there is no flow of either fresh information or new
perspectives, the top managers tend to hold the same stereotyped views
of the business environment .
3. Vested interests of the managers also play havoc with strategic planning.
managers prefer to maintain their exiting position and power. This
personal interest results in continuation of the same strategies even in a
changed business environment.
4. Excessive involvement in everyday operational problem also leads to
inefficient strategic plans. This over-emphasis on regular activities leaves
no time to study emerging trends and to think about future plans
5. The top management in many organizations gets complacent after some
initial successes. This blinds the managers to difficult situations the
company faces. This is another reason why managements often continue
with tries and trusted strategies that may be inappropriate in the present
and future scenarios.
6. A change in direction is often misinterpreted as an admission that what
was done in the past was a mistake .This managers who were closely


associated with decision taken in the past reluctant

organization move in a new direction.

to see the

7. Inability on the part of the top management to locate its competitive edge
may also lead to its ignoring strategy, planning altogether.
Strategies Comparing an Organizations Most Fundamental Ends
and Means


Strategic Intent

Intended Strategy



Realized Strategy



Developing A

: Establishing the beliefs,values,attitude and

unwritten guidelines that add up to the way
we do things here

Planning Strategy

: Development of Concepts, ideas & plans to

achieve objectives

Establishing Goals

: Deciding achievement targets shooter in time

range or narrower in scope than objective


Setting Objectives

Establishing Policies

: An objective is typically enduring and


: Deciding on plans of action to guide the

performance of all major activities in carrying
out strategy in accordance with company
Planning the
: The harness that helps people pull together
Organization structure
in performing activities in accordance with
strategy ,Philosophy & Policies.

Providing Personnel

: Selection, Recruitment & Training


: For Important & recurring activities

Providing Facilities

: Plant Equipment & other facilities

10 Providing Capital

: Making sure that business has money & credit

needed to provide facilities & working

11 Setting Standards

: Establish measures of performance that will

enable the business to achieve its long term

12 Establishing
Programs &
Operational Plans

: There are phases of total planning process that

include strategic Planning.

13 To Provide Control

: Supply of facts and figures to help people,

follow strategy, policies, procedures,
programs: to keep alert to forces at work
inside & outside the business and to own
performance against established plans &

14 Activating People

: Commanding and Motivating people up and

down the line in accordance with Philosophy,
Policies, Procedures and Standards in
carrying out plans of the Company


What Is not Strategic Planning

1. Strategic Planning does not attempt to make future decision. Decision
can be made only in Present.
2. Strategic Planning is not forecasting Product Sales & then determining
what should be done to assume the fulfillment of the forecasts with
respect to such things as material purchases, facilities, manpower etc.
Strategic Planning goes beyond present forecasts of much more
fundamentals such as:

Are we in the right business?

What are our basic objectives?
When will our present become obsolete?
Are our markets accelerating or eroding? Gap Analysis from
present to future.

3. Strategic Planning is not necessarily the preparation of massive, detailed,

interrelated sets of plans.
4. Strategic Planning is not an effort to replace managerial intuition &
5. Strategic Planning is not a simple aggregation of functional plans or an
extrapolation of current budgets. It is a systems approach to maneuvering
an enterprise over time through the uncertain waters of its changing
environment prescribed aims.
Steps of Strategy formulation
The process of strategy formulation broadly involves the following steps.
Establishing objectives
The main element of corporate strategy is the objectives of the firm. Objectives
of the firm acts as a foundation or base on the strategy is based. Hence
objectives should properly defined.But objectives should be realistic in nature
and achievable. E.g. if the firms aim is to expand the business, firm has to
pursue a growth strategy.
Analysing the Environment
In this stage general environment is analyzed from different angles.This
involves assessment of internal and external business environment.This will
help the firm to appraise its strengths and weaknesses and identify the major
strengths and weaknesses of their competitors.


Fixing quantitative targets
In this state a firm may set quantitative target for some of its objectives. At this
stage, the purpose is not to set targets for comparison with future outcomes, but
to set global targets for the firm as a whole, so as to assess the contribution that
may be made by different product areas or operating divisions.
Relating targets to divisional plans
This step of strategy formulation identifies the contribution that can be made by
each division or product group within the corporation and for this purpose, a
provisional strategic plan must be developed for each sub-unit. These plans
should be based upon the analysis of macro economic trends and the competitive
environment specific to the sub-unit. Corporate targets when related to
divisional plans ensure better chance of their attainment.
Relating targets to divisional plans
This step of strategy formulation identifies the contribution that can be made by
each division or product group within the corporation and for this purpose, a
provisional strategic plan must be developed for each sub-unit. These plans
should be based upon the analysis of macro economic trends and the
competitive environment specific to the sub-unit. Corporate targets when
related to divisional plans ensure better chance of their attainment.
Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis is the identification and analysis of a gap between planned or
desired performance. The organization must analyze critically its previous
performance, its present condition and the desired future conditions. Such an
analysis helps to reveal the extent of gap that exists between the present reality
and future aspirations of the organizations. The organization also tries to
estimate its likely future state if the present trends and activities continue.



Strategy formulation

Strategic Management Formulation Model


Industry Environment


The Firms Resources, Organizational Mission, And Goals

Corporate Strategy Formulation
Business Unit Strategy Formulation
Functional Strategy Formulation

Organizational structure
Leadership, Power, and Organizational Culture

Strategic Control Process and Performance

Different strategies are formulated to achieve the target. It is only enough to

formulate only one strategy. Keeping in mind the aims and the changing
business environment, various strategies have to prepared.
Choice of Strategy
This is the final stage in the formulation of corporate strategy. It is a well
considered course of action which is chosen by relating corporate goals,
external opportunities, corporate capabilities and limitations. Different


strategies are evaluated from different angles and the appropriate strategy is
Vision is a descriptive image of what a company wants to be or want to be
known for. Vision reminds us of what the goals are. Without vision
performance of the business are likely to be affected. A vision is a statement for
where the organization is heading over the next five to ten years. It is the
statement that indicates mission to be accomplished by the management distant
Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus described the role of vision as follows
To choose a direction, a leader must first have developed a mental image of a
possible and desirable future state of the organization. which we call
a vision. Vision articulates a view of a realistic / credible, attractive future for
the orgnaization. with a vision, the leader provides the all important
bridge from the present to the future of the organization.
A Business organization can not set objectives without mission statement.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to frame a mission statement. Many
organizations define the basic reason for their existence in terms of a mission
An organizations mission includes both a statement of organizational
philosophy and purpose. The mission can be seen as a link between performing
some social function and attaining objectives of the organization.
In military circles, the word Mission is used instead of objectives. It also
denotes and end point of the activities which doer wants to fulfill. In business
management terminology, a mission is an objectives that has been
psychologically accepted by the doer. A mission explains the reason for the
existence and operation of an enterprise. It is a key statement that provides
guidelines for the companys business objectives. Mission indicates what is the
companys business and what should it be. It reflects the companys philosophy
and values.
Organizations often commit their major goals and corporate philosophy to
writing in a Mission Statement or a statement of purpose. Though vaired in its
structure and form, the statement typically describes the companys reasons for
existing. If also simetimes outliens the core values on which the organization
is based and to which it expects corporate behaviour to confirm.


A good mission statement outlines customer needs and utilities. It places

emphasis on public need rather the company product e.g. Oil and Natural Gas
Commission and the Indian Oil Company may stress that they are meeting the
energy need of the people rather than producing and selling oil or gas.
Similarly, the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. ( MTNL ) may emphasis that
it is helping better and faster communications and not merely selling or
operating telephones.
Some firms use mission statement to develop core principles or norms which
guide decision marking or behaviour. These principles serve as guidelines for a
companys course of business as well as strategic decision making or
behaviour. Business definition statement is a part of the mission statement. It
means a description of products, services, functions, activities and markets of
the firm.
In any good strategy formulation, mission must be imbibed in the management
and the staff. Clarity of a mission statement and publicity given to it on the
right lines would get the conveying of mission in a convincing manner to the
Corporate Mission
Company mission


and multinational

What is

Strategic analysis and choice

Long-term objectives

Grand strategy

Annual objectives

Operating strategies


Of strategy
Control and



The organizational purpose defines the activities that the organization performs
or intends to perform and the kind of organization that it is or intends to be. The
establishment of an organizations purpose is vital, as without a definite
statement of purpose, it is virtually impossible to develop clear objectives and
strategies. An organizational purpose must be defined not only at its inception,
but also must redefined during both traumatic times and successful periods.
A good business or purpose will include a statement of products, markets,
functions and objectives. The basic business purpose of General Motors is
to provide products and services of such quality that our customers will
receive superior value, our employees and business partners will share in
our success, and our stockholders will receive a sustained, superior return
on their investment .
An objective is something aimed at or something sought for. It is noting but the
goal or destination of the organization. Objectives should be very clearly spelt
out, as clearer the objectives the more the strength one derives to achieve them.
The organization should see to it that while fixing business objectives interest
of all groups should be considered and under no circumstance should it be
sacrificed for others.
1. According to George Terry
A Managerial objectives is the intended goal which prescribes definite
scope and suggests direction to efforts of a manager .
2. According to D. E. McForland
Objectives are the goals, aims or purposes that organizations wish to
achieve over varying period of time .
1. Ultimate goals
Objectives are the aims, goals and the destination where the organization wants
to go Objectives differentiate one company from others. Every organization
must have a clearly defined objective, e.g. a marketing objective of an
organization may be to increase its profits by 5% or increase its market share by


2. Future Oriented
Objectives are future destinations which the organization wants to reach.
However these objectives are finalized after considering the past trends and the
past performance of the organization. This is necessary in order to formulate
realistic objectives.
3. Guides
Objectives, whether economic, social or human guide the organization in taking
relevant and quick decisions. Objectives guide in formulating the policies, the
programmes and the plans which in turn guide the employees while
implementing the plans in order to achieve the objectives
4. Complex
Business environment is very complex. Change in one environment may have
different impacts on the other environmental factors. Moreover these
environmental factors are uncontrollable. Objectives have to be modified
continuously in order to suit the changed environment. Thus dynamic
environment makes setting of objectives difficult.
5. Qualitative
There are certain objectives which are of qualitative nature, especially
advertising objectives. Advertising objectives can be creating awareness,
changing attitudes, perceptions, enabling recognition of the brand etc.
Qualitative objectives are therefore difficult to measure.
6. Quantitative
Quantitative objectives are those which can be measured in volume or value
terms. Marketing objectives are generally of quantitative in nature. Some of the
common marketing objectives are increasing sales, increasing market share,
increasing profits etc.
7. Hierarchical
All objectives may not be equally important at a given moment of time, for
instance if the organization is new, its objective generally is survival, rather
than growth or achieving prestige and recognition. However since many groups
are involved like shareholders, creditors, employees etc. identifying proper
hierarchy is difficult.
1. Identity to the organization
Every organization must have an objective. In fact it is the objectives that
justifies an organizations existence. Outwardly all organizations may be
similar but what differentiates one organization from another is its objectives.


2. Facilitates co-ordination
There are various departments in an organization. Success of any organization
depends upon the achievements of each department, which in turn depends
upon the proper co-ordination between people and functions of different
departments. This would enable the different department to work as a cohesive
3. Guides decision-making
The top management has to take number of decisions in different areas
everyday. Decisions can be relating to extending the product line or changing
the pricing structure or the place of sale. Decisions depend entirely upon the
objectives of the organization. So, it is the objectives that guide individual as
well as group decision making.
4. Motivation
Motivation is the simulation to work with zeal and enthusiasm. When
objectives are clear, the employees know what is expected of them and the
reward which they would earn on achieving those objectives. So clear
definition of business objectives motivates employees to put in their best efforts
as they are aware as to what to achieve.
5. Ensures planning
It is said that most people dont succeed in life because they dont know what
they want to achieve. One can plan properly only when one knows what one
wants to achieve. Moreover implementation would be effective only if it is
planned properly. Therefore objectives ensures proper planning.
6. Reduces wastage
Objectives facilitate preparing programmes and schedules for achieving the
predetermined goals. Men, money, materials etc. are scare. Success of a
business organization depends upon the effective utilization of the resources.
So to the extent possible wastage of resources should be avoided






Business Environment consists of all those forces both internal and external
that affect the working of a business. It refers to the conditions, forces, events
and situations within which business enterprises have to operate.
Business and its environment are closely related and the effectiveness of
interaction of the two determines the success or failure of a business.
According to Wheeler Business Environment is the total of all things external
to firms and individuals, which affect their organization and operations .
The business environment can be broadly divided into two groups
A. Internal Environment
B. External Environment
A. Internal Environment
1. Management Philosophy
The management philosophy greatly influences the working of business
firm. The management may adopt a traditional philosophy or a
professional philosophy.
Nowadays business firm need to adopt professional approach. A proper
analysis of internal environment will reveal the weaknesses of the
traditional approach and force the management to adopt a professional
2. Mission and Objectives
It is always advisable to frame a mission statement and then to list out the
various objectives.An analysis of internal environment will enable the


firm to find out whether the objectives are in line with the mission
statement and whether the objectives are accomplished or not.
3. Human Resources
The survival and success of the firm largely depends on the quality of
human resources.An analysis of internal environment in respect of
human resources would reveal the shortcomings of human resources
and as such measures can be taken to correct such weaknesses.
4. Physical Resources
Physical resources include machines, equipments, building, furniture etc.
A firm needs adequate and quality physical resources.An analysis of the
internal environment may reveal the weaknesses of the physical
resources and company can take appropriate measures to correct such
5. Financial Resources
A firm needs adequate working capital as well a fixed capital. There is a
need to have proper management of working capital and fixed capital.An
analysis of the internal environment will help to make optimum use of
available funds as well as to raise additional funds.
6. Corporate Image
A firm should develop, maintain and enhance a good image in the
minds of the employees, investors, customers and others. Poor corporate
image is a weakness.An analysis of the internal environment enables the
firm to build good public image.
7. Research and Development facilities
If the organization has adequate research and development facilities, it is
in a position to innovate, introduce new products and services
continuously. This enable the firm to remain ahead of the competition
8. Internal Relationship
There should be a proper flow of vertical and horizontal communication
i.e. between superiors and subordinates and between colleagues at the
same level. A free flow of ideas enables a healthy relationship between
B. External Environment
External environment includes all those factors and forces which are external to
the business organization. These include factors such as economic, socio-


cultural, legal, demographic etc. These factors are beyond the control the
1. Demographic Environment
Demographic environment studies human population with reference to its
size, density, literacy rate, sex-ratio, age composition etc.
These factors affect the demand for good and services, quantity and
quality of production, distribution etc. e.g. a rapidly growing population
indicates growing demand for many products.
2. Natural Environment
Business firms use natural resources like water, land, iron, crude oil etc.
All business units are directly or indirectly dependent upon natural
environment. Business firms are responsible for ecological imbalance. So
they should take necessary measures to control pollution.
Business operations have caused considerable changes in ecological
balance and natural environment of the country. The applications of
modern technology in industry leads to rapid economic growth at a huge
social cost a measured by the deterioration of physical environment i.e.
air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. So business enterprises
has to calculate net social cost of its venture.
3. Economic Environment
A business firm closely interact with its economic environment.
Economic environment is generally related to those external forces,
which have direct economic effect upon business.
Economic environment is a sum total of
a. Economic conditions in the market
b. Economic policies of the government
c. Economic system of the country.
a. Economic conditions
It includes nature of economy, the stage in economic development,
national income, per capita income etc. These operate in the market
and influence the demand and supply of goods and services.
b. Economic policies
Economic policies means policies formulated by the government
to shape the economy of the country. These include monetary and
fiscal policies, export-import policy, industrial policy, licensing
policy, budgetary policy etc. The economic policies of the


government affect the business. This impact may be positive or

negative e.g. liberation of the economy has adversely affected the
small scale industry in India.
c. Economic systems
Economic systems means the classification of economies on the
basis of role of the government in the functioning of the economy .
Economic system can be classified as

Capitalist Economy There exists least government control in

regulating the working of a market. E.g. U.S.A.

Socialist Economy The government has major control over all

activities e.g. China.

Mixed Economy It combines the features of both capitalist and

socialist economy where both private and public sector play an
equally important role e.g. India.

4. Legal Environment / Regulatory Environment

Legal environment includes laws, which define and protect the
fundamental rights individuals and organizations. It creates a
framework of rules and regulations within which business units have
to operate. Business firm must have up to date and complete
knowledge of the laws governing production and distribution of
goods and services. Some of the important laws are
Indian Companies Act, 1956
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
The MRTP Act, 1969.
The Essential commodities Act, 1955. etc.
5. Political Environment
It refers to the influence exerted by 3 political institutions namely the
legislature, the executive and the judiciary in developing and
controlling business activities.
Business decisions are greatly influenced by the developments in the
political environment. A change in the government brings about a
change in attitude, preference, objectives etc. Business firms need to
keep a track of all political events, anticipate changes in government
policies and frame production and marketing strategies accordingly.


6. Cultural Environment
Every society has a culture of its own. Culture includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, laws, customs and other capabilities and habits
acquired by an individual as a member of society. Cultural values are
passed on from one generation to another. Culture thus determines the
types of goods and services a business should produce.Business
should realize the cultural differences and bring out products
7. Technological Environment
Technology is the systematic application of scientific or other
organized knowledge to practical tasks. Technological advancement
make it possible to improve the quality of products, increase the
output and decrease the cost of product.
Technological changes are rapid and to keep pace with it,
businessmen need to be alert and flexible in order to quickly
incorporate them in their business organization so as to survive and
succeed in the competitive business world.
8. International Environment
The international environment is an outcome of political and
economic conditions in the international market. Business firms
engaged in the foreign trade are more affected by the changes in the
international environment factors like war, civil disturbances, political
instability, changes in trade policies in other countries with which
India has trading links do affect Indian exporters and importers.
Therefore, business firms, which cater to foreign trade must
constantly monitor implications of international environment on their
The components of international environment are
o Import and Export policy of a country.
o Rules and regulations laid down by International Institutions like
IMF, World Bank etc.
o The policies of trading blocks like SAARC, EEC, ASEAN etc.
o Foreign exchange regulations like tariffs, quotas.
o Trade cycle like boom, recession at world level
Environmental Scanning means an examination and study of the environment
of a business unit in order to identify its survival and prosperity chances. It
means observing the business environment both external and internal and


understanding its implications for business opportunities. It also involves

knowing beforehand the risks and uncertainties as well as threats to the
business unit.
As business environment is dynamic in nature, it is always changing,
environmental scanning has to be quick and regular. It should not be one time
act to scan the environment. It is the constant telescoping of external
environment and microscoping of internal environment.
Environmental Scanning provides a broader prospective to corporate planners
in formulating plans and strategies. In short , the process by which
organizations monitor their relevant environment to identify opportunities and
threats affecting their business is known as environmental scanning.
Environmental Scanning is essential because of following reasons :
1) Prime Influence Environment is a prime influence on the effectiveness
of business strategies. If strategic planning is done without considering
environment, it is likely to be defective. Besides, the success of the
implementation of the strategy depends on the environmental factors.
2) A tool to anticipate Changes Environmental scanning is a very useful
tool not only to understand business surroundings, but also as a good
instrument to anticipate the changes and be prepared to face the
challenges of such changes.
3) Time for adjustment A business unit cannot change the business
activities overnight. It needs time to adjust with the changing
environment. If it has to face the changed environment suddenly, it may
be possible to make immediate changes according to the demand of the
changed environment. Environmental scanning gives time to the
company to get adjust to the changed environement.
4) Early Warning system - Environmental Scanning gives advance
warning or danger signals of the adverse changes in environment. It
helps the company to design defense mechanism to avoid future adverse
effects of environment on the business activities e.g. with the changing
marketing environment, many companies are adopting on-line marketing
to survive in this competitive environment.



Environmental Scanning can be effectively done following different
techniques or approaches as follows :
1) Seeking and getting opinion Opinions of experts or knowledge people
can be got by talking to them. Depending upon the nature of industry,
and type of markets, these experts would differ, but they would be the
people who are good at reading the current trends as well as future trends
e.g. a businessman who wishes to establish a holiday resort may talk to
an expert in Tourism or expert person in the hotel business in order to
know the prospects of the resort.
Opinions can be sought even from non-experts or laymen who are
involved in the relevant business. This can be done through surveys or
informal chats or meetings with the concerned people.
The opinions of experts and non-experts should be integrated to have a
clear picture of environment and future trends.
2) Extrapolating To extrapolate means to calculate or estimate unknown
factors or future trends by inference or logic after knowing the facts or
present trends. It involves estimating or forecasting an unknown , present
trends. It helps a businessmen to read future with the help of the present.
It is not guesswork. It is a calculation that peeps into the future or in the
unknown with the help of proper reading of the present.
3) Estimate An estimate is a techniques of designing the worse case
scenario and the best case scenario. It estimates the best opportunities
and the worst threats that are likely to emerge from the analysis of the
environment. It thereafter weights the possibilities and probabilities of
the opportunities and threats and preparing a balanced, realistic
4) Mapping It is an analytical tool that tries to read the process of
transformation of factors in environment. The whole of the environment
does not change suddendy, certain factors change, while others remain
the same over a period of time. Mapping is a techniques that tries to
track the environmental factors to find out how many of them, and which
of them are changing. It tries also to find out the direction and the speed
of the change. It locates and plots the changes, their routes and their
magnitude or extent.


5) Modelling - There are many types of modeling that can be used to scan
the environment. E.g. Regression analysis or probability tables are also
used in more complex types of modeling.
6) Industrial espionage It is used for 2 purposes
o To gather vital information from government department
o To collect clues from the competitors
A spy can be a government employee or an employee of a competitor, a
competitors supplier or customer. E.g. Japanese visitors to American
factories, plants and facilities gather information. Research students working
in laboratories may take up vacation jobs with companies as a part of spying
In order to survive and grow in this competitive environment, it is essential for
every business organization to undertake SWOT analysis. The process by
which the enterprises monitor their relevant environment to identify their
business opportunities and threats affecting their business is known as
environment analysis or SWOT analysis. In other words analyzing the
surrounding environment before framing policies and taking business decisions
is called as SWOT analysis.




SW stands for strengths and weaknesses

OT stands for opportunities and threats
A Strength is something a company is good at doing or a characteristic that
gives it an important capability. Possible strengths are :

Name recognition

Proprietory technology

Cost advantages

Skilled employees

Loyal customers etc.

Strengths and weaknesses are derived from internal environment .
Opportunities and threats arise from external environment.
SWOT analysis help the business unit to know its positive points as well as
negative points.


Strength is an inherent capacity which an organization can use to gain strategic

advantage over its competitors e.g. Marketing of Hindustan Leaver Limited,
they have around 15 lakhs retail outlets for distributing their various products
in India.
A Weakness is something a company lacks or does poorly (in comparison to
others) or a condition that places it at a disadvantage. Possible weaknesses are :

Poor market image

Obsolete facilities
Internal operating problems
Poor marketing skills etc.

Weaknesses is an inherent limitation, which creates a strategic disadvantage for

the organization e.g. limited finance.
Opportunities An opportunity is a favourable condition in the organizations
environment which enables it to strengthen its position.
Threats A threat is an unfavourable condition in the organizations
environment that creates a rise for or cause damage to the organization.
1. Identify strengths The analysis of the internal environment help to
identify the strengths of the firm. The internal environment refers to
plans and policies of the firm, its resources-physical, financial and human
resources e.g. If company has good relations with workers, the strength
of the company can be identified through the workers loyalty and
dedication on the part of workers.
2. Identify weaknesses A firm may be strong in certain areas, whereas it
may be weak in some other areas. The firm should identify such
weaknesses through SWOT analysis so as to correct them as early as
possible e.g. Lack of capital may be a weakness of the company, but
company should try to raise additional funds to correct the weaknesses.
3. Identify Opportunities An analysis of the external environment helps
the business firms to identify the opportunities in the market. The
business firm should make every possible effort to grab the opportunities,
as and when they come e.g.


4. Identify threats Business may be subject to threats from competitors

and others. Identification of threats at an earlier date is always beneficial
to the firm as it helps to defuse the same. For instance, a competitor may
come up with innovative product. This not only affects the firms
business but also endanger its survival, so business firm should take
necessary steps to counter the strategy of the competitors.
5. Effective Planning A proper study of environment helps a business
firm to plan its activities properly. Before planning, it is very much
necessary to analysis the internal as well as external environment. After
SWOT analysis , the firm can list out well-defined and time-bound
objectives, which in turn help to frame proper plans.
6. Facilitates Organising Resources Environment analysis not only
helps in organizing the resources of right type and quantity. A proper
analysis of environment enables a firm to know the demand potential in
the market. Accordingly, the firm can plan and organize the right amount
of resources to handle the activities of the organization.
7. Face Competition A study of business environment enable a firm to
analyse the competitors strengths and weaknesses. This would enable
the firm to incorporate the competitors strengths in its working. The firm
may also try to exploit the competitors weaknesses in its favour.
8. Flexibility in Operations The environmental
factors are
uncontrollable and a business firm finds it difficult to influence the
surrounding of its choice. A study of environment will enable a firm to
adjust its operations depending upon the changing environmental










Strategic alternatives refer to different courses of action which an organization
may pursue at a point in time. These alternatives are crucial to the success of
the organization. More often than not, these are influenced by factors external
to the organization and over which -the organization has limited control. For
example consider a situation where a firm is experiencing increased
competition of its products. How should the organization respond? Should it
reduce price'? Should it improve the quality of the product'! Should it use a mix
of' the two? Should it improve the distribution network? Should it improve
promotional effort? Is there a set of guidelines which could be followed by the
organization? Alternatives external to the organization such as mergers,
acquisitions and joint ventures may also be. considered. The list of alternatives
will be incomplete without the alternative of disinvestment. There are situations
when withdrawal from an existing business is the most suitable course of
action. In fact, it may be wrong to consider that continuing to produce a
particular product or service is a must.
A firm may consider withdrawal from a business if the present value of the
anticipated stream of earnings from that business is less than its present worth.
Thus, if the present value of the stream is of earnings from the textile unit of a
corporate group is less than the net worth of the textile business, the


organization should withdraw from the textile business. Sometimes there may
be obstacles if the organization wishes to withdraw. The most serious
opposition may come from the Government in its anxiety to protect workers
likely to be rendered unemployed. This kind of a situation is being faced by the
DCM Limited, a highly diversified group. Any organization contemplating to
withdraw from a particular business should attempt to foresee the constraints
and evolve ways to overcome them. Some obvious alternatives include:
i) offering alternative jobs to workers in other units;
ii) providing attractive retrenchment terms to workers so that they would not
easily turn down the offer (the golden handshake).
The Strategic Management Process Tasks
Strategy Formulation

Personal Values
Of Major
Including Social

Strategy Planning Bridge



Strategy Implementation & evaluation


Plan and










How does an organization identify alternative courses of action for its survival
and growth? The procedure may differ from organization to organization
depending upon its size, style of management, work ethos and industry


Small Organizations
In a small organization all decisions are made by the owner himself or by the
chief executive. These decisions deal with what an organization should do
under alternative situations. What new businesses should be added or what
existing businesses should be done away with the success or failure of the
organization depends upon the experience and technical competence of the
chief executive. Thus, in small organizations strategic alternatives are identified
by the owner-manager. Of course his decision may he influenced by some
bureaucrats, industrialists, etc. with whom he interacts. The procedure used for
identifying alternatives may be intuitive rather than based on a well-defined
procedure. The process of implementing alternatives in small business is
however reasonably fast.
Large Organizations
In organizations of medium to large size, the following mechanisms may be
employed for identifying strategic alternatives.
brain-storming sessions;
special meetings for the purpose;
services of outside consultant;
joint meetings of the consultant and the senior employees of the
Brain Storming Session
In most organizations strategic alternatives are identified during the
brain-storming sessions. In such meetings participants are encouraged to come
out with any course of action which they feel is possible. At this stage no
importance is attached to relative merits and demerits of the alternatives. In the
next stage each alternative is reviewed and subjected to a close scrutiny. The
alternatives which are considered fairly appealing are further examined and
analysed for final selection of one or more alternatives.
Consider the case of power shortage in an organization which produces an
energy -intensive product such as aluminum. What should the organization do?
Since the decision is, bound to affect the organization crucially, the alternatives
are of crittical, importance. These may include:
i) buy a generator,
ii) start producing those products which are not very energy intensive,
iii) have a stand-by generator for meeting part of the, requirements;
iv) introduce a change in, the product-mix, with an emphasis on; those products
which, have a higher contribution per unit of investment.


The few alternatives listed above have their own: implications in, terms of
financial, physical facilities, manpower requirements, etc. The chief executive
has to select the alternative which is, the most appropriate in his opinion. The
current resource position of the organization with be a major influencing factor
in this decision.
Special Meetings
Large organizations, recognizing the significant of generating strategic
alternatives, hold special meetings away from the place of their work in a hotel
or a holiday resort. This is to ensure that the process of thinking, is, not
disturbed by interruptions during the course of deliberations. The participants
present alternative scenarios along with their recommended courses of action.
Alternative scenarios- may be based upon: assumptions regarding.
i. rate of growth of the economy
ii. position, regarding foreign exchange
iii. rate of inflation
iv. rate of unemployment
v. ideology of the political party in power
vi. rate of change in technology
vii. socio-cultural factor having a bearing on the profitability of the
Depending on the assumptions, regarding the values and future trends of the
above parameters, alternative courses of action, are often recommended. An
attempt is made through the discussions to arrive at a consensus. The
turnaround, strategy of a leading pharmaceutical company Brurroughs Well
come was conceived in. a series of meetings the Chief Executive had with his
senior managers.
Outside Consultants
This procedure of identifying strategic alternatives is based on the premise that
an outsider can observe the phenomenon in an objective manner. It is
recognised that the executive's who have been actively associated with, a
particular project, are often so involved with it that they tend to, be subjective
and over look its shortcomings. Others, from within the organization may also
be unable to see its limitations. Under such conditions, engaging outside
consultant may be a more effective way to generate, strategic alternatives on an
objective basis. The outside viewpoint is expected to, be new and fresh, and
thus, can show, up many new opportunities, to the organization.


Joint Meeting
Another desired way of generating alternatives is to hire the services of a,
consultant but also associate some internal members in the process. This
method, is able to combine the advantages of the new ideas contributed by
outsiders being blended with workable solutions from within the organisalion.
In, any case, an, outside consultant may like tot seek the opinion of the internal
members on his proposals.
From the point of view of an organization, strategic alternatives may be
classified on the basis of degree of risk involved. Thus we have:
High risk strategic alternatives
Moderate risk strategic alternatives
Low risk strategic alternatives;

Within this broad classification there may be a number of specific courses of

action. The above classification provides the following strategic options in that
order of risk:
Vertical integration-backward and forward
Horizontal expansion
Niche Strategy: Niche means concentrating around a product and market. It is a
strategy involving very low degree of risk and rel5resents the typical behaviour
of the small companies. Such organizations, in general, are scared of growing
big as it could entail them into legal, labour and management problems. They
are content with their present position and wish to capitalise on their superior
knowledge of local conditions and choose a very narrow segment of market.
'NIRMA' until recently followed this alternative with great success.
In India, the Government policy has always favoured small scale units. Such
units have been accorded a favourable treatment in the matter of licencing,
credit and supply of raw material. Thus, the factors internal to the organization
and government policies have contributed to the growth of small companies in


Vertical Integration: This can assume two forms: backward and forward.
Backward integration means inhouse production of critical inputs for the main
business or going in for marketing of products by opening retail outlets. The
company may also add to the existing products/processes by taking up the
production of intermediate goods. In the case of forward integration the
companies try to reach customers through their own distributional network.
Organizations follow forward integration to take advantage of the closer
contact with the customers and to ensure a control over retail price of their
products. Reliance company has pursued this strategy very effectively.
Integration is a moderate risk alternative.
Horizontal expansion results when a firm adds new products or enters into new
Most pharmaceutical companies follow this strategy.
In diversification, an enterprise takes up new products or business which may
related or unrelated to its existing business.
Diversification, in particular, involves high degree of risk as it amounts to
manufacturing new products or entering into new-markets unfamiliar to the
organization. There are two broad categories of organizations that follow
diversification. The first category includes those which are not doing too well
in the traditional lines and are exploring the possibility of other products or
markets. The second category would include organizations which enjoy
considerable resource strength and would like to expand operation by looking
at new businesses.
Companies in India have followed both vertical integration and diversification.
For instance, Walchand Group's activities cover mainly large construction
projects, heavy engineering, specialised automobiles, Sugar, concrete pipes,
confectionary, machine tools castings, and fabrication etc. Hindustan Lever has
pursued a strategy of vertical integration for soaps and toiletory business. It has
also followed diversification in basic chemicals. Some business houses have
gone in for large scale diversification i.e., DCM, Tatas Group, Birla Group,
Thapar Group, ITC, etc. Larsen and Toubro has had major diversifications in
recent. times by entering into cement and shipping industry.




The various alternatives provided are:

a) internal expansion (adding more capacity)






internal stability (by augmenting resources)

internal retrenchment (manpower or assets)
external retrenchment (by disposing company-owned outlets)
external expansion through mergers (joining with other business units)
a combination of the above strategies

Some of these alternatives are explained as follows:

Internal Retrenchment: This is also known as 'turnaround' in which the
Organization starts generating profit after incurring losses for a number of
years. This may be brought about through restructuring of capital, changes in
manage ' ment personnel and better control in functional areas. In the Indian
context, Hindustan Photo films presents a good case of turnaround strategy.
External Retrenchment: This expression is used as synonym for divesture.
Thus an organization may like to withdraw from a business incurring a loss
over a period of time. Obviously, the approach is the opposite of mergers.
Subject of the clearance of the 6evernment, the DCM wishes to divest out of its
texthes business. ITDC, about a year back, decided to close Akbar Hotel.
Divesture is prompted by factors such as inadequate market, lower profits and
availability of better alternatives, technological changes requiring investment
which the management is unable to undertake. Divesture may include the
A part of the unit may be floated as an independent unit
It may be sold to employees
It may be sold to an independent buyer
It may be liquidated and its assets sold
Glueck 2 has classified strategic alternatives into the following categories:
i) stable growth strategies
ii) profit strategies
iii) stable growth as pause strategies
iv) sustainable growth strategies.
The first alternative is useful when a firm pursues its original objective or
objectives similar to the original one, or when the focus of its main strategic
decision is on the incremental improvement of functional performance. In this
case, achievement level is fixed on the basis of past performance corrected for
known rate of inflation. The underlying premises in this case are:


reasonably stable environment and

management not being in favour of undertaking high degree of risk though
it is not risk averse

Modi Xerox, since its inception, has followed a stable growth strategy in India.
It has concentrated on a narrow range of products and quality aspect of
after-sales service.
The second alternative is followed when the main aim of the strategic business
unit is to generate surplus. In the process other objectives may be sacrificed.
This aspect may get considerable importance during the phase of recession.
The stable growth alternative applies in those situations where a firm
deliberately slows down to improve efficiency. Such a behavior is observed
among organizations who find it difficult to manage growth. This difficulty is
usually experienced by organizations of small to medium size. But
unmanageable growth has been experienced by large organizations too. A very
large number of television manufacturers in India are f6rced to control their
growth inspite of large market opportunities that exist before them. Since most
of the TV manufacturers are small or medium sized firms lacking substantial
resources, they follow a stable growth strategy by focussing their efforts in
certain geographical markets and around few products.
The sustainable growth alternative includes a modified incremental growth to
take one of the unfavorable external conditions. These include:

internal growth strategies consisting of:

-concentric diversification, and
-conglomorate diversification
b) external growth strategies consisting of
-joint ventures
c) liquidation
Concentric growth is an alternative where the firm goes into businesses which
are related to the existing ones, say from manufacture of spare parts for
passenger cars to the manufacture of spare parts for tractors. This no doubt is an
example of the product related concentric growth. An example of customer
related concentric growth is when a firm producing farm equipment decides to
enter the business of chemicals and fertilisers.
Under the growth alternative of conglomorate diversification, a firm may
acquire another firm which has surplus cash even though there may be nothing


in common with the existing business. The RPG Enterprises have pursued this
alternative within the scope of its limited resources.
Merger is all alternative where two firms join. There are different objectives of
mergers including the need-to tide over the finan6al crisis. The objectives of
mergers and the procedures followed in negotiating a merger are discussed in
detail in another unit in this block.
Joint venture is an alternative which can meet a number of needs such as rapid
rate of growth desired by the firm, maintaining the risk within reasonable limit,
and to tide over the constraint of resources. Thus a firm having constraint of
production capacity can have a joint venture with a firm having surplus
production capacity. Pepsi Cola (a US multi-national company), Voltas and
Punjab Agro have recently joined hands to promote a joint venture in the area
of agro industries.
Liquidation indicates a situation where the firm -finds the business unattractive.
There may be a dearth of people who have interest in the proposition. Neither
the employees nor do outside parties find it an attractive proposition to be
revived. Obsolete equipment is the usual cause. Disinvestment may be
considered attractive when the present worth of expected earnings is less than
its present worth.
In merger, a firm may acquire another firm or two or more firm may combine
together to improve their competitive strength or to gain control over additional
facilities. Merger may be of two types:
1. A firm merges with other firms in the same industry having similar or
related products, using similar processes and distributing through similar
channels. Such a merger creates problems of co-ordination between the
merged units.
2. Under this type of merger, firms merging together are engaged in
altogether different lines of business and have little common in their
products, processes and distribution channel. They are known as
conglomerate merger.
Acquisition or take-over:
Acquisition generally refers to buying another firm, either its assets or as an
operating company. In a take over, or acquisition, one company gets control
over the acquired company. Takeover involves a change in ownership and
management of the acquired company. In pre 1991 India, the MRTP Act,


Industrial Licensing Policy and the companies Act, 1956 etc. made take-overs
difficult to accomplish. The post 1991 scenario 15, of course, very different.
There are several instances of take-overs, both friendly and hostile are reported
since 1992.
5.7 THE LEGAL POSITION ABOUT MERGER is contained in sections
394 to 396 of the Companies Act. But these sections have to be interpreted in
conjunction with section 94 (Power of limited companies to alter share capital)
95, 97 (dealing with special resolution for reduction of capital), 101, 102, 104
and 107. Some of the important provisions of the Companies Act deal with the
power of the court, with whom an application for amalgamation has been
pending, to make any alternation or modification in the scheme for
amalgamation. I he most important aspect is the protection of the interests of
the dissenting shareholders. Any scheme for transfer of whole or any part of an
undertaking requires the approval of the r4ne-tenths in value and three-fourths
in number of share holders of the company. Probably the most important
section is 396 dealing with the power of the Central Government to provide for
amalgamation of companies in public interest. The sick units are being
amalgamated with other companies or are being taken over by the Government.
In actual practice it is difficult to draw a distinction between mergers and
acquisitions. Strictly speaking, in case of mergers, the existing companies lose
their identity and a new company is formed, while in the case of acquisitions it
is the purchase of a company by another company. Madura Coats is a company
born out of the merger of Madura Mills and Coats India Limited in early
At times it is profitable to diversify through mergers. The process of mergers
gives the advantage of not having to start from scratch. Amalgamations enable
the companies to have advantage of fast changing technologies: the underlying
assumption in this case is that one of the merged companies enjoys distinct
strength in the area of R&D. Mergers may also enable reduction in
administrative costs. Given the indivisibility of certain expenditure on
personnel, the merger will result in better utilisation of their time. Further, the
merger may facilitate the process of linking the products and may amount to
vertical integration. This could be undertaken where for various reasons the
merging companies individually would not have been able to implement
vertical integration. The process often results in providing a complete product
line. It goes without saying that some companies undertake merger as a means
to plan their tax liability. (The most amusing example is provided by an
advertisement which appeared in a reputed newspaper stating 'wanted
companies which may have incurred a loss upto a specified amount).


Ans off and Ors have presented a detailed procedure for screening projects for
diversification based on merger. The sequential steps are: (i) define the
objective of merger (to reflect how better utilisation of resources is to be
achieved and the manner in which the adaptability to the changing environment
is going to take place), (ii) review the strengths and weaknesses, (iii) develop
criteria to identify the most advantageous merger prospects, (iv) find out the
financial resources available, and (v) develop strategies for choosing among the
Desirably, the management of the buying company should be aware of the
extent of its need for the other company because the price payable (or the
exchange ratio) depends dpon the bargaining power of the two managements.
Management of the buying company has to convince the management of the
selling company that the sale is in the latter's interests. One has to look to the
alternative offers the selling company may be having. If the forecasts of
resources generated after merger show a brighter picture, a generous price offer
can be made. Nierenberg has discussed the steps in defining (i) the range within
which the terms may be offered and (ii) other party's position. The steps
involved in defining one's own position are:
Study of relevant information and forecasts to identify the maximum price
and the mode of payment.
Incorporation of non-price terms in the final contract.
Formulation of alternative course of actions and their implications with
Awareness of company's stand on ethics. integrity and honesty.
Review of the related factors like timing of the negotiations, the person to
negotiate and so on.
Steps in estimating the selling company's position are:
Identify the alternatives that may be open to this company regarding price
and the mode of payment.
Substantiate or cross-check the information.
Review the assumptions by approaching the problem from the seller's point
of view.
Identify the factors that could be important to the other company.



Once the analysis of current and projected performance of the company based
on existing strategies and the assessment of desired performance is done, the
strategic gap is identified. Strategic alternatives are then generated to bridge the
gap if the projected performance in future falls short of the expected or desired
performance. A number of alternatives may be possible but only one or a few of
them may finally be accepted as a strategy or strategies for future. "Strategic
choice is the decision to select from among the alternative strategies
considered, the strategy that will meet the enterprise's objectives. The decision
involves focussing on few alternatives, considering the selection factors,
evaluating the alternatives against these criteria, and making the actual choice".
The process of narrowing down a large number of possible strategic
alternatives starts with the consideration of strategic gap. Strategic gap is the
perceived difference between the targeted performance and projected
performance following the present strategies. Strategic gap could be very
narrow or quite large. If the perceived gap is narrow or the projected
performance is likely to be better than targeted, one would expect that the
stability strategy would be followed. A large gap could be caused by increase in
targeted level of performance or the adverse changes in the environment which
would lead to poor performance in future from the present strategies. In the
former case the strategic gap may be said to be positive while in the latter it is
negative. One would expect the growth strategy to be followed in case of large
positive strategic gap and retrenchment strategy in case the strategic gap is
negative and 1arge. A large positive gap is likely to occur due to environmental
opportunities and a large negative gap due to environmental threats. It must be


noted that the importance of leadership in any situation cannot be

underestimated. The same environment may be viewed by one as threatening
and by another as providing an opportunity. Thus a large positive strategic gap
is more likely to be associated with dynamic leadership which may have
substantially higher aspiration levels of performance. The transformational type
of leaders will, in all probability, have a large positive strategic gap.
Like environmental conditions, the strengths and weakness of the organization
also determine the strategic alternatives to be considered. If the internal
analysis shows strength, the growth strategies are more likely to be considered.
Organizational weaknesses may push for retrenchment strategies.
The vehicle for effecting the strategy is likely to be internal if the gap is small
or large positive. It is likely to be external if the gap is very large as the
organization may find it difficult to cope with the demands of implementation
following internal approach. Same is the case with relatedness of strategies.
It is to be noted that while in small organizations and in some medium size
organizations, only one of the strategies may be followed. In large, complex,
multi-product / business orgamsations a combination of strategies is most
It is worth mentioning that there are certain sectoral patterns observed in terms
of strategies. In a recent study it was found that compared to public sector
companies and multinationals in India, large domestic private sector companies
tend to prefer growth strategies. There are also instances of domestic private
sector companies growing more than either the public sector companies or
The high growth strategies followed by such companies may be attributed to
the philosophy of encashing the environmental opportunities. It has also be
observed that due to obvious reasons public sector enterprises and
multinationals in India tend to follow related diversification more than
unrelated diversification.
Various approaches can be helpful in the selection of strategy, one such
approach is the Product Life Cycle approach.
Product life cycle describes the hypothetical passage of a product/service
through a series of stages, namely, the embryonic (introduction), growth,
maturity and decline.


Product life cycle is a useful concept in the selection of a strategy. The business
strategy at different stages of the product life cycle would be different. For
instance, in the growth phase huge investment in plant and machinery would be
required. While in the decline phase it would be otherwise. In the embryonic
stage the R&D requires significant attention and resources while in the maturity
phase low cost efficient process requires more emphasis. Besides the
appropriate functional strategies, the product life cycle approach also suggests
appropriate overall strategy, It also helps us in timing the change in strategy
and in assessing whether the corporate portfolio is balanced so that new
products would be introduced while others pass through growth to maturity
In previous sections we have discussed how a firm could reduce the number of
possible alternatives to a reasonable level. The choice of strategy as emerging
from the process of narrowing down the alternatives is moderated by several
managerial factors discussed below.
Managerial attitudes towards risk vary from ' 'high risk to, risk-aversion. If the
attitude is that cif risk aversion then the stability strategy is likely to be
accepted. If it is that of high risk taking, the growth strategy even with external
change (acquisitions & mergers) may be pursued. Balanced attitudes are likely
to favour combination strategies. The attitude towards risk also depends upon
the stakes involved. If the whole of the firm is at stake, the risk assessment,
would be different than if only a part was at stake.
Another factor that influences managerial choice is the awareness about how
strategies have worked in the past. The development of strategy builds up on
past strategy. According to Mintzberg 1, the past strategies tend to become
programmed and bureaucratic momentum keeps it going, and when the
strategies begin to fail due to changing conditions, there is a tendency to graft
new strategies onto the old ones. In many cases, therefore, more strategic
changes are likely to come when the new chief executive or top management
takes over.
Perceived external dependence too has an effect on the strategy. Many
company's product lines are restricted by the technology e.g., most Indian
companies bank on foreign collaboration. Aggressive growth strategies,
therefore, depend technology available for import. Indeed, the very choice of
business by a firm in India at any time is determined by the technology it could


manage to import. Similarly most Indian companies depend on borrowed funds

and changes in credit policies influence the choice of strategy.
The timing of choice is also a very important factor. Many strategies are bound
by time. If delayed, the strategic alternative may not remain available. For
instance, if the government decides to give licences for a particular product,
they may be available only for a short period. If government approves import of
technology it does not open the gate once for all. If the decision is delayed the
licences may go to other companies and no more licenses may be available. If
the company wants to increase market share by upgrading technology through
imports, it may not have the opportunity open for ever.
The strategic selection process may not necessarily be a rational process
always. More often than not, it is a political process. The power relationships in
the organization at times have a very important bearing on strategic choices.
The political process may even influence the objectives (criteria for choice) arid
the way analytical approaches are used and interpreted. In Mintzberg's view the
values and goals of key managers must be analysed, considered and
incorporated in the choice process. The political process has overriding
influence in as much as 30 per cent of the time. It is not a question of choice but
is one of pragmatism. The strategies not acceptable to key managers are
unlikely to be implemented successfully.
Perhaps the most important influence on strategic choice process is the key
managers' perception of the ability of the organization to implement the
strategy. The implementation involves management of change and matching of
several intricate factors. The demands of implementation to ensure proper
matching among the structure, the skills, the style, the staff the shared values,
and the strategy, are of administrative and creative nature. The assessment of
the task of implementation and the skills available for change is quite difficult
and subjective. The managers therefore tend to select strategies which put little
demands on them in terms of effecting implementation. It is perhaps this factor
which explains why many organizations do not go for high growth strategies
and defer even retrenchment strategy from consideration.
Companies use four basic strategies to enter and compete in the international
environment which are discussed below. Each of these strategies has its
advantages and disadvantages.


International Strategy
Companies that pursue an international strategy create value by transferring
valuable skills and products to foreign markets where local competitors lack
those skills and products. Most international companies have created value by
transferring differentiated product offerings developed at home to new markets
overseas. Consequently, they tend to centralise product development functions
in their home country. However, they also tend to establish manufacturing and
marketing functions in each major country in which they do business. Although
they may undertake some local custornisation of product offering and
marketing strategy, this tends to be limited in scope. Ultimately, in most
international companies the head quarters retains tight control over marketing
and product strategy.
An international strategy makes sense if a company has valuable unique
competencies that local competitors in foreign markets lack and if the company
faces relatively weak pressures for local responsiveness and cost reductions. In
such situations, an international strategy can be very profitable. However, when
pressures for local responsiveness are high, companies pursuing this strategy
lose out to companies that place a greater emphasis on custornising the product
offering and market strategy to local conditions. Furthermore, because of the
duplication of manufacturing facilities, companies that pursue an international
strategy tend to incur high operating costs. Therefore, this strategy is often
unsuitable for industries in which cost pressures are high.
Multidomestic Strategy
Companies pursuing a multidomestic strategy orient themselves toward
achieving maximum local responsiveness. As with companies pursuing an
international strategy they tend to transfer skills and products developed at
home to foreign markets. However, unlike international companies,
multidomestic companies extensively customise both their product offering and
their marketing strategy to different national environments. Consistent with this
approach, they also tend to establish a complete set of activities - including
production, marketing, and R&D in each major national market in which they
do business. As a result, they generally do not realise value from
experience-curve effects and location advantages and, therefore, often have a
high cost structure.
A multidornestic, strategy makes most sense when there are high pressures for
local responsiveness and low pressures for cost reductions. The high cost
structure associated with the replication of production facilities makes this
strategy inappropriate in industries in which cost pressures are intense. Another
limitation of this strategy is that many multidomestic companies have


developed into decentralised groupings in which each national subsidiary

functions in a largely autonomous manner. As a result, after some time they
begin to lose the ability to transfer the skills and products derived from
distinctive competencies to their various national, subsidiaries around the
Companies that follow a global strategy focus on increasing profitability by
reaping the benefits of cost reductions that come from experience-curve effects
and location economics. That is, they are pursuing a low-cost strategy. The
various activities such as production, marketing, and R&D of companies
pursuing a global strategy are concentrated in a few favourable locations.
Global companies do not tend to customise their product offering and
marketing strategy to local conditions. This is because custornization raises
costs because it involves shorter production runs and the duplication of
functions. Instead, global companies prefer to market a standardized product
worldwide so that they can reap the maximum benefits from the economies of
scale that lie behind the experience curve. This strategy makes sense in those
cases in which there are strong pressures for cost reductions and where
demands for local responsiveness are minimal. These conditions exist in many
industries manufacturing industrial goods.
Transnational Strategy
Companies whose operations are spread across several locations worldwide and
are not confined to any country or a region and which pursue low cost and
product differentiation at the same time are referred to as transnational
companies. In essence, transnational companies operate on a global level while
maintaining a high level of local responsiveness. A transnational strategy
makes sense when a company faces high pressures for cost reductions and high
pressures for local responsiveness. Companies that pursue a transnational
strategy basically try to achieve low-cost and differentiation advantages
simultaneously. Although this strategy looks attractive, in practice it is a
difficult strategy to pursue. Pressures for local responsiveness and cost
reductions place conflicting demands on a company. Local responsiveness
raises costs, which clearly makes cost reductions difficult to achieve. Although
a transnational strategy apparently offers the most advantages, it should be
remembered that implementing it raises difficult organizational issues. The
appropriateness of each strategy depends on the relative strength of pressures
for cost reductions and for local responsiveness.



There is an often told story of a person new to a company asking an
experienced co-worker what an employee should do when a customer calls. The
old-timer responded: "There are three ways to do any work. Do the job - the
right way, the wrong way, and the company way. Around here, we always do
things the company way." In most organizations, the "company way" is derived
from the corporation's culture. Corporate culture is the collection of beliefs,
expectations, and values learned and shared by a corporation's members and
transmitted from one generation of employees to another. The corporate culture
generally reflects the values of the founder(s) and the mission of the firm. It
gives a company a sense of identity: This is who we are. This is what we do.
This is what westand for. The culture includes the dominant orientation of the
company, such as research and development at Hewlett-Packard, customer
service at Xerox Corp, or product quality at TVS Group. It often includes a
number of informal work rules (forming the "company way") that employees
follow without question. These work practices over time become part of a
company's unquestioned tradition. Corporate culture has two distinct attributes,
intensity and integration. Cultural intensity is the degree to which members of a
unit accept the norms, values, or other culture content associated with the unit.
This shows the culture's depth. Organizations with strong norms promoting a
particular value, such as quality at TVS, have intensive cultures, whereas new
firms (or those in transition) have weaker, less intensive cultures. Employees in
an intensive culture tend to exhibit consistent behavior, that is, they tend to act
similarly over time. Cultural integration is the extent to which units throughout
an organization share a common culture. This is the culture's breadth.
Organizations with a pervasive dominant culture may be hierarchically
controlled and power oriented, such as a military unit, and have highly
integrated cultures. All employees tend to hold the same cultural values and
norms. In contrast, a company that is structured into diverse units by functions
or divisions usually exhibits some strong subcultures (for example, R&D versus
manufacturing) and a less integrated corporate culture. Corporate culture
fulfills several important functions in an organization:
1. Conveys a sense of identity for employees
2. Helps generate employee commitment to something greater than themselves
3. Adds to the stability of the 3rganization as a social system
4. Serves as a frame of reference for employees to use to make sense out of
organizational activities and to use as a guide for appropriate behavior
Corporate culture shapes the behavior of people in the corporation. Because
these cultures have a powerful influence on the behavior of people at all levels,


they can strongly affect a corporation's ability to shift its strategic direction. A
strong culture should not only promote -survival, but it should also create the
basis for a superior. competitive position. For example, a culture emphasizing
constant renewal may help a company adapt to a changing, hypercompetitive
environment. To the extent that a corporation's distinctive competence is
embedded in an organizations culture, it will be a form of tacit knowledge and
very difficult for a competitor to imitate.
A change in mission, objectives, strategies, or policies is not likely to be
successful if it is in opposition to the accepted culture of the firm.
Foot-dragging and even sabotage may result as employees fight to resist a
radical change in corporate philosophy. Like structure, if an organization's
culture is compatible with a new strategy, it is an internal strength. But if the
corporate culture is not compatible with the proposed strategy, it is a serious


The primary task of the manager of human resources is to improve the match
between individuals and jobs. A good HRM department should know how to
use attitude surveys and other feedback devices to assess employees'
satisfaction with their jobs and with the corporation as a whole. HRM managers
should also use job analysis to obtain job description information about what
each job needs to accomplish in terms of quality and quantity. Up-to-date job
descriptions are essential not only for proper employee selection, appraisal,
training, and development for wage and salary administration, and for labor
negotiations, but also for summarizing the corporate wide human resources in
terms of employee-skill categories. Just as a company must know the number,
type, and quality of its manufacturing facilities, it must also know the kinds of
people it employs and the skills they possess. The best strategies are
meaningless if employees do not have the skills to carry them out or if jobs
cannot be designed to accommodate the available workers. Hewlett-Packard,
for example, uses employee profiles to ensure that it has the right mix of talents
to implement its planned strategies.
Evolution of H.R. Functions

Companies set up Industrial Relations depts. to respond to



Selection tools introduced selection of right candidate.


Focus on personal change; training groups and productivity.


1960s & 1970s Legal issues, compensation systems, pay for performance,
flexi- systems.


Move from people to systems, alignment of H.R. with

business strategy
Focus on organization and not people, team work and
organization, development of profession.
Emergence of knowledge worker.

Use of Teams
Management is beginning to realize that it must be more flexible in its
utilization of employees in order for human resources to be a strength. Human
resource managers, therefore, need to be knowledgeable about work options
such as part-time work, job sharing, flex-time, extended leaves, contract work,
and especially about the proper use of teams. Over two-thirds of large U.S.
companies are successfully using autonomous (self-managing) work teams in
which a group of people work together without a supervisor to plan, coordinate,
and evaluate their own work.16 Northern Telecom found productivity and
quality to increase with work teams to such an extent that it was able to reduce
the number of quality inspectors by 40%.
As a way to move a product more quickly through its development stage,
companies like Motorola, Chrysler, NCR, Boeing, and General Electric are
using cross-functional work teams. Instead of developing products in a series of
steps-beginning with a request from sales, which leads to design, then to
engineering and on to purchasing, and finally to manufacturing (and often
resulting in a costly product rejected by the customer) - companies are tearing
down the traditional walls separating the departments so that people from each
discipline can get involved in projects early on. In a process called concurrent
engineering, the once--isolated specialists now work side by side and compare
notes constantly in an effort to design cost-effective products with features
customers want. Taking this approach enabled Chrysler Corporation to reduce
its product development cycle from 60 to 36 months. For such cross-functional
work teams to be successful, the groups must receive training and coaching.
Otherwise, poorly implemented teams may worsen morale, create divisiveness,
and raise the level of cynicism among workers.


Importance of HRM Strategies

Corporate goals must factor in individual career growth.

Company profits must be linked to personal rewards.

Organizational learning must involve employee training.

Business strategies must consider human resource issues.

The successful organizations will be those that are able to quickly turn
strategy into action; to manage processes intelligently and efficiently; to
maximize employee contribution and commitment - Dave Ulrich.
Quality of Work Life and Human Diversity
Human resource departments have found that to reduce employee
dissatisfaction and unionization efforts (or, conversely, to improve employee
satisfaction and existing union relations), they must consider the quality of
work life in the design of jobs. Partially a reaction to the traditionally heavy
emphasis on technical and economic factors in job design, quality of work life
emphasizes improving the human dimension of work. The knowledgeable
human resource manager, therefore, should be able to improve the corporation's
quality of work life by adopting the following techniques(1) introducing participative problem solving,
(2) restructuring work,
(3) introducing innovative reward systems, and
(4) improving the work environment. It is hoped that these improvements will
lead to a more participative corporate culture and thus higher productivity and
quality products.
Human diversity refers to the mix in the workplace of people from different
races, cultures, and backgrounds. This is a hot issue in HRM. Realizing that the
demographics are changing toward an increasing percentage of minorities and
women in the U.S-workforce, companies are now concerned with hiring and
promoting people without regard to ethnic background. According to a study
reported by Fortune magazine, companies that pursue diversity outperform the
S&P 500. Good human resource managers should be working to ensure that
people are treated fairly on the job and not harassed by prejudiced coworkers or
managers. Otherwise, they may find themselves subject to lawsuits. Coca-Cola
Company, for example, agreed to pay $192.5 million because of discrimination


against African American salaried employees in pay, promotions, and

evaluations from 1995 and 2000. According to Chairman and CEO Douglas
Daft, "Sometimes things happen in an unintentional manner. And I've made it
clear that can't happen anymore."
An organization's human resources are especially important in today's world of
global communication and transportation systems. For example, on a visit to
China during Spring 2000, one of Coca Cola Company's executives was
challenged by Chinese reporters regarding the company's racial problems.
Advances in technology are copied almost immediately by competitors around
the world. People are not as willing to move to other companies in other
countries. This means that the only longterm resource advantage remaining to
corporations operating in the industrialized nations may lie in the area of skilled
human resources. Research does reveal that competitive strategies are more
successfully executed in those companies with a high level of commitment to
their employees than in those firms with less -commitment.
The different market structures have different view points with respect to
competition. In monopoly, competition is not fierce as the monopoly firm has
an advantage over other firms. This advantage may be in terms of product,
process, technology, etc. In case of monopolistic competition, all the firms try
to achieve this advantage so that they could be more successful than their
competitors. Firm's operations in oligopoly and duopoly market structures also
aim for sustainable competitive advantage to survive in the market.
In the short run, a firm's competitiveness derives from pricing or application
attributes of the products but in the long run, a firm's competitiveness derives
from its ability to develop and grow at low cost and at a faster pace than its
competitors. The most important point about competitive advantage is that
management must be able to integrate corporate wide technologies and
processes into competencies that provide a solid ground to the individual
business so that it could adopt quickly to the ever changing opportunities. Core
competence has been regarded as an effective way to help the organization in
the task of restructuring its products, markets, management, organizational
setup and technology in the complex and dynamic environment.
According to Prahalad and Hemal, core competence is the collective learning in
the organizations, especially how to coordinate diverse production skills and
integrate multiple streams of technologies. When the organization is faced with


competition in the market, it is the core competence which proves to be an asset

and which can be enhanced through application and sharing.
In all the market structures, price determination is an important strategy to win
competition but it is the core competence concept which focuses on the
preservation of firm's existing superior skills. For instance, a monopolist would
always like to remain a monopolist by continuously improving and enhancing
the product or service because of which it has hold over the market. On the
other hand, in monopolistic competitive market every firm tries to compete
through new ideas and strives to develop core competencies. With respect to
core competencies, Prahalad and Hernal provide the following key issues:

A core competence is one that provides access to various markets. For

example, a firm can operate as a monopolist in one business and can
operate in a monopolistic competitive market at the same time in other

A core competence should make a significant contribution to the perceived

customer the benefits of the end product. A core competence should be
difficult for competitors to initiate. For instance, a firm entering a
monopoly market may acquire some of the processes that comprise core
competency but it will not be easier to duplicate monopolist's pattern of
internal coordination.

In any market, sustainable competitive advantage plays a major role and

core competencies are nurtured so as to meet the turbulent environment and
improve and grow by grabbing the right opportunity at the right time.
Apart from core competence, the possible strategic alternative to have
sustainable competitive advantage for different market structures are as
Monopoly : Stability is the best strategic alternative. For strengthening the
position, vertical integration (either forward or backward) will be most
effective. If any competitor enters, mergers and acquisitions may be the
appropriate option.
Perfect Competition : The firm should not go for advertising or price
differentiation. concentration strategy will improve the economics of scale and
firm's sustainable competitive advantage will increase.
Monopolistic Competition : Advertising, quality control and branding are the
appropriate measures. Strategic alliances with respect to price may work.


Differentiation strategy may work. Diversification strategy may further enhance

the competitive strength.
Duopoly and Oligopoly : Wide variety of options are available. They may go
for diversification, integration, mergers, etc. They may look into promotional
strategies for better competitive advantage.
The different market structures adopt different pricing strategies. A few pricing
strategies help deterring the entry of competitors. They may also enhance
competitive strength and force some of the competitors to go for exit promoting
strategies. Various pricing strategies used by the firms in different market
structures have different implications. A few pricing strategies are narrated
1) Price Lining Strategy
In this kind of pricing strategy, the firm fixes the price of one product in the
total line of its products. For example, a firm producing dresses fixes up the
price of particular size and price of rest of the sizes is then fixed on the basis of
differences in sizes. This strategy eliminates those competitors who can not
compete on price.
2) Limit Pricing Strategy
For this strategy, some sort of collusion is necessary among existing firms. In
this, the firm may try to establish a price that reduces or eliminates the threat of
entry of new firms into the industry in which the firm operates. Normally,
oligopolist and firms operating in monopolistic competition go for this
3) Stay-out Pricing Strategy
When a firm is not able to ascertain the price of the product, it introduces the
product at a very high price. If it is not able to sell its product at this price, it
would lower the price and go on lowering it till it meets the targeted sales. With
the help of this strategy, the firm gets to know the maximum possible price it
can charge from its customers. Monopolists experiment this strategy to have
maximum profits. They are also not having any fear from competitors.
4) Psychological Pricing Strategy
Here, a firm fixes the price of its product in a manner which gives the
impression of being low. For example, if the price of the product is fixed at
Rs.199.99 rather than Rs.200, it has psychological impact on consumers that


price is in 100s rather than in 200s. This strategy may influence sales
sometimes. In monopolistic competition, this alternative may give better
5) Skimming Price
This strategy could be used in a market with sufficiently large segment whose
demand is relatively inelastic i.e. not sensitive to a high price. Another
condition for this strategy is that high price is unlikely to invite competition and
unit costs are relatively unaffected by small volume. The strategy implies
skimming the cream by taking advantage of the target markets willingness to
pay a high price. This strategy is discriminatory. It enhances the quality image.
In monopolistic competition and monopoly, this pricing strategy gives results.
6) Penetration Price
This strategy requires a highly price sensitive market with high price elasticity.
It is characterised by low price which is likely to discourage competition. The
policy is to charge low price so as to stimulate demand and capture large share
of the market.
There are various other strategies as well like sliding down the demand curve,
premium pricing, fraction below competition, price discrimination and put-out
pricing. A firm can use any of these strategies to compete in the market.
Different strategies could be used at different time periods by the same firm as
per the conditions.
Marketing strategy deals with pricing, selling, and distributing a product. Using
a market development strategy, a company or business unit can (1) capture a
larger share of an existing market for current products through market
saturation and market penetration or (2) develop new markets for current
products. Consumer product giants such as Procter & Gamble,
Colgate-Palmolive, and Unilever are experts at using advertising and promotion
to implement a market saturation/penetration strategy to gain the dominant
market share in a product category. As seeming masters of the product life
cycle, these companies are able to extend product life almost indefinitely
through "new and improved" variations of product and packaging that appeal to
most market niches. These companies also follow the second market
development strategy by taking a successful product they market in one part of
the world and marketing it elsewhere. Noting the success of their presoak
detergents in Europe, for example, both P&G and Colgate successfully


introduced this type of laundry product to North America under the trade names
of Biz and Axion.
Using the product development strategy, a company or unit can (1) develop
new products for existing markets or (2) develop new products for new
markets. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) has had
great success following the first product development strategy by developing
new products to sell to its current customers. Acknowledging the widespread
appeal of its Amul brand dairy products, the company generated new uses for
its dairy business by introducing ice-cream and Desserts, health drinks, soups
etc. Using a successful brand name to market other products is called line
extension and is a good way to appeal to a company's current customers.
There are numerous other marketing strategies. For advertising and promotion,
for example, a company or business unit can choose between a "push" or a
"pull" marketing strategy. Many large food and consumer products companies
in India have followed a push strategy by spending a large amount of money on
trade promotion in order to gain or hold shelf space in retail outlets. Trade
promotion includes discounts, in-store speci4l offers, and advertising
allowances designed to "push" products through the distribution system. The
Kellogg Company recently decided to change its emphasis from a push to a pull
strategy, in which advertising "pulls" the products through the distribution
channels. The company now spends more money on consumer advertising
designed to build brand awareness so that shoppers will ask for the products.
Research has indicated that a high level of advertising (a key part of a pull
strategy) is most beneficial to leading brands in a market.
Other marketing strategies deal with distribution and pricing. Should a
company use distributors and dealers to sell its products or should it sell
directly to mass merchandisers? Using both channels simultaneously can lead
to problems. In order to increase the sales of its lawn tractors and mowers, for
example, John Deere decided to sell the products not only through its current
dealer network, but also through mass merchandisers like Home Depot. Deere's
dealers,. however, were furious. They considered Home Depot to be a key
competitor. The dealers were concerned that Home Depot's ability to under
price them would eventually l6d to their becoming little more than repair
facilities for their competition and left with insufficient sales to stay in
business. Most of the leading consumer durable firms in India follow this
strategy of using simultaneous channels.
When pricing a new product, a company or business unit can follow one of two
strategies. For new product pioneers, skim pricing offers the opportunity to


"skim the cream" from the top of the demand curve with a high price while the
product is novel and competitors are few. Penetration pricing, in contrast,
attempts to hasten market development and offers the pioneer the opportunity
to use the experience curve to gain market share with a low price and dominate
the industry. Depending on corporate and business unit objectives and
strategies, either of these choices may be desirable to a particular company or
unit. Penetration pricing is, however, more likely than skim pricing to raise a
unit's operating profit in the long term.
The marketing manager is the company's primary link to the customer and the
competition. The manager, therefore, must be especially concerned with the
market position and marketing mix of the firm.
Market Position and Segmentation
Market position deals with the question, "Who are our customers?" It refers to
the selection of specific areas for marketing concentration and can be expressed
in terms of market, product, and geographical locations. Through market
research, corporations are able to practice market segmentation with various
products or services so that managers can discover what niches to seek, which
new types of products to develop, and how to ensure that a company's many
products do not directly compete with one another.

Market Before Segmentation

Market Segmented into 3 groups

Completely Segment Market


Techniques of Market Segmentation:

Geographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation

Socio-graphic Segmentation

Psychographic Segmentation

Behaviouristic Segmentation

Product Segmentation

Benefit Segmentation

Multi-attribute Segmentation (geoclustering)

Status Segmentation
Marketing Mix
The marketing mix refers to the particular combination of key variables under
the corporation's control that can be used to affect demand and to gain
competitive advantage. These variables are product, place, promotion, and
price. Within each of these four variables and several subvariables, that should
be analyzed in terms of their effects on divisional and corporate performance.
Product Mix

Promotion Mix

Each of these four marketing variables are followed by different sub-variable,

for eg.
The product variable has tangible and intangible components of sub-varaibles.


Tangible components


Intangible components
Brand Name

Similar sub-variables can be traced while analyzing price related factors,

promotional factors and physical distribution factors.



The word Finance is derived from the French word Finer meaning thereby to
pay, settle or finish. It is a science of money. It is the means of payment in
business. A business needs funds at every step to set up a business and even to
close the business. A business needs funds from cradle to its grave. Corporate
financial strategy embraces all theories, procedures, institutions, instruments,
problems and policies that are involved in the acquisition and use of money by
business enterprises.
Financial strategy examines the financial implications of corporate and
business-level strategic options and identifies the best financial course of
action. It can also provide competitive advantage through a lower cost of funds
and a flexible ability to raise capital to support a business strategy. Financial
strategy usually attempts to maximize the financial value of the firm.
The tradeoff between achieving the desired debt-to-equity ratio and relying on
internal long-term financing via cash flow is a key issue in financial strategy.
Many small- and medium-sized companies try to avoid all external sources of
funds in order to avoid outside entanglements and to keep control of the
company within the family. Many financial analysts believe, however, that only
by financing through long-term debt can a corporation use financial leverage to
boost earnings per share, thus raising stock price and the overall value of the
company. Research indicates that higher debt levels not only deter takeover by
other firms (by making the company less attractive), but also leads to improved
productivity and improved cash flows by forcing management to focus on core
Research reveals that a firm's financial strategy is influenced by its corporate
diversification strategy. Equity financing, for example, is preferred for related
diversification while debt financing is preferred for unrelated diversification. "
The recent trend away from unrelated to related acquisitions explains why the
number of acquisitions being paid for entirely with stock increased from only
2% in 1988 to 50% in 1998.
A very popular financial strategy is the Leveraged Buy Out (LBO). In a
leveraged buy out, a company is acquired in a transaction financed largely by
debt-usually obtained from a third party, such as an insurance company or an
investment banker. Ultimately the debt is paid with money generated from the
acquired company's operations or by sales of its assets. The acquired company,
in effect, pays for its own acquisition! Management of the LBO is then under
tremendous pressure to keep the highly leveraged company profitable.


Unfortunately the huge amount of debt on the acquired company's books may
actually cause its eventual decline by focusing management's attention on
short-term matters. One study of LBOs (also called MBOs-Management Buy
Outs) revealed that the financial performance of the typical LBO usually falls
below the industry average in the fourth year after the buy out. The firm
declines because of inflated expectations, utilization of all slack, management
burnout, and a lack of strategic management. Often the only solution is to go
public once again by selling stock to finance growth.
The management of dividends to shareholders is an important part of a
corporations financial strategy. Corporations in fast-growing industries such as
computers and computer software often do not declare dividends. They use the
money they might have spent on dividends to finance rapid growth. If the
company is successful, its growth in sales and profits is reflected in a higher
stock price-eventually resulting in a hefty capital gain when shareholders sell
their common stock. Other corporations that do not face rapid growth must
support the value of their stock by offering generous and consistent dividends.
A financial strategy being used by large established corporations to highlight a
high-growth business unit in a popular sector of ihe stock market is to establish
a tracking stock. A tracking stock is a type of common stock tied to one portion
of a corporations business. This strategy allows established companies to
highlight a high-growth business without selling the business. By keeping the
unit as a subsidiary with its common stock separately identified, the corporation
is able to keep control of the subsidiary and yet allow the subsidiary the ability
to fund its own growth with outside money. It goes public as an IPO and pays
dividends based on the unit's performance. Because the tracking stock is
actually an equity interest in the parent company (not the subsidiary), another
company cannot acquire the subsidiary by buying its shares.



The organization structure refers to established pattern of relationship among
the components or parts of an organization. It is through the structure that the
various parts of an organization are interrelated or interlinked. Organization
structure involves issues such as division of work among various units or
departments, and the coordination of activities to accomplish organizational


The organization has to be designed according to the needs of the strategy

implementation. Any changes in corporate strategy may require some changes
in the organization structure and in the skills required in certain positions.
Managers must, therefore closely examine the way their company is structured
in order to decide what ( if any ), changes should be made in the way work is
Although it is agreed that the organizational structure must change with
environment conditions, which in turn, affect an organizational strategy, there
is no agreement about an optimal structural design. What was appropriate for
DuPont and General Motors in the 1920s might not be appropriate today. Firms
in the same industry do, however, tend to organize themselves likewise. For
instance, automobile firms tend to emulate General Motors divisional concept,
whereas consumer good firms tend to adopt the brand-management concept
introduced by Proctor & Gamble. The general conclusion seems to be that
following similar strategies in similar industries tend to adopt similar
Structural Mechanism to implement strategy
The implementation of strategy requires performance of tasks. To perform taks
, there should be various structural mechanism. The structural mechanism help
to undertake the various activities required to implement the strategy. The
various structural mechanism can be broadly divided into two groups :
A. Organizational Structure
B. Organizational Systems
A. Organizational Structure
In order to implement strategy, an organization must :
Identify the major tasks required to implement strategy
Group the tasks into departments or units
Make arrangement of necessary resources to undertake tasks
Assign the duties to employees
Define and delegate the authority and responsibility
Establish superior-subordinate relationship
Provide a system of coordination of interlink the various tasks
The above process would lead to creation of a structure. A firm must design a
suitable structure to undertake activities required to implement strategy. The
structure may range from simple organization structure to a major complex one
matrix or network structure. The type of structure depends upon :
The size of the organization
The number of product lines
The number of plants or factories


The number of markets local, national or international

A simple organization structure, i.e., line organization structure is suitable for
small organization having concentrating on one or few products and is
restricted to local market. A functional organizational structure is suitable to
organization that grow in size from the original entrepreneurial firm. As the
business expands in diverse produce lines, the organization may adopt the
strategic business unit structure, where each division is functionally
independent to manage its performance. Some complex organization with multi
plans and multi products may adopt the matrix organization or the network
B. Organizational system
These are many types of organizational systems each one playing its own role
in the implementation of a strategy. An organization has to perform a preset
tasks in order to achieve the goals and objectives. It is therefore very important
to evolve systems that will combine these divisions and departments in a well
coordinated way. Communications between various sections are also
specifically laid down.
1. Information System
For any strategy to be properly implemented, communication channels are
essential so that information from one manager can be sent to another. The
structure of the organization divides the total responsibility of the whole
organization while the information system is required to co-ordinate the
responsibility that has been divided sectional wise. Information system is
essential to enable the manager to get the necessary information required to
perform his task effectively. It is also known as Management Information
System. It is a link between various activities within the organization so that
they can be effectively performed.
Strategies should be aware of the effects of the strategic changes on the
requirements of the information system because this information system
provides the base of the administration and design of the other
organizational systems.
2. Motivation System
The motivation system is essential as it plays a positive role in getting the
desired and required behaviour of an individual or a group of individuals.
This is required so tat managers are encouraged to work efficiently and
effectively towards the achievement of the corporate goals.
An organization comprises of different types of individuals, from all walks
of life , from different backgrounds and cultures. The individual objectives


of the organizational members may not be consistent with the objectives of

the organization. This hence requires a system of motivation through the
system incentives
Strategists have to deal with all the issues related to the design and
administration of the motivation system which induce the desired positive
behaviour from an individual.
3. Control System
The main function of the control system is to enforce a particular desired
behaviour. Here the top management measures the performance of each
section / departments and determines corrective action on those that are
away from the duration. This is done keeping in view the goals and
objectives of the company so that they can effectively attained.
The management evaluates the performance against some pre-set standards.
Controls thus enables the implementation of the strategy to be adopted
according to predetermined plans.
A control system is required only when the owner-manger cannot do all the
work himself. Hence he allocated the responsibility to another individual. In
order to ensure that the other person does the work properly, controls are
necessary. Controls are devices to enforce strategic behaviour so that the
organization can operate as one entity towards a preset goal.
4. Appraisal System
The appraisal system is required to evaluate the performance of an
individual / section so that the required behaviour can be made best use of.
This system evaluates an individuals / sections / management performance
with respect to the organizational objectives. It serves as an auditing system.
It is through appraisal that personal salary, rewards, promotions are fixed.
It is very important to have a proper mix of qualitative and quantitative
factors so that the appraisal of an individual / section can be viewed as a
The person who does the appraisal of another should not have close contact
with that other person. It is only then that he will be able to evaluate the
performance of the other individual /section. Appraisal should be done at
regular intervals and not yearly just before the yearly increments /
promotion. In the case of committees appointed for a specific assignment,
appraisal is done at the completion of that assignment.
5. Planning Systems
Planning systems are essential for the formulation of the strategy only. In
some companies planning of strategies are done as a staff function and they
provide the strategies to the line personnel to be executed. In other


companies those managers who are responsible for the achievement of the
goals are also part of the formulation of plans. This is essential as they alone
will know which plan / goal is feasible and will try their best to achieve their
targets. Thus when these managers are consulted in the formulation of
targets and plans the successful implementation of these targets enchanced.
Planning systems can work in a centralized manger in the case of an
entrepreneurial firm but in case of a very large organization a decentralized
one will be more successful with the active participation of all the divisional
Thus it is important to adapt the planning system according to the strategy
being implemented.
6. Development Systems
Development of skills, knowledge of top management is a must in todays
fast competitive world. Here the systematic improvement of the attitude,
skills, knowledge, performance of top managers is done systematically
through class sessions, seminar and out stations trips. Career planning of
managers to prepare them for future strategic tasks. This is required as if the
managers are unhappy, then their unhappiness can percolate to those in his
section also. These managers should also be updated with the latest
development in the organization. This is done through training and
education of managers through internal and external training programme.
Changes in strategy often require changes in the way an organization is
structured for two major reasons. First, structure largely dictates how objectives
and policies will be established. For example, objectives and policies
established under a geographical organizational structure are couched in
geographic terms. Objectives and policies are stated largely in terms of
products in an organization whose structure is based on product groups. The
structural format for developing objectives and policies can significantly impact
all other strategy-implementation activities.
The second major reason why changes in strategy often require changes in
structure is that structure dictates how resources will be allocated. If an
organization structure is based on customer groups, then resources will be
allocated in that manner. Similarly, if an organizations structure is set up along
functional business lines, then resources are allocated for functional areas.
Unless new or revised strategies place emphasis in the same areas as old


strategies, structural reorientation commonly becomes a part of strategy

Changes in strategy lead to changes in organizational structure. Structure
should be designed to facilitate the strategic pursuit of a firm and therefore,
follows strategy. Without a strategy or reasons for being ( mission ), companies
find it difficult to design an effective structure.
There is no optimal organizational design or structure for a given strategy or
type of organization. What is appropriate for an organization may not be
appropriate for a similar firm, although successful firm in a given industry do
tend to organize themselves in a similar way. For example, consumer goods
companies tend to emulate the divisional structure by product form of
organization. Small firms tend to functionally structured ( centralized )
Medium sized firms tend to be divisionally structured ( decentralized ). Large
firms tend to use a SBU ( Strategic business unit ) or Matrix structure. As
organization grow, their structures generally change from simple to complex as
a result of concatenation, or the linking together of several basic strategies.
Numerous external and internal forces affect an organization ; no firm could
change its structure in response to every one of these forces, because to do so
would lead to chaos.





Successful companies tend to follow a pattern of structural development as they

grow and expand. Beginning with the simple structure used by entrepreneurial
firm characterized decision making moves on to divisional structure to mange
different product lines. The following are the different stages in organizational
development and strategy structure:
Stage I : Simple Structure
Stage I firms are small enterprises managed by the founder. The entrepreneur
makes all the important decisions and is involved in every detail and phase of
the organization. The strategies adopted may be of expansion type. The greatest
advantage of Stage I firm are its flexibility and dynamism. The greatest
disadvantages is its extreme reliance on the entrepreneur to decide general
strategies as well as detailed procedures. The problems of managing the
organization all by himself and therefore, he may go for functional structure.


Advantages of such firms are:

Since there is only one decision maker, the decisions are taken faster.
Quick and timely on the spot decisions are taken depending on the
environmental changes and competition.
These firms are very simple in nature.
These firms are very informal in nature.
Disadvantages of such firms are :
Since the owner has to do nearly everything including taking decisions
has time can be demanded by almost everyone. He concentrates so much
on day to day activities that major expansion decisions are left pending.
When the owner is on holiday or such the firms operations usually fall
due to lack of supervision. Excessive reliance on the owner.
Future expansion only depends on the owners ability to invest money.
Stage II : Functional Structure
Stage II is the point when a team of managers who have functional
specializations replaces the entrepreneur. The transition to this stage requires a
substantial managerial style change for the chief executive, especially if he was
the Stage I entrepreneur. He must learn to delegate, otherwise having a team of
managers bring no benefit.
organizational structure is functional type divided into various
departments such as finance, marketing, personnel and production. There can
be further departmentalization such as area wise , process wise product wise,
etc. depending upon the size and business operations. The strategies is adopted
may range from stability to expansion. The greatest advantages is that the firm
can effectively concentrate and specialize in one industry. However,
concentration in one industry may not help the firm, as it may no longer remain
attractive. Therefore, firm may move in diversified product lines.
Advantages of such firms are :
The day to routine work is delegated to people thus the owner/chief
executive can concentrate on strategic business decisions.
Efficient distribution of work through specialization. Hence work is done


Disadvantages of such firms are :

Co-ordination between different departments is difficult. Everyone wants
to work in watertight compartments.
Line and staff departments usually conflicts.
This creates specialists which results in narrow spscialisation.
Stage III : Divisional Structure / Departmental Structure
As a small organization grow, it has more difficulty managing different
products and services in different markets. Some form of divisional structure
generally becomes necessary to motivate employees, control operations and
compete successfully in diverse locations.
The functional structure may not work well for large firms with diverse product
lines. Managers managing diversified product lines need more decision making
powers than the top management is willing to provide to them. The company
needs to move to a different structure, i e. divisional structure. Each division is
semi-autonomous and linked to the headquarters but functionally independent.
Divisional Structure is the result of grouping of jobs, processes and resources
into logical units to perform some organizational task. Large organizations
divides its organizational structure into units and sub-units so as to effectively
and efficiently plan, organize, direct and control its activities to achieve desired
Strcuture Divided On The Basis Of Functions
General Manager

Area wise Division of Structure
General Manager




Product wise Division of Structure

General Manager




Product A

Product B

Prouct C

Product D

Process wise Division of Structure

General Manager





In 1970s and 1980s divisions of large organizations have been developed into
Strategic Business Units (SBU) to better reflect product marker considerations.
Each SBU may look after the production and marketing of a particular product
/ brand or a group of products / brands. The units are not tightly controlled but
are held responsible for the their own performance. The greatest advantages of
a Stage III firm is its almost unlimited resources. Its greatest weakness is that
it is usually so large and complex that it tends to become relatively inflexible.
General Motors, Ford Motors, and DuPont are Stage III corporations. The
strategies adopted may range from stability and expansion.
The advantages of such firms are :
This structure encourages the grouping of various functions which are
required for the performance of activities with respect to a particular
Here the top management can concentrate on strategic business policies
and decisions while the day to day operations are conducted by those in
the lower rung of the ladder.
This structure generates quick response to environmental changes
affecting the businesses of different divisions.
The Disadvantages are:
Company overheads increase duplication of work in each unit is also
Policy inconsistencies between the different divisions.
The divisional structure can be organized in one of 4 ways :
By Geographic Area
By Customer
By Product or Service
By Process


a. Geographic area based structure

This type of structure is appropriate of organizations whose strategies
need to be tailored to fit the particular needs and characteristics of customers
of different geographic area. This type of structure can be most appropriate for
organizations that have similar branch facilities located in widely dispersed
areas. It allows local participation in decision marking and improved
coordination within a region.
b. Customer-based Structure
In some organization, divisions are made according to the customers
serviced. The reason behind dividing according to customers so that exclusive
and more priority attention can be given to top customers.
A customer based structure offers are employing market orientation to
serve customers better, use of specialized skills specially in marketing
and timely response to changing customer need
Top clients with big billing can be given exclusive treatment and
attention to service them better.
Differentiate treatment to different customers of the company
c. Product based structure
The activities are grouped according to the product lines followed by the
organization. Such a requirement is essential when the strategy adopted
requires exclusive attention to a particular product ( may be a new one ) or one
is the declining stage.
Expansion and diversification strategies may require a product based
structure as it facilitates the addition of deletion of product divisions.
d. Process based structure
Here the activities are organized according to the way work is actually
performed. An example of a divisional structure by process is a manufacturing
business organized into six divisions : electrical work, glass cutting, welding ,
grinding, painting and foundry work. In this case, all operations related to these
specific processes would be grouped under the separate divisions.
Stage IV : Strategic Business Unit (SUB):
The SBU structure groups similar divisions into strategic business units
and delegates authority and responsibility for each unit to a senior executive


who reports directly to the chief executive officer. This change in strategy can
facilitate strategy implementation by improving coordination between similar
divisions and channeling accountability to distinct business units.
An SBU has three characteristics:
It is a single business or collection of related business that can be
planned separately from the rest of the company.
It has its own set of competition.
It has a manager who is responsible for strategic planning and profit
performance and who controls most of the factors affecting profit.
The purpose of identifying the companys strategic business units is to assign to
these units strategic planning goals and appropriate tending. These units send
their plans to company headquarters which approves them and sends them back
for revision. The head office reviews these plans in order to decide which of its
Sharplin explains SBU as any part of a business organization which is treated
separately for strategic management purpose. When companies face difficulty
due to its high complexity of operations size, different areas of operation etc.
the top management cannot control the whole company. Here the concept of
SBU is helpful in creating an SBU organizational structure.
The advantages of SBU are :
Establishes co-ordination between divisions having common strategic
Facilitates strategic management and control of large , diverse
Fixes accountability at very distinct business units.
The Disadvantages are:
There are too many different SBUs to handle affectively in a large
diverse organizations.
Difficulty in assigning responsibility and defining autonomy for SBU
By adding another layer of management it means it takes longer to take a
corporate decision.
Stage V : Matrix Structure:
This type of organization structure was first developed in the United States in
the early 1960s to solve management problems emerging in the aerospace
industry. It uses two or more co-existing structures. It can combine project
organization with functional organization structure. In such a structure the


project managers work in close and co-operation with functional or

departmental heads. Authority of departmental heads flows downwards, and the
authority of the project manager flows across, thereby forming a grid or
rectangular array and is called Matrix Structure.
Dept A


Dept B

Dept C

Dept D





Matrix Management is also known as product management/ market

management organization. Companies that produce many products flowing into
many markets face a dilemma. They could use a product management system
which requires product managers to be familiar with highly divergent markets.
A matrix organization would seem desirable in a multi-product, multi- market
company. Such a type of structure is created by assigning functional specialists,
who normally work in a department in their area of specialization to work on a
special project or a new product or service. For the duration of the project, the
specialists from different areas form a group or team to report to the team
leader. Simultaneously they also work in their respective parent departments.
Once the project is completed, the team members fully revert to their parent
Individual specialists are assigned where their talent is needed most.
Fosters creativity because of pooling of diverse talents
Provides good exposure to specialists in general management


Dual accountability creates confusion and thus difficulty to individual
team members
This system is costly and conflictual
There are questions about where authority and responsibility should
reside. Shared authority creates communication problem
Requires a high level of vertical and horizontal co-ordination.



The strategies should give direction to the managers who will use and
implement the plans and policies the best and proper method, way to adopt it.
The selection of the best strategy alternative is not the end of strategy
formulation. Policies define the ground rule for implementation. A policy
defines the area in which decisions are to be made, but it does not give the
decision. It spells out the sanctioned general direction and areas to be followed.
Functional strategies operate below the Strategic Business unit or business
level strategies. Functional strategies or functional plans and policies are made
within the guidelines set at higher levels. Plans are made to select a course of
action while policies are required to act as guidelines to action.
Environmental factors relevant to each function area have an impact on the
choice of plans and policies. Functional areas are traditionally divided into
finance, marketing, production and personnel.
Strategies can be divided as basic, general, departmental. Another way to
classify policy is Human Resource Strategies, Marketing Strategies, Financial
Strategies and Operational Strategies.
A. Financial Strategies
The financial strategies aims to achieve the following functions in the
management of finance of an organization.

Raising adequate funds.

Considering the capital funds through sound management.
Using the capital to earn profits.
Ensuring regular return to the investors.
Paying employees reasonalbe and regular remuneration and protection of
their financial interests such as P.F. Pension etc.
6. Ensuring timely payments to creditors.


7. Exercising budgetary controls and making optimum use of available

financial resources.
8. Preventing miuse of money.
All organizations before they launch their plans and policies should ensure that
sufficient amount of funds are available and how they will use those funds.
All organization have to ensure that the funds are procured from the following
Working capital borrowings
Reserves and surplus
For this they should have excellent relationship with their bankers, lenders and
financial institutions. Some companies may get their funds from internal
sources or external sources or a mix of both.
Plans and policies with respect to how the funds should be utilized. Various
ways are
Capital investment
Current Assets
Fixed Assets acquisition
Loans and Advances
Dividend decisions
The plans and policies should be properly laid down. So that the usage of the
funds are allocated properly and these can be optimum utilization of funds. The
management ability is put to test with the maximum utilization of the minimum
resources at their disposal. The major factors relating to the plans and policies
are :
The system of budgeting and accounting
Management control system
Risk management
Tax planning
The management of funds aims at the conservation of optimal utilization of
funds. The success or failure of the company depends on the strategic
implementation and utilization of the funds.


B. Marketing strategies
Marketing is an important aspect of an organization. The success of the
organization is largely attributed to the performance of the marketing.
Therefore there must be suitable marketing policies in respect of the following
marketing mix.
1. Product
Product include tangible and intangible features offered by the firm to the
market to satisfy wants of customers. Specific plans and policies should be
clearly laid down regarding characteristic of product e g. quality, types of
models, brand name, packaging etc.
Each company should undertake SWOT analysis ( Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats ) for its product. Similarly USP ( Unique Selling
Point ) of the product should be found out. Based on this the company can
implement its competitive strategies based on better quality, features,
perception etc.
2. Price
Price plays an important role to the sale of the product /service. Price is nothing
but the perceived value of the goods /service. It denotes the amount of money
the customer is willing to give an exchange for the goods/services. To the
company this is important since this represent the income of the company for its
Price is attached to various facilities like : discount, mode of payment,
allowances. payment period, credit terms. The use of high price or low price is
used as a competitive tool by the company.
Prices are used as a basis for market segmentation which in turn becomes the
basis for creating different models of the same product. Thus the market is
divided into premium and popular segments depending upon the prices
charged. Company may adopt Skimming Pricing Strategy or Penetration
Pricing Strategy depending upon the market environment.
3. Place
Distribution system is very essential to reach the product /service to the
customer. The physical distribution objectives of many companies is getting the
right goods to the right places at the right time for the least cost. No physical
distribution system can simultaneously maximize customer service and
minimize distribution cost. Maximum customer service implies large
inventories, premium transportation, and multiple warehouses all of which raise


distribution cost. Minimum distribution cost implies cheap transportation, low

stocks and few warehouses.
The use of distribution plans and policies in the marketing function as well as
strategy implementation is important. The success of market-oriented strategies
in todays competitive world depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of the
distribution system given the physical distribution objectives, the company
must design a physical distribution system that will minimize the cost of
achieving those objectives.
4. Promotion
Promotion for the product / service is essential for product awareness to new
prospects. The promotional mix consists of four activities : advertising ,
personal selling, sales promotion and publicity.
Promotional plans and policies are required to be set in order to implement the
C. Operational Strategies
The plans and policies for operating are essential for the manufacturing
process. Strategies affect the nature of the product / service, the market that the
company serves and the method in which it is to be served. If strategy of the
company is that of expansion through diversification of the current product,
will affect what are the products to be offered in which market and how these
markets are to be served.
The manufacturing department operations plans and policies will be with
respect to the capacity of each plant unit, location of the plant, layout of the
plant etc. These plans and policies, affect the supply of the company as a whole.
The strategist will therefore take into account the capacity of the manufacturing
units, its abilities and capacity of the plant as a whole.
The strategies need to lay down the guidelines with respect to the production
capacity of the plant, raw material to be needed, stock, quality management,
maintenance of the plant and machinery. Here the aim of the strategists is to
ensure that the day to day activities conform to the long term objectives of the
company and closer towards the goal of the organization. Here the role of the
plan is to make an objectives of the organization , a reality
D. Human Resource Strategies
Human resource strategies of the organization are with respect to the strategies
for the Human resource department to follow. This includes the personnel


selection, their training and development, compensation, promotion, appraisal.

These plans and policies are important for the proper functioning of the
The company should also have plans and policies with respect to the issues of
trade union and management will deal in and how, staff welfare, training ,
collective bargaining etc. Industrial relations can make or break a smooth
running organizations. All organizations should have clear cut rules and
regulation on how to deal with Industrial Relations
Many modern organizations have genuine consultative workers participation in
management. Policies are clearly written with respect to retrenchment due to
modernization etc.
Development of functional plans and policies is based on a process of
segregation of each segment of the organization. It is at the this stage
integration is important to aggregate the functions.
Strategies have to consider issues such as
The need for internal consistency
A firm must ensure that there is internal consistency in respect of
functional policies. For instance, the marketing department cannot frame its
policies without considering the impact of its policies on other department
such as finance, production and personnel. Whenever marketing department
frames any strategy, it should consider the financial resources of the firm,
the production capacity and skills and abilities of the organizational staff.
Relevance to organizational capacity
Integration of functional strategies should aim at developing
capabilities relevant to the firms objectives as a defined through strategy
formulation. Resources should be used in those areas in which the firm
intends to build up its strategic advantage. There are some companies that
aim at market leadership through quality products and heavy promotional
efforts, such companies should allocate the resources in technological
development and marketing efforts.
Trade offs
In integrating various functional policies, an organization may face
the problem of trade-off decisions. For instance, the marketing department
may like to go for aggressive advertising and sales-promotion to increase the


market share , which requires high level of expenditure, but finance

department may like to cut off its overall expenditure. In such trade offs
situations, interest of organization should be given more importance.
Intensity of linkages
The functions of an organization are interdependent and
interlinked. Some functions are directly interlinked and other are indirectly.
The degree of linkage determines the level of integration of various
Timing of functional plans and policies
There should be proper integration in respect of timing of
implementation of policies. Proper timing would lead to better implementation
of the overall strategy of the firm.
Each key area of the organization has its separate plan and policy. Each
one operates in isolation. All these segregated key areas are brought together
through the process of integration so that as a whole they can achieve the
overall objective of the organization
The need for internal consistency is important as it affects integration.
The strategists should ensure that the plans and policies of different key areas
do no work against each other. They should work in harmony.
Absence of internal consistency may lead to the under optimum
implementation of the strategy.
Synergistic effects through integration occur across functional areas and
distinctive competencies emerge as a result of the concentration of resources in
the areas where an organization wishes to build up strategic advantage.
Strategist should realize that some sacrifice in one or more functional
area is required and essential if emphasis is to be given to another functional
Restructuring and reengineering are becoming commonplace on the corporate
landscape across the United States and Europe. Restructuring also called
downsizing, rightsizing, or delaying- involves reducing the size of the firm in
terms of number of employees, number of divisions or units, and number of
hierarchical levels in the firms organizational structure. This reduction in size
is intended to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Restructuring is
concerned primarily with shareholder well-being rather than employee wellbeing.
Recessionary economic conditions have forced many European companies to
downsize, laying off managers and employees. This was almost unheard to
prior to the mid 1990s because European labour unions and laws required


lengthy negotiations or huge severance checks before workers could be

In contrast, reengineering is concerned more with employee and customer wellbeing than shareholder well-being. Reengineering also called process
management, process innovation, or process redesign involves reconfiguring
or redesigning work, jobs, and processes for the purpose of improving cost,
quality, service, and speed. Reengineering does not usually affect the
organizational structure or chart, nor does it imply job loss or employee layoff.
Whereas restructuring is concerned with eliminating or establishing, shrinking
or enlarging or moving organizational departments and divisions, the focus of
reengineering is changing the way work is actually carried out.
Reengineering is characterized by many tactical (short-term, business -function
specific) decisions, whereas restructuring is characterized by strategic (longterm, affecting all business functions) decisions.
Restructuring means rebuilding the firm. Its a strategy that may be found useful
in all the different phases of the firms life cycle-initial period, growth, maturity
and decline. It may also be found useful in postponing the death of the firm i.e.
the dissolution or liquidation of the company.
Restructuring broadly involves the following two courses of action
1. Rearrangement of the various departments or divisions or zones of a
company. It may involve reorganization of production work or resetting
of marketing work -structure.
2. Reallocation of resources and their development.
Aims of Restructuring
1. To have better utilization of available resources
2. To attain higher levels of efficiency
3. To have larger economies in the operation of the firm.
Firms often employ restructuring when various ratios appear out of line with
competitors as determined through benchmarking exercises. Benchmarking
simply involves comparing a firm against the best firms in the industry on a
wide variety of performance related criteria. Some benchmarking ratios
commonly used in rationalizing the need for restructuring are headcount to
sales volume, or corporate staff to operating employees, or span of control
The primary benefit sought from restructuring is cost reduction. For some
highly bureaucratic firms, restructuring can actually rescue the firm from global
competition and demise. But the downside of restructuring can be reduced


employee commitment, creativity, and innovation that accompanies the

uncertainty and trauma associated with pending and actual employee layoffs.
Massive restructuring among companies during the economic downturn of
2002-2003 resulted in huge layoffs. An upside of restructuring , however is
that when there are layoffs, those left behind have more opportunity to advance
upward in the firm. Layoff survivors also have more opportunity to gain
experience in varied areas of the firm and may be given more responsibilities.
The argument for a firm engaging in reengineering usually goes as follows :
Many companies historically have been organized vertically by business
function. This arrangement has led over time to managers and employees
mind-sets being defined by their particular functions rather than by overall
customer service, product quality, or corporate performance. The logic is that
all firms tend to bureaucratize over time. As routines become entrenched, turf
becomes delineated and defended, and politics takes precedence over
performance. Wall that exist in the physical workplace can be reflections of
mental walls.
In reengineering, a firm uses information technology to break down functional
barriers and create a work system based on business processes, products, or
outputs rather than on functions or inputs. Cornerstones of reengineering are
decentralization, reciprocal interdependence, and information sharing.
The benefit of reengineering is that it offers employees the opportunity to see
more clearly how their particular job affect the final product or service being
marketed by the firm. However, reengineering can also raise manager and
employee anxiety, which, unless calmed, can lead to corporate trauma.







A business unit has to undertake different types of complex activities. In a
problematic situation a single strategy is not sufficient and sometimes does not
work at all. Company has to pursue multiple strategies at different levels.
Corporate level strategy is an overall plan of action encompassing all the
activities and functions performed by the business firms. The plan covers all the
objectives of the company allocation of resources and co-ordination among
different levels.
Business head office is responsible for formulating such strategies to guide the
entire enterprise to achieve the overall objectives of the firm.
Corporate strategies can classified into two types
A) Strategies to be adopted and implemented by a firm on its own.
B) Strategies to be adopted and implemented with other firms
A) Strategies to be adopted and implemented by a firm on its own.
1. Modernisation
2. Diversification
3. Integration
4. Turnaround
5. Disinvestment
6. Liquidation
B) Strategies to be adopted and implemented with other firms.
1. Mergers
2. Takeovers
3. Joint Ventures
The term Modernisation means adopting to modern needs, methods or
processes. It also means adopting modern methods, way, views or processes.
Modernisation is concerned with the social and technical reforms introduced to
replace outdated practices with a view to increase output, to improve working


conditions of labour and to reduce labour cost. Modernisation is basically used

to achieve organizational objectives such as increased production, lower costs,
efficiency, productivity etc.
Measures of Modernisation Modernisation includes adopting certain
measures in practice :
To use improved quality of raw materials
To have up to date machinery, equipment and tools necessary for production
To adopt latest processes and techniques that would give better and quicker
To follow latest techniques in marketing of goods
To choose updated advertising and sales promotion techniques
Modernisation in India
Many Indian Companies are giving importance to Modernisation as a necessity
to survive in this competitive market. Consider the following examples


National Organization Chemicals Industries Ltd. ( NOCIL ), a major

manufacturer of petrochemicals in the private sector, undertook a Rs. 100
crore modernization plan in order to compete effectively.
Modi Industries Ltd. has planned to invest Rs. 30 crores for technological
upgradation of its steel unit, for widening its production range.
The corporate planning team at Steel Authority of India Ltd., ( SAIL ), has
taken up Rs. 15,000 crore capital spending programme spread over seven
years to modernize its steel plants.

Those many companies are adopting modernization strategy, but all in India all
companies are not modernized. They do not have advanced techniques of
operations. Many Companies are still operating with outdated techniques due to
lack of capital. So they can not produce quality goods and can not give better
services to the customers. Our exports are also getting affected due low quality
goods supplied by Indian exporters.
So Indian companies should adopt modernization techniques on necessary
basis. But any schemes of modernization must also consider the social aspects
e.g. employees satisfaction and welfare, consumers expectation, communitys
need and the need for economic stability. Similarly ecological balance has to be
maintained by the businessmen while implementing modernization strategies.


Advantages of Modernisation
Modernisation is required because it serves following purposes.
a. It helps the company to survive in the competitive market
b. It improves the efficiency of the company, reduces the cost of production
and improves the quality of products.
c. It ensures stability of the business in the long run.
d. It increases profitability of the company.
e. Modernisation is essential for advancement and expansion.
f. With upto date technology, company can serve the customers in a better
way. It enhances customer satisfaction.
g. Company can maintain pace with the changing business environment
Integration means combination of business units that are separate but
to one another. It may also refer to coming together of business units that are
competing with one another. When business units join hand to accomplish
certain well defined goals or objectives, it is called as integration. It may
between the firms from the same industry or from different industries.
1. Association of Business
Integration is an association of business units from the same or different
industries with a view to accomplish certain well defined objectives like :
to control market, eliminate competition, create monopoly or any other
agreed objectives.
2. Risk Factor
From the point of view integrations minimizes risk and uncertainties and
ensures survival and growth of combining units
3. Negative Side
Integration reflect association of firms to meet their personal goals of
survival, growth and prestige at the cost of consumers. In fact, it reflects
the negative side of the business i.e. it is against the interests of
consumers and other market functionaries. Business integration are
considered as well planned conspiracy to create monopoly like situation
in the market and exploit consumers.
4. Mode of working
Integration aims at ensuring survival and growth by regulating or
controlling production and supply of goods and price.



Types of Integration



Backward Integration





1. Horizontal Integration
Under this method, business firms from the same type of business or
producing same product come together to form a group .It is an integration of
two or more units engaged in the same activity. Thus, two producers may
combine in order to reduce competition. Associated Cement Companies ( ACC
) is a good example of horizontal integration, which brought under its control
many small cement manufacturing units.
Every member of horizontal combination is expected to follow certain
guidelines and jointly the group controls the market. It is called as horizontal
integration because all the units are from the same industry. Another example
was when Proctor and Gamble and Godrej Soaps came together in 1992 in a
marketing alliance in India. It was a horizontal integration.
The main objectives underlying horizontal integration are a) to reduce the
degree of competition and to improve the position in the market, b) to follow
common policies relating to production, distribution and pricing so as to
control market c) to secure benefits of large scale production and reduce cost
of production d) to acquire control over market and thereby, make higher
profits , e) to adjust supply according to demand in the market by adjusting or
regulating production of goods.
2. Vertical Integration
This is also called as process or industry integration. Under this method
business units from the same industry but carrying on different processes or


product come together to form a group to acquire control over all stages of
production and distribution of goods.
It is a type of integration in which a firm combines with another firm that
supplies raw materials to it or some components of its finished products.
Vertical integration may be backward or forward
a. Backward Vertical Integration
Here the manufactuer join hands with supplier of raw materials having a tie up
with a manufactuer. For example, a ready made garment unit can associate with
cloth manufacturer to supply cloth at reasonable rates and of standard quality.
Like-wise Bata Shoe Co. has association with raw leather suppliers.
b. Forward Integration
In order to have control over distribution, a manufacturer may integrate with
retailers or open his own retail outlets to ensure control over distribution and to
reduce dependence on distributors. Many reputed firms like Raymonds Texthe,
Bata etc. have tied up with retailers and also have their own chain of retail
outlet all over the country.
3. Lateral or Allied Integration
It refers to the combination of firms from different industries, manufacturing all
together different product, but are related to each other in some way. For
example, suppliers of building materials can join hands together with a building
contractor to supply its requirements for building construction. Lateral
integration is of 2 types.
a. Convergent Lateral Integration
In this type, firms manufacturing or supplying raw material or finished product
are tied up with a bigger firm to supply its requirements of raw material.
Convergent integration benefits to all parties concerned because individual
supplier is assured of fix order and the major firm gets raw material at
concessional rates.
E.g. a building contractor need cement, sand, steel, electrical equipments,
sanitary equipments and Architects services to construct a building. He joins
with various suppliers who are independent and not related to each other but
they are related to each other through the final product.
b. Divergent Integration
This is exactly opposite to convergent combination. In this method, firms
producing different product but using the same raw material join together. The
combining unit can jointly place order for raw material, negotiate price, ask for
discount and liberal payment terms with the suppliers. Divergent combinations


is unique in the sense that users come together and bargain with the main
E.g. paper is used as raw material by many firms. Therefore, instead of placing
order individually, users like newspapers and magazine publishers, book
makers, join hand they can collectively bargain and ensure supply of paper at
cheaper rates.
4. Divergent Integration
It is a combination of two firms, the main firm engaged in one line of
production and the other in the supportive or auxiliary services required by the
main firm. Jointly both the units provide required services. For example, a
combination of car dealer with service station. Car dealers main business is to
sell cars and provide after sales service, repairs and maintenance. In absence of
supportive service, car dealing has no value. Therefore, a car-dealer like to
associate with service provider so the main service is complete.
5. Circular or Mixed Integration
It is a combination of firms with different industries and producing different
products. The combining units are not related to each other in any way. For
example, a
combination of Cloth Manufacturing unit with the firm
manufacturing electronic equipments. The object of such hybrid combination
is to bring more business units under one management and control.
Advantages of Integration
a) It gives a firm better control over its raw materials, processes or finished
products as well as marketing , depending upon the type and extent of
b) It leads to economical operations.
c) It also helps in having efficient working.
d) It improves corporate image
e) It lowers the level of competition
f) It ensures better utilization of Resources
g) It help to spread the business risks
Limitations of integration
a) Any dislocation at any state in one unit may hamper the speed of
production or quality of product.
b) A very high degree of coordination is required to keep the activity flow
smooth. It is likely that snags may develop in the level of co-ordination.


Diversification means spreading investment over several enterprises or
products, especially to reduce the risk. Here the manufacturer expands his
operations to products and those areas which may or may not have any
connection, direct and indirect, to the existing product or products. Nowadays
competition has intensified tremendously, so relying on one product and one
brand for survival and growth is very risky. So the companies nowadays prefer
to diversify their operations. E.g. HLL has diversified into soaps, cosmetics,
washing powder tea, salt, toothpaste etc. It is Indias largest FMCG company. It
has around 100 toothpaste etc. It has around 100 products out of which 30 are
doing exceedingly well. Therefore the risk gets diversified which facilitates
Following are the Features of diversification
1. Variety of business
Diversification involves starting those activities or venturing into those areas
which are totally different from the existing line of business. It leads to variety
of activities undertaken by the organization e.g. a company manufacturing
cement may diversify in into texthes, to petrochemicals etc. Reliance group is a
classic example of a diversified company.
2. Internal or external
Diversification can take place internally or externally, internally by using its
own resources. External diversification is through amalgamations, absorptions,
joint ventures. Internal diversification is a smooth affair as internal people are
involved. However external diversification involves takeovers, acquisitions
which can be volathe.
3. Suitable for big companies
Diversification is suitable for big companies. Acquiring land, installing new
machinery, finding new markets, appointing people etc. is quite costly affairs.
So big companies like the Tatas, the Birlas, the Reliance etc . with huge
financial and physical resources at their disposal find it convenient to diversify
their operations. By diversifying, their resources are also used in optimum
4. Suitable for dynamic environment
Environmental factors like economic, social, technological etc. are very
dynamic. They keep on changing very fast, thereby creating a lot of
opportunities and posing a lot of threats. Success would depend upon making


most of the given opportunities. This would be possible only if the company
has diversified its operations in order to make the most of the changes that have
taken place in different sectors.
5. Preferred option after expansion
If the company desires to grow then generally it opts for expansion i.e. increase
the production capacity of the same product or produce allied products as it is
relatively easy. Only when the market reaches a saturation level making further
expansion impossible, the company generally contemplates of diversification.
5. Cater to different markets
Diversification involves selling different products, which automatically
involves different segments of the society e.g. HLL cosmetics is for young
ladies, while its Kissan Jam is targeted at children. Thus not only the area of
sale may be different but also diversified customers are approached.
6. Increase in activities
Diversification ultimately results in increase in the activities of the business
unit. Production, distribution, promotion, after sales service etc. increases. The
organization should contemplate of increasing the activities only if it has the
resources : physical, financial and technical at its disposal.
Need for diversification of business
1. Spread risk
Here the company diversifies into different brands and different products. It is
possible that brand fatigue and even product fatigue may enter the minds of the
customers e.g. ink pens are hardly used nowadays as product fatigue has
entered in the minds of most of consumers in case of ink pens. So those
companies which did not diversify their operations has to close their business.
2. Accelerated growth
Every organization wants to have rapid growth. But the economy passes
through boom and depression. Similarly during different times, different sectors
grow rapidly. Nowadays information technology products are having rapid
growth. Thus most of the companies like Tatas, Larsen & Toubro etc. have
diversified their operations in the information technology technology sector.
3. Capture market
Every company is desirous of expanding its share in the market. There is
intense competition in any sector. So it becomes very difficult to increase its
market share. Samsung electronics has targeted the premium end of the market
with the launch of the worlds first multifunctional monitor.


4. Better utilization of resources

The resources of the company are put to the best use. Various products which
have the potential to succeed in different markets are introduced e.f. API
Polymers ( India ) Pvt. Ltd., the makers of action shoes, has launched new
shoes called floaters for summer. The company claims that due to global
warming and oppressive Indian summer, something cool and casual is needed.
5. Face competition effectively
Competition exists in any area as there are large number of producers in each
product category. The only way to survive and grow is to overcome that
competition. And one way is to diversify into new areas which were not
catered before e.g. Tatas have Tata Tea, Titan Industries in watches, Tata
engineering and locomotive etc.
6. Improves corporate image
The image of company which has diversified into different sectors is very
positive especially if it has been successful in most of the areas e.g. Godrej ;
Godrej cupboards, Godrej locks etc.
Types of diversification
Following are the various types by which an organization can diversify its
operations :
1. Vertical diversification
Vertical diversification means involving all or some of the levels in an
organizational hierarchy or stages in the production of a class of goods. Here
the company either starts producing or acquiring the raw material required for
its product or decides to market the product produced by it on its own. The
former is a backward integration and the latter one is called forward integration.
In other words the company intends to do everything right from acquiring the
raw material, producing the product and distributing it to the final consumers
on its own. If necessary the company may even acquire another company which
is supplying the raw material.
E.g. Nicholas Piramal is today one of the largest pharmaceutical companies
manufacturing and marketing bulk drugs and formulation. For a backward
integration it acquired the basic research unit of Hoechst Marion Roussel (
India ) for Rs. 20 crores. Similarly it even went for forward diversification in
1997. It entered into strategic joint ventures with Ambalal Sarabhai and Reckitt
and Colman. The agreement with Ambalal Sarabhai was to market Sarabhai
health- care products.


2. Horizontal diversification
Here the two companies are at par i.e. they are manufacturing and marketing
the same products to the same customers. So instead of competing with each
other these firms come together either by way of joint venture or collaboration
or merger e.g. Merger of TOMCO Ltd. with Hindustan Lever Ltd. is a good
example of horizontal integration.
3. Lateral or Conglomerative diversification
Conglomerative means a group or corporation formed by the merging of
separate and diverse companies. A company on its own may also diversify into
different fields like oil, iron and steel, cars etc. or it may tie up with some other
firm for diversifying into new area. In other words conglomerative
diversification involves entering into those areas which have no relation with
the existing line of business. For example, the Essel Group of companies was
founded as a trading company. Over the years company has diversified into
areas of packaging, exports, property development and recreation ( Essel World
). The latest addition to the companys diversified field is Zee Telefilms.
4. Concentric diversification
Concentric means having a common centre especially of a circle. Here the core
business is in the centre and other businesses revolve around it, in a sense they
are not directly related to it but are indirectly related e.g. Great Eastern
Shipping Company ( GE Shipping ) has floated a joint venture company
United Helicharters with Qatar General Petroleum Corporation and UB Air.
The new company will charter helicopters and lease it to offshore operators in


Turnaround is a technique applied to loss making unit with a view to bring it
back on profitable track. Turnaround simple means turning the enterprise from
loss making to profit making, from the path of decline to the path of progress,
from negative to positive action in the different areas like cash-flows,
marketing, profit-making etc. Strategies adopted by the management to reverse
the deteriorating trends of the performance of a business are termed as
Turnaround Strategy . It is a type of strategy specifically developed by the
management to improve operational efficiency and productivity with a view to
increase overall profitability of business. Management has to adopt several trial
and error techniques in order to reduce the negative impact of such forces
which are considered detrimental to the growth of business.
The main objective of turnaround is to improve the performance of the business
enterprise. Turnaround bring about a change in the trends of an undertaking
from downwards to upwards, from negative to positive and from loss making
to profit making enterprise. Turnaround involves taking an U turn to the
declining fortunes of the company and making it viable again.
Turnaround means turning the loss making unit back into profitability. It is
nothing but retrieving the business unit back to prosperity e.g Indian Bank
posted a net profit of Rs. 33.22 crores in 2001-02. This seems creditable as it
has come after six years of continuous loss. This was possible because the
Banks new focus on retail lending and on housing loans. Moreover they
adhered to the restructuring plan which included VRS despite of misgivings
that the additional expenses would cripple the bank.
According to Dictionary of Marketing ( edited by P. Collin ) Turnaround
means making the company profitable again.


Features of Turnaround
1. Objective
The strategy does not aim at selling or disposing of loss making unit but works
to improve the performance of the unit by re-arranging the available resources.
2. Long Term Strategy
Turnaround is one type of long term strategy and does not aim at providing
temporary relief or short cut method to company problems. It studies the
problem in- depth and tries to solve it forever.
3. Scope of Turnaround
The scope of turnaround is confined to sick or loss making industrial units. It is
a type of crisis management. Turnaround is not short cut or magical formula. It
can not work on all sick units under all circumstances. It is effective in case of
loss making units but having growth or future prospects.
4. Requires Cooperative effort
Turnaround strategy can be effective only when there is co-operation from all
parties concerned. The parties involves :
1. Employees
3. Bank and FIs

2. Shareholders
4. Other concerned parties

5. Involves restructuring
Turnaround is possible only when the company decides to restructure its
operations. It may include marketing restructuring whereby marketing of loss
making products are stopped or when the outdated machinery is replaced i.e.
technological restructuring and so on. These steps are necessary in order to stop
the closure of the enterprise.
6. Internally or externally
Turnaround can be undertaken by companys own experts or by outside
consultants. Both have their advantages and limitations e.g. internal experts are
aware of the companys culture, resources, level of technology better, however
they may be biased as their interest are involved. External experts may unbiased
but their suggestions may not be practical and the sentiments of the employees
may not be considered. So an organization must strike a proper balance
between using internal and external experts.


7. Involves replanning
Turnaround necessitates replanning. It involves rearranging the structure to
convert a loss making unit into profitable one. Since environmental factors are
dynamic, it would make the company sick and unless resources are rearranged
and replanned, turnaround is not possible.
8. Involves money
When product become obsolete, there is decline in its demand e.g. Pagers. Here
in order to have a turnaround, technological restructuring, marketing
restructuring etc. is necessary which may involve a lot of money. Thus
turnaround is not possible for all companies, especially if they do not have
extra resources at their disposal.
9. Permanent effect
Turnaround involves a permanent effect on the structure and operations of the
company. This is because the company may close its unviable product out of
the existing range of product or may change the technology from labour
intensive to capital intensive thereby reducing the workers or even amalgamate
with some other company thereby forming a totally new entity.
10. Optimum utilization of resources
The company which is suffering losses, is not is a position to make an optimum
utilization of human, physical and financial resources. Turnaround involves
restructuring and reorganizing these resources. It tries to focus the resources on
profitable ventures and to discontinue the non-profitable ones.
Approaches of Turnaround
The following are the two main approaches of turnaround strategy
1. Surgical Approach
2. Human Approach
1. Surgical Approach This approach is stricter in its nature. The new chief
executive has to issues strict orders of change and keep strict control on all
operations of the enterprise. If certain plants are uneconomic and showing
constant losses should be closed down mercilessly. If some employees are
required to be retrenched the chief executive has to do it without any hesitation.
All operations and activities need to be watched till they show the sign of
improvement i.e. turnaround. The fear is expected of its opposition from some
subordinate personnel. But the chief executive should not yield to this type of
pressure and continue with the approach. If the approach is given up in the
middle it will bring disastrous result to the business enterprise.


2. Human Approach This method is humanistic in its approach. The chief

executive while implementing the turnaround programme in the enterprise has
to soften and not to be strict unlike in the earlier approach. The chief executive
must approach to the problems of the enterprise objectively, inviting opinions
of every one working in the enterprise, which will be acceptable to all. This
indeed is the democratic approach. The negotiations are made and differences
are settled down amicably rather than removing the hard nuts. The idea behind
this approach is to bring the enterprise out of difficulties with the help and
cooperation of all employees. This approach is beneficial in the long run
because when the interest of no one is harmed every one cooperates to
improve the situation of the enterprise.
Liquidation is the final decision or withdrawal of commercial activities of the
firm forever. Liquidation of a company is the irretrievable closing down of the
business of a company. Basically it refers to a proceeding by which a company
is permanently dissolved. The assets of the company are then disposed off. The
debts are paid off out of realized assets and the surplus if any is then distributed
among the members in proportion of their holdings in the company.
Selling all of the companys assets, in parts, for their tangible worth is called
liquidation . Liquidation is a recognition of defeat and consequently can be an
emotionally difficult strategy. However, it may be better to cease operating than
to continue losing large sums of money.
The decision to close down or liquidate a company is a painful one and taken
after much deliberation, when it is simply not possible to carry on the company
in the present state of affairs. It is considered as the measure of last resort
because it leads to serious consequences such as loss of employment of workers
and stoppage of future prospects of the firm. The owners and management has
to take decision of closure of a business unit under extremely adverse
situations. Winding up or closure of a company has to be in accordance with
rules laid down in the companies Act, 1956.
According to Prof Gower winding up of a company is a process whereby its
life is ended and its property administered for the benefit of its creditors and
When liquidation may be an effective strategy ?
1. When an organization has pursued both a retrenchment strategy and a
divestiture strategy and neither has been successful.




When an organization only alternative is bankruptcy ; liquidation

represents an orderly and planned means of obtaining the greatest possible
cash for an organizations assets. A company can legally declare
bankruptcy first and then liquidate various divisions to raise needed
When the stockholders of a firm can maximize their losses by selling the
organizations assets.

Reasons for liquidation of a Business firm

1. Incompetence of Entrepreneur
Young entrepreneurs start business with high ambitions and incur high
overhead costs. They usually borrow funds at high rate of interest and do not
care much for optimizing the cost of production . From the standpoint of
business management, the entrepreneur is incapable because he does not posses
knowledge necessary to operate his own firm.
2. Lack of Proper Inventory Control
An important reason of failure and closure of business is due to lack of
understanding or maintaining proper inventory control. Too large an inventory
results in such common problem as owners money being tied up or waste
through spoilage or obsolescence.
3. Weak Competitive Position
Competition is very tough in our economy. Firms that cannot efficiently match
competitors in such areas as services offered, process charged or quality of
merchandise sold definitely will have difficulty in surviving.
4. Low Sale Values
Income of the firm is generated by sales, and without income, the result is
obvious- collapse of the business. Many reasons contribute to a poor sale
record. Some of the most commonly identified factors include a poor location,
inferior products, ineffective advertising, prices out of line with competitors
and poor service. Inadequate sales volume is the apparent cause for sickness.
5. Disaster
There are some circumstances over which the owner may have little or no
control. Natural disasters, such as riots. earthquake or flood, may wipe out the
small businessmen. Fire, labour problem, burglary and theft of merchandise by
employees are further examples of the type of disasters that confront the small


Effect of liquidation
Liquidation affects shareholder, employees, consumers, government and
society at large. The immediate effect of closure is one employees who lose
their jobs, salary and other benefits. It creates unemployment and indirectly the
family members of employees also suffer. Shareholders or investors fund get
blocked without appreciation in value, no bonus or dividend and there is
possibility of investment turning bad debts.
The government in general and society is particular is also affected by
liquidation. There is shortage of goods in the market, consumers have to pay
higher price, government revenues is reduced, social unrest increases, national
resources are wasted, financial institutions so fail to receive back loan amount
and finally the economic development is affected.
This strategy involves dropping some of the products, markets or functions.
The dropping of activities or businesses can be attained under through sale or
liquidation. Selling a division or part of an organization is called divestment. It
is often used to raise additional capital for further strategic acquisitions or
investment. It can be a part of an overall retrenchment strategy to rid an
organization of businesses that are unprofitable, that require too much capital,
or that do not fit well with the firms other activities.
It can involve liquidation, sell-off to another party, or spinning off the business
to the corporate stockholders as a separate entity with its own stock. All have
the objective of bringing in cash or reducing cash outlay by one transaction.
Normally, the business is in poor competitive position but may be viable with
cash infusion at some level of risk beyond the corporate threshold.
Reasons for divestment
1. Obsolescence of products, which no longer brings good returns to the
firm, and therefore, they can be divested
2. A business that has been acquired by the firm proves to a mismatch and
cannot be integrated within the company
3. High competition in the market and the liability of the firm to cope up
with the competition pressures.
4. Negative cash flows from a particular business create financial problem
for the entire organization, thus creating a need to divest that business.
5. Technological up gradation is required for survival of the business, but
the cost of up gradation is quite high, and the firm may not be in a
position to invest in such technological up gradation.


6. A firm may find it difficult to manage growing business, and therefore it

may divest non-core business to concentrate on core business
7. A firm may find a better alternative to invest, and as such it may divest a
part of the business, in order to take advantage of the alternative business
8. Growing financial burden such as debt servicing may force the company
to divest a part of the business so as to repay loans.
Approaches to divestment
A firm may choose to divest in two ways.
1. A particular business can be divested into a separate independent
company and the parent company may or may not retain partial
2. A particular business may be sold outright to another firm.





In merger a firm may acquire another firm or two or more firms may combine
together to improve their competitive strength or to gain control over additional
facilities. It is a combination of two or more companies into one company,
wherein only one company survives and the other company ceases to exist. The
merger takes place for a consideration, which the acquiring company pays
either in cash or by offering its share. E.g. the merger of Reliance Petroleum
with Reliance Industries.
External growth or merger can be of two types :
b. under the first category, a firm merges with another firms in the
same industry having similar or related products, using similar
processes and distributing through similar channels. Such a merger
creates problem of coordination between the merged units.
c. In the second type of merger known as conglomerate, firms
merging together are engaged in altogether different lines of
business and have little common in their products, processes and
distribution channel.
Reason for mergers
1. To undertake diversification
This follows the need of a narrowly based business to reduce the risks by
broadening its activities. To reduce the risks effectively, the acquired firm must
not be subject to the same risk promoting factors as a parent firms even though
its may operate in a different fields.
2. To secure scare sources of supply
Where any of the resources which the business needs are in short supply or
subject to other difficulties, one solution for it is to acquire its own sources. By
mergering the different resources available with two or more units can be
pooled together.


3. To secure economies of scale

Increase in volume of often leads to decrease in operating costs, thereby
enabling a larger capacity bank to survive. Merger is considered when the bank
has low profitability and through merger bank can secure economies of scale.
4. To have better management
Where the business suffer from poor management and it does not appear
possible to rectify this in the near future, the problem may be resolved by
merging with good management team.
5. To improve the financial standing
When two firms join together, the strengths of both of them are added together
and the market may put a higher valuation on such combination than on the
constituent parts.
6. To achieve a monopoly position
The elimination of competition by absorption gives a firm a greater control over
a market. The competition in the market can be reduced with the merger of
firms engaged in the similar market.
7. Revival of Sick units
Merger can bring out a revival of sick units. The sick units can merged with
strong companies, and therefore, the problem of industrial sickness can be
avoided in case of certain units.
It generally refers to buying another firm, either its assets or as an operating
company. In takeover, one company gets control over the acquired company.
Acquired company becomes a part of the acquiring company. Takeover
involves a change in ownership and management of the acquired firm.
A takeover involves the acquisition or part of whole of the equity capital of
another firm, which enables the acquirer to exercise effective control over the
affairs of the taken over firm. With the help of take-over, a firm can expand its
capacity or competence in the desired area of operations. It does not lead to
dissolution of the firm whose shares have been acquired. The takeover can take
place in three forms :
a. Negotiated takeover, where both the parties mutually settle the terms and
conditions of the takeover.


b. Open market or hosthe takeover, where the acquiring firm buys shares of
the other firm from the open market normally at a higher price than the
marketing price.
c. Bail-out, where a profit making firm takes over a sick or weak firm so as
to bail it out from financial crisis.
There are several reasons for takeover. The most obvious reasons for takeover
are :
a. Quick growth
b. Diversification
c. Establishing oneself as industrialist
d. Reducing competition
e. Increasing the market share or even creating goodwill. Takeover have
become commonplace in the Indian corporate world. Many foreign
MNCs are taking over existing Indian firms so as to facilitate easy entry
in the Indian market.
Joint ventures are common in international business. In simple words, joint
ventures is a temporary partnership between two or more companies to achieve
certain objectives. It is an agreement entered into for a specific purpose or
period. After the purpose is served, joint venture ceases to exist. It is a legal
organization which takes the form of a short-term partnership in which the
companies jointly undertake a project or an assignment for mutual benefit.
It has been observed that joint ventures are widely used by companies to gain
entrance into foreign markets. Foreign companies form joint ventures with
domestic companies already present in the markets the foreign companies
would like to enter. This is because the domestic company is well versed with
the conditions prevailing in the local market.
According to J.G. Thomas , Joint ventures are a special case of consolidation
where two or more companies form a temporary partnership for a special
purpose .
A joint venture agreement can be defined as an agreement where two or more
firms hold equity capital in a venture over which has some degree or control.


Features of Joint Ventures

1. Comprehensive term
As compared to foreign collaborations, joint ventures are broad based. In a
collaboration , an agreement is entered into for a specific purpose like transfer
of technology, capital etc. On the other hand, in case of joint venture, the
partnership is for a longer period of time. The term joint venture includes
foreign collaborations.
2. Temporary partnership
Joint venture is a temporary partnership. Here two or more companies come
together for achieving a specific objective.
3. Involvement of more than two companies
A joint venture is a form of business combination in which two companies
come together for achieving a common objective. In some cases, more than
two companies may be involved. E.g. Pepsis Indian ventures includes Voltas
and Punjab Agro Industry Corporation.
4.Legal Status
As mentioned earlier, in case of joint venture, two or more companies come
together and establish a new business entity. However the firms may retain their
independent legal status different from the new business entity.
5. Mutual benefit
Generally , a company from a developed company enter into a joint venture
agreement with another firm from a developing country, since no country in the
world is self-sufficient. The developed countries have lot of finance and also
superior technology, but they face shortage of raw materials and labour. On the
other hand developing nations have plenty of raw materials and cheap labour
but not capital and technology. Through joint ventures, both the countries are
6. Government approvals
Foreign joint ventures are subject to international laws and laws within the
foreign countries. Since two or more countries are involved in the joint
ventures, government approvals of the concerned countries have to be obtained.
Permission of the host countrys government is essential for the operations of
the joint venture.


Following are some of the examples of joint ventures

a. Joint venture between Suzuki Motors Corporation and Government of
India to manufacture a small engine car specially for the Indian market.
b. Biltrite Corporation of USA and Shenzhan Petrochemicals of China
established a shoe soling factory as a joint venture in China.
c. In 1983, Toyata set up its first manufacturing operations in USA as 50-50
joint ventures with General Motors
Merits of Joint Ventures
1. Transfer of capital and technology
Joint venture agreements are generally entered into between a company from a
developed country and a company from a developing country for the inflow of
capital and technology. They thus help to reduce technological gaps between
these two types of countries.
2. Faster industrial growth
The inflow of foreign capital and technology boosts the industrial activities of
the developing country. These , in turn, provide job opportunities, increase the
income of the people, improve their standard of living and thereby help in the
economic development of the country.
3. Transfer of expertise
No company possesses expertise in all the areas. Through joint ventures, it is
possible to club skills like technical, human skills, marketing skills etc. This
benefits all the parties in the joint venture.
4. Spreading of risks
Joint ventures spread risk among the partners. Each partner risks only its own
contribution. Thus joint venture is advisable when market entry requires a large
investment or when there is significant political or social instability in the target
5. Synergy
Synergy means increased effectiveness or achievement produced by combined
action or co-operation. Joint ventures provide synergy due to combined efforts
of varied parties


6. International market
Companies can use joint ventures to penetrate international markets that are
otherwise beyond their capacity e.g. some governments require foreign
companies to share ownership with local companies. This situation is common
among governments of developing countries.
Forms / Types of Joint Venture
Joint venture can be entered into for a specific purpose or period to transfer
technology, joint production or marketing of goods or even for management
consultancy. Accordingly, the following are important kinds of joint venture
1. Technical Joint Venture
The concerned partners agree to provide technical assistance through
procurement of equipments, personnel, training, technical know-how, patents,
trade marks etc. to the local partner. Technical know-how can transferred
a. By grant of license under this type of agreement the licencee is allowed to
use patents, trademarks design in return for royalty payment.
b. Transfer of Technical Know-how It involves transfer of technical
information relating to the use and application of technology. It also involves
transfer of confidential information and support services by technical personnel
for installation and maintenance of plant or operation.
2. Management Consultancy
Consultancy agreements are entered into in connection with :
a. Project report preparation
b. Preparation of Feasibility Report
c. Preparation of Financial and Marketing Feasibility of a product
d. Construction of plant and equipments.
3. Marketing Joint venture
Such joint venture are established to produce or import products from foreign
partner and sell in the local marker or in any other third country.
4. Financial Joint Venture
The object of financial Joint Venture is to provide services and expertise
relating to finance like study of financial feasibility of a new company,
raising of finance, equity participation, loans and borrowings.


Limitations of Joint Venture

The main limitations of Joint Ventures are as follows:
1. Possibility of unfair and unreasonable terms and conditions
There is every possibility that the terms and conditions laid down in the Joint
venture agreement may not be fair and reasonable to both the partners
particularly the weaker one.
2. Complicated and time-consuming procedure
The procedure to be followed in order to formulate joint venture agreements is
complicated and very time consuming.
3. Possibility of conflicts among the partners
In Joint venture conflicts may arise among the partners regarding the
implementation of the joint venture projects
4. Obstacle of Government Policy
The Government policy concerning foreign exchange and transfer of
technology may become an obstacle to the joint venture agreements.


The strategic-management process does not end when the firm decides what
strategy or strategies to pursue. There must be a translation of strategic thought
into strategic action. This translation is much easier if managers and employees
of the firm understand the business, feel a part of the company, and through
involvement in strategy formulation activities have become committed to
helping the organization succeed. Without understanding and commitment,
strategy implementation efforts face major problems.
Implementation strategy affects an organization from top to bottom; it affects
all the functional and divisional areas of business. Even the most technically
perfect strategic plan will serve little purpose if it is not implemented. Many
organizations tend to spend an inordinate amount of time money, and effort on
developing the strategic plan, treating the means and circumstances under
which it will be implemented as afterthoughts ! Change comes through
implementation and evaluation, not through plan. A technically imperfect plan
that is, implemented well will achieve more than the perfect plan that never gets
off the paper on which it is typed.
Concept of Strategy Implementation
Strategy formulation is not in itself sufficient for an organization. It is
important to ensure that the strategy is implemented effectively, Strategy
implementation is an important aspect of strategic management.
Strategic implementation is the sum total of all the activities and choices
required for the execution of a strategic plan. It is the process by which


strategies and policies are put into action through the development of programs,
budgets and procedures.
Daniel McCarthy Robert Minichiello and Joseph Curran in their book '
Business Policy and Strategy ' have defined strategy implementation as:
Strategy implementation may be said to consist of securing resources,
organizing these resources and directing the use of these resources within
and outside the organization.
Nature of Strategy Implementation
Successful strategy formulation does not guarantee successful strategy
implementation. It is always more difficult to do something ( strategy
implementation ) than to say you are going to do it ( strategy formulation ) !
Although inextricably linked , strategy implementation is fundamentally
different from strategy formulation. Strategy formulation and implementation
can be contrasted in the following ways:

Strategy formulation is positioning force s before the action

Strategy implementation is managing forces during the action
Strategy formulation focuses on effectiveness
Strategy implementation forces on efficiency
Strategy formulation is primarily an intellectual process
Strategy implementation is primarily an operational process
Strategy formulation requires good intuitive and analytical skills
Strategy implementation requires special motivation and leadership skill
Strategy formulation requires coordination among a few individuals
Strategy implementation requires coordination among many individuals.


Strategy implementation involves several issues. Some of the important issues
1. Annual Objectives
Establishing annual objectives is a decentralized activity that directly involves
all managers in an organization. Active participation in establishing annual
objectives can lead to acceptance and commitment. Annual objectives are
essential for strategy implementation because they (1) represent the basis for
allocating resources; (2) are a primary mechanism for evaluating managers (3)
are the major instrument for monitoring progress toward achieving long-term
objectives; and (4) establish organizational, divisional and departmental


priorities. Considerable time and effort should be devoted to ensuring that

annual objectives are well conceived, consistent with long -term objective, and
supportive of strategies to be implemented.
2. Policies
Changes in a firm's strategic direction do not occur automatically, On a
day-to-day basis, policies are needed to make a strategy work. Policies,
facilitate solving recurring problem and guide the implementation of strategy.
Broadly defined, policy refers to specific guidelines, methods, procedures,
rules, forms and administrative practices established to support and encourage
work toward stated goals. Policies are instruments for strategy implementation.
Policies set boundaries, constraints and limits on the kinds of administrative
actions that can be taken to reward and sanction the behavior; they clarify what
can and cannot be done in pursuit of an organization's objectives.
3. Resource allocation
Resource allocation is a central management activity that allows for strategy
execution. In organization that do not use a strategic management approach to
decision making, resource allocation is often based on political or personal
factors. Strategic management enables resources to be allocated accordingly to
priorities established by annual objectives.
Effective resource allocation does not guarantee successful strategy
implementation because programs. Personnel , controls and commitment must
breathe life into the resources provided. Strategic management itself is
sometimes referred to as a' resource allocation process
4. Managing conflict
Interdependency of objectives and competition for limited resources often leads
to conflict. Conflict can be defined as a disagreement between two or more
parties on one or more issues. Establishing annual objectives can lead to
conflict because individuals have different expectations and perceptions,
schedule create pressure, personalities are incompatible, and misunderstanding
between line managers and staff managers occur. For Example , a collection
manager's objective of reducing bad debts by 50 percent in a given year may
conflict with a divisional objective to increase sale by 20 percent. Conflict is
unavoidable in organizations, so it is important that conflict be managed and
resolved before it effects strategy implementation and organizational
Various approaches for managing and resolving conflict can be classified into
three categories avoidance, defusion, and confrontation. Avoidance includes


such actions as ignoring the problem in hopes that the conflict will resolve
itself or physically separating the conflicting individuals (or groups). Defusion
can include playing down differences between conflicting parties while
accentuating similarities and common interest, compromising so that there is
neither a clear winner or loser. Confrontation is exemplified by exchanging
members of conflicting parties so that each can gain an appreciation of the
other's point of view.
5. Matching structure with strategy
Change in strategy often require changes in the way an organization is
structured for two major reasons. First structure largely dictates how objectives
and policies will be established. For example, objectives and policies
established under geographic organizational structure are couched in
geographic terms. The structural format for developing objectives and policies
can significantly impact all other strategy implementation activities and
structures dictates how resources will be allocated. A more important concern is
determining what types of structural changes are needed to implement new
strategies and how these changes can best be accomplished.
6. Managing resistance to change
No organization or individual can escape change. But the thought of change
raises anxieties because people feat of economic loss, inconvenience,
uncertainty, and a break in normal social pattern. The strategic management
process itself can impose major changes on individuals and processes.
Resistance to change can be considered the single greatest threat to successful
strategy implementation. People often resist strategy implementation because
they do not understand what is happening or why changes are taking place. In
that case , employees may simply need accurate information. Successful
strategy implementation hinges upon manager's ability to develop an
organizational climate conducive to change. Change must be viewed as an
opportunity rather than as a threat by managers and employees.
7. Creating a Strategy-Supportive Culture
Strategists should strive to pressure, emphasize and build upon aspects of an
existing culture that support proposed new strategies. Aspects of an existing
culture that are antagonistic to a proposed strategy should be identified and
changed, Substantial research indicates that new strategies are often
market-driven and dictated by competitive forces. For this reason, changing a
firm's culture to fit a new strategy is usually more effective than changing a
strategy to fit an existing culture. Numerous techniques are available to alter an
organization's culture, including recruitment, training, transfer, promotion,


restructure of an organization's design, role modeling, and positive

8. Production / Operations Concerns
Production / operations capabilities, limitations, and policies can significantly
enhance or inhibit the attainment of objectives. A major part of the strategy
implementation process takes place at production site. Production -related
decisions on plant size, plant location, product design, choice of equipment,
kind of tooling, inventory control, quality control, cost control, use of
standards, job specialization , employee training, equipment and resource
utilization, shipping and packaging, and technological innovation can have a
dramatic impact on the success or failure of strategy implementation efforts.
9. Human Resource Concerns
The job of human resource manager is changing rapidly as companies continue
to downsize and reorganize. Strategic responsibilities of the human resource
manager include assessing the staffing needs and cost for strategies proposed
during strategy formulation and developing a staffing plan for effectively
implementing strategies.
A well-designed strategic management system can fail if insufficient attention
is given to the human resource dimension. Human resource problems that arise
when business implement strategies can usually be traced to one of three causes
: (1) disruption of social and political structures, (2) failure to match
individual's aptitudes with implementing tasks, and (3) inadequate top
management support for implementation activities.
The process of empowering managers and employees through their
involvement in strategic management activities yields
the greatest benefits
when all organizational members understand clearly how they will benefit
personally if the firm does well.
Activating strategy is a process of putting strategy into action. In actual
implementation of strategy following steps are followed.
1. Institutionalization of strategy
This is the first step involved in activating the strategy. It involves two aspects
(a) Communication of Strategy- Once the strategy is formulated, it must be
communicated to those people who would implement it. Strategy
communication is a process of transferring the strategy information from the


formulators to the implementers. The communication is normally in writing.

The communication should include the purpose of the strategy, and the
activities required to implement the strategy.
(b) Securing acceptance of strategy - It is not enough to communicate the
strategy to the members of organizations, but it is equally important to secure
their acceptance of the strategy, so that they implement the
effectively. Normally, a major problem in strategy acceptance is that the
organizational members often resist a strategy, particularly when it requires
special efforts on the part of those who are going to implement it. Therefore, it
is advisable to prepare a preliminary draft of strategy, and it is circulated among
all those who are expected to implement it. Management may ask for their
suggestions, if required necessary modifications are made in the strategy and
after that final strategy is prepared.
2. Formulation of Action plans and programmes - Once the strategy is
institutionalized through its communication and acceptance, the management
proceeds to formulate action plans and programmes.
(a) Action Plans - The management has to frame actions plans in respect of
several activities required to implement a strategy. The action plan may be in
respect of purchasing new machinery, appointing additional personnel,
developing a new process, etc. The type of action plans depends upon nature of
strategy. While framing action plan, the manager must consider the following

The purpose of action plan

The activities required to perform the action plan
The person(s) who would be performing the activities
The resources required to perform the various activities.

(b) Programmes - The manager must also decide about the programmes in
respect of the strategy. A programme is a single use plan designed to
accomplish a specific objective. It clearly indicates the steps to be taken, the
resources to be used, and the time period within which the task is to be
3. Translating General Objectives into Specific Objectives - The top
management frames the general objectives. In order to make these objective
operative, functional managers must set specific objectives within the
framework of the general objectives. Most of the specific objectives are of
short-term in nature, with a definite time period for their accomplishment.


Translation of general objectives into specific objectives must fulfill two

important criteria:
(a) The specific objectives must be realistic, achievable and time bound. The
specific objectives must be set in such a way
that the performance can be
easily measured and evaluated. Setting generalized objectives does not lead to
effective action. For example it has no meaning in stating objectives like to
increase sales" but it should be " to increase sales by 10 % " which is more
(b) The specific objective should contribute to the accomplishment of general
objectives. So all the functional department like production, marketing, finance
etc., should set such specific objectives which are in line with the general
objectives of the organization. Further , every individual employee should have
his own set of objectives in line with his departmental objectives.
4. Resource allocation - For successful implementation of strategy, there must
be proper resource allocation to various units and activities. The resources can
be broadly classified into 3 groups
Financial resources
Physical resources
Human resources
The management need to answer several questions in resource allocation, such
What are the sources for obtaining resources ?
What factors affect resource allocation ?
What are the means for resource allocation ?
What are the problems in resource allocation ?
Proper answer to the above questions will help to obtain the resources from the
right sources, overcome the problem in resource allocation, and allocate the
resources properly so that there can be effective implementation of strategy.
5. Procedural Requirements - An organization must follow various
procedural requirements to implement the strategy. The various procedural
requirements may include the following, if applicable
Licensing requirements
Import and export requirements
Foreign exchange Management Act, 2000 requirements
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969.
Labour legislations


Securities and Exchange Board of India requirements

Foreign Collaborations requirements etc.

Other activities - The implementing strategy requires other activities such

Creating or modifying a proper organizational structure.
Developing or modifying leadership styles.
Building a suitable organizational climate.


A project can be defined as a one-shot, time limited, goal directed, major
undertaking requiring the commitment of varied skills and resources.
Project implementation passes through various phases such as
1. Conception phase The first phase of any project is the conceptual phase. This phase is an
extension of the strategy formulation phase. In this case, project ideas are
generated during the process of strategic alternatives and strategic choice,
which may be implemented in future by the organization.
2. Project analysis phase The project ideas have to be arranged according to priority for the purpose of
development. Before selecting a project for development, a preliminary project
analysis have to made in respect of marketing, technical, financial and other
relevant aspects. Such analysis is required to find out whether the project would
appeal to the investors, banks and financial institutions.
After the preliminary project analysis, feasibility study of the project is
conducted. Feasibility study consists of detailed analysis of the project covering
areas like cost of the project, means of financing, marketing arrangements, etc.
Feasibility study is conducted to find out whether a project is financially and
technically sound, and profitable or not.
3. Planning phase
The management must undertake detailed planning of the project. The detailed
planning should cover different areas of the project such as production
schedules, plant design and layout, technical arrangements, finance
requirements, marketing arrangements, manpower requirements, and so on.
4. Organizing Phase The management must organize for necessary resources such as manpower,
finance, systems and procedures to implement the project.


The complete project has to be properly organized in a well structured manner

so as to deals with man, machinery etc. So as to enable the successful
implementation of the project
5. Implementation Phase
During this phase, the management must undertake detailed engineering, order
placement for equipments and material, etc., leading to the testing, trail and
commissioning of the plant.
6. Operation Phase The final phase involves handing over the plant to the operating personnel for
operation purpose. At this stage, the production starts as per the planned
In India before implementing any new strategy the company must check
whether the changes require any state or central government approval.
These government regulations affect strategy formulation and implementation
in the company. Following are the various government regulations
Licensing policy
MRTP regulation
FERA regulation
Capital Issue Control regulation
Import and Export regulation
Foreign collaboration policy
Incentive and facilities available
1. Licensing policy
The Industrial Policy Resolutions divide all industries into 3 categories
The first category are those that are directly handled by the government
The second category are those industries that are handled by the government
along with the support of the private sector
The third category are those industries that can be handled by the private
sector exclusively
The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 provides a licensing
system of the development and also the regulation of the scheduled industries.
Scheduled industries are those industries listed in the First Schedule of the Act.


An overview of Licensing of Technology

When technology is a firms only source of competitive advantage, the firm
must license its technology only under special circumstances. Royalty received
through hardly compensate for loss of competitive advantage under following
circumstances licensing of technology may be considered:

Inability of the firm to exploit technology

Exploit market normally not available
Rapidly Standardizing the technology
Poor Industry Standards
Creating right Competitor
Technology exchange

In todays world, technology decides lot of things such as how we write letters,
how we treat ourselves, how we entertain ourselves, how we educate ourselves
and finally how we do business



Technological Leadership Technological Fellowership

Pioneer the lowest cost

Lower the cost of the
product design

Be the first firm down

activities by learning
the learning curve
from the leaders

Create low cost ways

of performing value
Avoid R&D costs
through imitation

product that increases
buyer value
Innovate in other
activities to increase
buyer value

Adapt the product or

delivery system more
closely to buyer needs
by learning from the
leaders experience








Next Generation


Current products

2. MRTP Regulations
The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Act 1969 seeks to
prevent monopolistic and restrictive trade practices conducted by a single
company. This is done so as to prevent the concentration of the economic
The MRTP Act also covers mergers, amalgamations, and turnovers.
3. FERA Regulations
The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) 1973 is with respect to the
control of foreign companies on Indian companies. If a non-Indian residents
equity holding in the company is 40 % and above, the prior permission of the
Reserve Bank of India is required.
4. Capital Issue Control Regulation
The issue of capital by companies is regulated through Capital Issues Control
Act, 1956 and the Securities Contracts Regulations Act, 1956 mainly to ensure
that investments are made in priority areas and for the promotion of capital
markets and also for the protection of the company's shareholders.
The Act will also be in force in case of mergers, amalgamation. Before the
company issues any fresh shares whether public issue or right issue, even
debentures, it has to be cleared by the Controller of Capital Issues (CCI) under
the Department of Economies Affairs, Ministry of Finance.
The clearance from CCI is required before any strategy can be implemented.


5. Import and Export Regulation

Imports of Capital Machinery or even Raw Material is necessary for some
companies in order to be effective in case of modernization, expansion.
Import substitution requires government clearance before the strategy is
implemented. Before any strategy is implemented with respect to imports or
exports the company should get the appropriate government sanctions under the
Import and Export ( Control ) Act, 1947.
The main aim of the government is to see that the balance of payments is not
adversely affected by such a transaction of import and export through import
6. Foreign Collaboration Regulation
In some cases the strategy in case of diversification etc. calls for a foreign
collaboration. The government allows this upto a maximum limit of 51% in
some areas on very selective basis. These foreign collaboration again require
prior government approval and sanction.
7. Benefits from Incentives and Facilities
The government gives incentives, subsidies to the company for implementing
certain strategies. By providing incentives the government does not play a
regulatory or controlling but a promotional role.
Certain other specific measures which are undertaken by the government relate
to backward areas incentive, development of small-scale industries and export


Resource allocation is an important activity in strategy implementation.
Resource allocation requires procurement and commitment of financial, human
and physical resources to the various activities required for the accomplishment
of objectives. The success of the organization depends upon the quality and
quantity of resources and their utilization.
Resource allocation is a central management activity that allows for strategy
execution. In organization that do not use a strategic-management approach to
decision making, resource allocation is often based on political or personal
factors. Strategic management enables resources to be allocated accordingly to
priorities established by annual objectives.
All organizations have at least 4 types of resources that can be used to achieve
desired objectives: financial, physical, human and technological resources.
Allocating resources to particular divisions and departments does not mean that
strategies will be successfully implemented. A number of factors commonly
prohibit effective resource allocation, including an overprotection of resources,
too great an emphasis on short-run financial criteria, organizational politics,
vague strategy targets, a reluctance to take risks, and a lack of sufficient
The real value of any resource allocation program lies in the resulting
accomplishment of an organization's objectives. Effective resource allocation
does not guarantee successful strategy implementation because programs,
personnel, controls, and commitment must breathe life into the resources
provided. Strategic management itself is sometimes referred to as a resource
allocation process
Steps involved in Resource Allocation
The following are the important steps involved in resource allocation
1. Determining the type and the amount of resources
The first step involved in resource allocation is to determine the type and
amount of resources required to implement the strategy.
A firm may require various types of resources such as human, financial,
physical and informational or technological resources. At times, a firm may


require only the financial resources, as human and informational resources are
already available with the firm, and that the physical resources such as
machinery or equipments can be purchased with the financial resources. A firm
should also decide the amount of resources required. For example
modernization strategy would require more resources that the integration
2. Determining the sources of resources The next step is to find out the sources of resources. The sources of resources
depends upon the type of resources. The human resources can be obtained from
both internal and external sources. For example mangers can be promoted from
within the organization or can be selected from external sources for the purpose
of strategy implementation. Financial resources can be obtained from internal
or external sources. For example retained earnings can be used to finance
strategy implementation or additional loan can be taken or capital can be issued
to finance strategy implementation.
3. Mobilisation of resources After determining the amount and the type of resources, the next step is to make
arrangement to obtain the resources. Necessary procedure is required to be
followed to obtain the resources. For instance , if financial resources are to be
obtained by way of issue of shares , the following steps have to be followed.
Preparation of draft Prospectus
Vetting of Prospectus
Appointment of Intermediaries - Bankers Underwriters,
Advertising Agency etc.
Filing of Prospectus with Registrar of Companies
Printing and Dispatch of Prospectus and Application forms
Filing of Initial Listing Application
Establishing the liability of Underwriters
Allotment of shares
Listing of the Issue


4. Resource Allocation
After obtaining the resources, the resources must be properly allocated for the
purpose of strategy implementation. The required physical resources can be
purchased with the help of financial resources. If required, additional human
resources can be selected for the purpose of strategy implementation. In any
case, there must be proper allocation of all the resources.


5. Utilization of Resources The allocated resources need to be utilized in respect of various activities. For
example, the funds allocated for market development strategy need to be
utilized for various activities in connection with market development activities
such as marketing research, advertising, sales promotion, dealers incentives,
etc. The funds must be utilized for productive activities, and care must be taken
to see to it that the funds are not misused or poorly utlilized.
6. Monitoring the Resources Allocation The management should monitor the resource allocation to find out whether or
not the allocated are properly utilized. The management should also find out
whether the resources allocated are sufficient enough to undertake the various
activities efficiently and effectively. If required, management may make
necessary changes in resource allocation, i.e. , additional funds may be
mobilized, if required or the resource allocation-mix can be modified
depending upon the importance of activities.
Factors affecting Resource Allocation
There are several factors which affects resource allocation, they are as follow.
1. Objectives of the organizationThe aims and objectives of the organization affects resource allocation. An
organization has various objectives to be accomplished- some are very
important, some are least important to the organization. For example increasing
market share is given more importance than other objectives. So accordingly,
resources have to be allocated. Normally resources are allocated to accomplish
important objectives.
2. The nature of strategies There are various types of strategies of a firm. Some strategies may require
huge capital or some may require less capital. Some may require more human
resources or some may require less human resources. Accordingly the strategies
which requires more capital or more human resources are allocated with more
resources than other strategies. Therefore modernization strategy is allocated
with more resources than product introduction strategy.
3. Availability of Resources
The availability of funds affect resources allocation. When a firm has adequate
funds or when a firm is in a position to obtain funds easily, then it can
adequately allocate funds for various resources. But if the firm has a problem of
obtaining additional funds, the certain activities may be dropped out or there
may be distribution of resources according to the importance of activities.


4. Internal Politics
Sometimes, internal politics in an organization can affect resource allocation.
Some departmental heads are in a position to get more funds for their
departments. This may be due to their power or influence they have over top
management. For example, if HRD manager has good terms with the top
management, his department may be allocated with more funds.
5. External factors There are various external factors which influence resource allocation for
example, financial institutions, local community, shareholders, government
policies and others etc. For example, the financial institutions , which have
provided long term loans may restrict allocation of resources in form of
dividend to shareholder, organizational expenditure etc. Some times due to
government policies, firm may have to allocate to employees welfare fund,
environment protection fund etc.
There are several problems faced in resources allocation. Some problems can
not be avoided. Some problems can be avoided with the efforts on the part of
1. Scarcity of Resources
The major problem arises due to scarcity of resources. Due to scarcity of
resources, it would be difficult for the management to obtain right type and
right amount of resources. Some times due to scarcity, management may have
to pay high price to obtain required resources.
2. Over-estimation of Resource need
The resource allocation problem may arise due to over-estimation of resource
needs. Normally each department may try to obtain maximum amount of
resources. This may be to avoid shortage of resources in future. Higher the
demand of resources from all the department makes it difficult to allocate
resources properly. Sometimes department gets used to overestimating resource
3. Organization's Past allocation of resources
Some units may be allocated with more resources in the past as their activities
were more important than other activities. Sometimes same allocation is
followed in the present situations, even though now their activities are not so
important. On the other hand other department's activities may be more


important at present, but they do not get required amount of resources due to
past allocation . So top management should consider relative importance of the
activities and the allocate the resources.
4. Problem of internal politics
Some manager may involve the internal politics. They may try to influence top
management and may try to get more funds than other departments. As a result
those departments who actually deserve more funds do not get required amount
of resources.
5. Poor financial climate Due to financial climate, may investors do not invest in the shares issued by the
company. So company finds it difficult to raise additional finance. This affects
the resource allocation for strategy implementation. Sometimes company may
have to go for additional loans from financial institutions at higher cost.
6. Conflicts of interest
There may be problem of conflict of interest between management and various
other parties for example, shareholders, trader unions, employees , government,
society etc. For example trade union may insist to allocate resources to
employee's welfare, management may like to allocate resources for
modernization. This conflict can be solved with proper discussion between
management and various parties and proper planning of resource allocation.
7. Problem of Resistance to Change Sometimes management may resist to change its own resource allocation
strategy. For example there may be some unprofitable products in the company,
but management may continue to allocate more resources to that unprofitable
product than the other promising products of the company. So management
should try to review market success of each product and try to allocate the




Corporate culture is the collection of beliefs, expectation and values learned
and shared by an organization's members and transmitted from one generation
of employees to another. The organization's culture generally reflects the values
and beliefs of the founder(s) and the mission of the firm. It gives a sense of
identity to the organization's members - This is who we are. This is what we
stand for.
The main features of organizational culture are as follows:
Organizational culture is a combination of social, cultural, physical,
psychological, and other conditions within an organization.
It influence the motivation, attitudes, behaviour and performance of the
members of an organization.
It gives a separate identity to the organization as compared to other
organizations as each organization has its own set of values, beliefs,
practices customs etc.
The organizational culture evolves over a fairly long period of time.
It can be relatively stable over a period of time. However, there can be
changes in the organization culture, with a change in top management, or
management's philosophy.
It is invisible and abstract, although it is perceived and experienced by the
the members of an organization.


Organization culture can bring name and goodwill to the organization.

It can provide opportunities and threats to its members.
style and

Style and




Skills and





The personal values are imbibed from parents, elders, and teachers. As an
individual grows, values are adapted and refined in the light of new knowledge
and experiences. In an organization, values are imparted by the founder or by a
dominant personality - mostly the chief executive. Such values remain for fairly
a long time, even when the founder or the dominant personality is not there in
the organization Ethics specify what is good or bad, right or wrong, proper or
improper from social point of view. Business ethics relates to behaviour and
actions of corporations relating to business.
According to Robert Gurinner "Business ethics may be defined as those
principles, practices, and philosophies that are concerned with moral
judgments and good conduct as they are applicable to business situation."
Features of Business Ethics
The following are some of the important features of business ethics:


Ethical Values: Business ethics is concerned with morality in business. In

today's world, business community forms a large part pf the society and its
actions (like right or wrong, legal or illegal) are bound to have a direct
impact on the well being and welfare of the society. Business affects society
in terms of what products it supplies. Therefore, it is necessary that
community conduct its activities with self-check, and self-control keeping
always in mind the interest of community at large.
Relative Term: Ethics is a relative term i. e. the concept of morality and
immorality differs from one individual to other or society. What is moral in
one society may be immoral in other. For example, taking or giving bribe is
considered as unethical in our society but may be a routine affair or just
ignored by society in some other countries.
Interest of Society: Business ethics implies that the business should do first
good to the society and then to itself. Business is an important institution
and has a social responsibility to protect the interest of all those groups like
employees, shareholders, consumers who contribute to the success of
Business-Society Relationship: Business ethics set the terms and standards
to understand business society relationship. It indicates what society expects
from business and what it thinks about business.
Provides Framework: Like an individual, business is also bound by social
rules and regulations. Business is expected to confine its activities within
the limits of social, legal, cultural and economic environment.
Systematic Study: Business ethics is a systematic study of business policies
and actions that have an impact (positive and negative) on human beings
and the society. For example, a company that cares for better natural
environment will pursue those plans and policies that protects environment.
Universal Application: Business ethics has universal application. It is
applicable to all business units in all countries whether large or small.
However, the degree of business ethics may vary from country to country.
Code of Conduct: Business ethics, like code of conduct or professional
ethics provides guidelines to regulate business activities on legal, moral,
social and ethical principles. It prescribes what should and should not done
for the welfare of the society.


Importance of business ethics and values

The need for business ethics is more felt in recent years than ever before. The
following point outline the importance of business ethics
1. Survival of Business
Business need to follow ethical values for its own good and survival. A firm
can have short-term and quick gains by resorting to unethical means and
disregarding social welfare. However, such firms grow fast and are out of
business faster. On the other hand, organizations doing business ethically have
continued to survive and prosper for a long time.
2. Protection of Consumer Rights
The application of business ethics will help to confer and implement consumer
rights. This will enhances the strength of individual consumer against powerful
business community. Business ethics can be used to check malpractices like
adulteration, unfair trade practices and to make the working of business
consumer oriented.
3. Consideration of Society's Interest
Those firms, which follow business ethics in the society, would make every
possible effort to produce goods and services not only in the interest of the
consumers, but also in the interests of the society. These firms would look into
not only consumer's well being, but also welfare of the society. Therefore, they
would make every possible effort to produce eco-friendly products
4. Better relations with Members of the Society
Business ethics is needed to develop good relations between business and
society. The relationship of business with society has various dimensions such
as its relations with shareholders, employees, consumers, distributors,
competitors and government. Ethics is needed to maintain good relations
among the firms on one side and between the firm and the social groups on
other side.
5. Mutual Benefit
Business ethics benefits the business firm as well as the society. The business
firm that adopts business ethics get good name in the society. It may be able to
increase confidence in the minds of the buyers who in turn would help to
improve the sale of the firm.
The society can also gain due to ethical practices on the part of the business.
For instance, the consumers can benefit by way of quality goods at right prices,
the employees can get fair treatment, and so on.



The corporate strategy is greatly affected by the values, ethics, and motives of
the people who are involved in its formulation process. In formulating
corporate strategy, managers can not isolate their feelings, and preferences from
economic considerations. Normally, there is a tendency on the part of mangers
to impose their preference and priorities in the process of strategy
Corporate strategy is affected by personnel values of the chief executive and of
the key executives , right from the stage of setting objectives. For instance, a
chief executive with high profit orientation would give priority to those areas
which generate higher rate of return while setting objectives, whereas a chief
executive with high social orientation would give greater importance to social
factors or areas while setting objectives.
The personal values and perceptions of top executives are reflected in
operational policies framed to execute the strategy. For instance, a participate
leader would encourage his subordinate to take part in framing suitable policies
required to implement the strategy, whereas a dominant autocratic leader would
himself frame the policies and impose them on his subordinates to implement
the strategy.
Reconciliation - the conflict of personal values and strategy
There is often a conflict between personal values and rational business strategy.
For strategy to be effectively implemented in the organizations, there is a need
for commitment and support on the part of top executives including the chief
executives. Therefore, personal values and preferences of the top executives
must be given considerations and a strategy based on rational considerations
needs to be modified. Such a modification in the strategy would receive support
from the top executives as far as its implementation is concerned, as they know
that their values and preferences are in taken into account.
In any organization there is a need to reconcile between the rational economic
strategy and the personal values and preferences of the key executives of the
organization, and also the conflict among the key executives. The conflict can
be resolved by making an attempt to analyse the values and preferences of
different executives and then to apprise them of such analysis so that they be
may fully aware of the prejudices and biases, which influence their behaviour.


Such analysis may help the executives to do way with certain values and
preferences, which are not conducive for the growth of the organization. For
instance, in one the organizations, a new chief executive was appointed, who
was born and brought in posh environment, wanted rich interiors and exteriors
of the company's head office, involving huge sum of money, was finally
convinced by the finance director that such heavy spending would drain
company's funds and that the company may face acute cash crunch.
Reconciliation of conflicts among individual values and preferences for the
formulation and implementation of strategy needs imagination, and cooperative
spirit on the part of executives. They must sort out their differences, and modify
their values and preferences in the interest of the organization. One of the best
alternatives is to appoint an external expert to frame sound economic strategy
with the support of the top executives of the organization, and the top
executives should not unduly influence upon the external expert of their
personal values and preferences. However, it is to be noted that if personal
values and preferences are vital to the interest of the organization, then such
values must considered in framing and implementing the strategy of the
Business is basically an economic activity, but in modem world it cannot
concentrate only on profit maximization. It is a group effort, as there is
participation, directly or indirectly, of the employees, customers, society,
government, shareholders etc. Business can not function independently and
depend on the society for supply of raw materials, capital, labour, and other
requirements. Business is a part of society and has to follow and operate within
the limits of the environment, and, rules and regulations prescribed by the
There is a need to have social responsiveness in strategic management. This is
because greater social responsiveness means good business. Normally the top
management takes the major decisions in respect of social responsibility. The
decisions in respect of social responsibility are based on the personal values,
views, opinions and business ethics of the top management. Having decided to
adopt social responsibility , the top management should involve social
responsiveness in all the phases of implementation and strategy evaluation will
be affected by social responsiveness. The strategist must consider the social
responsibility towards various group in strategic management.




No organization or individual can escape change. But the thought of change
raises anxieties because people fear economic loss, inconvenience, uncertainty,
and a break in normal social patterns. Almost any change in structure,
technology, people, or strategies has the potential to disrupt comfortable
interaction patterns. For this reason, people resist change. The strategic
management process itself can impose major changes on individuals and
processes. Reorienting an organization to get people to think and act
strategically is not an easy task.
Organizational change is any alteration that occurs in the environment of
organization. It means alternation is aim and objectives, strategies, procedures,
technology, structural arrangement, job design, and people. It means changes in
any aspects of organization. It may be small one or big one. It also includes
diversification etc. A change does bring about subsequent change in the
organizational set up or management.
Any organization goes through two types of changes : the structural change and
/ or the behavioural change. In the structural change the whole organization
goes through some or a drastic change in the whole structure. Here some new
divisions or departments may be formed or some may be completely shut down
or modified to some extent. Some may even be merged with others.


Behaviourable change is another type of change an organization can go

through. This should be done so that the company can survive the external and
internal impacts.
Resistance to change can be considered the single greatest threat to successful
strategy implementation. Resistance in the form of sabotaging production
machines, absenteeism, filing unfounded grievance, and an unwillingness to
cooperate regularly occur in organization. People often resist strategy
implementation because they do not understand what is happening and why
changes are taking place. In that case, employees may simply need accurate
information. Successful strategy implementation hinges upon manager's ability
to develop an organizational climate conducive to change. Changes must be
viewed as an opportunity rather than as a threat by managers and employees.
Features of Organizational Change
1. Pervasive in nature
A change is one part of the organization and organization can not avoid it. It
may affect other part of the organization also. Organizational activities can not
be static in nature, there are bound to be changes in the organizational set up.
All the departments and their activities are subject to change. Some parts may
be largely affected than other parts. Some parts may have direct impact or some
parts may have indirect impact. For example, if new machines are installed in
the factory, then HRD department has to train its staff, Marketing department
has to bring about necessary changes in its marketing appeal to match with the
improved products etc.
2. New management set-up
Any change , big or small affects the organization's existing set-up. So
Management has to bring about new management set up to incorporate the new
changes. New changes can be just incorporated in the old and existing
management activities. The set-up depends upon the degree of change and its
overall impact on the management.
3. Continuous in nature
Organizational change is continuous in nature. It is not static. As long as , there
is organization, changes are bound to occur. Some changes may be minor one
or some may major ones but they are going happen, as in the world nothing is
static, and organization is not exception for it.
4. Reactive and Planned
A change may be reactive or planned. Reactive change is unplanned and it
takes place due to changes in the environment. For example, competitor may


change its marketing strategies, similarly company has to make changes in its
marketing strategies. This is reactive change. Some change may be planned and
proactive. These changes are outcome of deliberate planning on the part of
5. Change and Innovation
Change is different from innovation. All innovations are change but all changes
are not innovations. Innovations takes place when an organization makes first
use of idea to introduce the product, to develop new techniques, method or
process etc. But change means any alterations or modifications in organization's
existing set-up.
6. Several factors
An organizational change takes place due to several factors. These factors can
be internal or external. The internal factors include management, workers, job
design, strategies etc. External factors include competition, government,
customers, suppliers, dealers etc.
Process of Management of Changes
A change does not occur immediately. It goes through different stages, they are
as follows.
1. Identify need for a changes
The first step in the process of management of change is to identify the need for
change in the organization. One should not introduce any change just for the
sake of doing it. Any change should bring out desired change in the
Many times a changes arises due to internal or external factors. External factors
include technological development, change in competitors strategies, change in
government policies, change in the customer's taste or preference etc.
Internal factors include fall in sales or profit, high cost of production, increase
in labour turnover, high maintenance cost etc. These factors force the
management to bring out necessary changes in the organizational set-up.
The management has to identify the need for change. It depends upon the gap
between the actual results and the desired results. This gap can be identified by
comparing the actual performance with the planned performance.


2. Decision on elements to be changed

After identifying the need for change, the next step is to decide on the elements
of organization which requires change. It depends on the need for change. For
example, if there is fall in sales, then organization have to undertake a detailed
study of the problem to find out causes of such fall in sales. The causes for fall
in sales may be

High Price
Low Quality of the products
Poor advertising campaign
Defective marketing strategy
Poor distribution strategy

After undertaking thorough study of the problem management should identify

the element or factors which require change. For example, if fall in sales is due
to poor pricing strategies, then management should bring out necessary changes
in its pricing strategies.
3. Planning for change
After identifying the elements that require a change, the management should
plan for change. Planning for a change would involve answering various
questions, they are as follows
Who should introduce a change ?
When to introduce a change ?
How to introduce a change ?
Normally the department concern and the top management is responsible to
introduce a change. Secondly, there should be proper timing to introduce a
change. Some change has to be introduced immediately or some changes are
introduced in future considering the proper timing. Similarly management has
to list out different activities to introduce a change. Management should not
only list out the activities but also decide how they have to be undertaken.
4. Assessing change forces
The management should assess the impact of change on internal and external
forces. For example, management has to find out how would the change affect
the people within an organization ? Would they resist the change ? If yes,
management has to create necessary environment to manage such resistance to
change. This environment can be created by proper communication, discussion
and involvement of people in introducing the change.


The management should find out impact of change on the external factors such
competitors, government, customers, dealers, suppliers etc. If organization is
going to change its pricing strategy, then it must find out how would a change
in price affect competitors, customers ? Whether customers would react
positively or negatively ?
5. Introducing a change
After communicating the change to the organization people and securing their
active support, management has to introduce the change. For introducing the
change sometimes, management may have to keep old ideas, views, methods,
activities aside because old ides or methods have failed to bring desired results.
News ideas and practices are accepted and leamt by the employees and put into
6. Review
There must proper review to find out whether the change has been successful to
bring desired results. Management should try to understand whether the
introduction of change bring out positive effects in the company's performance.
If not, management has to handle the situation, it should rethink the whole
situation and should bring out new changes in the activities of the management.
Reasons for organizational change
There are various causes or reasons for organizational change, they are as
1. Technological and Organizational change
There is always development in existing technology. Hence technology is the
most important factor responsible for organizational change. Development in
technology bring out changes in production, communication and various
management activities. To succeed in the market, an organization to up-grade
itself with the developing technology.
2. Change in management philosophy
Sometimes management philosophy may change from traditional management
philosophy to professional management philosophy. Subsequently change has
to introduced in strategies, decision making process, communication,
production activities etc. Change in philosophy of the management can have
major impact on the organizational activities.
3. Management personnel
There may be change in management personnel. For example, the Chief
Executive Officer or Departmental Head may be changed. As each person has


its own perspective, the change in personnel may bring out changes in
organizational structures, policies, aim and objectives etc.
4. Business cycle
Every business passes through different phases such introduction phase, growth
phase, maturity phase and decline phase etc. Due to changes in business cycle,
necessary changes has to be introduced. For example in decline phase,
organization may concentrate only on profitable products and may drop
unprofitable products, it may change its marketing strategy by reducing its
promotional expenditure etc.
5. Environmental forces
There may be changes in the environmental forces such competitor's strategies,
change in customers taste and preference, change in government policies etc.
Any change in the environmental forces require a change in the business
organization so as to adjust with the changing environmental forces. For
example due to change in customer's taste and preference, company has to
change its product quality, pricing strategy, marketing appeal etc.
6. Problem in the Organization
There may be problems in the organization. For example, the technology may
be old and obsolete, employees may not be trained and expert, problem in
organizational strategies etc. In order to survive in the market and to face the
competition organization have to change its existing defective setup, otherwise
organization may have closed down.
7. Growth and Expansion
When organization plan for its growth and expansion, it has to bring out
necessary changes in the organizational activities. With the existing
organizational set up it is not possible to achieve growth and expansion of the
8. Entry in new business or new market
Sometimes organization may enter in new business or new market. For
example, a company presenting dealing in consumer durables, may plan to
enter in customer finance, company operating at national level may enter in
international market. For such new business and new market company has to
introduce changes in its policies, structures, strategies etc.



In any organization, there is resistance to change. There are various chases for
such resistance to change
1. Traditional Management philosophy
Traditional managers do not like to introduce changes in the organization. They
are satisfied with present performance of the organization. They support their
existing set up and do not think about organization's future prospects
2. Problem of Responsibility
Managers are held responsible for the results of changes. Every change in the
business activities has some sort of risk. There is no guarantee that change
would bring out positive effects, so managers do not want to take risk and do
not want to take responsibility. Sometimes they are afraid of the failure arising
out of introduction of change in the organization.
3. Shortage of Resources
Every organization need to adjust to changes in the external environment. For
instance, if there are technological changes, which need to be introduced in the
organizations for better performance, organizations may find it difficult to
introduce the technological changes due to resource constraints. In other words,
an organization may no have adequate funds and manpower to introduce the
technological changes.
4. Stability of Systems
Organizations tend to develop certain systems, which bring benefits to the
organization. The organization may be so used to the system that it may find it
difficult to replace with new and better system, even though the new system
may bring better results than the existing one. For instance, most educational
institutes are comfortable with the present system of education, where the
students are passive receivers of knowledge from the teachers, and as such
emphasis would not be placed on interactive learning system, wherein the
students plan an active role in the learning exercises.
5. Organizational Agreements
Some times, an organization may enter into agreements with another
associations or organization, in respect of certain matters. For instance, an
organization may enter into an agreement with its trade union, not to introduce
changes that would reduce the size of workforce. As a result of such agreement,
it would be difficult to introduce changes such as automation, which would
results in the reduction of workforce.


6. Redundancy of Jobs
Employees may feel that a change can make their jobs redundant and as such
they may lose their jobs, which in turn would affect their economic security.
For instance, when computers were first introduced in between 1970s and
1990s in several organizations in India, employees including managers resisted
the changes for the fear of losing jobs and consequently their economic security
7. Problem of Incentives
At times, a change would reduce incentives of employees such as over-time pay
and as such they resist change. For instance, automation in the industry reduces
the need for over-time of employees, and therefore, they may resist introduction
of labour saving devices in the organization.
8. Inconvenience
Individuals may resist change, which is likely to cause inconvenience, make the
life more difficult, reduce freedom of action or result in increased workload.
9. Fear of unknown
Individuals may resist change for the fear of unknown. For instance, a firm may
introduce new technology, and an individual employee may resist such changes
may be because of the fear of non exposure to new technology. He/she may feel
that the new technology may be difficult to handle and as such he/she may
avoid accepting the new technology.
10. Problem of Ego
Some individuals enjoy present status in the organization. They satisfy their ego
needs with the present position or status in the organization. A change in the
organization may affect their position or expose their weakness. As such,
individuals may resist change in the organization.
Management has to manage resistance to change. It is real challenge to
overcome resistance to change. Strategists can take a number of positive
actions to minimize manager's and employees resistance to change. For
example, individuals who will be affected by a change should be involved in
the decision to make the change and in decisions about how to implement the
change. Strategist should anticipate changes and develop and offer training and
development workshops so that managers and employees can adapt to those
changes. They also need to communicate the need for change effectively.
The following are the various ways to overcome resistance to change.


1. Participation and Involvement

The management should secure involvement of employees who would be
affected by the change. This would involve explanation and then discussion on
the proposed change. The management should try to find out reaction, opinions
and suggestions of the employees in respect of the proposed change. It is
generally observed that as the participation increases, resistance to change
tends to decrease. Since the needs of the employees are considered , they feel
secure in a changing situation.
2. Leadership
Managers should have strong leadership skills to influence the employees to
willingly accept the changes in the organization and work for the
accomplishment of the organizational goals. Managers must provide
performance -related reasons for the change. It is generally believed that change
is more likely to be successful, if the leader has high expectations of its success.
3. Shared Rewards
Management should promise sharing of rewards arising out of the proposed
change. When employees are assured of rewards they would be willing to
accept the implement the changes in the organization. Employees need to be
provided both with monetary and non-monetary incentives. The management
may introduce group rewards as well as individual rewards so as to implement
the change effectively.
4. Employee Security
Existing employees must be provided with security. A guarantee of employee
security would result in overcoming the resistance to change on the part of
employees. Management should guarantee workers protection, seniority rights,
and opportunities for promotion and other such benefits.
5. Education and communication
Management can introduce change in the organization through education and
communication. Effective communication between management and employees
is required for the successful implementation of change.
Management should educate the employees regarding the benefits of the
proposed change. Education and communication can reduce misunderstanding
and improve trust and confidence between the management and employees.
6. Training and Counseling
Management can introduce training programme so as to upgrade knowledge,
skills and attitudes of the employees. Employees should be trained to become


familiar with change, and it's working. At times, management may provide
psychological counseling to develop a positive attitude towards change.
7. Union Consultations
Management should consult the worker's union in introducing the change in the
organization. Union representatives should be involved before the change is
introduced in the organization. Such involvement is required not only to avoid
resistance but also secure willing cooperation and commitment of the workers
towards the changes in the organization.
8. Group Dynamics
A change not only affects individuals members but also the groups in the
organization. Therefore, the management should understand the impact of
group dynamics. The management may find out the important and influencing
members of the group, and through them may introduce the change in the
organization. The influencing members of the group, the so-called group
representative can exert strong pressure on the group members to accept the
Organizational change should be viewed today as a continuous process rather
than as a project or event. The most successful organization today continuously
adapt to changes in the competitive environment, which themselves continue to
change at an accelerating rate.




The strategic management process results in decisions that can have significant
long-lasting consequences. Erroneous strategic decisions can inflict severe
penalties and can exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. Most
strategists agree, and therefore, that strategy evaluation is vital for an
organizations well-being; timely evaluations can alert management to
problems or potential problems before a situation becomes critical. Strategy
evaluation includes three basic activities :
1. Examining the underlying bases of a firms strategy.
2. Comparing expected results with actual results
3. Taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to
Adequate and timely feedback is the cornerstone of effective strategy
evaluation. Strategy evaluation can be no better than the information on which
it operates. Too much pressure from top managers may result in lower
managers contriving numbers they think will be satisfactory.
Strategy evaluation can be a complex and sensitive undertaking. Too much
emphasis on evaluating strategies may be expensive and counterproductive.
Strategy evaluation is essential to ensure that stated objectives are being
In many organizations, strategy evaluation is simply an appraisal of how well
an organization has performed. Have the firms assets increased ? Has there
been an increase in profitability ? Have sales increased ? Some firms argue that
their strategy must have been correct if the answers to these types of questions
are affirmative. Well, the strategy or strategies may have been correct, but this
type of reasoning can be misleading, because strategy evaluation must have


both long run and short- run focus. Strategies often do not affect short-term
operating results until it is too late to make needed changes.
It is impossible to demonstrate conclusively that a particular strategy is optimal
or even to guarantee that it will work. One can, however, evaluate it for critical
Strategy evaluation is important because organizations face dynamic
environments in which key external and internal factors often change quickly
and dramatically. Success today is no guarantee of success tomorrow ! An
organization should never be lulled into complacency with success. Countless
firms have thrived one year only to struggle for survival the following year.
Strategy evaluation is becoming increasing difficult with the passage of time,
for many reasons. Domestic and world economies were more stable in years
past, product life cycles were longer, product development cycles were longer,
technological advancement was slower, change occurred less frequently, there
were fewer competitors, foreign companies were weak, and there were more
regulated industries. Other reasons why strategy evaluation is more difficult
today include the following trends :
A dramatic increase in the environments complexity
The increasing difficulty of predicting the future with accuracy
The increasing number of variables
The rapid rate of obsolescence of even the best plans
The increase in the number of both domestic and world events affecting
The decreasing time span for which planning can be done with any
degree of certainty.
Richard Rumelt offered four criteria that could be used to evaluate a strategy :
a. Consistency
b. Consonance
c. Feasibility
d. Advantage
1. Consistency
A strategy should not present inconsistent goals and policies. Organizational
conflict and interdepartmental bickering are often symptoms of managerial
disorder, but these problems may also be a sign of strategic inconsistency.
There are three guidelines to help determine if organizational problems are due
to inconsistencies in strategy :
If managerial problems continue despite changes in personnel and if they
tend to be issue-based rather than people-based, then strategies may be


If success for one organizational department means, or is interpreted to

mean, failure for another department, then strategies may be inconsistent.
If policy problems and issues continue to be brought to the top for
resolution, then strategies may be inconsistent.
2. Consonance
Consonance refers to the need for strategists to examine sets of trends as well
as individual trends in evaluating strategies. A strategy must represent an
adaptive response to the external environment and to the critical changes
occurring within it. One difficulty in matching a firms key internal and
external factors in the formulation of strategy is that most trends are the result
of interactions among other trends. For example, the daycare explosion came
about as a combined result of many trends that included a rise in the average
level of education, increased inflation, and an increase in women in the
workforce. Although single economic or demographic trends might appear
steady for many years, there are waves of change going on at the interaction
3. Feasibility
A strategy must neither overtax available resources not create unsolvable sub
problems. The final broad test of strategy is its feasibility ; that is , can the
strategy is attempted within the physical, human, and financial resources of the
enterprises ? The financial resources of a business are the easiest to quantify
and are normally the first limitation against which strategy is evaluated. It is
sometimes forgotten, however, that innovative approaches to financing are
often possible. Devices such as captive subsidiaries, sale leaseback
arrangements, and tying plant mortgages to long term contracts have been used
effectively to help win key positions in suddenly expanding industries. A less
quantifiable, but actually more rigid, limitation on strategic choice is that
imposed by individuals and organizational capabilities. In evaluating a strategy,
it is important to examine whether an organization has demonstrated in the past
that it possess the abilities, competencies, skills, and talents needed to carry
out a given strategy.
4. Advantage
A strategy must provide for the creation and/or maintenance of a competitive
advantage in a selected area of activity. Competitive advantage normally are the
result of superiority in one of three areas: resources , skills or position. The idea
that the positioning of ones resources can enhance their combined
effectiveness is familiar to military theorists, chess players, and diplomats.
Position can also play a crucial role in an organizations strategy. Once gained,
a good position is defensible meaning that it is so costly to capture that rivals


are deterred from full-scale attacks. Positional advantage tends to be selfsustaining as long as the key internal and environmental factors that underlie it
remain stable. This is why entrenched firms can be almost impossible to unseat,
even if their raw skill level are only average. The principle characteristic of
good position is that it permits the firm to obtain advantage from policies that
would not similarly benefit rivals without the same position. Therefore, in
evaluating strategy, organizations should examine the nature of positional
advantages associated with a given strategy.
The purpose of strategic evaluation and control is to ensure that the objectives
are accomplished For, this purpose strategic are formulated implemented, and
then evaluated and if necessary control measures are taken. The need and
importance of strategic evaluation and control is briefly stated follows.
1. Facilitates coordination : Strategic evaluation and control facilitates
coordination among the various departments of the organization.
Whenever, there are any deviations the activities of the concerned
departments are coordinated so as to take collective and corrective
measures. The collectives efforts on the part of concerned departments
enable to correct the deviations and to accomplish the objective.
2. Facilitates optimum use of resources : Evaluation and control enables
optimum use of resources physical, financial and human resources. The
resources are properly allocated and utilized which in turn generates
higher productivity and efficiency.
3. Guide to operations : Evaluation and control guides the actions of the
individuals and departments in the
organization. Activities are
undertaken in the right direction and as such the organization would not
be able to accomplish its objectives.
4. Check on validity of strategic choice : Evaluation and control helps the
management to keep a check on the validity of the strategic choice. The
process of evaluation and control would provides feedback on the
relevance of the strategic choice made during the formulation stage. This
is due to the efficacy of the strategic evaluation to determine the
effectiveness of the strategy.
5. Facilitates performance appraisal : Evaluation and control facilitates
employees appraisal. The actual performance is measured in the light of


the strategic planning. The managers measure the performance and

provide necessary feedback to the employees. This facilitates them to
improve their performance.
6. Motivates employees : Employees are aware that their performance is
reviewed periodically. Therefore, they put in their best possible efforts to
improve their performance. The employees are motivated as those
employees who show better performance are normally rewarded.
7. Fixes responsibility : Evaluation and control fixes responsibility on the
managers. It is the duty of the managers to correct the deviations, when
the actual performance is not taking place as per the targets. Managers
cannot ignore their responsibility for evaluation and control.
8. Creates inputs for future strategic planning. : Strategic evaluation and
control provides a good amount of information and experience to
managers, which can be utilized in future strategic planning. Therefore,
future strategic planning can be better than before.
Evaluation of strategy is that phase of the strategic management process in
which managers try to assure that the strategic choice is properly implemented
and is meeting the objectives of the enterprises. The strategy evaluation
involves the following steps
1. Determine what to measure
Top managers as well as operational managers need to specify what
implementation processes and results will be monitored and evaluated. The
processes and results must be capable of being measured in a reasonably
objective and consistent manner. The focus should be on the most significant
elements in a process the ones that account for the highest proportion of
expense or the greatest number of problems.
2. Setting of Standards
The strategists need to establish performance targets, standards and tolerance
limits for the objectives, strategy, and implementation plans. The standards can
be established in terms of quantity, quality , cost and time. Standard need to be
definite and they must be acceptable to employees. One cannot just fix high
targets and low targets or standards to be avoided.


3. Measuring actual performance

The next step is to measure the actual performance. For this purpose, the
manager may ask for performance reports from the employees. The actual
performance can be measured both in quantitative terms as well as qualitative
terms. The actual performance also need to be measured in terms of time and
the cost factor.
4. Comparing actual performance with Standards
The actual performance need to be compared with the standards. There must be
objective comparison of the actual performance against the predetermined
targets or standards. Such comparison is required to find out deviations, if any.
5. Finding out Deviations
After comparison, the managers may notice the deviations. For instance if the
actual sales are only 9000 units as compare to standards targets of 10,000 units
of sales, then deviations are to the extent of 1000 units of sales.
If actual performance results are within the desired tolerance range, the
measurement process stops here.
6. Analyzing deviations
The deviations may be reported to the higher authorities. The higher authorities
analyze the cause of deviations. For this purpose, the higher authorities may
hold necessary discussion with the functional staff. The causes of deviations
should be identified.
7. Taking corrective Actions
If actual results fall outside the desired tolerance range, corrective action must
be taken to correct the deviation. Some times there may be need for re-setting
goals or objectives or re-framing plans, policies and standards. The corrective
steps must be taken at the right time so as to accomplish the objectives.
Line of Communication
Corporate Objectives

Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Manager observation

Internal audit

The control environment

Operational controls

Internal accounting

*Specific overall goals derived from the

business are articulated by top
management and board of directors.
* Code of conduct to guide officers and
employees in their business activities is
*Oversees managements execution of
objectives and policies
* Set control standards.
*Review performance
*Provide corrective and reinforcement
* procedures
*Monitor, test and evaluate compliance with
objectives, policies, and standards
*Recommend improvements in operating
and control procedures.
*Ethical climate and management
attitude and behavior is high.
*Plan of organization flows from business
*Integrity and competence is high
*Financial resources management
* Production and inventory control
* Tax Planning
*Accounting reports and records

SOURCE: Adapted from A.E. Mackay, Management Control in a Changing Environment.


From time to time , companies need to undertake a critical review of their
overall marketing goals to effectiveness. In this world, there is rapid
obsolescence of objectives, policies , strategies and programmes. Each
company should therefore periodically reassess its strategic approach to the
market place ( within and outside the organization )
Strategic control takes into account the changing assumptions that determine
the strategy by continuously evaluating the strategy during the process of
implementation and it also takes the required corrective action as and when
needed. Thus strategic control is like an alarm long before the calamity can
Operational control is the process of ensuring that specific tasks are carried out
effectively and efficiently. The operational control aims at evaluating the
performance of the organization. Most of the control system in organization are
operational in nature. Some examples of operational control are : Budgetary
control, Quality control, Inventory control, Production Control, Cost control
Operational control are programmed or decided in advance. They are selfregulatory in nature. They are impersonal in nature. Techniques, tools,
procedures are used as means of control. Considerations of environmental
influences and adapting accordingly play little role in operational control
Strategic Control
Operational Control
1. Aim
The main aim of strategic control is The main aim of operational control is
continuously questioning of the basic allocation and use of organizational
direction of strategy. Its aim is find out resources
whether or not strategy is being
implemented properly
2. Environment
It is concerned with internal as well as It considers only the internal
external environmental factors.


3. Techniques used
The main techniques involved are
environmental scanning, information
gathering, questioning and review.
4. Time period
The strategic control considers longterm impact of strategy on the
5. Exercise control
The strategic control is exercised only
by top management

6. Database
The database for strategic control is
both historical and future oriented
7. Main concern
The main concern of strategic control
is pushing the company in the correct
future direction.
8. Flexibility
The strategic control is flexible in
nature, depending upon the situation.

The main techniques involved are

budgets, Schedules, inventory control
and MBO.
The operational control is only for
short period say maximum for 1 year.

The operational control is exercised by

top management through the middle
level management and lower level
The database for operational control is
mostly historical in nature.
The operational control is concerned
with the actions as it is based on plans,
standards and procedures.
Operational control lacks flexibility as
those whose implement operational
control have to strictly follow the
structured pattern of control.


There are several techniques of evaluation and control. There are certain
techniques, which are meant for strategic control, and some other techniques
meant for operational control.
A. Evaluation techniques for Strategic Control
Strategic control takes into account the changing assumptions that determine
the strategy by continuously evaluating the strategy during the process of
implementation and it also takes the required corrective action as and when
needed. Thus strategic control is like an alarm long before the calamity can
happen. It is undertaken to find out whether or not the strategy is implemented


1. Premise Control
Strategies are based on certain premises, on certain assumptions with respect to
the organization as well as the environment. Any change in either of them
affect the strategy itself to a very large extent. For this reason one must keep
watch and control over these premises /assumptions. Premise control is
required to identify the main assumptions on which the strategy is based and
keep a close watch on them, to see if there is any change in the assumptions and
if these changes are making an impact on the strategy to be adopted. The
corporate planning staff are kept responsible for the supervision and control of
the premises, they are thus required to regularly check the validity of the
premises constantly.
2. Implementation control
Only strategy implementation gives result to plans, projects and programmes
being set up. The strategist has to lay down the resources to be allocated all
every stage. Implementation control deals with the evaluation whether the
plans, projects and programmes one leading the organization towards its
predetermined goal. This is done through identification and close monitoring of
each plan.
3. Strategic Surveillance
Strategic surveillance is done to oversee the organization as a whole. It sees
whether any event either within or outside the company threatens the strategies
course of action in any way.
4. Special alert control
In case of emergencies the company needs to take quick and correct decision in
order to save the strategy in operation. Special alert control can be exercised
through the formulation of contingency strategies by giving the job
immediately to the crisis management teams who is capable and experienced in
handling such emergencies e.g. unfortunate floods , share prices crash or real
estate prices crash etc.
5. Strategic leap control
Today modern industry is highly competitive, volathe and unstable. Companies
are required to make strategies leaps so that they can make significant changes.
Strategic lead control can assist companies by helping to define the new
strategic requirements and to cope with emerging environmental realities. There
are four different techniques used in ensuring strategic leap control in the


a. Strategic issue management

It is aimed at identifying one or more strategic issues and assessing their impact
on the organization. A strategic issue is a forthcoming development either
inside or outside of the organization which is likely to have an impact on ability
of the company to meet its objectives. By managing on the basis of strategic
issues, the strategists can avoid being overtaken by surprising environmental
changes and design contingency plans to shift strategies whenever needed.
b. Systems modeling
Computer based models simulate the essential features of the company and its
environment. Through systems modeling organizations may exercise pre-action
control by assessing the impact of the environment on the company by adopting
a specific strategy.
c. Strategic field analysis
It is a method of examining the nature and extent of synergies that exist or are
lacking between the components of a company. Whenever synergies exist, the
strategists can assess the ability of the company to take the advantage.
Alternatively, the strategists evaluate the companys ability to generate synergic
where they do not exist.
d. Scenarios
These are different perceptions about the likely environment a firm would face
in the future.
6. Responsibility centres
Central centres can be established to monitor specific functions, projects or
divisions. Responsibility centres are used to isolate a unit so that it can be
evaluated separately from the rest of the corporation. Each responsibility centre
therefore has its own budget and is evaluated on its use of budgeted resources.
A responsibility centre is headed by the manager responsible for the centres
performance. They are of various types
a. Standard cost centres
Primarily used in manufacturing facilities, standard costs are computed for each
operation on the basis of historical data. In evaluation of the centres
performance, its total standard costs are multiplied by the units produced ; the
result is expected cost of production, which then compared to the actual cost of


b. Revenue Centres
Production in terms of units or rupee sales, is measured without consideration
of resource costs (e.g. salaries ). The centre is thus judged in terms of
effectiveness rather than efficiency. The effectiveness of a sales region is
determined by the comparison of its actual sales to its projected years sales.
c. Expense centres
Resources are measured in rupees without consideration of service or product
costs. Thus, budgets will have been prepared for engineered expenses ( those
costs that can be calculated ) and for discretionary expenses ( those costs that
can only be estimated ).
d. Profit centres
Performance is measured in terms of the difference between revenues ( which
measure production ) and expenditures ( which measure resources ). A profit
centre is typically established whenever an organizational unit has control over
both resources and its products or services.
e. Investment centres
Investment centres is measured in terms of the differences between its resources
and its services or products. Investment centres can also be measured in terms
of its contribution to shareholder value.
B. Operational Control
Operational control is the process of ensuring that specific tasks are carried out
effectively and efficiently. The operational control aims at evaluating the
performance of the organization. Most of the control system in organization are
operational in nature.
1. Internal Analysis
The internal analysis deals with the strengths and weakness of the firm. It
involves following techniques.
a. Value chain analysis
It places emphasis on inter-related activities performed in a sequence for
production and marketing of a product or service. It divided the total task of a
firm into identifiable activities, which can then be evaluated for judging their
b. Quantitative analysis
It considers the financial and non-financial quantitative parameters such as
physical units or volume for the purpose of judging effectiveness. The


quantitative analysis techniques are widely used for evaluation , as they are
easy to administer. Some of quantitative techniques are ratio analysis, market
ranking, advertising recall rate etc.
c. Qualitative analysis
They support the quantitative analysis by including those factors, which are not
measurable in terms of numbers. Some of the qualitative techniques are
market surveys, experimentation and observation etc.
2. Comprehensive Analysis
This analysis adopts a total approach of judging the performance of a firm and
it does not focus on a specific area or function.. It includes following
a. Key factor rating
In this case, the key areas of the organization are identified and then the
performance in such areas is evaluated.
b. Balanced scoreboard
In this techniques, the four key performance measures are identified customer
perspective, internal business perspective, innovation and learning perspective
and the financial perspective. This techniques adopts a balanced approach to
evaluate performance of the organization as a whole as a wide range of
parameters are considered.
c. Network techniques
In this normally PERT ( Programme Evaluation Review Technique ) and CPM
( Critical Path Method ) are used for the purpose of planning and scheduling
activities. This techniques focus on the critical path or the sequence of events,
which requires the maximum possible time, so that the critical path can be
properly monitored for the purpose of completion of the project or activities in
d. Management by Objectives ( MBO )
It involves subordinate managers in planning and controlling activities. In this
case the superior and subordinate managers jointly decide common goals, and
jointly frame plans. The subordinate then implements the plan, and finally the
performance of the plan is jointly reviewed by the superior and subordinate


3. Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU )

Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between a public enterprise
and the Government where clearly specify their commitments and
4. Budgetary control
It is used to indicate the appraisal of performance by a comparison of the actual
with the budget and corrective action for the same. Here budgets are used as an
instrument of control.
5. Zero-based Budgeting
Here annual budgets, revaluation of plans, projects and programmes decide
whether any change in resource allocation is required to achieve the companys
Budgetary control is an important tool in the hands of management. Budgetary
control is the establishment of budget relating to the responsibility of
executives in a business and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted
results to secure by individual action. Budgetary control is not a type of costing
but is extensively used in all types of industries
And business establishments as a system of control through responsible persons
such as executives departmental heads and foreman. Budgetary control system
is an integral part of the management control.
Merits of budgetary control:
Brings economy in working : It brings efficiency and economy in the
working of the business enterprises.
Buck-passing avoided : It establishes divisional and departmental
responsibility. It thus prevents buck- passing when the budget figures are
not met.
Establishes co-ordination : It co-ordinates the various divisions of a
business namely, the production, marketing, financial and administrative
divisions. It force executives to think as a group. This result in smoother
operation of the entire plant.
Guards against undue optimism :It guards against undue optimism
leading to over expansion because the targets are fixed by the executives
after careful thought.
Acts as a safety signal : It acts as a safety signal for the management. It
shows when to proceed cautiously and when manufacturing or
merchandising expansion can be safety undertaken. It serves as an


automatic check on the judgment of the executives as losses are revealed

in time which is a caution to the management to stop wastage.
Decrease in production costs : Seasonal variations on production can be
reduced by developing new fill in products. This result in decreasing the
cost of production by increasing volume of output.
Adoption of standard costing principles : The use of budget figures as
measures of operating performance and financial position the adoption of
the standard costing principles.
Optimum mix : It helps managements in obtaining the most profitable
combination of different factors of production. This results in a more
economical use of capital.
Favors with credit agencies : Managements who have developed a well
ordered budget plan and who operate accordingly, receive greater favors
from Credit Agencies.
Optimum capitalization : It is the only means of predetermining when
and to what extent financing will be necessary avoiding the possibility
of both over and under-capitalisation.

Limitations of budgetary control:

Budgetary control starts with the formulation of budgets which are mere
estimates. Therefore, the adequacy or otherwise of Budgetary Control
system to a very large extent depends upon the adequacy or accuracy
with which estimates are made.
Budgetary are meant to deal with business conditions which are
constantly changing. Therefore, budgets estimates lose much of their
usefulness under changing conditions because of their rigidity. It is
necessary that budgetary control system should be kept adequately
The system of budgetary control is based on quantitative data and
represent only an impersonal appraisal to the conduct of business activity
unless it is supported by proper management personal administration.
It has often been found that in practice the organizations of budgetary
system become top heavy and therefore, costly specially from one point
of view of small concern.
Budgets and budgetary control have given rise to a very unhealthy
tendency to be regarded as the solvent of all business problems. This has
resulted in a very Luke worm humane effort to deal with such problems
and ultimately result in failure of budgetary control system.
It is a part of human that all controls are resented to Budgetary control
which places restrictions on the authority of executive is also resented by
the employees.


The techniques of PERT and CPM were developed in USA during the late
1950s in order to plan and control activities. These are two widely used
networking techniques.
PERT- Programme Evaluation Review Technique was developed by the
Special Projects Office of the U.S. Navy, was first formally applied to the
planning and control of the Polaris Weapon System in 1958. This technique
worked well in expediting the successful completion of that programme.
PERT helps the management to answer the following questions, when they face
with huge projects :
1. When will project be completed ?
2. When will each individual part of the project start and finish ?
3. Of the many parts in a project, which ones must be finished on time to avoid
delaying the project ?
4. Can resources be shifted to critical parts of the project from the non-critical
parts without affecting the overall completion time of the project ?
5. Among the hundreds of the parts of the project, where should the
management concentrate its efforts at a given time ?
CPM- Critical Path Method was developed by Du Pont Company for the
purpose of scheduling.
CPM is concerned with the reconciliation enumerates the relationship between
applying more men or other resources to shorten the duration of a given project
and the increased cost of these resources.
Both the PERT and CPM techniques are based on the same principles. The
only difference is that CPM is based on a single estimate of time required for the completion of
activities. The CPM technique is used for projects like construction and
maintenance projects.


PERT is based on expected completion time, computed from three

estimates of time- the optimistic time the pessimistic time and the most
likely time. The PERT technique can be used for more complicated
projects like engineering and tolling projects.
is used when time is important and there is not much
concern for cost and CPM is used when resource allocation is to be
optimized and overall cost has to be minimized.
PERT and CPM breaks down projects into events and activities and then
carefully follows them. It is time event network analysis system in which the
various events in a programme or projects are identified with a planned time
established for each event. These events are placed in a network showing the
relationship of each event to the other events.
PERT and CPM techniques can be used for planning, scheduling and executing
large projects which involves a number of interrelated activities. PERT and
CPM help to plan and control both time and cost of the projects. The following
are the steps involved in PERT and CPM :
At first the estimated time for each and every activity is determined. In
case of PERT three estimates of time optimistic, pessimistic and the
likely time are determined. These estimates are often included in PERT
because it is difficult in many engineering and development projects, to
estimate time accurately in case of certain complex activities.
The next step is to calculate the critical path, that is, the sequence of
events which takes the longest time. Identifying the critical path at the
start of the programme or projects helps to monitor the particular
sequence of activities on this path so as to ensure that the total project
gets completed as per the schedule.
Major Advantages:
PERT and CPM help managers to plan, as it is difficult to make a timeevent analysis without planning. The subordinate manager must also plan
for the event for which he is responsible.
These techniques focus on the critical path or the sequence of events,
which requires the maximum possible time, so that the critical path can
be properly monitored so that the project completes as per the schedule.


Characteristics of an effective evaluation and control system

Strategy evaluation activities must be economical ; too much information
can be just as bad as too little information. Control should involve only
the minimum amount of information needed to give a reliable picture of
events. Too many controls create confusion.
Strategic evaluation activities should be meaningful, they should relate to
a firms objectives. Controls should monitor only meaningful activities
and results, regarding of measurement difficulty.
Controls should be timely so that corrective action can be taken before it
is too late.
Strategy evaluation should be designed to provide a true picture of what
is happening . For example, in a severe economic downturn, productivity
and profitability ratios may drop alarmingly, although employees and
managers are actually working harder. Strategy evaluation should portray
this type of situation fairly.
The strategy evaluation process should not dominate decisions, it should
foster mutual understanding, trust, and common sense. No department
should fail to cooperate with another in evaluating strategies.
Strategy evaluations should be simple, not to cumbersome and not too
restrictive. Complex strategy evaluation systems often confuse people
and accomplish little. The test of an effective evaluation system is its
usefulness, not its complexity.
Long term as well as short term controls should be used.
Emphasis the reward of meeting or exceeding standards rather than
punishment for failing to meet standards.
There is no one ideal strategy evaluation system. The unique
characteristics of an organization, including its size, management style,
purpose, problems and strengths , can determine a strategy evaluation and
control systems final design.



Variance analysis refers to finding out deviations in respect of actual
performance as compared to the standards or set targets. It is one of the
important steps in the control process. The variances are the difference between
the standard performance and the actual performance. Where variances
recorded are unfavourable, the concerned head is held responsible for it, and he
is asked to take corrective action. Purchase Manager is sounded for adverse
Material Price Variance and similarly for Material Usage Variance, the
Production Manager is asked for a control of use of materials.
Material Price Variances
Difference between standard price and the actual price of the material is the
Material Price Variance. This variance arises due to various factors, such as :
Change in market price
Uneconomical size of purchase order
Not availing of discount facilities
Payment of more/less freight, cartage charges etc.
Transit loss, if borne by the purchaser.
Changes in duties and taxes etc.
Material Price Variances are the direct responsibility of the Purchase
Department. Certain situations may arise when material price variance is made
uncontrollable, as prices depend on the factors of demand and supply in the
market. In such a cases, the Purchaser department or other personnel is not
accountable for the variance.
Material Usage Variance
Difference between standard quantity of material and actual quantity used is the
Material Usage Variance. This variance arises due to
Inefficient use of materials
Use of substitutes
Higher/ less waster of material
Changes in designs or specifications of product
Defective equipments and tools
Use of inferior materials
Change in composition of material mixture



1. Finding out Deviations : In order to find out deviations, managements must
measure actual performance. The actual performance can be measured by
collecting revenant data, observation, and accordingly, performance reports are
The performance reports must be supported by facts, figures, charts and tables,
wherever relevant. The reports may be prepared
1 Section / Unit Wise
3 Product / Service Wise
2 Activity Wise
4 Period Wise
The actual performance is then compared against the planned targets. By
comparing, the manager can find out the shortfalls or deviations.
2. Identifying Causes of deviations
When the deviation between standard and actual performance is beyond the
limit, management must take an analysis of the causes of such deviations. for
instance, there may be shortfall in sales. This may be due to following reasons
Poor product quality
Higher price charged
Ineffective advertising
Problem in distribution of product
Better marketing efforts of competitors
3. Communication of Deviations and taking corrective measures
Measurement of performance, finding out deviations, and analysis of causes of
deviations must be informed to the person concerned who can take the
corrective action. Such communication is provided in the form of report
indicating standard, actual performance, deviations, and the cause of
deviations. The purpose of sending such information to the person concerned is
that the person who is responsible for the work can be in a better position to
improve the performance by his own action. A summary of report may be also
be provided to the superior of that person concerned so that the superior can
provide necessary guidance and direction to improve the performance. The
report may also be sent to executives who frame the plans, and to the staff
people who would provide necessary advice for corrective action.



Globalization is the process of linking a nations economy with the global
economy. The policy initiated by the Government of India in the form of
structural reforms through liberalization, privatization and globalization will
enable the country to become an active participant in the global market. The
business community particularly the large business houses concerned with
exporting, how to understand the message of globalization in the right
Definitions of Globalization:
1. Rhodes (1996) Globalization is the functional integration of national
economies within the circuits of industrial and financial capital.
2. Walters (1995) Globalization as a social process in which the constraints of
geography on social and cultural arrangements precede and in which people
become increasingly aware that they are.
3. McGrew and Lewis Globalization as a set of processes which embrace most
of the globe or which operate world wide; the concept therefore has a special
cannotation.. On the other hand it also implies an intensification in the
levels of interaction, interconnectedness or interdependence between the state
and societies which constitute the world community.



Today, everything has changed. Globalization, the internationalization of
markets and corporations, has changed the way modern corporations do
business. To reach the economies of scale necessary to achieve the low costs,
and thus the low prices, needed to be competitive, companies are now thinking
of a global (worldwide) market instead of a national market. Nike and Reebok,
for example, manufacture their athletic shoes in various countries throughout
Asia for sale on every continent. Instead of using one international division to
manage everything outside the home country, large corporations are now using
matrix structures in which product units are interwoven with country or
regional units. International assignments are now considered key for anyone
interested in reaching top management.
As more industries become global, strategic management is becoming an
increasingly important way to keep track of international developments and
position the company for long-term competitive advantage. For example,
Maytag Corporation purchased Hoover not so much for its vacuum cleaner
business, but for its European laundry, cooking, and refrigeration business.,
Maytag's management realized that a company without a manufacturing
presence in the European Union (EU) would be at a competitive disadvantage
in the changing major home appliance industry. See the Global Issue feature to
learn how regional trade associations are changing how international business
is conducted. Similar international considerations have led to the strategic
alliance between Air India and Lufthansa and to the merger between
Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Corporation.
Electronic commerce refers to the use of the Internet to conduct business
transactions. A 1999 survey conducted by Booz-Allen & Hamilton and the
Economist Intelligence Unit of more than 525 top executives from a wide range
of industries revealed that the Internet is reshaping the global marketplace and
that it will continue to do so for many years. More than.90% of the executives
believed that the Internet would transform or have a major impact on their
corporate strategy within two years. According to Matthew Barrett, Chairman
and CEO of the Bank of Montreal, "We are only standing at the threshold of a
New World. It is as if we had just invented printing or the steam engine. Not
only is the Internet changing the way customers, suppliers, and companies
interact, it is changing the way companies work internally. In just the few years
since its introduction, it has profoundly affected the basis of competition in


many industries. Instead of the traditional focus on product features and costs,
the Internet is shifting the basis for competition to a more strategic level in
which the traditional value chain of an industry is drastically altered. A 1999
report by AMR Research indicated that industry leaders are in the process of
moving 60 to 100% of their business to business (B2B) transactions to the
Internet. The net B213 marketplace includes (a) Trading Exchange Platforms
like VerticalNet and i2 Technologies's TradeMatrix, which support trading
communities in multiple markets; (b) Industry Sponsored Exchanges, such as
the one being built by major automakers; and (c) Net Market Makers, like
e-Steel, NECX, and BuildPoint, which focus on a specific industry's value
chain or business processes to mediate multiple transactions among businesses.
The Garner Group predicts that the worldwide B2B market will grow from
$145 billion in 1999 to $7.29 trillion in 2004, at which time it will represent 7%
of the total global sales transactions.
The above mentioned survey of top executives identified the following seven
trends, due at least in part, to the rise of the Internet:






The Internet is forcing companies to transform themselves. The concept of

electronically networking customers, suppliers, and partners is now a
New channels are changing market access and branding, causing the
disintermediation (breaking down) of traditional distribution channels. By
working directly with the customers, companies are able to avoid the usual
distributors, thus forming closer relationships with the end users,
improving service, and reducing costs.
The balance of power is shifting to the consumer. Now having unlimited
access to information on the Internet, customers are much more
demanding than their "nonwired" predecessors.
Competition is changing. New technology- driven firms plus older
traditional competitors are exploiting the Internet to become more
innovative and efficient.
The pace of business is increasing drastically. Planning horizons,
information needs, and customer/supplier expectations are reflecting the
immediacy of the Internet. Because of this turbulent environment, time is
compressed into "dog years" in which one year feels like seven years.
The Internet is pushing corporations out of their traditional boundaries.
The traditional separation between suppliers, manufacturers, and
customers is becoming blurred with the development and expansion of
extranets, in which cooperating firms have access to each other's internal
operating plans and processes. For example, Bharat Petroleum
Corporation Limited (BPCL), the Indian PSU oil major has networked



with satellite unlinking through KU band. The technology can be further

used to network the retail outlets for better market response and
monitoring. Various interesting alternative uses of this technology are
feasible which are being studied and would be deployed suitably.
Knowledge is becoming a key asset and a source of competitive
advantage. For example, physical assets accounted for 62.8% of the total
market value of U.S. manufacturing firms in 1980 but only 37.9% in 1991.
The remainder of the market value is composed of intangible assets,
primarily intellectual capital.


An international company is one that engages in any combination of activities,
from exporting/ importing to full-scale manufacturing, in foreign countries. The
multinational corporation (MNC), in contrast, is a highly developed
international company with a deep involvement throughout the world, plus a
worldwide perspective in its management and decision making. For a
Multinational corporation to be considered global, it must manage its
worldwide operations as if they were totally interconnected. This approach
works best when the industry has moved from being multi domestic (each
country's industry is essentially separate from the same industry in other
countries; an example is retailing) to global (each country is a part of one
worldwide industry; an example is consumer electronics).
Strategic alliances, such as joint ventures and licensing agreements, between a
multinational company (MNC) and a local partner in a host country are
becoming increasingly popular as a means by which a corporation can gain
entry into other countries, especially less developed countries. The key to the
successful implementation of these strategies is the selection of the local
partner. Each party needs to assess not only the strategic fit of each company's
project strategy, but also the fit of each company's respective resources. A
successful joint venture may require as much as two years of prior contacts
between both parties.
The design of an organization's structure is strongly affected by the company's
stage of development in international activities and the types of industries in
which the company is involved. The issue of centralization versus
decentralization becomes especially important for a multinational corporation
operating in both multi domestic and global industries.


Regional Trade Associations replace National Trade Barriers

Previously known as the Common Market and the European Community, the
European Union (EU) is the most significant trade association in the world.
The goal of the EU is the complete economic integration of its 15 member
countries-Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom-so that goods made in one part of Western Europe can move
freely without ever stopping for a customs inspection. One currency, the euro,
is being used throughout the region as members integrate their monetary
systems. The steady elimination of barriers to free trade is providing the
impetus for a series of mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures among business
corporations. The requirement of at least 60% local content to avoid tariffs has
forced many American and Asian companies to abandon exporting in favor of a
strong local presence in Europe. The EU has agreed to expand its membership
to include the Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Malta, Cyprus, and
Slovenia by 2004; Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia by 2006; and Bulgaria and
Romania by 2010. Turkey is being considered for admission in 2011.
Canada, the United States, and Mexico are affiliated economically under the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAPTA). The goal of NAFTA is
improved trade among the three member countries rather than complete
economic integration. Launched in 1994, the agreement requires all three
members to remove all tariffs among themselves over 15 years, but they are
allowed to have their own tariff arrangements with nonmember countries. Cars
and trucks must have 62.5% North American content to qualify for duty-free
status. Transportation restrictions and other regulations are being significantly
reduced. Some Asian and European corporations are locating operations in one
of the countries to obtain access to the entire North American region. Vicente
Fox, President of Mexico, is proposing that NATTA become more like the
European Union in that both people and goods would have unlimited access
across borders from Mexico to Canada. In addition, there have been some
discussions of extending NAFTA southward to include Chile, but thus far
nothing formal has been proposed.
South American countries are also working to harmonize their trading
relationships with each other and to form trade associations. The establishment
of the Mercosur (Mercosul in Portuguese) free-trade area among Argentina,
Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay means that a manufacturing presence within
these countries is becoming essential to avoid tariffs for nonmember countries.
Claiming to be NAFTAs southern counterpart, Mercosur has extended
free-trade agreements to Bolivia and Venezuela. With Chile and Argentina


cooperating to build a tunnel through the Andes to connect both countries, it is

likely that Chile may soon form some economic relationship with Mercosur.
Asia has yet no comparable regional trade association to match the potential
economic power of either NAFTA or the EU. Japan, South Korea, China, and
India generally operate as independent economic powers. Nevertheless, the
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)-composed of Brunei,
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietriam-is
attempting to link its members into a borderless economic zone. Increasingly
referred to as ASEAN+3, it is already including China, Japan, and South Korea
in its annual summit meetings. The ASEAN nations are negotiating the linkage
of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) with the existing FTA of Australia and
New Zealand. With the EU extending eastward and NAFTA extending
southward to someday connect with Mercosur, pressure is already building on
the independent Asian nations to soon form an expanded version of ASEAN.
Corporations operating internationally tend to evolve through five common
stages, both in their relationships with widely dispersed geographic Markets
and in the manner in which they structure their operations and programs. These
stages of international development are:

Stage I (Domestic Company): The primarily domestic company exports

some of its products through local dealers and distributors in the foreign
countries. The impact on the organization's structure is minimal because
an export department at corporate headquarters handles everything.

Stage 2 (Domestic Company with Export Division): Success in Stage I

leads the company to establish its own sales company with offices in
other countries to eliminate the middlemen and to better control
marketing. Because exports have now become more important, the
company establishes an export division to oversee foreign sales offices.

Stage 3 (Primarily Domestic Company with International Division):

Success in earlier stages leads the company to establish manufacturing
facilities in addition to sales and service offices in key countries. The
company now adds an international division with responsibilities for
most of the business functions conducted in other countries.

Stage 4 (Multinational Corporation with Multidomestic Emphasis): Now

a full-fledged multinational corporation, the company increases its
investments in other countries. The company establishes a local


operating division or company in the host country, such as HLL of

Unilevers, to better serve the market. The product line is expanded, and
local manufacturing capacity is established. Managerial functions
(product development, finance, marketing, and so on) are organized
locally. Over time, the parent company acquires other related businesses,
broadening the base of the local operating division. As the subsidiary in
the host country successfully develops a strong regional presence, it
achieves greater autonomy and self-sufficiency. The operations in each
country are, nevertheless, managed separately as if each is a domestic

Stage 5 (Multinational Corporation with Global Emphasis): The most

successful multinational corporations move into a fifth stage in which
they have worldwide personnel, R&D, and financing strategies. Typically
operating in a global industry, the MNC denationalizes its operations and
plans product design, manufacturing, and marketing around worldwide
considerations. Global considerations now dominate organizational
design. The global MNC structures itself in a matrix form around some
combination of geographic areas, product lines, and functions. All
managers are now responsible for dealing with international as well as
domestic issues.

Research provides some support for the stages of international development

concept, but it does not necessarily support the preceding sequence of stages.
For example, a company may initiate production and sales in multiple countries
without having gone through the steps of exporting or having local sales
subsidiaries. In addition, any one corporation can be at different stages
simultaneously with different products in different markets at different levels.
Firms may also leapfrog across stages to a global emphasis. Developments in
information technology are changing the way business is being done
internationally. See the Global Issue feature to see how FedEx is using its
expertise in information technology to help customers sidestep the building of a
costly logistical infrastructure to take advantage of global markets.
Nevertheless the stages concept provides a useful way to illustrate some of the
structural changes corporations undergo when they increase their involvement
in international activities.
A basic dilemma a multinational corporation faces is how to organize authority
centrally so that it operates as a vast interlocking system that achieves synergy,


and at the same time decentralize authority so that local managers can make the
decisions necessary to meet the demands of the local market or host
government.3'To deal with this problem, MNCs tend to structure themselves
either along product groups or geographic areas. They may even combine both
in a matrix structure-the design chosen by 3M Corporation and Asea Brown
Boveri (ABB), among others.31 One side of 3M's matrix represents the
company's product divisions; the other side includes the company's
international country and regional subsidiaries.
The PRODUCT-GROUP STRUCTURE of American Cyanamid enables the
company to introduce and manage a similar line of products around the world.
This enables the corporation to centralize decision making along product lines
and to reduce costs. The geographic-area structure of Nestl6, in contrast, allows
the company to tailor products to regional differences and to achieve regional
coordination. This decentralizes decision making to the local subsidiaries. As
industries move from being multidomestic to more globally integrated,
multinational corporations are increasingly switching from the geographic-area
to the product-group structure. Texaco, Inc., for example, changed to a
product-group structure by consolidating its international, U.S., and new
business opportunities under each line of business at its White Plains, New
York, headquarters. According to Chairman Peter Bijur, "By placing groups
which will perform similar work in the same location, they will be able to share
information, ideas, and resources more readily-and move critical information
throughout the organization.
Simultaneous pressures for decentralization to be locally responsive and
centralization to be maximally efficient are causing interesting structural
adjustments in most large corporations. Companies are attempting to
decentralize those operations that are culturally oriented and closest to the
customers -manufacturing, marketing, and human resources. At the same time,
the companies are consolidating less visible internal functions, such as research
and development, finance, and information systems, where there can be
significant economies of scale.



Hess and Cateora defined, Export Marketing is the performance of business
activities that direct the flow of companys goods and services to the consumers
or users in more than one nation.
B.S. Rathor defined, Export Marketing includes the management of
marketing activities for products which cross the national boundaries of a
Issues concerning Export Business
Export marketing is a very complex and time-consuming process as it is subject
to rules and regulations of both exporting as well as importing country. At the
same time, there are other problems such as long distance, currency fluctuations
and high degree of competition.
(a) Long Distance :- International trade is spread over the world and therefore,
goods are to be transported over a considerable distance. During transportation goods are exposed to risk and uncertainties of transportation and
perils of sea. Again delay is caused due to lengthy customs formalities.
However, risk during transportation can be insured by taking suitable marine
insurance policies.
(b)High Risks and Uncertainties :- International trade is subject to political as
well as commercial risks. Political risks arise due to the political actions of


the government (s). For example, war and internal aggression. Commercial
risks arise due to insolvency of buyer or buyer's failure to accept goods.
However, these risks can be insured by taking suitable policies from the
Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC).
(c) Customs Formalities :- Customs formalities are different in different countries. Again, these formalities are very lengthy, time consuming and complicated. Sometimes, these formalities act as barriers to the free flow of trade
between countries of the world.
In order to solve the difficulties created by customs formalities, an exporter
can obtain assistance of the Clearing and Forwarding (C&F) agents.
(d)Trade Barriers :- Trade barriers are the artificial restrictions on the free
movement of goods from one country to other. These barriers are of two
types, viz., tariff and non-tariff. Tariff barriers are in the form of taxes and
customs duties. Non-tariff barriers are in the form of quotas and licences.
However, efforts are being made by the World Trade Organization (WTO)
to eliminate and simplify trade barriers.
(e) Threefaced Competition :- An exporter faces competition from three angles
Exporters from his own country.

Exporters from other countries.

Local suppliers in importing country.

However, an exporter can face intense competition by continuously upgrading
the quality of product, innovations and inventions and reducing cost of
(f) Payment Difficulties :- Different countries have different currencies and
conversion rates. These rates are subject to fluctuations. Thus, an exporter
may suffer a loss if there is a change in the exchange rate after entering into
a contract with a foreign buyer.
Losses on account of fluctuations in the exchange rates can be eliminated
by entering into forward contracts.
(g) Documentation Formalities :- There are a number of documents to be filed
with various authorities while exporting goods. For example, in India, an
exporter is required to prepare and file as many as 25 documents of which
16 are commercial and 9 are regulatory.
However, the Aligned Documentation System (ADS) has simplified the export documentation procedure to a great extent.


(h) Diverse Languages, Customs and Traditions :- Languages, customs and

traditions are very sensitive issues and must be taken into consideration
while exporting goods to foreign countries.
An exporter should try to get first hand information about such issues before exporting goods.
There are five main modes of entering a foreign market: 1) exporting, 2)
licensing, 3) franchising, 4) entering into a joint venture with-a host country
company, and 5) setting up a wholly owned subsidiary in the host country. Each
entry mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and companies must weigh
these carefully when deciding which mode to use.
Market Entry Strategy (Export Marketing)
There are various strategies of entering an international market. Each of these
strategies has certain advantages and disadvantages. A strategy, appropriate for
one market, may not be suitable for another market with a different business
environment. Therefore, an exporter should select an appropriate strategy
keeping in mind internal and external factors.
A brief account of the different strategies is given below
(a)Exporting :- Exporting is the most traditional way of internationalization. it
is attractive when excess capacity exists or when the cost of production in
the home country is substantially lower than in the foreign markets. There
are, broadly, two ways of exporting:

Direct Exporting :- Whereby the producer himself undertakes the

responsibility of exporting.

Indirect Exporting :- Whereby the producer utilizes the services

of international marketing middlemen or co-operative
organizations for exporting.

b) Licensing :- Under international licensing, a firm in one country (the licensor) permits a firm in another country (the licensee) to use its assets such as
patents, trademarks, copyrights, technology, technical know-how, marketing
skills or some other specific skills. The monetary benefit to the licensor is the
royalty or fees, which the licensee pays.


c) Franchising :- Franchising is a form of licensing in which a parent company

(the franchiser) Permits another independent entity (the franchisee) the -right
to do business in a prescribed manner. This right can take the form of selling
the franchiser's products, using its name, production and marketing
techniques, or general business approach.
(d) Contract Manufacturing :- Under contract manufacturing, a company
contracts with firms in foreign countries to manufacture or assemble the
products while retaining the responsibility of marketing the product. This is
a common practice in the internationals business.
(e) Management Contracting :- Under management contracting, a company
contracts with firms in foreign countries to supply management know-how.
Such technical knowledge is generally supplied by the technically advanced
countries to the technically backward countries.
(f) Fully Owned Manufacturing Facilities :- MNCs and TNCs generally establish fully owned manufacturing facilities in foreign countries using local
raw material, labour and other resources. Due to globalisation and efforts
made by the WTO, the number of such MNCs and TNCs is increasing.
(g) Counter Trade :- Counter trade is a form of international trade in which
import of goods is paid for by export of goods, instead of money payments.
Counter trade takes several forms, such as, bar-ter, buy-back, compensation
deal and counter purchase.
(h) Turnkey Contracts : In case of turnkey contracts, a foreign company plans
and constructs a project and hands it over to the government or a domestic
private company for execution. Such practice is common in oil, steel,
cement and fertilizer sectors.
(i) Third Country Location :- When trade relations between nations is restricted due to the political reasons or the like, firms located in these coun,tries may trade with each other from third country base. For example, Taiwanese entrepreneurs found it easy to enter the People's Republic of China
through bases in Hong Kong.
(j) Joint Ventures :- Joint venture is a very common strategy of entering the
foreign market. In the widest sense, joint venture may take any of the following forms: -


Sharing of ownership and management in an enterprise.

Licensing agreements.
Contract manufacturing.
Management contracts.


Many manufacturing companies begin their quest for global expansion as
exporters and then switch to other modes. Exporting has two distinct
advantages. First, it avoids the costs of establishing manufacturing facilities in
the host country, which are often quite substantial. Second, by manufacturing
the product in a centralised location and then exporting it to foreign markets,
the company may be able to realise substantial economies of scale from its
worldwide sales. For instance, many Indian companies in the floriculture
business export their entire production to Europe to take advantage of the lower
cost of production and the favourable climatic conditions in the country.
On the contrary, there are a number of negative aspects to exporting. First,
exporting from the company's home base may not be appropriate if there are
low-cost manufacturing locations abroad. A second drawback is that high
transport costs can make exporting uneconomical, particularly for bulk
products. One way of overcoming this problem is to manufacture bulk products
locally. This strategy allows a company to realise economies from large-scale
production and at the same time minimise transport costs. Thus, many
multinational companies manufacture their products from a base in a region and
serve several countries in that regional base. Third, tariff barriers can make
exporting uneconomical. In fact the threat of tariff barriers by a country may
sometimes force a company to set up manufacturing facilities in that country.
Finally, the practice of delegating marketing activities to a local agent among
companies that are just beginning to export also poses risks since there is no
guarantee that the agent will act in the company's best interest. Moreover, many
foreign agents also deal with the products of competitors leading to divided
loyalties. Therefore, company would perform better if it manages marketing on
its own. One way to do it is to set up a wholly owned subsidiary in the host
country to handle marketing locally. This can lead to huge cost advantages
arising from manufacturing the product in a single location and controlling the
marketing activities in the host country.



Under international licensing, a firm in one country (the Licensor) permits a
firm in another country (the Licensee) to use its assets such as patents,
trademarks, copyrights, technology, technical know-how, marketing skills or
some other specific skills. The monetary benefit to the licensor is the royalty or
fees, which the licensee pays.
Licensing is an arrangement by which a foreign licensee buys the rights to
produce a company's product in the licensee's country for a negotiated fee. The
licensee then invests major share of the capital required to commence the
operations. The advantage of this arrangement is that the company need not
bear the development costs and risks associated with launching foreign
operations. Hence, licensing is a very attractive choice for companies that can
not invest capital to develop overseas operations or for companies unwilling to
take the risk of committing substantial financial resources in unfamiliar or
politically volathe foreign environment. In high technology areas it is quite
common for companies to provide know-how through licensing arrangements.
For instance, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. is seeking partners for out-licensing its
urology, respiratory and anti-infectives technologies.
Drawbacks of Licensing as a mode of entry into global markets
Licensing as a mode of entry into global arena has three serious drawbacks.
1) Companies do not reap the benefits of cost economies and location
economies since licensees typically set up their own manufacturing facilities.
And in cases where these economies are important, licensing may is not the
best mode to go overseas.
2) In a global marketplace it is necessary to coordinate all the operations across
all the countries in order to use the profits earned in one country to support
competitive attack in another. Licensing severely restricts a company's ability
to do this. A licensee will not let a multinational company to take its profits to
support competitive moves of the company in other countries.
3) Risk associated with licensing and sharing technological know-how with
foreign companies. Technological know how provides a formidable
competitive advantage for many technology based companies and licensing its
technology can quickly erode its competitive advantage.


Franchising is a strategy employed mainly by service companies. The
advantages of franchising are similar to those of licensing. The franchiser does
not bear the development costs and risks of commencing the operations in a
foreign market on its own since the franchisee typically assumes those costs
and risks. Thus, a service company can build up a global presence quickly and
at a low cost, using a franchising strategy. The disadvantages, however, are less
prominent than in the case of licensing. Since franchising is a strategy used by
service companies, a franchiser need not coordinate manufacturing activities in
order to realise experience curve effects and location advantages. McDonald
Restaurants have entered India through the franchising and so is Kentucky
Fried Chicken of US.
A major disadvantage of franchising is the lack of quality control. A basic
notion of franchising arrangements is that the company's brand name conveys a
message of quality to the consumers. The geographic distance from the
franchisees and the large number of franchisees make it difficult for the
franchiser to maintain quality and hence quality problems generally persevere.
To overcome this handicap, companies set up a subsidiary, which is wholly
owned or a joint venture with a foreign partner in each country and region in
which they plan to operate. Closeness and the limited number of independent
franchisees to be monitored reduce the problem of quality control. This type of
arrangement is well accepted in franchising.
Joint Venture is also called as joint deal or consortium. In joint venture, two
companies form two countries come together and conduct some new business
activity for mutual benefit. Joint ventures is a popular method of entering into
the global market. Besides sharing ownership and control, companies may
share technology or other specialized inputs. Two or more companies each can
provide specialized technology to one project, in a situation where no one
company, has access to all of the technologies required for a project.
Indian Joint Ventures Abroad:
A noteworthy feature of international market in recent times has been the
emergence of the Third World Multinationals. India has taken a big leap in
foreign trade through joint ventures and collaborations. The first Indian Joint
Venture was established in 1959 when the Birlas established a textile mill in
Ethopia. In 1962 Jaya Engineering Works set up a sewing machine and electric


fan assembly unit in Sri Lanka. The success stories of these entrepreneurs
encouraged other Indian business to set up their units abroad either through
Joint Ventures or in collaborations with foreign companies. Today many Indian
companies have successfully launched several projects abroad in service, trade
and manufacturing sectors. Most successful among them are Kirloskars, Birlas,
Singhanias, Tatas, L&T, Hirachand and Walchand, Apte Group, Propack Ltd.
etc. Today there are 524 Joint Ventures abroad out of which 177 are in
operating stage and 347 under implementation.
Joint ventures have a number of advantages, the first one being the benefit a
company can derive from a local partner's knowledge of a host country's
business ecosystem. .Second, a company might gain by sharing high costs and
risks associated with opening of a new market with a local partner. Finally,
political considerations in some countries make joint ventures the only practical
way of entering those markets.
Despite these advantages, joint ventures are difficult to establish and run
because of two reasons. First, as in the case of licensing, a company risks losing
control over its technology to its venture partner. To minimize this risk, the
dominant company can seek a majority ownership stake in the joint venture to
exercise greater control over its technology provided the foreign partner is
willing to accept a minority ownership. The second disadvantage is that a joint
venture does not give a company the tight control over its subsidiaries needed
to realise experience curve effects or location advantages or to engage in
coordinated global attacks against its rivals.
Wholly Owned Subsidiary
A wholly owned subsidiary offers three advantages. First, when a company's
competitive advantage is based on its technological superiority, a wholly owned
subsidiary makes sense, since it reduces the company's risk of losing control
over this critical aspect. For this reason, many high-tech companies prefer
wholly owned subsidiaries to joint ventures or licensing arrangements. Second,
a wholly owned subsidiary gives a company the kind of tight control over
operations required for global coordination to take profits from one country to
support competitive strategy in another. Finally, a wholly owned subsidiary
may be the best choice if a company has to realise location advantages and
experience-curve effects. The entry of a number of South Korean companies
such as LG, Samsung, Hyundai into India by setting up subsidiaries without a
local partner are examples of wholly owned subsidiaries.




Different strategies that the multi country organizations adopt when they
expand outside their domestic market place and start to compete on a global
scale. One alternative available for companies is to follow the same strategy
worldwide, which is referred to as a global strategy. Selling the same product
the same way in every nation (standardisation) allows a company to realise
substantial cost savings from greater economies of scale. These cost savings
can then be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices, enabling firms
to gain market share from competitors. However, to succeed in a new
marketplace, it may have to customise its product offering to cater to the tastes
and preferences of local consumers. While this may help, the shorter production
runs associated with such a strategy sometimes raise the costs of competing and
lower a firm's profit margins.
The decision to standardise or customise is a classic dilemma that confronts
global companies. In this unit, we consider the different strategies that
companies use to compete in the global marketplace and discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of each. In this unit we also examine the different
approaches that companies employ to enter foreign markets-including
exporting, licensing, setting up a joint venture, and setting up a wholly owned
ubsidiary. The unit ends with a discussion of the benefits and costs of entering
into strategic alliances with global competitors.



(a) Large Scale Operations:- Price is an important factor that determines the
success of an exporter in the highly competitive international market.
Large-scale operations, full utilisation of installed capacity and transactions
in bulk reduce overall cost of production and thereby price of the product.
(b) Dominance of MNCs / TNCs from Developed Countries :-The
international trade is dominated by MNCs and TNCs originating from
developed countries especially from USA, Japan and European countries.
These companies have huge financial and physical resources and operate
throughout the world.
Trade Barriers :- Trade barriers are the artificial restrictions on the free
movement of goods from one country to other. These barriers are of two
types, viz., tariff and non-tariff. Tariff barriers are in the form of taxes and
customs duties. Non-tariff barriers are in the form of quotas and licences.
(d)Trading Blocs :- Trading blocs are the associations of countries situated in a
particular region whereby they come on to a common understanding regarding rules and regulations to be followed while exporting and importing
goods among them. For example, European Union (EU).
(e) International Marketing Research :-The needs and requirements of individuals differ from region to region. Therefore, an effective marketing research technique should be applied in order to understand the needs and
requirements of consumers in different parts of the world.
(f) Importance of Advanced Technology :- Technology plays an important,
role in building competitive strength. MNCs originating from countries like
USA, Japan and Germany dominate the world trade due to continuous research, innovations and inventions.
(g) Foreign Exchange Regulations :- Different countries have different currencies and conversion rates. These rates are subject to fluctuation.
Therefore, each country has a separate set of rules for collection of expor-t
proceeds and payment for imports. For example, In India, all foreign
currency transactions are regulated by the Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act, 1973 (FERA).


(h) Three faced Competition :- International market is highly competitive.

An exporter faces competition from three angles

Exporters from his own country.

Exporters from other countries.

Local suppliers in importing country.

(i) International Organizations :- International trade is subject to the rules
and regulations framed by the international organizations such as the World
Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD). These organizations have been formed in
order to promote world trade by removing unnecessary trade barriers and
help underdeveloped countries to develop their export potentials.
International Business Strategy
Political Risk
a. Non-convertibility of currency preventing repatriation of profits.
b. Nationalization and inadequate compensation.
c. Domestic political violence.
d. Terrorism.
Country Risk
a. Economic conditions.
b. Financial markets, legal procedures, Govts annual budget etc.
c. Breach of contract by the Govt.
Micro Analysis Variables
1. Position of the industry contribution of the industry to the national
2. Relation between key domestic industries and the Govt.
3. Legal formalities relating to the product.
4. Environmental protection laws.
5. Controls on ownership.
6. Foreign Direct Investment Policy / Technology Transfer Policy
7. Health & Safety Standards.
1. International agencies insure companies against political and country risk.
2. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a subsidiary of World
Bank and Private Insurers like Loyds of London provide insurance to
companies world wide against such risks.



Expanding globally allows companies to increase their profitability which is
not possible to purely domestic enterprises. Companies that operate
internationally can: i) earn a greater return from their unique competencies; ii)
realise location advantages by dispersing different value creation activities to
those locations where they can be performed most efficiently; and iii) come
down the experience curve faster than the competitors, thereby offering more
competitive products to the consumers.
Unique competencies are defined as "unique strengths that allow a company to
achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation, or customer responsiveness."
Such strengths are typified by product offerings that other companies find
difficult to match or imitate. Thus, unique competencies are vital for a
company's competitive advantage. They enable a company to lower costs and
also differentiate its product offerings. Companies with valuable distinctive
competencies can often realise huge returns by applying those competencies
and the products they produce to foreign markets, where indigenous
competitors lack similar competencies and products.
Location advantages are those that occur from performing a value creation
activity in the most advantageous location for that activity- in whichever part of
the world that might be (transportation costs and trade barriers permitting).
Locating a value creation activity in the most favourable location for that
activity can have one of two effects. It can: i) lower the costs of value creation,
helping the company achieve a low-cost position or ii) enable a company to
differentiate its product offering and charge a premium price. A company that
realises location economies by dispersing each of its value creation activities to
its optimal location should have a competitive advantage over a company that
concentrates all its activities at a single location. It should be better able to
differentiate its product offering and lower its cost structure than its
single-location competitor. The basic assumption is that by dispersing its
manufacturing and design activities, a firm will be able to establish a
competitive advantage for itself in the global marketplace.
Experience curve refers to the systematic decrease in production costs that
occur over the life of a product. Learning effects and economies of scale lie
behind the experience curve and moving down that curve allows a company to
lower the costs. A company that moves down the experience curve more


quickly will have a cost advantage over its competitors. Most of the sources of
experience-based cost economies are generally found at the plant level.
Dispersing the fixed costs of building productive capacity over a large output
reduces the cost of producing a product. Hence the answer to riding down the
experience curve as rapidly as possible is to increase the accumulated volume
produced by a plant as quickly as possible. Global markets are larger than
domestic markets and, therefore, companies that serve a global market from a
single location are likely to build up accumulated volume faster than companies
that focus primarily on serving their home market or on serving multiple
markets from multiple production locations.
Pressures for local responsiveness crop up due to differences in consumers'
tastes and preferences, differences in infrastructure, differences in distribution
channels, and the demands of the host government. Consumers' tastes and
preferences differ significantly between countries due to historic or cultural
reasons. Hence, the product and marketing messages have to be customised to
appeal to the tastes and preferences of local consumers in such cases. This
typically requires entrusting the production and marketing decisions to local
subsidiaries. Pressures for local responsiveness also crop up due to differences
in infrastructure and/or traditional practices among countries, creating a need to
customise products suitably. This may again require the delegation of
manufacturing and production functions to local subsidiaries.
Differences in distribution channels among countries may require adopting
different strategies. This may necessitate the delegation of marketing functions
to national subsidiaries. Finally, economic and political demands imposed by
host governments may necessitate a degree of local responsiveness. Generally,
threats of protectionism, economic nationalism, and local content rules all
dictate that international businesses manufacture locally. Pressures for local
responsiveness restrict a firm from realizing full benefits from experience-curve
effects and location advantages. In addition, pressures for local responsiveness
imply that it may not be possible to transfer from one nation to another the
skills and products associated with a company's distinctive competencies.
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) - Background
The Great Depression of 1929 -made nations of the world to realise that the
wide gap between the economic theory and practice in determination of internal
trade policy was the major cause of worldwide economic disaster. Once again


the need was felt of reviving the Classical Theory of Trade by adhering to free
trade policy.
The Brettonwoods Conference of 1944, which recommended the establishment
of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, had also recommended the establishment of an International Trade Organization (ITO). Although, the IMF and the World Bank were established in 1946, the proposal for
ITO did not materialise. Instead, the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
(GATT), a less ambitious institution, was formed in 1948.
The primary objective of GATT is to expand international trade by liberalising
trade so as to bring about all-round economic prosperity. The preamble of the
GATT mentions the following as its important objectives
(a) Raising the standard of living.
(b) Ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real
incorne and effective demand.
(c) Better utilisation of the resources of the world.
(d) Expansion of production of goods and services and international trade.
World Trade Organization (WTO) - Objectives
TheUruguay Round negotiations concluded on 15th April 1994 at Marrakech,
Morocco. According to the Marrakech declaration - the results of the Uruguay
Round would strengthen the world economy and would lead to more trade, in
vestment, employment and income growth throughout the world. In order to
implement the final act of Uruguay Round agreement of GATT, the World
Trade Organization (WTO) was established on Ist January 1995 with the
following objectives :(a) To raise the standards of living.
(b) To ensure full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real
income and effective demand.
(c) To expand production of goods and services and international trade.
(d) To allow for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the
objective of sustainable development.
(e) To protect and preserve the environment.
(f) To ensure that developing countries secure a share in the growth in interna
tional trade commensurate with the needs of their economic development.
(g) To effect substantial reduction in tariffs and other barriers to trade and to t
the discriminatory treatment in international trade relations and;
(h) To develop an integrated, more viable and durable multilateral trading


WTO Functions
The main functions of the wTO as set out in Article III are:
(a) To facilitate the implementation, administration and operation of the Multi
lateral Trade Agreement and the Plurilateral Trade Agreements.
(b) To secure implementation of the significant tariff cuts and also reduction of
non-tariff measures agreed in the trade negotiations.
(c) To provide for Dispute Settlement Mechanism in order to adjudicate the
trade disputes which could not be solved through bilateral talks between the
member countries.
(d) To co-operate with other international institutions like the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and its affiliated agencies to achieve greater coherence
in global economic policy making.
(e) To act as a watchdog of international trade.
(f) To act as a management consultant for the promotion of international trade.
The GATT Negotiation Rounds
So far, eight rounds of negotiations are over. Each-round took several years.
(a) The Geneva Round, 1947.
(b) The Annecy Round, 1949.
(c) The Torquay Round, 1950-51.
(d) The Geneva Round 1956.
(e) The Dillon Round 1960-61.
(f) The Kennedy Round, 1964-67.
(g) The Tokyo Round, 1973-79.
(h) The Uruguay Round, 1986-1993.
The first six rounds of Multilateral Trade Negotiations were concentrated almost exclusively on reducing tariffs.
The VIIth Round, the Tokyo Round, tackled non-tariff barriers also.
The VIIIth Round, the Uruguay Round, tackled trade in services, Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Trade Related Investment
Measures (TRIMS).
WTO - The Uruguay Round
The VIIIth and the latest round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations is known as
Uruguay Round because it was held in Pantadel Este in Uruguay in September
1986. Because of the complexities of the issues involved and conflict of interests among the participating countries, the Uruguay Round could not be concluded in December 1990 as it was originally scheduled. This round concluded
in 1993.
The major highlights of the Uruguay Round are: -


(a)Expansion in the Sphere of Activities :-The traditional concerns of the

GATT were limited to international trade in goods. The Uruguay Round,
however, went much beyond goods to services, technology, investment and
(b) Liberalisation of Trade in Agriculture and Texthe Goods :-These were
the highly protected sectors in developed as well as developing countries.
Farmers were patronised in various ways such as import of subsidised inputs
and export subsidies. Similarly, trade in texthes was restricted by the
Multi-fibre Agreement (MFA). The Uruguay Round successfully brought about
liberalisation of both these sectors by dismantling the MFA and reducting
import barriers on agricultural goods.
(c) Patents :- One of major areas of objection in India is about TRIPS
agreement. The TRIPS agreement includes seven areas of intellectual property
rights namely copyright, trademark, trade secrets, industrial designs,
geographical appellations, integrated circuits and patents. It is important to note
that of these seven areas, it is only in the area of patents that India's present
policy laws and regulations are not in conformity with TRIPS agreement.
(d) Farmers Interest :- Contrary to the wrong propaganda in India, leading to
farmers' agitation, the Uruguay Round agreement regarding patenting of seeds
does not prevent farmers from retaining seeds for their own use or exchange of
seeds. However, it should be noted that liberalisation of agriculture by
developed nations would benefit developing countries more as there is no
reciprocity on the part of developing countries to liberalise agricultural sector
in their countries.
(e) Subsidies :- Export subsidies to farmers to be cut by 13.3% in developing
countries and by 20% in developed countries over a period of 6 years. Again
direct subsidies to be cut by 36% over the same period. All these are applicable
provided the value of subsidies is more than 10% of the value of output.
Agriculture subsidies in India are much below 10% of the total value of output
and therefore, India remains unaffected by these provisions.
(f) Tariff Cut :- While developing countries have to cut tariffs by 24% over the
period of next 10 years, the developed countries are committed to effect tariff
cut by 36% over a period of 6 years. In industrial countries, tariffs would be totally eliminated in several sectors like steel, pharmaceutical, wood and wood
products, etc.


(g) Trade in Services :- Developing countries were very apprehensive about

the proposal to liberalise trade in services. However, the difference of opinion
between the U.S. and European Community (EC) on this issue left the service
sector largely unaffected.
(h) Establishment of the WTO :- One of the ma or achievements of the Uruguay round is the making of rules and regulations more transparent which has
made unilateral actions more difficult. The results of Uruguay round a, o to be
implemented by the newly set up WTO, which has replaced the GATT.
WTO - Most Favoured Nations (MFN) Clause
Non-discrimination is one of the most important principles, of the WTO. The
principle of non- discrimination requires that no member country shall discriminate between the members of WTO in the conduct of international trade.
This principle is known as the Most Favoured Nations (MFN) Clause.
According to this Clause, a member nation of the WTO must give the same
most favourable treatment with respect to tariffs and related matters to other
members, which it gives to any other member country. This non-discriminatory
treatment ensures that any tariff reduction or other trade concession is automatically extended to all contracting parties of the WTO. For example, if
theUSA gives a preferential treatment to Pakistan in respect of tariff reduction
then the USA must give the same preferential treatment of tariff reduction to
allthe members of WTO.
However, there are some exceptions to the MFN principle :(a) Grandfather Clause :- Article 1 (2) permits contracting parties to continue
with the preferences received or granted under different arrangements, which
were in existence prior to the formation of the GATI'. But it prohibits any
change in the margin of preferences granted or received. For example, the
United States preferences to Philippines fall under this category, as also
Common Wealth Preferences (CWP).
(b) Customs Union and Free Trade Areas :- Article XXIV provides for the
formation of Customs Union and Free Trade Areas. As per this clause, nations
of the world are allowed for form Customs Union and Free Trade Zones. For
example, member countries of the European Union are allowed to freely import
and export not only goods and services but also factors of production such as
capital and labour between them.


A case is written description of an organization (or any of its parts) covering all
or some of its aspects for a certain period of time. It sets forth the events and
organizational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial situation.
Most cases contain information about the organization's history, its internal
operations and its external environment. Though there is no standard order of
presentation, many cases include information about the industry, the
competitive conditions, the products and markets, the physical facilities, the
work climate, the skills and personality of,managers, the organizational
structure, together with the financial and quantitative data relating to
production, marketing, personnel, and so forth. Cases may relate to profit
seeking government or public service organizations.
Despite its known deficiencies, the case method is widely used by universities
and professional institutes throughout the world, especially for imparting
knowledge and developing skills in the area of corporate strategy or strategic
A good case places students in a realistic situation where they can practise
making decisions. Though a case may contain plenty of information, in some
cases running into several pages, there is no such thing as a truly complete case.
Students often say (or complain) that they have too little information in the
case. While this may be true, it should be, appreciated that, many a time,
managers in the real world too have information which can hardly be described
as sufficient. In fact, a manager has far less opportunity for study and
interaction with others as a student has. The managers cannot afford to delay
making decisions until they are satisfied with the quality and quantity of


available information. Such a time perhaps may never arrive. Like a real world
manager, a student of corporate strategy must make a decision, making best use
of whatever information is available and making assumptions about whatever is
unknown or is not available.
The objectives of the case method are to:
help you to acquire the skills of putting text book knowledge about
management into practice. Managers succeed not so much because of what
they know but because of what they do.
get you out of the habit of being a receiver of facts, concepts and techniques
and get into the habit of diagnosing problems, analysing and evaluating
alternatives, and formulating workable plans of action.
train you to work out answers and solutions for yourselves, as opposed to
relying upon the authoritative crutch of the teacher/counsellor or a text
provide you exposure to a range of organizations and managerial situations
(which might take a life time to experience personally), thus offering you a
basis for comparison in your working as a career manager.
Reading books, articles and listening to lectures alone cannot develop
managerial skills. For most managerial problems, readymade answers do not
exist, or perhaps cannot exist. Each situation is different, requiring its own
diagnosis and evaluation before action can be initiated. Case studies allow
learning by doing to occur. They stimulate the reality of a managerial situation
and a manager's job. In a sense, cases are laboratory materials and offer a
reasonable substitute for actual experience by bringing a variety of management
problems and opportunities into the class room.
Students often ask their teacher/counsellor, "What is the right
answer/solution?" If the discussion in the class concludes without clear answers
or a clear consensus on what actually happened or what should/ought to be
done, some students feel frustrated. While in some cases it would be possible
for you and the counsellor to develop a consensus, in other cases it may perhaps
not be possible. As in real world, hard answers to cases do not exist. Therefore,
issues are discussed and various alternatives and approaches are evaluated.
Usually, a good argument can be made for more than one course of action. The
important thing for students to understand in case analysis is that it is the
exercise of identifying, diagnosing, and recommending that counts rather than
discovering the "right answer". The essence of case analysis is to become


skilled in the process of designing workable action plans through evaluation of

the prevailing circumstances.
If case method rests on the principle of learning by doing, it all depends on you
as to how much gain you can derive by making your own analysis and reaching
your own decisions, and then participating in the class room in a collective
analysis and discussion of the issues. Since a case assignment emphasises
student participation, it is obvious that the effectiveness of the class discussion
depends upon each student having studied the case before hand. A case
assignment therefore requires conscientious preparation before class. You
cannot expect to get much out of hearing the class discuss a case with which
you are unfamiliar or not fully prepared for.
The pedagogical objective of case method is very much different from the usual
teaching ii, the class room Instead of the professor/instructor/counsellor, it is
the students who do most of the talking. The counsellor/instructor's role is to
solicit student participation and guide the discussion. The counsellor might
begin by restating the questions given at the end of each case or he might even
propose or frame some new questions, like: What is the organization's strategy?
What are the strategic issues and problems confronting the company? What is
your assessment of the company's. situation? Is the industry an attractive one to
bc. in? Is management doing a good job? Are the organization's objectives and
strategies compatible with its skills and resources?
The students are expected to engage in discussion with each other, with the
counsellor listening to them patiently and providing direction/guidance as and
when required so that the whole, discussion remains on the track. It is the
students who carry the main burden of analysing the situation and then
presenting and defending their analysis in the counselling sessions.
You should therefore not expect. your counsellor to say: "Here is how to do it",
"Here is the right answer", etc. Although you should do your own independent
work and thinking, you should not hesitate to discuss the case with other
The case method offers students an opportunity to communicate and convince
their fellow students and their counsellors of the correctness of their
viewpoints. This is analogous to the situation where a manager must persuade
others to accomplish organizational purposes. The case analysis and discussion
help the students in developing analytical, communication and interpersonal
skills which are vital for success in management. The method also provides


some opportunity to the students to relate their viewpoints with those of the
others. While defending his own viewpoint, a student has also to develop an
appreciation for the viewpoints held by others. Table-1.1 lists the management
skills which are improved by case analysis.
Action Skills Reinforced by Cases
1. Think clearly in complex ambiguous situations:- Successful experiences
with cases give students the practice and confidence necessary for clear
intensive thinking in ambiguous situ4fions where no one right answer
exists. Since problems in management and administration are full of these
situations. The skills are valuable to acquire.
2. Devise reasonable, consistent, creative action plans:- Most cases require
the student to detail a course of future action.
3. Apply quantitative tools:- The management of modem organization
demands the use of such quantitative tools and theory as net present value,
ratio analysis, and decision tree analysis. Active employment of these techniques in actual situations requires more knowledge than one typically gains
by introductory theory and problems. Cases give the student practice in
using quantitative tools in these realistic situations.
4. Recognize the significance of information:- Theories and observations of
modern management have shown that managers sift through large masses of
information, both formal reports and informal channels (the "grapevine").
The manager's task of defining problems and their solutions demands. the
ability to classify information.
5. Determine vital missing information:- Successful decision makers must
know where and be able to determine when to seek more information. Cases
give the student practice in solving problems with the information at hand in
the case. In researching standard industry sources, and in identifying the
missing information that is vital to the formulation of an action plan.
6.Communicate orally in groups:- Both the in-class discussions of cases and
small group discussions preceding class are an integral part of learning by
cases. The ability to listen carefully to others, to articulate one's views, and to
rapidly incorporate the views of others into one's position are all important
skills for managers.


7.Write clear, forceful, convincing reports:- Managers and their staffs have to
express themselves in writing. The best way to improve one's writing skills is to
write; hence, the usefulness of the case report.
8.Guide students' careers:-Many students would benefit from a greater
awareness of the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities of managers. The wide
variety of actual situations described in cases gives students valuable
knowledge about the functions of many job positions.
9.Apply personal values to organizational decisions:- Modem industrial
society forces managers to make decigions which trade among business profits,
government expenses, and the welfare of individuals and the public. This area
of ethics and social responsibility is important and problematic in a
professional education. The 'process of stating and defending positions in case
discussions sharpens a student's awareness and maturity in the subjective area
of value and moral judgements.
There are a number of tools which have been found to be useful, both
academically and professionally. These tools have been discussed in the various
units of MS-11 (Corporate Policies and Practices). Among the more important
ones are:

SWOT Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Portfolio Analysis
Checklist (Strategic audit)

SWOT Analysis
The first thing that an analyst should do in SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats) analysis is to define the business of the organization
and identify the key factors for success, The student must evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses in terms of the skills, resources and competencies of the
persons within the company in the light of the key factors. The analyst then
should see whether the internal capabilities match with the demands of the key
factors so that the company will be able to exploit the opportunities and fight
off the threats.
The SWOT analysis stands at the core of the strategic management.
Threats And weaknesses are relative rather than absolute. Opportunities seldom
simply arise. Many a time they exist in the environment and only need to be


identified. For'example, it is expected that a market might emerge in the

foreseeable future for the low-cost home computers at least in the
metropolises of India. A computer company which has the ingenuity and energy
to make and market such an item will have the opportunity to become the
dominant home computer maker for several years. Opportunity thus requires
potential new initiatives. While most opportunities have to be sought, in some
cases they have even to be created. R&D allows opportunities to be created.
The main focus of the corporate strategist should be to identify additional
opportunities, selecting the ones that are most promising and capitalising on
Like opportunities, threats also exist or emerge as a result of new
developments, expected or unexpected. Threats become less severe if they are
recognised and guarded against.
SWOT analysis is a useful aid for generating alternatives. When it is carried out
for the whole organization it can become quite complex. To simplify the
process, you may find it useful to list strengths and weaknesses, opportunities
and threats in the following format (and separately for the functional areas of
production, marketing, finance and personnel):




As an analyst, you might find it difficult to neatly classify much of what is of

strategic importance into the above four categories. This is also true of the
real world.
Ratio Analysis
Financial ratios are widely used for analysing and interpreting situations of
strategic importance. The financial ratio analysis somehow gives the impression
that only an economic view of business is being taken. Undoubtedly, human
and social considerations are equally important. While ratio analysis is a
valuable tool in revealing potential problems, it should not be used alone. Ratio
analysis is just one of the many tools the strategic analyst has available in his
kitty for evaluating corporate performance.
One must relate the ratios to relevant bases, standards, norms, or benchmarks.
The four bases which can be used are:
Rules of thumb
Historical data of the company


Historical data of similar company(ies)

Industry norms
KEMTRIT INDUSTRIES was established by four friends Mr. Mukesh, Mr.
Mr. Raj & Mr. Uhdav. It began its operations in Mumbai in 1985.
By end 1987, the two questions facing the management of the Kemtrit
Industries (KI) were : will we be able to work together as partners? If yes, then
what should be our growth strategy?
Initially two business activities were identified : domestic marketing of
chemicals and manufacturing of industrial gloves for exports. It began its
operations in Mumbai 1986. The initial trial orders for exports, were
subcontracted to some local manufacturers. Within three months, however, the
company bought manufacturing facilities for industrial leather gloves for Rs. 5
lakh. It also became distributor for Calcium Carbonate, a by-product of a
leading paper manufacturing plant of east India. By 1986 Kemtrit Industries
achieved a sales turnover of Rs. 200 lakh. But, the sales declined to Rs. 90 lakh
in the first nine months of 1987.
One of the promoters Kemtrit Industries Mr. Mukesh the managing director of
Metrit Corporation (M.C), a medium sized chemical distribution firm with an
annual turnover of around Rs.15 crore. Metrit Corporation had acquired the
exclusive rights of exporting the gloves of K.I.
The sudden decline of sales in 1987 affected the morals of other promoters,
namely the other three, who were not associated with Metrit Corporation.
Kemtrit Industries vulnerability and survival became the major issues. The
business relationship of Metrit Corporation and Kemtrit Industries came under
heavy suspicion. At this point of time, an outside management consultant was
hired to suggest ways and means to restore promoters confidence and suggest a
long term plan for the prosperity of Kemtrit Industries.
Kemtrit Industries: The State of Affairs in 1987
In 1987, the activities of Kemtrit Industries included manufacturing of
industrial leather gloves and marketing of calcium carbonate. The leather
gloves were exported by Metrit Corporation (MC) and Kemtrit Industries was
not permitted to market gloves on their own, neither in India nor aboard. Both
the products lines were the brain child of Mukesh, the managing director of
Metrit Corporation. In his drive to promote professional a company, he


associated with his three friends Rakesh, Raj and Udhav. Rakesh (an engineer
cum MBA), Raj (a Chartered Accountant) and Udhav (an ex-captain of the
Indian Army). He was hopeful that the background of his friends would not
only provide an image of a professional company, but would also help in
creating a professional work culture from day one.
All the four partners had excellent rapport and very old social ties. Formation
of Kemtrit Industries was seen as a reinforcement of their past relationship. But
within two years, the poor performance of Kemtrit Industries surfaced the
differences in their view points for managing Kemtrit Industries. At the root,
was the relationship between Kemtrit Industries and Metrit Corporation. The
three partners Rakesh, Raj & Udhav felt that Kemtrit Industries has always
been considered as, a group of outsiders by the executives of Metrit
Corporation. It was their feeling that only Mukesh was genuinely interested in
the welfare of Kemtrit Industries. In their own assessment, Mukesh, by virtue of
the business relationships, was under the influence of people who were not
interested in the growth and prosperity of Kemtrit Industries. The fear was that
one day this may affect Kemtrit Industries adversely. It was their feeling that in
spite of no business relationship, Kemtrit Industries was seen as a charitable
organization of MC and was being forced to perform many activities of no
direct interest to Kemtrit Industries. When a family member of Mukesh (who
was Mukesh's business associate in Metrit Corporation) wanted to see the
monthly reports of Kemtrit Industries, the partners felt encroachment in Kemtrit
Industries affairs by the outsiders.
Unfavourable terms of sharing the profits between Metrit Corporation and
Kemtrit Industries, misperception on the part of the Metrit Corporation's
executives that partners of Kemtrit Industries do not believe in being part of the
Metrit Corporation family, also created an environment of suspicion and
mistrust. In short, the business relationship and distortions in perceptions had
become major demotivators, preventing the three partners to contribute their
In spite of the differences with Metrit Corporation, all the three partners were
unanimous in their opinion towards Mukesh. He was indispensable. Kemtrit
Industries without an active involvement of Mukesh was not acceptable to them
Mukesh was of the view that there were both "pluses" and "negatives" in
Kemtrit Industries relationship with Metrit Corporation some negative points
lack of ego gratification of other partners


at times, it may cramp the working style of others, as it has to conform to the
work culture of Metrit Corporation
Kemtrit Industries growth plans may have to be sacrificed in the larger interest
of Metrit Corporation. For examples Kemtrit Industries would never be allowed
to manufacture sodium dichromate; a chemical needed in leather tanning as
Metrit Corporation was thinking of setting, up 4 similar manufacturing facility,
The partners of Kemtrit Industries had to accept this and Metrit Corporation
had already decided to be in the business of chrome chemicals, even though, it
was not in the leather business.
On the positive side, according to Mukesh, were the benefits of a larger
organizationai base, easy and timely availability of finances, risk minimisation
as Kemtrit Industries could always lean on Metrit Corporation, and reaping of
benefits through Metrit Corporation 's goodwill in the market place.
Mukesh felt that instead of questioning, the partners of Kemtrit Industries could
play a major role in the growth of Metrit Corporation. A healthy and larger
Metrit Corporation was in their own interest. Working for Metrit Corporation 's
growth could provide them with challenges and excitement of creating a
professional organization.
Besides the tricky issue of the 'partnership', the performance of Kemtrit
Industries was disturbing. The company was facing working capital shortages.
The shortage prevented the achievement of the sales targets of Rs.300 lakh for
the year 1987. The company had borrowed nearly Rs. 25 lakh, out of the total
requirement of Rs. 30 lakh, at a very high interest rate of 20% per annum. On
the other hand, the company had failed to utilise its full limits granted by the
bank. The three partners were of the view that the present tie up with Metrit
Corporation has deprived them or availing the limits against hypothecation of
the finished goods. Kemtrit Industries could not apply for this facility as Metrit
Corporation had obtained the same for the gloves. This, however, allowed
Metrit Corporation to borrow money against the finished leather gloves. This
money, however, was never paid in time, Metrit Corporation. according to the
partners was at the root of the working funds crises.
The growth alternatives and the aspirations
In spite of low morals and motivation, the partners were keen for the growth of
Kemtrit Industries. Considerable thought and energy were being spent in
clarifying their growth objectives and plans. Their keenness was obvious from
the fact that except for Mukesh, the other three were completely dependent on


Kemtrit Industries. A good performance of Kemtrit Industries was a must for

their welfare.
Each partner had some views on the 'growth'. To Mukesh, growth signified
different things for different activities. To him, 'corporate growth' meant growth
in corporation's capital base, sales turnover, scales of operations and in allied
activities. His preference was for one large company with divisionalised set-up.
He knew that this growth pattern was not the best from the viewpoint of the 'tax
savings', but it was almost a necessity if Kemtrit Industries wanted to become A
well-known professional organization. At personal level, Raj was keen to
widen his experience, enhance his social status and increase and stabilise his
To Udhav, a sales turnover of Rs.5 crore, with a net profit af1elt tax of Rs. 25
lakh per annum by end of 1990, was a minimum must. He was keen to diversify
and even out the fluctuations due to the vicissitudes of the market place,
especially in case of Calcium Carbonate. The pattern of ownership, -i.e-.,
Single Organization, was not his major worry. He did not mind many small
organizations to achieve the profit objectives for a comfortable living of the
First, Rakesh was keen to resolve the basic issue: whose growth ? Kemtrit
Industries or Metrit Corporations ? He was keen to separate the growth
patterns which Mukesh may have for Metrit Corporation from those which may
be more appropriate for Kemtrit Industries. He did not want Kemtrit Industries
to be constrained by the plans of Metrit Corporation. He desired a sales
turnover of Rs. 8 crore by 1995 by expanding the gloves business and by
diversifying into similar lines like lime and lime stones. Raj had good
experience in lime and lime stone quarrying and marketing.
Mukesh's concept of growth was through sharing of prosperity by creating
many small companies like Kemtrit Industries. He felt that there is an upper
limit to one's desire of earning for self-consumption. He wanted Kemtrit
Industries to become a mother unit, similar to Metrit Corporation, promoting
many other smaller units. It was his view that the Indian tax structure would
never permit any individual to become wealthy through honest means and
afford a comfortable living. The only honest option is to have substantial fringe
benefits. These in turn could come from many smaller organizations, rather
than one large organization. This growth pattern, according to Mukesh, was
also in tune with the socio-political environment, which favoured the
development of small scale sector. Mukesh believed that growth could not be
achieved by spreading the limited resources too thin. Priozitisation: existing


knowledge and experience and potentiality of the existing business should be

taken into account before entering into new areas. He also believed that a close
control is needed by partners in managing the business. He, however, felt that
in partnership, the concept of control through majority shareholding is not
valid. He in his own words was cherishing a dream of
"Concentrate-Bang-Become Big" route for Raj, Udhav and Rakesh. He,
however, felt that the attitude of extra possessiveness for Kemtrit Industries by
the three partners may prevent them to become big. He desired a sales turnover
of Rs. 10 crore by 1992 through the gloves and 'trading' business.
Realising that the situation in Kemtrit Industries needed immediate strategic recorrections, a management consultant was appointed to suggest a
comprehensive plan to put Kemtrit Industries on smooth rails for its long term
survival and prosperity. In order to suggest a meaningful corporate plan, the
consultant conducted a 'SWOT" Analysis.
Kemtrit Industries as I see it and as I would like to see it
In its two and half years of operations, Kemtrit Industries seems to have
achieved a great deal. Starting with an equity of Rs. 5 lakh, its turnover of Rs.
200 lakh in 1986, is a performance par excellence. However, it appears that
much more can be achieved with the kind of resources which Kemtrit Industries
has. Based on personal interviews with the partners, my own SWOT (Strength,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis as well as my comments are as
A very competent team of four professionals.
The very name Kemtrit Industries signifies the impersonality attached to any
single individual's name or family. Scope, thus, exists to work for the
company rather- than to glorify the name of a family.
A manufacturing base for leather gloves and physical facilities in terms of
office space, equipment and machinery (thought old).
Good contacts of partners with business world.
Self generated export business and hence first hand knowledge of the
foreign buyers and the markets.


A very close and harmonious social relationship between partners indicative

of a similar social status of all the partners.
Each partner capable of managing the business of its own and each one of
them very strong in some specific areas. Thus a positive synergistic effect
possible for the entire group.
Presence of both domestic and export markets in Kemtrit Industries market
mix enables knowledge of both the markets.
Availability of a pool of experience and information through its association
with Metrit Corporation.
Product line, at least the one associated with leather has a tremendous growth
potential, both in international and domestic markets. (The task force on
leather has set a target of Rs.100 crore for leather by the end of 1992 as
against Rs. 662 crore for 1986-87 for exports.)
Capacity to raise more funds, both in emergency as well as in normal
circumstances i.e., during expansion or diversification.
Honesty and boldness amongst partners to criticism and accept criticism.
1. Kemtrit Industries size: To my mind this appears to be a major
weakness in case of Kemtrit Industries. Unlike other small scale organizations,
where only one entrepreneur manages the show, Kemtrit Industries has three
working entrepreneurs. It cannot remain as a small scale organization. It has to
grow big and utilise fully the entrepreneurial talents available to it. The present
size is not optimum and this is leading to under utilisation of the time of the
directors. The whole working of Kemtrit Industries has to be reorganized to
utilise the 'human resources' available to Kemtrit Industries.
3. Kemtrit Industries Product Portfolio: Though so far Kemtrit Industries
has been able to generate sales of RS. 200 lakh from only two lines, but the
lines have very narrow product-market scope and could prove vulnerable in
the long term. A balanced portfolio could be one which would enable
Kemtrit Industries to generate sufficient funds to achieve its growth and the
present objectives. Lack of 'systems' appears to be another weakness of
Kemtrit Industries. Today, whatever


For Gloves
Raw material subject to constant price rises.
Demand for gloves may rise or fall without any explicable trends.
Poor and erratic. availability of raw material (leather).
Changing government policies and export restrictions (quotas) by 'importing'
Buyers may change their loyalty towards India.
Product substitution possible through other kinds of leather.
Constant labour trouble on Indian scene.
Only high volume can sustain the business as profitability is very low.
Calcium Carbonate
Risk is high or low as it is a function of the whims of the Principal.
Being a by-product, the principal does not seem to pay proper attention to its
marketing. This is affecting Kemtrit Industries performance.
Irregular supplies of the material.
Only one grade available as compared to many grades of competitors.
Opportunities for Kemtrit Industries
Since it has both entrepreneurial and physical resources, Kemtrit Industries
can both expand and diversify in any line related to gloves or Calcium
For leather goods, tremendous opportunities exist in both domestic and
international markets.
In case regular supplies are available for Calcium Carbonate, Kemtrit
Industries can generate much needed surpluses. Assuming a net profit of
6%, Kemtrit Industries can each year generate nearly Rs.3 lakh as surplus on
a sale of Rs.50 lakh. The main problem was the fluctuating market
conditions, affecting the price and hence the profitability.
It can enter into trading of another line of the Principal i.e., papers. Kemtrit
Industries would need to develop some strengths at least in terms of market
knowledge and marketing practices of trade etc.
Since Kemtrit Industries has a knowledge of Calcium Carbonate and since
today its operations are constrained because of only one grade, Kemtrit
Industries should explore the possibility of adding few more lines for the


same customers or add few more varieties of Calcium Carbonate of other

Utilising the present channels and contracts Kemtrit Industries can also try
to add some more profitable leather goods line, which can be marketed.
Shoe uppers, leather garments and finished leather have been claimed to
take away the major position of leather exports. It may be worth exploring to
add these lines in future.
Scope also exist for backward integration in leather business.
Opportunities also exist in utilising government money and expertise to
expand the leather business. Kemtrit Industries should explore these
possibilities to avail these facilities. This, however, may not be possible
until Kemtrit Industries cams a status of exporter. How this can be achieved
needs to be discussed. Kemtrit Industries and Mehta should jointly
re-examine their relationship for mutual advantage of both the
Kemtrit Industries can also explore entry into areas whereby competence
and time of its partners can be better utilised. Thus, trading in lime and
limestone, providing consultancy in managing and marketing of the produce
of small scale sector etc., can easily be undertaken by Kemtrit Industries
without investing much.
Summing Up
Having spent sufficient time, both the directors and the consultant were keen to
make Kemtrit Industries an example of an excellent professional company
promoted by four friends. They could not accept a situation which may
degenerate into casting personal aspersions at each other. According to them,
survival of the company was a precondition for their unity.
1. Identify the reasons, which precipitated the crises in Kemtrit Industries.
2. What would be you recommendations for the growth of Kemtrit Industries?
3. Comment upon the exercise which the consultant has conducted for Kemtrit
Industries. Do you really think that such exercises are helpful ?
4. What useful generalisations can be made from the experience of Kemtrit
Industries Enterprises?



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