Most Effective Workout

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Lie on a bench with a shoulder-width grip on Grab a pull-up barwith your palms facing Stand with feet shoulder-width aoart.
the bar" Liftthe baroff the rack and lower behind you, hands slightly past shoulder- bend and grab the barwith your hands twice
to your chest. Pause, then push up as far width. Raiseyourfeetoffthefloorand shou lder-width. Keep your arms straight, drive
as you can. Repeat. Do 25 reps ofeach of hang in the air. Point your chest to the your feet into the floor and straighten your
today's exercises with a weight you can lift ceiling and pull up untilyour chin clears hips and knees to stand up. Return to the start
6 times. Rest for 60 seconos. the bar. Lowerto the start. Reoeat. position. Reoeat.

ld a dumb-bell in each
Place your left hand and knee Put 20kg plates in a pile and
hand, edges on your on a bench to form a triangle stand about 60cm behind it
shoulders. Press one with your other foot on the holding a pair of dumb-bells
weight up so your arm's floor. Hold a dumb-bell in your at your sides. Lunge overthe
straight but not locked.Lower, left hand, arm hanging straight pile so the back ofyour left
then lift with the other arm. down, pal m facing towards leg isjust in front of it.
Repeat. Do 40 reps for each the bench. Pullthe dumb-bell Return to the start
oftoday's exercises using a up to your chest, lower and position. Repeat.
weightyou can lift 12 times. repeat. Finish your set, then Complete your set
Restfor45 secs between sets. switch hands. then swap legs.

The Pay-Off
FRIOAY "Aftertwo
months on this
!;=:==--r-+- programme
Bend over holding Stand with a bar-bEll the average =
a bar-bell. Bring slowly loweryour on your shoulders, 75kg man
the bar up to your body until your feet hip-width apart. should add Tkgof muscle," says h
chest. Pause, lower upper arms are Keepingyour back Nick Grantham, strength and =
and repeat. Do parallelto the =
straight and eyes conditioni ng coach at smartfitness.
15 reps ofeach of ground. Push forward, slowiy "The first month's gains
today's exercises, yourself up until squat until your may be more modest butthen,
using a weight you the pointwhere thighs are parallel you'llballoon. Take in at least3
can lift 2 or 3 times. your eroows are to the floor. Push litres of water and 4,000 calories
Rest 90 seconds =
straight but not back up to the a day, including around 1109
between sets. locked. Repeat. start. Repeat. ef lssn pre{sin." Etr

66 MEN'SHEALTHMAY2t1OS itness-muscle

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