Chapter 4-Exterior Protection

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1. Perimeter Security Measures.
A. Perimeter protection is the first line of defense in providing physical security for a
facility. This can be accomplished by installing fences or other physical barriers,
outside lighting, lockable gates, intrusion detectors, or a guard force. Perimeter
protection also includes walls, lockable doors and windows, bars and grills, and fire
B. In addition to defining the physical limits of a facility and controlling access, a
perimeter barrier also creates a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized
entry. It delays intrusion into an area, making the possibility of detection and
apprehension more likely. It aids security forces in controlling access and assists in
directing the flow of persons and vehicles through designated entrances.
C. Every vulnerable point should be protected to deter or prevent unauthorized access
to the facility. The roof, basement, and walls of a building may contain vulnerable
points of potential entry. A security survey of the perimeter should address manholes
and tunnels, gates leading to the basement, elevator shafts, ventilation openings,
skylights, and any opening 96 square inches or larger that is within 18 feet of the
D. The extent of perimeter controls will be determined by the senior facility manager,
based upon a comprehensive physical security survey (Appendix C). The survey
report should recommend perimeter controls to the facility manager.
2. Physical Barriers. Physical barriers may be of two general types, natural and
structural. Natural barriers include mountains, cliffs, canyons, rivers, or other terrain
difficult to traverse. Structural barriers are man-made devices such as fences, walls,
floors, roofs, grills, bars, or other structures that deter penetration. If a natural barrier
forms one side or any part of the perimeter, it in itself should not automatically be
considered an adequate perimeter barrier, since it may be overcome by a determined
intruder. Structural barriers should be provided for that portion of the perimeter, if
3. Fencing. Fences are the most common perimeter barrier or control. Two types
normally used are chain link and barbed wire. The choice is dependent primarily upon
the degree of permanence of the facility and local ordinances. A perimeter fence
should be continuous, be kept free of plant growth, and be maintained in good

A. Chain Link. Chain link fencing should be laid out in straight lines to permit
unhampered observation. It should be constructed of number 11 gauge or heavier wire
mesh (two inch square) and should be not less than seven feet high and have a top
guard. It should extend to within two inches of firm ground. It should be taunt and
securely fastened to rigid metal posts set in concrete. Anti-erosion measures like
surface priming may be necessary. Where the fence traverses culverts, troughs, or
other openings larger than 96 square inches in area, the openings should be protected
by fencing, iron grills, or other barriers to prevent passage of intruders. Chain link
fencing is low in maintenance cost, a minimal safety hazard, and has openings small
enough to discourage the passage of pilfered articles.
B. Barbed Wire. Standard barbed wire is twisted, double strand, number 12 gauge
wire, with four-point barbs spaced four inches apart. Barbed wire fencing, including
gates intended to prevent trespassing, should be no less than seven feet in height plus
a top guard, tightly stretched, and should be firmly affixed to posts not more than six
feet apart. Distances between strands should not exceed six inches.
C. Top Guard. A top guard is an overhang of barbed wire along the top of a fence,
facing outward and upward at an angle of 45 degrees. Three or four strands of barbed
wire spaced six inches apart are used, but the length of the supporting arms and the
number of strands can be increased when required. The supporting arms should be
affixed to the top of the fence posts and be of sufficient height to increase the overall
height of the fence at least one foot. Where a building of less than three stories is used
to form a part of the perimeter, a top guard should be used along the outside wall to
deter access to the roof.
4. Gates.
A. The purpose of a gate is to provide a break in a perimeter fence or wall to allow
entry. Gates are protected by locks, intermittent guard patrols, fixed guard posts,
contact alarms, CCTV, or a combination of these. The number of gates and perimeter
entrances should be limited to those absolutely necessary, but should be sufficient to
accommodate the peak flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
B. Gates should be adequately lighted. They should be locked when not manned and
periodically inspected by a roving guard force. Utility openings in a fence that do not
serve as gates should be locked, guarded, or otherwise protected.
C. Intrusion detection devices may be desirable when the gate is used intermittently or
when a higher level of protection is desired. Alternatives to detection devices include
coded card keys, push button combination locks, and CCTV.

5. Protective Lighting. Protective lighting is a valuable and inexpensive deterrent to

crime. It improves visibility for checking badges and people at entrances, inspecting
vehicles, preventing illegal entry, and detecting intruders both outside and inside
buildings and grounds. Locate protective lighting where it will illuminate shadowed
areas and be directed at probable routes of intrusion. Also, overlap lighting to prevent
dark areas. If justified, include emergency power for lighting.
6. Doors.
A. A door is a vulnerable point of the security of any building. A door should be
installed so the hinges are on the inside to preclude removal of the screws or the use
of chisels or cutting devices. Pins in exterior hinges should be welded, flanged, or
otherwise secured, or hinge dowels should be used to preclude the door's removal.
The door should be metal or solid wood. Remember that locks, doors, doorframes,
and accessory builder's hardware are inseparable when evaluating barrier value. Do
not put a sturdy lock on a weak door. The best door is of little value if there are
exposed removable hinge pins, breakable vision panels, or other weaknesses that
would allow entry. Transoms should be sealed permanently or locked from the inside
with a sturdy sliding bolt lock or other similar device or equipped with bars or grills.
B. Overhead roll doors not controlled or locked by electric power should be protected
by slide bolts on the bottom bar. Chain link doors should be provided with an iron
keeper and pin for securing the hand chain. The shaft on a crank operated door should
be secured. A solid overhead, swinging, sliding, or accordion type garage door should
be secured with a cylinder lock or padlock. Also, a metal slide bar, bolt, or crossbar
should be provided on the inside. Metal accordion grate or grill-type doors should
have a secured metal guide track at the top and bottom and be secured with a cylinder
lock or padlock.
7. Windows.
A. Windows are another vulnerable point for gaining illegal access to a building.
Windows should be secured on the inside using a lock, locking bolt, slide bar, or
crossbar with a padlock. The window frame must be securely fastened to the building
so that it cannot be pried loose. As with glass panels in a door, window glass can be
broken or cut so the intruder can reach inside and release the lock.
B. Bars and steel grills can be used to protect a window. They should be at least one
half inch in diameter, round, and spaced apart six inches on center. If a grill is used,
the material should be number nine gauge two-inch square mesh. Outside hinges on a
window should have non-removable pins. The hinge pins should be welded, flanged,

or otherwise secured so they cannot be removed. Bars and grills must be securely
fastened to the window frame so they cannot be pried loose.
8. Manholes, Grates, and Storm Drains. Many facilities have manholes and tunnels
providing service entrance into buildings. Other manholes may provide entrance to
tunnels containing pipes for heat, gas, water, and telephone. If a tunnel penetrates the
interior of a building, the manhole cover should be secured. A chain or padlock can be
used to secure a manhole. Steel grates and doors flush with the ground level may
provide convenient access. These openings may be designed into the facility as they
may provide light and ventilation to the basement levels. If the frame is properly
secured, the grates or doors can be welded into place or they can be secured with a
chain and padlock. Sewers or storm drains that might provide an entrance should be
9. Roof Openings. Openings in elevators, penthouses, hatchways, or doors to the roof
are often overlooked because of infrequent use. Access to a buildings roof can allow
ingress to the building and access to air intakes and building Heating, Ventilating, and
Air-Conditioning (HVAC) equipment (e.g., self-contained HVAC units, laboratory or
bathroom exhausts) located on the roof. From a physical security perspective, roofs
are like other entrances to the building and should be secured appropriately. Roofs
with HVAC equipment should be treated like mechanical areas. Fencing or other
barriers should restrict access from adjacent roofs. Access to roofs should be strictly
controlled through keyed locks, keycards, or similar measures. Skylights are another
source of entry from the roof. These openings can be protected like windows - with
bars or mesh. Such protection should be installed inside the openings to make it more
difficult to remove.
10. Mechanical Areas.
A. Prevent Public Access to Mechanical Areas. Mechanical areas may exist at one or
more locations within a building. Some mechanical areas have access from the
perimeter, other mechanical areas may only have access from the interior of a facility.
These areas provide access to centralized mechanical systems (HVAC, elevator,
water, etc.) including filters, air handling units, and exhaust systems. Such equipment
is susceptible to tampering and may subsequently be used in a chemical, biological, or
radiological attack. Keyed locks, keycards, or similar security measures should strictly
control access to mechanical areas. Additional controls for access to keys, keycards,
and key codes should be strictly maintained.
B. Restrict Access to Building Operation Systems by Outside Maintenance Personnel.
To deter tampering by outside maintenance personnel, a building staff member should
escort these individuals throughout their service visit and should visually inspect their

work before final acceptance of the service. Alternatively, building owners and
managers can ensure the reliability of pre-screened service personnel from a trusted
11. Building HVAC Systems. Ventilation shafts, vents, or ducts, and openings in the
building to accommodate ventilating fans or the air conditioning system can be used
to introduce chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) agents into a facility.
Decisions concerning protective measures should be implemented based on the
perceived risk associated with the facility and its tenants, engineering and
architectural feasibility, and cost. See USGS 445-2-H, Occupational Safety and
Health Program Requirements Handbook, Chapter 36, for detailed guidance. Specific
physical security measures to consider for the protection of the building HVAC
system are cited below.
A. Prevent Access to Outdoor Air Intakes. One of the most important steps in
protecting a buildings indoor environment is the security of the outdoor air intakes.
Outdoor air enters the building through these intakes and is distributed throughout the
building by the HVAC system. Introducing CBR agents into the outdoor air intakes
allows a terrorist to use the HVAC system as a means of dispersing the agent
throughout a building. Publicly accessible outdoor air intakes located at or below
ground level are at most risk due partly to their accessibility (which also makes
visual or audible identification easier) and partly because most CBR agent releases
near a building will be close to the ground and may remain there. Securing the
outdoor air intakes is a critical line of defense in limiting an external CBR attack on a
(1) Relocate Outdoor Air Intake Vents. Relocating accessible air intakes to a publicly
inaccessible location is preferable. Ideally, the intake should be located on a secure
roof or high sidewall. The lowest edge of the outdoor air intakes should be placed at
the highest feasible level above the ground or above any nearby accessible level (i.e.,
adjacent retaining walls, loading docks, and handrail). These measures are also
beneficial in limiting the inadvertent introduction of other types of contaminants, such
as landscaping chemicals, into the building.
(2) Extend Outdoor Air Intakes. If relocation of outdoor air intakes is not feasible,
intake extensions can be constructed without creating adverse effects on HVAC
performance. Depending upon budget, time, or the perceived threat, the intake
extensions may be temporary or constructed in a permanent, architecturally
compatible design. The goal is to minimize public accessibility. In general, this means
the higher the extension, the better as long as other design constraints (excessive
pressure loss, dynamic and static loads on structure) are appropriately considered. An
extension height of 12 feet(3.7 m) will place the intake out of reach of individuals

without some assistance. Also, the entrance to the intake should be covered with a
sloped metal mesh to reduce the threat of objects being tossed into the intake. A
minimum slope of 45 degrees is generally adequate. Extension height should be
increased where existing platforms or building features (i.e., loading docks, retaining
walls) might provide access to the outdoor air intakes.
(3) Establish A Security Zone Around Outdoor Air Intakes. Physically inaccessible
outdoor air intakes are the preferred protection strategy. When outdoor air intakes are
publicly accessible and relocation or physical extensions are not viable options,
perimeter barriers that prevent public access to outdoor air intake areas may be an
effective alternative. Iron fencing or similar see-through barriers that will not obscure
visual detection of terrorist activities or a deposited CBR source are preferred. The
restricted area should also include an open buffer zone between the public areas and
the intake louvers. Thus, individuals attempting to enter these protective areas will be
more conspicuous to security personnel and the public. Monitoring the buffer zone by
physical security, CCTV, security lighting, or intrusion detection sensors will enhance
this protective approach.
B. Secure Return Air Grilles. Similar to the outdoor-air intake, HVAC return-air
grilles that are publicly accessible and not easily observed by security may be
vulnerable to targeting for CBR contaminants. Public access facilities may be the
most vulnerable to this type of CBR attack. A building-security assessment can help
determine, which, if any, protective measures to employ to secure return-air grilles.
Take caution that a selected measure does not adversely affect the performance of the
building HVAC system. Some return-air grille protective measures include (1)
relocating return-air grilles to inaccessible, yet observable locations, (2) increasing
security presence (human or CCTV) near vulnerable return-air grilles, (3) directing
public access away from return-air grilles, and (4) removing furniture and visual
obstructions from areas near return-air grilles.
C. Implement Security Measures, Such As Guards, Alarms, and Cameras To Protect
Air Intakes or Other Vulnerable Areas. Difficult-to-reach out-door air intakes and
mechanical rooms alone may not stop a sufficiently determined person. Security
personnel, barriers that deter loitering, intrusion detection sensors, and observation
cameras can further increase protection by quickly alerting personnel to security
breaches near the outdoor air intakes or other vulnerable locations.
D. Restrict Access To Building Information. Information on building operations
including mechanical, electrical, vertical transport, fire and life safety, security system
plans and schematics, and emergency operations procedures should be strictly
controlled. See Chapter 10, Security For Special Activities, Section F, Document

Security For Sensitive But Unclassified Paper and Electronic

Information, for specific requirements for protecting building information.


12. Fire Escapes and Building Walls.

A. Normally, outside fire escapes do not provide an entrance directly into the
building. However, they can provide easy access to the roof or openings high above
the ground level. Windows or other openings off the fire escape should be capable of
being opened only from the inside. The exterior fire escape should not extend all the
way to the ground.
B. Walls are not normally considered possible points of entry because of their usual
solid construction. However, they cannot be disregarded because intruders may be
break through them to gain entrance. Reinforcement at critical points may be
necessary to deter forced entry.
13. Facilities in Remote Locations. Large facilities located in sparsely inhabited
areas have an inherent form of protection by virtue of their isolation. Constructing a
fence around the perimeter usually will provide an adequate deterrent to entry.
Occasional observation by a roving guard force may be necessary depending on the
sensitivity of the facility. Warning signs or notices should be posed to deter
trespassing on government property. CCTV systems also can be especially helpful if
guard forces are available to monitor them.
1. Interior Security Controls.
A. After exterior perimeter controls, the second line of defense is interior controls.
When an intruder is able to penetrate the perimeter controls and the building exterior,
the effectiveness of interior controls is tested. There are few facilities where every
employee has access to every area in the facility. Accordingly, access to some areas is
necessarily controlled. For example, interior controls are necessary to protect
classified information from unauthorized disclosure, to prevent damage to the area or
equipment, to prevent interference with operations, for safety purposes, or for a
combination of these and other reasons.
B. Usually, interior controls are applied to specific rooms or physical spaces within a
building. The senior facility or office manager is responsible for determining whether
interior controls are necessary. Office area controls include key accountability

systems, locking devices, and access control systems such as sign-in registers and
identifying credentials.
C. Determine the extent of interior controls by considering the monetary value and
mission criticality of the items or areas to be protected, the vulnerability of the
facility, and the cost of the controls. Normally, the cost of security controls should not
exceed the value of the item or areas to be protected.
2. Area Designations. The decision to designate areas as either a "Controlled Area"
or a "Restricted Area" should be made in conjunction with a decision to close the
property or a portion thereof to the public as established in Chapter 8, Paragraph 5.
A. Controlled Area. A controlled area is defined as a room, office, building or other
form of facility to which access is monitored, limited, or controlled. Admittance to a
controlled area is limited to persons who have official business within the area.
Responsible managers are authorized to designate an area as a controlled area after
adequate security measures are in place. The following areas should be designated as
controlled areas:
(1) An area where classified information or highly sensitive information is handled,
processed, or stored. A mailroom is considered such an area.
(2) An area that houses equipment that is significantly valuable or critical to the
continued operations or provision of services.
(3) An area where uncontrolled access would interfere with or disrupt personnel
assigned to the area in carrying out their official duties.
(4) An area where equipment or operations constitute a potential safety hazard.
(5) An area that is particularly sensitive as determined by the responsible manager.
B. Restricted Area. A restricted area is a room, office, building, or other form of
facility to which access is strictly controlled. Admittance to a restricted area is limited
to personnel assigned to the area and persons who have been specifically authorized
access to the area. Visitors to a restricted area and uncleared personnel must be
escorted by personnel assigned to the area and all classified information must be
protected from observation, disclosure, or removal. The responsible manager is
authorized to designate an area as a restricted area after adequate security measures
are in place. The following areas should be designated as restricted areas:

(1) An area approved by the USGS Security Manager for the storage of Top Secret
Information (see Chapter 8, National Security Information Handbook (440-3-H)).
(2) An area approved by the USGS Security Manager for the open storage of Secret or
Confidential classified information. This includes areas where classified information
is normally or frequently displayed, such as charts, maps, drawings, photographs,
equipment, or conference rooms where classified information is being discussed. This
does not include an office in which classified information is sporadically discussed or
displayed and action can be taken by occupants to prevent disclosure.
(3) An area housing keyed Secure Telephone Equipment (STE) (see Chapter 12,
National Security Information Handbook (440-3-H).
(4) An area where classified information is visually displayed on an approved
standalone office IT system (see Chapter 11, National Security Information Handbook
(5) An area that houses mainframe computers or designated IT sensitive systems.
(6) An area that is highly critical or sensitive as determined by the responsible
C. Special Access Program Areas.
(1) Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Facility (SCIF). A SCIF is a room, or
a group of rooms, or installations accredited by the CIA where SCI may be stored,
used, discussed, and/or electronically processed. The area must meet the rigid physical
security standards set forth in Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1/21, Physical
Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (see Chapter
10, National Security Information Handbook (440-3-H)).
(2) Other Special Access Program Areas. Government agencies outside the
intelligence community may have special access programs, which require stringent
physical security standards for working and storage areas. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency is an example. USGS areas where special-access program
information is stored, used, discussed, or processed will be constructed in accordance
with standards issued by the sponsoring agency. The USGS Security Manager shall
coordinate the approval process with the other agency.
3. Security Vaults.

A. Purpose. A vault is a completely enclosed space with a high degree of protection

against forced entry. Vaults are commonly used for storing Top Secret information,
special access program information, and extremely valuable materials.
B. Construction. A vault is constructed to meet rigid specifications. The wall, floor,
and ceiling construction shall be in accordance with nationally recognized standards
of construction practice. An approved vault door and frame unit shall be used.
Miscellaneous openings, where ducts, pipes, registers, sewer, and tunnels are of such
size and shape as to permit unauthorized entry (normally in excess of 96 square inches
in area and over six inches in its smallest dimension), shall be secured by 18-gauge
expanded metal or wire mesh, or where more practical, by rigid metal bars at least
1/2-inch in diameter extending across their width, with a maximum space of 6 inches
between the bars. The rigid metal bars shall be securely fastened at both ends to
preclude removal and shall have crossbars to prevent spreading.
(1) Class A Vaults.
(a) Reinforced Concrete. The wall, floor, and ceiling will be a minimum thickness of
eight inches of reinforced concrete. The concrete mixture will have a comprehensive
strength rating of a least 3,000 psi. Reinforcement will be accomplished with steel
reinforcing rods, a minimum of 5/8 inches in diameter, positioned centrally and
spaced horizontally and vertically 6 inches on center; rods will be tied or welded at
the intersections. The reinforcing is to be anchored into the ceiling and floor to a
minimum depth of one-half the thickness of the adjoining member.
(b) Modular. Modular panel wall, floor, and ceiling components, manufactured of
intrusion-resistant material, intended for assembly at the place of use, and capable of
being disassembled and relocated meeting Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
standards are approved for vault construction.
(c) Steel-lined. Vaults may be constructed of steel alloy-type, such as U.S. Steel T-1,
having characteristics of high-yield tensile strength or normal structural steel with a
minimum thickness of 1/4 inch. The metal plates are to be continuously welded to
load-bearing steel members of a thickness equal to that of the plates. If the loadbearing steel members are being placed in a continuous floor and ceiling of reinforced
concrete, they must be firmly affixed to a depth of one-half the thickness of the floor
and ceiling. If the floor and/or ceiling construction are less than six inches of
reinforced concrete, a steel liner is to be constructed the same as the walls to form the
floor and ceiling of the vault. Seams where the steel plates meet horizontally and
vertically are to be continuously welded together.
(2) Class B Vaults.

(a) Monolithic Concrete. The wall, floor, and ceiling will be a minimum thickness of
four inches of monolithic concrete.
(b) Masonry Units. The wall will be brick, concrete block, or other masonry units not
less than eight inches thick. The wall will extend to the underside of the roof slab
above (from the true floor to the true ceiling). Hollow masonry units shall be the
vertical-cell type (load bearing) filled with concrete and metal reinforcement bars. The
floor and ceiling must be of a thickness determined by structural requirements, but not
less than four inches of monolithic concrete construction.
(3) Class C Vaults. The floor and ceiling must be of a thickness determined by
structural requirements, but not less than four inches of monolithic concrete
construction. Walls must be not less than eight inches thick concrete block or hollowclay tile or other masonry units. The wall will extend to the underside of the roof slab
above (from the true floor to the true ceiling).
4. Vault Doors.
A. GSA Approved. The GSA establishes and publishes uniform standards,
specifications, and supply schedules for vault doors and associated security devices
and equipment suitable for the storage and protection of classified information. Vault
door manufacturers and prices of equipment approved by the GSA are listed in
Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) catalog (FGC Group 71-Part III). A vault door
approved by GSA for storing classified information will bear a black "GSA
Approved" label affixed to the exterior of the door and a "Class" label affixed to the
(1) Class 5. The class 5 vault door is certified for: 30 man-minutes against
surreptitious entry; 20 man-hours against lock manipulation; 20 man-hours against
radiological attack; and 10 man-minutes against forced entry.
(2) Class 6. The certified class 6 vault door affords the same protection as the Class 5
except there is no certified forced entry protection.
B. Combination Locks. The Federal specifications and UL ratings for combination
locks for vaults are the same as those for safes and storage equipment described
in Chapter 7. The procedures for changing combinations, protecting combinations,
recording combinations, and repairing combination locks established in Chapter 7,
Paragraphs 6 and 7, shall also be followed for vault doors.
5. Strongrooms.

A. Purpose. A strongroom is an enclosed space constructed of solid building

materials. Strongrooms are normally used for the storage for classified material or
sensitive materials, such as firearms. Protection is normally supplemented by guards
or alarm systems. Rooms that have false ceilings and walls constructed of fibrous
materials, and other modular or lightweight materials, cannot qualify as strongrooms.
B. Construction Standards.
(1) The perimeter walls, floors, and ceiling will be permanently constructed and
attached to each other. All construction must be done in a manner as to provide visual
evidence of unauthorized penetration. Heavy-duty builder's hardware shall be used in
construction. All screws, nuts, bolts, hasps, clamps, bars hinges, and pins should be
securely fastened to preclude surreptitious entry. Hardware accessible from outside
the strongroom must be peened, brazed, or spot-welded to preclude removal.
(2) Walls and ceiling should be made of plaster, gypsum board, metal, hardboard,
wood, plywood, nine-gauge or heavier two-inch wire mesh, or other material of
sufficient strength or thickness to deter entry and/or give evidence of unauthorized
penetration. Insert-type panels should not be used.
(3) Floors should be solidly constructed using concrete, ceramic tile, or wood.
(4) Windows, which open and are less than 18 feet from an access point (such as the
ground, another window outside the area, roof, ledge, or door) should be fitted with
1/2 inch horizontal bars and cross bars (See paragraph 3.B above). In place of bars,
number 9-gauge wire mesh can be fastened by bolts extending through the wall and
secured on the inside of the window board. All windows, which might reasonably
afford visual observation of classified activities within the facility, shall be made
opaque or equipped with blinds, drapes, or other coverings.
(5) Where vents, ducts, registers, sewers, tunnels and other miscellaneous openings
are of such size and shape (in excess of 96 square inches and over six inches in its
smallest dimension) and enter or pass through the area as to permit unauthorized
entry, they should be protected with either steel bars, expanded-metal wire mesh or
grills, commercial metal sound baffles, or an intrusion detection system.
(6) Doors shall be substantially constructed of wood, metal, or other solid material.
When windows, panels, louvers, or similar openings are used, they should be secured
with 18-gauge expanded metal or wire mesh securely fastened on the inside.
(7) Entrance doors shall be secured by a GSA approved built-in three-position
combination lock (see Chapter 7, Paragraph 7). Other (non-entry) doors shall be

secured from the inside with deadbolt emergency egress hardware, a deadbolt, or a
rigid wood or metal bar which extends across the width of the door.
6. Intrusion Detection Systems.
A. Purpose. Alarm systems are designed to alert security personnel of an actual or
attempted intrusion into an area while also providing deterrence to intrusion. These
warning systems detect intrusion or attempts, not prevent them. Any alarm system
requires an assessment and a response capability to provide real protection for an area.
All systems have weak points by which their functioning can be minimized or even
completely interrupted or circumvented. The advantage and limitations of a variety of
detection systems are described below.
B. Planning Alarm Installations. Alarms are used to detect approach or intrusion.
Some are intended for exterior protection, and some are suitable only for indoor
installations. The following should be addressed in determining the need for an alarm
(1) Sensitivity or criticality of the operation;
(2) Facility vulnerability to damage, interruption, alteration or other harm;
(3) Sensitivity or value of the information or property stored at the facility;
(4) Location of facility and accessibility to intruders;
(5) Other forms of protection in place or available; and
(6) Guard or law enforcement response capability.
C. Components of an Alarm System. An alarm system is composed of three main
parts: one or more sensors to detect the presence or actions of an intruder, a control
unit that constantly monitors the sensors and transmits an alarm signal when a sensor
(1) Perimeter protection alarm systems utilize point protection sensors almost
exclusively, while area protection (volumetric) sensors are used primarily in interior
alarm circuits to detect an individual within a building. Object protection provides
direct security for individual items and is often the final stage of an in-depth
protection system with perimeter and area-protection.

(2) Alarm systems can be designed so that various parts of a building have separate
sensor circuits, or zones, and it is not uncommon to have a separate duress or holdup
alarm circuit to enable employees to summon security personnel.
(3) The installation of alarm system components is very important. Individual sensors
are designed to respond to specific stimuli that indicate the presence of an intruder or
attempts to gain entry into a protected area. Similarly, switch sensors must be
mounted so that they detect the actual opening of a door or window, but at the same
time, the manner of installation should not make them so sensitive to movement that
they actuate an alarm from vibrations caused by a truck passing on the street or the
wind rattling doors and windows. Care must be exercised in adjusting the sensitivity
of the more complex sensors in order to avoid false alarms. Some units can be
actuated by a flickering fluorescent light or a telephone bell. Electromagnetic
interference from a mobile radio or a thunderstorm can trigger some detectors.
D. Sensors. The three basic types of sensors are perimeter, volumetric, and proximity.
(1) Perimeter. Perimeter protection is the first line of defense. The most common
points for sensing devices are doors, windows, vents, and skylights. These may be
protected with detectors sensing their opening or breaking. The major advantage of
perimeter-protection sensing devices is their simple design. The major disadvantage is
that they protect only openings such as doors or windows. If intrusion occurs through
a wall or ceiling, these devices are ineffective.
(a) Switches. These devices are usually magnetic operated switches affixed to a door
or window in such a way that opening the door or window removes the magnetic field
causing an alarm. High security switches are normally balanced or biased magnetic
(b) Metallic Foil. Metallic-foil window tape is the traditional means for detecting
glass breakage. Strips of thin foil are affixed to a glass surface. Breaking the glass also
fractures the foil, which interrupts the circuit causing an alarm. Metallic foil
deteriorates with time and may require frequent maintenance, especially on glass
doors where it can be easily damaged.
(c) Screens. Openings such as vents, ducts, skylights, and similar openings can be
alarmed by thin wire filaments that signal an alarm if the screen is cut or broken.
Often the wire filaments are placed in a frame of wooden rods and require little

(d) Glass Breakage (Tuned Frequency). Miniature electronic circuits are bonded to
the glass surface. They detect a high-frequency sound pattern within the glass when it
is broken.
(e) Glass Breakage (Inertia). A device attached to window or doorframes protects
multiple-pane areas. This device detects the shock wave a substantial impact against
the surface makes.
(f) Lacing. Lacing can protect walls, doors, and safes against penetration. Lacing is a
closely woven pattern of metallic foil or fine brittle wire on the surface of the
protected area. An intruder can enter only by breaking the foil or wire. A panel over
the lacing protects it from accidental damage.
(2) Volumetric. Volumetric-protection sensors are designed to detect the presence or
actions of an intruder almost anywhere within an entire room, from floor to ceiling. A
variety of volumetric devices are available. Each kind of detector has some
advantages and limitations. Therefore, a device must be selected for a specific
environment. A major advantage of volumetric devices is that they provide a highly
sensitive and invisible means of detection in high-risk areas. The major disadvantage
is that an improper application can result in frequent false alarms.
(a) Infrared. Passive infrared sensors are part of the motion-detection group. They
sense the body heat of an intruder as he or she passes through the protected area.
Infrared detectors are relatively free of false alarms and are highly recommended.
(b) Ultrasonic. Ultrasonic motion detectors generate a high frequency of sound that is
out of the normal range of human hearing. An intruder disrupting the ultrasonic wave
pattern initiates the alarm. Ultrasonic devices are prone to false alarms due to
excessive air currents or ultrasonic noise from mechanical equipment.
(c) Microwave. This kind of motion detector uses high-frequency radio waves, or
microwaves, to detect movement. Because microwave penetrates materials such as
glass, and metal objects reflect them, they can detect motion outside the protection
area causing false alarm problems if not properly installed.
(d) Photoelectric. Photoelectric devices transmit a beam across a protected area.
When an intruder interrupts this beam, the circuit is disrupted causing an alarm.
Today's photoelectric devices use diodes that emit an invisible infrared light and
usually pulses rapidly to prevent compromise by substitution. A disadvantage is that
they can be defeated relatively easily, the beams are narrow and may be discovered or

(3) Proximity. Object protection provides direct security for individual items.
(a) Capacitance. A capacitance device is used to protect specific objects such as
security containers and safes. The capacitance alarm uses the metal construction of the
container and causes it to act as a capacitor or condenser. When a change occurs in the
electromagnetic field surrounding the metal object, the balance is disturbed and the
alarm is activated. The system can only be applied to ungrounded equipment and
accidental alarms can occur if the container is carelessly touched when the alarm is
(b) Vibration. These seismic sensing devices use a piezoelectric crystal or microphone
to detect the sound pattern that a hammer-like impact on a rigid surface would
generate. These devices are attached directly to safes and filing cabinets, or to the
walls, ceiling, and floor of vaults. False alarms may occur with these devices by
passing vehicles or falling objects.
E. Control Unit. All alarm systems incorporate a control unit, which may or may not
be a separate component. The control unit is able to regulate the entire system, turn an
alarm system on and off, and transmit the alarm signal to an annunciator. The method
for controlling the alarm system is usually a key or a digital keypad inside the
premises to avoid tampering. The alarm system is delayed briefly to allow the user to
gain access to the system without initiating an alarm. With local systems, the user is
responsible for turning the alarm on and off. The central station and proprietary
systems shift responsibility for verifying that the system is on or off from the user to
the central station or proprietary personnel. Alarm supervision falls into three
categories: local, central station, and proprietary.
(1) Local Alarm System. The local alarm system has circuits within the secured areas
that are directly connected to audio or visual signal-producing devices such as
electronic annunciators, bells, or sirens. The signaling devices are normally mounted
on the exterior of the building, or in large buildings at an interior location, where they
will be audible or visible at a reasonable distance. It should be protected against
weather or tampering.
(2) Central Alarm System. The central-station alarm system is connected to an alarm
panel in a centrally located station such as a local police station or guard service that
provides monitoring services over telephone lines. When an alarm is activated, the
monitoring station initiates a response by either calling personnel designated for the
area or by dispatching guards and/or police to the location.
(3) Proprietary Alarm System. The proprietary alarm system is similar to the central
station type, except that the alarm panel is located in a manned guardroom on the

protected premises. The guard force monitors the system and responds to all alarms.
The alarms can also be wired to a central station or nearby police station via telephone
wires for backup response.
F. Annunciator. An annunciator sounds an alarm by visible or audible signals and
usually indicates the location of the protected item or premises. The alarm signal is
to an annunciator panel that is constantly monitored or to a local signaling device.
Local annunciators usually employ an audible bell, siren, and/or bright beams of light
to deter the intruder and to attract the attention of persons in the immediate area.
Annunciators may be combined in a system that announces alarms both locally and
G. Line Supervision. The telephone or dedicated lines that transmit the alarm signals
from the protected area to the monitoring station must be protected to prevent
interruption of the alarm signal. To ensure such integrity, the transmission lines
should be electronically supervised. Line supervision refers to the protection various
signaling techniques incorporate, such as random tone patterns or data encryption.
(1) CCTV Motion Detection.
(a) CCTV can be used as a detection device to trigger alarms under certain
circumstances, much like volumetric alarms, where motion detection is desirable.
(b) A signal generator attached to the monitor can be adjusted to project a pattern of
light or dark rectangles, or windows, which can be adjusted in size and location on the
screen. The windows can be focused on a fixed object to be protected or alarmed,
such as a safe or a doorknob. When the image of an intruder or moving object enters
the window, the difference in contrast is detected and triggers an alarm.
(2) CCTV Alarm Assessment/Monitoring.
(a) A CCTV system is not primarily an alarm device but rather a monitoring device. It
is frequently used to assess the cause of an alarm or as an access control measure.
CCTV can be used at critical locations where visual monitoring from a remote
location is advantageous, such as gates, doors, corridors, elevators, and other areas
where it is not practical or cost effective to post a guard.
(b) Advantages are that one individual can monitor several CCTV camera locations
simultaneously; the image is visual and conveys much more information than other

types of alarms; authorized individuals can be distinguished from unauthorized

persons; and the signal can be recorded by a digital video recorder for playback and
analysis at any later time, including a time-lapse mode for quick playback of lengthy
periods of tape coverage. This system is often used in conjunction with a date-time
generator, which can project a continuous image of the date and time in the corner of
the monitor screen.
(c) Disadvantages are that monitors do not normally provide an alarm to alert the
observer, the attention span of persons monitoring TV images is traditionally short,
and there are often distractions at monitoring stations.
I. Emergency Alert Alarms. The teller's hold-up alarm in a bank is the most common
illustration of an emergency alert alarm. Based on a risk analysis, emergency alert
alarms should be considered at medical treatment facilities, personnel counseling or
interview offices, credit unions, cash handling activities, and other high risk areas.
The type and location of the device should be selected carefully to ensure the device is
readily available for surreptitious activation in an emergency. If there is a building
security force, a silent alarm should enunciate at the dispatch point. If not, the alarms
can be monitored by a central station or direct connected to local police.
The planned response to an emergency alert alarm must be designed to prevent
endangering the occupants or creating hostage situations.
(1) Hold-Up Switches. The actuating device should be designed to avoid accidental
actuation. Double squeeze buttons, triggers in trigger guards, and a variety of other
devices can be used.
(a) Manual Switches. A hold-up alarm system in which the signal transmission is
manually initiated by the person attacked activating the device. These alarms can be
(b) Automatic Switches. A hold-up alarm system that is automatically activated by
device such as a money clip in a cash drawer.
(2) Foot Rails. A foot rail is an emergency alert alarm securely mounted on the floor
and designed to minimize nuisance alarms, yet permit unobtrusive operation.

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