FineNGAS14 Quick Guide en
FineNGAS14 Quick Guide en
FineNGAS14 Quick Guide en
This Quick Start Guide provides a fast and friendly introduction on FINE NGAS main
features and functionalities. In conjunction with this guide, you can find helpful step-bystep videos in
FINE NGAS, the Fully INtegrated Environment for Natural Gas Installations combines both
designing and calculations in a uniform, integrated environment, consisting of two main
components, CAD and Calculations:
Despite its numerous capabilities, FINE NGAS has been designed in order to be easy to
learn. Indeed, the simplicity in the operation philosophy is realised very soon and all that the
user has to do is to familiarise himself with the package.
This Guide is divided into 3 short parts:
Part 1 describes the installation procedure and the main menu structure.
Part 2 deals with the CAD component of FINE NGAS, showing its philosophy and
main features.
Part 3 describes the calculation environment of FINE NGAS.
1. Installation - Launching
3. When the License Agreement appears, read it carefully. If you agree with the terms,
check the respective radio button and then click Next (you must agree with the terms
to proceed with the installation).
4. In the next screen enter your username and organization information and check if you
want to create a desktop icon. Then click Next to see if the information is correct (see
the following window) and finally click Install for the installation procedure to begin.
5. Upon completion of the installation procedure, the following last window appears on
screen and all needed is to click Finish. In case that the Run FINE 14NG checkbox is
selected, the program will start running.
2. CAD Component
2.1 Overview
Fine NGAS is a powerful Workstation for Natural Gas installations which automatically
performs the necessary calculations directly from the drawings, producing all the case
study results (calculation issue, technical descriptions, full-scale drawings, bills of
materials etc.). This first Part (Part I) of the user's guide describes the operation of the
CAD component of Fine NGAS. As mentioned in the preface, the CAD component is
based on 4MCAD technology. Furthermore this CAD component is considering the building
and natural gas installation as being composed of intelligent entities with their own
attributes and properly related each one to each other. Fine NGAS CAD Component
includes 2 main modules, which co-operate closely and give the Designer the impression
he virtually works on the building: It is about a) AutoBLD that is used to load-identify the
building and b) AutoNET that is used to design and identify the network installations.
Those two subsystems are supported by a third one, with the name PLUS, which includes
many useful designing facilities.
Among the commands of the designing environment, we notice the following main options
of the package:
1. Project files management options (New Project, Open Project and Project Information)
which are located into the options group FILE.
2. Option Group with the name AutoBLD, which includes all the commands required for
the Architectural designing.
3. Option group with the name AutoNET, which includes all the commands required for
the designing and calculation of the application (Single-pipe system, Twin-pipe System,
Electrical Wiring etc).
4. Auxiliary option group with the name PLUS, which contains a series of designing
facilities for the user.
To start creating a project with FINE, a new project should be defined by utilizing the
corresponding option in the project FILE
management menu mentioned above.
In case that "NEW PROJECT" is
selected, a window appears on the
screen where the name of the Project
should be typed.
In order to "load" an existing project, which has been created with the program and
you want to further edit it or just view it, you choose "Select Project", and a list with the
existing projects in the hard drive will be displayed on the screen. At first, the list displays
all the projects that exist in the FINE directory and with the use of the mouse or the
keyboard and acting correspondingly, you can transfer to any other directory, viewing at
the same time the existing
projects. It is noted that the
projects are included into
directories with the extension
BLD. If an existing project is
selected, it is loaded and
displayed on the screen.
Either if a new project is
created or a saved one is
loaded, you can start working
with the use of the subsystem
commands described above. A
detailed description of these
commands is available in the
following chapters. Before this
detailed description, a short
reference of the basic designing principles featured in the designing environment of the
package is recommended, in chapter 2.3 that follows next. If you are familiar with the use
of 4MCAD or AutoCAD, you may page through or even skip this chapter, while if you are
not, you should read it carefully.
As shown in the above figure, the screen is divided into the following "areas":
Command line: The command line is the area where commands are entered and the
command messages appear.
Graphics area: The largest area of the screen, where drawings are created and
Cursor: The cursor is used for drawing, selecting objects and running commands from
the menus or the dialog boxes. Depending on the current command or action, the
cursor may appear as a graphics cursor (crosshairs), a selection box, a graphics cursor
with a selection box etc.
Pull-down menus: Each time you select one of these commands (AutoBLD, AutoNET
etc.) a pull-down menu is shown.
Status Line: It is the line on the bottom of the screen where the current level, the
drawing status and the current cursor coordinates are displayed. From the status line
you can enable or disable tools such as SNAP, GRID, ORTHO etc., which are
explained in the following chapter.
Toolbars: You can arrange which toolbars you want to be shown in the screen in each
project. To enable or disable a toolbar, in the upper part of the screen (where the existing
toolbars are shown) right click with the mouse and select the desired toolbar from the list
(as it is shown below).
Apart from that, each time you select an application from the AutoNET menu, a toolbar
with the name of the application is shown and you can either work from there or from
the AutoNET commands.
ESNAP: The "Esnap" command forces the cursor to select a snap point of an object,
which is within the Pick box outline. The esnap points are characteristic geometric points
of an object (i.e. endpoint of a line). If you have specified a snap point and move the
cursor close to it, the program will identify it with a frame. The "Esnap" command can be
activated either by holding down the "SHIFT" key and right clicking the mouse or through
the additional toolbar.
2.3.5 Grips
Grips are some characteristic points of an object, which appear after it is selected (by
moving the cursor on the object and left
clicking). The object is displayed with grips
(small squares in blue colour), which mark
control locations and are powerful editing
tools (by selecting one grip you can for
example, move or change the length of the
line). When you click a grip, the following
prompt appears in the command line:
**STRETCH** <stretch to point> /Base point
/copy/ undo/ exit. If you press <Enter> (or
right click), the first characters of the
corresponding word are entered, e.g. sc and enter for the "Scale" command).
When a command is executed, grips disappear and the objects are deselected. If the
command is an editing command (correction or copy), which can be preselected, the
objects take part in the execution of the command automatically. In this case, the
command overrides the "Select objects" prompt and proceeds. To deselect grips and
objects you should press <Esc> twice: once to deselect the objects and twice to
deactivate the grips.
In each object the positions of the grips are different. Namely, for a point the grip is the
point itself, for a segment the grips are the midpoint and the two endpoints, for an arc the
midpoint and the two endpoints, for a circle the center and the quadrants, for a polyline
the endpoints of the line and arc segments and the midpoints points of the arc segments,
for a spline the spline points, for a block the insertion point, for text the insertion point etc.
2.3.6 Print
This section may be read after you have created a drawing and you want to print it. Any
drawing can be printed using a printer or plotter or to a file. Printing is performed using
"PLOT" command, selected either from the "FILE" menu or typing it in the command line,
provided there is a drawing already loaded.
Viewing a drawing before printing gives you a preview of what your drawing will look like
when it is printed. This helps you see if there are any changes you want to make before
actually printing the drawing.
If you are using print style tables, the preview shows how your drawing will print with the
assigned print styles. For example, the preview may display different colours or line
weights than those used in the drawing because of assigned print styles.
To preview a drawing before printing
1. If necessary, click the desired Layout tab or the Model tab.
2. Do one of the following:
To print the drawing, click Plot to display the Print dialog box.
The Plot dialog box is organized in several areas as it is shown in the picture below. For
help defining print settings before you print, see Customizing print options.
In the plot window, you can select the printer, the paper size and the number of copies
and several plot options such as the style (pen assignments), the orientation etc.
Moreover, you can select the plot scale and the plot area. Before you proceed to printing,
you select Apply to layout and then Preview so as to make any modifications you might
To print a drawing
1. If necessary, click the desired Layout tab or the Model tab.
2. Do one of the following:
On the Standard toolbar, click the Print tool ( ). If you click the Print tool, the Print
dialog box does not display. Your drawing will be sent directly to the selected printer.
3. From the Plot dialog box, make any adjustments to the settings.
4. Click OK.
- 10 -
In general, the first sub-group includes commands for the definition of the project
parameters, the second sub-group includes drawing commands, the third sub-group
includes commands for linking to the calculations and the fourth includes management
options for the AutoBLD libraries and commands for the building supervision. In the
following sections, the options reported above are described one by one, beginning with
the "Building Definition" option.
- 11 -
In the "Elevation" field, define the height of the floor level. You can define manually a
benchmark for level measurement (e.g. the pavement). You may also define negative
levels (e.g. -3 m for the basement).
In the "Name" field, define the name of the level (e.g. ground floor).
In the "File" field, define the path and the name of the relevant DWG drawing file, only
if you refer to an already existing drawing (which means that you do not intend to draw
the ground plan from the start). If there is no DWG architectural drawing available,
leave the filename blank.
The insertion and the management of ground plans are performed with use of the xref
command. At the bottom of the dialog box there are four functions available which are
actually used to manage the floor files. More specifically:
Press the New button to save a new floor or the changes in the data of a floor (e.g.
level, dwg drawing).
Use the "Current" option to select the ground plan/file you want to work on each time.
Select the "Delete" option to delete the floor you want (after you have selected it). The
"Delete" command removes the ground plan of the relevant floor in the project.
The Accept command closes the dialog box (it does not save the floor data. This can
be managed with the New command). FINE NGAS enables also the use of a
scanned ground plan, which is a ground plan in
a bitmap file created by a scanner.
- 12 -
The OK command closes the dialog box (does not save the floor data). This can be
managed with the New command). FineNGAS enables also the use of a scanned
ground plan, which is a ground plan in a bitmap file created by a scanner.
The Layers Management option enables the user to define in a quick and very practical
way (during working) the logical minor drawings of the ground plans (layers). If the user
wishes, he may disable any element group, by simply clicking inside the indicator-box of
the corresponding group. When the box is checked, the corresponding group is enabled.
- 13 -
After the above actions, you can see that the wall has been drawn and that you can
continue to draw another wall starting from the ending point you defined earlier, unless
you right click, which means that you want to stop (or press <ENTER>). You can change
the wall drawing from linear into circular, by typing T in the following program prompts and
pressing <Enter>. During drawing, one can come to the conclusion that the ability of
drawing consecutive walls is very convenient since it prevents you from making many
movements. As mentioned further below, in the Element Parameters section, the
thickness of the wall, its height and its level in relation to the floor level (when the level is
0, the wall starts from the floor), are stored within the Element Parameters for the wall.
By providing proper values for the wall height and level, any possible case of walls of
unequal height can be dealt with.
Further to the drawing functions, the program also provides powerful editing tools, such as
erase, modify (through the wall dialog box), multiple change etc. Two other commands
that are widely used while drawing the walls are a) the Undo command, which enables
you to reverse the previous command executed and b) the Properties command, which
enables you to view (and change) the attributes of the selected wall.
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Plan View (2D): The two-dimensional plan view of the respective building level is
3D View: A three-dimensional supervision of the ground plan of the current floor (with
given viewing angles) is shown.
- 15 -
Column Drawing: Drawing vertical branches which cross floors (one or more) is possible
through the option "Main vertical pipes (Building)". When the respective option is selected
from the menu, the program asks for the column position ("Enter xy Location") and then
for the height of the starting point ("Enter Height for First Point") as well as the height of
the ending point ("Enter Height for Second Point"). For example, if you want to draw a
vertical branch (column) from 0 to 3, by inserting the location point (XY) and then the
numbers 0 and 3 successively, the symbol for direction change appears on the ground
plan and in 3D View.
Vertical sections within the same floor: If you want to elevate or lower a pipe within the
same floor, you can use the relative
coordinates. For example, if you have
drawn a horizontal pipe (in elevation of 0
m) and you want to elevate it to 2 m,
when in the command line asks for Enter
next point, you will type @0,0,2 and
continue drawing the pipe (see the
adjacent photo). In the same way, if you
want to lower the pipe by 2 m, you will
type @0,0,-2.
Drawing of Curved Pipes: You can draw
curved pipes by selecting the command and inserting the points from which the curved
pipe is to pass (give at least 3 points). The respective command prompts for the following:
Next point: Insert next point, the one after that and so on (successively), defining the
pipe routing in this way and to stop press <ENTER> or right click of the mouse.
You can easily modify curved pipes using grips". As soon as the pipe is selected, grips
appear which you can move, altering in this way the pipe routing. In the Bill of Materials
and the Calculations phase, the program will measure the pipe length precisely.
Connecting network sections: Connections between network sections (horizontal,
vertical or both) as well as between network parts and appliances can be easily executed
by using the "Snap" commands. For example, suppose that the two horizontal parts of the
ground plan below, which are placed in different heights, have to be connected. If you
start by "grabbing" the "upper" pipe end and then end up at the "lower" pipe end, the result
in the three-dimension representation will be as on the right.
- 16 -
Special Commands for Pipe Construction: This is actually a set of commands aiming
at the facilitated drawing of the installation piping. More specifically, there are two basic
Multiple supply pipes: Multiple supply pipes can be drawn, when the in between
distance is known, by simply defining the routing.
Pipe parallel to Wall: A pipe parallel to the wall (walls) that you mark is drawn, with a
given distance from the wall, in printing mm (which depends on the printing scale as
well). The program asks for the first point and afterwards the wall or the walls
(successively) parallel to which (in a certain fixed distance) the pipe is to be drawn.
Pipe parallel to Points: A pipe is drawn parallel to the points you defined (supported
by automatic snap), with a given distance from the crooked line defined by these
points. The program asks for the first point and then for the other points (successively)
parallel to which it is desired to have the pipe drawn. When all points are inserted (and
you right click), the distance will be requested.
Pipe parallel to Wall (or Points) and Receptor Connection: This is a particularly
useful command similar to the two commands above "Pipe parallel to wall" and "Pipe
parallel to points", which, however, enables selecting the receptors to be connected on
the routing which will be drawn parallel to the walls or the points. Therefore, it is
possible to connect a whole set of appliances to the nearest vertical or horizontal pipe,
with 2-3 moves.
For better understanding of the command function, assume that in a given room with its
appliances it is desired to install a pipe parallel to the wall and connect the appliances to
it. The steps are the following:
Select the "Pipe parallel to points and receptor connection" command and the
following options will appear:
Enter the first point & Enter the next point: Provide the points parallel to which you
want to install the pipe. The points are shown on the drawing with an X.
Distance from a point <1.00>: Provide the distance in printing mm where the pipe is
going to be drawn starting from the inserted points.
- 17 -
Modify an existing network: You can edit an existing network by using any CAD
command (i.e. copy, move or erase etc. of a network section) or utility (i.e. grips) during
the design process. The only rules to apply are the following: Pipes supplying the
appliances should be connected to the touch points of these receptors. Obviously only
one pipe can be connected to a touch point. The connection with the touch points which
appear as red "stars" in the ground plan can be executed with the "esnap" function. Piping
can be branched to one another and extend in any way as long as they do not form loops,
something which does not apply to reality anyway. If however a mistake occurs, the
program (during the recognition procedure) will perform all checks and indicate the
mistake and its location. A necessary step before the "Network recognition is defining the
point (1) where the network starts, that is the supply point. In FINE NGAS application,
the menu includes the specific options, so that you can be easily guided when drawing
any installation.
Placing the receptors: Placing a receptor can be done simply through the following
Select a receptor (from AutoNET->Receptors) and press "OK" (or alternatively double
click). It can be observed that the receptor moves on the ground plan with the graphic
If you move the mouse properly, the receptor can be carried in such a way that its
base point (which coincides with the cross of the graphic cursor) can be placed in the
desired point. Right click or <ENTER> to confirm your selection.
If you move the mouse again, the receptor will rotate around the base point. Thus, if
you confirm the angle in which you want to place the receptor (again by right clicking),
the receptor "freezes" in its final position.
You can also insert and place either the whole receptor or only its touch points in the
ground plan by checking one of the two options in the upper part of Receptors window.
This is important when an existing ground plan includes drawn receptors and there is no
need to redraw them, but just move the touch points so that the information for the
respective supplies will be available.
Regarding the installation height of a receptor, it should be pointed out that receptors are
always installed in the current height. The current height can be changed with the "Set
elevation" command (from the PLUS menu).
Fittings: The "Fittings" command selects the
accessories to be also inserted in the drawings, which
applies exactly the same to the receptors. Fittings have
"touch points" upon which the piping will be connected
so that the network can be identified. A symbol may
also have more than one touch points (e.g. a shut-off
cock), in which case the accessory will be numbered as
a junction point in the "Network Recognition". The
program provides the capability of cutting off the line
automatically when a symbol is inserted on the line,
exactly where the accessory interjects. This capability is
defined by the indication of the accessories box "Brake
Pipe". If this option is activated, then the program will
automatically "Break" the pipe when the accessory is
placed. Moreover, the "Move Symbol" indication is in the same box, which defines
whether the accessory will be moved in relation to the position it was initially placed (so
that it will be placed parallel and on top of the pipe) or the pipe will be moved (so that the
accessory can be attached).
- 18 -
Symbols: "Symbols" include various general symbols and other drawings that can be
used in the corresponding installation.
Network Recognition and Numbering: Since the network has been drawn according to
the current rules and the supply point has been determined, the "Network Recognition"
option converts the network in the required standard pattern and updates appropriately
the calculation sheets. During updating, junction points and receptors are numbered on
the ground plan. Note that if a receptor is not numbered, means that the receptor is not
connected to the network. Besides, if a network section has a different color it cannot be
connected to the network. Connect it or select "Break at selected point" at the connection
point with the previous pipe.
Calculations: The "Calculations" option leads you in the corresponding calculating
environment (ADAPT/FCALC), which means that the window of the current application is
opening, while FINE NGAS remains "open". In order to transfer the data from the
drawings, you should select "Update from Drawing" in the "Files" menu of the
corresponding calculating application (in order to carry out the corresponding calculations,
answer "Yes" to the question "Calculate" that appears). It has to be noticed that the
numbering of the sections, the lengths of the network sections, the receptors with their
supplies and the accessories (from the piping routing) are transferred in the calculation
sheet. Of course, if the user wants to, he can intervene in the calculations in order to
make any modifications.
Legend: The "Legend" option creates a legend with all the symbols that have been used
in this specific project. By selecting it, the program asks for the location where the legend
is going to be inserted. Use the mouse to define the location and the legend will appear
automatically on your screen, exactly under the location point.
Vertical Diagram: This option is used for the automatic creation of the vertical diagram of
the installation and in its appearance on the screen, within a few seconds. In case there is
already a vertical diagram, the program asks if you want to update it. It is obvious that, in
order to create a vertical diagram, you should draw and identify a network and enter the
calculation sheets, so that the program knows all the data needed for the vertical diagram
creation (pipe dimensions, junction points numbering, etc).
By the creation command the window of the vertical diagrams manager appears on
screen. This window is composed of two parts, the part with the network tree and the part
with the vertical diagram. Through appropriate commands, the user can intervene in
several ways on the output of the diagram:
- 19 -
Change the sub-networks direction connection on the vertical columns (right or left)
The changes done in the vertical diagram with the help of the above icons are displayed in
real time, in the second part of the window. On the upper side of this window there are
also icons for processing the diagram (real time zoom and pan, zoom extends etc). In
addition, in the upper-left side there are some other icons having to do with the
appearance of the screen, such as the hiding of the left part of the window, the
appearance of the level names and heights on the left to be edited, the appearance of the
numbers of the receptors, the layers and others.
Finally there are some options for the initialization
of the vertical diagram, its recreation and the
definition of the drawing parameters. In particular,
these parameters include the following options:
Layers: Through a supervisory window table, the
user can define the drawing scale, the colors
corresponding to the various layers and the height
of the texts (in mm drawn on paper) placed on the
vertical diagram.
Drawing dimensions: The drawing dimensions
that will be considered on the creation of the diagram are also defined on mm drawn on
Blocks: There can be defined on each application different network starting points and
type of tables. The user can choose from a set of dwg drawings.
Others: A set of attributes concerning the form of the vertical diagram is defined, such as
the condensation of the columns, the number of branches over whom the node is
considered as collector, whether the z height information will be considered in the diagram
creation and whether the sub-networks pipes on the vertical diagram will be placed over
or under the receptors. Finally, it should be mentioned that during the editing procedure
concerning the vertical diagram manager, if there are mistakes the program displays the
proper messages and warnings.
Library Management: The Library Manager leads to a submenu including the options
"Numerical data" and "Drawing data". The first option leads to the libraries with all the
numerical data of the materials. The "Drawings" option leads to a dialog box where the
following data can be seen, regarding each application.
- 20 -
The gas receptors are placed as referred earlier. In case they already exist on the
architectural plan view, then we just click at the Touch points only field.
Receptors Data: This is a useful command that gives you the ability to place easily a
legend with information for each receptor. When you select the command, the program
asks you to choose the receptor and automatically places its data on the drawing.
Aeration legend: With this command you can place
an aeration legend for the boiler room, the gas stove
and the water heater. In order to place it, first you
have to define the space by giving two points, one
internal and one external, select the openings of the
space (for the boiler room and the water heater) and
finally select the location of the legend. Automatically
a legend with detailed information of the space is shown and the program checks if the
airing requirements are met.
- 21 -
Chimneys-uptakes: When the network has been drawn, the chimneys have to be placed
in order to be transferred to the calculations. The
program provides the following options:
Modify chimney: If you want to make changes in the chimney, with this command you
select the chimney and automatically the data window appears.
Uptake: If you want, with this command you can design a drawing for the uptake
(connecting flue pipe) that connects the appliance to the chimney. Select the
command and in the window that opens define the uptakes characteristics (width,
hatch etc.) and press either Points or Polyline:
Points: Click on several points highlighting the shape of the uptake (starting point,
middle ones and ending point) and when you press <Enter> define the side point
which will be on one of the two sides of the line that has been created.
Polyline: Select the polyline you have already drawn (from Draw > Polyline menu)
and when you press <Enter> define the side point which will be on one of the two
sides of the line that has been created.
Modify uptake: If you want to make changes in the uptake, with this command you
select the uptake and automatically the data window appears.
- 22 -
In the left part of the window, you select the information you want to be shown
regarding the pipes. You can select to see information for all the pipes (choose
Select All), some of them (choose Select from Drawing and select the pipes from
the drawing) or none (choose Deselect All). Furthermore, below this list, you can
choose which information you want to be shown, such as the length, the flow rate, the
diameter etc. If you do not want, for example, the Velocity to be shown, select it and
uncheck the Selection button.
In the right part of the window, you select the information you want to be shown
regarding the receptors. You can select to see information for all the receptors
(choose Select All), some of them (choose Select from Drawing and select the
receptors from the drawing) or none (choose Deselect All). Furthermore, below this
list, you can choose which information you want to be shown, such as the receptor
name, the flow rate etc. If you do not want, for example, the Type to be shown, select
it and uncheck the Selection button.
Finally, to place the information on the drawing, select either Manually placement or
Auto Placement (the program automatically chooses to place the information for each
pipe and receptor in the best position without covering each other).
- 23 -
You can easily move the position of the data on the drawing selecting Move drawing
update Data (from the AutoNET menu) or change their height and style from the Space
text style command (from the AutoBLD -> Element parameters) and run Update drawing
Convert single line to 3D: This command converts the single line pipes of the drawing to
3D. The diameter of the 3D pipes is directly related to the calculation results and
therefore, before you run this command, you have to update the drawing.
Axonometric Drawing: The axonometric drawing is produced automatically with the use
of FINE NGAS provided that the network was designed at the specific program. From
AutoNET we select Axonometric Drawing > Create. Then the following window
Detailed information for the axonometric diagram parameters are given in paragraph 2.5.
- 24 -
Vertical Diagram: The vertical diagram is produced automatically with the use of FINE
NGAS provided that the network was designed at the specific program. From AutoNET we
select Vertical diagram > Create. Then the following window appears:
You can apply all the desired changes as it was described in the previous chapter or close
the window, which will result to the display of the design in a DWG form, which you can
modify using the provisions of CAD programs.
- 25 -
3. Calculations
3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a description of the Calculations Component of FineNGAS. This
module can be used either independently, by filling the numeric data, or in co-operation
with the CAD component of FineNGAS, in which case the calculation environment
acquires the data directly from the drawings.
At the top of the application window appear the general options of each application menu,
constituted of the group options "Files", "Project Data", "View", Windows,
"Libraries" and "Help".
The core of the calculations is the calculation sheet, a spreadsheet-like environment with
specific capabilities and facilities tailor-made for each application. More specifically,
regarding FineNGAS, which refer to an installation network, the calculation sheet is shown
in a spread sheet using lines corresponding to the network branches, and columns
containing primary data (e.g. pipe length) and results of calculations (e.g. gas velocity) for
each branch. An example of such a sheet for the GAS Application is shown below:
- 27-
- 28 -
Access to the positions of the zone for filling in values is carried out with the use of the
mouse and the arrow keys of the keyboard. Moving the mouse pointer in the zone for
filling in values we can see that in some columns the pointer takes the form of a vertical
line (|) while in other columns it takes the form of a prohibitive traffic sign. We cannot
modify the values contained in these last columns (because they result from calculations).
If we move the mouse pointer (having the form of a cross) in to a cell or small square and
click the left mouse button, well see that the cell contour (outline) becomes dark and we
can fill in a value or modify the cell content. In the same way we can move to any other
cell, or using the <Enter> key we move to the next cell below and using the <Tab> key
we move to the next cell at the right and so on. Besides, in case the window width is not
large enough to accommodate all columns, we can review the entire calculation sheet by
manipulating it up-down or left-right using the vertically or horizontally sliding keys
(potentiometer like). In addition, when access to a column for filling values is denied, the
mouse pointer takes the form of a prohibitive traffic sign. This way, the user is informed
that the quantity under examination is a derivative one i.e. resulted automatically from
The user should keep in mind the following useful commands when entering values in
the Calculation Sheets of any application:
Deleting cell content: Pressing the <Del> key on a cell, the value it contains is deleted,
and the cell is blank.
Deleting a row: Pressing the keys <Ctrl>&<Del> in combination, the row we are in is
Inserting a row: Pressing the keys <Ctrl>&<Ins> in combination, a new (blank) row is
inserted immediately below the cell we are in.
Moving to the beginning of a row: Pressing the <ome> key, we move automatically to
the first column of the row we are in.
Moving to the end of a row: Pressing the <End> key, we move automatically to the last
column of the row we are in.
Moving to the upper part of the sheet (first column-first row): Pressing the keys
<Ctrl>&<PgUp> in combination, we automatically move in the first column-first row of the
calculation sheet.
Moving to the lower part of the sheet (first column-last row): Pressing the keys
<Ctrl>&<PgDn> in combination, we automatically move in the last row of the calculation
Finally, you can move from an upper to a lower cell using the <Enter> key and from a
left cell to a right cell using the <Tab> key.
In addition, the calculation sheet provides the user with a set of Spreadsheet Functions,
which are available in most windows applications, such as the Cut-Copy-Paste type of
commands of a subset of lines (or even the whole calculation sheet), the row and columns
width definition, the font type (as well as font attributes, justification etc) of a selected
area, and so on. By selecting a certain area of the sheet (or all of it by select all) and
then pressing the right button of the mouse, a small menu appears on screen, with the
relative commands. Another useful command is the Undo/Redo command concerning the
calculations. All those editing commands are also applied to other windows. Apart from
the copy-paste command, in case we want to repeat a row (typical branch), it is sufficient
to fill in the content of the first column, i.e. the section name, that will make a copy of the
row except for the section name which remains blank.
- 29-
When the calculation sheet is activated, you will see in the main menu options an
additional one namely Calculation Sheet with a secondary option Printing Parameters.
Selecting Printing Parameters the adjacent dialog box appears from where the user may
affect the appearance of the printed Calculation Sheet. Specifically, the user may define a
bold outline (frame), a normal outline, or no outline, horizontal and/or vertical lines, as well
as a raster for the titles (headings) of the spread sheet with the desired shading of tints
(using the sliding key). As previously emphasized, the Calculation Sheet window is the
core for all applications. Since, however, not all calculation results related to a study can
be confined within the Calculation Sheet, every application has additional windows where
these complementary results are accommodated to form the complete set of the study.
The advisability and functional description of these windows is the subject matter of each
application. For all that, we can pick out, among the available windows, some of them with
common philosophy regardless of application (e.g. Bill of aterial Costing Window,
Technical Description Window etc.). The forms of these windows are described in the
following sections not necessarily in the order found in the applications.
As you can see, the basic menu options are divided into the groups "Files", "Project
Data", "View", Windows, "Libraries" and "Help", which are described below along
with their secondary options.
3.3 Files
The "Files" option includes the usual file management options according to the windows
New project: Type a name for the new project you want to be saved in a file.
Select project: A window appears where you can select the desired (existing) project file
and load it.
- 30 -
Caution! If neither a new nor an existing project is selected, the programme automatically
considers that the UNNAMED project is active. If you add new data to the UNNAMED
project and you want to save it with a different name, select Save as and type the new
project name.
Update from Drawing: In the case of co-operation with the FINE package, the project
calculation sheets are updated with the drawing data.
Caution! If the option "Update from Drawing" is selected, without previously opening a
project and inserting rooms in the ground-plans using the FINE package, any existing data
in the calculation sheets will be replaced with blanks.
Save Project: The project you are currently working on is saved to the hard disc (with the
previously given name).
Save Project as: The project you are currently working on is saved in a different file with
a new name.
Load Prototype: The saved prototype appears on the screen.
Save as Prototype: The form, which has been created by the user and is displayed on
the screen when this option is selected, is saved as a Prototype.
Printing Prototypes: The printing prototype management window is activated.
Printing: The project issue is printed according to the previously selected options in
"Printing Contents" and "Printing Parameters" as well as according to the print preview
Printing Contents: You can select the project items you want to be printed:
Printing Parameters: The desired printing parameters can be selected in this window.
Print Preview: The complete project issue appears on the screen, exactly as it will be
printed, page to page.
Export to RTF: An rtf file, containing the project items, is created (within the project
directory, with the name KAER.RTF).
Link to WORD: A .doc file, containing the project items, is created (within the project
directory, with the name KAER.DOC). At the same time, the MS-Word application is
activated (if it is installed in your PC).
Link to 4M editor: An rtf file, containing the project items, is created (within the project
directory, with the name KAER.RTF). At the same time, the 4 text editor is activated for
further editing.
Link to Excel: An xls file, containing the project items, is created (within the project
directory, with the name KAER.xls).
Export to PDF: A pdf file, containing the project items, is created (within the project
directory, with the name KAER.pdf).
Exit: Exit from the application.
3.4 Data
This is about the basic project data, which are divided into Project Info (project headings)
and Network data. The Project info refers to titles and headings related to the project
identity, while the Network option refers to the general network data that the project
designer should specify and are related to:
- 31-
- 32 -
1. Diagram type
It is specified whether each receptor is defined separately in the vertical diagram or if it will
be integrated in a receptor group. In case that the check box is checked, the network is
analyzed thoroughly in nodes.
2. Building parameters
If you select the building in the upper left part of the screen, the building data will appear.
The topology of the building as well as the layout of the installation network in it is
included in the building data. In the box Building options the levels with gas consumption
are checked. In particular, if you select the ground floor and the floors, an additional field
will appear where the user should fill in their number. You can also define the number of
the apartments in each floor as well as the height of each floor.
After the user has defined the building data, he can press the key Apply and the building
will appear in the left column in a tree form with an icon in front of it that shows the floor
Working with levels
If you click with the left mouse key on the level name, the level data Level Name, Level
Height (m) and Number of Apartments appear on the right side. The user can enter the
fields Level Name and Level Height (m) and edit the level data.
If you double click with the left mouse key on the level name, the floor topology with the
apartments will appear in tree form.
If you click with the right mouse key on the floor name, a menu with the following options
will appear:
Insert new Apartment: You can insert a new apartment besides the ones that are
defined so far.
Copy FLOOR: Copies in the PC memory (clipboard) the floor network in order to
paste (copy) it later on a different floor.
- 33-
Paste FLOOR: Copies the network data that are saved in the clipboard to the selected
floor. The data that are already entered in the floor shall be overwritten by the new data.
Working with apartments
If you double click on the floor the apartments will appear and in the right side will appear
the option Insert space with Gas, where a list with various room types will be shown. If
you double click on each room the room drawing will appear underneath it. If you double
click on the desired room, this will be transferred automatically in the apartment selected
in the left column. In the same way you can add more rooms in the same apartment or in
different apartments.
If you right click on an apartment room the list shown in the next window will appear, with
which you can manage the rooms:
The commands Move upwards and Move downwards alter the order of the room
inside the apartment.
If you click with the left mouse key on an apartment room the room drawing will be
shown enlarged.
3. Network data
In the option connections you can see the network structure from the gas network until
each apartment. In this option, the user can manage the gas consumptions. At first, there
is a separate gas installation for every apartment. If for example, there are two apartments
in the building with common ownership, which are located in different floors, then the user
can transfer the gas network from a column to a different one, to delete a column or a
certain flow gauge. This is achieved by right clicking on an element. Depending on the
''tree'' element on the left side of the window that you right click, a menu appears which
enables you to move or delete or even add an element. Hence, the user is able to modify
the network as it is desired.
4. Diagram
With this option, the vertical chart of the previously mentioned installation appears.
Moreover, you can change the colors that appear in the chart.
3.6 View
This option includes the secondary option "Toolbars" and follows in general the windows
3.7 Windows
The option Windows includes a series of calculation and result windows, in which the
analytical project calculations are presented. The main window which comprises the core
of the application calculations is the Calculation Sheet, and is described in the following
- 34 -
3.7.2 Assumptions
The text of the project general assumptions, which may be included in the printed project
as long as it is selected in "Printing Contents", is stated. If the option Assumptions is
selected, you can load a different prototype or create your own from the program menu
Assumptions -> Prototypes.
- 35-
1. Network section: In the rows of the first column you should fill-in all the network
sections (one section in each row) one by one. The sections are defined by their end
nodes. You may assign a number (from 1 to 9999) or a letter (lower or upper case, e.g.
A2, AB, 3c, Aa etc.) to each node. The basic restriction in numbering is that number 1 is
always assigned to the point that is connected to the gas meter. Except the number "1",
the same number should not appear in the network twice. After the numbering you can
enter in the calculation sheet all the sections independently one by one (the sequence of
the sections is not important), by filling-in the first column:
In the case of typical (similar) sections it is possible to recall them (with their name from
the first column) in order to automatically transfer them.
2. Pipe length: You must state the pipe length in (m) in every section between two nodes
(e.g. section 2.3).
3. Type of appliance: If there is an appliance at the specific network section, that is to
say if the section ends up to an appliance, you can select it from the library with the GAS
installation appliances, after pressing the key F11 or by pressing the key inside the field in
this column. A window will appear with the list of the appliances.
The type of the appliance (hydraulic receptor) is defined when a unit is filled-in in the last
column, in the row that corresponds to the receptor, and the key enter is pressed after
that in order to validate the data entered. By pressing "OK" you can return to the
calculation sheet where you can notice that the order number of the appliance is filled-in.
Alternatively, except defining only one appliance, you can also define an appliance system
with up to 10 different types of appliances in each section.
- 36 -
Since you are working with systems, the program enables you to define an order number
of the hydraulic appliances system i in the upper part, and the relevant System appears in
the column with the form S-i, where i represents the order number of the defined System.
With this feature you avoid filling-in again the same appliances, since you can fill-in
directly the order number of the System. The method with appliance systems is indicated
in the case of very large installations, where the appliances are grouped in a few systems
and the data volume is radically decreased in the calculation sheet.
4. Appliance flow rate (m/h): The appliance flow rate QR, or in general the network
section flow rate (theoretical sum of the flow rate if all the appliances work at the same
time) is automatically calculated. The program calculates automatically the flow rate of the
intermediate sections based on the flow rate of the appliances that are supplied from this
5. Peak capacity (m/h): The peak capacity Qs is calculated based on the total capacity of
the previous column. The peak capacity is calculated from the relevant peak curve that
depends on the equipment schedule which has been initially selected by the user for the
GI type of appliances, or it is loaded automatically for all the other types.
6. Desired pipe size (mm): From this column the user can select a different diameter
from the one that is calculated by the program (and is shown in the next column). If you
press F11 or the key in the field, the list with the diameters of the selected in the "Network
Data" pipe type is shown.
With the option "Select" you can select the desirable diameter, and you can see the
effects of your choice in the rest of the network parameters (e.g. velocity, friction values
etc). If you press <Del> in the relevant component of the calculation sheet you can delete
the desired diameter, and the program calculates again the diameter.
7. Pipe size (mm): The pipe size of the network section, as it is calculated by the
program, is shown in this column.
8. Maximum velocity (m/s): The velocity limit that is defined in the "Network" (in m/s),
which you can modify if you want for the particular network section, is shown here. You
must keep in mind that, if you change later the general limit in the "Network" this will not
affect the modified values, but only the initial ones (the ones that have the same value
with the Maximum gas velocity which is defined in the Network).
9. Gas velocity: The gas velocity in (m/s) as it is calculated in the specific network section
is shown here.
- 37-
10. Type of fittings: This column refers to the type of fittings (elbows, tee sections, valves
etc) that appear in the network section. If you want to fill-in the components in detail you
press F11 or the key in the field in this column,
and the window with the list of the gas system
components from the relevant library will
appear. If only one component exists, this is
defined by writing the number 1 in the last
column, in the row that corresponds to the
component. By pressing "OK" you can return to
the calculations sheet where you can notice
that the order number of the defined component
is filled-in.
For more than one component you can fill-in
correspondingly the last column of the table
with components, giving also the quantities of
each component (up to 10 different types of
components per section). In the case that you
have more than one component, the indication
F- appears in the column, which means in
general "Fittings". If, in the upper part of the
fittings table, you define a fitting system number a, the indication F-a will appear in the
column. In this way you can group the fittings and also avoid filling-in the same groups
(systems), since you can fill-in directly the fitting system number.
11. Fittings friction losses (mbar): The calculated fitting friction loss for the specific
network section in mbar is shown here.
12. Levitation friction losses (mbar): The calculated friction loss caused by the gas
levitation is shown here for the specific network section in mbar. In case of upward
sections (segments) the value is negative, whereas for downward sections is positive. For
horizontal sections it is equal to zero. The direction of a section is being defined in the
column pipe route.
13. Piping friction losses per meter (mbar/m): The calculated friction loss for the piping
in the specific network section in mbar/m is shown here. This friction loss is calculated
from the gas flow in the respected section, based on hydraulic calculations.
14. Pipes friction losses (mbar): The calculated friction loss for the entire pipe in the
specific network section in mbar is shown here. This friction loss is calculated from the
gas flow in the section, based on hydraulic calculations.
15. Total friction loss (mbar): The total friction loss in the section, that is to say the sum
of the Friction of Fittings and the Friction of Piping, also in mbars is shown here.
16. Segment permissible pressure loss (mbar): This value depends on the specific
standards adopted.
17. Total friction loss of the line (mbar): The respective calculated value is shown.
18. Network permissible pressure loss (mbar): This value depends on the specific
standards adopted.
Following you will see the items "Polar angle", "Pipe route, Chimney number,
Connecting flue pipe type, Connecting flue pipe cross section. These items can be
filled-in directly in the relevant columns, or from an additional window, which appears
when you press the key F12 in any column or if you press the right mouse button and
select from the list ''Options" that appears. The use of these columns is explained below:
- 38 -
19. Polar Angle: It is necessary to fill-in the polar angle of the network only in the case
that you desire to draw a vertical diagram (and a rough drawing) from the calculation
sheet, that is to say in the case that you have not drawn the ground plans with the FINE
NGAS application. The vertical diagram that is drawn takes into consideration the length
and the polar angle (in relation to the horizontal axis) of each branch.
20. Pipe passing (upwards - descending): This field is empty by default and should be
filled properly, or to be left empty in case of a horizontal branch.
21. Chimney number: The number of the Chimney to which the connection pipe (if any)
is being directed should be filled.
22. Connecting flue pipe type: If a connecting flue pipe is required at the specific
section, we need to fill its geometrical type (i.e. circular, square etc).
23. Connecting flue pipe cross section (cm): The calculated cross section of the
connecting flue pipe is shown in this column. The user can easily change it by pressing
the key F12 and filling in the Desired cross section for connecting flue pipes field.
24. Coincidence GI: The default value of the equipment schedule that was defined in the
Network window can be modified here for each specific section. The GI refers to gasfired appliances that are commercially or industrially used.
25. Type of pipe: The user can define whether this branch refers to a main or secondary
pipe (in case there are two different types in the same network). The user defines the
types of the main and the secondary pipes from the Project Data > Network window.
26. Pipe design length (m): Sometimes, when drawing a vertical diagram, you may
design very short or very long sections. For that reason, you can define an arbitrary pipe
length in this column, which however can result to the desired aesthetical aspect in his
design. Regardless of the length that you define in this field, the program shall write the
real pipe length on the drawing. It should be pointed out that in case you do not fill-in this
field, the program shall draw the vertical diagram based on the column ''Pipe Length'' of
the Calculation Sheet.
27. Floor of appliance: The number of level is filled here automatically and updates the
technical report of the project.
28. Main gas stopcock: Depending on the value (Yes or No) the main gas stopcock is
shown at the axonometric drawing.
29. Passing through the soil: The user fills Yes or No depending on the case. If the
field remains empty the program assumes that the passage is out of the ground. This
information is used for the update of the technical description.
30. T part exists: Depending on the value Yes or No the respective fitting appears on
the axonometric drawing. For instance, if we define this fitting on the 2.3 section, then it
will appear on the node 2.
Fields Calculated
Fields corresponding to results calculated by the program are the following:
31. Fittings Sz: The total sum of the local z resistances is being shown.
32. DH Elevation difference (m): The height difference is shown (in m) with a positive
prefix for ascending network sections and negative prefix for the descending sections.
33. Number of H appliances (gas stoves, gas cookers, gas stove tops, gas ovens and
the cooking and baking part of gas ranges).
34. H appliances gas flow rate (m/h)
- 39-
- 40 -
Chimney no = In this field the user types the number of the chimney which will be
calculated (in case there is more than one chimney).
Appliances of chimney gas flow rate = The total flow rate of the appliances that are
connected to the chimney is presented in m/h.
Nominal power of appliances of the chimney = The total nominal power of the
appliances that are connected to the chimney is presented in KW.
Number of chimney appliances = The total number of the appliances that are connected
to the chimney is presented in this field.
Type of appliances in chimney = In this field the type of the appliances that are
connected to the chimney is presented. The type is loaded automatically from the
Libraries > Appliances.
Minimum hydraulic diameter required = When all the fields of the Chimney
calculations window have been filled in correctly, the minimum hydraulic diameter of the
chimney (in cm) is calculated automatically. In case a necessary field of this window has
been left blank, in this field an appropriate message will be shown.
Chimney cross sectional area type = select the type of the chimney (square, circular
Length or diameter of the selected chimney (cm) = When the minimum diameter of the
chimney has been calculated, fill in this field with the length (in case of square or
orthogonal) or diameter (in case of circular) of the chimney to be placed. The diameter
must be equal or higher than the calculated minimum diameter.
Width of the selected chimney (cm) = When the minimum diameter of the chimney has
been calculated, fill in this field with the width of the chimney to be placed (in case of
square or orthogonal). The width must be equal or higher than the calculated minimum
- 41-
- 42 -
By activating the two windows Calculation Sheet and Vertical diagram as in the
following screenshot, and by modifying some values, the user can understand easier this
functionality, given that the drawing is being shaped on real time basis.
- 43-
3.8 Libraries
The FineNGAS Libraries include the following categories, with their respective features:
Appliances with lots of appliances of all five categories (DWH, GI, H, RH and
UWH), their thermal power, gas flow, type, connection diameter etc.
- 44 -
Systems of appliances: The library is fitted with a tool that allows the design of
new receptor systems as well as the modification of the existing ones.
The creation and/or modification are being easily performed through a smart wizard who
allows the user to add or remove a gas appliance in a visual way.
The user has also the option to import any dwg file.
Offer libraries where the user can add his own libraries.
In any of the above libraries, you can easily change or add your own information. In order
to add a new fitting, appliance etc. press the Append record button
at the bottom of
the page. The program automatically creates a new blank row where you add the
information you want and after pressing the Post edit button
you press OK. In this
way, you can use your own libraries in every project you are working.
- 45-
3.9 Help
This option provides the user with the instructions of the program, according to the
windows standards.
3.10 Examples
In this chapter two step-by-step examples are presented, which will help you understand
in practice the basics of drawing in FINE NGAS. These simple examples aim mainly at
helping you start drawing building entities (walls, openings etc.) along with the gas
network. More specifically:
Example 2, describes the steps of drawing a simple fire gas installation network,
proceeding to the calculations and generating the necessary drawings.
Important: It isnt necessary to draw the levels of the building with walls, openings
etc. in order to calculate the gas network. If you already have 2D architectural drawings of
the levels, you can insert them and place on them the receptors, the pipes etc.
Nevertheless, if you do not have architectural drawings, it will be more helpful to draw the
walls etc. so as to be able to design the network more accurately.
Apart from the following examples, you can watch the same steps (and much more) in the
- 46 -
When we finish, we press once again New and then Accept and automatically we
defined the two levels with their architectural drawings.
Before we start drawing, we Lock the architectural drawings from the layers list on
the left by pressing the Lock symbol as it is shown below. The name of the
architectural drawing will be BASE_FLOO1_XREF for the first level,
BASE_FLOO2_XREF for the second level etc.
- 47-
Finally, we click on the side that the wall grows (where the down right red spot
You can enable the Entity snaps toolbar (or the ESNAP setting) so as to select
easily the edges of the wall.
- 48 -
Continuing in the same way, we draw all the walls (inner and outer) of the ground
5. From AutoBLD, we select Opening > Door and in the properties window, we select the
height (2.20 m in our example), the length (1 m), the type of the door etc.
When we finish, we press Accept and we design the
Finally, we click on a point that shows the direction towards which the door will
open (where the down right red spot is).
- 49-
- 50 -
From AutoNET > we select Pipe (or from the gas toolbar as highlighted below) and
start drawing the gas network of the ground floor. If you want, you can draw the pipes
in a different elevation by repeating step 1 (in our example, we draw the water heater
in an elevation of 1.6 m) or draw curved pipes (from AutoNET > Curved pipe).
- 51-
3. The next step is connecting the pipes with the receptors and we do this easily by
selecting from AutoNET > Connect receptors to existing pipe (or from the
corresponding symbol
of the toolbar).
We repeat the step for all the receptors (we can connect more than one receptor to
the same pipe each time).
4. If we want to place a vertical pipe that leads from the basement to the ground floor, we
select from AutoNET > Main vertical pipes:
We click on the location we want to place the vertical pipe (in the command line
you can see the Enter XY location prompt message).
We type the height -3 which is the starting point of the vertical pipe in this
example (the basement elevation).
- 52 -
We type the height 0 which is the ending point of the vertical pipe in this example
and the vertical pipe is created.
From AutoNET > we select Pipe and draw a pipe connecting the horizontal to the
vertical pipe as it is shown below.
You can use the Perpendicular snap (it is highlighted in the picture) to connect
precisely the horizontal to the vertical pipe.
- 53-
7. The next step is to place the chimneys on the drawing. On the basement, from the
AutoNET menu > we select Chimneys-Uptakes > Orthogonal chimney (or from the
toolbar as it is highlighted below):
We click on the location we want to place the chimney (in the command line you
can see the Enter XY location prompt message).
We type the height -3 which is the starting point of the chimney in this example
(the basement elevation).
We type the height 8 which is the ending point of the chimney and automatically
the Chimney 1 is placed.
We repeat the same step for the chimney of the ground floor (starting point: 0 m,
ending point: 8 m) and Chimney 2 is placed on the drawing as it is shown in the
following image.
- 54 -
- 55-
10. From AutoNET > we select Calculations and in the window that opens
automatically, we select Files > Update from Drawing. From Windows menu we
open the Calculation Sheet where the network information have been transferred and
make any changes we want (detailed information in Chapter 3.7.7).
11. In order to calculate the diameter of the chimneys, from Windows menu we open the
Chimney calculations.
- 56 -
From AutoNET we select Update Drawing and in the opening window we choose
which information we want to be show on the screen for the pipes and the receptors.
- 57-
13. If we want, from AutoNET we can select Convert single line to 3D and the
program automatically converts the network into 3D in relation to the calculation
14. Finally, we can generate the axonometric diagram of the network from AutoNET >
Axonometric diagram > Create. Automatically a new drawing is created with the
axonometric diagram and its data as it is shown below.
- 58 -
- 59-