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Airbus technical magazine

August 2014


Flight Airworthiness Support Technology

Airbus technical magazine

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Flight Airworthiness Support Technology

Publisher: Bruno PIQUET

Design: Daren BIRCHALL
Cover: Non-Destructive Testing
Photo by: Sylvain BONNIOL
Printer: Amadio
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ISSN 1293-5476



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Telemetry Centre


Greener solutions: cleaner

chemicals with MPSP


Non-DestructiveTesting 18

Structure Health Monitoring

Importance of reporting
events from the field



A320 Family noise reduction


FAST from the past


Weve got it covered


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videos or slide shows are available
on the iPad & Android app versions
of FAST magazine.

03 FAST#54

Editor: Lucas BLUMENFELD

Telemetry Centre

Mission control
for flight testing

Article by (left to right):

Test Analysis
[email protected]

Jean-Franois MERYET
[email protected]

Head of Flight Mechanics
& Telemetry
[email protected]

Head of Data Processing
Flight and Integration Test Centre
[email protected]

With no windows and matt black sound-proofed walls, the environment

of the Telemetry Centre has been designed to minimise the stress
of carrying out work that requires intense concentration over extended
periods of time.
Often likened to a mini NASA control room, the centre is lined with large
screens that offer audio and high definition video, and each work station
is full of monitors and bespoke computer equipment.

Foreword by
Fernando ALONSO
Head of Flight and Integration Tests
Thanks to the high volume of quality data available through telemetry, Design Office
specialists can remain on ground following the tests performed by the flight crews.
Airbus master Telemetry Centre located in Toulouse (France) has the capacity to follow
three different flight tests simultaneously. As many specialists are located throughout
Airbus sites in Europe, annex telemetry rooms have been deployed and are able to
view and analyse flight test data in a live transmission.
The multiplication of specialists viewing data permits a quicker analysis and real-time
corrective measures or adjustments.


Airbus master Telemetry Centre is located at Toulouse (France).

It comprises three telemetry rooms capable of simultaneously following
three separate test flights.

The size and the shape

of each circular area
depends on the aircrafts
altitude and the local relief.

Data is transmitted in real-time to these telemetry rooms providing access

for more specialists. This immediacy improves the global data analysis
as specialists are able to hear the pilots commentary and see them
in the cockpit via the live flight video transmitted from the aircraft.


Systems are checked for performance as specified, and if needed

requests can be made to the flight crew to repeat a test, or carry out
a certain action.
The most crucial aspect of being able to monitor flights live is that
the engineers can better understand the context of each test result.
For example, they can appreciate how local weather conditions,
may be affecting the flight. As well as knowing what is happening inside
the aircraft, they can also see whats going on outside via cameras
mounted on the aircrafts exterior.

The progressively rapid transmission of data and its analysis, allows continuous
interaction between the Telemetry Centre conductor and the test pilots.
The communication is so fluid that its easy to forget that theyre not still up there
in the aircraft!

Test flights are conducted in six zones of approximately 500 km in diameter

The Telemetry Centre is definitely a safer and more efficient way to test our aircraft.

Three separate aircraft can be tracked simultaneously

Six antennas cover the flight test area in the west and south part of France

Antennas are linked and controlled from the Telemetry Centre in Toulouse



Airbus sites at Filton (UK), Bremen and Hamburg (both in Germany) are also
equipped with a telemetry room which can be connected to the Toulouse master
centre. Toulouse can also be in inter-connexion with the Airbus Defence & Space
Telemetry Centre in Seville (Spain).

The optical range is more than 350 km at 40,000 ft



Ethernet IP data transfers 10 Mbits/sec from antenna stations

to the Telemetry Centre


Annex telemetry rooms

allow correspondance with
specialists in the engineering
disciplines of each Airbus site:
Filton - ATA chapters 28, 32 & 47
Hamburg - mainly ATA 21
Bremen - mainly ATA 27-50
for ATA* chapters list

Transmission for useful data from the aircraft is > 5 Mbits/sec

* Air Transport Association

05 FAST#54

As aircraft become increasingly complex, and with

customers expecting more mature aircraft in shorter
development times, the need to optimise flight test cycles
becomes critical. The Telemetry Centre is a cornerstone
of Airbus flight testing process and is a key element to
ensure the safety and efficiency of our flight tests.

Telemetry Centre

Telemetry Centre

a great

This highly sophisticated installation has been set up with two main objectives:
Enhancing the safety of test flights by minimizing the crew on-board
the aircraft while maximizing the number of analysts on the ground.
Increasing efficiency of the flight test campaign by providing real-time analysis
support from the ground which allows optimising the contents of the flight
and reducing the number of flights.
Since its creation, Airbus Telemetry Centre has seen huge progress. Even if the
mission hasnt changed, the level of aircraft support has grown and technical analysis
has been improved. The Telemetry Centre was initially dedicated to flight testers.
Now, thanks to improvements in the tools and mind-set evolution, the centre has
become a privileged place where people coming from different activities share their
questions and solutions.

Different tools
In order to fully understand all on-board messages and events, the telemetry room
conductors use tools which enable the same vision as the airborne flight test
engineers, with the difference that they receive more detailed results.
In 2012, an update in the Telemetry Centres IT improved the analysis efficiency.
With new data management and advanced technologies, telemetry is now more
reactive and flexible, adapting its analysis during test flights.

Aircraft and telemetry: continuous interactions

The telemetry conductor is in continuous communication with the airborne flight test
engineer, sharing instructions and advice. The conductor is also the focal point,
sharing information with specialists.

Flight test engineer


Telemetry conductor

Telemetry took
its full dimension
during the A380s
maiden flight.

Flight analysis
Test specialists
Aircraft physics integration

Test specialists
Systems integration

Design Office


Flight test engineer

07 FAST#54

06 FAST#54

Data sending

Telemetry Centre

Telemetry Centre

The 12
flight test

Telemetry Centre supports the aircraft

The Telemetry Centre surveys the safety of the aircraft and crew, giving warnings
during flight regarding structure, loads and systems events.
In real-time, the telemetry analyses flight physics and crucial systems such as
electrics, hydraulics, braking, pressurisation, de-icing, etc.
Consequently, the main role of the Telemetry Centre is to help the crew, and specifically
the flight engineer, validating data and manoeuvres during the flight. Telemetry has
now become mandatory for flights such as flutter testing or load calibration.
Most handling qualities and performance flights are also performed with telemetrys
support during the entire development phase and up to aircraft certification.

Handling qualities

Real-time and deferred analysis

Flight control

The Telemetry Centre is able to analyse data sent by the aircraft both in real-time
and in slightly deferred time.


The analysis team of specialists study real-time transmissions from the aircraft on
generic or ATA chapter specific screens. Telemetry equipment is pre-configured
based on the results of Functional Integrated Benches and simulators (mainly for
systems parts) but also on input coming from computations (finite element stress
analysis for loads, computational fluid dynamics for aerodynamics, etc.).
The equipment then interprets flight test behaviour and is able to send a warning
to the aircraft when the situation becomes critical or dangerous.


These telemetry tools also propose real-time automatic monitoring which can warn
the specialist in case of an unexpected event.


Deferred computation allows a more detailed analysis which is then compared with
previous models and sent to the Design Office, aircraft programme, other crew
and test specialists after the flight test in order to get a global overview of the results.

Evolution of telemetry
As the safety and performance of aircraft improves, the need for tests increases.
Fortunately technological improvements also mean increased data flow of a higher fidelity and faster calculation of complex signals.

Slide the timeline



Second telemetry
room at Toulouse,

First telemetry room

installed at Toulouse, France
for the A320
EIS (Entry-Into-Service)

The S band in COFDM mode was initiated for the A340-600 programme significantly
improving the signals fidelity, while increasing the transmission from 1Mbits/sec to 5.4 Mbits/sec.
Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (COFDM)
is a modulation scheme that divides a single digital signal across multiple signal carriers simultaneously.
Signals are sent at right angles to each other (hence, orthogonal) overcoming multipath effects.




Third telemetry room

installed at Toulouse, France

For the A400M

the first Seville ground based telemetry
followed by Toulouse



Telemetry room
installed at Seville, Spain

First interoperation
between Toulouse
and Seville

Telemetry rooms installed at

Hamburg, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Filton, UK











A340 A330



A400M A350 XWB


1990 - 1996
Acquisition: one PCM
Semi-closed telemetry world
Possibility of following two aircraft

C Band: 4 to 8 GHz
1996 - 2004
Graphic application
Open telemetry world
Real-time and deferred-time transmission available

2005 - 2014
Data Ethernet packets
Bandwidth: 5 to 10 Mbits/sec
Multiple parameter lists selectable from the ground
Uplink (data trasmission to the aircraft)
Data compression
Possibility of following three aircraft

(5.091 to
5.250 GHz
for aeronautical


1986 - 1990
Complex architecture
Many machines for message
One machine to monitor loads
No graphic station
Acquisition: only one PCM
(Pulse Code Modulation)
Closed telemetry world
Possibility of following one aircraft

S Band: 2 to 4 GHz


08 FAST#54

L Band: 1 to 2 GHz

Telemetry Centre

From test benches to telemetry data

The Telemetry Centre is the concretisation of months of teamwork preparing for the
flight test campaign. Activity fields such as design, structure and systems meet to
assess the aircrafts behaviour in real conditions, and work on the same operational
subject. This way of working allows immediate sharing of information, enabling them
to define together the conclusions of preliminary results.
The on-ground telemetry conductor and the airborne flight test engineer are in
communication throughout the entire test flight. Telemetry specialists are in charge
of preparing analysis tools to face any event during the flight. They assess the overall
aircraft behaviour to ensure that all requirements are met in terms of performance
handling. throughout an aircrafts development cycle
of basic

for project

End Specification
of concept phase

Assembly Power



Entry development
Type Service for basic
validation (EIS)

Functional Integration Benches , simulators, etc.



Telemetry Centre



Post EIS

Strategy and programmes

Development flight tests
Test means
Test instrumentation
Test analysis
Production flight tests

Certifying an aircraft is an activity that

has become increasingly complex,
requiring testing to be more efficient.
Thanks to real-time test validation, Airbus
is able to certify its aircraft on schedule
and thus respect commitments to deliver
on time.
Moreover, the real-time interactions
between the aircraft and the Telemetry
Centre enable the optimization of the
aircraft during flight tests, resulting in
high-performance aircraft.

10 FAST#54

As an example (see right) the data flow

necessary for airworthiness certification
for the A380 would have taken much
longer were it not for improved
technology in telemetry data
Telemetry data transmission for the
A340-600 was at 0.8 Mbits/sec,
as opposed to the 5 Mbits/sec
available for the A380.

Number of parameters






The future of the Telemetry Centre


A new European regulation regarding frequencies transmission will allow the use
of a new wave band. This will open the way to increased telemetry capacities,
allowing more parameters to be registered in real-time.


Today, telemetry services are limited to France and Spain due to antenna coverage.
We hope that one day, we will have the opportunity to analyse flight tests around
the world.

Handling Qualities
Flight Control



The Airbus Telemetry Centre receives data transmitted from aircraft during flight tests. This information can be
studied in real-time from the safety of the ground or deferred for in-depth analysis.


theoretical data flow
of 2,400 parameters (max)

theoretical data flow
of 8,000 parameters

Flight tests can be followed in telemetry rooms at Filton, Hamburg and Bremen by specialists in engineering
disciplines, improving the efficiency of test flights and facilitating the optimization of an aircrafts performance
and safety.
The speed and accuracy of the transmitted and calculated data improves as technological advances in Airbus
aircraft require more complex testing while respecting development and delivery times.

11 FAST#54

Telemetry support brings

advantages in terms
of planning and quality

Cleaner chemicals
with Multi-Programme
Substance Projects

R E A C H R o HS I A R C


As regulations on the use of chemicals in the

aeronautical industry become increasingly
stringent, Airbus faces an interesting challenge.

These names are not the last trendy rock bands but a short list of laws,
international agreements and authorities, linked to the regulation of hazardous
chemical substances to protect human health and the environment.
The first health and safety laws in western countries to restrict the use of certain
chemicals were enacted in the second half of the 20th century.
Ever since, regulations have become progressively more stringent covering
an ever growing list of substances.

On the one hand, regulations that are intended

to protect the environment and health of users,
align perfectly with Airbus commitment to offer
cleaner and safer aircraft.

Regulations, such as REACH provide a legislative framework based on the

precautionary principle and it is the producers responsibility for assessing
and managing the risks posed by chemicals and providing appropriate safety
information to their users.

On the other, many of these regulations concern

substances that provide the most efficient
technical solutions currently known.

Moreover, regulations are imposed at the source of production to prevent

dissemination and limit exceptions.
It is important to note that the new regulations consider the use of substances
throughout the entire production process.

Airbus challenge is to find new solutions

that adhere to upcoming regulations, without
compromising high performance and product

Impact on the aeronautical sector

Apart from regulatory obligations (registration or declaration of chemical use),
the main impact on the industry is the disappearance of raw materials used
to manufacture or maintain the final products.
Among the many aircraft components subject to obsolescence due to limitations
in the use of chemicals are:

Airbus has created a committee dedicated to Multi-Programme Substance Projects (MPSP)

in order to analyse the reports of upcoming regulations from the Environmental Affairs

Electrical devices
Hydraulic fluids

12 FAST#54

The committee governs the portfolio of substances impacted by new regulations

and steers the process to find new manufacturing processes with substitute chemicals.
Article by
Nicolas LOURDAUX (left)
Multi-Programme Substance Projects
[email protected]

A transversal management

Rodolphe RIVIERE (right)

Airbus Process Technology Leader
for Surface Preparation and Painting
Industrial Domain Leader
for Multi-Programme Substance Projects
[email protected]

An improved visibility of upcoming changes to evaluate the impact well in advance

Common priorities to minimize the impact on daily business
A common strategy
A common work process
The sharing of best practices
The mitigation of obsolescence


The challenge is permanent, as regulations evolve and the visibility of substances that
may be banned in the future is poor.
Moreover, despite our manufacturing business being global, we have to cope with
different levels of regulation from a local law enforcement to international agreements
that are diversely implemented.

The MPSP committee comprises a cross-functional management, grouping representatives

from all aircraft programmes, engineering, manufacturing, procurement, health and safety
departments, as well as the Environmental Affairs department.


The MPSP committee ensures:

CMR: Contact MicroRadiography

ECHA: European Chemicals Agency
EURATOM: European Atomic Energy Community
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
ODS: Ozone Depleting Substances
OSPAR: Oslo and Paris Commission
POPs: Persistent Organic Pollutant
REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals

13 FAST#54


Cleaner chemicals with MPSP

Cleaner chemicals with MPSP

Cleaner chemicals with MPSP

An end-to-end process
Facing this challenge, Airbus has put in place an end-to-end process: from the analysis of the regulation to the final replacement
of chemical products on the aircraft or at the manufacturing/maintenance facilities.

End-to-end process management


Identify the

Keystone materials for the aeronautical industry such as aluminium alloys, require
special care in terms of protection against corrosion.
The main steps are: degreasing, pickling, chemical conversion or anodic oxidation,
followed by the application of structural paint loaded with corrosion inhibitors.
To complete these steps, the aviation industry still uses potentially harmful substances,
such as trichloroethylene, borax, chromic acid, zinc, barium and strontium chromates;
and this only concerns component protection. The treated parts are then assembled
to form subassemblies and in the end exterior paints will be applied. These assembly
operations involve amongst others: cadmium plated or chromate fasteners, themselves
protected by sealants or chromate paints.

A priority-based work plan

Considering the visibility given by the legislators about substances to be banned (3-4
years) and the time needed to qualify new solutions (can be 5 years or more), informed
analysis of the regulations and accurate prioritizing of the work plan is necessary.

List the impacted

qualified products

Examples of topics which remain high on the agenda:

Chromates: anodization, passivation, plating and paints (REACH)
Cadmium: corrosion protection by plating (REACH)
Halon: fire extinguishers (ODS)
Phthalates: plastics (REACH)
Short-chained chlorinated paraffins: fire retardants, plasticisers (POP)
Lead: electronics card soldering, batteries (RoHS)

Set up
a project

Find technical
to qualify them

the new solution

15 FAST#54

14 FAST#54

Manage the impact

of the new solutions

Cleaner chemicals with MPSP

Cleaner chemicals with MPSP

Looking into future

paint regulations
The health and safety of Airbus personnel and the environmental impact
of the production process is of paramount importance, and the increasing
regulations in Europe encouraged Airbus towards a major overhaul of its
industrial processes. In 2005, a first step towards a greener future was taken.
For the first time we treated aircraft parts with hexavalent-chromium-free acid pickling.
This single change meant a lengthy work programme for our engineering offices and
innovation teams. Once the theory proven in laboratories, the introduction of new
facilities in factories is made progressively, beginning with the small size plants then
up-scaling to the bigger ones. There, the industrial engineering teams (manufacturing
and engineering) had to prepare the facilities to receive these new surface treatment
baths, adapt the key process parameters, the rinsing stations and review the quality
monitoring plan.
Chromic Acid Anodizing (CAA) is under replacement by Tartaric Sulphuric Acid Anodising
(TSA). This process which forms an oxide layer on parts provides corrosion protection
and is the interface between the metal and the paint coating. Perfect compatibility
between these two elements is paramount. However the standard paint in some of our
plants and in our supply chain has for long been the well-known PAC33, not compatible
with the oxide layer formed by TSA. It was also therefore necessary to qualify and
introduce new paints showing affinity with this new substrate. Furthermore, taking into
account European regulations related to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) - precursors
of greenhouse gas - these new paints must contain the least possible solvent.
This particularity gives them a different behaviour during their application and drying,
thus resulting in the need to invest in humidity control and new application equipment.
In assembly centres too, these new paints are emerging and with them the need to
further improve our processes for the surface preparation. We continuously develop,
in partnership with DRR ECOCLEAN, an innovative process combining steam
and high speed air, negating the need for a chemical additive.

16 FAST#54

Beyond the substantial ecological gain already provided by the introduction of the first
chromate free or low VOC solutions, the implementation of these new processes
has allowed a production overhaul and is part of our constant search for improvement.
With lessons learnt from these current projects, we are reaching a significant milestone:
chromate-free structural primer and touch-up implementation. As yet, no substitute
has shown a sufficient maturity to fulfil aircraft certification standards, the future
European regulations and our production requirements. Airbus is actively cooperating
with research laboratories and suppliers to make them an industrial reality as soon
as possible.

Chemical regulation is not a temporary burden but an ongoing
opportunity to invent cleaner and safer manufacturing techniques.
Airbus has decided to embrace this challenge by streamlining the way
in which upcoming regulation is integrated into our daily business.
It has put in place an end-to-end process management committee
to treat Multi-Programme Substance Projects (MPSP).
The involvement of all parties is key to ensure this runs smoothly and
perpetuates. Issues are now identified, impacts are known and mitigation
plans are in place to ensure the smooth continuity of deliveries.
The aim of Airbus and our customers to minimize our environmental
impact is perfectly in line with the spirit of chemical regulation.
We have to, and will, find the best solution.

17 FAST#54

We are thus able, for the first time, to completely clean without producing VOCs,
without any harmful chemicals and without leaving residues that disrupt the application
of new and more demanding paints. This new process promises opportunities in
terms of ergonomics, cycle time and automation. Indeed, paint booths, choice of
certain fasteners, their installation process, cleaning processes in assembly and the
final painting of Centre Wing Boxes manufactured in Airbus facility at Nantes (France)
are being adapted.
The advantages are all now well-known and appreciated at this plant and were shared
within the Manufacturing/Engineering community to other plants.

Non-Destructive Testing

Theres more to it
than meets the eye

NDT in aircraft manufacturing

The following examples of main NDT

methods were performed at TESTIA,
a certified NDT examination and testing
organisation in the Airbus Group.

NDT is a quality step used at key stages to establish whether the component
is fit to advance to the next manufacturing operation. By not continuing to add
man-hours and production cost to a defective component, significant time
and money is saved.

The tests were carried out by

Training - TESTIA
Fernando SANTOS
Head of Engineering - TESTIA

Using knowledge from fatigue tests and data modelling, Airbus can calculate
the in-service life of a component. By introducing NDT inspections well in advance,
we can avoid large repairs, optimise the design and in many cases, reduce
the weight of components.

For more information, please contact

Jean-Claude RISPAL
Training Manager - TESTIA
[email protected]

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

is used to confirm the integrity of a material
without causing any damage
to the component.

Head of Airbus Non-Destructive Testing - AIRBUS
[email protected]

NDT tools and processes allow the user to:

Detect defects that may occur
during the manufacturing process,
Examine parts for defects during maintenance,
Assess the severity of damage
following an impact.
Techniques for both metallic and composite materials
may be used depending on the nature and depth
of the indication:
Surface - magnetics, dye penetrants and eddy currents

1. Ultrasonic

2. Eddy current

3. Radiography

Sub-surface - magnetics, eddy currents, ultrasonic and thermography

Internal - ultrasonic, thermography and X-ray

Ultrasonic energy can penetrate metallic

and composite materials to detect
cracking and delamination. This technique
is used both in manufacturing and on the
aircrafts structure in service.
a. Longitudinal wave
A straight beam from the probe
measures the thickness and detects
features within the beam path.

18 FAST#54

b. Shear wave
Beams at varying angles can be
generated in metal called shear waves.
For example, this method could be used
to detect cracks from holes with the
fasteners installed.

Steven CRUMMACK (left)

Senior NDT Engineer

Jean-Pierre LOZES (right)

NDT Team Leader

c. Phased array
Using multiple probes in an array, internal
features can be mapped, and for metallic
parts, the beam can be steered to
examine an area from a range of angles.
The maximum reflection is obtained by
tilting to the correct angle.
This increases sensitivity compared to
conventional shear waves.

(metallic materials)

Eddy currents are induced using a small

electrically magnetised coil. A hand-held
eddy current probe is passed over an
alloy which can contain the eddy current.
When it passes over the defect you can
see the display on the screen.
For fastener hole inspection we use a
rotating probe which is passed through
the bore of the hole. When it encounters
a defect it is displayed on the screen;
this signal is adjusted for diagnosis.
This is a very common method for
in-service aircraft.

(metallic/composite materials)

Using a booth which protects the

operator from X-rays, the component
to be tested is clamped to a mount
and then placed into the booth,
the door then closes automatically,
The component is then exposed to
X-rays of the wavelength which are best
suited for the feature to be detected.
As it is a digital X-ray you are able
to enhance the image by modifying
the settings.
Finally when you have saved the image,
you can enhance it further by examining
chromatic differences.

The aerospace industry is supported

by a group of specialised suppliers,
many of whom use technology originally
developed for the medical industry.

19 FAST#54

These methods can reveal the location, size and severity

of any defects within a component.

(metallic/composite materials)

Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing

4. Infrared
(metallic/composite materials)

5. Magnetic
(metallic materials)

6. Fluorescent dye
(metallic materials)

Infrared cameras are used to exploit the

reaction of different materials after they
pass from a thermally stressed state,
back to ambient temperature.
During this process, the infrared energy
they transmit can be detected and used
to display relative difference between
For example, water trapped inside
composite honeycomb sandwich panels
can be highlighted, effective for both
rudders and elevators.

This testing method uses fluorescing

magnetic particles suspended in a fluid.

This NDT method, mainly used in

manufacturing, is effective at detecting
surface breaking cracks in non-porous
materials (primarily metallic).

The liquid is applied to the magnetized

component, which then attracts the
particles to magnetic flux leakage
generated by defects and its edges
The method is limited to ferromagnetic
materials only.

The component is covered in dye

penetrant ink which enters surface
breaking features. Afterwards the object
is rinsed, leaving the remaining dye in the
defects. It is inspected under a ultraviolet
black light where the defect fluoresces,
against a dark background.

Fluorescent dye penetrant inspection

as performed in Airbus Nantes (France) facility.

Directly after the surface treatment
process, the parts are placed
in an oven to dry excess moisture.

Parts are sprayed
with a florescent dye.


Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) has become a valued and necessary
expertise in the manufacturing and maintenance of Airbus fleet.

Residual dye is rinsed off

revealing any surface
discontinuities where the dye
has penetrated.

Airbus monitors the structure of in-service aircraft ensuring safety

and saving weight at the design stage. We believe it will continue
to increase, bringing added value as the engineering community
becomes more aware of its benefits.

Parts are oven-dried again

then visually controlled
with an UV light.

For customers queries on NDT, please contact:

Structure Engineering Support Customer Services - AIRBUS - [email protected]
Non-destructive Testing Manual (NTM) training - AIRBUS - [email protected]

21 FAST#54

20 FAST#54


Structure Health Monitoring

Structure Health

Easing and foreseeing maintenance by Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM)

for Condition-Based

In the past decades, aircraft on-board self-testing functions evolved from Built-In Test
Equipment (BITE) which has been applied on engines and other components essential
for flight operations, to complex integrated systems architectures.
SHM is completing the global CBM. The integration of structural on-board monitoring
capabilities into the aircraft monitoring and management network is a key enabler for
CBM. By replacing scheduled inspections with real-time monitoring or monitoring on
demand, SHM delivers increased aircraft availability through the optimization of
unscheduled maintenance and accurate follow-up of an eventual degradation.


The benefit of CBM versus classic structure inspections

A real-time on-board

Currently, continued airworthiness and reliability targets are achieved using a

comprehensive set of predefined scheduled maintenance tasks. The new releases
of regulatory guidance on SHM, issued from advice and discussions on requirements
and approaches, have been prepared for the validation of SHM systems.
What does switching from the existing inspection programme approach to CBM mean
from a continued airworthiness point of view? Lets look at typical routine of structure
inspections carried out at predetermined intervals as a function over time, flight hours
or flight cycles.


& Processes
[email protected]

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an innovative way of

on-board Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) to directly assess
the integrity of aircraft structures. The principle of SHM is
comparable to the human nervous system. Discrete sensors
which form a network remain permanently mounted onto,
or embedded into the aircraft structure, detect and diagnose
inevitable structural damage, mechanical loads or abnormal
conditions. The sensors are interrogated via an on-board
or off-board diagnostic system and information on the
structural state is reported to maintenance.

Figure 1:
Example of a typical classic
scheduled inspection scenario
showing the generic performance
of an aircraft structure
versus in-service life time


Lorenz WENK
Maintenance Programme
[email protected]

If we take the time-based model as an example (see figure 1), the degradation will
increase over time. The initial period can be described as good performance where
the degradation rate is low, or even very low. During this period, classic visual inspection techniques may even fail to identify that degradation has started. It is during this
period where many structural inspections feature an interval threshold to account for
the good initial performance of an aircraft. However, as time progresses, degradation
is inevitable and the acceptable condition of the structural item is questioned.
In case the inspection finds degradation which has passed the predefined limit that
ensures safe operation until the subsequent inspection, the items must be restored.
The respective benchmark is named restoration limit in the example model.
Consequently the progressing degradation after Check #2 in our example should stay
above the operational safety limits before Check #3, when the restoration limit was not
reached at the time of Check #2. With this, the safety margin between the safety limit
and failure are maintained. The restoration limit and the repeat interval are interdependent and set by trading of economics.


Restoration to
acceptance level

Restoration to
acceptance level

Restoration limit
Operation limit

(if function effects safety)


In contrast to conventional NDT, there is no need for a qualified NDT inspector to

access the area of inspection and to perform the measurement by hand-held NDT
probes which is in most cases costly and time consuming.

Risk of operation
with failure
if not detected
at Check #3

#1 NIL

As a result, SHM shows for selected use cases a great potential to reduce time and
cost for maintenance, to increase the aircraft availability and to realise innovative
aircraft design for the reduction of weight.

#4 NIL

#5 Finding


This example shows a classic finding rate of No Item Listed (NIL) at Check #1
and #2 and a Degradation Finding at Check #3. The item is then restored to
near to new quality and is found NIL again at Check #4, degradation is again
found at Check #5, to be once again restored.


System detectability limit

23 FAST#54

The evolving integration of on-board systems into the avionics network and
broadband data communication capabilities are setting the scene for a step change
that aims at bringing significant benefits to the operators.

#3 Finding

Checks performed


22 FAST#54

Airbus is developing SHM onto its new generation aircraft to ease structural
maintenance, beyond the wider Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM), meaning
doing maintenance when the need arises (i.e. after one or more indicators show that
equipment or structure is going to fail or is deteriorating).

#2 NIL

Maintenance notification limit

Maintenance/Operations margin
Operational limit

Structure Health Monitoring

Structure Health Monitoring

Flight testing today


A second aspect is that restoration does not often bring the item back to its initial state
(a restored Item is normally close, but not exactly the same quality of a new item).

Airbus key research today is focusing on opportunities around the A350 XWB
(Extra Wide Body) and its extensive structural use of Carbon Fibre Reinforced
Polymer (CFRP).

This conservatism however is necessary to build robust inspection programmes on the

current fleet level condition monitoring approach. Inspections resulting in no finding could
possibly have been deferred on that aircraft, but there is however still potential for findings
on other aircraft triggered by the variation of an individual aircrafts operational conditions
and occurrences. In other words, effectiveness of the inspection programme is validated by
the no finding rate at fleet level - the current fleet level condition monitoring concept.

A wide range of uses for SHM is being explored by our design specialists, such as
pre-load measurement in the tension bolts of the vertical tail plane attachment,
and in-situ measurement of in-service loads in the horizontal stabilizer.
However the most prominent and challenging system currently being developed
is one that immediately detects and assesses accidental ground handling impact
damage to CFRP in door surround areas (see figure 3).


the global concept to CBM brings
from monitoring
level conditions by inspecting every aircraft
of a level
fleet, to managing the
aircraft airworthiness against predetermined safety and economic limits with built-inRestoration limit
monitoring capabilities.
Operation limit

(if function effects safety)


Lets look into the semantics of such an approach (see figure 2). The on-board system
monitors the relevant parameter over time and as from the initial detection, a prognostic
function provides a status input on the overall condition monitoring system for the structural
Risk of operation
item. When the maintenance notification limit is reached, the
failure Maintenance Control
if not detected
Centre (MCC) is notified by the aircraft system. Maintenanceatcan
#3 start planning the
restoration slot within the maintenance window (e.g. packaged together with othertime
#1 NIL
#2 NIL
NIL availability.
#5 Finding
deferred items
in a dedicated
shop visit)#3toFinding
optimize the #4
A cockpit
informs the flight crew and the MCC if the degradation is about to approach an
operational limit, providing a clear status of the individual aircrafts remaining operational
capabilities (e.g. number of flight cycles/hours before the item needs to be restored),
limitation of the aircrafts specific capabilities (reduce flight level and/or reduced load), etc.



System detectability limit

Maintenance notification limit
Maintenance/Operations margin
Operational limit
Safety margin
Figure 2:
Example of a typical
Maintenance scenario

Parameter monitoring

Parameter trend
monitoring and calculation
of time to loss of function
& fix)

System detection
of first degradation

No operation
with failure

Figure 3: In-service damage mapping for the fuselage

of a long-range aircraft. The locations with impact
damage are marked with coloured symbols.
The door surround areas show a high concentration
of impact damage caused during ground handling.



CBM not only eliminates the repeated NIL finding inspections (and associated
down-time) but also provides an online status of the individual aircrafts conditions.
This clear forecast of the fleet-wide operational capacity enables the airline operations
and maintenance control centres to plan ahead and increase aircraft availability.

An example of a fairly straight forward and effective Airbus SHM application flying
today is the tail strike indication system (ATA31-28) on its long haul aircraft.
Initially developed with the A340-500/600, an adapted version is also on-board the
A380. Equipped with 2x2 redundancies (two sensors with two crack-wire lines each),
the system provides the flight deck with a clear online indication of conditions
to complement the pilots feel, during take-off manoeuvres. While the main aim is
to enhance the overall safety, it is interesting to note that it also enabled Airbus
designers to achieve a significant weight saving by integrating the tail strike system
capabilities into the structure design.











and rear


passenger door surrounds

cargo door surrounds

Global percentage of impacts by zones on the aircraft

Example on the A320 Family

25 FAST#54

24 FAST#54

SHM technology flying on Airbus aircraft today

Structure Health Monitoring

Structure Health Monitoring

Acoustic-ultrasonic principle
The SHM system for impact damage detection and assessment of door surround
structure uses acoustic-ultrasonic technology.

Figure 4: Acoustic-ulltrasonic system principle



ultrasonic waves

Acoustic-ultrasonic systems use an array network of piezoelectric transducers acting

as sensors and actuators for guided ultrasonic waves. These waves interact with
structural damage such as delamination and de-bonding. Structural integrity is
diagnosed through analysis of changes in wave characteristics before and after the
damaged area (see figure 4).

How Airbus addresses SHM technology

Airbus Material and Process (M&P) domain is responsible for the development
and qualification of SHM technologies. In order to provide the best technical solution
at minimum time and cost, Airbus M&P department not only works in close collaboration
with disciplines from stress and design, systems, customer support and manufacturing
but also interacts with a world-wide network of technology suppliers, system integrators,
institutes, academia, airworthiness authorities and other aircraft manufacturers.
Airbus M&P domain has developed a so called SHM Toolbox which provides
a complete set of technological solutions for generic applications, ready to use
by design engineers to further enhance aircraft capabilities and performance.

This system is under development and is being tested in two kinds of fuselage ground
validators, as well as in-flight validators within the A350 XWB CFRP skin panel
demonstrator of the A340 MSN001 (see figures 5 & 6), and in the surround structure
of the passenger door 1 of the A350 XWB (see figure 7).

As SHM is merging the worlds of materials, structure and systems, it requires a clear
concept to ensure the success of the application. To achieve this cross-functional aim,
teams have been formed to integrate the structural sensing technology with the
aircraft monitoring system architecture. This approach has successfully led Airbus to
establish a comprehensive set of key requirement families for SHM. In the course of
the JASTAC (Japanese SHM Technologies for Aircraft Composite structures) project,
in close cooperation with Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Fuji Heavy Industries, Japanese
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the University of Tokyo, detailed requirements
have been validated in test campaigns expanding on well-established NDT (NonDestructive Testing) and material test principles. These requirements have set the
reference for ongoing research and technology projects like the Vertical Tail Plane
- Next Generation (VTP-NG) rib de-bonding detection system. Furthermore, these
requirements have also been the bases for the Aerospace Recommended Practice
(ARP-6461) guidelines for implementation of SHM on fixed-wing aircraft.

Figures 5 & 6: SHM impact damage detection system sensor network installed
in the A350 XWB CFRP composite panel demonstrator of the A340 MSN001.

Principally, SHM is developed and deployed in four generations in which the SHM
system is given step-by-step more complexity, features and responsibility, in order
to gain confidence in this new kind of technology:
Generation 0 For the monitoring of structural tests - already deployed in the course
of the A380 and A350 XWB component and full-scale testing.
Generation 1 For in-service aircraft with benefits in maintenance - has achieved
technology readiness for selected technologies and given applications.
Generation 2 For in-service aircraft with benefits in maintenance and weight savings
at component level - under development.
Generation 3 For in-service aircraft with benefits in maintenance, weight savings on
aircraft level and intrinsic quality assessment in manufacturing and assembly - under

Figure 7: Digital Mock-Up (DMU) display of the

acoustic-ultrasonic sensor network arrangement
in the passenger door 1 of the A350 XWB MSN001

Today, the emphasis is not on the development of further new SHM technologies,
but on testing the SHM systems robustness in representative environments to mature
future service applications.

Potential retrofit applications

With the growing number of older aircraft in service, the business case for SHM retrofit applications is gaining more and more
momentum. Such an application is typically Generation 1 and aimed at known structure hotspots, associated with significant
down-time due to heavy access and complex repetitive inspections, as well as low finding rates. While a high finding rate due to the
down-time for access and repair alleviates the business case, it is even more worthwhile if the repeat inspection is removed from
the maintenance schedule.

With this detailed knowledge, the most appropriate technology can be selected from the Airbus SHM Toolbox and adapted to
the specific application. Retrofit applications are planned to have a dedicated focus on monitoring only age-related degradation
parameters like fatigue, corrosion and delamination. The target SHM technology is lightweight, easy to install and simple to use.

27 FAST#54

26 FAST#54

The extensive in-service history and testing of ageing structures in the frame of the current long range and single aisle
Extended Service Goal (ESG) campaigns provide comprehensive data for airframe designers studying potential SHM applications.

Structure Health Monitoring

Structure Health Monitoring

The Comparative
Vacuum Method (CVMTM)
CVMTM is an excellent example for ready
to use Generation 1 SHM technology for
monitoring crack initiationxxxxxx
and growth
against pre-defined limits.xxxxxx
The principle behind CVMTM is uniquely
simple (see figure 8) and allows crack
inspection in minutes at base or infield.
CVMTM is based on a permanently
bonded sensor onto the surface of a
component where damage could occur.
The sensor contains a manifold of
alternating fine vacuum galleries and
air galleries that are open to the surface.
In case the area under the surface needs
to be inspected for cracks, vacuum is
applied to the vacuum galleries via
a hand-held measurement device, the
air galleries remain at ambient pressure
and the pressure difference between
vacuum galleries and air galleries is
recorded. If no flaw is present, the
pressure difference will remain at a stable
level. However, if a crack develops under
the sensor, air will flow through the
passage created from the air galleries
to the vacuum galleries, the pressure
difference drops significantly and the

Test Point Plug (TPP)

Pneumatic connections
ID data lead

The Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP-6461) guidelines for implementation

of SHM on fixed-wing aircraft have been published by the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) G-11SHM committee in November 2013. Airbus is a key initiator
and driver of this committee consisting of the worlds leading aircraft manufacturers
(Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier and Embraer), airlines, system integrators and airworthiness authorities (EASA and FAA).


Test Point Socket (TPS)

Pneumatic connections
ID chip

PM 200
Graphic display
Vacuum reservoir
& pumps


PC connection

The ARP addresses gaps in industry-consensus approaches for SHM applications

on commercial aircraft. It represents a significant step forward to reducing the product
development risk enabling SHM technologies to buy their way onto commercial
platforms. The document and further details are available on SAE internationals
website at

Upload/download utility

Main test (with crack)

Figure 8: Principle set-up of CVMTM technology for crack detection, comprising

a sensor which is bonded to the aircraft structure, a hand-held measurement device
and a connector to which the sensing device and the sensor are connected.

crack is automatically detected.

Sensors are widely flexible in design and
thus adaptable to a wide range of target
applications. They may either take the
form of self-adhesive polymer pads
or may form part of the test component.

Regulatory framework setting new airworthiness standards

Today, the individual operators maintenance programme is developed from a number of source documents, including the
manufacturers Maintenance Review Board (MRB) report, Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR), Airworthiness Limitations
Items (ALI) typically summarized in the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) plus unique national regulatory requirements
and others.

The spacing between the vacuum

galleries and air galleries determines
the minimum detectable damage size.
CVMTM for crack detection has been
developed between Airbus and the
supplier SMS to technology readiness.

Since the late nineties, Airbus has been actively working in various industry committees to build a robust certification path for
bringing SHM from the laboratories into service. In April 2009 the International Maintenance Review Board Policy Board (IMRBPB)
accepted the revision of maintenance guidelines for the creation of aircraft scheduled maintenance programmes contained in the
Airlines For America (A4A)* ATA MSG-3 document to cater for use of SHM technology instead of visual and NDT inspections.
Evolving over the generations, built-in self-test capabilities have enabled manufacturers to design a variety of systems that render a
growing portion of scheduled maintenance tasks redundant. Namely, engine monitoring and buzz words like Built-In Test Equipment
(BITE) are leading examples of the trend towards further integration of the aircraft systems architecture. In the future, we can think
that aircraft health monitoring will become one of its core elements.

Smart structures and materials for the future

The research focuses on multi-functional smart structures and materials with built-in self-sensing, optimized weight and lower costs
for global structural CBM. For example, Airbus is developing optical fibre sensors which are capable of detecting, localising and
assessing impact damage, as well as monitoring structural loads. These small diameter optical fibre sensors (50 m to 125 m) are
mounted or embedded into the CFRP structure in the course of the manufacturing process. In addition, the same optical fibres are
developed to be used for transferring systems data instead of using heavy conventional data cabling which in turn leads to massive
weight savings.

Nose to tail SHM capabilities addressing the full envelope of structure conditions are essential to establish aircraft health monitoring
as an enabler for ultimately switching from scheduled maintenance programmes to Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM).
*formerly Air Transport Association (ATA) of America

Optical fibre




Cooling and demoulding

Usage and health




Residual strain




Figure 9: Life-cycle monitoring of a CFRP part by means of embedded optical fibre sensors,
covering lay-up, curing, cooling and demoulding, assembly and operation.

In the past decade, aeronautical Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has moved from extensive research and
lab-testing, to the definition of a comprehensive application set-up, now ready for use. Airbus current focus
is on the maturation of selected key SHM technologies and on the development of multi-functional smart
structures with built-in self-sensing, optimized weight materials.
SHM is now at the doorstep of retrofit applications ready to monitor structural hotspots on the ageing aircraft
in service today. The main benefit for this retro-application is increased aircraft availability and further gained
service experience. Furthermore, SHM technology will be a vital feature on Airbus future component design.
By fully integrating SHM into the aircrafts monitoring architecture, it will bring significant weight savings and
overall further increased aircraft availability. In addition, SHM will significantly reduce the repeated maintenance
tasks which often lead to No Item Listed (NIL).
Structural Health Monitoring is like having a permanent on-board doctor to detect degradation as-and-when it
occurs, assess its impact, then treat it in a timely manner. The result is a healthy aircraft with enhanced operability:
lighter, safer and easier to maintain.

29 FAST#54
35 FAST#54


flow and/or cure

Nobuo Takeda et. AI., Composites: Part A 48 (2013) 153-161

28 FAST#54


Airbus future design concepts do not

limit the SHM function to monitoring
structure conditions during the service
life of the aircraft. SHM technology
by means of embedded optical fibre
sensors, for instance, is developed in the
course of JASTAC project (see section
above) to become an integral aspect of
life-cycle monitoring of CFRP structures,
covering lay-up of the part, curing,
cooling and demoulding, assembly and
operation (see figure 9). Throughout the
manufacturing and assembly of CFRP
parts, SHM provides direct access to
the physical characteristics of the parts
(e.g. temperature and stress field during
cure, degree of cure, residual stress
build-up during assembly) enabling
an intrinsic quality control together
with further weight optimized design.

Event reporting

Importance of reporting
events from the field
Continuous improvement of Airbus aircrafts safety

In-service event data

In order to continually monitor the safety of its fleet Airbus needs to know what events
occur during operations. While every conceivable condition is either flight tested or
replicated during certification activities (read telemetry article page 4), perfectly accurate
predictions of events that may arise after years of service are harder to define.
The exhaustive reporting of events from the field and the quality of such data are
important steps to get a global understanding of how our aircraft behave and respond
to conditions that are met during daily operations.

Your input allows Airbus to perform its duty

in terms of continued airworthiness
and safety enhancement.

Continually enhancing our products safety level

is more than a corporate objective for Airbus;
right from the beginning, a safety culture
has been instilled into our employees
and has become part of their daily lives.

Reports of occurrences are systematically analysed within Airbus, and good quality,
timely data is required to enable us to perform efficient and effective analysis of the
events. This data also helps Airbus develop an understanding of developing trends
in the fleet which may have an impact on the safe operation of the fleet - this is one
of the cornerstones for the ongoing activity of safety enhancement.
It is not just information from the field that provides us with the global view of safety
within our fleet; we consolidate the reports from our operators by capturing safety
related data coming from internal channels such as the production, flight test and
engineering domains.

Why is reporting important?

Further to a non-Airbus aircraft accident, the investigating authorities
identified that the aircraft had been flying with an identified fault for a number
of flight cycles before the accident; this fault had not been reported.
The investigating board concluded that failure of reporting limited the
effectiveness of existing safety programmes, meaning that it could result
in an inaccurate assessment of risks by both airlines and aircraft
manufacturers, which limits their ability to manage the risks.
Further to this, the investigating authority issued recommendations
on the need to make operators aware of the importance of reporting.

Franois CARMIGNANI (left)

Head of Product Safety Enhancement Analysis
[email protected]
Patrice CHASSARD (middle)
Continued Airworthiness Process Manager
[email protected]
Patrick GRAVE (right)
Customer Services Expert
[email protected]

31 FAST#54

30 FAST#54

As an aircraft manufacturer, Airbus

is continuously looking at enhancing
global fleet safety of our aircraft.
We do this not just by applying the
continued airworthiness obligations
(EASA Part 21.3 - ORO.GEN.160
of EU Regulation 965/2012, EASA
AMC 20-8), but looking beyond,
and analysing events that may
impact the continued safe operation
of the aircraft.

Event reporting

Event reporting

Where does Airbus get input from?

Airbus can only review events that have been reported, so the more data collected, the
better the analysis. Our main source of data comes from the fleet of nearly 8,000 Airbus
aircraft currently in service.
The new European operational regulation (ORO.GEN.160 of EU Regulation 965/2012),
obliges European operators to report in-service events to manufacturers and national
authorities in line with identified regulatory criteria (similar to EASA AMC 20-8 guidance
In addition to European operational regulation, Airbus encourages operators to report
in-service events that are:
Identified by EASA AMC 20-8 guidance material,
Defined by your own airworthiness authority
Considered as added value for the safety enhancement level of Airbus fleet.
Events should be reported via existing communication channels with Airbus Customer
Services, Engineering department, Field Service Managers (FSM), and/or Customer Support
Directors (CSD).
These criteria cover events that fall within EASA Part 21 requirements.
This will enable us to analyse, review and introduce actions to enhance the continued
safety of our fleet.
Repair requests or reports made outside of these criteria are not considered as answering
the formal reporting process requested by European regulations.

If in doubt about whether an event

is important, the best action is always
to report the information.
An event you may think of as an isolated
case may have a bigger impact
on a global fleet level.

How are these reports processed by Airbus?

All events reported to Airbus are collected and analysed in order to address the
basic continued airworthiness obligation, and also to look beyond the regulations.

Each report,
even if it seems
similar to the
previous one,

Any events that are identified as having a potential impact on fleet airworthiness are
analysed by the Continued Airworthiness activity within Airbus. Following technical
investigations and risk analysis, occurrences presenting potentially unsafe conditions
are formally presented to the EASA during regular face-to-face Airworthiness Review
Meetings (ARM). Events that are identified as safety related, are also internally
investigated and assessed, not just to ensure that the continued airworthiness safety
objectives are still met, but also to proactively detect areas to be improved.
It is important to note that such activities are not only based on the investigation
of individual reported events but is also on the review of the related trends.
Each report, even if it seems similar to the previous one, remains important.
Based on these reviews, specific action plans can be developed in order to contain,
correct and prevent repetition of safety issues in a timely, efficient and effective manner
and also to capture lessons learnt for integration into future developments.

On top of the continued airworthiness obligation, an internal process ensures

that the safety related events are reviewed cross-domain and cross-functionality.
Panels of experts in the domains of engineering, flight operations and training, flight
testing, accidents-major incidents, production, maintenance and security meet
to consider whether the safety related event impacts their domain.
There is also a regular collegial discussion, where the experts from the panels
share their findings and ensure that all disciplines have been taken into account.

33 FAST#54

32 FAST#54

Who performs the safety reviews?

Event reporting

Event reporting

Example of event reporting and corrective procedure

A380 - Waste water service panel door


and timely
with accurate

via existing



Issue (thanks to in-service event reporting)

EASA AMC 20-8 guidelines

Criteria defined by your own local authorities
Considered as added value for safety enhancement

Customer Services engineering

and Flight Operations department
Field Service Manager (FSM)
Customer Support Director (CSD)

Several service panels found damaged/missing on in-service

aircraft between 2009 and 2011
Door does not latch correctly

Interim management
Inspection of the waste water servicing panel per ISB 52-8016
Rev. 00 dated 24 Feb 2010

In order to fully understand and classify

the issue, the event reporting originator
needs to collect all relevant information
DFDR (Digital Flight Data Recording)
PFR (Post Flight Report)
Trouble-shooting data
Log book
Inspection reports

In case the pushbutton is not flush (level) with the panel

before departure, it is recommended to:
- apply high-speed tape on the door surrounding, or
- remove the door and dispatch the aircraft under MCDL 52-08

Photos (highest possible quality

Corrective actions

Component removal(s)

Design change launched of the service door:

- introduction of more robust latches
- addition of a retaining strut
Modifications Service Bulletin A380-52-8017 available

Pilot reports

and from different angles)

Maintenance action(s) taken

Any particular relevant information

Continued Airworthiness review panel

Maintenance panel

Production panel

Engineering panel

Security panel

Training & Flight Operational panel

Accident-Major incident investigation panel

Reporting events directly to Airbus enhances fleet safety and contributes to safer aircraft operations
within the air transport system.
Improving event reports is a key factor, and operators and MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul)
organisations are encouraged to report events to Airbus, even if the event is considered irrelevant.

Lessons learnt

It is important to remember that the timeliness and quality of the data is paramount, in allowing
an effective and efficient investigation.
Airbus is not requesting the implementation of extra processes, but as a guideline, we recommend
using the format already in place with your own airworthiness authority (e.g. by filling in
an Air Safety Report, Major Occurrence Report, Safety Data Report, etc.) and to use existing
communication channels with Airbus.

35 FAST#54

34 FAST#54


Action plans


A320 Family noise reduction

A320 Family

Operators most appreciated single aisle

aircraft, is a step-ahead in noise reduction.


Noise certification standards evolution

ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Annex 16 defines an evolving noise
certification standard to ensure that aircraft manufacturers implement the latest noise
reduction technology available. These increasingly stringent standards are the result
of a process that guarantees environmental benefits, while remaining technically
feasible and economically reasonable.

The best gets quieter

Evolution of ICAO Annex 16 noise standards

and correlative improvements of Airbus aircraft
















A300/A310 Family

Emmanuelle AYGAT
Environmental Impact Marketing Manager
[email protected]

Noise from aircraft operations impacting

communities in the vicinity of airports
is recognized as the major source of annoyance
from the air transport industry.
Annoyance not only results from perceived noise levels, sound quality and the
number of events (aircraft take-offs, landings, etc.) occurring in a period of time,
it also depends on social and psychological factors.

36 FAST#54

In the regions of the world such as Europe, where aviation has been a factor
of economic development for a long time, noise impact is an important obstacle
to airport traffic growth. Creating new runways is a subject of huge public debate
in certain regions and existing ones are subject to noise restrictions and local
regulations of increasing severity.


A320 Family




A330/A340 Family




An industry vision of how to contribute to sustainable growth with respect to airport

noise is to allow for traffic growth by continuous efforts in reducing perceived aircraft
operations noise that deliver at least constant or decreasing noise exposure footprints.
To progress towards this objective, Airbus leads the industry with each new generation
of aircraft achieving dramatically aggressive noise reduction targets.
Furthermore, Airbus operators expect that during its production life-cycle, the noise
impact of an aircraft family will be reduced. This is a key contributor to the programmes
longevity as it mitigates environmental impact and maximizes airport community
acceptance and subsequently, its economic efficiency.
This is particularly relevant to the short/medium range category of aircraft like the
A320 Family that supports the majority of commercial operations from large airports
which are engaged in rigorous noise impact management. More than 1,500 airports
on all continents have A320 Family operations and an A320 takes-off or lands every
two seconds.
Approximately 6,000 A320 Family aircraft are in service today and the current backlog
is 4,240 aircraft. This very successful family of aircraft is bought by almost 200
customers, a number 47% higher than the competition.

37 FAST#54

Article by
Acoustics Engineer
[email protected]


A320 Family noise reduction

A320 Family noise reduction

Balanced approach to airport noise mitigation

ICAO resolution A33-7 - voted in October 2001

When it was designed in the early 1980s, the A320 incorporated the latest technologies in the areas of aerodynamics, structures, systems and high bypass ratio engines.
It achieved a disruptive noise improvement relative to similar aircraft in service at that
time. Its noise footprint for a given perceived noise level was about five times less than
the majority of the in-service fleet.

International Civil Aviation Organization

at source

Aircraft and engine


Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection


Land use
planning &

Ronald Regan
Washington National

Certification in compliance to ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 3 was achieved by the A320

in 1988 with sufficient margins to be able to comply with Chapter 4 when this new
standard was enforced in 2006.
Research and Technology (R&T) work undertaken by Airbus and engine manufacturers
for contemporary aircraft programmes like the A380 and A350 XWB (Extra Wide Body),
generated spin-off applications with significant noise reduction and low impact design
changes to the A320 Family. Actually, some of these new technologies and design
improvements were subsequently implemented in the A320 Family production lines.

8 miles
13 kms

The main steps that resulted in significant improvements on noise levels were:

Airports and national

& local authorities

New engines technologies:

- CFM56-5B engine with new fan blades design, larger fan case and improved
thermodynamic cycle
- V2500A5 engines with new fan blades design, improved thermodynamic cycle
and additional acoustic treatment in the primary nozzle



Operators and
Air Navigation
Service Providers

A320 propulsion system noise reduction

Noise emission
Fuel economy

Improved acoustic treatment in the forward CFM56 engine fan case

and extension of nacelle acoustic treatment in the bypass duct
Chevron type design of the primary nozzle exhaust (V-shaped form).
Overall these modifications have reduced the certified noise levels of all A320 Family
models by more than three EPNdB (Effective Perceived Noise in Decibels) in terms
of cumulative margin compared with ICAO Annex16 noise standards.

Footprint 75 dBA take-off

I A320-200

I Competitions footprint in same category

The A320 reduced

the noise footprint by five.
Chevron nozzle

New fan blades design

ICAO recognizes that aviation industry noise reduction is dependent on a balanced

three-pillar approach to achieve airport noise mitigation:
1) Noise reduction at source by design and technology improvement,
2) Operations according to noise abatement procedures,
3) Noise management: land use planning and understanding annoyance factors.
The success of these three pillars in effectively reducing the noise impact, is expected
to minimize the need to apply operating restrictions that would be detrimental to the
efficiency of air transport.

Noise metrics

dBAmax: abbreviated as dBA is the maximum A-weighted overall sound pressure level
measured during an operational event (take-off or landing). It is widely used by airports
communities for assessing the peak noise level associated to an aircraft movement.

39 FAST#54

38 FAST#54

EPNdB: Effective Perceived Noise level in dB is the noise metric used in certification accounting
for annoyance factors related to spectral content, tonal emergence and flyover duration.

A320 Family noise reduction

A320 Family noise reduction

Sharklet wing tip devices


More recently (in 2012), the sharklet wing tip modification, primarily designed to
improve high speed aerodynamic efficiency and consequently fuel consumption, also
provides enhanced low speed climb rate capability that results in take-off/fly-over noise
reduction by up to one EPNdB. This modification has achieved considerable commercial
success; today more than 430 equipped aircraft are in service with 74 operators and
retrofit campaigns are ongoing.

In addition to sharklets and air flow deflectors, the new engine options (neo) for the
A320neo offer new and improved PW1100 and LEAP1A engines, with very high
bypass ratios (between ten-to-one and twelve-to-one), with fan diameters up to 81
inches, and using the latest propulsion system acoustic design and technologies.
The nacelles incorporate acoustic technology successfully proven with the A380 and
A350 XWB such as a zero splice air inlet acoustic liner, significantly suppressing fan
noise over the whole range of engine operating conditions during approach, take-off
and climb.

A320 current engine option

with three splices

Air flow deflectors

It is expected that the certified noise levels will be reduced, on average by four EPNdB
at take-off and two EPNdB at approach (compared with the current delivery standard).
This would give a cumulative margin of 15 EPNdB with reference to Chapter 4 and
subsequently would comply with Chapter 14 standards to be implemented by 31st
December 2017.

The R&T work aiming at tackling aerodynamic noise sources previously masked by
engine noise, has led to the introduction of underwing air flow deflectors.
These devices were implemented in production in June of 2014. They are now also
available as a retrofit modification.
When positioned just ahead of underwing cavities associated with the fuel over-pressure
protection system, these devices prevent the cavities from generating any tonal noise
emerging from other airframe and engine noise sources.

The A320neo is already a big commercial success with 2,645 orders from 50
customers, representing a 57% market share. Airlines and leasing companies from
all over the world have chosen this aircraft for its reduced noise levels, as well as
for its 15% lower fuel burn.

A320neo (new engine option)

with zero splices

This is particularly noticeable when engines are on idle during the descent phases,
with speeds superior of 180 knots, and typically 12 to 50 kilometres from landing.
Typically these deflectors reduce noise by 9 to 11 dBA. The air flow deflector has little
impact on weight (< 150 grams) and no impact on aero efficiency.

Underwing cavity fitted

with air flow deflector

Cumulative noise margins compared to

ICAO Annex 16 - Chapter 14 noise standards
A320 current engine option (ceo) and predicted margins for the A320 new engine option (neo)

Deflector efficiency - far field noise tests







Power Spectral Density (dB/HZ )



Far field average sound across 40-140 angle of emission - take-off speed 240 Knots




Sharklets with deflector



Wing tip fences

with deflector



Wing tip fences

without deflector




Frequency (Hz)






Reduced noise with the neo compared to the current A320 Family (excluding A318 aircraft)
Average of -4 EPNdB at take-off
Average of -2 EPNdB during approach

Wing tip fences are baseline configuration for A320 Family

Similar results are obtained at 220, 200 and 180 knots


Air flow deflectors for the A320 Family - test data

Noise simulated on real flight trajectory collected during a flight test in Toulouse (France) airport in the frame of an R&T project


With deflector

Without deflector


240 knots

9 dB

5 dB


dBA MAX ( dB )

Height ( feet )


180 knots


40 FAST#54




Distance (km)

Aircraft noise significantly reduced in the far approach phase



Initially designed to reduce disruptive noise compared to the previous

generation of single aisle aircraft, the A320 Family has continuously
improved performance and become quieter throughout its production life.
New noise reduction designs and technologies such as sharklets and air
flow deflectors are also available as upgrades allowing aircraft to stay ahead
of increasingly repressive noise certification requirements.
This is particularly true for the latest configuration of the family, the A320neo.
It is expected that this aircraft will allow operators to minimize their airport
community noise impact, and optimize traffic growth in a more sustainable
These noise reductions in parallel with the improved performance
of the A320 Family contribute to the success of this aircraft with airlines
and leasing companies around the world.

41 FAST#54

Impact of air flow deflectors on a continuous descent at -2 slope


from the PAST

Weve got it covered

There wouldnt be any future

without the experience of the past.

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Airbus has more than 240 field representatives
based in over 110 cities

Telemetry was used well before

the opening of Airbus Telemetry
Centre in 1987. Here are some
images of the telemetry station at
Manching airport (south Germany)
used for the VJ 101 and later
(see telemetry article page 4)

Photos courtesy of EADS Corporate Heritage

programmes during the mid-sixties.




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