ORD 9 SNL A-61 To 11W2-6-3-104 Quad 50 Parts List

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© ne * @ ORD 9 SNL AGI TO 11W2-6-3-104 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SUPPLY MANUAL ~ DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORGE TECHNICAL ORDER GROUP A LIST OF ALL SERVICE PARTS OF MOUNT, TRAILER, MULTIPLE, CAL..50 MACHINEGUN, M55 (COMPOSED OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL. 50, M45C AND TRAILER, 1-TON, 2-WHEEE, .MACHINEGUN MOUNT, M20) AND MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL.50 M45D AND M45F en DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE APRIL 1957 i a ‘Surry MaNvAL, | No. ORD 9 SNL A-61 ‘TECHNICAL ORDER No. 11W2-6-2-104 *ORD 9 SNL A-61/TO 11/2-6-3-104 DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 5 April 1957 MOUNT, TRAILER, MULTIPLE, CAL..50 MACHINEGUN, M55 (COMPOSED OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..30, M45C AND TRAILER, 1-TON, 2-WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, M20) AND MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45D AND M45F Refi TM 9-1228, TM 9-2010 ‘This manual is correct to 31 May 1956 1, General. a, This manual is an illustrated alphabetical list of parts of the cal..50 machine- gun multiple trailer mount M55 (composed of ‘the multiple cal..50 machinegun mount M46C and machinegun mount 2-wheel, 1-ton, trailer) and multiple cal..50 machinegun mounts M45D and ‘MASP. Nole. Many of the parts listed aro not stocked for tue. ‘Se ORD 7 and ORD 8 soctions of this manual for listings of those parts stocked and authorized for issue to the various categories of maintenance. Whon parts not listed in the ORD 8are needed, separate requisition for thoso parts hould bo forwarded through normal supply channels with justifice- ‘on therefor ’. This list of all service parts is to be used for identification and storage purposes. Every in- dividual part is not necessarily stored by itself; many parts are stored as authorized assemblies, Such assemblies are indicated herein. The com- ‘Ponents of such assemblies are listed alphabetically with the total quantities of each part required for that particular application. ‘¢, The Federal stock number column lists the Al-digit Federal stock number (or the 7-digit Federal item identification number) assigned by the Cataloging Division, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Supply and Logistics). ‘These numbers are for information only and will not be used in connection with supply operations until such time as implementation of the Federal- cataloging Program is accomplished through edit- ing action on appropriate supply documents (requisitions, issue slips, excess lists, ete.). Where no Ordnance stock number is listed, the Federal stock number will be used for requisitioning pur- poses and must be suffixed with the mission assign- ment code, e.g., 1005-706-6643:4061. The mis- sion assignment code is used among Ordnance depots and stock control points to designate the responsible national stock eontrol point. d. An explanation of reference symbols used is included under NOTES. ¢. The prefix letter and number of the stock number or mission assignment code (Le., AOSS or A061) usually signifies that the particular part or ‘component was originally coded under the major- item designation for that SNL, and does not mean that the part is used only in that major item, All subsequent supply manuals for materiel ineorpor- ating the part will include the same stock number for the part. J. Additional applications of items in this man- ual are listed in the ORD 5-5-series. 9. For prices of items contained herein, see the appropriate manual of the ORD 5--series, SM 9-2eseries. 4, For full information relative to the Ordnance section of the Department of the Army supply manual, including its purposes and uses, the pro- cedure followed, and the principles. enployed in its compilation, see ORD 1, and for an index thereof, see DA Pam 310-29. 2. Special Information. Organizational spare parts and equipment for the multiple cal..50 machinegun trailer mount M55 (composed of the multiple cal..50 machinegun mount M45C, in- ‘This manual supersedes DA Supply Manual ORD 9 SNL A-GL, 7 July 1948, 800 S446h—aget Reproduced ty, and sold by Portrayal Press, P.0. Box 1190, Andover, NJ. 07821 USA stalled on the 1-ton, 2-Wheel, machinegun mount trailer M20) are listed in Ord 7 SNL A~61. Or- ganizational spare parts and equipment for the multiple cal..60 machinegun mount M45D, in- stalled on the multiple gun motor carriage M16 are listed in ORD 7 SNL G-102, Volume 14. ‘The mount M45F, installed on the multiple gun motor carriages MIGAI and M16A2, will be listed in ORD 7 SNL G-102, Volume 14. Field and depot maintenance allowances for the multiple cal..50 machinegun trailer mount M55 and the multiple cal..50 machinegun mounts M45D and ‘MASF are listed in ORD 8 SNL A-61. 3, Abbreviations. ‘American National Special outside diameter (dimension) ‘American Standard Taper Pipe & “slotted sludsher-hd slotted hexagon head ®. ingle pole sp special spat. izle-pole, double-throw specification () pring steel “single eungston lament slotted blunt point ~""single-pole, single-theow Swithout zine plated 4. Manufacturer's Symbols. ‘The following symbols, preceding the manufacturers’ part num- bers, appear in this manual. BR. Briggs & Stratton Corp werson Electric Mig. Co. ~Eleetrie Motor Corp Div (How- ard Industries, Inc and closely affiliated with Cyclohm Mo- tor Corp Div) 5. Suggestions. Notice of discrepancies and recommendations should be forwarded through command channels to the Chief of Ordnance, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D. C, ATTN: ORDFM-PUB. 6. Contents. Parts of trailer, -ton, 2-wheel, machinegun mount, M20. 3 Parts of mount, machinegun, multiple, cal.60, M69 Parte of mount, machinogun, multiple eal.50, MaSD 63. Paris of mount, machinegua, multiple, eal.80, M4SF_— 105 Parts of motor, de, 12-, 90 amp, 1 hp, 6,000 2pm eon= ‘stant sped (6650522 16. Part charger, power, i25v, 8800, de @386570).. 168 ole] @ “ o| © o ® |o a : sfsares, | RRIRSe | was ores a eli g asisgatnr | (NS! [eda i $82 | = ; PARTS OF TRAILER, 1-7ON, 2 WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, 0 2 005-716-4281] aos lrics2et |ADAPTER: wheel outer halt | ete 19,21] /o0s-t01-s616| 061 joissis |BAR: draw (welded and riveted } oa fee Tnchudes the following renewable tem: bo "7011680 PIN, * 1005-706-s810) aos. lrossoto [BODY ASSEMBLY: latch, rar iting jack] 2 Jon (welded). 21, 23 Joxsaes [BODY, w/bar, trailer (welded afew a Tncludes he folowing renewable Hers Fer eplanston of totale, ne NOTES, page 17 AGO sus ‘ona 7015616 BAR, ono 7011646 BRACK-| ET, one 7011547 BRACKET, two| 7086602 LATCH, one 7725485 LU-| NETTE, two 124689 NUT, two 7066583| o @ o wORNS Se ASauent ae TEENS, Fi, No. aa Ke! a DESCRITION o MEER Beat UNT OF ssut a 22 Ff Fd 30 Ea 2 a 6 28 23, 3008-101-2547] 4061 24 28 1008-701-1546) A061 1006-706-6643| \5996-706-0381| Janes 14061 12530-716-6328|A0st !Aosi~ro11603 16550-758-4968) F004 Jc128-6209970 [s110-100-o719}x1012 ln120-100-199|rr012 \s923-263-ss50) E004 rond-os7e998 12004-0829000 [s110-100-0544|rr012 For einatin of fataoten, ue NOTES, pag 272, |roniser [roxss46 {rosea Iros95s1 jrosoaoe Irnesa23 7011608 ras498s e209970 lrosaat |rosss2 soe806 572998 500705 lroers2 |CONE AND ROLLERS, TAPERE) PARTS OF TRAILER, 1-TON, 2. WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, M20—Continued PIN, two 7066667 PIN, two 142616 PIN, two 1011728 REST, one 425241 SCREW, two 499484 SCREW, and thee 109325 WASHER. IBRACKET ASSEMBLY: ‘mounting, let jack, w/ock (welded), Tnehides the following renewable items! ‘one 1011640 KNOB, ene 7011641 PIN| ‘one 142485 PIN, one 7011043 PLATE) {vo 7011544 PLATE, one 149992 PLUG, six. 182900 SCREW, one 701154 SPRING, and six 121801 WASHER. IBRACKET: mounting, right jack, w/lock (welded. Includes the following renewable items: one 7011540 KNOB, one 7011641 PIN fone 142485 PIN, two 7011544 PLATE] ‘one 7011649 PLATT, one 149882 PLUG sx 182900 SCREW, one 7011542 SPRING, und six 121501 WASHER, CABLE, jumper, tallight (rear halt. ICAP, GREASE, WHEEL HUB... CHAIN ASSEMBLY: | wheel mounting! bracket wedge, w/aye (welded). ICLAMP, loop type, S, lead alloy finish! 0.626 i. ICLAMP, tool box (riveted)! jer bearing, MIL-STD-CODE 711-01779- 3000 (includes rollers and cage sr, 0.9875) bore, 0.7810 ‘CONE AND ROLLERS, TAPERED: roller bearing, MIL-STD-GODE 11i-12175-| 3000 (includes roller and cage, er, 1.7600) ‘bare, 0.0780 w). CONNECTOR, PLUG, ELECTRICAL:| ceand-bay-base, sgle-contact, ed- or 2+ piltd, steel abel. CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELEC-| TRICAL: brake coupling, S-contact, w/o} COVER, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR:| brake coupling socket. ICU, TAPERED, ROLLER BEARING: MIL-STD-CODE T11-01729-1000 (@ 2.240 04, 0.625 w). ee eee oe @ a a ole] @ o] « o © fo S| ogee onpneanice 28 i BEE) roman, | SSRIS | ure | on Ee a a a beset see "coe oF g i PARTS OF TRAILER, 1-TON, 2-| WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, M20—Continued 2 s110-100-0510| 012 locate Jour, TAPERED, ROLLER REARING:| 2 |ca MIL-STD-CODE T11-12908-1000 (er 20812 0, 0.4688 w). 29 7009629 [DOOR, acess, traller body, trot. 1 fea 29 2005-106-8350] aost }70s9980 [DOOR: acces, traller body, front, ssay----| 1 fou Composed of one 7069829 DOOR and one 7011505 GASKET. 2 exis07 [DOOR, acess, taller Body, rer. 1 few 2 011616 |DOOR, acces, turet base.” nw] 2 |e 20 005-701-1509) aos. }011809 DOOR’ ASSEMBLY: scces, raller body,] 1 feo Curposed of one 7011507 DOOR and one 7011508 GASKET. 2» 1005~701-1515] A061 jrousis [ooR, TURRET Base, asseMBLY,| 2 [eo Composed of one 7011516 DOOR end ond “TOUI8IT7 GASKET. 26 004-0500495 500495 GASKET, brake coupling socket cover, xu] 1 [ca 134 in, 18, 494 tn. od, Yin. th 25 s190~706-3567 ost lrosese7 |GASECET: rubber, talllamp mount tle 25 | —_|saa0-r0-¢568|A067 {rossses 1 fen 20,29] |saso-roi-1s08] 061 7031508 2 fea 2 lro1st7 2 \ea 2 005-701-1739] anes jrox739 2 |e 13,27] |sss5-r06-3827| A061 1069827 2 len 2 1005-798-5065]a0st raasoss 2 lea zz | |esz0-osi-o16s}H016-osi9168 sieiss |INNER, TUBE, PNEUMATIC TIRE| 2 [on airplane, 22726 x 1.50, 28 005-701-1684) A06. frorise¢ |sACK: w/mount (com) amy and welded).| 8 fea Includes the following renewable item: ond ‘7011853 PIN. 2 1o06-ron-as4o} oer [roussio |xNOB: jack (mounting) lock.—_-----.] 2 [aw 4 005-706-6502] ost 7066602 LATCH: rear iting jacks (weldeay®.----..| 2 len “ncludes the following. renewable iam ‘ne 7066610 ‘BODY, one 7066001 PLATE, four 192908 SCREW, one 7096613" SPRING, and four 21861 WASHER. a 1005~772-s4s9}ano. \r725448 [LUNETTE: ausiiary (welded) | tle 28 1005-7o1-s012]061 Irousstz [AOUN'T: roar jacks (welded. | ale 2 Issto-s22-084| 4050 lseeaoes |NUT, CABTELLATED, HEXAGON) 2 |e bracket to wheel spindle shaft (slotted S,| 19-1ENS-2). a lxxo1-osceser lsooss NUT, CASTELLATED, HEXAGON: | 2 Jen plain fn, 5-240NF-2B, 1410, w, Ni, thie 2an,29 | |osxo-o12-0877}x1001 leoare NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8 cd- or 2n-| 16 [ex ltd, 2¢-6UNC-2B, 96 jn. w, Me inthe. For aati tonto NOTES, as a0 eu 3 ola) @ oe] © o @ lo els é a 8 Foe vers | oro. 82 | 5 é FBR, HEP | Rs | esenTION a8 % | 5 7 PARTS OF TRAILER, 1-TON, | WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, M20—Continued a ss10-012-4580}12001 124889 NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: §, ed- or m.] 2 [ea pitd, $4-11UNC~2B, 13% in. w, 54 in. thk. 2% x0-o10-sozd} 2001 10302 |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: S, plsin fin,| 4 jen }4-28UNF-B, Hin. Yin. tle 6 es0-050-2266}41001 08266 |NUT, SELF-LOCKING, HEXAGON: S| 2 | on plain fin., 4-20UNC-3B, 34 in. w, % in. the 2 ss10-0s0-ss4a| 1001 lsossee |iwUT, SELF-LOCKING, HEXAGON: 5) 28 |e» plan fin, $4024UNF 3B, 34 In w, 46 In tke a }1005~706-6583) A061 [7068583 PIN ASSEMBLY: w/ebain, locking, wheel! 2 | oa bracket wedge (welded) 2 s215-012-o129} t00:-40r7701 20128, |PIN, COTTER: S, ed- or encitd, 4x11.) 2 |e 2 sgis-197-a814{mri02 lsso185 PIN, COTTER: S, ed- or anpltd, 14x254.| 2 [ea 2 s035-014-24g8}21001-1568642 lizass PIN, GROOVED, HEADLESS: taper] 2 |e groove, cold-fin-S, zn-pitd, dull, 34 x 1. a lt101-orseste lsesie [PIN, GROOVED, HEADLESS: taper-| 2 |e sroove, cold-Gn-S, an-pta, dul, 6 x 134. 2 ss15-r01-1641]a061 |rouse: |pIN, SHOULDERED, HEADLESS: jack| 2 |oa mounting lock. 2 ss15-ro1-as4s]aost Jrouses [PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: rear jack] 2 loo mount, a s215-r00-o6s7]a0s1 |rosess7 |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: wheel eup-] 2 |en port. ro 1005-ro1-2880]a051 Iro1iss0 |pIN: w/chain, locking, drawbar, tie rod] 2 |ea (welded. 2 1005-T01-1669] A061 [roses |PIN: w/chain, locking, jack (welded)'....| 3 [ea 2 1005-701-154s] A051 roxasee 4 foe (welded 2 n005-ro1-1549] A051 |roisis |PLATE: cover, rear jack bracket (welded)!.| 2 Jea 28 lrosssto |PLATE, name, taller. alee % lroseé01 |PI.ATTR, roar jack latch cover. 2 |e 35 anst-roceses 7088566 |PLAT®, tal leht mounting. ————— -. ile 2% lrosss69 |PLATE, w/gasket,tallight mounting, aauy-| 1 [ea Compowd of ons 7060588 GASKET, ote “066561 GASKET, and one 7068566 PLATE. | 20 ss-sor2.500-008|......112578 |PLUG, PIPE: be 125 lb pressure, threader,| 6 ea square head, 3 in. (FS WW-P-A7L, type un. j 23 }45-6040 .600-001] [143982 |PLUG, PIPE: eq-hd, CI, ed- or sn-pltd, 125] 2 |ea. 1 pressure, threaded, black, 14 in. (FS WW-P-«71, type D. 2 017-0506102 lsosior |REPLECTOR, INDICATING, CLEAR 5 |ea ‘ANCE: plat, reise type, red, 436 in ais, any. Py 005-701-1729] A001 lrourzzs |piss jack (cemented. 2 2 1005-716-s284|A05t Irss2se RETAINER: grease, wheel inner half 2 lea 22 5350-736-9790| Acs lrasezso [RETAINER PACKING: grease. 2 nto, ne NOTES pate 1. ‘ hoo 24 w “ “a ofa] o o ol @ o o 2 9 |B] geome, | OYE | wes | one Belt g | BE] FR | TET | HS exscron eels % | 2 | PARTS OF TRAILER 1-TON, 2-| WHEEL, MACHINEGUN MOUNT, Mz0—Continued 28 Iroses24 |r, dust shield. 1 fea 2 lnzor-o4zosor |......szneor |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: ailoy-| 28 Jen 8, plain fin., 5% -24UNP-2A x 34. a s005-012-9316| 001-541 8261 120816 |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low] ¢ leo ‘ath for zmpltd (-28UNF-2A % 34 2% ss0s-o12-0450|roor-saxaaa1 |... r284s0 |sCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low| 4 let sarb-S d+ or snpled, -28UNF-2A x 3 28 ss0s-o12-a608|r101-012s605 123605. |sCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low 12 |e carbo ed of mopltd, -20UNF-2A x 1 a Irtor-ossaess |......|400484 [SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low] 2 [es carbs od or mpl, $¢-11UNC-2A x6] 21 ss05-o42-e241}z01 Jxzsear |scREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low] 1 lee earb-S, ed- or an-pltd, 94-18UNC-2A x] 1%. s200-010-0002| 0015418300 jtooooe SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low] 4 Jes carbs, plain fn, }(-28UNE-2A x 1, 28 s205-016-s078| 101 148978 |SCREW, DRIVE: metallic, rig, §,cl-or| 4 [ew anand, No, 6 (140) x9. Es [ssos-o19-1954|:1001 -lisi9s |SCREW, MACHINE: f1-bd, 8, cd- or =| 6 Jen ltd, No, 8 (0.164)-2NCZA x 36 23 5205-012-2900) 1001 ise000 |scRi, MACHINE: ri-td, 8, cf- or 20] 12 ee td, No, 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x Fa. Ey s00s-018-2008|r1001 182908 |SCREW, MACHINE: récbd, 5, cd- or mn] 8 [ee Pid, No, 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x 14 2» 905-018-120}et101 ----..ftasiz0 |SCREW, MACHING: rita, 8, of oF em] 6 Jen ltd, 1(-25UNF-2A x Ps. 2 l00s-701-sae| 061 Irosess |SBAL: wheel spindle abate (Celt laminated,| 2 |ea ‘w/Reoprone, 2.843 id, 9.750 of, 0.250 th | 2 loos-728-s964| ost _|:sssose [staPr, SPIUDLE: wheel. alee 2 [adei-rorseas [077—7_Jrotseas [SHAY spindle, whee, aor ale Componed of one 7985985 HOUS ToIsss8 SEAL, and one 738595 SHAPT. 2 lo1s-z01-1642} aos [rousez |sPRING: jock mtg tock compression, S| 2 |e {0628 din tk, H4 of, 5 eal) 2 2005-706-601s} ost |rossats |sPRING: latch, rea iting jacks (oompres| 2 [ew son, 8, 041 dia atk, 0.580 of, 6 cal) % c220-200-6827|r00% Joo |stopiaGHT, Tamiiowr, VEHICU 1 |e LAR: blackout 6-8 w, 14 in. studs (rt any) a 50-6215 :004-o980182 Joosars. |rBRMINAL LUG: able, solderes rdand| 1 tongue, tnd-eop., No, 12-20 AWG, bole for 3x. bolt 2 220-051-0000] :014-0510000 ss0000 |riRE, PNEUMATIC: airplane type 6 ply] 2 |e ‘moth trad, 227.25 81.50 (RoW). 2 005-716-6245,4061 Js |B nei, wheel Inara to whe} 2 Jon ter bal. Ey A050 s22c08s czzsoss WASHER, beveled, S, 146 12, 236 of, 24) 2 |e ‘hk, Hor cpaatin ot foie ae NOTES, page 17, 10 54s, messin aa SBaTNS, oe o] @ ees Or [eRe 6) ‘UNIT OF SUES 20, a 20, m4, 2 a 2 21, 30 \s810-012-0392| 7001 lss10-044-6369] 101 1526-6539] A050-5265589 25) |ss10-032-042s)r001-ro21741 29 ss10-o18-8642) #001 s810-018+8849| 2001-70218 2 ss10-012-1801{22001 s810-011-s644) 2001 5810-010-8325| 002 105-708-8644) Aost 105-701-5633) A061 005-716-8828] A061 1005-716-6525] Aos1 22, Fer eileen of tootote, sae NOTES, page 18, 120292 |aseae3 lseessae ean t20428 lxssse2 _| 138509 lsexson nss4 Losses rosessa 7018888 [rossese Ir168523 iron715, Inteoszs Irress25 roussea PARTS OF TRAILER, 4-TON, 21 WHEEL, MACHINEGUN, MOUNT, tinue WASHER, FLAT: S, od- or am-pltd, 1 id 3 of, 0.065 thle WASHER, PLAT: S, ed- or zn-pltd, 34 i 16 08, 0.083 thie WASHER, keyed, 8, 0.701 ia, 2.180 04, 54] thi, 0.182 w, 0125 tg key’ (whoo! outer beating cone retaining). WASHER, LOCK: int-tooth, $, ed- or an pled, 34 in, bot see. WASHER, LOCK: intteeth, 8, of- or zn pled, 3 in. bot size. WASHER, LOCK: int-tecth, 8, ot- or an pltd, 4, bolt sz. WASHER, LOCK: int-teeth, , ed- or zm pid, No. 10 serow sia. JWASHER, LOCK: int-teeth, S, plain fn. No, 8 screw size lWASHER, LOCK: s6in, bolt sae. |WEDGE: whee! bractat. WHEEL: any Composed of fourtaen 605044 NUT fourteen 426801 SCREW, one 7166285 ‘TUBE. twenty-eight 446305 WASHER, one 7018682 WHEEL, asy, and on OLMIS WHEEL, any. WHEEL, inner half, sy ‘Composed of one 705862 GONE, onel 706814 CUP, one 7165284 RETAINER, and one 7168523 WHEEL, WHEEL: immer half (welded). WHEE, outer half, assy... ‘Composed of one 706241 CON! "7160526 WHEEL, asay, WHEEL, outer half, assy. Composed of one 7166281 ADAPTER, ond ‘700732 CUP, and one 7156525 WHEEL, SWEEEL.: outer Hatt (welded! WHEEL: w /oracket, assy : ‘Composed of one 7066649 BRACKET, one "7166828 CAP, one 1011739 GASKET, ‘one 596687 NUT, one 6224084 NUT, ‘one 690186 PIN, one 120123 PIN, one 7359190 RETAINER, three 191954 SCREW, one 1015636 SHAPT, assy, one 5224086 WASHER, three 115646) WASHER, one 6266599 WASEER, andl ‘one 1015688 WHEEL, assy, lit, med, 8, plain fn} ut feo 16 |e 12 [eo 20 |eo s lee alee 400 sata w oa o] ses | ore, Br ah, a wo] @ ° o g RNG SR g MENT e ‘Cote }s00s-s00-s842/ A061 “6 |Aost at laos | 4a |Ade1—saro8se 88 {s110-100-6182]H012 a8 }1005-584-s762] A061 86 [Aoet—ssiti97 36 jAce1-se11188 66 1006-631-0895|A061 53 36 er [s1t0-144-s494]Hro12, er [s110-244-s4o9]H1012, er 130-144-8606] 7012 81, 62, [st10-144-9004) 21012 67, 68) 62, 66 {s110-165-9645| 12012 81, 88 jati0-165-sa16lzo12 or \st10-166-4148| 9012 61, 62 [st10-144-8999) F012 ‘caranation of fotaotes, se NOTES, pase 17. ass0s6 260002 |s26s019 5310858 104820 lsses762 “Jssiuis7 lsan1138 5310835 lezsor7s ‘7056589 \z00082 ooss1 jro0as2 _-----[r00120 !eoo027 iro1087 'r00118 [PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, Ma5C ACTUATOR: switch (com) amy). ARM: aairuth control. JARM, lever, elevation stap, group, aay Composed of two 5510737 DRACKET| one 5650523 LEVER, one 5910721] LINK, asy, one 5310735 SHAFT, and six 126296 WASHER, ARM, soa, roller crank (welded! , IBALL, BEARING: MIL-STD-CODE 999, 58024-0200, alloy-S, 2, 34 in. IBAR: bus, switch bor. IBAR, splash, armor plate, let DBAR, splash, armor plate, righ BAR, STIFFENER: difeential housing. IBAR, trannion, wire support... JBASt, turret abild (welded)i- IBEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: Mii STD-CODE 111-01202-0000 (rad, a, 1 nobloading groove, 04724 bore, 1.2598 08 03007 w). BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MIL. STD-CODE 111%o1508-0000. (ead, a med, nonloading groove, 0.6906. bore] 1.8596 od, 0.5118 w. BEARING’ BALL, “ANNULAR: MaL-| STD-CODE 11101703-0000 (rad, sr ed, nonloading groove, 0.6899. bore 1.8604 od, 0.8512»). BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MIL STD-CODB. 111"02002-1000. (end, | Xr, nonloading groove, 1 ehiekd, 0.7674 bore, 1.8804 od, O52 w), BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MIL STD-CODE 115006000000 (end, sh Inch type, extra I, nonloading groove, shields, 0.3760 bore, 08760 od, 0.2817 ©). BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MIL. ‘STD-CODE 115-0619-000 (rade, inch type, extra It, nonloading groove, 3 shi 0.3760 bore, 0.87500 od, 0.2612 w). BEARING, "BALL, ANNULAR: MIL- STD-CODE 118-01265-2000. (rad, eh, nonloading groove, wide tar race, 1 sea 0.4724 bore, 1.2098 od, 0500 overall w). BEARING, "BALL, ANNULAR: MIL-| STD-CODE 111-01602-1000 (rea, sr, I nonloading groove, 1 shield, 0.6908 bore, 1.8760 04, 0«851 0). eee 402 Fy c Be o o ORDNANCE BE Se sion. ASEaESr o] o ein Brant nT OF I55UE 6 89 4 “6 51, 68 yer rican 10 [s110-144-ss0s}s1012 t012-1802160, |st10-156-s44a]HH012 {s110-155-s007}Hf012 lat10-256~-4254| 012 's120-626-2166] A061 1008-881-0717| A0st {— |s110-a12-s784}38012 Ia110-412-5778] 012 {s110-112-5780| 7012 lsts0-a12-s776| 32012 1005-$51-0588| A061 feotgoen em NOTES, pate 178, 700160 701101 Iroo0ss roots? Iro10s6 5260166 lsston17 rosai8 rossi [rosais Ino9412 910746 e2ea990 5310588 PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued IBEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MIl-| STD-CODE 111-12002-2000 (rad, sr I onloading groove, 2 shield, 0.7874 bore 1.8504 of, 0.5512 w) IBEARING, ball, MIL-STD-CODE 115- 60408-2000 (ead, st, iach type, extra It] ronicading groove, 3 shields, 0.3500 bore] 0.625004, 0.1860 w). IBEARING, BALL, ANNULAR: MiL-| STD-CODE 115-61019-2000 (rade, ined type, extra it, nonloading groove, 2 shields 0.6250 bore, 1.8750 od, 0.3488). BEARING, "BALL, ANNULAR: MIL-| STD-CODE 118-02009-0000 (ad, inch type, extra It, noaloading.groove| 1.2504 bore, 2.2800 od, 0.9750 w). IBEARING, "BALL, ANNULAR: MIL-| STD-CODE 118-02085-5000 (rad, sonloading groove, wide outer race, 1 ea 1 shielf, 7874 bore, 1.8504 0d, 0.624 ‘overall »). IBEARING, cartridge Range, torque tubs] (mfr assy)! IBEARING, diferentis! pulley hollow splined shaft (lite, 0.3037 bore, 0.602 of, 0.750) *. BEARING, ROLLER, NEEDLE: MIL-| STD-CODE 354-00602-0000 (open end no inner race, 0.9750 shaft dia, 0.5625 08, 0.8260). IBEARING, ROLLER, NEEDLE: MIL-| STD-CODE 354-1201-0000 (open end yo inner F800, 07600 shalt dla, 1.0000 5000) IBEARING, ROLLER, NEBDLE: ML STD-CODE 354-01601-4300 (opan nd no inner race, 1.0000 shafe dia, 1.2600 of 0.5000 ¥). BEARING, ROLLER, NEEDLE: MIL-| STD-CODE 854-00802-0000 (open ove no inner race 0.6000 shalt dia, 0.6875 oa 05500 W). IBELT, pulley, power unit (nti! Sas only. Fortoplacoment, see BELT SET §700277) IBLOCK, adjustment, horizontal (welded) [BLOCK adjustment (horizontal) Composed of one 6268990 BLOGK, one *S10684 CAP, one 6910902 CAP) ancl sight 505872 RIVET, #8 & sii] res aie cer ew 7 ale 8 ¢ lee meas ree & || sess, | BE | oe | oe, 2 Pd a ee becxron 8 Pe |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, | MULTIPLE, CAL td M45C— * sus-s0-| Sax 6). |COVER: trunnion, right (welded)! COVER, TRUNNION, TERMINAL: block. ICUP: motor unit cover.. ICUP, OLL, LUBRICA’ drive, 8, 36 in. di DOOR, armor (ett [DOOR, armor (right). cess ae ee Ww a] @ o o o] @ o o 3 % Be : 3 & onowance, rosea | GRINS Ee | wees | O80. STORRS. BX DescRetiON = 9, NO, eS i UNIT OF S5uE PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..50, Ma5C— ‘continue a lAosi-seizose |......|sa11054 [DOWBL, turret ring gear roller bushing. 60,65] {ro0s-ssr-rasa}aost "casera [RIVE: diterental, seimuth igh, amy Composed of one 5510835 BAR, two 700160 BEARING, two 701056 BEAR-| = ING, one 5426044 BRACKET. one 5810615 COVER, one 5310614 GAS, KET, two 6810706 GEAR, one 5630507) a HOUSING, two. 5620509) HOUSING two 5910717 KEY, one 120976 NUT) — | tight 6910698 PIN, one 505510 PIN, ‘one 111829 PIN, two 122332 PIN, one 5810726 PIN, three 119175 PLUG, two 5842447 PULLEY, one 6268999 RATL, two 6910612 RETAINER, sixteen 132119 SCREW, four 19212’ SCREW) six 182066 SCREW, eight 131885 SCREW, four 192890 SCREW, one 5310610 SETSCREW, four so10724 SETSCREW, one 6794638. SHAFT, | one 5415025 SHAFT, assy, two £910705| | SHIM, two, 6910598 SPACER, twe| s910716 SPACER, one 6320589" SPr- DER, amy, two S810129 WASHER, | two. i910588 WASHER, five 120214, 1 WASHER, eight 1310 WASHER, six 12186] WASHER, sixteen 120217 WASHER, four 131163 WASHER, two! 120291 WASHER, four 120988 WASH BR, one 5416050 YOKE, assy, and ono 5415049 YOKE, assy. lesrreas |DRIVE: diferenta, elevation, let, assy... 1 [en Composed. of one 5210838 BAR, twol a “700189 BEARING, two 701056 BEAT. ING, one. 5(25081 BRACKET, one! 5810816 COVER, one 5010014 ‘GAS, KGT, two 5910705 GEAR, one 660050) HOUSING, two 5630509. HOUSING, two 6810777 KEY, one 120876 NUT ight 5910695. PIN, one 505510 PIN) ‘one 11829 PIN, two 121392 PIN, onal S210726 PIN, three 113175 PLUG, tw] 5612447 PULLEY, one 6208999 RATL| tivo. 5210612 RETAINER, _eixter 182119 SCREW, four 192124 SCREW six 191965 SCREW, eight 151834 SCREW, four 182990 SCREW, one $210610" SETSCREW, four 5910725) SETSCREW, one 6294496 SHAFT,| one 6416025 SHAT, asty, two 6310705 1 lee 60, 66 3005-657-7849) A061 For capa of fotote, ee NOTES, pag 18. 8 G0 saat, 2 ole] @ ea] m Te ]@ |i & | Ber) soma, a 5 | g | RS] eRe beso 25] 8 fH og | F y | |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, | MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued saint, om SI SeAcEE, so | 8810716 SPACER, one 5510889) SPI Dany, ay. fw Lome WARE two slots WASHERS ae etd Washo ag sto Ask Tele WAStt sen et Wanton fur faved wast tee ath “asi tot Tasty oo teed YORE, soy Indore SH YORE, wa. % scs-sssore_ |... eunns jadi anason fee a tines [BND dracon cee A aT |5340~-626-9075| A061 |ezss075 END, rod, elevation stop link, 2 leo 1 | (SRP te sesoen_|-—- farce rood antes bah |S 3 | ines ate esse feeaaitey ifs Compal af nis FHA a cre sais a | fooesensss. nfm fenaatbeonti rie) a a fete [ancsivan steal ie Bie] fesse ei{aon feist [Gast sore oa cal) 3 (SS (tee 9608 & | fosnan-outs|aoe sss | GAS Sansa ni cover toms fag vale, soba ths hl os | fssnr-senlac fous [aati cat ve Gams «| fu ‘Shee ich. | fsonssosdaos erst | oASki, tai emir tou cove) 2 fen Cetus gar or | |esonene-etf aos zs [assis ecb Cos Ser tums) 2 |e ertee et, | fester fase fou shel et ctamoit) 2 Ju Seige We deo 5 | fesonssosslaon |... esate Jousicsretaregteerrartor coc cete| 3 |e mss Oe iat se | fon snes aes uso [OAS fog ike arn ele ove] 3 fw Cratos S934 a poos-sn-stednon |... sot Jostens meen vee tr, 206) 2 fen toca a | |iowes-eralaos sear | Ate inten ran box cover-| 2 [a a | ftcesecsny dee feta [ouster arataiveroie sew aizea) 1c ‘oD ai | lesa see-seracn sctr [OAS vata 16 194 14h) 2 en foe] surrender Stow (Seat ASGmarbe te Sone [ at sce 38] foes oenfane sions asa SStENGY vr (azn) 2 | ae ts-suoers_ | "Hotes [GEAR seme and cst ees) 2 (2 mje fone ts SUSEING ea Sv Gs ene uit Fk cr | fs-smaul ane zzore Jona br cero alm a | ieee sesiae saris | eat bv futon sot is Feet eT of @ ° @ ola ! o @ | 2 1) coosean, | RES Joe | ae, 3 oes atte | HR Le, escummion : | 1 " i PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL.50, Ma5C— ‘ontinue % 1008-581-0706] aot ss1o706 JowaR, diterential puley shalt. a fen 8 [aost-ssxorog |.°.""'|sa10z09 GEAR, aiferental soir. 4 fea % 1005-s26-9014|A0st 260016 |GEAR! helical, motor, large ers & 1008-581-0674) A061 sa10876 |@EAR, nlieal, motor, smal Ly afea e ‘1005-s81-0072| 061, 310672 |GEAR, helical, power pulley shales... ----| 2 fen ta a 008-826-9013] A061 's260013 |GRAR, helical, power pulley shat, large....| 2 ea er 1008-581-0858]A061 10688 |GEAR, Intermediate, gear box.----n- ----| 2 [on 5 1005-626-9186) A061 HviriTlegeotss |GHAR; miter, torque tube drive shat 1 fea 56 1005-826-9187|A061 71)s280187 GEAR, miter, torque tube power shaft. | 1 [oa 54 1005-581-0845]A061 ss10843 |GRAR, torque tube drive shaft...-...---.| 2 ea 8 105-890-7051] ei lso01057 |GEAR, turret ring a... o] 1 fea 30,8 [7062306 |GHAR, w/frame, mount turntable, a |e ‘Composed of three 8510823 BUSHING) | tweenty-eeven $810822 BUSHING, teen 6810894 BUSHING, forky-aix 5511054 DOWEL, one 8015696 FRAME-| WORK, one 6907057 GEAR, forty : | 211808 N07, ten 7358596 RETAINER, | thirty 8210826 ROLLER, sixteen 3310825 ROLLER, sixty) 225804 SCREW, six 192259 SCREW, twenty, seven 182255 SCREW, one’ 5811001 STRIP, forly-sie 109222 WASHER, thiety-three 120380 WASHER, and si teen 6810878 WASHER. a sa25-060-2853)49002 lsozess |GROMMET, RUBBER: pian, 34 in. fd 3 ea Yin. dia 4 fn, w mounting groove “ |sses-sa1-t018) aoe ------/ss11018 |GROMMBT, RUBBER: plain 444.24 dinx! 1 |x 44 w mounting groove. 86,87 lxie2-o117063 hiz96s |oROMMET, RUBBER: plain, 14 im. td 2 lea 134 in. dia 4 in. w mounting groove. 4 lxo0s-ss1-11121 aoe lssitti2 |GUARD: dlp, runnion..-e--ns-een------| 2 Jen 8 1005-625-90001A061 Je260000 |GUARD: control column mounting plate! 1 [en (welded) 86 so20-ss4-2622| 061 jss4a622 |GUARD, fring crest itch See eal 54 r005=704-0035]A061 (7040085 | GUARD: pinion goar (welded). afew 9 o0s-ss1-07e1] aoe Lsstozan GUIDE: lever gear bal bearing ----------| 4 [ea 46,47 005-569-0542] oe [iic]ectosee |HANDLE ASSEMBLY: contra, ise Gmtz| 1 Jen suiy) ‘Handle may be iswved either sigh! or left by reversing trigger SWITCH 2944399. Tnludea the following renewable item one 6296499 SWITCH, amy. 46,47 008-869-0549) net lsee0548 |MANDLE ASSEMBLY: control, right (mts| 1 Jen sssy) (Handle may be isoued either right or left by reversing trigger’ SWITCH, e2ocas9y. Tcludes the folowing renewable item ‘one 5294439 SWITCH, ay. Fer evlantion of ootots, soe NOTES, page 173 0 AGO S443, » sernoniae ay of @ o o i 5 6 1008-657-3776| A061 3 1005-581-0894) A061 " 1005-591-0895| aos. 38 008-581-0882] 061 36 3 5 |c102-s21ss75 6s 11008-588-0507)A061 66 3005-583-0508) A061 57, 58 [aost-s2es08s a /1005-ss1-0849|Aoer 8 [Aos1-sa4aees 6 |Ave1-ssi09z¢ 88, 89 1005-881-1028] A061 85, 88 l1005-s81-1081| 4061 62, 61 's016-681~0704] A061 Fer lam of fotntan ae NOTES, page 378. AGO sesh |---| 8910894 o] wees | 092 MO! [eae NO) 6578776 5810895 {ssxosse seasszs ser287s 5011092 Isea0so7 \5s80509 \s2so08s “|sarosss 3545408 ea1002e 5311028 lssunosi 5310708 HHANDWHEEL: adjustment, vertical, lowe o DESCRIPTION PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued HANDLE: control, assy Composed of one 6260002 ARM, two 709416 BEARING, one 109418 BEAR-| ING, one 5811017 BOL, one 6259057 BRACKET, assy, one 8810640 COL UMN, two 6810904 CONNECTOR, one 6911018 GROMMET, one 5630543| HANDLE, one 6680543 HANDLE, one| 15810924 INSULATION, one. 6252004] LEVER, two 120618 NUT, one 508204) NUT, one 5810682 PIN, one 5910921 PIN, ‘one 5810022 PIN, one 6310969} PIN, one 5310969 PIN, five 112726] PIN, one 508638 PIN, one 240161 PIN,| ‘wo 6810661 PIVOT, one 6269005 ROD,| ‘evo 226003 SCREW, four 671878 SET. SCREW, two 583930 SETSCREW, one| 5810841 SPACER, one 6810644 STUD,| one 6579771 SUBPORT, one 6310645| TUBE, two 120380 WASHER, twe| 320982 WASHER, two 151183 WASH.| ER, one 120391 WASHER, and? 22-| W630 WIRE. (welded) HANDWHEEL: adjustment, vertical, upper} (welded). IHANDWHEEL ASSEMBLY: adjustment, horizontal (welded)!, |HINGR, hood, left. IHINGE, hood. HOLDER: armor door, assy ‘Composed of one 8566784 BRACKET and| ‘one 8868783 CLIP. |HOUSING: diferentia! drive, eonter.. HOUSING: diferentiat drive, end. [HEUB, sector, gear (welded). INSERT, coupling torque tal INSULATION (0.188 fd x 9 in.).......-.. JINSULATION, control handle lends (| fax 4). INVERTER, A8NEF-8) INVERTER, pilot light and switch box| KEY, MACHINE: sq, ré-onds, 8, 44 6q x| 0.781 (power pulley shaft gear) junction box (hex, 196+ i a ese re @ @) ® @ |e : 2 |s gs | acer oepyes Bee | a z E |) ecorna, | SCERMOSe | wens | oem ee cs oxen 2 3 Fara < IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL. 50, M4sC— tinue 6 so1s-s1-0777] A061 saxorr7 |icey, MACHINE!aq, ype (rd-nde) 8, 4) 4 Jon fax 0.656 (dierent! deve pulley shaft zen. or \5915-012-4545| H001-0518012 l124545 |KEY, WOODRUFF: alloy-S, 4 x 4 (No] 4 Jee. 408 oF 8). or ss1s-o12-4047]12001-os1e014 izasiz | BY, WOODRUEE: slloy's, 34x % Wo) 2 fen 406 or 7). ie “ 1005-581-0865| A061 5910886 |KNOB, seat adjusting shat... 1 feo 85 e240—155-r8s9| 21104 ts30ss. |LAMP, INCANDESCENT: min, 126 vy] 2 Jen 10.20 amp, sel-tigNo, 1815 (rit-bay-beee 7-334 bully C-2R A u 1095-02605] 061 5243605 [LATCH ASSEMBLY: securing, battery,| 2 [ca front (ft a5)! a 1005-594-s64s] aoe jseaece | .ATTCH: eun secu in tle 35 o08—s00-s629]anot Irate |LATTCH, preformed, S, 0/2 holes Gin...) 1 a u 1006-626-8144] A061 leasn14e | LATCH: securing Dattery, rear (welded) 1 |e H 00854-9756] A061 e2is756 |LEAD, evound, baltery frame and power] 1 lon charger. 8 :00s-se2-osex|anst lososer (LEVER ASSEMBLY: acimuth.. | tee ‘Composed of fw0 709412 BEARING, one 5690505 BRACKET, two 5510729 COL, LAR, two 111829 PIN, two 111841 PIN,| one 254002 SECTOR, ay, one 5310685 SHAFT, and Se 5690610 SHIFTER, wt 1005-569-0520| A061 ------]50905e0 | ale Compoeed of bwo-700412 BEARING, one 7680606 BRACKET, two £510722 COL TAR, ovo 111829 PIN, ewo 11184) PIN, ‘one 6269084 SECTOR, assy, one 5310686) SHAFT, and ghe 5630618 SHIFTER ss. o ro0s-s62-o52s|A0st ses0s28 LEVER ASSEMBLY: elevation stop lever] 1 Jen arm (welded)!. 8 lcesaeen |LEEVER, eimuth ear support 1 [eo 58 Ans4-szeoni2 leesoor2 LEVER, errauth-dbar support, sy ae. Composed of tw 100027 BEARING, one ‘5910720 COLLAR, one 5310675 GEAR,| ‘sy, one 6260808 LEVER, ono 6510965) IN, two 112726 PIN, one 121802 PIN ‘one 5810679 ROD, assy, and one 6310708] SLEEVE. 8 Laost-ses0516 5990616 {LEVER, azimuth shitter supporting a fen ® 1006-625-s986] A061 208006 |LEVER: bell eras, control eum, ile 50 ‘aoe1-8311128, |s011128 |CEVER, dopressit! stop (welded). ales 6 1005-s20-2004| Aost {so6600¢ LEVER: elevation control, lower. a fee 6 1008-e26-9003| A061 “Vezes008 LEVER: elevation contol upper 1 |e st \s26e007 |LEVER, elevation, gear support... ile “Foren of ntnen, oo NOTES, ue 17 2 co ut 2 “% o]@ o o o o © |o ¢ conse £.| 8 [EE] sears | SR: | sar te, veces ils Pera Oe : BE |S i IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued 8 szsoo11 |LEVER, elevation, gear support, assy 1 Composed of two 700027 BEARING, one} 310720 COLLAR, one 5310875 GEAR.| 1 assy, one 6268997 LEVER, one 12383| PIN, one $810678 ROD, assy, and one! 8310708 SLEEVE. jaosi-c57s775 | ___..|s78778 |LEVSR, elev shitter supporting. . 1 |AOGL-£S10712 ILEVER, shifter... 4 ee lso0s-s84-8607| A061 5348607 |LIGHTT: fring cireuit, acy. 1 Composed ot one’ 190665 LANE, on | “plocor LtcHet, one seatone Writ fay and one 69091) WIR, ay. sosaus xuaHet” pans Indicator motor overheat] 1 [en pa Commend of one 188086 LAM. one tols00s LIGHT, one Se4teoe WIRE) Sips and one 630908 WIRE, ay. ra st-oorasse szoo0r |L4GHT pany min-by-base washes ele 1 [ew 1 . contact amber foie Ten, ne mount | ‘Seal tring rc a co-s84-seos}Dos8 _----osuscos [thr fant tay-has socket, since] 1 [en contact, red lens, i a. outing bol (motor overhe), szorer [banc eovtion stp, ay Comped of tno $108i2 BLOOK, toe ‘2i20T6 END, two 124095 NUT, on bei00ee PIN, one 6810070 FIN, ore tsi0on PIN, four 11278 FIN, one 31018 "TUBE, and. two 1064 Waster, secsrn [LocWASHiER: ex-ret, be, 0.284 18] uu, 0/086 ts Cater around cable rosesse [20 terminal, fossers [acanic, plats (02841 x3) fossett (aeanseen ‘ etass (atOtoR, ay. Compoved fone Bi0Gid GBA, one (014 GAR, one Santee MOTOR,| tho 100676 Pinone 6040007 SERVE the 8443008 SLEEVE and two 01006] | ‘Tenaga 64.65 secosae |aoton, de 12, 0 sm, 1b, 6000 rpm] comteit spond or sompenent parts oe separate Hing. e 05-40 ss aoot acre [aco trons et trsonion Ged 6 ros-atr-aea|aoot ocrsou |MOUNT: tront rg ransom (ola 2 os ate-o10|aost szerio [atOUNT: rere trunfon (ed 6 ros-s28-o11|aost eosin /acoUNT rer: trunnion Geld 85 11008-584-2603| A061 wt lxo05-s81-0787] A061 8 005-584-703] 4061, 1x008-706-2258] A061 005-701-5673] A081 a '3975-708-5237] A061 63, 64 005-429-4955 |A061-0294855 eeee ® eeee Por explanation a fostaotn, soe NOTHS, page 178. G0 stts8, 2 ole] o @ o] @ @ |o £ BE] popa, | SBS Ey r a [RE] FR. | aa Descnrrion, rg ey ae |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, | MULTIPLES CAL. 50, M45C— contin 0 s815-010-se0a| ose0s Ivan, BscUTCHEON: ts, No. 16 (0.005)] 1 Jen ziin 46 s010-050-2204| 101 ----|s0s204 v0; CasrELtaTED, HExaGoN: s| 1 [ex No. 10 (0.190)-82NF-28, 34 in. w, }4 in. eh. 49,50| [sa10-o12-s0salezx01 .|125«03. hur, casTELLATED, HExAGON:3,c2-| 20 [ea or spl, 14-20UNF-2B, 3¢ fn, Mi tie 49 sa1e-012-068o| 22001 120689 WUT, CASTELLATED, HEXAGON:8,cd-| 8 Jes oran-pta, #-i8UNF-2B, 36 50, ¥, 36%, ae s3,e| —— |sero-se1-s020| 061 -}isuie2e NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 154-18NEP-3] 3 [es 6 s810-011-8799| 101 “huasvs9 |avor, PLAIN, HEXAGON:br,34-20UNC-| 2 [ee 2B, % in. w, 1% in, thk. 8 ss10-o11-s772| 001 user jw, PLAIN, HEXAGON: br, #¢-16UNC-| 1 ea 2B, Yin. w, M4. thle 5,88) [ssz0-s91-1025| A061 soxo2s fur, PLAIN, EBXAGON:8, 9¢-20NER-3| 2 fea anes. |NUT, PLAIN, HBXAGON:§, 3¢-16UNC-| 1 |e : 2B, 4.4 tk a ssu0-o19-4824) 001 :s4se4 |wUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, et ot x] 8 Jen pled, No.4 (Q112)-40NC-2B, % inv, 3 fas thk, 66, 85] |ss1o-o12-4500|s1001 lasso |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, kor zm| 5 [ew ry ple, No. 6 (0188)-32NC-2B, 4 In, in, thi 2, 65] |so1o-o12-0622|n001 zoe (NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, olor en| 5 fea 85, 87 pitd, No. 8 (0.164)-S2NC-2B, "4 in. w, 34] fn, chk. 46 sa10-o12-0861) 1001-13560 jzosst |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: §, o- or on] 1 [es pitd, No, 10 (0.180)-24NC-26, 3 in. w| yin. he, 2,28) |saro-o12-oe1alnt001 2neie |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: §, of- or ax] 9 Jee pit, No. £0 (@.190)-40NF-28, 34 In. | Hain. thie 4 ea10-012-0875] B00. lenszs |i, PLAIN, HBXAGON: 8, c4- or om] 1 lee pled, 34-200NC-2B, 4 to. w, % in thi 35, 68 [ss10-012-061s}e2001, h2osis |NUT,'PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, ed- or am] 7 46,57 pled, ¢-280NF-28, 2a. w, iim. thke 0,66 | —_|se10-012-0076| 001 120at6 |NUT,'PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, ed- or an] @ [ea pltd, %-18UNF-2B, 14 in. w, 9% in. thi, 24,87) |sn10-012-482s! 1002 izas28 |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: of- or aa-| 6 lea pled, 94-240NF-2B, 2 in. w, 4 In tie 36 ss10-012-0960| 1001 20369 |NUT,'PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, od- 0 2a-| 25 fen pled, $¢-24UNB-28, 9 n. 9% In thi a 101-0271506 lerisos. NUT, PEATN, HEXAGON: $, ei or an] 46 phd, 14-200 NF-2B, M4 fn. w, 96 tn. ele! a s210-sa4-asts} aos. sseases |NUT, PLAIN, WING: br, leadtipped, 36] 8 16NC (right trunnion an€ battery cable growed). a hoo asa » 4 ae) o wo o o mn aw | om a go | meres. onDNance Bs | | EE tomes, | SRS: |e te onze le é eae : a 5 PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAC. 5, M45C— « aon-asoo |..-fosr pron euamy WME ey | 1 fa ‘Y4-18UNC-2B, 13% in. overall w, 14g in. i ‘ed- or an-pitd, 34 (0.875)-24UNF-2B, 134] trons 83 charger clamping). Eaamuraceemns, tac Pes) Me ne eon ene ea ie See ean nk eens fe eres eli Ml ates cate aun a : 7 | eat ema [cl at Ue soeceee gas | | é peers aa ae 50 '6315-881-1127] A061 {5911227 PI Lifes (S, 0.248 dia x 0.569}. sea ea ce meena : ela eee ies J tg et : ea eaten For eaiaratin of teotnots wee NOTES, page 178. AGO bets 2 o]@®] o © ol] @ @ ole Belt ee OHNE Ss 2 RE] roma, | 28 css ¢ HE) ae, | RR basco gle a 7 fF | [PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL.50, Masc— “Gontinse cy ss16-s91-0861] A001 ...festosst fern, sHoULDER, HEADLESS: power| 1 [ea torque tobe. ss esioeeo |PIN, steht, cham, cold-in-s, 0.110% 34...) 4 few 18,58 ss4scsa PIN’ atghe, cham, eoldsins, 2g x H4.n---| 4 Jen ssaaoes [PIN stpht, chart cold-tn-8, 943g. ---| 4 [en wa sseaeoe [PIN sent, cna cold-tn, 0600 x 134 gle ” s34s6sr |DIN, stght, chara cold-fn-S, 34x 1% ale a lso1s-r11-4960) A0ss Indoes |PIN, STRAIGHS, HEADED: siewtfopin| 4 [ew 8, B)g x 86 (hie, rivet-hd 54 od, 34; 1) a1 |5815-707-0144) A055. |7070144 | PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADED:S, 0.187 dia x} 4 |e 244 (hinge, Hv¥G, 8, 0.327 of, 246 1 a ls15-r07-o145] A055 loos |PIN; STRAIGHT, HEADED: §, 0376 dis] 4 [ex x $84 ding, svete, 8, 0.658 6, 34 a se15-sst-oses] aos ssi0s6o |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, cold] 1 [ex fin-S, 0.0630 x:4%, 0 Mio1-o114470 jn4sto |PIN, STRAIGHT, FIRADLESS: cham, cold] 4 joe ‘in, plain fy 4 x 146 0 011-0745} H100-0110746 hio7ss [PIN STRAIGHT, MBADLESS: cham, cold] 6 [en fin-S, plain fit 34 x 4. 49,50] |ss1s-o10-s7ea|sroo1-nesoeee hosres [PIN STRAIGHT, HBADLESS:cham,cold-| 0 [ow fin-S, plain fing 34 x 1. cy |roo1-og29sza seso29 |PIN, STRAIGH', HEADLESS: cham, dt] 22 Jon 1, plain fy 38 5 “6 5016-050-s610]001-0229854 lsossio. pI; STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, al] 2 |ea < re, plain iy 35 3 1, 54, xo01-nes0ora lseaoos foun, STRATGH?, HBADLESS: cham, aL] 1 [ea a rd, pain 34 x 5%. eo 5915-060-s522| 81001-08007 lossez [pIN, STRATGH, HEADLESS: cham, db] 2 lea : rd, plain fin., 4x 14. 4s 001-as90196 lsossas_ [Px, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, dL 1 [ea rd pin ft 94% 46,51] |s215-sa1-006e] aot Isoges |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cotéstn-s| 4 Jen 59 0.1710 diz, 0.968 lear (connecting). 48, 50] |5915-6s1-0060] oot lsioeo [PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: colitns| 68, 59 0.1710 dis, 0.984 clear (connecting). Es ss15-so1-0722\a0s1 lssio72 [PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: eoldéas| 1 10.498 di, 1.68 clear Gillean: lever eon necting). «6 ss15-ss1-0726]a0s1 sstores |PIN, STRATGE'Y, HEADLESS: ciserential| 2 |ea rive spider.» 41,46 1010544055 stsoss |pIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: ab, plain] 6 [ea rea 9 315-881-0624] Aost lssioszs |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: power axi| 1 jen ruth gear bog. s015-s01-aoea| aost-ssnooee sssovee |pIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: setting] 1 Jen ‘upper elevated contra lave 61, 62 5815~531~0592| AO6L \s810592 |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: §, 0.1560) 4 ]en dia, 15% in. (motor unit inner half pulley] retaining), 6 Aco sH4ta, ” fe oo. geeeeeeeeege om @ = e|s Sle] ome, | SBS | ects | ore, Bes | 8 ge | Bas] teckRo, ete | RARE | nants | DescRPTION 293 | 5 e "CODE pe og i. : |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL. 30, M45C— mi “6 ss16-51-004| ost sooeia fore, sxmarcnts HEMDLESS: 5, cs 1 [on a Tf i forse Caton ener ve sin, “# soe-see-sess sors _fecsose [pity SinaLcHT, HBADLESS: 8, abrd] 1 lee ‘dia ee sso] s1s-sr-aor| aoe: ssn fork sthatotin, ABADLESS: sue, 8] «fu ; 08 ci, 01000 (od coh 51,58 Jacer-ssiore |....easione [pany stn 1800 ex fn ear seoor] «lon wel, Jaocr-sezoas |... Jearaus fast sce, 5, 01600 ata x 36. dome) 2 [on I ohms rant at 59,6 aocr-soosss |___fesoass x anna eign. salou ee haa Jje-rion-oos.o|.....uores [ety taper, 8, al deo No 60 da re) a fn ond 0004 i sce) foue-oe-seeltonn-ontou|......teroor [oot Rarsine "Same: catsns, sai) 6 fw & ua No, 4/0009 94 & srs-oe-orcfcososzere |......h4ous [pic TAPERED. PLAINe stn, saa] 3 fa fh, No. 4/0 (0108) 3 46 |5816-014-0151|H001-08d4014 140151 |PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, plain) Lee an Ne (0 ate yy « oss-oxzsszsbicor-oezioxz |......fsises |piny TAPERED, PLAIN: cides, ala] 1 [ee .|_ fin., No. 3/0 (0.126) x 3 in. 1 i 51, 88 {s815-011~-1829|3:001-og24182 [111929 "|p, TAPERED, ‘PLAIN: cold-fn-5, plain) 10 ja oer : fn No- 3/0 (i35) 21 j rm Pt srs-cr1-e4o}oer-ogenco |_____fsrsuo pix, TAPERED, PLAIN: edn, pls] «fos : x No. 2/0 0040) 94 oss fosue-cs-aecltnn-ongoas |......pnieer [pub estes Sok sian, ia] 5 fen : fn, No. 2/9 lute} ' 51,00) fsis-x0-s6eofaoor-ongjoer_ |... [pan 'tAbRh, PhatN: nian, sal jae 1 ‘ Tn No, 0 4t60 15 es | S sxs-cxe-ssrefoar-oegoo |.....ussra [patsaPuReb, PLAIN: clin, pial 2 |e ine LOT) Fa 6 016-010-2676) Ho01-oagaos1 jtots75 [PIN, "TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, plain) 2 | en fa Nt (Oud) 1 oe aor] fors-ore-cedfraoroneyose |......eoses foattAPERSD Pa, Seams, pal 2 [ee fin., No. 2 (0.193) x 1 | # exs-ove-sosluoen-onzcoso |......u00608 [PIN TAPERED: PLAIN colin, pial 1 [ea ins a 40260) 22 i a 21-0100 ao-onecon IN, TAPERED PLAIN ends, pai] 2 fu Nos ¢ (0260) 425 | 4 }5815-010-2619|H101 |PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fir-S, plain) 4 Jen i No.8 (0089) 234 « ex0-0i-ora ao oper euutieae aes - eter sxoee, vor aul cute beating vod ale a tat sess PLATE, trmordoorolder SIGaIZ030.| 2 [ee o 0, NO, © o eas See ae) BARE | 20k MS! loans | o T DESCRIPTION s ie ar or an 36 38 9 35 88 cy 1005-690-7088| ls005-ss4-8729| se06-ss4-3780] 9006-sa4-s789} 9005-s34-9721 |oo0s-ss4-sss) 2005-584-s624 05-sa4-saoa 2008-s94-s527 9908-101-8869 008-657-8779 |aost-e2co118 |ao61-s260117 last |aosi-s573766 ‘aos |a06s \Ao6 last \A061 laos laos [aot lanes {A061 lszeoni7 307056 |roxsest 878766 5349729 948780 ea48792 49781 sa4s498 soasene [ssas4s2 \ssasse 'ro1s668 \sszsr73 'ronse02 PARTS OF MOUNT. MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued IPtaTE, armor, ltt assembly. Composed of one 5811187 BAR, one 260122 DOOR, two 6215979 HINGE, four 120869 ‘NUT, four 621530 SCREW, and four 120361 WASHER, PLATE, armor, right, assy Composed of one S311138 BAR, one (6269123 DOOR, two 6215972 HINGE, four 120860 NUT, four 5215962 SCREW, and four 120281 WASHER, [PLATB: bed, power unit [PLATE, connector plug jumper (or oo % dia, 14 thie). PLATE; control column mounting.. PLATE, DESIGNATION: acimuth, inter ‘upter awiteh, inboard, right, PLATE DESIGNATION: paper, 0.015 th 134,133 ig, w/2 holes 3 to. dia Be. ia). PLATE, DESIGNATION: paper, 0.0 th, 196 w, 1346 Ig, /2 hoes 8 in. ca (fig. LOA), PLATE, DESIGNATION: paper, 0.016 th 136 W, 114 le, W/2 holes 2 in. din (6x ROA). PLATE, DESIGNATION: terminal block, lle rnofon (sh paper, 134x234, 00 hk). PLATE, DESIGNATION: terminal block Pilot light box. IPLATE, DESIGNATION: terminal block, right trunnion PLATE, DESIGNATION: terminal block switch box (ish pape) PLATE, instruction, safe and unsafe postion| warn PEATE: mounting, control solumn, assy. Composed of tno 701101 BEARING, one 70006S BEARING, one 5810972 BLOCK, one 6310606 CLAMP, asy, one 6259014" CLEVIS, one 5910886 COL, LAR, one 6268996LEVER, one 5210969 PIN, one. 5910722. PIN, ‘four 112724 PIN, one 103574 PIN, ons 5310971 PIN) one 8513768 PLAT, and two 581068 SPACER. PLATE, name (mount, machinegus, mul tiple, eal.80, MA5C (ORD Dept US ARMY)). be 88 G0 Asn, smencoe olal @ o of oe ” © fo S| nen. BBWS | ens | on Es a [BBE] AB | TRE | La examon aye Sie ae | 5 e | 8 PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued 85,88 1006-594-0480] Aoct s0404s0 |er.ae: retaining, terminal bloc. ola a '1008-626-2160| 061 6250160 [PLATE aeht, brace socket Qett) | 1 fen a 1008-626-9160]A0s1 6000180 [PLATE sight, brave socket (right). te 1005-T59-1682]A061 Irso16s2 |PLUG "ASSEMBLY, SIGHT WIRE} 1 |ea (welded. 8 1006-s91-1119] A061 Iss1mno [PLUG ASSEMBLY; trunnion. 2 lee Composed of one 507609 Ci ‘ss11180 PLUG 0 lrossse Jer3G, connector : tae 39 008-701-5887] 4061 lrousssr |prtra: cutout, any Sc) ot fe Composed of one 7018686 CONNECTOR one 7016674 COVER, aey, one 701662] PIN, one 7015675 PLUG, assy, ond 7018076 WIRE, amy, one. 7015677 WIRE, asy, one 7015678 WIRE, aay one 016679 WIRE, sey, and one To1s680 WIRE, asy. © lroxsevs |PLUG, ext-out plug connector, asy_....| 1 fea Composed of one 7016682 PLUG and ond "7016681 PLATE. 05 {wa |ara0-011-2175]45-012..500.001 PLUG, PIPE: be, 125 1» pressure, tha, 22] 6 on ha, Hin, 28 WH-P-4T1, type TT, 58 [aos1-ss111s0 Jesuins0 | PLUG, trunsion. alee 9 lroset1 |POINTER, eut-out plug cover 1 fee 69 1005~64-2445] A001 li2449 [PULLEY ‘ASSEMBLY: alt, diferonii| 4 [eo drive, inner (mfr assy oe 1005-set-2448] 4051 jset2ees |PULLEY ASSEMBLY: halt, inner motor] 4 Jeo unit. (welded) a, 62) /ro05-s64-2407] A001 lscezaer [PULLEY ASSEMBLY: twit, power unit] a [ee s ‘Gnfr as). 6 1005-626-8999] A061 Jezosogo | ATL: eifer, eiterental drive (welded)!..| 2 lea a leez0-551-0920) 4061 ss10928 REFLECTOR, pilot light bex. |e le % [anst-r722600 jrr2680 (RELAY, fing erent, assy. ales ‘Composed of one 6204949 RELAY, ona 5843978 WIRE, sesy, and ono 5343601] + ‘WIRE, assy. 88 os1-254049 lczoast0 RELAY, single pol, single throw, normally) 1 [ea open dble break, 12 vde (mfr acy). 29 005-701-5680] 061 Iro1see9 |REST: foot. re 88 s0s1-sorosse 110856 |RETTAINER, bali bearing, diferntial pulley] 4 lon 8 Lo0s-ss1-0604| 061 ss10604 RETAINER: ball bearing, gear box drive] 2 ex shatt (closed) o 1008-551-0695|4001 ssto6es RETAINER: ball bearing, gear box drive! 2 |x shat (open). or 1005-681-0691| 4061 ss1o691 RETAINER: Dall bearing, gear bor chate] 2 | (coset), o 1005-561-0692| 4061 ssio6e2 RETAINER: ball bearing, goar box shatt] 2 |x ‘epsn). ar elnino fra, a NOTES age 0 cutsa ~ senate ry a a cy cy o a wo le & | ager nan ee | 2 2 WE] oom, | GBS: | ns] or. i: [BBE] ORR | ee | HES? MAS Pescnrion $826 g SE ore |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE: CAL 50, M45C— ont a os-sex-0200|a061 so10608 |RETAINER: tli bearng, gear incermedtets| 2 len safe 1,62 | |108-se1-0309|s081 so10505 [RETAINER; ball being, motor wnt pully] ete rs 1o05-s81-0512| aot _[soiostz |RETATNER; ta bearing, outa diferent] «Joa ‘ive e ss1osox [REPAINCER, ball bearing, shiter rod. tle u 005-581-0842] 4062 ss10sée |RETAINERiballbearing torque tubs power] 1 fee hate 9 106-196-8506 a062 josesee |rBTAINER, DUST SHIELD: 10 [co u So021-toue ade: Jsuceue | RETAINER: torque tube ger bor colar) 1 lee a [aoet-soesse lsbi08es |ZUNG, enep, O0az dia ates cod, 90 deg] 1 [en cutout Got adj sha. 28 sosera_friven, conip: bh, ns, 3¢x1%......] 52 fu at sson-sti-281elaoss ‘1261s [RIVE, SOLID: cam lock, shouldered, S| 1 [oe O78 of, 4. 35 (6320-011~8047/F001 118047 | RIVET, SOLID: fi-hd, 8, plain fin, anld, }4| 2 x% ss ssn0-so-oreolaoes lcuots> (RIVED, TUBULAR: asimuth, siter up| 1 few porting lever Cong s,s | |sooo-ar-orer|ane: Isstorar Jatin, TUBULAR aimath,ehitter up] «feo pring lever (ert). fn hoos-ss1-07e2| 062 ssuoree riven. TUBULAR: sevation shifter p+] 2 Jen ting lever (ent). e t00s-s08-s007| A062 Jcasoor {ROD ASSERIBEY: ser, motor unit....| 2 fea Composed of one. 8910088 BOX, a ‘SHIOGDL RETAINBR, two. sol07s9 ROD, any, eight 191805 SOREW, one So10586 SPACER, and ight 101044 WASHER os oos-sr-0s70]a0s1 ----.,s106t9 |ROD ASSEMBLY ti, animuth earsupport| 1 fea eve. Compost of two 6810804 CONNECTOR, eo 120812 NUZ, one S810677 ROD, and vo 120560 WASHER. “ 05-425 sons anes Jezsb00s |ROD "ASSEMBLY tle, elev contol (nte| 1 [oe a er oos-s1-oorefaoor .....-fostoste [ROD ASSEMBLY: te, levation gear sup] 1 [ea port lever, | Cceimpesst of two &810072 BLOCK, oxo esors BND, two 120618 NUT, ene SO10068 PIN,” one 8810968 PIN, Sw Se10971 PIN, four 112426 PIN, one S810576 ROD, and two 120380 WASH En ss laoes-sszoer7 Jessoor7 |ROD, acimuth tie. 1 foe & laosi-cesorao Jeuore9 |ROD, eter, power unl any tee a IRoet-ssi0ers ssioct6 |ROD, ti, elavation (028 aia, tvcadod fll] Jen Tenet 3¢28NP-2) Wer epinton of ootaatn s00 NOTES, page 178. G0 seis o o o] @ o © ]e oy | gS e- LANCE B 2 RE) some, | BENS Ge | wes! ono. g | HBS] FPR | ae | RS Lae cea e 3 218 1 IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| | MULTIPLE, CAC. 50, MasC— a 005-881-0826 A061 ssx0826 30 }100 “8 1005-626-2064| aos eesose 2 |es a 1006-551-0825] 4061 15 |ea 5305~062-4089]7101 ISOREW, ASSEMBLED WASHER: rind) 2 [ee int-teeth-lockwasher, S, ed- or zn-pltd, }4-| 28UNF-2A x 34. 36 s05-o18-se2|t2001~6497950 ISCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HRAD:alloy} 2 | MUNE-2A x 1. 6 a101-0454685 |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: aly] 8 [ea 3, ed~ ar an-pled, 4-20UNC-2A x 3 Ba lrron-occesse ISCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: alloy-| 4 leg 8, ed-or ansltd, 5p 24UNF-2A x 3. oy lsno1-oe2rs62 ISCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: alloy] —¢ [ex 8, ede or anpltd, 34-24UNB-2A x 134. 4 lza01-o4ss027 ISCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: alloy-| 4 eu 8, ede or anpltd, J4-20UNF-2A x 134. 8 lro1-o4sso2s ISCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: aloy-| 16 |ea 8, ed- oF mpitd, 14-20UNF-2A x 1}4, ° j101-o228811 ISOREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: alloy] 4 |ea 8, ed- or zn-pltd, §6-18UNF-2A x2. 9 305-017-4606] R101-0174696 SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: br,34-| 1 [ea 1eNC-2 x 34. 49,50 hiro1-os96198 SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: die-t/) 6 Jen ‘ein, alloy-S, 34 20UNF-2A x 134. “ ltr01-oss616s lsseiss |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: dlc] 4 [es opin, alloy, }¢ 20UNP-2A x 136 « lrvo1-osseuse 96154 |sCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: ate} 4 los ‘opin, alloy-S, 3 20UNF-24 x 134. “6 01-os96195 lsssiss |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: act/) 2 lea opin, alloy-S, }¢-20UNF-2A x 214. ° loo1-ons7182 -loeso1 SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: atd4/) 8 lea pin, alloy-S, 5¢-1SUNF-24 x 294, 8 HHoot-sosssox |......|iartz6 |sCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: ald] —& |ea ligewito, lov-carb-S, ed- or zn-pltd, 3 20UNC-2A © 34. 5805-010-4286) 7001-6421280 108286 |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD: low| 9 |ca carb-S, $¢-24UNF-2A x 136. 's308-014-sso0}eo1 -fi4sse0 |SOREW, DRIVE: metalic, rdchd, 8, od- cr] 4 fen an-pltd, No. 4 (0.118) x34. 905-016-6376] H101 145978 SCREW, DRIVE: metalic d-hd, 5, ed- ot] 2 [ea un-pltd, No. 6 (0.140) x 5%. 50,62 's305-o19-1825]q1101, 181826 |SCREW, MACHINE: Sicha, § ed- or mu] 22 fen ltd, No. 4 (0.112)-40NC-2A ¥ 36. a es0s-o18-t806) 1101 lisiaas. |SGREW, MACHINE: fhe, Sets or zm] 8 Jen pltd, No. 4 (0,112)-40NC-2A x 34. si, 64 |s305-018-1885)er201 1s1s85 |SCREW, MACHINE: si-hd, 8, cd- or 2m] 192 ea a 62, ‘itd, No, 6 (0.198)-32NC-2A x54. 3 s805-018-1904{e101 lsivo |SCREW, MACHINE: fi-hd, S, od- or an] 8 [es pitd, No. 6 (0.188)-82NC-2A x 54. 800 64s, at ole] o @ eo] @ fo 2 SE) oma, | BEBE | were | ore. bs i Bae | sfédeho, Rn | RARE | NANCE DESCRIPTION 225 | 8 g | aoe asignuent | NET jpMa Nb, SBz g Oe aF |e 1 1 a j PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued “ s208-018-1914] 4001 .--..-f1si914 |SOREW, MACHINE: M-hd, S, cd- or an 1 fen pli No. 6 (0.188)-32NC-2A 74 a s005-018-108e) 4001 ----o-f181968. |SCREW, MACHINE: fi-ha, §, ole or on] 1 [ew pita, No, 8 (0.164)-22NC-BA 8% “8 sa05-010-2969]st001 isi963 |SCREW, MACHINE: Sha, Sd oF an-] 17 [en ltd, No. 8 (160)-22NC-3A x 9, 1,62] |ooos-ore-aoro)se301 isist3 SCREW, MACHINE: fi-nd, § ctor 2r-| 28 Jou pita, No. 8 (0.160)-32NC-2A x 44, 1, 53 |sans-o1e-a966{r8101 si96s |SCREW, MACHINE: fi-bd, §, odor 2n-| 38 Jen 7 ltd, No.8 (O.164)-82N-2 3 Yq ® s 205-015-1965] H001 lisis8s |sonEW, MACHINE: a-ha, s, ed- or en] 2 [en plkd, No.8 (0.164)-80NC-2A'x 1 s <905-018-2006|H001 ls20e6” |SCREW, MAGHIND: fi-bd, $, cd- or an] 12 [on pltd, No. 10 (0.90)-32NF-24 x 34. naeze |scREW, MACHINE: Aha, S, ed- or on-] 2 Jew pltd, No. 10 (0.190)-22NP-2A x ¥ 41,48 | |sa05-o13-2005}x201-0182108 jse10s. |SCREW, MACHINE: fi-hd, S cd- or zn 9 len pltg, No. 10 (0190)-32NF-2A x 34, 1, 54] |sa0s-o18-2x00}r001 hseiuo |SCREW, MACHINE: a-ha, 8 cd- or an| 41 [ea 7, 88 pltd, No, 10 (0.190)-22NF-2A 2% 51,53 | |s00s-285-1271}x001 p2eais |SCREW, MACHINE: A-ha, &, ede or zn) 20 |e pita, No. 10 (0.190)-I2NF-24 x 34 4,66] |sa0s-o12-2119)z2001 je-----]182119 |SCREW, MACHINE: fl-hd, 8, cd- or 2n| 31 [en pl, No. 10 (0.190)-S2NP-24 x 61, 62] |ssos-o1g-2124}x001 sere |sCREW, MACHINE: Sihd, 8, ed- or zn] 20 lea 3 pti No, 10 0.190)-92NF-2A 2 36. s305-018-2198) 101 seise |SCRBW, MACHINE: fichd, 8, cd or zn] 6 [oa pd, No, 10 (190)-G2NF-2A x1, * s20s-c1s-6sea) e101 sess |sCREW, MACHINE: fl-ha, §, cd- or zn 8 [ea pltd, No. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x 134, 53,64] |ss05-o10-2261]e2001 lisegst SCREW, MACHINE: Ad, &, ed- oF on 7 [ea pled, 6-20UNC-2A x 3 a s205-012-2265]s1101 _..|1aeess |sGnnWw, MACHINE: ‘ba, s, ede or am] 27 [ea pt, 1<-20UNO-2A x 34. 41,79 |soos-o12-2069| 001 lise2s9 |SCREW, MACHINE: A-ha, 8, oor 2n-] 22 Jes ae) ltd, $¢-200NO-2A = 94. at,6z | |s00s-or2-2264| 00. laee6e |SCREW, MACHINE: Aichd, 8, od- or zn) 22 [en pits, 3<-200NC-2A & 34. 1,60] |s00s-o12-2078| 001 seers |SCREW, MACHINE: ich, S, ed or on] 12 lew pil, 4-200NC-2A x 1. « s905-017-7939| e101 77099 'sCREW, MACHINE: Sha, 8, cds or an 4 fon pit, 3¢-200NC-28 1 114. e ss03-018-2077|x1001 szert |sCREW, MACHINE: fl-bd, S, cd- or ex] 2 {ea pie, J6-20UNC-2A x 134 4 s905-022-s5r7|t101 lzzssrz_|SCREW, MACHINE: find, 6, ed- or zn-| 10 [en pit, NE-2BUNE-2A Ye 8 s008-o22-573| e101 lezssre |SCREW, MACHINE: Alchd, S, cd- or an 2 [ea Bs, Je-23UNE-2A x 14, 2 00 sua 4 a] @ @ o] o o o fo 5 - Ele 2 BE) eeres, | SBI | poe oe, 7 SBE | 5 ¢ |B | eer | BE ANS, eaesial +82 |e 28 te IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN | Ceca ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued 88 s0s-o1s-2805]x101 132025 |SCREW, MACHINE: Abd, 5, odor am| 6 |en lid, $4-18UNC-2A x 34. 46,66 's0s-013-2s20]n1001 1a2a90_|sCREW, MACHINE: f-bd, 6, cd or 2m] 12 Jen pltd, $4-18UNC-24 x 3. \ss05-o13-2836] 101 ises85 |SCREW, MACHINE: hd, 5, od or sm] 10 | ltd, 5f-18UNC-2A x 1. 00 es08-o18-20¢6/r1001 sess |SCREW, MACHINE: Sibd, 8, of or an] 2 |e pltd, -18UNC-2A x 194. 46 308-022-6003] m101 lzzso0s. |SCREW, MACHINE: A-ha, 8, cd or 2n-| 3 |e pltd, 9¢-24UNF-24 x1. 36 loos-s21-s362| A061 lseissez |SCREW, MACHINE: f-ha, alloy, %| 8 lea 2ANF-3 x 116 (armor door. 86 ss0s-o12-s8¢2| 01 125842 |SCREW, MACHINE: f-bd,5, -24NP-83| | 2 6 s508-019-s418}H101 133118 SCREW, MACHINE: f-hd, 8, ed- or an] 8 | pltd, No. € (0.188)-32NC-2A x ¥% 8 580-042-0152] F101 |.-----(a20182 [SCREW, MACHINE: fha, 8, ede or 2m] 9 | ea pltd, No, 8 (0.164)-36NF-2A x %. a s008-o18-a524| 101 ligase |SCREW, MACHINE: fd, 8, ei or en] 6 Jen pita, No. 10 (0.190)-82NF-2A x 3, 4 s0s-or2-0612|r001-s0ssse1 lzosi2 SCREW, MACHINE: fd, 8, ob or en] 3 [ea ‘lta, No. 10 (0.190)-82NF-2A x $4, cs0s-022-s694) #101 le2seo¢ |SCREW, MACHINE: f-hé, 8, cd- or en] 60 [es ltd, No. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x 1% 49,58 Hioos-534-3705| A061 sssa70s |SCREW, MACHINE: rd-hd, 1-26NF-3 x] 6 Jeo - 334 (elev interrupter carn). : 57,58 1s005-581-1080] A061 est10so |scREW, MAOHINE: ‘riba, 's, No. 6] «lea (0.164}-S6NE-2 x 34 (lever gear sector. 8 908-022-1139] 21102 lzeinas |sCREW, MACHINES rd-hd, 5, cd- or 2m] 4 lon pltd, No, £ (012)-48NF-2A 36. 85, 87 Jssos-o13-7ees|:r001, -fisasse |sCRIEW, MACHINE: ré-ba, 5, el or zm] 8 [en : pltd, No 6 (0.158)-S2NO-BA x 34. 85, 86,| _|5805-019-2696] 002 lazss6 SCREW, MACHINE: ré-ha, 5, c2- or an-] 8 [ea 88 | pled, No. 6 (0.138)-s2NC-2A x 94 @ sa0s-018-2709| 00: .-..|199706, |SCREW, MACHINE: ré-hd, 8, ed, or zn 5,0 pid, No. 6 (0188)-52NC-3A X14. : 85, 88 908-018-2705] x1002, lsetos ‘SCREW, MACHINE: ré-ba, 8, ed- or an] 8 |e ; pte, No. 6 (0.138)-32NC-3A < 34. 8 froo1—s1e7sst lease |sCREW, MACHINE: th-bd, 8, cd- or zn] 1 Jen, : pita, No, 8 (0.164)-22NC-2A x 34. co \ss0s-o18-2v64| 002 lsoves, |SCREW, MACHINE: re-ba, S, ei- or zn] 2 Jon, pltd, No. 8 (0.168)-82NC-2A x $4. 88 008-015-2008 r.001, hsz008 |sCREW, MACHINES ra-bd, 8, cf or zn] 6 fen, i : plte, No. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x 34, 8 805-018-2949) 001 : lisesi |SCREW, MACHINE: re-hd, 8, ef ar an] 2 [en ltd, No, 10 (0.190)-92NFPA x 34. B ltoos-s34-s725|An6t se4avzs |SCREW, MACHINE: 8, No. 10 (0190+] 36 [ea : © | 92NF-2 x4 (erannion clamp). o : esi0967 |SCREW, motor terminal block (cap, 2 {oa br, -20NO-2 2 13). ‘00 oxssa 2 oo] o o ol o TEENS, ae scr "aS! |e | os 1a, No, ‘UNIT OF BSUE |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45C— Continued as hastor |SCREW, tapping, réchd, blunt-pt, sheet metal threads, 8, ed- or zn-pltd, No. 2) (0-086) x 34 im. lia |sCREW, TAPPING, THREAD cur ITING: fl-hd, eed-blunt-pt, 8, ode or 2] pt, No, 6 (0.198)-J2NC2 x 34. nace |scREW, “TAPPING, THREAD cur, ‘TING! rich, sledcbuntept 8, - oF 20 std, No, 6 0386)-22NC-2 x 34, 101997 |SCREW, WOOD: rd-hd, 8, No. 10 (0190) x Kin. 6513820 |SBAL, fet, trunnion clamp. lesraais [SPAT cemed). 2s0084 [SECTOR ASSEMBLY: gear, elevation lover Composed of one 6269083. HUB, one {26901 LEVER, nssy, one 5310670 PIN, two 5811076 PIN, oo S911060 SCREW one 6268994 SECTOR, one 5310635 STUD, two 121782 WASHER, and 22-W-1600 WIRE. Isssos24 [SECTOR ASSEMBLY: trunnion et. ‘Compoted of one 5811125 LEVER, one ‘311127 PIN, one 6578625 SECTOR, ‘one 5910916 SPRING, and one 6811326 Srv. le2ss002 |sECTOR: gear, azimuth lover, ay ‘Composed. of one. 6269085 HUB, one : {260012 LEVER, assy, one 5810670 PIN, - ‘wo 5811076 PIN, two 5311080 SCREW, ‘one 6265994 SECTOR, one 6310696 STUD, two 121782 WASHER, and 1 22-W-1690 WIRE. 7,58 + + Jeossa94 |secrOn, lover gear 50 579825 |SECTOR, trunnion, lett (welded). 49,50 1005-657-825] A061 Jss73826 |SECTOR, trunnion, richt (welded). Ps [ss0s-2e5- Far elation of oetootn see NOTES, page 18, ‘roseis |roset2 ssto7ss 5268900 5510583 lseasose lscasose Jseassez \sscsses sersso7 le2sse0 Jroszs0 lssasssz lrzesss lnr4sss lssuso12 lsexsor7 lsseszs9 IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL.50, M4sD— Continued IBEARING, ROLLER, NEEDLE: MIL-| ‘STD-CODE 364-01601-4800 (open end zo inner race, 1.0000 shaft di, 1.2500 od, 0.5000 w). IBEARING, ROLLER, NEEDLE: MIL. ‘STD-CODE 356-00802-0000 (open end no linner race, 0.6000 shat dis, 0.6875 od, 0,500 w). IDELT, pulley, power unit (Kita issu only. FOR replacement, see BELT TEST SE?| s700277). IBLOCK, adjustment, hortzontal (welded)| IBLOCK: adjustment (horlzontal), as Composed of one 6268900 BLOCK, onel 1810584 CAP, one 8510902 CAP, and| sight 605872 RIVET. batock, carbs, 0.500 0.420 20.420, 2 hole IBLOCK, carb, 2g, 0.875 x 5 thk, 2 holes IBLOCK: junction box (mit esey)\.---.-. BLOCK, S, 0.487 x 0.487 x 0.437. IBLOCK, termina, barcier-type, & terminal iw, 6 high. IBLOCK, terminal, motor. IBLOCK: termina, motor, aay Composed of one 8343647 BLOCK, two) 113739 NUT, one 184580 NUT, two] 509269 NUT. one 608238 NUT, two) 5810967 SCREW, one 151914 SCREW, ‘wo 226854 WASHER, and one 158524 WASHER. IBLOCK: verner. IBOLT, ASSEMBLED 2 herd ext-teeth lock washer, 8, od- or n-pltd,| 4-28UNF-2A x 36, IROL, heat biel. INOLT, MACHINE: hex, br, 1¢-26NF-2| 34 Gunetion bax block shunt). |BOLT, MACHINE: hex-hd, br, plain-fin., 4-1GUNC-24 x 3. |BOLT, MACHINE: hex-hd, br, plain-fin.,| (34-16UNC-2A x |DOLT, MACHINE: her-hd 8, No, 10 (0.180)-S2NF-2 x 13¢ (azimuth contro tube clamp) IBOLT, MACHINE: ber-ha, §, No. 10] (0.190) 82NF-3 x 2, dla-/erin. IBOLT, MACHINE: hecihd, wf, aldt/e pin, 8, 4¢-20NP-8 x 234. ee ee e88ee 460 54458 a] @ ° o FG. Ko, o] @ wares | on. FAST | oRPRG, o DesCRETION wars, © RON 3 UNIT OF IsUE 4 \s806-534-2760] 061 “3 \ss06-05¢-so17|s1102, 1005-581-0749| A061 1, 85, '1005-531-0906| A061 38 a l1005-562-0585] A061 co 12006-568-0597|A0st 8 1008-565-0504| A061 8 }1005~568-0588| Ads Ber etastion of fotaots see NOTES, page 15, \ssea760 _|5esox7 lssto749 “}ss10908, -|5680599 s6s0597 |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45D— Continued BOLT, MACHINE: herhd, sn, did-/e pin, S, 14-20NF-S x 4%. BOLT, SQUARE NECK: ra-hd, 8, ed- or an-pltd, w/nut $4-16UNC-2A x 834 (ear| riage bolt). BOOT: elevation stop lever. IBOOT: switch, rubber. BOX ASSEMBLY: junction. ‘Composed of ono 6294840 BLOCK, one| 15343832 BOLT, one 6284346 BOX, one| 6284343 CABLE, one 5343551 CON-| DUIT, one 6294347 COVER, one| 117963 GROMMET, one 6311028 IN-| VERTER, two 120622 NUT, one| 15911029 NUT, one 502461 NUT, four 182688 SCREW, two 182764 SCREW, fone 5949895 SLEEVE, one s243645| TERMINAL, four 13104 WASHER, two 12164 WASHER, one 116031| WASHER, one 228984 WASHER, and| ‘one 6943894 WIRE, assy. BOX ASSEMBLY: pilot light.. Composed of one E6905% BOX, one| 6294844 COVER, assy, one 6260077 EMBLEM, two 5810928 GASKET, one 5843622 GUARD, one 848603 LIGHT amy, one 5849607 LIGHT, assy, two 184550 NUT, one 120622 NUT, one 5843624 PLATE, two 5348480 PLATE, ‘two 6910929 REFLECTOR, two 182696] SCREW, four 182688 SCREW, four| 182705 SCREW, one 121852 SCREW, SCREW, ono 5348558 SWITCH, asny,| one 5868621 TERMINAL, four 181043] WASHER, ten 191044 WASHER, one| 12181 WASHER, and two 161014 WASHER. [BOX ASSEMBLY: pilot light (welded) IBOX ASSEMBLY: switeh, Composed of ono 5848762 BAR, onal 8680695 BOX, one 7010212 BREAK-| ER, one CA451 CAPACITOR, onal 5680596 COVER, one 5348747 GAS KET, one 5811031 INVERTER, ono| 15811028 NUT, four 5348749 NUT, two] 184830 NUT, one 120616 NUT, onal 5949527 PLATE, two 5949480 PLATE, four 221189 SCREW, three 145107}. ee ee si s 3 g s g 3 Bas | Aa | CT | He La a : a, No, zs A Quan. we rane ‘UNIT OF SUE PaRrs. Ormeunt, MACHINEGUN,| ILTIPLE, CAL..50, M45D— ‘ontinued one 182110 SCREW, two 192606] SCREW, for 132705 SCREW, six| 182908 SCREW, two 182919 SCREW,| four 171344 SCREW, one 6234362| SWITCH, ont 6243626 SWITCH, sexy one 5949622 ‘TERMINAL, one 138¢79| WASHER, dx 181044 WASHER, one| 120217 WASHER, six 121001 WASH-| BR, two 182014 WASHER, one 120391 WASHER, one 7062356 WIRE, ascy fone 5849755" WIRE, assy, and one| 5349695 WIRE, aszy. 88 |1005-563-0505] Ast |s6s0595 [BOX ASSEMBLY: switch (welded). 61, 68 Js573848 [BOX: gear, schinuth, assy Composed of to 700381 BEARING, one ‘700382 BEARING, one 700082 BEAR-| ING, one 701087 BEARING, cne| 6578774 CASE, one 6269015 COVER,| one 6269080 GASKET, one 5810658| ‘GEAR, ono 6269188 GEAR, one 6269180] GEAR, tsig 424645 KEY, one 124647] KEY, one 310681 RETAINER, one| 5810602 RETAINER, ono 5310698] RETAINER, one 5810644 RETAINER, ony one 8810695 RETAINER, twenty-| eight 191985 SCREW, four 199418| SCREW, dhe 222874 SETSCREW, one| 5810660 , one 5810659 SHAFT, one S310682,8HAFT, assy, one 6310636] SHIM, ond §510708 SHIM, one 5810661] WASHER, tnd twenty-eight 1310¢4| WASHER, © 2 lsers5e8 BOX, goar, scinauth, manual control, assy..| 1 | on ‘Composed of ope 8675849 BOX, assy, one 8675486 JOINT, assy, two 689760 PIN, and one 8675485 SHAFT. lss75546 BOX, GEAR: l657a847 (BOX: gear elevating, assy ‘Composed of tie 800120 BEARING, two] 00981 BEARING, one 700982 BEAR-| ING, cue 70032 BEARING, one 701057| BEARING, one 6573724 CASE, one 6269015 COVER, one 6269080 GAS KET, one 5810658 GEAR, one 6269189] GEAR, one 6269189 GEAR, two 214545| KRY, one 124547 KEY, one 8610691 RETAINER, one 6310692 RETAINER, | fone §$10698 RETAINER, one 6910894| RETAINER; one 5910695 RETAIN-| 11008-04s-9826] aot 008-687-2847) A061 a8 a3 For epanatin of totzoten, ot NOTES, page 18, 58 60 stisa ofe@ o o " eet | vere, | SER Be biggie 16. No. o o o DESCRIPTION ‘UNIT OF Issue 72,78 56 |Avst-o7gacd 8 1005-s29-4346| A081 > 68, 88 jA06t-8340508, Wer alasatin of ootaaes, ae NOTES, nage 18 G0 s44sn {fsarose8 lsersseo leszsase jen04ses. IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45D— Continued ER, twenty-ight 181686 SCREW, four 183116 SCREW, one 222974 SET, SCREW, one 5310000 SHAFT, one 15510859 SHAPT, one 5910685 SHAFT, anuy, one $810690 SHIM, one 5510704 SHIM, one 5910561 WASHER, and twenty-ight 191044 WASHER, BOX, ear elevation and azimuth, manual control, ss Composed of one 8675476 BAND, ewe] 712203 BEARING, one 8675546 BOX,| one 8676581 BRACKET, sy, one 8015552 BRACKET, assy, ono 8596065] BUSHING, one 0686000 BUSHING, two 8676489 BUSHING, one 8575446) BUSHING, one 8675474 CAM, one 8515515 CLAMP, one 8675590 COVER, ‘one 8675529 FORK, one 8515171 GAS] KBT, two 8575450 GBAR, one 8676459 GEAR, one 8696061 HOUSING, one 8675485 JOINT, auy, one 869600) JOINT, eesy, one 8675479 LINK, one 120618 ‘NUT, three 509339 NUT, one 1503208 NUT, one. 124064 NUT, one 320622 NUT, one 801218 PACKING, ‘wo 589750 BIN, one 141109 PIN, on 8676481 PIECE, two 8675475 PIVOT] ono 117243 PLUG, two 541431 PLUG] two 8896060 “RETAINER, fourteen 2689125 SCREW, four 214000 SCREW two 181882 SCREW, one 191969 SCREW, one 152088’ SCREW, ong 8690127’ SCREW, two s4oa89 ‘ST. SOREW, one 8075453 SHAFT, ond 8075654 SHAFT, one 8675465 SHAFT, one 8696062 SHAFT, one 8696063 SHAFT, one 8675461" SLEEVE, ond 8615478 SPRING, ono 8876181 STUD, one 8696078 STUD, fiteen 120211 WASHER, two 807600 WASHER, four 120892 WASHER, one 446121 WASHER, one 120380 WASHER, and two 44616i WASHER, IBox, gear, toraue.. [BOX junction (welded)i_ 7 [BOX, motor drive pulley shifter rod beeing Bee z a SONS Se | sews | opm. SORES OT | AEET | Bite escnieTion. aoe UNI OF SUE |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, | ‘MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M45D— ‘Continued 19,88 1005~584-8599] A061 --e---|5849599 |BOX: relay, fring eirenit, assy. Composed of ono 6294345 BOX, ore| 111968 GROMMET, one $345600 RE-| LAY, assy, and four 12696 SCREW, \s2s4a4s |BOX, relay fring creuit (welded) lr288728 |BOX, spare bulb. lazesi7a [BRACES sight. 'g66e784 |BRACKET, armor door holder Ise76491 [BRACKET ASSEMBLY: control, left (welded). 'g675585 [BRACKET ASSEMBLY: control, right (welded). lesrssst [BRACKET ASSEMBLY: drive gear box| 2 supporting, long. ‘Composed of one 8696068 BLOCK, onel 8675584 BRACKET, two 8696067] BRACKET, two 120367 NUT, tol 123749 SCREW, and. two 120380] ‘WASHER, BRACKET ASSEMBLY: drive gear bor! 2 [en supporting, short. Composed of one 8696068 BLOCK, one| ‘8675583. BRACKET, two #696067| BRACKET, two 120367 NUT, tro| 129748 SCREW, end two 120980 ‘WASHER. lseres4s [BRACKET ASSEMBLY: hand wheel sup-| 1 [ea 6 [Avsi-s2o4s4s, l1005-s42-1097|a061 a |x005-626-9178]A06s at |1008-s00~-sa44| A061 1 3005-049-9806| A061 t 8 seeee ” 105-049-9819] A0st 13,4 1005-049-9317| A061 73,74 1x008-049-9218]A061 oy lno05-04¢8-9825|A061 4s 1s005-s26-9001|A06s 46 !1005-626-3087|A061 |s2s0001 “Jezse087 |BRACKET: azimuth control, assy yor ‘Composed of two 209415 BEARING, one 16268001 BRACKET, one 6269003' LE-| VER, one 120861 NUT, one 226003) SCREW, one 503099 SETSCREW, one| 5810701 TUBE, and ono 120881 WASH | ER, |ssss093 |BRACKWT, azimuth interrupter switch 58 A061-5650505 15090505 |BRACKET, azimuth lover a lss96055 [BRACKET, control, assy (elt) ‘Composed of one 8675491 BRAGKET| ‘one 8676493 CONTROL, and one| 8676494 CONTROL. 7 isss605s |BRACKET, control, amy (ight). Composed of one 2675595 Bl ‘one 8675687 CONTROL, and ond] 8676558 CONTROL. “ \ss7sse¢ |BRACKET, drive gear box supporting, long.| 1 u (8675583 |BRACKET, drive gear box supporting.) 1 ‘hort. te eee te AGO 54454, ole] @ ® Te], @ @ |e 2 BE) some, | BENE | wee | one, es i ¢ |S NO) eer | ST (NAN ieceattit Z| > co a | IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN | MULTIPLE, CAL..50, M4sD— ‘Continued or 108-562-0506 a081 sca0s0e |pRACKIET: elevation lever. 1 |es i 008-891-0781 A081 so107a1 [BRACKET elevation top ieer atin. 2 lc lstssoe2 [BRACKET mounting. aie rn lsocoe7 (BRACKET, mounting ala 6 105-541-5044 A062 stt604« |BRACKET: preloading opine, aimuth dit] 1 lee ferential dive. s 1005-541-50¢5|A06: Isexe04s BRACKET: preloading spring, aximute| 1 [ea thier supporting over 6 1005-se1-s081| 4061 lsssoa1 |DRACKET? prelording spring, elevation] 1 fe diferental drive sn 1008-541-504e|A0o1 jsixsocs |BRACKIST: preloading epring, elevation] 1 lea shifter eupprting love: ey loos-ros-a212| ocx Jrorwiz [BREAKER: cui, manual reset, 60amp.| 1 len % 00E-048-£928] ost Js86056 [BUSHING ASSERCDLY: contre ehat.--| 2 [er Composed af ene 8675434 BUSHING anal to a076429 BUSHING. a hoos-s81-0823| 061 Jsuosze |DUSHING ASSEMBLY turet ring gear] 27 lea horzontal role (olde)! n serssr0 |DUSHING, be, 948, 0.7207 of, 2 Ig fee % e:20-o40-2200] ost sorotsr [BUSHING, be Gcorb%a, 0.02804, ai2%g.| 1 [ee %, 16] [otg0-o4s-s964|aost 2075480 |BUSHING, be, 0.6016 i, 0.608 od, 134 e--| len 3 js:2n-240-£280| Ast Sot5446 [BUSHING, be cc04ia, 0.60904, 08121g.-] 2 [ee t00s-oc-seae| anor Jesenes [BUSHINGS ev gear, bon, ay, 2a ® hoos-o4b-s22e| a lsea6a66 [BUSHINGS elev gear, box assy 2|c 5,88] fions-se1-sose|aosi Istisis2 BUSHING, PLAIN FLANGE: lover gears] 2 se 8 S:20-048-e783| 081 lsereuis |BUSHING, sleeve, §, 0.82 14, 0.6000 od] 2 =e 0.708 le 6 scrstoe [BUSHING, eove,S,0.62912,103,1.0975ie-] 2 a |aoei-sstoesr soiosst [BUSHING torace tube gear box (tles} 2 [ex 1.608 Ie, 1.709 4, 0.875 a s120-sx-oses] aos, so1oeee |BUSHING, creet ring gear orizontalrollr.| 8 lee a si20-se1-aeee| ast 591089 [BUSHING, turret ring ger vertical roler.-| 16 ce 3 o0e-e28-c2: control cae ey. tf Gonporst af Sve Shinty BOLR sa Sos CLAM, ewe 505009 Ne Ibsere PIN, one 6510688 SAP: el tro ioe Benda ss ssn-as02ne 004 beeroe JouAM, LOOP. Stef eran, % in cd] 2 oe tae ale for No Saceae 1 005-50 ated oct faeces louantm Loor' sce 86 2, noe for 2 foe Metre fase abl tard acarsniores |... esioes otsiurra, Seis 1 lee 2 10s-o4o-osra Avot, -Feossie le oog-oi-sstolanet “feorsate (CLAM: mansal oncring sin ile 4“ ove Sorast[Anet sieout (GLAM, cate wir ile a stisoos |GLAME, era. 8. 35% i ile woo NC tes ss ows-et-se4aot ssosee oxi: Sannin, cle 5 Scn-azeooralacet eeenvrs lovtevis, wD BN blcasicioee tle S one soo-sds|atet eceres loin. axaon DOOR, tite neta Ga] 2 (SS ee sues scene sscoras lout eae, ant 1 fe HRot-ssasszz [0777 jpegs (OLE; ceoeh nig ae 05-a-o27 406, eoraxs ale « oct sesso. |77-leneeso ie Br, 0) roo sr-soz aoe otinre aie # [aot-sssooos_|:°"""Jet0ess GOLLA, comet, couinn date OSH] 1 (CD od 3 o1,68| [sxo-si-oes acs ssoees [cout SHAFT: gear box. ale ars osi-snioren|°v"-Jeszone [OOLLAN rating eve cocr Gate Ta] 3 | of oi ty Ci ad eae toe peo ae asap 58 aost-seiorsJ...esuote Jodteakuttertove rine shat one...| 2 [en 58] fos-ss-sor|anat 1 |Store [ooceam sue teve ene ure ares] 2 [2 Bes ost-soiome “{2""fetone [COLLAR ahiter septs weer oe] (0.5007 Id, 34 od, 4 thk). 6s aoat-sorosen |... lsxoses oottan, & ets i, 9 08 cite] 4 [ew oie “ ss-ss1-sue|aoet exoeeo [cotta crgus abe drive hat lea Pt ove-sse-tees ant secatet (COLLAR: SHAFT: torque take gearbox) 1 (0 & osi-soooio °°" fstoew [cotta mimutheoss oars otis] 2 (ch 201 11,88| —frooessease| noes secon |CONDULT ASSEMBLY: plat tight box) 2 fen Compote fone staten1 CONDUTT, ew GSlSTAD FERRULE, and two Polis 2 1006-0c-ct0e aoe, rfa 71, 85 40615943651, |CONDUIT, FLEXIBLE (3 id x $2 in. lg). Zhen Sree eee reaant Peon [ oye] = = TeTe 7 =] 3 | ¢ lee emis : Pac 2 | ee SRB | ee | re is a ee oxen 8 © ‘cOoe |g |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL. 50, M4sD— a sss |conpurr, ox fhe ey J oafe Camp ot on iat ER Hust owe an he Bon wy one St CABLE ay be Tee CABLE ry, ne SO CONDUIT, any, ne Set COW BUT on Soul COUPLING, en ‘8675508 COVER, one 8698059 COVER, ows abote ChSt, oe ete Sak one “atts “oR eo forest WE, tur steve SCRE, tera) BORE, one ov Since Snes, fo Taio WAS nd oo 4 Waster sr} fas-seatst aoe suse [conDU nto ox it evan] tf Sime] [eeescaesiont thts [GONDULR: fom ral occ] 2 |S ‘ur saa] |se-s-asodant dM, auth ted nnn] fw S| fee semana lGoNwECtOn: Saeed ad wie ils sr | [teo-uzos aon cownnon, aaaicl on ifs | fl-ceses na loernor sets: pateiigic ie] t/a i | (sce senna coWvtrot.sumrrat czevert iste) {|e i | ftes-eccseyane lcowtnor suieren, cuunencoost] 1 | seas 1s ° a }1005~219-8096| A061 |COUPLING: hex-hé, 34-20NEF-S x 54... Lles thor] [tora ont lCoursiNe:tegee ie powerante =} b/c | festa Cover assenisisetnae eyes] : Comp artes SUSE, ca Teles Gove, we extn GAS Kot tve 0 GASIEM, fo {Sie Seki ae ie SCRE ‘getete Scat tne ete! ee ae : Satie Sie, ae Sie WAS Biron nant ted WhStebe “ uous [coven tae wf S| feos rrsosane fags (Govan: ty ali yt & | fie-ecsbreane Estep |COvER: decent Soong) 2 st | [feerautat/ea Pere : yi f [te-cnsxe | eeone J: S| |ics-o-ansien Serene yd me | ficoceaisane eres |covan:Smuoea ot & | fleeces sac [coven train bx. [ils a Reet-insrna [2 eon [GOV kt ent ils Soper ene Snr GONE, on ites wOLDER sy, omit BLASS, two aucet SSR ov Hite SOND tes 1080 SORE, Rein tte 0 . Cs ‘AGO steA 7, No. o o « a] @ ” DescReTION. o ‘RON Suan nBOEEMeo ‘UNET OF ssuE 2 st n at 8 I 400 seas 006-687-765} 008-657-3769] 1005-569-0592| 108-048-9380] 1005-558-0506| 626-9184 626-0185 lac [aoe }A061 ‘A061-2294946 |Aosi-e9oen73 laos [Acct [Aos1-s269186 |061-see9185 sss0sts lesraves lesza76o Issa0s92 ezo4aee |ss0si7s s606050 *|s020506, lseesis4 seesias PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL 50, MsD— cone 6578840 STOP, two 120214 WASH: ER, two 120217 WASHER, three 198697| WASHER, and two 446363 WASHER, COVER, motor unit, assy... Composed of four 100026 BEARING, two] 100120 BEARING, one 6573769 COV ER, two 5810597 ‘CUP, two 5810588] GASKET, two 5310673 GEAR, two) 112726 PIN, six 131825 SCREW, two] 5810590 WASHER, and six 191043 WASHER, JCOVER: pilot light box. COVER, pilot light box, assy Composed of one 5343620 CONDUTT, assy, one 5630592 COVER, one 6911021] INVERTER, one 5911023 NUT, one| 5349612 WIRE, assy, one 5943514 WIRE, asy, and one é248818 WIRE, ICOVER, ret, trimion, ay. Composed of one 6908232 COVER, one| 8811092 HOLDER, asty, one 5842483] PLATE, two 444684 SCREW, three 193024 SCREW, two 120216 SCREW, fone 6573840 STOP, two 446963 WASH. ER, two 120214 WASHER, three 138597 WASHER, and two 120217 WASHER. ‘Composed of one 5849626 CONDUIT, one 7389685 COVER, ono 7389673 GAS-| KBT, one 5848187 GASKET, four 184524 NUT, four 181855 SCREW, one 5848486 SHELL, four 121043 WASH, ER, one 5348561 WIRE, assy, ond 5843563 WIRE, assy, one 58¢8565 WIRE, assy, and one 6948589 WIRE, assy, ICOVER, terminal block, right trunnion, assy| ‘Composed of one 5348526 CONDUTT, one| 7389685 COVER, one 7889679 GAS. KET, one 5848487 GASKET, four 134524 NUT, four 181835 SCREW, onel 5249486 SHELL, four 191043 WASH-| ER, one 5349550 WIRE, assy, one| 5843567 WIRE, assy, one 5949568| WIRE, assy and one 5943828 WIRE,| assy. sees eee o o @ o i i o ‘DESCRIPTION nT Meo Re [UNIT OF ISSUE 5 5 54 5 5 0 36 36 a 60, 66 105-626-9142] Aost 005-680-8175) AOSL /AOG1-B310847 1x005-6e0-8252| A081 lxo05-738-9685] A051 ho05-51-0597]A0c1 |ara0-218-s7a5]Ht016 jcso1-7062286 0616260122 (0615268123 Jaocr-s11054 1005-657-7844} A061 005-667-7848} A081 Her Siar footnote eve NOTES, page 18. lszeor42 5908175 “|sstoser 308232 \7389685 saxoss7 07609 rocz28s Tlecesx22 feoso129 ss11054 lasr7sea lssr7e4s IPARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, MULTIPLE, CAL..59, M4sD— ‘ontinue’ JCOVER: torque tube. ICOVER: trunnion, left (welded)i-— ICOVER, torque tube gear box, S, (GHG x] 1 314% x 14. |COVER: trunnion, right (welded). CovER, TRUNNION, TERMINAL: block ICUP; motor unit cover. |CUP, OIL, LUBRICATING dive, 8 34 in. dia DEFLECTOR, exhaust (welded)! IDOOR, armor (let) IDOOR, armor (right) DOWEL, turret ring gear rolier bushing. IDRIVE, ciferential, azimuth, ight, assy. Compased of one 8810835 BAR, two] "700160 BEARING, two 701086 BEAR.| ING, one 541504 BRACKET, one| 3610575 COVER, one §310614 GAs-| KET, two 6910708 GHAR, one 5630507) HOUSING, two 5630809 HOUSING,| two 6310777 KEY, one 120876 NUT, eight 6910893 PIN, one 605510 PIN, fone 111829 PIN, two 121832 PIN, one| 15810726 PIN, three 118175 PLUG, two] ‘5642447 PULLEY, one 6268999 RAIL,| two §310612 RETAINER, | eixteen| 302119 SCREW, four 132124 SCREW, Hix 191966 SCREW, eight 181886] SCREW, four 132890 SCREW, ond] 5810610" SETSCREW, four £810725] SBTSCREW, one 6294436 SHAFT, ono] ‘318028 SHAPT, assy, two $310705| SHIM, two 5310695 SPACER, two 5210718 SPACER, one 5610589] SPIDER, assy, two 6310729 WASHER,| wo 6810585 WASHER, fve 120214) ‘WASHER, eight 131044 WASHER, six 121841 WASHER, sixteen 120217] WASHER, four 191183 WASHER, two 120891 WASHER, four 120893 WASH-| BR, one 5415050 YOKE, assy, and] 5415048 YOKE, assy. IDRIVE, differential, olovation, left assy... ‘Composed af one 5210835. BAR, two "700160 BEARING, two 701056 BEAR,| ING, one (5031 BRACKET, one! 5810575 COVER, one 5310614 ‘GAS.| KBT, two 5910706 GEAR, one 5630501| ball, valve, HOUSING, two §630509 HOUSING.| G0 5458 Beet gese 888 . #| 8 1H] roma, | sR | vere! ore y | Ae Ree | HRT | Ot ossceno o8 3 | BE ade | Nas! oth _ 38/2 z 3 PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE, CAL, 50, MasD— two 5910777 KEY, one 120376 NUT, ight. 8810633 PIN, one 505510 PIN|| , fone 111829 PIN, two 121882 PIN, one! 5210726 PIN, three 119175 PLUG, two] 5642447 PULLEY, one 6268909 RAIL,| two 6310612 RETAINER, | sixteen| 182119 SCREW, four 132124’ SCREW, six 191966 SCREW, eight 131885] SCREW, four 132830 SCREW, one| 5810610" SETSCREW, four 5310725) SETSCRBW, one 6294436 SHAFT, one] 5416025 SHAPT, assy, two 5910705) SHIM, two 5910596 SPACER, two} 5810716 SPACER, one 5310589. SPI-| DER, assy, two 5910729 WASHER,| two 5910586 WASHER, five 120214 WASHER, oight 181044 WASHER, six| 121841 WASHER, sixteen 120217 WASHER, four 181188 WASHER, two| 120391 WASHER, four 120393 WASH-| ER, one §415050 YOKE, asey, and one| 8 |sost-szoo0rr cosaorr 1 lo st lc2s0073 |END, elevation tie rod. 2 le a 0-620-8075]A061 --2-+-6269076 JEND, rod, elavation atop Tinie. 2 lee 11,86 [Aoex-s2xsr [PIN STRAIGHT, "HEADLESS: ctam| 12 la hd, lain fu 3.296 “ sre-oso-ssiofcoronssese |... ooo. [vIn STRAIGHT HBADLESS: cham, a-| 2 [ea ra anf 942 6 or rronr-ceseoe_|....focoun [PIN SERATGHT HEADLESS: cham, de] 24 fw rd, plain fin. #4 = 60 /$818-050-6522) H001~0830077 505522 |PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, di-| 2 | es rd, plain fin. 4 x %4. “ o:-asserae|.....[sasso [emt SrRarGHN, HHADLRSS: cam, a] 2 fon lan fey a1 1 1s aos sreuss jem, STRATGHT HEADLESS: cam, 6] 2 [oe Siz of 34 tandwhe, 4s,sn] —_foars4e1-0esaon o10068 [PIN STRAIGHT, HEADUBSS: wides,| 5 [on Ou ia, 0.906 dear comeing. 4,51) |eoto-s01-o0 soon suse Jami staaicin, HEADLESS wldtns,| 4 ts 1 dn 0.94 dear omnes). ° sns-s1-072| ost srore fon staACHT, HEADLESS: wltt0S,| 1 lee 405 ay 1.60. doar (blernk lever connatng 6 oxs-sox-r25jaos, csures fei StAtGHT, HEADLESS atonal] 2 [a rive sider a4 or-ascanss.|......saoss [rin STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: dhs] 6 fon fin., 34 x He sns-210-se7ja00, lssocees fers, stHatou, nmaDumss: aw, s| 2 [os 0.2485 dia, 0.718 Ig (dld-f/spring pin). sxs-so-oosa|act-ssroee |....lssioue PIN, STRAIGHT, MEADLESS etng,| 1 lex upper evasion conte lever 61,62] |ssss-ss-ose anes sioeea [ein St Rata, HEADEISS: 8, 03660| 4 les ah, itn (otra ar hal ple) “ sns-sa-os42/a00 istooz Jory, stRAiGHT, HEADLESS: O9tot| 1 fou ic, 1 Gower elevation contol lve ite. CI oxs-o2-susfiora somea [enyy stmaronr, weaDtess: § aca] a fen Hain te s.o0 | [snsent-oorsfaoes sxoon feud, stRatcire, maDLss: svivd. | 8 fo 0.96 di 0700 n.d ond. 8 Hnos-sorore. |... lsaiore lenght, 0.4800 dine) (gear sector] 4 [on owe. sost-sesoean|.....,sor0ses [etn aah, 8, 02880 a x 36 te, (ontl] 2 Jen sdmn mounting pss 62, 1 aosr-soossa |... fonosse fora steht 8, 04880 ha 4m. 16.-.---] a2 fon 6 @" lex 2-1109.00.050.-.|tabies or: taper 8, a; eee No. 6/0, din aee] 1 Len end 008%, 6 Ago 54s | mare. per 2 a 2 [tel soma, | SG | weer ce, ; Pa [EE] POS | TERT | A! La oescrmon S| 2 a | 2 | 8 |PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN,| MULTIPLE CAL. 50, M45D— tine sz. 93] fsnsora-otaloo-osennt |....|uetasa fens, TAPERED PLAIN: catns lain] 6 | fe 470 (08) 7 & ersoreors}sor-osciore |... haves [othe abeReD, Sean cates pa 3 fu fa Me 4/8 108 in s soisoxeous|ion-oseaas |.....tanst foun, "taPeRED, FLAT cua lan] 1 fu fe. Mo 47 (08) +1 sz, sa} |sns-ons-ussfoor-osonsa |....Jrnape [ene TAPERDS, PLAIN: con, pa] 6 |e oer fh Na 9/0 18) 1 i & susou-tee oo ossoa |.....jseio [pun"zadisae, Peat etdcns, sain) 4 { a Me 2/0 @14b 43 00) [sue-ometoyioo-osiont |... user |PiM "TAPERED, HLA cians, a] 6 fu Fi Ne 2/0 (14) 1 fe s28} fiss-orcescsfiooasouer |....10eis eit TAPERED, SLAIN: clés] 2 [ea se 0 0.80) 1 » exs-ose-srsfoo-asseso |.....toara este TAPERD, PLAIN. ces, neo] 2 few Ps Mot 0278) in “« seu-oroase}tont-omcst |......honsrs fein TAPERED, FUAIN ets pi] 2 |e fo. tet Ga) 1a sar] fints-oro-aseaarasess |... looser Jain; TAPERED, PLAINS clases, ost] 3 fw fu Nov2 188) 21 cs |5315-010-8608|001-0824059 j103608 |PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, plein| 1 eo fii No ¢ 220) 02 “ faw-oro-sooucs-osioe |...fooae leish'taPeinSt, PAN ods, sae] 2 |e us Mot 240) 02 i a srs-no-sisfin uasio [pitt TAPERED, PAR: ca. pan] [oa fi, Ne § (0380) 23 in @ eve-se1-o.l aoe, sxoes foie, arin 1 Je « etseuost_{ "fetes [etvor, aims ctl bag zie % 1ws-24-ss0}anet seraes |eIVor’ or gerbe. ue a lint-ssas |" lotasts ezare. ames tor nates Sgsvie| 2 |S & laetcomone "ents [PLATE emer i ie Compan iene Silt” HAR” oa ‘atstda DOOM, two fzises HINGE four tates WU, Tors SRW, and four 0 WABILEE. « Jaoctneist_ |... Joost fonate, amor sit ay ea Gompond th ane SHi88” BAR oe TEENS DOOM, eve fais SNE, fear izes “NUT fear See Sok, an os 12681 WASHER ® eossto-res] aoe sors lena tet power nit tle & tet-cersae_|°"0 estes [ecate, cnt clomn mung ie cos2ne- areal ane fetams Jecats, “BestennTioN: acute ie} 1 [S crpte etch uaa eh ans. soc- sro] aven sven oan, Dastchartons inoation| 2 {a per 0018s, Livy 14 Ie wh rele in ae tg). sos s0e-ero|aoe store [pba Tb, BESLGNATION tation, pape] & Je ols the, 9g gl w/t hls tis te 1045 ow ole o o ager ozonanes ‘ee Fie, Wo, a 8 6 aos oe] @ set "eS! fe o Quan eee aR UNIT OF 508 35 88 6 85, a a o 0 |9908-534-3731] A061 (9005-s24-2493| A081 908-504-3024) aot 9908-504-8492] Ans |2908-504-a527] A061 |s908-040-sa24] 061 005-657-8779] A061 |Aosr-8311008 |A051-6294954 88 1006-684-8¢80) A061 105-626-0160, A061 11005-626-8180|AOst lxo08-706-2267|A061, 005-706-2256] A061 1008~759-1682) A06t Wer ination of aatnta, see NOTES, page 18 8 5540498, ssesene ssesco2 \ssusser scrsss9 lesrsr7s [ss11008 s2susse se] 18 AWG wite hole for No. 8 sere. TERMINAL, LUG: wire, solder, rd-end tongue, tubr shk, cop, tnd, 60 amp, No. 6| AWG wire, hole for No. 10 serv. TERMINAL, LUG: wire, solder, rd-ond| tongue, tube shk, cop, thd, 160 amp, No, 2/0 AWG wire, hole for 34. bat. (TERMINAL, LUG: wie, solders, rdend tongue, ins grip, cop., tnd, No, 22-18 AWG wire, hole for No. 6 serv. IriteRMOSTAT, motor unit (mtr assy) '.. TOP, plate. TRAY: ammo box, cali0 or cal80, assy. Gomposed of one $412817 CAM, che 16357900 PAD, one 7070148 PIN, one| TOILE PIN, one 7114368 PIN, ene 121222 PIN, one 5412816 RIVET, one! 5412839 SPRING, one 5412820) SPRING, one 5682801 STRAP, one 714369 STRAP, and one 6590077 TRAY. |TRAY, ammo box (welded) Irma: ammunition food TRIGGER, hend fring soiend ITRUNNION, assy (left). ‘Composed ‘of one S848759 BOLT, one 1943760 BOLT, one 6873839 CAM, one 6078823 MOUNT, one 6268120 MOUNT, ten 126043 NUT, four 120680) NUT, two 5345484 PIN, threo 5843684 PIN, two 343685 PIN, two 6348686 PIN, one 3843687 PIN, three 110746 PIN, tan 12122 PIN, four 120128 PIN, two "228811 SCREW, four 225014 SCREW, three 3848705 SCREW, one! 396195 SCREW, two 455027 SCREW,| two 596153 SCREW, two 59615i| SCREW, {three 96182 SCREW, one ayenEn, RE 58 teee 3 a 3 eee 9 e 0 150 710, No, [regsass losr aase DescRITION /PARTS OF MOUNT, MACHINEGUN, | MULTIPLE, CAL..50, MASE ontinae 3890571 SEETOR, amy, one 6807081 SUPPORT, ‘ono d2s9i0? ‘SUPORT, ‘one 6908170 TRUNNION, chree 121789 WASHER, twelve 120984 WASHER,| sis 121914 WASHER, and soven 120896 WASHER, |PRUNNION, assy Ut). eonoeed ‘Compoaed of two hundred and one 104500 BALL, one 6269473 BAR, throe 5600854 CLAMP, one 502103 CLAMP, threa! 5343489 CLIP, gne 7999004 COVER,| ‘one 1958985. COLVER, one 6908165 GASKET, one #811112 GUARD, one 120822 NUT, two 644029 PIN, siteen 182110 SCREW, ‘eightoon 5343428, SCREW, eight 131989 SCREW, four! 182096 SCREW, twlb 120216 SCREW,| ong 181983 SCREW, two 427126 SCREW, (our 192105" SCREW, four 191865 SCREW, two 192261 SCREW, sight 131825 SCREW, one 6573820! ‘SEAL, eighteen 5311011 SPACER, one} 5849521 SPACER,’ two 6260124] SPRING, two 6269125 SPRING, thee 5049489 STRAP, one 8689098 SWITCH, assy, one 6579851 TRUNNION, ea, ‘one 6908165 TRUNNION, assy, or one! 6908166 TRUNNION, assy, four 138526! WASHER, sixteen 121601 WASHER, cighteen 158479 WASHER, ten 120217 WASHER, nine 121841 WASHER, eight 381048 WASHER, one 5949467 WIRE, assy, one 8710989 WIRE, assy, andi 22-W-1600 WIRE, TRUNNION, aoey (right)... Composed ‘ot ont 8845759 BOLT, onal 5848760 BOLI, one 6573898 CAM, ene ss7esa2_ MOUNT, one 6260111 MOUNT, tan 125043 NUT, four 120689 NUT, two 5343484 PIN, threo 6845684 FIN, ‘two 5949685 PIN, two 5949686, PIN, one $348687 PIN, three 111746" PIN, ten 12122¢ PIN, four 120123 PIN, two’ 228811 SCREW, four 228914! SCREW, two 5348705 SCREW, two! 455027 SCREW, two 596159 SCREW, two 596164 SCREW, three 596199 SCREW, ono 396195 SCREW, one: 578826 ‘SECTOR, one 6907080 SUP.’ PORT, one 6269107 SUPPORT, one} FG, No, 45 49,53 49, 59 |Aost~6908170 [as1-¢a0s169 jA0s1- f= i 2 a SRE) earns, | “SE | wee | ote en Bl g | ae afsiather par, 2| 2 i a a |g PARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5] IV, 850 W, DC (7386379}—Continued 2 psoo-rseo897 aot hoowor (shacken eNO la i Petree [BRACKET meu. le i oes. ra -arafanoe Joeeiss [BReAKER aren tt u ese-rurtanofoors “feteas [pment eon (a ie i jeso-s-rnafoors fste fasearash aasenney ie Campoe! of one TIT BOB, oa Tesié DISKS one 6260 COVE tne Ob GXSRET, ond one Riz awe sen-uo-or anes jvosne anus Assmmnty, —rLWHERts| 3 fn ; rounding (nr aay 2 see-re-cor|aven jssons ua citon, 95, oe «fn fssn-ro-t2o|anet “Fsswus [onustt“rivwinst, xo ile a fone ex-steanet fost [BUSIIIG, maemo, any ile Taste te flowin tnavaie is ne aanecs Sais 2 zn coe-coe|o-n-use-15|....jaoceas faust stats ete. 2 fu & fdas seeaoloore -flttae [GxBLE.enton ie & ese-1eeenuloo-c-10 “futeat [GaMstiat endive ona w/e peacs-| 1 fo i fssest AN cout toc ie iu ese rn-sr|rse fret? fear, xs nant ile qoyxr]—[feveaon-sng| ant, sazet [GA ot un ie g xn-no-see{anet -floste oar, PuvG PROTECTIVE DUBE! wae] T(t mc 1 [sig |psio-ter-erselapuee Joataciron, vixen, parse Drnuec) 1 lea tele, 1 Beet, 500,000 nal + 50%-10%, 100 vdew, | Sr ces fh Sas ter tem: fin ha ons lea dpa tle mtg eanp, S10 cape | ter Chcdta, SI0 stele TIT ™ pxe-r04es]aoss oso loanpontinon assrMpey ale ‘Cinpaed of one Tones BOBY, oe Tehestt BODY ‘ay ore 7s0Te| FLOAT, one Todt ONSKCT, oe Toes) CaSKet,, one Hots Bava, asyr ane fonts woe one OSes NUT, on e850 PAGE| Nar ene Woot Ph four 10100 Soni one ioteot ‘son oe Hout SitAPr, ae vane VALE fey one 061 VaLDy one HOH TALUS, cww feos VENTE oe | Tivooc was foe 101086 WASE| | Eine no0get WASHER 2 20-1002 aon roars [ota ASSEMBLY! se cucina on} 1 (ee tact tains rode te falloving renewal ens: ne Tne GASKET and one Tue caster Far eplatos of octote, ne NOTES, 164 £| 3 | mee rowan, se | 2 S [WE | ceocen, | BEYER | yes | one ES [ERE | FARO. | Uaeeatr | OT loki, esate ge 7 Oo : : F) eg ‘ IPARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5] IV, 850 W, DC (7386579)—Continued| 2 {2920-798-0996) A061 (7980996 |COLL, PIELD, ASSEMBLY: (w/field wind-| 1 Joa in snes [oontbruraToR, bars tes a oov-422-60s cers _fiartast |GONDENSER, sgn ile B pene! Jeon TROL. ' ile ee |2910-740-6260|A061 l7406260 |COVER, BREATHER:. eeeef fou ne | |79g0990 |COVER, control bex.. | 1 Jew " s0-s50-ess cers aosise COVER, ante: head. ret 2 sorae-oes|ana: -fesoos [cove SDs ofa fee is onomtas-738|A08, fseees (COVER: esr aaa. re Tact he folowing renew ima, ne init ADAPTER, one Toots NUr, one M0649 PACKING, on ‘uodsee SCREW, and one 108819 Vat. csrs --vfrerre [oovie ate nt assy). 1 Joa sr | flcossze-oce|soot-ransses |'""Jucsss fooven, VALVE: .-n.--.- ils 1) anscro-azr oes “Troocent CRannsHarr: ile 16,17 | '2905~798-4061| ASL {7994061 |CYLINDER:... 1 Jew is sos-4s0 velar -franots [BtepER,conecie vo. ile u o10-s86-1905 5-0 “featasts [DIS vive, breather te B Pono-rao-ooe aoa frases [Bune ale Cteanii. ifs 8 Potocter-raa|aore -fitarias [ELBOW iene, carburetor ts lene | [srr son-gs|nasee |Bubow, PIPE: Mr, 10 fb presure ste] 1 len : sth ih 0 dep ack 241 8 WW Post, wpe 2 roooer [ean wise (at asa)... 1 @ fssoee [FIELD woke ayers nae] ‘Somos o ghe 8H067 WOU, an “ow? BRACKET, one 004 Cott one ToG096 LEAD, one 78086 EBAB, two BXCLOT NOM, fur 80H POLE, four BTCIN SCREM, on ETC He SCREW, ok ETCIT WASHER, sigh 00019 WASHER, two BICIE| STaseioR, and one 100860 YOKE. 6 “Jaosseronous |... rune [PILAR aol ay weercee| 1 | Composed toe i” a oeess COVER, aay one 08515 ‘WASHER and on 108500 YORE. 8 los10-958-o80|aost-roores hoowtst [PLOa, carburetor [alee i soso Food [FLYWHEEL magnate, acon anytes| 1 [ox Tne th (olgwng Tenoable ena ne Taoiss KEY, one 110616 NUT| Sra one ad0125 WASHER, 2 | fesosroo-cee|aaen ---fooese [oasis cleaner mounting 1 fee Patoe-ovsoiss |" ane [GAsHer, sanaler we ©, co, ile (ied = SPARE PLUG T3061, " sososae-aerloors nfravrns laASKE, breather bay 1 lee Fer splaation of lotta ae NOTES, rage 11. G0 suite 165 w]e oo. @ ™ ! 21/3 S| sere. | ononas Se | 3 ae Sees | ass | re, osscnrion fel; ¢ |BS asigaptne | AS! Ma | | 2 12 45 T |, } : PARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5] : i V, 850 W, DC (7386579)—Continued) 8 |aoe1-740s201 'tose01 ,GASKET, carburetor boty. 1 8 1es10-422-6385/A061~7406204 | --7.7“lr40820¢ |GASKET, earburetor to inlet elbow... 1 es08-283-s77slo0-c-163-095.|._-"-“leo-G~. [GASKET, cankense to tases mooning cas] w1g3-6 [sero 13 ss40-709s269 A061 veoiaes |GASKET, CUP, COMPRESSION: air] 1 lee cleaner, ” Aosr-rad0s|......:1408865 GASKET, cyngor ead... | 1 lee " Ikoei-raogees [406066 |GASKET, engine base. clear la 8 Isa0-rarrsloers Jarra (GASKET, intake, elbow yoo 6 29@0-256-1820]. <=... l4aco-|----- 1408509 |GASKET: magneto pate, ic 0008 n..-.-| 4 [SS 35 fo20-ase-taxs|aa-@-ies-Bo "1408511 |GASKET: magneto plate tk 0.00 i 45 2020-167-6ee|Avel-r40619y 05107 |GASKE: magneto pat tle 8 lsan-s2>-case|aae: frateso |GASKET, necte valve pote n o805-as6-tateleo-G-1es-eoe. |-"-._-;nossto |GASKET, valve chara Seite: 8 l60-G-185-830 |---7“Iraostz9 |@ASKET, ventuai, carburetor. 1 |ea is bs0s-sse-1s1s]aoot-13eaii8 |"...._[fasi1s JGBAR,camabte. ile 2 jsen-roe-oasel Ane: 1[-2traa0o9e [GENERATORS aay oT” ile ‘Composed of one TuGbd8e ARMATURE] : fone ETC-296 BOLT, one. 7080388 * BRACKET, one 7980991 CAN, one| 1980995 COVER, one 7800087 FAN, one 7950002 FIELD, assy, one 7804004 GROMMET, one 7960860, HOLDER, : sy, one 7980036 NAMEPLATE, two) E1-{90 NUT, ono oe0084 PANELS] stays sis BTO-127 SCREW, four 140566) SCKEW, eight 121729 SCREW. four BTO1S§ “SCREW, een 1594007! SCREW, four BTO-D1t SCREW ane 101086 "WASHER, "five ETC-ti9 WASHER, four 7980069 WASHER. and | sight BTC-31 WASHER. a s125-700-1000] A001 so. jrsos00s IcroMMET, RUBBER, 1 fou loos i " s328-r00-4004| A051 jase. Freesoes (GROMMET, RUBRER: 176 08,144, 46 in 1 len one mtg alo. " BR |. |ANDEB, carying 1 few aoa | ” Inoes-reoe2s8 j7s042se [hBAD, eye oon 1 Jeu {7980985 /HOLDER, brash. > alee 2 ssa0-709-0000| aoe Insa009s HOLDER’ BRUSH: aay eerie Trlude the following eassable eras vo "7950965 LEAD, four 11722 SCREW, four 7980067 SPRING, and four 108496 WASHER. i: 417822 |HOUSING, Blower, amy? ooo esenee 1 fen Includes the fllowingcesewable ers | “one 112725 PIN, one 1400428 PIN, ane one 1osase SPRING. n lseos7« JUMPER. copper, ammetertoenpactor... 1 lea rea 168 00 8454 ao! @ a aw o o a wo [oo | 2 j Bis ; le 2 1H] crocs, | BRINE , | 2 | BE] feBeae, | EEA | weer | tee bescnprion B35 ‘ adler | RSE LA. Se Se ab |g 1 lparts OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5| | IV, 850 W, DC (7386879}—Continued| nf rszosrs HUMPER, coer, breskertoammeter 1 foo q lseos18 [JUMPER, coppor vith to-rcaker lee % s010-090-4976] 061 e06iSs |KBY, MACHINE: Ayes, magnets. Tee n feveve-[UBAD, pls, contol pane tle ' we: 7980965 LEAD, w/plog, rash to brush (rte assy} 2 fen by Hse0568 |LEEAD: ‘w/nlug, brah terminal tohe)] (St | (onl aca. a | setae: |LBAD, w/iug, minus lead (mtr any. 1 fe 12 jeoio-rp cna] anes Iso4296 |LBVER CHOKE, COMPLETE: smyi.--| 1 for Iheles the following renewableitamo: ond 151970 SCREW, one 101088 SCREW One BR-26228 SPRING, and one 151086 washer, 1 osro-sss-reselcors lrevzeos [aN ue, 89450. te... 1 foo Bi uoese9 [LINK trot : ile agit |2805~422-5912/G678 ...|T417818 |LOCK, connecting tod serew.o sos Les 18 2s05-090-s1i|ost-140s0s7 fsacoa? [LOCK pson in. ole 5975-ast-a080|Hoos-030s0se forse fLockNun ELECTRICAL, CoNDUIT] | Jet nash , ads 3g NET. | |2920-799-4301] A061 }...-.-/7994801 MAGNETO ASSEMBLY?__ 1 fea Thcludes the following renevale tare | coe 7417200. ARMATURE, onl 1960248 BLADE, one 1417888 BREATC ER, one 7411888 CABLE, one 7417601 CONDENSER, one. 2904272 PLATE seny, one $41881 SCREW, one S066) SCREW, five 1900218 SCREW, and four |. 7994219 WASHER. 2a05-set-zsse| aos escisse | MOUNTING RUBBER. Jo3 ost fests |MUPFLER: exhaust i 2 lsatoce [NAMEPLATE an 1 13} [pero-sse-ise7loo-n-te2-250 feoesss [Nozzts, netic vaive,carburior =| 1 2 INUT, 514, 4 of, 24 tha z] 2 by NUT, control box... 8 lea : «-.---,AOT, control panel . | alee 13 lcsre-raszeos fdvidia UT, tu! shatt lever yous a | [2910-888-9248|60-N-790-095 |7406545 |NUT, packing, needle valve. 1 en iw (5310-011~-3103) H001-0716582 --.|118108 |NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: br, plain fin, 2 lea i No.8 (164}-82NC-29, lig In my 9 : he so10-o18-4500|s001 -----tsisso VOT, PLAIN, HEXAGON: 8, et oF em] 5 lee Bits, No. 6'(0138)-22NC-2B, ¥g tm. wi) | 24 in. thk, + B ss10-o10-o2e|001 ea--flomee NOR BLAIN, BEXAGON:S plain, | 1 fon | 2BUNF-2D, % in. 1g ty tle 15 | [ssuo-oxr-aatslaion 110816 NUT, PLAIN, HEXAGON:S: pain, 24-| 1 lee Por slanaton of ott, ne NOTES, G0 suse 2OUNP-2B, Ih, 34 in, w, Heim. thle 3 ole o o a] o o Heke ope, | SEBS | yee | coe xe |u| ote ono BE | ABS. | TS |S! nah NC ve RRP (nT OF ISSUE eSeRt PARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5 WV, 850. W, DC (7386379}—Continued! _ecchutosso NOT, PLAIN, WING: forged or presed S) 1 dor amplidy No. 10 (0190) 22NF 2B, gin overal w, gn, overal leoszeo [isu speed adjusting. “Tfertacs [PACKING, ful shut iver faest7 |PACKING, needle valve. a Hse0oo4 [PANEL, CONTROL BOX, ASSEMBLY. Compised of one H4A826 AMMETER | ‘ne 6UAIGS BREAKER, one 1980991 CAN, one. SUG? CAPAGITOR, ne ‘360800 COVER, one 7504008 GROM, MOT, one 1980018 JUMPER, one 78e0879 JUMPER, one 7980074 JUMP, BR, one BTC-18-201 LEAD, sik BTC, 10 NUT, ove 7060889 RELAY, fou izim2 ‘SCREW, two BTC-209 SCREW, one e20bi02 SWITCH, four, Broo WASHER, four BTC-1I7! WASHER, two 7080969 WASHER, and two BTG-81 WASHER, 112726 [pm COnTER: Sede oramcltd, Ye x 1 Iro4oss [PIN, PISTON, OVERSIZE, ASSEMBLY: 10.06 in oversice (nr acy) (Alternate fo PIN 798400) Iron friN, piston st, Trdudes the fllowing “aowgeT Lock leesoro fein. STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, br, 1 fen ain fn 36 Ye soss01 [PIN STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, al! 2 fen 1 Dlan in, 2.6mm (002 nd x 4. | lossres |PiN, “STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: “dowel, 2 fee iowsting. Iaogeas [PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: pus, stop! witch, ' Iraneeso |piN, STRAIGHT, THREADED: opecd ai) 1 Jeo surtng i 2 lrioesan {pth throttle stop. os08-ra0-4208| 400. fsoians [PisTOM, OVERSIZE, ASSEMGLY: cal. in oversize (ene asty) (Alternate fo PISTON Te0s2t3yt Isousse |PiSTON, OVERSIZE, ASSEMBLY: 0.090 in oversize (mfr any) (Alternate for PISTON 7es42t3y. jsoeare |PrSTON, std (mf assy) (Por alternate, se 1 fen PISTON "7094098 | ahd PISTON “e94289) Indudes the folowing renewable tems ‘vo. 1460237 LOCK, “one "792644 RING, one 1406288 RING, and one ‘anotea RING. e 13 \5210-011-0880 1101 8 j2910-740-6240] A061 1B 005-344-2889) G578 8 60-766 ul '2920-798-0894) A061 Feee 18 saxs-o11-2726)H001-4417121 l2en5-r99-4290] A061 16 |aos1-7984300 13 lxoo1-oses222 a lx0o1-osaasa2 ” \se15-r0a-s76s}A061 6 |ss18-r40-c428]A061 8 5808~740-8499]A061 - l2e0s-799-4298] A081 6 1008-344-2590] A062 Fer elation of octets eee NOTES, page 178, 163 G0 s448n, wo] @ o o © |e expe 2 | HEEL rom | BERS Pa ol l2920-788-09801 A061 18 2920-289-4273] A061 16 11 |BNG |¢730-278-367]45-075-700-004 1 Ht00s-ras9618 18 |2820-956-1333]60-P-so90 12} 2920-798-o981 aoe 5 '2890-740-8574) Aoi ir i2820-798-0989) aot 7 l2805-256-1984! Aosi—raoesca “732-6448|60-R-£33-310 ls0-R-683-360 16 eo-R-628-200 a6 | 1003-732-se49|A0e1 730-6498|A061~1926493, so--s33-240 6 o0--039-610 18 2808-708-ve06] aot 6 lzs0s-182-con0) cere u 990-740-454} aoe1 16 jesto-799-4242] 061 w Fer eaten of ootnoten we NOTES, page 17, sco ate = = Meee one: ESe a oot ae z PARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5| \V, 850 W, DC (7386579}—Continued ‘rososeo !pZATE, BRUSH HOLDER. 1 fr99q278 |PLATS, BRUSH HOLDER: magneto, assy") 1 Includes the following renewable items ! fone 7994282 BUSHING assy, one] 7408500 GASKET, one 7406811 GAS+ KET, one 1406197 GASKET, one| 1994296 PLUNGER, four 1406018| SCREW, one 120216 SCREW, and one| 7348126 WASHER. 06512 ;PLUG, cam shatt 7 - 219198 [PLUG, PIPE: Mi, 150 1b pressure, thd, oq-] 1 hed, glvd, $3in, PLUG, spark, unehielded, 14-mm, univ heat} 1 | Tange, resictor suppressor, 1% in. hex, | Sain. reach (sed w/GASKET 150189), PLUNGER, contact, magneto [POLE, FIELD, ASSEMBLY: (mir ase 74065¢4 |PULLEY, BNGINE STARTER ROPE. ‘990083 |RELAY, REVERSE CURRENT... 7406544 RETAINER, valve spring 7826448 RING, piston, compression, center, 0.020] in, oversize (Use w/PISTON 7594798). [RING, piston, compression, center, 0.080 in. ‘oversize (Use w/PISTON 7994290), RING, piston, compression, center, std (Use| 1 | w/PisTON 7994278), 7926431 RING, piston, compression, top, 0.020 in. { oversize (Uso w/PISTON 7094298), XING, piston, compression, top, 0.080 |, overeize (Uso w/PISTON 7094299), ARING, piston, compression, top, std (Use| 1 { w/PISTON 7994278), - 1826498 RING, piston, oll control, 0.620 in. oversize. (Use w/PISTON 7994298). 980149 RING, piston, ofl control, 0.080 in. oversize|.. "(Use w/PISTON 7994298). 7350618 “re91206 ‘7980981 “980746 = 7406288, 95074 vaneeas PISTON 7094278). = 7980896 ROD ASSEMBLY: choke control (mafr| 1 assy) 5 - 41T81L ROD, connecting, asey 2 Includes the following renewable items: one 7088775 BOLT, one 7406402 DIP-| | PER, one 7406582 LOCK, one 100002) ' SCREW. = 1406454 'ROPE, STARTER: (mfr assy) 2. 7994242 SCREEN, FUEL FILTEI BTC "'.....-.. SCREW, 14 w, 28 thd, 1 Ig. han - 7826452 'RING, piston, oil control, std (Use w/| 1 gasoline. 0-1] 1 3 a 3 5 169) oy; @ a oo] @ m @ |e Big a eC a ae bee # Sy. | sTOCK NO, MIssON PART | ON DESCRIPTION. eo |S g | ie ASG | NS [NAS gee z2 13 |PARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12s! IV, 850 W, DC (7386579)}—Continued| s nso cs| oon howars (Sénew, ASsEMSLED WaOHER, ts fees 15 |= foes soe nn jesise [sont ASseiacED Wasiter-torne| 2 |e (artis ek mae, Bok won| Neb 0160 SINC EAS Se ” jcssse SCREW CAP HEXAGON Maapeatoys| 2 fx cd- or zn-pltd, $-24UNF-2A x 34. sp ano-e1 os Josten. scmatw adeeirSiep waste penta] 1 fox (ype i) ok or td, Nov § iGo SaNota ese [580540120706] Hoo1-B417561 120706 |SCREW, CAP, HEXAGON HEAD; low-| 2 Jen. : cab oer splits OU aA 13.15{ nas-ojs-ansslacor-ssiser |......patore [scabw’ Gab GENACON sam net] 2 fa arb cea ts Se-200NO 289 3 sos-ore-ooe}ror-sarsean |... looms |scHewe CAP MERACON aD eal 1 fea \ peaethe ereey u screw, ConTaoi-nox alee a |SCREW, control box cover... ... oe 6 len 1 s0e-ro-esce| Aner screw, cvuinper weap, tone... 2 fee it Soe ttocenee| anes SCREW, CYLINDER Leabronoei | (SS a Soe oecseal” [SCRE Daves mau ncne a ot 4 | mi Not Gane 2 : JsCRity nd brain ere. fw 2 ISOREW, ereratar yoke cece] few : pior-ocazer |", fssor [soneW MACHINE: m.ne, aa, waving! fea Fiiaitirenr nomen rice per “ sos-10-1se 00 rates [sca ieacitine: sine, 6, ek or an] 1 I Pierre nena y sees . 05-02-1970 001 sao jade MACHINE: Wie S coral | Med tie # Coleen See . one 25-1272 001 paisa [aduniv, itacHINS: aie, Sa or an 1 low ete 8 hues aN Sas 1s sone-et-12r e001 j---. hone Joan, inactive: atte, SE or ant 1 lee edt 1OORSO-aINE Rec ® s0s-oo-2254 01 homes [saBW, itnctIN: ate, Sor onl lew i itd, $4-20UNC-2A x 34. ” 08-10-1007 avon ----frosoer [ocety"Stacut: tao, aot asve, 8a fe Tess ley NOo ee a prroroinie |... fiorese lgcniewinaGuice: ha, coor ex! 2 fn ds Non ater aONe A Se soe 25-4001 |... jsdnainieaceintes weae SS. or onl « ea rl to. 6 OAdeIeHENC SAS s sns-oe-oreelusor-isrres |... sores [sda WACuIner Noo or an] fon Tl No 8 leeraane hace torsion rouse {sone WAGHING. MS of or ana len VP ptea, se-20uNc-24 x 56, Po 0 wa, ie i & lel sparan | og g [TEE] Bers | nya 5805-01 HOE 18 laost-ra08518. 8 li01-o171877 13 o-s-260-670 16 890-740-6288) A061 8 '2910-740-8431] Aco 8 \s0-s-725-380 " 8 {2803-970-917160-8-2318~220 35,17 !1o0s~709-8287] 061 18 840-734-2082] A061 n 's840-784-3127] 4061 2 \5340-798-0967) A061 6 j2020-868-s5a2] aoc: "7 Jso-s-2918-440 13 2s10-268-2584] A061 8 i2910-740-6595] 061 vv l2s20-798-0964) A061 a \ss07-708-s771] A061 u [G226-s200102 8 1005-740-6613|4061 16 |2805-356-1546)50-T-175-25 |Ho04-oso6213 is '2810-356-0835] aost—r406254 iw [ze0s-356-0840)e0-V-1202-625 18 [2810-386-0807|s0-v-1826-75 Ww jA061-1406390 13 '2s10-r41-77081G678 8 | \60-V-1294-50 For exinnalon of footnoin, ne NOTES, peg 12 Ago stuta o jros9296 |SPRING, governor. CITTT}ros0297 |SPRING, " HELIC! \ns4s127 |SPRING, retziner, breather. +-|1980967 |SPRING, SPIRAL TORSION: coll, .018| 1400442 ISPRING, stop, switeh push rod. tan6286 |SPRING, valve, intako...-.. 12. ii4n6aso |STOP, THROTTLE: lever... 11406595 ISTRAP, gas tank, “1 }rasasee ISTRAP! jumper, AWG No. 6, cop. braided] ooo 1038771 oo ezootez iswiTCH, foot, {40ers [TANK, fuel anny 2 -laosi99 |TAPPET, valve liter. 506218 /TERMINAL, LUG: wire, solderiess, ré-endl [THD- THREAD, No. 9 seine white twine. o a EscRIPTION: lparts OF CHARGER, POWER, 125 'V, 850 W, DC (7386579}—Continued| ----}rarm2 |SCREW, MACHINE: ra-hd, 8, phor-ctd {olled>, No. 10 (0.190)-32NF-2A x 3. -|7406818 |SCREW, magneto mounting cit|rnsrt__|SCREW, TAPPING, THREAD GUTTING:| tdcha, slul-Dlunt pt, 8, ed- oF 2 10 (0.180)-32NF-2°« 34 ltd, No. jsesdess |SEAL, oll... [2<06238 |SEAL, OIL, BEARING:. .... 2 fraosear |SHAFT, CHOKE: carburetor. 221 rao6s55 : : 17406620 |SHTELD, cylinder 7406261 |SHIELD, oil spray. 7980959 |SLEEVE, shate ISHAPT, throttle ~.,SPRING, choke lever return ‘OMPRESSION;| valve, exhaust. 7949082 |SPRING, HELICAL, COMPRESSION; valve, ier. x 34 stk, 6 turns, 0.796 free od, one hook| fend. ‘and tnd, 9 ie. IsTUD, vaive cove |) starter tm assy) |. Inchides the following renewable item: ‘one 7406217 CAP. tongue, tnd-cop., No. 12-10 AWG wire] role for No. 8 screw. VALVE, choke, carburetor. IVALVE, ENGINE EXHAUST: stlite faced IVALVE, w/seat, inet, carburetor, assy? Includes the fcllowing renewable items: ‘one 7980750 GASKET. VALVE, intake. VALVE, needle, adjusting IVALVE, needle, (dle, carburetor [UNIT OF SUE eeeee 1 lea 1 les m ole] @ Je), @ lo | see pane Eee S| BRE | ABaee. | MEN | esas | oe | oetcarrion BE] & Seobe oF |g IPARTS OF CHARGER, POWER, 12.5) IV, 850 W, DC (1386519)—Contioued 15 nor0-s60-4a80|cere _.--frarases [VALVE, sito 1 foo 8 li0-118-1205). —(49rH peo qetTl 5996198) pu (OstyY 2999104 84) bee ‘uopns) 49 (EstH pu GST FEe86s0) PED (OSTA A998TOL 1m) hea ‘woswnnsy—J9H HL PAO ‘GST HT ‘OSTA MEOH “Gt esndeg yaganee wi (31) szeeis9 (popes) sons Taaag—» | mad ‘@rdv) aangyso renoyy ps 190 eal ngs f GuBu) rrTgpe9 aeHop) am (up orr65z9 sno9y 7081 BNA wearer aa 7se08 Are iz, sseres ea aa sonst (ute) edtango eoreanay) f. (490.0u18069 worms F pareve a 1969 asiog— veover souseAh (92H) segguag ED 20 na (ar) g2atue9 wp Sauter USE soueres SDE He Weiag 45 —Y AGO uta, a4 Figure 50. Mount MASC, MSD, and BEASP—trunnion sector group—exploded view. ween Figure 51. Mount M45C, M4SD, and MASP—left and right trunnion cover group—ezploded view. G0 54h 28, : Figure 52. Mount M4SC, M4SD, and M45P—terminal block cover wire and conduit group—exploded view. 216 00 6458 RES Ar-Glamp 5600554 BSerew soars. Bogpsce senior? E—Seal 6578820, 'Frannion 6808170 \Prumion eo0eiso 'Prannion Go06168 ‘Trugnion 6908168 1—Screw 120216 2-Washer az0zi7 CEs eae stroman paneer a ea, eee ees s re Strap $848490 ooo ange B—Wire 22-WeL6s0 eee a Secs, V—Pin 504484 13—Giamp s02t08 TER Seana ‘igure 68, Mount MssC, M4SD, and Mi5¥—left or right side trunnion group-—exploded view G0 seas a7 “aya prpoyder—énoub o9my ambioy—astn peo ‘astst ‘OSH TeHOW! “tS 8 7 : pCa Pigure 66., Mount MusC ind MASD—table, esy'(7016700 MSC) or table iy (6908242 MSD). 00-6188 29 An 220 Sestor, assy 6260084 — Roa sguos7e = E ‘1 Hub 6269083, — Nut 120618, 2 Screw 6511080 f= Washer eevee 2 — Rod end group 9 Pin—sst0670 b= Bin ssioseo 2 Rod, aagy 310678 ea —-'Pin 6310969 bb— Pin tome. ‘ce — Block 5810972 im 5310968 i8—Pin 12726 Fipwre 57. G0 Haba Figure 67. Mount MSC, M4SD, and M45P—lever, assy (5680520) anu arm, assy (6269019)—exploded rie. 22 oie Figure 58. Mount M&5C, MASD, and Mi6P—lecer, assy (5630881) —exploded view 22 Aco 4484, Pigure 69. Mount M4SC, M4SD—plate, assy (6578778) and mount MASF-—~plate, assy (7989088)—exploded view. AGO 644s SE Sea ve es 3 ERAPO 22angeA 224 Figure 60. Mount MiSC, MSSD, ond M45P—untt, assy (6908848)—partilly exploded view. Aco sues, . Figure 61. Mount MAOC, MASD, and MSEF—unit, assy (657868) —partially exploded view. G0 544s 228 mento Pu ‘Cat ‘OSE HUNORL “59 24nIeay 00 5454 226 Figure 68. Mount Ma6C, M4sD, and M4S?—unit, assy (€57885S)—partielly exploded view, stale Figure 6h, Mownt M4EC, MAD, and MLSP—unit, assy (6579268}—partally exploded view. Aco susa, 2x asthe 4 Washer 116118 ‘So Serew 120159 Poet 7904610 [Terminal and lead group ing 7994616 a Washer 10— Pin 19t137 ioRing grou Efe fife. PS Beanag 11868 U — Cover 1994682 Figure 65. Motor, de, 12 », 9 amp, 1 hp, 6000 rpm (6680522)—exploded view, 225 Eee ieee ate y ieeeet en Bees ao eee eae ae ae Q-St ce My 5310589 Tolar 5510893 55th seborio Bearing 700026 4-Gear 9510709 & VoRall 6268999 ‘Bracket, 6415031 (levating dit- HH— Screw 181885 erential drive shown) WBracket 9416044" (zi FR—Yoks, any 6415050 Retainer 5010886 ‘3—Washer 191084 imuth dif- KK—Serew 192119 Terental drive not shown) EY —Berey 1 Bin S810, Fopkeenisits 2 Houins 50507 A— Washer 0722 Sionies Spepaeer oltre. seer ea nea ate asny 5415025 [Shaft 6204457 2 Bearing 9810717 Figure 66. 32580 Washer 120214 WN Washer 120398, 'PP—Bar 6810895 resrew 5310610 [Nut 120878, '8S—Cover 310875, ‘PT—Serew 131966 UU— Washer 121841 ‘VV— Gasket S310614 wwPin lzisae ‘Aa0 54454 ‘nena peperdce—(rtec199) Aeso ‘aap pu (8395299) Reso ‘eyop—a94 Hy PHO ‘aatW ‘OST NenOp “90 Punta 229 280 Figure 57. Mownt MiSC, MusD, and MA5P—tbox, esey (6578867) and bot, ossy (6578818)~ exploded vice. 60 ses AcGeepting sss024s G—Key 124547 X—Shim 5910703 B—Pin 1osbe4 H—Serow 151865 ¥—Beating 700881 C—Retainer 310692 J— Washer 191044 2—Geer 8810658 DoSerew 133618 He Retainer 5310095, ‘B—Besring 700120 Gi (or, gear elev) O—Shaft 6310960 P—Shatey assy 6510889 DD Key 124545. Nelev gear bex shown) BE—Gear 6209189 1~Colar fa100e8 FF Setserew 222374 2—Setserew 22874 26G—Washer 120214 : Share 6910688. SHH —Serew 132264 ‘Shaft ecsy 6310687 Jd— Gave 657374 KE—Pin 6e4003 icine te not own sie 29 : TEP SNS esis? ites Hee ee SSetee ietie WHERE test NT Boe Fiwreer-Contnaet ; kes v re Figure 68. Mount MSC, MASD, and MiSP—ehaft, orey (6810687) —exploded view. 231 AGU 64658 Figure 69, Mownt M6C—unicerel joint (asimath drive) and rlealed parts—exploded view. Figure 70, Mount M45C—cowpling, asty (5810928) (eleration driee)—eeploded view. ‘AGO s445h Figure 71. Mount MEASD and Ms6F-—conduit, assy (8696070)—exploded vie. Figure 72, Mount Ms5D ond M4s¥—box, assy (9675648) (manual control) exploded view, 233 00 ssa, 204 Figure 72. Mount Ms5D and Mi6?—tor, asry (8876549) (manuel control) —pertially exploded viet, AGO 5458, A—Yoint, acey 8675486 Y—Sotacrow 540989 Co— Washer 8676668 Bo Hetainer 800 os Waa ty Belson SBR, Sess Bethe tay atten Repke lietr Champ aerate Ee —budhing sets4ae "Send te G6— Bastin Geretas “ta Brae rap SETS Boat st Sa Si—Serew tases Foi one Oe Pacem thaw tatoos aut iOyiesher eet nisi HoosingSeotoee : ssp ease MNCNtieleee sae ios Pp —ahaie Bese0e2 sein setts ag-Fitkeg ais SOR Sore SRCES eh id ‘$—Band 8676476 SS—Nut 503339, se —Sat seoeons PE cvscer eco iiNet ioc Sucshettsereute . Baa eared WoSec omaess Saeed wn Spate Se76084 wiv—Nte aes “Met prt Aan igure 78-=Continued 1s Raa Pigure 74, Mount M4sD ond M4sP—brocket, assy (S675681 or 8675682) (manual control|~-exploded view. Aco e445 235 ‘Pin 148402, S—Cap 8696058 ‘Washer 86754463 _ > ‘ToNut 508889 AAT Knob 6184279 Figure 75. Mount MiSD and MsSP-—handwhed, asey (8675648) (manual control) —exploded view. AGO stuth 206 4g z the gn ae eer nee nperiesone canal rei et Sa teeeecne ergata treme m pe Figure 77. Mount MAsD and M45F—manual contr group—exploded view. 238 Figure 79, Mount Ms5C, ML5D, end M45P—support group and underside of mownt parle-—expladed view, 00 bua wee A — Washer 120380 (Washer 121841 (450 and K — Washer 120982 B i322 F —) Mat) L = Bote 114590 or M = Seow Liat 120380 (asr) N= Retainer 7358696 Clamp t10io anasc ana 2 [Box 8548609 eo ana Masry ” 266700 Masi — fre gud 128516 acssr) __ {yoser90 osast) 9 = seem”, Fx Waster nses & = Gamp sass tS Ghamp b5astze Figure 70-—Continsed Figure 80. Mount M460, MA5D, and Més¥—gear, osty (7062808 M4SC), (6908288 M4SD), and (7998975 MASP). AGO 54 239 Set MASD, and MASP—roller and bearing group of gear, assy (7062808 MSC); (6908288 M4SD) and (7998974 MiSP)—exploded view. Figure 82, Mount MAEC, MLSD, and M4SP—fremework and related paris—exploded view, G0 a8, Figure 88, Mount MA5C, MASD, and MASF—vire, assy (6848467) and (8710980)—enploded view. A—wat 5943500 H—wae—ssasre B—wat—ssaasre J —Wre—s38960 c—we— 5949569 k—wae—ssassz D—wae—s3.0509 Lwne—33.03503 Ewe 5343565, Mowne— 0581 Fwre—s303861 N—wne—s903567 G—wne—s313586 Pawns s543568 a= wane— 5343850 R—wae—s949576 S— Wie 5243570 4 Twn —s3a3594 Uwe 5303755, Vm wine — 5343695 ‘ NOTE AUL OWENSONS SHOWN wa 33 bee INCHES EA Fo 220952 Figure 86. Mount MssP—harness, ansy (7998898). 00 54454, 24 aoye prpoydee—(OstH @6s6EL4) 40 (ASHI PHD CUStIY L680608) AH ‘roq ast Pur ‘astyE ogvenes ewig — sertge aang — vogereg Aes ‘oot —1 “gogeres Asse 3U3yy ‘Thopneg Asse “My ‘wooeres Ase et — ‘SvOIeT Bae — F ‘ontne rmoyy “99 ont Aco sua, 22 i Figure 86, Mount MASC, M4SD, and M4SF—Boz, assy (6853599 MASD ond M4S¥) or (7782581 MA5C)—exploded view Figure 87. Mount MSC and M4sD—tox, assy (7722618 MSC) or box, ossy (6650699 M4SD)—exploded view, 00 tts 243. ® |—Serew 192908 V—Washer 131016 WoNue 194680 MiM—Toverear 8511031 %—Wite, exsy 7060966 ‘NN—Tavereer 5511028 Y—Capacitor CAL ‘PP—Nat 6911028 Figure 88. Mount M45C, MASD, and MASP—bos, assy (1722508 M45C) ond boz, assy (6680598 MSD ond Ms5P)— ‘exploded sit, me G0 cus, AGO 56 Figure 89. Mount MsaC—plup assy (1015687)—exploded view. 5 — Nut 120975 Washer 114916, G — Washer 158580 H — Gasket 5349747, F Tox, assy 7998802 1"Sclestor bor 2-Gaskee 7098s61 3—tRop 1598905, 4d Saew 171346 K — Switch 7047688 L, — Bus 7998897 M — Bus 7998896, NN = Breaker 010212 P — Nat s31i029 Q = Inverter sacs: ‘Washer 121801 5 — Serew 192019 : Figure 90. Mount M5F—twz, essy (7998970)—exploded view 246 AConduit 5348551 M—Serew 181979 x BONue sairezs > No Gover 6294867 3 . CoNut s3ti023, Pole 6549592 = ‘D—Washer 158580 7 e—Nut 130622 FREES oxen: seer ane sree ate KOBokt i167 W—Inverter 6911091 T—Bloek 7098804 HE Wire, assy 7998791 Figure 91. Mount M45? or, assy (7009007)— exploded view. so cae 2 { BY ORDER, oF THE SECRETARIES OF THE ARMY AND THR AIR FORCE: MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, General, United States Army, OrrrorAL: Chief of Staff. HERBERT M. JONES, Major General, United States Army, aa Tha Adjutant General. N. F, TWINING, Oprictan: Chief of Staff, United States Air Force. | J. L. TARR, | Colonel, United States Aér Force, j Air Adjulant General. Distribution: “Aalve Army: a‘ PONG Ord Ammo Coma asa Gen Depots + TeeSve DA Ord See, Gen Depots & + Ora Ba Ord Depots” +e Hq CONARC : POE (08) {Army AA Coma ‘Trans Terminal Cord “os ataj Coma ‘Army Terminals 05 Base Coma 08 Sap Agencies Log Cored Ora PG MDW Ord Arsenala ‘Armice Ma Dist Comps Ord Proe Dist Div : Mase Ord Gp Ma Men > ordBa aus + Ord Go sBusMo sem. led TOSMAG (Greece) Gun & Br Srosch Fig Comd, APSWP 8 PMST Sr Div Ord Units NG: State AG; Units—sameas Active‘Army except allowance fe one copy to each unit, USAR: None, For explanation of abbreviations used, soe SR $20-0-1. 40.8. Goverment Printing Oe: 057 —4on510 Reproduced by, and sold by Portrayal Press, P.0. Box 1190, Andover, M.J. 07821 USA A194 i ee Aco ssa “

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