Herbicides - Current Research and Case Studies in Use
Herbicides - Current Research and Case Studies in Use
Herbicides - Current Research and Case Studies in Use
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Preface IX
Section 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Section 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Section 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Herbicide use has dramatically increased since the introduction of the first selective herbicides deca
des ago. Utilization of herbicides for weed control is a crucial aspect of weed management in most
crop productions, aquatic systems with invasive weed species, pastures, and non-crop areas such as
turf and natural areas. The dynamic nature of weed populations, both in crop and non-crop systems,
necessitates continuous adaptations and revisions to weed management strategies in order to ensure
effective control of problematic weed species. Furthermore, continuous work is required to detail suc
cessful means of integrating innovative weed control tactics into existing management systems.
In recent years, a shift from single weed management practices to multiple, integrated control meth
ods has been the focus for most agricultural and non-agricultural settings. These management practi
ces utilize a number of chemical, mechanical, and biological tools to provide adequate weed control
while preserving the efficacy of individual control options and maintaining environmental quality.
The value of herbicides in integrated weed management is considerable; however, the overdepend
ence on a single herbicide for weed control can lead to reduced efficacy, herbicide resistance, and
potential environmental contamination. Due to these potential risks from herbicide overuse, integrat
ed weed management has become the recommended practice for weed control in most systems.
In this book, chapters explore a wide array of weed control topics in many agricultural and noncrop systems. Authors provide information regarding current weed management practices and po
tential strategies for future weed control plans. Many chapters focus on the use of integrated control
tactics, while other chapters describe individual management practices that can be implemented in
to existing weed management plans. Topics covered in this book include: integrated weed manage
ment in agricultural crops and rangelands, allelopathy and bioherbicides, transgenic crops and
herbicide resistance, aquatic herbicide use, and many other subjects related to herbicide use.
The trends and case studies detailed in Herbicides - Current Research and Case Studies in Use
provide a great deal of information concerning herbicide use in a number of settings. In this regard,
the book should be of great benefit to many people that are involved in weed management plan
development, herbicide resistance control, education, and technology transfer. It is anticipated that
this book will be a useful reference in regards to current herbicide use trends and weed manage
ment strategies in both agriculture and non-crop settings.
Andrew J. Price
United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Jessica A. Kelton
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Section 1
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main staple food for a great part of the world population, and
together with corn and wheat represents most of the cereals produced and grown worldwide
[1]. With the growth of the world population, especially in East Asian countries, there are
concerns about if rice production will be sufficient to meet the demand in the future [1]. There
is the need to increase crop productivity levels, but there are both limitations for the opening
of new agricultural areas, and issues regarding environmental pollution and use of natural
The annual rice production in Brazil is 11.6 million tons [2], occupying an average area of 2.43
million ha per year with yields averaging 4.73 t ha-1 (Table 1). The southern states of Rio Grande
do Sul (RS; 1.05 million ha) and Santa Catarina (SC; 0.15 million ha) contribute with more than
77% of the rice production with about 51% of the cultivated area in Brazil. Average grain yields
obtained in the last five years in the RS and SC were around 7.26 t ha-1, almost 55% higher than
the national average [2]
The intensification of rice cropping systems in the same area promotes an increase in infesta
tions by weeds. The fields of irrigated rice in southern Brazil provide a special habitat for
weeds. During some months of the hot season, in addition to temperature and luminosity
suitable for plant growth, there is also abundant soil moisture, which favors the development
of weeds. This makes weeds responsible for losses in yield and grain quality, due to the direct
interference they cause to the crop [3]. The weeds also cause other indirect negative effects in
the production system, such as losses in nutritional value of pastures, interference in cover
crops and even depreciating the land value [4-6].
2013 Andres et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In the fields of southern Brazil, the increase in weed occurrence is well characterized, mainly
due to the fact that the irrigated rice was until recently almost the only cultivated crop in
lowlands. To reduce the impact of weeds in rice, farmers have adopted some technologies. At
first, there were modifications in the soil management system, shifting from a conventional
plough-and-harrow to other forms of soil cultivation, such as minimum-till, no-till and the
water-seeded rice system. Secondly, there was the adoption of ALS-tolerant rice cultivars
(Clearfield technology - CL) and last, the increase in the area of Roundup Ready soybeans in
drained lowlands has also contributed to the weed management in rice fields. Herbicides,
however, are still heavily used as the main form of weed control in almost all irrigated rice
fields in RS state. In complement, organic rice is growing in adoption, but actually is restricted
to small fields. The certified organic smallholders account for 400 producers, in an area of about
3,400 ha dispersed in the RS state.
It is known that the average regional yields (7.26 t ha-1) are below those obtained in field trials
and in high technology farms. Even though new cultural techniques are often used to control
weeds, poor weed control is one to be highlighted among the probable causes of grain yield
variability. According to results of [7] and [2] it is estimated that about 1 million tons of rice
are lost annually in Brazil, which is roughly equivalent to 8% of the national production of this
cereal, even after using all methods available for weed management. This corresponds to an
annual loss estimated of about US$ 200 million.
(1000 ha)
(kg ha-1)
(1000 t)
* Source: [2]
Table 1. Historical cultivated area, grain yield and production of rice in Brazil and in the states of Rio Grande do Sul
(RS) and Santa Catarina (SC), from 2002 to 2012.
Due to the particular regional characteristics, there are many ways of soil, water and plant
management in irrigated rice in southern Brazil. The main system is minimum-till (around
60% of the area) in which the soil is plowed, harrowed, leveled and the levees are done in the
autumn, right after the harvest of the summer crop, with chemical desiccation in spring before
rice planting, done with a no-till drill in dry soil. Another system is the conventional seeding,
where all the tillage is done just before planting rice, in dry soil. Finally, about 20% of the fields
are cultivated with the water-seeded system, performed mainly in small farms (up to 30ha) in
which rice is sown pre-germinated over a field already flooded (schemes on Figure 1). The
system of manual or mechanic transplanting rice seedlings from the nursery to the puddled
and flooded field very common in the Asian paddies is almost not used in Brazil.
In the last few years, there was a continuous increase in the soybean area in the lowlands of
RS, and currently this crop occupies around 250,000ha in rotation with rice (all RS state have
approximately 4.19 million hectares of soybean). Probably in the following years, soybean will
spread up to 0.5 million hectares in the lowlands of RS, limited by poor soil drainage conditions.
Glyphosate-tolerant soybean has changed the scenario of resistant-weeds in rice fields and will
be discussed later in this article.
1.1. The main weeds of irrigated rice in southern Brazil
The main weeds in flooded rice fields in Brazil are commonly classified into narrow- and
broad-leaved weeds. The major representatives of narrow leaves are weedy rice (Oryza
sativa), barnyardgrass (Echinochloa sp.), the aquatic grasses (Leersia hexandra and Luziola
peruviana), and the sedges (Cyperus difformis, C. esculentus, C. ferax, and C. laetus).
Recently, there was an increase in the occurrence of Alexander grass (Brachiaria plantaginea),
crabgrass (Digitaria horizontalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in the rice fields. These
monocotyledonous weeds, common in dry fields in crops such as corn, sorghum and soybeans,
are expanding due to the increase in crop diversification in lowland areas, to the continued
use of ALS inhibitors and the abandonment of propanil herbicide in the rice fields. Some places
also reported the presence of perennial weeds such as Olive hymenachne (Hymenachne
amplexicaulis), ribbed murainagrass (Ischaemum rugosum), Mexican sprangletop (Leptochloa
uninervia), Fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum), Knotgrass (Paspalum distichum) and
Paspalum modestum. These perennial plants grow in areas with an excess of moisture.
As broadleaved weed representatives, there are the jointvetches (Aeschynomene spp.) and in
some areas some species of morning glory (Ipomoea spp.), water pepper (Polygonum hydropi
peroides) and alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides). The aquatic weeds, associated mainly
with fields grown in the water-seeded system (with pre-germinated seeds) are globe fringerush
(Fimbristylis miliacea), arrowheads (Sagittaria montevidensis and S. guyanensis), water hyacinth
(Eichornia crassipes), kidneyleaf mudplantain (Heteranthera reniformis) and the Ludwigia
complex (Ludwigia elegans, L. longifolia and L. octovalvis).
Many of these species are difficult to control and severely compete with the crop for resources
available in the environment if no control method is adopted. In addition, barnyardgrass,
Figure 1. A simplified scheme of the three main production systems of irrigated rice in southern Brazil. (A) Represents
the minimum-till system; (B) represents the conventional system; (C) represents the water-seeded system. The
schemes illustrate part of a very common two-year sequence of rice cropping.
weedy rice, globe fringerush, arrowhead and some sedges have acquired resistance to
herbicides (Table 3).
1.2. How does resistance to herbicides appear in rice fields?
The adoption of herbicide-tolerant rice has increased considerably in the last few years. The
results of this unprecedented change in agriculture have been many, but perhaps most
dramatic is the simplification of weed-control tactics; growers can now apply a single herbicide
group (ALS-inhibitors) at higher rates of active ingredient without concern for injury to the
crop. Regardless, the number of chemical groups of herbicides applied has declined, thus
increasing the ecological implications such as reducing the biodiversity of arable land,
facilitating population shifts in weed communities and the evolution of herbicide-resistant
biotypes. Historically, a number of significant changes in agricultural systems have occurred
with significant impact on weed communities.
The use of herbicides for weed control has become a common practice in agriculture world
wide. Once, this technology was used mainly by big farmers; it is currently becoming a
common practice even among smallholders. Nowadays, weed control in irrigated rice relies
almost exclusively on herbicides, mainly because chemical control has been efficient, relatively
cheap, readily available and professionally developed. Thus, other methods of control have
been left as a second choice or under certain circumstances may present themselves unattrac
tive or unfeasible. It needs to be noted that the strong presence of pesticide suppliers has almost
banned the use of other forms of weed management but the herbicides in irrigated rice fields.
The widespread and almost exclusive use of the chemical method of weed control in rice
promotes changes in the weed flora, from quite easily controlled broadleaved weeds to more
hostile grass weeds [8-9]. The recurrent use of herbicides with the same site of action can select
individuals that are genetically capable of surviving a dose of a given herbicide which normally
would kill or suppress the species [10]. Herbicide resistance is the inherent ability of a species
to survive and reproduce following exposure to a dose of herbicide normally lethal to its wild
type. Resistance is not directly caused by herbicides, rather, it appears from the selection of
natural mutation or minor pre-existing population of herbicide-resistant plants (selection
pressure imposed by herbicides) [11] or in rice cases, gene flow from herbicide-resistant to
weedy rice [12-14].
As at other places worldwide, in the rice fields of south of Brazil, the continuous use of herbi
cides has led to the evolution and appearing of herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds, and this is an
additional problem in the pest management context. Chemical weed control is used in almost
all areas and the scenario in the short-past, at present and probably to the future is a contin
uous intensification of the rice cropping systems. This intensive system, combined with the
continued use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action, has resulted in the develop
ment of resistant weeds. The resistance of weeds to herbicides in that region was confirmed by
several institutions, namely EMBRAPA, EPAGRI, IRGA, UFRGS, UFPEL and UFSM.
inhibiting herbicides. A short time after, other cases of resistance were reported with a new
biotype of Sagittaria [17]; and also with barnyardgrass (Echinochloa spp.) resistant to the
herbicide quinclorac [18]. Since then there was an increasing number of reports of weed
resistance (Table 3).
2.2. The case of Echinochloa crus-galli resistance to the herbicide quinclorac
This species is a monocotyledon that survives in flooded environments, occurring normally
in high levels of infestation. It is widely distributed in almost all rice fields of SC and RS. In
addition, barnyardgrass presents morpho-physiological similarities with the crop in the early
stage of development. The negative effects of its presence in rice include: the high capacity to
compete with rice by resources as light and nutrients; the intrinsic difficulties related to control;
the increases in the production costs; it causes rice lodging, difficulties in the harvest and
depreciation of the product; it is a host of some pests in rice and this species can even decrease
the commercial value of arable areas [3,19-20].
Barnyardgrass is also one of the most widely distributed weeds in the grain crops grown in
rotation with rice in lowland areas, mainly represented by soybeans, some sorghum [21] and
a little portion of areas with maize. In reference [4] reported that many of the ALS-resistant
biotypes of Echinochloa showed faster initial development compared to susceptible ones. The
authors also report that biotypes from different areas are distinct in terms of initial growing
Due to the continuous use of herbicides with the same mode of action, often in the absence of
crop rotation and lack of integrated management, barnyardgrass evolved resistance to several
herbicides [22] and some biotypes have multiple resistance [23]. In reference [24] reported a
biotype of barnyardgrass presenting cross-resistant to quinclorac (auxin-mimic herbicide) and
to ALS inhibitors. Herbicides represent the main tool for weed control within the program of
integrated management in rice fields of Southern Brazil. Among those used in rice, quinclorac
(auxin-mimic) combines flexibility in the application (pre- and post-emergence) and normally
offers good efficiency to Echinochloa crus-galli and Aeschynomene rudis control, low toxicity to
humans and animals and high selectivity to rice. This active ingredient started to be used in
rice production areas of RS and SC in the early 1990's, being used intensively until mid-1999,
when complaints began to emerge about failures in barnyardgrass control. Studies confirmed
the occurrence of resistance already in 2000 [18, 25].
2.3. The cases of weed resistance to ALS inhibiting herbicides
Similar to what happened with quinclorac in the past, in more than a half of all cultivated rice
areas in RS state, the ALS-inhibitors were (and still are) vastly applied in the fields. This
scenario was aggravated by the use of varieties tolerant to the herbicides belonging to this
group (CL technology), aiming to achieve efficient control of weedy rice and barnyardgrass.
The repetitive use of some ALS-inhibiting herbicides for 4 to 5 years after the launch of the CL
technology resulted in resistance of barnyardgrass to the herbicides bispyribac-sodium,
penoxsulam, imazethapyr+imazapic and imazapic+imazapyr [26].
the genus Cyperus. Some species of Cyperus reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively (tubers
and stolons) as in the case of C. esculentus and C. rotundus. Furthermore, the chemical control
of Cyperus spp. in pre-emergence is especially problematic due to the scarcity of products to
be applied in this modality. For controlling these species, post-emergence herbicides inhibiting
the enzyme ALS, as bispyribac-sodium, penoxsulam, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, ethoxysulfuron,
cyclosulfamuron and azimsulfuron, can be applied. It is necessary also to respect the limit of
growth stage at the time of application and to use adjuvants specific to each herbicide [33].
The control of C. difformis with ALS inhibitors, however, has presented problems due to the
development of resistance [35,36]. The authors report that this is mainly due to the intensive
cultivation of rice, associated with the use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action
for several years, favoring the selection of resistant populations.
From the 1980's, the ALS-inhibiting herbicides have become very important tools for agricul
ture, and the widespread use of these products was mainly due to its high efficiency at low
doses, low toxicity to animals, high selectivity for some crops and reduced environmental
impact when compared to other pesticides [37]. These traits contributed to the increased use
of these herbicides in various crops. Two years after these products were made available in
the market, however, appeared the first case of a weed with resistance to this mechanism of
action. Currently, there are 95 resistant species, distributed in 34 countries [38].
Results in reference [36] are shown in Figure 1. One biotype of C. difformis presented a highlevel of resistance to the herbicide pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (sulfonylurea), and was also crossresistant to the bispyribac-sodium (pirimidinyl thiobenzoate), both ALS inhibitors. Bentazon
is an efficient alternative for the chemical control of the ALS-resistant biotype of C. difformis
(Figure 2). The same authors point out that, for the management of populations of C. diffor
mis resistant to ALS inhibitors in flooded rice areas, it is recommended the adoption of practices
such as rotating herbicides with different mechanisms of action and management practices
that may restrict the expansion of the resistant populations.
The mechanism involved in the resistance of C. difformis to pyrazosulfuron-ethyl is the
insensitivity of the enzyme ALS to herbicides, which inhibit this enzyme, conferring high levels
of resistance [39]. In [40] tested the herbicides pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, bispyribac-sodium,
imazapyr, imazapic and penoxsulam on the species C. iria (Table 2), and also proved the
resistance of this species to ALS inhibitors due to the low levels of control achieved with all
herbicides. In the same study, bentazon (PSII inhibitor) controlled 100% of the biotype. Another
study [41] also observed no efficient control of C. iria under application of 1x and 2x the
recommended dose of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, imazethapyr, imazapic or ethoxysulfuron.
For rice fields infested with biotypes of weeds resistant to ALS inhibitors, the most effective
strategies are pointed out in the following. The application of glyphosate alone or mixed with
pendimethalin or clomazone at the so-called needle point will ensure that the rice emerges
free from the infestation of Cyperus, allowing also efficient control of several other weeds. The
needle point is the rice germination stage immediately prior to the initiation of the emer
gence, depicted in Figure 3. Usually, when a very few rice seedlings start to emerge in the field
indicates the needle point, and the non-selective herbicide should be applied on that day. This
Figure 2. Control (%) of a biotype of Cyperus difformis resistant () or susceptible () to ALS-inhibiting herbicides by
using PSII and ALS-inhibiting herbicides as a function of dose. [bentazon (A), pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (B), bispyribac-so
dium (C)] In (D) the doses that control 50% of the population (LD50) of the resistant (black bars) and susceptible (grey
bars) biotypes are presented. Source: [36]
Control (%)
Dry Mass
14 DAH1
28 DAH
(g plant-1)
15 b2
1,59 a
6 bc
13 b
2,31 a
Imazapyr + imazapic
2,31 a
10 b
1,48 a
No application
2,79 a
Days after application of herbicides. Means followed by the same letter, in the column, are not different (Tukey P>0.05).
Source: Adapted from [40]
Table 2. Control efficiency and shoot dry mass of Cyperus iria as a function of the application of ALS-inhibiting
should not affect the stand of rice plants in the field, as the majority of the seedlings will not
be emerged on that day. This happens from three to five days after rice planting, depending
on environmental conditions (soil moisture and temperature).
Although effective, a delay in the application of glyphosate + pendimethalin or clomazone for
a single day from the needle point may cause severe damage to rice. This is particularly a
problem if there are frequent rains forecasted for the five days following planting. So, techni
cians are highly encouraged to evaluate carefully the risk of this practice before recommending
it for farmers. In addition, the application of glyphosate should not be done only at the needle
point. There is the need for a previous desiccation of the area between 20 and 10 days before
planting, which will allow control of the older weed plants.
Another option defined in [40] is the use of PSII inhibitors like bentazon or carfentrazone-ethyl
in post-emergence. Carfentrazone, however, may cause severe damage to rice. In addition,
both chemicals are contact-only herbicides, which means that a good coverage of the plants
by using higher water volumes than the usual followed by flooding on the following day,
should allow good results.
Figure 3. Rice seeds at distinct germination stages, from S0 to S3 (needle point). Source: FREITAS, T. F. S; GROHS, D.
(SOSBAI, 2012).
The species Fimbristylis miliacea, popularly known as globe fringerush, belongs to the family
Cyperaceae and is disseminated in various regions of the world. In Brazil it appears to be more
common in the Southern coastal region infesting flooded rice [42]. The plant cycle is annual or
perennial, depending on the environmental conditions; it presents seed dormancy, and
germinates in any season if water is available. In RS and SC, the species is distributed all over
the rice producing areas. It is observed that the higher infestations occur generally in areas
with no uniform irrigation. The population and crop management determine the potential
damage in yields due to globe fringerush, but the average losses can be about 73% under high
infestations [27].
There were only three reports of resistance of F. miliacea to herbicides in the world, and the
first record was in Malaysia in 1989 with biotypes resistant to 2,4-D; the second in 2001, in
carrying the G654E mutation, which is the same mutation responsible for the resistance in the
rice cultivar largely used in Southern Brazil when the weedy rice plants were collected,
suggests that gene flow is occurring from the rice cultivar to weedy rice [52].
2.7. A retrospect of the ALS-inhibiting herbicides and ClearField technology use in
irrigated rice fields of Southern Brazil
The use of Clearfield (CL) technology in rice areas of southern Brazil began in 2002 with
imidazolinone-resistant cultivars. Ten years later, more than 60% of irrigated rice in Rio
Grande do Sul State carry the CL technology and are treated with these herbicides. The
combined use of imidazolinone-resistant rice cultivars with the correspondent herbicides is
often very effective, providing more than 95% of control of weedy rice in most cases [53]. This
technology had permitted immediate benefits in terms of efficiency and easiness of weed
control, mainly for weedy rice and the Echinochloa complex. However, at the beginning of the
use of CL rice cultivars there were some difficulties that possibly favored the increasing of the
number of the ALS-resistant weeds. First, due to high initial costs of the commercial seeds and
of the herbicide, part of the fields was planted with saved-seeds and there were the use of notregistered, illegal herbicides, applied at elevated doses in some fields. Second, the CL rice
cultivar was planted repeatedly in areas heavily infested with weedy rice, disregarding the
official recommendations for the management, which suggested herbicide rotation, field
management rotation and crop rotation in fields of irrigated rice [33].
Even though some weeds presented resistance to ALS-inhibitors before the adoption of the CL
technology (Table 3), the selection pressure caused by the increasing use of the ALS-inhibitors
should be associated with the emerging of weedy rice (Oryza sativa) resistant to ALS-inhibiting
herbicides, only four years after the starting of the use of Clearfield technology in southern
Brazil [15] which occurred in USA [53]. The fields infested with these resistant biotypes
represent a part of the whole area of rice cultivation, but all regions have dispersed resistant
weedy rice and there is an increase in the number of cases of resistance. The farmers and
assistants are at the present taking additional management strategies for this weed, as the crop
and herbicides rotation to reduce the losses and constrains associated with the weed resistance.
In Arkansas [53] after 5 years of imidazolinone-resistant rice technology, crop rotation and use
of certified seeds are the main reason for rice fields being free of weedy rice.
2.8. Prevention of herbicide-resistant weeds in irrigated rice of Brazil
An herbicide-resistant weed biotype usually occurs in areas where the common practice for
weed control is the repeated use of the same product, or the use of different herbicides but
with the same mechanism of action. This is the main scenario at the beginning of the weedresistance cases in rice fields - the high selection pressure - as reported by [37]. This situation
is very common in the RS, where rice still is continuously grown as a mono-crop in most parts
of the area. In the state of Santa Catarina, the areas are smaller and the management more
varied, with farmers using both herbicides and cultural practices on weed management.
The adoption of best-practices in weed control is one of the main tools to prevent the occurrence
of new cases of resistance. In reference [33, 68], some preventative measures to avoid or to
Common name
Echinochloa spp.
penoxsulam, quinclorac
Cyperus difformis
Cyperus iria
Oryza sativa
weedy rice
[15, 52]
* The sources lists only a part of the whole studies conducted with the species listed.
Table 3. Herbicide-resistant weeds reported in irrigated rice in Southern Brazil.
minimize the risks are the use of crop rotation, the use of herbicides in the correct time and
when necessary; to perform the rotation of herbicides, using those with distinct mechanisms
of action; and be aware of the results of herbicide applications, checking for escapes and shifts
in weed population. When an escaped plant is observed it must be immediately eliminated,
preventing the spread of this suspected resistant biotypes. These recommendations are not
always adopted in all fields due to the various difficulties. A good exception is the case of the
seed-producers: these farmers really care with the weeds in your fields and adopt the bestmanagement practices in terms of weed control, because there are some weed species whose
seeds are expressly prohibited in lots of commercial rice seeds, and its presence would
condemn the entire field, preventing it to be sold as seed.
In areas where herbicide resistant weed populations occur, some simple but important
management strategies are issued. It is recommended not to plant very early in spring, because
due to low temperatures, weeds will emerge and grow faster than rice, offering an additional
difficultly for control and increased competition. The soil could be prepared, or chemically
desiccated, immediately before planting rice to eliminate the weed seedlings already emerged;
the machinery should be cleaned when leaving an infested area; the herbicides with proven
resistant biotypes should not be used, and resistant escaped plants should not be allowed to
produce seeds, by means of the localized chemical desiccation or by manual rouging.
In lowlands of Southern Brazil, rice is the main crop and commonly shares areas with cattle
production. The cattle can occupy the fields in winter (between two cycles of rice) and consume
cold-adapted grasses and broadleaves belonging to the genus Lolium, Trifolium, Vicia and
others; or, in summer when the main feed is composed by grasses such as red rice, barnyard
grass, some perennial grasses and others species. Integration crop-livestock in rice fields is an
important form of weed management in the production system once they consistently reduce
the seed production of some grasses and the number of viable seeds in the soil seed bank will
decrease [69].
In recent years, however, soybean has increased in area in the lowlands, also being used as a
cash-crop in these fields due to the high prices in the international market. Between one-fourth
and one-third of the rice in RS is already rotated with soybeans and this crop is the main and
probably the best option to the rotational scheme with irrigated rice in terms of increasing
the soil fertility and reduction of some pests in rice. Almost all soybeans cultivated in RS are
tolerant to glyphosate (Roundup Ready technology) and this herbicide offers very good control
of annual grasses such as red rice and barnyardgrass. The consolidation of RR soybean was a
step forward in the effectiveness of integrated pest management in irrigated rice in the RS state.
The soybean is already used as the main tool of management in the cases of herbicide-resistant
weeds occurring in irrigated rice fields, mainly in those well-drained areas. However, there
are some concerns about the selective pressure driven by glyphosate, and about the spread of
the resistant weeds to glyphosate, such as the Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and the
hairy fleabane (Conyza sp.), already present in various places in the south of Brazil.
In terms of herbicide rotation, in the fields with barnyardgrass resistant to ALS-inhibitors and/
or auxin-mimic herbicides, the herbicides pendimethalin, trifluralin, thiobencarb, clomazone
(in pre-emergence), quinclorac (in pre or post-emergence avoid it in areas where auxin-mimic
resistant biotypes occur), propanil alone or mixed with pendimethalin or clomazone (in early
post-emergence) and ACCase inhibitors (in post-emergence of the crop) are good options [33].
There are, however, reports about biotypes of Echinochloa with multiple resistances to ALS
inhibitors and other chemical groups in several countries of Latin America [70]. As a conse
quence, no abuses in the chemical control should be allowed, making this weed difficult to be
controlled, demanding crop and chemical rotation along the years. It should be highlighted
that the use of ACCase inhibiting herbicides in rice fields have promoted efficient control of
Echinochloa biotypes, but there is the need for rotation of chemical groups to avoid the
appearance of biotypes resistant also to this mode of action.
In reference [62] studying methods of application of clomazone and imazapic + imazapyr,
reported that the application of clomazone alone or mixed with imazapic + imazapyr in the
rice on needle point allow efficient control of ALS-resistant Echinochloa and the susceptible
biotype was efficiently controlled by clomazone alone in the needle point, and by imazapic +
imazapyr in all application times.
Several rice farmers use residual herbicides in mixture with glyphosate in the pre-planting
desiccation, mainly in areas under minimum- or no-till system (sod seeding) and/or with
delayed flooding. In these cases, the elimination of existing weeds is accomplished with
glyphosate and the new cohorts of seedlings are controlled by the residual herbicides. One of
the most widely used herbicides for this task is clomazone, which presents residual effects
over several grasses, especially barnyardgrass [71]. Thus, the use of clomazone with glypho
sate, either in the early pre-planting desiccation of sod seeding areas, or in the post-planting
on needle point, is an effective tool for weed suppression. The application of glyphosate in
the needle point was previously discussed, being illustrated in Figure 2.
Besides clomazone, pendimethalin may also be used at the needle point mixed with
glyphosate aiming to suppress the emergence of Echinochloa spp. This pre-emergence herbicide
plays an important role in the suppression of propanil-resistant junglerice in Central America
[72, 73], whose genotypes still were not identified in Brazil. Pendimethalin thus can represent
an important herbicide in the management strategy for the Brazilian ALS-inhibiting and
Auxin-mimic resistant biotypes. In addition, propanil applied in early post-emergence, mainly
mixed with clomazone or pendimethalin, are alternative choices depending on the level of the
field infestation and effectiveness of the previously applied treatments [74]. In Brazil there are
no reported cases of Echinochloa biotypes resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides (Merotto
and Noldin, personal information); thus, these herbicides are great options for post-emergence
control of biotypes of Echinochloa resistant to ALS or Auxin-mimic herbicides. However,
herbicides with this mode of action are considered of high risk for resistance evolution if not
properly managed [70].
Managing herbicides properly within these options will allow farmers to have a 3-year rota
tion of herbicide, which will reduce both the occurrence of resistant biotypes, and the chance of
appearance of a new resistant weed biotype. Farmers should request their technicians to plan
the most proper herbicide rotation for every case. Used alone, none of the currently available
cultural techniques provides an adequate level of weed control. However, when used in carefully
planned combinations, extremely effective barnyardgrass control can be achieved [75].
3. Conclusions
Weeds resistant to herbicides have been of concern for scientists and farmers in the Rio Grande
do Sul and Santa Catarina states of Brazil, since most herbicides used for chemical control are
no longer effective in many fields. It is noteworthy to mention that the evolution of weeds
resistant to herbicides is related to selection pressure, genetic variability of weeds, the number
of genes involved, patterns of inheritance, gene flow and dispersal of the propagules. The
elucidation of these factors becomes important for future predictions of proportions between
resistant, tolerant and susceptible biotypes in the fields, and will require choosing more
efficient management methods on these biotypes, aiming also to prevent the multiplication
and dissemination of weed-related problems in the area.
In the case of rice, there are some intrinsic difficulties for adoption of full-integrated weed
management with crop rotation because the condition of soil, with its susceptibility to be
flooded and difficulties for fast drainage. The weed resistance to herbicides may cause losses
to the rice production in many regions of Southern Brazil. Without the introduction of new
herbicide mechanisms of action or better herbicide-resistance management, a technology that
has allowed increases in agricultural productivity is at risk [76]. Despite the success attained
in some cases, more research and investments must be directed to this field of study in irrigated
rice in Brazil, especially in the Southern region, which is the main producer, so that the problem
can be more understood and specific strategies to manage this problem can be established and
applied by the farmers.
Author details
Andr Andres1*, Giovani Theisen1, Germani Conceno2 and Leandro Galon3
*Address all correspondence to: andre.andres@embrapa.br
1 Embrapa Temperate Agriculture, Pelotas, Brazil
2 Embrapa Western Agriculture, Brazil
3 Federal University of the Southern Border, Erechim, Brazil
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Chapter 2
1. Introduction
The introduction of glyphosate-resistant cotton for production in the southeast United States
changed herbicide application strategies and increased the profitability of no-tillage and striptillage techniques. Glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]-glycine) is a highly effective herbicide
that controls a broad spectrum of annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds in cotton
[3, 37]. When glyphosate-resistant cotton varieties were first introduced, glyphosate was
applied two to four times on most fields and may have been the only herbicide used [4, 5]. In
Georgia, 93% of the cotton acres received at least one glyphosate application in 2005 [3]. The
technology allowed growers to reduce or eliminate soil-applied herbicides, allowing them to
abandon cultivation and make the transition to conservation tillage, which promotes soil
conservation and compliance with USDA Federal regulations. Greater than 50% of Georgia
cotton was produced using no-tillage or strip-tillage techniques in 2007, a strategy that has
been affected by glyphosate weed control [1, 11].
2. Importance
With the elimination of cultivation as a control tactic in conservation tillage systems, herbicides
were the primary and often only method used for weed control [24]. However, the incidence
of herbicide-tolerant or resistant weeds emerging in the southeast United States [33, 34] has
increased the need for multiple herbicide modes of action in both conservation tillage and
conventional tillage weed management systems [3, 5, 16]. In Georgia, there are populations of
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) (Figure 1) with resistance to glyphosate, ALS,
2013 Grey and Webster; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The increased occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds necessitates the search for alternative
control tactics. For instance, metolachlor had not been traditionally used in cotton because of
excessive crop injury when applied preemergence after planting. However, changing its use
pattern to be applied after cotton emergence avoided crop injury, while controlling an exotic
weed that had become troublesome [4]. This technology and new mechanism of action has
been instrumental in current management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth. Research
on a new use pattern for pendimethalin may provide an additional tool for weed management
at different times in the growing season.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
Kilograms (x 1000)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 2. Residual cotton herbicides use as compared to glyphosate in United States cotton production since the ad
vent of glyphosate resistant cotton [17].
cotton seedlings results in delayed hypocotyl development and can also cause abnormal root
growth. This injury is commonly associated with enlarged lower stems and bottle brush root
development. Microbial decomposition is the main method of pendimethalin dissipation [19,
32]. While pendimethalin has a reported soil half-life of 74 to 114 days [30], surface applied
half-lives of 4 to 6 days can occur due to volatilization, photo-chemical, and other degradation
processes [21]. Additionally, increased degradation can occur with no-tillage application [9].
3.2. Pendimethalin weed control
Pendimethalin is often used in cotton to supplement control of grass weeds and small-seeded
broadleaf weed species. According to the University of Georgia Extension recommendations,
pendimethalin provides excellent (90%) control of crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.),
crowfootgrass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd.), foxtails (Setaria species), goosegrass
(Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.), seedling johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), and sandbur
(Cenchrus echinatus L.); good control (80-90%) of fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.)
and Texas millet (Urochloa texana (Buckl.) R. Webster). Pendimethalin also provides excellent
(90%) to good (80-90%) control of the broadleaf species Florida pusley (Richardia scabra L.),
pigweeds (Amaranthus species), lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), and pink purslane
(Portulaca pilosa L.); and fair to good (60-90%) control of Palmer amaranth.
3.3. Pendimethalin formulation
There are two liquid formulations of pendimethalin registered for cotton in the United States.
One contains 37.4% pendimethalin (0.41 kg ai/L) formulated with aromatic naphtha as an
emulsifiable concentrate (EC), and the other contains 38.7% pendimethalin (0.47 kg ai/L)
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
formulated as a microencapsulated (ME) aqueous capsule suspension [12] (Figure 3). One
potential method of obtaining extended weed control to apply pendimethalin as an in-season
application, i.e. from emergence to when the cotton crop has up to six leaves, or just prior to
canopy formation. However, injury to cotton from the EC formulation has prevented topical
applications in the past.
3.4. Research
Cotton response to pendimethalin ME applied at different growth stages is less injurious to
cotton because of its formulation. An alternative method of application is to impregnate
pendimethalin onto fertilizer for in-season application to extend residual weed control,
reducing the number of herbicide applications [15, 20], and minimizing potential crop injury.
Crop injury has been noted with pendimethalin EC and ME when applied topically to cotton
at the 4th leaf growth stage [7] and its effects on cotton nutrient uptake [10]. Weed control for
comparing pendimethalin EC to ME in cotton have been made using spray applications [11].
Florida pusley and Texas millet control were similar and consistent for PRE applied EC and
ME formulations (Table 1). While weed control has been evaluated, cotton crop response to
applications made PRE up to the 6th leaf growth stage comparing season- long factors is also
needed. Therefore, this chapter will emphasize pendimethalin use, formulation (EC and ME),
and cotton response. Additionally, this chapter will focus on pendimethalin formulations
when applied as an aqueous solution in water or impregnated on fertilizers [15].
Application method
Texas millet
Florida pusley
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Abbreviations: EC, emulsifiable concentrate; ME, microencapsulated; PRE, prior to plant emergence.
Table 1. Weed control in Georgia cotton with pendimethalin ECa and MEa formulations applied at planting.
4. Studies
4.1. Field studies
Field trials were conducted in 2005, 2006, and 2007 at the University of Georgia Ponder
Research Station near Ty Ty, Georgia. Soil was Tifton loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic,
thermic Plinthic Kandiadults) with 83% sand, 12% silt, 5% clay, organic matter content of
1 to 1.8%, and pH of 5.6 to 6.1. Conventional tillage was used during all three years of
the study to obtain optimal herbicide/soil contact, since pendimethalin has been observed
to adsorb to cover crop residue [9]. Delta and Pineland 555 BG/RR was planted in 2005
and Delta and Pineland Flex 445 BG/RR in 2006 and 2007 using a Monosem precision
vacuum planter set to deliver 14 seeds per linear meter of row with 0.9 m between row
centers. The experimental design was a two factor randomized complete block with treat
ments replicated four times. Plots were 1.8 m (two rows) wide by 8 m long. Four differ
ent methods of pendimethalin application were made at four different timings during the
growing season. All herbicide treatments consisted of 1.1 kg active ingredient/ha of pen
dimethalin EC or ME. Only the method or time of application varied. Treatments were
pendimethalin EC or ME applied as either an aqueous solution in water, or impregnated
on fertilizer (10-10-10) that was applied at 280 kg ha-1 with a Gandy fertilizer applicator
(Figure 4). All herbicide spray treatments were made with a CO2-pressurized backpack
sprayer using Teejet 11002 flat fan nozzles, which delivered 140 L/ha of water at 130 kPa.
For the fertilizer treatment, pendimethalin EC or ME at 1.1 kg active ingredient ha-1 was
impregnated on fertilizer using a CO2pressurized sprayer with a Teejet 8002 flat fan noz
zle at 130 kPa. Fertilizer was rotated at a constant speed of 12 meter minute-1 using a ro
tating steel drum. The drum freely rotated on a twin roller rod system set at a 30 angle,
powered by an electric motor, with speed adjusted by a rheostat (Figure 5).
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
Figure 4. Pendimethalin impregnated fertilizer treatment on soil surface (left) and application (right).
Figure 5. Fertilizer prior to (left) and after (right) treatment with pendimethalin formulation Prowl 3.3EC.
All plots received the same fertilizer rates to ensure no variability for fertility. Plots were then
irrigated the day after treatments were applied. Treatments were made at four different
application timings, at planting prior to plant emergence (PRE), at seedling emergence (AE),
to 3rd leaf, or to 6th leaf cotton. A non-treated control was included for comparison for a total
of 17 treatments. All plots were maintained weed free by hand pulling weed escapes and
treatments with glyphosate. Other cultural and pest management practices were based upon
recommendations by the Georgia Cooperative Extension Service. Supplemental overhead
sprinkler irrigation was applied as needed. Cotton injury ratings were evaluated after
applications using a scale of 0 (no injury) to 100 % (plant death) [8]. Cotton height measures
were made up to five times in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Both rows of each plot were harvested with
a spindle picker, and seed cotton yield was quantified. Data were subjected to mixed model
ANOVA using Proc Mixed in SAS 9.1, with random effects of years and replications. Mean
separation was determined using the PDMIX800 macro. Regression analysis was performed
using Sigmaplot 12 nonlinear regression. The intent was to determine if the response could be
described by using the exponential growth, Stirling Model.
y = y0 +
a(e bx) - 1
Where y is the response variable of treatment, y0 is the value of the response variable (y) when
X is equal to zero, a is the rate of growth, and X is time in days. Data for growth were analyzed
by ANOVA under the general linear models procedure and used mean separation of 95%
asymptotic confidence intervals for comparison of parameter estimates.
4.2. Laboratory studies
Fertilizer samples were taken prior to and after treatment with EC and ME pendimethalin.
Samples were viewed at 125 and 200 magnification with a light microscope. Images were
captured with a digital camera with image analysis software. Figure 6 notes the smooth surface
for the EC formulations verses the course texture of the ME formulation alone and when
impregnated on fertilizer.
Figure 6. Pendimethalin EC (top left) and ME (top right) formulations alone (x125 light microscope magnification),
and EC (bottom left) and ME (bottom right) impregnated on fertilizers (x200).
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
5. Cotton response
There were significant formulation by application method, application method by timing, and
formulation by timing interactions for cotton plant injury and cotton yield. Since the nontreated control had no associated timing effects and did not differ significantly in cotton yield
or injury from the PRE applications (Table 2), comparisons of injury and yield included only
the treated plots to simplify the model.
5.1. Cotton injury
Spray applications of pendimethalin EC resulted in greater crop injury (27%) than when
pendimethalin EC was applied with fertilizer (12%) or both application methods of pendime
thalin ME (12%) (Table 2). Pendimethalin on fertilizer applied at the 3rd leaf stage and both
application methods applied PRE or the 6th leaf stage of cotton had lower levels (7%) of cotton
injury than all other treatments. For PRE applications, pendimethalin injury in the form of
stunting, leaf curl, leathery cotyledons, swollen hypocotyl, and intense green color were
observed, but this did not affect plant establishment, confirming previous results [14]. There
was similar and significant injury when pendimethalin (Figure 7) was applied as cotton
emerged (AE) with both the fertilizer (27%) and spray (42%) application and when sprayed at
the 3rd leaf stage (27%). Previous reports of cotton injury resulting from a topical application
of pendimethalin ME at the 4th leaf growth stage (20%) was lower than that from pendimen
talin EC (33%) [7]. When averaged over application method, there was minimal cotton injury
when either pendimethalin formulation was applied PRE or at the 6th leaf stage. Greatest injury
occurred when pendimethalin EC was applied AE (47%). At both the AE and 3rd leaf stage
timings, pendimethalin ME caused less cotton injury than pendimethalin EC.
Figure 7. Cotton injury from pendimethalin EC (110) as compared to pendimethalin ME (112). Both rates were 1.1 kg
active ingredient/ha at cotton emergence (AE) applied.
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Because proc Mixed measures pair-wise differences, multiple LSDs may be obtained. In these cases, the LSD (=0.05]
included is the mean LSD for all treatments.
Abbreviations: EC, emulsifiable concentrate (0.41 kg ai/L); ME, microencapsulated (0.47 kg ai/L); PRE, prior to plant
emergence; AE, at seedling emergence; 3LF, to 3rd leaf cotton; 6LF, 6th leaf cotton
Means within a variable followed by the same letter are not significantly different using Fishers protected LSD(P=0.05).
Standard error of the mean for that treatment enclosed in ().
Fertilizer [10 -10-10] rate was 280 kg/ha, with all plots equally treated. Pendimethalin EC and ME were spray impreg
Table 2. Interaction effects between pendimethalin formulation, application method, and application timing for
injury in conventional tillage cotton.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
95% CL
95% CL
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Each herbicide for first-order rate constants for each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different
according to Fisher's protected LSD test (P0.05). General linear models procedures were used for mean separation with
95% asymptotic confidence intervals.
Rates of cotton growth were calculated by nonlinear regression of the herbicide treatments with respect to time in days
after planting.
95% CL
95% CL
Each application method for first-order rate constants for each column followed by the same letter are not significantly
different according to Fisher's protected LSD test (P0.05). General linear models procedures were used for mean
separation with 95% asymptotic confidence intervals.
Rates of cotton growth were calculated by nonlinear regression of the herbicide treatments with respect to time in days
after planting.
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Figure 8. Cotton growth response as affected by pendimethalin formulation. The line represents the first-order re
gression equation. Data points are the means of replications with bars indicating the standard error of the mean:
0.0537 (e 0.05137x) - 1
0.0516 (e 0.0514x) - 1
0.0669 (e 0.0471x) - 1
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
95% CL
95% CL
At cotton emergence
Each application timing for first-order rate constants for each column followed by the same letter are not significantly
different according to Fisher's protected LSD test (P0.05). General linear models procedures were used for mean
separation with 95% asymptotic confidence intervals.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
Rates of cotton growth were calculated by nonlinear regression of the herbicide treatments with respect to time in days
after planting.
Figure 9. Cotton growth response as affected by application method. The line represents the first-order regression
equation. Data points are the means of replications with bars indicating the standard error of the mean:
Pendimethalin ME y = 5.93 +
Pendimethalin EC y = 5.95 +
Nontreated y = 5.78 +
0.0653 (e 0.0485x) - 1
0.0418 (e 0.0545x) - 1
0.0689 (e 0.0463x) - 1
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
across all application timings. Only pendimethalin EC applied AE or 3rd leaf stage cotton lower
yields compared to the typical PRE use-pattern.
None of the PRE or 6th leaf application treatments displayed crop injury, significant decreased
growth, or significant yield loss. The AE and 3rd leaf application treatments resulted in
significant cotton crop injury and decreased yield, with pendimethalin EC treatments having
greater injury than the pendimethalin ME, with spray applications exhibiting more injury than
the fertilizer-applied treatments. The fertilizer application of pendimethalin at 3rd leaf did not
significantly enhance crop injury, but did enhance injury at the AE application timing. Based
on injury, subsequent height, and final yield measurements, pendimethalin ME caused less
injury than pendimethalin EC, and fertilizer application of both formulations was less injurious
than spray application. The AE application timing was prone to greater injury by any formu
lation or application method and should be avoided. The 3rd leaf appears to be more prone to
spray injury than fertilizer injury.
Pendimethalin PRE applied
Pendimethalin at emergence applied
Pendimethalin 3 leaf applied
PEndimethalin 6 leaf applied
Figure 10. Cotton growth response as affected by application timing. The line represents the first-order regression
equation. Data points are the means of replications with bars indicating the standard error of the mean:
0.1104 (e 0.0395x) - 1
0.0649 (e 0.0488x) - 1
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
0.0550 (e 0.0512x) - 1
0.0689 (e 0.0463x) - 1
P < 0.0001
0.0450 (e 0.00559x) - 1
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Pendimethalin EC
Pendimethalin ME
Because proc Mixed measures pair-wise differences, multiple LSDs may be obtained. In these cases, the LSD (=0.05)
included is the mean LSD for all treatments.
Abbreviations: EC, emulsifiable concentrate (0.41 kg ai/L); ME, microencapsulated (0.47 kg ai/L); PRE, prior to plant
emergence; AE, at seedling emergence; 3LF, to 3-leaf cotton; 6LF, 6-leaf cotton
Means within a variable followed by the same letter are not significantly different using Fishers protected LSD(P=0.05).
Standard error of the mean for that treatment enclosed in ().
Fertilizer (10-10-10) rate was 280 kg/ha, with all plots equally treated. Pendimethalin EC and ME were spray impregnated.
Table 6. Interaction effects between pendimethalin formulation, application method, and application timing for yield
in conventional tillage cotton.
6. Discussion
Comparing the EC to ME pendimethalin formulations, when either spray or fertilizer impreg
nated applied, indicated the ME formulation consistently reduced cotton injury. The reason
for the reduced cotton injury from the ME as compared to the EC-pendimethalin formulation
is due to the microencapsulation. This has been observed with another ME formulated
herbicide, alachlor [29]. While pendimethalin has lower volatilization than other dinitroana
line herbicides such as trifluralin [21], the ME formulation decreases volatilization and
provides extended activity. As previously noted, pendimethalin half-lives of 74 to 114 days in
soil have been reported [30], surface applied half-lives of 4 to 6 days can occur due to volati
lization, photo-chemical, and other degradation processes with EC formulation [21]. By
utilizing the ME formulation, supplementing, or even delaying pendimethalin application to
in-season timings impregnated on fertilizer, growers could extend residual weed control until
cotton can canopy and suppress weed growth. Our recommendation would be to utilize
pendimethalin as a PRE application followed by an in-season application impregnated on
prilled fertilizers to extend weed control. Total seasonal pendimethalin applications in cotton
are up to 2.24 kg ha-1. Cotton fertility recommendations for the southeast include in-season
nitrogen applications which could be pendimethalin impregnated. Given advanced global
positioning systems (GPS) used for accurate fertilizer applications, even greater precision for
pesticide applications can now be achieved in tandem with these advanced technologies. These
data indicate that cotton growers can successfully incorporate in-season pendimethalin
application into their cotton production programs with minimal potential for cotton injury,
while supplementing weed control with a residual herbicide.
Author details
Timothy Grey1* and Theodore Webster2
*Address all correspondence to: tgrey@uga.edu
1 Crop and Soil Sciences Department, University of Georgia, Tifton Georgia, USA
2 Crop Protection and Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Tifton Georgia, USA
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
[1] AnonymousConservation Technology Information Center. (2005). National crop resi
due management survey. Available at www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CRM.htmlac
cessed 12 Mar. 2009). CTIC, West Lafayette, IN. online].
[2] Byrd JrJ.D. and A.C. York. (1987). Annual grass control in cotton with fluazifop, se
thoxydim, and selected dinitroaniline herbicides. Weed Sci. , 35, 388-394.
[3] Culpepper, A. S. (2007). Cotton weed control. Georgia pest control handbook. Coop.
Ext. Serv. The Univ. of Georgia College of Agr. and Environ. Sci., Athens, GA.
[4] Culpepper, A. S, Flanders, J. T, York, A. C, & Webster, T. M. (2004). Tropical spider
wort (Commelina benghalensis) control in glyphosate-resistant cotton. Weed Tech
nology , 18, 432-436.
[5] Culpepper, A. S, Grey, T. L, Vencill, W. K, Kichler, J. M, Webster, T. M, Brown, S. M,
York, A. C, Davis, J. W, & Hanna, W. M. (2006). Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amar
anth (Amaranthus palmeri) confirmed in Georgia. Weed Sci. DOI:WS-06-001R.1., 54,
[6] Devine, M. D, Duke, S. O, & Fedtke, C. (1993). Physiology of Herbicide Action. Eng
lewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 441 p.
[7] Dodds, D. M, Reynolds, D. B, Huff, J. A, & Irby, J. T. (2010). Effect of pendimethalin
formulation and application rate on cotton fruit partitioning. Weed Technology , 24,
[8] Frans, R. E, Talbert, R, Marx, D, & Crowley, H. (1986). Experiment design and techni
ques for measuring and analyzing plant responses to weed control practices. In D.
Camper, ed. Research Methods in Weed Science. 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Southern
Weed Sci. Soc. , 29-46.
[9] Gaston, L. A, Boquet, D. J, & Bosch, M. A. (2003). Pendimethalin wash-off from cover
crop residues and degradation in a loess soil. Communications in Soil Sci. and Plant
Analysis DOI:10.1081/CSS-120024783 , 34, 2515-2527.
[10] Gordon, J. A, & Green, C. J. (1999). Comparative field and greenhouse studies of tri
fluralin and pendimethalin on cotton growth, development, and nutrient uptake. In
Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf., Orlando, FL, Natl. Cotton Counc. Am. Memphis, TN.,
[11] Grey, T. L, Webster, T. M, & Culpepper, A. S. (2008). Weed control as affected by
pendimethalin timing and application method in conservation tillage cotton (Gos
sypium hirsutum). J. Cotton Sci. , 12, 318-324.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Response to Pendimethalin Formulation, Timing, and Method of Application
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
This chapter discusses the behavior of herbicides in soil cultivated with maize crop in Brazilian
conditions, reporting case studies of herbicide use in different periods, from the earliest to the
present time, covering ecotoxicological aspects and reflections on the future of the use of the
technology in herbicide-resistant transgenic maize.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an annual herbaceous plant adapted to the most diverse ecological
conditions. It is an economically important crop in tropical, subtropical and temperate
climates, as well as in extreme altitudes, allowing its worldwide presence in several continents.
Brazilian maize production is third in the world ranked behind United States and China.
Currently, maize is one of the main crops in Brazil with annual grain yields around 57.5 million
tons over a large area of production (13.8 million hectares). It is the most consumed cereal in
the country under a variety of forms, in nature and processed food. The exportation volume
estimate for 2012 is around 14 million tons, which corresponds to US $ 2,766 billion income for
Brazil [1].
Since the late 1970s maize has been cropped in two distinct yearly periods, in the main
Brazilian producing regions: one, called full-season harvest corn, sowed in the beginning of
the rainy season (September, spring); and the other, called safrinha or little harvest or fallcorn cropping, sowed in the end of this rainy season (from January to April). Usually, fall corn
is sowed after soybeans or common-beans harvest, in the same area where these crops had
been previously grown, mainly in the South-Central Brazilian region, involving the States of
Paran, So Paulo, Minas Gerais, Gois, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul.
2013 Blanco et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Therefore, the maize crop system adopted by Brazilian farmers has evolved from subsistence
agriculture to technical agriculture by using improved adapted cultivars for each edaphocli
matic situation and pest management. Currently, maize cropping has shown expressive
productivity increases, due to the modern crop production systems and top cultivars obtained
via biotechnology. Farm unities with average grain yields above 7 ton per ha are commonly
found in those regions.
Despite the fact that fall corn is subjected to higher production risks during the dry season,
there is an economical compensation, due to the new market situation (better grain prices)
after the full-season harvest offer. Additionally, there are lower production costs because
farmers usually use second generation seeds from the hybrid full-season harvest and grow
plants only with the residual fertilizers and herbicides, without any extra management.
This type of crop management has contributed to improved corn production in Brazil during
the last 30 years: the production area increased from 11.6 to 13 million ha; annual grain yield
increased from 19 to 54.1 thousand tons and average productivity from 1.6 to 4.1 kg ha-1. It is
important to emphasize the small production area increase (10.7%) compared to the significant
increases in grain yields (184%) and crop productivity (156%). Evidently, such increases,
besides the two harvest seasons per year, were mainly due to research improvements in crop
management, plant breeding and biotechnology areas.
Concerning the research results on maize/ weed cohabitation under Brazilian conditions,
classic papers [2-5] have demonstrated yield losses between 22% and 83% due to weed
competition with the maize crop within a critical period between 15 and 45 days after seedling
emergence. There is evidence that weeds prevent maize plants from expressing their maximum
production potential, impairing grain yields, even using top maize cultivars obtained through
out the highly technical breeding programs associated with biotechnology and modern crop
management procedures.
Inasmuch, weed control is the prevalent factor to an economically successful maize crop, and
for that, herbicide use is required.
Data from the National Association for Plant Defense (ANDEF) and the National Syndicate of
Industrial Products for Agriculture Defense (SINDAG) indicated that Brazil is the worlds
largest pesticide market, and this industrial business mobilized US $ 14.1 billion in 2010,
divided into the classes described in Figure 1.
The maize crop was the third largest consumer of herbicides in 2011, ranked behind soybeans
and sugarcane crops. Therefore, the knowledge on herbicide-soil interaction processes,
applied to control weeds, is highly relevant to understanding the herbicide ecotoxicological
effects on the maize crop.
description for maize was published in 1955 [11, 12]. The first assays with triazines began in
1952 with the chlorazine molecule. In the following years, so many molecules were synthesized
in the same chemical group that a specific symposium was organized in Riverside, California,
in 1969 [13].
Since then, herbicide use in the maize increased significantly, because s-triazines were more
selective than 2,4-D, which were more phytotoxic to several maize genotypes than s-triazines.
Atrazine, specifically, showed low phytotoxicity to maize plants and could also control some
dicotyledonous weeds, a distinct property not shown by 2,4-D that is a specific graminicide
herbicide. Therefore, important competitive weeds to the maize crop could then be controlled,
such as Bidens pilosa, Emilia sonchifolia, Amaranthus sp, Euphorbia heterophylla, Portulaca olera
ceae, and Sonchus oleraceae, representing an advance in weed control management in maize.
Extensive literature concerning s-triazines interactions in the soil can be found because they
are among the soil applied herbicides most used worldwide, making it difficult to present a
complete review on this subject. A significant number of international reports about atrazine
and simazine are available about the most used triazines in maize, but little literature on the
environmental toxicology area for Brazilian conditions is available.
Among the herbicides of the s-triazine group used in maize is atrazine; since its release up to
now, it has been considered an excellent herbicide due to its selectivity, range of weed control
and safety, not causing phytotoxicity for successive crops. At present, it is estimated that 75%
of maize-cropped area in the USA is treated with atrazine.
Atrazine (C8H14ClN5) properties are: chemical name (IUPAC) 6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isoprop
yl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine; fusion point = 175C; solubility in H2O(20) = 33 mg kg-1; vapor
pressure = 3.0 10-7; pK(21) = 1.68 and Log Kow(25) = 2.61, [12].
In Brazil, atrazine is largely used and registered for pineapple, sugarcane, pine, rubber-tree,
sorghum and maize.
Atrazine is mainly taken up by roots and also through leaves of plants. When absorbed by
roots, it is rapidly transported upwards via xylem and accumulated in the meristems; its
movement in the phloem is restricted. Atrazine functions through photosynthesis inhibition
by impairing the Hill reaction in the photosystem II, leading to death of susceptible plants. In
tolerant plants, like maize and sorghum, atrazine is bound to glutathione (GHS), blocking the
atrazine molecule herbicide action [14].
At first, atrazine and other s-triazines were recommended only as pre-emergent herbicides,
that is, applied directly on the soil or incorporated just after sowing. However, in the early
1990s, farmers faced climate difficulties that impeded application as recommended, because
the pre-emergent application would require a dry period without rain just after sowing to put
the implements in the field; in many cases, the dry period would not occur and when the
climate conditions were favorable, both the maize seeds and weeds had already emerged their
second leaves, characteristic of the first emergence flow. Then, farmers did not have other
options than that of applying the herbicide over the plants in the initial stage of development,
characterizing a post-emergent herbicide application. From then on and to date, atrazine has
been observed to efficiently control weeds and not cause any toxicity to maize plants, allowing
its recommendation also as a post-emergent herbicide.
This occurred at the same time that new post-emergent herbicides were released for maize
including: nicosulfuron, isoxaflutole, foramsulfuron + iodosulfuron-methyl, mesotrione and
tembotrione. The main advantage of the post-emergent procedure is to better adjust the
herbicide dose to control the emergent weed flora, avoiding excessive rates, saving money and
decreasing environmental impact. However, there are toxicity risks mainly concerning maize
or other more susceptible crops in succession to maize due to residual herbicide effects in the
soil. Since the herbicides are indicated for post-emergent application and they are applied over
plants, at first, it might erroneously suggest that such chemical products do not persist in the
soil or show low persistence.
It is important to highlight that many of those new herbicides have been indicated for
agricultural use as components of mixtures with atrazine, similar to the usual recommendation
for metolachlor (chloroacetamides group). The herbicide action of atrazine + metolachlor
mixture consists of the inhibition of weed cellular division mainly in plants from Poaceae
(Gramineae group), complementing the broadleaf weed atrazine action (dicotyledonous
plants). Therefore, this herbicide mixture has a wider range of action over weed species which
explains its commercial success; up to now, it is considered the best standard herbicide mixture
for maize.
Now, research work must focus on these two herbicides in studies concerning the herbicidesoil interactions, applied to maize, since herbicide residues might persist in soils for longer
periods than expected, causing phytotoxicity to the next season crop in succession or rotation
practices. The knowledge on herbicide persistence in soils is critically important for the
adequate use of such products in sustainable environmental systems.
Different external factors exert important roles on herbicide-soil interactions, such as the
herbicide formula, rate and mode of application, which are illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Diagram of the main herbicide-soil interaction processes, adapted from [20].
1 + antilog(pH pK )
incorporation, allowing a better herbicide contact with greater number of weed seeds or
seedlings and maximizing weed control.
Herbicides applied to the soil might move in all directions and phases - gaseous or liquid
phases in areas exposed to intense winds during specific year periods, which could transport
considerable herbicide amounts [28], but the vertical descendent route is the most significant
movement, characterizing herbicide lixiviation [29, 15].
The herbicide lixiviation in soils is a relevant factor affecting herbicide persistence in the
environment. Herbicide lixiviation is dependent on several factors related to the herbicide
molecule properties (as intrinsic molecule unity - volatilization, ionization capacity, water
solubility, molecular size and weight and lipophilicity) and edaphoclimatic factors (soil type,
organic matter content, relief, rainfall and temperature), as well as the herbicide application
method. All these factors will determine an herbicide immobilization rate by soil sorption and
will influence the herbicide lixiviation. When the herbicide is dragged into deeper soil layers
by lixiviation, it persists for longer periods in the environment due to the absence or lower
number of microorganisms responsible for the molecule decomposition [30].
The knowledge on herbicide movement routes in soils is essential to a better herbicide/weed
management (dose and application method) as well as to understand the potential contami
nation risks to the environment. The possible herbicide routes that might severely contaminate
environment resources include lixiviation to underground waters, superficial molecular
movement in solution or suspension (erosion) to water flows, volatilization (air contamina
tion), and removal by live organisms [30].
The higher the herbicide lipophilicity, the higher the tendency to be sorbed on soil colloids, and
consequently, lower herbicide lixiviation would be expected. On the other hand, high hydro
philic herbicides would be expected to show lower soil sorption and higher lixiviation rates.
Besides the herbicide vertical movement in the soil profile being an important indicator of its
potential contamination risk to underground water and deeper layers, it is also an indicator
of herbicide persistence and potential contamination risks to plants with deeper root systems.
Herbicide soil persistence can be determined by biological methods (using bio-indicators) and
by chemical or radiometric methods. Both methodologies have advantages and disadvantages
and allow assessing the period of herbicide presence in the soil within the detection limits of
each method used [31].
Several research works of environment monitoring for potentially toxic residues have been
carried out during the last decades, mainly in developed countries. For instance, [32] reported
the soil analysis results of 130 different pesticide and herbicide residues applied to agricultural
soils in annual crops of 43 USA states. Among the 130 chemical products, only 24 were found
in soils during the harvest period: 6 herbicides, 5 phosphorous pesticides, 11 chlorinated
pesticides and 2 arsenium pesticides. Among the herbicides, atrazine and simazine, both from
the triazine group, persisted in the soil for periods of 12 and 10 months, respectively. [33], when
monitoring more than 2200 wells in areas of irrigated maize, detected the presence of several
herbicides, such as atrazine, simazine, propazine, prometon and ametrine, and also traces of
metolachlor in several well-water samplings.
In Brazil, significant amounts of atrazine and simazine residues were detected in artesian wellwaters in the recharge area of Guarani aquifer, an important underwater natural resource [34].
Almeida [35], carried out detailed s-triazine sorption/ desorption studies on different soils from
the region of Ubatuba municipal district, State of So Paulo, Brazil. The authors reported that
potential herbicide lixiviation and/or superficial runoff would depend on the intrinsic soil
characteristics and that the herbicide recommendation must be supported and evaluated based
on such soil attributes. Furthermore, the authors observed high s-triazine sorption and
consequently lower lixiviation potential in high organic-C content soils; and low herbicide
sorption in low C-content soils, favoring desorption and increasing the potential risk of subsoil
contamination. They concluded that the soil organic-C content is directly related to the striazine sorption and it might be an important indicator of herbicide lixiviation potential,
corroborating the results observed in [36].
soil layer dept h (cm )
The highest simazine concentration was found in the 0-10 cm superficial soil layer (Figure 3)
and decreasing simazine concentrations were found in deeper layers (30-40 cm), 14 until 65
days after treatment (DAT), but at levels near the method detection limit (0.05 mg.kg-1). No
simazine residue was found in the 20-30 and 30-40 cm layers, 100 DAT. Simazine persisted in
the 0-10 cm layer until 360 DAT in concentrations near the method detection limit. At 10-20
cm layer, simazine persisted until 100 DAT, and afterwards (127 and 183 DAT), only residues
near the detection limit were found. The simazine persistence curve was obtained by regression
analysis, considering the total residue data in the soil profile (0-50 cm depth, Figure 4).
Figure 4. Simazine persistence curve determined until 360 days after treatment, applied as pre-emergent herbicide in
maize crop [37].
The persistence curve (Figure 4) fitted an exponential equation, showing a fast decrease of soil
simazine concentration until 120 DAT; and afterwards, a slower decreasing slope was observed
until 360 DAT. These results might be explained by the rainfall distribution (Figure 3), because
a dry period occurred between 112 and 215 DAT, causing adverse conditions to microbial
development with consequent increased herbicide molecule adsorption and decreased
availability/ dissipation. After 230 days, frequent rainfalls and high soil moisture favored
dissipation by biotic agents and soil desorption, once the higher the soil moisture the higher
molecule availability and dissipation; other dissipation types might also occur.
Researchers tended to confirm these results, that is, under different Brazilian conditions,
simazine remained in the superficial soil layer [38 44]. Nevertheless, such affirmations must
be supported with information on soil conditions and the triazine group that the studied
molecule belongs to as well as on the field experiment local climate where the results were
Figure 5. Daily rainfall occurred during the experiment period, January 14th, 1992 to January 8th, 1993, [37].
Dawson [41], found simazine residues one year after the last annual application (of a total of
six applications) in the 10-20 cm depth layer; Albers and Homburg cited by [44], also found
simazine movement below 15 cm depth for a six-month period in several soil types.
In this experiment, [37] observed that the soil solution pH varied from 6.8 to 5.3 in soil samples;
and the simazine pK(21C) = 1.7 indicated that, under these conditions and despite simazine
being a weak base, most herbicide molecules would be in the molecular form (only 0.006%
would be ionized). According to [45, 46], simazine presents log Kow = 1.51 characterizing its
lipophilic property, and increasing the chances of herbicide molecule sorption by soil colloids.
Gast [13] cited by [30], demonstrated that simazine mobility is affected by soil organic
matter (OM). In soil columns with 27 to 30% of OM, the herbicide did not percolate, but
in sandy soils, herbicide lixiviation occurred until 17.50 cm depth. In field experiments,
[39] found higher simazine concentrations below 30 cm than in the first 15 cm above, 16
months after application. These authors results were related with the low soil OM (0-10
cm layer = 0.60% OM; and 40-50 cm layer = 0.19% OM) what might explain the simazine
lixiviation until deeper soil layers (40 cm).
In another research, following the same procedures, [47] evaluated the atrazine and metola
chlor herbicide persistence and lixiviation, applied pre-emergence to maize, as the commercial
product Primestra at the rate of 8.0 L.ha-1 (1600 g ai atrazine + 2400 g ai metolachlor). The highest
atrazine herbicide concentration was found restricted to the superficial soil layer (0-10 cm)
(Figure 6). In the 10-20 cm depth layer, the herbicide was found only 15 DAT; and no residue
was found in deeper layers until 380 DAT. Atrazine persistence was detected until 184 DAT.
The atrazine persistence curve fitted an exponential equation obtained by regression analysis
of the total residue data from 0 to 50 cm depth layers (Figure 7). The initial atrazine residue
level was depleted very rapidly from soil and tended to stabilize 100 DAT, remaining constant
Days after treatment (DAT)
Figure 6. Average atrazine values found in different soil depth layers and sampling dates, in maize crop [47].
until 184 DAT. Afterwards, it tended to zero, and it was not detected at any other sampling
The metolachlor persistence curve (Figure 8) was similar to the atrazine curve, showing higher
residue concentration in the 0-10 cm depth layer. However, metolachlor persistence differed
from atrazine due to the fact that it was detected until 380 DAT, and also, because metolachlor
lixiviated until 20-30 cm and 10-20 cm depth, 15 and 100 DAT, respectively.
Days after treatment (DAT)
Figure 8. Average metolachlor values found in different soil depth layers and sampling dates, in maize crop [47].
Regression analysis was applied to the total residue data up to the 50 cm depth and the
persistence curve fitted an exponential equation (Figure 9).
A rapid decrease of metolachlor residue concentrations were observed until 100 DAT (0.20 mg
kg-1), and afterwards it tended to stabilize reaching the method detection limit (0.05 mg kg-1)
380 DAT.
The rainfall regime is presented in Figure 10. In the experiment beginning, rainfalls were not
abundant favoring metolachlor sorption and immobilization on soil colloids, and thus,
reducing the dissipation factors. The frequent and abundant rainfalls observed 220 DAT
favored metolachlor desorption; its molecules were released in the soil solution and entered
through dissipation processes and, consequently, the metolachlor concentration was fast
depleted from the soil solution.
Figure 10. Daily rainfall occurred during the experiment period, January 14th, 1992 to January 20th, 1993 [47].
Blanco et. al [37, 47] carried out field experiments in the same period and edaphoclimatic
conditions, allowing the comparison between simazine and metolachlor results: metolachlor
presented higher persistence (380 DAT) than atrazine (184 DAT), and this latter showed lesser
lixiviation (until 20 cm depth), once metolachlor and simazine lixiviated until 30 and 40 cm
depth, respectively.
From these results it might also be inferred that when these herbicides are sequentially used
in successive crops, undesirable product residue amount might accumulate in the soil. For
instance, at maize harvest (100-120 days after sowing), significant herbicide residual concen
trations might be left until the next crop sowing date, causing damage to the environment and
plants as well as promoting plant resistance to herbicides.
In the research described in item [56] used bioassay methods to evaluate the atrazine persis
tence applied as post-emergent herbicide in maize at rates of 1000 and 2000 g ha-1 and observed
that persistence ended 56 DAT, independently of the atrazine rate. Although comparing
different methods, the above result was similar to the one presented in Figure 7, where the end
of atrazine persistence was found 83 DAT, determined by gas-chromatography.
The edaphoclimatic condition effects on herbicide persistence in soils are well-known. Soil and
climate conditions may directly alter the herbicide persistence or impair different degradation
routes in many ways, whatever biotic (caused by microorganisms) or abiotic processes occur.
Little Brazilian literature is found concerning the environmental impact caused by herbicide
persistence, dissipation and lixiviation, when compared to foreign literature, especially about
atrazine that is largely studied in foreign countries. However, data from foreign countries
cannot be extrapolated to Brazilian soil and climate conditions.
For example, [48] studied atrazine dissipation in a clayey loam type soil cropped with maize
in England (with atrazine rates of 1.10 and 3.30 kg ha-1) and observed an exponential atrazine
dissipation, but longer half-life (3 to 3.6 months), much different from the half-life found by
[45] under Brazilian conditions for the same herbicide (13.58 days) (Figure 7).
It is described in the paper [49], studying atrazine degradation in field soils of Spain, found a
half-life of 30 days, and demonstrated the microbial and chemical nature of atrazine degrada
tion, corroborating the results reported by [11]. The latter authors affirmed there is a strong
relationship between s-triazines inactivation and optimal conditions for microbial community
growth. Nevertheless, several soil factors such as increasing soil temperature and moisture,
low pH and high soil organic matter content usually favor triazine chemical degradation by
hydrolysis [11].
The foreign literature has cited metolachlor (acetanilide group) as the most persistent herbicide
in soils, superior to propachlor and alachlor. [50] and [28] reported metalochlor half-life of 33
and 15 days for sandy loam soils and clayey loam soils, respectively, both soils under 80% of
water field capacity. Results reported in [47], found similar metalochlor half-life (11.16 days)
in clayey loam soil (Figure 9).
Many authors reported metolachlor degradation as an essentially microbial degradation type
[51-54]; the soil organic matter is preponderant to metolachlor dissipation because this
herbicide shows lipophilic molecule characteristics (log Kow > 3) and it is strongly adsorbed
in high OM-soils [45, 55]; thus, explaining the metalochlor lixiviation observed in low OM-soil
until 30 cm depth reported by [47] (Figure 8).
When herbicide persistence is determined through biological methods, a specific susceptible
test plant is used as an indicator. For that, the test plant is submitted to herbicide residue and
the time period of herbicide bioactivity is evaluated as well as its molecule impact on the
environment. Since test plants are more susceptible than crop plants, it is possible to estimate
the time period that an herbicide is potentially active in the soil to cause damage to susceptible
crop plants in succession to the previously treated crop [31].
In this way, bioassays with test plants were used to determine tembotrione and mesotrione
soil persistence during four consecutive field experiments.
Tembotrione (2-{2-chloro-4-mesil-3-[(2,2,2-trifluoroetoxi) metil]benzoil} ciclohexane -1,3dione), solubility = 28 mg L-1, pKa= 4.22, and mesotrione (2-(4-mesyl-2-nitrobenzoyl)cyclohex
ane-1,3-dione), solubility = 168.7 mg L-1, pKa = 3.07, is an herbicide from the triketone group.
The herbicide mechanism of action is the inhibition of the hydroxyphenylpyruvate-dioxyge
nase enzyme impairing carotenoids biosynthesis and destroying cellular membranes, leading
to the death of susceptible plants.
In Brazil, they are indicated as post-emergent herbicides in both maize growth periods (fullseason harvest and little harvest or safrinha corn).
* Accepted H0
mesotrione384 g ha
Figure 11. Residual effects of mesotrione herbicides on potted beetroot plants, used as susceptible test plants, grown
under growth-chamber conditions. Data is referred to shoot fresh matter (g) and means were compared by t test
(0.05). [56].
The rainfall regime during the field experiment is shown in Figure 12. In the beginning of the
experiment less frequent and little rainfall occurred. Despite the considerable 140 mm rainfall
peak volume between 30 and 40 DAT, the favorable situation did not persist and it was
followed by a 130 day-dry period. This fact favored herbicide sorption to soil colloids making
it unavailable in the soil solution and restricting the dissipation processes.
Rainfall (mm)
Figure 12. Rainfall distribution observed during the experiment period described in Figure 11. [56]
Such rainfall distribution explained the slow mesotrione dissipation during the initial dry
period because the herbicide final persistence was only found 114 DAT, for the lower treatment
rate. When rainfall started 130 DAT, mesotrione desorption was favored, increasing its
availability, followed by its depletion from the soil solution through dissipation processes. At
this point, the test plants were not affected anymore (177 DAT), indicating the mesotrione
persistence end for the second rate (384 g ha-1).
The results obtained with test plants grown in soil samples with residual tembotrione from
the safrinha field corn crop (medium texture soil, pH 5.1 and OM = 1.1%) are presented in
Figure 13.
The beetroot shoot fresh matter for different soil sampling periods (Figure 13) showed that
these susceptible plants started to grow after the third soil sampling (32 DAT). This means that
the null hypothesis (H0) for the rate of 100.8 g ha-1 was rejected at this time (significant
differences between treatment and control means were found by t test 0.05). The null hypoth
esis (H0) was only accepted between 55 and 120 DAT, meaning that no significant differences
in plant growth among treatments and control were observed at this time, and that the
tembotrione persistence ended 55 DAT for the first rate (100.8 g ha-1). For the second rate (201.6
g ha-1), the test plant growth occurred between 75 and 120 DAT, evidencing the end of
tembotrione persistence 75 DAT.
Figure 13. Residual effects of tembotrione herbicides on potted beetroot plants, used as susceptible test plants,
grown under growth-chamber conditions. Data is referred to shoot fresh matter (g) and means were compared by t
test (0.05). [56]
The rainfall regime during the experiment (Figure 14) showed frequent and abundant rains in
the period beginning, and consequently, the high soil moisture favored herbicide release in
the soil solution and its subsequent rapid dissipation. This fact explains the low soil herbicide
persistence - 55 and 75 DAT - obtained for the first (100.8 g ha-1) and second doses (201.6 g
ha-1), respectively. The soil moisture favorable conditions persisted until 70 DAT, almost
coincident with the second rate persistence end (75 DAT).
Figure 14. Rainfall regime during the experiment period described in Figure 13. [56]
Although both experiments were carried out under safrinha fall conditions (dry season), the
mesotrione and tembotrione persistence results (Figures 11 and 13) cannot be compared to
each other, because different rainfall regimes occurred during the two field experiments
(Figures 12 and 14). Therefore, a third experiment was carried out in a medium texture soil
(pH 6.6 and OM = 3%), also under fall conditions (safrinha corn) as presented in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Residual effects of mesotrione and tembotrione herbicides on potted beetroot plants, used as susceptible
test plants, grown under growth-chamber conditions. Data is referred to shoot fresh matter (g) and means were com
pared by t test (0.05). [56].
The herbicides tembotrione and mesotrione were observed to differently affect the beetroot
shoot fresh matter during the experiment time period (Figure 15).
The mesotrione residual effect of the first rate (192 g ha-1) actually restricted the susceptible
plant growth until 45 DAT, meanwhile the tembotrione residues did not restrict plant growth,
except for the period 0-30 DAT at the second rate (201.6 g ha-1). These differences were pointed
out by the null hypothesis analysis (Figure 15), which indicated significant contrast differences
between the control and the herbicide treatments. The analysis also indicated that tembotrione
persistence ended 60 DAT and mesotrione persistence ended 129 DAT, independently of both
herbicide rates.
The rainfall regime during the experiment period (Figure 16) showed that the rain volume and
intensity until 75 DAT favored tembotrione dissipation that was completely depleted from soil
solution 60 DAT, and from then on, did not affect beetroot plant growth (Figure 15). A dry
period occurred from 75 to 115 DAT, which restricted mesotrione dissipation and favored its
molecule sorption on soil colloids. After that period, new rainfalls caused fast mesotrione
dissipation, evidenced by the persistence end 129 DAT.
mm de chuva
Figure 16. Rainfall regime occurred during the experiment period described in Figure 15. [56]
Figure 17. Residual effects of mesotrione and tembotrione herbicides on potted beetroot plants, used as susceptible
test plants, grown under growth-chamber conditions. Data is referred to shoot fresh matter (g) and means were com
pared by t test (0.05). [56]
The rainfall regime during the experiment period (Figure 18) indicated a typical condition
observed during full-season maize crop in the State of So Paulo, Brazil, with frequent and
abundant rains.
Rainfall (mm)
Figure 18. Rainfall regime observed during the experiment period described in Figure 17 [56].
The rainfall distribution favored lower herbicide sorption in soil colloids and higher availa
bility in the soil solution, and thus, the herbicides were easily subject to biological and/or
chemical dissipation processes. This explains the shorter tembotrione persistence (56 DAT).
However, longer mesotrione persistence was observed (83 DAT) for the first rate (144 g ha-1),
which required one more rain period to be dissipated; and still longer (132 DAT) for the second
rate (288 g ha-1) that required even another period of rain to be dissipated.
Beetroot plants showed similar susceptibility to both herbicides, but it is possible to infer that
tembotrione has a shorter persistence in the soil than mesotrione, independently of the crop
season, and that tembotrione provides less environmental impact and toxicity risk to succes
sive crops.
Author details
Flavio Martins Garcia Blanco, Sydnei Dionisio Batista de Almeida and
Marcus Barifouse Matallo
Instituto Biolgico de So Paulo, Centro Experimental, Campinas, Brazil
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Chapter 4
1. Introduction
Rice (Oryza sative L.) is the main food crop in Asia and the staple food of the majority of the
population in many regions of the world. The population pressure in rice-consuming countries
demands that more attention be directed towards new approaches to sustainable rice produc
tion. Improvement of both crop quality and yield is an urgent task [1]. Optimally, rice yield
improvement must be sought through agronomic approaches that are environmentally safe
[2]. Weed management using allelopathy may effect a yield improvement without environ
mental cost, which is one of the most important considerations for worldwide scientists
working to secure the worlds food supply for future generations.
Allelopathy is described as the ability of plants to inhibit or stimulate growth of other plants
in the environment by exuding chemicals. The concept of allelopathy was first raised by Hans
Molisch to describe both the beneficial and the detrimental chemical interactions of plants and
microorganisms [3]. Since then, the term allelopathy has undergone several changes and it
has been described as any direct or indirect harmful or beneficial effects of one plant on another
through the production of chemical compounds that it releases into the environment [4]. The
subject of allelopathy currently receives much attention from scientists; the increasing interest
in allelopathy in recent years has been stimulated by the recognition that agro-ecological
applications of allelopathy may provide alternatives to synthetic herbicides for weed man
agement [5] and with the evidence that allelopathy has the potential for weed control [6-7].
The overuse of agrochemicals has caused environmental degradation, pest tolerance and
human health concerns. Agriculture worldwide is currently using about 3 million tons of
herbicides annually, and herbicide-resistant weeds have become more prolic, which has
further expanded the use of herbicides [8]. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop
2013 Khanh et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
sustainable weed management systems that may reduce both herbicide dependency and the
burden of manual weeding. With attempts to exploit rices allelopathic properties for weed
control in rice growing, research into rice allelopathy was begun in the early 1970s and has
been widely studied in the USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, India and China. If the allelopathic
property of crops can be improved, it implies that the competitive ability of crops against
weeds can be strengthened, the amount of applied herbicides lowered and environmental risks
reduced. Improved crops allelopathic potential may be useful for rice and all other crops [9].
Crop allelopathy may be a successful tool to manage weed infestations in agricultural
production, if it can be exploited appropriately in a rotational cropping system [10]. However,
in the case of rice, it is difficult to rotate different crops in a paddy eld; therefore, enhancing
weed suppression by rice itself may be among the most feasible means of controlling weeds.
The isolation and identication of allelochemicals responsible for weed suppression by rice
plants may be helpful for understanding the chemical interactions of rice. The introduction of
allelopathic traits into cultivated rice via a breeding program may give the possibility of
utilizing rice allelopathy in agricultural production.
The aims of this chapter are to present some aspects of integration of allelopathy to control
weeds in rice that is pertinent to sustainable agriculture. The following points are discussed:
(i) role of allelopathy in weed management; (ii) methodology of allelopathy utilization in rice;
(iii) incorporation of higher plants with strong allelopathy to control weeds; (iv) developing
allelochemicals and their derivatives for weed management; (v) effort to utilize rice allelopathy
for rice weed control; (vi) benefits from allelopathy integrated into sustainable agriculture.
2. Rice weeds
Weeds cause major yield losses in crops and also reduce their quality. Without weed man
agement, rice yield may be reduced by 16 to 86%, or even 100% [11]. Worldwide more than
1000 weed species have been reported in rice [12]. However, 13 species are the most serious
weeds spp.: Cyperus rotundus L. (purple nutsedge), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Bermunda
grass), Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv (barnyardgrass), Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link. (jungle
rice), Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner (goosegrass), Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (water
hyacinth), Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane), Chenopodium album L. (lambsquarter), Digitaria
arvensis L. (field bindweed), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnson grass), Imperata cylindrical
(L.) Beauv. (spear grass), Avena fatua L. (wild oat), and Amaranthus retroflexus L. (redroot
pigweed) [13-14]. The type of weed species to infest mainly depends on weather, temperature
and latitude, and where the rice crop is grown. For instance in Australia, Cyperus difformis L.
(dirty dora), Elatine gratioloides (waterwort), D. minus (starfruit) and E. crus-galli (L.) Beauv.
(barnyardgrass) are major noxious weeds [15] (Table 1). The overuse of herbicides results in
herbicide resistance in weeds, which cause more difficulties in weed management. Approxi
mately 200 weed biotypes from 125 different species worldwide have become resistant to
herbicides [16]. Traditional weed management in rice was dependent on weather, water
coverage and hand weeding. These methods are time-consuming and labor intensive, hence,
current weed control depends on synthetic herbicides, but these are harmful to the environ
ment and humans. Therefore, a new strategy for biological weed management in sustainable
agriculture should be developed.
Botanical and common name
Ammannia spp (Redstems)
Bacopa spp.(Waterhyssops)
the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds. Since it is known that plants can self-regulate their
densities and distribution in nature via allelopathic interactions, scientists have attempted to
exploit these characteristics of crops and weeds in agriculture. The use of allelopathy for
biological control of weeds in agriculture practice has attracted the interest of many agronomic
scientists [1].
One approach of utilizing the allelopathic property of crops is to screen accessions to examine
their potential for weed suppression [11, 19]. To place crops in a more favourable competitive
position in relation to allelopathy over weeds is important for the establishment of sustainable
agriculture [20]. The strategy for using allelopathy for weed management could be either
through directly exploiting natural allelopathic interactions, especially of crop plants, or
applying allelochemicals as a source of natural herbicides. Derivatives of allelochemicals from
plants used as herbicides with environmental properties include mesotrione [21-22] and
citronella and bilanaphos oil [21]. Several microbial allelochemical products are marketed
worldwide, such as glufosinate and bialaphos.
gramine or hyroxamic acids were useful for controlling elds with high aphid populations.
Allelochemical interactions of plantsplants, plantssoils, plants-micro-organisms, and plant
residues from a crop rotation play an active role in enhancing crop yields. Those allelochem
icals released from rotated crops then interacted with many physiological processes, which
could help promote the growth and yield of crops. If plants used in a rotational system can be
determined appropriately, the amount of chemical nitrogenous fertilizers is lowered and
environmental hazard is reduced, whereas the sustainability of agriculture by substituting
them with biologically xed nitrogen from legumes is enhanced [31]. However, at present,
negligible work has been done on the mode of action of allelochemicals in crop rotation, maybe
due to their complicated transformation in nature. Moreover, Chou et al 1980 [77] reported
25% reduction in rice yield of second crop in Taiwan due to the phytotoxins produced during
the decomposition of rice residues of first crop left in the soil. The phytotoxic effects of
decomposing rice residues in the soil on the succeeding crop are problematic in some countries.
In Southeast Asia, rotational systems give greater rice yield than rice monoculture and use of
appropriate crops can also minimize the weed biomass significantly. In general, legume crops
are preferred as preceding crops to suppress the weeds in succeeding rice crops [1].
5.2. Cover crops, green manure, mulch and intercropping
The term cover crop is dened as crops cultivated with regular cropping for soil and moisture
conservation, promotion of nutrient recycling, biomass production, temperature lowering,
nuisance weed inhibition, and forage supply [32, 33, 34]. Cover crops may be referred to as
either green manure crops or sometimes implied catch crops [35]. Popular allelopathic crops
used as cover crops are: barley (Hordeum vulgare), sorghum (Sorghum spp.), maize (Z. mays),
wheat (T. aestivum), rye (S. cereale), buckwheat. (Fagoprum esculentum), velvetbean (M. pruri
ens), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), hairy
vetch (Vicia vilosa) sweet potato (I. batatas), and convolvulaceae (Tricolor batatas) [32]. These
allelopathic plants exhibited signicant weed reduction [36-37]. Excluding phytotoxins
released from cover crops into soil, shading effects of the cover crops as well as their thick and
dense population, and fast growth could effectively suppress weeds [38]. Legume species and
some cruciferous plants could improve soil fertility contributing organic matter and nitrogen
to the soil. Successfully established cover crops can develop sufciently dense canopies in the
autumn to interfere with growth of perennial and winter annual weeds [39]. Application of
green manure crops can enhance soil organic matter and reduce weed growth. Some plants
are used as green manures, including: Mucuna spp., Canavalia spp., Trifolium spp., Brassica spp.,
and Ipomoea spp. [32]. Several non-leguminous plants belonging to the family of Brassicaceae,
such as eld mustard (Brassica campestris), white or yellow mustard (Brassica hirta), brown/
Indian mustard (Brassica nigra), rapeseed/soilseed rape/canola (B. napus), black mustard (B.
nigra), and garden cress (L. sativum), were promising sources of green manure and signicantly
reduced weed biomass [40-41]. Among crops used for covering and green manure, leguminous
species should be given priority as they provide rich nutrients including nitrogen to soil
[42].When bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) was used as a green manure, it showed signicant
herbicidal and fungitoxic activities [43]. The integration of a cover crop into a cropping system
by relay cropping, over- seeding, inter-seeding, and double cropping may be useful to supply
nitrogen for grain crops and reduce soil erosion and interference of weeds [44]. Some secondary
metabolites from cover crops such as volatile glucosinolates and the breakdown isothiocya
nates, nitriles, epithinitriles, and ionic thiocyanates were responsible for weed and fungi
inhibitory activities [45]. When plants with different growth habits and morphology are
intercropped, weed biomass can be lowered. For instance, in maize, mung bean provides more
weed suppression than peanut [46]. Barley, rye, and Vicia faba were planted in monoculture
after the harvest of summer crop [47]. Barley+ V. faba and rye+ V. faba showed effective weed
suppression. This was explained by the release of allelochemicals from root exudates during
crop growth and from decomposing crop residues [47].
Plant species
cv. Rasen
cv. Yuba
Hulls +Rasen
Hand weeding
O. sativa L. (Rice)
(-) Calculation was not conducted; Inhibited compared with the control, applied dose: 1-2 tons ha-1; *: only greenhouse
trial was conducted; ** : active ingredients in herbicides: pyributicard, bromobutide, butanamide, benzofenap [Shizetto
furoaburu (5 L ha-1), Sankyo Ltd., Japan], and butachlor (600 g L-1 (Butataf, Monsato company, UK). Source: [48, 50].
Table 2. Allelopathic plants inhibitory to paddy weeds and stimulatory to rice yields over their control
inhibit the paddy weed growth at low concentrations in bioassays. However, the evidence of
how these growth inhibitors act in paddy field conditions has remained unclear. We also
examined the correlation of inhibitory potential of plant materials [alfalfa (M. sativa) and kava
(P. methysticum)] incorporated in paddy soil against weeds [60]. Both alfalfa and kava strongly
inhibited barnyardgrass and monochoria (M. vaginalis) growth up to 10 days after incorpora
tion (80-100% weed control) and suppression persisted for 20-25 days (50% weed control).
Many phenolic acids were found in the soil even after 50 days in low concentration, but their
concentrations was maximized at 10-15 days and were efficacious until 20-25 days after
incorporation. Some growth inhibitors found in the kava treatment showed strong inhibition
until 25 days after application, these may be lactones (major constituents in kava roots) and
are plant and fungal growth inhibitors [63].
Observations from laboratory, greenhouse and field trials showed that the effects of plant
materials on weed species are selective [48]. Different plant materials may possess different
quantities and types of toxins, of which the amount released into soil after incorporation, is
also species dependent. Despite the identification of many growth inhibitors, their fates after
penetrating the soil, how they accumulate at phytotoxic levels and influence the weed growth,
the interaction of these compounds with soil factors such as nutrients, pH, minerals and soil
microbes, have not yet been fully understood. Even though these issues are complex, we need
to understand the actual mode of action of allelochemicals in the environment, so that their
efficacies can be increased and become more helpful to develop novel bioactive herbicides.
7.2. Syntheses of novel compounds
Searching the growth inhibitors from plants and testing their efficacies against weeds in the
laboratory, greenhouse and fields are just the initial steps to developing bioactive herbicides.
However, it is necessary to develop bioactive herbicides, because: (i) direct use of allelochem
icals as herbicides is not successful as these compounds are degraded in nature, before reaching
the targets, (ii) to isolate allelochemicals from plants is complex, promising compounds for
weed suppression exist in low quantities in plants, hence, it is too costly to use as herbicides
and (iii) despite the promising weed reduction by direct application of plant materials to paddy
soils, it requires a very high amount of plant biomass, therefore, does not meet the current
requirements of trend in agricultural production in many countries. However, despite
obtaining numerous compounds with herbicidal activities, very few constituents from plants
have been marketed as herbicides than from bacteria and fungi [65]. Further, most reported
secondary metabolites with strong herbicidal activity have complex chemical structures,
hence, may not be processed as novel herbicides, because of difficulties in their synthesis and
thus become costly. Thus searching for compounds having a simple form with strong herbi
cidal activities should be a priority. The synthesis of compounds derived from allelochemicals,
attached with further functional groups and possessing herbicidal activities, is indispensable
to developing novel bioactive herbicides.
Dihydro-5,6-dhydrokawain (DDK) (Figure 1) is a major compound in all parts of Alpinia
(Alpinia zerumbet), a plant distributed widely in the subtropics and tropics. Besides many
promising pharmaceutical efficacies, DDK exerts herbicidal and antifungal activities in
bioassay trials. Our team has synthesized numerous DDK derivatives (Figure 1) [66] and tested
for their influences against indicator plant and plant fungi. The derivative dimethyl phos
phorothionate exhibited maximum antifungal activity of 91% and 72% against Corticium
rolfsii and Pythium spp., respectively [67]. Twenty-four kinds of esters were made from
cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid, alcohols and the components of Alpinia [68].
Among these derivatives, isopropyl 4-hydroxycinnamate and butyl 4-hydroxy-cinnamate
were fungitoxic to Pythium spp. at 10 ppm. Further syntheses of DDK derivatives are being
carried out in our laboratory.
Compounds D1-D11
D1: R=H
D2: R=o-Me
D3: R=m-Me
D4: R=p-Me
D5: R=p-iso-Pro
D6: R=o-Cl
D7: R=m-Cl
D8: R=p-Cl
D9: R=o-F
D10: R=m-F
Compounds H1-H11
H1: R=H
H2: R=o-Me
H3: R=m-Me
H4: R=p-Me
H5 R=p-iso-Pro
H6: R=o-Cl
H7: R=m-Cl
H8: R=p-Cl
H9: R=o-F
H10: R=m-F
H11: R=p-F
Figure 1. Structures of DDK, HMP and the Pyranyl - substituted Cinnamates. [11, 66]
Extensive efforts of researchers worldwide to clarify allelopathic activities among rice cultivars
have been made. They provided important information for further work such as genetic
analyses, gene mapping of allelopathic characteristics and breeding new rice cultivars with
strengthened weed suppression ability [10].
8.1. Rice residue
Utilization of rice residues in paddy elds has long been recognised as an important source to
improve the organic matter status of soil and was also reported to reduce the emergence of
weeds. In Asia, farmers are often left with a large amount of rice residues, leaves, stubble and
straw in the paddy elds after harvest. Incorporating the residues of rice with high allelopathic
activity minimised rice atsedge (Cyperus iria L.) growth to a similar degree as achieved by the
application of propanil and bentazon herbicides [69]. Furthermore, another trial showed
residues of rice (var. Sarjoo 52) blended into the soil (56 cm in depth, 5 tons ha-1) suppressed
jungle rice [Echinochloa colona (L.) Link], monarch redstem (Ammania baccifera L.), Ammania
multiora Roxb., and gulf leaf ower (Phyllanthus fraternus Webster) [70]. Other experiments
reported that rice straw suppressed the germination of oat (Avena sativa) and wheat (Triticum
aestivum), Lens sp., Convolvulus arvensis L., Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris minor Retz [71-72].
To date, decomposition of rice straw and stubble has reduced the occurrence of both broad
leaved and grassy weeds [73]. Leaf plus straw and hulls of some rice cultivars with strong
allelopathic property dramatically inhibited weed interference about 6095% [74]. A pot study
of soil incorporation of a mixture of stubble and straw in 15 cm of soil in the pots (7.4 tons ha-1 of
blended stubble and straw) revealed inhibition on growth of weed density and decrease of the
dry biomass of weeds [73]. Straw, leaves and hulls of some rice cultivars suppressed the
germination of eld bind weed (Convolvulus arvensis) and little seed canary grass (Phalaris minor)
[71-72, 75-76]. Similarly, Pheng et al (2010) [77] suggested that if the rice residue incorporation
was suspended for 2 weeks or only a proportion of the residue was incorporated, the rice crop
could withstand the growth-suppressive effect. This research suggests that rice possessing high
allelopathy can control some weeds in rice and can be integrated with existing weed manage
ment practice. Residues of rice allelopathy may be helpful for weed control, but they some
times cause trouble with rice autotoxicity. From the residual effects of decomposing rice plant
materials, the rice plant may obtain adaptive mechanisms to prevent a severe autotoxic effect.
For instance, Chou, (1980) [78] reported in Taiwan that decomposed rice residues left on the paddy
eld soil persisted into the next crop season and could reduce the rice yield by up to 25% compared
with that of the rst crop. Such a reduction was suggested to be primarily attributable to the
phytotoxins produced, which inhibited paddy weed growth and minimised rice yield. Singh et
al. (1999) [79] reported that autotoxicity in rice could provide an adaptive strategy to plants because
they are grown in adequately water-logged soils sufcient in oxygen and thus develop a negative
redox potential in soil because of decomposing rice residues. This induced the inhibition of root
growth of rice plants accompanied by swelling of root cells in order to capture more oxygen [80].
Rice hulls and bran were reported to suppress paddy weeds and could be exploited for weed
management [81]. Xuan et al. (2003) [52] noted that rice hulls and bran each at 1 ton ha-1 re
duced paddy weed biomass by about 25% and 50%, respectively. The combination of rice by-
products and alfalfa strengthened weed suppression by 7080% and controlled more weed
species and increased rice yield more than the incorporation of single rice by-products.
8.2. Molecular research in rice allelopathy and breeding
Allelopathy is one of the last areas of plant science to use molecular biology as a tool in
understanding the phenomena. Allelopathic competition, which may be dened as the unequal
sharing of resources such as nutrition, light and water, is dependent on several physiological
and phenological traits, and its allelopathy is polygenic and quantitatively inherited [82-84].
To be able to breed a more competitive crop with strong allelopathic potential, it is crucial to
know which genes are involved in crop competitiveness and allelopathic potential. Molecular
marker-aided genetics is presently the best tool for identifying quantitative traits, mapping
the genes involved onto the chromosomes with a reasonable level of precision and analysing
the relationship between the traits of interest and other important agronomic traits [82].
Allelopathic activity in rice has demonstrated to be a polygenic trait that is only slightly
correlated with yield or other agronomic features. The quantitative inheritance of rice allel
opathy curbed the breeding of allelopathic rice cultivars against paddy weeds under varying
environmental condition [84, 86-87]. Recent research of Xu et al 2012 [85] has provided the
evidence that diterpenoid momilactones (allelochemical) isolated from a rice cultivar plays a
novel genetic for natural product-mediated allelopathy and furnished a molecular target for
breeding and metabolic engineering of a rice cultivar. The selection of rice cultivars with strong
weed suppression ability through transgenic and breeding programmes may successfully
utilise rice allelopathy for weed control. Allelopathic activity of rice varies among cultivars
and origins and correlates with some growth characteristics; therefore, the existence of genes
determining rice allelopathy is presumed and should be detected. It was proposed that
allelopathic activity may be a polygenic trait slightly correlated with yield or other agronomic
features. Allelopathic potential in rice was demonstrated to be quantitatively inherited, but
the allelopathic traits were not identied [83].
8.3. Genomic analysis and gene mapping
Despite research on rice allelopathy beginning in the early 1970s, the genetic allelopathy
control programme started only in 1996 [88]. Dilday et al. (1998) [89] crossed the allelopath
ic rice cultivar PI312777 (PI) with another non-allelopathic rice cultivar Lemont and noted
that the F2 was allelopathic against Heteranthera limosa and was quantitatively inherited.
Jensen et al. (2001) [90] studied quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping using a population of
142 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between IAC 165 (Japonica upland
cultivar) and CO 39 (Indica irrigated cultivar). Four main QTLs located on three chromo
somes, 2, 3 and 8, were identied and claimed 35% of the total phenotypic variation of the
allelopathic activity against barnyardgrass. Okuno & Ebana (2003) [91] identied seven QTLs
controlling rice allelopathy on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 and 12. Digenic interactions in
ve pairs among the seven QTLs were detected. This study showed 125 out of 215 restric
tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) generated polymorphic bands between PI312777
and Rexmont under QTL analysis. A map of 12 linkage groups was constructed and covered
a genetic distance of 1336.2 cM. The total number of probes ranged from 12.7% to 76.4% among
12 chromosomes. With RFLP marker loci to the allelopathic QTLs at all pinpoints, the PI312777
alleles were more suppressive against lettuce than the Rexmont alleles. The positive allelo
pathic effect was shown by QTL located on chromosome 7 that suppressed root growth and
necrosis on lettuce [92]. Zeng et al. (2003) [93] used a double-haploid population derived from
ZYQ8/JX17, a typical Indica and Japonica hybrid. Four QTLs correlated to allelopathy
belonging to chromosomes 3, 9, 10 and 12 were detected and their logarithm of odds scores
were 3.40, 2.68, 2.75 and 3.08, respectively. Among them, additive effects of the QTLs on
chromosomes 3 and 10 were 1.65 and 1.43 and on chromosomes 9 and 12 were 1.44 and
1.58, respectively. Recently, Lee et al. (2005) [94] identied nine QTLs controlling allelopath
ic effects of rice on E. crusgalli on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 12. Of these, QTLs on
chromosomes 1 and 5 were the most allelopathic and explained 36.5% of total phenotypic
variation. Lin et al. (2005) [95] used the inter-simple sequence repeat approach to detect the
genetic diversity of allelopathic potential in 57 rice cultivars. Thirty-four polymorphic bands
were generated, and the percentage of polymorphic bands was 53.0%. Rice from the same
geographical location and those cultivars with higher allelopathic potential could be clustered
into each group, implying that the genes conferring allelopathy in rice might be isolocus.
However, some cultivars of rice with markedly different allelopathic potential clustered into
a group with a lower level of genetic polymorphism, and this might be attributed to selec
tion oriented for high-yielding traits in breeding. More recent advances in rice genome
research have provided a powerful tool for the genetic analysis of quantitative traits. The use
of high density genetic linkage maps and DNA markers mapped onto rice chromosomes may
enable the identication of the QTLs controlling the allelopathic effect of rice on weeds [96].
QTL analysis is the initial step in rice genetic analysis. Identication of QTLs from close linkage
of a DNA marker to the QTL would be useful for producing near-isogenic lines. Applica
tion of DNA marker-assisted selection, map based cloning of allelopathic QTLs and a nearisogenic line may help to determine allelopathy-correlated genes in rice. Nine possible
differently expressed genes 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 involved in allelopathic potential of Indica type
rice variety, namely Sathoi, capable of producing nicotianamine against growth of barnyard
grass indicated higher while three differentially expressed genes 2, 3 and 6 showed low
expression. It implies that these genes were found to be homologous to other genes [96-98].
To date, under low-nitrogen stress, rice cultivar PI exhibited increased allelopathic activity.
Nine genes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolism, including phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL), became up regulated and the content of phenolic compounds in rice was
enhanced [98-99]. Song et al. (2008) [101] reported that the intensification of allelochemical
biosynthesis in rice grown under stress nutrition (i.e., low levels of nitrogen) disclosed the
overexpression of genes that encode for PAL (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase), O-methyltrans
ferase, triosephosphate isomerise and P450-all related to the synthesis of phenolic com
pounds and detoxification. Furthermore, a proteomic analysis of rice growing with
barnyardgrass revealed the induction of the following proteins: PAL, a thioredoxin and 3hydroxy-3-methilglutaril-coenzyme a reductase 3 (HMGR) [102]. On the other hand, the
differential proteomic analyses have validated that enhanced allelopathic potential in rice
exposed to stress is due to increased expression of enzyme genes involved in the biosynthe
sis of phenolic compounds and reduced expression of enzyme genes associated with terpenoid
biosynthesis [103]. The identification of these genes and proteins shows different signs, plantenvironment interactions or plant-plant communication triggering the biosynthesis of
phenolic compounds that are also known to be related with plant defence processes [102,104].
Moreover, allelopathic enhancement of allelopathic rice cultivars in the vicinity of barnyard
grass was due to improvement in carbon assimilation deriving from the regulation of
photosynthesis genes and the activation of the enzyme system [103, 105].
8.4. Breeding new rice allelopathic cultivars
To breed new rice cultivars having strong competitiveness against weeds may bring impor
tant benets to farmers in rice-cultivating nations. In the breeding programme, both traditional
ly bred and hybrid rice with allelopathy may be feasible. Courtois & Olofsdotter (1998) [88]
indicated that if a high number of QTLs with low effect are involved, a traditional breeding
method can be a reasonable alternative, in which two parents with contrasting behaviour are
crossed and RILs are derived through the single seeded descent method (SSD). Kim & Shin (2003)
[106] crossed Donginbyeo (a non-allelopathic cultivar, but a high yielding rice of good quali
ty) and Kouketsumochi (an allelopathic cultivar, close to a wild type) and advanced by SSD
breeding method. The F5 of this cross exhibited allelopathic potential in bioassays and was
continuously examined under eld conditions. The three-line hybrid rice widely cultivated in
China may be a good source because of its rapid and profuse vegetative growth in comparison
with an inbred line [106]. Lin et al. (2000) [107] applied a simultaneous backcrossing and selfbreeding method to develop a hybrid rice with allelopathic activity and, its counter-part, an
isogenic hybrid rice with no allelopathic effect on weeds. Three lines of rice Kouketsumochi,
Rexmont and IR24 were used as the allelopathic donors, non-allelopathic and restoring genes,
respectively. The selected restorer lines were crossed with cytoplasm-sterile lines and tested for
the outcross rate. This work illustrated a scheme for developing hybrid rice having allelopath
ic potential. On the other hand, the heterotic effect on rice allelopathy was positively signicant,
showing higher heterosis over the mid-parent. This specic hybrid rice showed a suppressive
effect on barnyardgrass, exhibiting a large deviation from the resource competition curve [107].
Hybrid rice with stronger weed suppression ability could be bred, but the quality factors
associated with rice allelopathy should be carefully considered in the breeding programme as
an important standard for the new cultivars. A newly bred rice, namely K21 showed highly
allelopathic and agronomically fit. This cultivar inherited its good agronomic performance from
the female parents (Dongjibyeo) and attained its potent allelopathic potential from male parent
(Koutetsumochi) [108-109]. Moreover, Kim and Shin, 2008 [108] suggested that identified
allelochemicals and genes which responsible for allelopathic activity can further be incorporat
ed into the cultivars via breeding or genetic engineering. For instance, the diterpenoid momilac
tones and phenolics in rice work as the major inhibitor substances to suppress weeds, which are
able to be produced in a conventional rice cultivar by inserting the genes CA4H and OsDTS2 for
p-coumatic acid and momilactone, respectively through genetic engineering or even convention
al breeding [108, 85, 103]. Also, Kong et al. 2011 [84] has successfully developed commercially
acceptable allelopathic rice cultivars via crosses between allelopathic rice variety PI12777 and
commercial cultivars. The bred Huagan-3 showed 80% inhibition on noxious barnyardgrass and
30-50% of a total reduction in paddy weeds. However, it should be noted that developing
allelopathic rice cultivars must therefore be accompanied with an evaluation of the cultural
practices required for consistent suppression under variable environmental conditions [84, 86].
On the other hand, before starting any plant breeding program to enhance allelopathic activi
ty, it is important to utilize a practical effective screening method in both controlled and natural
conditions for measurement of allelopathic potential. It is hoped that with assistance of modern
genetic techniques, new rice cultivars with strong weed suppression ability and acceptable for
cultivation by farmers will hopefully appear very soon.
practice. There is no doubt that organic and sustainable agricultural practices are indispensable
forms of resource management, with the source of knowledge being traditional agriculture
throughout the world [37,110]. What we have researched and discussed about multiple
cropping, the use of cover crops, organic compost, and biological controls of pests has been
traditionally conducted by farmers without knowledge of allelopathy. Therefore, our ach
ievements on allelopathy should be carefully incorporated with the traditional practices of
farmers to create sustainable agriculture integrated with allelopathy. Otherwise, this system
will never be feasible for farmers to adopt for economic reasons and in the complex ecological
conditions of the tropics, these practices would be inappropriate [110]. In our modern agri
culture, ecological and sustainable factors are indispensable. Therefore, what crop species are
used and how they are applied in the cropping system are important. Of which, both crop
allelopathy and nutrient cycle should be further studied to enhance biological characteristics
of crops in the agricultural production. The establishment of allelopathy-integrated sustaina
ble agriculture is obviously varied among cultivating regions, of which opinions of farmers
regarding traditional cropping system should be referred, and should be carefully examined
and repeated before introducing to farmers for agricultural practices. An agricultural produc
tion that is sustainable, economical, less labour-intensive, can be easily implemented by
farmers, and supported by local authorities could be helpful for farmers in developing
countries to eliminate poverty. To date, a number of phytotoxins involved in the allelopathic
activities of worldwide rice cultivars have been identied and isolated, and the fate of these
compounds in the environment has been gradually understood, and mode of allelopathy is
therefore much clearer. Many novel secondary metabolites have been synthesized and
marketed as bioactive pesticides, which effectively aid the integration of sustainable agricul
ture with allelopathy. The use of allelopathy as a tool for a more bio-rational management of
natural resources is not a simple panacea for the solution of ecological problems in agroecosystems or in natural ecosystems. It is necessary to develop a scientic approach based on
the disciplines of botany, ecology, chemistry, microbiology, agronomy, entomology, and
biochemistry, and to work together to clarify these bio-chemical interactions from a holistic
point of view, as well as utilize them for benecial purposes in the management of natural
resources in agro-ecosystems [37, 110]. The application of crop rotation, cover crop, mulch,
green manure, and incorporation of plant materials with strong allelopathic potential may be
more effective in the agricultural practice. The integration of allelopathy via breeding and/or
genetic manipulation in rice cultivars may clearly provide specific opportunities for successful
implementation of alternative weed management systems [111]. However, knowledge about
allelopathy for weed and pest management and establishment of sustainable agriculture
integrated with allelopathy should be further introduced to local extension workers and
farmers. The modication of allelopathy-integrated sustainable agriculture is needed to allow
it to be suitable for different regions. Undoubtedly, the integration of allelopathy in rice will
benefit from worldwide collaboration with ecologists, plant breeders, and molecular biologists
leading to the successful utilization of new tools for selection of rice cultivars with weedsuppressive traits.
Author details
T.D. Khanh1, L.H. Linh1, T.H. Linh1, N.T. Quan1, D.M. Cuong1, V.T.T. Hien1, L.H. Ham1,
K.H. Trung1 and T.D. Xuan2*
*Address all correspondence to: tdxuan@hiroshima-u.ac.jp; khanhkonkuk@gmail.com
1 Department of Molecular Biology, Agricultural Genetics Institute, Vietnam
2 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima Uni
versity, Japan
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sustainable agricultural production. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2005;
191 172184.
[2] Olofsdotter M, Navarez D, Moody K. Allelopathy potential in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
germplasm. Annals of Applied Biology 1995; 127 543560.
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Chapter 5
1. Introduction
Peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), is a species in the legume or "bean" family (Faba
ceae). Hypogaea means "under the earth" [1]. Peanuts are known by many other local names
such as earthnuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts [2,3]. Peanut was
probably first domesticated and cultivated in the valleys of Paraguay [3].
The domesticated peanut is an amphidiploid or allotetraploid, meaning that it has two sets of
chromosomes from two different species, thought to be A. duranensis and A. ipaensis. These
likely combined in the wild to form the tetraploid species, A. monticola, which gave rise to the
domesticated peanut [4,5]. This domestication might have taken place in Paraguay or Bolivia,
where the wildest strains are found today. Archeologists have dated the oldest specimens to
about 7,600 years, found in Peru [3,4]. Cultivation spread as far as Mesoamerica where the
Spanish conquistadors found the tlalcacahuatl (Nahuatl = "peanut", whence Mexican Spanish,
cacahuate and French, cacahute) being offered for sale in the marketplace of Tenochtitlan
(Mexico City). The plant was later spread worldwide by European traders [3].
Peanuts grow best in light, sandy loam soil. They require 120 to 150 days of warm weather,
and an annual rainfall of 380 to 650 mm or the equivalent in irrigation water [6]. It is an annual
herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50 cm tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate with four leaflets
(two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet), each leaflet 1 to 7 cm long and 1 to 3 cm wide. The
orange-veined, yellow-petaled, pea-like flower (2 to 4 cm across) of A. hypogaea is borne in
axillary clusters above ground. Following self-pollination, the flowers fade and wither. The
stalk at the base of the ovary, called the pedicel, elongates rapidly, and turns downward.
2013 Grichar et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Continued stalk growth pushes the ovary underground where the mature fruit develops into
a legume pod (the peanut). The fruits or pods have wrinkled shells that are constricted between
pairs of the one to four (usually two) seeds per pod [4,5].
Harvesting occurs in two stages [6]. In modern, mechanized systems, a machine called a digger
is used to cut off the main or tap root of the peanut plant by cutting through the soil just below
the level of the peanut pods. The machine lifts the plant from the ground, shakes and inverts
the plant, leaving it upside down on the ground to keep the peanut pods out of the soil. This
allows the peanuts to dry slowly to a bit less than a third of their original moisture level over
a period of three to four days depending on weather conditions [6]. Prior to mechanization,
peanuts were pulled and inverted by hand [6]. The second stage consists of the use of a combine
to remove peanuts from the vine.
World peanut production totals approximately 34 million metric tons per year (Table 1). China
leads in production of peanuts, having a share of about 46% of overall world production,
followed by India (17%), and the United States (6 %) [7]. The United States is one of the worlds
leading exporters, with average annual exports of between 200,000 and 250,000 metric tons.
Argentina and China are other significant exporters [7].
Peanut production requires the use of a wide range of agrichemical products to control weed
and diseases and optimize crop growth and development [8-10]. Peanut has several unique
features that contribute to challenging weed management [10]. Peanut cultivars grown in the
United States require a fairly long growing season (140 to 160 days), depending on cultivar
and geographical region [10,11]. Consequently, soil-applied herbicides may not provide
season-long control and mid-to-late season weed emergence can occur. Peanut also has a
prostrate growth habit, a relatively shallow canopy, and is slow to shade inter-rows allowing
weeds to be more competitive [10,12]. Additionally, peanut fruit develop underground on
pegs originating from branches that grow along the soil surface. This prostrate growth habit
and pattern of fruit development restricts cultivation to an early season control option [10,13].
With conventional row spacing (91 to 102 cm), complete ground cover may not be attained
until 8 to 10 weeks after planting. In some areas of the United States peanut growing region,
complete canopy closure may never occur.
Pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) is listed as one of the ten most common weeds in most peanutgrowing states in the United States, with Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats)
ranked as the fourth most common weed in South Carolina [14]. Palmer amaranth is not
generally ranked as a troublesome weed in most crops in the United States; however, it is a
common weed in many crops produced around the world. Palmer amaranth is currently
found in the southern half of the United States [15] while in Texas, Palmer amaranth can be
found in all areas of the state [16] and is a severe problem in many peanut fields when not
properly controlled [17]. Texas millet (Urochloa texana (Buckley) R. D. Webster) is a large
seeded, vigorous, fast growing annual grass commonly found in peanut fields in parts of
Florida, South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas [14]. It is listed as one of the most trouble
some weeds in all peanut growing states except Alabama and Georgia [14]. During the digging
operation, the peanut plant is lifted out of the ground and inverted. A heavy stand of Palmer
amaranth or Texas millet can reduce the effectiveness of the process. The tight fibrous root
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
system becomes intertwined with the peanut plant, causing peanut pods to be stripped from
the vine during digging. Peanuts that become detached from the plant remain unharvested
in or on the soil [18].
(Million metric tons)
United States
Congo Kinshasa
Burkino Faso
Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service; Table 13 Peanut Area, Yield, and Production (Created 8/10/2012)
Table 1. Worldwide peanut production.
The dinitroaniline herbicides are registered for use in over forty crops [19]. These herbi
cides provide excellent control of annual grasses [10,18,20] and are the only soil-applied
herbicides registered for use in peanut that will provide full-season control of Texas millet
[10,21,22]. Peanut tolerance to the dinitroaniline herbicides has been questioned previously
[23,24,25]. Greenhouse studies showed that ethalfluralin inhibited seedling growth more than
pendimethalin at equivalent rates applied preplant incorporated; however, injury by these
herbicides following preemergence applications were similar [26]. In runner peanuts, which
are more prone to peg injury compared to Spanish peanut [27], proper herbicide incorpora
tion was needed to prevent injury [28]. Merkle [27] stated that sporadic injury to runner
peanut from trifluralin was due to the failure to properly incorporate the herbicide. No
differences were observed in a study examining peanut growth, yield, and grade effects with
ethalfluralin, pendimethalin, or trifluralin in two different studies [24,29]. In Florida,
ethalfluralin did not cause peanut injury at any rate or application timing [23]. Dinitroani
line injury on peanut includes swollen hypocotyl, abnormal lateral root growth, and stunted
plants [18,28].
Metolachlor is commonly used in peanut for control of small-seeded broadleaf weeds, some
annual grasses, and yellow nutsedge [30]. S-metolachlor is labeled for either preplant incor
porated (PPI), POST-plant incorporated, preemergence (PRE), postemergence (POST), or layby in peanut [31]. The registered rate for the southwest United States is 1.1 to 1.4 kg/ha [31].
However, many growers have reported peanut stunting when soil applications of metolachlor
have been followed by rain [30]. Grichar et al. [30] reported that POST applications of meto
lachlor followed by (fb) irrigation within 24 hour could be effective for yellow nutsedge control
and reduce the chance of peanut injury from soil applications of metolachlor. Combinations
of factors, such as herbicide rate, moisture conditions at planting, soil organic matter, and pH
may affect peanut injury by chloroacetamide herbicides such as S-metolachlor [32-35]. Cardina
and Swann [32] reported that metolachlor often delayed peanut emergence and reduced
peanut growth when irrigation followed planting. However, yield loss was observed only
when metolachlor was applied at a 3X rate.
Several postemergence herbicides are used to control weed escapes. Imazethapyr and
imazapic are imidazolinone herbicides registered for use in peanut. Imazethapyr may be
applied PPI, PRE, ground cracking (GC), or POST for effective weed control [10]. Imazetha
pyr applied PPI or PRE controls many troublesome weeds such as coffee senna (Cassia
occidentalis L.), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), morningglory species (Ipomoea
spp.), pigweed species (Amaranthus spp.) including Palmer amaranth, prickly sida (Sida
spinosa L.), purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L. and C. esculentus L., respective
ly), spurred anoda [Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht.], and wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla
L.) [29,36-39].
Imazethapyr applied POST provides broad spectrum and most consistent control when
applied within 10 days of weed emergence [37,40,41]. Imazethapyr and imazapic are the only
POST herbicides to effectively control both yellow and purple nutsedge [29,42]. Control is most
effective when imazethapyr is applied to the soil or to yellow nutsedge that is no more than
12 cm tall [10,42,43].
Imazapic is similar to imazethapyr and controls all the weeds controlled by imazethapyr
[10,44-46]. In addition, imazapic provides control and suppression of Florida beggarweed
[Desmodium tortuosum (S.W.) D.C.] and sicklepod [Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin & Barneby), which
are not adequately controlled by imazethapyr [47]. Imazethapyr provides consistent control
of many broadleaf and sedge species if applied within 10 days after emergence, but imazapic
has a longer effectiveness period when applied POST [10,42,46,48]. Imazapic also is effective
for control of rhizome and seedling johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.], Texas millet,
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.], southern crabgrass [Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.)
Koel.], and broadleaf signalgrass [Brachiaria platyphylla (Griseb.) Nash] [46].
Peanut is susceptible to numerous fungal diseases caused by foliar and soilborne pathogens.
Chlorothalonil has been the most widely used fungicide in the United States peanut production
areas for control of early leaf spot caused by Cercospora arachidicola S. Hori, late leaf spot caused
by Cercosporidium personatum Berk. & M.A. Curtis, and rust caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg.
for over 30 years [49,50]. Despite its widespread use across the peanut belt, chlorothalonil
continues to provide effective control of foliar diseases [50,51]; however, it has no activity
against any of the soilborne diseases such as southern stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
or Rhizoctonia pod or stem rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani Khn [49,52,53]. Within the past
15 years, several fungicides, including the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor fungicide, tebucona
zole, along with the strobilurin fungicides azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin have been
registered for use in peanut for control of both leaf spot and soilborne diseases [49,52-55].
Depending on the fungicide, the calendar spray regime in the southeastern United States may
result in seven applications [50,52] while in the southwest United States peanut growing region
a maximum of five fungicide applications may be applied during the growing season [53,56].
Chlorothalonil is used to fill the remaining treatment slots in an azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin,
tebuconazole program to minimize the risk of fungal pathogens developing resistance to
triazole or strobilurin fungicides [57].
Prothioconazole is a sterol biosynthesis inhibitor fungicide in the new triazolinthione class of
fungicides [58] that has shown activity against the leaf spot pathogens, C. arachidicola and C.
personatum, as well as the soilborne pathogens S. rolfsii and R. solani [59]. Prothioconazole has
shown promise for control of cereal diseases in Europe when applied alone or in combination
with strobilurin fungicides [58]. In addition, the activity of this fungicide on foliar diseases is
of special interest because populations of both C. arachidicola and C. personatum have displayed
reduced sensitivity to tebuconazole and noticeable reductions in efficacy of that fungicide [59].
Prothioconazole plus tebuconazole received registration for use in peanut during the 2008
growing season [60].
Management strategies to protect peanut from various weeds, insects, and fungi require
multiple applications of herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides. Timing of application of
herbicides and fungicides may coincide during the growing season, and co-application of these
pesticides is desirable if herbicide or fungicide performance and peanut tolerance are not
compromised [61]. Potential interactions related to physiological effects on plants and other
organisms, application variables such as adjuvant, water quality, commercial formulation, and
environmental stress can affect pesticide compatibility [61].
2. Research needs
Considerable research has been conducted over the past several years to define interactions
among pesticides including interactions of herbicides in mixture with other herbicides and
fungicides [62-65]. Peanut fungicides are applied beginning approximately 30 to 60 days after
planting and can be applied until a few weeks prior to digging. Efficacy of clethodim and
sethoxydim can be reduced by co-application with copper-containing fungicides or azoxy
strobin, chlorothalonil, and pyraclostrobin [8,66,67]. Fluazinam and tebuconazole did not
reduce grass control compared with graminicides applied alone [8,9,66]. Efficacy of herbicides
that control dicotyledonous weeds and sedges are not generally affected by fungicides [66].
Weed species and size, and plant stress can affect the magnitude of interactions between
herbicides and fungicides [66].
Additional research was conducted to define potential interactions of various postemergence
herbicides and fungicides when used in combination on peanut for control of various broadleaf
weeds and annual grasses. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine interac
tions of postemergence grass (clethodim and sethoxydim) and broadleaf herbicides (lactofen,
imazethapyr, imazapic, aciflurofen, and 2,4-DB) with commonly used peanut fungicides
(boscalid, fluazinam, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole, or prothioconazole plus tebuconazole) for
annual grass and broadleaf weed control in peanut as well as the response to foliar and
soilborne disease development.
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha while the broadleaf weed study included aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/
ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha, lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB
at 0.42 kg ai/ha. Fungicides evaluated included pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole
at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha plus tebuconazole at 0.168
kg ai/ha.
Herbicides and fungicides were applied alone and in combination to determine efficacy against
various weeds. A crop oil concentrate (Agri-Dex, a blend of 83% paraffin-based petroleum oil
and 17% surfactant) at 2.3 L/ha was added to each treatment except in 2007 at Yoakum where
a non-ionic surfactant (X-77, 90% nonionic surfactant) at 0.25% v/v was added. Herbicide and
fungicides at Yoakum were applied with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer equipped with
TeeJet 11002 DG flat fan spray tips (Spraying Systems Company, P.O. Box 7900, North Avenue,
Wheaton, IL 60188) that delivered a spray volume of 190 L/ha at 180 kPa while on the Texas
High Plains locations, fungicides and herbicides were applied with a CO2 pressurized
backpack sprayer using TeeJet 110015 TT flat fan nozzles calibrated to deliver a spray volume
of 94 L/ha at 207 kPa. At Yoakum, the peanut variety Tamrun OL02 [68] was planted in each
year at a seeding rate of 112 kg/ha. At the Texas High Plains locations, Flavor Runner 458 [69]
was planted at the rate of 100 kg/ha.
Texas millet and southern crabgrass were present at Yoakum in 2007 and 2009 while broadleaf
signalgrass was present in 2008. Texas millet was present at Lamesa in 2007. Palmer amaranth
was present at Yoakum in 2007, 2008, and 2009, Lamesa in 2007, and Halfway in 2008 and 2009.
Smellmelon (Cucumis melo L. var. Dudaim Naud.) was present at Yoakum in 2007, 2008, and
2009 while horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum L.) was present at Yoakum only in 2009.
When present, all field plots were naturally infested with dense populations of Texas millet
and broadleaf signalgrass at 4 to 6 plants/m2, southern crabgrass at 6 to 8 plants/m2, horse
purslane at 6 to 8 plants/m2, smellmelon at 6 to 8 plants/m2, or Palmer amaranth at 4 to 6 plants/
m2. Typically, treatments were applied when annual grasses were 10 to 26 cm tall, Palmer
amaranth was 15 to 30 cm tall, horse purslane was 10 to 20 cm tall, and smellmelon was 15 to
30 cm in length. No attempt was made to harvest peanut in the efficacy studies due to the
difficulty in digging weedy plots [10,13,17].
3.1.2. Weed-free studies
Studies also were conducted under weed-free conditions at the Lamesa and Halfway in 2008
and 2009. Plots were maintained weed-free with ethalfluralin (Sonalan HFP, Dow Agro
Sciences, 9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268) at 0.84 kg/ha applied preplant incor
porated. At Lamesa, Flavor Runner 458 was planted in 2008 while Tamrun OL02 was planted
in 2009; at Halfway, the Spanish market type, OLin [70] was planted both years of the study.
Seeding rate for the runner market cultivars (Flavor Runner 458, Tamrun OL02) was 90 kg/ha
while OLin was planted at 100 kg/ha. Peanut phytotoxicity ratings were recorded throughout
the growing season and peanut yield was obtained by digging each plot separately, air-drying
in the field for 4 to 7 days, and harvesting pods from each plot with a combine. Weights were
recorded after soil and trash were removed from plot samples were adjusted to 10% moisture.
Weed control and peanut phytotoxicity, expressed as chlorosis and necrosis of leaf tissue, was
visually estimated on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 indicating no weed kill or leaf chlorosis or necrosis
and 100 indicating complete weed or peanut kill), relative to the non-treated control. Weed
control was recorded approximately four weeks after POST herbicide applications while
peanut phytotoxicity was recorded 5 to 14 days after herbicide application.
3.1.3. Data analysis
Weed control and peanut injury data were transformed to the arcsine square root prior to
analysis of variance, but are expressed in their original form for clarity because the transfor
mation did not alter interpretation. Visual estimates of weed control and peanut injury, and
yield were subjected to analysis of variance to test effects of POST herbicide and fungicide.
Means were compared with the appropriate Fishers Protected LSD test at the 5% probability
level. The non-treated was not included in weed efficacy or peanut injury analysis but was
included in peanut yield analysis.
3.2. Disease control with tank-mix combinations
Studies were conducted in two different peanut growing regions of Texas to determine disease
control and peanut response to applications of herbicides and fungicides applied alone and in
combination. Field studies at south Texas were conducted at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research
site near Yoakum while the central Texas studies were conducted at the Texas A&M AgriLife
Research and Extension Center near Stephenville. Soils at the Yoakum site were described
previously. This site has been in continuous peanut for over forty years so there was a high
concentration of soil-borne and foliar disease inoculum. The soil at the Stephenville site was a
Windthorst loamy sand (fine mixed thermic Udic Paleustalfs) with less than 1% organic matter
and pH 7.6.
3.2.1. Disease efficacy studies
Studies in south Texas were conducted from 2008 to 2010 on early leaf spot and southern blight.
These studies included the fungicides pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg
ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha plus tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha
and the herbicides aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha, clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg
ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha, lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha, or
2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha. Fungicides and herbicides were applied alone and in combination to
determine efficacy against foliar and soilborne diseases. No adjuvant was included in these
studies in 2008 or 2009; however, in 2010 a crop oil concentrate (Agri-Dex, a blend of 83%
paraffin-based petroleum oil and 17% surfactant) at 2.3 L/ha was added to each treatment.
Fungicides and herbicides alone and in combination were applied with a CO2-pressurized
backpack sprayer equipped with three D2-23 hollow-cone spray nozzles per row in 140 L of
water/ha at a pressure of 504 kPa. The experimental design was a randomized complete block
with a factorial arrangement of seven herbicides by three fungicides. All studies included a
non-treated control. Each plot consisted of four rows spaced 97 cm apart and 6.3 m long. The
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
variety Tamrun OL02 [68] was planted in 2008 and 2009 while Florida 07 [71] was planted in
2010 at the rate of 112 kg/ha. Planting dates were June 16, 2008, July 1, 2009, and May 24, 2010.
Studies conducted in central Texas focused on early leaf spot and Sclerotinia blight caused by
Sclerotina minor Jagger. These studies included the herbicides clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha and
sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha and the fungicides boscalid at 0.49 kg ai/ha and fluazinam at 0.88
kg ai/ha. Agridex at 1.0% v/v was included in all treatments. Each plot consisted of two rows
spaced 91 cm apart and 7.9 m long. Fungicides and herbicides were applied alone and in
combination with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer equipped with two 8002VS flat fan
spray nozzles per row in 140 L of water/ha at a pressure of 134 kPa. The runner-type variety
Flavor Runner 458 [69] was planted each year of the study at 95 kg/ha.
Typical peanut injury resulted in rapid damage to plant tissue after application and manifested
as small necrotic lesions. The visible injury on leaflets with 2,4-DB was common and consisted
of typical 2,4-DB damage which consisted of elongated leaflets with a slightly faded appear
ance [10]. This symptomology was not visible on new growth and remained visible on lower
leaves throughout the growing season. Peanut phytotoxicity ratings were recorded 7 days after
treatment at Yoakum. Peanut injury was estimated visually on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 indicating
no leaf chlorosis or necrosis and 100 indicating complete peanut kill), relative to the non-treated
control. Severity of leaf spot was rated in the center two rows using the Florida leaf spot scoring
system where 1 = no leaf spot, and 10 = plants completely defoliated and dead because of leaf
spot [49,59]. Values of 1 through 4 on the scale reflect increasing incidence of leaflets with spots,
and occurrence of spots in lower versus upper canopy of the plots; whereas values 4 through
10 reflect increasing levels of defoliation [51]. The leaf spot rating was recorded immediately
prior to peanut digging.
Loci of southern stem rot or Sclerotinia blight (where applicable) were counted immediately
after peanut plants were inverted. A locus represented 31 cm or less of linear row with one or
more plants infected with S. rolfsii or S. minor [72]. Plots were harvested in south Texas in 2008
and 2010, but not in 2009 due to extremely wet conditions which persisted during late October
and November and prevented digging of individual plots (Table 1). Plots were harvested in
2008 and 2009 in central Texas.
All test areas were maintained weed-free with a preemergence tank-mix application of
pendimethalin at 1.06 kg ai/ha plus S-metolachlor at 1.42 kg ai/ha. Overhead sprinkler
irrigation was applied on a 1- to 2-week schedule throughout the growing season as needed.
3.2.2. Data analysis
Peanut yields were obtained by digging each plot separately, air-drying in the field for 4 to 7
days, and harvesting pods from each plot with a combine. Weights were recorded after soil
and trash were removed from plot samples were adjusted to 10% moisture. Leaf spot ratings
and incidence of soilborne disease development were used for comparison of tank-mix
combinations. Data were analyzed using PROC GLM with SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC)
and a model statement appropriate for a factorial design. Treatments means were separated
by Fishers protected least significant difference test at P0.05.
kg ai/ha
LSD (0.05)
Herbicides and rates included clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha and sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha. Fungicides and rates included
pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha +
tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha. Data were combined over fungicides due to a lack of interaction.
Texas millet present in south Texas in 2007 and 2009 and at Lamesa in 2007. Southern crabgrass present in south
Texas in 2007 and 2009. Broadleaf signalgrass present in south Texas in 2008.
Texas millet, Urochloa texana (Buckley) R. D. Webster; Southern crabgrass, Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler; broadleaf
signalgrass, Brachiaria platyphylla (Griseb.) Nash.
NS, not significant at the 5% level of probability.
Lancaster et al. [8,9] reported large crabgrass control was reduced with clethodim when
applied with pyraclostrobin, chlorothalonil, and azoxystrobin; however, fluazinam, propico
nazole plus trifloxystrobin, and tebuconazole did not reduce large crabgrass control by
clethodim. Similarly, Jordan et al. [66] reported that azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil, but not
tebuconazole, reduced annual grass control by clethodim. Also Lancaster et al. [8,9] reported
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
that large crabgrass control was reduced when sethoxydim was applied with azoxystrobin or
pyraclostrobin, but not fluazinam, propiconazole plus trifloxystrobin, or tebuconazole.
4.1.2. Palmer amaranth control
At Yoakum in 2007 and 2008 and Halfway in 2008 there was an herbicide by fungicide
interaction; therefore, those data are presented as a 2-way interaction of broadleaf herbicide
by fungicide (Table 3). However, only herbicide effects were significant at Lamesa in 2007 and
Halfway and Yoakum in 2009 (Table 4).
In 2007 at Yoakum, lactofen, aciflurofen, and imazapic alone controlled Palmer amaranth at
least 91% while 2,4-DB and imazethapyr alone provided 83% and 68% control, respectively
(Table 3). Lactofen plus tebuconazole and aciflurofen plus either the premix of prothioconazole
plus tebuconazole or tebuconazole reduced Palmer amaranth control over each respective
herbicide applied alone. In 2008 at Yoakum, all herbicides alone controlled Palmer amaranth
at least 92%. Reduced control from each respective herbicide alone was noted with acifluorfen
plus either pyraclostrobin or tebuconazole and imazethapyr or 2,4-DB plus pyraclostrobin. At
the Halfway location, lactofen and aciflurofen alone provided poor control ( 25%) of Palmer
amaranth while imazethapyr, imazapic, and 2,4-DB controlled Palmer amaranth at least 77%
(Table 3). Only the combination of 2,4-DB plus the premix of prothioconazole plus tebucona
zole reduced control when compared to 2,4-DB alone.
At Lamesa, all herbicides controlled Palmer amaranth less than 60% while at Yoakum there
was no difference in Palmer amaranth control following all herbicide treatments (Table 4). At
the Halfway location, lactofen, imazapic, and imazethapyr controlled Palmer amaranth at least
98% while 2,4-DB and aciflurofen controlled this weed 75% and 54%, respectively.
Grichar [74] reported that imazapic at 0.04 to 0.07 kg/ha controlled Palmer amaranth at least
95% when applied to weeds that were less than 15 cm tall while imazethapyr provided at least
90% control in 2 of 3 years. In other research, Jordan et al. [66] reported that smooth pigweed
(A. hybridus L.) control by imazethapyr was reduced by tank mixing with fungicides.
4.1.3. Horse purslane control
There was an herbicide by fungicide interaction for horse purslane in 2009. Lactofen and 2,4DB alone and in combination with fungicides provided almost complete control of horse
purslane (Table 3). Aciflurofen alone controlled 97% horse purslane while antagonism was
noted with acifluorfen plus the premix of prothioconazole plus tebuconazole combinations.
All imazethapyr plus fungicide combinations reduced horse purslane control compared to
imazethapyr alone. Imazapic alone or in combination failed to control horse purslane.
Horse purslane can be a stronger competitor with peanut early in the growing season than
common purslane due to a more upright growth than that of common purslane [75]. Grichar
[75] reported that aciflurofen and lactofen alone or combinations of these herbicides with 2,4DB controlled horse purslane at least 70% when evaluated 21 days after treatment (DAT), but
no greater than 75% control was observed when rated up to 115 DAT. In later work, Grichar
Palmer amaranthc
Prothioconazole +
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
LSD (0.05)
Agri-Dex at 2.3 L/ha was added to each treatment except in 2007 at Yoakum where X-77 at 0.25% v/v was added.
Herbicides and rates included aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha,
lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha. Fungicides and rates included pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha,
tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha + tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha.
Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.; horse purslane, Trianthema portulacastrum L.
Present only in 2009.
Table 3. Palmer amaranth and horse purslane control with herbicide-fungicide combinations.a,b
[76] reported that in one year, lactofen applied to horse purslane less than 15 cm tall controlled
this weed 93% while in another year, lactofen applied to horse purslane less than 15 cm tall or
20 to 30 cm tall provided at least 93% control while acifluorfen applied to horse purslane less
than 15 cm tall controlled this weed 77%.
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
LSD (0.05)
Data are pooled over herbicides due to a lack of interaction. Herbicides and rates included aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha,
imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha, lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha. Fungicides
and rates included pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at
0.084 kg ai/ha + tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha.
Palmer amaranth present at Lamesa in 2007, Yoakum in 2009, and Halfway in 2009.
Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.; smellmelon, Cucumis melo L. var. Dudaim Naud.
NS, not significant at the 5% level of probability.
In 2007 (with Texas millet pressure) and in 2009 (weed-free), peanut phytotoxicity (up to 12%)
was evident with clethodim and sethoxydim combinations with either pyraclostrobin,
tebuconazole, and the premix of prothioconazole + tebuconazole up to two weeks after
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
LSD (0.05)
+ tebuconazole
Herbicides and rates included clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha and sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha. Fungicides and rates included
pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha +
tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha.
Table 5. Peanut phytotoxicity with graminicide plus fungicide combinations at Lamesa in 2007 and 2009.a
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
In 2008 at Yoakum, lactofen alone and in combination with prothioconazole plus tebucona
zole or tebuconazole alone caused at least 10% peanut phytotoxicity while aciflurofen alone
or in combination with any of the fungicides caused 4 to 7% phytotoxicity. At Lamesa,
combinations with aciflurofen, lactofen, and 2,4-DB caused the greatest injury (Table 6).
Imazethapyr or imazapic alone or in combination with pyraclostrobin resulted in no injury.
Imazethapyr plus tebuconazole caused no injury while imazapic plus tebuconazole result
ed in 10% injury.
In 2009 at Lamesa, imazapic, imazethapyr, and 2,4-DB alone resulted in no injury; however,
imazapic plus either pyraclostrobin or prothioconazole plus tebuconazole, imazapic plus
pyraclostrobin, and 2,4-DB plus any fungicide resulted in 5 to 15% phytotoxicity (Table 6).
Slight peanut phytotoxicity was also noted with the fungicides pyraclostrobin and tebucona
zole. At Halfway, peanut injury with aciflurofen or lactofen was greater than at Lamesa with
the exception of lactofen plus pyraclostrobin which caused 9 to 10% injury at both locations
(Table 6).
4.1.6. Peanut yield as influenced by tank mix combinations
Under weed-free conditions, when using either the grass or broadleaf herbicides with
fungicides, no negative response with respect to peanut yield was noted when compared with
the non-treated control for either runner or Spanish market types (data not shown). Most
studies conducted on herbicide-fungicide interactions on peanut have focused on either weed
efficacy or disease control and few have reported on effect on peanut yield. No studies could
be found that reported any peanut yield reductions with clethodim or sethoxydim under weedfree conditions. Although lactofen at 0.22 kg/ha caused peanut leaf bronzing and spotting [74],
lactofen produced a similar yield when compared to the untreated, weed-free control [79].
Richburg et al. [80] reported no yield differences with runner, Spanish, or Virginia peanut
cultivars with imazethapyr at 0.07 kg/ha in Georgia or Texas. No reduction in peanut grade
or yield following imazapic treatments have been observed in several studies [76,81,82].
Grichar et al. [83] reported that single and multiple applications of 2,4-DB at 0.45 kg/ha did
not affect runner-type yield.
Prothioconazole +
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
LSD (0.05)
Table 6. Peanut phytotoxicity with herbicide-fungicide combinations when rated 12 to 15 days after treatment.a,b
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
Central Texas
60-yr avg
30-yr avg
Table 7. Rainfall amounts in south Texas and central Texas from 2008 through 2010
treatments some differences were noted. Pyraclostrobin alone resulted in less early leaf spot
than pyraclostrobin plus either imazapic, lactofen, or sethoxydim. No differences were noted
between tebuconazole alone or in combination with any herbicide. Prothioconazole plus
tebuconazole alone resulted in less early leaf spot than prothioconazole plus tebuconazole in
combination with acifluorfen (Table 8).
Leaf spot b
Florida scale
blight c
Phytotoxicity d
% Incidence
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
Leaf spot b
Florida scale
blight c
Phytotoxicity d
% Incidence
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
Prothioconazole +
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
+ tebuconazole
LSD (0.05)
Fungicides and rates: pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioco
nazole at 0.084 kg ai/ha + tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha. Herbicides and rates included clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha,
sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha, aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha,
lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha.
Florida leaf spot scoring system where 1 = no leaf spot, and 10 = plants completely defoliated and dead because of
leaf spot. Values of 1 through 4 on the scale reflect increasing incidence of leaflets with spots, and occurrence of
spots in lower versus upper canopy of the plots. Values 4 through 10 reflect increasing levels of defoliation.
Loci of southern stem rot were counted immediately after peanut plants were inverted. A locus represented 31 cm
or less of linear row with one or more plants infected with S. rolfsii. Percent incidence based on number of loci/12.7
m rows.
Peanut phytotoxicity ratings (leaf chlorosis and necrosis) ratings were taken 7 days after treatment. Peanut injury
was visually estimated on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 indicating no leaf chlorosis or necrosis and 100 indicating complete
peanut kill), relative to the non-treated control.
Table 8. Disease control and peanut response to fungicide-herbicide combinations in south Texas.a
Although early-season rainfall was below normal in 2009, September rainfall was above
normal leading to conditions for late-season development of high levels of foliar diseases. No
differences were noted between the non-treated control and any herbicide with respect to early
leaf spot control (Table 8). All fungicides alone or in combination with herbicides resulted in
less early leaf spot than the non-treated control. When fungicides were compared alone or in
combination, pyraclostrobin alone resulted in less early leaf spot than the combination of
blight b
% Incidence
Leaf spot c
No herbicide
LSD (0.05)
No fungicide
Prothioconazole +
LSD (0.05)
Fungicides and rates: pyraclostrobin at 0.27 kg ai/ha, tebuconazole at 0.23 kg ai/ha, and the premix of prothioconazole
at 0.084 kg ai/ha plus tebuconazole at 0.168 kg ai/ha. Herbicides and rates included clethodim at 0.14 kg ai/ha,
sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha, aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07 kg ai/ha, lactofen
at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha.
Loci of southern stem rot were counted immediately after peanut plants were inverted. A locus represented 31 cm or
less of linear row with one or more plants infected with S. rolfsii. Percent incidence based on number of loci/12.7 m
Florida leaf spot scoring system where 1 = no leaf spot, and 10 = plants completely defoliated and dead because of
leaf spot. Values of 1 through 4 on the scale reflect increasing incidence of leaflets with spots, and occurrence of spots
in lower versus upper canopy of the plots. Values 4 through 10 reflect increasing levels of defoliation.
Abbreviation: NS, not significant at the 5% level of significance.
Table 9. Disease control and peanut response to herbicides and fungicides in south Texas.a
pyraclostrobin plus imazapic while tebuconazole alone resulted in less leaf spot than tebuco
nazole plus either imazapic or aciflurofen. No differences were noted between prothioconazole
plus tebuconazole alone or in combination with any herbicides.
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
Weather conditions in 2010 were conducive for development of early leaf spot (Table 7). When
herbicides were compared, aciflurofen, imazethapyr, and lactofen resulted in greater early leaf
spot than where no herbicide was used (Table 9). All fungicides resulted in less early leaf spot
than where no fungicide was used.
5.1.2. Early leaf spot control in central Texas
Early leaf spot data was collected only in 2008 and neither fungicide nor herbicide effects were
significant. Due to dry conditions, early leaf spot pressure was moderate and there were no
differences with any factors (Table 10). Management of early and late leaf spot of peanut is
essential for peanut production in most areas of the world [59]. In the southeastern United
States, control of these diseases is heavily reliant upon multiple fungicide applications [59,84]
while far fewer applications are necessary in the southwestern United States [53,56,85].
5.1.3. Southern blight control
Control of southern blight was not significant for any factor in 2008; however, in 2010 there
was a fungicide by herbicide interaction. Since peanut were not dug in 2009, no southern blight
ratings were taken. In 2008, no differences were noted with respect to development of southern
blight (Table 8). In 2010, under low to moderate pressure, sethoxydim alone produced the
highest levels of southern blight with over 85% disease incidence (Table 9). No differences
were noted between fungicides alone or the combinations of a fungicide with a herbicide.
5.1.4.Sclerotinia blight control
Sclerotinia blight control was significant for both fungicides in both years; whereas herbicides
did not impact disease control. Sclerotinia blight pressure was moderate to heavy in each year
(Table 10). In 2008, fluazinam provided the best control of Sclerotinia blight compared with
the non-treated control while both boscalid and fluazinam reduced Sclerotinia blight com
pared to the non-treated control in 2009. Fluazinam has provided good to excellent disease
control depending on the rate applied [86-88]. Smith et al. [89] reported in field studies that
the application of boscalid or fluazinam that preceded the largest incremental increase in
disease incidence provided the best control of disease or increased yield. They advised that
disease advisories or intensive scouting should be used to determine when epidemics initiate
so that a fungicide can be applied prior to infection.
5.2. Peanut phytotoxicity with tank mix combinations
In south Texas, peanut phytotoxicity ratings were recorded in 2009 and 2010 and an herbicide
by fungicide interaction was observed in each year. In 2009, lactofen alone or in combination
with any fungicide resulted in the greatest amount of foliar chlorosis or necrosis (Table 8). The
addition of a fungicide to lactofen reduced phytotoxicity 10 to 64% compared with lactofen
alone. Lactofen is classified as a diphenyl ether (cell membrane disruptor), which interferes
with protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase and causes accumulation of protoporphyrin IX [90].
Protoporphyrinogen IX is a potent photosensitizer that generates high levels of singlet oxygen
Leaf spot b
Sclerotinia blight c
Florida scale
LSD (0.05)
Fungicides and rates: boscalid at 0.49 kg ai/ha and fluazinam at 0.88 kg ai/ha. Herbicides and rates included clethodim
at 0.14 kg ai/ha, sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha, aciflurofen at 0.42 kg ai/ha, imazapic at 0.07 kg ai/ha, imazethapyr at 0.07
kg ai/ha, lactofen at 0.22 kg ai/ha, or 2,4-DB at 0.42 kg ai/ha. Data combined over fungicides due to a lack of interaction.
Leaf spot assessed using the Florida 1-10 scale where 1=no disease and 10=completely dead. Leaf spot present only
in 2008.
Loci of Sclerotinia blight were counted just prior to peanut plants being inverted. A locus represents 31 cm or less of
linear row with one or more plants exhibiting disease symptoms or signs of S. minor.
NS, not significant at the 5% level of probability.
Table 10. Foliar disease and Sclerotinia blight control with fungicides in central Texas.a
in the presence of molecular oxygen and light, leading to light-induced oxidative breakdown
of cell constituents [90]. Aciflurofen, also a diphenyl ether herbicide, caused injury similar to
lactofen; however, this injury was not as great as that observed with lactofen (Table 8). Peanut
and soybean (Glycine max L.) tolerance to aciflurofen and lactofen is based on metabolism,
which often results in some leaf bronzing and spotting of leaves and plant growth can be
temporarily reduced [79,91].
In 2010, aciflurofen and lactofen exhibited similar phytotoxicity symptoms as exhibited in 2009;
however, more phytotoxicity overall was noted with other fungicide-herbicide combinations
than was seen in 2009. This increase in phytotoxicity was probably due to the addition of
Agridex to all treatments in 2010, which was not added in 2008 or 2009. Phytotoxicity was
noted with pyraclostrobin, which is never seen (authors personal observations). Pyraclostrobin
and prothioconazole plus tebuconazole combinations with herbicides were more phytotoxic
than tebuconazole combinations with herbicides. With tebuconazole, other than aciflurofen or
lactofen, only the combination of tebuconazole plus 2,4-DB resulted in observed phytotoxcity.
However, with pyraclostrobin or prothioconazole plus tebuconazole, phytotoxicity resulted
from combinations with either clethodim, sethoxydim, imazethapyr, or imazapic in addition
to aciflurofen or lactofen (Table 8).
5.3. Peanut yield with tank mix combinations
In south Texas, there was a fungicide by herbicide interaction for peanut yield in 2008;
therefore, data are presented as an interaction while in 2010 only fungicide treatment was
significant. In 2008, no treatments affected peanut yield when compared with the non-treated
control (Table 8). Only pyraclostrobin alone or tebuconazole plus 2,4-DB resulted in an increase
in yield over the non-treated control. The lack of response to fungicides is probably related to
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
NS b
LSD (0.05)
Fungicides and rates: boscalid at 0.49 kg ai/ha and fluazinam at 0.88 kg ai/ha. Herbicides and rates included clethodim
at 0.14 kg ai/ha and sethoxydim at 0.21 kg ai/ha.
NS, Not significant at the 5% level.
Table 11. Peanut yield as influenced by fungicide and herbicide alone and in combinations in central Texas.a
the hot, dry conditions during the growing season and relatively low disease pressure. In 2010,
all fungicides improved peanut yield over the non-treated control (Table 9).
In central Texas, there was no difference with any factor in 2008; however, a significant
fungicide by herbicide interaction was observed in 2009. In 2008, there were no differences
with any factor for yield while in 2009 there was a fungicide by herbicide interaction; however,
yields were extremely variable (Table 11). Damicone and Jackson [92] reported that yield
reductions of over 50% can occur following severe outbreaks of Sclerotinia blight. All boscalid
or fluazinam treatments improved peanut yield over the non-treated control . Boscalid alone
or in combination with sethoxydim produced greater yield than fluazinam alone or fluazinam
in combination with sethoxydim. This agrees with the results of Smith et al. [89] who reported
that in both field and greenhouse studies, boscalid performed marginally better than fluazi
cide -fungicide combinations. Lancaster et al. [8] reported that pyraclostrobin and tebucona
zole did not reduce the amount of 14C-labled clethodim or sethoxydim absorbed in large
crabgrass. Although tebuconazole did not reduce efficacy of either graminicide in the field,
pyraclostrobin reduced efficacy of clethodim and sethoxydim in some instances. They
concluded that reduced absorption was not the mechanism for reduced large crabgrass control
but may be the result of a biological response or a chemical interaction. Pyraclostrobin is a
strobilurin fungicide which inhibits fungal respiration and acts systemically within the plant
[93]. Therefore, the formulated product is not likely to remain on leaf surfaces and interfere
with herbicide absorption [8,9]. With Palmer amaranth, antagonism was noted 33% of the time
with aciflurofen plus either pyraclostrobin or tebuconazole and 2,4-DB plus pyraclostrobin.
Horse purslane also exhibited reduced control with herbicide-fungicides while smellmelon
showed no effects of these combinations. Peanut leaf phytotoxicity was most evident with
combinations that included aciflurofen or lactofen but this is to be expected since these two
herbicides can cause bronzing and leaf spotting when applied alone.
Weed and Disease Control and Peanut Response Following Postemergence Herbicide and Fungicide Combinations
The National Peanut Board through the Texas Peanut Producers Board provided funds for this
research. Kevin Brewer, Dwayne Drozd, Lyndell Gilbert, Bill Klesel, and Ira Yates provided
technical assistance.
Author details
W. James Grichar1*, Peter A. Dotray2 and Jason E. Woodward3
*Address all correspondence to: w-grichar@tamu.edu
1 Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Corpus Christi, TX, USA
2 Texas Tech University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Lubbock,TX, USA
3 Texas Tech University, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Lubbock, TX, USA
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Chapter 6
1. Introduction
1.1. The weed problem on cereal arable fields
With growing concern about the environment, and the increased public interest in environ
mental conservation, traditional agriculture has led to profound changes in in recent years.
Cereals are the most important crop in dry-land areas of southern Europe. In Spain, nearly 5.5
million ha of winter cereals are sown each year [1]. Research in agriculture has undergone a
paradigm shift, favoring systems aimed at improving the performance of cropping systems
without deleterious effects to the environment. To achieve this, weed managers continually
develop comprehensive programs for crop protection, in which an essential component is the
use of crops more competitive with weeds [2], in order to maintain the stability of agricultural
The selection of a crop is not an easy task and it involves the consideration of numerous
environmental and socioeconomic factors. Additionally, in any cropping system, we always
can observe the presence of weeds that invade, persist and survive. They are unwanted and
we refer to them as plants "out of place". There are numerous definitions of a weed: a plant
that is out of place and not intentionally sown; a plant that grows where it is not wanted or
welcomed; a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered; a plant that is competitive,
persistent, pernicious, and interferes negatively with human activity. Weeds possess one or
more of the following characteristics that allow them to survive and increase in nature:
abundant seed production; rapid population establishment; seed dormancy; long-term
survival of buried seed; adaptation for spread; presence of vegetative reproductive structures
and ability to occupy sites disturbed by humans.
2013 Santn-Montany et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Therefore, to control effectively we should ask: why do weeds emerge; and what factors limit their
development?. There is abundant evidence that the presence of weeds reduce crop yields; weeds
compete for environmental resources, especially water, light and soil nutrients, resulting in
decreased crop yield or reducing the crops quality by contaminating the commodity, inter
fering with harvest, serving as hosts for crop diseases or providing shelter for insects to
overwinter, limiting the choice of crop rotation sequences and cultural practices. The most
important parameters that characterize the infestation of weeds in a crop and that determine
the competitive relationships between them are the density and time of weed competition.
Their competitive ability is associated with the establishment of a dense infestation, and is
caused by the different habits of growth of weeds and crops. Weeds have developed a number
of features that allow them to survive and even dominate in adverse environmental conditions.
Also, to learn more about competition exerted by weeds is necessary to know their life cycle,
and we can observe three major life cycle groups in cereal arable fields:
Summer annuals germinate in the spring, mature, produce seed, and die in one growing season.
Winter annuals germinate in late summer or fall, mature, produce seed, and then die the
following spring or summer.
Weeds grow from seed anytime during the growing season. They normally produce a rosette
of leaves close to the soil surface the first year, then flower, mature, and die during the second
year. A true biennial never produces flowers or seeds the first year. There are relatively few
biennial weeds.
Simple perennials form a deep taproot and spread primarily by seed dispersal.
Creeping perennials may be either herbaceous or woody and can spread by both vegetative
structures as well as by seed.
When we study the competition process between species, we must consider what resources
are limiting in the environment, which will account for more competition. Since weeds are so
prevalent in many areas of the landscape, management techniques are necessary to maintain
order. Weed management is most successful when it involves an integrated approach using a
variety of methods. The common methods used to manage weeds include prevention and
cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical means.
Herbicides remain the predominant weed management tool with the greatest influence on
weed selection over the last 60 years [3]. Reliance on chemicals for weed control has increased
significantly in the last decades [4]. However, herbicide use also carries risks that include
environmental, ecological, and human health effects. It is important to understand both the
benefits and disadvantages associated with chemical weed control before selecting the
appropriate control. Many factors determine when, where, and how a particular herbicide can
be used most effectively. Understanding some of these factors enables you to use herbicides
to their maximum advantage. Urza [5] recorded the following precepts:
When any plant is established and persists in a given area, it is likely to have
established a presence of seeds, tubers, rhizomes or other means propagative in the
place; that environmental conditions are favorable for reproductive success; and
competes successfully with established plant populations. Furthermore, morphologi
cal and physiological differences between plants being constantly selected will likely
be the most suited to climate, soil and agricultural management, for their establish
ment and persistence and will likely dominate [6]. Yenish [7] pointed out that it is not
economical nor practical to try to eradicate the most problematic species already
established, when the presence of them is high in the soil seed bank; in most cases,
they can be kept under control with the application of herbicides. In a period of about
five years we may reduce the seed bank to less than 5%, but we should also consid
er that in a single year without control, their seed production may be sufficient to
exceed 50% of the original population [7].
The weed composition in different communities is not always the same, and it changes
over time; this has been called succession. According to this theory, when the habitat
remains relatively constant, we do not record considerable changes in the community.
When the conditions are modified, the species adapted to the "original conditions" are
replaced by those that the new environment is more conducive for their development. At
the same time, the presence of new species modifies the new environmental conditions
and favors the establishment of other species [8]. In agricultural land the succession
process is different than in natural areas since agricultural practices constantly disrupt
natural succession process, and the dynamic successional cycle begins. With the suspen
sion of agricultural operations, successional processes in vegetative populations are
restored [9].
The practices used by the farmers to produce their crops each year favor the development
of certain species of weeds so that populations that occur in different plots reflect
agricultural management provided to crops that year and previous years.
The competitive damage to the crop depends on the species, the density of each range,
the proximity in which it is growing when they emerge to the crop plant and the duration
of the competition. There are many species that do become problematic during a crop
cycle in a particular field, depending on crop. However, it has been found that the early
stages of crop development are more sensitive to competition by weeds.
Herbicides are available in the market, which when selected appropriately for each
particular problem, can efficiently control weeds. To succeed, it is not enough to acquire
and apply herbicides recommended for cultivation, it is necessary to take into account the
factors that affect the efficiency of action of these herbicides, such as:
In post-emergence applications, the species present, their size, age, growth rate and
environmental conditions.
In pre-emergence applications, soil type (texture, pH and organic matter content), soil
moisture at the time of application and weed species to be controlled.
In addition, the selected herbicide must fulfill other requisites about their mode of action,
which are:
Control weeds with a sufficient dose.
Penetrate into the weed.
Move to where conduct its physiological action.
Affect any vital function.
Herbicides provide a convenient, economical, and effective way to help manage weeds. They
allow fields to be planted with less tillage, allow earlier planting dates, and provide additional
time to perform the other tasks that farm or personal life require. However, if herbicides are
not applied in a timely and appropriate manner in terms of dosage and coverage, or resistant
weeds are present, they can have ineffective control.
In this context, long-term experiments, carried out for decades, are considered very important
in agricultural research when evaluating the sustainability of crop systems in which are being
developed programs of integrated crop protection, in order to maintain stability of agricultural
production. The weed vegetation in an agricultural area can change quickly and vary greatly
among fields and regions. The factors that influence the weed community are numerous and
are difficult to evaluate each factor independently, in a culture system (Figure 1): climatic
factors relevant to the persistence of plants, soil factors, which involved the physical and
chemical properties of soil, human factors, which are involved in various legislative measures
and the use and farm management and technological factors, where one is constantly inno
vating and researching systems tillage, crop rotation, herbicides, fertilization, and irrigation.
Intensification of land use has also been identified as a major cause of the current biodiversity
decline in agro ecosystems [10, 11]. For instance, arable weeds have suffered a severe decline
over all Europe, which has developed concerns over the sustainability and environmental
consequences of the intensification of land use in agricultural systems [12]. Plant diversity in
dry land Mediterranean cereal fields is affected by agricultural intensification at any of these
abovementioned scales, as reflected by a decrease of plant species richness and changes in
species composition [13]. But the ecological implications of these changes still remain uncer
tain, because in such agro systems there is a high variability in the local occurrence of plant
species [14, 15].
Historically in central semiarid Spain, arable fields have been dominated by cereal
production. In this region, tillage intensity has markedly decreased in order to decrease
soil loss. There has been an increasing trend towards utilizing conservation tillage systems
and the use of herbicides in winter cereals holds a prominent place in the overall use of
pesticides in Spain. However, in recent years, climate change, grain prices, cost of
herbicides and the development of resistant weeds has led to seek integrated weed
management systems more. Integrated weed management requires more knowledge on
how weed community compositions respond to changing agronomic practices after one
crop rotation cycle with different practices. Gerard [16] observed that the prediction of the
distribution and abundance of weed infestations likely in each field could help to plan and
carry out timely control measures in an efficient and economical manner, in accordance
with ecology and the interests of the society. The above statement is framed within what
is known as "integrated management of weeds", where the main objective is to cause
displacement of species difficult to control, by others less problematic and / or reduce the
density of populations of noxious weeds at levels that do not cause damage. Therefore,
such rationalization goes through the realization of a good diagnosis of the situation, by
using a series of agronomic practices that hinder the development of weed populations
most problematic and the use of clear decision criteria based on scientific knowledge.
1.1.1. Weed ecology in dry land cereal agriculture
Cereals are the most important crop in dry-land areas of southern Europe. In Spain, nearly 5.5
million ha of winter cereals are sown each year [1]. In Mediterranean areas, weed species are
adapted to crops and to management techniques like soil disturbance by tillage. However, the
agricultural intensification in the last decades is a process occurring at different scales, which
reduces biodiversity, simplifies communities, leads to a loss of ecosystem services [17- 19] and
reduces species richness [20]. At the landscape scale, farming intensification has caused the
replacement of most natural habitats with arable fields [21], which leads to large, uniformly
cropped areas with low spatial heterogeneity [22, 23]. At the field scale, intensification is related
to the farming practices performed: i.e., high amount of external inputs (mainly chemical
due to their abundance (associated with a huge seed production and a high persistence of these
seed on the soil surface) than competitiveness with the crop (relatively low). Similarly, the
Cruciferae family (Sinapis arvensis L., Diplotaxis erucoides L. and Raphanus spp.) produces high
numbers of seeds although the competition with the crop can be quite high. These species had
adapted to conventional tillage, but the increasing use of herbicides has reduced their popu
lations while favoring the presence of other species: "Cleavers" (Galium aparine L.), which are
fast growing and can outcompete almost completely the cereal plants; Speedwell (Veronica
hederifolia L. and Veronica persica L.), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), Polygonum
aviculare L., etc. Other species of the genus Tussilago, Epilobium, Conyza, Artemisia, Lactuca,
etc., have problems in soils subjected to periodic disturbances, and they have also adapted to
no-tillage fields. Also, the species Chenopodium spp., Amaranthus spp., Salsola spp., etc. can
invade the cereal fallows, which can require investment in specific herbicides for control.
Finally, perennial weeds base their success on their bodies underground reserves that enable
rapid development at the beginning of spring. They are represented by the bindweed (Con
volvulus spp.) and several thistles (Cirsium spp.).
In this paper, we will not create a weed inventory or abundance, but focus on identifying the
most significant risks to which crop will face during its development. Before herbicide
treatment, it is imperative to carry out a diagnosis as accurate as possible of the weed situation.
This idea is according to the National Academy of Sciences (1980): "to induce population
changes in response to agricultural management, it is necessary to know the biology of the
species involved and environmental modifications that causes each agronomic practice. This
requires knowledge of the dynamics of weed populations that cause a favorable succession and
it is necessary to know the majority of weed species present in the plots treated. In this sense,
decisions regarding herbicide treatments should be based on four main points:
First, it is necessary to select the most appropriate treatments taking into account the efficacy
and selectivity of the products available on the market. In view of the problems identified in
each field, we will need to find which products adequately control all high-risk species. In
Spain there are over 30 different active ingredients for use in cereal crops and over two times
that many commercial products (with various formulations and/or combinations of active
substances). The selection of products to be used will be dictated by the timing of treatments.
Table 1 lists some of the most widely used herbicides in cereals and their application times.
We should note that the application of these products is not always carried out in isolation, so
it is important to know if there is a problem of incompatibility between products (relatively
frequent event). There would also be possible to find problems of sensitivity of crops because
not all products are equally safe for barley and wheat, and even within the same crop, there
are differences in sensitivity in some varieties.
In the case of herbicides used in pre-emergence, this decision will have to be made based on
the problems identified in previous years. In that sense, it is highly desirable to have some
information about the history of the field, i.e. crops that were planted, cultural practices,
herbicides used, and what kind of weed problems developed. This information will help us to
identify the type and severity of the problem to be faced in the coming season. Since weed
Controlled weeds
Active substances
clortoluron, isoproturon, trifluralina,
Pre emergence
clorsulfuron, linuron,
bifenox,pendimetalina, triasulfuron.
clortoluron, diclofop-metil,
Early post emergence
pendimetalina, tralkoxidim.
clodinafop, tralkoxidim
Table 1. Herbicides used in cereal crops depending on the timing and type of weed.
infestations are often not distributed evenly throughout the field, it will also be useful to know
the location of problematic weeds populations and if they are particularly aggressive species
or found in very high densities. Pre-emergent herbicides act upon weed seeds, seedlings or
form a barrier in the soil to prevent weed seed germination or establishment. These herbicides
are usually used in the spring to prevent seeds establishing when the soil temperatures begin
to warm up and a properly timed application can provide control for several months.
In the case of herbicides used in post-emergence (the most common use), it is desirable to
perform the evaluation of the main weeds that are invading each field as soon as the cereal is
established. This assessment should be made as soon as possible in order to plan and carry out
early treatment, which is recommended due to their greater efficiency. Post-emergent herbi
cides work on actively growing weeds and can be further broken down into two categories:
Selective herbicides can be applied to an area and target weeds (i.e. dicots or monocots)
while having little or no effect on the crop or non-target weeds. Some products may require
repeated applications for effective control.
Non-selective herbicides kill all susceptible plants they come into contact with. The most
used non-selective herbicide is glyphosate.
After choosing the herbicide, it is necessary to decide the dose to apply. Typically there is a
relatively large dose range according to what weeds dominate; what is the stage of develop
ment (the higher development, the greater the dose needed to control them) and what is the
texture and the organic matter content of soil (in cases of pre-sowing applications or preemergence, the higher the content of clay and organic matter, the greater the dose).
Second, one must consider the costs of treatments considered. There are large differences
between the costs of different products. For example, while the cost of treatment with hormonal
herbicides (2.4-D, MCPA, etc.) for overall control of dicots is almost negligible, the use of
specific herbicides against Galium spp. or Avena spp. may be a considerable investment.
Third, it is necessary to estimate the economic benefits of a treatment application. This involves
estimating the expected yields in the crop (and its sale value) and the losses that would be
avoided by such treatment. In this sense, while the application of herbicides in areas of high
productivity (yields higher than 4 t/ha) is usually economically profitable in more marginal
areas (with an income below 2 t/ha) these benefits are rather dubious. Similarly, in meteoro
logically favorable years higher investments in inputs may provide higher profits. In relation
to avoidable losses, we should consider the competitiveness of the dominant species (its not
the same having a plot infested by Avena spp. or it infested by Papaver spp.), and the level of
weed infestation of plot.
Finally, we must consider the potential side effects arising from the application of such
treatment. This section is not only to consider the effects on the environment (pollution of
waterways, loss of biodiversity) but also the risk of resistance. The emergence of resistance as
a result of poor practices is increasingly common. Continued application of the same product
(or products belonging to the same chemical family or families with the same mode of action)
over a certain period of time leads, sooner or later, to the emergence of resistant weed biotypes.
The best strategy to prevent the emergence of weed resistance is the integrated use of preven
tion and control of many methods as possible:
Use of crop rotations, using spring crops needed to eliminate resistant biotypes before
planting or use alternative herbicides not applicable in cereal crops.
Employment of fallow and mechanical control practices.
Avoid seeds with resistance movement from one field to another, carefully cleaning tillage
and harvesting equipment.
Using appropriate densities for a competitive cultivation.
Herbicide use only when necessary, alternating herbicides belonging to different groups
according to their mode of action.
1.1.2. The climate influence in an agro system with a semi-arid environment
The climatic factors more relevant to the persistence of the plants are: light, temperature, water,
wind and seasonal characteristics of these factors:
The intensity, quality and duration of light are important for determining the growth,
reproduction and distribution of such plants. Light governs the photoperiodic response and
determines the flowering time of seed maturation; therefore, it determines the latitudinal
distribution limits of species.
The air and soil temperature and the duration of the frost, are important limits on the distri
bution of weeds. The soil temperature is directly related to the seed germination, and a drop
in temperature will influence the same seed dormancy and survival of their underground
parts. Therefore, temperature is a critical factor for the persistence and adaptation of annual
and perennial weeds.
Water is the most important environmental factor in the habitat, with a marked morphological
expression in the plant. The total water available in a location is related to both the initial supply
with losses by runoff, evaporation and transpiration. The seasonal distribution of water is a
key factor, since sometimes its scarcity at critical stages of the plant leads to lack of reproduction
and survival.
The speed, wind direction and wind frequency defines the presence of all plants, including
weeds. Also, it can produce transpiration losses of plants.
In summary, the weeds are primarily affected by the same factors as the crop: water, and the
factors related to their availability (insolation and transpiration) and nutrients. If these
parameters are not restricted, the weed growth will be higher than the crop.
On the other hand, when conditions are not suitable, the agronomic practices may be ineffec
tive in inducing seed germination. In this sense, one of chief limiting factor of crop yield in
cereal agro systems with a semi-arid environment is the scarce irregular rainfall distribution.
For this reason, we initiated a field experiment, at the experimental farm of INIA "La Canaleja",
located in Alcala de Henares (Madrid). The field trials were located in a semi-arid agro system
of central Spain, with an average total annual rainfall of 470 mm, and rainfall distribution
registered over fifteen years were used to assess the effects of environmental conditions on
weed community.
Our results showed that seasonal distribution of rainfall did restrict the effectiveness of the
weed management practices and it affected the weed density. In 2000-2001 and 2010-2011, it
we recorded higher annual rainfall than the average for this area, and in accordance with the
increase of water availability, the weed density, measured by sampling (size of each sample
of 0,125 m2), increased considerably. Between years 1995 and 2011 herbicides controlling
dicotyledonous and / or against grass were used to control the weed community present in
the field. In this situation, total weed density was maintained except in the 2009-2010 period,
when weed density was large though the annual rainfall was below normal; this was mainly
due to herbicides not being used in this period favoring the weed competition with the crops
(Table 2 & Figure 2).
The community of weeds present in the field differed with the annual distribution of rainfall
and may limit the effectiveness of the system used to control weeds, leading the specialization
of some species under certain crop conditions. We observed in our field, that high rainfall
occurring in the spring favored early-emergence weeds, such as Papaver roheas L. and high
rainfall occurring in autumn favored late-emergence weeds such us Lolium rigidum Gaud. and
Hypecoum procumbens L.; and weeds with extended patterns of emergence such as Anacyclus
clavatus L. and Veronica spp.; or perennial weeds (Cardaria spp. and Convolvulus spp.) were
favored by a general increase of annual rainfall in the area. Furthermore, increasing knowledge
of how plants respond to different environmental conditions and the application of this
knowledge allows more effective and efficient use of available tillage tools in combination with
other weed control practices.
18,2 76,8
10,8 33,4
63,2 47,2
27,6 14,2
55,3 65,8
103,8 69,6
26,5 37,7
41,5 76,7
57,2 22,2
43,7 102,2
37,0 14,0
104,5 95,7
80,1 106,0
47,5 33,5
65,0 168,5
45,2 71,2
58,4 86,6
145,4 53,4
29,6 20,0
70,0 129,7
86,0 48,2
67,6 35,5
20,4 17,8
66,0 27,0
98,3 20,5
25,2 42,0
12,8 111,7
41,0 62,9
Table 2. Annual distribution of rainfall (mm) and historical average during years object of study.
Figure 2. Total number of plants recorded per sample (0,125 m2) and annual rainfall (mm) from 1995 to 2011.
Figure 3. A) Field trials in the experimental farm La Canaleja, and B) Weeds sampling scheme realized it in each till
age system.
The natural community of weeds present in the assay is comprised by dicotyledonous weed
species and grasses, annual and perennial species typical of crop fields in the area (Table 3).
Later, during all years of the study, weeds were counted by species with a similar methodology
based on the selection of four random samples in the field with a quadrant of 0,125m2, taken
in zigzag on the diagonal of a rectangle defined in each sub-plot (Figure 3B), which were
identified and quantified in situ, the weed species present. Total density of weeds referred to
the unit area (1m2).
Adonis annua
Chondrilia juncea
Hordeum murimus
Scabiosa spp.
Amaranthus albus
Chrozopera tinctoria
Hypecoum pendulum
Scorzonera laciniata
Amaranthus blitoides
Cichorium intybus
Hypecoum procumbens
Senecio vulagaris
Amaranthus retroflexus
Cirsium arvense
Lactuca serriola
Setaria viridis
Anacyclus clavatus
Cnicus benedictus
Lamium amplexicaule
Silybum marianum
Anchusa azurea
Convulvulus arvensis
Lavatera spp.
Sisymbrium iria
Andryala integrifolia
Conyza spp.
Linaria micranha
Sisymbrium orientale
Asperugo procumbens
Datura stramonium
Lolium rigidum
Solanun rigidum
Avena spp.
Descurania Sophia
Medicago spp.
Sonchus spp.
Belladia trixago
Diplotaxis erucoides
Melilotus spp.
Stellaria media
Biscutella auriculata
Echallium elaterium
Papaver hybridum
Torilis nodosa
Bromus rigidus
Echium spp.
Papaver rhoeas
Tragopogum psp.
Bromus rubens
Epilolium brachycarpum
Plantago spp.
Trifolium angustifolium
Buglossoides arvensis
Eruca vessicaria
Polygonum aviculare
Trigonella polyceratia
Campanula erimus
Eryngium spp.
Portulaca aleracea
Veccaria pyramidata
Capsella burs-pastori
Filago spp.
Rapistrum rugosum
Veronica hederifolia
Cardaria draba
Fumaria officinalis
Reseda phyteuma
Vicia spp.
Centaurea aspera
Galium murale
Roemeria hbrida
Xanthium spinosum
Chenopodium album
Heliotroium europaeum
Salsola kali
The herbicides employed in the trials were post emergence against dicotyledonous weeds from
1994 to 2000; against dicotyledonous and grasses from 2004 to 2009; in 2009 we did not employ
any herbicide and afterward, we used post emergence herbicide against dicotyledonous
weeds. Also, in the NT system, the crops were seeded each year after an application of
glyphosate at 2 l.ha-1. Within the time frame of this research, weed density and species
composition were affected by year, which differs in environmental conditions, and by tillage
intensity, indicating fluctuations in changes of weed community composition associated with
changes in agronomic practices and environmental conditions are complex and difficult to
predict, especially in semiarid regions with low and / or irregular rainfall.
Specific research regarding the impact of crop production systems on weed communities is
lacking and currently, there is not a common position among authors about which system
produces the best weed control. Several researchers have described the effect of the tillage
system on weed flora composition and valued the long term dependence on the crop system
used and their studies showed changes in weed species composition as a consequence of tillage
practices [36]. According with this idea, we observed that the community of weeds present in
a field differs with the tillage system employed (Figure 4). Minimum tillage systems (MT) and
no-tillage (NT) showed higher weed densities compared to conventional tillage (CT).
Figure 4. Percentage of total weeds observed in each tillage system studied from 1995 to 2011.
Other researchers have described the predominant weeds of different tillage systems, such as
Lolium spp. in minimum tillage system [37]; Poligonum spp. in conventional tillage [38, 39],
or Fumaria officinalis L. and Lamium amplexicaule L., also favored in conventional tillage [40].
Some species display greater capacity of infestation when the intensity of tillage is reduced
[41-44].These species shifts generally resulted in the emergence of species tolerant to existing
weed management practices [45, 46]. In this sense, Froud-Williams [47] also predicted that
annual and perennial grasses, perennial dicotyledonous species, wind-disseminated species,
and volunteer crops would increase and annual dicotyledonous weeds would decrease in
association with MT systems; although, these predictions were strongly influenced by the
agronomic practices employed within a specific study; and Liebman & Davis [48] suggested
a possible solution for weed problems would be the combination of different soil tillage
systems. Nevertheless, other authors have suggested that tillage did not produce any selective
effect in the composition of weed flora [49].
In this context, it is very important to identify which are the most troublesome weeds, because
they are the most difficult to control. Also, we should follow those species maintained in the
seed bank of soil without an initial risk because they present low density, but one change in
the crop system and /or the environmental conditions can favor their propagation and convert
them into a dominant species of the field. The specific objectives of the work reported here
were to determine if decreasing tillage is accompanied by a predicted increase in the presence
of annual and perennial grasses, perennial dicot species, wind disseminated species, and
volunteer crops, but a decrease in annual dicotyledonous weeds.
In order to realize the following of several weed species along the years object of study, we
determined the relative weed density in the field each five years for representative species
(Figure 5). In general, years with high rainfall in fall, 1995 and 2005, favoured later-emergence
weeds and perennial species to escape suppression by the crops. Many weeds had patterns of
emergence that peak in October and November such as Fumaria officinalis L.; Lolium rigidum
Gaudin and Hypecoum procumbens L., as well as the perennial weed Cardaria draba L. Desraux,
which increased the year where higher than average rainfall was received in fall. However,
years with high rainfall occurring in April and May, 2000 and 2010, they favoured earlyemergence weeds such as Papaver spp. At the same time, in our experiment, we noted a
reduction of dicotyledonous weeds Cardaria draba L. and Fumaria officinalis L., and the increase
of Papaver spp., Lamium amplexicaule L. and Veronica spp. in sub-plots with NT system. Also,
we could observe a clear tendency of increasing of Lolium rigidum L. and Hypecoum procum
bens L. density in MT sub-plots and another perennial species such as Cirsium spp. and
Convolvulus spp., which we typically found in field margins, appeared frequently within NT
The decrease in soil water evaporation due to the residual cover in both NT and MT could
have increased the soil water content compared with CT, and this could be one of the reasons
for the increase in the density of weeds within these systems [50]. Also, the annual distribution
of rainfall may limit the effectiveness of the system used to control weeds, predisposing the
specialization of some species under certain crop conditions. Generally, no-till systems can be
difficult to maintain over a long period of time without adequate weed management, and
knowledge of the emergence process of weeds will increase the effectiveness of a postemergence herbicide, assuming an important qualitative advance in the integrated control of
weed populations.
Figure 5. Relative density of weed species more representative in the field object of study.
3. Conclusion
At the moment, sustainable agriculture is being promoted in Europe, and its industrialization
using technologies that help to increase crop production should be designed in order to protect
the environment. In this context, the increasing awareness of the farmers requires the adoption
and adaptation of techniques that, without undermining the economic benefit of farms, could
be also accepted by the environment.
Sometimes we ignore the ecological processes that occur in agro systems, and weed control
problems associated with herbicide selectivity and changes occurring in weed communities
within MT and NT systems have been reported by numerous authors. In this sense, changes
in agricultural technologies, such as the employment of selective herbicides, require reevalu
ation of assumptions regarding the nature of weed communities in MT and NT systems and
the information on the association of weeds species with tillage systems and herbicides are
key in determining directions of future research in weed management.
We appreciate the funds received from different Ministries for the realisation of this long-term
experiment. This work has been funded by projects: INIA SC94-005-C2-2; SC94-003-C3-2;
SC98-020-C4-2; MCYT-INIA RTA-02-058-C3-2; MEC-INIA RTA2006-00121-C03-02 and
MICINN-INIA RTA2010-0006-C03-02.
We are grateful to all members of the experimental farm La Canaleja for helping managing
the experiment.
Author details
Ins Santn-Montany, Encarnacin Zambrana-Quesada and Jos Luis Tenorio-Pasamn
Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Tecnologa Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Spain
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Chapter 7
1. Introduction
In Brazil, sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) fields are renewed in intervals of five to six profitable
crops on average. With each harvest, sugarcane displays a decrease in productivity due to
diverse factors. Genetic, phytosanitary and edaphoclimatic issues are the main factors
contributing to the degeneration that necessitates the renewal of sugarcane fields with more
productive cultivars. After the last economical harvest, the ratoon crop is destroyed using
mechanical or chemical processes or a combination of both. Chemical destruction is more
practical and causes less impact on soil structure and quality due to less soil disturbance.
Glyphosate is the most widely used non-selective herbicide in the chemical eradication of
ratoon crops because there is a broad spectrum of plants susceptible to glyphosate. Glypho
sates mechanism of action is through inhibition of the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate
synthase (EPSPS), a precursor of the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine and
tryptophan, which are essential for protein synthesis. The recommended dosage of glyphosate
for the eradication of plants is 1440 to 2880 g acid equivalents (a. e.) ha-1 [1,2]. However,
sugarcane cultivars present varying degrees of susceptibility and require different amounts of
herbicide for the complete death of the plant.
In Brazil, sugarcane cultivars commercially released by genetic improvement programmes are
not characterised in terms of their susceptibility to glyphosate. Nevertheless, knowledge of the
degree of cultivar tolerance to glyphosate can generate savings for producers and benefit to
the environment through the reduction of the quantity of applied herbicide. Literature studies
of cultivar responses to herbicides, especially glyphosate, are supported solely by phytotech
2013 Azania et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
nical observations, such as plant height, girth and mass gain. However, these characteristics
are greatly affected by the environment and require longer periods of evaluation and data
collection, such as the 12-month studies of [3] and [4].
The use of isoenzymatic markers allows for the prompt analysis of results with larger sample
numbers while using a relatively simple and inexpensive technique that can substitute or
reduce field experimentation. However, the choice of the correct enzymes to analyse is critical
to the success of this technique and obtaining robust results.
2. Sugarcane crops
Sugarcane probably originated in New Guinea, and from there, it was introduced to India,
where the oldest evidence of its existence has been recorded [5]. Officially, Martins Afonso de
Souza brought the first sugarcane plant to Brazil in 1532 and started its cultivation in the
Captaincy of So Vicente (Capitania de So Vicente). This transfer was the beginning of an
industry that found in Brazil, among other nations that would later initiate production, its
most fertile ground for rapid expansion and perpetuation for an almost uninterrupted 500
years. Starting in the 1970s, sugarcane farming became increasingly important for Brazil as the
agro-industrial sector was tapped to contribute to a solution to the emerging energy crisis
because of the potential for energy production from sugarcane as a renewable source [6].
Growth in the sugarcane-ethanol sector is important for the Brazilian economy in that the
sectors growth entails both the creation of jobs and of 100% national renewable energy.
According to taxonomic classification, sugarcane belongs to the Poaceae family and the
Saccharum genus. Sugarcane is a semi-perennial plant requiring a tropical or sub-tropical
climate [7]. With a C4 metabolism, sugarcane is classified as having among the highest rates
of photosynthetic efficiency and a high efficiency for water usage [8]. The sugarcane plant is
divided into aerial (culm, leaves and inflorescences) and underground parts (roots and
rhizomes). The culms are cylindrical and are composed of nodes and internodes; these parts
are defined as the aboveground portion that supports the leaves and inflorescences [9].
According to [10], each node has one alternating bud and a root system. Inflorescences are
panicles with a hermaphrodite flower containing one ovule; the pistils terminate in purple or
reddish stigmae that characterise the flowers plumose panicle [9]. The root system is fascicu
lated and serves to support, as well as to absorb and transport water and nutrients [8].
Sugarcane tillering influences the sugarcane handling system because each tiller behaves as
an independent plant with individual organs, such as roots, leaves and fruits [11].
The most appropriate agricultural conditions for sugarcane propagation are found between
the 30 north and 30 south latitudes, which are characteristic of tropical and subtropical
regions. Outside of these latitudes, lower temperatures limit the growth and development of
the plant [12]. According to [10], the optimal temperature range for the growth of this crop is
between 20 and 35 C with an ideal photoperiod of 10 to 14 hours [12] and an annual rainfall
ranging between 1,000 and 1,600 mm, preferentially with abundant rain during the vegetative
growth period and a dry period during maturation, which favours increased sucrose accu
mulation [13].
In Brazilian regions where it is traditional to grow sugarcane, planting may occur at different
times of the year, as long as the producer possesses an irrigation system and cultivars that are
adapted to each season [14]. Traditionally, in south-central Brazil, there are two cycles for
planting: cane of the year and year and a half. In cane of the year, planting is performed
between September and November, and the cane is harvested after 12 months [14]. This type
of plantation addresses the demand for raw materials in the spring cycle (at the end of the
harvest). In year and a half cane, planting is performed between January and April-May. In
contrast to cane of year, this cycle allows for harvest during the autumn season (the beginning
of harvest). Additionally, several producing units have practiced winter planting, particularly
June through July, using rescue irrigation, and these units have obtained great productivity
compared to year and a half cane planting.
Currently, Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane in the world followed by India, China
and Thailand [15]. The national production is estimated as 641.982 million tons with an average
productivity of approximately 76.4 t ha-1 [16].The national sugar-energy industry sector
accounted for 1,283,258 jobs up to 2008 with 37.5% occupied by plant growth, 44.8% in the
production and refining of sugar and 17.7% in the production of ethanol. This sector also
accounted for approximately 3.85 million people that are employed indirectly [17]. The
production and processing of sugarcane is currently managed by the private sector in Brazil,
which achieves the lowest cost for production worldwide for both sugar and ethanol, emerging
as a highly competitive segment in international markets [18].
soil texture and microbial activity and may vary from a few days to several years [24]. In roots,
the absorption is slow due to the low diffusion and high adsorption to the soil, which also
favours microbial action in the transformation of the molecule into its main metabolite,
aminomethylphosphonic acid [25; 26]. Glyphosate is absorbed through leaf cuticles, and its
translocation occurs mainly via the cellular symplast to the leaves and apical meristem, as well
as to underground organs [22]. According to [27], glyphosate absorption depends on such
factors as the age of the plant, environmental conditions, surfactants and herbicide concen
tration in the soil milieu.
As an herbicide, glyphosate is among the less hazardous agro-toxins used in agriculture [28].
Glyphosate-based herbicides, when used according to their respective guidelines, display low
toxicity and are safe to humans [30].
Often, the glyphosate molecule is not efficient in penetrating waxy cuticles. Therefore,
commercial formulations contain surfactants capable of reducing surface tension in herbicide
droplets, thus increasing their penetration in leaves [20]. However, these surfactants are more
toxic than the glyphosate molecule [29]. For example, polyoxyethylene amine, the predomi
nant surfactant in Roundup [30], has been classified as moderately to highly toxic in
laboratory tests [31]. Glyphosate is a unique molecule, and although it is considered to be of
low toxicity, its unrestrained use can affect the environment through direct or indirect effects
on non-target organisms [32].
In plants, the EPSPS enzyme catalyses a reaction between shikimate-3-phosphate (S3P) and
phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to produce 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate and inorganic
phosphate. Glyphosate binds to the catalytic site of EPSPS and to the S3P substrate to form the
EPSP synthase-S3P-glyphosate complex [33]. The relevance of the shikimate pathway is such
that approximately 35% of all plant mass is related to derivatives from this pathway; moreover,
20% of all of the carbon fixed during photosynthesis also travels through this metabolic
pathway [34].
According [35], the inhibition of amino acids compromises the production of carotenoids and
chlorophyll, thus causing irreversible cellular damage. Therefore, the translocation of the
herbicide throughout the entirety of the plant causes plant death in a few days or weeks (Figure
1). The inhibition of EPSPS leads to the accumulation of high levels of shikimate in vacuoles,
which is intensified by the loss of control of the carbon flow across this pathway [36]. Thus,
there is an obstruction in the production of the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine
and tryptophan, which are essential for protein synthesis and serve as precursors for secondary
metabolites that are important for plant growth [37], resulting in the slow development of
symptoms [33].
requiring the renewal of the field. In the state of So Paulo, the average productivity of
sugarcane fields is approximately 80 to 85 t ha-1, considering the longevity of ratoons to be
between five and six cuts [40]. However, in the region of Ribeiro Preto, SP, ratoon crops after
the sixth cut are no longer economically viable, and renewal of the sugarcane field is necessary
[41]. Degeneration after successive years of production makes the renewal of sugarcane fields
essential. The causes of degeneration are diverse and involve a combination of genetic,
physiological, phytosanitary, edaphoclimatic and phytotechnical factors. The factors impact
ing degeneration may also be linked to characteristics of the growing environment, such as a
decrease in soil fertility [42]. Another cause for degeneration can be soil compaction and
consequent difficulties in root development, as proposed by [43]. The authors note that
compacted soil still presents difficulties for root development, even if its humidity levels are
close to the soils capacity.
[44] found that degeneration is linked to the health of the plants. Sugarcane-field longevity
may also be affected by competition with weeds [45], nematode infestations [46] and uprooting
of tufts during mechanical harvesting [47].
The fact that various cuts are performed from a single plantation allows for the formation of
a significant number of root systems, which often make the elimination of the ratoon crop
difficult, especially if the eradication is performed mechanically, which may also compromise
the settlement of the next plantation. At the time of crop renewal, the ratoon crop is first
eliminated through desiccating herbicides, specifically glyphosate, and after plant death,
eradication is later completed using mechanical destruction of the crop [48].
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide for the chemical eradication of sugarcane ratoons
due to its ease of use, low cost and absence of residual effects on the soil, which allows for
repeated plantation in the same area, as is often practiced by farmers [49, 50]. Tolerance to
glyphosate is highly prevalent in cultivars, and while certain cultivars are eradicated with a
dose of 1080 g a. e. ha-1, others require a dose of 2520 g a. e. ha-1. According to [1,2], the minimal
lethal dose for sugarcane is 1440 g a. e. ha-1.
The progression of symptoms caused by a glyphosate application occurs in a gradual fashion
(Figure 2) until the eradication of the plants [23, 36]. The authors noted that glyphosate-induced
damage develops slowly until complete death in contrast to the effects of other herbicides.
According to these authors, molecular stability inside the plant allows for the occurrence of
irreversible effects on processes that control both annual and perennial plants (Figures 3 and 4).
After the application of glyphosate in the eradication of sugarcane crops, there was a stunting
of plant growth, with treated plants retaining the same size up to 45 days after herbicide
application [51]. The negative effect on growth was evaluated by measuring the plant height,
with the treated plants maintaining similar average height values throughout the evaluation
period in contrast to controls, which were able to maintain vigorous vegetative growth. The
growth stunting was due to the indirect influence of glyphosate on the regulators of plant
growth, such as indole-3-acetic acid. This hormone is fundamental for cellular elongation,
apical dominance and stem and root growth and is dependent on the shikimate pathway, being
inhibited when there is a disruption of EPSPS [36].
Figure 2. Sugarcane plants ten days after the application of glyphosate (2880 g a.e. ha-1).
The varying tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to glyphosate was studied [52], who found
different sensitivities among cultivars. The authors also classified the genotypes IAC86-2210,
IAC83-1313, IAC82-2045, PO83-698 and IAC83-4157 as susceptible to glyphosate, IAC86-3154,
IAC87-3184, RB72454 and SP80-1842 as of intermediate susceptibility, and IAC82-3092,
IAC87-3396 and RB806043 as tolerant. Nevertheless, complete death, even in the less suscep
tible cultivars, occurred after 45 days following application. A plants inherent tolerance is
related to the plants capability for absorption, translocation, metabolism and/or elimination
of a herbicide [53]. In [54] also noted that differences in absorption depend primarily on
morpho-anatomical characteristics of the species and that in the aerial parts of the plant,
absorption is highly influenced by the presence or absence of cuticles. The physicochemical
content of the leaf surface is another form of plant resistance to glyphosate [55]. According to
these authors, leaves with flat cuticle surfaces and without large quantities of wax can better
retain applied droplets. After penetration, the herbicide can then be metabolised into secon
dary compounds without herbicidal activity, or its potency might be enhanced [56].
The plants development stage is another factor that should be considered in the eradication
of cultivars because plants must be 40 to 80 cm tall at the time of glyphosate application [2],
and the total leaf area must be sufficient to intercept the herbicide. The inherent resistance to
glyphosate is greater in taller plants [57]. After the formation of culms, plants become more
tolerant to the herbicide [58].
A relationship between plant size and glyphosate efficacy was also observed [59] while
studying Conyza bonariensis. The authors observed that herbicidal efficacy was greater when
the plants presented up to two pairs of leaves. Nevertheless, in more advanced stages of
development, it was necessary to increase herbicide dosage by up to fivefold.
Glyphosate applied 40 days after the last harvest caused the highest percentage of dead tillers,
and also, genotypes IAC87-3184, RB835489 and SP87-344 displayed high to intermediate
sensitivity, while IAC91-5155 was considered tolerant to the herbicide [49]. The most effective
application time for eradication was 65 days after cane harvesting [60]. The same authors
reported that a dose of 960 g a. e. ha-1 eradicated the majority of cultivars, except for Co997,
which needed 1920 g a. e. ha-1 of the herbicide.
Figure 3. Intoxication symptoms caused by glyphosate rates in sugarcane cultivars (IACSP94-2094-4004 and
IACSP94-4004) to 27 days after application. Instituto Agronmico de Campinas -IAC, 2012.
The development of transgenic sugarcane plants, particularly those with tolerance to glyph
osate, will most certainly change the way in which sugarcane is eradicated. The use of
glyphosate will reduce the costs associated with the control of weeds across cycles; however,
during the period of cane eradication, the herbicide will now have a limited impact due to the
tolerance introduced to the cultivars. In this case, eradication may have to be performed
mechanically, which will have a negative impact on soil conservation and might stimulate
weed germination from soil propagule banks. From this perspective, it is important to
emphasise that research aimed at sugarcane plants tolerant to glyphosate should also consider
the use of herbicides in the eradication of future cultivars.
In the eradication of ratoon crops, glyphosate is used to eradicate the crop and also to control
emerged weeds. However, when a sugarcane field also possess weeds that are hard to control,
such as Cynodon dactylon and Cyperus rotundus, the use of higher doses of residual herbicides
after the application of glyphosate is adopted in a process known as disinfestation.
Figure 4. Intoxication symptoms caused by glyphosate rates in sugarcane cultivars (IACSP94-2094-4004 and
IACSP94-2191) to 45 days after application. Instituto Agronmico de Campinas - IAC, 2012.
The aggressive biological nature of hard to control weed species requires that handling start
with the desiccation of the plants to optimise the use of glyphosate in the eradication of ratoon
while also being able to introduce residual herbicides at higher doses. In these instances, the
use of glyphosate in crop eradication serves the dual role desiccating the ratoons and control
ling problematic weeds.
In the time period following eradication but before planting sugarcane, the producer should
formulate a strategy and opt for techniques that ensure higher sustainability of the system.
These methods include such techniques as crop rotation or planting green-manure crops,
although these may still compromise the techniques sustainability if installed in fields that
have been infested with difficult-to-control weeds or previously treated with residual
herbicides for disinfestation. The producer should carefully plan to use techniques that
generate the most effective soil preparation and handling of weeds while simultaneously
ensuring that after the treatments, the soil remains prepared for a new sugarcane plantation.
Shikimate dehydrogenase was selected because it is involved in the shikimic acid pathway,
which is affected by glyphosate action, and -esterase was chosen because it is associated with
oxidative stress. The isoenzymatic profiles of shikimate dehydrogenase and -esterase were
studied in sugarcane cultivars IACSP94-2094, IACSP94-2101, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94-4004,
IAC86-2480 and RB72454 at 8, 24, 48, 72 and 144 hours after the application of glyphosate at
doses of 0, 1440, 2160, 2880, 3600 and 4320 g a. e. ha-1. The results showed that the bands for
shikimate dehydrogenase tended to position near the cathode (at the top of the gel), while esterases were positioned closer to the anode, due to a greater migration during the gel run.
The enzymatic system of shikimate dehydrogenase presented bands that were less sharp and
also had a lower number of bands (three). There were no observed polymorphisms among
cultivars, regardless of whether the data were analysed according to herbicide dosages or in
relation to controls. Therefore, the isoforms remained constant among the different cultivars
and treatments. In [81] was studied 20 enzymatic systems in the identification of sugarcane
cultivars and also did not obtain any promising results using shikimate dehydrogenase. In [82]
was studied populations of Stryphnodendron adstringens, known in Brazil as barbatimo, and
also did not find polymorphisms for shikimate dehydrogenase.
The enzymatic system of -esterase was specific for each studied cultivar, allowing for cultivar
identification based on this biochemical marker [51]. This observation corroborates the
findings [83], who created an analytical key for sugarcane cultivars and found a different
pattern of -esterase in each of the ten cultivars studied. A large number of bands of the esterase enzymatic complex were found with varied band intensity and thickness. The
characteristics of this complex can be related to the degree of ploidy of the plant species;
sugarcane is polyploid [70, 84].
Cultivars of variety IACSP93-3046 and RB72454 did not present differences in terms of bands
owing to the application of glyphosate. These cultivars were considered susceptible to
glyphosate based on field studies reporting a percentage of tiller death of 93.16% and 94.25%
respectively. Moreover, marked toxic effects were rated as high as 94% for IACSP93-3046 and
95.5 % for RB72454 [51].
Sugarcane cultivar IACSP94-4004 was the only cultivar to show an alteration in its band pattern
due to the application of glyphosate. Across all of the treatments in which the herbicide was
applied, there were two additional bands that were not present in the controls and that were
present from the first assessment 8 hours after the application (HAA) of herbicide to the last
assessment at 144 HAA. The appearance of additional bands may be due to the expression of
genes from this enzymatic system in response to stress caused by glyphosate treatment,
thereby demonstrating that the cultivar response to the herbicide is directly linked to the
genotype of each cultivar variety. In fact, cultivar IACSP94-4004 was relatively tolerant to the
field experiments, as it was the cultivar to show the lowest average (percentage) of tiller death
at 45 HAA (80.15 %), the symptoms of toxicity in this cultivar were less pronounced with an
average of 82.5 %, and only glyphosate doses of 3600 g a. e. ha-1 caused symptoms similar to
those caused by the highest dose of 4320 g a. e. ha-1.
Evaluation of the isoenzymatic system of esterases has been used in other studies to
characterise cultivar tolerance. Nevertheless, in the evaluation of sugarcane eradication,
the isoenzymatic profiles of shikimate dehydrogenase and -esterase did not constitute a
reliable tool [51].
9. Conclusions
Glyphosate is a high-efficiency molecule in the sugar-ethanol industrial sector in Brazil.
Glyphosate can be used as an herbicide in the control of weeds and the chemical eradication
of sugarcane crops, and when applied in low dosages, glyphosate can be used as a ripener.
Independently of where the product is used in the production system, the key factor is the
adequacy of the dosage. If cultivar tolerance is known, it is possible to adjust the dose of
glyphosate to eradicate sugarcane ratoon crops. Research has shown that a dose of 2 kg ha-1
(1440 g a. e. ha-1) of the commercial product Roundup WG eradicates 92.76% of the tillers of
the IACSP94-2094 cultivar but only 40.3% of the IACSP94-4004 cultivar. For the most effective
eradication of the IACSP94-4004 cultivar, 4 kg ha1 (2880 g a. e. ha-1) of chemical is needed. This
finding demonstrates that knowledge of plant tolerance can be a valuable tool to adjust
glyphosate doses to the appropriate concentrations for ratoon-crop eradication.
Reducing the quantity of applied glyphosate is possible, as long as the crop is sensitive.
Environmental and economic benefits can also be obtained by applying lower quantities of the
herbicide. Information on cultivar tolerance also allows producers to know when to use higher
herbicide concentrations than those recommended in the literature. However, if the producer
applies a lower dose than is necessary, the ratoon crop will not be completely eradicated. As
a consequence, there will be additional expenditure on a additional herbicide application or
on mechanical eradication, which is highly problematic because it causes the greatest disrup
tion to the soil and later leads to the presence of crop stubble in the new sugarcane field.
The authors are grateful to FAPESP (Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo)
for the financial support (Grant # 2010/09016-9).
Author details
Carlos Alberto Mathias Azania1*, Luciana Rossini Pinto1, Rodrigo Cabral Adriano1,
Dilermando Perecin2 and Andra Padua Azania1
*Address all correspondence to: azania@iac.sp.gov.br
1 Instituto Agronmico de Campinas - IAC, Centro de Cana, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil
2 Universidade Estadual Paulista Unesp, Jaboticabal, Brazil
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Chapter 8
1. Introduction
Tobacco is a major and economically important crop in many countries worldwide, with 6.91
million tons produced annually, mainly in China, India, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Indonesia,
Russia, Malawi, nations of the European Union, and the United States [1]. In the United States
alone, approximately 360,000 tons are produced annually at a value of more than $USD 1.25
billion [2]. Although there are at least 14 different types of tobacco grown around the world,
all are affected by pests. Disease and insect pests are of primary importance in tobacco
production, but weeds are also a major focus of pest control in tobacco. Although weeds may
not cause as much direct damage to tobacco as diseases and insects, weeds present in tobacco
can influence tobacco yield and quality, cause harvest interference, and serve as hosts for
disease and insects. Although tobacco is considered to be very competitive with weeds relative
to other crops, use of herbicides, usually supplemented with cultivation, is still a primary
component of weed control. The objective of the research presented here is to provide a more
thorough understanding of the effects of weeds in tobacco and the characteristics of major
herbicides available to control these weeds in tobacco production in the United States.
1.1. Competitive effects of weeds on tobacco yield and quality
Weeds directly compete with tobacco for light, water, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and space and
can negatively impact tobacco yield and quality. In addition, the quality of the final product
may be further affected due to the presence of foreign plant material, referred to in the tobacco
industry as Non-Tobacco Related Material (NTRM).
The most direct impact of weed competition in tobacco is reduced leaf yield. Leaf quality can
also be negatively affected if weeds physically damage tobacco before or during harvest.
Contamination of the harvested tobacco crop by green weed vegetation or reproductive parts
of weeds has the largest effect on tobacco quality [3, 4]. Chemical exudates from weedy species
2013 Bailey; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
that contaminate tobacco leaves and remain until the tobacco is processed can also impact leaf
chemical balance and resulting flavor of manufactured tobacco products.
The critical weed-free period is a phrase that is used to describe the period during crop
production in which weeds are most likely to reduce crop growth and yield. This is the time
period during which weed control efforts must be maintained to prevent crop yield loss. The
significance of the critical weed-free period is that, if the crop is maintained weed-free for this
period, it will be able to effectively compete with late-emerging weeds without sustaining yield
loss. Critical weed-free periods are influenced by the competitiveness of the individual crop
species and weed species. For most crops, the critical weed-free period for most weeds is 4 to
6 weeks after crop emergence. Since tobacco is transplanted in the field rather than seeded, it
is inherently more competitive with weeds than direct-seeded crops. For this reason, the critical
weed-free period for tobacco may be 1 to 2 weeks shorter than for direct seeded crops. In
addition, the large leaves which most types of tobacco produce makes it more competitive than
many other crops by having a greater ability to reduce photosynthetic ability of weeds growing
under the tobacco canopy. Flue-cured tobacco maintained free of common ragweed (Ambrosia
artemesiifolia L.) for two weeks following transplanting did not sustain significant yield losses
from common ragweed that emerged later [4]. For most weed species, maintaining weed-free
or near weed-free conditions for 6 weeks after transplanting allows tobacco to shade out weeds
that emerge later in the season [5]. In Greece, yield of burley and oriental tobacco increased
significantly with weed-free periods of 3 or 4 weeks and decreased when weeds were allowed
to compete with tobacco for more than 3 to 4 weeks after transplanting. When yield was
reduced due to weed competition, there were also differences in chemical composition of the
tobacco [6]. Natural populations of weeds that were allowed to compete with dark tobacco for
the entire season resulted in a 28% to 40% reduction in total yield compared to tobacco plots
treated with herbicides [7, 8].
If weeds are allowed to compete with tobacco for the entire season, the level of competition
that weeds impose is also influenced by the density of the weeds that are present in the crop.
In general, crop yield decreases as weed density increases. Different weed species also have
different competitive ability with tobacco and thus can effectively compete at lower densities
than other species. In general, dicots (broadleaf weeds) are more competitive with tobacco than
monocots (grass weeds). Within broadleaf and grass weeds, individual species can be more
competitive with tobacco than others. For example, among broadleaf species, Eastern black
nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum L.) has a more rapid growth, higher photosynthetic ability,
and a more erect growth habit than black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.), and is more
competitive with tobacco. Among grass species, giant foxtail (Setaria glauca L.) is more
competitive than either green (Setaria viridis L.) or yellow foxtail (Setaria faberii L.). Much of
these differences in competitiveness can be attributed to differences in plant size among
species. Perennial weed species are also generally more competitive and difficult to control in
tobacco than annual weed species. Perennial species generally have a more extensive root
system and extensive energy reserves than annual species.
Differences in root elongation rate also influence differences in competitiveness by affecting
water and nutrient absorption potential. Among weedy broadleaf species, common cocklebur
(Xanthium strumarium L.) has the greatest root elongation rate and extracts the greatest amount
of moisture per unit area of soil [9]. Under field conditions, the water requirements for various
weed species vary from 150 to 1900 kg water per kg dry matter produced. Of the nutrients that
weeds and tobacco compete for, nitrogen is often the first nutrient to come into short supply
as a result of competition. Weeds are commonly better assimilators of nutrients than crop
plants, normally possessing 50 to 100% more nitrogen than the crop plant based on a whole
plant dry weight basis [10].
Where water and nutrients are adequate, low light intensity that occurs from shading plays a
major role in limiting plant growth. Plants compete for light by positioning their leaves to
intercept available light more favorably than neighboring plants. Plants that exhibit more rapid
early-season growth and have upright growth to grow taller than neighboring plants will be
most successful in competition for light. Broadleaved crops such as tobacco have a distinct
competitive advantage over grass plants or sedges that have narrow leaves. Tall, dense crops
like tobacco successfully compete with shorter plants for light, particularly when weed
emergence occurs later in the season after tobacco is well established and tobacco can easily
impose a shading effect on newly emerged weed seedlings.
Aside from directly competing with tobacco to reduce marketable yield and quality, many
weed species are troublesome with tobacco due to their ability to interfere with harvest
operations. Tobacco crops that are heavily infested with weeds, even relatively non-competi
tive weeds, can have reduced yield through competition before harvest and even more during
harvest. Weed species with twining or climbing growth habits such as morningglory species
(Ipomoea spp.), honeyvine milkweed (Ampelamus albidus [Nutt.] Britt.), or common bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis L.) may not be very competitive with tobacco during the growing season,
but can cause dramatic losses at harvest, even when weed densities are relatively low. A single
climbing weed in a tobacco crop may become entangled in several tobacco plants and cause
leaf damage and loss both prior to and during harvest. Infestations from weeds that become
entwined around tobacco stalks are troublesome during hand harvest operations but even
more troublesome for mechanical harvesting systems. Presence of morningglory at an average
density of 1 plant per 10 m2 has caused a 5% reduction in harvested yield of dark tobacco in
Kentucky USA due to damage and leaf loss during hand harvest (W.A. Bailey, unpublished
data). Mechanical harvesters that encounter morningglory entwined in tobacco at similar
densities would likely incur greater leaf losses as well as sustain extensive damage to the
harvester itself. Parts of weedy plants that remain in the tobacco crop through curing are more
likely to become NTRM, causing extensive reduction in price and likely reduction in marketing
opportunities for future crops.
1.2. Weeds as alternate hosts to other pests in tobacco
Weeds can act as a major host site for other tobacco pests such as diseases, insects, and
nematodes. Many weeds that commonly occur around tobacco fields can harbor other pests
and result in increased infection on tobacco crops. Generally, weed species that have the closest
botanical relationship to tobacco, such as solanaceous weed species, are most likely to harbor
pests that can infest tobacco. However, many plant species with little botanical relationship to
tobacco can also serve as hosts. For example, Datura species such as Jimsonweed are common
alternate hosts to at least 12 tobacco diseases, at least one nematodes species, and at least 3
major insect pests of tobacco. Nicandra species such as Apple-of-Peru are common alternate
hosts to at least 4 major tobacco diseases including blue mold, brown spot, bushy top virus,
and vein banding virus.
1.3. Diseases
Table 1 lists weed species that commonly act as alternate hosts for tobacco diseases. Many
diseases have an extremely wide host range and so only the number of species, families, genera,
or most common host species are listed. Reference materials [11-14] were used to construct
Tables 1, 2. and 3.
Causal Agent
Plant Families
Common ragweed
Bacterial Wilt
Hollow stalk
Erwinia sp.
Solanum sp.
Wildfire /
Most common:
Tobacco Mosaic
Virus (TMV)
Vein Banding
Most common:
Ground cherry
Most common:
(Solanum sp.)
Chenopodium sp.
Causal Agent
Plant Families
Groundcherry species
(Physalis sp.)
Apple of Peru
Nicandra physaloides (L.) Pers.
Field Bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis L.)
Aster yellows
Tomato Spotted
(Cuscuta sp.)
Causal Agent
Plant Families
Blue toadflax
(Linaria canadensis)
Carolina desert-chicory
(Pyrrhopappus carolinianus)
Wild radish
(Raphanus raphanistrum)
Venus looking-glass
(Triodanis perfoliata)
Cucumber Mosaic Various
Virus (CMV)
36 dicot families
Carolina geranium
Tobacco Etch
Virus (TEV)
Solanum sp.
(Datura stramonium L.)
Tobacco Vein
Mottle Virus
Cutleaf groundcherry
(Physalis angulata L.)
(Datura stramonium L.)
Apple of Peru
(Nicandra physaloides [L.] Scop.)
Alfalfa Mosaic
Virus (AMV)
(Datura stramonium L.)
Causal Agent
Plant Families
Datura sp.
Most common:
Physalis sp.
Solanum sp.
Sida sp.
Least snoutbean
Tobacco Leaf Curl Various
Virus (TLCV)
Bristly starbur
Virus (BCTV)
Tobacco Rattle
Virus (TRV)
(Capsella bursa-pastoris L.)
Black nightshade
(Solanum nigrum L.)
Common chickweed
(Stellaria media L.)
(Lamium amplexicaule L.)
Redroot pigweed
(Amaranthus retroflexus L.)
Spiny sowthistle
(Sonchus asper [L.] All.)
(Descurainia sophia L.)
Redstem filaree
(Erodium cicutarium L.)
Common ragweed
Most common:
Wild carrot
Causal Agent
Plant Families
Common burdock
Tobacco Streak
Virus (TSV)
(Wor.) Dang
Tobacco stunt
Olpidium brassicae
virus (TSV)
(Wor.) Dang
Potato Virus Y
Chenopodium sp.
Solanaceae (most
common), also
Damping off
Pythium sp.
Stem/root rot
Sore shin
Southern Stem/
Sclerotium rolfsii
Root Rot
Fusarium wilt
(Schlecht) Wr. f.
nicotianae Johnson
Verticillium wilt
alboatrum Reinke
and Berth
Olpidium seedling Olpidium brassicae Many
Most common:
Common lambsquarters
(Wor.) Dang
Causal Agent
Plant Families
White poplar
(Populus alba L.)
Black Root Rot
Most common:
Br.) Ferraris
Charcoal Rot
Macrophominapha >300
seoli (Maubl.)
Blue Mold
Poormans orchid
(Schizanthus pinnatus Ruiz & Pav.
Egyptian henbane)
D. B. Adam
Alternaria alternata 56
Most common:
Apple of Peru
(Nicandra physalodes [L.] Scop.)
cichoracearum DC
115 genera
Main families:
Some grasses
Common pokeweed
Table 1. Common weeds that serve as alternate hosts for tobacco diseases.
Table 2 lists weed species that act as alternate hosts to nematodes that may infect tobacco.
Root knot
Tobacco cyst
Number of
Number of Plant
Hosts Species
Most major plant
Meloidogyne sp.
Dicots and monocots.
Globodera sp.
At least 45
Most common:
Most common:
Pratylenchus sp.
(Stem and Bulb
Ditylenchus dipsaci
[Kuhn] Filipjev
Large crabgrass
(Digitaria sanguinalis L.)
(Solanum carolinense L.)
Stunt nematode
Tylenchorhynchus sp.
Common families:
(Festuca sp.)
(Lactuca sp.)
Stubby root
Most common:
Trichodorus sp.
At least 51
(Vicia sp.)
Wild onion
(Allium canadense L.)
(Lespedeza sp.)
Showy crotalaria
(Crotalaria spectabilis L.)
(Datura stramonium L.)
Table 3 lists weeds species that serve as alternate hosts for insects that may attack tobacco.
Myzus persicae
Myzus nicotianae
Most common:
Curly dock
Common chickweed
Frankliniella sp.
Spiny amaranth
(Amaranthus spinosus L.)
(Datura stramonium L.)
Flea beetle
Epitrix sp.
Cabbage looper
Trichoplusia ni
Wild mustard
Lepidoptera sp.
Manduca sexta
Solanaceae only
(Datura stramonium L.)
Nightshade species
(Penstemon laevigatus
(Desmodium spp.)
Bicolor lespedeza
(Lespedeza bicolor Turcz.)
Black medic
(Medicago lupulina L.)
(Geranium dissectum L.)
(Rhexia spp.)
Heliothis virescens F.
(Rumex spp.)
(Physalis spp.)
Japanese honeysuckle
(Lonicera japonica Thunb.)
(Lupinus spp.)
(Ipomoea spp.)
(Passiflora spp.)
Prickly sida
(Sida spinosa L.)
(Helianthus spp.)
Plant Family
Scientific Name
Redroot pigweed
Amaranthus retroflexus
Yellow nutsedge
Cyperus esculentus
Ivyleaf morningglory
Ipomoea hederacea
Common lambsquarters
Chenopodium album
Common ragweed
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Solanum carolinense
Large crabgrass
Digitaria sanguinalis
Eleusine indica
Fall panicum
Panicum dichotomiflorum
Giant foxtail
Setaria faberi
Sorghum halepense
tions, cultivation, or hand weeding. Scouting allows for timely operations that will be more
effective than attempting to control weeds after they become more mature.
2.2. Field preparation and cultivation
Where conservation tillage (no-tillage or strip-tillage) practices are not imposed, primary
tillage with moldboard plowing, chisel plowing, and disking are the major methods used in
field preparation for tobacco in the United States. Primary tillage is the major method of
destroying weeds and preparing the ground for tobacco transplanting. Moldboard plowing is
the primary means of turning under residue to allow decomposition and is most necessary
with grass crops or annual grass weeds, while chisel plowing and disking are secondary tillage
practices that aid in destruction of residue and help level the ground in preparation for tobacco
transplanting. Field cultivators or mechanical rotary tillers are also used as a finishing tool just
prior to transplanting.
Mechanical cultivation is still a necessary supplemental weed control practice in conventional
tillage tobacco production because herbicides generally do not control all weeds that occur in
tobacco production. Cultivation can also aid in soil aeration when soil crusting occurs, but also
contributes to soil erosion and soil drying near the surface. No more than two cultivations are
necessary for tobacco. Excessive or late cultivation can injure tobacco root systems, causing
problems with water and nutrient uptake while also potentially increasing problems with
tobacco mosaic virus, black shank (Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan), and Granville wilt
(Pseudomonas solanacearum E. F. Smith). Cultivation should be made shallow in the top 5 cm of
soil so that tobacco roots are not injured and weed seed present below the herbicide treated
area are not disturbed and allowed to germinate.
eters. With any pesticide application, it is essential that the correct product be selected for the
identified target weed species and that the product has a legal registration for use on tobacco
in a given country. There may also be cases where a product has a legal registration for use on
tobacco in that country but the tobacco manufacturers do not want the product applied to the
crop due to leaf residue issues or other concerns. Over the past two decades, analytical
techniques have allowed manufacturing companies to accurately evaluate residue levels of
tobacco pesticides on cured leaves. In some cases, these residue levels have prompted
companies to discourage the use of some products.
Herbicides may be applied in many different ways, but most herbicides for use in tobacco are
applied to the soil prior to weed emergence, and many must be applied prior to tobacco
transplanting. Some of these herbicides are applied as pretransplant surface (PRETR) appli
cations and others are applied as pretransplant incorporated (PTI) applications where the
herbicide is mechanically incorporated into top 2.5 to 5 cm of soil. Seed of most annual weed
species occur in this depth of soil and therefore it is advantageous to keep herbicides at this
depth. All soil-applied herbicides need adequate soil moisture in order to be effective, and
incorporation increases the availability of moisture for herbicide activation and prevents loss
of the herbicide through volatilization into the atmosphere. Only a limited number of herbi
cides are registered for use in tobacco and none control all weeds that may occur. Therefore,
much attention should be given to planning weed control strategies [19, 4].
Spray applicators should always remember to follow application instructions given on the
label and also insure that the herbicide is registered for use in tobacco in the area where it is
to be applied. The following is a listing and description of herbicides currently used in tobacco
in various parts of the world for control of grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds. The general
application guidelines described and weed spectrum of control are based on the use of these
herbicides in tobacco within the United States. Consult the product labels of these herbicides
for additional information.
3.1. Herbicides commonly used in tobacco
On a worldwide basis, the most commonly used herbicides for tobacco include alachlor,
clomazone, metolachlor, napropamide, pebulate, pendimethalin, sethoxydim, and sulfentra
zone. The following are descriptions of the weed control properties and basic use patterns.
3.1.1. Alachlor
Alachlor is a chloroacetamide herbicide that inhibits lipid biosynthesis and the synthesis of
proteins, gibberellins, lignin, and anthocyanin production in susceptible plants. Alachlor
controls many common annual grasses such as crabgrass (Digitaria sp.), foxtail (Setaria sp.),
goosegrass (Eleusine indica [L.] Gaertn.), fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.), and
barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli [L.] P. Beauv.); as well as yellow nutsedge (Cyperus
esculentus L.), but is of limited value for control of broadleaf weeds. Alachlor applications for
tobacco are normally applied prior to transplanting and shallowly incorporated in the top 2.5
to 5 cm of soil, but may also be applied pretransplant without incorporation. Alachlor is a
liquid formulation and the normal use rate is approximately 2.2 to 3.4 kg ai/ha. NOTE: Alachlor
is a restricted use herbicide due to oncogenicity (tumor causing potential in laboratory animals)
and alachlor has also been identified as having the potential to leach through the soil into
ground water, particularly where soils are coarse and groundwater is near the surface [19, 20].
3.1.2. Clomazone
Clomazone is a carotenoid and chlorophyll inhibitor that causing bleaching/whitening in
susceptible plants. Clomazone controls several common annual grasses species such as crabgrass
(Digitaria spp.), Panicum spp., and foxtails (Setaria spp.). In addition to grass control, cloma
zone also controls jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium
album L.), hairy galinsoga (Galinsoga quadriradiata Cav.), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifo
lia L.), and velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.). Clomazone is normally applied as a soil surface
PRETR application, but can also be applied over-the-top of tobacco within 7 days of transplant
ing as tobacco shows good tolerance to this herbicide. Although clomazone is usually applied
to the soil surface with no incorporation, it can be incorporated into the soil surface provided
that caution is taken not to incorporate deeper than 5 cm. Clomazone is available in liquid
formulations and the normal use rate is approximately 0.84 to 1.1 kg ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.3. Metolachlor
Metolachlor is a chloroacetamide herbicide similar to alachlor that has the same mode of action
and same basic spectrum of weed activity, controlling numerous annual grass weeds and
yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.), but has limited activity against broadleaf weeds.
Metolachlor applications for tobacco are normally applied prior to transplanting and shallowly
incorporated in the top 2.5 to 5 cm of soil, but may also be applied pretransplant without
incorporation. Metolachlor is normally a liquid formulation and the use rate is approximately
1.1 to 2.1 kg ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.4. Napropamide
Napropamide is an acid amide herbicide that inhibits several metabolic processes including
lipid biosynthesis and the synthesis of proteins and gibberellins. Napropamide is used
primarily for the control of annual grasses such as crabgrass (Digitaria spp.), Panicum spp., and
foxtails (Setaria spp.). Napropamide also provides some control of small-seeded broadleaf
weeds such as pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album
L.). Napropamide is highly volatile and should be mechanically incorporated immediately
after application, and preferably in the same operation as the application. Application of
napropamide is normally made prior to transplanting. Napropamide is available in dry and
liquid formulations and the normal use rate is approximately 1.1 kg ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.5. Pebulate
Pebulate is a thiocarbamate herbicide that inhibits lipid formation in sensitive plants. Pebulate
controls annual grasses such as crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) and foxtails (Setaria spp.) as well as
suppression of certain small-seeded broadleaf weeds such as pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.) and
common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.). In addition, pebulate is one of the few
herbicides available for use in tobacco that provides good suppression of nutsedge sp.
(Cyperus spp.). Similar to napropamide, pebulate is highly volatile and should be incorporated
immediately after application, preferably in the same operation. Pebulate is applied prior to
tobacco transplanting at a use rate of approximately 4.5 kg ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.6. Pendimethalin
Pendimethalin is a dinitroanaline herbicide that inhibits mitosis in susceptible plants. Pendi
methalin provides excellent control of annual grasses and certain small-seeded broadleaf
weeds. Pendimethalin provides excellent control of crabgrass species (Digitaria spp.), foxtail
species (Setaria spp.), Panicum species, and goosegrass (Eleusine indica [L.] Gaertn.), and also
provides some control of broadleaf species such as pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) and common
lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.). Pendimethalin is normally applied as a PTI application
to a well-prepared soil surface up to 60 days prior to transplanting tobacco. Pendimethalin
should be incorporated into the top 2.5 to 5 cm of soil within 7 days after application. Pendi
methalin is available as liquid formulations and normal use rate is approximately 1.4 to 1.7 kg
ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.7. Sethoxydim
Sethoxydim is a cyclohexanedione herbicide that inhibits lipid biosynthesis in susceptible
grass species. Sethoxydim only controls grasses, so it is totally safe to broadleaf crops such as
tobacco. Sethoxydim has no soil residual activity and is the only true postemergence herbicide
that can be applied over-the-top of tobacco later than 7 days after transplanting. Sethoxydim
may be applied up to 42 days prior to tobacco harvest. Sethoxydim is effective on annual grass
species such as crabgrass (Digitaria spp.), Panicum species, and foxtails (Setaria spp.), and also
controls perennial grasses such as shattercane (Sorghum bicolor L.) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum
halepense L.). Application must be made to emerged, actively growing grasses to be effective.
For perennial shattercane and Johnsongrass, sethoxydim is most effective if grass plants are
allowed to get 45 to 60 cm tall before application. Do not cultivate within 5 days before
application or 7 days after application. Crop oil concentrate at 1% of the spray volume per
hectare is recommended with sethoxydim application. Recommended rates of sethoxydim are
approximately 0.3 kg ai/ha. For spot treatment by hand, prepare 1 to 1.5% sethoxydim solution
with 1% crop oil concentrate and spray grass plants until wetted [19, 20].
3.1.8. Sulfentrazone
Sulfentrazone is an aryl triazolinone herbicide that inhibits photosynthesis by inhibiting the
enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase. Sulfentrazone provides partial control and suppression
of annual grasses such as crabgrass (Digitaria spp.), Panicum sp., foxtails (Setaria spp.), and
goosegrass (Eleusine indica L.). However, its main attribute is control of nutsedge species
(Cyperus spp.) and troublesome broadleaf weed species such as nightshade species (Solanum
spp.), groundcherry species (Physalis spp.), morningglory species (Ipomoea spp.), smartweed
species (Polygonum spp.), pigweed species (Amaranthus spp.), and common lambsquarters
(Chenopodium album L.). Sulfentrazone must be applied prior to transplanting tobacco and
should be applied to the soil surface without incorporation. If incorporation is used, it must
not be deeper than 5 cm from the soil surface. Currently, sulfentrazone is also marketed in the
United States in a prepackaged combination with carfentrazone. Carfentrazone is a postemer
gence burn down herbicide designed for broadleaf weed control prior to transplanting.
Sulfentrazone is available as a liquid formulation and normal use rate is approximately 0.28
to 0.42 kg ai/ha [19, 20].
3.1.9. Burndown of weeds or cover crops in conservation tillage production systems
No-tillage and strip-tillage tobacco production requires that any existing vegetation, whether
it be weed growth or cover crop, be killed prior to transplanting tobacco without using
extensive tillage as in conventional tillage tobacco production. Paraquat is a common herbicide
that is used as a burndown prior to tobacco transplanting in no-tillage tobacco in the United
States. Paraquat should be applied as a broadcast application to actively growing weeds or
cover crops no larger than approximately 15 cm in height. Use rates for paraquat for burndown
prior to tobacco transplanting are approximately 0.7 to 1.1 kg ai/ha. Glyphosate may also be
used to burndown existing vegetation prior to tobacco transplanting as a broadcast application
at approximately 0.28 kg ai/ha. Glyphosate should be applied 30 days or more prior to tobacco
transplanting and paraquat should be applied several days prior to tobacco transplanting.
Carfentrazone may also be used in conservation tillage tobacco prior to transplanting at use
rates up to 0.027 kg ai/ha. Carfentrazone has generally not been as effective as paraquat or
glyphosate for pretransplant burndown in conservation tillage tobacco [19].
3.2. Weed control expected from herbicides used in tobacco
Although there are a limited number of herbicides registered for tobacco relative to other crops
that occupy more total area, the herbicides available for use in tobacco generally provide
adequate weed control, particularly when supplemented with cultivation in conventional
tillage production systems.
The following are results from herbicide experiments conducted in dark tobacco in western
Kentucky USA from 2005 to 2007. Treatments included all residual herbicides that were
currently registered for use in tobacco. Soil type was a Grenada silt loam (fine-silty, mixed,
thermic Oxyaquic Fraglossudalf) with 1.8% organic matter and pH of 6.4. Tobacco plots were
prepared by conventional tillage with moldboard plowing and disking. Final field preparation
and incorporation of herbicide treatments that required incorporation was done with a field
cultivator. Fertilization and other crop production practices were according to standard
recommendations [21]. Experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design
with 4 replications and plots were 4 rows, 4.1 m wide by 12.2 m long. Herbicide treatments
were applied one day prior to transplanting as broadcast applications using CO2-pressurized
sprayers with flat fan nozzles calibrated to deliver 187 L/ha at 120 kPa. Narrowleaf Madole
dark tobacco was then transplanted on 1-m row spacing and 81-cm plant spacing within rows.
Crop injury and weed control was evaluated using a 0 to 100% scale where 0 = no plant injury
and 100 = plant death [22]. Tobacco injury data shown in Table 5 is from 2 weeks following
transplanting while weed control data shown in Table 6 is from one week prior to harvest.
Dark tobacco was fire-cured using standard practices [21] and yield and quality data are shown
in Table 7.
Herbicide treatments evaluated included sulfentrazone, clomazone, sulfentrazone plus
clomazone, pendimethalin, pendimethalin followed by sulfentrazone, pebulate, napropa
mide, and pebulate plus napropamide. All herbicide treatments were applied using maximum
use rates allowed on U.S. labels. Sulfentrazone and clomazone treatments were applied as
pretransplant applications to the soil surface while pendimethalin, pebulate, and napropamide
treatments were incorporated immediately after application. Tobacco was cultivated twice
early in the season following transplanting as is the standard practice.
As these data illustrate, there is potential to observe mild crop injury under some conditions
following application of these tobacco herbicides (Table 5). Greatest potential for injury
occurred following sulfentrazone and pendimethalin applications, although injury was never
greater than 11% in any year and tobacco recovered quickly.
These data also illustrate that combinations of two tobacco herbicides provide more effective
control of a broader spectrum of weeds than any one tobacco herbicide (Table 6). Sulfentra
zone applied alone effectively controlled yellow nutsedge and ivyleaf morningglory, but was
not as effective on large crabgrass and common ragweed. Conversely, clomazone was effec
tive on large crabgrass and common ragweed but not as effective on yellow nutsedge and ivyleaf
morningglory. The most effective herbicide treatment evaluated across these four weed species
was sulfentrazone and clomazone applied together. Pendimethalin followed by sulfentrazone
was also a very effective treatment, but did not control common ragweed as well as sulfentra
zone plus clomazone. Pebulate plus napropamide also provided better weed control than either
herbicide applied alone, but this combination was still not as effective as sulfentrazone plus
clomazone or pendimethalin followed by sulfentrazone on the weed species evaluated here.
Although obvious differences in weed control were seen, these differences did not always
translate to yield, quality, or gross revenue differences (Table 7). Total yield of dark tobacco
treated with herbicides ranged from 2,765 kg/ha with pendimethalin alone to 3,051 kg/ha with
pendimethalin followed by sulfentrazone with minimal differences in total yield between
treatments. Herbicide treatments increased total yield by at least 359 kg/ha compared to
tobacco that was only cultivated without herbicide treatment. Differences in quality grade
index were also few, ranging from 61.9 to 70.1 across all treatments. There were no differences
is gross revenue between herbicide treatments, with gross revenue ranging from 11,163 to
12,911 $USD/ha with herbicide treated tobacco, compared to 9,377 $USD/ha with tobacco that
was only cultivated with no herbicide treatment.
4. Conclusion
Although tobacco is considered a very competitive crop, weeds can directly impact tobacco
by limiting yield and quality, and causing interference of harvest and other field operations.
In addition, weeds can more indirectly affect tobacco by harboring several major tobacco
diseases, insects, and nematodes. Weed control practices for tobacco include field site selection,
rotation, scouting, and many fields receive intensive tillage prior to transplanting and
cultivation following transplanting. In many areas of the world, weed control for tobacco is
almost exclusively a manual task using hand weeding and animal-drawn cultivation imple
ments. Although tobacco is not a food crop, the high value of tobacco relative to other crops
makes manual weed management practices economically feasible in some regions.
In more developed regions, however, the use of herbicides is the main component of weed
control practices in tobacco. Mechanical cultivation is still used to supplement herbicides in
most fields, as no-tillage or reduced tillage production systems have not been adopted as
readily in tobacco as in other crops like corn, soybean, and small grains. Although only a
limited number of herbicides are available for use in tobacco compared to grain crops, the
herbicides that are available have generally provided adequate weed control, particularly
when supplemented with cultivation. Of the herbicides that are available, combinations of two
herbicides are generally more effective than a single herbicide and some herbicide combina
tions are more effective than others. Data presented here indicate that sulfentrazone plus
clomazone or pendimethalin followed by sulfentrazone were the most effective herbicide
programs for weed control in dark tobacco.
Tobacco Injuryc
Herbicide Treatment
Application Timing
Application Rate
Sulfentrazone + Clomazone
2 bc
1 bc
0.42 + 1.12
3 bc
11 a
1.66 + 0.42
10 a
2 bc
3 bc
1 bc
2 bc
Pebulate + Napropamide
4.48 + 2.24
2 bc
0 bc
Pendimethalin fba
Untreated Control
3 bc
Data collected from herbicide trials conducted near Murray, KY USA in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Injury data presented by
Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fishers Protected LSD
at P=0.05.
Weed Controlc
Herbicide Treatment
Application Rate
61 c
91 a
31 e
90 b
86 a
17 c
83 a
62 c
0.42 + 1.12
89 a
96 a
85 a
97 a
89 a
23 c
42 d
73 b
1.66 + 0.42
96 a
93 a
54 c
94 ab
54 c
77 b
53 c
35 de
72 b
22 c
68 b
31 e
4.48 + 2.24
75 b
78 b
71 b
39 d
Sulfentrazone +
Pendimethalin fba
Pebulate +
Untreated Control
Data collected from herbicide trials conducted near Murray, KY USA in 2005, 2006, and 2007, weed control data pooled
over years.
Abbreviations: fb = followed by; PRETR = pretransplant surface application; PTI = pretransplant incorporated application.
Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fishers Protected LSD
at P=0.05.
Table 6. Late-season weed control from herbicides and herbicide systems currently used in dark tobacco production
in the U.S.a
Stalk Positionab
kg ai/ha
64.9 ab
12,497 a
70.1 a
12,911 a
64.4 ab
12,598 a
405 a
580 ab
1992 a
355 ab
579 ab
2010 a
0.42 + 1.12
394 a
595 a
2028 a
351 ab
565 ab
1843 a 2765 b
61.9 ab
11,163 ab
1.66 + 0.42
375 ab
617 a
2059 a 3051 a
63.4 ab
11,883 a
Sulfentrazone +
Pendimethalin fb
Stalk Positionab
kg ai/ha
351 ab
569 ab
1958 a
355 ab
594 a
1879 a
4.48 + 2.24
370 ab
603 a
2031 a
314 b
499 b
1592 a
Untreated Control
Pebulate +
2406 c
63.6 ab
11,779 a
66.7 ab
12,067 a
65.9 ab
12,430 a
66.2 ab
9,377 b
Data collected from herbicide trials conducted near Murray, KY USA in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Tobacco yield data pooled
over years.
Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fishers Protected LSD
at P=0.05.
Tobacco leaves removed by stalk position following fire-curing. Lug corresponds to lower stalk leaves, second from
midstalk, and leaf from upper stalk.
Quality grade index is a numerical representation of Federal quality grade received for tobacco and is a weighted average
of grade index for all stalk positions.
Gross revenue is the total gross value of tobacco (in $USD) based on Federal grade and price support values.
Table 7. Effect of herbicide treatment on dark-fired tobacco yield, quality grade index, and gross revenuea.
Author details
William A. Bailey
Address all correspondence to: abailey@uky.edu
Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Research and Education Cen
ter, Princeton, KY, USA
[1] United Nations Food and Agriculture OrganizationFood and Agriculture Organiza
tion Statistical Yearbook 2010. Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Divison.
http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/am081m/PDF/am081m00b.pdfaccessed 29 September
[2] National Agriculture Statistics ServiceAgricultural Statistics Annual Report. http://
www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/Ag_Statistics/2011/Chapter02.pdfAccessed 29 Sep
tember (2012).
[3] Collins, W. K, & Hawks, S. N. Jr. Cultivation and weed management. In W. K. Col
lins and S. N. Hawks (eds.) Principles of Flue-Cured Tobacco Production. Raleigh:
North Carolina State University. (1993).
[4] Parker, R. G, Fisher, L. R, & Whitley, D. S. Weed management in conventional and
no-till burley tobacco. In 2007 Burley Tobacco Information. Raleigh: North Carolina
Cooperative Extension Service. (2007).
[5] Palmer, G. K, & Pearce, R. C. Light air-cured tobacco. In D. L. Davis and M. T. Niel
sen (eds.) Tobacco: Production, Chemistry, and Technology. Oxford: Blackwell Sci
ence. (1999).
[6] Lolas, P. C. Weed community interference in burley oriental tobacco (Nicotiana taba
cum). Weed Res. (1986). , 26(1), 1-8.
[7] Bailey, W. A. Comparison of herbicide systems for dark tobacco. Proc. South. Weed
Sci. Soc. 60:18. (2007).
[8] Bailey, W. A. Dark tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) tolerance to trifloxysulfuron and halo
sulfuron. Weed Technol. (2007). , 21, 1016-1022.
[9] Davis, R. G, Weise, A. F, & Pafford, J. L. (1965). Root moisture extraction profiles of
various weeds. Weeds 1965;, 13, 98-102.
[10] Greer, H. A. L. Weeds: costly competitors for nutrients. Plant Food Rev. (1966).
[11] Daub, M. E, Echandi, E, Gooding, G. V, Jr, K. J, Jones, G. B, Lucas, C. E, Main, N. T,
Powell, S. M, Schneider, H. D, Shew, P. B, & Shoemaker, H. W. Spurr, Jr. H. D. Shew
and G. B. Lucas (eds.) Compendium of Tobacco Diseases. St. Paul: American Phyto
pathological Society. (1991).
[12] Groves, R. L, Walgenbach, J. F, Moyer, J. W, & Kennedy, G. G. The role of weed hosts
and tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, in the epidemiology of tomato spotted wilt virus.
Plant Dis. 2002;(2002). , 86(6), 573-582.
[13] Wisler, G. C, & Norris, R. F. Interactions between weeds and cultivated plants as re
lated to management of plant pathogens. Weed Sci. 2005;(2005). , 53, 914-917.
[14] Lucas, G. B. Diseases of Tobacco. Raleigh: Biological Consulting Associates. (1975).
[15] Flora of North America Editorial Committeeeds. Flora of North America North of
Mexico. 12 vols. New York and Oxford. (1993).
[16] Elmore, C. D. editor. Southern Weed Science Society Weed Identification Guide.
Champaign, IL: Southern Weed Science Society. (1999).
[17] Radford, A. E, Ahles, H. E, & Bell, C. R. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Caroli
nas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (1968).
[18] Sigma Database Agrochemical Use on Tobacco. Product Studies Research, Newbury
Berks, UK. (1999).
[19] Seebold, K, Green, J. D, & Townsend, L. Pest Management. In 2007 Kentucky Tobac
co Production Guide. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
[20] Anderson, W. P. Weed Science: Principles and Applications. New York: West Pub
lishing Company. (1996).
[21] Seebold, K. editor. Kentucky & Tennessee Tobacco Production Guide. Lexington, KY:
Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. (2011). , 2011-2012.
[22] Frans, R, Talbert, R, Marx, D, & Crowley, H. Experimental design and techniques for
measuring and analyzing plant responses to weed control practices. in N. D. Camper,
ed. Research Methods in Weed Science. 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Southern Weed Sci
ence Society. (1986). , 29-46.
Section 2
Chapter 9
1. Introduction
Natural areas represent a significant resource for many countries. In the U.S. natural areas can
be defined as conservation lands set aside for preservation or restoration, such as city or county
park, private woods, state or national park, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands, or other
areas [1,2]. In many cases these areas are utilized for recreation, ecosystem services or other
non-agricultural purposes [3,4]. Given this broad definition, natural areas encompass a huge
portion of the land mass of the United States and represent incredible biological diversity.
According to the U.S. National Vegetation Classification in 2012 there are 8 major classifica
tions in the U.S. with 430 groupings and over 6100 associations [5]. Some of the more common
ecological communities include deciduous temperate forests, temperate coniferous forests,
grasslands, and wetlands such as swamps, tidal marshes, and riparian zones.
Many natural areas are managed to some degree for a variety of uses, but due to the complexity
of many natural area systems, the management techniques developed for, and utilized in these
areas is diverse. Some areas are managed exclusively for recreation and include water
attractions, hiking and biking trails, horse trails, or camping. In these cases, user satisfaction,
human health and safety are the primary goals, with ecological community diversity being a
secondary, but often equally important, goal [6]. Other areas that are managed for conservation
(including hunting), preservation or restoration may not require as intense or frequent
management [7].
Vegetation management in natural areas is performed for a variety of purposes but falls
broadly into two primary categories: 1) maintaining the existing vegetation at desirable
levels and species composition or 2) restoring the ecosystem to a desirable state. With the
latter category, restoration can include reintroduction of naturally occurring species,
2013 MacDonald et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Rate range
(common name)
of Action2
Spectrum of Control6
O (4)
F, B, I, CS
Microbial (7-10)
O (4)
F, S, I, CS
O (4)
F, S, B, CS
Microbial (4-14)
O (4)
F,S, B, I, CS
Microbial (90-300)
O (4)
F, B, I, CS
Microbial (30)
O (4)
Microbial (38)
O (4)
F, S
Microbial (40)
O (4)
F, S, I
Microbial (35)
O (4)
F, S, B, I
Microbial (60)
C1 (5)
Microbial (70-90)
C2 (7)
Microbial (90)
C2 (7)
Microbial (400)
C1 (5)
Microbial (90)
C1 (5)
Microbial (60)
C1 (5)
Microbial (450)
G (9)
Irreversibly bound
Z (27)
Microbial (8)
H (10)
Irreversibly bound
D (22)
Irreversibly bound
0.31 - 0.53
Microbial (4-11)
0.11 0.28
Microbial (3)
0.13 0.42
B (2)
0.56 1.70
F, S, B, I, CS
Microbial (25-140)
B (2)
0.05 0.21
F, S
Microbial (60-120)
B (2)
0.14 0.56
Microbial (20-30)
B (2)
F, S
Hydrolysis (40)
B (2)
F, S
Hydrolysis (30)
B (2)
Hydrolysis (20-28)
E (14)
Microbial (12-18)
E (14)
Photolysis (35)
L (21)
Microbial (50-120)
K1 (3)
Photolysis (44)
Rate range
(common name)
of Action2
Spectrum of Control6
K1 (3)
Photolysis (20-90)
L (20)
Microbial (60)
K3 (15)
Microbial (67)
Information presented derived from sources including, but not limited to: 2007 Herbicide Handbook, Weed Science
Society of America, Lawrence, KS. 458p; ExToxNet - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork, http://extoxnet.orst.edu/; Crop
Data Management Systems, Inc., http://www.cdms.net/.
Mode of action classification based on Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) [letters and subscript numbers]
and the Weed Science Society of America (parentheses). HRAC http://www.hracglobal.com/ WSSA http://
Rate range based on current label guidelines for control in natural areas or non-cropland sites. Rate expressed in
kilograms of active ingredient per hectare.
Application methods include: F - foliar, S soil, B basal bark, I stem injection, CS cut stump
Environmental dissipation includes the major means of breakdown and half-life range in days in soil. In some cases, the
mechanism of breakdown is not available.
abbreviations: POST postemergence activity/application; PRE preemergence soil activity; BLs broadleaf species.
*General application information only refer to product label and local/state recommendations for specifics on use rates,
application methods and timing, species controlled and restrictions for use.
Table 1. Properties and application methods of commonly used herbicides used in natural areas1.
In addition to 2,4-D, there have been several other phenoxycarboxylic acid herbicides devel
oped that are used in natural areas. These include MCPA, diclorprop, and mecoprop. Once
again several formulations of each have been developed, including salt and ester forms. Of the
three, diclorprop is used most extensively in natural areas [18], while MCPA and mecoprop
are mainly used in grass crop and turf situations for annual and perennial broadleaf weed
control [19]. As of 2007, the parent acid and the dimethylamine salt and ethylhexyl ester
formulations of dichlorprop are registered for use by the US EPA. This herbicide has better
activity on woody brush and trees, compared to 2,4-D. The ester formulation is often used
alone or in oil-based carriers for spot specific plant treatments such as fencerows and rights of
For many years, the phenoxy herbicide 2,4,5-T was the standard treatment for woody brush
and tree control in pastures and rangeland [20]. This herbicide was highly active on several
species and possessed considerable soil persistence, which contributed to its effectiveness.
2,4,5-T was cancelled for use by the U.S. EPA in the early 1980s due to concerns from the
contaminant dioxin during certain manufacturing processes. Dioxin has been demonstrated
to be a known carcinogen and was present in considerable quantities of 2,4,5-T used during
the Vietnam war [21]. The herbicide known as Agent Orange was actually a combination of
2,4,5-T and 2,4-D used for widespread aerial-applied jungle defoliation [22]. However, the
levels of dioxin in commercially produced 2,4,5-T after the war were very low, but continuing
concerns and public outcry lead to the cancellation of this herbicide [23].
The benzoic acid herbicide chemical family contains only one currently available herbicide for
use in natural areas, dicamba. Dicamba is formulated only as a salt, with the following salts
registered for use by the US EPA: dimethylamine (DMA) salt, sodium (NA) salt, isopropyla
mine (IPA) salt, diglycolamine (DGA) salt, and potassium (K) salt [14]. Interestingly, this
herbicide can volatilize and move off target, despite being formulated as a salt. Dicamba is
highly effective on many weeds in crops and is widely used in pasture/rangeland situations
for perennial weed management [24]. It is considered to have superior perennial broadleaf
weed control compared to many of the phenoxy herbicides, while still providing selectivity
towards crops (primarily corn and sorghum). Dicamba also possesses greater soil persistence
than phenoxys, which also contributes to its control [25].
The pyridine or picolinic acid herbicide chemical family comprises several herbicides that are
widely used for natural area weed control. In general these herbicides are more potent
compared to equivalent rates of phenoxy herbicides, and many possess considerable soil
residual activity. The first picolinic acid herbicide developed was picloram in 1963 by Dow
Chemical [14]. Similar to 2,4-D, picloram is formulated as salts (triisopropanolamine and
potassium) and ester (ethylhexyl/isooctyl). Picloram is used in a wide range of natural areas,
particularly open rangeland, for woody brush control [18]. Several formulations are also used
in permanent pasture situations for perennial broadleaf weed control. The use of picloram is
limited in certain areas over potential groundwater contamination concerns due to high water
solubility and relatively long soil half-life. Moreover, many crops are highly sensitive to
picloram at very low rates (<ppb), which also limits use in tolerant crops due to rotational
concerns [26].
Triclopyr is probably the most widely used picolinic acid herbicide in natural areas,
especially for woody brush species [27]. This herbicide is formulated as the triethylamine
salt and the butoxyethyl ester, both of which are used across a wide range of natural, forest
and pasture/rangeland situations. It possesses good activity on many annual and perenni
al broadleaf weeds and brush, but at rates slightly higher when compared to picloram [20].
However, unlike picloram, triclopyr has limited soil activity and is generally considered
to be non-soil active [14].
The picolinic acid herbicide fluroxypyr also has limited soil activity, and is used primarily for
broadleaf weed control in cereals, fallow cropland and pastures. It is formulated as a meptyl
and butometyl ester and is often combined with other growth regulator herbicides to broaden
weed control spectrum [28]. The use of fluroxypyr in natural areas is limited, primarily rights
of ways, mainly due to superior weed control spectrum from other picolinic acid herbicides
and labeling restrictions.
Clopyralid is another picolinic herbicide with moderate utility in natural areas. This herbicide
was discovered in 1961 by Dow Chemical Company but was not registered for herbicidal use
in the U.S. until 1987 [14]. It is mainly formulated as the monoethanolamine salt, but ester
formations are also available. Clopyralid has moderate soil persistence and may cause
problems with sensitive crops planted after clopyralid use in the previous crop [28]. This
herbicide has broadleaf weed activity, similar to the picolinic acid herbicides as a whole, but
has greater specificity and therefore selectivity towards many legume, solanaceous and
composite type weeds [29,30,31].
Aminopyralid is a relatively new picolinic acid herbicide registered for use in pastures/
rangeland, forestry and natural areas [14]. Aminopyralid is only formulated as the potassium
salt. It has moderate soil persistence, and like clopyralid, has specificity towards legume,
composite and solanaceous weeds [32]. In fact, one of the primary registrations for this
herbicide is for the control of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) in southeastern U.S. pastures
[33]. In other areas of the U.S. the primary target species is composites such as thistles (Cirsium
spp.) and species of knapweeds (Centaurea spp.) [34]. It is formulated as a salt and often
combined with other herbicides to increase weed spectrum.
Aminocyclopyrachlor is the most recent herbicide to be registered for use in natural areas [35].
This herbicide possesses the typical growth regulator mode of action, but does not fit within
the chemical classifications listed above. The uses of this compound are still being developed,
but like aminopyralid and clopyralid, it has remarkable specificity at low use rates [36].
Aminocyclopyrachlor is primarily formulated as a salt, but ester formulations have been tested
for basal bark applications in oil carriers. This herbicide is very active on a range of broadleaf
species, but also possesses considerable activity on certain grasses, including many perennial
grasses [37].
The mode of action of the synthetic auxin herbicides is not well understood, but appears to
disrupt the normal cellular and tissue response to auxin. Auxin is present in plants at very
small concentrations (nanomolar) and acts as a signaling molecular for a wide range of cellular
functions and responses [38]. Auxin levels must be precisely controlled within the plant for
normal regulation of plant responses to growth, development and environmental stimuli [39].
Auxin is regulated through two processes; metabolism via biosynthesis, conjugation, deconjugation and degradation or transport and distribution within and between cells. The
distribution of auxin, including directional flow, is regulated by the presence and activity of
auxin transporters in the plasma membrane. Because auxins are weak acids, they are dissoci
ated in the presence of neutral cellular pH (7.0) and trapped as anions within the cell. Thus
transport out of the cell can be mediated through plasma membrane located facilitators specific
for auxin.
Herbicides within this classification are considered auxin mimics, and are thought to act like
auxin within plant tissues. Earlier research suggested that these herbicides acted to acidify the
cell wall by activating a membrane bound ATPase proton pump and this acidification induced
cell elongation [40]. Other work showed an increase in RNA polymerase, leading to increases
in cell division and uncontrolled growth. Ethylene generation has also been reported, likely
to counteract the stimulatory effect of auxin [41]. However, recent work has shown 2,4-D to
be transported by influx carriers into the cell [42] and also through efflux carriers [43]. Due to
limited metabolism, the auxin-effect of these herbicides presumably causes rapid cell division
in some cells and a complete cessation of growth in other cells. This unregulated growth results
in stem twisting, leaf strapping, puckering, and a plethora of other symptoms associated with
growth regulator herbicides.
Synthetic auxin herbicides are chemically weak acids, and although some possess soil activity,
these herbicides are applied to the foliage of plants. Once applied these herbicides are rapidly
absorbed by leaf tissue and remobilized, similar to carbohydrate movement, to areas of
meristematic growth via the phloem [14]. They possess the similar anion trapping mechanism
as natural auxins, and this likely contributes to their effectiveness in herbicidal activity. Soil
uptake of these herbicides occurs through the xylem where upward movement to shoots and
leaves takes place. However, once diffusing from the xylem into leaf tissues, the herbicide is
transported, in a similar manner to carbohydrates, to regions of meristematic growth.
The ability to metabolize is the primary selectivity mechanism for tolerant plant species. In
most cases, grasses are moderately to highly tolerant to growth regulator herbicides through
the ability to conjugate these herbicides with amino acids or sugars [25]. Most of these
herbicides are slowly degraded regardless of plant species, but grasses appear to have the
ability to shunt the herbicide conjugate to the vacuole, where it is either sequestered from sites
of action, and/or slowly degraded. Many picolinic acid herbicides such as picloram, amino
pyralid and clopryralid are sequestered in the vacuole of tolerant plants, but the compound
remains intact and thus herbicidally active [44]. This has lead to many issues with off-target
damage due to removal of the herbicide sequestering plant tissue and subsequent release of
the herbicide in the environment.
This phenomenon was first observed with picloram, and later with clopyralid and aminopyr
alid. In the case of picloram, animals grazing on treated forage grasses were observed to have
the ability to transfer the herbicide through urination or defecation. Concentrating of the
herbicide, coupled with soil persistence lead to problems with sensitive crops planted in fields
after grazing. Dried hay, either degraded as plant biomass or via manure, transferred from
treated fields to other areas has also been shown to cause problems [45]. Manure from animals
fed on treated forage that is used for compost and fertilizer is another source of contamination.
More recently, grass clippings from treated turf, primarily clopyralid, can also be a problem
[46]. The sequestration rather than degradation, coupled with high sensitivity at very low rates
(parts per billion) for many broadleaf crop species is the reason for this major problem. This
issue has lead to the cancellation of this herbicide in many areas, due to contamination in
municipal compost for use by the general public [47]. Product labels containing these herbi
cides explicitly restrict the movement of treated plant biomass, and manure from livestock fed
with treated forage in an effort to minimize off-target injury.
Recently genes for the metabolism of dicamba and 2,4-D have been inserted from bacteria into
soybeans, cotton and corn, affording the ability to utilize these herbicides for weed control
[48,49]. However, there are many concerns over the use of this technology, including the
accelerated development of resistance by weeds as observed with the widespread use of
glyphosate in glyphosate tolerant crops. Several weeds have developed resistance to growth
regulator herbicides including kochia (Kochia scoparia) and lambsquarters (Chenopodium
album) resistance to dicamba, yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) resistance to clopyralid
and picloram and 2,4-D resistance in common chickweed (Stellaria media) and most recently
common waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) [50,51]. The mechanism of resistance in most
of these cases is not known.
3.2. Acetolactate (ALS) inhibitors
Herbicides within this classification are broadly represented by two major chemical families;
the sulfonylureas and the imidazolinones. These herbicides are used in a wide range of
cropping systems but many are also used in natural areas [14]. Both chemistries are highlighted
by low use rates, low mammalian toxicity, and extreme specificity [52,53]. Interestingly, both
classes of herbicide target the same plant enzyme, and were simultaneous discoveries by 2
separate agrochemical companies in the 1980's, DuPont for the sulfonylureas and American
Cyanamid for the imidazolinones [54].
The first herbicide registered for use from this class was chlorsulfuron by DuPont in 1982 [52].
Chlorsulfuron is predominantly used in the western United States for broadleaf weed control
in cereal grains and pasture/rangelands, but more recently for invasive species control by the
Bureau of Land Management [55]. Other sulfonylurea herbicides developed by DuPont
include sulfometuron and metsulfuron, which were initially labeled for use in forestry and
industrial sites, but later labeling included uses for metsulfuron in pastures and natural areas
and uses for sulfometuron for invasive species management [55,56].
Like the synthetic auxin herbicides, sulfonylurea herbicides have activity on a wide range of
natural area broadleaf weeds but their activity also includes some grasses [57]. In general, and
at rates labeled for use, chlorsulfuron is used for annual and short-lived perennial weed control
in open rangeland and natural areas, while sulfometuron and metsulfuron have more control
of woody brush and trees [58]. Both of these latter herbicides are used for hardwood control
in commercial conifer forests and also for broad spectrum weed control in industrial sites such
as railroads, rail yards, highway rights-of-way and electrical substations. However, all three
of herbicides also contain labeling specific to natural areas. Metsulfuron has a special local
needs (SLN) label for the control old world climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) in south
Florida natural areas [59].
Extremely low use rates and remarkable specificity set these herbicides apart from the
traditional phenoxy herbicides [60]. It is difficult to make broad generalizations regarding the
activity of the sulfonylureas because some species are controlled while other species, even
within the same genus, are not. Therefore, uses for these products are regional or even local,
depending on the species to be controlled and not controlled. These herbicides also have
considerable soil activity, and this contributes to their long-lasting control in perennial systems
[61]. However, this high level of activity can also cause problems with rotational crops, but
this is not a common situation in areas where sulfometuron and metsulfuron are applied [60].
The imidazolinone herbicides used in natural areas include imazapyr, imazamox and ima
zapic. Imazapyr was first registered in 1985 for use in forestry and industrial sites such as
railroads, rail yards, and powerline and highway rights-of-way [53]. At typical use rates, this
herbicide has very broad spectrum activity that includes annual and perennial broadleaves,
and several brush, vine and hardwood tree species. This herbicide also has tremendous activity
on perennial grasses, both rhizomatous and bunch type grasses [62,63]. While initially
developed for the industrial market, imazapyr is widely used in many natural areas for
invasive species management. Imazapyr does have a registration for use in imidazolinone
resistant crops, but its usage as such is limited [64].
Imazapic is registered for use in peanuts and certain forages, but is widely utilized for grass
and broadleaf weed management in native perennial grass prairies [65]. Many perennial
grasses such as eastern gamma grass, big bluestem grass (Andropogon gerardii), indiangrass
(Sorghastrum spp.), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides) have
good tolerance to imazapic, although some injury is observed at seedling stages or during
spring regrowth. Imazapic is also labeled for wildflower planting and for seedhead suppres
sion of bahiagrass in turf settings. Imazapic is also used for the control of several invasive
species in natural areas. These include Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), yellow starthistle
(Centaurea solstitialis), leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens), and
tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix) [66,67,68,69].
Imazamox is the most recent registration from the imidazolinone herbicide group in natural
areas for the control of submersed and emergent vegetation [70]. It is particularly effective on
Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera), which is a major invasive species throughout much of
the southeastern United States. Imazamox is also effective for several emergent and ditchbank
species, and preliminary research indicates good control of cattail (Typha spp.). This herbicide
has limited grass activity, and is most effective on broadleaf species.
The sulfonylurea herbicides chlorsulfuron, sulfometuron and metsulfuron are formulated as
dry flowable granules that readily mix with water. Sulfonylureas are weak acid compounds
with very high water solubility [14]. These herbicides are readily absorbed by roots from soil
applications and transported via the xylem to shoots and leaves of plants. Once in the leaves,
these herbicides are often remobilized in the phloem to growing regions - tracking a similar
pattern of flow as carbohydrates. Sulfonylureas are also absorbed from applications to plant
foliage, entering the leaves and stems, and translocated to areas of high meristematic activity
in manner similar to root uptake [60].
The imidazolinone herbicides are also highly water soluble but formulated as salts. They are
generally marketed as aqueous solutions, but some older formulations were dry flowable
granules. Imidiazolinone herbicides are variable in soil activity but if present can be readily
absorbed by plant roots [71]. They are transported to leaves and stem tissues via the xylem
and can be remobilized to meristematic tissues. This pattern of reallocation occurs in the
phloem, similar to carbohydrate movement. Imidazolinones are also absorbed from applica
tions to plant foliage, entering the leaves and stems, and translocated to areas of high meris
tematic activity in manner similar to root uptake [72].
Mechanistically, the imidazolinones and sulfonyl-ureas act in the same manner by inhibiting
the activity of the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), which is also referred to as acetohy
droxy acid synthase (AHAS, EC [73]. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of 2ketobutyrate to 2-acetohydroxybutyrate through the addition of a 2 carbon unit using
hydroxymethyl thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). This is the initial step in the formation of the
amino acid isoleucine. The ALS enzyme also catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to form 2aectolactate, once again utilizing TPP to add a 2-carbon unit [74]. This reaction is the initial
step in the formation of valine and leucine. Thus by inhibiting acetolactate synthase, the
formation of three essential branched chain amino acids cannot occur and inhibition occurs
through a binding of the herbicide across the channel leading to the active site [75]. Herbicides
in both groups bind at entrance of this channel, effectively blocking entrance to substrates and
co-factors needed for the reaction to occur.
The inability of the plant to produce these essential amino acids leads to a cessation of protein/
enzyme synthesis and plant growth. Since these compounds accumulate in areas of new
growth, meristematic activity is stopped. The plant cannot continue to make new cells and
eventually dies [60]. Symptoms from these herbicides are generally manifested as discoloration
in the growing regions, especially newly emerging leaves and shoot tips. Internode length is
markedly decreased, and leaves may be malformed or misshaped [76]. Generalized chlorosis
is a common symptom, although imidazolinones may show purple discoloration, especially
in effected grasses. In annual species, a characteristic symptom of sulfonylurea injury is a
reddening of the abaxial leaf veins.
Selectivity of these herbicides in plants is primarily metabolism based, and is often mediated
through mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) [77]. These compounds catalyze several reactions
in plants, including the breakdown of harmful xenobiotics such as herbicides. Tolerant plants
generally are able to metabolize suflonyl-ureas and/or imidazolinones through this mecha
nism, thus imparting selectivity [60]. In cropping systems, crop selectivity is compromised if
certain insecticides, such organo-phosphates, are used that disrupt MFO activity, allowing the
herbicide to affect the target enzyme [78].
Interestingly, resistance development by weedy species occurs through amino acid substitu
tions of the target enzyme at the binding site [79]. In most cases, only a single amino acid change
will confer resistance, and several substitutions (single amino acid changes) will cause
resistance in sulfonyl-ureas. Conversely, very few impart resistance in imidazolinones and
only one confers resistance across both herbicide families. The substitutions that confer
resistance also appear to have little to no effect on enzyme efficiency, and thus growth of
herbicide resistant biotypes varies little from non-resistant biotypes [80].
3.3. Photosynthetic inhibitors
Those herbicides that directly inhibit photosynthesis have been used for several years and were
developed in the 1950s and 1960s [81]. While several chemical families are represented within
this broad mode of action classification, the substituted ureas and triazines are those used most
widely for natural area weed control. These products were originally developed for use in
pasture/rangelands and forestry situations, but like several other herbicides, have been
adopted for use in natural areas.
The triazine herbicides used in natural areas include hexazinone, simazine, and prometon.
Simazine was originally developed for broadleaf and grass weed control in corn and sorghum,
but later uses included grass and broadleaf control in established fruit and nut crops, albeit
much higher rates of application per acre [82,83]. It was also used in aquatic situations for algae
control, sold under the trade name Aquazine, but this was cancelled in the 1990s [83]. Its
use in natural areas currently is limited, primarily because simazine lacks broadspectrum
control of perennial plants, particularly brush, vines and trees.
Prometon has been used for many years in industrial settings for broad-spectrum annual and
perennial grass and broadleaf weed control [85]. This herbicide has considerable activity on
many hardwood tree species, and is often marketed as a soil sterilant. This tremendous activity
limits its use in many situations that require selectivity, and that includes forestry and most
natural areas. Therefore, labeling as such is confined to areas where little to no vegetation is
desired such as powerline substations, under asphalt paving, sidewalks, railyards and similar
industrial sites [86]. Consequently prometon use in natural areas is very limited.
Hexazinone is an asymmetrical triazine that was originally developed for use in the conifer
forest industry for hardwood control, and often used in a manner called pine release [87]. This
situation occurs 2-4 years after pine seedling establishment, where hexazinone is broadcast
applied to provide control of regenerating hardwood species, allowing the pines to be
released from the competing hardwood saplings. Hexazinone also has a label for use in
bahiagrass (Pasapalum notatum) and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) pastures for the control
of broadleaf species, but most often targeting smutgrass (Sporobulus indicus) [88]. It can be used
in many natural area settings where hardwood tree, brush/shrubs or possibly vines are the
target, but many native forbs and some native grasses may also be injured. Hexazinone works
wells in areas where pines are the primary species, possibly where undesirable species are
dominant under pines, and understory selectivity is not paramount. Once these species have
been removed, revegetation can then be accomplished.
Diuron and tebuthiuron comprise those herbicides in the substituted urea chemical family that
are used in natural areas. Diuron is similar to simazine in that it was first developed for use in
crops corn and cotton, with later registrations including broadleaf and grassy weeds in
established fruit and nut crops [89,90]. Diuron has good activity on a number of annual species,
but lacks control of perennial plants. It is often a component in combination herbicides for
broad-spectrum weed control in industrial sites such as railroads, railyards, powerline rights
of way and substations [86]. The goal of these applications is to provide a vegetation free zone
for extended periods of time. The use of diuron in natural areas is limited due to spectrum of
activity; too much injury on desirable annual grasses and forbs and limited control of larger,
more woody shrubs, vines and trees.
Tebuthiuron however, has tremendous activity on a wide range of woody species,
particularly hardwood trees such as as oaks (Quercus spp.), maple (Acer spp.), poplar
(Populus spp.), and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). [91]. This species is also very
effective on shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials [92]. It is often used in non-crop land
and industrial settings for broadleaf vegetation control, including vines and hardwoods.
Tebuthiuron is utilized in powerline corridors and around utility poles to promote healthy
grass stands to maintain cover for grazing for livestock and wildlife and also erosion
control [93]. This herbicide also is labeled for use in certain forestry situations, primarily
for non-desirable vegetation control in conifers [94].
Bromacil is another photosynthetic inhibitor that belongs to the uracil chemical family that has
limited uses in natural areas. It has similar use patterns as diuron and simazine, including
vegetation management in industrial sites such as powerline substations, railroads, railyards,
and rights-of-way [86]. Bromacil can also be used in certain fruit crops such as citrus for
broadleaf and grass weed control [14,95]. While this herbicide has tremendous activity on
annual species, it has less than adequate control of perennial vines, trees and shrubs compared
to other herbicides; therefore wide spread utility in natural areas is limited [96].
As a group, photosynthetic inhibitors have low water solubility and limited foliar uptake [97].
Most are formulated dry as wettable powders or pellets, or liquid as clay-suspended flowables.
Hexazinone is the only exception with a liquid formulation. These herbicides are soil applied;
even applications over the top of existing foliage are active only when reaching the soil [14].
Photosynthetic inhibitors are readily taken up by plant roots and translocated to leaves and
shoots through the water stream facilitated by xylem tissue [98]. Once reaching leaves, these
herbicides partition into individual cells. As the plant continues to transpire, more herbicide
is moved to the leaves, with older leaves and leaf tips transpiring the most water. These areas
tend to demonstrate chlorosis first and most strongly simply because these tissues have
transpired more water, and thus taken up more herbicide, compared to newer tissues. This
causes the characteristic pattern of chlorosis often observed with these herbicides. Subtle
differences in water solubility between herbicides and subsequent partitioning into leaf tissue
of various species produce variations in chlorotic patterns, such as veinal chlorosis and/or
interveinal chlorosis [99].
Differences in water solubility and to a lesser extent degradation, dictate the uses and selec
tivity of these products. Diuron, simazine, prometon, and bromacil are very non-water soluble
and tend to remain in the upper soil profile [14]. This maintains the herbicides in the zone of
germinating annual weeds, thus providing extended weed control. Perennial fruit and nut
crops avoid herbicide injury primarily through limited uptake, since the roots of most trees
are below the concentrated herbicide zone [100]. Conversely hexazinone and tebuthiuron are
more water soluble and move deeper into the soil profile, which limits their utility for longterm vegetation management because annual weeds begin to infest the zone above the
herbicide [101]. However, this places these herbicides into the root zone of many perennial
forbs, vines, shrubs and trees where it is absorbed and translocated, causing injury and often
mortality. Even large trees, especially oaks, can be killed if sufficient herbicide is placed in the
root zone. Typically the leaves become chlorotic, necrotic and abscise. New leaves emerge, and
follow the same chronological pattern, but generally do not expand to more than half normal
size. After 2 to 3 cycles of leaf emergence and abscission, the trees succumb to death due to the
lack of carbohydrate reserves needed for growth [102]. Depending on species, rate applied,
and geographic location, death can take 1-2 years. Unfortunately, these herbicides are some
times used in malicious attacks to destroy trees or shrubs; and in some cases trees of historic
value, such as the Toomer Oaks on the campus of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
(tebuthiuron) in 2010 or the Treaty Oak of Austin, Texas (hexazinone) in 1989 [103].
Photosynthetic inhibitors, regardless of chemical family, work in the same manner to interrupt
the light reactions of photosynthesis. These reactions serve to capture the light energy from
sunlight through excitation of chlorophyll molecules and the subsequent removal of an
electron from a molecule of water; producing free oxygen and hydrogen [104]. Electrochemical
energy is passed through a series of reactions (mainly photosystem II, cytochrome B, plasto
cyanin and photosystem I) to form NADPH+H. During this transfer, a proton gradient is
formed across the chloroplast membrane, sufficient to generate ATP. These herbicides bind to
a protein (specifically the D1 protein) within the photosystem II complex that does not allow
electron transfer to occur [81]. This blockage of electron flow inhibits the formation of NADPH
+H, and indirectly inhibits ATP formation as well. Energy continues to be absorbed by the
chlorophyll molecules and transferred to the reaction centers associated with photosystem II,
but cannot be dissipated [105]. This excess, or non-transferable, energy is then passed on to
free oxygen, creating radical oxygen. Oxygen is a highly toxic radical that quickly reacts within
the chloroplast to form hydroxyl radicals, peroxide, and/or lipoxides. Ultimately chloroplast
and other cellular membranes become damaged and leaky, chlorophyll molecules are de
stroyed, and the tissue degrades.
While many photosynthetic inhibitors can be considered total vegetation control herbicides,
certain species have the ability to tolerate these herbicides through metabolism. Metabolism
is achieved primarily by glutathione and/or carbohydrate conjugation, whereby the herbicide
molecules are bound with these compounds and shuttled to the vacuole for further breakdown
[106]. However, in natural area systems - especially at rates typically used, placement and
differential uptake is the primary mechanism of selectivity. Many conifers, pines (Pinus spp.)
in particular, have the ability to tolerate hexazinone presumably through metabolism, but the
mechanism is not known.
3.4. Glyphosate
Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world, and has been extensively
used in natural areas for nearly 4 decades [107]. It is non-selective and provides control of a
wide range of species, including annual and perennial grasses, annual forbs, short lived
perennials, vines and many tree species [108,109,110]. It has limited activity on conifers, but
time of year dictates use during periods of no or slow growth. This is generally the fall months
prior to winter, termed hardening-off [111]. While active on many species of larger perennials,
it is often mixed with other herbicides for greater control.
Glyphosate is chemically a weak acid, and is readily translocated in phloem tissues to areas of
new growth. It is absorbed through foliar tissues such as leaves, shoot tips and green stems,
but uptake is limited by woody tissues. Root uptake is possible, but rarely occurs due to
irreversible binding of glyphosate to soil particles once the herbicide comes in contact with the
soil. As in the case of other weak acid herbicides, glyphosate accumulates in meristematic
regions, following a similar movement to that of carbohydrates [112]. Glyphosate affects the
ability of plants to produce essential aromatic amino acids by blocking an initial step in the
shikimic acid pathway. More specifically, this herbicide inhibits the activity of 5-enolpyruvyl
shikimate-3phosphate synthase (EPSP synthase) which catalyzes the conversion of EPSP from
shikimate-3-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate [14]. This enzyme is a key enzyme in the
shikimate acid pathway, which produces the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine,
and tyrosine, along with a multitude of other secondary compounds including phenolics,
flavonoids and coumarins [113]. Glyphosate also greatly influences carbon allocation and flow
within the cell, as uncontrolled shikimate accumulation occurs as a result of this inhibition.
The typical symptoms of glyphosate injury include an initial cessation of growth followed by
chlorosis in the meristematic regions of growth [14]. Chlorosis is often lighter in color com
pared to the photosynthetic inhibitors, and in some species may almost appear white or cream
colored. Necrosis occurs several days after initial symptoms and complete plant death results
in 21 to 35 days depending on species and maturity/size of treated plants. Glyphosate is
extremely difficult to metabolize by plants and is readily translocated to areas of new growth
[114]. This stability within plant tissues is the reason it has excellent activity on many perennial
plants, allowing glyphosate to be stored in overwintering tissues such rhizomes and root
stocks [115]. When plants begin to reallocate carbohydrates for spring regrowth, glyphosate
is remobilized to these areas. Another unique symptom of glyphosate, particularly in regrow
ing perennial species, is the phenomenon of bud fasciation [116]. Bud fasciation is where
several buds/shoot tips arise from a single meristematic region, forming a cluster of tightly
packed shoots and leaves. The exact mechanism is not well understood, but appears to be
related to a loss of apical dominance and deregulation of auxin activity.
Resistance to glyphosate has increased in annual cropping systems (Roundup-Ready technol
ogy) but resistance has not been documented in natural areas systems [117]. Several plants
have the ability to tolerate and outgrow applications of glyphosate, especially trees, shrubs
and woody vines. In these cases, limited uptake and/or dilution within non-metabolically
active tissues is the likely reason for poor activity.
3.5. Fosamine
Fosamine has been used in industrial right of way situations for many years and more recently
used for invasive species control in natural areas such as natural savannahs and prairies. Brush
control is the target for this herbicide, but it can be used for the control of herbaceous weeds
such as leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). Fosamine is tolerated by certain species of conifers, but
hardwoods and other deciduous trees are often damaged. Fosamine is applied to the foliage
of target plants where it is slowly absorbed by leaf tissues [118]. This herbicide has little to no
soil activity and is rapidly degraded by soil microbes, limiting its environmental persistence
[119]. This herbicide is recommended for late summer/autumn applications typically one to
two months prior to leaf drop. Fosamine appears to have limited translocation out of treated
foliage and does not exhibit symptoms on treated tissue [120,121]. The effect of fosamine is not
apparent until the following spring where leaves often fail to emerge or if emerged will be
small and spindly in appearance. The mechanism of fosamine is not clear, but some evidence
suggests an inhibition of mitosis or the inability of new developing cells to effectively transport
calcium [14]. The limited translocation within plant tissues allows the use of this herbicide as
a side-trim treatment, where a portion of tree can be controlled without affecting the entire
tree. This type of application is used in powerline and railroad situations to chemically trim a
tree to remove unwanted limbs and foliage [86].
3.6. Inhibitors of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (ACCase inhibitors)
Herbicides within this group fall into two broad chemical families the cyclohexanediones or
the aryl-oxy-phenoxy propionates [14]. There are several herbicides within these families
labeled for use in non-crop/natural areas, but the most widely utilized include sethoxydim,
clethodim and fluazifop-butyl [86]. These herbicides are characterized by their selectivity
towards annual and perennial grasses, with minimal to no activity on other monocots or dicot
species [122]. They are primarily applied to the foliage due to a lack of appreciable soil activity
through binding to soil particles and rapid microbial degradation.
ACCase inhibiting herbicides are applied to the foliage of grasses, where they are readily
absorbed. Similar to other weak acid herbicides, they are translocated to areas of meristematic
growth following the pattern of carbohydrate flow [112]. Cyclohexanediones and aryl-oxyphenoxy propionate herbicides inhibit the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase [123]. This
enzyme is the initial step in the formation of fatty acids, which are the primary building blocks
of cell membranes and other cellular components necessary for normal growth. New growth
is stopped and grasses often become chlorotic or purple in color. Another characteristic
symptom is the water soaked browning of stems when pulled from the whorl.
The utility of these herbicides is limited to annual and perennial grass control. Clethodim and
fluazifop have superior activity on perennial grasses, and are often used for the control/
suppression of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica),
Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) to name a few [124,125,126]. However, complete
control of well established grass stands is often not achieved with a single application and
multiple treatments are usually required.
Secondly, these herbicides are non-selective - causing damage to any plant that is contacted,
desirable and undesirable vegetation [14]. Thirdly, these herbicides lack soil activity so long
term control cannot be realized.
3.8. Protox inhibitors
There are several herbicides and herbicide families that encompass this mode of action
category [14]. Protox inhibitors are primarily used in annual cropping systems for
broadleaf, grasses and nutsedge (Cyperus spp.) control [134,135,136]. These herbicides
possess good soil activity with moderate to long soil persistence and many also have
tremendous foliar activity [137].
Protox inhibitors are readily taken up by plant roots and translocated to leaves and shoots
through the water stream facilitated by xylem tissue [138]. Once reaching leaves, these
herbicides partition into individual cells. As plant continues to transpire, more herbicide is
moved to the leaves, with older leaves and leaf tips transpiring the most water. These areas
tend to demonstrate damage initially and most strongly simply because these tissues have
transpired more water, and thus taken up more herbicide, compared to newer tissues. Damage
appears as bronzing or necrotic lesions in leaf tissue. These lesions generally lack pattern, but
eventually coalesce into more wide-spread damage and eventual leaf drop. Stem tissues may
also exhibit similar necrotic injury. In grasses and sedges, a browning of leaf tissue along the
midvein is often observed.
Foliar activity shows a similar pattern, with necrotic lesions developing in random areas on
leaf tissues, with complete necrosis occurring in 3-5 days [139]. Even tolerant plants will show
some damage from foliar applications on treated tissue, but to a much lesser extent and quickly
outgrow the injury. There is no translocation from foliar applications of protox inhibiting
herbicides, only those areas contacted will be damaged [139]. However, subsequent damage
may occur from root uptake, if an appreciable amount of herbicide reaches the soil and remains
active. This is highly dependent on whether the herbicide has soil activity, application rate,
and foliar coverage at the time of application.
Protox inhibiting herbicides have a very unique mode of action that was not clearly understood
for many years [140]. Mechanistically, these herbicides inhibit the enzyme protoporphyrino
gen oxidase which catalyzes the conversion of protoporphyrinogen IX to protoprophyrin IX
in the chloroplast [141]. This step is an intermediate process in the production of chlorophyll
molecules. Excess protoporphyrinogen IX leaks out of the chloroplast envelope into the
cytoplasm where is it converted by a cytoplasmic (insensitive) version of protoporphyrinogen
oxidase to protoprophyrin IX [142]. This molecule has the ability to absorb light energy, but
can only dissipate this energy to oxygen. This forms singlet oxygen, a highly reactive form of
oxygen that quickly interacts to form other highly toxic radicals that destroy cell membranes.
Cells become leaky, rupture, die and eventual tissue degradation follows.
Utility of the protox inhibiting herbicides in natural areas is limited. Foliar activity is contact
only, therefore perennial plants quickly regrow. In addition, at the rates needed to garner
control, selectivity is lost or severely compromised. Appreciable control can be achieved from
soil uptake and activity, but those rates of herbicide application necessary may also reduce
selectivity, and in some cases may not be within label guidelines. Flumioxazin and oxyfluorfen
are protox inhibiting herbicides that may be used in non-crop areas, but applicability to natural
areas has not been widely studied. These herbicides may have some use in restoration
situations, providing control of undesirable vegetation prior to or immediately after an
augmented restoration planting. However, there has been limited research to determine which
herbicide product is most effective as a function of selectivity and desirable persistence.
3.9. Growth inhibitors
Herbicides that are categorized as growth inhibitors fall into three major mechanisms of action,
but produce the common effect of inhibiting seedling emergence. The three mechanisms
include: 1) interruption of mitosis through a blockage of spindle fiber formation, 2) interruption
of cell wall formation through an inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis, and 3) interruption of
cell membrane formation through a blockage of very long chain fatty acid synthesis. In nearly
all situations, these herbicides are applied to the soil where they are absorbed by germinating
seedlings, preventing seedling growth [14].
These compounds are characterized by extremely low water solubility, maintaining the
herbicides in the upper soil profile [127]. As seeds germinate, the roots and emerging shoots
come in contact with the herbicide, where it is rapidly absorbed, inhibiting growth and killing
seedlings before they emerge from the soil. These herbicides do not translocate within plant
tissues, so the growing regions of the plant must come in contact to be effective. Foliar
applications are ineffective because the herbicides remain in the cuticle or epidermal cells, and
cannot come in contact with meristematic tissues which are generally shielded within the bud
structure. Selectivity is achieved through placement, whereby the shoots of tolerant germi
nating seedlings can emerge with minimal herbicide uptake in meristematic regions and the
roots can grow below the treated layer. In cropping systems, this is most often achieved with
broadleaf crops possessing hypogeal germination patterns. Perennial crops also exhibit good
tolerance because the roots are well below the treated soil layer and foliar uptake is minimal.
Examples of growth inhibiting herbicides used in non-crop areas include diclobenil, pendi
methalin and metolachlor, but applicability to natural areas has not been widely studied.
Figure 1. Postemergence application of herbicide to woody brush. Photo Courtesy James Miller, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, http://www.forestryimages.org
area weed management, only one species is the target and damage to other species is not
desirable especially injury to rare or endangered plants.
4.1. Post-emergence foliar applications
This is the most common method of application, whereby the herbicide in diluted solution is
applied as a spray over the top of targeted species (Figure 1). For larger areas, treatments are
made to both target and non-target species utilizing an aerial (propeller plane or helicopter),
tractor or all-terrain vehicle (ATV) mounted broadcast spray boom. Herbicides are applied as
the amount of active ingredient per unit land area, and calibrated to deliver this amount based
on carrier volume output. Smaller, more isolated or higher selectivity required sites will utilize
a backpack sprayer with a hand-held spray wand or boom. Backpack applications cannot be
calibrated in the same manner; herbicides are applied as a percentage of undiluted herbicide
in a variable carrier output [18,143].
Aerial applications are highly restricted and only certain herbicides can be applied aerially,
and in some cases only during certain times of the year to minimize off-target injury. For
example, the state of Florida restricts the use of organo-auxin from aerial applications from
January 1 until May 1 of each year [144]. Aerial treatments often utilize very low gallon spray
volumes (3-10 gallons per acre) to maximize efficiency with weight and spray volume [145].
This restricts aerial applications to systemic herbicides that are not dependent on high carrier
volume for effectiveness.
Tractor or ATV boom-mounted sprayer applications can utilize a range of carrier volumes and
thus not restricted to systemic herbicides only. These types of application equipment generally
utilize a rear mounted boom with flat fan nozzles. The size or width of the boom varies, but
ATV mounted booms are generally less than 15 feet while tractor booms may reach 30 feet or
greater. Regardless, boom width is restricted compared to traditional agricultural applications
due to unevenness of terrain to be covered, obstacles such as trees, shrubs, etc. and limitations
on pump and tank capacity on smaller tractors and ATVs. Boom applications, especially those
utilizing boom widths greater than 15-20 feet, require relatively flat ground, uniform height
and high density of target species. As such, many land managers cannot utilize this type of
equipment in many natural area systems.
Boom-less nozzles are often used in industrial applications and have some merit for use in
natural area weed control. These nozzles are specifically designed to produce a multi-stream
pattern across a 12-15 foot-wide spray swath. When mounted on an ATV or truck, these nozzles
can produce a sizable sprayed area, without the issues associated with a fix boom to avoid
obstacles and uneven terrain. However, coverage with these types of nozzles is not uniform
and generally high volume output is required to maintain proper spray pattern. In addition,
the actual nozzle is very expensive compared to a standard fan flan system. Due to difficulties
with application uniformity and issues with achieving selectivity, most natural area weed
managers will rely heavily on small backpack sprayers. This type of sprayer consists of a 5
gallon/20 liter (on average) tank, a hand-held, single nozzle spray wand, and a small dia
phragm pump with an attached lever. The operator uses the pump to pressurize the tank,
forcing the liquid spray mixture through the spray wand. Pressurization is under the control
of the operator, and is generally maintained to provide a proper pattern from the adjustable
orifice on the spray wand. As the name suggests, the apparatus is worn on the back of the
applicator using shoulder straps and often a waist strap to stabilize weight distribution. In
most cases, the user operates the wand with one hand and pressurizes the tank with the other.
Backpack applications utilize diluted herbicide solution and mixed as a percent solution; in
most cases between 0.5 and 3% solution. Applications are made to target species on a visual
spray to wetness observation. To achieve some degree of uniformity among applicators, the
basis for adequate spray delivery is when spray droplets begin to drip from the leaf surfaces.
This spray to runoff technique is common regardless of target species or herbicide. While it
is difficult to accurately measure volume output on a per acre basis, most researchers estimate
these types of applications to range from 30 to 50 gallons per acre. In many cases, postemergence foliar applications contain herbicides with soil residual activity, either from an
herbicide that possesses both foliar and soil activity or soil active herbicides that are tank-mixed
to provide extended control. Regardless, the application technique is the same for most boommounted sprayers. For soil applications using a backpack sprayer, the applicator self-calibrates
by placing a known amount of liquid in the sprayer and sprays a defined area. Once the area
has been completely sprayed, the amount of liquid used by the applicator is calculated to
determine individual spray output per area (in most cases ft2).
4.2. Soil basal applications
Soil basal applications are used for 2 primary purposes - 1) provide control of an existing plant
or group of plants, or 2) provide preventative control of potential plant problems around
stationary objects such as power poles. In either scenario, the herbicide is placed in often high
concentrations around the base of the treated plant or object. The herbicide may be applied in
liquid or granular form, and in a variety of placement patterns to achieve maximum root
uptake of the intended target(s). Some herbicides, especially soil active photosynthetic
herbicides, are formulated as pellets, which are essentially larger, more concentrated granules.
Dry formulated granules or pellets are often easier and more accurate to apply as basal soil
treatments. In these situations a certain number of pellets or dry volume of granule is placed
as a function of targeted plant circumference. The pattern of placement varies considerably
among applicators and may include circular, piles of pellets, or even gridlines in the case of
larger infestations [146]. Soil basal herbicides include many of the photosynthetic inhibitors
and several of the ALS and growth regulating herbicides. While the growth inhibiting and
protox herbicides possess good soil activity, their effectiveness on established and larger plants
is limited due to lack of root uptake and translocation or short-term control. Uses are generally
restricted to those situations where preventative control is the primary objective.
4.3. Basal-bark applications
Basal-bark applications are utilized to provide control of larger specimens, where over-thetop foliar applications are not feasible for logistical or selectivity reasons. As the name suggests,
basal-bark treatments are made near the ground to the trunks of small trees or shrubs [143].
Treatments are applied using a hand-held spray bottle or backpack sprayer to provide a tight
stream of liquid onto the bark (Figure 2). Techniques for basal-bark applications vary widely
among practitioners and weed specialists, but most agree that complete coverage around the
trunk base is necessary for control. The width of the spray band around the tree varies as a
function of species, size and herbicide being used, but most common is a 12 inch (30 cm) width
band. Applications are generally made to the point of visual dripping or running of the liquid
down the bark surface.
Basal-bark treatments utilize an oil carrier (often referred to as basal oil) in which the herbicide
is diluted at a high concentration or undiluted [147]. Diesel fuel or kerosene was used as carriers
for many years, but environmental and economic restrictions limit current usages in many
areas. In some cases, depending on herbicide formulation, the herbicide may be applied in
undiluted form. Regardless of carrier, the herbicide must be in an oil soluble/lipophilic form
to allow for penetration into the bark tissues. The objective is to maximize herbicide penetration
through the outer epidermal layers (periderm) and reach the secondary phloem and cambium
[143]. Once reaching these layers, the herbicide may be remobilized in the phloem, penetrate
and affect the dividing cambium cells, or possibly enter the water stream via the xylem
sapwood. There is little research as to the actual mechanism of mortality but is surmised that
the herbicide is translocated slowly throughout the plant, accumulating in regions of active
growth and killing meristematic tissues. The resiliency of many large woody trees and shrubs
requires that the herbicide remain available within the plant, and presumably in translocatable
form, for a period of time that allows the specimen to exhaust food reserves and/or meristems
to provide complete control.
Basal bark herbicides are limited to ester formulations of triclopyr, picloram, 2,4-D, 2,4-DP.
Dicamba and oil-soluble formulation of imazapyr have also been used, often in combination
with other herbicides [148]. To be effective as a basal treatment, the herbicide must be able to
solubilize in oil, which is needed to penetrate the bark layers. The herbicide must also be
systemic to allow translocation once reaching the vascular tissues. For these reasons, basal bark
treatments are exclusively weak acid herbicides, but only those chemistries that can be
formulated to be oil soluble such as esters. Several weak acid herbicides, including the
sulfonylureas, are not effective as basal treatments because of low oil solubility.
Figure 3. Hack and squirt application to larger diameter tree. Photo courtesy James Miller, U.S. Department of Agricul
ture, Forest Service, http://www.forestryimages.org
Unlike basal bark applications, this type of application can utilize water and oil soluble
formulations, providing greater flexibility in herbicide options. In addition to those herbicides
mentioned for basal bark, glyphosate, triclopyr amine salt, and hexazinone can be effectively
used. Typical concentrations for injections range from 33 to 50% solution in water. In some cases,
undiluted herbicide is used. Only a small amount of liquid is placed per cut (< 5 ml) and applied
using a single nozzle backpack sprayer, or a hand-held spray bottle. A marker dye is often used
to help applicators visualize and keep track of treatment applications. There have been several
pieces of equipment developed to inject herbicide into woody plant tissues, combining the
mechanical cutting operation with liquid dispensing operation [151]. The hypo-hatchet delivers
a pre-measured amount of liquid through a pore in the hatchet blade when inserted into the
trunk tissue [152]. Injector bars (Figure 4) contain the herbicide mixture within the bar which is
Figure 4. Stem injection of herbicide into trunk of target tree. Phot credit James Miller, U.S. Department of Agricul
ture, Forest Service, http://www.forestryimages.org
jabbed into a tree, and a lever is pulled allowing a pre-measured amount of liquid to flow through
the end of the bar [147]. Some bar type devices will insert a granular pellet during each injec
tion. Other injection tools include a hand-held gun, with a large diameter needle that can be
inserted into softer perennial tissues, once again with a premeasured amount that is injected.
4.5. Cut-stump applications
Cut-stump applications occur, as the name implies, to the cut portion of a felled tree or shrub.
The purpose of the application is to prevent regrowth of the plant from shoots arising from
the cambium layer of the cut stump. Herbicide is applied to the cut surface, making sure to
cover the entire outer cambium layer [86,147]. Placement of the herbicide across the entire
stump is not necessary, since the majority of the inner tissues consist of non-living heartwood
(Figure 5). Applications should occur within 30 minutes of cutting to avoid the layer becoming
scabbed over, reducing herbicide uptake and penetration.
Triclopyr amine or ester, picloram, 2,4-D, dicamba, imazapyr or glyphosate can be used for cut
stump applications. Ester formulations can be applied as 25% solution in basal oil, while amine/
salt formulations are applied as 50% solution in water. Sometimes undiluted herbicide can be
used, but care must be taken to avoid flashback. Flashback is a phenomenon where the herbicide
is absorbed by the trunk and roots of the felled specimen, translocated through the root system,
and passed through root grafting to the roots of neighboring plants [149]. Neighboring plant
roots can also absorb the herbicide from soil around the treated stump, where herbicide is washed
Figure 5. Herbicide application with marker dye made to cut stump, targeting only outer cambium region. Photo
credit James Miller, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, http://www.forestryimages.org
off the stump or root crown. Regardless, applicators are encouraged to use only the amount
necessary to provide control of resprouting, and limit excessive herbicide use.
4.6. Ballistic herbicide application
This unique approach to applying herbicides has been developed by Dr. James Leary with the
University of Hawaii [153]. In this system, herbicides are encapsulated in paint ball pellets and
distributed to the target species via a commercially available paint ball gun. Each ball contains
a known amount of herbicide and rate is calculated by the number of balls fired at each
specimen. The applicator targets the apical regions of the plant, or the larger stems to increase
the splatter effect that helps distribute the herbicide within the plant architecture.
Dr. Leary has performed nearly all initial testing with imazapyr and triclopyr, which readily
translocates within plant tissues. Imazapyr also possesses good soil residual activity, which
aids in effectiveness. This technology is still in the evaluation phase, but holds good promise
for treating invasive species in remote and inaccessible areas. Most of the treatment evaluations
have been performed on the slopes of tropical mountains in Hawaii, where the only means of
treatment has previously been a single nozzle suspended from a helicopter. The nozzle is
embedded in a heavy ball that helps reduce swaying and the pilot attempts to direct the nozzle
over the crown of the targeted specimen. This approach is time consuming, precarious and
expensive. With the ballistic approach, the applicator fires a number of balls into the crown to
deliver the herbicide. This allows for more specimens to be treated per helicopter flying time,
eliminates the need for unwieldy spray equipment and provides for more precise herbicide
application [154]. As mentioned, this technology is still under intense evaluation, and com
mercialization of the process has not been undertaken.
6. Conclusions
Herbicides are a critical component to managing undesirable species in natural areas. How
ever, several considerations must be addressed for effective and environmentally safe usage.
Proper herbicide selection, timing of application, type of application methodology and
application rate must be adhered according to the product label. Actual site of usage must also
fall within product label guidelines. Herbicides should never be used as a stand-alone
approach but rather as a component of an integrated long-term management strategy for
invasive species control and natural area restoration.
This publication is a contribution of the University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricul
tural Sciences and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. The authors also wish to thank
the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants at the University of Florida for support in publi
cation of this document.
Author details
Gregory E. MacDonald1*, Lyn A. Gettys2, Jason A. Ferrell1 and Brent A. Sellers3
*Address all correspondence to: pineacre@ufl.edu
1 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Gainesville, FL, USA
2 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Davie, FL, USA
3 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Range Cattle Research and Education Center, 3401 Experiment Station Rd., Ona, FL,
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Chapter 10
1. Introduction
The earth is undergoing a number of irreversible changes as a result of the activities of man,
many of which are adversely affecting the environment. Inappropriate methods of agricultural
production, especially those stimulated by efforts in pursuit of short-term gains, have been
identified as prime contributors to this environmental degradation.
In earlier times, traditional farming in the tropics involved the use of natural resources in
adequate quantity for the sustenance of its population, without diminishing the natural
resource base. Key elements of that system included multiple cropping and mixed farming,
minimum tillage and water conservation techniques, the use of simple hand tools and other
low input technologies.
These sustainable farming methods have been described in pejorative terms as drudgery,
laborious, and inefficient. Many have been rejected and new technologies and other high
energy based inputs have been embraced. These technologies are costly and heavily foreignexchange dependent. They also disturb the delicate ecological balance resulting in increased
occurrence of pests and diseases, shift in noxious weed populations, soil erosion and pollution
of the air and water resources.
The situation in the tropical world is exacerbated as many tropical countries are characterised
by conditions that are ideal for the prolific growth and development of a range of plant species.
Many of these species are generally non-harmful. However, when inappropriate methods of
weed control and/or poor crop management strategies are employed, weeds assume noxious
potentials. Ready examples are corn grass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis), white-top (Parthenium
hysterophorus) and nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) [33].
2013 Isaac et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Present farming involves substantial reliance on a range of manufactured inputs. The high
dependence on herbicides for weed control in the cultivation of rice, maize, bananas, citrus,
sugarcane, onions, white potatoes and vegetable crops is not unnoticed. The competition
among suppliers of herbicides has resulted in lower costs of these products which has fuelled
their use and abuse in the region.
Low-input, sustainable agriculture addresses multiple objectives from increasing profits to
maintaining the environment, and builds on multiple systems as integrated pest management
(IPM), integrated weed management (IWM), and crop rotation. Integrated weed management
involves the combination of a number of weed control practices that reduces the dependence
on any one type of control method and also lowers the input of herbicides. This approach is
important for the control of perennial weeds that are inadequately controlled by any single
method [8]. The application of IWM also includes the knowledge of past annual and perennial
weed populations in fields and weed seed bank [7], competitive crop cultivars, improved crop
and soil management practices, and appropriate selection of herbicides [52]. In the context of
sustainable agriculture, the concept of IWM seems enlightening and applicable.
The objective of this paper is to discuss the various weed management practices for the control
of noxious weeds in major cereal, root and vegetable crops in tropical sustainable agriculture
and the strategies used over time to promote their adoption by small farmers.
1.1. Common Integrated Weed Management (IWM) strategies in the tropics
Integrated weed management systems are based on an agro-ecosystem approach for the
management and control of weeds at economic threshold levels [12]. Many farmers in the
tropics today practise the same weed control measures as was practised before the introduction
of herbicides [35]. The IWM systems approach includes any or a combination of the following
practices that give a crop a comparative advantage in competing with weeds.
1.1.1. Prevention strategies
Prevention strategies include field sanitation and harvesting methods that do not spread weed
seeds and vegetative propagules at every step of production (such as seed selection, field
preparation, planting, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, harvest and transport) [19]. Such
strategies can significantly reduce the infestation of noxious weeds such as nutgrass and whitetop [7]. The use of clean crop seed, especially those direct seeded, e.g., maize and legumes, is
critical in the prevention of weed problems in new and existing fields. Prevention should be
a daily activity, incorporated into the routine of all workers involved in agricultural produc
tion, at farm, state and national levels [19]. It is recommended that managers make simple,
cost effective modifications to their farm practices to mitigate the risk of introducing new weed
seeds to the field. Some of the key considerations as outlined in [19] include:
diligent monitoring for sources of new weed introductions to the agro-ecosystem;
proactive government laws and regulations controlling the introduction and movement of
plant materials or soil from one location to another;
because they improve soil organic matter and nutrient status, prevent erosion and suppress
weeds [30]. The use of legume covers is, however, expensive because of the cost of seeds and
labour for their establishment [53, 56]. It is important to use legume and other crop covers
which will not compete with the crop for resources. Moreover, any crop cover used must
directly benefit the farmer if adoption of the practice is to be sustained.
Some of the weed species that are easily smothered by live legume covers include: Ageratum
conyzoides L., Alternenthera sessilis L. R. Br. ex Roth, Mimosa invisa Mart, Digitaria orizontalis
Willd, and Panicum maximum Jacq. However, some sedges and grasses like Cyperus rotundus
L (purple nutsedge), Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour) Clayton (Raoul grass), Sorghum hale
pense L. Pers (Johnson grass) and Ipomoea sp. (morning glory) are noxious weeds and difficult
to control in root and cereal crops [20, 46].
Both cover crops and mulches offer great agro-ecological potential. They serve as a physical
barrier against weed emergence, both conserve the soil and improve the ecological balance of
the soil, enhance crop yield and provide several environmental services. These new technol
ogies, however, are not easily accepted by small farmers in the tropics. Notwithstanding, they
offer a complex combination of interrelated practices which include: (i) necessary practices so
as to ensure the production and retention of sufficient mulch and (ii) complementary practices
in order to be able to grow a crop and/or maintain yield levels. This typically implies several
adaptations to the entire farm production system. Whether mulching actually is a viable
component for smallholder conservation farming in developing countries depends on a
number of factors, including bio-physical, technological, farm level and institutional factors.
The combination of these factors determines the feasibility of and the economic returns to
mulching practicesand thereby farmer acceptance.
The development and dissemination of cover crops and mulches for small farmers in tropical
developing countries highlights a number of promising experiences, particularly among
banana growers i in St. Vincent, in the Caribbean [25]. The technology offers significant savings
through reduced tillage and alleviation of some major crop production constraints such as
water conservation, timeliness of land preparation and crop establishment.
1.1.5. Improved husbandry
The basic principles of IWM which include: suppression of weed growth, prevention or
suppression of weed seed production, reduction in weed seed bank and prevention or
reduction in weed spread, are key elements of all improved husbandry practices. All crop
husbandry practices, particularly precision placement and timing of fertiliser application,
enhance maximum stimulation of the crop and minimum stimulation of the weed population.
Additionally, the use of clean certified seeds, clean farm implements, effective seedbed
preparation and seeding methods that improve crop growth, all reduce weed competition [7,
36]. Other management practices including: cultural weed control (intercropping, early
planting, optimum plant crop density, and tillage), chemical (minimum herbicide) weed
control, mechanical weed control and hoe weeding, have been shown to reduce the competitive
effects of weeds on vegetable and cereal crops growth, development and yield [36].
Weeds have a life cycle synchronised to that of the crop such that more weeds emerge with
the crop with the onset of rains [33]. Intermittent wetting and drying of weed seeds brought
about by early rains preceded by dry spells break seed dormancy [8]. Tillage operations bring
buried weed seeds to the surface where they germinate. However, early planting of the crop
gives the crop a competitive advantage over the weeds [33, 35].
1.1.6. Irrigation practices
Judicious irrigation practices such as the use of clean water, channels and canals, can reduce
the spread of weed seeds to uninfested fields [3, 38]. Flooding is an important component of
weed management in rice in the tropical world. In irrigated and flooded systems, the envi
ronment in which weed seeds have to germinate is characterized by the existence of low oxygen
concentrations. Differential responses between rice and weeds to flooding could be an
important component of weed management for the direct-seeded rice crop, since rice is tolerant
to flooding, but many weeds, e.g., Cyperus iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, Leptochloa chinensis,
Ludwigia hyssopifolia and similar weed species are not. However, the timing, duration, and
depth of flooding and intensity and frequency of irrigation are critical if germination and
growth of a number of weed species are to be effectively suppressed.
Irrigated and upland rice and cereal crops are typically grown with few agricultural inputs. A
wide range of weeds infest upland rice, many of which are pan-tropical, including the grass
weeds: Digitaria spp., Echinochloa colona, Eleusine indica, Paspalum spp., and Rottboellia cochin
chinensis, and the broadleaf weeds: Commelina spp., Ageratum conyzoides, Portulaca oleracea,
Amaranthus spp. and Euphorbia spp. The variability of weed species composition in upland rice
tends to be greater than in the other production systems, and is dependent upon the ecology
the cropping system and the management practices used.
Once weed seedlings have emerged and passed the seedling stage, their growth will not be
reduced by flooding. In an irrigated environment, there was no emergence of Leptochloa
chinensis when rice was flooded 5 days after seeding, but its emergence increased to more than
70 plants m-2 when flooding was delayed until 20 days after seeding. In such situations where
water is not readily available, early flooding would make the best use of water to control weeds.
Introducing flooding after herbicide application or weeding or hoeing could help reduce future
weed growth and the need for additional interventions [17, 27].
1.1.7. Inter-row cultivation and minimum tillage
Inter-row cultivation is practical in widely spaced row crops, such as maize, vegetables,
sugarcane and banana [8, 19], which have interrow distances of 60 cm or more. Interrow
cultivations are done by tractor drawn implements or hand operated rotary tillers. The
efficiency of this method is higher than manual methods. Minimum tillage, on the other hand,
involves the use of the minimum amount of tillage required for crop production for meeting
the tillage requirement under existing soil and climatic conditions [56]. It refers to eliminating
excess tillage, e.g., reducing four secondary tillage steps to two [8]. Both operations comple
ment and enhance the efficiency of minimum herbicide input through soil incorporation of
pre-plant herbicides.
Successive inter-row cultivation has been effective in reducing weed growth and density.
Many weed species exhibit morphological plasticity in response to environmental variation
and density. Weeds can compensate for density changes so that total biomass per unit area is
held relatively constant. Inter-row cultivation improved crop yield by 33% and 78% [20].
However, herbicide application resulted in yield increases of 57 to 300% [27]. Benefits from
inter-row cultivation can be limited by in-row weed growth. Most uncontrolled weed growth
occurs in the uncultivated area adjacent to and within the crop row. Therefore, the integration
of other mechanical or cultural methods often improves with inter-row cultivation. Inter-row
cultivation also has potential as a means of controlling late flushes of weeds, but it should not
be considered a stand-alone weed management technique since significant in-row weed
growth may limit benefits [7].
Tillage operations have a major impact on distribution of weeds in the soil, weed survival and
persistency [8, 10], weed species diversity in a given cropping system [15] and the selection
pressure on the weed population. Although not much research has gone into the effect that
tillage has on tropical weeds, studies have shown that grass weeds, Setaria spp and Corchorus
tridens were higher under the ripper and basins compared to conventional tillage. Also,
broadleaf weeds were less in minimum tillage compared to conventional tillage. Rotation with
conventional tillage systems controls the grasses and perennials but other weeds or weed
groups may assume numerical dominance. To balance the pressure of tillage, there may be
need to consider rotational tillage where appropriate [35].
Tillage affects vertical weed seed distribution in a soil profile and this seed distribution affects
weed seed germination by influencing the soil environment surrounding the seeds [12, 13].
There is less soil disturbance with minimum or zero-till systems and, as such, most of the weed
seeds are on or near the soil surface after crop planting. In systems with high soil disturbance
using conventional tillage, mixing weed seeds uniformly in the tilled-soil depth has been found
to be beneficial. It was also found that on direct-seeded rice, 77% of the weed seeds were
retained in the top 2 cm soil layer under a zero-till system, whereas soil disturbance under a
conventional tillage system resulted in 62% of the seeds being buried to a depth of 2-5 cm. The
seeds were not present in the 5-10 cm soil layer in the zero-till system [22, 23].
The conditions for seed germination are conducive near the soil surface and therefore there is
high germination of the weed seeds that are close to the soil surface under zero-till systems,
for example, Ageratum conyzoides, Eclipta prostrata, Echinochloa colona, Digitaria ciliaris and
Portulaca oleracea. The weed seed populations on the top that are not dormant are easily
destroyed by the stale seedbed practice. In this practice, weed seeds are allowed to germinate
after a light irrigation or shower and are then killed by using a non-selective herbicide or
shallow tillage. This practice helps to reduce the size of the weed seed bank in the soil [8].
Conservation agriculture, or zero tillage farming, is an effective solution to stopping agricul
tural land degradation, for rehabilitation, and sustainable crop production intensification in
the tropics [21, 22].
the use of newer, more active and more rapidly degradable herbicides, and
Using lower herbicide dosages would reduce expenditure on herbicides to a fraction of the
cost of full label herbicide rates while maintaining efficacy and other benefits derived from
herbicide use. Research has revealed that half the recommended dosages of atrazine and
nicosulfuron resulted in the lowest weed biomass. Mixing a third of the recommended
herbicides of Atrazine and Nicosulfuron resulted in equivalent weed control to the atrazine
label recommended dosages. Weed seed production was reduced. Reduced herbicide dosages
may fit into the economics of the small farmer and hence has the potential to be a small
hammer in the IWM programme [51]. However, as mentioned before because of the risk of
herbicide resistance, this decision must be taken carefully.
1.1.9. Crop and herbicide rotation
Crop and herbicide rotation reduce selection pressure on weeds and this allows for the
development of resistant ecotypes and biotypes [35]. Crop rotation should include crops with
either different cultural practices or morphology that will upset the life cycle of weeds as in
white-top (Partheniuim hysterophorous) and corn grass (R. cochininensis) [7, 33]. Crop rotations
and crop diversification are useful tools for weed management, as they encourage operational
diversity that in turn can facilitate improved weed management [31]. Manipulating different
planting and harvesting dates among crops provides more opportunities for producers to
prevent either plant establishment or seed production by weeds. If sufficient differences exist
in the germination requirements of crops and weeds, then seed date can be manipulated to the
benefit of the crop for example. Weeds then germinate after canopy closure and they become
non competitive [35].
However, in the small farm production systems, crop diversification in rotation and even crop
succession are limited. The effectiveness of crop rotation in weed suppression may be en
hanced by crop sequences that create varying patterns of resource competition, allelopathy,
soil disturbance and mechanical damage to certain species. Diversified crop rotations are likely
to provide best opportunities for exploiting diverse sets of tactics and ecological processes to
suppress weeds [57]
There are only eight modes of action in available herbicides, and as a consequence rotating
herbicides is as important as alternating crops, as overuse will increase the risk of single-,
cross-, and multiple resistance [29].There is also the potential for a species shift, as new weed
species take over when the population of another diminishes, as a result of an effective
herbicide or other control practice. Resistance, however, poses a more serious problem, as it
depends on the weed species, the efficacy of the herbicide, and the frequency of herbicide use.
Continuous use of a particular herbicide will contribute to resistance, and farmers should
rotate two or three herbicides [49]. Additionally, using herbicides with the same mode of action
will create an environment for resistance development. To reduce the risk of resistance the
following guidelines should be considered:
Alternate non-chemical with chemical control methods.
Rotate herbicides, including mode of action of herbicides with the same site of action.
Example, Maverick is a sulfonylurea herbicide and Pursuit is an imidazolinone herbicide,
but both are group 2 herbicides.
Tank mix different modes of action to apply different types of materials.
Rotate crops which differ in their competitiveness against weeds based on life cycle, growth
habit, maturity length, etc., so rotating to different crops can help prevent some weed species
from becoming dominant in a given field and control suspect herbicide-resistant weeds
as if they were an invasive weed species.
Multiple management practices can be used in an integrated plan to prevent or delay the
development of herbicide-resistant weed populations. In addition, avoid using herbicides with
the same site of action in both fallow years and in the succession crops. Herbicide diversifica
tion is the key to preventing resistance, since using one system will create resistant weeds.
Herbicide rotation is critical to maintaining grade and delaying resistance. Rotating herbicides
with multiple modes of action is critical to delaying the spread of resistance and preventing
weeds and volunteers [27].
Currently, there is an increase in the number of resistant weed biotypes, including those
resistant to glyphosate, PPO, ALS, dicamba and triazine chemistries. The rapid growth of
Respect the RotationTM is a testament to the urgency with which thousands of growers treat
the issue of weed resistance [36]. Glyphosate-resistant weeds are spreading at alarming rates
from rampant infestations; 358 biotypes have developed resistance to one or more herbicide
groups, including glyphosate, PPO, ALS, dicamba and triazine chemistries.
1.1.10. Intercropping or relay cropping
Intercropping or relay cropping systems are based on the principle that space should be
occupied by crops and not weeds [57]. Relay cropping can be practised by market gardeners
who harvest their crops by hand. These crops should be planted in such a way that the intercrop
provides an effective canopy to shade weeds, or that previous crop residue can be used as a
mulch to prevent weed growth in successional crops, e.g., pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) inter
planted with maize (Zea mays). Occasionally, the second crop in some intercropping systems
is for the purpose of weed management. Crops such as velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens), lablab
(Lablab purpureus), Desmodium heterocarpon and tropical kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides) have been
used successfully as intercrops in banana (Musa sp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and maize for
the management of weeds such as watergrass (Commelina sp.) and cogongrass (Imperata
cylindrica) [18, 25, 26] across tropical environments. It was found that intercrops may inhibit
weeds by limiting resource capture by weeds or through allelopathic interactions [31], and
that weed biomass was reduced in 90 % of the cases when a main crop was intercropped with
a smother crop. It has also been reported that self-regenerating intercrops reduce establish
ment costs and can provide weed suppression over years [37].
1.1.11. Biological agents
The use of biological agents such as mycoherbicides, insects and pathogens to control weeds
in the tropics is not common. However, the potential for its application to control noxious
weeds using monophagous/oligophagous natural enemies must not be overlooked [29]. Table
1.0 shows some of the most successful achievements using this method of control which
include: water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) using specific insects, white-top
(Parthenium hysterophorus L.) using a fungus, Christmas bush (Chromolaena odorata (L.) King &
Robins) using an insect and nutgrass (Cyperus spp.) using a fungus.
Classical biological control is the best among the viable options available for sustainable
management of invasive weeds, especially where other technologies such as chemical and
mechanical control are unacceptable due to cost and adverse impact on the environment [40].
Some of the techniques described for biological control of weeds in developed countries can
be safely and efficiently transferred to developing countries with minimal expense for the
initial institutional and human-capacity building. It is essential to know the organism to be
used as well as the methods for rearing and release and its host range in order to avoid
problems with crops. The Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control
Agents (FAO, 1996), gives good guidance on how to proceed in order to introduce new exotic
organisms for biological control.
Water hyacinth
Parthenium hysterophorus L.
Zygogramma bicolorata
Epiblema strenuana
Christmas bush
Lantana camara L.
Dactylaria higginsii
Moth: Bactra spp.
Amaranthus spp.
Corn grass
Adapted from: [29]
Table 1. Some organisms used for the biological control of selected weeds
2. Adoption strategies
The traditional top-down approaches, participatory approaches and discovery based teaching
methods have all been used to promote integrated weed management.
The top-down method has been by far the most predominant method and widely used in
training on weeds and their control. The focus of these sessions was to train farmers how to
apply, mostly synthetic pesticides, and emphasised the need for continuous application.
Farmers responded well to these instructional approaches given the severe losses they sustain
because of the extent and vigour of weed growth in the tropics and the quick, highly visible
effect of synthetic herbicide applications. These class and field sessions have been historically
conducted either as stand-alone modules in training courses or as part of the general agronomic
practices for field crops. Over the years, extension agents conducted these courses in com
munities or at centralised farmer training centres. The concept of integrated weed management
was not part of the landscape at this time.
In the 1990s, the emergence of farmer participatory approaches to educating farmers gained
momentum. Although the focus was on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), weed manage
ment was incorporated into learning activities. Farmers, for the first time, were presented with
the option of applying a mix of weed management strategies instead of a single chemical
option. The aim of farmer participatory approaches is to strengthen farmers decision-making
skills through an understanding of the agro-ecology of their fields. The approach is widely
recognised as an integral part of more sustainable and environmentally friendly crop produc
tion practices. The flagship method, Farmer Field Schools (FFS), continues to be used as the
preferred approach to integrated management mostly of pests and diseases but increasingly
included is the management of noxious weeds.
The Farmer Field School approach involved farmers in activities mostly in the field to under
stand weed dynamics and to involve farmers in decisions to manage weeds using more
sustainable approaches. These activities, done on farmers fields, have been conducted across
the Caribbean as part of the FFS approach to integrated pest management. Farmers have been
exposed to different weed management strategies which stressed integrated approaches. FFS
have been conducted in St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Dominica [4].
The FFS model is flexible, and, in recent times, one component has been singled out for
increased use because of the enhanced learning it provides. Discovery-based learning is based
on the principles of experiential learning; farmers are guided by a trained facilitator who draws
out their knowledge and helps them construct meanings based on their rich field experiences.
This has been done in several countries of the Caribbean. Discovery-based learning activities
have been used in St Vincent in a Farmer Participatory Research (FPR) process to manage
weeds in bananas [25, 26]. Farmers were encouraged to plant several cover crops on their farms
to evaluate the efficacy of these crops on weed control in bananas. As farmers carried out these
activities, they took the weekly measurements and did simple statistical analysis. They were
able to discover for themselves the benefits of alternative approaches to the pesticide approach
both for their health and that of consumers in foreign countries who purchase their bananas.
Farmers in Trinidad have also conducted community experiments using paper, used cartons,
grass much, plastic, precision irrigation all in an attempt to evaluate alternative weed man
agement strategies. Farmers have discovered for themselves the effects of the various treat
ments and some of these have been adopted by farmers who are tending to move to the low
pesticide/ organic farming methods.
A mix of adoption strategies has been used over the years in an effort to get the right approach
to IWM. No silver bullet has been found. It is a work in progress. Given the diverse weed flora,
farming experiences and farmer circumstances in the tropical world, scientists, educators and
farmers will have to dedicate increased energies towards finding an approach that is econom
ical, culturally acceptable and environment friendly.
3. Research needs for integrated weed management systems for the tropics
There is a need to encompass weed management into improved/integrated crop management
systems and to develop research and development programmes that will facilitate a more
comprehensive understanding of ecology, physiology, biochemistry, competitiveness/
allelopathic potential and threshold of weeds.
4. Conclusion
The key to a successful weed management programme is the effective insertion into crop
management programmes of those control techniques that will minimise the impacts of weeds
not controlled by the competing crop. The dependence on overly generalized and increasingly
expensive chemical input packages, developed elsewhere under a different set of conditions,
and aggressively promoted by Researchers, Extension agents and Agro-chemical companies,
must be broken.
The IWM systems approach fits into the work habit of many farmers and gives more effective
control than when only chemical methods are used. In addition, yield improvements in the
order of 40 to 100 % are realized. While IWM systems are considered technologically sound,
the social and environmental advantages, as well as the economic costs associated with the
practice, need to be ascertained. If farmers are not convinced of the economic viability of the
system, then the technology no matter how sound will not be adopted.
Author details
Wendy-Ann P. Isaac1, Puran Bridgemohan3 and Wayne G. Ganpat2
1 Department of Food Production, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, The University of the
West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad
2 Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Science and Agriculture,
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad
3 The University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad
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Id=F5B005DE-7AD2-8DF3-FE6D02522531accessed on 25 September (2012).
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Vegetable Cropping and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. October,
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[7] Bridgemohan, P, & Brathwaite, R. A. I. Weed management strategies for the control
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cultural Economics Conference, Belize, Central America, July (1992). , 4-21.
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tween R. cochinchinensis and Zea mays. Annals of Applied Biology. (1993). , 123,
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Pest Management, (1992).
Participatory Research by Fairtrade Banana Growers in St. Vincent and the Grena
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[27] Johnson, E, & Frick, B. Inter-row cultivation- effective weed control in field pea? Or
ganic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC) http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/
Default.aspx?DN=88be1afa4-40c7-b6ea-9b0af05b0117Accessed 5 October (2012).
[28] Kasasian, N. Weed Control in the Tropics. Leonard Hill, London. (1971).
[29] Labrada, R. Weed management: A basic component of modern crop production. In
Sustainable weed management. Singh, H.P., Batish, D.R., Kumar Kohli, R. (eds).
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[30] Lal, R. ed.), (1979). Soil Tillage and Crop Production. International Institute of Tropi
cal Agriculture Proceedings Series 2, Ibadan, Nigeria.
[31] Liebman, M, & Dyck, E. Crop rotation and intercropping strategies for weed man
agement. Ecological Applications (1993). , 3, 92-122.
[32] Liebman, M, & Gallandt, E. R. Many little hammers: ecological management of crop
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effect of weeding frequency on maize and sorghum, Zimbabwe Journal of Agricul
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[34] Mandumbu, R, Peter, J, Charles, K, & Tibugari, H. Integrated weed management in
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Chapter 11
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Rangeland could be defined as the land on which indigenous vegetation (climax or natural
potential) is predominantly grass, grass-like plants, forbs, or shrubs that are grazed or have
the potential to be grazed, and which is managed as a natural ecosystem for grazing livestock
and wildlife habitat [1]. Rangeland productivity is threatened by land degradation mostly
characterised by soil erosion and invasion by alien plant species. Plant invasion is considered
a threat to rangelands because of the suppression of productivity of herbaceous plant species
due to the increase of bush cover [2]. In an endeavour to understand the concepts of plant
invasion in rangelands, it is important to acknowledge that the terms invasion and encroach
ment are normally used loosely and commonly interchangeably. However, it is crucial to
understand their distinction so that the approaches in addressing their different characteristics
and effects on rangelands are informed by clear comprehension. Bush encroachment refers to
the spread of plant species into an area where previously it did not occur [18]. Invasion on the
other hand, refers to the introduction and spread of an exotic plant species into an area where
previously did not occur. Thus, bush encroachment could occur even with indigenous species
and it is more defined by plant density than species themselves. Whilst invasion on the other
hand, although it includes plant density, focuses on the exoticism of species in question and
it is, therefore, more species specific. Furthermore, while encroachment focuses on the
woodiness of the species, invasion is not limited to woody species but includes the alien
herbaceous species; thus, there are grasses that are classified as invaders. However, in this
chapter bush encroachment and invasion are used interchangeably and treated as synonyms.
2013 Lesoli et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Other than the suppression of herbaceous by encroaching species, the higher bush density in
rangelands reduces land accessibility by livestock, and that subsequently negatively affects
the utilisation of rangelands. Furthermore, due to competition for light, water, and nutrients
between native and invading species, the grazing capacity of rangelands declines [2, 4] and
plant biodiversity becomes compromised [3]. Therefore, invasions are considered one of the
largest threats to the ecosystems of the earth [5- 6], and the services that they provide to
humanity [5]. These species are characterised by rapid spread and they displace native
vegetation and disrupt important ecosystem processes, and that leads to serious environmen
tal impacts [5- 7]. There are a number of sources for invading species, however, in natural
ecosystems such as rangelands some alien tree species used in commercial forestry and
agroforestry cause major problems as invaders [8]. The effects of bush encroachment, such as
an increase in woody vegetation density and cover, and reduction of biomass production in
rangelands [9], have been widely reported in Southern Africa [10 11]. Invader species can be
found in different ecosystems, however, in South Africa, they are a significant environmental
problem in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems [12]. Bush encroachment and invasion on
rangelands, therefore, have negative effects on rangeland biological and economic value. Thus,
bush encroachment and invasion results in rangeland degradation, which leads to declination
of rangeland functional capacity and subsequently on the increased food insecurity and
poverty. Hence, introduction of woody plant cover in grasslands and their increase in savanna
ecosystems is an indication of rangeland degradation [13]. The foregoing assertion is aligned
with the definition of rangeland degradation, which states the reduction or loss of biological
and economic productivity arising from inappropriate land use practices [13]. Therefore, if
bush encroachment in rangeland is left unchecked, it progresses within grassland ecosystems
until a closed canopy woodland thicket occurs [15], which influences vegetation species
composition and in turn threatens the sustainability of livestock production as well as wildlife
habitat [16] and grassland birds [17]. Thus, the increase in vegetation cover of encroaching
species can significantly reduce grass productivity through competition, shading and allelo
pathic effects.
Invasion phenomenon is becoming an increasing concern to land managers who are seeking
cost-effective ways of combating the spread of invasive species [6]. It is important to acknowl
edge that factors causing invasion are complex [10, 19]. This is because of a large number of
predisposing factors and that species behave differently at various environments. Therefore,
any ecological and/or economic intervention in managing bush encroachment in rangelands
should be anteceded by the comprehensive understanding of the drivers for this phenomenon.
Nevertheless, bush encroachment is often associated with overgrazing [20]. This is because of
a positive relationship between grazing pressure and woody vegetation cover [13]. There are
other reported drivers of bush encroachment such as increased rainfall [21], fire suppression
[22], and soil characteristics [23]. It is acknowledged, therefore, that bush encroachment
threatens livestock production particularly, grazers [24] and in turn livelihoods of pastoral
communities hence researchers, policy makers and practitioners need to understand bush
encroachment dynamics and characteristics in order to adapt to live with or control it. Invasive
plants in rangelands in the long-term affect livestock industry by lowering forage yield and
quality, interfering with grazing accessibility and poisoning animals and subsequently
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
increasing costs of management and production of livestock, and eventually reducing land
value. In the wildlife ecosystems, these species affect the wildlife habitat and forage produc
tion, deplete soil and water resources, and reduce plant and animal diversity [25]. In general,
woody and succulent species invasion in rangelands result in a decline in biodiversity [26],
reduction in ecosystem resilience [27] and a greater likelihood of irreversible changes in plant
species composition [28].
Grazing is one of the economic ways of utilising rangelands especially in communal and/or
pastoral areas. The provisions of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem stability within
rangelands maintain the ecological value of these ecosystems. Therefore, maintaining or
restoring rangeland ecosystem health and resilience is a critical social imperative to ensure the
future supply of the ecosystem services, which are vital for the future well-being of human
societies [29]. Such services include provision of stable soils, reliable and clean supply of water,
and the natural occurrence of plants, animals and other organisms to meet the aesthetic and
cultural values, and to enhance the livelihoods of people living around rangelands [30]. This
review chapter explores the phenomenon of plant invasion and bush encroachment in the
southern African region; however, reference is made to invasion and encroachment reported
beyond the southern African boundaries. Furthermore, although this chapter emphasises bush
encroachment and invasion in rangelands or natural ecosystems, the reference is further made
from other ecosystems such as cultivated, riparian, and marine areas. This chapter explores
plant invasion and encroachment phenomenon in terms of its identified causes, its ecological
and economic impact. Furthermore, bush encroachment control practices in rangeland
ecosystems and their significance in restoring invaded ecosystems were evaluated. Finally,
different methods and approaches used in management of invasion in rangeland are synthes
ised into an integrated rangeland management approach.
are also widely recognised as the second-largest global threat to biodiversity. The problem of
invasion in rangelands is growing in severity and geographic extent as global trade and travel
accelerate, and as human mediated disturbance and increased dissemination of propagules
makes ecosystems more susceptible to invasion by alien species [36]. One of the remarkable
characters of invasive alien plants is that few, if any, of them are invasive in their countries of
origin. Thus, their ability to grow vigorously and produce copious amounts of seeds is kept
in check by a host of co-evolved invertebrates and pathogens [6]. Some of these plant species,
when transported to a new continent without the attendant enemies, they exhibit ecological
release. This phenomenon allows the introduced species to multiply rapidly in the absence
of a host of attendant invertebrates and diseases, with associated tendencies to spread rapidly
and to out-compete native species [6].
Mostly livestock and wildlife production depend on rangelands for sustenance as a source of
feed and habitat. Rangelands are represented by a variety of ecosystems including desert and
rich alluvial valleys, coastal and inland foothills, high mountain meadows and arid inland
plains [25]. In the southern African context, the larger space of rangelands is represented by
savanna and grassland ecosystems. Savannas are extensive, socioeconomically important
ecosystems with a mixture of two life forms, thus, trees and grasses [37, 38, 39]. Whilst in Africa,
savannas are the most important ecosystems for raising livestock [40]. Thus, domestic
livestock, particularly Bos (cattle), Ovis (Sheep) and Equus (Horses) have grazed many of these
areas for many years. As a result, the plant composition has changed greatly from the original
ecosystems [41].
Factors and mechanisms regulating bush encroachment by invasive woody plants in range
land ecosystems are not fully apprehended [2, 42]. However, the dynamics and modalities of
bush encroachment are mostly widespread in African [13, 20], Australian [43], and North
American and Latin American rangelands [39]. The increase in the tree-grass ration in the
savannas has been attributed to the replacement of indigenous herbivores by domestic grazing
animals and the intense utilisation of the natural vegetation by domestic livestock [33, 44].
Furthermore, heavy grazing results in reduced fuel loads leading to less frequent and low
intensity fire, which reduces the effectiveness of fire in the control of woody vegetation. This
heavy grazing further leads to altered competitive interactions between the woody and
herbaceous layers due to the removal of grasses [32]. However, a number of times, these
phenomenon have been linked to climate change [45] or land use patterns [24] or combination
of number of factors [13], both biotic and abiotic in nature. Thus, local climate and long-term
climate change in conjunction with grazing effects and fire limitation have been identified as
possible causes of bush encroachment [46, 47, 48]. Long-term prohibition of range fire,
cultivation of bottomlands and continuous grazing on the remaining portion of the communal
rangelands have been reported to have induced the invasion of bush encroachment to a level
of more than 60%. This has resulted in reduced grass cover, poor range condition, and
subsequently poor livestock productivity [13, 49, 50].
Although there are a myriad of explanations about bush encroachment and invasion in
rangelands, the first attempt at a general explanation for bush encroachment was a two-layer
hypothesis for tree-grass coexistence [2, 51, 52, 53]. In this model, water is assumed be the major
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
limiting factor for both grassy and woody plants growth. Based on this analogy, it is hypothe
sized that grasses use only topsoil moisture, and woody plants mostly use subsoil moisture
[54]. Therefore, reduction of grass plant density and vigour through practices such as severe
grazing, allows more water to percolate into the subsoil, where it is made available for woody
plant growth. Subsequently, reduction of grassy vegetation has demonstrated an increase in
shrub and tree abundance under heavy grazing [55, 56]. The two-layer model is still widely
accepted to explain bush encroachment phenomenon, however, field data and other theoretical
models have indicated the contravening evidence [20]. Thus, the release of trees from compe
tition with grass is not required for mass tree recruitment to occur; for example, encroachment
of certain species such as Prosopis glandulosa is unrelated to herbaceous biomass or density [57].
Furthermore, a spatially explicit simulation model indicates that rooting niche separation
might not be sufficient to warrant coexistence under a range of climatic situations [58].
This indicates that the concepts of bush encroachment and invasion in rangelands are by far
still complex in terms of causation and/or predisposition factors. There were great differences
reported in a number of studies in the degree of niche separation. These variations depend on
various abiotic factors, and plant species involved [59, 60, 61]. Therefore, the two mechanisms,
heavy grazing and rooting niche separation, do not suffice to serve as the one-dimensionally
exclusive explanations for bush encroachment. This is justified by the fact that at initiation of
bush encroachment young trees use the same subsurface soil layer as grasses in the sensitive
early stages of growth. In addressing the relationship between bush encroachment and
grazing, bush encroachment has been reported in areas where grazing was not severe.
Therefore, overgrazing in combination with rooting niche separation are not the solitary
predisposing factors for bush encroachment; bush encroachment sometimes also occurs on
soils too shallow to allow for root separation [62]. This further shows the complexity of
comprehending the causes of bush encroachment in grasslands and savannas and that further
translates to the complexity of controlling the problem. This, therefore, suggests that there is
no panacea in addressing the bush encroachment; therefore, integration of bush encroachment
control measures and practices could lead to a sustainable solution than accrediting one
method over others.
There are a number of disturbances that have been mooted to be the major determinants of
savanna vegetation structure, and savannas have been portrayed as inherently unstable
ecosystems. Thus, they are considered to be oscillating in an intermediate state between those
of stable grasslands and forests. This is because they are pushed back into the savanna state
by frequent disturbances related to human impact, herbivory, fire [61], or drought, and spatial
heterogeneities in water, nutrient, and seed distribution [58]. The disturbance hypotheses
suggest that bush encroachment occurs as disturbances shift savannas from the open grassland
towards the forest extreme of the environmental spectrum. Although disturbance theories may
be valid for specific situations, however, they may lack generality [2].
Bush encroachment and invasion by alien plant species may further be, to a certain degree,
attributed to climate change. Climate change causes a number of variations in the atmosphere,
and such changes could positively or negatively affect vegetation growth performance. One
of the effects of climate change is an accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in
the atmosphere. These increased CO2 concentrations are likely to have an effect on tree-grass
dynamics in savannas. This is because savanna trees and grasses have different photosynthetic
pathways, which will respond differently to changes in atmospheric CO2 accumulations. It is
predicted that atmospheric CO2 is exponentially increasing and will likely double to 700 parts
per million (ppm) within the next century [62]. This has a further potential beneficial effect on
plant life; the benefit is attributed to the fact that plants take up CO2 via photosynthesis and
use it in photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates. Thus, the higher CO2 concentration could
significantly increase the capacity of plants to absorb and temporarily store excess carbon. The
efficiency of plants in the savanna to utilise the high CO2 concentrations will be influenced to
a larger extend by the photosynthetic pathways of different plant species and, therefore, that
will influence plant species composition and ecosystem structure. For example, Acacia trees
have the C3 photosynthetic pathway, which is less efficient, hence, they have a lower net
photosynthetic rate at current atmospheric CO2 levels than the C4 pathway used by most of
savanna grasses [62]. However, at the higher atmospheric CO2 levels than currently experi
enced, C3 plants will have a higher net photosynthetic rate than C4 plants. Thus, C3 plants
should show increases in yield of 20 35% with a doubling of atmospheric CO2, while C4 plants
such as grasses should only experience a 10% increase in yield. Furthermore, the increased
CO2 concentrations will improve the competitive ability of trees against grasses. Thus, Acacia
trees will have more carbon to invest in carbon-based defences against herbivory such as
condensed tannins [63, 64].
In an attempt to further explain bush encroachment phenomenon in semi arid and arid
environments, it is hypothesised that it is a natural phenomenon occurring in ecological
systems governed by patch-dynamic processes [65]. This hypothesis has been based on
field observations gained on the spatial distribution of Acacia reficiens trees in arid central
Namibia. It is argued that encroachment of A. reficiens along rainfall gradient increases
with increasing rainfall in spite of a relatively constant level of grazing [65]. However,
any form of vegetation disturbance in rangelands (grazing, fire, etc.) can create space,
and thus, making water and nutrients available for tree establishment due to reduced
competition. However, under low soil nitrogen conditions, the nitrogen-fixing trees have
a competitive advantage over other plants and, given enough rainfall, may germinate as
a group in the bare patches created by the disturbances. The mechanism underlying this
hypothesis, which demonstrates how it may be used to explain this phenomenon are
such that both tree-grass coexistence and bush encroachment occur in a patch-dynamic
system with stochastic rainfall patterns [2]. Nevertheless, it was suggested that in arid
and semi-arid savanna ecosystems, woody vegetation needs above-average precipitation
for germination and subsequent establishment [66]. To keep the soil moist for a period
sufficient for germination and survival through the sensitive early stages of seedling de
velopment, several rain events close in succession are necessary [67]. However, in a sav
anna ecosystem, rainfall is often patchily distributed, in terms of both time and space [46,
68, 69]. Therefore, the spatial overlap of several rainfall events of high frequency in a sin
gle year is a rare occurrence in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. In addition to local seed
availability, this rainfall frequency is a necessary condition for the creation of a bush en
croachment patch.
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
have high impact and species with high values for all three components have the highest
impact. These species are perceived to constitute the prime concern for managers and,
therefore, are referred to as the major invaders. Therefore, the presence and abundance of this
species could be regarded to be above the economic threshold and warrant economic and
ecological attention. Thus, the projects aimed at the prevention and/or control of these species
should receive the largest proportion of available funding over the next few decades.
The second list contains those species that currently have a lower impact on natural or seminatural ecosystems in South Africa. Thus, these species exhibit a lower product of range,
abundance, and effect, but appear to have the capacity to exercise greater influence in the
future. They are, therefore, termed emerging invaders, and are currently afforded lower
priority in management. However, some of these species are likely to become more important
in the future, and could become targets for pre-emptive action such as biocontrol. These species
should be carefully monitored to ensure that they do not become major problems. There are
117 major invaders identified in South Africa, and black wattle (Acacia mearnsii), white and
grey poplars (Populus alba/canescens) and mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. Torreyana/velutina)
are the three species/species-groups falling within the very wide spread-abundant category
[80]. The distribution pattern of these very widespread/widespread-abundant species
corresponds to the areas where high overall numbers of invasive alien plants were recorded.
Most of the major invaders are found within the widespread common and localised abundant
categories. The highest numbers of species in the localized-abundant category are restricted
to Western Cape and Natal coasts, and northeastern Mpumalanga and Gauteng (Table 1). A
list of 84 emerging invaders identified in South Africa was also presented; a majority (60%) of
these species have been listed by the regulations under the Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (CARA). Emerging invaders account for approximately 2500 records, or 5%, of
the SAPIA database, and those species added from other sources [81, 82] and expert knowl
edge. Almost 20% of the emerging species are classified as riparian species according to expert
opinion. A further 17% of these species are estimated to have the potential of expanding over
a large part of the country if unmanaged (categories large habitatlarge propagule pool, large
habitatmoderate propagule pool and large habitatsmall propagule pool), and almost 80%
of species falling in these categories have been afforded legal status [80]. These species are
distributed along the eastern coast and northeastern interior, but have not yet been recorded
in the Northern Cape and Western Cape.
Most of the emerging invaders (61%) are estimated to have a moderate amount of invasible
habitat available within South Africa (categories moderate habitatlarge propagule pool and
moderate habitat moderate propagule pool). These categories show a slight difference in
species distribution; distribution patterns of the moderate habitatlarge propagule pool
category are similar to the localizedabundant category of major weeds, whilst distribution
patterns for the moderate habitat-moderate propagule pool category show a lower incidence
of fynbos invaders. The emerging invaders that are estimated to have a small amount of
invasible habitat available but a large current propagule pool size (Table 2) show a very similar
distribution pattern to the species which fall into the moderate habitatlarge propagule pool
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
Scientific name
Common name
No of
grids-cells cells
abundant landscape
Acacia mearnsii
Black wattle
Poplars alba/canescens
Honey mesquite/
Agave americana
American agave
Landscape Proposed
Arundo donax
Giant reed
Eucalyptus spp.
Gum trees
Melia azedarach
Nicotiana glauca
Wild tobacco
Opuntia ficus-indica
Landscape 1
Ricinus communis
Castor-oil plant
Salix babylonica
Weeping willow
Acacia cyclops
Red eye
Acacia dealbata
Silver wattle
Acacia longifolia
Long-leaved wattle
Acacia saligna
Ageratina adenophora
Crofton weed
Ageratum colyzoides/
Invading ageratum
Yelloflowered Mexican 29
Argemone mexicana
Atriplex lindleyi spp. inflata
Sponge-fruit saltbush
Landscape 3
Azolla filiculoides
Caesalpina decapetala
Mauritius thorn
Pompom weed
Chromolaena odorata
Triffid weed
Eichlomia crassipes
Water hyacinth
Lantana camara
Pinus pinaster
Cluster pine
Landscape 2
Cardiospermum grandiflorum/ Balloon vines
Cestrum aurantiacum/
Psidium guajava
Rubus cuneifolius
American bramble
Rubus fruticosus
Europian blackberry
Salix fragilis
Crack willow
Solanum mauritianum
Acacia decurrens
Green wattle
Acacia melanoxylon
Australian blackwood
Achyranthes aspera
Ailanthus altissima
Anredera cordifolia
Bridal wreath
Araujia sericifera
Moth catcher
Old-man saltbush
Bidens formosa
Casuarina equisetifolia
Horsetail tree
Cereus jamacaru
Landscape 1
Conyza bonariensis
Flax-leaf fleabane
Bird flower
Cuscuta campestris
Common dodder
Thorn apples
Inoxia/D. Stramonium)
Echium plantagineum/vulgare Pattersons curse/blue
Eucalytus camaldulensis
Hakea sericea
Silky hakea
Landscape 1
Ipomoea alba
Ipomoea indica/purpurea
Morning glories
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Mirabilis jalapa
Landscape Proposed
Morus alba
White or common
Opuntia aurantiaca
Jointed cactus
Landscape 1
Opuntia imbricata
Imbricate cactus
Landscape 1
Opuntia monacantha
Opuntia robusta
Blue-leaf cactus
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
Opuntia stricta
Landscape 1
Pinus halepensis
Aleppo pine
Landscape 2
Pinus patula
Patula pine
Pinus radiata
Radiata pine
Landscape 2
Pinus spp.
Pine trees
Pyracantha angustifolia
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black locus
Schinus molle
Pepper tree
Senna didymobotrya
Senna occidentalis
Wild coffee
Sesbania punicea
Red sesbania
Solanum seaforthianum
Potato creeper
Solanum sisymbriifolium
Dense-thorned bitter
Sorghum halepense
Johnson grass
Verbena bonariensis
Purple top
Verbena tenuisecta
Fine-leaved verbena
Xanthium strumarium
Large cocklebur
Zinnia peruviana
Redstar Zinnia
Acacia baileyana
Baileys wattle
Lombardy poplar
Acacia pycnantha
Golden wattle
Landscape 1
Albizia lebbeck
Lebbeck tree
No data
Mosquito fern
Colocasia esculenta
Elephants ear
Echinopsis spachiana
Torch cactus
Landscape 1
Eucalyptus lehmannii
Spider gum
Landscape 1/2
Flaveria bidentis
Smelters bush
Hakea drupacea
Sweet hakea
Landscape 1
Hakea gibbosa
Rock hakea
Landscape 1
Harrisia martinii
Moon cactus
Hedychium coccineum
Hedychium flavescens
Hedychium spp.
Ginger lilies
Helianthus annuus
No data
Landscape 1
Leptospermum laevigatum
Australian mrytle
Ligustrum vulgare
Common privet
Lilium formosanum
Formosa lily
Landscape 3
Litsea glutinosa
Indian laurel
Macfadyena unguis-cati
Melilotus alba
Metrosideros excelsa
New Zealand
Myriophyllum aquaticum
Parrots feather
Nassella trichotoma
Nassella tussock
Landscape 1
Landscape 1
Landscape 1
Nerium oleander
Opuntia fulgida
Chainfruit-cholla/rosea 11
Opuntia lindheimeri/Opunia
Small round-leaved
engelmannii var. linderheimeri prickly pear
Paraserianthes lophantha
Parthenium hysterophorus
Parthenium weed
Paspalum dilatatum
Common Paspalum
Pennisetum villosum
Landscape 1
Pinus elliottii
Slash pine
Landscape 2
Pistia stratiotes
Water lettuce
Pittosporum undulatum
Australian cheesewood 3
Rumex usambarensis
Salvinia molesta
Schinus terebinthifolius
N.B: Major invaders grouped according to categories. No. grid-cells is the number of grid-cells where the species has
been recorded in the Southern African Plant Invaders Atlas (SAPIA) database; % grid-cells abundant is the percentage
of grid-cells in South Africa where the species is recorded as very abundant or abundant in the SAPIA database (note:
where more than one record with the same species and abundance code occurred within a grid-cell, it was counted as
one record); Riparian or landscape is the classification given to a species if more than 75% of its records in the SAPIA
database fell into the respective category (if neither the landscape nor riparian records exceeded 75% then the species
was classified as both); and CARA category lists the species regulated by the Conservation of Agricultural Resources
Act (Act 43 of 1983), where 1 refers to Category 1 prohibited weeds that must be controlled in all situations; 2 includes
Category 2 plants with commercial value that may be planted in demarcated areas subject to a permit, provided that
steps are taken to control spread; 3 includes Category 3 ornamental plants that may no longer be planted or traded, but
may remain in place provided a permit is obtained and steps taken to control their spread; and proposed includes those
species that were proposed for listing under the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, but require further
investigation before they can be included.
Table 1. Major invaders plants species in South Africa according to their categories (Source: [80])
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
purposes [36], which makes it difficult for fire control in rangelands. The increase in fire
intensity due to accumulation of sufficient fuel load subsequently damages vegetation
and soil [70], which in turn leads to excessive soil erosion due to soil water repellency
caused by fire [36].
Therefore, it suffices to indicate that the alien invasive plants reduce the functional ca
pacity of rangeland ecosystems such as support for livestock and wildlife [36, 70]. This is
among others due to competition between invasive plants and grasses that are important
for grazing. This competition leads to reduction on performance of a number of ecosys
tem functions such as grass cover, which subsequently contributes to loss of grazing po
tential [36]. There is also a significant loss of biodiversity due to competition [70],
resulting from the displacement of species-rich indigenous plant communities by singlespecies stands, and disruption of important ecosystem processes [8]. On the other hand,
invasion of riverbanks causes deep channelling followed by slumping during floods and
that result in destabilized riverbanks. Subsequently, the invasion along the riverbanks
leads to loss of recreational opportunities due to reduction of access for anglers, canoe
ists, white-water rafters, and swimmers. Invasive plants further detract from the wilder
ness character of many rural landscapes and conservation areas and that imposes
reduction of the aesthetic value of ecosystems. An increase in soil nitrogen levels in nu
trient-poor environments can make habitats unsuitable for indigenous plants and more
susceptible to invasion by other species, and, in turn, reducing biodiversity.
In order to develop the effective invasion control in rangelands, it is significant to under
stand the mechanisms that are employed by the invader species to survive and colonise
the new ecosystems. There are a number of ways through which invasive plants survive
and outcompete the indigenous species in rangelands; one of the mechanisms is their
ability to grow rapidly compared to indigenous plants. Thus, invasive alien plants typi
cally grow more rapidly, often increasing the proportion of biomass contributed by alien
plants. The large biomass contributed by invasive plants is composed of leaves, bark,
seed, flowers, and twigs that become terrestrial litter after abscission [88]. Such litter en
ters and is retained in water bodies where its rate of breakdown by invertebrate feeding
as well as decomposition through fungal and bacterial activity differs from that of inputs
from indigenous plants [89]. The often large differences in litter inputs from invasive ali
en plants relative to indigenous species leads to reduced decomposition rate and dramati
cally alters the nutrient cycle in rangeland ecosystem [90]. Additions in the biomass
contributed by alien plants can increase the amount of metabolised nutrients, which in
turn escalates natural eutrophication processes [91] as well as free-floating and rooted
aquatic macrophyte invasions [92]. Thus, eutrophication leads to gradual changes in the
plant and animal populations and the development of potentially toxic algal blooms and,
therefore, a slow decline in water and habitat quality [91]. The level of impact that litter
from invasive alien plants has on nutrient cycles is determined by vegetative spread,
plant structure, phenology, plant water and nutrient uptake efficiency, photosynthesis
type, presence of symbionts and nitrogen fixation, phosphorus content and tissue chemis
try such as allelopathy [93].
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
Scientific name
Combined CARA
pool size
Bromus diandrus
Ripgut brome
Pinus taeda
Loblolly pine
Tecoma stans
Yellow bells
Tipuana tipu
Tipu tree
Celtis sinensis/
Chinese nettle
Celtis occidentalis/
Celtis australis
Cytisus scoparius
Scotch broom
Elephant grass
Pereskia aculeata
Rosa rubiginosa
Toona ciliata
Toon tree
Ulex europaeus
European gorse
Acacia paradoxa
Kangaroo thorn
Pueraria lobata
Kudzu vine
Triplaris americana
Acacia elata
Acacia podalyriifolia
Pearl acacia
Ardisia crenata
Coralberry tree
Camphor tree
Eucalyptus saligna
Saligna gum
Eugenia uniflora
Surinam cherry
Cotoneaster franchetii Orange
Cotoneaster pannosus Silver-leaf
Scientific name
Combined CARA
pool size
Ligustrum sinense
Chinese privet
Lonicera japonica
Ligustrum japonicum Japanese waxleaved privet
Ligustrum lucidum
Myoporum serratum
tenuifolium ssp.
Nephrolepis exaltata
Sword fern
Pyracantha coccinea
Red firethorn
Spartium junceum
Spanish broom
Australian water 5
Albizia procera
False lebbeck
Alhagi maurorum
Camelthorn bush 5
Cashew nut
Callistemon rigidus
Catharanthus roseus
Cestrum parqui
Chilean cestrum
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
Scientific name
Combined CARA
pool size
Duranta erecta
Eriobotrya japonica
Ficus carica
Gleditsia triacanthos
Honey locust
Mangifera indica
Passiflora edulis
Passion fruit
Passiflora subpeltata
Physalis peruviana
Cape gooseberry 0
Phytolacca octandra
Forest inkberry
Senna bicapsularis
Rambling cassia
Rambling cassia
Spiny sesbania
Japanese pagoda 0
Sesbania bispinosa
var. bispinosa
Sophora japonica
Syzygium cumini
Syzygium jambos
Rose apple
Tithonia diversifolia
Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese elm
Verbena brasiliensis
Slender wild
Canna indica
Indian shot
Canna x generalis
Garden canna
Scientific name
Combined CARA
pool size
Purple Pampas
Cortaderia selloana
Pampas grass
Oenothera biennis
Evening primrose 5
Cortaderia jubata
Populus deltoides
Match poplar
Giant sensitive
Mimosa pigra
Spiked water-
Evening primrose 5
Oenothera indecora
Evening primrose 5
Oenothera jamesii
Giant evening
Oenothera laciniata
Cutleaf evening
Parkinsonia aculeata
Jerusalem thorn
Alpinia zerumbet
Shell ginger
Grevillea robusta
Australian silky
Quercus robur
English oak
N. B: Scores for Impact, Weediness, Biocontrol and Weedy relatives are standardized by dividing the maximum score for that criterion
and multiplying by 10. Scores for these four criteria were weighted, with Impact, Weediness and Biocontrol receiving an equal weight
ing of four, and Weedy relatives receiving a lower weighting of one. The weighted criteria were summed to obtain the Combined score
for each species. CARA category lists the species regulated by the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983), where 1
refers to Category 1 prohibited weeds that must be controlled in all situations; 2 includes Category 2 plants with commercial value that
may be planted in demarcated areas subject to a permit, provided that steps are taken to control spread; 3 includes Category 3 ornamen
tal plants that may no longer be planted or traded, but may remain in place provided a permit is obtained and steps taken to control their
spread; and proposed includes those species that were proposed for listing under the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, but
require further investigation before they can be included.
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
The majority of invasive and/or encroaching species in rangelands is dominated by the genus
Acacia, which is the second largest with over 900 species [70]. Australian acacias are important
invaders of South African rangeland areas [94]. In the fynbos ecosystems where soil nutrients
are generally poor, the invasion by nitrogen-fixing acacias increases nitrogen inputs, and
subsequently leads to an increase in soil fertility. Therefore, the massive increase in soil fertility
permits acacia species to propagate and outcompete indigenous species [90]. There are a
number of acacia species found in rangelands and their ability to fix nitrogen has been widely
reported; these include Acacia cyclops, A. dealbata, A. mearnsii and A. saligna [90, 95]. The
groundwater on places that were invaded by A. saligna has shown elevated NO3- and NO2concentrations compared to groundwater in natural ecosystems [94]. The presence of A.
saligna, as well as the nutrient leaching that occurred after its removal, result in seasonal
nitrogen concentrations that are higher than the water quality targets for domestic use (NOx <
6 mg/l) [94, 96]. Therefore, the removal of alien plants would be beneficial from both a water
quantity as well as water quality perspective [94].
In natural communities, plants compete in different ways; one of these ways is chemical
interactions in the form of allelopathy [87, 97]. Invasive plants interfere with other plants by
releasing allelochemicals into the environment and that negatively affects surrounding plants,
thus giving the producer a competitive advantage. Invasive plants possess physiological traits
that enable them to exploit ecological opportunities. The word allelopathy comes from the
Latin words allelon, which means of each other and pathos, which means to suffer, which is
commonly associated with the chemical inhibition of one species of plants by another [98].
Allelopathy is the process through which invasive plants such as eucalyptus, Pinus, Chromo
laena and Lantana produce biochemicals that influence the growth, survival, and reproduction
of indigenous species. However, it is important to note that most of the plant species naturally
produce number of allelopathic substances such as monoterpenes and phenols [97]. Phenolics
and volatile compounds can be released from eucalyptus foliage. These biochemicals can act
as antibiotics in certain soils, possibly affecting nitrogen cycles.
Although it has not been evaluated, the impacts of allelochemicals may subsequently influence
water quality through soil erosion or surface runoff processes [70]. Allelochemicals are
believed to be present in almost all plant tissues such as leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, roots,
rhizomes, seeds, and pollen where they may be released from plants into the environment by
means of volatilization, leaching, root exudation, and decomposition of plant residues [99,
100]. Invasive plants use the mechanism of allelopathy to outcompete other plants [87].
Allelochemicals can be found present in litter and on the soil surface where plants grow. Rain
assists with the leaching of allelopathic substances into the soil, where they may affect the
germination and growth of other plants [97, 101]. Allelopathic substances might play a role in
shaping plant community structure in semi-arid and arid environments [97]. Thus, allelopathic
substances inhibit plant growth depending on the concentration, leachability, season, and age
of the plants [101]. Phytotoxins can persist in the soil and litter layer for long after allelopathic
plants senesce, thereby reducing the establishment potential of an area. Allelopathic substan
ces can be present in the soil and often determined by a number of important factors [97]. These
factors include the density at which the leaves fall, the rate at which this material decomposes,
the distance from other plants and, finally, rainfall [101, 102, 103]. Phenolics signify the main
allelopathic compounds that inhibit seed germination, plant growth and other physiological
processes that result in changes of floristic composition within a plant community.
Competition between plants can lead to the allelopathic inhibition of germination or growth
via phytotoxic chemical releases, which are caused by competing species. However, allelop
athy can be extremely difficult to demonstrate in the field due to difficulties in differentiating
allelopathic effects from resource competition [87, 99]. Allelochemical compounds are in fact
released into the soil and accumulate to levels of toxicity, which leads to inhibition of germi
nation [100]. Allelochemicals released by invasive plants may affect native plant survival and
production in a number of ways. These include the modification of the soil microbiota [74,
104], and enhancement of growth of beneficial microbes in their rhizosphere leading to an
establishment of positive feedbacks that can contribute to the decrease of native biodiversity
[74]. Allelochemicals are further known to inhibit absorption of ions [105]. Other than allelo
pathic effects, invasive plants exert competition of resource especially through light [87].
Therefore, allelopathy and resource competition operate simultaneously influencing each
other and, in the meantime, they are influencing plant community structure [106].
Allelochemicals, as soon as released into the soil, may inhibit germination, shoot, and root
growth of other plants, which will affect nutrient uptake thereby destroying the plants usable
source of nutrients [107]. Allelopathy of invasive plants delays the germination and growth of
seedlings of other species and eventually hinders their growth completely. Therefore, degree
of inhibition due to allelopathy is largely dependent on the concentration of the extracts and,
to a lesser extent, on the species from which they were derived [101, 108]. The effects of
allelopathy on germination and growth of plants occur through a variety of mechanisms
including reduced mitotic activity in roots and hypocotyls, suppressed hormone activity,
reduced rate of ion uptake, inhibited photosynthesis, and respiration, inhibit protein forma
tion, decreased permeability of cell membranes and/or inhibition of enzyme action [97]. Plants
that germinate at slower rates are often smaller; thereby, this may seriously influence their
chances of competing with neighbouring plants for resources such as water [109]. Indirectly,
allelopathic effects of invasive species on germination and growth of native species determine
their competitive ability against them [97]. The roots of Aloe ferox have allelopathic inhibition
on tomato seed germination [97]. Accumulation of allelochemicals in the rhizosphere because
of root and microbial exudates and/or metabolism may affect the germination. However, under
arid conditions germination will be less affected since microbial activities are very low due to
low availability of soil moisture [101]. The effects of allelochemicals on the root growth are due
to cell division destruction [105]. L. maackii also exudes allelopathic compounds from its leaves
or roots that inhibit germination and growth of species that grow on the same site [87].
Allelochemicals could be found on any part of the plant; however, the concentration varies
with plant parts. The leaf extracts of L. maackii appeared to have a more negative effect on seed
germination than root extracts [87]. Generally, leaf extract concentrations have a stronger effect
on germination of seeds of other plants [87]. However, it is important to note that allelopathic
chemicals from one plant can hinder germination of seeds of the same plant. For example,
chenopod seed germination can also be inhibited by extracts generated from its leaves [97].
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
However, all extracts, except the one obtained from the leaves of E. tomentosa significantly
inhibited the germination of lettuce seed and appeared to stunt the growth of roots and shoots
of germinants [97].
There are different allelochemicals exuded by invasive plants; these may have direct and
indirect effects on germination and establishment of native species. However, phenolics are
widely recognized for their allelopathic potential in plants, and can be found in a variety of
tissues. Phytotoxic activity of allelochemicals in soil has been considered as plant-to-plant
interaction, which is mediated by chemicals released from the plants [99]. Indirect effects of
allelochemicals include its influence on the availability of nutrients in the soil, which may cause
changes in soil chemical characteristics [110]. Allelochemicals might inhibit the growth of
nitrifying bacteria, which would decrease N-availability at the plant level [111]. Additionally,
chemical compounds produced in the process of litter decomposition are inhibitory for both
heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria and fungi [110,111] and, thus, rates of mineralization
may be reduced. Allelochemicals such as phenolic acids are considered to have an important
influence on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems [110]. The allelochemicals can produce
some changes in the resource exploitation competition in such way that allelochemicals affect
the mycorrhizae that allow the plant to absorb the nutrients, which leads to decrease in the
soil productivity [106, 112]. Soil microorganisms are affected by root exudates that eventually
affect other plant roots. Some chaparral species produce substances, which accumulate on the
soil surface and make the soil less wettable [111]. The allelochemicals affect availability and
accumulation of inorganic ions, although their activities are influenced by ecological factors
such as nutrient limitation, light regime and soil moisture deficiency [106].
Allelochemicals, such as phenolics and terpenoids, play an important role in the inhibition of
nitrification and, thus, influence soil productivity of a plant community [113]. Thus, any
influence on nutrient dynamics may ultimately affect the growth of plants in the community,
which will lead to the increase of invasive plants. Reduced soil fertility may enhance the
production of allelochemicals from invasive plants [106]. The addition of plant litter to soil
may influence nutrient mobilization and soil pH, which can further influence nutrient
immobilization and microbial activity [114]. Therefore, litter can alter the chemistry of the soil
in such a way that it inhibits germination of other plants [106]. Chemicals released into the
environment by a plant may not necessarily have direct effects on community structure but
abiotic soil factors can influence these chemicals. Many phenolic acids have potential to
influence microbial population, cause a shift in the microbial community, and eventually affect
soil productivity of the area [106]. The soil microflora is directly responsible for decomposition
and mineralisation processes and soil fauna is of considerable importance in regulating these
processes through influencing the growth and activity of soil microbes [115]. Allelochemicals
exuded from roots of invasive plants and residue decomposition play an important role in
inhibiting plant pathogens particularly those borne in soil [116]. However, amended soils with
allelopathic residues tend to be rich in organic matter [117]. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the
amended soils increased as compared to the control and all nutrients were significantly more
[117]. Although, earlier reports show that inclusion of plant litter, in addition to releasing
putative phytotoxins into the soil medium, alters the soil nutrient dynamics and, thus, affects
the plant growth [106, 112, 116]. A similar increase in electrical conductivity of the soil
incorporated with residues of allelopathic plants was reported [118]. In fact, the behaviour of
the allelopathic compounds present in soil remains unclear [119].
The modes of release of the allelopathic compounds are not specific because they vary
from plant to plant [120]. Thus, allelochemicals are released into the environment by root
exudation, leaching from aboveground parts, volatilisation, and decomposition of plant
material and ultimately enter into the soil [99, 110, 121]. Therefore, allelochemicals may
reach other plants through transport such as root exudates into the soil and may induce
the inhibitory activity on the other plants. The behaviour of allelochemicals in soil is run
by the physicochemical properties including soil organic matter and organisms [99]. The
model that has assumptions such as allelochemicals are released into the soil from living
plants and degraded into non-allelopathic substances was developed. Therefore, rate of
the release is proportional to the amount of allelochemicals in living plants and rate of al
lelochemicals degradation is proportional to the amount of allelochemicals released [121].
However, the soil microorganisms were also reported to produce and release allelochemi
cals [112]. The release of allelochemicals by mature shrubs may inhibit plant germination,
survival or growth [111]. Allelopathic content of a plant varies according to its maturity
[122]. Allelopathic compounds released from different plant parts can be either released
continuously within specific periods such as specific developmental stages or influenced
by external factors such as precipitation [123]. The synthesis and exudation of allelochem
icals via roots is usually enhanced by stress conditions that the plant encounters such as
extreme temperature, drought, and ultraviolet exposure [124].
The visible effects of allelopathy frequently observed are inhibited or delayed seed germi
nation or reduced seedling growth. The diversity of structure among allelochemicals sug
gests that they have no common mode of action [110]. Plant exudates can also have an
indirect effect on the surrounding environment and reduce neighbouring plant germina
tion or growth, independent of toxicity [111]. Allelopathic activities are more pronounced
when allelopathic potential species grow under water stress [125]. Phenolic acids that
were tested had a similar mode of action such as inhibition of nutrient uptake by roots of
plants [126]. In most cases, various allelochemicals take action as growth regulators by in
hibiting growth and changing development [112]. The common mode of action of allelo
chemicals is quite related to the membrane destruction [126]. It was discovered that
allelochemicals affect plants on cell division, cell elongation, cell structure, cell wall, ultrastructure of the cell [112, 127]. Phenolic allelochemicals can also lead to increased cell
membrane permeability; cell contents spill which lead to the increase of lipid peroxida
tion, and eventually, slow growth or death of plant tissue occurs [112, 126, 127]. Further
more, nutrient uptake can be affected negatively by allelochemicals. This occurs when
these allelochemicals inhibit nutrient absorption of the plant [127]. The mode of action of
benzoic acid involved the inhibition of nutrient uptake by plant roots, which resulted in
growth inhibition [126]. The radicle elongation was significantly reduced by the extract of
leaves, and leaves and stem at the three concentrations of Acacia mearnsii, which signifies
that A. mearnsii has allelopathic potential [128]. The impact of allelochemicals also have
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
been observed on the respiration of the plants which affect oxygen absorption capacity
[127], eventually inhibit photosynthesis by reducing the chlorophyll content which affect
photosynthesis rate [98, 112, 126]. There is an inhibition of the activity of hydroxyphenyl
pyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) enzyme due to isoxaflutole, which results in the inhibition
of meristmatic tissue, which leads to inhibition of shoot growth [126]. Therefore, the
modes of action of most allelochemicals and phytotoxins are complex and are not clearly
understood [126].
The active compound or compounds must be isolated in an amount adequate for identification
and for further characterisation in bioassays [110]. Screening of fractions of plant extracts or
leachates for their effects on seed germination of various plant species are frequently used to
identify phytotoxic compounds [110]. The identification of an active phytotoxic compound
from a suspected allelopathic plant does not establish that this is the only compound involved
in allelopathy. The release of allelochemicals of different chemical classes from allelopathic
plant species has been documented including tannins, cyanogenic glycosides, several flavo
noids and phenolic acids [129]. The most clearly identified compounds can be divided into
four groups: phenolic acids, hydroxamic acids, alkaloids, and quinones. In the study of
allelopathy, plants are identified based on the allelochemical release [120]. Most studies
utilized some parts of the plants such as roots, leaves and leaves plus stem to establish the
existence of allelochemicals on the identified plants [107, 128].
3.2. Economic impacts
Rangelands contribute to the economy of Southern Africa in a number of ways. They provide
agricultural commodities that can be valued in the market such as wool, meat, milk etc. These
are the major source of forage for grazing animal which in turn influence animal production.
Rangelands further provide benefits that, are not directly related to the agricultural sector,
such as wildlife habitat, however, have an impact on the economy through activities that make
use of them [130]. Increases in the density of woody plants worldwide are a major threat to
livestock production [13, 131], and rangeland biodiversity. Invasive species pose problems for
managers of rangelands because they reduce the lands usefulness for grazing activities. In
addition, they interfere with other non-agricultural functions that rangelands provide, such
as acreage of wildlife habitat and watershed quality. Therefore, in order to realise the impact
of invasion on rangelands, it is important to understand the total economic loss that invasive
plant infestations create on the economy in relation to both its agricultural and non-agricultural
products of the ecosystems [130].
Economic impact of invasive species could be defined as the product of a species range,
abundance and per capita [36, 80, 132]. Although the invasive plants have an ecological
implication they also have some economic implications; these could be either positive or
negative. Species such as Acacia mearnsii (Black wattle) are highly invasive and have spread
over an area of almost 2.5 million ha in South Africa [133]. It has significant negative impacts
on water resources, biodiversity, and the stability and integrity of riparian ecosystems [8].
These two features, a commercial value on the one hand, and an invasive, damaging ability
on the other, give rise to a classic conflict of interests, where the benefits accrue to a number
Figure 1. Hypothetical flow chart indicating economic impact of bush encroachment in rangelands (Source [80]).
of people, while the society at large bears the external costs. Furthermore, there are larger
reductions of water resulting from the presence and densities of invasive plants. Thus, the
potential water reductions in South Africa would be more than 8 times greater if invasive alien
plants were to occupy the full extent of their potential range [85]. These invasions come at a
significant cost to the economy, estimated at about R6.5 billion per annum, which is about 0.3%
of South Africas GDP of around R 2 000 billion, and with potential to rise to > 5% of GDP if
invasive plants were to be allowed to invade all of the suitable habitat [134]. Economic of bush
encroachment in rangelands can be divided into agricultural and non-agricultural, direct and
indirect impacts, and, further, into primary and secondary impacts (Figure 1). Economic
impacts of plant invasions may be related to a decline in cattle carrying capacity (agricultural
impact), wildlife carrying capacity, and watershed quality (non-agricultural impacts). Reduc
tions in cattle grazing outlays may account for the direct agricultural costs. In addition,
economic impacts may be estimated as reductions in wildland-associated recreation expendi
tures and increases in expenditures to mitigate damages from runoff and soil erosion to
account for the non-agricultural losses. These estimated losses are incorporated into an input
output model of economy to compute total (direct plus secondary) economic costs incurred
due to the invasion of noxious weeds [130]. Secondary economic effects of bush encroachment
include indirect and induced losses on the economy. Indirect losses are linked to economic
sectors not necessarily directly affected by the infestations, but these sectors supply inputs
needed by directly affected industries. Induced effects represent changes in household
spending patterns, caused by changes in employment that the direct and indirect effects
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
It is important to mention that the shift towards herbaceous species dominance, in turn, may
induce shifts in herbaceous species that tolerate bush cover and such species might decline in
numbers [139]. The changes could cause partial or total reduction of plant biomass [140] by
shifting vegetation structure and composition [141]. Furthermore, disturbance can produce
changes in the life history strategies of individual species in response to intensities of disturb
ance forces [140] and the created micro-environmental conditions [142]. Although livestockforage production of rangelands may support removal of encroaching species to enhance
forage production, it is important to note that bush encroachment control methods are
management systems [137] that might have varied policy implications for bush control [143].
Therefore, understanding the potential role of different bush encroachment control methods
for promoting herbaceous species composition requires recognition of the objectives of
resource users and policymakers [144]. Thus, the intended ecosystem status is dependant of
the functional characteristics of such an ecosystem.
4.2. Bush encroachment management methods
4.2.1. Rangeland management practices
Grazing management entails management of livestock and vegetation resources. The main
livestock decisions made by farmers both in the commercial and communal areas are con
cerned with livestock type, number and seasonal pattern of movement [145]. Commercial and
communal livestock farming are generally regarded as the rangeland management systems
and they are distinct in grazing management practices. Thus, communal grazing areas are
generally characterised by continuous grazing, which is perceived by most of the scientists to
be the root cause of the often-reported land degradation in this system. On the other hand,
commercial livestock farming is characterised by structured and objective grazing manage
ment practices such as assigning the correct livestock units in proportion to the carrying
capacity of the land. These would be done in rotation to give vegetation in grazed areas time
to recover such that the rested areas can be grazed again. Understanding the dynamics of bush
encroachment in relation to rangeland management systems over a broad range of environ
ments is essential for sustainable management of rangeland ecosystems [146]. Although
rangelands are complex ecosystems varying at multiple scales in time and space [147, 148],
most management usually intends to maintain or enhance livestock production by reducing
plant community variability in space and time [149, 150]. This is usually accomplished by
promoting spatially uniform dominance of a few productive forage species. Although it is
generally believed that improper grazing practices leading to overgrazing are responsible for
bush encroachment, it is not attributed to heavy grazing alone, but is strongly influenced by
seasonality, which is a characteristic of arid and semi-arid environments [42]. In combination
with seasonality, the ban on fire and exclusion of browsing animals such as goats and camels
may also contribute to the invasion of bush encroachment.
Rangeland management practices, particularly fire suppression and overgrazing, have been
reported to increase the proportion of some native species [70]. These natives can reduce
overall forage quality or quantity (e.g. Juniperus spp., Artemisia tridentata, and Gutierrezia spp.)
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
or poison livestock (e.g. Delphinium spp., Astragalus spp., and Amsinckia menziesii var. interme
dia). One of the challenges of managing invasive species is that there is no particular life cycle
typical to noxious weeds of rangelands reported [151]. Thus, noxious rangeland weeds can be
annuals (e.g. Centaurea soltitialis, Crupina vulgaris, Bromus tectorum), biennials (e.g. Carduus
nutans, Conium maculatum, Onopordum acanthium), long-lived herbaceous perennials (e.g.
Convolvulus arvensis, Centaurea maculosa, Cirsium arvense), shrubs (e.g. Gutierrezia spp.,
Artemisia tridentata), or trees (e.g. Juniperus spp., Prosopis glandulosa). Although several plant
families represent these species, the largest number of noxious species belongs to the Astere
ceae (sunflower) family.
Effective rangeland management requires sound ecological data about the land being man
aged; however, obtaining such data is not sufficient to ensure the implementation of restoration
practices by land users. Thus, rational decisions at the farm or community, regional and
national levels, depend on researchers providing not only ecologically sound but also eco
nomical, effective alternatives for land use [152]. In addition, because natural resource
depletion and recovery compound over time, it is necessary to assess the sustainability of
management alternatives over decadal periods [153]. Furthermore, to determine the true
advantage of restoration management, it is necessary to compare the benefits of changing
management practices with the cost of not changing current practices, which, rather than
maintaining productivity, may lead to loss of production through shifts in plant species
composition, accelerated soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity.
4.2.2. Chemical Herbicides
Chemical control methods are usually expensive to apply and should be considered only under
specific circumstances. Thus, their nature are suited primarily to the initial thinning of bush
at high density, where there is poor fuel load to support fire, where trees are above the browse
line, where the bush is unacceptable to animals and where the herbicide is intended to
selectively kill a specific plant [154]. However, herbicides can sometimes be used in follow up
operations such as after fire where there is a need for pre-emergence herbicide application
intended to kill the seedlings of a target plant in soil. Herbicides have been applied extensively
on rangelands to reduce forbs that were considered undesirable, which have been assumed to
lead to an increase in grass production and ultimately to an improvement in livestock
performance [155]. Herbicides are the primary method of weed control in most rangeland
systems [151]. In South Africa, there is a considerable effort taken by the government to address
the negative impact of alien invading species on the natural and environmental resources of
the country [8].
Herbicides vary in their chemical properties, that make them vary more with their mode of
action under different climatic and soil conditions, and they further vary in their methods of
application and their effect on the ecosystems. There are two broad groups of herbicides used
in rangelands. The first type is composed of the herbicides that are applied on the soil surface
and are absorbed by the roots; these are the herbicides that are based on tebuthiuron, ethidi
muron or bromacil as their active ingredient [154]. The second group of herbicides is sprayed
onto the plant and absorbed directly by the foliage and other above ground parts of the plants;
these herbicides have picloram as the active ingredient. The second group may also have
ingredients such as 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T. Soil applied formulations are marketed as granules,
wettable powders or as liquid with active ingredients ranging in concentration between 20%
and 70%. Granular products can be applied by hand, with some suited to aerial application.
Wettable and liquid products are mixed with water and applied on the soil surface adjacent
to the stem of the plant. The application rates of soil formulations vary according to clay
content, organic matter and pH of the soil. These herbicides remain in the soil inactive until it
rains such that the active ingredient can dissolve in water so that the roots can absorb it.
Herbicides applied directly to the plant normally have an oil or water base and are applied to
either the stem or the leaves of the plant.
In South Africa, of particular note are herbicides containing bromacil (5 Bromo -3- sec butyl
6 methyluracil) as the active ingredient (a. i.) which are used to control encroaching species.
These herbicides include Bushwacker SC (Enviro Weed Comtrol Systems (Pty Ltd), Bush
wacker GG (Enviro Weed Control Systems (Pty Ltd) and Rinkals 400 PA (Dow AgroSciences
LLC) e.t.c [156]. These herbicides vary primarily in their bromacil concentration, thus,
Bushwacker SC contains 500 g of bromacil per litre, Bushwacker GG contains 200 g of bromacil
per kilogram and Rinkals 400 PA contains 400 g of bromacil per kilogram. These herbicides
are usually selective within certain application rates, environmental conditions, and methods
of application. Bromacil works by interfering with the photosynthetic pathway of plants [157].
Its application is usually done just before the active growth stage of plants, thus, before the
wet season stabilizes. It quickly dissolves in soil water and may stay in the soil for several years
[157]. Bromacil is readily absorbed through the root system [158] and is a specific powerful
mobile inhibitor of photosynthesis [159]. The target plant must be undergoing active photo
synthesis for the herbicide to be effective. It inhibits photosynthesis by blocking the photosystem II reaction, thereby, preventing the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy, thus,
it blocks the photosynthetic electron transport [159]. Bromacil blocks electron transport from
QA to QB in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes by binding to the D-1 protein at the QB
binding niche. The electrons that are blocked from passing through photosystem II are
transferred through a series of reactions to other reactive toxic compounds. These compounds
disrupt cell membranes and cause chloroplast swelling, membrane leakage, and ultimately
cellular destruction [160]. Inhibition of photosynthesis thus results in slow starvation of the
target plant and eventual death. It is translocated upward via the xylem to foliage and
interferes with light-harvesting complexes [159]. In the soil, there is little adsorption of
bromacil to soil colloids, therefore, it moves (leaches) through the soil and it can contaminate
groundwater [157]; however, it is highly susceptible to microbial degradation [161]. When used
as a selective herbicide, it can persist in the soil for one year; however, if it is applied at high
concentrations, it can persist for more than one year [161].
The herbicide 2,4-D [(2, 4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] is also a commonly used herbicide in
the rangeland vegetation management [162]. Combined estimates of 2,4-D use annually on
cropland, pastureland, and rangeland could range from 12.7 to 14.9 million kg [163]. Native
and exotic dicots are primary targets of many rangeland herbicide applications [162, 164].
However, these plants also contribute key structural, vegetation, and nutritional elements to
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
wildlife habitat [165] and livestock diets [166]. Some forbs are foraged by animals especially
during the seasons when forage is scarce. Therefore, reducing forbs with herbicide might
influence ecosystems across trophic levels and potentially alter ecosystem function. Further
more, biodiversity has been proposed as a source of stability in managed ecosystems [167,
168]. Therefore, decreasing forb diversity with the use of phenoxy herbicides like 2,4-D alters
arthropod habitat and reduces arthropod diversity, which influences higher trophic levels
[149,169]. The decrease in forb abundance and diversity beyond normal temporal dynamics
could be detrimental to wildlife because forbs also comprise key structural, vegetative, and
nutritional elements [165].
Although herbicides are considered effective in controlling weeds, they are often facing the
challenge with evolution of resistant weed populations [170, 171]. Thus, depending on both
the populations genetic background and ecological scenario, apart from expressing herbicide
resistance, weed species adapt to herbicides by phenological changes [172, 173]. Comparisons
of herbicide-resistant and susceptible biotypes have shown that populations can vary not only
in morphological traits but also in developmental responses, such as relative growth rate,
photosynthetic rate or germination rate [174, 175]. Adjusting seed germination time and rate
has been considered as one of the potential mechanisms by which annual weeds can improve
their competitive ability in agricultural scenarios [173, 176]. Hence, success of annual weed
species in cropping systems may be assessed through the degree of synchronization of
germination (determined by factors controlling exit from dormancy), ability to germinate at
high rates (determined by seed response to environmental factors, mainly temperature), and
seed longevity (determined by genotype and seed response to environmental factors promot
ing ageing).
On the other hand, herbicides have some effects on the environment, thus, some plants
and animals, which are not targeted are also exposed. The environmental fate of herbi
cides is related to chemical and physical properties of the products, amount, and frequen
cy of use, methods of application, abiotic and biotic characteristics of the environment,
and meteorological conditions [177]. At the recommended rates of use in agriculture, the
half-life of herbicides ranges from up to 1 month (e.g. 2, 4-D), to 3-12 months (e.g. atra
zine, trifluralin, metsulphuron methyl), to more than 1 year for picloram, tebuthiuron,
pendimethalin, chlorsulphuron, and ethametsulphuron methyl [178, 179]. Persistence can
be extended under certain use conditions, for example, high pH soils, and low soil mois
ture [179]. Residues can accumulate to toxic concentrations with consecutive treatments,
and products and their metabolites such as atrazine and chlorsulphuron can exhibit per
sistent and toxic properties [179].
4.2.3. Mechanical
Mechanical control options include the physical felling or uprooting of plants, often in
combination with burning [180]. Mechanical control is labour-intensive and thus expensive to
use in extensive and dense infestations, or in remote or rugged areas.
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
increased, which is positive to livestock production. Where fire is used as a regular manage
ment tool, it changes species composition, thus, species that are adapted to fire tend to
dominate while species that are not favouring fire do not persist. Thus, in South Africa,
frequent burning in the False Thornveld of Eastern Cape, favours species such as Themeda
triandra and has a negative effect on the abundance of Cymbopogon plurinodes [185]. Similar
results have been observed at the Tall Grassveld of Kwazulu Natal, where Tristachya leucothrix,
Cymbopogon excuvatus and cymbopogon validus became dominant with burning frequency [183].
Furthermore, where higher frequency of fire is used, for example where burning is annual, the
bush will be controlled but that has an effect on the basal cover of herbaceous plants, thus, the
basal cover becomes poor due to effects of fire on plant vigour. That, in turn, renders the soil
susceptible to soil erosion, which is another environmental disaster. Fire remains the cheapest
form of management available to conserve and perpetuate natural plant communities.
However, its effectiveness is based on clear and objective application of a fire regime, thus
frequency, season and intensity may be used effectively to retain the natural element and
control the invasive elements in the flora of natural ecosystems [186]. Manual/Physical cutting/clearing
Manual and mechanical techniques such as pulling, cutting, and otherwise damaging plants,
are used to control some invasive plants, particularly if the population is relatively small. These
techniques can be extremely specific, and therefore, minimizing damage to desirable plants.
However, manual techniques are generally labour and time intensive. These techniques are
effective if the treatments are administered several times to prevent the weed from reestablishing. In the process, labourers and machines may severely trample vegetation and
disturb the soil, thus, providing prime conditions for re-invasion by the same or other invasive
Bush encroachment reduces grass growth in rangeland as discussed in the previous sections
and that results in reduced biomass production, which subsequently affects forage production.
The approach that has been used to address the negative impacts of invading species in South
Africa has been predominantly physical by clearing alien plants [187]. Clearing of the bush in
encroached areas results in an increased dry matter yield and basal cover of herbaceous
vegetation [184], which are good indicators for rangeland health if the functional characteristic
of such an ecosystem is forage production. Furthermore, species richness of herbaceous plants
and relative abundance of few of the species among the initial population that is intolerant of
bush cover increase with tree cutting [142]. As a result, the reduction of bush cover can restore
herbaceous plant productivity and biodiversity in rangelands [188]. However, there are
herbaceous species that have a positive relationship with certain trees, and removal of such
trees negatively leads to reduction of these herbaceous species. This decline indicates the shifts
in the microenvironment due to the removal of ecologically important trees, thus exposing
sensitive herbaceous species to increased light intensity.
It is important, however, to note that although bush cutting has positive results on forage
productivity, it has high costs involved [142]. Therefore, it is more applicable on the smaller
scale. On the larger scale, where bush clearing is done with heavy implements such as a
bulldozer blade, the trees are removed with their roots, which minimises resprouting of
encroaching species. However, the soil disturbance generally severely affects the grass layer,
but the grasses will often re-establish themselves [154]. The re-establishment of grasses will be
following the secondary succession trend, thus the first colonisers are likely to be annual
pioneers, which have little forage value. Furthermore, severe soil disturbance may encourage
the establishment of a large number of seedlings of some woody plants. This may lead to
establishment of a woody community that is denser than the original community.
4.2.4. Biological control of encroaching and invasive species
Biological control has been defined as the use of living organisms to reduce the vigour,
reproductive capacity, or effects of weeds [189]. Biological control (biocontrol) involves the
deliberate introduction of invertebrates or diseases, and is aimed at reducing the effects of
ecological release. Biocontrol is aimed at arriving at a situation where the plant is returned to
the status of a non-invasive naturalized alien, that is an alien plant that is able to survive, and
even reproduce, but does not invade aggressively in its new habitat [6]. Biological control could
be regarded as the only sustainable mechanism to prevent the spread of invasive alien species
in the long term [190]. Biocontrol is potentially very cost-effective, and environmentally
benign. Despite concerns to the contrary [191], the modern practice of using carefully screened
and host-specific biocontrol agents is safe, and host shifts have not occurred in the over 350
recorded cases where weed biocontrol agents have been used worldwide [192].
Although there are some inconsistencies in terms of when biocontrol practices were establish
ed in South Africa, at least there is an agreement in that biocontrol agents have been released
against 47 weed species. The disagreement in literature is such that Olckers and Hill (1999)
indicated that in South Africa, biocontrol has been practiced since 1910, and that to date, 103
biocontrol agents (including invertebrates and pathogens) have been released against 47 weed
species. Whilst on the other side, it has been suggested that the biological control of weeds has
been practiced since 1913 and since then some 47 weed species have been subjected to the
effects of approximately 85 species of biocontrol agents [190]. Therefore, based on the cited
literature, there is an uncertainty about the years of establishment of biocontrol in South Africa
and for this chapter the assumption will be that the biocontrol was adopted for use between
1910 and 1913. Although in South Africa physical methods of controlling the alien species are
mostly used, biological control using species-specific invertebrates and pathogens from the
plants country of origin is also a control option; however, there has been a considerable
resistance to its use [180]. The seed-feeding weevil is one of the agents that have been released
against Acacia mearnsii in areas where the wattle is not grown commercially [8]. Nevertheless,
plant-attacking agents could potentially be used; however, these compared with seedattacking agents such as weevils could kill the target plant and therefore, impact severely on
commercial prospects. The impact of biological control agents on controlling invasive species
vary with species controlled, biological agents introduced, mode of operation of agents and
many other factors. The use of biological control measures on invasive plants have been
reported in South Africa with varying rates of success. The elaborate example where the
invasive plants were controlled with biological control agents was at Kruger National Park
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
(KNP). The impact of S. rufinasus on A. filiculoides within the Kruger National Park (KNP) has
been exceptionally good. Thus, 100% clearing of the weed was achieved in a few months after
release and the infestation has been maintained at that level. The insects are able to survive for
long periods in the vicinity and re-establish themselves should the area become re-infested.
Biological control agents such as Neochetina eichhorniae, Cercospora rodmanii, Orthogalumna
terebrantis, Niphograpta albiguttalis, Neochetina bruchi, Eccritotarsus catarinensi have been used to
control invasion by Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth). Although proven in many other
instances elsewhere to be effective, the agents released within the KNP have had little impact
in terms of bringing the infestation under control. This little impact has been ascribed to
frequent low level flooding as well as major floods that have repeatedly washed the infestation
away, and therefore, preventing large numbers of insects to build up [194]. Lantana camara has
been cited to be one of the invasive plants at KNP and other areas of South Africa. Two
biological control agents viz. Octotoma scabripennis (leaf-mining hispine beetle) and Falconia
intermedia (Lantana sapsucker) have been introduced at KNP. However, O. scabripennis failed
to establish and the initial trial site for Falconia intermedia was reported to have been destroyed
by the floods and therefore, both agents have provided insignificant impact on L. camara [194].
Opuntia stricta (Sour prickly pear) has been identified as one of the invasive species at KNP
and therefore, it was one of the species that were controlled. In an attempt to control this
species, two agents have been introduced against it, the first of which being Cactoblastis
cactorum (phycitid moth) in 1988 [195] and subsequently Dactylopius opuntiae (cochineal) in
1996 [196]. The structure of infestations of O. stricta changed after the introduction of C.
cactorum where large plants were replaced by high densities of smaller plants. However, fruit
production did not decline and therefore C. cactorum failed to provide the degree of control
that was expected [195]. Predation and parasitism, especially ant predation of eggs, has a
definite impact on the distribution and abundance of C. cactorum. Dactylopius opuntiae, which
had been instrumental in the control against O. ficusindica, was released on at least three
occasions between 1990 and 1995 yet failed to establish due to the biotype that was used. The
Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) sourced a different biotype of D. opuntiae from
Australia, which established well and is reported to be currently destroying large stands in
the Skukuza region in South Africa [196].
Pistia stratiotes (Water lettuce) was determined to be one of the invasive species within the
Kruger National Park. The snout weevil (Neohydronomus affinis) was introduced to control the
weeds. The impact of N. Affinis on P. Stratiotes varied at different infestations throughout the
KNP. The other biocontrol agent Cyrtobagous salviniae (snout beetle) was released to control
Salvinia molesta (Kariba weed). The infestations of S. molesta at the three areas where the agent
was released and established were brought under complete control and have been maintained
at that level. Trichapion lativentre, Rhyssomatus marginatus and Neodiplogrammus quadrivattatus
were used to control Sesbania punicea (Red Sesbania) at Kruger National Park. The impact of
the three agents on plants has been reported to be exceptionally good [194]. The three weevil
species have reduced the problem to such an extent that S. punicea is under complete control
in the area, thereby requiring no further action to be taken. The biological control of S.
punicea remains the best example of an invasive tree species control.
The use of mammals such as goats in agricultural areas to control bush encroachment has been
reported in South Africa [197]. Apart from tree seedlings, which can be affected by smaller
browsers, the use of browsers to execute control on woody plants largely excludes wild game
[154]. However, elephants have also been reported to be effective in controlling bush en
croachment [198, 199]. Nevertheless, their use is confined to large game reserves or game farms
where their population should be large enough to make an appreciable impact on the woody
vegetation, which could, in turn, lead to serious management problems. The control of bush
encroachment by use of mammals such as goats is dependent firstly on the acceptability of
plant species that are controlled to these mammals for use as browse, and secondly availability
of the browse material. The acceptability relates to the palatability and nutritional value of a
browse material to the browser. Browse availability relates to the height at which browse
material can be accessed by browsing animals, the browse line for goats is approximately 1.5
m. Boer goats are well suited to controlling woody plants because the intensity and frequency
with which they utilise the browse can be controlled. Furthermore, the Boer goats are relatively
insensitive to chemical deterrents, such as high tannin levels present in many woody species
[154]. Boer goats cannot be used to control dense stands of woody plants whose canopies
extend above the browse line of approximately 1.5 m.
4.2.5. Integrated bush encroachment and invasion management
Integrated weed control usually involves a combination of at least three of the primary
elements of control - mechanical, chemical and biological [180]. Integrated weed management
(IWM) could be defined as a system for the planning and implementation of programs, using
an interdisciplinary approach, to select a method for controlling undesirable plant species or
group of species using all available methods. These methods generally vary between preven
tative and restorative domains. The success of preventative encroachment measures mostly
depends on the understanding of the causes of encroachment and identification of barriers for
natural recovery. Restorative measures depend on the rangeland ecosystem structure and
functional characteristics to be restored. Integrated bush encroachment control is a multidis
ciplinary, ecological approach to managing unwanted plant species in rangeland ecosystems.
However, it is important to note that the decision to use a certain method to control the bush
encroachment is informed by the cost of using that method against the benefit. Bush encroach
ment control methods are management systems [137] that might have varied policy implica
tions for bush control [193]. Therefore, understanding the potential role of different bush
encroachment control methods for promoting herbaceous species composition requires
recognition of the objectives of resource users and policymakers [142]. The failure to recognise
the long-term intended ecosystem status could lead to a subsequent failure to achieve bush
encroachment control objectives and that could further lead to land use practice and policy
controversy. Thus, the resource users are interested in livestock production through increased
plant productivity, while the goal of policymakers is environmental preservation. Therefore,
the land use practice imperatives and policy directives should be harmonised to permit both
forage production and biodiversity conservation functional characteristics of the ecosystem to
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
The increasing invasion of non-indigenous species has become one of the top causes of global
biodiversity loss and environmental change [200, 201]. Therefore, there is a need for develop
ment of intensive mechanisms to control these invasions in the ecosystems before the natural
value of ecosystems is lost permanently. As part of a comprehensive remedial effort to control
invasions, assessment and characterisation of invader species will serve as a foundation
towards integration of efforts to control invaders species. There is urgency for more rigorous
and comprehensive assessments of the impacts and risks associated with plant invasions [202].
Thus, prevention and control strategies can be targeted appropriately if sufficient assessments
are conducted [203]. In the approaches toward the control of invasive alien weeds, any
intervention needs to be aligned with the different stages of spread and characteristics of a
desired ecosystem. The stages of spread can be divided into four broad phases: (i) arrival or
entry phase; (ii) adaptation and establishment phase; (iii) an exponential growth phase; and
(iv) dominance phase. It is in the exponential growth stage of weed spread that integrated
control programmes find a logical relevance. Prevention, and early detection and eradication,
are more appropriate for the first two stages, while options may be severely limited once weed
populations reach the final stage of total ecosystem domination.
Plant invasions are interdisciplinary both by their impacts and by utility and therefore,
assessments should recognize the interdisciplinary nature of the problem of species invasions.
Thus, the ecosystem characteristics determine whether the appropriate conditions allow for
the establishment of the invasive species, and on the other hand, economic systems affect the
state of the ecosystem through its use, and through the prevention and control measures
implemented to stop the invasions. Hence, accounting for the economic and ecological links
and feedbacks is critical in invasion assessments [204]. It is fundamental to have a clear
understanding on different functions of ecosystems, thus, an assessment of rangeland area in
terms of its ability to achieve its ecosystem functions. Natural resource managers and farmers
at all levels require full knowledge of ecosystem functions. This could be achieved through
collating results from experiments in different fields or locations within the context of a more
encompassing systems management framework that treats the rangeland ecosystem as a
complete bio-economic unit. Therefore, in order to improve decision making, farmers need
answers to questions at the systems level, including the biological and economic elements of
the rangeland production entities they are attempting to manage.
Most often, a single method is not always effective to achieve sustainable control of the
rangeland weeds. This is because of among other reasons some methods can only control bush
encroachment at a certain stage and some could leave areas that are treated vulnerable to other
forms of landscape hazards. For example, use of fire in rangelands depending on the intensity
will burn shoots of woody plants; however, the seeds in the soil could be left to germinate and
furthermore, some seeds may be stimulated to germinate by fire. It is also difficult to ascertain
a complete kill of unwanted species with fire because normally the basal buds of certain trees
remain unburned and therefore resprout. It is for these reasons that the introduction of
biological control agents becomes important especially where complete removal of the
invading species is anticipated. Use of herbivores works effectively where the intention is to
maintain the current stand of encroaching species especially in the savanna where there is
coexistence between grasses and trees. There are species which are not preferred by animals
for foraging, and use of biological control through herbivores would not be effective; therefore,
introduction of invertebrates could be used. However, most of the invertebrates are not readily
available in Southern Africa for use at the farm or landscape level. It is impractical to burn
certain areas that are encroached; this is sometimes due to poor fuel load that can support high
fire intensity needed to burn the woody species. Encroachment in some of these areas cannot
be controlled with the use of herbivores (goats) and herbicides could be useful.
All this, therefore, suggests that there are areas and bush encroachment situations where a
single method can be used; however, a combination of different methods could be used
simultaneously or alternatively in subsequent approaches. Nevertheless, it is important that
prior to the implementation of any selected method or any combination or any sequence to
develop post encroachment treatment management plan. This is because removal of bush with
any technique can leave the land vulnerable to soil erosion or further encroachment of the
same or new species. Therefore, a successful long-term management program should be
designed to include combinations of mechanical, biological, and chemical control techniques.
Numerous mechanical and cultural options have been developed to manage noxious range
land weeds, including mowing, prescribed burning, timely grazing, and perennial grass
reseeding or inter-seeding. Furthermore, several herbicides are registered for use on range
lands and most biological control programs focus on noxious rangeland weed control.
Successful management of noxious weeds on rangeland will require the development of a
long-term strategic plan incorporating prevention programs, education materials and activi
ties, economical and sustainable multi-year integrated approaches that improve degraded
rangeland communities, enhance the utility of the ecosystem, and prevent reinvasion or
encroachment by other noxious weed species [151].
There are a number of factors to consider in selection of the bush control method; however,
the dominant consideration is the cost of the method. However, there are furthermore
considerations beyond the cost of the method. The use of fire in controlling bush encroachment
in rangelands is determined by a threshold amount of flammable fine fuel needed to carry fire
that is sufficiently intensive to reduce woody plants. Furthermore, to effectively control woody
plants with burning, fire must be applied regularly. Many rangelands occur in semi-arid
environments in which forage-based livestock production is the primary agricultural activity
and intermittent droughts are inevitable [205]). Therefore, accumulating sufficient fine fuel to
carry fires in such environments requires the reduction in livestock numbers compared to areas
where fire is not used. Hence, sustainable utilisation of semi-arid rangelands depends on
complex management of animal species, stocking rates, and the vegetation composition,
structure, phenology and quality [129].
The integration of bio-control agents and herbicides in a scientifically sound and rigorous
management plan is the first step in a long-term approach to weed management. Such
management plans should aim to maximise the benefits of all the respective control options
and thereby ensure the infestation is contained and the density reduced to acceptable thresh
olds. Biological control is used as an important, long-term management solution to numerous
weeds worldwide. When carefully integrated into management plans the combination of bio-
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
control and other control measures may provide effective solutions to the problem, and various
methods therefore, should not be used in contradiction to one another. All available knowledge
surrounding a particular invasive plant problem needs to be considered when developing such
integrated programmes. No single method is likely to prevent either distribution or densifi
cation of the plant from or in its current range. Combination of the biological control and
herbicides can bring remarkable results; while herbicides are used to contain the infestation
to its present range, biological control (invertebrates) is being released into dense stands where
it is proving destructively effective in controlling the plants. Goats used in the system that
allows coppice growth to be used frequently and severely strongly influence woody plants,
that is, provided that their canopies be below the browse line. Where the plants are above
browse line, fire can be used to reduce plant height where fuel load is sufficient; however,
where fuel load is not sufficient chemical or physical control can be used and, in both cases,
goats can be used as follow up control.
In this chapter, integration in the control of invasive species is not limited to control methods
themselves in isolation but in all the processes relating to bush encroachment management.
Primarily, it is important as the initial stage of integration to identify and characterise invasion/
encroachment of species. This should include establishment of their origin, mode of establish
ment and spread (seeds, cuttings etc), their phenological and morphological characteristics
and assessing their favourable growth conditions. It is further important to determine the
degree of invasion/encroachment, which will help setting economic and ecological thresholds
of invasion. The analysis of the ecological and economic impact of invasion/encroachment in
the environment should be carried out prior to any intervention. That will help in determining
whether there is a need for intervention and magnitude of such intervention. The need for
intervention should be assessed against the set thresholds for invasion. Setting objectives for
invasion/encroachment management is very fundamental because the objectives will be used
as the yardstick for the control.
A number of factors will guide selection of the approach to control bush encroachment. These
factors include species to be controlled, the stage of invasion and landscape of an area. The
approach to be selected would be chemical, mechanical and biological depending on the
approach suited to the species to be controlled, the major landscape on which the invasion has
occurred and the stage of invasion. The method that is ecologically and economically sound
and practical should be selected. Integrated bush encroachment approaches may be practiced
in combinations that could either be used simultaneously, alternatively or sequentially. In
simultaneous integration of bush control methods, more than one method that could comple
ment each other under the prospects of chemical, biological or physical methods used together.
Some methods cannot be used simultaneously because of the danger that they can cause on
other organisms and environment. For example, the methods that can be integrated simulta
neously could be manual clearance and use of goats as browsers. The alternative integration
could be executed through turns, thus, one method first and then the other. The alternate
integration can be practiced in rotation if planned properly, for example, use fire with a given
period in between goat treatment. Thus, burning can be applied every three years while goat
use is continued. Sequential integration is executed in succession of methods where one
method can be used to prepare for the next method in a sequence. In this integration there
should be short-term objectives relating to each method and long-term objectives, which are
based on the integrated approach. Thus, mechanical control in the form of fire or physical
cutting can be used to reduce plant height to facilitate the use by goats as the maintenance
stage of control. Where there is high density of bush, which impairs the movement of animals,
or where the bush is above the browse line of goats or where the bush is unacceptable to
browsing animals yet the fuel load is poor, mechanical cutting would be useful. This would
reduce the bush density, which will open up for goats to be able to browse, that will further
open up for grass to grow then fire can be used as a follow up. Where the bush has higher
density but there is sufficient fuel load, fire will be the most applicable method. Fire will clear
up the bush faster and relatively cost effectively, therefore, where there is enough fuel load
fire is recommended as the first on the integration followed by use of goats. Biological control
would always be the last in the sequence and it is the approach that helps in achieving longterm bush encroachment control objectives. The use of invertebrates (Weevils) could be
integrated with the use of herbivore (goats) since the weevils take care of the seeds and the
goats can take of the foliage to maintain the stands.
A post treatment management plan should be part of integration in bush encroachment
control, thus, there should be a clear plan on what rangeland management system will be
practiced that will ensure that the control objectives are achieved. Thus, some invasion control
methods such as the use of fire can leave the soil bare and susceptible to soil erosion and,
therefore, there should be a clear objective plan on what practices will be taken immediately
after treatment. Furthermore, on the areas that are severely encroached and grass biomass and
basal cover are affected, use of herbicides will also leave the soil bare and grazing can worsen
the situation and lead to soil erosion. Therefore, as part of integration, exclusion of treated
areas to minimise grazing should be considered. This exclusion could be coupled with
introduction of plant propagules, thus, revegetation through seeds or seedlings of the grass
on the bare patches.
There is a need for periodic monitoring and evaluation as part of integration of the encroach
ment control. This will help in determining whether the treatment is achieving expected results
within the given timeframes. That will help in realising if there is a need for the adjustment of
the plan. Effective bush control monitoring and evaluation should be done according to the
pre set objectives; it will help in the establishment of whether the objectives are achieved.
Performance measures, monitoring, and adaptive management are necessary. Using these
methods, status and trends can be tracked, analysis and accountability facilitated, and
decisions adapted so that the intended balance among social, economic, and ecological
concerns is achieved. Ecosystems' performance appraisal will be important at the end of the
integration, this should be a pronouncement of whether the target ecosystem has been reached
and should be coupled with sustainability management programme that will eliminate factors
that could have lead to encroachment. Ecosystem performance measures can provide a
quantitative basis for evaluating how well actions under the integrated bush control approach
are meeting stated objectives. Performance measures allow for continuous learning, which
broadens understanding about how ecosystems function. There are many approaches to
Integrated Plant Invasion and Bush Encroachment Management on Southern African Rangelands
rangelands. This will lead in systematic characterisation of bush encroachment and subse
quently that will lead to development of more practical and radical yet scientific bush
encroachment control and management practices in rangelands.
Author details
M. S. Lesoli1,2*, M. Gxasheka2, T. B. Solomon2 and B. Moyo1
*Address all correspondence to: lesolistar@gmail.com
1 Fort Cox College of Agriculture and Forestry, King Williams Town, South Africa
2 Department of Livestock and Pasture Science, University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa
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Chapter 12
1. Introduction
Most synthetic herbicides are used for controlling troublesome weed species in modern
agriculture all over the world. However, consecutive use of the same herbicide brings
about resistant weed problems and many countries are restricting repeated treatment in
agricultural lands [1]. For these and environmental reasons, new herbicide discovery and
subsequent registration is very challenging. Recently, evaluating natural products of ani
mals, plants, microorganisms and minerals for developing environmental friendly herbi
cides has increased [2]. Several compounds have been developed or in development as
natural herbicides such as bialaphos [3], methoxyhygromycin (MHM) [4], and pelargonic
acid [5]. Essential oils such as clove oil and cinnamon oil also contain allelochemicals
that control a broad spectrum of weeds and can be used as natural herbicide source
[6,7]. Plumbagin isolated from Drosophyllum lusitanicum and Plumbago auriculata inhibited
the seed germination of lettuce and wheat [8,9]. Several classes of natural compounds in
cluding triketones, benzoquinones, naphthoquinones and anthraquinones have been re
ported as hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors and hence the novel
classes of HPPD inhibitors could be developed based on their structural backbones [10].
Agricultural research for herbicide discovery with new target site is increasing due to the
demand from farmers and multinational companies. Even so, new mode of action have not
been succesfully introduced in the past 10 years [2,3]. We have recently reported : 7-keto-8aminopelargonic acid synthase (EC, KAPAS, also known as 8-amino-7-oxononanoate
synthase, AONS) and have suggested the potential KAPAS inhibitor triphenyltin [11]. KAPAS
is a pyridoxal 5-hophate dependent enzyme which catalyzes the decarboxylative condensa
tion of L-alanine with pimeloyl-CoA in a stereospecific manner to form7-keto-8-aminopelar
2013 Choi and Hwang; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
gonic acid, Coenzyme A, and carbon dioxide in the first committed step of biotin biosynthesis.
Perhaps the most important role of biotin is in the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to give malonylCoA, which is the first step in fatty-acid biosynthesis. Since fatty-acid synthesis is essential for
the growth and development of most organisims, biotin is thus an essential nutrient for plants
and animals. Plants, microorganisms, and some fungi biosynthesize their own biotin, while
other organisms require trace amounts of the vitamin in their diet. Therefore, inhibition of the
enzymes involved in the biotin biosynthesis pathway can cause irreparable damage to plants
but be non-toxic to non-plant organisims, and for this reason, such enzymes can be useful
targets for the rational design of inhibitors in the hopes of finding new herbicides [12,13].
Also, we attempted to search for KAPAS inhibitors from plant-derived natural com
pounds. Several naturally occurring quinones including chrysophanic acid, tanshinones,
5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, and plumbagin was selected as potent inhibitors
against KAPAS. We evaluated the plumbagin showing most effective KAPAS inhibition,
as a natural herbicide under greenhouse and field tests. Field tests were focused on the
annual noxious weed species of Sicyos angulatus (burcucumber or star-cucumber) which
have migrated from eastern North America and have been designated as one of the eco
logical disturbance plants listed by the Ministry of Environment in Korea. The alien
plant S. angulatus was first observed in 1989 and rapidly emerged in the marginal of ag
ricultural fields close to riparian zone where it has been rapidly spreading along rivers
in Korea over the past two decades [14,15]. Invasion into the natural ecosystems by exot
ic species is a major global threat to biodiversity. S. angulatus was also listed in Federal
and State Noxious Weeds, USA and its geographical distribution was published in the
OEPP/EPPO Bulletin [16]. It is adapted to wet habitats: deciduous swamps, woodland
floodplains, and river floodplains. It also colonizes open habitats along fencerows, road
sides, and woodland borders. S. angulatus is found in every state east of the Rocky
Mountains and also found in Canadas eastern provinces, Mexico, the Caribbean, and
Eastern Asia. It was first introduced to Europe as an ornamental plant, but has since es
caped cultivation and become a weedy invasive species. Asaeda et al. [17] reported the
most dominant liana species in the floodplain is S. angulatus and it was first sighted in
Japan in 1952. Ceschin et al. [18] reported exotic species of S. angulatus as a new arrival
alien in the Tiber River in Rome. Many reports of its invasiveness have been published
in the United Kingdom [19], Norway [20], Japan [21], Korea [14], and Spain [22] etc.
In this chapter, we briefly describe the KAPAS inhibitory activity of plumbagin, which
showed the most potent inhibition during the preliminary survey of many natural prod
ucts. Also the herbicidal activity of plumbagin was evaluated under greenhouse condi
tions and field trials. Physiological responses caused by the plumbagin treatment with
respect to cellular leakage, chlorophyll loss and the rescue effect with biotin supplement
through tissue section experiments or seed germination are reported. Plumbagin is under
examination as a LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) [23] herbicide against
an invasive alien vine plant species.
IC50 value of KAPAS inhibition by plumbagin was calculated from the regression curve
prepared with the extensive assay performed with the plumbagin ranged from 0.1 to 250 M
with five replications. A reference was prepared with all components except plumbagin.
Enzyme activity was tested with the partially purified AtKAPAS protein extracted from
transgenic E. coli. AtKAPAS protein was expressed in E. coli at a very high level, and a
significant portion of these proteins was soluble, and their affinity-purified preparations
contained a single major polypeptide. The inhibitory effect of 528 plant-derived natural
compounds collected in Korea Chemical Bank, KRICT on KAPAS was evaluated using the
partially purified AtKAPAS protein, in vitro. Less than 2% of tested compounds exhibited
significant inhibitory effect on KAPAS at the concentration lower than 20 M. Interestingly,
several naturally occurring quinones including chrysophanic acid, tanshinones, 5,8-dihy
droxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, and plumbagin were observed to give a potent inhibitory effect
on KAPAS. Plumbagin, a natural naphthoquinone demonstrated the most effective inhibitory
effect on KAPAS with an IC50 of 2.1 M (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. KAPAS inhibition by plumbagin in vitro assay. Vertical bars represent standard deviation. In some cases the
vertical bar is obscured by the datum symbol.
Herbicida1 activity was determined 7 days after treatment by visual injury. SORBI, Sorghum bicolor (sorghum); ECHCG,
Echinochloa crus-galli (barnyard grass); DIGSA, Digitaria sanguinalis (large crabgrass); SOLNI, Solanum nigrum (black night
shade); AESIN, Aeschynomene indica (Indian joint vetch); ABUTH,Abutilon avicennae (velvetleai); XANSI,Xanthium struma
rium (common cocklebur); CAGEH, Calystegia japonica (Japanese bindweed). ' 2,000 pg/ml. can change to 4 kg/ha.
Table 1.
Herbicidal efficacy of plumbagin post-emergence foliar application against several weeds in a greenhouse con
Table 1. Herbicidal efficacy of plumbagin post-emergence foliar application against several weeds in a greenhouse
Herbicida1 activity was determined 7 days after treatment by visual injury. SORBI, Sorghum bicol
Echinochloa crus-galli (barnyard grass); DIGSA, Digitaria sanguinalis (large crabgrass); SOLNI, S
nightshade); AESIN, Aeschynomene indica (Indian joint vetch); ABUTH,Abutilon avicennae (velve
strumarium (common cocklebur); CAGEH, Calystegia jqponica (Japanese bindweed). ' 2,000 pg/ml. can cha
Figure 2. Herbicidal symptoms of post-emergence foliar application of plumbagin (g/mL). (A) Pot test in a greenhou
species. (B) Field trials for Sicyos angulatus control. * 2,000 g/mL can change to 4 kg/ha.
Figure 2. Herbicidal symptoms of post-emergence foliar application of plumbagin (g/mL). (A) Pot test in a greenhouse
condition against 8 weed species. (B) Field trials for Sicyos angulatus control. * 2,000 g/mL can change to 4 kg/ha.
Seeds of A. thaliana were germinated on a 55 mm Polystyrene Petri-dish lined with one-layer filter pape
milliliter of each plumbagin solution dissolved in absolute acetone with various concentrations of 0, 25, 50 a
evenly onto the filter paper and placed in a vented cabinet to dry. After complete drying, 1 ml of distille
Table 2. Reversal effect of Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination with biotin supplement
Figure 3. Proposed target site of plumbagin on KAPAS and biotin synthesis pathway in plant.
5. Summary
A new herbicide developed the lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS) initiative is
required to satisfy environmental and regulatory pressures. LOHAS describes an estimated
$290 billion US marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social
justice, personal development and sustainable living. Approximately 1319% of the adults in
the U.S. are currently considered LOHAS consumers. This is based on surveys of the U.S. adult
population estimated at 215 million [23]. Also world-wide consumers demand these types of
compounds as potential natural-product based herbicides. In this chapter, we attempted to
develop a new herbicide from natural compounds having the new target KAPAS, and we
applied this to annual noxious weed species of S. angulatus (burcucumber or star-cucumber).
Our laboratory has performed molecular genetics dissection using anti-sense approach to
identify new target AtKAPAS on the pathway of biotin biosynthesis and to characterize the
phenotypic consequences of loss-of-function mutations [11]. The 528 plant-derived natural
compounds stored in KRICT Chemical Bank were assessed on the inhibitory effect on KAPAS
using the partially purified AtKAPAS protein, in vitro. Less than 2% of 528 compounds
exhibited inhibitory effect under a concentration of 20 M. Interestingly, several naturally
occurring quinone compounds including chrysophanic acid, tanshinones, 5,8-dihydroxy-1,4naphthoquinone, and plumbagin were observed to give a potent inhibitory effect on KAPAS.
Plumbagin, a natural naphthoquinone demonstrated the most effective inhibition on KAPAS
in a concentration-dependent manner, and the IC50 was calculated as 2.1 M. Webster et al. [12]
reported that biotin is an essential enzyme cofactor for carboxylase and transcarboxylase
reactions. Abell [28] and Pillmoor et al. [29] suggested that if an enzyme is a potential target,
a 6080% inhibition of its activity leads to a severe growth. However, this requires the
confirmation of potential target. For the purpose of target validation, a rescue study was carried
out. Plumbagin inhibited germination of A. thaliana seeds but this effect was rescued by a biotin
supplement. From this point of view, our results suggest that strong inhibition of KAPAS by
plumbagin leads to restriction on the biotin biosynthesis in plants, ultimately the stems or
leaves of plant treated with plumbagin die. Hwang et al. [11] argued that knowledge of
biochemical pathways in plants is incomplete, and the next major herbicide target may lie in
an unexpected area of plant metabolism; knowledge in detail how plants actually die as a result
of inhibition of some known targets is still ambiguous. Also, we should note that the complete
inhibition of enzyme activity at some known targets is not necessary for plant death [30].
However, it can be predicted that the herbicidal activity is somewhat connected between the
reduced level of target enzyme activity and plant death. The enzyme inhibition results and
rescue effect by biotin strongly suggested that the herbicidal activity by foliar treatment was
due to the inhibition of KAPAS caused by the plumbagin. The natural chemical plumbagin
has been shown by our research to effectively control eight weed species of S. bicolor, E. crusgalli, D. sanguinalis, S. nigrum, A. indica, A. avicennae, X. strumarium, C. japonica under nonreplicated greenhouse conditions. Also, the foliar application of the natural compound
plumbagin at 2,000 Mg/mL has completely controlled 10 ~ 15 leaf-stage and 2 ~ 3 m vine length
natural S. Angulatus, with sustantial residual activity under field conditions. The residual
activity lasted for 2 weeks because regrowth was not observed until then. Visual symptoms of
browning and necrosis of leaf tissue after plumbagin foliar applications appear to be intro
duced by cellular leakage rather than the inhibition of photosynthesis since cellular leakage
occurred under light and dark conditions without chlorophyll loss. It seems closely related to
the membrane lipid peroxidation as a result of the biotinyl carboxylase and transcarboxylase
inhibition attributable to the biotin deficiency by KAPAS inhibition. Biotin is an essential
enzyme cofactor for carboxylase and transcarboxylase reactions in plant leaf, and KAPAS
inhibition resulted in biotin depletion. As reviewed by Delye et al. [31] and Hwang et al. [32],
these pathways in plant have been well established by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase)
inhibiting herbicides, like as aryloxyphenoxypropionates and cyclohexanediones. ACCase is
involved in the first step of lipid synthesis. The target site of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is a biotindependent enzyme that catalyzes the irreversible carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to produce
malonyl-CoA. The inhibition of KAPAS by plumbagin might result in the deficiency of
substrate biotin to the biotinyl carboxylase in plants. However, the mechanism of action should
be studied for better understanding of whole plant-compound interactions confirmative for
this speculation.
block for new fatty acids and can inhibit the transfer of the fatty acyl group from acyl-CoA to
carnitine with carnitine acyltransferase, which inhibits the beta-oxidation of fatty acids in the
In a competing mechanism, proton abstraction is involved with the attack of acetyl-CoA. W
mitochondria. S. angulatus have been designated as one of the ecological disturbance plants
malonyl-CoA is not produced. Malonyl-CoA is a building block for new fatty acids and
by the Ministry of Environment in Korea. S. angulatus has spread across the marginal of
to carnitine
with in
agricultural fieldfrom
close to
riparian zones
along the rivers
Korea within
the 15 years since
its inhibits th
disturbance pl
first appearance in 1989 (An Dong), covering more than 110 ha in 2005 [14,15]. The social and
agricultural impact, risk assessment, invasion plants identification, and control management to riparian zo
its first
1989 (An
110 ha in 2005 [1
alien since
vine plant
as Humulusinjaponica
S. angulatus
have more
a great
in Korea.
In conclusion,
show that the herbicidal
of plumbagin,
and control
for alien
angulatus have become a great problem in Korea. In conclusion, our results show th
a new target
site of herbicide.
Plumbagin andisrelated
associated with compounds
its inhibitory effect on
could bePlumbagin
employed asand
a good
with abe
mode of as a good ch
related 1,4-naphthoquinone compounds could
action (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Proposed
site of plumbagin
and of
Figure 4.
target site
herbicidal activity
This work was supported by the R&D Program of MKE/KEIT [10035386, Biochemical Cro
the KRICT's own project [KK-1104-B0].
This work was supported by the R&D Program of MKE/KEIT [10035386, Biochemical Crop
Protecting Agents for LOHAS] and by the KRICT's own project [KK-1104-B0].
Author details
Jung-Sup Choi1 and In-Taek Hwang1,2
1 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Yusung, Daejon, Republic of Korea
2 Department of Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology, University of Science
& Technology, Gajungro, Yuseong-gu, Daejon, Republic of Korea
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[20] T. Ouren, Soybean adventitious weeds in Norway, Blyttia 1987;45:175185.
[21] S. Kurokawa, Invasion of exotic weed seeds into Japan, mixed in imported feed
grains, 2001;<http://www.agnet.org/library/eb/497/>.
[22] J.F. Larch, Sicyos angulatus, nouvelle adventice du mas dans le Sud-Ouest de la
France. Phytoma La Dfense des Vgtaux, 2004; 571:1922.
[23] LOHAS on line. <http://www.lohas.com/>.
Chapter 13
1. Introduction
Water plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our global ecosystem. We rely on this
valuable resource to provide drinking water, irrigation, and recreation; in addition, appropri
ate management of our waters is critical for flood control efforts. A diversity of native aquatic
plants constitutes an integral part of the aquatic environment. These mixed populations of
hydrophytes provide structure, habitat and food for fish, waterfowl, and other wildlife and
act as nutrient sinks by removing phosphorus, nitrogen, and other elements from the water
column. Many regions of the world but especially those with mild climates provide an ideal
habitat for many organisms, including aquatic plants. Non-native aquatic plants are frequently
introduced to aquatic systems through a number of pathways, including transport by animals,
currents, or wind, but the majority of problematic plants are brought in as a result of anthro
pogenic activities. Human introduction of non-native aquatic plants may be accidental (e.g.,
via ballast water or as contaminants in desirable flora) or intentional.
2. Aquatic weeds
Many of the worst aquatic weed problems in the United States are the result of intentional
introduction. For example, waterhyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] (Fig. 1) was
reportedly introduced to the United States at the Southern States Cotton Expo in New Orleans
in 1884. Visitors to the Expo were given waterhyacinth plants as souvenirs and many of these
plants found their way into the waters of Louisiana, Texas, and Florida [1]. Local legend states
that a Florida resident was entranced by the beautiful, showy flowers of this Amazonian native
and brought plants back to his water garden near the St. Johns River. The plants grew
abundantly and the backyard water gardener decided to share his bounty of beauties with
2013 Gettys et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
others by tossing his extra plants into the St. Johns River [2]. Within a decade, the St. Johns was
so clogged with waterhyacinths that navigation had become impossible [1-3].
The St. Johns constituted a major shipping passage through Florida; in order to mitigate this
important resource and make it available to commercial concerns for the transport of goods,
the US Army Corps of Engineers was authorized by the US Congress to use any means
necessary to clear the system of these noxious weeds [1]. Attempts to control floating
waterhyacinths utilized applications of a wide variety of substances, including arsenic, sulfuric
acid, and other toxic chemicals [1]. Some of these substances effectively controlled waterhya
cinths, but proved toxic to cattle that grazed on treated plants [2]. Feeding deterrents such as
rotten eggs and manure were added to chemical applications to discourage grazing, but were
ultimately ineffective or too expensive to use under operational conditions [1]. After these
disappointing results, resource managers were forced to resort to mechanical control
manually removing plants from the surface of the water and offloading them to shore in their
attempts to clear Floridas waterways (Fig. 2). This method proved expensive and ineffective,
as plants grew faster than they could be harvested from the system, but was the only man
agement tool available until the discovery of synthetic herbicides in the 1940s [3]. Waterhya
cinth is now controlled in many regions via chemical means (e.g., application of herbicides),
but this Brazilian native is still considered one of the worlds worst weeds [4, 5] and is
intensively managed in virtually all areas the species has managed to invade.
Figure 2. Mechanical harvesting of waterhyacinth. Photo courtesy UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.
Floating weeds such as waterhyacinth are readily visible and many stakeholders understand
the need to control these types of noxious species. Submersed invasive species, however, are
often hidden from view and the problems associated with them are not readily apparent.
Submersed weeds often go unnoticed until they form surface mats; by this point, plants have
been growing unchecked, often for months, and the water column is filled with plant material.
This is often the case with hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata) (L.f.) Royle] (Fig. 3), a noxious invader
with multiple centers of origin that has been called the worlds worst weed [6]. Hydrilla was
introduced to the United States intentionally via the aquarium industry [7], and historical
accounts suggest that some aquarium plant dealers cultivated hydrilla in canals and waters
near their nurseries to have a ready supply of plant material for their customers [8]. However,
the species has undoubtedly been introduced to the countrys waterways repeatedly, as
hobbyists regularly dispose of extra aquarium plants by tossing them in the nearest body of
water. Because hydrilla is able to root from extremely small fragments [9], other pathways of
introduction include waterfowl, other fauna and recreational equipment such as boats and
trailers. Hydrilla causes a host of problems in its regions of invasion and greatly reduces
ecosystem services and anthropogenic uses of aquatic resources.
Hydrilla can reportedly grow 1 inch (2.5 cm) per day [6], but most researchers agree that this
is a gross underestimate of the plants actual productivity [10]. This noxious weed wreaks
havoc on the ecosystem by forming monocultures [11], which serve as poor habitat for resident
fauna. Dense plant growth traps heat, raises the temperature of surface water and depletes
dissolved oxygen, resulting in conditions that negatively impact fish survival [12, 13]. Hydrilla
also obstructs water flow, which can have catastrophic consequences if resource managers
need to quickly move water to prevent flooding during tropical storms, hurricanes, and other
severe weather events. Recreational uses of hydrilla-infested waters are limited as well; boats
motors quickly become clogged and strangled with weeds (Fig. 4), fishing lines are snagged
within moments of being cast, and swimmers have reportedly drowned after becoming
entangled in hydrilla [14]. Hydrilla is intensively managed in its regions of invasion. Popula
tions of this submersed weed are reduced by a number of means, including mechanical
harvesting, hand-pulling, benthic barriers, and biological control organisms such as Asian or
Chinese grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) [15, 16], but the vast majority of resource
managers rely on chemical control to keep the growth of hydrilla in check.
Figure 4. Boat motor clogged with hydrilla. Photo courtesy UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.
Waterhyacinth and hydrilla quickly establish and become invasive in virtually all areas where
they have been introduced, but these species are not the only aquatic plants that cause
problems in natural systems, reservoirs, and canals through the world. For example, resource
managers charged with protecting the waters of the Pacific Northwest and many other parts
of the US struggle with invasions of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.),
flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus L.), and curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus L.) (Fig.
5). It is thought that these species were initially introduced through the aquarium and nursery
trade, but have since spread throughout the countrys waters as a result of improper or
inadequate cleaning of contaminated equipment that has been moved from infested sites to
pristine waters.
Figure 5. Other common aquatic invaders in the US. Left: curlyleaf pondweed. Right: flowering rush (emerged) and
Eurasian watermilfoil (submersed). Photos courtesy Lyn Gettys.
It is clear that aquatic weeds can severely reduce ecosystem functions and limit the use of
infested waters for anthropogenic activities such as recreation and flood control. However,
invasive aquatic plants can pose serious risks to human health as well. For example, a number
of floating species provide ideal conditions for mosquito breeding activities. Even in fastflowing water, the stagnant water needed for mosquito reproduction is often present in the
rosettes of floating weeds such as waterhyacinth and waterlettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) [17-19]
(Fig. 6).
public waters. Although this sort of intentional release is certainly a vector for the introduction
of new invaders (see Section 2 of this chapter describing the introduction of waterhyacinth),
accidental transfer of aquatic weeds frequently occurs when boats, trailers, and other equip
ment is moved from an invaded site to a pristine body of water (Fig. 7). The likelihood of
introduction via this route can be reduced by requiring careful inspection of any object before
movement from one body of water to another. This is especially important when boats and
other equipment are being relocated from a body of water that is suspected of or known to
harbor invasive species to one that is pristine. These inspections can identify seeds, vegetative
fragments, larvae, veligers, and other propagules of invasive aquatic species and ensure their
removal before launching at a new site, thus preventing the introduction of exotic organisms
into an uninfested body of water. This method has been employed with some success in the
northern US, where rigorous boat inspection programs have kept invasive aquatic plants and
animals such as zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis,
respectively) from spreading to new sites [20, 21].
When exclusion programs fail and an exotic plant species colonizes a new system, managers
often attempt to manually remove the invader as a first line of defense. The methods employed
for removal efforts vary and are often dependent on available resources. For example, handpulling of target weeds may be effective, especially if the infestation is small and localized,
and may be cost-effective if a pool of engaged stakeholders and volunteers can be mobilized
to accomplish the task. If the new invader has colonized a relatively large area or has estab
lished in water deeper than 1 meter, the use of specialized equipment such as mechanical
harvesters (Fig. 8) may be employed. Mechanical removal of aquatic weeds is often viewed by
the public as the most environmentally friendly control method, especially among clientele
that dislike the use of pesticides, and the technique certainly has utility under some circum
stances. However, a number of factors must be taken into consideration before starting
mechanical control efforts, regardless of whether volunteer labor or mechanical harvesters are
employed. For example, it may be logistically difficult or prohibitively expensive to dispose
of harvested plant material. Resource managers sometimes have access to a nearby high and
dry site where collected weeds can be stockpiled and allowed to desiccate and decay, but
harvested material must often be transported off-site for disposal. This process can add
significantly to the cost of the project, especially if the weeds must be disposed of in a landfill
that charges tipping fees. As much as 95% of the fresh weight of aquatic weeds is water; a
single acre of hydrilla can weigh as much as 24,000 pounds (10,886 kg), but only 1,200 pounds
(544 kg) of that weight is plant material and the remaining 22,800 pounds (10,342 kg) is water
[22]. Also, removal of weeds by volunteers or mechanical harvesters typically causes frag
mentation of plant material and fails to capture root crowns, tubers, seeds, and other propa
gules in the sediment. Many aquatic weeds including hydrilla, curlyleaf pondweed, and
Eurasian watermilfoil easily root from fragments and quickly regrow from sediment- borne
propagules. As a result, initial observations at many sites that are managed using hand or
mechanical removal of aquatic weeds may suggest that these methods have successfully
addressed the problem, but control of the new invader is often ephemeral and weed popula
tions regenerate in as little as a few weeks. A third factor to consider when hand-pulling or
using mechanical harvesters to remove aquatic weeds is water depth. Volunteers are unlikely
to be able to remove plants growing in water that is deeper than 3 feet (1 m) without diving
gear and most traditional mechanical harvesters can only remove plant material in the upper
5 feet (1.5 m) of the water column, although newer equipment can harvest weeds in the upper
10 feet (3 m) of water. These factors should be considered before launching a weed removal
program, regardless of whether weeds are taken out of the system by hand or by utilizing
mechanical harvesters, but there are additional challenges inherent to each method. For
example, volunteers tasked with hand-pulling invaders must be adequately trained to ensure
that they will be able to successfully identify the target weed, especially when the invader is
similar in appearance to desirable native plants that should be allowed to remain in the system.
In contrast, mechanical harvesters are non-selective they indiscriminately remove all plant
material in the harvesting zone and are unable to distinguish between weeds and native
species. Also, mechanical harvesters often result in bycatch, or the removal of fish and other
aquatic fauna along with plant material. This problem is most pronounced when shallowwater (upper 5 feet; 1.5 m) harvesters are employed and can result in the removal of up to
28,000 fish per acre [23], but bycatch can be reduced by greater than 99% (removal of around
120 fish per acre) when deep-water (upper 10 feet; 3 m) harvesting is utilized [24].
Another method that can provide some control of unwanted aquatic species is biological
control, or the use of organisms to reduce weed populations. This technique, often referred to
as biocontrol, is based on the concept that most species that become weedy after introduction
to a new region are not problematic in their native range due to the presence of endemic
predators that keep their growth in check. Identifying and evaluating potential biocontrol
agents is an arduous, time-consuming, expensive process. The process typically begins with
researchers travelling to the invaders center of origin and collecting insects, pathogens, or
other organisms that are found in association with the target weed species. These biological
agents are quarantined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine whether they fit the
criteria and requirements of successful biocontrol agents. A hallmark of a biocontrol agent is
host specificity; in other words, they must cause damage exclusively to the target weed species
while leaving other plants untouched [25, 26]. Biocontrol agents should also be able to survive,
grow, and reproduce in the invaded range of the weed and ideally, they should be able to form
self-sustaining populations without augmentation. Some success has been realized using
biocontrol organisms for aquatic weed control; for example, the Asian or Chinese grass carp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) (Fig. 9) is well-known as a voracious consumer of hydrilla [27].
Unfortunately, grass carp are somewhat non-selective; although they are most frequently
employed to control hydrilla, they will consume and eliminate virtually all submersed
vegetation in an aquatic system. Also, because the grass carp is a non-native introduced
species, special precautions must be taken to reduce the likelihood of these biocontrol agents
becoming invasive themselves. In Florida and many other states in the US, a permit must be
issued by state resource managers before the introduction of grass carp into an aquatic system
(although some states prohibit the use of grass carp as biocontrol agents altogether) [28]. In
most cases, permit holders must ensure that stocked waters are secured (i.e., water intakes and
outflows must be screened) to prevent the fish from escaping into other waters and all released
grass carp must be triploid. Triploidy is the presence of an additional set of chromosomes, a
condition that is induced by subjecting fish eggs to cold, heat, or pressure shock treatments
immediately after artificial fertilization, and renders the grass carp unable to reproduce [29].
Other organisms have also been employed as biocontrol agents. For example, a number of
insects and pathogens have been evaluated for control of various aquatic weeds, including the
noxious aquatic invader alligatorweed [Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.]. The most
promising of these agents, the alligatorweed flea beetle (Agasicles hygrophila Selman and Vogt)
(Fig. 10), can reduce populations to the point that more aggressive weed control methods can
be reduced or even eliminated, provided winter temperatures in the region are mild enough
to allow overwintering of the beetles [30]. Although these and other biocontrol agents have
some utility in aquatic weed control, they cannot be relied on to completely eliminate infesta
tions of invasive weeds. True biocontrol agents are host-specific; therefore, populations of the
target weed must always be present in order to serve as a host or food source for the agent. As
a result, weedy species cannot be eradicated through the actions of a biocontrol agent. When
more complete control of aquatic weeds is necessary, resource managers rely heavily on
chemical control, or the use of herbicides.
mental Protection Agency (USEPA), and prosecution by the USEPA for failure to follow label
Flood control canals should be able to quickly move large volumes of water. These systems
may be used only rarely for their true purpose; however, their ability to function as intended
is critical when residential or developed areas are threatened by tropical storms, hurricanes or
other extreme weather events. As such, it is critical that these canals be kept clear of aquatic
vegetation that may impede the flow of water. A scorched earth philosophy and the use of
a non-selective herbicide is sometimes employed to ensure that flood control canals remain
free of aquatic weeds, and native plants are not exempt from weed control efforts in these
systems. This is because even a small population of submersed plants be it a weed such as
hydrilla or a native plant such as eelgrass (Vallisneria americana Michx.) (Fig. 11) can severely
restrict water flow and increase the likelihood of flooding. Although the goal of weed control
efforts in flood control canals is often to eliminate as much vegetation in the water column and
surface as possible, canal banks should remain vegetated (ideally with a well-rooted, noninvasive native species) to prevent erosion during periods of rapid flow.
submersed weeds necessitates weed control efforts that focus on eliminating as much vegeta
tion as possible.
Figure 12. Ducks consuming seeds and vegetation on a pond bank. Photo courtesy Lyn Gettys.
Other recreational activities such as boating and the use of personal watercrafts such as jet
skis are also directly impacted by aquatic weeds. Access to boat ramps can be restricted by
overabundant growth of macrophytes in and around the littoral zone, while dense submersed
vegetation can wrap around the propellers of outboard motors and hinder or halt boat
operation. In addition, dense submersed vegetation can make swimming and waterskiing
difficult, dangerous, or nearly impossible, and can increase the risk of drowning if individuals
become entangled in dense weeds.
Retention ponds are by definition designed to be ephemeral; their ultimate purpose is to retain
storm water, capture runoff, filter nutrients, and lessen or prevent flooding. Nevertheless,
many stakeholders consider retention ponds to be long-term water features that enhance
the aesthetics of urban and suburban areas. Retention ponds may be used on a limited basis
for recreational purposes (e.g., fishing and swimming), but these activities are often restricted
by the resource owner to limit liability. Aquatic weed control efforts in retention ponds must
take into account stakeholder expectations; for example, if the goal is to reduce or eliminate
unsightly algae or submersed weeds while leaving a fringe of ornamental flowering plants in
the littoral zone, care must be taken to choose a selective herbicide that will control the target
species without causing unacceptable levels of damage to desirable vegetation. Weed control
efforts in retention ponds may also be challenging for resource managers due to the high
visibility of these sites. Many stakeholders become alarmed at the sight of herbicide applicators
wearing moon suits (Fig. 13) a common name for personal protective equipment specified
on the herbicide label and assume that the water is being poisoned. Therefore, it can be useful
to ensure that applicators are able to communicate with the public and to assuage fears
regarding the toxicity of herbicides labeled for use in aquatic systems.
Figure 13. Herbicide applicator wearing personal protective equipment. Photo courtesy Lyn Gettys.
Development waters are man-made lakes and ponds that are created with the primary goal
of increased aesthetics. These artificial bodies of water provide residential developers with a
source of fill dirt, after which they are able to market adjacent homesites as desirable waterfront
property, which are often sold at a premium. They also increase the value of the entire
development, which can now be advertised as including ponds and water features. Some
development waters are maintained in a pristine, plant-free state and rely on fountains or other
hardscape features to provide an attractive visage. Others are planted or aquascaped, either
to simulate natural bodies of water or to mimic large-scale water gardens with showy orna
mental plants (Fig. 14). Because development waters are rarely connected to public waters,
weed problems in these systems are typically the result of introduction by humans, or less
often, by waterfowl and wildlife that have visited the development waters after spending time
in nearby weed-infested aquatic systems. Anthropogenic introduction of aquatic weeds is
frequently intentional, as when property owners dump unwanted aquarium or water garden
plants into the development waters. However, the introduction of aquatic weeds can occur
inadvertently when invasive species are misidentified and sold as desirable native plants or
when propagules of invasive species hitchhike as contaminants on the desirable plants that
are used for aquascaping [38-40]. Because development waters are considered valuable
components of the landscape, they are often intensively managed to ensure that their aesthetic
qualities are optimized.
market for aquatic weed control products is much smaller; for example, public agencies in
Florida spent around $22.5 million in 2005 to manage aquatic invaders in public waters [42].
Any product that is marketed in the US to control pests including weeds must first be
labeled by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA or the Agency). Obtaining a
pesticide label from the USEPA is a time-consuming and expensive undertaking; the Agency
requires registrants (the manufacturer or group seeking a pesticide label) to submit data from
more than 100 tests before a product can be evaluated for possible labeling, and the testing
process typically requires the investment of tens of millions of dollars [43]. These tests are
conducted to determine the effects of the experimental pesticide on the organism targeted for
control, but also to assess its impact on non-target organisms, human health, and the environ
ment as well. USEPA regulation of pesticides began with the adoption of the Federal Insecti
cide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) in 1947; FIFRA has since been amended multiple
times, most notably by the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972, and continues
to serve as the primary process to ensure that human health and the environment are not
negatively impacted by the use of pesticides [43].
Because obtaining a pesticide label from the USEPA requires significant financial resources,
registrants only request Agency evaluation of products that are likely to capture a market large
enough to offset the costs associated with obtaining a pesticide label. As outlined above,
aquatic herbicides constitute a small niche market, with limited potential to allow registrants
to recoup the funds required for initial labeling of a pesticide. Therefore, most herbicides that
are labeled by the USEPA for use in aquatic systems have already been approved by the Agency
for terrestrial use. Small-scale testing such as greenhouse studies evaluating the efficacy of
a product on aquatic weeds may be conducted on a limited basis under specific conditions
(Fig. 15). If these preliminary experiments suggest that a herbicide shows promise as an aquatic
weed control agent, the registrant may pursue an aquatic label for the product. Registrants
seeking an aquatic label must submit additional data to the Agency, including how the product
affects target and non-target aquatic flora and fauna, its persistence in aquatic sediments and
water, and the nature and impacts of its decomposition components. These tests are conducted
under Experimental Use Permits (EUPs) issued by the USEPA and by state regulatory agencies.
For example, the testing of pesticides in Florida waters is conducted under EUPs issued by the
USEPA and by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). There
are a number of restrictions on waters that are treated with experimental products; for example,
treated waters may not be used for fishing, swimming, irrigation, drinking, or watering of
livestock. Evaluation of an EUP herbicide typically continues for several years until the
registrant has sufficient data to submit to the USEPA, along with a proposed aquatic label [43].
The aquatic label includes all of the information found on terrestrial labels, such as the personal
protective equipment that is required to handle and apply the herbicide. In addition, aquatic
herbicide labels include water use restrictions to prevent harm to human health and the
environment. Some products have no limitations on the use of treated waters; however, others
may specify that water from the system may be not be used for various purposes until either
a certain period of time has elapsed or until the concentration of the herbicide falls below a
specified set point.
Figure 15. Efficacy testing in the greenhouse. Photo courtesy William Haller.
It is important to note that all herbicides labeled for aquatic weed control by the USEPA in the
US are general use pesticides that can be purchased and applied by anyone, including
homeowners and unlicensed applicators. However, the USEPA allows states to apply addi
Figure 16. Stratified lake (summer, with warm epilimnion). Illustration courtesy UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Inva
sive Plants.
Another important consideration in the treatment of aquatic systems is the effect of weed
control activities on fish that reside in waters targeted for herbicide application. Although the
presence of fish does not affect herbicide efficacy, special precautions must be taken to ensure
that these and other aquatic denizens are not harmed as a result of weed control efforts. Only
a few herbicides labeled for use in bodies of water are inherently dangerous to fish, but fish
kills are nonetheless a major concern for applicators working in aquatic systems. The primary
reason fish kills occur after weed control activities are undertaken is a reduction in dissolved
oxygen (DO), which results from a number of factors [47]. Primary among these factors is the
decomposition of vegetative material that has been killed by herbicides and is broken down
by aerobic organisms, which deplete DO during the process. Also, photosynthesis by plants
that have been killed by herbicides is eliminated and the DO they previously contributed to
the water column is no longer produced, further reducing levels of DO. In order to reduce the
likelihood of fish kills, most labels for aquatic products specify that herbicides be applied to
only a portion of a weed-infested body of water at a time to allow fish to escape from treated
areas and to prevent the extreme drop in DO that accompanies the elimination of all vegetation
from an aquatic system.
Figure 17. Application of granular herbicide using a boat-mounted spreader. Photo courtesy UF/IFAS Center for
Aquatic and Invasive Plants.
8. Conclusions
Fresh-water resources are extremely important components of global and local ecosystems.
The introduction of exotic invasive species to these systems limits their ability to function as
healthy, diverse habitats for native flora and fauna; in addition, anthropogenic uses such as
flood control, public safety, and recreation are hindered as well. The most effective method to
reduce the impact of aquatic invaders is to prevent their introduction to these valuable and
important systems, but invasive species continue to become established in aquatic systems
throughout the world. The primary method used to control introduced aquatic weeds in the
US is the application of registered aquatic herbicides. Pesticides that are applied to waters in
the US are labeled and registered by the USEPA after extensive testing, and most states
including Florida require that the use of these products be regulated by state agencies as
well. Aquatic herbicides represent a small subset of the pesticides labeled by the USEPA and
registrants only pursue aquatic labeling of products if there is a market large enough to offset
the costs associated with additional registration requirements. A number of unique challenges
are associated with weed control in aquatic systems, including the effects of dilution, current,
and stratification of water within systems. These challenges can be overcome through the
selection of proper herbicides and application methods.
This publication is a contribution of the University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricul
tural Sciences and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Author details
Lyn A. Gettys1*, William T. Haller2* and Gregory E. MacDonald3*
*Address all correspondence to: lgettys@ufl.edu
*Address all correspondence to: whaller@ufl.edu
*Address all correspondence to: pineacre@ufl.edu
1 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Davie, FL, USA
2 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, Gainesville, FL, USA
3 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agrono
my, Gainesville, FL, USA
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Chapter 14
1. Introduction
Anthropogenic chemical contamination is of concern due to the continuous decline of ecosys
tems. Pesticide use impacts whole environmental matrices, especially aquatic ones, because of
collecting watershed pollution in streams, rivers, and finally coastal areas. The coastal
environment is one of the most vulnerable: global changes (current sea level rising, ocean
acidification, global warming) add to land use disruption (soil erosion, chemical uses, urban
sprawl) in coastline areas. Moreover, population growth mainly affects this endangered
environment because of rural flight and city growth 75% of billions of human beings will live
in 100km-large belt around global seas in 2035 [1] imposing urban lifestyle demands. Envi
ronmental stress due to such a heterogeneous population repartition will be acute (1) on
freshwater, in order to provide it for drinking, industrial and agricultural needs, and (2) on
coastal ecosystems because of waste waters and coastline management. Such environmental
concerns are critical for tropical countries because of some that are being discovered to be
biodiversity hot spots [2].
Human impact is partly due to pesticide use [3-5]. In order to feed a growing population and
to manage urban areas, herbicides are often used profusely [6]. These herbicides affect wild
fauna and flora through improper use, inefficient (even lack of) wastewater treatment plant
effluents or the direct input of herbicide contained by sewage sludge into aquatic environments
[7]. For hydrophobic pesticides, contaminated solid phases transfer downstream, in an erosive
context due to deforestation and agricultural intensification is involved [8].
Thus, herbicides will contaminate coastal environments [9-10]. In shallow water, such residues
will expose remarkable biocoenosis, especially in tropical contexts, because of conserved
biodiversity compared to temperate ones, i.e. exposed for decades to aquatic pollution from
developed countries activities.
2013 Devault and Pascaline; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Considering such shallow waters, herbicides could influence seagrasses. Such tracheophyte
flowering plants are the result of terrestrial grass adaptation to marine environments. These
monocotyledons colonize shallow water bottoms, especially in silty-sandy substrata because
of roots, unlike bryophytes and algae. Thus, in opposition to those non-tracheophyte ones,
seagrass meadows could limit sediment erosion and stabilise navigation channels.
As marine species, seagrasses are vulnerable to low salinity events and cannot colonize
upstream estuaries and freshwater shallows. A 5 salinity is the smallest salinity amount
compatible with seagrass development (Iversen, 1931 cited by Vermaat et al. [23];[24-26]),
whereas seagrass communities can stand waters which are more salty than the global ocean
salinity (35): Depending on species, seagrasses could stand a salty environment up to 42
[27]. Euryhaline seagrass species, i.e. large scale salinity ones, colonize all the climatic areas
except polar ones. But, in all of them, these remarkable adaptations are balanced by severe
seagrass meadow regression.
Figure 1. Global seagrass diversity and distribution. Shades of green indicate numbers of species reported for an area;
blue points and polygons indicate documented reports of seagrass occurrence (from 2005 UNEP-WCMC).
Temperate areas are marked by seasons with different temperatures, light and precipitation
regimes. Land and sea weathers provide extreme wind and flow conditions. Nutrient inputs
occur by pulses which seagrass meadows must cope with [29]. Seagrass meadows will
consume nutrients in perennial vegetative growth, limiting eutrophication conditions [30].
Ecosystems including seagrasses are listed in Figure 3. In temperate marine water, seagrasses
are associated with marshes and kelp beds, and have been providing for centuries ecosystem
services to coastal lands [31]. Human use of kelp began as picking fodder, fertilizer even
organic matter- and food on shore. During the late modern time period, dried kelp was used
Figure 2. Current global distribution of seagrass in relation to mean ocean temperature. Regional divisions are based
on polar (<4 degrees Celsius [C]), temperate (4C-24C), and tropical (>24C) climate [52].
in order to provide non-caustic or commercial soda (in fact, sodium carbonate Na2CO3)
for early industries (glass, photograph, soap, etc.). Seagrass meadows are colonizing nearshore environment mixing or not with seaweeds, i.e. seagrasses mainly settle on movable
substrata where their roots could anchor them and seaweeds only settle on hard substrata
(rocks or shingles) needed by their basal adhesive organ. Seaweeds are sessile, macroscopic,
benthic and multi-cellular algae [32] constituting a polyphyletic community. Seagrass mead
ows and seaweeds live in adjacent environments and could marginally be in competition.
However, the relationship between them does not present the same cooperative side as in
tropical areas.
In tropical areas, marine seagrasses are associated with preserved triptych mangrovemeadows-corals [33]: (1) Mangrove stabilises and protects the coastline, limits sediment input
in marine environments and holds tidal biodiversity [34]; (2) seagrass meadows, because of
blades and roots, limits current movements, enhances suspended particular matter deposition,
provides food for endangered species like sea turtles and manatees [35]; (3) coral reefs protect
the shore from waves, acting like living breakwater, an especially acute property in tropical
areas subjected to typhoons and tsunamis [36]. Triptych partners have a mutual service
relationship, i.e. corals are vulnerable to sedimentation limited by mangroves, which are
vulnerable to large waves buffered by coral reefs. Moreover, each partner has a nursing role
for marine species [37, 38]: for example, considering the eastern area of the Caribbean Sea, 80%
of fisheries are located in mangrove, meadow or coral areas for juvenile stages [39]. However,
significant landscapes of corresponding environments are limited to some French West Indies
bays, exposed to land speculation. Thus, because each triptych partner has its own vulnera
Figure 3. Seagrass habitat diagrams for (a) Bioregions 13 and (b) Bioregions 46. Major species for each bioregion
listed according to dominance within habitats. Maximum reported depths [113].
bilities, this ecosystemic symbiosis is acutely vulnerable; if mangroves are largely unaffected
by water quality [40], seagrass meadows are highly susceptible to chemical inputs [12] when
corals are mainly sensitive to herbicides because of endosymbiosis [41], i.e. corals include algal
symbionts which are highly vulnerable to PSII herbicides, in a few minutes and for ng/L
contamination range [42]. The Achilles heel of each ecological partner endangers the whole
ecosystem equilibrium.
Notwithstanding ecological and fishery services, rendered in tropical and temperate zones,
seagrass meadows support the detrital food web, perpetuates navigation supports, and have
a key position considering carbon and nutrient cycles. Each seagrass annual services have been
estimated between $9,000 and $28,000 per acre [43] globally $1.9 trillion per year by Watson
et al. [44] describing seagrass meadows as constituting an endangered capital.
Figure 4. Global map indicating changes in seagrass area plotted by coastline regions. Changes in seagrass areal ex
tent at each site are defined as declining (red) or increasing (green) when areal extent changed by >10%, or no de
tectable change (yellow) when final area was within 10% of the initial area. There were 131 sites in North America,
34 sites in Europe, and 40 sites in Australia [28].
meadows [12] even though estimated monetary value of seagrass meadows is more than twofold more important than mangrove or marshes, and four-fold more than coral reefs [43].
The seagrass loss origin is actually unknown. First of all because, due to perennial growth of
seagrass meadows, environmental disease impact is more obviously observed than for other
marine plants, and particularly unicellular organisms. Moreover, because of the macroscopic
size of seagrass specimens and their eminent services for the environment and for human
activity, seagrass meadow loss critically alters coastal activities [51]. Lastly, seagrass meadow
loss reveals a long-term impact on the environment when planktonic or fugacious species
providing short-term environmental status; such outcomes need high-frequency monitoring
for a valuable putting into perspective. Orth et al. [12] defined seagrass as coastal canaries.
often in order to ensure drinking water, as well as for surface water. Incidentally, it is possible
to determine the most frequently used herbicides. According to Gilliom [3] for the U.S.A. and
to Schfer et al. [4] in the European Union, 21 herbicides could be identified as being the most
frequently used in developed countries, leading them to probably being significantly used in
developing ones (Table 1). Haynes et al. [59-61] consider diuron as the most threatening
herbicide, even pesticide, for seagrass meadows, partnering the corals of the Great Barrier Reef.
However, aquatic plant toxicology is not well-known: BCPC [62] only informs us about two
aquatic plant toxicological tests: EC50 (120h) for diuron on Selenastrum capricornutum (0.002mg/
L) and atrazine EC50 (96h) for S. capricornutum (0.01mg/L). Lewis & Devereux [55] provided
the first review on non-nutrient anthropogenic chemicals in seagrass ecosystems, summarizing
all publications on seagrass and finding only ten on herbicide impact on seagrass.
-3.2 (1)
block EPSPS-catabolic
Very easily complexed
PSII, especially on
(10-30 total)
PSII, especially on
6.2 (1)
26000 pH7-c;
1,5 (3
-0.969 (2)
2.5 (1)
DT50: 1560d
"/>1384000 d
63.8 (1)
non hydrolyzable
No definitively known
species-specific; PSII
570 (1)
species-specific; PSII
0.77 (a);
-0.55 (b)
483 (1)
not hydrolyzable
polymerisation inhibition
in roots
Photosensible; no
inhibition germination
photosensible; high
volatilizable; shelf-life: 4
years and more
60 (calc)
1,82 (1)
synthetic auxin
Table 1. Summary of properties of the predominant herbicides in Europe [4] and in U.S.A.[3]. Solubility is
expressed in mg/L, Koc in mL/g, application in kg/ha. Experimental temperature is 25C without complementary
information: (1): 20C; (2): 23C; (3): Experimental pH is 7 without complementary information: a: pH 5; b: pH 9; c:
pH 10; d: pH 4. EPSPS: 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase, an enzyme involved in aromatic amino acids
phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis. PSII: inhibition of Hill reaction in photosynthetic electron
transport. Triazole: probable interference with carotenoid biosynthesis leading to photooxidation of chlorophyll.
Sp: 2,4-D Kow: 2.58-2.83 (pH 1); 0.04-0.33 (pH 5); -0.75 (pH 7) Calc: Value obtained by calculation. Total: total
weed killing in order to obtain a bare soil.
Herbicide effects have been summarized by Jurado et al. [63]. The biochemical target of many
herbicides is PhotoSystem II (P680), acting in photosynthesis as a photon-electron converting
disruptor. More precisely, the inhibition of Hill reaction (photosynthetic electron transport) is
performed in A site by triazines, uraciles pyridazines, in B site by ureas. Acylanilides, diphenyl
ethers and nitriles inhibit the Hill reaction too. In the 21 predominant herbicides compilation
list [3, 4], 11 herbicides uncouple the biochemical cascade in PSII leading to plastoquinone
terminal electron acceptor. Instead of this outcome, formation of unmanaged singlet oxygen
provokes lesions proportioned to photosynthesis. Biosynthesis of carotenoids, used to manage
singlet oxygen, could be a collateral damage facilitating herbicide effects (pyridazines).
On a plant scale, PSII herbicides lead to a more marked leaf yellowing in new leaves than in
old ones, i.e. leafs where photosynthesis has been active, and in places of intense photosyn
thesis i.e. between leaf veins. Such symptomology should impact on shallow water depth
seagrass communities and even save seagrass communities in turbid water. However, light
provides food for seagrasses [64] like for the other photosynthetic taxa, but it is a way of
detoxifying too. Over time, depending on contamination by such herbicides, light conditions
favourable to seagrass communities could be limited by (1) minimal photosynthesis needs,
especially high for seagrasses in order to confront sediment anaerobic conditions, and (2) lethal
photosynthetic induction, due to poisonous singlet oxygen produced by incident radiation.
Indeed, seagrasses reach a 25% requirement of incident radiation [65], due to their submarine
Response parameters
Test duration
Thalassia testudinum
Oxygen production
Zostera marina
Oxygen production
40h, 88h
320 (EC50)
100i, 1000ti
Zostera marina
Oxygen production
75e, 650i
Zostera marina
Adenine nucleotides
6h, 21d
10, 100
10h, 4d (rec)
10, 100
Zostera marina
Zostera capricorni
Halophila ovalis
Ruppia maritima
120 (IC50)
Ruppia maritima
Halodule whrightii
Table 2. Example of toxic effect concentrations reported for atrazine and seagrasses. EC50, IC50 concentration
reducing effect parameter 50% relative to control. rec: recovery; i: inhibition; ti: total inhibition; e: enhancement;
However, some remarks are necessary: (1) like for many environmental monitoring, metrology
improvement since decades enhances phenomena perception: concentrations reached 30 years
ago could be regarded as overestimated, (2) interspecies heterogeneity could be important:
Halodule wrightii growth is enhanced at 120g/L [75] when, at the same concentration Ruppia
maritima photosynthesis IC50 is reached [42] and Zostera marina presents mortalities [76] (3)
Zostera marina mortalities [76] are noted for concentrations considered as stimulating [69], but
in the second case after much more exposition time, (5) the effect is less and recovery is greater
in situ [74].
Seagrasses are mainly regarded as shadow plants [77]. Indeed, the situation is critical during
summer low tides when photoinhibition is a threat. Photoinhibition is defined by Touchette
& Burkholder [78] as a reduction in the photosynthetic rate due to other processes such as the
toxicological impact of herbicides [79]. Photoinhibition is primarly a photoprotective tool,
avoiding PSII excessive photophosphorylation, and dissipating energy as heat [80, 81].
Photoinhibition is obtained by PSII centres rarefaction [81] or inactivation because of D1
protein photolysis surpassing D1 synthesis [80-84] and the increase of xanthophylls cycles
violaxanthin de-epoxidation agent leading to energy dissipation: zeaxanthin. Protein D1 is
known to be influenced by ATP in thylakoid lumen; in the case of a lack of ATP production,
for example as herbicide impact occurs, seagrass could maintain a high photosynthetic level,
initiating a vicious circle leading to the herbicide effect. Such an herbicide trajectory could lead
first to photosuppression with excessive UV radiations [85].
The second critical target for seagrass, i.e. especially critical due to aquatic life, is a photores
piration process which is, like for several topics, innovative in the case of seagrasses [78].
Indeed, respiration provides to seagrasses oxidative conditions propitious to life in their
partially reductive environment. In order to maintain a redox potential suitable for whole
enzymatic activity even in tissues buried into the sediment, seagrasses will actively manage
inner gas exchanges. A large part of tissue volume will be due to lacunae or aerarium, empty
spaces allowing to preserve terrestrial-like conditions for cells, providing oxidative conditions
and leaving the leafs erect. Respiration will produce CO2 for the plant which will mainly
consume its own CO2 production in order to limit exchanges with external marine environ
ments. Such C3-C4 intermediate plants present, moreover, concentrating carbon systems
strengthening ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) in carbon acquisition. 2,4-D
photosynthetic pathways are negatively impacted [86], even in micromolar concentrations, by
auxin like 2,4-D, leading to up-regulating growth. Because of gas flows to the external
environment are more strictly controlled by seagrasses stomata, which are less numerous than
terrestrial plants ones, auxin-like activity of 2,4-D causes an up - regulation in oxygen
production and a subsequent oxygen-inhibition of a key enzyme Rubisco. Lack of carbonsequestering photosynthetic processes leads to carbon and energy deficits aggravated by
messy leaf creation induced by 2,4-D, exhausting the plant, drawing on belowground stocks,
and limiting photosynthesis efficiency.
Photorespiration leads to consume O2 and is considered as protective for photosynthetic
electron transport, limiting damage to the photosynthetic apparatus to photo-inactivation
during periods of low CO2 availability and high light intensity [87]. Rates of photorespiration
activity are considerably lower in most submersed aquatic plants than in terrestrial ones [78];
if O2 depletion is too great, anaerobic conditions rule: Krebs cycles NAD+ reduction, leading
to energy storage in mitochondria by NADH production driving ATP synthesis, is interrupted.
NADH accumulates and NAD+ lacks for critical metabolic processes [88]. Parenthetically,
pyruvate is metabolized, leading to fermentation (Davies, 1980) and alcohol content increases,
altering whole tissues and thus removing the main obstacle to reductive conditions which are
unfit for seagrass life.
Unlike photosynthesis which increases with temperature up to 510C above ambient,
respiration rates continue to increase with increasing temperatures in excess of 40C [78, 89-91].
Light, then depth [92] can also significantly influence respiration; water-column nitrate
enrichment tissue NR activity enhances respiration rates in Z. marina [93].
Sucrose-P synthase (SPS), in the opposite way of terrestrial plants: increasing temperature
leads to the increase of SPS activity, which is also influenced by salinity, photosynthesis,
CO2 availability, NH4+ and grazing [93, 101, 102].
C metabolism, i.e. C-sink or C-source depending on temperature [103],
Stomata function: stomata will be closed in high temperatures, in order to avoid dehydration.
Thus, temperature impacts seagrass growth independently to insulation [104].
Without herbicide impact, 40-45C is considered as the threshold temperature [22]: for higher
ones, irreversible effects are observed, especially at PSII scale. The herbicide presence, even at
limited concentrations, could lower such threshold temperature, considering the complex
physiologic equilibrium that herbicides could disrupt; such temperature sensibility leads to
an enhanced impact of herbicides in warm conditions [105]. Metal accumulation is enhanced
by temperature increases [106]. Metals are toxic for seagrasses and especially for PSII [107].
Cu, used in this way as an antifouling alternative, early impacts PSII complex [108-111] in a
few days after contamination. The cocktail effect is highlighted [74] for Cu and Irgarol 1051.
Gamain [112] shows that herbicide impact is increased in presence of Cu and following
temperature: at a temperature for which Z. noltii when free of herbicide alteration, even on a
biochemical scale, seagrass presents damages in presence of this cocktail. However, these
cocktail and summer temperatures are more close to field conditions, especially in tropical
waters, than cold conditions and isolate herbicides.
7. Conclusion
Seagrass decline is actually misunderstood. If nutrients increase, it leads to epiphyte
proliferation which limits seagrass photosynthesis [104]. Erosion, burying meadows and
inducing turbidity limiting photosynthesis, are evoked as the main threat on the seagrass
community, chemical interactions could be regarded as underestimated. Even if seagrass
es seem to be resilient to herbicide pollution, and even if seagrass recovery has been shown
to be better in situ than in vitro, the cocktail impact seems to be a promising study field.
Data concerning seagrass contamination are dramatically scarce despite the precious
services that the seagrass community provides, as for economical activity as for environ
mental concerns like biodiversity preservation and carbon fixation. In the field, seagrass
meadows are regressing, and their resilience seem to be altered. Impacts of herbicides on
the minimal requirement and on the adaptation to high irradiances are not sufficiently
studied leading to observe regression without understanding underlying phenomenology
[45]. Seagrass originality involves more largely trans-disciplinarily in order preventing the
meadows decline but if such a consistent pice de rsistance will need appropriate research
efforts, the seagrass crisis, taken into account by environmental monitoring like Water
Framework, allows, after all, hope for a remediation.
Authors wish to thank William and Diana R. Corby for their contributions to their English
Author details
A. Damien Devault and Hlne Pascaline
Universit des Antilles et de la Guyane, EA 929 AIHP-GEODE, groupe Biospheres, Campus
de Schoelcher, Schoelcher Cedex, Guiana
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Chapter 15
1. Introduction
Turfgrasses grow in different habitats for numerous purposes worldwide. They are cultivated
for their agronomical, environmental, ornamental, recreational and stock feeding values [1,
2]. Various turfgrasses are used for environmental beautification and for the protection of
resources such as land, soil and water. Many varieties of turfgrasses cover home yards, golf
courses, parks, soccer fields, and roadsides, etc. To cite a few examples of renewed interest in
turfgrasses, they play a significant environmental role in photosynthetically fixing carbon
dioxide to evolve oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition to their vast acreage of widespread
forage, planting of the grasses in urban areas such as rooftops, parks and, more recently
automobile parking lots, contributes to the suppression of urban heat island phenomena [3].
Various causes of soil erosion and losses due to flood washout and landslide can also be
circumvented and managed, as the damages are greatly reduced and the conservation of soil
moisture and underground water is effectively sustained by the planting of turfgrass varieties.
Recreational and sporting activities on the natural turfgrass field, compared to an artificial turf,
greatly reduce the risk of personal injuries, thus contributing to the wellbeing of people in
Not surprisingly, the worldwide turfgrass market and its associated herbicide sales are
substantial; in the United States alone, turfgrass is one of the four major staple crops, second
only to corn [4, 5]. In facing the challenge of global warming, turfgrasses are gaining attention
of both environmentalists and agronomists for their role in the certified emission reductions.
Relatively high production costs of cultivating and maintaining turfgrasses concerns them,
however. Healthy swarth growth and well-maintained turf habitats entail herbicide spraying
because otherwise dominant weed varieties easily overtake the sward. Annually, their
2013 Song et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
maintenance costs alone run around 4.5 billion dollars in the United States [4, 6]. One of the
major costs is certainly herbicidal requirement.
Herbicidal agrochemicals are classified into two categories, selective and non-selective
herbicides. The latter kills all plant species, whereas the former is targeted at specific plant(s)/
weed(s) for herbicidal action. The biochemical mechanisms of herbicides include the disrup
tions of (i) the photosynthesis by blocking the photosynthetic reaction centers, electron
transport system or photo-oxidative membrane damages, (ii) cell division and root develop
ment, (iii) energy transduction and metabolism, (iv) plant growth hormones, (v) biosynthesis
of amino acids/proteins and (vi) disruption of other physiologically significant molecules such
as chlorophylls and carotenoids, as discussed elsewhere in this volume.
Frequent herbicide applications also pose serious environmental and health concerns, for
example, to the authors residential island of Jeju where there are 30 golf courses open for
business. In spite of the current difficulties arising from the public objections, genetically
modified turfgrasses with a herbicide-resistant gene provide an effective alternative to the
wide applications of agrochemical herbicides. Since the development and ecological impact
studies of transgenic herbicide-resistant creeping bentgrass [7, 8] and zoysiagrass [9, 10],
several GM varieties of turfgrasses including those of herbicide-resistant cultivars have been
developed (see Table 1). Most recently, in reference [11] bentgrass ASR-368 has been patented
for its commercial rights. With an increasing number of reports on transgenic herbicideresistant turfgrasses, it is appropriate to review the subject at this time. Discussion in this
chapter focuses on the transgenic herbicide-resistant turfgrasses developed primarily in our
laboratory here in Jeju and Gwangju, Korea. For a review of other transgenic grasses with
herbicide-resistance traits, see Table 1 and references therein.
Plant species
Target trait
bar/Rice tlpd34
Disease resistance
bar/Barley hva1
Drought tolerance
Herbicide resistance/
Disease resistance
bar/Maize Lc+Pl
Herbicide resistance/
Drought tolerance/
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Plant species
Target trait
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance/
Province Penn-A-4 Biolistics
Herbicide resistance/
Disease resistance
hph/gus, bar
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance/
Disease resistance
Herbicide resistance/
Salt tolerance
Agrostis palustris
Herbicide resistance
Regent Tiger
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance/
Cynodon spp.
arundinacea (tall
Cole tolerance
Festuca rubra
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance/
(red fescue)
Lolium perenne
Freezing tolerance
Herbicide resistance/
Salt tolerance
Herbicide resistance
Plant species
Target trait
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance
Herbicide resistance/
Swartz (Seashore
Zoysia japonica
Shade tolerance
Zoysia sinica
Herbicide resistance/
Chilling tolerance
bar: bialaphos resistance gene, gus: -glucuronidase, hph: hygromycin phosphotransferase. gfp: green fluorescent
Table 1. Transgenic herbicide-resistant turfgrasses
2. Turfgrass species
There are some 7,500 turfgrass species of more than 600 genera distributed worldwide. Of
these, 30~40 species are cultivated as agronomic plants [1]. Turfgrasses are generally classified
into two major species, warm and cold season grasses. The plants are also divided into two
groups based on their mechanism of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation, C3 and C4 plants.
As representative C4 warm season turfgrasses with optimal growth temperatures of 27~35C,
zoysiagrass and Bermuda grass species are widely used for sports fields because of their strong
traits such as swarth growth, vegetative propagation and drought tolerance as they are
cultivated widely, especially in China, Japan and Korea. However, they tend to grow relatively
slowly and particularly with zoysiagrasses prematurely lose their greenness by late autumn.
Typical C3 cold season turfgrasses with optimal temperatures in the 15~25C range include
blue grass and bentgrass varieties. The latter is particularly advantageous for the putting
greens [1, 4, 5, 12]. In this chapter, the review will be concerned with two main varieties,
zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) and bentgrass (Agrostis palustris L., Crenshaw and Penn
cross varieties), focusing on their herbicide resistant transgenic cultivars.
Figure 1. Biochemical mechanism for the herbicidal action of glufosinate through the inhibition of glutamine synthe
tase by the herbicide.
The glufosinate herbicide causes accumulation of lethal levels of ammonia in both soil bacteria
and plant cells. The GS inhibiting activity of glufosinate is lost when its amino group is
acetylated by a phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (PAT encoded by PAT; also known as bar
or BAR for bialaphos resistance) (Figure. 2).
Thus, a transgenic turfgrass transformed with BAR gene becomes resistant to the Basta spray,
as glufosinate from the Basta is effectively detoxicated in the plant. The transgenic zoysiagrass
and bentgrass developed in our laboratories carry the BAR gene isolated from Streptomyces
hygroscopicus in the soil [10].
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicidal agent commercialized under the trade name Round
up by Monsanto. It exerts its herbicidal action by competitively inhibiting the 5-enolpyru
vylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPs) centrally involved in the biosynthesis of aromatic
amino acids (phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine). Plants treated with glyphosate are
killed for the lack of these amino acids in protein biosynthesis. Accumulation of shikimate also
leads to cell death, thus contributing to the herbicidal action of glyphosate [20] (Figure. 3).
A transgenic bentgrass carrying the EPSPS gene (Roundup Ready) then develops resistance
to Roundup [7, 21].
Although both BAR- and EPSPS-.transgenic turfgrasses are yet to be released for agronomic
cultivations, second and third generation GM crops including turfgrasses are forthcoming to
deal with the intolerance and tolerance being developed to the non-specific herbicides in the
transgenic herbicide-resistant turfgrasses and weed plants, respectively. Such next generation
crops are also being developed with the hope of leading consumer acceptance. In reference [22]
the authors stacked both BAR and CP4 EPSPS genes in creeping bentgrass to generate dual
(glufosinate and glyphosate) herbicide-resistant turfgrasses, hoping that less amounts of two
herbicides together are required for weed necrosis than with the greater amount needed with
one herbicide alone. The bentgrass species so developed showed an expected degree of
Figure 3. The reaction catalyzed by 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase(EPSPS) (Modified from reference [32])
tolerance to both Basta and Roundup, respectively. While such dual transgene herbicide
resistance may counter for a single-transgene plant to lose tolerance to the herbicide and/or
for the weeds to develop tolerance to the herbicide, it remains to be seen if this expectation is
borne out in natural habitats.
One of the most promising herbicide-resistant traits can be conferred by dicamba monooxy
genase gene (DMO). Dicamba (3, 6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) is an active auxin analog
and its presence in the plant cells exaggerate the hormonal effects that lead to the cell and plant
death. It is widely used in the Unites States for over four decades. It is a relatively non-toxic
and environment-friendly herbicide. Its herbicidal activity is lost in a DMO-transgenic crop as
dicamba is detoxified to its inactive 3, 6-DCSA (3, 6-dichlorosalicylic acid) [23]. Attempts are
being made to generate DMO-transgenic turfgrass plants in several laboratories.
Green 21 plants growing in GMO spell pattern before and after the herbicide treatment at
a concentration of 0.1% (w/v) glufosinate. Figure 4(B) shows the mixed turfgrass/weed habitat
treated with a 0.5% Basta spray, showing an effective herbicidal killing of the weeds. Nontransgenic grasses are effectively wilted out, whereas the resistant plants remain healthy and
indistinguishable from their non-transgenic counterparts physiologically and phenotypically
[9]. Figure 5 displays the herbicidal performance of BAR-transgenic creeping bentgrass in
which a wild type or mutant PHYA (Ser599Ala PHYA) gene is stacked with the BAR gene, vide
infra. The results show that the gene stacking has not compromised the herbicide-resistance
function conferred by the BAR gene. Qualitatively, both BAR- and EPSPS-transgenic bent
grasses effectively tolerate the herbicides, Basta and Roundup, respectively, but quantitative
comparisons of the herbicide resistances exhibited by different transgenic zoysiagrass and
bentgrass varieties entail further study.
Figure 4. Herbicide resistance assay of putative transgenic zoysiagrass plants. A. 0.8% BASTA was sprayed onto nontransgenic plants (NT) and bialaphos-resistant zoysiagrass, GMO was spelled by removing the plants; GM grass was
then planted into the letters, B. 0.5% BASTA was sprayed onto the weed and bialaphos-resistance zoysiagrass plants.
Figure 5. Herbicide resistance assay of putative transgenic creeping bentgrass plants. 0.8% BASTA was sprayed onto
non-transgenic plants (NT) and transgenic plants over-expressing Wt-PHYA or Ser599Ala-PHYA, and the herbicide re
sistance of the plants was determined 10 days after the spraying. Wt-PHYA, transgenic bentgrass plants with wild-type
PHYA gene; Ser599Ala-PHYA, transgenic bentgrass plants with Ser599Ala-PHYA mutant.
When zoysiagrass and possibly other turfgrass species are left unmanaged under natural
habitats, their populations and swarth growth are easily overtaken by the dominant weed
plants. Figure 6 shows our own observations of herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass plants growing
in natural habitats during the four consecutive years (2006~2009). In four years, the ground
coverage of zoysiagrass was dominated by the weeds when the grass plot was left unmanaged.
On the other hand, the herbicide-resistant plants continued healthy population and swarth
growths under managed conditions involving fertilizer applications, herbicide sprays and
timely mowings.
Recently, we reported the development and morphological characterization of transgenic
Zoysia japonica and Agrostis stolonifera plants transformed with both BAR and PHYA genes [1].
The two transgenes confer herbicide resistance and shade tolerance to the grass, respectively.
We developed these turfgrass plants by harboring wild-type Avena PHYA or Ser599Ala PHYA
mutant (S599A-phytochrome A hyperactive mutant gene [24]) on the BAR-decked pCAM
BIA3301 vector in order to confer both herbicide and shade tolerant phenotypes to them. The
transgenic plants with Ser599Ala-PHYA and Wt-PHYA also displayed the shorter phenotypes
desired, in addition to their herbicide resistance trait (Figure 7).
Figure 6. Survival of the transgenic herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass during 4 years (2006-2009) in natural habitats. A.
Natural habitats during 4 years, B. Managed field, C. Plant height of zoysiagrass, D. Grass coverage of zoysiagrass, E.
Grass density of zoysiagrass. Blue bar, natural habitat; red bar, managed field.
Figure 7. Growth performance of transgenic zoysiagrass plants over-expressing Ser599Ala-PHYA showed short phe
notypes compared with control plants (BAR gene) under field conditions. Bar in insert 1 cm.
Figure 8. Photographic view of browning (necrosis) in zoysiagrass transformant lines in early winter. NT, non-trans
genic zoysiagrass plants; HR, herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass plants with BAR gene; Wt-PHYA, transgenic zoysiagrass
plants with wild-type PHYA gene; Ser599Ala-PHYA 2-14 & 2-18 transformant lines, transgenic zoysiagrass plants with
Ser599Ala-PHYA mutant gene.
Hawaii, and not likely to have major ecological or economic impacts on other Pacific Islands
based on the HP-WRA screening process. On the other hand, bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera)
belongs to an H grade group of plants, suggesting that transgenic herbicide-resistant bentgrass
is a higher risk turfgrass than the zoysiagrass; according to the Hawaii database, Agrostis
stolonifera is likely to be invasive in Hawaii and on other Pacific Islands as determined by the
HP-WRA screening process. In fact, the transgene of the Roundup Ready creeping bentgrass
introgressed other recipient plant species 3.8 km away from the test plot [8]. In conclusion, the
herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass developed in our laboratory poses substantially less risk of
transgene flow than the bentgrass (Figure. 5).
Although the risk of transgene escape and flow from the genetically modified zoysiagrass is
low, pollen-induced gene flow cannot be completely discounted. In reference [30] we examined
the pollen releases from the defined boundary of BAR transgenic Zoysia japonica habitats as
a function of physical variables including the boundary, temperature, atmospheric humidity,
and lighting condition/duration. Results suggest that zoysiagrass pollen escape is essentially
limited to the close neighborhood, in contrast to bentgrass pollens.
Figure 9. Monitoring for the potential gene flow from the genetically modified zoysiagrass to wild-type zoysiagrass
plants within a 5-km radius in natural habitat. Samples were taken from 112 zones (448 sites): Zoysia japonica 96
zones (384 sites) and Zoysia matrella 16 zones (64 sites).
Figure 9 shows the sites in Jeju Island monitored for the potential gene flow from the herbicideresistant Zoysia japonica to wild-type zoysiagrass within a 5-km radius in natural habitat. No
introgression was observed at these sites as of this writing.
7. Conclusion
We compiled a table of transgenic herbicide-resistant turfgrass varieties in various stages of
development and eventual agronomic cultivations. As can be seen in Table 1 of this chapter,
several transgenes have been introduced into zoysiagrass, bentgrass and other lawn grass
species primarily through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and biolistic transfection.
These grasses all exhibit resistance to their intended herbicides such as Basta, Roundup and
others, but how well each of the transgenics developed performs in test plots and natural
habitats cannot be assessed at this point largely because quantitative data such as the doseresponse curves and the outdoor performances are lacking in most cases. In this chapter, we
focused our discussion to the BAR transgenic Zoysia japonica and Agrostis stolonifera species.
We conclude that these cultivars offer promising potentials as environmentally friendly and
economically beneficial turfgrass varieties, especially the former, for Jeju Island and elsewhere.
This research was supported by Next-Generation Biogreen 21 Program, Rural Development
Administration, Republic of Korea (Grant No. PJ00949901), Basic Science Research Program
(NRF Grant No. 2012R1A1A2000706 to PSS, 2012-0004335) and the Priority Research Centers
Program (2012048080) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
Author details
In-Ja Song1, Tae-Woong Bae1, Markkandan Ganesan1, Jeong-Il Kim2, Hyo-Yeon Lee1* and
Pill-Soon Song1*
*Address all correspondence to: pssong@gmail.com, hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr
1 Faculty of Biotechnology and Subtropical Horticulture Research Institute, Jeju National
University, Jeju, Korea
2 Department of Biotechnology and Kumho Life Science Laboratory, Chonnam National
University, Gwangju, Korea
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Section 3
Research Reviews
Chapter 16
Toxicity of Herbicides:
Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
Maria Aparecida Marin-Morales,
Bruna de Campos Ventura-Camargo and
Mrcia Miyuki Hoshina
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
During the last decades, the scientific community, including government and non-government
organizations have increased their interest in detecting and controlling the environmental
agents responsible for damages to the human health and sustainability of the ecosystems. This
interest has been intensified by the frightening increase on the reports of the anthropogenic
action on the environment responsible for damages to the ozone layer, accidental release of
wastes and radioactive gases, as well as contamination by pesticides used in agriculture.
However, the growth of the human population and of the activities associated with agriculture,
industrialization and urbanization have contributed to the depredation of the biodiversity and
genetic variability, resulting in the compromise of several species, including man [9].
After the industrial revolution, a great number of chemical substances have been released into
the terrestrial and aquatic environments and in the atmosphere. These substances can be
transported and transformed by different processes, whose transformation by-products can
cause adverse effects on man, as well as damages to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Several studies have shown the presence of residues of several chemical substances in the air,
water, soil, food and organisms in general [10].
Environmental pollution by genotoxic and mutagenic products affects the exposed organism
and its future generations, this fact is observed both for animals, and in this case man is
included, and for the other groups of organisms such as plants and microorganisms. In order
to evaluate the consequences of the anthropogenic activities on the ecosystem it is necessary
that the scientific community pays a special attention in the search for understanding the
2013 Marin-Morales et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
modes of action of xenobiotics present in the ecosystem in the biota exposed. For this, extensive,
detailed and ordered studies of the contaminants must be developed with the purpose of
preventing the biological impairment, such as inductions of alterations in the genetic materials
of the organisms [11].
Some studies have been performed in the attempt to evaluate the behaviour, transforma
tions and effects of chemical agents, both in the environment and in the organisms.
Toxicology establishes the limits of concentration or quantity of chemical substances
acceptable in the environment by studies on the toxic effects of these substances in the
organism and ecosystems [12].
Considering that the use of agrochemicals, such as herbicides, have caused a great environ
mental contamination, due to their widespread use, it has become indispensable to perform
the assessment of the toxicity of these compounds.
1.1. The importance of herbicides
Living beings are exposed to the action of numerous agents that are potentially toxic. These
agents can be physical, chemical or biological and can provoke in the organisms physiological,
biochemical, pathological effects and, in some cases, genetic effects [13]. A great variety of
chemical substances with mutagenic potential, both natural and synthetic, have been investi
gated. Many of these substances are found in food, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and in
complexes of domestic and industrial effluents. It is known that these compounds can cause
detrimental inheritable changes in the genetic material, without these changes being expressed
immediately [14]. Thus, several compounds dispersed in the environment can represent
danger to human health, since they present a potential to induce mutations [15].
The production of food can occur both by agricultural activities and by livestock. The yield of
food production is directly related with the relationship established between the species of
interest for production and the other plant, animal, microbial and parasitic biological systems
that compete for resources available in the environment [16]. Among the species that jeopard
ize the agricultural production there are the weeds that, when invade crops, can cause
significant loss in the yield and quality of the harvest [17]. Therefore, in order to enhance the
productivity and the quality of crops, the removal of weeds from agriculture becomes
Before the introduction of selective herbicides as an agricultural practice, the removal of weeds
was accomplished manually in an extremely laborious form. Thus, the farmers sought other
forms to control weeds, such as, integrating other weed control practices such as crop rotation,
tillage and fallow systems [17].
The introduction of selective herbicides in the late 40s and the constant production of new
herbicides in the following decades gave farmers a new tool in the control of weeds [17].
Therefore, the process of modernization of agriculture introduced, in the 60s, the use of new
biological varieties considered more productive, but dependent on chemical fertilizers and
intensive use of pesticides, in order to increase productivity. The use of these chemical agents
resulted in the increase of productivity, but, on the other hand, brought adverse consequences,
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
since many are harmful substances for man and the environment. The world practice of using
agrochemicals for long periods, often indiscriminate and abusive, has raised concerns among
the public authorities and experts of public health and sustainability of natural resources [16].
Many agrochemicals are very toxic substances whose absorption in man are almost exclusively
oral and can also occur by inhalation or dermally. As a consequence of the human exposure
to pesticides, a series of disturbances can be observed, such as gastric, neurological and
muscular [18].
Among the pesticides, the main agents of intoxication are the herbicides and insecticides.
According to Vasilescu and Medvedovici [19], herbicides are defined as any substance,
individually or in mixtures, whose function is to control, destroy, repel or mitigate the growth
of weeds in a crop.
The use of herbicides, despite the fact that they are characterized as a highly effective tool
in the control of weeds, has led to a change in the phytosociological composition of weeds
and to a selection of biotypes resistant to herbicides, besides also causing impacts in the
environment and human health. According to He et al. [20], herbicides are the most used
chemical substances throughout the world. During the 90s, the global pesticide sales
remained relatively constant, between 270 and 300 billions of US dollars, and 47% of this
value corresponded to herbicides and 79% to insecticides. Since 2007, herbicides assumed
the first place among the three major categories of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides/
bactericides, herbicides) [21].
The use of herbicides to control weeds has been a common practice in global agriculture,
mainly with the objective to increase agricultural production. However, when these chemicals
are used in an uncontrolled manner, they can cause impacts on non-target organisms,
especially on those that live in aquatic environments [22].
According to Chevreuil et al. [23], Kim and Feagley [24] and Abdel-Ramham et al. [25], most
of the toxic effects of the herbicides on animals and plants were insufficiently investigated. As
a consequence of the lack of information about the action of herbicides in the biological
environment, these chemical agents can also represent a problem to human health [26, 27]. The
impact of a pesticide in the environment depends on its dispersion mode and its concentration,
as well as its own toxicity [28]. The mutagenic effects of the herbicides can result from several
reactions with the organism, as a direct action of the compound on the nuclear DNA; incor
poration in the DNA during cell replication; interference in the activity of the mitotic or meiotic
division, resulting in incorrect division of the cell [29].
Some herbicides interfere directly in the cell division of plants, elongation and/or cell differ
entiation, causing disturbances in the functioning of the roots or vascular tissues [30]. In
animals, herbicides can act in several tissues or organs and, sometimes, are associated with
tumorigenic processes [31].
Jurado et al. [32] listed the general advantages and disadvantages of using herbicides. In this
list, the authors cited as advantages: kill unwanted plants; help crops grow since it eliminates
weeds that compete with crops for water, nutrients and sunlight; can be safely used in
plantations, while the manual or mechanical removal processes of weeds can cause damages
to crops; can be used in geographically close crops; in most cases, only one application of the
herbicide is sufficient to control the weeds, while the other methods must be constantly used;
are easy to use; have fast action; are relatively inexpensive and are economically more viable
than manual removal; non-selective herbicides can be used to eliminate vegetation cover in
areas intended for the construction of residences and/or roads; to eradicate plants bearing
diseases; and since some herbicides are biodegradable, they can become relatively inert after
some time. The disadvantages listed by the authors are: some herbicides are not biodegradable
and, thus, can persist in the environment for a long period of time; all herbicides are, at least,
mildly toxic; can cause diseases and even accidental death (case of paraquat); can be carried
into rivers by rainwater or be leached to groundwater polluting these environments; some
herbicides can accumulate in the food chain and are toxic for animals, including man.
1.2. Herbicides classification
According to Moreland [33], herbicides are designated by common names approved by the
Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) or by the British Standards Institution. Organic
herbicides are classified according to their application method, chemical affinity, structural
similarity, and by their mode of action [34]. In relation to the application methods, herbicides
can be classified into two groups: soil application and foliar application. According to Jurado
et al. [32], all the herbicides applied in the pre-planting (surface or incorporation) and preemergence (in crops, weeds or both) are classified as herbicides of soil application and those
applied in the post-emergence are classified as foliar application.
Moreover, herbicides can be classified according to their mode of action. Following, it will be
presented the classes of herbicides, according to their mode of action, based in the classification
of Moreland [33] :
electron transport inhibitors: electron transport is inhibited when one or more interme
diary electron carriers are removed or inactivated or even when there is interference in
the phosphorylation. Example: diuron, atrazine.
uncouplers: uncouplers dissociate the electron transport of the ATP formation through
the dissipation of the energetic state of the thylakoid membrane, before the energy can be
used to perform the high endergonic reaction of ADP phosphorylation. Example:
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
inhibitory uncouplers: the term inhibitory uncouplers was used by Moreland [33] to
indicate that the herbicides interfere in reactions affected by electron transport inhibitors
and by uncouplers; These inhibitory uncouplers inhibit the basal transport, uncoupled
and coupled of electrons. The herbicides classified in this group affect both the electron
transport and the gradient of protons. Examples: acylanilides, dinitrophenols, imidazole,
electron acceptors: the compounds classified in this group are able to compete with some
component of electron transport and consequently suffer reduction. Examples: diquat,
inhibitors of the carotenoid synthesis: this class of herbicides acts to inhibit the synthesis
of carotenoids, resulting in accumulation of precursors of carotenoid devoid colour
(phytoene and phytofluene). The inhibition of carotenoid synthesis leads to the degrada
tion of chlorophyll in the presence of light; degradation of 70s ribosomes; inhibition of the
synthesis of proteins and loss of plastids. Examples: amitrole, dichlormate, SAN6706.
mitochondrial electron transport and phosphorylation: herbicides that interfere in the mito
chondrial system are classified as:
electron transport inhibitors: defined as substances that have the ability to interrupt the
electron flow in some point of the respiratory chain, acting in one of the complexes.
Examples: diphenylether herbicides.
uncouplers: in appropriate concentrations, the classic uncouplers, that are weak lipophilic
acids or bases, prevent the phosphorylation of ADP without interfering in the electron
transport. Generally, any compound that promotes the dissipation of the energy gener
ated by the electron transport, except for the production of ATP, can be considered as
uncoupler. Example: isopropyl ester glyphosate.
energy transfer inhibitors: compounds of this group inhibit the phosphorylating electron
transport, when the apparatus of energy conservation of the mitochondria is intact and
the inhibition is circumvented by uncouplers. They combine with an intermediary in the
coupling energy chain and, thus, block the phosphorylation sequence that leads to the
ATP formation. No herbicide seems to act as an energy transfer inhibitor.
inhibitory uncouplers: most of the herbicides that interfere in the oxidative phosphory
lation present a great variety of responses and are classified as uncoupling inhibitors. At
low molar concentrations, herbicides fulfil almost all, if not all, of the requirements
established for uncouplers, but at high concentrations they act as electron transport
inhibitors. Herbicides that present this behaviour are the same classified as uncoupler
inhibitors of the photoinduced reactions in the chloroplast. Example: perfluidone.
interactions with membrane: herbicides can affect the structure and function of membranes
directly or indirectly. When the herbicides disaggregates a membrane, they can influence
directly the transport processes by interacting with the protein compounds, such as,
ATPases and by altering the permeability by physicochemical interactions, or indirectly
by modulating the supply of ATP needed to energize the membrane. Interactions with
the membrane can cause:
compositional alterations: can modify or alter the composition of lipids in the membrane
and can also act in the metabolism and synthesis of lipids. Examples: dinoben, chloram
bem, perfluidone.
cell division: herbicides may suppress cell division by interfering in the synthesis or active
transport of precursors into the nucleus, which are necessary for the synthesis of DNA
during interphase; modify the physical or chemical properties of the DNA or of their
complexes; interfere in the formation and function of the spindle; and/or inhibits the
formation of the cell wall. Several of the processes mentioned previously need energy and,
therefore, interferences in the amount of energy caused by an herbicide could modulate
the mitotic activity. The effects of the inhibitors of the cell division are dependent on the
concentration and vary according to the species and the type of tissue. There is a rela
tionship between cell division and cellular energy. In higher plants, cell division is
prevented or suppressed in conditions in which the glycolysis or the oxidative phosphor
ylation is inhibited. Another form of the herbicide to alter cell division would be inter
acting with the microtubules, since these cellular structures are responsible for the
orientation and movement of chromosomes during cell division. Examples of herbicides
that interfere in cell division: N-phenylcarbamates, ioxynil, trifluralin.
Synthesis ofDNA, RNA and protein: there are correlations between inhibition of RNA and
protein synthesis and low concentration of ATP in tissues and these correlations suggest
that interferences in the energy production, necessary to perform biosynthetic reactions,
could be the mechanism by which the herbicides could express their effects. Moreover,
they can inhibit the synthesis of DNA or RNA by altering the chromatin integrity and, in
these cases, the synthesis of proteins is also affected. Examples: glyphosate, trifluralin.
The herbicides can still be classified according to the chemical affinity. Table 1 shows the
chemical classes and examples of each class, according to Rao [34].
Class of the herbicide
Examples of herbicides
Acetochlor, alachlor, butachlor, dimethenamid, metolachlor,
napropamide, pronamide, propachlor, propanil
Chlorinated aliphatic acid (TCA), acrolein, dalapon
Disodium methanearsonate (DSMA), monosodium
methanearsonate (MSMA), cacodylic acid
Diquat, paraquat
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
Examples of herbicides
Cyclohexanediones (cyclohexenones)
Phenoxyalkanoic acids
Arylophenoxy propionics
Norflurazon, pyrazon
Pyridinecarboxylic Acids
Dithiopyr, thiazopyr
Pyrimidinythio-benzoates (Benzoates)
Quinolinecaryoxylic acids
Bensulfuron, chlorimuron, chlorsulfuron, halosulfuron,
Yet to be commercialized
Triazolopyrimidine Sulfonanilides
Unclassified herbicides
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
affirm that pesticides produce deleterious effects to the organisms and biochemical and
enzymatic processes in the soil [37]. According to Hussain et al. [37], in general, the application
of pesticides, and here it is also included herbicides, made long term, can cause a disturbance
in the biochemical balance of the soil, which can reduce its fertility and productivity.
Once in the soil, herbicides can suffer alteration in their structure and composition, due to the
action of physical, chemical and biological processes. This action on the herbicides is the one
that will determine their activity and persistence in the soil. Some molecules, when incorpo
rated into the soil, are reduced by volatilization and photo-decomposition. Once in the soil,
herbicides can suffer the action of microorganisms, which, added to the high humidity and
high temperature, can have their decomposition favoured [38]. If they are not absorbed by
plants, they can become strongly adsorbed on the organic matter present in the colloidal
fraction of the soil, be carried by rainwater and/or irrigation and even be leachate, thus reaching
surface or groundwater [39].
The prediction of the availability of herbicides to plants has two purposes: 1. ensure that the
herbicide reaches the roots in concentrations high enough to control weeds, without compro
mising the agricultural productivity; 2. predict if the compound is mobile in the soil to estimate
how much of the herbicide can be leachate from the roots zone to groundwater [17].
The contamination of aquatic environments by herbicides has been characterized as a major
world concern. This aquatic contamination is due to the use of these products in the control of
aquatic plants, leachate and runoff of agricultural areas [40]. According to He et al. [20], it is a
growing public concern about the amount of herbicides that have been introduced into the
environment by leachate and runoff, not to mention that the contaminations of the aquatic
environments generally occur by a mixture of these compounds and not by isolated substances.
Guzzella et al. [1] did a survey on the presence of herbicides in groundwater in a highly
cultivated region of northern Italy. The researchers monitored for two years the presence of 5
active ingredients and 17 metabolites resulting from these compounds. The authors verified
that atrazine, although banned in Italy since 1986, was the major contaminant of the ground
water of the sites studied, they also observed that the concentration of at least one of the
compounds studied exceeded the maximum allowed concentration in 59% of the samples
likely due in both cases to off-label herbicide use. This scenario could be, in long term, a serious
problem for the quality of this water, which is used as drinking water.
Toccalino et al. [41] carried out a study to verify the potential of chemical mixtures existing in
samples of groundwater used for public supply. In these samples, the most common organic
contaminants were herbicides, disinfection by-products and solvents. The authors concluded
that the combined concentrations of the contaminants can be a potential concern for more than
half of the samples studied and that, even though the water destined to public supply pass
through treatments to reduce contaminations and meet the legislations, it can still contain
mixtures at worrying concentrations.
Saka [42] evaluated the toxicity of three herbicides (simetryn, mefenacet and thiobencarb)
commonly used in rice planting in Japan, on the test organism Silurana tropicalis (tadpoles).
The authors observed that the three herbicides, particularly thiobencarb, are toxic for tadpoles
(LD50 test), even for concentrations found in waters where the rice is cultivated. In a similar
study carried out by Liu et al. [43], it was observed that the effect of the herbicide butachlor
(most used herbicide in rice planting in Taiwan and Southeast Asia) on the organism Fejervarya
limnocharis (alpine cricket frog) exposed to concentrations used in the field. In this study no
effect on the growth of tadpoles of F. limnocharis was observed, but there was a negative action
on survival, development and time of metamorphosis. The authors suggested that the
herbicide butachlor can cause serious impacts on anurans that reproduce in rice fields, but this
impact varies from species to species.
In a study conducted by Ventura et al. [8], it was observed that the herbicide atrazine has a
genotoxic and mutagenic effect on the species Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia). In this study,
the authors observed that the herbicide can interfere in the genetic material of the organisms
exposed, even at doses considered residual, which led the authors to suggest that residual
doses of atrazine, resulting from leaching of soils of crops near water bodies, can interfere in
a negative form in the stability of aquatic ecosystems.
Bouilly et al. [44] studied the impact of the herbicide diuron on Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)
and observed that the herbicide can cause irreversible damages to the genetic material of the
organism studied. Moreover, the authors affirm that, due to the persistence of diuron in
environments adjacent to its application site and that it is preferably used in spring, the
pollution caused by its use causes negative impact in the aquatic organisms during the
breeding season.
In general, when herbicides contaminate the aquatic ecosystem, they can cause deleterious
effects on the organisms of this system. Thus, organisms that live in regions impacted by these
substances, whose breeding period coincides with the application period of the herbicides, can
suffer serious risks of development and survival of their offspring.
Hladik et al. [45] evaluated the presence of two herbicides (chloroacetamide and triazine), as
well as their by-products, in drinking water samples of the Midwest region of the United States.
The authors detected the presence of neutral chloroacetamide degradates in median concen
trations (1 to 50 ng/L) of the water samples. Furthermore, they found that neither the original
chloroacetamide herbicides nor their degradation products were efficiently removed by
conventional water treatment processes (coagulation/flocculation, filtration, chlorination).
According to Bannink [46], about 40% of the drinking water from Netherlands is derived from
surface water. The Dutch water companies are facing problems with the water quality due to
contamination by herbicides used to eliminate ruderal plants. These data serve as alerts for
the presence of herbicides and their degradation products in drinking water, pointing out the
need for the development of new treatment systems that could be more efficient to eliminate
this class of contaminants.
According to Ying and Williams [40], organic herbicides, when in aquatic ecosystems, can be
distributed in several compartments depending on their solubility in water. These compart
ments include water, aquatic organisms, suspended sediment and bottom sediment. The more
hydrophilic the organic pesticide, the more it is transported to the aqueous phase, and the
more hydrophobic a pesticide is, the more it will be associated to the organic carbon of the
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
suspended and bottom sediment [47]. The sorption of the herbicides in sediments in suspen
sion can reduce the degradation rate of the herbicides in water, and the movement of the
sediment in suspension can transport the pesticides from one place to another, entering into
the tissue of organisms or settling on the bottom [40].
A study conducted by Jacomini et al. [48] evaluated the contamination of three matrices (water,
sediment and bivalve molluscs) collected in rivers influenced by crops of sugar cane in So
Paulo State-Brazil. In this study, the authors observed that the highest concentrations of
residues of the herbicide ametrin were present in the sediment, showing the persistence of this
compound in the sediments of rivers and its potential to mobilize between the compartments
of the aquatic system, such as water and biota.
When the herbicides are dispersed in the water or sediments in suspension of the rivers, they
can end up in other ecosystems such as estuaries. Duke et al. [49], when studying the effect of
herbicides on mangroves of the Mackay region, found out that diuron, and even other
herbicides, are potentially responsible for the mangrove dieback. According to the authors,
the consequences for this death would be the impoverishment of the quality of the coastal
water with an increase of the turbidity, nutrients and sediment deposition, problems in the
fixation of seedlings and consequent erosion of the estuaries.
In a review conducted by Jones [50], the author highlights the contamination of marine
environments by herbicides (such as diuron), discussing that the contamination of these
environments can occur by transport of these substances of agricultural or non cultivated areas
(roadsides, sports fields, train tracks), runoff by storms and tailwater irrigation release),
pulverizations and accidental spills. These contaminations mean that the photochemical
efficiency of intracellular symbiotic algae of the coral, in long term, may be compromised,
leading to a loss in the symbiotic relationship of the coral with the algae and a consequent
bleaching of corals. Still considering the marine ecosystem, Lewis et al. [51] verified that the
runoff of pesticides from agricultural areas influence the health of the Great Barrier Reef in
Australia and can disturb this sensitive ecosystem.
Considering the prior literature, it is likely possible that the effects of herbicides do not occur
only at the places that they are applied but also in places distant from their application.
Moreover, herbicides can induce alterations in non-target organisms, altering the survival and
the equilibrium of the ecosystems, whether they are aquatic or terrestrial. Thus, much care
must be taken when introducing these substances into the environment and more studies
should be conducted in order to thoroughly understand the environmental consequences that
herbicides can cause.
With respect to the toxicity, some herbicides pose major concerns when applied in regions
close to water resources due to their highly toxic potential to many aquatic organisms [52].
Biological tests of toxicity and mutagenicity are, according to Moraes [53], indispensable for
the evaluation of the reactions of living organisms to environmental pollution and also for the
identification of the potential synergistic effects of several pollutants. The impact that toxic
materials can promote in the integrity and function of DNA of several organisms has been
investigated [54]. Several biomarkers have been used as tools for the detection of the toxic,
genotoxic and mutagenic effects of pollution. Among them we can cite the presence of DNA
adducts, chromosome aberrations, breaks in the DNA strands, micronuclei formation and
other nuclear abnormalities, besides induction of cell death [55].
Most of the tests used to detect the mutagenic potential of chemical substances are based on
the investigation of possible inductions of chromosome damages such as structural alterations,
formation of micronuclei, sister chromatid exchanges, assessment of mutant genes or damages
in the DNA, using different test organisms, such as bacteria, plants and animals, both in
vitro and in vivo [56].
According to Veiga [57], it is possible to estimate the genotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and
teratogenic effects of agrochemicals by relatively simple methods. Several studies have been
carried out by several researchers concerned with the harmful effects of pesticides in an
attempt to verify their possible physiological [58, 59], mutagenic [7, 8, 60, 61, 62] and carcino
genic effects [63].
The interaction between different methods of evaluating the toxic, genotoxic and mutagenic
potential provides a more global and comprehensive view of the effect of a chemical agent.
For the monitoring of organisms exposed to chemical agents, the chromosome aberration test,
micronucleus test and comet assay have been widely used [64]. A few studies also have shown
the toxic effects of chemicals, by cell death processes, both necrotic and apoptotic [65].
According to Kristen [66], the dramatic expansion in the production of xenobiotic compounds
by anthropogenic activities has compromised the environment by the introduction of millions
of chemicals with toxic potential to biological systems.
Cytogenetic tests are adequate to identify the harmful effects of substances, in their several
concentrations and different periods of exposure. These tests, generally performed with test
organisms, are commonly applied in biomonitoring to the extent of pollution and in the
evaluation of the combined effects of toxic and mutagenic substances on the organisms in the
natural environment [53]. Micronuclei assays are efficient to assess the mutagenic activity of
herbicides both in laboratorial and field assays [67]. The comet assay can be used to evaluate
damages in proliferating cells or not, in in vitro or in vivo tests and can be applied with the
purpose of genotoxicological analyses [68]. According to these same authors, these tests are
considered one of the best tools to biomonitor several chemical compounds, including
herbicides. According to Ribas et al. [69], the simplicity, reproducibility and rapidity of the
comet test, associated to the ability of this assay in evaluating damages in the DNA, makes this
technique highly applicable to environmental genotoxicology.
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
The toxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic carcinogenic and estro
genic effects caused by herbicides on various organisms could be exemplified by studies as
described below.
2.1. Atrazine
Atrazine is a triazinic herbicide, classified as moderately toxic of pre- and post-emergence,
used for the control of weeds in crops of asparagus, corn, sorghum, sugarcane and pineapple
[70]. According to Eldridge et al. [71], triazinic herbicides are among the most used pesticides
in agriculture due to their ability to inhibit the photosynthesis of weeds in crops [16].
Triazine herbicides are extensively used in the United States to control grass, sedge and
broadleaf weedsduring the cultivation of maize, wheat, sorghum, sugarcane and conifers [72].
In Brazil, these herbicides are widely used on crops of sugarcane and maize. Due to the
widespread use of triazine herbicides in the agriculture and, therefore, its high exposure
potential for humans, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has
conducted a special review on the published and non published data of several triazine
herbicides [73]. According to Nwani et al. [22], the herbicide atrazine is widely used in crops
worldwide. The dangers, both toxic and genotoxic of this herbicide have been revised;
however, there is an urgent need for more detailed studies on the mode of action of this
compound. Atrazine has been tested in several systems, but there are shortcomings in relation
to certain tests performed and some evidences of the genotoxic effects, in vivo, still need to be
confirmed [74].
Several studies using the test system Aspergillus have shown that atrazine is not mutagenic to
these organisms [75, 76, 77], although it is considered mutagenic for other test systems such
as Drosophila melanogaster [78, 79]. According to Ribas et al. [74], atrazine was responsible for
a significant frequency of aneuploidies in Neurospora crassa, given by the chromosomal nondisjunction in Aspergillus nidulans, and by the induction of loss of sexual chromosomes in
Drosophila melanogaster.
Sorghum plants treated with atrazine presented an increase in the number of their chromo
somes, multinucleated cells, aneuploidy and polyploidy, and abnormalities in the mother cells
of the pollen grain, which suggests that this herbicide interferes in the stability and also in the
meiosis [80].
Popa et al. [70] observed that atrazine, when applied in high concentrations in maize
seedlings, can induce chromosome breaks, visualized by the presence of single and paired
chromosome fragments; a high frequency of chromatids and chromosome bridges; lagging
chromosomes and presence of heteropolyploid or polyploid cells. Grant and Owens [81]
showed that atrazine induced chromosome breaks (in mitosis and meiosis) in the species
Pisum sativum and Allium cepa.
Hayes et al. [82] investigated the effect of the herbicide atrazine on wild leopard frogs (Rana
pipens), in different regions of the United States. The authors observed that a great percentage
of males exposed to the herbicide presented abnormalities in the gonads, such as development
retardation and hermaphroditism. This effect can, in long term, lead to a decline in the
amphibian population of the sites contaminated with this herbicide.
According to Gammon et al. [83], some publications have reported a possible feminization of
frogs, both in laboratorial assays and field studies. This effect is mainly due to the action of the
enzyme aromatase; however, published research not shown the measures of this enzyme.
Thus, there are doubts about the feminization theory, except for the studies that presented a
great number of frogs with morphological alterations related to very high levels of atrazine.
Nwani et al. [22] evaluated the genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the herbicide Rasayanzine,
whose active ingredient is atrazine, using the comet assay and micronucleus test, in erythro
cytes and gill cells of the fish Channa punctatus. By the data analysis of the two cell types,
significant effects for all the concentrations (4.24, 5.30 and 8.48 mg/L) and exposure periods
tested (1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days) were observed. The highest damages were observed
for the highest concentrations and exposure times, showing the genotoxic and mutagenic doseresponse potential of atrazine for the aquatic organism. Furthermore, it was found that gills
were more sensitive to the action of the herbicide, when compared to erythrocytes. From the
results obtained, the authors suggested a careful and judicious use of the herbicide atrazine in
order to protect the aquatic ecosystems and human population.
A study carried out by avas [84] compared the genotoxic effects of the active ingredient
atrazine and its commercial formulation Gesaprim, in the concentrations of 5, 10 and 15 g/L,
by the comet assay and micronucleus test, in erythrocytes of the fish gibel carp (Carassius
auratus). The results showed that there was a significant increase in the frequencies of the
micronuclei and DNA strand breaks in the erythrocytes treated with all the concentrations of
the commercial formulation of atrazine, showing the genotoxic and mutagenic potential of
Gesaprim for this species of fish. While the commercial formulation presented a high genotoxic
potential, the assays showed that the active ingredient atrazine is not genotoxic, suggesting
that the adjuvants present in Gesaprim must be the responsible for the genotoxic effects
observed in this species of fish. Despite the comparative analysis of the genotoxicity between
the active ingredient and the commercial product has showed to be a very effective tool for
the discovery of genotoxic environmental risks, it is not easy to determine the exact identity
of the products used as adjuvants and of the agents of surface action of pesticides due to the
existence of the patent protection system.
Atrazine has also been tested to evaluate the ability to induce cytogenetic damages in rodents.
Meisner et al. [85] submitted rats to 20 ppm of atrazine (by water ingestion) and did not
observe, after exposure to the herbicide, an increase in the number of chromosome aberrations.
In a similar study, Roloff et al. [86] reported that there was no significant increase of chromo
some aberrations in cells of rat bone marrow, when they were fed with 20 ppm of atrazine.
Wu et al. [87] assessed the embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of atrazine, at the doses of 25,
100 and 200 mg/Kg/day, in Sprague-Dawley rats. Prenatal exposure to the highest dose of the
herbicide tested caused hypospadias in 10.23% of male newborn rats, and the lowest dose
induced diverse embryotoxic damages in some individuals. According to Modic et al. [88],
high doses of atrazine (50 or 200 mg/kg/day), administered daily in male Wistar rats at 60 days
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
of age, promoted alterations in the levels of several hormones in the serum of these individuals,
observed by slight increases in the levels of androstenedione testosterone, estradiol, estrone,
progesterone and corticosterone, quantified by radioimmunoassay.
To obtain more concise data on the genotoxicity of triazine herbicides, Tennant et al. [89] used
the comet assay methodology, which showed to be highly sensitive for the detection of low
rates of damages in the DNA. According to these authors, the comet assay showed that atrazine
induced a small increase in the damages in the DNA in leukocytes of rats. Moreover, by the
comet assay, Clements et al. [90] reported that atrazine induced a significant increase in the
frequencies of damages in the DNA of erythrocytes of bullfrog tadpoles, noting the genotoxic
potential of this herbicide for this species of amphibian, from the concentration of 4.8 mg/L.
Studies about the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity of the atrazine herbicide (oral
gavage - dose 400 mg/kg/day), carried out by Campos-Pereira et al. [91], have shown the
induction of lipid peroxidation and liver damage, death of hepatocytes, and micronucleus
formation in exposed Wistar rats. Tests performed by Ventura et al. [8] showed that the same
triazine pesticide was able to induce significant DNA fragmentation when using the comet
assay, and nuclear alterations and micronuclei using the micronucleus test in Oreochromis
niloticus (Nile tilapia) erythrocytes exposed to different concentrations of atrazine (6.25, 12.5,
25 g/L), thus corroborating the studies performed by Campos-Pereira et al. [91].
Ruiz and Marzin [92] assessed the genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the herbicide atrazine
by two in vitro assays (Salmonella assay and SOS Chromotest), one to detect bacterial mutage
nicity and the other to verify primary damages in the DNA. The assays were carried out both
in the absence and in the presence of S9 fractions from rat liver homogenate (Sprague-Dawley).
The authors found that the herbicide atrazine did not present genotoxic potential neither to
the in vitro test with Salmonella/microsome nor by the SOS Chromotest, both in the absence
and in the presence of the S9 fractions, when the strains were exposed to atrazine.
In vitro studies, performed with human lymphocytes, treated with 0.10 ppm of atrazine,
detected a slight increase in the chromosome aberrations rates [85]. However, for concentra
tions below 0.001 ppm of this herbicide, chromosome aberrations were not detected [86] Lioi
et al. [93] observed a small increase in the number of sister chromatid exchange but a great
increase of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to atrazine. Meisner et
al. [94] observed a significant increase in the frequency of chromosome breaks in human blood
cells exposed to 1 ppm of the herbicide atrazine.
The genotoxicity of herbicides, such as atrazine, has also been evaluated by the comet assay
by the use of human blood lymphocytes. According to Ribas et al. [69], blood cells treated with
the herbicide atrazine, at concentrations of 50-200 g/l, showed an extensive migration of DNA,
mainly at concentrations of 100 and 200 g/l.
In mammalian test systems, submitted to the action of the herbicide atrazine, most of the results
seem to be negative, except for the results of Loprieno and Adler [95], who obtained a
significant increase in the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells of rats,
and the data obtained by Meisner et al. [94], who described an induction of chromosome
aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes. While the results from bacteria and mammal test
systems are almost all negative, atrazine exhibits clear mutagenic effects in different plant test
systems, by inducing chromosome aberrations in Hordeum vulgare and Vicia faba [96, 97], in
Zea mays [98], in Sorghum vulgare [99] and in Allium cepa [62] ; sister chromatid exchanges in
maize [100] ; and point mutation in maize [98].
Studies performed by Zeljezic et al. [101] had already reported that atrazine does not present
genotoxicity or capacity to induce apoptosis or necrosis in human lymphocytes, while the
treatment of these cells with the commercial formulation, Gesaprim, significantly increased
the rates of damages in DNA, observed by the comet assay. Srivastava and Mishra [102]
observed results that are in agreement with the findings of Zeljezic et al. [101] and avas [84],
in which the exposure to different concentrations of Gesaprim inhibited the mitotic index and
increased the frequencies of micronuclei and chromosome aberrations in somatic cells of
Allium cepa and Vicia faba.
2.2. Atrazine and butachlor
Toxic effects of atrazine, alone or associated with the herbicide butachlor, for the freshwater
species such as the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus and the cladoceran Daphnia carinata, were
evaluated, showing values of 96 h-EC50 for S. obliquus (atrazine= 0.0147 mg/L and butachlor=
2.31 mg/L, and of 48h-LC50 for D. carinata (atrazine= 60.6 mg/L and butachlor= 3.40 mg/L) [20].
These results suggest that atrazine has a highly toxic potential for S. obliquus and slightly toxic
for D. carinata, while butachlor exhibits a moderate toxic potential for both organisms. Now,
the analysis of the mixture atrazine-butachlor allowed the authors to verify that the toxic effects
were significantly antagonistic for S. obliquus, and that there was no significant synergism for
D. carinata [20].
2.3. Atrazine, simazine ande cyanazine
Simazine and cyanazine, as well as atrazine, are widely used as triazine herbicides of pre- and
post-emergence weed control, whose residues have been carried to the source of drinking
water of several agricultural communities. These compounds also present a potential risk to
humans, mainly due to their presence in food [103]. Studies on the effect of atrazine, simazine
and cyanazine performed by Kligerman et al. [104], found that there was not a significant
increase in the sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations in cultured human
lymphocytes exposed to these herbicides, up to the solubility limit in aqueous solution using
0.5% of dimethyl sulfoxide. However, Adler [105] observed that doses of 1500 and 2000
mg/Kg of atrazine, administered by oral gavage in rats, induced dominant lethal mutations
and chromatin breaks in the bone marrow of these organisms.
Kligerman et al. [103] observed that the association of the herbicides atrazine, simazine and
cyanazine did not induce micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes of bone marrow of female
rats (C57B1/6) exposed by intraperitoneal injection, even when very high doses of these
herbicides were administered (125, 250 and 500 mg/Kg of atrazine; 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/Kg
of simazine; 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of cyanazine), showing an absence of genotoxic potential
of these compounds for the organism tested.
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
On the other hand, Hrelia et al. [106] showed that males and females of Sprague-Dawley rats
exposed by oral gavage to doses of 56, 112 and 224 mg/kg of cyanazine, did not present
significant increases in chromosome aberrations.
Taets et al. [107] evaluated the clastogenic potential of environmental concentrations of the
triazine herbicides simazine (0.001 to 0.004 g/mL), cyanazine (0.003 to 0.012 g/mL) and
atrazine (0.003 to 0.018 g/mL), in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, using flow cytometry
assay. The authors proved the clastogenic action for the herbicides atrazine and cyanazine,
proven by the high indices of damages in the cells exposed to atrazine and by the significant
frequencies of damages observed in the cells exposed to cyanazine.
2.4. Terbutryn
The herbicide terbutryn is an s-triazine herbicide used pre- and post-emergence and widely
used worldwide as an agent to control grass, sedge, and broadleaf weeds in vegetables, cereals
and fruit trees. It is an herbicide persistent in the environment, which tends to dislocate by the
flow of water and leachate [108].
An in vitro study performed by Moretti et al. [108] investigated the genotoxicity of the herbicide
terbutryn, by analyzing the relationship between the cytogenetic damage, evaluated by the
assays of SCE (sister chromatid exchanges) and MN (micronucleus), and the primary damage
in the DNA, assessed by the comet assay, in leukocytes newly-isolated from peripheral human
blood. The results showed that terbutryn did not produce significant increases of SCE or MN,
both in the absence and in the presence of the metabolic activation system from rat liver (S9
fraction), although terbutryn has induced primary damages in the DNA in a more pronounced
form in the absence of S9. The apparent lack of sensitivity of the assays of SCE and MN test
for the genotoxicity of terbutryn, in comparison to the comet assay, can be attributed to the
generation of specific types of damages, since the SCE and MN are determined in proliferative
cells and are sensitive indicators of lesions that survive for, at least, one mitotic cycle, while
the comet assay identifies repairable lesions in the DNA of on resting (G0) cells. According to
these results, the authors suggest that terbutryn must be considered a genotoxic compound.
2.5. 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
The 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) is an herbicide from the group of the polychlori
nated aromatic hydrocarbons that has been widely used throughout the world [109] since
1944, to control broadleaf weeds and woody plants [110]. Its action mimics the auxin of
plants [111]. According to Martnez-Tabche et al. [112], this herbicide mimics the action of
the hormone indole acetic acid, when used in small quantities but it is highly cytotoxic in
high concentrations.
According to Ateeq et al. [113], the increase in the frequency of micronuclei and altered cells
was significant, when erythrocytes of catfish (Clarias batrachus) were analyzed, after exposure
to the herbicides 2,4-D and butachlor. There was a positive dose-response relationship in all
exposures to the two herbicides and in all exposure periods tested.
Studies carried out by Suwalsky et al. [114] in nerve cells of Caudiverbera caudiverbera demon
strated the toxicity of the herbicide 2,4-D. The authors observed a reduction in the dosedependent response to nerve stimulation in the simpact junction of the frog when they were
exposed to this herbicide. This reduction is probably due to a mechanism of lipid perturbation
and interference in the properties of the plasma membrane, such as protein conformation and/
or interaction with protein receptors, which leads to an inhibition of the glandular chloride
channel from the mucosal skin of this test organism.
According to Gmez et al. [115], the main and most common entrance route of 2,4-D in fish is
through gills. This herbicide can cause several adverse symptoms to these organisms, such as
bleeding, increased damage to the kidneys and renal functions, as well as hepatic degeneration.
Martnez-Tabche et al. [112] evaluated the toxicity of different concentrations of the herbicides
2,4-D and paraquat (0, 5, 75 and 150 mg/L), using several assays (acute lethality test, lipid
peroxidation assay by quantification of MDA Malondialdehyde and comet assay) in
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). For the acute lethality tests, it was observed a more
evident toxic action for the organisms exposed to the treatment of 24 h with the herbicide
paraquat, which presented high indices of mortality, analyzed by the values of LC50 (LC50 of
paraquat = 0.084 mg/L; LC50 of 2,4-D = 362.38 mg/L). The authors also showed that individuals
exposed to the two higher concentrations of both herbicides had apnoea and white spots in
their scales. All concentrations of 2,4-D and paraquat induced a significant increase in the DNA
damages and the amount of MDA in the gills exposed.
Gonzlez et al. [116] proved the genotoxicity of 2,4-D due to a significant increase of SCE in
CHO cells treated with the concentrations of 2 to 4 ug/mL of this herbicide. Madrigal-Bujaidar
et al. [117] also showed the genotoxic potential of 2,4-D, due to a clastogenc effect of this
herbicide at the doses of 100 and 200 mg/Kg, detected by a significant increase of SCE in bone
marrow cells and germ cells of rats. Soloneski et al. [118] studied the genotoxic effects of
different concentrations (0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 mg/mL) of the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophe
noxyacetic) and its commercial derivative 2,4-D DMA (Dimethylamine 2,4-D salt), by the SCE
assay and analyses of cell cycle progression and mitotic index human lymphocytes maintained
in culture, in the presence (human whole blood - WBC) and absence (plasma leukocyte cultures
- PLC) of erythrocytes. These compounds did not induce significant frequencies of SCE and
only the concentration of 100 mg/mL of 2,4-D caused alterations in the progression of the cell
cycle in PLC, while the different concentrations of 2,4-D and 2,4-D DMA induced a significant
increase in the frequency of SCE and a significant delay in the cell proliferation rates in WBC.
Moreover, both 2,4-D and 2,4-D DMA presented a dose-response inhibition of the mitotic
activity in PLC and WBC. Based on these results, the authors concluded that the herbicide and
its commercial derivative presented genotoxic potential, which was higher in the presence of
human erythrocytes.
Morgan et al. [119] showed, by embryotoxicity and teratogenicity assays carried out with
Xenopus (FETAX - frog embryo teratogenic assay Xenopus), that high concentrations of 2,4D, induce potentially more embryotoxic effects than teratogenic in frog embryos, demonstrat
ed by the values of EC50 and LC50 of 245 mg/L and 254 mg/L, respectively, and by the
Teratogenic Index of 1.04. Moreover, the same authors compared the teratogenic action of the
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
herbicide atrazine in relation to 2,4-D, showing that atrazine is potentially more teratogenic
than 2,4-D, for frog embryos.
The estrogenic potential of 4 herbicides (triclopyr; 2,4-D; diquat dibromide and glyphosate),
was evaluated by the in vivo de vitellogenin assay with rainbow trout. A significant estrogenic
potential was shown for 2,4-D, since it induced a 93 fold increase in the levels of plasma
vitellogenin of the fish treated with this herbicide during 7 days [120].
2.6. Glyphosate
Glyphosate is a non-selective organophosphorus, broad spectrum, post-emergence herbicide,
widely used in agriculture, mainly to control grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds [121]. Its
action occurs by the inhibition of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids [122]. Its main mode
of action is by the inhibition of the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase
(EPSPS), which is essential in plants for the synthesis of the referred amino acids. Since this
enzyme is absent in animals, this herbicide should be relatively non toxic for these organisms
[123]. There are many conflicting data on the toxicity of glyphosate and its commercial
According to Solomon and Thompson [124], environmental toxicology of glyphosate has been
extensively reviewed by a series of international regulatory agencies. According to the authors,
as glyphosate binds strongly with organic matter, it is considered immobile in soils and
sediments. This binding also removes glyphosate from water, reducing efficiently, the
exposure of aquatic organisms. As the acute exposures are most likely to occur, the measures
of effect are the most adequate for the purpose of risk assessment. However, in general, the
authors affirm that glyphosate presents a low potential of acute toxicity for wild animals,
including mammals, birds, fish and aquatic invertebrates.
Williams et al. [125] carried out a critical review on the toxicity of the herbicide RoundUp
and of its active ingredient glyphosate. The analysis of the toxicity data, carried out by pattern
tests and evaluation criteria, indicated that there is no evidence that glyphosate causes direct
damages in the DNA, both in assays performed in vitro and in vivo. The authors concluded
that Roundup and its components do not represent a risk for the induction of inheritable/
somatic mutations in humans. Furthermore, the authors assert that, by the studies performed,
glyphosate is not carcinogenic or teratogenic, nor does it cause significant adverse effects in
the reproduction, development or in the endocrine system of humans and other mammals and,
therefore, does not represent a risk for the health of human beings.
A study on the impact of the herbicide glyphosate and its commercial formulation Roundup,
in three microorganisms of food interest (Geotrichum candidum, Lactococcus lactis subsp.
cremoris and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus), showed that Roundup has an inhibi
tory effect on the microbial growth and a microbiocide effect at concentrations lower than the
recommended for agricultural use. It was also observed in this study that glyphosate did not
induce significant toxic effects for the three microorganisms studied. These differences
between the toxic actions resulted from Roundup and glyphosate could be explained by a
possible amplified effect of the commercial formulation due to the presence, according to Cox
[126] of adjuvants, such as polyethoxylated tallowamine (POEA), used for a better stability
and penetration of the chemical compound [127].
Relyea [128] assessed the toxic potential of environmentally relevant concentrations of
glyphosate on three species of tadpoles (wood frog [Rana sylvatica or sylvaticus Lithobates],
leopard frog [Rana pipiens pipiens or L.], and American toad [Bufo americanus or Anaxyrus
americanus] ), by morphological analysis of individuals, before and after the application of the
herbicide, showing that there is a significant induction of morphological alterations in the
tadpoles of the three species. Specifically in the case of the wood frog and leopard frog, the
exposure to the chemical compound has led to an evident alteration of the size of the tadpole
tail, suggesting that the herbicide could be activating physiological mechanisms of develop
ment that are normally used as defence responses against predators. These results showed that
glyphosate can have widespread and relevant effects on non target species, contradicting other
studies, such as the one performed by Solomon and Thompson [124], who affirmed the
inexistence or irrelevance of the toxicity of this compound on organisms and the environment.
Studies on the genotoxic potential of the active ingredient glyphosate, present in the commer
cial formulation Roundup, were performed on the roots of smooth hawksbeard (Crepis
capillaris L.), in the concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0% of the active ingredient and for
polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs) of the bone marrow of C57BL rat, at doses inferior to half
the LD50 (1080 mg/Kg). In these studies the chromosome aberrations assay and micronucleus
test were used, which showed that this chemical compound did not induce significant
responses for any of the biological systems tested [129].
Martini et al. [123] studied the effects of the commercial formulation of glyphosate in the
proliferation, survival and differentiation of the 3T3-L1 fibroblasts (a mammal cell line), by the
cell viability test with Trypan, MTT test, enzymatic activity assay of caspase-3 and staining
assay with annexin-V and propidium iodide. The results showed that glyphosate inhibits the
cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in a dose-dependent way, besides decreasing signifi
cantly the ability of the fibroblasts to differentiate to adipocytes. These data suggest the
occurrence of important cell damages mediated by the action of this herbicide, indicating that
glyphosate presents a potential risk factor for human health and the environment.
Dallegrave et al. [130] evaluated the teratogenicity of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed in
Brazil as Roundup (36% of glyphosate and 18% of the surfactant polyoxyethyleneamine), to
females of Wistar rats. The females treated orally with three different doses of glyphosate (500,
750, 1000 mg/Kg) from the 6th to the 15th day of gestation. After performing caesarean sections
on day 21 of gestation, the number of corpora lutea, implantations, live and dead foetuses and
reabsorptions, as well as the external malformations and skeletal malformation were recorded
and analyzed. It was observed a mortality rate of 50% of the females treated with the highest
concentration of glyphosate; the authors verified that there was a dose-response relationship
directly proportional to the increase in the number of skeletal alterations found. These results
led the authors to conclude that the commercial formulation of glyphosate (Roundup) is toxic
for females of Wistar rats and is able to induce a delay in the fetal skeletal development of this
species. It is important to consider that the toxicity and teratogenicity observed can result from
both the action of glyphosate as well asthe surfactant present in the commercial formulation.
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
The oral administration of high doses of glyphosate (3500 mg/Kg) in Charles River COBS CD
rats, between the 6th to the 19th day of pregnancy, and in rabbits, between the 6th to the 27th day
of pregnancy, showed significant indices of maternal mortality for both species, as well as
increase in the number of foetuses with reduced ossification of sternebrae [131], proving the
toxicity and teratogenicity of this concentration of the herbicide for the organisms tested.
2.7. 2,4-D and glyphosate
Relyea [132] performed a study to observe the impact of two herbicides (glyphosate and 2,4D) in the biodiversity of aquatic communities containing algae and more 25 species of animals.
In this study the author observed that 2,4-D did not cause great impacts in the community and
this is in agreement with previous studies that showed that this substance presents high LC-50
for several species. However, glyphosate had great impact in the community, causing a
decrease of 22% of the species richness, while 2,4-D did not cause effects on this diversity. The
authors also observed that neither of the two herbicides caused reduction in the periphyton
2.8. Diquat
Reglone is a bypiridylium herbicide, whose active ingredient is diquat (1,1-ethylene -2,2ipyridyl dibromide), and of foliar application, used to eliminate weeds of different crops [133].
Reglone, in the concentrations tested (0.005, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1% of the active ingredient for
Crepis capillaris L.; 34.17 and 8.5 mg/Kg for mouse bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes PCEs), did not induce chromosome aberrations in any test system but promoted an increase
in the frequency of micronuclei in both plant cells and PCEs [129], and thus is considered a
potential mutagenic herbicide for these test organisms.
2.9. Pendimethalin
The herbicide Stomp 330, belongs to the dinitroanilines class, whose active ingredient is
pendimethalin [N-(1-ethylpropyl)-2,6-dinitro-3,4-xylidine], it is applied as a systematic
selective herbicide of the soil [133]. The responses of the two test systems for Stomp were very
different: the concentrations tested (0.005, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4% of the active ingredient for Crepis
capillaris L.; 122.2, 244.5 and 489 mg/Kg for rats - PCEs) did not cause significant increases in
the frequencies of chromosome aberrations in plant cells, but increased its incidence in rat cells,
moreover, it induced an increase in the frequency of micronuclei in both test systems. This
could be explained by the proven aneugenic effect of this herbicide, since all the concentrations
tested produced C-mitoses in the assays with PCEs [129].
2.10. Paraquat
Paraquat (1,1-dimethyl-4-4-bipyridium dichloride) is a non-selective herbicide with fast
action, widely used worldwide, mainly in the pre-harvest of cotton and potato and also to
control a broad spectrum of weeds [134, 135, 136]. According to Tortorelli et al. [134], paraquat
is able to modify the activity of several enzymes of fish, affecting the cardiac contraction and
opercular ventilation, effects that can alter the initial development of these organisms.
According to Tomita et al. [137], paraquat causes oxidative stress in different species of fish by
generating elevated levels of superoxide ion.
A study conducted by DSouza et al. [138] evaluated the toxicity of the herbicide paraquat for
germ cells of male Sprague-Dawley rats by dermal exposure to this chemical. The authors
verified that paraquat, even at low doses, significantly reduced the amount of spermatozoa,
increased the frequency of spermatozoa bearing abnormalities and the mortality rate of these
germ cells, as well as affected the mobility of the spermatozoa of the individuals studied,
showing that the herbicide is a cytotoxic and genotoxic agent for the germ cells of this organism.
Hanada [136], analyzing the karyotype of species of Rana ornativentris, after exposure for 6
hours to the herbicide paraquat at the concentrations of 10-8 to 10-6 M, showed that this
compound is able to induce genotoxic effects in this organism. The author observed that
paraquat promoted, in a dose-dependent manner, a significant increase in the quantity of
chromosome breaks in leukocytes of this test organism, suggesting that this species of anuran
is highly sensitive to the genotoxic action of the herbicide.
According to Bus et al. [139], the genotoxic action of paraquat may be associated with the
transference of a single electron of reduced oxygen to paraquat, forming superoxide ions. The
singlet oxygen can be formed from the superoxide ion and subsequently react with lipids to
form hydroperoxides and fatty acids. According to Tanaka and Amano [140], lipid peroxida
tion is responsible for the origin of several chromosome aberrations. Bauer Dial and Dial [141]
still affirm that the oxidative stress induced by paraquat may be related to the teratogenic
action of this compound to embryos and tadpoles of anurans.
Speit et al. [142] evaluated the genotoxic potential of the herbicide paraquat in Chinese hamster
V79 cells, by chromosome aberrations and comet assays. Using a modified protocol of the
comet assay with the modified protein FPG (formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase), a
repair enzyme that specifically nicks the DNA at sites of 8-oxo-guanines and formamidopyr
imidines, it was not possible to detect oxidative damages in the bases of DNA after treatment
with paraquat. Now, when the cells were treated directly on the slides, after lysis (i.e., after
the cell membrane barrier has been eliminated), a significant increase in the migration of DNA
was observed, only after treatment with high concentrations of the herbicide. Thus, the authors
verified that the herbicide induced chromosome aberrations but was not able to induce
relevant DNA lesions to promote mutations in the gene HPRT in cultured V79 cells.
Ribas et al. [135] assessed the cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potentials of different
concentrations of the herbicide paraquat (0, 1, 5, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 g/
mL), by the assays of SCE, chromosome aberrations and micronuclei, in lymphocytes main
tained in culture. The results showed that paraquat is an agent that induces cytotoxicity for
lymphocytes, since it promoted the reduction in the nuclear division rate in all the concentra
tions tested and a significant decrease in the cell proliferation rates, when the cells were
exposed to the highest concentration of the herbicide. In relation to the genotoxicity, the
herbicide induced a significant increase in the frequencies of SCE of the lymphocytes treated,
whose damage was not modified by co-treatment with the metabolic activation (S9 fraction of
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
rat liver), but the data on the chromosome aberrations and micronuclei assays were not
significant, which led the authors to conclude that paraquat is an inductor of primary damages
in the DNA, although they have not shown that it has a clastogenic action.
A study performed by Hoffman and Eastin [143] evaluated the embryotoxic and teratogenic
effects of two insecticides (lindane and toxaphene) and two herbicides (paraquat and 2,4,5-T),
by external treatment of eggs of mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos), using concentrations of
field application. The authors showed that paraquat was the most significantly embryotoxic
compound for this organism, independent of the type of vehicle in which the herbicide was
associated, besides proving that paraquat impaired the growth of the organisms and was
slightly teratogenic. The LC50 for this species was 1.5 Kg of the active ingredient/hectare in
aqueous emulsion and 1 lb/acre in oil vehicles. When the organisms treated with paraquat
were compared to the ones exposed to the herbicide 2,4,5-T, they presented little damages and
it was observed few individuals bearing severe defects.
studies, it was observed that, although the chloro-s-triazine herbicides interfere in the endo
crine responses of different species of mammals, their potential impact on humans seem to be
mainly related to reproduction and development and not with human carcinogenesis [155].
Gammon et al. [83] discussed the extensive list of epidemiological studies with the herbicide
atrazine, which describes that the carcinogenic potential of this compound to humans is not
conclusive, although some studies have indicated a relationship between a high risk of prostate
cancer and exposure to the herbicide.
Mladinic et al. [156] evaluated the genotoxic and mutagenic effects of low concentrations of
the herbicides glyphosate and terbuthylazine, considered safe and, therefore, considered
possible to occur in occupational and residential exposures (ADI Acceptable Daily Intake,
REL Residential Exposure Level, OEL Occupational Exposure Level, and 1/100 and 1/16
LD50 Lethal Dose 50% - oral, rat), in human lymphocytes, with and without the use of
metabolic activation (S9 fraction), by the FSH cytome assay, using pan-centromeric DNA
probes to assess the content of micronuclei and other chromatinic instabilities. The authors
verified that the frequencies of micronuclei, nuclear buds and nucleoplasmic bridges of cells
treated with glyphosate slightly increased after the concentration of OEL 3.5 g/mL, but no
concentration induced an increase of the centromeric signals (C+) or DAPI (DAPI+). Now, the
treatment with the herbicide terbuthylazine without metabolic activation showed a doseresponse increase in the frequency of micronuclei of the lymphocytes exposed, and the
significant data were from the concentration of 0.0008 g/mL (REL) tested. The concentrations
ADI (0.00058 g/mL), REL (0.0008 g/mL) and OEL (0.008 g/mL) of terbuthylazine induced
a significant occurrence of micronuclei hybridized with the centromeric probe (C+), regardless
the presence or absence of S9, and of nuclear buds containing centromeric signals, only in the
presence of S9. By the results obtained, it was suggested that the lowest concentrations of
glyphosate do not have relevant harmful effects for the DNA molecule, while terbuthylazine
presents a predominant aneugenic potential for the genetic material of human lymphocytes.
Terbuthylazine belongs to the chloro-s-triazine herbicides class, which inhibits the photosyn
thesis of weeds, by reaching the photosystem II. It is a chemical used for a variety of crops,
such as maize, sugarcane, olive and pineapple [157]. Since the banishment of atrazine in
European countries in 2006, terbuthylazine was recommended as its substitute. Due to the fact
that the herbicide terbuthylazine is suspect of causing diseases in humans, such as nonHodgkin lymphoma and lung cancer, Mladinic et al. [158] evaluated the effects of prolonged
exposure (14 days) to low concentrations of this compound (0.58 ng/ml and 8 ng/ml) in human
lymphocytes, using the comet assay and the comet-FISH assay (with the c-Myc and TP 53
genes). Treatment with terbuthylazine induced the migration of fragments of DNA in a
significant manner, only for the highest concentration treated. The results showed an impair
ment of the structural integrity of c-Myc and TP 53, due to the prolonged exposure of human
lymphocytes to terbuthylazine. The fact that several copies of TP53 were affected by the
herbicide can indicate its ability to negatively interfere in the control of the cell cycle. However,
the authors concluded that, for a more detailed assessment of the risk of cancer associated with
exposure to terbuthylazine, it should be evaluated the impact of this pesticide on other
housekeeping genes and markers.
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
Mladinic et al. [122] evaluated the genotoxic potential, by the comet assay and FISH, and
oxidative damages, by the TBARS lipid peroxidation, of different concentrations of glyphosate
(three similar to those observed in residential and occupational exposures and two related to
LC50) in human lymphocytes. The comet assay showed that the concentration of 580 g/mL
promoted a significant increase in the tail length, while the concentration of 92.8 g/mL caused
an increase in the tail intensity, both in relation to the control test. With the addition of the S9
fraction, the tail length was significantly increased for all the concentrations tested. When the
lymphocytes were exposed to the three highest concentrations without S9, there was an
increase in the frequency of micronuclei, nuclear buds and nucleoplasmic bridges. The
addition of a metabolic activation system only promoted a significant increase of the nuclear
instabilities for the highest concentration tested. The values of TBARS significantly increased
with the increase of the concentrations tested, regardless the presence or absence of the S9
fraction. Due to the fact that dose-dependent effects for all the assays used were not observed,
the authors concluded that these concentrations of glyphosate are not relevant for human
exposure, since they did not present a significant risk for human health.
According to Mladinic et al. [122], the increase in the number of crops genetically modified
used in assays and diagnosis of resistance to glyphosate, may be related to the fact that these
crops tolerate increasingly higher concentrations of the active ingredient necessary for an
effective control of weeds, which results from the introduction of increasing amounts of
glyphosate into the environment. Thus, some epidemiological studies have shown that human
exposure to glyphosate present in the environment is correlated to the development of diseases
such as the non-Hodgkin lymphoma [159, 160].
According to He et al. [161], paraquat, the second most widely used herbicide in the world, is
able to selectively accumulate in human lungs by causing oxidative injury and fibrosis, leading
several individuals to death. Chronic exposure to this herbicide is also associated with hepatic
lesions, kidney failure and Parkinsons disease [162, 163].
Studies carried out by He et al. [161] evaluated the toxicity of paraquat on BEAS-2B normal
cells (human bronchial epithelial cells), showing that it is dose-dependent and results in
mitochondrial damages, oxidative stress, death of lung cells exposed, as well as production of
cytokines, pro-fibrogenic growth factors and transformation of myofibroblasts. The authors
also proved that administration of resveratrol, a polyphenolic phytoalexin naturally produced
by several plants, to control bacteria and fungi, was able to inhibit the production of reactive
oxygen species, inflammations and fibrotic reactions induced by paraquat, by the activation
of the Nrf2 signaling (Nuclear Factor Erythroid-2), revealing a new molecular mechanism for
the intervention against oxidative damages and pulmonary fibrosis resulted from the action
of toxic chemical compounds.
The study on the influence of a complex mixture of herbicides (atrazine, 2,4-D, alachlor, ciazine
and malathion) in workers occupationally exposed to them, was carried out using cytogenetic
methods standardly established (chromosome aberrations and micronucleus assay) and the
comet assay technique. This assay showed a significant increase in the DNA migration
(P<0.001), suggesting that long-term exposure to the pesticides could cause damages in the
genome of somatic cells and, therefore, would represent a potential risk to human health [164].
4. Conclusion
The authors present in this manuscript the bioassays and the test-systems most commonly
used to evaluate the effects of herbicides and the test-organisms to best suit the assessments
of herbicide effects. In these considerations, the authors attempted to present the most sensitive
and efficient organisms capable of detecting environmental contamination resulting from the
action of these chemical agents. Additionally, we present in this paper the need to carry out
research aimed at more effective methods to prevent and/or reduce the deleterious effects of
such compounds on the environment, the biota potentially exposed, and especially to human
In this study it was addressed several studies that used different methodologies, which
evaluated the toxicity and action of herbicides on different non-target organisms, including
human species. The table below summarizes the main researches addressed in the text.
Erythrocytes of Nile
micronucleus test;
6.25, 12.5, 25
tilapia (Oreochromis
comet assay
hermaphroditism ( 0.1ppb)
200 ppb
induction of multinucleated,
2.7 Kg a.i./ha
aberration assay
toxicity assay
(Rana pipiens)
Sorghum vulgare
Human lymphocytes
Human lymphocytes
0.01, 1, 0.10
[85] Meisner et
aberration assay
al., 1992
aberration assay
aberration assay
1 ppm
[94] Meisner et
al., 1993
20 ppm
[85] Meisner et
al., 1992
aberrations at 20 ppm
aberration assay
20 ppm
Human lymphocytes
aberration assay
[94] Meisner et
al., 1993
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
Rat leukocytes
Erythrocytes of bullfrog
comet assay
comet assay
[89] Tennant et
al., 2001
[90] Clements et
308 mg/L
al., 1997
400 ppm
[91] Campos-
4.8 mg/L
Human lymphocytes
comet assay
Hepatocytes of Wistar
lipid peroxidation
assay; micronucleus
Pereira et al.,
5, 10, 15 g/L
[101] Zeljezic et
al., 2006
comet assay
comet assay
Human lymphocytes
comet assay
[102] Srivastava
aberration assay;
60 mg/L; V.
micronucleus test
70 mg/L
1 1000 g/
cells of Sprague-Dawley
SOS Chromotest
Marzin, 1997
Sprague-Dawley rats
embryotoxic and
[87] Wu et al.,
teratogenic tests
50, 200 mg /
testosterone, androstenedione,
kg / day
0.5, 5, 50 ppb
[104] Kligerman
Wistar rats
Human lymphocytes
and Cyanazine
Atrazine, Simazine
and Cyanazine
erythrocytes of the
chromatid exchanges
micronucleus test
[103] Kligerman
et al., 2000
0.003 g/mL,
0.018 g/
potential of cyanazine
0.003 g/mL,
et al., 1993
and Cyanazine
CHO cells
0.012 g/mL
Atrazine and
Green alga
S. obliquus: 0,
[20] He et al.,
Scenedesmus obliquus
0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8
(butachlor) and
0, 0.008, 0.016,
0.032, 0.064,
0.128 mg/L
(atrazine) / D.
carinata: 0, 1,
1.8, 3, 5, 8 mg/L
(butachlor) and
0, 7.5, 15, 30,
60, 120 mg/L
ranging from
(Fejervarya limnocharis)
aberration assay
0.025 to 3.2
Human leukocytes
micronucleus test;
150 g/mL
al., 2002
0.01, 0.1, 1 mM
[114] Suwalsky et
caudiverbera frog
toxicity assay
al., 1999
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
nerve stimulation due to inhibition of
the glandular chloride channel in
mucosa skin
toxicity assay
of fishes
400 mg/L
[115] Gmez et
al., 1998
CHO cells
cells of rats
2, 4, 6, 10
al., 2005
50,100, 200
[117] Madrigal-
Bujaidar et al.,
Frog Xenopus
teratogenic assay
catfish (Clarias
aberration assay;
micronucleus test
Butachlor: 1, 2,
Rainbow trout
[112] Martnez-
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
lipid peroxidation
Tabche et al.,
assay by
quantification of
0.055, 0.066,
0.083, 0.116,
0.133 mg/L
[116] Gonzlez et
245 mg/L
[119] Morgan et
al., 1996
Humanh lymphocytes
[118] Soloneski et
and erythrocytes
al., 2007
2,4-D; Triclopyr;
Rainbow trout
Diquat dibromide;
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
estrogenic assay
1.25 mg/L
exposed to 2,4-D
Geotrichum candidum,
microbial growth
1000, 10000
Cremoris; Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp.
[128] Relyea,
(Rana sylvatica or
acid equivalents
Sylvaticus lithobates),
[a.e.] /L of
leopard frog (Rana
Original MAX
(Bufo americanus or
Anaxyrus americanus)
Crepis capillaris:
[129] Dimitrov et
hawksbeard (Crepis
aberration assay;
al., 2006
capillaris L.);
micronucleus assay
the species
%; erythrocytes:
doses inferior to
erythrocytes of the
(1080 mg/Kg)
[130] Dallegrave
teratogenicity assay
et al., 2003
[122] Mladinic et
Human lymphocytes
lipid peroxidation
assay TBARS
Glyphosate adn
aquatic animals
[132] Relyea,
acid equivalents
[a.e.] /L of
Original MAX
Human lymphocytes
cytome FISH
0,0008, 0,008,
[156] Mladinic et
Toxicity of Herbicides: Impact on Aquatic and Soil Biota and Human Health
centromeric probe and nuclear buds
with centromeric signals in the
presence of S9 (0.008 ug/mL onward)
Human lymphocytes
[158] Mladinic et
0.58 ng/ml, 8
al., 2012
carbofuran: 8
ng/ml, 21.6
exposure to terbuthylazine
0.1-2.0 mg/L
[134] Tortorelli et
al., 1990
0.2-50 mM
cytotoxicity assay
Dawley rats
[137] Tomita et
al., 2007
0, 6, 15, 30
[138] DSouza et
al., 2006
10-6 M
[136] Hanada,
Leukocytes of Rana
cytogenetics assay
chromosome breaks
Human lymphocytes
aberration assay;
micronucleus test;
2000, 4000
0, 1, 5, 25, 50,
cytotoxicity assay,
(human bronchial
epithelial cells)
10 uM
He et al., 2012
300 ng/L, 3
Pacific oyster
toxicity assay
(Crassostrea gigas)
Roots of smooth
Crepis capillaris:
[129] Dimitrov et
hawksbeard (Crepis
aberration test;
0.005, 0.01,
al., 2006
capillaris L.);
micronucleus test
0.05, 0.1%;
erythrocytes of the
8.5, 34.17
Roots of smooth
Crepis capillaris:
[129] Dimitrov et
hawksbeard (Crepis
aberration test;
al., 2006
capillaris L.);
micronucleus test
erythrocytes of the
122.2, 244.5,
Silurana tropicalis
toxicity assay
mefenacet and
6.85-2.92 mM
Complex mixture of Workers exposed
Mixture of
[163] Garaj-
pesticides (atrazine,
aberration assay;
of the DNA
Vrhovac and
2,4-D, alachlor,
micronucleus test;
Zeljezic, 2002
ciazine and
comet assay
of pesticides
Table 2. List o the main researches carried out with several bioindicators to evaluate the toxicity of herbicides.
Author details
Maria Aparecida Marin-Morales*, Bruna de Campos Ventura-Camargo and
Mrcia Miyuki Hoshina
*Address all correspondence to: mamm@rc.unesp.br
Department of Biology, Institute of Biosciences, So Paulo State University (UNESP), SP,
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Chapter 17
1. Introduction
Pest resistance to control methods in general is not an isolated phenomenon but usually
expected and well demonstrated when any method is repeatedly applied over a long period
of time without being changed or modified in nature, structure, principals of application or
formulation. All pests that growers must control in agricultural land have the capacity to
become resistant to whatever tactic is used to control them [11]. It is usually expressed as a
gradual adaptation or "fitness" of some individuals or populations of the targeted pest or
organism to the frequently applied control methods and available conditions. This adaptation
may be physical, morphological or phenological, physiological, anatomical or biochemical or
could result from the interaction between any two or more of these. It may also be due to some
genetic changes as mutations occur on the key site at which a specific method operates. These
mutations are at least partially dominant and inherited. Traits are conferred by modifications
to single nuclear genes. This indicates that the rate of resistance evolution will be driven by
mutation, the intensity of selection, the dominance and relative fitness of mutations in presence
or absence of the herbicide and by dispersal of resistance alleles within and between weed
populations [28]. However, no proof that the herbicides cause the mutations leads to resistance
[37]. However, most often resistance is controlled by a single, dominant or semi-dominant
gene [38] although recessive genes control of herbicide resistant trait in natural weed popula
tions has been also implicated in resistance to dintroanaline, while wild populations exposed
to herbicide stresses for the first time may efficiently express herbicide-resistant genes.
Most weed modifications and adaptations, if not all, are advantageous to the pest, since allow
its escape on time and/or place and thus avoid external hazard or threat to its existence and
genetic line. Resistance therefore should not be confused with natural tolerance or low
2013 Qasem; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
resistance will be monogenic, resulting in a large change in the resistance phenotype. However,
when doses are lower and selection acts within the range of standing genetic variation,
polygenic responses will be possible and resistance will evolve by a gradual change in the
mean susceptibility of the population [28]. On the other hand, population of not or less adapted
individuals, decline in growth and number until greatly suppressed, limited and may become
extinct. Therefore, with continuous dependence on a single method of weed control, a weed
population is usually shifting toward better adapted species or individuals that cope well with
existing control measures and new conditions. Self-thinning of a weed population is continued
toward complete tolerance to employed control measures. Therefore, weeds adapted to
mowing tend to grow short, in a rosette form, creeping above the soil surface or show high
plasticity and softness of aerial parts and stems and become difficult to mow and also escape
hand weeding. Deep rooted weed species are difficult to pull out even by soil tillers. Seasonal
dormancy and shifts in the weed population in the growing season is well recognized for
certain weed species such as Senecio vulgaris [29; 37], while physiological adaptation of
Echinochloa crusi-galli and Cyperus rotundus to flooding conditions and the role of Alcohol
dehydroginase enzyme (Adh) in E. crusi-galli is well documented [5; 14]. Similar adaptations
of Cirsium arvense ecotypes to temperature variations [43] and Typha anguistifolia and Typha
latifolia genetic and clonal variations [27; 40] have also been reported. In this regard, it is
important to differentiate between tolerance and resistance of weeds to herbicides. Tolerance
is the inherited ability of a species to survive and reproduce after herbicide treatment; it refers
to the natural variability to herbicides and exists within individuals of a species and quickly
evolves. It usually refers to relatively minor or gradual differences in intraspecific variability.
Resistance is the inherited ability of a plant or a biotype to survive and reproduce following
exposure to a dose of herbicide that is normally lethal to wild type [16; 23; 30; 37]. Therefore,
it is a decreased response of a population of weed to herbicides as a result of their application.
However, both terms sometimes are misused or used interchangeably.
Tolerant weed species are less harmed by herbicides; they exhibit a certain degree of avoidance
or adaptation strategy that allows recovery and thus escape control measures. They may
respond by timing stomata closure or having sunken pores or stomata, thick waxy cutical on
upper leaf surface, encased growing points or some biochemical, physiological or anatomical
properties better developed by time until they become best fit and adapted to applied
herbicides and become thereafter resistant. This, however, leads to gradual but radical changes
in the weed population composition and distribution spectrum at which resistant individuals
or certain weed species increased and dominate and susceptible ones are reduced and replaced.
Adaptation or exclusion of the less tolerant species depends on performance of these by time.
Generally a weed population becomes rich in individuals and poor in species with the
continuous use of the same herbicide or different herbicides of similar mode/mechanism of
action. This shift does not however, reflect better competitiveness or higher regenerative ability
but most likely due to absence of sensitive highly competing species or forms that allow
resistant individuals to utilize more resources [9; 22].
In cultivated fields, associating weeds bear more resemblance to crop plants in morphology,
physiology and responses to control measures and other agricultural practices in general. They
mimic crops from sowing and germination until harvest. Since herbicides used on crop plants
are selective, weeds respond by exhibiting similar morphology, physiology and biochemistry
as crop plants to avoid hazards. However, weeds derived from crop plants as hybrids, crop
relatives or wild-weedy forms are better fit to such conditions than others. Weed-crop
associations also exist between weed species of different taxa from crop plants. In this case,
the longer the use of the same herbicide/s, the greater the close association between crops and
certain well performed weed species that later transfer into adapted weed races. Crop relative
weeds however, are of great potential to intra- and inter- gene exchange and efficient mating
system among themselves and with crops, thus become best adapted and more difficult to
becomes a real trouble. Its residual negative effects may not possible to overcome for a long
period after abandonment.
Sometimes partial effect or failure of the applied herbicide to control certain weed species or
individual weeds in the first application may be thought as due to wrong calibration, misap
plication, incomplete coverage treatment by a general herbicide or unsprayed gaps resulting
from low sprayer boom during spray, unfavorable weather conditions, improper timing of
herbicide application, and weed flushes after application of a non-resisted herbicide [16]. This
could be easily judged in the repeated application to these species or individuals. When the
herbicide failed to control these for the second time or at higher rates then resistance may be
underway. With continued use of the same herbicide for different times, resistant individuals
aggregate forming irregular patches while other weeds are controlled. A patch of uncontrolled
weeds starts spreading and healthy weeds are mixed with uncontrolled weeds of the same
species (Fig. 1).
Therefore irregularly shaped patches of a single weed species in the field are an indicator of
herbicide resistance, especially when:
There are no other apparent application problems.
Other weed species on the herbicide label are effectively controlled.
Field history indicates extensive use of the same herbicide or herbicides of the same
mechanism of action.
No or minimal herbicide symptoms appear on the single uncontrolled weed species.
There has been a previous failure to control the same species or population in the same field
with the same herbicide or with herbicides of the same site of action.
However, the rate at which a resistant weed population is selected depends on the number
and frequency of herbicide applications it receives, the size of the population and its genetic
diversity, and characteristics of the herbicide target site. Resistance buildup is accelerated
when the management of crops does not include different weed control methods that limit
herbicide use. In addition, this may be greatly enhanced in conservation or zero tillage because
weeds are not killed by mechanical disturbance and general herbicides.
ecotypes, genotypes, biotypes or phenotypes. Some of the basic differences in the definitions of
pest resistance depend on these terms. The basic unit of plant classifications is the species that
is defined as a group of individuals displaying common characteristics and having the ability
to mate and produce fully viable progeny. A species usually consists of several to many
populations. A population is a group of organisms within a species that co-exist in time and
space [35; 36] and share a distinct range of genetic variations. While a genotype is the sum of the
genetic coding or the genome of an individual, a biotype may not be coincident with genotype
as an individual has many genes. Certain genes may be expressed or unexpressed and not pertain
to the phenotype associated with the biotype. A biotype is a phenotype that consistently expresses
or exhibits a specific trait or set of traits; it represents a group of individuals or a population
within a species with a distinctive genetic variation of biochemical or morphological traits.
Phenotype refers to the physiological and morphological profile of the expressed gene in an
individual [42]. A single genotype can produce different phenotypes in response to environmen
tal conditions and the fundamental properties of organisms are known as phenotypic plastici
ty. The epigenetic change is thus reflecting the alteration of phenotype (morphological or
biochemical) without change in either the coding sequence of a gene or the upstream promot
er region. Therefore biotypes within the same species may be developed due to this interac
tion. On the other hand, ecotype is a population within a species that has developed distinctive
morphological or physiological characters (herbicide resistance) in response to a specific
environment and persists when individuals are moved to a different environment. Ecotypes are
of different germination and growth optima for the same environmental factor and pheno
types may be emerged and observed in weed populations. These alter their morphological
features in response to certain prevailing environmental conditions which aim at protection of
their individuals against unfavorable ecological stresses. Somatic polymorphism of certain weed
species is well recognized and expressed as seed polymorphism of different morphological or
physiological requirements for germination on different parts of the same weed individual.
These however, are somatic rather than genetically based differences.
Figure 1. Three resistant weed species (a, b, c) to glyphosate herbicide at different growth stages and spray times. (a).
Conyza canadensis resistant to glyphosate until harvest stage of wheat. Source http://www.sciencephoto.com/
media/ courtesy of the Montana State University (b). A field infested by suspected glyphosate- resistant Kochia, after
the field was sprayed with three applications of glyphosate. Photo181407/enlarge Southern Agricultural Research
Center. By Dillon Tabish, 08-11-12.Available at: http://www.flatheadbeacon.com/articles/article/scientists_discov
er_possible_herbicide_resistant_weed_in_montana/29184 (c). Palmir Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) resistance to
glyphosate in corn at early growth. Source: E. Larson, April 21st, 2011.Availableat:http:// www.mississippi-crops.com/
2011/04/21/how -to-deal-with-glyphosate-resistance-and- weed-issues-in-corn/.
are of a high genetic plasticity allowing their individuals to adapt to extensive herbicide
applications and thus resist chemical treatments. Crop-weed crossed forms can easily ex
change genes with crop plants as well as with weedy relatives and therefore are becoming
troublesome weeds in fields with genetically modified crops.
gene flow, serves as a mechanism to maintain the biological diversity that helps to ensure longterm survival of populations and species in various environments.
Gene flow is a critical determinant of population genetic structure, playing an important role
in both evolutionary and applied plant population genetics [12]. It is also known as migration
[13] or admixture [1] and can be defined as the movement of genes between populations of a
species and between these populations and inter-fertile relatives [39; 41], conferring new traits,
the biophysical characteristics of the organism to individuals of the recipient population [34].
Gene flow could occur through dispersal of pollen (via outcrossing between sexually compat
ible individuals within or among populations) or seeds (via seed dispersal), or vegetative parts
capable of clonal propagation [34; 41]. Pollen dispersal is the typical method for such exchange
of genetic information [15] and pollinating visitors or other agents including wind, animal,
water current and other factors could play a significant role in this issue. This happens by crosspollination (hybridization), that is, the pollination of members of one population or genetic
pool with that of another [34]. These are natural and ordinary phenomena that occur in
conventional as well as genetically modified crops.
Movement of pollen away from its site of production can result in true gene flow only if (1)
the pollen first effects fertilization to form seeds, and (2) seeds germinate, produce plants that
express the gene (i.e., are not silen8ced), and are able to reproduce [15]. Gene flow can be from
crop to crop or landrace, from crop to wild relative, and even from wild relative to crop plant
[34]. Spread of this phenomenon would lead to radical changes in vegetation composition and
weed ecological distribution and their economic significance.
However, two types of gene flow are known; horizontal and vertical. Stewart [39] showed that
horizontal gene flow is the movement of genes between disparate, unrelated species, such as
between plants and microbes while horizontal gene flow is more theoretic.
Among the worlds 180 most damaging weeds, however, cause 90% of all crop losses, only
five groups (related weeds of rice, sorghum, rape seed, sugarcane, and oats) are sexually
compatible with the most important crops (Table 1). This fact emphasizes that the number of
weed-crop crosses likely to lead to extremely troublesome or unmanageable problems is small.
Weed crosses with herbicide-tolerant biotech crops are likely to be favored in some agricultural
fields where the herbicide is used. In areas where little or no herbicide is applied (e.g., native
lands), the weedbiotech crop crosses will not be favored [15]. Self-pollinating crops are
considered of low risk in terms of gene flow to weeds. Roundup Ready, Clearfield, or Liberty
Link canola, in contrast, could pollinate nearby herbicide-susceptible canola as well as weedy
canola relatives, resulting in volunteer canola plants and weeds that may be resistant to several
herbicide families [38]. However, several pieces of evidence clearly show an escape of weedy
transgene from fields via seed flow and this escape occurs via man-mediated long-distance
dispersal events [4]. Other results revealed that development of weed resistance via selection
pressure from repeated herbicide applications in herbicide resistant crops (in the absence of
gene flow), often poses greater risks than that from gene flow to related weed species [15].
Scientific Name
Triticum aestivum
Triticum durum
Aegilops cylindrical
A. tauschii
A. triumcialis
Agropyron spp
Oryza sativa
O. sativa
Oryza glaberrima
O. glaberrima
O. barthii
O. longistaminata
O. rufipogon
O. punctata
Zea mays
Glycine max
G. soya
Hordeum vulgare
H. spontaneum
Sorghum bicolor
S. bicolor
S. almum
S. halepense
S. propinguum
S. sudanense
Helianthus annus
Helianthus annus
In this regard, biotech crops conferring stress tolerance (e.g., to water deficits, diseases, insects,
salt stress, or nutritional deficiencies) may need more scrutiny because their crosses with
weedy relatives may impart selective advantages in both agricultural and nonagricultural
areas. Thus, some traits obtained from biotech crops could theoretically facilitate development
into problematic weedy or wild species [15].
The economic consequences due to gene flow from biotech crops will primarily impact the
agricultural fields in which those crops are grown, but potentially could impact natural areas
given the proper rare combination of sexually compatible relatives, favorable environment,
and reproductive/fitness advantages. As an example, rice grown in tropical countries may be
relatively more prone to such processes because of the substantial populations of its wild/
weedy relatives that grow naturally in or adjacent to the rice-producing areas [8; 26].
Crop-wild hybridization may also create genotypes with the potential to displace parental taxa
in new environments [7]. However, the most important variable affecting gene flow is the
degree of relatedness and distance between the crop and the weed, because gene flow is only
possible if close relatives are growing near the crop. As a result the possibility of gene flow
depends mainly on presence of wild or weedy relatives [11]. Transgene (s) transfer may have
unpredictable and out of control ecological impacts under intensive cultivation of biotech
crops [25]. While different crops can exchange genes with wild relatives, gene escape to wild
or weedy relatives and its ecological impacts are outrated. The ecological consequences of gene
flow however, depends on the amount of transgenes moved out to a wild population and the
genetically modified traits and whether they have an evolutionary advantage under natural
selection pressure or not and if enhanced fitness of wild and weedy relatives then the transgene
followed by gene flow would persist and spread rapidly in the population of wild relatives
through introgression, invade a new area and outcompete other individuals under natural
conditions [24]. Weeds receiving transgenes will continue to evolve when exposed to selection
pressure and it becomes nearly impossible to move them out from the environments if they
can persist and spread in the populations.
the same crop. This however, does not lessen the serious concerns about possible consequences
of the escape of transgenes into the environment [41]. Examples of the risks mentioned in the
context of gene flow from genetically modified plants are: i) new emerged weeds resulting
from an escape by the crop itself; ii) super weeds resulted by hybridization of a (wild/weedy)
species with the transgenic crop; iii) genetic erosion (loss of original diversity of wild relatives).
To date, all instances of weeds becoming resistant have resulted from the weed evolving its
own biochemical mechanism and not by acquiring genes for resistance from the crop. How
ever, in some cases it would be possible for the herbicide resistance gene to flow from the crop
to the weed [11].
Possible consequences of hybridization and introgression depend on the plant, gene, trait, and
ecological factors [39]. In the case where transgenes might be introgressed into "weedy wild
relatives", there are concerns about exacerbating "weediness" traits or even the disruption of
natural ecosystems. Therefore, to assess the risk of gene flow it needs to be examined not only
the probability of genes moving between plants, but how possible is it for the new plants to
survive [39].
In general, people ideally would like to minimize or prevent gene flow from transgenic
organisms to weedy wild relatives or to places where extensive crop breeding takes place [39].
Three approaches to gene flow mitigation are possible [3].The first is by keeping the genetic
modification out of the pollen, preventing the formation of pollen, and keeping the pollen
inside the flower. It requires transplastomic plants hence the modified DNA is not situated in
the cell's nucleus but is present in plastids, which are cellular compartments outside the
nucleus. The second approach relies on male sterile plants unable to produce functioning
flowers and therefore cannot release viable pollen. Cytoplasmic male sterile plants are known
to produce higher yields. The third approach works by preventing the flowers from opening
cleistogamy that occurs naturally in some plants. Cleistogamous plants produce flowers
which either open only partly or not at all.
However, herbicide-resistant genes have no ecological significance in places where the
corresponding herbicide is not used. When paired with a gene that might have an effect in a
natural ecosystem, there is a potential problem with gene flow. Repeated application of the
herbicide (especially general herbicides) would select for and protect crosses and backcrosses,
increasing the possibility of successful gene flow to wild, related species [10].
properties between crops or other desirable plants and weeds can determine the selectivi
ty pattern of some herbicides. Annual weeds in a perennial crop, meadow, or pasture
usually can be controlled by herbicides because of their different root distribution and
structure compared to those of perennial plants. For example, perennial crops such as
alfalfa can recover from moderate contact herbicide injury to foliage whereas annual weeds,
because of their small size and shallow root system, will be killed by the same herbicide
The meristematic regions of most grasses, such as cereal crops and grassy weeds, are located
at the base of the plant or even below the soil surface. The growing points are protected from
herbicide exposure by the foliage or soil that surrounds them. Thus, herbicide that contacts
only foliage may injure some leaves but will not typically impair the ability of the plant to
grow. In contrast, most dicot plants have their meristems exposed at shoot tips and leaf axils.
For this reason, these plants are more susceptible than grasses to foliage-applied herbicides,
especially of contact action.
Leaf properties of some plants can impart selectivity to certain herbicides, while other plants
are effectively controlled. Spray droplets do not adhere well to the surfaces of narrow, upright,
waxy leaves that characterize many monocot plants like cereals, onion, and most grasses. Thus,
spray droplets do not adequately cover such leaves following herbicide application and the
effect of the herbicide is reduced. In contrast, dicot plants have relatively wide leaves that are
usually horizontal to the main stem. Leaves of dicot plants, therefore, intercept more spray
solution than leaves of grasses and spray droplets spread more evenly over dicot foliage.
Herbicide effectiveness is best when spray interception and coverage are greatest and with use
of surfactants. However, ecological factors and geographical regions under which weeds are
growing have significant influence on herbicide selectivity and rates of applications since they
affect or modify weeds morphology and internal anatomy.
9.4. Physiological and biochemical processes
Plant physiology influences herbicide passage after its application. This process is called
"absorption". The extent of herbicide movement in a plant- "translocation"- after it has been
absorbed is also a physiological process. Both absorption and translocation are important
processes governing herbicide activity and vary markedly among plant species. Generally,
plant species that readily absorb and translocate herbicides are most easily killed.
Biochemical and biophysical processes are also important plant factors determining herbicide
selectivity. Herbicide adsorption can be responsible for differential herbicide susceptibility
among plant species. During this process an herbicide is bound so tightly by cellular constit
uents (usually cell walls) that it cannot be translocated readily and thus is inactivated.
Membrane stability is another biochemical/biophysical process that results in herbicide
selectivity among plants. In this case, the cell membranes of tolerant plants can withstand the
disruptive action of the herbicide. The ability of carrot to withstand the toxicity of certain oils
is an example of this form of herbicide selectivity.
conditions, escape control operations and lead to dominance of well adapted species or
highest number of weed resistant species and biotypes came from the USA (141), Australia
(61) and Canada (58). Most numbers of resistant species belong to the families Poaceae,
Asteraceae and Amaranthaceae and most frequently mentioned are genera of Amaranthus (30
times and 11 species), Echinochloa (23 times and 6 species), Lolium (20 times and 4 species),
Alopecurus (12 times and 3 species), Avena (11 times and 3 species), Bromus (11 times and 5
species), Conyza (10 times and 3 species), Setaria (9 times and 5 species), Poa (8 times and one
species), Ambrosia (7 times and 2 species), Digitaria (6 times and 4 species), Phalaris (6 times
and 3 species), Hordeum (5 times and 2 species) and Sorghum (6 times and 3 species). Most are
of the grass family usually exhibiting distinct morphological features allowing wide dispersal
and escape of herbicide treatment such as encased growing points, vertical leaf arrangement
and thick waxy cuticle that reduce herbicide penetration and lead to herbicide droplets
bouncing off leaves. Other genera reported are characterized by their prolific seed production
and/ or seed polymorphism. All above mentioned genera however, showed multiple resistance
to different herbicides groups. Most resisted are herbicides widely and repeatedly used
including: glyphosate, paraquat, atrazine and 2,4-D and others used in fields cultivated by
genetically modified crops. Some recently developed herbicides are also resisted including
chlorsulfuron and sufonylurea group. This phenomenon demonstrates that the herbicide
industry and development is far behind weed evolution. On the other hand, weed species and
biotypes showing multiple resistance are most common and some are among the worlds worst
weeds [19] including: Amaranthus spp., Echinochloa spp., Avena spp. and Chenopodium album
characterized by their polymorphic seed production and phenotypic plasticity. This reflects a
great ability to maintain and exhibit high plasticity and possess various mechanisms of
herbicide resistance.
The precise molecular mechanism of resistance varies with different plants, but in general
plants resist herbicides in one of the following ways:
Avoiding the herbicide by not absorbing it or, if absorbed, the weed compartmentalizing it
away from its target site.
Reducing the uptake or herbicide uptake is not enough to injure the weed or reach lethal
Changing the structure of the target site of the herbicide so the plant is no longer sensitive
Reduce herbicide translocation to the key site or binding it into certain plant constituent
Sequestration by complete physical removal of the herbicide from the key site
Target site mutation and changes in structure lead to insensitive plants and failure herbicide
Deactivating the herbicide by chemical alteration or herbicide metabolism before reaching
target site
However, resistance mechanisms through which different weed species resist herbicide
treatments are many and varied but most are physio-chemically based (Table 2).
Herbicide Group
Site of Action
HRAC Group
ALS inhibitors
synthase AHAS)
Photosystem II inhibitors
ACCase inhibitors
Synthetic Auxins
Photosystem-I-electron diversion
PPO inhibitors
Nitriles and others
Carotenoid biosynthesis
Arylaminopropionic acids
4-HPPD inhibitors
dioxygenase (4-HPPD)
Mitosis inhibitors
Cellulose inhibitors
Because weeds contain a tremendous amount of genetic variation that allows them to survive
under a variety of environmental conditions, the development of a resistant species is brought
about through selection pressure imposed by the continuous use of an herbicide or herbicides
of similar mechanism of action. Long residual pre-emergence herbicides or repeated applica
tion of post-emergence herbicides will further increase selection pressure.
Factors in general that can lead to or accelerate the development of herbicide resistance include
weed characteristics, chemical properties and cultural practices.
Weed characteristics conducive to rapid development of resistance to a particular herbicide
Weeds having short life cycles (annuals).
High seed production.
Level of selection pressure imposed by the herbicide
Relatively rapid turnover of the seed bank due to high percentage of seed germination each
year (i.e., little seed dormancy).
Several reproductive generations per growing season.
Extreme susceptibility to a particular herbicide.
One weed which would normally be controlled but not controlled while others were
High frequency of resistant gene (s).
Herbicide characteristics which lead to rapid development of herbicide resistance in weed
biotypes include:
A single site of action of the same herbicide continuously is used.
Broad spectrum of weed control.
Long residual activity in the soil.
Cultural practices can also increase the selection pressure for the development of herbicideresistant biotypes. In general, complete reliance on herbicides for weed control can greatly
enhance the occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds. Other factors include:
Shift from crop rotations towards mono cropping.
Little cultivation or zero tillage for weed control or no elimination of weeds that escape
herbicide control.
Continuous or repeated use of a single herbicide or several herbicides that have the same
mechanism of action.
High herbicide use rate relative to the amount needed for weed control.
Complete weed control
of how well particular herbicides have controlled them. Farmers should check for weedy
patches in patterns consistent with application problems and hand-weeding these patches.
Always weed free crop seeds should be used that greatly minimize introduction seeds of
herbicide-resistant biotypes.
Implementation of integrated weed management. This is important for effective control of
all weeds including herbicide-resistance.
Monitoring fields for weed escapes for resistant and susceptible biotypes. A resistance
problem may not become visible until 30 percent or more of the weed population is no longer
controlled. Check to see if the escapes are of one species or a mixture of species. lf a mixture,
the problem is more likely related to the environment or the herbicide application. If only
one species was not controlled, the problem is likely to be resistance, especially if the species
was controlled by the herbicide in the past and if the same herbicide has been used repeat
edly in the field.
Implementation of prevention methods of weed control. All measures aimed at prevention
of weed introduction to fields and their dispersal should be strictly followed including
governmental quarantine regulations.
Alternating spring and winter crops, thus tillage and herbicides are used at different times
in the different crops. Weed biotypes that survive in one crop could be killed in the other.
Changing herbicide program, if weed resistance occurs, herbicides with other sites of action
and other weed management practices must be used in an integrated management strategy.
However, weed management strategies that discourage the evolution of herbicide resistance
should include the following:
Use herbicide only when necessary and where possible herbicide application should be
based on economic threshold.
Apply herbicides in tank mixed, pre-packed, or sequential mixtures of multiple site of
Never use unregistered mixtures, follow label recommendation at all times
Regularly monitor your crops so that resistant patches can be observed in time to be
controlled with, for instance, spot spraying.
Apply the herbicide at the correct leaf stage of the weed and the crop.
Calibrate sprayer correctly before using herbicides
Planting new herbicide-resistant crop varieties should not result in more than two
consecutive applications of herbicides with the same site of action against the same weed
unless other effective control practices are also included in the management system.
Respond quickly to changes in weed populations to restrict spread of weeds that may
have been selected for resistance.
Encourage railroads, public utilities, highway departments and similar organizations that
use total vegetation control programs and vegetation management systems that do not
lead to selection of herbicide resistant weeds. Resistant weeds from total vegetation
control areas frequently spread to cropland. Chemical companies, governmental agen
cies, and farm organizations can all help in this effort.
To keep herbicide-resistant weeds under control, the following strategies should be also
incorporated into a weed management plan:
Clean tillage and harvest equipments before moved from infested to clean fields from
weed resistant species.
Total weed control in uncultivated places or sites
Close cultivation
Monitor hand weeding to insure more than 90% removal of weeds in the crop row.
Prevention of weed seed spread through:
Use of clean equipment.
Enter the field with resistant plants last.
Use a power washer or compressed air to remove seeds.
Recognizing patterns of weed escapes typical of resistant plants
Watch for small weed patches that appear in the same place in the next crop.
Watch for weed patches that do not have a regular shape that would indicate an herbicide
application problem.
Herbicide resistance however, provides a basic understanding of the genetic basis of weedi
ness, while the development of weed genomics would provide three predictable and useful
outcomes. The first is the identification of genes that could improve crop yields. The second
is to improve our understanding of the evolution of herbicide resistance and the to aid in the
identification of novel herbicide targets. Currently, there is little (if any) solid predictive
capability of why some weeds develop resistance and others do not. Third, our understanding
of weed biology would be exponentially expanded [6].
Research has recently been performed to assess the ability to cripple the effect of transgenes.
The goal here is for the transgenic effect to not be as strong if it went to a wild relative. In one
case, the genetic background of the crop weakened the weedy relative. In another case, the
weakness was built into the genetic construct, called transgenic mitigation, in which an herbi
cide-resistant gene was paired with a dwarfing gene. In either case, transgenic weeds were
less competitive than their non-transgenic parent weeds [39].
15. Conclusion
Weeds either leave (disappear), adapt, tolerate or resist any unfavorable environmental
conditions that influence their normal growth and life strategies. Herbicide resistance is a
complex phenomenon resulting from altered herbicide target enzyme, enhanced herbicide
metabolism or reduced herbicide absorption and/or translocation. It is a survival strategy
through which many successful weed species and/or biotypes counteract or escape chemical
hazards. Weeds expressing this phenomenon have developed some morpho- (behaviorist),
physio-, and/ or biochemical mechanism/s allowing existence. However, two theories are
mainly considered: the mutation and the natural selection [17]. Colonizers, as well as some
specialist weeds of high seed production and polymorphic characteristics, have rapid re
sponses to prevailing environmental conditions and high ability to express herbicide-resistant
genes and exhibit wide ecological variations [28]. This phenomenon is well documented in
agricultural as well as other disturbed habitats while the list of weed resistant species gets
longer with continued dependence on herbicides for weed control. From the information
presented in this chapter, it is clearly demonstrated that herbicide resistance in weeds is far
exceeding herbicide technology and industry. Most problematic weed species are genetically
related to major food crops including wheat, rice and maize. This may pose another danger
for the genetic industry and genetically engineered crops of wild relatives. Away from weed
biology and resistance control, methods of weed control must be integrated and continuously
rotated for effective weed control and prevention of weed resistance. This however, may not
be achieved in absence of information and field data and well managed weed control strategies,
considering all the factors that influence weed life and development.
Author details
Jamal R. Qasem
Address all correspondence to: jrqasem@ju.edu.jo
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
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Chapter 18
1. Introduction
During the last decades, human activity has affected the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
sustainability. None of these activities has damaged the environment as severely as agricul
tural practices.
Current agricultural practices have negatively affected aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems by
destroying habitats, deforesting to increase cropping areas and applying pesticides.
Pesticides are a heterogeneous category of chemical products destined to pest, disease and
weed control including several types, such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides
and others.
Nowadays, such chemical product applications have been considered the most efficient
plant protection procedures and have significantly contributed to the improvement of crop
Nevertheless, the claimed objective of supplying the population with enough food does not
justify damaging the environment, just because small quantities of pesticides are known to
efficiently control pests, diseases and weeds. However, most of them are rapidly spread out
affecting all living beings (flora and fauna, including humans).
The use of chemical molecules in agriculture increased after the Second World War with the
advent of DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane). DDT was discovered in 1939 by Paul
Mller (Swiss entomologist) and its worldwide use was rapidly expanded due to its large
2013 Tornisielo et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
action range, low cost and efficiency in the control of tropical disease vectors, such as typhoid
fever and malaria [1].
After the release of DDT, a large range of molecule groups destined to crop protection were
developed and commercialized. In 1962, the book Silent Spring was the first act of environ
ment manifest against DDT, describing the bird population decrease (from the top of the food
chain) attributed to its indiscriminate use.
After the 1960s, the use of chemical products in agriculture rapidly increased and it was
associated with the appearance of environmental and human health problems.
The frequent and incorrect use of pesticides have caused soil, atmosphere, food and water
resource (superficial/underwater) contaminations, negatively affecting aquatic and terrestrial
organisms as well as frequently causing toxicity to the human population.
Therefore, studies are urgently needed to make environmental monitoring procedures viable
in order to detect potential contamination risks and give support to public actions for envi
ronmental safety and agriculture sustainability.
Currently, product mixtures (associations between one or more molecules) are applied in
agriculture instead of individual molecules; therefore, previous studies that focused on only
one molecule should now consider molecule mixtures.
The existence of such a large variety of pests, diseases and weeds affecting yields have led
farmers to use product mixtures, aiming at efficiently managing crop protection. Such
mixtures, also called product associations, enter the environment in a different way compared
to the individual product application. Thus, more studies are required about these mixtureenvironment interactions and possible interactions between molecules and consequent
interferences in the environment.
Although mixtures have been intensively studied concerning their agronomic efficacy, little
information is found about their implications on environmental safety.
In this chapter, the tank mixture subject is approached from an environmental point of view,
explaining the chemical product mixture interactions and the possible contaminant effects.
Studies on the product-environment interactions are presented to provide the main available
information as support to future studies and decisions in environmental sustainability and
possibly providing a larger pest control range and efficacy, when compared to the single
product application. For these reasons, this technique is preferred by farmers [3].
Nevertheless, the herbicide mixture might induce, for instance, interactions before or after
reaching the target-plant, by altering the product action in synergistic, antagonistic or additive
ways. One common practice is the simultaneous application of herbicides with and without
residual effect in order to increase the weed species control range and/or the control period.
Another practice is the addition of adjuvants to improve herbicide performance to control
weeds. The simultaneous application of pesticides (concerning the species-target to be
controlled) might induce undesirable (antagonistic, synergistic or additive) reactions, depend
ing on the herbicide type and plant species [4]. When the mixture induces an antagonistic
reaction, it means that a lower weed control action than expected is observed. When the
mixture induces a synergistic reaction, it means that a higher weed control than expected is
observed. And, finally, when the mixture induces an additive reaction, it means that no change
in weed control is observed.
Several studies have elucidated the questions about synergistic and antagonistic effects of
active ingredient mixtures on weed control, for instance, the studies with glyphosate reported
by Vidal et al. [4], Shaw and Arnold [3], Selleck and Baird [5].
The application of pesticides plus adjuvants has also been a usual practice. The adjuvant
enhances the active ingredient action [6]. In other words, the adjuvant substance induces the
herbicide molecule uptake by leaf tissues, by accelerating the product penetration through
plant cuticles. The most common types are the biosurfactants, mineral or vegetal oils, synthetic
or natural polymers, humectants, organic salts, buffer solutions, and others [7].
The tank mixture practice or different individual pesticide applications at short intervals might
result in multiple pesticide residues on foods, as observed by Gebara et al. [8], when monitoring
food samples in So Paulo metropolis, Brazil, during the period between 1994 and 2001. The
authors found multiple pesticide residues in 5.8% of vegetable samples analyzed and 11.4%
of fruit samples.
Gebara et al. [9] alerted for the violation risk of the Theoretical Maximum Dietary Intake
(TMDI), which is calculated by the relationship between the Limit of Maximum Residues
(LMR, mg kg-1) established for a pesticide in a food and the daily consumption (DC, kg day-1),
based on the individual diet. The presence of multiple pesticide residues in foods due to the
use of tank mixtures, might lead to the extrapolation of toxicological parameters for the
acceptable daily intake (ADI), mainly for children and nursing women.
Ke-Bin et al. [13] observed that atrazine and bentazon herbicides showed longer lag-phase and
lower degradation rate when applied in tank mixture in a maize crop. Therefore, the associa
tion of atrazine-bentazon had longer soil persistence which means that higher environmental
potential contamination risks might be expected.
The effect of glyphosate on atrazine degradation was studied by Krutz et al. [14] in a silt clayey
soil (pH 8.3 and 10.6 g kg-1 of organic-C) from the Texas region in USA. Atrazine degradation
was inversely related to glyphosate rate and microbial activity during an eight-day period,
evidencing that glyphosate enhanced microbial activity and inhibited atrazine degradation.
The authors discussed that atrazine degradation, when in association, is mainly a microbial
mechanism, and the degradation reduction might be explained by a lower enzymatic activity
and/or by microbial population suppression by glyphosate.
Similar results were reported by Haney et al. [15] for the same soil type, demonstrating the
atrazine and glyphosate effects on soil microbial activity evaluated through the soil carbon (C)
and nitrogen (N) mineralization. Soil plots treated with the herbicide mixture showed higher
microbial activity than plots treated with single atrazine. The evaluated soil C and N flows
allowed understanding of the microbial preference for glyphosate because this herbicides
complete mineralization occurred in 14 days, followed by fast atrazine degradation.
Zablotowicz et al. [16] studied the effects of glufosinate (herbicide), ammonium sulfate
(fertilizer) and both products in mixture on atrazine mineralization. The authors observed
decreased atrazine mineralization when the product mixture was applied. The authors
explained that an alteration in 14C-atrazine molecule partition into its metabolites and residues
would occur caused by ammonium sulfate that would restrict the triazine ring cleavage. Such
results evidenced that the application of glufosinate combined to a mineral N source might
increase soil atrazine persistence, increasing its residual effect.
Lancaster et al. [17] observed that glyphosate increased soil C mineralization and fluometuron
microbial degradation. The authors suggested that the increasing C mineralization might be
related to the increasing fluometuron degradation or to a priming glyphosate effect.
Concerning the glyphosate and diflufenican association, Tejada [18] observed longer degra
dation periods for both herbicides in mixture than for the individual molecules. Furthermore,
the glyphosate-diflufenican association increased both herbicide toxicities to the soil biological
activity (measured by the microbial C biomass and enzyme activities - dehydrogenase, urease,
-glycosidase, phosphatase and arylsulfatase) and the individual herbicide persistence.
Pereira et al. [19] evaluated the application of isolated glyphosate and associated to endosulfan
on the soil microbial activity in soybeans and observed reduced microbial activity and biomass,
and also, reduced metabolic quotient.
In genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant maize cultivars, it is possible to mix glyphosate
and atrazine. In the USA, there are a number of commercially available associations, among
them, glufosinate or glyphosate mixed with atrazine [20]. Bonfleur et al. [21] observed that
glyphosate mineralization was not affected by atrazine presence in a tropical soil. However,
increased atrazine mineralization (measured by the 14CO2 release) was observed with increas
ing glyphosate rates. The authors observed a 100-day variation in the atrazine half-life when
associated with a two-fold glyphosate rate. Therefore, the glyphosate-atrazine tank mixture
allowed atrazine persistence reduction in the soil. The authors said that a possible explanation
is the glyphosate contribution to the microorganisms as source of N, and this N supply might
decrease the initial atrazine immobilization when this is the only substrate, and then, increas
ing its mineralization.
Fogg and Boxall [22] observed inhibitory effects of an isoproturon-chlorothalonil mixture on
the isoproturon degradation in soils. Isoproturon half-life (DT50) values varied from 18.5 to
71.5 days when combined with chlorothalonil. This might be explained by the TPN-OH
chlorothalonil metabolite inhibition and the reduction in the soil microorganism population
involved in isoproturon degradation.
The soil degradation of pendimethalin (herbicide) was significantly reduced when mixed with
mancozeb (fungicide) or mancozeb+thiamethoxam (insecticide) [23]. Pendimethalin herbicide
half-life increased from 26.9 to 62.2 days when in single and combined (mancozeb + thiame
thoxam) applications, respectively, in a sandy soil. On the other hand, the same authors
observed that pendimethalin degradation is not affected by the presence of isolated metribuzin
or thiamethoxam.
Several studies have pointed out the adjuvant influence on pesticide destiny in the environ
ment, specifically their persistence and bioavailability. Cabrera [24], in laboratory studies,
affirmed that metazachlor herbicide added to oil and surfactant showed reduced degradation
rates and increased residues in the soil. Similar results to other pesticides were reported by
Kucharski and Sadowski [25] and Rodrguez-Cruz et al. [26]. In a field experiment, Kucharski
et al. [27] observed a 43% increase in lenacil herbicide residues in the superficial soil layer, with
the addition of adjuvants (oil and surfactant).
High mobility pesticides used together with adjuvants present decreased movement along the
soil profile. Reddy and Singh [28] evaluated bromacil and diuron herbicides lixiviation in soil
columns. In treatments with adjuvant addition, the authors observed significant lower
bromacil vertical movement and no effect on diuron movement. These two herbicides present
distinct physical-chemical characteristics that explain their differential movement abilities in
the soil. Thus, bromacil is an acidic molecule with high water solubility (815 mg L-1); meanwhile
diuron is a non-ionic herbicide of low water solubility (42 mg L-1). From the environmental
point of view, the adjuvant effect was positive in the case of bromacil, but the agronomic
efficacy was restricted.
The results found in the literature have highlighted the interactions existing among several
molecules, especially in the soil, but such interactions might be different under other environ
ment compartments. For this reason, studies on environmental pesticide behavior and
destination must include all aspects, bringing together laboratory and field approaches.
3.2. Water: An ecotoxicological approach for pesticide mixtures
According to Botelho et al. [29], water resource contamination has currently been considered
one of the greatest environmental problems on Earth.
Pesticides applied to field crops are released in the environment mainly through lixiviation
(when molecules move into the soil and reach the underground waters), superficial runoff
(when molecules move together with soil and water runoff), and spraying derivation (when
molecules are carried by wind during pesticide spraying).
The situation is complex once crop diversity allied to the high number and diversity of
pesticide products usually applied to field crops, and the short distances between fields and
aquatic areas have exposed the water resources not only to individual products but also to all
their associations [30].
Several products, mainly herbicides and insecticides, are common superficial water contami
nants, due to their large application in agriculture and residential areas. Therefore, there is an
increasing concern about superficial and underground water contamination, due to the lack
of information on pesticide impacts mainly in aquatic systems.
In Brazil, several studies have been carried out to determine the presence of pesticides in
aquatic ecosystems. Armas et al. [31] evaluated the presence of herbicides in the superficial
water and sediments of Corumbata River (State of So Paulo, Brazil). The authors found
several herbicides - ametryn, atrazine, simazine, hexazinone, glyphosate and clomazone and
triazines were specifically found in higher levels, above the limits allowed for potable water
by Brazilian legislation. Dores et al. [32] found herbicide residues from the triazine group and
their metabolites, as well as metribuzin, metolachlor and trifluralin residues. Among the
Brazilian literature, the research works of Caldas et al. [33], Lanchote et al. [34], Filizola et al.
[35], Laabs et al. [36], Dores et al. [37], Jacomini et al. [38] are pointed out.
Other interesting results can be found in the literature: Benvenuto et al. [39] determined the
presence of eleven pesticides in superficial waters of Italy and Spain and observed concentra
tion values varying between 0.002 and 0.087 g L-1. Yu et al. [40] determined the presence of
nine (among eleven pesticides evaluated) herbicides of the triazine group in all water samples
analyzed. Similar determinations were made by Ma et al. [41], Palma et al. [42], Balinova and
Mondesky [43] and Segura et al. [44].
Understanding of how pesticides affect aquatic environments has been a challenge to re
searchers, and the science of ecotoxicology has helped to answer many questions on this
The ecotoxicology term was first suggested by the French toxicologist Ren Truhaut, during
the Committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) meeting, in June 1969, in
Stockholm (Sweden) [45]. According to this author, Ecotoxicology is the science that studies
the effects of natural or synthetic substances on living beings, populations and communities,
animal or vegetal, terrestrial or aquatic, constituting the biosphere, including the substance
interaction with the environment where they live in an integrated context [46].
Usually, ecotoxicological experiments follow standardized protocols developed by interna
tional organizations, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Organi
zation for Cooperation and Economical Development (OCDE); and the Brazilian Agency of
Technical Norms (ABNT).
The toxicity tests allow evaluating the environmental contamination by different pollutant
sources, such as agricultural, industrial and domestic residues, sediments, medicines and
chemical products overall, as well as the results of their synergistic and antagonistic effects
[47-48]. The ecotoxicological tests can also detect the toxic agent or mixture capacity of causing
deleterious effects on living organisms, allowing determination of the harmful concentration
ranges, and how and where the effects are expressed [49].
Several parameters have been used to determine the xenobiotic effects in different organisms.
Among these variables, the lethality [50-51], immobility [52], gill alterations [53-56], and
reproduction [57-59] are pointed out.
The ecotoxicological experiments consist of exposing living organisms to several concentra
tions of a specific product and evaluating the results that might be expressed according to the
test type. For instance, the acute test consists of short-term exposure of organisms to several
product concentrations, and then, the species life cycle is evaluated; the toxicity indicative
parameters more frequently used are: lethality (expressed by the average lethal concentration
- LC50), and immobility (expressed by the observable toxic concentration effect - EC50). It is
important to highlight that both parameters take into consideration the effects for 50% of the
organisms tested under the specific experiment conditions [60-61]. In the case of a chronic test,
the organism is submitted to long-term product exposure and the observable effects are usually
focused on organism reproduction, behavior, morphology, and size, among others.
Water quality tests have been important tools aiming to minimize the pollution effects on
aquatic ecosystems and to implement remediation and monitoring programs, and for that, the
ecotoxicological tests have been used.
In the case of pesticide mixtures, the ecotoxicological tests to determine toxicity effects are
difficult to interpret, because toxicity symptoms might depend on interactions occurring
among different chemical molecules in solution and their accumulative quantities in
organisms [61].
When analyzing mixture toxicity effects, some approaches and definitions must be established.
In the aquatic ecotoxicology, two different models have been used to describe the relationships
between single compound effects and their mixtures: concentration addition model (CA) and
independent action model (IA) [62]. In the CA model, each mixture component toxicity effect
is induced through a same mechanism, meanwhile in the IA model, the combined components
show different actions, inducing a unique toxicological response, but via distinct reactions
within the organisms [63]. Nevertheless, both models are used as references to predict the
expected mixture toxicity effect, based on the known toxicity of the individual compounds [62].
For a long time, there has been concern about mixture impacts on aquatic ecosystems, not only
from pesticides but also from other compound groups, and several discussions and reviews
have been reported. In 1984, Hermens and collaborators investigated organic mixture effects
on mortality and reproduction of Daphnia magna microcrustacean, after exposure to 14
products with different modes of action. The authors observed more severe toxicity effects on
mixture-treated organisms than with individual products, although the chronic test results
with the mixture showed less severe symptoms [64]. Strmac and Braunbeck [65] observed
several structure and biochemical alterations in rainbow trout hepatocytes submitted to a 20component mixture, including pesticides. Delorenzo and Serrano [66] evaluated the effects of
atrazine (herbicide), chlorpyrifos (insecticide) and chlorothalonil (fungicide) on the Dunaliella
tertiolecta algae growth; the results of atrazine - chlorpyrifos mixture showed an additive
toxicity pattern, meanwhile atrazine - chlorothalonil mixture showed a synergistic effect. Yet,
the authors observed a two-fold higher toxicity effect of atrazine Chlorothalonil mixture than
the individual products. Choung et al. [67] observed that relatively high atrazine rates
increased the terbufos (insecticide) toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia microcrustacean.
4. Final remarks
Pesticide tank mixtures are currently and frequently used not only in developed countries with
specific regulatory legislation for the practice, but also in all agricultural countries where
information on harmful effects do not directly reach farmers.
From the agronomic point of view, an effective pest control with pesticide mixtures will
depend on the molecule compatibility and also on specific control tests. When the farmer uses
two chemically incompatible substances in tank mixture, high losses in crop yield and
equipment problems might occur, for example, sprayer nozzle obstruction due to chemical
reaction between molecules and subsequent compound precipitation.
Although the pesticide tank mixture may appear to be an efficient pest control practice with
synergistic results, the aspects concerning environmental safety must be considered. Little
specific information on associated pesticide residues is available in the literature concerning
withholding periods and overall environmental behavior.
When a single pesticide is applied, the expected environmental results should be similar to
previous results reported for the pesticide registration and before its commercial release. The
environment (mainly aquatic and soil medium) is a large contaminant reservoir, where the
chemical compounds used in agriculture can be found together. In spite of that, it is important
to reinforce that a single pesticide interacts quite differently with the medium, compared to
the mixture interaction, as already discussed in this chapter.
In light of the large global demand for food and the increasing crop productivity in the same
cropping area, it is imperative to consider the environmental safety questions concerning tank
chemical mixture applications in agriculture.
This is a relatively new science area that demands urgent studies on environmental safety,
ecotoxicology and toxicology, in order to make highly prevalent the declaration of the United
Nation Organization about the planet environment: The man has the fundamental right to liberty,
equality and enjoyment of adequate life conditions, under an environment of such quality that allows
him living a dignifying life and well-being, and he is carrier of the solemn duty of protecting and
improving the environment for the present and future generations [68].
The authors are grateful to the Research Foundation of the State of So Paulo (FAPESP) and
to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ).
Author details
Valdemar Luiz Tornisielo, Rafael Grossi Botelho, Paulo Alexandre de Toledo Alves,
Eloana Janice Bonfleur and Sergio Henrique Monteiro
Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, University of So
Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
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Chapter 19
Characterization, Modes of
Action and Effects of Trifluralin: A Review
Thas C. C. Fernandes, Marcos A. Pizano and
Maria A. Marin-Morales
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The use of chemicals to control human diseases, plagues and weeds in agriculture started in the
late 19th century, but only after the Second World War did this practice follow rather scientific
criteria [1]. According to targets against which they are designated, the chemicals used in
agriculture are called insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, among others [2].
All pesticides have the common priority of stopping a metabolic process essential to undesir
able organisms, for which they are toxic. These chemicals act directly upon the organisms,
eliminating or controlling them, such as interfering in their reproductive process [3].
Among agricultural pesticides, herbicides comprise the most employed group in agriculture.
The main function of these chemicals is to control weeds, weed competition reduces produc
tivity, without significantly impacting crop yield. Weeds tend to compete with crops by
extracting essential elements from the soil, water, intercepting light and CO2, interfering in the
culture development and affecting agricultural production practices including harvest [4].
Herbicides are also used for eliminating plants from both road, railways, and riversides [3].
The mechanism of action of some herbicides on organisms is not completely understood [5].
Lack of detailed information about the action of herbicides on the biological environment may
cause damage to human health [1], [6] and [7].
Herbicides may be classified according to different criteria related to their properties, charac
teristics, use, efficiency, permanence in the environment and mechanism of action. As for their
chemical features, herbicides may be classified as carbamates, amides, diphenyl ethers, amino
phosphates, and dinitroanilines, among others [8].
2013 Fernandes et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Classification of herbicides based on their mechanism of action has changed over time, both
according to the discovery of new herbicides and the elucidation of site of action of the
herbicide on plants. The internationally accepted classification is the one proposed by the
Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC). In it, the herbicides are classified in alpha
betical order in accordance with their sites of action and chemical classes (Table 1). Herbicides
having unknown site of action are grouped under Z until identification. The (numeric) Weed
Science Society of America (WSSA) classification system is also listed in Table 1 [5].
Aryloxyphenoxypropionates (FOPs)
Ciclohexanodiones (DIMs)
Phenylpyrazolones (DENs)
Phenyl Carbamates
Diphenyl ethers
Pyridine Carboxamides
Diphenyl ethers
Phosphinic acid
Benzoic acid
Quinolinocarboxylic acid
Chlorocarbonic acid
Phenoxicarboxylic acid
Benzoic acid
Pyridinecarboxylic acid
Quinolinocarboxylic acid
Inhibition of mitosis
Auxin mimics
Arylamino Propionic acid
WSSA. Weed Science Society of America; HRAC. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee.
Table 1. Herbicide Classification in accordance with their mechanism of action.
USEPA (1999) [16] classifies trifluralin as group C: possibly carcinogenic to humans, based on
evidences with animals, not with humans.
Figure 2. Possible sequence of events that occur during trifluralin chemical degradation.
Microbial degradation may occur under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (Figure 3). However,
it is observed that degradation occurs mainly under anaerobic conditions, as the ones observed
in poorly drained soils, when there is subsequent rainfall. Under anaerobic conditions, within
the same time period, 98% of trifluralin degrades, whereas under aerobic conditions only 25%
of the product decomposes. Among the fungi capable of decomposing trifluralin are Sclero
tiumrolfsii, Aspergillusniger, Fusariumsp and Tricodermasp [10]. According to Carter and Camper
[18], trifluralin may also be degraded by Pseudomonas sp.
Trifluralin is also sensitive to degradation by ultraviolet rays, and its volatility is one of the
main factors of product loss in the soil as well [19] and [20]. Trifluralin photodecomposition
generally involves three processes: propylamine oxidative dealkylation, cyclization and nitro
group reduction (Figure 4) [21].
The first product of trifluralin photolysis, according to Dimou et al. [21] and illustrated in
Figure 3, seems to be a mono-dealkylate deriving from the main compound, originating
compound 1. Dealkylation is attributed to the free radical oxidation. Another intermediate of
photodegradation appears to be formed by cyclization reactions. The compounds 4 and 5 are
apparently formed by reaction among trifluralinpropylamine carbon and the NO2 group of
compound 1, ant they are identified as 2 ethyl -7nitro-1-propyl-5 (trifluoromethyl)-1Hbenzimidazole and 2-ethyl-4 nitro-6- (trifluoromethyl)-1H-enzimidazole, respectively. The
benzimidazoledealkylate (compound 4) is the most stable photoproduct, which can last in the
environment longer, making its detection possible. This product may be formed by the reaction
of compound 5 dealkylation.
Figure 3. Trifluralin microbial degradation by aerobic (A) and anaerobic (B) pathways. Source: Audus [22].
Figure 4. Trifluralin photodegradation. *ND = Substance not detected in the source. Modified scheme by Dimou et al. [21].
Compounds 4 and 5 can be reduced in water by not so clear mechanisms [23], straight from
the aryl hydroxylamine formation [24] to form compound 7 and 6, respectively. According to
the same author these products have also been formed during trifluralin chemical degradation.
Compound 2 and 3 are formed from NO2 to NH2 group reduction of compound 1 and 2,6dinitro-4- (trifluoromethyl) benzenamine (compound ND), respectively. These compounds
have also been identified during trifluralin chemical degradation [24], showing that this
pathway also happens in other processes, besides photodegradation [21].
Trifluralin average persistence in soil for the recommended doses under field conditions is of
1.8 ppm residue after 180 days following application [25]. However, according to the same
author, this persistence may vary in accordance with the kind of soil and climatic conditions.
3.2. Herbicide behavior in water
Water contamination with trifluralin may occur by sediment leaching while equipment is
being cleaned, or due to accidental spills. Nevertheless, only 0.5% of the quantity applied to
the soil in field conditions is leached and may consequently contaminate water sources. This
percentage means a rather low water contamination, representing smaller concentrations than
1.0 g L-1. As a consequence, trifluralin is not commonly detected in surface water [9] and [26].
While Zimmerman et al. [26], Dayama and Coupe [27], Thurman et al. [28] and were carrying
out analyses in the Mississippi River, they detected extremely low levels of trifluralin (lower
than 0.1 g/L). Once this herbicide is widely used, the authors ascertain that low concentrations
of it detected in surface water may be attributed to its low mobility in soil and low solubility
in water (lower than 1 mg/L). USEPA [29] and the European Community legislation [30]
established limits of 2g/ L and 0.1g/ Ltrifluralin in drinking water, respectively. According
to Dimou et al. [21], trifluralin degradation in water is influenced by the presence of nitrate
ions, which accelerate photolysis reaction. Products derived from this reaction have either low
or no toxicity, when compared to the whole product.
3.3. Herbicide behavior in the air
Grover et al. [31] ascertain that trifluralin is quickly dissipated in the atmosphere. Depending
on the season of the year, about 25% of the product applied is volatilized, but only 2-3 g/m3
at the most of trifluralin is found in the air, soon after its application, to less than 100ng/m3 a
few hours later [32]. According to the United States Environment Protection Agency (1993)
[33], an average 0.27 ng/m3 concentration of herbicide, varying from 0 to 3.4 ng/m3, was found
in the Canadian atmosphere between 1988 and 1989.
Mongar and Miller [34] state that low concentrations of this herbicide found in the atmosphere
are due to both trifluralin quick reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH) and the photolysis
reaction, which promotes the product degradation.Nonetheless, Waite et al. [32] verified that
of the five most used herbicides on the Canadian prairies, trifluralin was the most frequently
found in the air (79% of samples).
3.4. Herbicide behavior in plants
Trifluralin is a pre-emergence herbicide which must be incorporated into the soil and applied
soon after sowing, when the plant seeds are beginning the germination process [36]. The
herbicide absorption occurs mainly by the hypocotyl, then by the seedling radicles, at the
beginning of germination [10].
Trifluralins main mechanism of action is the inhibition of cell mitosis. This herbicide typically
acts on the meristems and tissues of underground organs, such as roots, epicotyls, hypocotyls,
plumules, rhizomes, bulbs and seeds [8].
The inhibition of radicle development by trifluralin action, both on main root growth and the
emission of secondary roots, is quite evident in some dicotyledons. Thickening of the hypo
cotyls also commonly occurs [8], as well as swollen root tips [36]. According to Almeida [25],
trifluralin induces several biochemical changes in higher plants, including alterations of
carbohydrate, lipid, nitrogen concentrations and, especially, nucleic acid alterations. There
fore, the product affects cell division in meristematic tissues, thus inhibiting seed germination
and the formation of new radicle and hypocotyl cells.
Bayer et al. [37] report that trifluralin promotes a decrease in the zone of meristematic tissues
and the interruption of mitosis in the roots of wheat, cotton and onions. The onion cells treated
with trifluralin showed to be small, dense and multinucleated, abnormal, weak and aberrant
[38].Studies conducted by Fernandes [39] using Allium cepa showed that the toxicity of
trifluralin residual concentrations might induce changes in that plant. The author observed
that the herbicide promoted plant growth inhibition, higher turgidity, weakness and thickness
of the roots, in relation to the control treatment.
Plants grown in soils treated with trifluralin exhibited residues on the roots only. No residue
was found on the leaves, fruit and seeds [25]. These results indicate that trifluralin is not
transported by sap into other plat tissues.
anti-mitotic drugs, which interfere in the exchange of tubulin subunits between the microtu
bules and the pool of free tubulins [46].
In-vitro analyses of Chlamydomonas reinhardii showed that trifluralin specifically binds tubulins,
demonstrating that it is the first subcellular target of dinitroaniline action [47]. Trifluralinsub
micromolar concentrations totally blocked cytokinesis and inhibit nuclear division in Toxo
plasma gondii by interfering in intracellular spindle and in other cytoskeletal components [48].
According to Anthony and Hussey [47], the herbicide-tubulin complex is related to the
suppression of microtubule growth. With minus-end specific microtubule depolymerization,
the tubules progressively start to get shorter, eventually leading to total loss of microtubule
(Figure 5B). The author still states that cortical microtubules are among the most resistant to
trifluralin action and microtubule spindles and fragments are among the most sensitive to the
herbicide action.
Figure 5. A. tubulin dimers forming the microtubule; B. herbicide-tubulin complex preventing microtubule polymerization.
Anthony et al. [49] ascertained that, as a rule, the tubulin sequence is the most preserved among
the different organisms; and this preservation is related to the basic functions of microtubules.
Mahresh and Larry [50], however, believe that, depending on the organism, dinitroaniline
herbicides have different affinities to tubulins, since they do not interact with vertebrate
tubulins, although they interact with plant and Chlamydomonas tubulins. This situation is
reinforced with data from Anthony and Hussey [47], Baird et al. [51], Brevirio and Nick [52]
and Yemets and Blume [53], who ascertain that dinitroaniline herbicides are compounds with
higher specificity for binding plant tubulins than to those of vertebrates.
Studies on plant resistance to dinitroanilines showed that some plant species own a natural
mutation which bring about a change in base pairs, and consequently in their genetic code.
One of these alterations of base causes a change in the amino acids of the tubulin protein.
Threonine, a normal amino acid at position 239, is changed into isoleucine, stopping group
NO2 of the dinitroaniline herbicides from binding the tubulin molecule, thus preventing its
mechanism of action (Figure 6) [47].
Figure 6. Alignment of amino acid sequence of -tubulins, evidencing the position of substitution in the mutating
tubulin from Eleusine indica (Thr 239 into Ile- represented in black and indicated with an arrow). Modified from Blume
et al. [54].
From these pieces of information, it would be intuitive to hypothesize the idea that the smallest
affinity of trifluralin to vertebrates should be owing to the fact they do not have the amino acid
at position 239, seemingly the herbicide target site. Nevertheless, it can be seen in Figure 7 that
the threonine amino acid at position 239 of the -tubulin protein is present in plants, parasites
and vertebrates, including man.
However, Hashim et al. [58] found mutations in the -tubulin gene expression which changed
the amino acid synthesis at a different position than that found by Anthony and Hussey [47].
According to Hashim et al. [58], Alopecurus aequalis plants that underwent mutations, which
altered the amino acid synthesis at positions 202, 136 and 125 of the -tubulin, also brought
about resistance to trifluralin.
Sree et al. [59], Hansen et al. [60] and Vidakovi-Cifrek et al. [61], ascertain that trifluralin can
inhibit microtubule polymerization by binding tubulin. However, it can also cause changes in
the ion calcium concentration in cytoplasm and influence polymerization and depolymeriza
tion regulation of microtubules. According to Hertel et al. [62], changes in the quantity of free
Ca2+ in cytoplasm, due to trifluralin action, can alter calcium-dependant biochemical and
physiological processes, in addition to causing problems to microtubules, either in animals or
in plants. Vidakovi-Cifrek et al. [61] report that trifluralin may increase the concentration of
Ca2+ ions in cytoplasm, influencing onion root mitosis.
Due to trifluralin chemical structure, this herbicide tends to receive two electrons, which
significantly increases its toxicity, since the group NH2 hydrogen of trifluralin tends to bind
the polar group of cellular membranes and cause disorganization to its structure, eventually
bringing function disorders [63]. This disorganization in the membrane structure seems to
interfere mainly in the permeability of plasma and mitochondrial membranes. Trifluralin
changes the permeability of membranes because it promotes a collapse in their electric
potential, making Ca+2 efflux of the mitochondrial inner membranes and Ca+2 go from the outer
to the inner surface of the cell membrane via uniporters, thus increasing the concentrations of
such ions in the inner cytoplasmic membrane.
Since low levels of calcium are needed for polymerization, Hepler [64] ascertains that mitotic
spindles may undergo disorders due to the high levels of this ion. Low concentrations of free
calcium in the cytoplasm (0.1-0.2 M) are essential to prevent phosphorus precipitation,
compete with Mg2+ for binding sites and act as a secondary messenger [65].
According to Alberts et al. [46], Ca+2 is important for regulating mitochondrial enzyme activity,
and it is imported from the cytosol through an H+ electrostatic gradient. It is also believed that
this process is important to remove Ca+2 from the cytosol when cytosolic Ca+2 levels get
dangerously high.
Figure 7. Comparisons among sequences of -tubulin amino acids of species Zea mays (vegetable), Hordeumvulgare
(vegetable), Arabidopsis thaliana (vegetable) Prunus amygdalus (vegetable), Pisum sativum (vegetable),Leishmania
donovani (parasite), Trypanosoma cruzi (vegetable),Mus musculus (vertebrate), Sus scrofa (vertebrate) and Homo sapi
ens. The sequences were obtained from the data base at NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information) in ac
cordance with the codes P14641, Y08490, P29511, P33629, U12589, U09612, M97956, P05213, P02550 and P04687,
respectively [55]. The sequences were aligned by means of the ClustalW program [56], using default parameters. The
alignment was then analyzed using the MPALign program [57].
Anilines are compounds that cause a variety of toxic effects depending on the structural
changes they undergo. Several studies demonstrate that anilines and halogens can induce
metahemoglobin formation and also be toxic to the kidneys and the liver, either treated in
vitro or in vivo [69] and [70]. Aminophenols, the primary products of aniline metabolism, are
compounds related to neurotoxicity induction [69].
Popular Name
Cl50 (48h)
Lepomis macrochirus
19 g L-1
CL50 (48h)
Mola mola
Ocean sunfish
19g L-1
CL50 (48h)
Cyprinus carpio
Common carp
1.0mg L-1
CL50 (96h)
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss,
CL50 (96h)
Rainbow trout,
Bluegill, Ocean
10-90g L-1
CL50 (48h)
Daphnia magma
CL50 (96h)
Procambarus clarkia
0,56 mgL-1
DL50 (oral)
Apis mellifera
Honey bee
0,011mg bee-1
DL50 (oral)
Mus musculus
Laboratory mice
>500 mg kg -1
DL50 (oral)
Ratus norvegicus
Laboratory mice
DL50 (oral)
DL50 (oral)
DL50 (oral)
Meister [78] conducted tests with animals and verified that trifluralin does not have any toxic
effect on them when they are exposed to the product either through ingestion, inhalation or
when in contact with the skin. Nauseas and severe gastrointestinal discomfort may occur after
trifluralin ingestion. When placed in the rabbit eyes, it produced a mild irritation, which was
reverted within seven days. In humans, it may induce skin allergies and, when inhaled, it may
irritate the throat and the lungs.
Table 3 shows some information regarding trifluralin chronic, sub-acute and sub- chronic
toxicity to different organisms.
Amphiprion percula
5g L-1
Amphiprion percula
2 L-1
Chlorococcum sp
2,5 mg L-1
Oryctolagus caniculus
2mL Kg
Ratus norvegicus
-14 days)
- 3 months)
25, 50 e 100
mg kg-1 dia-1
*Liver weight of the animals submitted to the 50 and 100mg Kg-1 diet somehow showed to be higher, when compared
to the control animals. Data extracted from Gangolli [77].
Table 3. Data on trifluralin sub-acute, chronic and sub-chronic toxicity.
According to the Occupational Health Service [79], prolonged skin contact with trifluralin may
cause allergic dermatitis. The WSSA [80] states that administering trifluralin to dogs while
washing them for two years does not cause toxic effects. However, in trifluralin chronic assays
conducted with 60 animals (F344 mice), which received 0.813, 3250 and 6500 ppm dietary does
for two years, damage to their liver and kidneys were observed [81].
Worthing [71] states that trifluralin is highly toxic and neurotoxic. The author ascertains that
the herbicide is capable of accumulating in the adipose tissue and inhibiting the immunologic
function of the thymus. Trifluralin is regarded as possibly teratogenic and fetal toxicity.It has
the property of altering the endocrine and reproductive system, and it reduces the quantity of
semen, besides increasing the number of abnormal sperm.
In studies conducted by Ovidi et al. [82], they tested trifluralin concentration of 1.53 mg/ml
and observed that the herbicide exerts a specific effect on the reproductive system in plants,
by direct action on the formation of the pollinic tubes, since it causes complete microtubule
depolymerization. The authors even suggest that pollinic microtubule cytoskeleton may be
used as bioindicators for studies on toxicity induced by aneugenic agents such as trifluralin.
As a general rule, the effects of pesticides may be diversified, such as the direct reaction with
nuclear DNA; incorporation of DNA during cellular replication; interference in mitosis or
meiosis, resulting from incorrect cell division [83].
Genotoxic effects may lead to DNA breaks, causing loss of genetic material and mutations
which lead to cell death or result in carcinogenesis. Genotoxicity is assessed by different tests,
carry out with several organisms and provide safe, precise information regarding their
potential to damage the DNA.There are a number of reports evaluating trifluralin for geno
toxicity, immunotoxicity, and reproductive toxicity, although the results are not entirely
consistent, trifluralin does not appear to be strongly genotoxic [84].
Chromosome aberration tests have shown evidences of trifluralin mutagenicity for different
plant species [85], [86], [87], [88], [89] and [90]. Knen and avas [91], Pea [92] and Canevari
[93] ascertained that the herbicide is capable of inducing significant microtubule rates in
Oreochromis niloticus. Kaya et al. [94] also ascertained that the herbicide may be considered
genotoxic to Drosophila melanogaster, since it exhibited positive outcomes for the Somatic
Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART). Tests conducted in the bone marrow of mice
exposed to trifluralin showed that it is potentially genotoxic [95] and it is also capable of
influencing serum concentration of reproductive and metabolic hormones, especially thyroxin
[96]. Nonetheless, tests performed on bacteria [14], on Drosophyla melanogaster conducted by
Bryant and Murnik [97] and Foureman [98], on cells taken from the bone marrow of mice
conducted by Nehz et al. [99], Pilinkaya [100], Gebel et al., [95], and on cell culture conducted
by IARC [101] and Ribas et al. [35 and 102] demonstrated contradictory results. According to
Chan and Fong [103], Bhattacharya et al. [104] and Esteves et al. [105], due to its characteristics,
mechanisms of action and, especially its reduced effects on human cells, trifluralin can be
regarded as a promising substance for fighting Leishmaniasis. There is also research that
confirms the use of trifluralin as a powerful antiparasitic to treat Trypanosoma [106] and [107],
Toxoplasma [48] and Plasmodium [108].
Studies carried out by Pea [92] and Canevari [93] indicate that low trifluralin concentrations
may induce mutagenic effects. These authors observed significant presence of micronuclei in
erythrocytes of fish submitted to acute treatments with this herbicide. When the micronuclei
diameters were measured by Canevari [93], data indicated that they could be derived from
losses of whole chromosomes, thus proving the aneugenic effect of the herbicide due to the
pesticide interference in the mitotic spindle.
Allium cepameristematic cells treated with trifluralin also presented problems during mitosis,
such as polyploidies, C-metaphases, multipolar anaphases, anaphase-telophase chromatin
bridges, chromosome delay and loss of genetic material [89]. (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Meristematic cells of Allium cepa treated with trifluralin. A. C-metaphase; B.polyploid cell; C. multipolar cell;
D. loss of genetic material; E.chromosome bridge; F.telophase with chromosome delay.
According to Fernandes et al. [88], in the bioassays with root meristems of Allium cepa treated
with trifluralin, a large amount of interphase cells with more than one nucleus and cells with
micronuclei and a mini cell were observed (Figure 10).
Lignowski and Scott [85] observed C-metaphases, micronuclei, amoeboid nuclei and poly
ploidies in root meristems of wheat and onion submitted to trifluralin action. Due to the
occurrence of irregular metaphases, they concluded that the mitotic spindle might have been
broken owing to the herbicide action on it.
Bioassays performed with trifluralin, using Pisum sativum as test material revealed a positive
action of the herbicide with the increase in chromosome alterations, C-mitosis and anti-mitosis
effects [87].
Fernandes et al. [89] ascertained that, among the root meristems of Allium cepa under division,
trifluralin promotes a significant increase in the irregular metaphase rate. These data corrob
orate the statement of Lignowski and Scott [85], Lee et al. [109], Dow et al. [110], Werbovetz et
al. [111] and Ovidi et al. [82], who characterized trifluralin as a powerful microtubule inhibitor,
which is therefore capable of accumulating a large amount of meristematic cells in metaphase.
Genotoxicity tests using the comet assay in human lymphocyte cultures showed that trifluralin
produced a significant increase in the length of the comets tail. This increase is due to DNA
breaks, since there is an induction of nucleotide excision repair, resulting from damage caused
by the herbicide action [103]. As for the frequency of comet-bearing cells, the author observed
that, after 48 hours of exposure to the herbicide, few tailed nucleoides were found. These results
proved to be statistically significant, though.
According to Ribas et al. [35], trifluralin has a genotoxic effect on human cell cultures because
it causes a decrease in cell proliferation. The same author ascertains that this herbicide has not
revealed carcinogenic effects, since it caused little induction exchange between sister chroma
tids.The micronucleus test conducted by Ribas et al. [35], used for detecting aneugenic activity,
has also produced a negative response, which contradicts studies carried out by several other
authors [88], [89], [91], [92], [97], [112], among others) who ascertain that trifluralin brings about
chromosome aberrations and nuclear alterations resulting from problems in the mitotic spindle
According to Kang et al. [113], trifluralin is not associated with bladder, kidney, liver, leukemia,
colorectal or hematopoietic-lymphatic cancers. The authors only suggest a possible connection
between trifluralin exposure and the risk of colon cancer in human beings, but the inconsis
tency per exposure level and a small number of colon cancers indicate that this could be an
incidental finding.
Data from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) [114] report that mice subjected to trifluralin
chronic exposure, at low concentrations, had an increase in hepatocellular carcinoma and
higher incidence of alveolar bronchial adenomas. An increase in bladder cancer was also
verified in mice exposed to low trifluralin concentrations. It was observed that, when male
mice were submitted to high doses of trifluralin, they presented higher incidence of follicular
cell and thyroid gland tumors [115]. Trifluralin has been reported to cause a significant increase
Figure 10. Meristematic cells of Allium cepa treated with trifluralin. A. cell with micronucleus; B. cell with micronu
cleus and an adjacent mini cell; C.polynucleated cell.
in thyroid follicular cell tumors in male Fischer 344 rats only at the highest dietary dose of
6500ppm in a 2-year chronic study [115].
6. Final considerations
The increase in agricultural productivity has occurred thanks to several factors, among which
are improvements in genetics, agricultural machinery and the use of substances that allow
control of weeds in agriculture.
The use of pesticides has generated discussions and controversy among the scientific com
munity and its users, registering advantageous and disadvantageous recommendations in
different ways. Among contrary recommendations to the use of pesticides, we can point out
lack of detailed studies on the action of such chemicals on the exposed organisms, making it
impossible to associate their action with the emergence of eventual problems. In the soil,
trifluralin is moderately persistent, which might jeopardize organisms that are eventually
exposed to it. Trifluralin is a substance that has a microtubule-depolymerizing activity, which
prevents cell division, a fact that might compromise organism development.
Existing reports characterize trifluralin as a highly acute toxic substance to fish, but there are
not enough descriptions of its chronic toxicity and cytotoxic effect. Studies mainly related to
its genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic potential are mostly inconclusive or even contra
dictory. There is little information about the toxicity of products derived from trifluralin
degradation and its effects on the organisms.
Author details
Thas C. C. Fernandes, Marcos A. Pizano and Maria A. Marin-Morales*
*Address all correspondence to: mamm@rc.unesp.br
Universidade Estadual Paulista, IB-Campus de Rio Claro, Rio Claro/SP, Brasil
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Chapter 20
1. Introduction
Since the first implementation of synthetic herbicides in crop protection systems, weeds have
continuously developed resistance. As a main reason of such evolution, long-lasting exploi
tation of herbicides with one target site in plants is considered. This has been the case with the
first widely-used triazine herbicides, photosynthesis inhibitors, which have effectively
eliminated a wide range of weeds. Unfortunately, inappropriate adjustment of herbicides to
weed species occupying fields, application of herbicides at the incorrect developmental stage
and in unsuitable weather conditions have contributed to the accumulation of active com
pounds in the soil, accumulation of weed species and acceleration evolution of resistant
biotypes [1]. To date, there have been 211 species and 393 biotypes of herbicide resistant weeds
identified [2]. Most of them are resistant to B, C1 and A groups of herbicides, inhibitors of:
acetolactate synthase (ALS), photosystem II and acetyl CoA carboxylase, respectively. Ten
species pose the biggest threat for crops due to causing yield losses, including the most
important herbicide-resistant species which are characterized by multiple resistances: rigid
ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.), wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and redroot pigweed (Amaranthus
retroflexus L.).
Evolution of weeds resistant to herbicides demands new solutions to cope with the problem
since economic losses generated by weeds can be higher than those caused by other pests. Due
to the fact that abandoning chemical weed control is, with current agricultural practices, rather
impossible, it is necessary to create new classes of herbicides with new mechanisms of action
and target sites not previously exploited. Presently used synthetic herbicides are not approved
for use in organic agriculture. Moreover, using crop protection chemicals also need public
acceptance. [3]. The number of synthetic chemicals with new target sites are decreasing
2013 Soltys et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
dramatically. Eco-friendly trends in weed management force scientists to reach for innovative
sources and tools. Natural compounds pose a great field for the discovery of new environ
mentally safe herbicides, so called bioherbicides, which are based on compounds produced
by living organisms. According to the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) registry, among the
24 million organic compounds, a large group of secondary plant metabolites is represented.
Some of these compounds take part in allelopathic interactions.
simple lactones;
Figure 1. Multi-dimensional nature of allelopathic interacions. (1a) Plant A releases allelochemicals X and F which di
rectly affect growth of plant B. (1b) left side; Plant A releases allelochemical X which is modified or activated by micro
organisms to allelochemical Y that affects growth of plant B. (1b) right side; Plant A releases allelochemical X which
stimulates microorganisms to produce allelochemical Z that affects growth of plant B.
or respiration, they may also bind to proteins at different sites than synthetic herbicides [11,
12]. This provides the opportunity to eliminate weeds that are already resistant to commer
cialized herbicides with the same mode of action. Allelochemicals are also characterized by
multi-site action in plants without high specificity which is achieved in the case of synthetic
herbicides. Therefore, this feature excludes the application of an allelopathic compound as a
selective herbicide or totally prohibits its usage in weed management. On the other hand,
effects of allelopathins in acceptor plants are highly dose-dependent [13]. This allows the
opportunity to search out compounds exhibiting selectivity. Generally, monocotyledonous
plants are more resistant to allelochemicals than dicotyledonous ones. Therefore, usage of a
compound as a potential herbicide is possible but rather restricted to cultivation of exact crops
with a defined weed composition.
The route of discovery is much more complicated with allelopathins. In contrast to synthetic
herbicides where synthesis, bioassay, evaluation and quantitative structure-active relationship
follow Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR), allelochemicals have to be first
isolated from plant extracts [14]. The amount of recovered compounds is usually low in
comparison to chemical synthesis. After extraction, purification and selection of the most
attractive compound and determination of its mode of action in plants is done. At the end of
the process, similar to synthetic herbicides, allelpathins are subjected to QSAR. The long
discovery process is usually offset by a shorter, less expensive track of registration [15]. It is
worth noting that before an allelochemical can become an herbicide, the following conditions
have to be performed: phytotoxic activity at the range between 10-5 and 10-7 M, identified
chemical structure, known mode of action in plants, time of residence in soil, possible influence
on microbial ecology and non-target plants, possible toxic properties on human health and
profitability of production on a commercial scale [16].
A high number of limitations does not exclude allelochemicals as possible herbicides. In
particular, they can be alternatives in weed management strategy. Widely developed bioin
formatics and cheminformatics support development of new herbicides [3, 15, 16]. Identified
chemical structure of a particular allelochemical is a starting point to design a product with
the compound-like properties using computer programs. Thanks to cheminformatics we are
able to predict the potential structure of analogues and make several modifications, which
make it more or less active, with higher environmental stability, as it was done for leptosper
mone. We may also predict the target site of compound action in plants due to comparison
studies. Similar structure of a compound to a commercialized herbicide or other natural
compound whose mode of action is well-known may allow us to predict the target site.
an appropriate cultivation system [20, 21]. Therefore, sunfaag can be applied as a preemergence herbicide with much lower doses. The most promising application system has
considered usage of 10% (w/v) extract at pre-emergence + 25 DAS + 35 DAS. Following the
application, there has been noted a remarkably reduced population of wild oat, lesser swi
necress (Coronopus didymus L.) and littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) without
affecting germination of wheat and increased wheat yield in 7% [22]. However, the inhibitory
effect on weed growth and crop yield is selective and highly dependent on duration or term
of sorgaab and sunfaag application.
Aqueous extracts of sorghum and sunflower are effective on weed growth but unfortunately
might not be profitable enough in crop production; however, crop allelopathy can be manip
ulated for achieving sustainable weed management. Combination of phytotoxic crop water
extracts with lower rates of herbicides may provide reduced weed control levels with reduced
herbicide usage. The interesting review of allelopathic crop plants in weed management
strategy is presented in reference [23]. Two field studies were conducted utilizing water
extracts of sorghum, sunflower and rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with reduced glyphosate
dosage for controlling purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L) in cotton [24]. Sorghum and
rapeseed water extracts were tank mixed (at 15 or 18 L ha-1) in different combinations with
reduced rates of glyphosate by 767 and 575 g active substance (a.s.) ha-1 and sprayed as directed
post emergence at 21 DAS. Purple nutsedge density and dry weight were suppressed by 78%
to 95% and 83% to 95%, respectively, when different crop water extracts were used in combi
nation with a reduced rate of glyphosate. Seed cotton yield was improved from 15-21% in
sorgaab and rape water extract combinations with reduced rates of glyphosate (67-75%).
Similar research has been conducted on water extracts of sorghum with sunflower in combi
nation with herbicides in wheat, soybean, rice, and canola (Brassica sp.) [25, 26]. Both extracts,
in combination with herbicides, have the same or even better effect on inhibition of growth of
the following weeds: littleseed canarygrass and lesser swinecress, compared to single synthetic
herbicide applications [25, 26]. Spraying of wheat seedlings 30 DAS with sorgaab+sunfaag (18
L each ha-1) with mesosulfuron+idosulfuron (4.32 g a.s. ha-1) has the same effect on total weed
density (reduction up to 90% in relation to control) as application of mesosulfuron+idosulfuron
used alone, but with higher doses (120 g a.s. ha-1). Herbicidal solution has also improved yield
parameters, both in relation to control and in relation to single herbicide application: fertile
tillers (10%), spikelets per spike (11%) and grains per spike (10%) [26]. In cotton, application
of both extracts at 18 L ha-1 each with glyphosate (767 g a.s. ha-1) 21 DAS has been the most
effective in density reduction of the highly competitive weed purple nutsedge up to 93% [24].
However, the greatest benefit in wheat is the usage of a sorgaab/sunfaag combination which
lowered by 70% doses of metribuzin and phenaxaprop (at 57 g a.s. ha-1), applied at 18 L each
ha-1. In turn, in cotton, application of the same rates of extracts per ha with glyphosate (767 g
a.s. ha-1) seems to be the most economically reasonable costs of following weed management
method [24, 25].
Selectivity of plant extracts on weeds without any negative implications on crop productivity
is probably due to differences in the physiological stage of plants and following plant compe
tition. Sunfaag has been applied when wheat seedlings were 3-4 weeks old while lambsquar
ters and toothed dock 1-week old at the stage of three to four leaf [20, 21].
High allelopathic potential conditioned by glucosinolates and isothiocyanates is present in
Brassica sp. [27, 28]. Isothiocyanates have been strong suppressants of germination of spiny
sowthistle (Sonchus asper L. Hill), scentless mayweed (Matricaria inodora L.), smooth pigweed
(Amaranthus hybridus L.), barnyardgrass, blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) and wheat
[28]. Black mustard (Brassica nigra L.) extract of different plant parts like leaf, stem, flower and
root have inhibited germination and radicle length of wild oat. Inhibitory effects on germina
tion increased with increasing concentration of extract solution of the fresh plant parts [29].
Some experiments were conducted also using garden radish (Raphanus sativus L.) extract on
germination of 25 weed and 32 crop species [30]. Garden radish extracts totally inhibited
germination of 11 weeds such as Johnsongrass (Sorghum halelense L. Pers.), Alhagi spp., blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.), shepherd's-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris L. Medik.), field
bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.), dodder (Cuscuta sp.), carrot (Daucus carota L.), shortpod
mustard (Hirschfeldia incana L.), Ochtodium aegyptiacum (L.), and shortfruit hedgemustard
(Sisymbrium polyceratium L.), and 4 crop species namely lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), tobacco
(Nicotiana tabacum L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and clover (Trifolium sp.). Garden radish
extracts at different rates (100, 66, 50 and 33% of pure extract) did not affect germination of
wheat, cotton, and maize (Zea mays L.), but affected soybean germination at the 100% extract
rate in vitro. Rhizome regeneration of Johnsongrass was inhibited by 54-99% depending on
extract concentration. Regeneration of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.) rhizomes was
inhibited to a lower extent at all concentrations; for instance, 54% inhibition occurred at the
highest extract concentration. Lower extract rates stimulated redroot pigweed germination,
while 66 and 100% extracts inhibited germination by 21 and 42%, respectively. Inhibition
reached only 56 and 49% at the highest extract concentration for common purslane (Portulaca
oleracea L.) and cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.), respectively. Garden radish residues
which were cut into pieces and incorporated into the growing medium decreased weed
intensity and increased maize yield [31].
Legumes crops may also be applied as a source of allelochemicals useful in weed suppression.
Mulch of dead pea plants could be used to control growth of weeds. Pea cover crop has
regulated germination and growth of ladys thumb (Polygonum persicaria L.), smooth pigweed,
smallflower galinsoga, and common lambsquarters. Similarly, the aqueous leachates (1%) of
all four legumes, velvetbean (Mucuna deeringiana (Bort.) Merr.), jackbean (Canavalia ensifor
mis (L.) DC.), jumbiebean (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), and wild tamarind (Lysiloma
latisiliquum (L.) Benth.), have been shown to suppress weeds [32]. These plants exhibited strong
phytotoxic effects on the radicle growth of barnyardgrass, alegra (Amaranthus ssp.) and
amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) [33]. Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens) control
is difficult in many crops. Allelopathic effects of extracts and plant parts of alfalfa (Medicago
sativa L.) on Russian knapweed were reported both in Petri dishes and pot experiments [34].
Alfalfa has been recommended in fields with high mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) infestation,
as it decreased mugwort to 89% under field conditions, while extracts of alfalfa vegetative
parts inhibited mugwort germination up to 83% in Petri dish assays.
Botanical source
Sensitive weeds
rice (Oryza sativa L.), moss (Hypnum barnyardgrass, (Echinochloa colonum L.), livid
annua L.)
bottle brush (Callistemon citrinus), barnyard grass, hairy crabgrass, yellow foxtail (Setaria
manuka (Leptospermum scoparium glauca L.), california red oat (Avena sativa L.), Indian
J.R., G. Forst)
Essential oils
Table 1. Allelopathic compounds isolated from plants that exhibit inhibitory potential on seed germination and
growth of weeds
from annual wormwood by rain runoff but to a minor degree (<0.5%),. This allelopathin is well
known as a promising anti-malaric agent but also as a phytotoxin selective mainly to broadleaf
weeds. Artemisinin (at 33 M) significantly reduced shoot and root growth of lettuce, redroot
pigweed, pitted morning-glory (Ipomoea lacunose L.) common purslane and annual wormwood
[53]. However, the same treatment had no effect on sorghum or velvetleaf. Several studies have
been aimed at identifying the molecular target site of this compound as well as the structural
requirements for herbicidal activity [53-55].The effect of artemisinin is most evident on root
growth and chlorophyll content. In onion root tips, artemisinin (10 - 100 M) decreased the
mitotic index, provoked abnormal mitotic figures and caused structural modifications of
chromosomes [55]. However, no definite target site has yet been identified. The most recent
studies on rice sprayed with 1.86 M artemisinin indicated its inhibiting abilities on photo
synthetic electron transport [56]. Artemisinin site of action is probably plastoquinone B in
photosystem II. Interestingly, as authors suggest, this effect is caused not directly by artemi
sinin itself, but rather by an unidentified artemisinin-metabolite occured in the plant after
artemisinin application [56].
Other controversies around the phytotoxic potential of artemisinin arose when the dichloro
methane extracts of annual wormwood leaves containing artemisinin showed a stronger
phytotoxic effect on redroot pigweed seed germination and seedling growth than pure
artemisinin [57]. Moreover, aqueous extract with disposed artemisinin had equal inhibitory
effects on both physiological processes as allelopathin alone. This experiment suggests a
marginal role of artemisinin in plant extract and joint action of other allelochemicals. Although,
most studies analyzing allelopathic weedcrop interferences using annual wormwood were
conducted under laboratory and greenhouse conditions [58].
Toxic studies on duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and the fresh water algae Pseudokirchneriella
subcapitata (Korshikov) had EC50 values 0.24 and 0.19 mg L1 respectively, with growth
rate as endpoint corresponding to those of the herbicide atrazine [59]. These profiles
questioned environmental safety of artemisinin for the purpose as a bioherbicide. It may
be a result of its complex chemical structure, but this compound may be used as the ba
sis for a new herbicide, based on artemisinin chemical structure. Such attempts have al
ready been made using artemisinins analogues [55]. Four of the tested 12 analogues
inhibited germination and root growth of lettuce, Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) and duckweed
at extremely low concentrations (3 M).
5.4. Leptospermone
Leptospermone (1-hydroxy-2-isovaloryl-4,4,6,6-tetramethyl cyclohexen-3,5-dione) is a natural
triketone produced by the roots of the bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus Curtis) [60]. In its pure
form, it was tested both pre- and post-emergence on a range of plant species including: hairy
crabgrass, yellow foxtail (Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv.), barnyard grass, California red oat (Avena
sativa L.), redroot pigweed, Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and curly dock (Rumex crispus
L.). Leptospermone is a strong p- hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitor with
I50 values 3 g mL-1[61]. Inhibition of this enzyme leads to disruption in carotenoid biosynthesis
and loss of chlorophyll. Unfortunately, a pure compound rate of 9000 g a.s. ha-1 was required
to give acceptable weed control. Such high doses excluded leptospermone from commercial
development. The structure of this allelochemical was used as a basis for development of
synthetic analogues including mesotrione (trade name Callisto), an herbicide produced by
Syngenta AG. Mesotrione is applied for control of broadleaved weeds in maize. The rates of
mesotrione are in the range from 75 to 225 g a.s. ha-1 (around 100 times more potent than
leptospermone) [60].
However, leptospermone has lately been found as the main herbicidal component of manuka
oil (Leptospermum scoparium J.R., G. Forst) [61]. Manuka oil (1%) applied as post-emergence
spray, significantly decreased growth and dry weight of redroot pigweed, barnyardgrass,
velvetleaf and hairy crabgrass. Though, hairy crabgrass seedlings that emerged after manuka
oil application were totally blanched. Pre-emergence application of 0.17% manuka oil which
corresponds to 0.2 L ha-1 of leptospermone inhibited hairy crabgrass growth by 50%. The preemergence effects are mainly dependent on its persistence in soil. Average time of leptosper
mone half-life in soil was calculated at 15 days while applied as a compound of manuka oil
time extended by 3 days. This clearly shows that half-life of active compounds may be longer
in mixture than applied alone due to additive or synergistic action. This type of leptospermone
application poses another possibility of usage for this compound in its natural form without
chemical modification of the structure [61].
5.5. Essential oils
Lately, there has been a growing interest for using essential oils as allelopathins with bioher
bicide potential. Some of them have already been commercialized and successfully launched
in organic agriculture. They disrupt the cuticle and contribute to desiccation or burn down
young tissues. Examples of this are the commercially available bioherbicide with the trade
name of GreenMatch EX which consists of lemongrass (Cymbopogon sp.) oils or InterceptorTM
with 10% pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) oil [3]. Essential oils are complex mixtures of monoterpenes,
sesquiterpenes, and aromatic phenols, oxides, ethers, alcohols, esters, aldehydes and ketones
[62]. The main terpenoids of volatile essential oils are monoterpenes (C10) and sesquiterpenes
(C15). It has been well documented that essential oils found in foliage of eucalyptus (Eucalyp
tus sp.) show phytotoxic potential. During field experiments it has been reported that common
weeds such as coffee senna (Cassia occidentalis L.) and barnyardgrass sprayed with different
concentrations of eucalyptus oil (from 5 % to 10 % v/v with 0.05 % v/v Tween-80) exhibited
dose-dependent and species-dependent levels of injury. Coffee senna plants were more
sensitive to the eucalyptus oil than barnyardgrass [62]. Phytotoxicity of eucalyptus oil is due
to the components such as 1,8-cineole, citronellal, citronellol, citronellyl acetate, p-cymene,
eucamalol, limonene, linalool, -pinene, -terpinene, -terpineol, alloocimene, and aroma
dendrene [62]. Pre-emergence herbicidal activity of 1,8-cineole 3, and 1,4-cineole 4 were tested
against rigid ryegrass and garden radish var. Long Scarlet in laboratory-based bioassays. 1,8cineole and its derivatives showed a dose-dependent herbicidal activity against both weed
species [64]. Laboratory studies [64, 65] also have shown that soil-applied 1,8-cineole sup
pressed the growth of several weeds. However, field reports demonstrated that 1,8-cineole
alone has poor herbicidal activity [67, 68]. The commercial herbicide cinmethylin is a 2-benzyl
ether substituted analog of the monoterpene 1,4-cineole (1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-7oxabicyclo heptane). This compound was discovered and partially developed by Shell
Chemicals as a derivative of the allelopathic natural monoterpene, 1,8-cineole [69]. The benzyl
ether substitution appears to decrease the volatility of the cineole ring by several orders of
magnitude thereby rendering it more suitable for herbicide use [70]. Cinmethylin is a moder
ately effective growth inhibitor used for monocot weed control [71]. Despite the fact that it has
been used commercially in both Europe and Japan and has been studied experimentally for
several decades, the mechanism of action of this herbicide is still unknown [54, 72]. Cinme
thylin was commercialized outside the United States in 1982 under the trade names of Cinch
and Argold. Cinmethylin is active on several important grasses in rice; Echinochloa sp.,
Cyperus sp. and heartshape false pickerelweed (Monochoria viginalis Burm.f.) at rates from 25
to 100 g a.s. ha-1 [73].
5.6. Sarmentine
Sarmentine was first isolated from long pepper (Piper longum L.) fruits [74] but is also present
in varied organs of other Piper species (Huang and Asolkan patent). It has been known as a
medicinal plant with many beneficial multidirectional properties on human health. However,
methanol extract of long pepper dry fruits has been shown to be suppressive to lettuce [75].
Purification and fractioning of long pepper crude extract allows the dissection of the active
compound sarmentine, a molecule with a long unsaturated fatty acid chain and pyrrolidine.
Due to the hydrophobic properties, sarmentine is suspended with surfactants, 0.2 % glycospere
O-20, 2% ethanol and 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate. As a foliar spray, it is active at 2.5 mg mL-1,
but its high phytotoxicity is manifested at 5 mg mL-1. Higher concentrations of sarmentine
caused almost 100% mortality of redroot pigweed, barnyardgrass, bindweed (Convonvulus
sp.), hairy crabgrass, sprangletop (Leptochloa sp.), annual bluegrass, wild mustard (Sinapis
arvensis L.), curly dock with impaired effects on horseweed (Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist)
and sedge (Carex sp.) growth under laboratory conditions. First phytotoxic symptoms such as
bent stems and contact necrosis, have been visible 30 minutes after application; however fullblown implications were seen 7 h after spraying. The most likely mechanism of sarmentine
action on plants is disruption of the plant cuticle which leads to disruption of cell membranes
and lipid peroxidation followed by formation of radicals [76, 77].
As an herbicide, sarmentine and its derivatives may be both obtained from fruits of long
pepper and successfully chemically synthesized [75]. Despite the fact that the compound
is active under laboratory conditions, its chemical and biological instability under field
conditions may limit its application as an herbicide. However, it has been shown that
crucial for sarmentine herbicidal activity is the presence of an amine bond with a secon
dary amine. Replacement of the acid moiety with structurally similar fatty acids has not
changed its phytotoxic potential. Moreover, natural herbicides based on sarmentine may
also contain other derivatives with similar modes of action on plants but higher environ
mental stability [75]. Sarmentine may be successfully applied in combination with syn
thetic herbicides, e.g. aryloxyphenoxypropionic, benzoic acid, dicarboximide,
organophosphorus, triazine, sulfonamide herbicides and with many others. This gives an
opportunity to further the structural modification that makes the compound more stable
without any disadvantages on bioherbicide action in plants. It is worth noting that sar
mentine has already been patented as an herbicide but not commercialized yet [75].
phenolic compounds of nettleleaf goosefoot (Chenopodium murale Linn.) [81] and gossypol of
cotton [82]. Active growth of roots and rapid colonization of the bioreactor allows rapidly
reaching target weight, necessary to obtain an adequate quantity of the compound extracted
from plants or growing medium.
The recombinant DNA technology can be useful to improve allelochemical production.
Enhancing or suppression of gene expression, metabolic engineering and genetic transforma
tion are promising new tools for allelochemical synthesis [79]. This approach is based on
elucidation of the metabolic pathway, enzyme activities and identification of genes encoding
crucial enzymes, associated with metabolite (allelochemical) synthesis.
Allelopathy is a quantitative trait. A genetic analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) is a
promising approach to identify genes underlying this trait. Only a few crops are under genetic
screening for its allelopathic properties including: rice, wheat, barley and oat [83, 84]. The first
QTL map associated with allelopathic properties was developed in rice. A segregating
population derived from a cross of two cultivars varying with allelopathic potential against
barnyardgrass. The map contained 140 DNA markers with four main-effects QTL located on
chromosome 2, 3 and 8 [85]. Proteomic studies on allelopathy of rice against barnyardgrass
confirmed the crucial role of three enzymes: phenylalanine ammonia-lyse (PAL), thioredoxin
and 3-hydroxy-3-methilglutarilcoenzyme A reductase 3 (HMGR) is highly involved in phenols
biosynthesis [86]. Such a genetic approach may allow the location of the gene in the genome
and better understanding of its function in plant allelopathy and create the chance of applying
marker assisted selection (MAS) to enhance allelopathic abilities.
Just like breeding programs allow improved crop production, they may also improve pro
duction of allelopathic compounds increasing allelopathic potential.
Scopoletin has been known as allelopathic root exudates of oats (Avena sp.) that affects growth
of neighboring plants. Screening of 3000 of Avena accessions has shown varying ability to
scopoletin production. Twenty five of them have exuded higher amounts of scopoletin than
control cultivar Garry, of which 4 were threefold more than the control [87]. Variation in
allelopathin production was also discovered for sorgoleone of seven sorghum accessions [38]
nomilacton A and B of 8 rice accessions [88] DIBOA and DIMBOA of 14 rye cultivars [88],
gramine of 43 lines of modern cultivar of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wild progenitor H.
spontaneum (C. Koch) [90]. Enhanced production of active compounds from allelopathic plants
can be developed by efficient breeding - selection of individuals with high allelopathic ability.
Identification of a single gene, arranged in synthesis of allelopathin already has been per
formed for sorgoleone. SOR1 (or compatible SbDES3) expression is specific for root hairs of
two species of sorghum (S. bicolor and S. halepense) and associated with sorgoleone synthesis,
while it is not expressed in other organs of sorghum SOR1 encodes novel fatty acid desaturase
(FAD), involved in the formation of a specific bond at 16:39,12,15 pattern [91, 92]. Comparative
studies of FAD derived from sorghum with other desaturases showed high similarity to
omega-3 fatty acid desaturases (FAD3) [93]. However, none of the hitherto known desaturases
can synthesize double bonding at this unique pattern along the aliphathic chain of the
sorgoleone molecule. Characterization of this gene allows an overexpression of SOR1 and
increased sorgoleone synthesis and improved allelopathic potential of sorghum, as well as
easier collection of the compound. Moreover, the well-known pathway of sorgoleone synthesis
and characteristic of candidate genes may be a promising source of introducing sorgoleone
production to grass crops [94].
The situation becomes more complicated when more than one gene encoding special enzymes
is required to increase synthesis of a plant compound. Such difficulties have been encountered
for DIBOA, synthesized by various grass species [95]. In maize, biosynthesis of this compound
is determined by five genes (Bx1 to Bx5) encoding three enzymes: tryptophan synthase
homolog, cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase [95].
Monoterpenes are a large family of compounds produced by a varied family of aromatic
plants. Some of the monoterpenes also take part in allelopathic interactions, e.g. linalool,
cineole camphene, pinene, limonene, etc. Currently, metabolic engineering allows im
proved production of specific compounds in heterologous systems [96]. The most interest
ing are monoterpene synthases which catalyzed geranyl diphosphate (GPP) into output
structure of numerous monoterpenes family, e.g. enhanced expression of limonene syn
thase in transgenic peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) has increased yield of monoterpenes.
An alternative approach is to change the density of secretory structures by both plant
hormone and transcriptional factors manipulation. Such attempts already have been
made in annual wormwood and A. thaliana. It was recently found that the number of
glandular trichomes increased in response to jasmonic acid. Spraying of annual worm
wood with this hormone significantly increased density of these structures on leaves
what was accompanied with higher artemisinin content [51]. This was an effect of en
hanced expression of gene encoding enzymes taking part in artemisinin biosynthesis. On
the other hand, in Arabidopsis, co-expression of two positive transcriptional factors (GL1,
and R protein of maize) has significantly improved the number of trichomes [96].
However, we have to bear in mind that biosynthesis of natural compounds can be limited to
organs, tissues or even cells. Specific locations of compound synthesis, accumulation or
secretion often make that compound toxic to other tissues within the same plant organism.
Moreover, even successful transformation of a plant does not guarantee successful and
sufficient production of a desirable compound. The gene of (S)-linalool synthase (Lis) of fairy
fans (Clarkia breweri Gray), constitutively expressed in transgenic petunia (Petunia hybrida
Hook.), has produced linalool but in its glycosylated, non-volatile form [96].
All presented techniques provide greater knowledge on allelopathy. However, better under
standing of such complex interactions among this phenomenon bring us one step forward to
development of new strategies in weed management and finding new herbicides and new
herbicidal target sites.
7. Conclusions
The phenomena of allelopathy and phytotoxic interactions between plants are strongly
expanding branches of biological science. Allelochemicals, as a group of substances also called
Author details
Dorota Soltys1*, Urszula Krasuska1, Renata Bogatek2 and Agnieszka Gniazdowska2
*Address all correspondence to: d.soltys@ihar.edu.pl
1 Laboratory of Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Re
search Institute, Mlochow, Poland
2 Department of Plant Physiology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW, Warsaw,
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Chapter 21
1. Introduction
Commelina species, notably C. communis L, C. diffusa Burm, C. elegans Kunth. and C. bengha
lensis L. as well as their biotypes, are perennial herbs of Neotropical origin which now have a
pantropical distribution. Members of this family (Commelindeae: Commelinaceae) are
common throughout the Caribbean, North and Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East
and parts of Oceania [18, 27, 28, 63, 64]. There are 500 - 600 species reported in the family
Commelinaceae [50]. Recent data indicates that the Commelinaceae family contains 23 genera
and at least 225 species native to or naturalized in the New World and 23 genera and about
200 species in the Neotropics [41] and also website reports of 50 genera and 700 species [16,
31]. There are 170 species of Commelina in the warmer regions of the world and 50 species of
Murdannia occurring in the tropics and warm temperate regions worldwide with Tropical
Asia having the greatest diversity [17].
Wilson [84] presented a comprehensive review on Commelina species and its management
with emphasis on chemical weed control in 1981. Since Wilsons review much has been written
about the weedy members of this family, notably Commelina species [84]. Indeed, the CAB
ABSTRACTS Database contains well over 1200 references on Commelinaceae from 1981 to the
present. Commelina benghalensis in particular has been the most reported species with several
reports of research conducted on its control in southern states of the United States of America
(USA) including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and North Carolina [18, 74, 75, 78-81].
Many of these studies should be consulted for basic details of the biology and ecology. The
National American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) offers a comprehensive global
distribution list of this weed species [47].
The current review is an attempt to provide an update on the status of the weedy Commelina
species in agricultural production systems. This review is based on world literature over the
2013 Isaac et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
last 45 years and considers major Commelina species found in the tropics and warm temperate
regions in relation to their status, distribution, biology and spread and management.
2. Weed Status
Commelina benghalensis (Tropical spiderwort or Benghal dayflower) has become increasingly
important, gaining pest significance in agronomic production systems in the southeastern
coastal plain of the United States of America (USA) in crops such as cotton (Gossypium spp.)
and peanut (Arachis hypogea) [70, 71] and in the North China Plain in crops such as potato
(Solanum tuberosum) and summer corn (Zea mays) [37, 71, 72, Li et al. unpublished data 2007).
It is commonly associated with wet locations. This weed was in fact listed as a Federal Noxious
weed in Florida and Georgia where it is the most troublesome weed in cotton and a pest in
peanut, corn (Zea mays), soybean (Glycine max), nursery stock and orchards [81]. This species
which was first observed in USA in 1928 [18] gained noxious weed status in 1983 [81]. Between
1998 to 2001 and then to 2004 this weed which was ranked among the top 39 most troublesome
weeds across all crops by Georgia extension agents (in 1998) moved to the 9th most trouble
some (in 2001) to the most troublesome cotton weed in Georgia (in 2003) [77] and Florida (2004)
and the 3rd most troublesome weed of peanut in several south Georgia counties [54, 80]. In
Georgia alone the weed is estimated to infest more than 80,000 ha [80-82] with a confirmed
presence in 29 Georgia counties [54]. It is also observed throughout the panhandle and central
Florida and listed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as appearing in
more than 12 Florida counties [82].
Commelina communis has become one of the three most troublesome weeds in soybean fields
in the Northeast China, and has caused significant reduction in production and quality of
soybean [42]. Commelina species, namely C. diffusa and elegans, were reported as the 3rd most
troublesome weed in the Caribbean where they are a serious problem of banana and other
crops in the Windward Islands of Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the
Grenadines [24]. Presently, Commelina species, commonly called watergrass, caner grass,
pond grass, spiderwort, spreading dayflower, wandering Jew or French weed in these Islands,
are by far the most serious in these countries. Commelina diffusa was once encouraged as a
ground cover to reduce soil erosion [13] and has been identified as the host of the reniformis
nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis [57], the banana lesion nematode Pratylenchus goodeyi [87]
and recent data have confirmed its association with the burrowing nematode Radopholus
similis [55]. These nematodes all contribute to significant reductions in banana production
particularly R. similis, which may reduce banana production by more than 50 % and decrease
the production duration of banana fields [55].
persistent. They are both annuals and perennials and therefore dominate the fallow vegetation
because they are most competitive due to their growth and regeneration characteristics [72].
The plant is propagated mainly by seeds, stem cuttings and rooting from nodes and pieces [19,
46, 74, 75]. Plants may arise asexually when buds grow into autonomous, adventitiously erect
leafy shoots, which later become separated from each other [12]. Occasionally the buds may
sprout and grow into erect shoots directly without undergoing a period of inactivity [12]. The
plant produces roots readily at the nodes of the creeping stems and will do so especially when
broken or cut [27, 28]. Farmers in the Windward Islands report that Commelina species may
be intensified when cut with a weed whacker as stolons spread more extensively.
The stems of Commelina species have a high moisture content and once it is well rooted the
plant can survive for long periods without moisture [84]. This fact is evident in young banana
plantations in the Windward Islands where stems become dried and shrivelled due to the
direct contact with solar radiation particularly in the dry season. However, at the onset of rains
and when the canopy of the banana closes, stems regain moisture, re-establish and rapidly
begin to spread by runners which root at the nodes.
The mature aerial seeds of C. benghalensis are produced within 14 to 22 days after flower
opening [74] and in some instances, e.g., the rice paddies of the Philippines, can produce in
excess of 1,600 seeds/plant [53] or even 12,000 seeds/m2 [74], whereas seeds grown from
underground seeds are capable of producing 8,000 seeds/m2 [74]. In cultivated areas the plant
is spread by irrigation water and waterways. Animals may also spread the seeds.
Commelina species has gained noxious weed status in the Windward Islands because of
several factors. Firstly, the fact that the weed was encouraged as a groundcover was com
pounded by inappropriate agricultural practices, notably irrational herbicide use which
farmers have relied on for decades. The non-judicious use of herbicides has created imbalances
and disturbances within the ecosystem in these Islands causing resistant biotypes. Secondly,
the move within recent years by banana growers to adopt a Fairtrade system which uses no
herbicides has catapulted the spread to an all-time high in the Windward Islands. Farmers
have been forced to rely on the use of the cutlass or weed whacker as the only alternative
strategies which have further intensified the problem by spreading plant propagules [30]. Most
importantly these Islands which are characterized by hilly landscapes have ideal moist
conditions for the proliferation of Commelina species. Finally, many of the banana plantations
have been farmed for several years with virtually no crop rotations or tillage practices and this
has further contributed to the stabilization of Commelina species populations.
In the USA, its sudden emergence as a noxious weed is attributed to crop production practices
which are well suited for prolific weed growth such as minimum tillage production (which
is undertaken in conjunction with the use of glyphosate resistant crops) and extreme tolerance
to glyphosate [79-81]. The weed appears to be well-suited for high input agricultural produc
tion where high levels of fertilizers, irrigation and herbicides are used [79, 80]. The spread of
C. benghalensis is attributed, in part, to the adoption of weed management programmes that
lack the use of residual herbicides along with the adoption of reduced-tillage production
practices [54]. Additionally, after introduction, invasive species often go long periods of time
(lag period) during which the pest increases in distribution or density without being noticed
as an obvious pest [54].
periods of 15 to 88 and 22 to 38 days after coffee seedling sowing under winter and summer
conditions, respectively [11]. In cotton it was found that yield loss from C. benghalensis can be
minimized by planting cotton early in the growing season, prior to substantial emergence of
the weed [81].
An Integrated Management Strategy (IWM) is therefore suggested for the best control of this
weed species. A multi-component approach including an effective herbicide for successful
management has been suggested [80-82].
7. Chemical management
Herbicides are not usually very effective against most Commelina species. The first verified
resistance was registered in 1957, when C. diffusa biotypes were identified in the United States
[26]. Commelina elegans has shown resistance to growth regulator type herbicides [32]. Control
using herbicides is, however, variable depending on the herbicide, accuracy of leaf coverage
and environmental conditions [7]. Spraying with a selective or non selective herbicide may
work but repeated treatments are required for regrowth. Plants should not be under moisture
stress when sprayed. Surfactants will improve penetration into the waxy-coated leaves.
Many standard herbicides have relatively low activity on species of Commelina [84]. These
include 2,4-D, propanil, butachlor, trifluralin and pendimethalin. Treatment with 2,4-D or
MCPA at the pre-emergent stage has been shown to be ineffective and although a reasonable
kill of very young seedlings can be obtained, the plants develop a rapid resistance with age
[32]. Particular biotypes are resistant to 2,4-D and they may be cross resistant to other Group
O / 4 herbicides [83]. It has been found that one biotype of C. diffusa could withstand five times
the dosage of a susceptible species [83].
In rice, bentazone, molinate, oxyfluorfen and bifenox are herbicides with good activity [7].
Post-emergent sequential treatments of propanil followed by nitrogen or of molinate followed
by KN3 controlled C. diffusa in rice [61]. In soybean, bentazone and metribuzin are effective [7].
In corn, combination of bromoxynil and 2,4-D butylate produced a synergistic effect in postemergent control of 3-4 leaf stage C. communis [85]. In plantation crops such as banana,
paraquat is not always effective but mixture with diuron is recommended [7]. Dinoseb has
been found to kill seedlings as well as dalapon but paraquat is reported to be relatively
ineffective [32]. Prodiamine has been reported to be effective in ornamental fern beds [62].
Extreme tolerance to glyphosate has been documented [54]. Glyphosate has been shown to be
effective but additives or mixtures may be needed for good results at moderate doses [7].
However, C. diffusa has been reported to have larger possibilities of recovery after glyphosate
application because of its larger starch reservation [71].
Resistance to residual herbicides has also been reported and relatively high doses of simazine
and diuron appear to be necessary to achieve control [32]. Recent studies on use of residual
herbicides have identified Dual Magnum (s-metolachlor) (applied as a preplant incorporat
ed, pre-emergent and post-emergent) as providing excellent residual control (>80%) of C.
benghalensis in peanut [54]. Atrazine and Dual Magnum, two commonly used corn herbicides
used in the USA, also gave good to excellent residual activity on C. benghalensis [3]. The most
effective herbicide control strategies for C. benghalensis involve combinations of both preemergence and postemergence conventional herbicides [54]. These include preemergence
herbicides with residual activity such as Axiom (flufenacet + metribuzin), Dual Magnum
control), paraquat, 2,4-D butylate, rimsulfuron and thifensulfuron-methyl are herbicides with
good activity (80.0 - 90.0% control), and nicosulfuron, bensulfuron-methyl, dicamba and
glyphosate-isopropylammonium are relatively ineffective (< 80.0% control) at their own
recommended dose, respectively. As for C. communis, mesotrione and thifensulfuron-methyl
provide complete control (100%); metribuzin, paraquat, carfentrazone-ethyl, 2,4-D butylate,
nicosulfuron, MCPA-sodium, fluroxypyr, flumioxazin and acifluorfen are herbicides with
excellent activity (90.0 - 100% control); rimsulfuron, lactofen and fomesafen are herbicides with
good activity (80.0 - 90.0% control); and glyphosate-isopropylammonium, bensulfuronmethyl, fluoroglycofen-ethyl, bentazone, clomazone, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen, isoproturon and
dicamba are relatively ineffective (< 80.0% control) at their own recommended dose, respec
tively. There are 19 and 14 herbicides which provided good to excellent control (> 80%) to C.
benghalensis and C. communis under greenhouse conditions, respectively. However, the
performance of those herbicides applied in different crops to control C. benghalensis and C.
communis also needs to be ascertained.
8. Cultural management
This method depends on the crop infested, land size, level of technology available, value of
crop, labour availability and costs, availability of draft power and the associated equipment
and availability of herbicides [47]. The document further indicates that the methods currently
used include proper land preparation, hand hoeing and pulling, removing the plants from the
fields and drying, use of ox-drawn and tractor drawn cultivation, slashing and herbicide
application. Commelina diffusa is very difficult to control manually as the stolons are cut into
small pieces which can easily regenerate. Hand weeding and rolling the weed up like a carpet
is considered suitable for removal of small infestations [30], if care is taken to remove every
last piece. In Uganda, it was reported that heaping of stubborn weeds of Commelina plants is
practical during the rainy season to speed up rotting and reduce the frequency of weeding [48].
In the dry season, heaps are then scattered as the dry conditions desiccate Commelina stems
rapidly. A small percent of Ugandan farmers (5.9%) dig ditches and bury Commelina species,
turning it into manure. Some farmers in St. Vincent have also tried this technique in the field
with varying success.
A potential solution to overcoming Commelina weed infestations in banana is by intercrop
ping with a fast, low growing shade tolerant cover crop. This can be done by intercropping
with melons, Mucuna pruriens (negra and ceniza), tropical alfalfa, Cajanus cajan, Vigna radiata
(mung bean), V. unguiculata (cowpea), Crotalaria juncea, Indigofera endecaphylla, Phaseolus
trinervius, and Ipomea batatas (sweet potato) which have rapid canopy coverage to suppress the
establishment of weeds. Melon (Colocynthis citrullus L.) planted at a density of 5,000 plants/ha
suppressed weed growth of Commelina diffusa for five months, enhancing establishment and
yield of melon in Nigeria [49]. Use of vigorous healthy planting material and close spacing of
the crop may also be used. It has been shown that spacings of 1.2 x 1.2 m (6,944 plants/ha) and
1.5 x 1.2 m (4,444 plants/ha) gave high yields and natural control of these weeds [8, 66].
Field studies conducted in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2003/2004 compared several
treatments including 3 cover crops in suppressing Commelina diffusa weed infestations in
banana at 63 days after application (DAA) [30]. The cover crops included Arachis pintoi (wild
peanuts) which was sown by seed and stem cuttings, 16 cm apart, Mucuna pruriens (velvet
beans) drilled 30 cm apart and Desmodium heterocarpon var ovalifolium (CIAT 13651) broadcast
at a rate of 5 kg/ha. Best results were obtained from Desmodium heterocarpon (86.7%) followed
by Arachis pintoi (52.1%) and Mucuna pruriens (43.3%). Desmodium heterocarpon was also found
to be competitive to C. diffusa significantly suppressing its growth in Farmer Participatory
Research trials also conducted in St. Vincent in 2005/2006 [30].
Mulching is another viable option for management of the weed. Mulching with rice straw, cut
bush, grass, coffee hulls, water hyacinth or even the dead or senescent banana leaves, pruned
suckers and old stems could significantly suppress weed growth. Black plastic mulch also
provides good weed control as it stifles weed seed growth and development when light
penetration is reduced. There are no reports of work done on the use of these mulches for
suppression of Commelina species. In field studies in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in
2003/2004 three dead mulches were compared using senescent banana leaves (traditional
practice of farmers) applied to a depth of 3-5 cm, coffee hulls applied to a depth of 3-5 cm and
black plastic polyethylene tarp at 1.0 mils thickness [30]. Results indicate a 94.5% and 95.6%
suppression of weeds including C. diffusa with coffee hulls and banana mulch treatments
respectively and 100% suppression with black plastic mulch.
9. Mechanical management
Commelina diffusa is particularly difficult to control by cultivation, partly because broken pieces
of the stem readily take root and underground stems with pale, reduced leaves and flowers
are often produced [32]. The plant is easy to rake up, roll up or hand pull and very small
infestations can be dug out. It can be bagged and well baked in the sun, however, follow up
work is essential as any small fragment of the stem remaining will regrow and needs to be
removed and destroyed off - site. Mechanical control using the weed whacker may also
contribute the spread of stem cuttings in addition to damaging the banana root system as much
of the plant lies within the top 15 cm of the soil [30].
To investigate the effect of cutting and depth on the regeneration potential of C. diffusa
greenhouse studies were conducted in 2004/2005 (Isaac et al. unpublished data 2005) using
three cutting types: tip cuttings (2 nodes, 2 leaves), 2 node pieces only and 1 node, 1 leaf piece
buried at depths including 0 (control), 2.5, 5.0 and 7.0 cm to demonstrate emergence patterns.
These cuttings were intended to simulate cuttings made from a weed whacker and the practice
of burying the weed. Regeneration was observed from all cuttings from 0 5.0 cm depths but
no growth was observed at 7.0 cm. C. diffusa dry matter (DM) was highest at surface level (0cm
- control) for all cuttings and reduced with increased depth. Results indicate that for effective
management of C. diffusa by cutting, nodes must be reduced to less than half with no leaves
which may starve the plants photosynthetic ability and hence suppress regeneration. Burial
should be up to 5.0 cm to ensure that there is no emergence of the weed. Similar studies [5]
indicated that cuttings buried deeper than 2 cm failed to regenerate.
Research has shown that soil solarization, a hydrothermal process of heating moist soil, can
successfully disinfect soil pests and control weeds [1, 4, 15, 56]. Soil solarization by covering
with plastic sheeting for 6 weeks in the warmer months will weaken the plant. After removing
the plastic any regrowth can be dug out or sprayed, however, this method will not be effective
in full shade. Solarization can be used alone or in combination with other chemicals or
biological agents as the framework for an IPM programme for soilborne pests in open fields.
In field trials in St. Vincent, soil solarization using clear polyethylene plastic at 0.5 mils under
Fairtrade banana plants showed variable suppression of C. diffusa as the weed emerged under
the clear plastic showing chlorotic and suppressed growth symptoms, resuming its full growth
potential after removal of the plastic covering 2 months after application (Isaac et al. unpub
lished data 2005). Seed germination of C. benghalensis was found to increase by soil solarization
in studies conducted in Brazil [43].
germination and root length of C. benghalensis [73]. Both AA and FA have the potential for use
as bio-herbicides.
was found widespread on C. diffusa in Hawaii [22] sometimes causing death of parts above
ground. Studies aimed at identifying mycoherbicidal biocontrol agents have been conducted
in Brazil on three endemic pathogens of C. benghalensis which were: a bacterium (Erwinia sp.)
and two fungi (Corynespora cassiicola and Cercospora sp.) [38, 39].
Author details
Wendy-Ann Isaac1, Zongjun Gao2 and Mei Li2
1 Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the
West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad
2 Institute of Plant Protection, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, China
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Chapter 22
Integrating Herbicides in a
High-Residue Cover Crop Setting
Andrew J. Price and Jessica A. Kelton
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Sustainable agriculture requires the use of multiple, integrated weed management practi
ces to ensure long-term viability. A number of cultural, mechanical, and chemical weed
control options can be utilized in a production system to reduce weed interference and
safeguard crop yield. The dependence on one single weed control strategy may result in
short-term success; however, long-term use can lead to multiple setbacks including poor soil
health, reduced crop production, and increasing herbicide resistance. In turn, employing
multiple weed control tactics simultaneously may prove difficult without previous knowl
edge as to how best to implement an integrated weed management system. To that end, this
chapter is dedicated to illustrating successful herbicide use in conjunction with cover crops
and their residues, practices proven not only to suppress weed germination and growth, but
also to reduce soil erosion and water runoff and build soil organic matter and thus subse
qent productivity.
Use of cover crops, particularly those producing high amounts of biomass (greater than 4,500
kg ha-1), can provide numerous benefits for a cropping system [1]. However, care must be taken
when choosing herbicides to apply to these cover crops both prior to and after primary crop
planting. This chapter provides an overview of effective herbicide choices for use prior to and
within cover crop as well as efficient application methods for use after planting the primary
crop(s). We also discuss herbicide interception by cover crop residue and means to control
reduced efficacy due to interception. It is hoped that this summary will aid in the adoption of
sustainable farming practices to ensure successful agricultural productivity for future gener
2013 Price and Kelton; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2. Conservation agriculture
As demands are placed on agriculture to produce increasing yields for a growing global
population, the need to implement systems with high productivity and sound environmental
standards is key to ensuring agricultural sustainability for future generations. To this end,
conservation agriculture is a systems-based approach for food, feed, and fiber production that
utilizes a number of practices aimed at maintaining yields while limiting energy and chemical
inputs, minimizing soil degradation and erosion, and reducing long-term, detrimental impacts
to the environment [2]. Conservation agriculture is comprised of many different management
practices, particularly cultural techniques such as crop rotation, planting date, and seeding
rate, that can reduce dependence on chemical inputs for successful yield production. More
over, limited tillage practices, or conservation-tillage, is essential to conservation agriculture
systems to ensure soil quality, reduce runoff, and lessen energy consumption on agricultural
2.1. Conservation tillage
Conservation-tillage, or reduced-tillage, has been proven to provide multiple benefits in
agricultural settings. In addition to erosion and runoff control, soil health improvement, and
reduced energy demands, reduced-tillage practices can produce crops yields similar to that of
conventional systems [3-5]. The use of reduced-tillage, however, can alter weed communities.
Seed production by annual weed species remains, in most part, on the soil surface where it is
subject to increased decomposition and predation. With reduced competition and minimized
soil disruption, perennial weed species can become established and dominate the weed
community in conservation-tillage [6]. To aid in the control of both annual and perennial
weeds, the use of cover crops for ground cover can reduce herbicide requirements in conser
vation-tillage settings.
2.2. Cover crops
A number of cereal and legume cover crops are utilized in various crop productions for several
purposes. Currently, a large portion of cover crops are planted as a green manure which are
turned under prior to sowing the primary crop [7,8]. In reduced-tillage, however, cover crops
are grown as a ground cover and remain on the soil surface after cover crop termination. In
addition to further reducing soil erosion, increasing soil organic matter, and improving water
infiltration, cover crops can provide a level of weed suppression both prior to and during the
primary growing season [9]. When compared to fallow conservation-tillage systems, cover
crops offer increased weed control through direct resource competition while actively growing
as well as through shading and/or allelopathy after termination. Covers grown to produce
high levels of biomass, in particular, can increase shading of germinating weed species and
provide greater ground cover for an extended period during the growing season. When
employing cover crops, however, knowledge concerning herbicide use both during cover crop
production and primary crop growth is essential.
sections review major crops produced globally, describe research conducted in respect to
reduced-tillage production, as well as list available herbicides for use when using reducedtillage and cover crops. These reviews are designed to provide information that can be
beneficial for producers implementing conservation-tillage.
3. Wheat
Global production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was estimated at approximately 217 million
hectares in 2010 [14] representing the largest single crop, in area grown, and providing
approximately 19% of the caloric intake of the worlds diet [15]. In recent years, concerns have
been noted over stagnant wheat yields due to drought and rising temperatures attributed to
global warming [16]. Efforts to maintain current wheat production levels and identify potential
measures to aid in increasing yield have led researchers to explore conservation practices in
wheat systems. In addition to preserving high crop yields, long-term conservation systems are
intended to protect environmental quality and reduce chemical and energy inputs necessary
for crop production. Components of conservation systems such as reduced- or no-tillage can
produce crop yields equal to or exceeding conventional tillage practices while reducing
erosion, water runoff, and increasing water infiltration.
Much research has been conducted to evaluate wheat productivity in conservation-tillage
practices. Reports reveal similar or increased grain yield for reduced-tillage compared to
conventional tillage systems [17-19]. With little or no tillage operations, some chemical
applications are required to achieve successful levels of weed control; however, with herbicide
applications, weed species have been effectively controlled below levels that could reduce
yield [20]. To offset the herbicide needs in conservation-tillage, evaluations of cover crops as
ground cover have been conducted. Crops such as mustard (Sinapis alba L.), pea (Pisum
sativum L.), and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) have proven to be good choices with little yield
differences [21]. However, other reports show negative impacts on wheat production when
implementing cover crops prior to wheat production for reasons such as increased weed
competition, primarily Bromus spp., and reduced fertilizer uptake [22].
Like most crops produced in conservation-tillage, herbicide options may be limited to a degree
whether utilizing a cover crop or not. With reduced-tillage, preplant incorporation of residual
herbicides cannot be utilized. Moreover, when planting into cover crops, soil-applied pre
emergent herbicides may be less effective due to interception by crop residue. When planting
wheat, preplant burndown herbicides may be necessary to control early weeds. POST
herbicides are also necessary to control weeds that germinate after planting. Table 1 lists many
of the herbicide options for use in conservation-tillage systems for wheat production.
4. Maize
Maize, or corn (Zea mays L.), is one of the most economically important grain crops worldwide
with 162 million ha produced in 2010 [2]. In addition to being a staple in human and livestock
diets in many countries, corn is also used for bioethanol production and the manufacturing of
many non-food products. Consumption of corn and products derived from corn continues to
increase. Given the demand, it is imperative for sustainable production systems that produce
high yields while preserving long-term productivity of the land to be implemented.
Conservation-tillage practices have been researched and utilized for several decades in some
regions such as the Midwest in the United States. As with many other crops, some variability
has been noted for corn yield in no-tillage systems compared to conventional tillage methods.
However, many reports show at least equal corn yields can be achieved when tillage practices
are reduced [3]. Adequate yield potential, coupled with the reduction of on-farm expenses,
have made conservation-tillage systems a good fit for corn production.
Common Name
Trade Namea
Aim [23]
Liberty [24]
and grasses
Gramoxone [26]
Early POST
Extra [29]
Clearfield wheat
Beyond [30]
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author
A major limiting factor to adopting reduced-tillage in corn production is the concern of less
effective weed control. Tillage has long been used as a means for weed seed burial which
reduces the number of seeds in the upper portion of the soil, the area most favorable for
germination for most species. In addition to weed seed remaining in the upper layer of soil,
shifts in weed species have also been noted. With the implementation of conservation-tillage,
most crop systems experience a shift in weed species from annuals to perennials dominating
the weed community.
Perennial weed species, largely controlled with tillage practices, can thrive on less distur
bed crop land. For effective weed control, producers implementing reduced-tillage have
relied on increased herbicide applications. To curb herbicide use, cover crops have been
adopted in conjunction with reduced-tillage corn systems. Research has shown that utiliz
ing a legume or grain cover crop can reduce weed density and growth while not affecting
corn yield [31,32]. For corn in particular, cover crops offer a potential benefit in addition to
weed suppression. Adequate nitrogen availability is essential for corn development. The use
of legume cover crops, such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), red clover (Trifolium pratense
L.), or medics (Medicago spp.), may provide a portion of corn nitrogen requirements and
reduce fertilizer inputs into the system [33]. Some research indicates that legume covers do
not reduce fertilizer requirements but improves grain production with standard fertilizer
applications [34]. Other research shows that legume covers can provide some nitrogen
required for successful corn production[35,36]. Selecting the right legume cover crop for
maximum nitrogen contribution with timely availability for corn uptake is key for utilizing
these crops as nitrogen sources.
Use of burndown herbicides prior to corn planting is critical for early season weed control
when using cover crops. A residual herbicide applied in conjunction with the herbicide used
for cover crop termination can broaden weed species controlled as well as extend control into
the season. A number of PRE herbicides are available that can be applied without incorporation
into the soil and are effective even with plant residue on the soil surface. These herbicides and
POST herbicide choices that can be successfully utilized in conservation-tillage corn with cover
crops are listed in Table 2.
Common Name
Trade Namea
Liberty [24]
Application Timing
WeatherMax [25]
Gramoxone [26]
Aatrex [38]
or PREb
Common Name
Application Timing
Trade Namea
Valor [39]
Prowl [40]
Aim [23]
Buctril [42]
Banvel [43]
Amaranthus spp.
Callisto [44]
Laudis [45]
Evik [46]
Lorox [47]
Lightning [48]
LibertyLink Corn
Common Name
Trade Namea
Application Timing
Glyphosate +
Expert [49]
s-metolachlor +
Canada thistle
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author endorsement.
PRE, preemergence.
POST, postemergence.
5. Rice
Production of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in 2010 was near 154 million ha worldwide [2]. In many
regions, rice provides nearly half or more of calories consumed by humans [50] and is the most
important grain crop grown. Rice yield has steadily grown in the past several decades due to
breeding and fertilizer advancements; however, it is necessary for rice yield to continue to
improve in order to meet increased demands by a growing world population. Given that little
land exists in rice-producing countries to expand production, it is necessary for methods to be
established that can continue yield improvement without depleting future soil productivity.
Wetland, transplant rice production is the dominant and highest yielding rice system in most
regions [50, 51]. However, the water and energy requirements may limit rice production as
competition for resources increases [52]. To reduce strain on environmental and economic
resources and to ensure sustainable rice systems in the future, dry-seeded rice production has
been implemented in some areas [53]. Dry-seeded rice production can be initiated in conjunc
tion with conservation-tillage with fewer water demands, lower energy and labor require
ments, and reduced soil erosion. Research has reported that dry-seeded rice in no-tillage can
be a successful alternative to conventional systems [52].
A limiting factor to widespread adoption of dry-seeded, reduced-tillage rice, however, is
reduced weed control. For rice, transitioning from wetland, conventional systems to a dry
system with reduced-tillage can affect weed compositions in multiple ways. Standing water
can reduce germinating weed seeds while the transplanted rice becomes established; removing
this water barrier can increase weed numbers [54]. Additionally, reduced-tillage practices can
result in an increase of weed seed germination due to less seed burial.
In dry-seeded rice, mulches have been suggested as a means to combat weed increases [51].
Little research has been conducted to fully understand the benefits of cover crops for weed
control in rice; however, legume covers have been associated with increased rice yield and
reduced weed biomass in upland rice [55]. Future research needs include addressing the effects
of cover crops on rice production in dry-seeded rice systems.
Due to challenging weed issues in rice systems, particularly dry-seeded rice, herbicide use will
continue to be necessary for effective weed suppression in both conventional and reducedtillage systems. The implementation of cover crops into these systems may lessen the herbicide
requirements but will not eliminate the use of chemicals altogether. Currently there are a
number of preemergent and postemergent herbicides available for use in rice production
(Table 3); however, as dry-seeded, conservation-tillage rice systems increase in popularity,
more herbicide options may become available.
Common Name
Trade Namea
Permit [57]
Prowl [40]
Facet [58]
Bolero [59]
Blazer [60]
Londax [61]
Basagran [62]
Aim [23]
Common Name
Trade Namea
Stam [63]
Clincher [64]
After Flooding
Agri Star
2,4-D [37]
Clearfield Rice
Beyond [30]
Newpath [65]
Imazethapyr +
Clearpath [66]
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author
PRE, preemergence.
POST, postemergence.
6. Soybean
Production of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], estimated at 102 million ha in 2010 [2], meets
a number of livestock and human food needs as well as industrial demands for use in products
such as paints, lubricants, and biofuel. Due to its diversity of uses, the soybean is an important
field crop for much of the world. In light of the value of soybeans, it is essential to establish
sustainable growing practices to ensure global demand continues to be met.
Implementation of conservation practices, such as reduced-tillage, can be utilized as compo
nents of alternative management systems replacing conventional systems to provide erosion
and runoff control while reducing labor and cost inputs. In the United States, in fact, approx
imately 80% of soybeans were produced with some form of conservation-tillage by 2006 [67].
This increase in conservation-tillage can be attributed to the environmental and economic
benefits achieved with reduced-tillage as well as the commercial availability of herbicidetolerant soybeans, which have made successful chemical weed control achievable with the use
of fewer herbicides.
Early work in conservation-tillage soybean have reported equal or improved yield in soybean
with reduced-tillage compared to conventional systems [68, 69]. Previous research has also
examined soybean systems planted behind wheat or a cover crop such as rye with improved
weed control being noted when compared to a fallow system [70] and greater yield with a
cover crop than with just the previous crops stubble [71]. The inclusion of plant residue, either
from a cover crop or a previous crop, provides a level of weed control by acting as a physical
barrier for germinating weed seed or through allelopathic inhibition released by some cover
crop species. The weed control provided by ground cover is crucial in a no-till practice due to
the loss of control from tillage reduction and the shift towards more difficult to control
perennial weed species.
While cover crops and plant residue have been identified as means to reduce weed emergence
when implemented in reduced-tillage practices further measures are required to keep the weed
population below an acceptable level [70]. Many cultural practices, such as crop rotation, row
spacing, and planting date, can be manipulated in such a way as to reduce weed populations;
however, herbicide use is still necessary in many systems.
As with most field crops grown in conservation-tillage systems, soybean production with
reduced-tillage has heavily relied on postemergent herbicide applications. Use of cover crops
in these systems may also contribute to the tendency for fewer PRE herbicides due to inter
ception concerns. However, the increase in herbicide-resistant weed species such as Palmer
amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats) and horsweed [Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.] in
herbicide resistant crops, like soybean, necessitates the use of multiple herbicides to slow the
development of weed resitance and safeguard the effectiveness of current herbicide options
for the future. Table 4 provides a partial list of herbicides that can be utilized in reduced-tillage
soybean with cover crops.
Common Name
Trade Namea
Liberty [24]
Gramoxone [26]
Command [56]
Outlook [72]
Valor [39]
Common Name
Trade Namea
Scepter [73]
Metribuzin [74]
Prowl [40]
Amaranthus spp.
Basagran [62]
Classic [75]
FirstRate [76]
Fusilade [77]
Pursuit [78]
Cobra [79]
Poast [80]
and crabgrass
Broadleaf species such as croton (Croton spp.) and
Florida beggarweed
Grass species such as foxtail, crabgrass, and panicum
LibertyLink Soybean
Roundup Ready
Fomesafen +
Flexstar [81]
Roundup WeatherMax
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author
PRE, preemergence.
POST, postemergence.
7. Cotton
Cotton production around the world is estimated at approximately 23 million tonnes (lint
production) [2] with China, India, and the United States being the top producers [82]. Efforts
to adopt sustainable cotton practices have led producers to utilize conservation-tillage systems
in cotton production. Besides environmental benefits achieved with reduced-tillage, major
economic advantages can be realized due to reduced time, labor, and fuel requirements when
operating with less tillage. Prior to the introduction of herbicide-resistant crops, adoption of
reduced-tillage was difficult due to control of weed species required multiple and costly
herbicide inputs [13]. In some instances, effective herbicides were not available to control
problematic weed species such as perennials that can thrive in reduced-tillage. When glyph
osate-resistant cotton was made available, reduced-tillage became practical since a broad
spectrum of weed species could be controlled with a single herbicide [83].
Extensive research has been carried out in conservation-tillage cotton with positive benefits
seen for cotton yield [84-86]. Moreover, with herbicide-resistant cotton varieties, weed control
has been as successful as conventional tillage cotton. Because of this success, conservationtillage practices have been widely adopted in areas such as the southeastern United States.
This dependence on a single herbicide, however, has led to the appearance of herbicideresistant weed species and now threatens the feasibility of reduced-tillage cotton production.
Currently, research efforts are focused on identifying ways to ensure the long-term viability
of conservation-tillage while controlling established populations of herbicide-resistant weed
species and reducing the risk of future development of resistant weeds.
Multiple weed management tactics are necessary to control weed resistance development with
cover crops playing an important role in resistance management. The use of cover crops,
particularly high-residue crops such as rye and black oat, can reduce herbicide inputs through
shading and allelopathy. The use of high-residue crops allows for maximum shading of the
soil surface during the beginning of the season while also providing a ground cover for a longer
period into the growing season. Cover crops, along with multiple herbicide modes of action
and rotation, have been shown to effectively control weeds in reduced-tillage cotton [87, 88].
A number of herbicide choices are available for use with conservation-tillage cotton (Table
5). PRE herbicides are especially important in early-season weed control to ensure manage
ment of weed species that are difficult to control later in the season. Although concerns have
been raised as to whether cover crops reduce the efficacy of PRE herbicides, it has been
suggested that any loss in weed control due to herbicide interception is offset by the control
provided by cover crop residue [89-91].
Common Name
Trade Namea
Banvel [43]
Valor [39]
Liberty [24]
Common Name
Trade Namea
Gramoxone [26]
Command [56]
Preplant or PREb
Cotoran [92]
Prowl [40]
Caparol [93]
Select [94]
Common Name
Trade Name
Assure [95]
Poast [80]
Envoke [96]
Direx [97]
Linex [98]
MSMA [99]
Common Name
Trade Namea
LibertyLink Cotton
Roundup WeatherMax
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author
PRE, preemergence.
POST, postemergence.
8. Peanut
Groundnut, or peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), was planted on approximately 21 million ha
between 2011 and 2012 wordwide with top production occurring in China, India, Indonesia,
the United States, and some African countries such as Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan [100].
Besides being a nutrient rich food source, the peanut is utilized for its oil in cooking and
manufacturing as well as a livestock feed. In the United States, peanuts offer an exceptional
rotational crop with cotton to replenish soil nitrogen. The benefits of peanuts to a cotton system,
which have been shifting toward long-term, reduced-tillage practices, have necessitated the
adoption of minimum tillage practices in peanut production as well.
The increased farming costs of conventional tillage systems have spurred producers to
implement conservation-tillage to reduce expenses; however, peanut growers face unique
difficulties when using these systems [101,102]. Particularly, concerns over peanut response
to reduced-tillage due to peanut growth habits have required research in order to identify
successful means of conservation-tillage integration into peanut production [102, 103].
Peanut yield variability under reduced-tillage compared to conventional tillage has been noted
as one of the greatest concerns when adopting conservation-tillage practices [101,102].
Inconsistent yield response by peanut has been noted in previous studies investigating
conservation-tillage. Research has reported yields of peanut to be reduced or equal to con
ventionally tilled peanut [101, 104]; other studies have shown reduced-tillage peanuts to
produce equally or greater than conventional tillage peanuts [103,105]. Research efforts
continue to recognize the contributing factors that affect peanut response to tillage systems.
9. Herbicide interception
Preemergent, residual herbicides must reach the soil surface to be effective. When spraying
over cover crop residue, herbicide applications can be intercepted and absorbed prior to
reaching the soil surface. Herbicides, such as acetochlor, chlorimuron, and oryzalin have been
shown to be impeded by plant stubble [113,114]. While timely rainfall can move herbicides to
the soil, some portion of herbicide can be retained in the residue.
Herbicide amounts intercepted by stubble can affect weed control achieved with the herbicide;
efficacy can be reduced by cover crops either through physical interception preventing soil
contact or through increased microbial activity in the residue speeding herbicide degradation
[115]. Increases in soil organic matter from extended conservation-tillage practices may also
increase herbicide adsorption within the soil [116]. Additionally, herbicide persistence and
carryover risks may be increased when applied to residue [114]. Certain crops may be
susceptible to herbicides at low doses that can persist in cover crop residue that would
otherwise have dissipated in bare soil. However, little research has been done to determine
the extent of persistence for most herbicides.
Methods to reduce herbicide interception are limited when using cover crops. Interception
could potentially be managed, particularly in strip-till operations, through banded herbicide
applications over the row allowing for in-row weed control while reducing herbicide inputs.
Furthermore, a water-based, microencapsulated herbicide formulation, like Prowl H2O
(pendimethalin), may allow more herbicide to reach the soil after a rain event or irrigation.
Common Name
Trade Namea
Gramoxone [26]
Strongarm [110]
Valor [39]
Prowl [40]
Basagran [62]
Classic [75]
Select [94]
Cadre [111]
Pursuit [78]
Poast [80]
Butyrac [112]
(Sida spinosa)
Trade names listed are representative of available herbicides. Inclusion of particular trade names does not suggest author
PRE, preemergence.
POST, postemergence.
10. Conclusion
The ever increasing demands on global agriculture dictate the use of intensive, high-yielding
production practices. However, the inability to sustain these systems long-term necessitates
the implementation of more energy-efficient, environmentally-sound practices that can still
produce successful yields. Conservation agriculture practices seek to achieve these goals in
order to ensure current and future agricultural production. While components of conservation
agriculture, such as reduced-tillage and cover crops, are fundamental practices in these
systems, herbicides are still valuable and necessary weed management tools within conser
vation systems. Integrating these management practices can be challenging and continue to
warrant research to identify the most successful means of utilizes herbicides in conjunction
with reduced-tillage and cover crops.
Author details
Andrew J. Price1* and Jessica A. Kelton2
*Address all correspondence to: Andrew.price@ars.usda.gov
1 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Dy
namics Laboratory, Auburn, Alabama, USA
2 Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
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Chapter 23
1. Introduction
Herbicide safeners, formerly referred to as herbicide antidotes, are chemical agents that
increase the tolerance of monocotyledonous cereal plants to herbicides without affecting the
weed control effectiveness. The use of safeners offer several benefits to agricultural weed
control. Safeners may allow: (1) the selective chemical control of weeds in botanically related
crops; (2) the use of nonselective herbicides for selective weed control; (3) the counteraction of
residual activity of soil-applied persistent herbicides such as triazines in crop rotation systems;
(4) an increase in the spectrum of herbicides available for weed control in minor crops; (5)
an expansion and extension of the uses and marketability of generic herbicides; (6) the
elucidation of sites and mechanism by serving as useful biochemical tools [1]. The commercial
viability of safener concept is indicated by the growing number of herbicide-safener products
available on the pesticide market. With the use of safeners, difficult weed control problems
can be addressed and without safeners, many herbicidally active substances could have never
been applied for weed control [2].
The concept to enhance crop tolerance to nonselective herbicide by using chemical agents was
introduced by Otto Hoffman. In the late 1940s Hoffmann serendipitiously found that no
herbicide injury symptons were developed in tomato plants previously treated with 2,4,6-T,
an inactive analogue of herbicide 2,4-D when plant were exposed accidentally to vapors of 2,4D due to the malfunction of the ventillation system of the greenhouse [3]. Following this
observation Hoffmann reported later the antagonistic effects of 2,4-D against herbicidal injury
by barban after foliar treatments of wheat plants [4]. Research and development in finding
new safeners as well as subsequent commercialization proceeded very intensively in the 1970s.
Since the patent application of the safening properties of 1,8-naphthalic anhydride (NA)
intensive research on discovery of new safeners resulted in compounds with diverse chemis
2013 Jablonkai; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
tries (Table 1) successfully applied to alleviate injury symptoms by various classes of herbicides
in cereal crops.
NA patented by Hoffmann [5] has been considered as the most versatile safener showing less
botanical and chemical specificity than other safeners developed later. NA protected cereals
as seed treatments against various herbicide chemistries [6]. NA was reported to be mildly
phytotoxic to maize (chlorosis and growth inhibition) under some growing conditions. One
problem in treating seeds with safeners prior to planting is that phytotoxicity can increase as
the time the safener is exposed to the seed increases. With NA, the phytotoxicity to the crop
increases with increased time the safener is in contact with the seed during storage. This
problem has thus far prevented NA from being introduced to the commercial market [7].
The introduction of dichloroacetamide derivatives developed as safeners against thiocarba
mates and chloroacetanilides was a breakthough in the history of the safeners since these
compounds can be applied to the soil in preplant incorporated (PPI) or preemergence (PRE)
technology in prepackaged tank mixture with the herbicide. Generally, prepackaged herbi
cide-safener mixtures offer several advantages over seed safeners. First of all, the manufacturer
controls all components of the formulation secondly, the farmers buy and use a single and
reliable product which allows a wider selection of crop cultivars. Dichlormid exhibited a
remarkable degree of chemical and botanical specificity in protection of maize against
thiocarbamates such as EPTC, butylate, vernolate but the safener was less protective to maize
against chloroacetanilides. In addition to dichlormid, a number of dichloroacetylated amine
derivatives were marketed. Among them AD-67, a spiro-oxazolidine compound was com
mercialized to protect maize plants against acetochlor while benoxaxor can be used to safen
S-metolachlor or racemic metolachlor in maize. Furilazole, in addition to providing protection
against acetochlor, has a very good safening effect on sulfonylureas particularly halosulfuron.
The dichloromethyl-1,3-dioxolane MG-191 the most active member of dichloroacetal and ketal
derivatives, protects maize against thiocarbamate and chloroacetanilide injuries. MG-191,
similarly to dichlormid, is more effective against thiocarbamates than chloroacetanilides.
The oxime ethers such as cyometrinil, oxabetrinil, and fluxofenim were marketed as seed
treatment safeners to protect sorghum plants against chloroacetanilides, in particular, meto
lachlor. Flurazole, a 2,4-disubstituted 5-thiazolecarboxylate is also a seed safener allowing the
safe use of alachlor in sorghum. The phenylpyrimidine safener fenclorim was introduced
against pretilachlor in rice and can be used in tank mixture formulated together with the
chloroacetanilide herbicide.
The urea type dymron and the thiocarbamate dimepiperate are actually herbicidally active
compounds that possess safening activity against pretilachlor [8] and bensulfuron [9] in rice.
Trends toward post-emergence herbicide treatments and the use of high-activity herbicide
molecules have led to the development of safeners with post-emergence application in winter
cereals. A new era in safener research began with the discovery of 1,2,4-triazolcarboxylates
and fenchlorazole-ethyl was developed as a post-emergence safener against ACCase inhibitor
fenoxaprop-ethyl in wheat in a tank mixture with the herbicide. Similarly, the dihydropyrazol
dicarboxylate mefenpyr-diethyl was used against ACCase inhibitors including fenoxaprop-
ethyl as well as mesosulfuron and iodosulfuron in a variety of cereals. The main application
of 8-quinolinoxy-acetate cloquintocet-mexyl is against clodinafop-propargyl in wheat.
Dihydroisoxazole-carboxylate isoxadifen-ethyl can safen herbicides of various mode of action.
First, it was applied in maize in combination with foramsulfuron but mixture with foramsul
furon and iodosulfuron-methyl is also in use. In rice, it can be used with fenoxafop-P-ethyl
and ethoxysulfuron. The arylsulfonyl-benzamide, cyprosulfamide is the latest achievement in
safener research. It protects maize against isoxaflutole pre-emergence and can also be used in
maize with isoxaflutole plus thiencarbazone in pre-emergence and early post-emergence
applications [10].
Interestingly, no successful safeners have been developed for broad-leafed crops. Recently, the
non-phytotoxic microbial inhibitor dietholate (O, O-diethyl-O-phenyl phosphorothioate) [11]
used to inhibit soil microbes that degrade thiocarbamate herbicides was patented as a Table
1 safener for cotton plants against injuries by clomazone [12].
Despite large amount of information published on the activity, mode of action and uses of
safeners during the 50-year history of these herbicide antagonists this overview will focus on
several less addressed topics such as a) relationships between the molecular structure and the
safening properties; b) basis for differential chemical selectivity; and c) safener effects on
detoxifying enzymes in crop plants and weeds.
Chemical class
anhydride (NA)
R /S
Chemical class
Oxime ether
Thiazole carboxylic
carboxylic esters
Chemical class
R /S
ACCase inhibitors
ACCase inhibitors
Maize Rice
Log P values unavailable were calculated by ALOGPS 2.1 program available online at www.vclab.org/articles/cite.html.
variety of substituents on the nitrogen atom including alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl and heterocy
clic groups impart various degrees of protective activity. Nevertheless, mono- and trichloroa
cetamides exhibited less safening activity than dichloro analogues [17, 18]. Based on these SAR
studies similarities between the chemical structure of the herbicide and its safener, the possible
competitive antagonism between the thiocarbamate and the safener molecules for a common
target site has been postulated [19]. Computer-aided molecular modeling (CAMM) studies
supported this theory [20]. Superimposing of the structures of dichlormid and EPTC revealed
that the two chlorine atoms of the safener do not superimpose over any functional group of
the EPTC. If structure of EPTC sulfoxide, the very phytotoxic EPTC metabolite, and the
dichlormid were superimposed, the two compounds were similar with functional groups in
the same location on both molecules. Comparative three-dimensional quantitative structureactivity relationship studies using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) also
supported the competitive antagonism theory and predicted a structure of N-allyl-N-methox
yethoxymethyl dichloroacetamide as a potent highly effective safener [21].
Structure-safening activity studies with oxime ether derivatives revealed that the safening
activity is affected by the number of nucleophilic sites present in the molecule. An oxime ether
with two nucleophilic sites was more effective than those with only one. In addition to
cyometrinil, oxabetrinil and fluxofenim pyridin-2-aldoxime O-ethers such as benzyl and
phenylethyl ethers were protective to grain sorghum in seed treatments against metolachlor.
The oxime and aldehyde derivatives tested, in terms of decreasing safening effectiveness, were
dimethyglyoxime > benzophenone oxime > pyridine-2-aldoxime > benzoin--oxime > methyl
thioacetohydroxamate >pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide > 5-nitro-furancarboxyaldehyde
[22]. CAMM evaluations of the oxime ether analogues cyometrinil, oxabetrinil and fluxofenim
revealed that as the effectiveness of the safener increases so does its molecular similarity to
metolachlor [20].
Structure-safening activity relationships for thiazol-5-carboxylic acids against acetamide
herbicides were described for 60 derivatives in the original patent [23]. Thiazolecarboxylates
substituted by a trifluoromethyl in the 4-position are clearly superior to those substituted in
the 4-position by methyl in reducing herbicidal injury to sorghum. Another preferred group
of thiazolecarboxylates contained a halogen atom at position 2 preferably chlorine.
A structure-activity relationship study to safen maize against acetochlor was carried out with
the herbicide safener MG-191 and its acetal and ketal analogues at preemergence application
[24-26]. Open chain acetals formed from 1,1-dichloroacetaldehyde exhibited only marginal
safening efficacy. Dialkyl ketals of 1,1-dichloroacetone showed increasing effectiveness up to
3 carbon length of the alkyl group with further increases in carbon atoms resulted in loss of
activity. The 5-, 6- and 7-membered 1,3-dioxacycloalkanes prepared from dichloroacetalde
hyde had hardly detectable safening activity. However, introducing alkyl or aryl substitution
at the 2-position of the 1,3-dioxacycloalkane ring remarkably increased the safening activity.
Regarding ring size the highest activity observed was for 2-dichloromethyl-2-methyl-1,3dioxepane. Replacing an oxygen in the 1,3-dioxolane ring for nitrogen resulted in oxazolidines
with reduced safening activities but alkyl or aryl substitution on the nitrogen increased the
safening activity of compounds. Replacement of oxygens by sulfur atoms leads to less active
derivatives among which 1,3-dithiolane derivative showed higher activity than the oxathio
lanes. Various 1,3-dioxolane-4-ones provided significant protection against the acetochlor.
Benzo[1,3]-dioxoles were ineffective while benzo[1,3]dioxin-4-ones were protective in
safening maize. 5-Dichloromethyl-3-substituted-isoxazoles were also active safeners.
Unfortunately, no publication has been reported for the other chemistry of safeners. However,
no unifying structural motifs for compounds to be safeners can be predicted from these studies.
3. Chiral safeners
The importance of the chirality in the biological activity has long been recognized. Since
biochemical processes in the cells take place in chiral environment and most enzymatic
pathways are stereoselective, a high degree of enantiomeric and enantiotopic selectivity can
be obtained when chiral or prochiral molecules are introduced into biological systems. About
one fourth of the presently available pesticides are chiral, existing as two mirror images called
enantiomers. These stereoisomers generally possess identical physico-chemical properties but
widely different biological activities, such as toxicity, mutagenicity, and carciogenecity [27].
The active enantiomer of the chiral pesticide would have the desired effect on target species
while the other may be inactive [28].
Among the commercially available safeners, four such as benoxacor, furilazole, cloquintocetmexyl, and mefenpyr-dietyl are chiral compounds but used exclusively as racemic (R/S)
mixtures in herbicidal compositions and no information accessible on the safening efficacy of
the individual enantiomers. In one recent patent, the R enantiomer of furilazole is described
in a herbicidal mixture as a safener [29].
Nevertheless, only a few molecules have been reported as safeners in enantiomerically pure
form. The optical isomers of 4-(dichloromethylene)-2-[N-(-methylbenzyl)imino]-1,3-dithio
lane hydrochloride were synthesized and were tested against triallate in wheat [30]. The R
enantiomer exhibited high safening activity and its activity exceeded that of the S and the
racemic compound. The monoterpene R-carvone was found more effective than the S
enantiomer to safen maize against acetochlor injury [31]. 2-Dichloromethyl-2-methyl[1,3]oxathiolane 3-oxide, a structural analogue of the MG-191 safener, was prepared and the
enantiomers were separated by chiral HPLC [32]. The more polar diastereomeric pair was as
effective as MG-191 while the other exhibited only marginal protection against acetochlor.
Inducibility of ZmGSTF1-2 from roots was more enhanced by the stereoisomers with higher
safening efficacy while only one of these enantiomers was effective in shoots. The findings
indicated the importance of the stereochemistry in the protective effectiveness. The safener
(S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-4-ethyl-1,3-oxazolidine was found to induce the GSH
content and GST activity in root and shoot of maize seedlings but the effect of the R form was
not reported in these experiments [33]. As a future prospect, the needs for broad application
of the green technology in the sustainable agriculture will probably induce a shift in the use
and development of enantiomerically pure safeners.
toward various herbicides was reviewed [2]. Interestingly the majority of papers published
report safener-enhanced herbicide uptake followed by no effect then reduced uptake results.
According to a recent study mefenpyr-diethyl had no effect on the uptake of either mesosul
furon-methyl or iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium [10]. These results suggest that the influence of
safeners on the herbicide uptake may not be a decisive factor in the protective action. However,
the knowledge of absorbed amounts of safeners and herbicides by crops may help to determine
the optimal herbicide/safener ratios applicable in the agricultural practice. In addition,
determination of the site of safener and herbicide uptake can contribute to prepare the most
selective herbicide-safener mixture. A suitable placement of soil-applied herbicides to roots or
the emerging shoots is of great practical importance in achieving the most effective weed
control and the least injury to crop plants.
Studies on how maize can differentiate in the absorbtion of herbicides and safeners were
conducted with radiolabeled EPTC, acetochlor and MG-191 [42, 43]. Time-dependent uptake
of root-applied [14C]EPTC reached a maximum after 6h and decreased up to 3 days (Figure
1). The first measurable shoot growth inhibition appeared just after 1-day-exposition to the
herbicide and 38% shoot length inhibition was observed 3 DAT. In general, the MG-191 safener
had no influence on the herbicide uptake except for 1 DAT when the safener enhanced the
herbicide uptake by 1.5-fold as compared to that in the unsafened plants. Nevertheless, the
safener conferred a complete protection to maize throughout the study. The highest amount
of herbicide uptake was 65 g/g fresh weight.
50 M EPTC*
mg/g fwt
50 M EPTC* + 50 M MG-191
% of control
50 M EPTC + 50 M MG-191
Time, hours
Figure 1. Influence of MG-191 safener on uptake and shoot length inhibition of root-applied [14C]EPTC.
growth inhibition. The maize seedlings absorbed much higher amounts of acetochlor (377 g/
g fresh weight).
50 M Ac*
mg/g fwt
50 M Ac* + 50 M MG-191
% of control
50 M Ac
50 M Ac + 50 M MG-191
Time, hours
Figure 2. Influence of MG-191 safener on uptake and shoot length inhibition of root-applied [14C]acetochlor.
All previous efforts to elucidate modes of action of safeners focused on the fate of various
herbicides as affected by the safener treatments while no studies were conducted on how
uptake, translocation and metabolism of safeners were influenced by herbicides. For a better
understanding of the herbicide-safener interaction, absorption of [14C]MG-191 by maize
seedlings was studied as influenced by EPTC. Absorbed amount of the labeled safener
following application to the roots of 5-day-old maize plants increased over the time and no
influence of EPTC on uptake was observed (Figure 3). At a higher safener concentration (50
M), plants absorbed higher amounts of radiolabel than at a lower concentration (10 M) but
plants contained low levels (3% and 1%) of the safener applied. The highest value for the
safener content in the maize seedlings was less than 8 g/g fresh weight.
These data clearly suggest that even this small amount of safener offer protection to maize.
The absorbed herbicide/safener ratio (g/g) at 3 DAT accounted for 50 with acetochlor and
1.7 with EPTC at same concentrations of the herbicide. These results may partly explain why
safening efficacy of MG-191 toward EPTC is higher than toward acetochlor under field
conditions. Site of uptake can also affect the MG-191 effectiveness. In experiments using a
charcoal barrier to separate shoot and root zones of maize, the influence of site of safener
placement on acetochlor phytotoxicity was studied [44]. MG-191 was the most protective when
both the safener and the herbicide were applied simultaneously to shoots and roots but also
satisfactory protection was achieved when the safener was applied in the root zone and the
herbicide to the emerging shoots. This also indicates the main site of uptake for acetochlor
absorption is the coleoptile while the root-uptake is very significant in the safener performance.
Under field conditions the more water-soluble MG-191 (log P, 1.35) can be more easily leached
10 M MG-191
50 M EPTC + 50 M MG-191
50 M EPTC + 50 M MG-191
Figure 3. Time-course uptake of root-applied [14C]MG-191 by 5-day-old maize seedlings and the influence of EPTC.
to the roots of maize plants than the less water-soluble acetochlor (log P 4.14). The higher logP
of acetochlor also supports its higher uptake as compared to MG-191.
It is also difficult to put the results of safener affected translocation of absorbed herbicides in
perspective. Reduction of translocation of herbicides such as acetochlor, methazachlor, and
imidazolinones from roots of maize to the shoots following treatments with dichlormid, BAS
145,138 and NA is likely a consequence of the safener-enhanced herbicide metabolism to more
polar and less mobile products [45-49]. On the other hand, no effect of MG-191 on EPTC and
acetochlor translocation has been observed [42, 44]. It is interesting to note that safener MG-191
and the herbicide acetochlor exhibit different translocation patterns (Figure 4). While the
majority of the absorbed radiolabel from [14C] acetochlor was found in the roots and coleoptiles
of maize seedlings (Figure 4a), the root-applied [14C]MG-191 distributed evenly within the
plants (Figure 4b) showing similar mobility and distribution as EPTC (data not shown). This
may be further evidence for the higher protective efficacy of this safener against EPTC as
compared to acetochlor. The similar translocation pattern of the herbicide and the safener may
be a prerequisite for the high level of safening activity.
Figure 4. Distribution of root- and shoot-applied [14C]acetochlor and root-applied [14C]MG-191 in maize seedlings.
of plant enzymes involved in herbicide metabolism is the GSTs that mediate the conjugation
of the major cellular thiol tripeptide, GSH with herbicide substrates. GSTs are multifunctional
enzymes, each composed of two subunits which catalyze conjugation of a broad range of
electrophilic substrates with GSH [53]. Herbicides known to conjugate with GSH include
thiocarbamates, chloro-s-triazines, triazinone sulfoxides, chloroacetanilides, diphenylethers,
some sulfonylureas, aryloxyphenoxypropionates, thiazolidines, and sulfonamides [54, 55].
Plant GSTs comprise a large and diverse group, with 54 GST genes encoded by the Arabidop
sis genome, and have been classified on sequence similarity, genomic organization and
functions into several distinct subclasses [56]. In plants, phi (F) and tau (U) classes are the most
prominent GSTs involved in herbicide detoxification [57-59]. In addition to up-regulating GST
expression, safeners also enhance the activity of enzymes involved in sulfate assimilation and
GSH biosynthesis thereby elevating the level of GSH [50, 60].
Only two studies are available in the literature on how the safener structure affects the
expression of GST isoforms. The herbicide safener MG-191 (2-dichloromethyl-2-methyl-1,3dioxolane) and its less effective structural analogue dichloromethyl-dioxolanone (NO-17; 2dichloromethyl-2,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-one) were reported to differentially enhance the
expression of members of the GSTs in maize [61].
None of these safener molecules had influence on the expression of ZmGSTF1-2 (Figure 5a and
b). However, MG-191 and, to a lesser extent NO-17 selectively enhanced the expression of tau
class ZmGSTU1 in both root and shoot tissues after 1 day of treatment (Figure 5c and d).
Addition of cycloheximide to the treatment solutions suppressed the enhancement of expres
sion of ZmGSTU1 only in the roots. ZmGSTU1 has previously been shown to play a key role
in metabolism of nitrodiphenyl ether type herbicides [54].
29 kDa
29 kDa
27 kDa
MG-191 NO-17
+ CH
+ CH
27 kDa
NO-17 MG-191 contr. NO-17 MG-191 contr.
+ CH + CH + CH
Figure 5. Western blots of crude GST extracts from maize roots and shoots (a) Analysis of GSTs from maize shoots
using the anti-ZmGSTF1-2 serum.(b) Analysis of GSTs from maize roots using the anti-ZmGSTF1-2 serum.(c) Analysis of
GSTs from maize shoots using the anti-ZmGSTU1-2 serum.(d) Analysis of GSTs from maize roots using the antiZmGSTU1-2 serum.
Analysis of isoenzyme profile of maize GSTs revealed that phi class of GSTs predominate, with
ZmGSTF1 as the major subunit which is present constitutively and shows high specificity to
1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) substrate [62]. A second phi type GST termed ZmGSTF2
accumulates following treatments with herbicide safeners. These subunits can dimerise
together to form ZmGSTF1-1 and ZmGSTF2-2 homodimers as well as ZmGSTF1-2 heterodimer.
In addition to these three phi GST isoenzymes a phi type GST ZmGSTF3 and three tau class
GSTs ZmGSTU1, ZmGSTU2 and ZmGSTU3 are present in lower amounts [63, 64]. While the
expression of ZmGSTF2 was enhanced by auxins, herbicides, the herbicide safener dichlormid
and glutathione, the ZmGSTU1 subunit was induced more selectively, only accumulating
significantly in response to dichlormid treatment [63]. Although ZmGSTF2 has been consid
ered more active in detoxifying metolachlor and alachlor than ZmGSTF1 it is far less abundant
[65]. The importance of de novo synthesis of the isoenzyme ZmGSTU1 in its safening action is
difficult to explain. Nevertheless, these results indicate that dichloromethyl-dioxolane type
MG-191 is a more specific inducer of maize GSTs than other compounds commonly used to
safen thiocarbamate or chloroacetanilide herbicides in maize.
GST (Ac)d
GST (Ac)d
based on shoot length; protection (%) = 100 x [(herbicide + safener)] / [control - herbicide]; shoot lengths 14 DAT:
control, 27.9+5.3 cm, acetochlor, 3.10.3 cm;
GSH content relative to that of untreated control; GSHcontr.: 0.550.09 mol/g fresh weight;
GST(CDNB) activity as compared to that of untreated control; GSTcontr.: 3.870.33 nkat/mg protein;
GST(Ac) activity as compared to that of untreated control; GSTcontr.: 8.261.68 pkat/mg protein
Table 2. Safening activity and inducibility of shoot GSH content and GST activities by acetals, ketals and amides in
In other, structure and GST isoform expressing ability studies with acetal and ketal analogues
of MG-191 as well as mono-and dichloroacetamides (Table 2) demonstrated that the safener
structure affects the specific expression of GSTs mediating the detoxication of acetochlor (Matola
et al., 2003). Nevertheless, no correlation was found between the degree of induction of GSH and
GSTs and the safening activity as related to the structure. A higher inducibility of these GST
isoforms was observed in root tissues (Figure 6a and c). In shoots, when the heterodimer
ZmGSTF1-2 was used the expression of the constitutive ZmGSTF1 and inducible ZmGSTF2 was
enhanced only by 2f (MG-191) and its analogue 2g having a 6-membered ring (Figure 6b). These
molecules and also 2h were the most potent inducers of the expression of tau class ZmGSTU1 in
shoot tissues (Figure 6c). ZmGSTU1 has previously been shown to play a key role in metabo
lism of nitrodiphenyl ether herbicides [54]. These results confirm previous findings that
dichloromethyl-ketal safeners are more specific inducers ZmGSTU1-2 than other compounds
commonly used to safen thiocarbamate and chloroacetanilide herbicides in maize [61].
The exact mechanism of the safener-mediated enhancement of GST activity is not completely
understood. GSTs are induced by a diverse range of chemicals and accompanied by the
production of active oxygen species. Thus the connection between safener-mediated protec
tion of crops and oxidative stress tolerance has been suggested [66]. Many GSTs are effective
not only in conjugating electrophilic substrates but also function as glutathione peroxidases.
Safeners may induce GST expression by mimicking oxidative insult [67]. Our results indicate
that safener structure plays a decisive role in specific expression of GSTs mediating the
detoxication of chloroacetamide herbicides. Since no correlation between the degree of
induction of levels of GSH and GST isoforms and the safener activity was found, the mode of
action of safeners is a more complex process than simply promoting the metabolism of
29 kDa
29 kDa
GSTF1-2 (roots)
GSTF1-2 (shoots)
GSTU1-2 (roots)
GSTU1-2 (shoots)
27 kDa
27 kDa
Figure 6. Western blots of crude GST extracts from maize roots and shoots; (a) and (b) analysis of GSTs using the antiZmGSTF1-2 serum from maize roots and shoots; (c) and (d) analysis of GSTs using the anti-ZmGSTU1-2 serum from
maize roots and shoots.
moderate safening to Bromus secalinus (bromegrass) and flurazole was also moderately
protective in Setaria glauca (yellow foxtail) at sublethal rate of EPTC. Safener-induced elevation
of GSH contents and GST activities is widely considered as key element for increased tolerance
to thiocarbamates and chloroacetanilides of safened plants [50]. Tolerance of plant species such
as maize, soybean and several weeds to acetochlor has been correlated with their glutathione
and homoglutathione content [70]. It was also apparent that a relationship exists between the
relative GST activities toward alachlor and metolachlor in maize and various weed species
([71]. GST activities toward metolachlor were found to correlate well with the selectivity of the
herbicide toward the broadleaf weeds but not toward the grass weeds [72]. However, there
was no correlation between total activity of cysteine biosynthesis from serine (CBS) and
susceptibility to metolachlor of sorghum, maize, and various grassy weeds [73]. GST isozymes
involved in herbicide metabolism is cell suspension culture of a grass weed Setaria faberi (giant
level of(GSH)
to those
maize cellenzyme
7.1 Effect
of safenersaonsimilar
weed glutathione
content and
Safeners such as MG-191,
to reduce phytotoxicity
EPTC in grassy
less isAD-67,
thiol of
[69]. MG-191, BAS-145138 and flurazole offered moderate safening to Bromus secalinus (bromegrass) and flurazole was also
of different
by herbicides
andof safeners.
moderately protective
in Setariaweed
glauca (yellow
at sublethaltreatments
rate of EPTC. Safener-induced
GSH contentsIn
activities is widely considered as key element for increased tolerance to thiocarbamates and chloroacetanilides of safened plants [50].
dicot weeds
of plant
species such physiological
as maize, soybean and
weeds to acetochlor
has been
with and
their glutathione
content [70].
It was also apparent
a relationship
exists activities
between the relative
to these herbicides,
and GST
were GST
monometolachlor in maize and various weed species ([71]. GST activities toward metolachlor were found to correlate well with the selectivity
dicot weeds
of the herbicide
toward thespecies
broadleaf weeds
not toward
grass weeds [72].
However, there
was no correlation
between barnyard
total activity
of cysteine biosynthesis from serine (CBS) and susceptibility to metolachlor of sorghum, maize, and various grassy weeds [73]. GST
isozymes involved in herbicide metabolism is cell suspension culture of a grass weed Setaria faberi (giant foxtail) exhibited a similar
of complexity to those
from contents
maize cell cultures
[74].most tolerant maize and in the least sensitive monoco
in the
Nevertheless, muchBromus
less is known
about GSH (BROSE,
or other non-protein
thiol contentswere
and GSTcomparable.
activities of different
species following
treatments by herbicides
and safeners.
In order to explain
responses of monocotAbuthilon
and dicot
weeds to these herbicides, non-protein thiol levels and GST activities were studied in selected mono- and dicot weeds species [75]. The
most sensitive Echinochloa
higher because
level of non-protein
than less sensitive
the onlycontained
1 M thiols
and 10dicot
seedlings (Figure 7). Nevertheless, thiol contents in the most tolerant maize and in the least sensitive monocotyledonous Bromus
in remarkable
and or87%,
nonsecalinus (BROSE,
were comparable.
In general, either
pretreatments did not
substantially. Abuthilon
theophrasti (ABUTH, velvetleaf) was the only exception because 1 M acetochlor and 10 M AD-67 resulted in
remarkable increases (73% and 87%, respectively) in the levels of non-protein thiols.
weed species
Figure 7. Effect of treatments on non-protein thiol contents of mono- and dicot weed species.
Figure 7. Effect of treatments on non-protein thiol contents of mono- and dicot weed species.
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities using CDNB substrate were not correlated with herbicide susceptibility of the selected weed
species (Figure 8a). The GSTs extracted from monocot seedlings exhibited much higher activities than from dicot seedlings. GSTCDNB
activity detected in Avena fatua (AVEFA, wild oats) exceeded that in maize. In general, elevation of GSTCDNB activities following
pretreatments with both herbicides and safeners were more pronounced (2- to 10-fold of controls) in the highly sensitive Echinochloa
crus-galli and Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE, redroot pigweed) compared to less sensitive species.
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities using CDNB substrate were not correlated with
herbicide susceptibility of the selected weed species (Figure 6a). The GSTs extracted from
monocot seedlings exhibited much higher activities than from dicot seedlings. GSTCDNB activity
detected in Avena fatua (AVEFA, wild oats) exceeded that in maize. In general, elevation of
GSTCDNB activities following pretreatments with both herbicides and safeners were more
pronounced (2- to 10-fold of controls) in the highly sensitive Echinochloa crus-galli and
Amaranthus retroflexus (AMARE, redroot pigweed) compared to less sensitive species.
GST(CDNB) activity
nmol/mg protein/min
weed species
pmol/mg protein/min
weed species
Figure 8. Effect of treatments on glutathione S-transferase activities of selected weed species. a) GSTCDNB activities; b) GSTacetochlor
8. Effectand
of treated
on glutathione
S-transferase activities of selected weed species. a) GSTCDNB activities; b)
of untreated
etiolated seedlings.
GSTacetochlor activities of untreated and treated 6-day-old etiolated seedlings.
With [14C]acetochlor substrate, GSTacetochlor activities of both mono- and dicot seedlings were in the same range except for velvetleaf
(ABUTH) (Figure 8b). Regardless of treatment, extractable GSTs from velvetleaf did not show specificity for acetochlor. Nevertheless,
GSTacetochlor activities in all weed species were less expressed than in maize. No correlation was found between enzyme activity and
acetochlor susceptibilities of these weed species. In monocot seedlings higher enzyme inductions (up to 2-fold increase) were observed
as compared to those in dicots following safener treatment. Nevertheless, GSTacetochlor activity of the maize seedlings exceeded those of
weed species which may indicate that the higher detoxication capability of crop plant is closely related to the herbicide tolerance. It is also
noteworthy that both GSH and cysteine conjugates of chloroacetamides were found inhibitory to GSTs from maize, Avena fatua, and
Echinochloa crus-gallisuggesting that GSH conjugation in crops and weeds takes place in a complex manner [76].
With [14C]acetochlor substrate, GSTacetochlor activities of both mono- and dicot seedlings were in
the same range except for velvetleaf (ABUTH) (Figure 6b). Regardless of treatment, extractable
GSTs from velvetleaf did not show specificity for acetochlor. Nevertheless, GSTacetochlor activities
in all weed species were less expressed than in maize. No correlation was found between
enzyme activity and acetochlor susceptibilities of these weed species. In monocot seedlings
higher enzyme inductions (up to 2-fold increase) were observed as compared to those in dicots
following safener treatment. Nevertheless, GSTacetochlor activity of the maize seedlings exceeded
those of weed species which may indicate that the higher detoxication capability of crop plant
is closely related to the herbicide tolerance. It is also noteworthy that both GSH and cysteine
conjugates of chloroacetamides were found inhibitory to GSTs from maize, Avena fatua, and
Echinochloa crus-gallisuggesting that GSH conjugation in crops and weeds takes place in a
complex manner [76].
Interestingly, Arabidopsis plant cultures were more responsive to induction by safeners than
either maize or wheat [77]. Enhancement of GSTCDNB activity was greatest with fenclorim
however treatment with flurazole, CMPI and benoxacor also offered significant increases.
O-Glucosyltransferase and N-glucosyltransferase activities were also stimulated but to a
lesser extents. Safeners mefenpyr diethyl and fenchlorazole-ethyl enhanced fenoxapropethyl tolerance of weed Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass) [78]. In black-grass, these
detoxification pathways were only slightly enhanced by safeners, suggesting that metabo
lism alone was unlikely to account for increased herbicide tolerance. Instead, it was
determined that safening was associated with an accumulation of glutathione and hydrox
ymethylglutathione and enzymes with antioxidant functions including phi and lambda
glutathione transferases, active as glutathione peroxidases and thiol transferases respective
ly. In addition to enhanced glutathione metabolism safener treatment resulted in elevated
levels of flavonoids in the foliage of black-grass plants, notably flavone-C-glycosides and
anthocyanins. Safening of grass weeds was concluded as a mechanism associated with an
inducible activation of antioxidant and secondary metabolism. The ability of safeners to
induce GSTs of grassy weeds can be exploited in phytoremediating herbicide-contaminat
ed soils. In recent studies safener benoxacor was used to enhance GSTs of the perennial
grass Festuca arundinancea to establish a basis for preventing environmental herbicide
pollution [79]. Further studies revealed that in addition to benoxacor cloquintocet-ethyl,
fenchlorazol-ethyl, fenclorim, fluxofenim and oxabetrinil were also able to enhance GST
activity in Festuca [80]. These results indicate that herbicide diffusion following the runoff
of surface waters can be prevented or significantly reduced by vegetating buffer strips with
Festuca and by the combination of herbicide and a suitable safener. By this way, the
application of safeners can be extended by using non crop-species in phytoremediating
contaminated soils.
7.2. Interaction of safeners on weed cytochrome P450 monooxygenases
The involvement of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases in herbicide detoxication and selec
tivity has been well demonstrated [81, 82]. The role of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases in
enhanced metabolism of resistant weed species has also been documented [83, 84]. Neverthe
less, only a few examples can be found in the literature as to cytochrome P450-dependent
monooxygenase system in weed species [85].
Monocotyledonous (Avena fatua, Bromus inermis, Echinochloa crus-galli) and dicotyledonous
(Amaranthus retroflexus, Abuthilon threophrasti, Xantium strumarium) weeds were used to study
the interaction of safeners, herbicides metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes, and P450
inhibitors on herbicide phytotoxicity and P450 levels of weeds and maize [86]. The safener NA
was slightly protective to all monocots at the reduced rate (50 g/ha) of nicosulfuron and also
exhibited safening effects on dicots against all herbicides. MG-191 reduced growth inhibition
of EPTC in A. fatua and E. crus-galli.
A. fatuac
B. inermis
E. crus-galli
A. retroflexus
A. theophrasti
X. strumarium
0.5 %w/v; b 1 M; c 7-day-old etiolated weed seedlings; dND not detectable; e4-day-old etiolated maize seedlings.
Table 3. Cytochrome P450 contents of mono- and dicot weeds and influence of treatment with the safener NA and
P450 inhibitor ABT.
Weed microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes were found less stable than those from maize.
Carbon-monoxide difference spectra for B. inermis and X. stumarium could not be recorded
probably due to dark colors of microsomal preparations and difficulties in resuspending the
microsomes. Cytochrome P450 content in the microsomal membrane fraction of A. fatua was
2.4-fold greater than in E. crus-galli (Table 3). Among dicotyledonous plants, A. theophrasti
contained 5.1-fold higher level of the enzyme as compared to that of A. retroflexus. However,
the P450 level was higher in maize than in weeds.
It is difficult to evaluate changes in the enzyme contents of weed species pretreated with the
safener NA or the P450 inhibitor ABT due to the high values of standard deviation of the data.
Following treatments with NA, a stimulating tendency could be observed for weeds except E.
crus-galli. With maize the NA treatment had no enhancing effect on the enzyme content.
However, a significant increase (43%) was found when maize seedlings treated with ABT but
the P450 inhibitor was uneffective on weed P450s.
For further characterization of in vivo interaction of the combination of the herbicides with
safeners and inhibitors microsomes isolated from etiolated maize seedlings were used (Figure
7). Treatment of maize seedlings with nicosulfuron resulted in 30% elevation in P450 level
while no effect of EPTC was found. The combination of NA with either bentazon or nicosul
furon decreased P450 levels by about 50% as compared to the untreated control. Interestingly,
without herbicide pretreatment with NA had no influence on maize P450. The inhibitory effect
of NA in vitro on maize P450 was reported by the formation of an enzyme-NA Type I complex
[87]. Pretreatments with the combination of MG-191 and all herbicides yielded slight increases
in theForenzyme
It is interesting
that with
no safeners
of MG-191
P450 was
further characterization
of in vivo interaction
of the combination
the herbicides
and inhibitors
from etiolated maize seedlings were used (Figure 9). Treatment of maize seedlings with nicosulfuron resulted in 30% elevation in P450
level while no effect of EPTC was found. The combination of NA with either bentazon or nicosulfuron decreased P450 levels by about
as compared to the untreated
without herbicide
with NA had
no influence on maize
P450. The P450
PBO 50%
inhibitory effect of NA in vitro on maize P450 was reported by the formation of an enzyme-NA Type I complex [87]. Pretreatments with
and all
yielded slight increases in the enzyme concentration. It is interesting to note that no
binding of MG-191 to P450 was detected [88] which may indicate why MG-191 was not inhibitory to P450. The P450 inhibitor PBO
simultaneously applied with bentazon and nicosulfuron substantially reduced P450 levels while the ABT was less inhibitory.
% of control
Figure 9. Interaction of herbicides with safeners and cytochrome P450 inhibitors on P450 enzymes extracted from 4-day-old etiolated
9. Interaction
of herbicides
seedlings. Treatments
were as with
10 M;
EPTC, 10 M;
10 on
NA 0.5%w/v;
10 M;from 41 M; PBO,
10 M.
seedlings. Treatments were as follows: bentazon, 10 M; EPTC, 10 M; nicosulfuron, 10 M;
NA 0.5%w/v;
MG-191, 10 M; ABT, 1 M; PBO, 10 M.
These results demonstrate that safeners can marginally protect weed species by stimulating the herbicide detoxifying enzymes but the
lower level of these enzymes in weeds as compared to those in crops provide a basis for the botanical selectivity of safeners.
These8. results
demonstrate that safeners can marginally protect weed species by stimulating
Mechanism of safener action
the herbicide detoxifying enzymes but the lower level of these enzymes in weeds as compared
The mechanism by which safeners act is currently unknown despite the widespread agricultural use and the substantial experimental
to those
in accumulated
crops provide
a basis
the botanical
on the biochemical
of action.
Safeners appear selectivity
to induce a set of of
that encode enzymes and biosynthesis
of cofactors involved in the herbicide detoxication [50, 52, 89, 90].
The exact mechanism of safener-mediated enhancement of GST activity is not completely understood. GSTs are induced by a diverse
range of chemicals and accompanied by the production of active oxygen species. Thus the connection between safener-mediated
protection of crops and oxidative stress tolerance has been suggested [66]. Many GSTs are effective not only in conjugating electrophilic
substrates but also function as glutathione peroxidases. Safeners may induce GST expression by mimicking oxidative insult [67].
Herbicide safeners increase herbicide tolerance in cereals but not in dicotyledonous crops. The reason(s) for this difference in safening is
unknown. Treatment of Arabidopsis seedlings with various safeners resulted in enhanced GST activities and expression of GSHconjugate transporters such as AtMRP1-4 [91]. Safeners also increased GSH content of Arabidopsis seedlings. However, treatment of
The mechanism
the widespread
Arabidopsis plantsby
safeners had
no effect act
on theistolerance
of seedlings
to chloroacetanilide
Immunoblot analysis
was inducedexperimental
in response to severalevidence
safeners. These
results indicate that,on
may not basis
tural protected
use and
from herbicide injury by safeners, at least one component of their detoxification systems is responsive to these compounds.
action. Safeners appear to induce a set of genes that encode enzymes and biosynthesis of
Concerning the location of safener binding site(s) of plants few studies have been conducted. A high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the
in the
herbicide detoxication [50, 52,was
90].in etiolated maize seedlings ([92]. The
binding was highest in the coleoptiles and lowest in the leaves. A good correlation was shown between the safener effectiveness.
Chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides were effective inhibitors of safener binding at low concentrations. The inhibition by
The exact
nota molecular
alachlor and
EPTC was shownof
to be
competitive. The safener binding
protein (SafBP) was
understood. GSTs are induced by a diverse range of chemicals and accompanied by the
production of active oxygen species. Thus the connection between safener-mediated protec
tion of crops and oxidative stress tolerance has been suggested [66]. Many GSTs are effective
not only in conjugating electrophilic substrates but also function as glutathione peroxidases.
Safeners may induce GST expression by mimicking oxidative insult [67]. Herbicide safeners
increase herbicide tolerance in cereals but not in dicotyledonous crops. The reason(s) for this
difference in safening is unknown. Treatment of Arabidopsis seedlings with various safeners
resulted in enhanced GST activities and expression of GSH-conjugate transporters such as
AtMRP1-4 [91]. Safeners also increased GSH content of Arabidopsis seedlings. However,
treatment of Arabidopsis plants with safeners had no effect on the tolerance of seedlings to
chloroacetanilide herbicides. Immunoblot analysis confirmed that AtGSTU19 was induced in
response to several safeners. These results indicate that, although Arabidopsis may not be
protected from herbicide injury by safeners, at least one component of their detoxification
systems is responsive to these compounds.
Concerning the location of safener binding site(s) of plants few studies have been conducted.
A high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the dichloroacetamide safener (R,S)-3-dichloroace
tyl-2,2,5-trimethyl-1,3-oxazolidine was found in etiolated maize seedlings ([92]. The binding
was highest in the coleoptiles and lowest in the leaves. A good correlation was shown between
the safener effectiveness. Chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides were effective
inhibitors of safener binding at low concentrations. The inhibition by alachlor and EPTC was
shown to be competitive. The safener binding protein (SafBP) was purified to homogeneity
having a molecular mass of 39 kDa [93]. Based on the peptides obtained from proteolytic
digests of SafBP a cDNA encoding SafBP was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The predicted
primary structure of SafBP was related to a phenolic O-methyltransferase but SafBP did not
catalyze O-methylation of catechol or caffeic acid. It was concluded that SafBP may not be the
primary site of action of the dichloroacetamide safeners. Supporting the participation of Omethyltransferases in the safener action, treatment of wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) with
cloquintocet-mexyl resulted in an accelerated depletion of flavone C-glycosides and a selective
shift in the metabolism of endogenous phenolics [94]. Changes in phenolic content were
associated with an increase in O-methyltransferase and C-glucosyltransferase activity toward
flavonoid substrates.
Proteomic methods were used to identify herbicide safener-induced proteins in the coleop
tile of Triticum tauschii [95]. The herbicide safener, fluxofenim, dramatically increased protein
abundance in the molecular range in the molecular weight range of 24 to 30 kDa as well as
a few higher molecular weight protein and overall 20 proteins were identified. Among the
eighteen inducible proteins 15 were glutathione S-transferase subunits that fall into three
subclasses: eight proteins were from the tau subclass, six proteins were from phi subclass,
and one was from the lambda class. Another three safener inducible proteins showed
homology to the aldo/keto reductase family with proteins that have roles in glycolysis and
the Krebs cycle. One of the two constitutively expressed proteins showed the highest
homology to the dehydroascorbate reductase subclass of GSTs while the other to an ascorbate
peroxidase. Results indicated that the induced proteins were associated with herbicide
detoxication and with general stress response. In another study with cloquintocet-mexyl
safener and dimethenamid herbicide 29 safener-induced and 10 herbicide-regulated proteins
were identified in Triticum tauschii seedlings [39]. Surprisingly, mutually exclusive sets of
proteins were identified following herbicide or safener treatment suggesting a different
signaling pathway for each chemical. Safener-responsive proteins were mostly involved in
Saf ener
Nrf 2
Gene expression
Gene expression
Herbicide metabolism
Detoxif ication of
RES oxylipins
Gene expression
Herbicide tolerance
Figure 10. Suggested safener-mediated signalling pathway for regulation of defense genes and activation of detoxifi
cation pathways in plants by Riechers et al. [52]. Dashed lines indicate possible but unproven signaling pathways while
solid lines indicate known signaling pathways. ODPA: 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid; OPRs: ODPA-reductases; PPA1: A1type phytoprostanes; JA: jasmonic acid; TGA: TGA transcription factor; Nrf2: nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2;
Col1: coronative insensitive protein 1; JAZ: transcriptional repressor protein; TF: transcription factor/activator.
Safeners were suggested to trigger an unidentified, preexisting signaling pathway for detox
ification of endogenous toxins or xenobiotics [96]. According to a new hypothesis, safeners
may be utilizing an oxidized lipid-mediated (oxylipins) or cyclopentenone-mediated signaling
pathway which subsequently leads to the expression of GSTs and other proteins involved in
detoxification and plant defense [52]. Some possible safener-mediated signaling pathways for
the regulation of defense genes and activation of detoxification pathways have been suggested
(Figure 8). Safeners may tap into a RES oxylipin-mediated signaling pathway and up-regulate
TGA transcription factors, an Nrf2-Keap1-mediated as well as jasmonic acid-mediated
signaling pathways. Safeners and oxylipins as reactive electrophilic species (RES oxylipins)
have a common biological activity since both strongly induce the expression of defense genes
and activate detoxification responses in plants [39, 40].
9. Conclusions
Fifty-year of herbicide safeners resesearch and use confirms that these molecules offered new
ways to improve herbicide selectivity. Although this technology now competes with herbicidetolerant, genetically-modified or naturally-selelected crops, safeners still comprise an impor
tant part of the herbicide market in maize, cereals and rice [10]. Many of the commercial
safeners are in off-patent status offering a chance for the generic manufacturers to enter the
market together with off-patent herbicides. In contrast, recent herbicide mixture patents with
new herbicides still allow their exclusive usage by the patent holder [10].
Although safeners do not improve herbicide tolerance in dicot plants, but the utilization of
biotechnology tools may help in extending the safener response from monocot to dicots. It was
found, however that Arabidopsis transgenic plants did not respond to safeners at whole-plant
level despite the increase of the expression of tau class protein in the roots [91]. Additionally,
knowledge of critical regulatory elements in the promoters or untranslated regions of genes
encoding detoxification enzymes, or a comprehensive understanding how gene expression is
up-regulated by safeners might lead to the precise manipulation of transgene expression of
plants [52].
The use of safeners to enhance tolerance of plants to organic pollutants such as herbicides,
heavy metals or oils in the environment (soil, water) could also be a promising application of
these chemicals. Phytoremediation studies with soils contaminated with oils and heavy metals
and safener-treated wheat seeds have recently been reported [97]. While untreated seeds were
unable to germinate on the contaminated soil, safener treatments resulted in seedlings briefly
growing before succumbing to the pollutants.
Author details
Istvan Jablonkai
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
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Chapter 24
1. Introduction
Weeds represent a global agronomic problem that threatens the productivity of cultivated
crops. Weeds compete with cultivated crops for the available moisture, nutrients and light.
Consequently, weeds significantly reduce either crop yield or quality. Control of weeds is
essential to maintaining the production of economic crops. Weed control may be achieved
either through manual eradication or herbicide application. Balanced usage of herbicides
should be considered in controlling weeds. Low concentrations of herbicides may act as
growth regulators for the main crop metabolism [1]. However, in some cases, herbicides may
affect the main crop adversely by interfering with its essential biochemical processes such as
respiration, photosynthesis, protein metabolism, and hydrolytic enzyme activity [1].
Herbicide interference with the morphology, physiology and biochemical pathways of treated
plants varies according to the characteristic actions of the herbicide and depends upon the
degree of tolerance or susceptibility of the crop plant species. Environmental factors and soil
conditions affecting plant growth, as well as herbicide formulation, herbicide degradation and
application method would significantly influence the effects of herbicides on treated plants.
Once an herbicide reaches the site of action in the treated plants, the biochemical processes are
affected. Herbicides differ in their site of action and may have more than one site of action. As
the herbicide concentration increases in plant tissue, additional sites of action may become
involved. The effect of herbicides on growth, productivity and different metabolic activities
has been studied extensively in many investigations such as in El-Hadary [1].
1.1. A word from the authors
Authors intended to give some examples for commercial herbicides that were applied in
agronomic systems within the past fifty years. These examples include those herbicides which
may now be internationally prohibited but are still used in the developing and under-
2013 El-Hadary and Chung; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
developing countries due to their low price and the little information available about them.
References have been included that cover a long era of research concerning herbicide appli
cation in order to include those prohibited herbicides. Also, references were included that focus
on research that was conducted in under- and developing countries.
1.2. Herbicides
This chapter will discuss different herbicide groups, classification, selectivity, interference
with metabolic processes and hazardous action upon crop plants. Also, the relation to naturally
occurring phenomena, such allelopathy and future prospects of genetic engineering in the
production of plant herbicides themselves, will be mentioned.
3. Selectivity of herbicides
Selectivity of herbicides for eradicating weeds can be achieved through employing some
factors related to:
3.1. Biochemical differences
Based on the biochemical differences between weeds and crops, or even weeds between each
other, selectivity can be achieved. There is a great diversity of types of weeds usually growing
in one crop. When employing an herbicide based on biochemical differences, the crop plant
would possess a defense mechanism that is usually absent in most of the competing weed
species. Consequently, the herbicide would react with the biochemical metabolism of the
weeds without any fatal interference on main crop metabolism.
3.2. Morphological differences
The selectivity which depends upon morphological differences is characteristic for postemergence herbicides. Dicotyledonous plants have leaves spread out and exposed meriste
matic tissue, so that the toxin is directed to the growing point situated at the center of a rosette.
While upright leaves of monocotyledonous plants enable plants to form a sheath around the
meristem that protects it from receiving the herbicidal spray (Figure 1) [1]. Therefore, such
morphological differences can be recruited to work with monocotyledon crops against
dicotyledon weeds.
3.3. Chronological selectivity
Chronological selectivity utilizes the time period necessary for growing both weeds and crop
plants. In other words, it depends upon the fact that some weeds are shallower rooted and
grow more rapidly than the crop plants. In consequence, many of the potentially more
competitive weeds that emerge before the crop can be sprayed by a foliage spray. The time of
application of the herbicide is important for chronological selectivity to be successful. That
means if the non-selective herbicides are applied too early, many of the germinating weed
seedlings will escape and break through the soil surface; however, the crop may be damaged
if those herbicides are applied too late (Figure 1) [1].
3.4. Positional selectivity
Positional selectivity is based upon the localization of weeds on the soil surface related to the
main plant crop position. If seeds, tubers, etc., of the crops are large compared with those of
the weeds, they become sown or placed quite deeply in the soil compared with the more
shallow competitive weed seeds. Consequently, positional selectivity can often be achieved
by spraying the soil surface with soil acting herbicides. These herbicides are able to destroy
weed seeds growing in the top few millimeters of the soil, whereas the large seeds of the crop
are protected by the fact that they are sown deeper in the soil. Bacteria and other microorgan
isms attack and inactivate most herbicides when used at economic concentrations so the
potential hazard to the crop is reduced (Figure 1) [1].
3.5. Placement selectivity
Placement selectivity can be achieved for non-selective substances when it is possible to direct
a foliar spray in such a way that it makes contact only with the leaves of weeds and not the
crop [2].
3.6. Genetic engineering
If the mode of action of an herbicide is known and the target proves to be a protein, genetic
engineering may well allow the crop gene coding for that protein to be isolated. It is then
possible to alter that crop gene so that it is less affected by the herbicide [2].This will be
discussed in detail at the end of the chapter.
Figure 1. Factors Exploitable to Achieve Selectivity of Herbicides [1] as adapted from [2].
the mitochondrial activities by uncoupling the reaction responsible for ATP synthesis or
interfering with electron transport and energy transfer. Uncouplers act on the membranes of
the mitochondria in which phosphorylation takes place. Electrons leak through the membranes
so that the charges that they normally separate are lost. As a result, energy is not accumulated
for ATP synthesis [3].
4.2. Photosynthesis
Pigment content and photosynthetic activity are affected by herbicidal applications. The mode
of action of herbicides on the photosynthesis process depends on the chemical group to which
the herbicide belongs [3]. Herbicides affect chloroplast organization and pigment formation
especially chlorophyll which is the principle absorbing pigment. Chlorophyll bleaching is a
potent inhibitor for photosynthetic electron transport and CO2 fixation.
Herbicides affect photosynthetic activity via different ways including photosynthetic pig
ments. The primary site of action is located at photosystem II (PSII) since they cause blocking
of the Hill reaction. The oxygen evolution step is inhibited by interfering with the reducing
side rather than the oxidizing side of PSII [4]. The inhibition of electron transfer through PSII
causes a block in the whole transport chain as the inhibition of the noncyclic photophosphor
ylation and ATP synthesis. Consequently, the production of NADP is blocked and the function
of the protective carotenoid system is prevented [5]. Urea herbicides inhibit both noncyclic
and cyclic electron transport by forming a complex with oxidized form of an unknown
component located in the electron transfer pathway close to PSII. This component also takes
part in cyclic electron transport.
The photosystem I (PSI) also could be reduced by some herbicides but it requires much higher
concentrations of the herbicide than that required for the inhibition of PSII. Since PSII precedes
PSI and the former is blocked completely at concentrations which do not affect PSI.
In a study conducted by El-Hadary [1], it was observed that photosynthetic activity measured
in wheat chloroplasts (variety Giza 163) was greatly reduced throughout the growth by using
Brominal as an example for bromphenol herbicides but lower concentrations (1/4R, 1/2R and
R) increased the activity. Pigment content represented as chlorophyll, a/b ratio and carotenoids
showed a similar results [1]. In the same study, sulfonyl-urea herbicides such as Granstar were
examined. It was observed that low Granstar concentrations stimulated the photolytic activity
of chloroplasts while high concentrations reduced it. However, Granstar reduced a/b ratios
throughout the growth stages, except a slight increase at the fruiting stage with 1/2R. Carote
noids were decreased only with high Granstar concentrations [1].
4.3. Protein and nucleic acid metabolism
Protein synthesis takes place mainly in three stages involving initiation, elongation and
termination of the polypeptide chain. Blocking any one of these stages by the herbicide will
cause inhibition of protein and nucleic acid synthesis. The herbicides that inhibit photosyn
thesis and ATP formation can lead to inhibition of protein synthesis as a secondary effect. The
damage that is caused by an herbicide is governed by its chemical group. There are numerous
studies that investigate effects of the herbicidal chemical groups upon protein and nucleic acid
metabolism [2].
For instance, sulfonyl-urea herbicides block the biosynthesis of the branched chain amino acids
in higher plants [6,7]. Aliphatic herbicides like Dalapon cause degradation of protein to
ammonium compounds as detected in Setaria lutescens and sugar beets [8]. While acetamide
herbicides such as propachlor, alachlor and prynaclor inhibited the protein content and RNA
synthesis as reported in barley [9-12]. Also, metalachlor inhibited protein synthesis in barley
[13]. RNA and protein synthesis in tomato were found to be inhibited by propanil [14].
Benzoic and phenylacetic herbicides had variable effects on protein. For example, chloramben
had no effect on RNA and protein synthesis on susceptible species [15]. On the other hand, it
was suggested that foliar-applications of dicamba increased RNA and protein levels in
susceptible plants by removal of histone from the DNA template [16]
Carbamate herbicide groups include a large number of herbicides such as asulam, barban,
chlorpropham, propham, desmedipham and phenmedipham. [17]. Barban was found to
inhibit protein synthesis and the degree of inhibition was related to the susceptibility of the
plant species. For example, barban increased nucleotide content of wild oat shoots associated
with disruption of RNA and protein synthesis. Chlorproham and propham inhibited amino
acid incorporation into protein and induced a reduction in protein synthesis [18]. DNA, RNA
and protein synthesis are also inhibited at high concentrations (10-3 M) of propham [19].
Fluridone, paraquat, perfluidone and propanil treatments were found to reduce soluble
protein levels in soybean [20]. Paraquat and diquat readily act on proteins, modifying their
structure and function (e.g.lysozome) since they interact with dibasic and dicarboxylic amino
acids like ornithine and glutamic acid [21].
Oxadiazon at high doses inhibited protein synthesis in soybean while RNA and DNA synthesis
were less sensitive to oxadiazon [22]. Combination of 2,4-D and glufosinate had an additive
effect on protein synthesis in both sorghum and soybean [22]. On the other hand, sethoxydim,
R- 25788 [N, N dichloroacetamide] or R- 28725 at low doses did not inhibit protein or RNA
synthesis in cells of both sorghum and soybean but sethoxydim significantly inhibited DNA
synthesis while R-25788 stimulated it [23]. Thus, the combined effects of sethoxydim and the
two Safeners (R- 25788 and R- 28725) on protein and RNA synthesis were additive while on
DNA synthesis they were antagonistic.
The application of haloxyfop to Zea mays and soybean cell suspension, increased 14-C labeled
free amino acids level and incorporation of 14C leucine as a precursor revealed that haloxyfop
did not inhibit protein synthesis [24].
Napropamide reduced DNA synthesis, RNA root cells of Pea and protein [25]. The inhibitory
effect of napropamide on the mitotic cycle resulted from an inhibition in the synthesis of cell
cycle specific protein. In contrast, 0.5 R, 1R and 1.5 R of metribuzin stimulated total and proteinN accumulation in soybean. Consequently, protein content was increased while RNA and
DNA levels decreased [26]. Protein content of soybean yield was reported to be increased by
application of 100 ppm GA3 (gibbrellic acid) and 2g/L Librel separately or together [27].
Metoxuron had a remarkable inhibition on the total protein biosynthesis, while bromoxynil
accelerated the biosynthesis of low molecular proteins (water-soluble proteins) and inhibited
the biosynthesis of high molecular proteins (sodium hydroxid soluble proteins) in wheat
(Triticum aestivum, var. Sakha 69) [28]. Bromoxynil at low doses (0.4 and 0.8 kg / fed) enhanced
protein content and RNA synthesis in wheat plants after 30 to 60 days from foliar spraying [29].
Nitrogen in wheat grains, consequently protein, was found to be increased by treating wheat
plants with Brominal at the 2-leaf stage [30]. Different bromoxynil levels increased the protein
percentages in wheat grains [31]. The foliar spray with bromoxynil increased significantly the
protein content in wheat grains [32]. Application of bromoxynil at the full recommended rate
significantly increased grain nitrogen and proteins in both wheat and barley. The increase was
evaluated by multiplying grain nitrogen by 5.7 as a factor in both wheat and barley [33]. Protein
content in wheat vegetation (Giza 163) was significantly increased at the vegetative stage and
flowering stage while decreased at the fruiting stage as a response to either low or high
Brominal treatments [1]. In contrast, the protein content of wheat root was reduced. Also,
protein profiling of grains is greatly altered with an induction for 19kDa and 25kDa but an
inhibition for 66kDa, 100kDa and 110kDa was obtained [1].
The action of urea herbicides on protein and nucleic acid metabolism has been reported by
many researchers. Although fluometron can cause an increase in the low molecular weight
fraction of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis [34], diuron and monuron inhibited the same
parameters as reported [35]. However, the monomethylated derivative of isouron [ N-[5-(1,1dimethy ethyl-3-iso) (azol]-N-methylurea] suppressed the protein synthesis in soybean[36].
Sulfonylurea herbicides were found to inhibit branched chain amino acids valine, leucine and
isoleucine (e.g. Granstar; DPX- L 5300; tribenuron) [6, 7]. Aflon (urea herbicide), when sprayed
at 1/2 R and R doses on Phaseolus vulgaris, induced a DNA increase in both shoot and root while
RNA content was increased in shoot only [37]. Moreover, RNA content of roots was mostly
decreased in response to R and 2R aflon treatments but increased as a result of the 1/2 R
application [37]. Protein content of the wheat shoot system was increased with all Granstar
concentrations at the vegetative stage and with low concentrations (1/2R and R) at both
flowering and fruiting stages. In contrast, protein levels were decreased with 5/2R at the
flowering stage and with 3/2R and 2R- and 5/2R at the fruiting stage [1]. Granstar treatments
reduced the contents of root proteins at the vegetative stage and flowering stages but increased
it at the fruiting stage. Protein profiling of grain proteins exerted an induction for 19kDa and
25kDa and complete suppression for 66kDa, 100kDa and 110KDa [1].
4.4. Hydrolytic enzyme activities
Enzymes of plants were affected greatly by herbicide treatments and their effect differs
according to the chemical group to which the herbicide belongs. The following examples
represent some effects of herbicides on the enzyme activities of some plant species.
One of the major metabolic processes that take place during seed germination is the production
of hydrolytic enzymes such as -, -amylases that degrade stored carbohydrates into simple
sugars. The production of hydrolytic enzymes requires the synthesis and presence of proteins,
polyribosomes and nucleic acids. Thus, an effect of the herbicide on protein formation as
mentioned above, would affect the synthesis of the hydrolytic enzymes [1, 3]. El-Hadary [1]
reported that use of either Brominal or Granstar at different levels below and above the
recommended rate induced stimulation for amylolytic enzyme activity ( and -amylase);
however, an incidence of a slight reduction in -amylase activity was observed with 2R and
higher doses of Granstar [1].
Dalapon, which is an aliphatic herbicide, did not affect the activity of hydrolytic enzymes like
protease, - amylase and dipeptidase in barley seeds [38]. Acetamides such as alachlor,
propachlor and prynachlor which all were applied at pre-emergence caused an inhibition for
seed germination in barley by reducing the synthesis of -amylase enzyme [39].
It was reported that propaclor inhibited the gibberellic acid (GA3) induced production of amylase in barley seeds [40]. Similarly, alachlor, propachlor and prynachlor were found to
inhibit -amylase as well as protease synthesis in barley seeds [41, 42]. It was suggested that
these herbicides may act as repressors for gene action preventing the normal expression of the
hormonal effect of GA3 through the synthesis of DNA-dependent RNA. This was confirmed
when higher levels of GA3 overcame alachlor inhibition by removing the repressor effect [42].
In addition, the effect of these acetamide herbicides on - amylase and protease was suggested
to be secondary and these herbicides possibly act on the biosynthetic reactions (like protein
synthesis) required for the synthesis of these hydrolytic enzymes.
Chloroamben and dicamba, which belong to the benzoic and phenylacetic acid herbicide
groups, were found to inhibit GA3-induced -amylase synthesis and the development of
amylase activity in barley seeds [40, 43]. This agrees with effect of trifluarlin, as an example
for dinitroanilines, which was found to inhibit the de novo synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes
such as protease [44] and dipeptidase in squash cotyledons [45], phytase in barley seedlings,
squash cotyledons and maize embryos [39], and -amylase in barley seeds [40].
Nitriles such as bromoxynil and ioxynil also inhibited proteolytic and amylolytic enzyme
activities [46, 45]. Also, thiocarbamate herbicides were found to inhibit GA3- induced amylase synthesis in susceptible weeds [17]. Acifluorfon was found to stimulate the activity
of chalcone synthase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and isoflavone 7-0- glucosy transferase
which are responsible for the accumulation of isoflavonoids in soybean leaves [47].
The increase of galactonolactone oxidase was reported in common beans as a result of
acifluorfen application; this enzyme is responsible for lipid peroxidation. Acifluorfen was
found to increase the activity of galactonactone reductase, which prevented further oxidation
of lipids [48]. Other herbicides, alachlor and glyphosate, were observed to inhibit 5- enolpyr
uvyl shikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for the
synthesis of all cinnamate derivatives (intermediates in flavonoids biosynthesis pathway)
leading to reduced flavonoid synthesis in higher plants [49].
Sulfonylureas herbicides act by inhibiting acetolactate synthase enzymes, thereby blocking the
biosynthesis of the branched chain amino acids in higher plants [7]. According to Gronwald
[50], carbomothioate herbicides inhibited one or more acyl- CoA elongase enzymes which
catalyze the condensation of malonyl CoA with fatty acid acyl-CoA substrates to form a very
long chain fatty acid, used in the synthesis of surface lipids.
The effects of triazine, urea and nitroaniline herbicides on amylase and acid proteolytic
activities of wheat grain cultivars, Salwa, Grana and Liwilla were studied by Wybieralshi and
Wybieralska [51]. The studied herbicides were found to inhibit amylase activity in Salwa and
Liwilla, but increased it in Grana. Acid proteolytic activity in Liwilla and Salwa was reduced
especially by Igran 80 (terbutryn) and Dicuran 60 (Chlorotoluron), while the activity in Grana
was not affected. In contrast, amylase, dehydrogenase, cellulase and xylanase activities were
increased by application of the herbicides Pyramin (chloridazon), Ro-neet (cycloate) and
Venzar (lenacil) when applied on the soil with 5% (w/w) addition of wheat straw [52]. Other
studies suggested that application of SAN 9789 (norflurazon) as a metabolic inhibitor to Sinapis
alba seedlings destroyed the chloroplasts but had no effect on -amylase activity. This is due
to the fact that -amylase is a cytosolic enzyme [53].
The levels of leaf -amylase and starch debranching enzyme in pea seedlings were found to
slightly decrease in response to norflurazon-treatment [54]. However, inhibitors of chloro
plastic functions, i.e.; diuron (DCMU), atrazine, tentoxin, paclobutrazol and San 9785 (4 chloro-5-( dimethylamino)-2-phenyl-3 (2H)- pyridazinone) caused either no or only slight
increases in -amylase activity. In contrast were the inhibitors of plastidic protein synthesis
lincomycin and chloramphenicol that cause an increase in -amylase activity in pea seedlings.
It is concluded that there was an inverse relationship between -amylase activity and chloro
phyll concentration in pea petals and stems [55]. Similarly an inhibition of -amylase induction
in barley seeds was reported [56]. Also, Li found that juglone decreased the content of total
soluble protein and -amylase activity induced by gibberellin by 74% and 78% in the aleuron
cells of barley. It was concluded that juglone may be a metabolic inhibitor which prevents
many (if not all) physiological and biochemical processes involving SH-groups in compounds
such as amino acids, peptides and enzymes [57].
The activities of -and -amylases of castor bean and maize Giza 2 seedlings and adult plants
supplemented with low concentration (0.5-2.5 g/g) of metribuzin either alone or in combi
nation with NaCl at 50 g/g were increased significantly [58] but higher metribuzin concen
tration (5-10g) had an opposite response. Application of 1.5-4.5kg/ha thiobencarb and
butachlor six days after transplanting of 30-day-old rice seedlings affected the enzyme
activities of the seedlings whether they were grown alone or with the competitive barnyard
grass [59]. Moreover, both herbicides reduced -amylase activity by increasing the concen
tration but a sharp increase in -amylase activity was noted at 96h post-treatment in both
species. In addition, protease (proteinase) activity was maximized after post-treatment at both
48h.and 24h in rice and grass, respectively.
Butachor (1000-3000 g/ha) and oxyfluorfen (100-300g/ha) effect on -amylase activity and
chlorophyll content in 46 rice cultivars was dependent on the degree of tolerance of each
cultivar [60]. It was concluded that rice cultivars ADT-37, ASD-16 and ASD-18 were highly
tolerant to butachor, whereas ADT-36, ADT-38 and PY-3 were highly susceptible. Howev
er, tolerance to oxyfluorfen was high in ASD-18 and AS-18696, while IR-50 was highly
susceptible [60].
4.5. Lipid synthesis and oxidation
Substituted ureas, uracils, triazine, benzonitriles and bipyridyls markedly accelerated the
photo-oxidations (lipids- per-oxidation) but peroxidation was completely prevented by
NADH or NADPH [5]. Lipid peroxidation in higher plants (Duranta and Cassia) was induced
by oxyfluorfen [61] but the peroxidative cell damage is controlled by antioxidative systems
such as vitamins C and E.
but decreased in response to higher concentrations (5-10g). On the other hand, polysacchar
ide content of R. communis and maize seedlings as well as adult plants were significantly
decreased in response to low concentrations of metribuzin and increased significantly at higher
concentrations either alone or in combination with NaCl. Total carbohydrate content detected
in R. communis treated with metribuzin were greater than those detected in presence of
herbicide and NaCl combination [58].
Thiobencarb and butaclor herbicides when applied at 1.5-4.5 kg/ha after transplanting 30 days
old rice seedlings and barnyard grass grown alone or with rice were found to have no effect
either on total carbohydrate or starch and reducing sugars in rice and grass [59].
4.7. Plant growth response and yield
Plant growth and yield are greatly affected by herbicidal applications depending on the age,
tolerance, dose and the active chemical group of the herbicide. The author in a previous work
pointed that Brominal application on wheat induced an increase in the number of grains per
spike with 1/4 R. 1/2R and R while higher doses caused a significant reduction [1]. Also, grain
yield showed a detectable reduction in monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides and,
consequently, total carbohydrate levels with all Brominal concentrations [1].
The percentage of germination and seedling growth of barley was decreased greatly by
applications of bromoxynil [64]. But the same herbicide in different concentrations encouraged
wheat growth [31]. Also, growth parameters such as plant height, weight and leaf area of wheat
plants at 75 days after sowing were increased significantly by foliar application of bromoxynil
at rate of 1.0 L/Fed [32, 65]. Moreover, a good seedling establishment of wheat was obtained
by combinations of bromoxynil and fenoxaprop [66]. Low metribuzin concentrations
(0.5-2.5g/g) either alone or in combination with NaCl (50 g/g) caused an increase in different
growth parameters such as leaf area, length of shoot and root, water content and dry matter
accumulation in both Ricinus communis cultivars, and maize cultivars Giza 2 throughout the
different growth stages [58]. In contrast, the higher metribuzin concentration (5-10g) affected
the same parameters oppositely [58].
Productivity of the plant is affected in terms of 100 grains weight in response to herbicides
treatment. The yield of wheat grains (var.Sakha 69) increased by bromoxynil application [28].
A dose of 1.5 kg/ha of bromoxynil brought an increase in weight of 100 grains [30,67]. The
highest yield was obtained when one liter/fed bromoxynil was applied at the third-leaf stage
[68]. The number of wheat grains/ear and grain yield were increased at a low dose (0.8kg/ fed.)
of bromoxynil [29,69] while a higher dose of the same herbicide (1.2 kg/ fed) reduced the yield
of wheat varieties; i.e. Sakha 69, Giza 157 and Giza 160 [29]. On the other hand, it was noticed
that higher doses of bromoxynil resulted in a marked increase in both yield and grains/ear
when crops were poorly developed at the time of spraying [70]. However, the application of
2.5, 3.0 liter bromoxynil /ha at the third-leaf and flowering stages on wheat significantly
decreased the grain yield [71] as well as the number of spikes per plant, main spike length,
weight of 100 grains and straw per plant [32].
Herbicidal effects may be varied when they are applied in combination. For example, a marked
increase was observed in the grain yield, ears/plant and number of ears in barley by using a
combination of bromoxynil, ioxnil and mercoprop [72]. An increase of about 20% was recorded
in grain wheat yield when oxitril 4, which is a combination of oxitril and bromoxynil, was used
at 130g/liter and applied at rates of 1.5,4 and 5 liters/ha [73]. In winter wheat a marked increase
in yield was mentioned in response to half rate applications of various commercial herbicides
(active ingredients bromoxynil, ioxynil, mocoprop, cyanazine, fluroxypyr, metasulfuronmethyl, and clopyralid) [74].
Urea herbicide such as Granstar (metasulfuron- methyl 75% water dispersible granules) was
found to suppress the growth rate of wheat and barley by about 20% while weeds were
completely destroyed[75]. Its application with a dose of 20-40 g/ha in 200-500 liter/ha prior to
planting resulted in 50% suppression [76]. The author in a previous work applied Granstar at
a dose of 0.5R, 1R, 1.5R and 2R on wheat at 40-days old and reported an increase in grains no./
spike [1]. However, a great decrease in monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides and,
consequently, total carbohydrate levels was obtained in wheat grains with both low and high
Granstar concentrations [1]. Also, chlorsulfuron was mentioned to reduce both the third leaf
growth rate and shoot dry weight of wheat seedlings but not the root dry weight [76].
The urea herbicide metoxuron was reported to decrease wheat grain yield (var. Sakha 69) [28].
It was found that 100-seed weight of soybean was decreased by using metribuzin at rates of
0.5R, 1R and 1.5R [26]. Wheat yield was markedly increased by using tribenuron at a rate of
0-125g [77]. However, sulfonylurea herbicides, Chisel [Chlorosulfuron+thifensulfuron methyl] and Granstar, significantly increased the productive tillering in some wheat varieties
[78]. Application of trifluralin alone in the spring followed by some post herbicides resulted
in a reduction in vegetative growth, shoot dry weight and wheat grain yield [79]. An applica
tion of 0.126 mM perfluidon herbicide was reported not only to decrease both fresh and dry
weight but also shoot length of maize seedlings [62].
of entry: ingestion, inhalation and dermal absorption. In under-developed countries, the least
expensive pesticides are utilized due the inability of farmers to purchase more expensive, safer
products. As a byproduct of pesticide use, farmers and their families are affected daily with
health problems directly resulting from pesticide exposure [81]. Herbicide toxicity and risks
are not only limited by their direct use but can also present risks indirectly. Indirect risks are
represented by herbicidal traces that remain in the edible plants themselves as well as the
residues in the soil that may remain for a number of years before it can be degraded. Moreover,
the leakage of these herbicides and their residues in water canals, vaporization and sublimation
in air may be poisonous to the surrounding living organisms.
6. Natural herbicides
Allelopathy phenomenon serves the agricultural community so much. The following section
discusses the related concepts to allelopathy and recruiting it as natural herbicides for weed
management to be an alternative or to minimize conventional herbicide use.
6.1. Allelopathy term
Allelopathy is a natural biological phenomenon of interference among organisms in such a
way that an organism produces one or more biochemicals that influence the growth, survival,
and reproduction of other organisms. Allelopathy is the favorable or adverse effect of one plant
on another due to direct or indirect release of chemicals from live or dead plants (including
6.2. Allelochemical term
Allelochemicals, or allelochemics, are a subset of low molecular weight secondary metabolites
such as alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, terpenoids, and glucosinolates which are produced
during growth and development but are not used by the allelopathic plant [82]. Allelochemi
cals may have beneficial (positive allelopathy) or detrimental (negative allelopathy) effects on
the target organisms. Allelochemicals with negative allelopathic effects contribute in plant
defense against herbivory. Also, allelochemicals could be recruited in weed management as
alternatives to herbicides.
Allelochemicals are listed as six classes [83] that possess actual or potential phytotoxicity. The
classes are namely alkaloids, benzoxazinones, cinnamic acid derivatives, cyanogenic com
pounds, ethylene and other seed germination stimulants, and flavonoids which have been
isolated from over 30 families of terrestrial and aquatic plants. Like synthetic herbicides, there
is no common mode of action or physiological target site for all allelochemicals.
6.3. Allelochemical occurrence
Allelochemics are present in different parts of the plant; leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, bark,
roots, rhizomes, seeds and pollen. They may be released from plants into the environment
through volatilization, leaching, root exudation, and decomposition of plant residues. Rainfall
causes the leaching of allelopathic substances from leaves which fall to the ground during
period of stress, leading to inhibition of growth and germination of crop plants [84, 85].
6.4. Allelochemical classification and biosynthesis
According to the different structures and properties of allelochemicals, they can be classified
into the following categories: water-soluble organic acids, straight-chain alcohols, aliphatic
aldehydes, and ketones; simple unsaturated lactones; long-chain fatty acids and polyacety
lenes; quinines (benzoquinone, anthraquinone and complex quinines); phenolics; cinnamic
acid and its derivatives; coumarins; flavonoids; tannins; steroids and terpenoids (sesquiter
pene lactones, diterpenes, and triterpenoids) [86]. The biosynthetic pathways of the major
allelopathic substances are shown in Figure 2 [87].
6.5. Allelochemical interference and biological activity
The allelochemical interference implies their interference with each other as well the interfer
ence with other surrounding plants. Several chemicals can be released together and may exert
toxicities in an additive or synergistic manner. Allelopathic interferences often result from the
mixing action of several different compounds. Allelopathic plant extracts can effectively
control weeds since mixtures of allelopathic water extracts are more effective than the
application of single-plant extract. Combined application of allelopathic extracts and reduced
herbicide dose (up to half the standard dose) give as much weed control as the standard
herbicide dose in several field crops. Lower doses of herbicides may help to reduce the
development of herbicide resistance in weed ecotypes [88]. Allelopathy thus offers an attrac
tive environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides in agricultural pest management [88].
Response of the receiver plants to allelochemicals is not only concentration dependent but also
controlled by the biochemical pathway in the receiver plant. Generally, low concentrations of
allelochemicals are stimulatory while it is inhibitory with higher concentrations [89]. Allelo
chemical concentrations in the producer plant may also vary over time and in the plant tissue
produced. Foliar and leaf litter leachates of Eucalyptus species, for example, are more toxic
than bark leachates to some food crops. Typically, allelochemical concentration in field
situations is below the required inhibitory level that can affect sensitive plants.
Receiver plant response to antagonistic allelochemicals is detected as certain signs on growth
and development of the plants that are exposed to allelochemicals. The effect includes the
inhibition or retardation of germination rate; seeds darkness and swelling; root or radicle
reduction, curling of the root axis, lack of root hairs; increased number of seminal roots,
swelling or necrosis of root tips; shoot or coleoptile extension; discolouration, reduced dry
weight accumulation; and lowered reproductive capacity. These morphological effects may
be secondary for primary events due to interference with different biochemical pathways of
the receiver plant [90].
Biological activity of allelochemicals could be increased by some modifications so the end
product could be more active, selective, or persistent. This is attributed to the potential
Scientific name
Oryza sativa L.
Phenolic acids
Triticum aestivumL.
Hydroxamic acids
Cucumis sativus L.
Black mustard
Brassica nigra L.
Allyl isothiocyanate
Buck wheat
Fagopyrium esculentum L.
Fatty acids
Clovers and
Trifolium spp.
Sweet clover
Melilotus spp.
Avena sativa L
Hydroxamic acids
natural herbicide abilities is the black walnut tree whose leaf extraction is often used in
commercially-produced natural herbicides [94].
Other natural pre-emergent herbicides are used to control weed growth such the natural
herbicide corn gluten meal. Corn gluten meal was originally developed as a medium for
growing fungus, but its inhibitory effect upon the germination of weeds and grasses was
detected. A cover crop of rye could work as a natural herbicide between soybean crops [94].
Herbicidal effects have been identified and quantified for more than twenty allelochemicals
in Vulpia residues. Those present in large quantities possessed low biological activities, while
those present in small quantities possessed strong inhibitory activities. Interference between
different allelochemicals controls the overall phytotoxicity of Vulpia residues which varies
according to the individual chemical structure and occurred quantity. This interference
provides a pattern for suggested artificial combinations of these allelochemicals prepared in
aqueous solution. Biological tests for different combinations of Vulpia extracts demonstrated
the existence of strong synergistic effects among the identified allelochemics. Moreover,
exploration of the composition of a cluster of allelochemicals, which are simple in structure,
possess various biological activities and few barriers to synthesis and production; this provides
an alternative option for developing new herbicides from individual plant allelochemicals [94].
Selective activity of tree allelochemicals on crops and other plants has also been reported. For
example, Leucaena leucocephala, the miracle tree promoted for revegetation, soil and water
conservation and animal improvements in India, also contains a toxic, non-protein amino acid
in leaves and foliage that inhibits the growth of other trees but not its own seedlings. Leucae
na species have also been shown to reduce the yield of wheat but increase the yield of rice.
Leachates of the chaste tree or box elder can retard the growth of pangolagrass but stimulate
growth of bluestem, another pasture grass. Examples that are shown in Table 2 represent some
allelopathic plants and their impact as reported in published research [95].
Allelopathic Plant
and lambsquarters
red cedar
- Mango
- Tree of Heaven
- Broccoli
use as a gas at about 1.5kg/ha has been used effectively via a soil injection to trigger "suicidal"
germination of Striga and to deplete the numbers of dormant seeds in soil [100].
6.9. Limitation of using allelopathic plants as herbicides
Recruiting allelopathy in weed management is limited by both the allelopathic plant itself and
the environment. Production, release and phytotoxicity of allelochemicals are altered by biotic
and abiotic soil factors [101, 102] such as plant age, temperature, light and soil conditions,
microflora, nutritional status, and herbicide treatments. Toxicity of allelochemicals may be
either cleared or increased after releasing into the soil by action of microbes [103] since the
toxicity is influenced by soil texture. For instance, amounts of water-soluble phenolics in P.
lanceolata leaf leachate amended soil varied depending on the soil textural classes if it is clay,
sandy-loam, sand, or silty-loam [104]. Some allelopathic agents are active only under hot and
dry climates as they work in the vapor phase such as monoterpenes because the high vapor
density of the essential oils may penetrate into soil, affecting adversely the under growing
plants [105].
High costs for synthesizing many allelochemicals stands as a limiting factor for utilizing
allelochemicals. Also, the hazardous action of allelochemicals on human beings limits their
use. They may be toxic [91] carcinogenic [106] or even cause thyroid, liver and kidney diseases
in monogastric animals [107].
Allelopathic potentiality of some plants is influenced either by the availability or deficiency of
nutrient. The deficiency of nutrients favors the production of secondary metabolites. For
example in aerobic P-deficient soil, rice roots excrete organic anions, particularly citrate, to
solubilize and enhance phosphorus uptake [108]. Some allelochemicals affect the growth of
the plant itself, i.e., autotoxic effect as some derivatives of benzoic and cinnamic acids from
the root exudates of cucumber since it inhibits root antioxidant enzymes and leaf photosyn
thesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance in cucumber [109].
Natural herbicides sound attractive as alternatives for herbicides but their application is still
surrounded with much concern since they affect humans and environmental equilibrium. The
agricultural community cannot discard the use of synthetic herbicides completely at the
present time but their use can be reduced up to a certain extent by utilizing allelopathic
potentiality as an alternative weed management strategy for crop production.
unrelated plants into commercial crop cultivars through conventional plant breeding methods
or other genetic recombination strategies. There are two methods for creating herbicidal plant
crops that have been suggested; regulation of gene expression related to alleochemicales
biosynthesis; or insertion of genes to produce allelochemicals that are not found in the crop [88].
7.1. Gene insertion
The allelopathic phenomenon as mentioned before refers to the ability of some plant species
to suppress other species by releasing allelochemicals, which are not toxic to the originating
plant but toxic to surrounding vegetation. Breeding allelopathic cultivars by molecular
approaches are more complicated than developing an herbicide-resistant crop. Genetic
engineering of allelochemicals bases on their overexpression as valuable secondary metabo
lites in plants [111]. Most secondary metabolites being used as allelochemicals are products of
a multi-gene system might which have to be developed and transformed into the specific crop
to produce allelochemicals [112, 113].
Gene insertion targets the change of the recent biochemical pathways into another one which
is able to produce new allelochemicals through the insertion of transgenes. Although there is
great difficulty to satisfy this approach, it represents the promising molecular approaches
available for application in the near future. Various reviews in this trend and reference book
on molecular biology of weed control [112, 113] were conducted.
7.2. Regulation of gene expression related to allelochemicals
Regulation of gene expression by a biologist first requires accurate identification of the target
allelochemical(s), to determine enzymes and the genes encoding them. Accordingly, a specific
promoter can be inserted into crop plants to enhance allelochemical production. Allelochem
icals are conditionally expressed by biotic and abiotic factors since some metabolites having
allelopathic potential might be newly synthesized or highly elevated in rice plants by UV
irradiation [114]. For instance, there is a differential response to UV or other environmental
stresses among rice cultivars. The phenylpropanoid pathway intermediates of several
allelopathic rice cultivars have the highest content of p-coumaric acid. The latter is a key
reaction in the biosynthesis of a large number of phenolic compounds in higher plants.
Phenolic compounds are derived from cinnamic acid by the catalysis of 4-hydroxylase (CA4H)
enzyme. The activity of CA4H was measured to determine its response to UV irradiation in
rice leaves of different varieties. Kouketsumochi showed induction for CA4H activity by UV
after 24 h of UV irradiation for 20 min while the rice cultivar AUS 196 showed no response.
The increase in CA4H enzyme activity as a required enzyme in conversion of cinammic acid
into p-coumaric acid suggested a role for CA4H gene in the elevation of the allelopathic
function in rice plants [114].
Responsiveness to environmental stresses and plant-plant interaction may be conferred by a
specific promoter. A promoter which its induction is responsive to an elicitor can be used to
regulate genes that are responsible for coding allelochemicals. The expression of phytoalexins
and pathogenesis related genes in plants were reported in response to UV treatment and other
plant defense inducers [115, 116]. UV was found to stimulate phytoalexine production in
pepper. The effective motifs response to UV light was determined in tobacco by examining the
expression of GUS activity of plants transformed with the constructs of various CASC
(Capsicum annuum sesqiterpene cyclase) promoters fused into GUS gene [115]. This was
followed by UV irradiation of the transgenic plants to assure the induction of the CASC
promoters through examining GUS activity of the transgenic plants. The levels of GUS activity
for transgenic plants with pBI121-KF1 and pBI121-KF6 were significantly elevated by UVirradiation and had a two-to-threefold increase approximately over the untreated-transgenic
plants. In contrast, GUS expression in the transgenic plants with pBI121-CaMV 35S was not
changed by UV, and in the other constructs had only a very small increase [117]. The CASC
promoters of both KF-1 and KF-6 were suggested to contain cis-acting elements capable of
conferring quantitative expression patterns that were exclusively associated with UV irradia
tion. The regulation of genes associated with allelopathy could be achieved by developing a
specific promoter responsive to plant-weed competition or environmental stresses. The CASC
promoters of KF-1 and KF-6 obtained may be specific to UV. Thus, this promoter can be used
for the overexpression of specific promoters constructed to allelochemical-producing genes
[116]. To regulate the CA4H gene in the phenylpropanoid pathway, specific promoters, the
CASC-KF1 and KF6, were fused to CA4H gene. The gene constructs were introduced into the
binary plant expression vector pIG121-HMR with reverse primer harbouring BamHI site and
forward primer harbouring HindIII site as illustrated in Figure 4 [118].
Figure 4. The Gene Cassette with Specific Promoters Responsive to UV Irradiation in pIG121-HmR [117].
8. Conclusion
Herbicides are widely used in agricultural communities on a large scale for eradicating weeds.
Herbicides function by affecting different biochemical processes in weeds. Herbicides in low
doses act as growth regulators for the main crop but high doses may cause crop damage.
However, uncontrolled herbicide use can cause hazardous effects not only upon the main crop
but also human health and the surrounding environment [80, 81]. Moreover, heavy doses of
herbicides create the problem of herbicide resistance development in weeds. There is an urgent
need to identify natural alternatives that can meet the demands of agrosystems without
affecting the surrounding environment. Hence, the idea of recruiting the allelopathic phe
nomenon of some plants in inhibiting the growth of weed vegetation has been investigated.
Allelopathy cannot cancel the use of herbicides completely but can minimize it. Allelopathic
plant use has limitations in the application because of the potential toxicity. Thus, molecular
biology can aid the agricultural community by engineering crops to be herbicides themselves
through gene insertion and regulation depending on well-defined allelopathic genes or
promoters, respectively. Even with well-characterized allelopathic genes, it might be very
difficult to transfer genes into crops.
Author details
Mona H. El-Hadary1,2* and Gyuhwa Chung3
*Address all correspondence to: drmona3000@yahoo.com
1 Department of Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research
Institute (GEBRI) Minufiya University, Egypt
2 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Egypt
3 Department of Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Korea
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