1. Due to the proliferation of infrastructure activities like; railways, roads, buildings, faulty land
management, hydro-electrical projects, the soil erosion related problems like; landslides, landslips, and
displacement of soil has increased manifold. The Department responsibilities and expectations of the
people have also multiplied. To handle this magnitude of work, the Department is facing a big challenge of
financial constraints and manpower deficiency.
2. Over the years the activities of the Department have got diversified and extended to every nook and corner
of the entire state, so there is a challenge before the Department to cope up with effective monitoring and
evaluation in order to ensure transparency and quality.
3. Due to the upcoming of number of hydroelectric projects in the state, the stablisation of slopes, treatment
of catchment area and treatment of muck dumping sites needs intensive and meticulous planning and its
implementation is really a tough task as being the new activities.
4. For number of small and large development projects forest land is being diverted and for each such case
the Department of Soil Conservation is required to render technical guidance for carrying out Soil
Conservation measures and to monitor the implementation of the terms and conditions on ground.
5. With the creation of eight new districts, extension of activities and monitoring has further increased.
6. Soil Conservation Department is notified as nodal agency to provide the technical know-how to the
departments like; Forest, Environment, Agriculture, Irrigation & Flood Control, Rural Development, Social
Welfare etc. where Soil Conservation Department is required to co-ordinate and at times to execute certain
7. Soil Conservation Department designated nodal agency for implementation of a flagship programme of
Government of India i.e. Integrated Watershed Management Programme on forest land. This
responsibility has added a new challenge.
The activities of the Department have increased manifold since its inception and these are bound to
increase further keeping in view the pressure on natural resources and lot of underway developmental
activities. The department is trying to cope with the increased work load and diversified activities within the
limited infrastructure and manpower and also with the borrowed staff and facilities. Even then there are some
genuine constraints felt in the department, which are as under;
Shortage of staff – the Department was started with a skeleton staff only and afterwards very few posts were
created. However, the activities increased manifold and there is acute shortage of field as well as office staff.
Demand of additional staff stand already projected from time to time.
1. Re-organization of Department – since creation, the department has never been reorganized though
there have been a lot of changes in the organization at the district as well as divisional level and also there
is a lot of change in the pattern of duties as well as assignments.
2. There is lack of infrastructure like; office buildings, research laboratories, office accessories, residential
accommodation for Direction Office and down below. For example, the Jammu office was taken over by
the Hon'ble High Court, whereas at Srinagar which was built in eighties, is inadequate and premises is
prone to water logging. There is no provision for buildings for housing Zonal offices.
3. Due to shortage of vehicles the mobility of the field officers/ staff gets hampered resulting in problems in
proper monitoring of field activities.
4. Since there are limited posts, therefore there are limited promotional avenues available for the staff as a
result they do not get any encouragement and get demoralized. The pending selection by recruitment
agencies need to be accelerated to overcome the problem as well.
The Department of Soil Conservation has taken up following initiatives from the last few years for
effective transformation of soil & water conservation techniques and management practices to address the
challenges and constraints. Construction of water harvesting structures for Artificial Recharge of Ground water
to improve the water regime.
A wrong attitude towards nature implies somewhere, a wrong attitude towards God,
and the consequence is inevitable doom.
- T.S. Eliot
Memories / reminiscences through old shots/snaps
Mr. Ghulam Naqshband, Ex-CCF J&K inspecting Rangil closure with World Bank team headed by Dr. Greenfield, visiting soil Cons. Closures while
Mr. Syed Noor-ul-Hassan, Retd. CCF, J&K, Mr. G.H. Kango, Ex-Director, Soil on tour for finalizing IWDP (Hills) Project.
Cons., Mr. Bashir Ahmad Quadri, Ex-Senior Scientist & Mr. S.N. Macoo, Ex-
Div. Soil Cons. Officer.
Hon'ble Forest Minister Mr. Peerzada Ghulam Ahmad Shah briefed by An inspection of sisal farm by senior state officers at Jammu.
Mr. Shahniaz Naqshbandi, Ex-Director, Soil Cons.J&K.
Mr. G.N. Kochak, Ex-Minister for Forests, planting tree in Jammu and briefed Ex-Forest Minister Mr. G. N. Kochak, briefed about soil conservation
by Mr. Peer Bashir Ahmad Quadiri Ex-IFS officer and Mr. M.J. Sharma then activities on spot in field by Mr. S.C. Gupta Ex-Div. Soil Cons. Officer
Project Officer, Pilot Study Project, Purmandal (now Addl. Pr. CCF/ Director, and Mr. M.J. Sharma then Project Officer, Pilot Study Project, Purmandal
Soil Cons.) . (now Addl. Pr. CCF/ Director, Soil Cons.)
The Department has 645 sanctioned strength including 455 temporary posts. The detail of posts under
Gazetted cadre, Executive Cadre, Ministerial cadre and Class-IV is given as under;
S. Name of post (category- Scale of Grade Reference to Govt. order
No PB pay Strength (creation)
wise) pay
1 Director PB-4 37400-67000 10000 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
2 Senior Scientist PB-3 15600-39100 6600 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
145-FST of 1979 dt: 03.09.1979
188-FST of 1984 dt: 04.01.1984
3 Divisional Soil Conservation Officer PB-3 15600-39100 6600 3
139-FST/GR of 1990 dt:
4 Dy. Director (P&S) PB-3 15600-39100 6600 1 105-PD of 2008 dt: 07.10.2008
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978 /
117-Agri of 1979 dt: 15.02.1979
Assistant Soil Conservation Officer
5 /equiv.
PB-2 9300-34800 5200 3 60-FST of 1980 dt: 16.04.1980
114-FST/GR of 1986
6 Assistant Engineer PB-2 9300-34800 5200 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
7 Assistant Conservator of Forests PB-2 9300-34800 4800 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
117-Agri of 1979 dt: 15.02.1979
153-FST of 1980 dt: 28.10.1980
8 Soil Conservation Assistant / equiv. PB-2 9300-34800 4400 6
139-FST/GR of 1990 dt:
9 Assistant Research Officer PB-2 9300-34800 4300 4 60-FST of 1980 dt: 16.04.1980
10 Photo- Interpretor PB-2 9300-34800 4300 1 33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
11 Range Officer PB-2 9300-34800 4280 4 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
12 Private Secretary PB-2 9300-34800 4800 1 & SRO-456 dt: 09.12.2010
Sub-Total: 27
Executive staff:
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
114-FST/GR of 1986
1 Assistant Survey Officer/ equiv. PB-2 9300-34800 4260 6 dt:09.07.1986
2 Cartographer PB-2 9300-34800 4260 2 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
3 Head Draftsman PB-2 9300-34800 4260 1 145-FST of 1979 dt: 03.09.1979
4 Naib Tehsildar PB-2 9300-34800 4260 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
5 Draftsman PB-2 9300-34800 4210 1 60-FST of 1980 dt: 16.04.1980
6 Tracer PB-2 9300-34800 4210 1 33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
117-Agri of 1979 dt: 15.02.1979
60-FST of 1980 dt: 16.04.1980
153-FST of 1980 dt: 28.10.1980
114-FST/GR of 1986
dt:09.07.1986 139-FST/GR
7 Field Assistant /equiv. PB-2 9300-34800 4200 39 of 1990 dt: 27.07.1990
8 Forester PB-1 5200-20200 2800 6 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
9 Silt Observor PB-1 5200-20200 2400 2 33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
10 Patwari PB-1 5200-20200 2400 2 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
34-FST of 1980 dt: 03.03.1980
153-FST of 1980 dt: 28.10.1980
114-FST/GR of 1986
11 Soil Conservation Guard PB-1 5200-20200 1900 26 dt:09.07.1986
12 Lab. Attendant-I 1S 4440-7440 1400 1 33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
13 Chainman 1S 4440-7440 1300 16 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
5 4-FST of 1981 dt: 07.01.1981 (2)
14 Mali 1S 4440-7440 1300 114-FST/GR of 1986
S. Name of post (category- Scale of Grade Reference to Govt. order
No PB pay Strength (creation)
wise) pay
Ministerial staff:
1 Section Officer PB-2 9300-34800 4600 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
2 Statistical Officer PB-2 9300-34800 4600 1 105-PD of 2008 dt: 07.10.2008
3 Accountant PB-2 9300-34800 4240 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
34-FST of 1980 dt: 03.03.1980
33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
4 Head Assistant PB-2 9300-34800 4200 4 16-FST of 1990 dt: 11.01.1990
5 Statistical Assistant PB-2 9300-34800 4200 1 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
33-FST of 1983 dt: 18.02.1983
6 Accounts Assistant PB-1 5200-20200 2800 4 16-FST of 1990 dt: 11.01.1990
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
34-FST of 1980 dt: 03.03.1980
114-FST/GR of 1986
7 Senior Assistant /equiv. PB-1 5200-20200 2400 7 dt:09.07.1986
8 Jr. Statistical Assistant PB-1 5200-20200 2400 2 212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
34-FST of 1980 dt: 03.03.1980
153-FST of 1980 dt: 28.10.1980
16-FST of 1990 dt: 11.01.1990
139-FST/GR of 1990 dt:
27.07.1990 305-FST of
9 Jr. Assistant PB-1 5200-20200 1900 14 2005 dt: 25.07.2005
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
34-FST of 1980 dt: 03.03.1980
106-FST of 1981 dt: 24.06.1981
114-FST/GR of 1986
dt:09.07.1986 16-FST of
10 Driver PB-1 5200-20200 2400 8 1990 dt: 11.01.1990
212-FST of 1978 dt: 21.10.1978
16-FST of 1990 dt: 11.01.1990
11 Orderly 1S 4440-7440 1300 8
139-FST/GR of 1990 dt:
5 214-FST of 1981 dt: 07.12.1981
12 Chowkidar 1S 4440-7440 1300
Total: 165
G.Total: 192
S. Name of post (category- Scale of Grade Reference to Govt. order
No PB pay Strength (creation)
wise) pay
Temporary strength (SRO-64)
10-FST of 1996 dt: 05.01.1996
1 Chainman 1S 4440-7440 1300 45 327-FST of 1997 dt: 03.07.1997
14-FST of 1995 dt: 03.02.1995
10-FST of 1996 dt: 05.01.1996
2 Mali 1S 4440-7440 1300 128 327-FST of 1997 dt: 03.07.1997
400-FST of 1998 dt: 27.10.1998
14-FST of 1995 dt: 03.02.1995
3 Lab. Attendant-II 1S 4440-7440 1300 15 10-FST of 1996 dt: 05.01.1996
10-FST of 1996 dt: 05.01.1996
4 Orderly 1S 4440-7440 1300 11 327-FST of 1997 dt: 03.07.1997
400-FST of 1998 dt: 27.10.1998
10-FST of 1996 dt: 05.01.1996
5 Chowkidar 1S 4440-7440 1300 11 327-FST of 1997 dt: 03.07.1997
318-FST of 2004 dt: 22.07.2004
9-FST of 2006 dt: 06.01.2006
6 Helper 1S 4440-7440 1300 243 501-FST of 2006 dt: 27.09.2006
340-FST of 2008 dt: 12.09.2008
S. Total: 453
In addition to above strength, some more temporary posts have been transferred from Sister
Concern Departments/organizations to meet out the departmental requirement.
State Level:
Summer months Soil Conservation Complex, Haft
Chinar, behind Police Station
Shergarhi, Srinagar -190008.
Winter months Soil Conservation Complex, Bikram
Chowk, behind Forest Inf. Centre,
Jammu -180001
S. No Regional Name of S.C. Division Jurisdiction Address
1 Joint Director, DSCO Udhampur District Reasi / SC Complex, Rakh Tanday,
SCD, Jammu Udhampur Sumbal Danga, Udhampur
2 DSCO Jammu District Samba / SC Complex, Raika-Narwal
Raika- Narwal, Jammu bypass, Jammu
3 Jammu. DSCO Kathua District Kathua SC Complex, Maggar Khad,
Hatli Morh, Kathua
4 DSCO Rajouri District Rajouri Old Forest Complex,
5 DSCO Poonch District Poonch Forest Complex, Poonch
S. Soil Cons. Soil Conservation Jurisdiction Headquarter
No Divn. office Zone
A. Jammu Region:
1 Jammu Jammu Jammu District S.C. Complex, Raika-Narwal,
Samba Samba Samba
Purmandal Purmandal Birpur
2 Kathua Kathua Kathua Tehsil SC Complex, Magarkhad,
Hiranagar Hiranagar Tehsil Hiranagar
Billawar Billawar Tehsil Billawar
3 Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur SC Complex, Rakhi Tandy,
Chenani Chenani Tehsil Chenani
Reasi Reasi District Reasi
4 Doda Doda - Bhaderwah Doda District Forest Complex, Doda
Ramban - Banihal Ramban District Zonal office, Batote
Thathri - Kishtwar Kishtwar District Kishtwar
5 Rajouri Rajouri Rajouri Forest complex, Rajouri
Kalakote Kalakote Kalakote
Nowshehra Nowshehra Nowshehra
6 Poonch Haveli Haveli SC Complex, Poonch
Surankote Surankote Surankote
Mendhar Mendhar Mendhar
B Kashmir Region:
7 Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag SC Complex, Harnag-
Dooru Dooru-Qazigund Qazigund
Kulgam Kulgam District Kulgam
8 Pulwama Shopian Shopian District Shopian
Tral Tral-Awantipora. Tral
Pampore Pampore Pampore
9 Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar District Magarmal Bagh, Srinagar
Ganderbal Ganderbal-Lar Mini Sectt. Ganderbal
Kangan Kangan Tehsil Zonal office, Kangan
10 Budgam Budgam Budgam SC Office, Humhama-Budgam
Doodhganga Chadura Tehsil Chadura
Khag Khag-Khansahib Beerwah
11 Baramulla Pattan Pattan- Pattan
Baramulla Baramulla-Uri SC Complex, Kanth Bagh,
Sopore Sopore Tujjar Sharief - Sopore
Bandipur Bandipur- Chitternar-Bandipur.
Erin- Gurez Gurez-Erin Gurez
12 Kupwara Handwara Handwara Langate
Kupwara Kupwara Kupwara
Lolab Lolab Sogam
C Central Region:
13 Leh Leh Leh – Khalsi Choglamsar, Leh
Nobra Nobra Sub-Div. Diskit
Changthang Nyoma-Durbuk Nyoma
14 Kargil Kargil Kargil Baru near DC Office Kargil
Chikthan Chikthan Chikthan
Sanku/Zanskar Sanku/Zanaskar Sanku
15 Estates Estate Jammu Estates. Raika-Narwal, Jammu
Estate Srinagar Estates. Haftchinar, Srinagar
16 Project Project Form. Jammu Jammu region Jammu
Formulation Project Form. Sringar Kashmir-Ladakh Haftchinar, Srinagar.
S. Period
No. Name of the Officer From To
1 Mr. G.H. Kango, IFS 10/1978 05/1986
2 Mr. Ejaz Ahmad Malik, IFS 05/1986 07/1987
3 Mr. G.H. Kango, IFS 07/1987 01/1990
4 Mr. Saran Singh, IFS 01/1990 10/1993
5 Mr. P.P. Sharma, IFS 10/1993 09.06.1994
6 Mr. S.D. Swatantra, IFS 09.06.1994 24.10.1994
7 Mr. S.I.H. Kazmi, SFS / IFS 24.10.1994 28.02.1995
8 Mr. P. Patnaik, IFS 01.03.1995 31.03.1995
9 Mr. S.D.A. Salaria, SFS 31.03.1995 27.06.1997
10 Mr. G.H. Siddiquie, SFS/IFS 27.06.1997 30.06.1999
11 Mr. P. Patnaik, IFS 01.07.1999 10.08.1999
12 Mr. A.R. Wadoo, IFS 10.08.1999 15.05.2000
13 Mr. Shahniaz Naqushbandi, IFS 15.05.2000 05.06.2003
14 Mr. Vinod Ranjan, IFS 05.06.2003 12.07.2004
15 Mr. A.K. Singh, IFS 12.07.2004 03.07.2006
16 Mr. Lal Chand, IFS 03.07.2006 08.10.2009
17 Mr. Abhai Kumar, IFS 08.10.2009 25.04.2011
18 Mr. M.J. Sharma, IFS 25.04.2011 13.10.2012
19 Mr. U. Pachnanda, IFS 13.10.2012 06.09.2013
18 Mr. M.J. Sharma, IFS (APCCF) 06.09.2013
S. Name of the officer Ex-Designation Worked as Remarks
1 Peer Bashir Ahmad Quadri, IFS Cons. of Forests Senior Scientist -
2 Mr. Som Nath Macoo Div. Soil Cons. Officer Div. Soil Cons. Officer -
3 Mr. Subash Chander Gupta Div. Soil Cons. Officer Div. Soil Cons. Officer -
4 Mr. Bansi Dhar Senior Agrostologist Agrostologist -
5 Late Raman Kumar Negi Div. Soil Cons. Officer Div. Soil Cons. Officer Expired.
6 Mr. Abdul Aziz Mir Asstt. Agrostologist Assistant Agrostologist -
7 Mr. Abdul Qayoom Assistant Soil Cons. Div. Soil Cons. Officer -
8 Mr. Mehraj-u-Din Shah Asstt. Conservator of Div. Soil Cons. Officer -
Forests (Soil)
9 Mr. Mohammad Aslam Chesti Assistant Research Asstt. Engineer (Agri) -
10 Late Atta Mohammad Soil Conservation Divisional Soil Expired.
Assistant Conservation Officer
11 Mr. Rajinder Kumar Bakaya Assistant Soil Cons. Assistant Soil Cons. -
Officer Officer (Planning)
12 Mr. Abdul Ahad Tantray Assistant Research Assistant Research -
Officer Officer
13 Mr. Abul Bashir Range Officer District Soil Cons. -
14 Late Ghulam Jeelani Bhat Range Officer District Soil Cons. -
Infrastructure Development
S.No Name of the Unit/Office Location
S. Name with contact Level of Name of the 1st
No number Jurisdiction Appellate Authority &
Contact No
1 Joint Director, SCD, State Level Director,
Central, J&K, Srinagar/ Soil Conservation
Jammu Department, J&K,
0194-2145018 Srinagar (May-Oct.)
0191-2430238 SC Complex, Haftchinar-
2 Joint Director, SCD, Kashmir Division.
Jammu (Nov.-April)
SC Office, Vikram
3 Joint Director, SCD, Jammu Division Chowk-180001
Jammu 0191-2437949
Sanction is accorded to the Constitution of Soil Conservation Board to examine the problem of
Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation measures and to make suitable recommendations. The composition of the
Board will be as under:-
The Board may consider, if necessary, to ask for the services of an expert from Government of India.
In continuation of Government Order No.375-FST of 1976 dated 24th September, 1976, read with
Government Order No.392-FST .of 1976 dated 5th October, 1976 sanction is accorded to the nomination of Shri
Qazi Mohammad Afzal, Development Commissioner (Woks) as a Member of the Soil Conservation Board
constituted vide Government Order No.375-FST of 1976 dated: 24th September,1976.
By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
Dy. Secretary to Government
Forest Department
Copy forwarded to the:-
1. Secretary to Government General Department.
2. Secretary to Chief Minister.
3. Secretary to Government Agriculture Department.
4. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu.
5. Secretary to Government Planning Department.
6. Chief Conservator of Forests.
7. Director of Agriculture Srinagar.
8. Accountant General, Srinagar
9. Private Secretary to Revenue Minister.
10. Shri Ghulam Hassan Kango, D.F.O. Kashmir Division
11. P.A. to Minister of State (Forests)/Minister of State Animal Husbandry.
12. P.A. to Forest Commissioner.
13. Government Order file.
14. Section I (w.3 s.c.)
Subject: Constitution of Governing Board for Soil Conservation Department.
Ref: Forest Departments U. 0. No. FST/102/154/76 dated: 9-4-1979.
Government Order No. 456-GD of 1979.
Dated 19th February, 1979
In supersession of Government Order No.375-FST of 1976 dated 24th February, 1976, sanction is
accorded to the Constitution of Governing Board for Soil Conservation Department comprising the following;
1. Forest Minister Chair man.
2. Revenue Minister Joint Chairman
3. Deputy Minister for Forests Vice -Chairman
4. Commissioner and Secretary to Government
Planning Department Member
5. Development Commissioner (Works) Member
6. Secretary, Finance Department Member
7. Secretary, Agriculture Department Member
8. Secretary, Forest Department Member
9. Chief Conservator of Forests Member
10. Director Agriculture Member
11. Adviser Agriculture Department Member
Chief - Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control
12. Member
13. Director of Soil Conservation Member Secretary
Subject: Constitution of Soil Conservation Board.
Ref: Forest Department office Memo No.EST/102/154/76 dated 10-3-1979.
Government Order No. 772-GD of 1979.
Dated 6th April, -1979.
Please read the words "Jammu and Kashmir Soil Conservation Board" instead of the words
"Governing Board for Soil Conservation Department" wherever occurring in Government Order No.456-GD
of 1979 dated: 19th February, 1979.
By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
Deputy Secretary to Government
General Department
Copy to the
1. Secretary to Government, Forest Department with regard to Cabinet powers to the Board attention is
invited to this office U. O. of even. number dated 22-2-1979.
2. All members concerned
3. Director Information.
4. General Manager Government Press, Jammu.
5. Government Order file (w. 2s.c)
6. Stock
The following officers rendered their services to the department in various capacities as shown.
While publishing this digest, the department feels indebted to them for their valuable contribution in the
development of the Department.
In preparation of this Soil Conservation Digest, which contains the diversified information of the Department of Soil
Conservation, J&K since its inception 1978 to 2012-13, the Department is thankful for cooperation and assistance of employees in
general who have actively worked in collection of data with particular reference to;
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