Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

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Title no. 95-M34

Plastic Shrinkage Cracking and Evaporation


by Paul J. Uno
Freshly placed concrete exposed to hot, windy conditions is often prone to
plastic shrinkage cracking (though other conditions can also promote this
phenomenon). This type of cracking is normally noticed on slabs, pavements, beams, and generally other flat concrete surfaces. Many factors
affect plastic shrinkage cracking, in particular the evaporation of water
from the surface of freshly placed concrete. Other factors also influence the
likelihood of plastic shrinkage cracking such as water-cement ratio, fines
content, member size, admixtures, and on-site building practices. Evaporation itself is a function of climatic variables such as relative humidity, air
temperature, the temperature of the evaporating surface, and very importantly the wind velocity at the surface.
This paper primarily explains the background to the evaporation nomograph found in ACI 305R-96, Hot Weather Concreting (Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 2-1996), where the graph provides a means of
estimating the rate of evaporation of surface moisture from concrete. The
paper offers an alternative nomograph and various formulas to predict an
evaporation rate of surface water (primarily bleed water) from freshly
placed concrete surfaces. Other factors related to evaporation and plastic
shrinkage cracking are also addressed.
Keywords: air temperature; concrete temperature; cracks in concrete;
durability; evaporation; high-strength concrete; hot weather concreting;
humidity; plastic shrinkage; solar radiation; vapor pressure; wind.

Anyone associated with the concrete industry and confronted by hot weather problems has periodically used the
ACI Hot Weather Concreting evaporation nomograph1 (see
Fig. 1). This graph provides a method of estimating the evaporation rate of bleed water from the surface of freshly placed
concrete. The evaporation rate is calculated so as to give
some indication of the possible onset of plastic shrinkage
The ACI report states: Plastic shrinkage cracking is frequently associated with hot weather concreting in arid climates. It occurs in exposed concrete, primarily in flatwork,
but also in beams and footings and may develop in other climates whenever the evaporation rate is greater than the rate
at which water rises to the surface of recently placed concrete by bleeding.
In 1992 the author began researching at a personal level
the origin of the ACI nomograph and in particular the origin
of Menzels formula upon which the nomograph is based.


No references gave any clear indication of the exact origin

of the formula. By 1995 the author had finally derived Menzels formula, in particular the origin of the constants in the
formula, then developed a simpler set of equations and a new
nomograph which can be used in lieu of Menzels formula or
the ACI nomograph.
Plastic shrinkage cracking is a constant source of concern
in the concrete industry. It causes anxiety between the concrete supplier and the client when cracks (albeit hairline) are
observed on a recently placed concrete surface. It also causes
concern to the designer as long-term durability comes into
question. It is of particular concern in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the U.S.A., South Africa, and the Middle East, where hot or windy conditions are experienced
(though it is not restricted only to these countries or these climatic conditions).
New formulas and nomographs are offered, thus assisting
the industry to more easily calculate the evaporation of water
from a concrete surface and accordingly predict the possible
onset of plastic shrinkage cracking. An explanation of the
background to the ACI 305R-96 evaporation nomograph is
given, thus helping researchers who have queried the basis of
this graph, and in particular, its validity.
Finally, parameters such as water-cement ratio, admixtures, depth of section, fines content, fibers, and on-site
building practices are reviewed in light of research done by
others on their influence in promoting or resisting plastic
shrinkage cracking.
Since 1992 the evaporation nomograph (see Fig. 1) contained in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Section

ACI Materials Journal , V. 95, No. 4, July-August 1998.

Received September 11, 1996, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
Copyright 1998, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the
making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the May-June 1999 ACI Materials Journal if
received by February 1, 1999.


Bio statement
Paul J. Uno
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305R, Hot Weather Concreting,1 has quoted Lerch as the

reference for this chart, while prior to 1992 Bloem was quoted as the reference. In actual fact the nomograph was developed by Bloem and produced in a July 1960 paper2 for the
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association/National Sand
and Gravel Association (NRMCA/NSGA). Many of the numerical values upon which the nomograph was formed were
presented as a table in a paper for the Journal of the American Concrete Institute by Lerch3 in Feb. 1957 and earlier in
1955 in a Portland Cement Association (PCA) paper.4 The
desirability to make this tabular information more easily
available to ready-mix concrete producers (via a graphical
method) was suggested to Bloem prior to 1960 by J. Monty
Howard, engineer for the Dolese Company of Oklahoma
This evaporation table, however, was first published by
Carl A. Menzel,5 as outlined in a paper he wrote in 1954 for
the PCA. The values in the table and those required to produce the Bloem nomograph were derived using Menzels
formula, which is shown below as Eq. (1)
W = 0.44 ( eo ea ) ( 0.253 + 0.096V )


W = weight (lb) of water evaporated per square foot of surface per hour (lb/ft2 /hr),
eo = pressure of saturated vapor pressure at the temperature of the evaporating surface, psi,
ea = vapor pressure of air, psi, and
V = average horizontal air or wind speed measured at a
level about 20 in. higher than the evaporating surface, mph.
The ACI nomograph is still the preferred method for predicting the evaporation rate of bleed water from the surface
of freshly placed concrete due to the difficulty in using Menzels equation. The Menzel formula requires the input of vapor pressure of air and the pressure of saturated vapor over
the water surface of the concreteboth conditions being difficult to measure on site. It is interesting to note that in Menzels original paper he also presented an evaporation
nomograph but it required the values of dewpoint to establish
vapor pressuresagain difficult parameters to measure or
obtain generally. As mentioned in the introduction, the origin of Menzels formula, in particular the derivation of the
constants in his formula, has not been apparent to many involved in concrete research and development.6,7
Many researchers have questioned the applicability of
Menzels formula under particular weather conditions, but as
Mather8 states, The formula is valid regardless of whether
the water surface from which the evaporation is taking place
is a lake, pond, reservoir, pan, the bleed water layer over a

Fig. 1ACI nomograph for estimating rate of evaporation

of surface moisture from concrete1
slab of fresh concrete, or the layer of water over a hardened
concrete surface covered by water.
Menzel did not invent his formula since formulas of this
type are merely adaptations of the standard form of evaporation formula outlined by Dalton9 in 1802, namely
E = ( eo e a )f(u )


E = evaporation rate,
(eo ea) = pressure difference, and
f(u)= wind function.
While Dalton did not produce the standard formula above,
he provided the scientific principles upon which this type of
formula was based. However, if one refers to the many hundreds of books and papers written on evaporation and hydrology since that period, one will find many equations for
predicting evaporation. So how did Menzel arrive at his formula?
In December 1948 various U.S. government bodies, including the Weather Bureau, decided to undertake research
testing in the area of water loss from reservoirs. They ultimately carried out extensive water loss investigations at
Lake Hefner between 1950 and 195210,11 measuring air temperatures, humidities, wind velocities, solar radiation, precipitation, pan evaporations, and pan water temperatures
(using various pan types and sizes). One of the objectives of
ACI Materials Journal/July-August1998

these tests was to establish better correlations between pan

evaporation and lake evaporation. It is from these Lake
Hefner tests that Menzel derived his well-known formula.
The Lake Hefner tests were one of the most comprehensive series of water loss tests carried out up to this period
(prior comprehensive tests of evaporation from free water
surfaces were carried out by Rohwer12 in 1931) and these
tests carried out by researchers such as Kohler, Harbeck, and
others produced many evaporation equations. One of the
main evaporation formulas which developed from the Lake
Hefner tests carried out by Kohler in the 1950 to 1952 period
(and quoted in most hydrology texts to this date on this subject) is shown as Eq. (3) below
E = ( e o ea )


( 0.37 + 0.0041u )


E = evaporation rate, in./day,
u = wind velocity, miles/day, and
(eo ea) = pressure difference, in. Hg.
This was not the equation that Menzel used as this equation was based on the evaporation rates derived from the
Standard Class A pan tests. These pans were 4 ft (122 cm) in
diameter and 10 in. (25 cm) deep and supported on a wood
frame above ground level. The test results from which Menzel derived his constants in Eq. (1) came from the Lake
Hefner tests where the BPI (Bureau of Plant Industry) sunken pans had been used since these pans were of larger diameter (6 ft or 183 cm) and deeper (2 ft or 61 cm) than the
Standard Class A pans and as such provided a better index.
In fact the Lake Hefner report stated, The physical characteristics of the BPI (sunken) pan seem to be most nearly representative of those of a natural body of water and therefore
this pan merits high consideration on a theoretical basis.
Two standard forms of evaporation formula were quoted
in the Lake Hefner report as both being suitable for use
[see Eq. (4) and (5)]. The report stated, Although these two
equations appear almost quite different they fit observed data
almost equally well because of the limited range of wind data. The two equations are shown below where a, b, c, and n
are constants derived from tests and u is the wind velocity.
E = ( eo e a ) ( a + b u)

the formula. The Menzel equation for evaporation [shown

earlier as Eq. (1)] finally became
E = 0.44 (eo ea ) (0.253 + 0.096V)
It can thus be seen that the formula quoted for many years
as Menzels formula was really an adaptation of Kohlers
formula. Whichever formula is used, they all require the
measurement of vapor pressures. As mentioned earlier, the
Bloem nomograph resolved this problem in 1960 by using
relative humidity and concrete water temperature as equivalent variables based upon standard psychrometric data (thus,
the need for vapor pressures had been eliminated).
Since the onset of calculators and computers the need for
graphical systems has generally waned in favor of equations
(albeit that the equations might be more complicated). This
has resulted in attention being focussed back to Menzels
equation. As mentioned earlier the problem with his equation was the vapor pressure difference requirement. Many
have developed equations which relate vapor pressure to relative humidity and temperature but most of these equations
while very accurate are somewhat long and complicated.13,14
An easier and yet still very accurate equation which relates
temperature and vapor pressure is one developed by Tetens15
in 1930 as referenced by Murray,16 Dilley,17 and Mills.18 It
has been shown that Eq. (6) and (7) are accurate to within
0.001 percent for the temperature range 50 to 104 F (10 to
40 C). This equation (the metric form) is used by the World
Meteorological Organization at the present.
In.-lb units
17.3 ( T 3 2)
es = 0.0885 exp------------------------------( T + 395.1)


es = saturation vapor pressure, psi, and
T = temperature, F.
Metric units
es = 0.61 exp---------------------------( 237.3 + T )


es = saturation vapor pressure, kPa, and
T = temperature, C.

E = c ( e o ea )u


The constants a and b in Eq. (4) were determined by

Kohler as 0.253 and 0.0040, respectively, with a correlation
index of 0.91. Since u was in miles per day the conversion to
mph meant the constant b now became 0.096. The pressure
difference units were in inches of mercury (in. Hg) and so
were converted to psi; similarly, E was in in./day and had to
be converted to lb water/ft2/hr. These two last conversions
resulted in a 0.44 factor being required at the beginning of
ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

By merely substituting the air temperature and concrete

(water) temperature into Eq. (6) or (7), one obtains the respective vapor pressures for air and the concrete water surface. These vapor pressures are then substituted into the
modified version of Menzels equation shown below
In.-lb units
E = 0.44 ( e so r.esa ) ( 0.253 + 0.096V )


E = evaporation rate, lb/ft2/hr
eso = vapor pressure at concrete surface (psi) from Eq. (6)
esa = vapor pressure of air (psi) from Eq. (6)
r = (RH percent)/100
V = wind velocity, mph
Metric units
E = 0.313 ( e so r e sa ) ( 0.253 + 0.06V )
E =
eso =
esa =
r =
V =


evaporation rate, kg/m2 /hr

vapor pressure at concrete surface (kPa) from Eq. (7)
vapor pressure of air (kPa) from Eq. (7)
(RH, percent)/100
wind velocity, kph

Example 1
Air temperature T a
= 80 F (26.7 C)
Conc. temperature T c = 85 F (29.4 C)
Relative humidity RH = 50 percent
Wind velocity V
= 20 mph (32 kph)
Air vapor pressure esa6 (esa7) = 0.508 psi (3.51 kPa)
Conc. vapor pressure eso6 (eso 7)= 0.598 psi (4.11 kPa)
Evaporation rate E8 (E9 ) = 0.329 lb/ft 2/hr (1.60 kg/m 2/hr)
Evaporation rate Eaci nomo =0.33 lb/ft2 /hr (1.6 kg/m 2/hr)
The author has developed a single operation equation
(based upon Menzels formula) which can be used on a simple hand-held calculator and which does not require vapor
pressure precalculations. This is possible since a temperature-vapor pressure relationship, with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 for the temperature range 15 to 35 C (59 to 95
F), has already been incorporated into the equation. This formula is very appropriate for on-site quick checks to see if
evaporation is going to be a critical factor in plastic shrinkage cracking. These simpler formulas are shown below as
Eq. (10) and (11)
In.-lb units
E = (Tc
E =
Tc =
Ta =
r =
V =


r.T a


) ( 1 + 0.4V ) 1 0


evaporation rate, lb/ft2/hr,

concrete (water surface) temperature, F,
air temperature, F,
(RH percent)/100, and
wind velocity, mph.

Metric units
E = 5 ( [ T c + 1 8]


r [ T a + 1 8]


) ( V + 4 ) 1 0




evaporation rate, kg/m2 /hr,

concrete (water surface) temperature, C,
air temperature, C,
(RH percent)/100, and
wind velocity, kph.

Using Example 1 again, the evaporation rates using Eq.

(10) and (11) yield 0.342 lb/ft 2/hr and 1.67 kg/m2 /hr, respectively.
Table 1 shows a summary of the evaporation rates using
all these formulas and compares them to Menzels rates. As
can be seen from the table, the calculated evaporation rates
using the new formulas, i.e., Eq. (8) to (11), come very close
in most cases to those rates derived using Menzels equation
and shown in the 1955 PCA publication and corresponding
1957 Lerch table.
The author has also produced a simpler nomograph for
quickly estimating evaporation based upon the situation
where the concrete temperature and the air temperature are
the same (see Fig. 2)an assumption that is often made
when concrete temperatures are not available. If, however, a
marked difference between air and concrete temperature
does exist, then the ACI nomograph or the equations listed in
this paper should be used.
As can be seen from the formulas the environmental factors that play a key role in evaporation are wind, air temperature, humidity, and water surface temperature. One factor
that seems to have been overlooked when analyzing these
formulas is solar radiation. It too plays a key role in the evaporation and plastic shrinkage cracking process and is accounted for in these formulas (as will be explained later). Let
us address each of these environmental factors individually.
This is the process by which a liquid is converted into a vapor or gas. This can happen where: a) heat energy is absorbed into the liquid, e.g. by solar radiation; or b) where the
pressure above the liquid surface is less than that in the liquid, thus allowing the active water molecules to escape from
the liquid as vapor.
This evaporation process is then accelerated if wind is
present to continually remove escaping water molecules.
The loss in energy from the evaporating water surface means
that the temperature of the surface water decreases, thereby
slowing down further evaporation.
Wind is one of the most important considerations in controlling plastic shrinkage cracking. It can be measured or estimated in many ways, e.g., using anemometers, ventimeters,
wind socks, and even observations of the surrounding elements. For precision, pressure tube anemometers or four and
three cup anemometers can be used; however, if approximate wind speeds will suffice, then the Beaufort scale19 can
be adopted (see Table 2). This scale, first devised by Admiral
Sir Francis Beaufort in 1805, has been used for many years
to predict wind speed by making use of the movement of surrounding elements, e.g. trees, smoke, or waves. One problem
ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

Table 1Comparisons of evaporated rates (based on the Menzel/Lerch format)





and air


kph (mph)

Eq. (1) Menzel,
kg/m 2/hr
(lb/ft 2/hr)

Eq. (9) [Eq. (8)]
kg/m2 /hr
(lb/ft2 /hr)

Eq. (11) [Eq. (10)]
kg/m 2/hr

0 (0)

0.07 (0.015)

0.06 (0.012)

0.06 (0.012)

8 (5)

0.19 (0.038)

0.17 (0.035)

0.17 (0.036)

16 (10)

0.30 (0.062)

0.28 (0.058)

0.28 (0.061)

24 (15)

0.42 (0.085)

0.40 (0.081)

0.40 (0.086)

32 (20)

0.54 (0.110)

0.51 (0.104)

0.51 (0.110)

40 (25)

0.66 (0.135)

0.62 (0.127)

0.63 (0.135)


temperature, temperature, humidity,
C (F)
C (F)

21 (70)

Cold air
high RH
and wind



0.10 (0.020)

0.09 (0.019)

0.09 (0.20)


0.30 (0.062)

0.28 (0.058)

0.28 (0.061)

0.49 (0.100)

0.47 (0.097)

0.47 (0.102)


21 (70)


0.66 (0.135)

0.66 (0.135)

0.66 (0.143)



0.86 (0.175)

0.85 (0.174)

21 (70)


0.85 (0.184)

10 (50)

10 (50)

0.13 (0.026)

0.14 (0.028)

0.12 (0.026)


16 (60)

16 (60)

0.21 (0.043)

0.21 (0.041)

0.20 (0.041)


21 (70)

21 (70)

0.30 (0.062)

0.28 (0.058)

0.28 (0.061)


27 (80)

27 (80)

0.38 (0.077)

0.41 (0.081)

0.41 (0.085)


32 (90)

32 (90)

0.54 (0.110)

0.54 (0.112)

0.53 (0.115)


38 (100)

38 (100)

0.88 (0.180)

0.76 (0.152)

0.70 (0.150)


27 (80)

0.00 (0.000)

0.00 (0.004)

0.00 (0.004)


21 (70)

0.30 (0.062)

0.28 (0.058)

0.28 (0.061)

0.60 (0.125)

0.62 (0.127)

0.66 (0.143)

0.81 (0.165)

0.79 (0.163)

0.87 (0.187)

1.00 (0.205)

1.05 (0.206)

1.13 (0.235)

0.63 (0.130)

0.64 (0.129)

0.72 (0.154)

0.35 (0.075)

0.38 (0.072)

0.45 (0.088)

0 (0)

0.17 (0.035)

0.16 (0.033)

0.17 (0.035)

16 (10)

0.79 (0.162)

0.79 (0.161)

0.84 (0.179)

40 (25)

1.75 (0.357)

1.73 (0.353)

1.84 (0.395)

0.86 (0.175)

0.88 (0.174)

0.88 (0.183)

0.49 (0.100)

0.47 (0.097)

0.47 (0.102)

0.22 (0.045)

0.22 (0.039)

0.20 (0.036)

0.34 (0.070)

0.34 (0.070)

0.32 (0.069)

16 (10)

1.64 (0.336)

1.63 (0.336)

1.60 (0.345)

40 (25)

3.58 (0.740)

3.56 (0.735)

3.50 (0.760)


21 (70)

10 (50)



Cold air and

variable wind


27 (80)


21 (70)


16 (60)


4 (40)


21 (70)

4 (40)



High concrete
and air
temperature + low


27 (80)


21 (70)


16 (60)

21 (70)



16 (10)

16 (10)

1 (30)


16 (10)



21 (70)

32 (90)

32 (90)



with using predetermined wind speed values is ascertaining

the level at which the wind speeds were measured (since
wind varies exponentially with height).
When the Lake Hefner tests were conducted using BPI
pans, the top rim of these pans was located approximately 2
in. (50 mm) above the ground surface level. The anemometers used (three cup) for these same tests were mounted 6 in.
(150 mm) above the rim of the Class A pans in the same test
area. These Class A pans were 10 in. (250 mm) deep and
mounted on a standard wooden platform such that the bottom of the Class A pan was 6 in. (150 mm) above the ground
surface. From these values it can be seen that the anemometers recording the wind speeds for the Lake Hefner tests were
located 20 in. (500 mm) above the top rim of the BPI pans.
This is the height which Menzel quotes in his paper as being
the height at which speeds should be recorded when using
his equation stating horizontal air or wind speed, ..., should
ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

16 (10)

16 (10)

be measured at a level about 20 in. higher than the evaporating surface.

Unfortunately, the ACI nomograph does not highlight this
requirement for wind measurement and so appreciable error
in calculated evaporation rates can be introduced if wind values are used based upon measurements taken at higher levels, e.g., Weather Bureau readings (taken at a height of 10 m
[33 ft] in many countries). If, however, hand-held anemometers are used to determine wind speeds on site, then the difference should be negligible.
Kohler, in his book Engineering Hydrology,20 quotes two
formulas which address this issue. The more precise formula
for converting wind speeds at different heights and from different surfaces is shown as Eq. (12). A simpler but slightly
less accurate formula for converting wind speeds in the layer
range 0 to 10 m (33 ft) is Eq. (13). These two models thus
convert horizontal wind velocity at a datum level to wind velocity at a new height


Fig. 2Evaporation rates when air and concrete temperature are the same: (a) relative
humidity; (b) air temperature vs. wind speed

ln ---- + 1
------ = ------------------------VX
l n ----1 + 1


z k
V = V X --- z 0



V =
Vx =
z =
zo =
z1 =
k =

resultant wind velocity at the new height required

wind velocity at the height measured
new height required
roughness length
standard height

If we use the better wind model as shown by Eq.(12)

where zo is taken as 0.001 cm (open water), z is 0.5 m (20
in.), and z1 is 10 m (33 ft), this latter value being a standard
height used by many Weather Bureaus around the world, we
arrive at an equivalent wind velocity of 68 percent of the
standard wind velocity at 10 m (33 ft).
If we use the approximate wind model shown by Eq. (13)
where the standard value for the constant k is taken as 1/7,
and z 1 is again 20 in. (0.5 m), the equivalent wind velocity
we achieve this time is 65 percent of the standard wind velocity at 10 m (33 ft). It can thus be seen that a reasonable approximation for wind velocities to be used with Menzels
formula, the ACI nomograph or the authors equations, is
represented by the simple expression shown as Eq. (14)
V e = 2 3 ( V std )


ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

Table 2Modified Beaufort wind speed guide

Wind speed wind speed Wind speed wind speed
Wind speed, V std at 30 ft, Ve at 20 in., V std at 10 m, Ve at 0.5 m,
Beaufort no. Description
mph *
kph *






On land

Wave height sea observed

from coast, in. or ft (m)


Calm; smoke rises vertically

Sea like mirror, 0 in. (0)

Wind direction shown by

smoke drift but not wind

Ripples with the appearance

of scales, 4 in. (0.1)

Light air






Light breeze


















Raises dust and loose paper; Small waves become longer,

small branches are moved
3 ft (1)

Fresh breeze






Small trees in leaf begin to

sway; crested wavelets form Many white horses formed,
6 ft (2)
on inland waters







Large branches in motion;

whistling heard in telegraph
wires; umbrellas hard to use

Wind felt on face; leaves

wavelets; crests do not
rustle; ordinary vanes moved Small break,
8 in. (0.2)
by wind
Leaves and small twigs in
constant motion; wind
extends light flag

Large wavelets; crests begin

to break, 2 ft (0.6)

Large waves, 10 ft. (3)

* Equivalent wind speeds [as per Eq. (14)] to be used in evaporation equations

= equivalent wind velocity at 20 in. (0.5 m)
Vstd = wind velocity at the standard height of 10 m (33 ft)
When using Beaufort tables it is important to note that the
wind speeds shown are at the standard height of 10 m (33 ft)
above open flat ground. 19 The author has included an extra
column (equivalent wind speeds) in the standard Beaufort table (see Table 2) based on Eq.(14) for use with the evaporation prediction methods nominated in this paper.
Air temperature
Measurement of this variable is quite straightforward and
basically no different to the standard way in which most people would measure air temperature, the only provision being
to measure away from the direct rays of the sun (thus minimizing the direct solar radiation component).
Air temperatures for the Lake Hefner tests were based on
mean three hourly readings then averaged for the day. In all
cases the measurements were recorded without direct sun on
the air temperature instrumentation.
Relative humidity
Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual amount of moisture (lb/ft 3 or kg/m3) present in a unit volume of air to the
amount of moisture (lb/ft3 or kg/m 3) the air could hold (saturation) at a particular temperaturenormally expressed as
a percentage. When relative humidity reaches 100 percent,
evaporation normally ceases unless other forces (e.g. wind)
replace the saturated air with nonsaturated air.
Relative humidity readings can be obtained by contacting
the Weather Bureau or they can be recorded on site by means
of a hand-held sling psychrometer or even a simple wet bulb/
dry bulb thermometer.
Concrete (water) temperature
As explained earlier, it is really the temperature of the
bleed (or surface) water that needs to be measured to establish the vapor pressure difference between the air and water
ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

surface. Since it is difficult to measure the bleed water temperature, the concrete temperature is assumed to be at the
same temperature as the bleed water above and so it is the
concrete temperature that is measured. It would be difficult,
however, to accurately assign a temperature component from
any heat of hydration in the first few hours after placement.
Solar radiation
Solar radiation affects overlying air and land mass temperatures. It takes only 2.5 kJ (540 cal) of energy to convert one
gm (1/28 oz) of water from a liquid to a vapor and considering
between 16 and 24 MJ of energy falls on each square meter
of land mass in Australia on an average summer day (21 to
33 MJ, i.e., 20 to 31 thousand BTUs in the U.S.A.); evaporation (and subsequent precipitation) is a major function of solar radiation.
Although the ACI nomograph does not include solar radiation as a variable it is accounted for in Menzels equation
since the Lake Hefner pans were exposed to direct and diffuse solar radiation for both clear and cloudy days during the
two years of measurement. The solar contribution to evaporation was quantified by Kohler and others but required the
measurement of solar radiation on site, e.g., by use of a
While many evaporation formulas have been quoted21
over the past 100 years, they mainly fell into one of two approaches, those that were based upon energy budget principles (i.e., the inflow and outflow of energy which then
influences the vaporization of water), and those that were
was based upon aerodynamic principles as outlined in this
paper so far. The energy budget method takes into account
the net radiation absorbed by the water and energy increase
stored in the water, the latent heat of vaporization, and the ratio of heat loss by conduction to heat loss by evaporation (the
Bowen Ratio). In 1948 Penman22 successfully combined
these two approaches to produce his well-known combination formula [Eq.(15)], namely

Q n . + .Ea
E = ----------------------------( + )


E = total evaporation,
= slope of the saturation curve,
= -----------------------------,
( 237.3 + T )
= pschrometric constant,
= 0.066 kPa/C,
Q n = solar radiation (see Ref. 20 for formula), and
E a = evaporation from aerodynamic formulas.
While this equation has the advantage of quantifying the
contribution to evaporation by aerodynamic effects and solar
radiation respectively, one drawback it has (besides having
to record accurate radiation values) is that it is based on the
premise that the water temperature and the air temperature
are the same. This assumption, as Kohler states, can result
in an appreciable overestimation of evaporation under calm,
humid conditions and a corresponding underestimate for dry,
windy conditions.
The question remains, Does the water evaporate faster or
slower when exposed to direct clear sky (i.e., more intense)
radiation as opposed to diffuse cloudy sky (i.e., less intense) radiation and does it hinder or help plastic shrinkage
cracking? Various researchers have expressed differing
points of view in this area. Research by Hasanain et al. 23 indicated that shading concrete from direct, intense sun can reduce evaporation by as much as 50 percent. Tests on cement
mortars by Ravina and Shalon24 showed evaporation to be
greatest when the samples were exposed to radiation. Van
Dijk and Boardman25 indicate that while radiation raises the
temperature of the surface of the concrete and the rate of
evaporation, it also induces accelerated hydration of the cement and thus strengthens the concrete surface. Due to this
phenomenon, they indicate that slabs cast in the shade sometimes exhibit more cracking than slabs cast in the sun.
Having commented on the environmental factors which
cause evaporation of bleed water, let us now address the
bleeding rate of fresh concrete.
The ACI report states that precautions should be taken
when the rate of evaporation is expected to approach 0.2 lb/ft 2/hr
(1.0 kg/m2/hr). The Canadian Code26 nominates 0.75 kg/m2/hr
as the critical value while Australian references 27 quote
0.5 kg/m2 /hr as a value at which precautions should be taken
and a value of 1.0 kg/m2 /hr as that value where plastic
shrinkage cracking is likely to occur. The 0.2 lb/ft2 /hr ACI
figure first appeared in the July 1960 NRMCA article.2 It appeared again in Modern Concrete (Oct. 1960) referenced as
Technical Information Letter No. 171 for the NRMCA.28
Both stated, Data in literature suggest that concrete bleed
rates for usual conditions of slab construction will lie in the
range of about 0.1 to 0.3 lb/ft2 /hr. Thus, when evaporation
rate exceeds the lower of these figures, trouble with plastic
cracking is potentially in the making. Conditions producing

evaporation of as much as 0.2 to 0.3 lb per sq ft per hour

make the institution of precautionary measures almost mandatory. It is interesting to note that this evaporation range
and the corresponding evaporation chart were not present in
a 1967 version of the ACI Hot Weather Concreting report.
The author can only assume that since the value of 0.2 lb/
ft2/hr (1.0 kg/m2/hr) first quoted in 1960 was based upon
data in literature ... and that one of the most thorough research programs producing data which addressed concrete
bleeding was carried out by Powers29 in 1939 at the Portland
Cement Association, that it is from this latter source that the
0.2 lb/ft2 /hr figure first originated.
Work by Powers resulted in bleeding rates in the range of
32 10-6 to 113 10-6 cm/sec which equates to 0.24 to 0.83
lb/ft2 /hr (1.15 to 4.1 kg/m2/hr). It is thus more than likely that
a lower bound figure of approximately 0.2 was adopted as
this bleed rate would be the most critical for high evaporation conditions. In his 1968 publication Properties of Concrete,30 Powers included the Menzel/Lerch evaporation table
and stated, Bleeding among different mixes made with the
same materials may range from 20 10-6 to 100 10-6 cm/sec
depending upon the cement content. In all cases the period of
constant rate lasts 15 to 30 minutes at the most and thereafter
the rate diminishes, reaching zero within an hour and a half.
Thus we see that there are very few atmospheric conditions
under which the rate of evaporation may not exceed the rate
of bleeding before which settlement is completed. The
20 10 -6 cm/sec rate he nominated converts to 0.15lb/ft2/hr
or 0.72 kg/m2 /hrsimilar to the Canadian limit.
In 1942 Swayse31 defined plastic shrinkage as a volumetric contraction of cement paste (the magnitude of this contraction being of the order of 1 percent of the absolute
volume of the dry cement) whereas today the ACI defines
it as shrinkage that takes place before cement paste, mortar,
grout, or concrete sets. Plastic shrinkage cracking is thus
the cracking that develops primarily in the top surface of the
freshly laid (plastic) concrete due to this volumetric contraction of the cement paste which is accelerated by loss of surface bleed water via evaporation.
Freshly placed concrete sometimes does not have sufficient time to develop enough tensile strength to resist contraction stresses induced in capillary pores32 by rapid
evaporation; thus cracks can develop throughout the top surface of the concrete. These cracks are normally parallel and
only in the surface of the concrete; however, there can be
cases where they extend totally through the slab (aggravated
by drying shrinkage) and can also be random in appearance.
It is interesting to note, however, that research by Ravina and
Shalon24 in 1968 did indicate that cracking can still occur
even when evaporation is negligible (in particular when thermal strain exceeds concrete strain capacity).
There are a whole range of other factors which influence
plastic shrinkage cracking (other than evaporation rate). We
will now address each of these in turn.
ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998


Factors relating to the properties of the fresh concrete, onsite concrete practices, and other variables which have an influence on plastic shrinkage cracking have been listed below
and are subsequently addressed individually. They include
a) concrete strength (related to the total cement or binder
b) depth of concrete section (related to the bleeding capacity)
c) fines content (related to water demand)
d) plastic state of the mix (i.e., semi-plastic, plastic, wet)
e) admixtures (primarily retarders)
f) fibers (primarily nylon or polypropylene)
g) sub-base preparation (primarily sub-base membranes)
h) surface sprays (primarily aliphatic alcohols)
Concrete strength
Use of the ACI single value critical evaporation rate has
been questioned by many researchers over the years. Recent
research by Samman, Mirza, and Wafa33 highlight the problems associated with only using the 0.2 lb/ft 2/hr (1.0 kg/m2/hr)
evaporation rate. Their research showed that high-strength
concrete mixes containing high proportions of cement (with
and without silica fume) produced concretes with low bleed
rates and subsequently high susceptibility to plastic shrinkage cracking. Other research34 of a similar nature has been
performed with cement mortars, though cement mortars
would be more prone to plastic shrinkage cracking than concretes due to the greater paste content per unit volume.
The author has plotted the results of the Samman et al.
tests in a different form to that originally illustrated in their
paper by comparing concrete strength, evaporation rate, and
crack area all in the one diagram (see Fig. 3). A straight line
was produced to approximate the commencement of surface
cracking for the various strengths of concrete with Eq. (16)
and (17), providing a means of relating concrete strength and
evaporation for the Samman tests.
Metric units
Emax = 1.6 0.016f c


Emax = max allowable evaporation rate, kg/m 2/hr, and
= strength of concrete, MPa.
In.-lb units

Emax = 0.33 22.6 10 f c


Emax = max allowable evaporation rate, lb/ft 2/hr, and
= strength of concrete, psi.
While Eq.(16) and (17) are based only on the few tests carried out by Samman et al., the author believes an equation of
this form addressing the concrete strength (or w/c ratio) versus evaporation relationship should be present in the ACI
recommendations rather than the single figure approach.
ACIMaterialsJournal/ July-August1998

Fig. 3Concrete strength and evaporation rate compared

with crack area (adapted from Ref. 33) ( indicates zero
plastic shrinkage crack area; x indicates crack areas in
mm 2 shown above dotted lines)
Depth of section
The depth of section determines the bleed capacity of the
concrete since a deeper section will contain more solids to
settle and correspondingly more bleed water to rise to the
surface (see Van Dijk25 ). Research by Schiessl and
Schmidt35 in 1990 demonstrated the linear relationship between total bleeding capacity and the bleeding rate.
This depth factor more often has an effect on plastic settlement cracking (i.e., cracks formed over reinforcement or
large aggregate); however, in light of the ability of a deeper
section to produce bleed water supply to the concrete surface
over a longer period, this should tend to resist the premature
onset of cracks. Kral and Gebauer36 found the critical evaporation period was between two and 41 /2 hr after casting
when combined with high winds (not the first hour or two as
usually thought). This would imply that deeper sections
should be less prone to plastic shrinkage cracking (however,
more prone to plastic settlement cracking).
Fines content
The high proportions of fine aggregate, special cements
(e.g, low heat cements), or fine supplementary cementious
materials (e.g. fly ash, slag, and silica fume) in some concretes would tend to reduce the bleed rate of concretes by
mere fact of the greater surface area presented to the mixing
water volume. Add to this the fact that these materials do not
contribute significant strength gain in the very short term
would imply that these concretes should warrant special precautions at lower rates of evaporation.
Plastic state
The research by Ravina and Shalon24 mentioned earlier on
cement mortar samples also concluded that plastic shrinkage
cracking was worst for the wet and plastic mortars (where w/c
ratios were 0.7 and 0.5 respectively) yet least for the semiplastic mortars (w/c ratio of 0.6). This differs, however, from
the findings of Wittman32 where the critical plastic state for
maximum cracking was nominated at a w/c ratio of 0.52 with
lower or higher w/c ratios being less prone to plastic shrinkage cracking. Tests on 104 concrete samples by Kral and
Gebauer 36 confirmed that extremely dry or extremely fluid
mixes were less susceptible to shrinkage cracking.

The concretes of today, while not that unlike those in the
40s and 50s, do on many occasions have a variety of admixtures introduced into the mix which have an influence on
plastic shrinkage cracking. The use of water-reducing agents
(water reducers), high-range water-reducing agents (superplasticizers), accelerating and retarding agents (accelerators
and retarders), and oxides all affect the plastic state of the
concrete in some manner. Research by Cabrera37 indicates
that concretes containing superplasticizers, while bleeding
less, tend to resist or prolong the onset of plastic shrinkage
cracking due to the modification in concrete surface tension.
Research generally has shown that excess use of retarding
admixtures can make freshly placed concrete more susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking due to the slower set and
strength gain of the mix. 38 In relation to water-reducing admixtures, oxides, and accelerating admixtures, the use of a
water-reducing admixture would affect the plastic state of
the concrete and so would have to be addressed as per the
comments in the section on plastic state; oxides relate to the
fines content of a mix and so the section on Fines concrete
would apply; while accelerators hasten set and so should decrease the likelihood of cracking.
The use of fibers in concrete over the past few years has
resulted in much research39,40 being carried out in this area,
in particular with polypropylene fibers. The general consensus is that polypropylene fibers do provide some improvement to reducing the onset of plastic shrinkage cracking by
holding or stitching the plastic concrete surface together,
thus minimizing the formation of early microcracks. One
point to note is that the introduction of fibers can reduce the
bleed rate of the concrete via the increased fiber surface area
introduced into the mix. This can in some cases result in concrete placers adding more water to the mix to make it more
workable, thereby reducing the concrete strength accordingly.
Sub-base preparation
The sub-base materials under a concrete slab have also
been shown to have a definite effect on plastic shrinkage
cracking (and longer term drying shrinkage cracking). Tests
carried out by Campbell et al.41 using three sub-base conditions, plastic sheeting (polyethylene), sand, and sand-cement
mix respectively, showed that extensive cracking only developed on exterior concrete slabs with plastic sheeting underneath; however, Turton 42 disputes this phenomenon based
upon his observations in the U.K.
Surface sprays
Tests carried out in the U.S. by Koberg and others43 between 1959 and 1960 looked at the suppression of evaporation control from lakes and reservoirs by the use of
monomolecular films (alkanols). This research stemmed
from earlier tests done in Australia in 1952 by Mansfield
where field testing of monolayers reported evaporation reductions in the order of 30 percent. Subsequent testing done
in 1965 at Utah University 44 confirmed that evaporation of
bleed water could also be suppressed by the application of

aliphatic alcohols with reductions in evaporation of 75 percent achieved.

To summarize the standard precautions for minimizing the
onset of plastic shrinkage cracking:
a) Use wind breaks to reduce the air flow over the top surface of the concrete.
b) Use evaporative retarders such as aliphatic alcohols.
c) Consider the use of fibers.
d) Address the fines content in the mix.
e) Avoid admixtures that reduce bleed rate (without some
improved surface tension).
f) Avoid the excess use of retarders.
g) Determine if plastic membranes under slabs are required (e.g., to stop rising damp).
It is interesting to note that while plastic shrinkage cracking and evaporation are phenomena the concrete industry has
tried to minimize as outlined in this paper, extensive work by
Jaegermann and Glucklich45 concluded that high evaporation soon after casting generally resulted in denser better
quality long-term concrete (albeit that some internal cracks
existed). They did indicate, however, that proper curing
would have to be provided.
Plastic shrinkage is normally associated with concrete slab
problemsprimarily plastic shrinkage cracking.
Researchers such as Menzel, Lerch, Bloem, Powers, and
others were instrumental in providing methods for predicting
the likelihood of plastic shrinkage cracking due to evaporation and concrete bleeding. The author has provided some
further formulas, a simpler nomograph, and a set of guidelines which should assist the cement and concrete industry in
minimizing the onset of plastic shrinkage cracking.
The author believes that the single figure criterion for
deeming a critical evaporation rate needs to be addressed in
light of the factors outlined in this paper, in particular the
concrete strength (or w/c ratio) aspect.
While it is encouraging that researchers in the area of plastic shrinkage cracking seem to have adopted a standard
method for testing slabs (i.e., the method proposed by
Kraai 46 in 1985), the author feels that more research needs to
be carried out on thicker concrete specimens, i.e., more indicative of the typical slabs on building sites, e.g. 100 to 150
mm (4 to 6 in.). In conjunction with this, the concretes used
in these tests should reflect the types of mixes that are becoming more commonplace in the market, i.e., mixes containing water reducers, fly ash, slag, silica fume, plasticizers,
and so on, thus gaining a better understanding of how the parameters outlined in the latter part of this paper affect plastic
shrinkage cracking.
1 kph
1 kg
1 kg/m 2/hr
1 kPa
1 MJ


39.37 in.
0.621 mph
2.204 lb
0.205 lb/ft2 /hr
0.145 psi
947.8 BTU
5/9 (F 32)

ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

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24. Ravina, Dan., and Shalon, Rahel, Plastic Shrinkage Cracking. ACI
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26. CSA Standard A23.1 as referenced in Design and Control of Mixes,
fifth Canadian Metric ed., Canadian Portland Cement Association, 1991.

ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1998

27. Cracks in Concrete Due to Plastic Shrinkage and Plastic Settlement, Technical Bulletin 95/1, Australian Pre-Mixed Concrete Association, Oct. 1995.
28. Plastic Cracking in Concrete, Technical Information Letter No.
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29. Powers, Treval. C., The Bleeding of Portland Cement Paste, Mortar
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30. Powers, Treval. C., The Properties of Fresh Concrete, John Wiley
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31. Swayse, M. A., Early Concrete Volume Changes and Their Control. ACI JOU RNA L, Proceedings V. 38, 1942, pp. 425-440.
32. Wittman, F. H. On the Action of Capillary Pressure in Fresh Concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, V. 6, 1976, pp. 49-56.
33. Samman, T. A.; Mirza, W. H.; and Wafa, F. F., Plastic Shrinkage
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34. Shaeles, Christos. A., and Hover, Kenneth C., Influence of Mix Proportions and Construction Operations on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking in
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35. Schiessl, P., and Schmidt, R., Bleeding of Concrete, RILEM Proceedings of the Colloquium, Hanover, 1990, pp. 24-32.
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37. Cabrera, J. G.; Cusens, A. R.; and Brookes-Wang, Y., Effect of
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43. Koberg, Gordon E.; Cruse, Robert R.; and Shrewsbury, Charles L.,
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