A Kuthi - Nanosecond Pulse Generator Using A Fast Recovery Diode

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A. Kuthi, P. Gabrielsson, M. Behrend and M. Gundersen
Department of Electrical Engineering - Electrophysics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0271
Design and operation of a fast recovery diode based
pulse generator is presented. The generator produces 3 ns
wide, 600 V amplitude pulses into 50 ohm load at the
maximum repetition rate of 100 kHz. Pulses shorter than
10 ns are essential for the studies of biological cell
response to high electric fields while avoiding ordinary
electroporation effects dominant at long pulses. The use
of a mass-produced fast recovery surface-mount rectifier
diode in this circuit substantially simplifies the generator
and results in low cost and very small footprint. Similar
diode switched pulse generators have been described in
the literature using mostly custom fabricated snaprecovery diodes. Here we give an example of an ordinary
low cost diode performing similarly to the custom
fabricated counterpart. The diode switched circuit relaxes
the requirement on the speed of the main closing switch,
in our case a low cost power MOSFET saturable core
transformer combination.

Electroperturbation of biological cells can be achieved
by the influence of pulsed electric fields. The voltage
induced across a cell membrane depends on the pulse
length and pulse amplitude. Pulses longer than ~1 s will
charge the outer cell membrane and can lead to the
opening of pores, temporary or permanent, the latter
usually resulting in cell death [1]. Pulses much shorter
than ~1 s can affect cell nuclei without adversely
affecting the outer cell membrane. An interesting effect
of pulses of a few tens of ns duration and ~510 kV/mm
amplitude is triggering of apoptosis or programmed cell
death [2, 3]. There is a need for shorter, higher amplitude
electric pulses for cell biology research to probe and
manipulate intracellular structures.
Desired pulse amplitude depends on the exact
geometry of the sample chamber and electrode system
and on the duration of the pulse. The design target for
this "NanoPulser" was a pulse duration substantially less

than 10 ns and a peak voltage of at least 600 V in order to

establish an electric field intensity of 6 MV/m across a
100 micrometer wide interelectrode space. A repetition
rate of several kHz is also desirable so that the effects of
the pulses on the cells can be observed with good
Existing pulse generator systems used in ultra short
pulse electroperturbation research are based on spark gap
switched transmission lines [4], or radiofrequency
MOSFET switched capacitors [5]. The spark gap based
system suffers from large size and low repetition rate,
relatively short lifetime, and erratic, high jitter triggers.
They also need rapid charging of the transmission line
capacitance in order to overvolt the spark gap for the fast
rise time requirement [4]. The MOSFET switched
capacitor cannot generate faster or narrower pulses than
15 20 ns due to complications of the MOSFET driving
circuit and inherent limitations of the MOSFET device
[5]. We have designed and constructed a pulse generator
conforming to the above requirements. The circuit is an
adaptation of a design originally used for much higher
voltages, 50 100 kV, and using specialized custom
fabricated drift step recovery diodes [6, 7], to lower
voltage, off the shelf available, standard fast recovery

The design starts from the required pulse shape and
amplitude at the load and works backward to the main
energy source.
The actual pulse is generated by a diode acting as an
opening switch, interrupting the current in an inductor and
commuting it into the load resistance as shown in Fig. 1.
The pulse generating cycle begins with switch S2 closed
and S1 open, so the first capacitor is fully charged and the
second is empty. Then switch S2 opens and the subsequent
closing of switch S1 generates a half cycle of forward
current through the diode. This establishes stored charge
in the diode depletion layer and transfers the initial charge
from the first to the second capacitor. At the end of this

This work was primarily funded by the Compact-Pulsed Power MURI program funded by the Director of Defense
Research and Engineering (DDR&E) and managed by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and was
also funded by the Army Research Office (ARO).

email: [email protected]

half period the second switch S2 closes and starts a reverse

current through the diode depleting the stored charge. In
an ideal circuit with ideal switches and lossless circuit
elements the two capacitors and the two inductors must be
equal. For constant capacitor voltage the peak inductor
current is proportional to the circuit admittance,

I C L . During the forward current phase the total

circuit inductance is 2L and the net capacitance is C/2.
During the reverse current phase the net inductance is
only L and the net capacitance is C. Both phases have the
same resonant frequency. Thus the peak reverse current
will be twice the peak forward current, and the charge will
be extracted at exactly a quarter period, at the peak of the
reverse current. The opening of the switch S1 recharges
the first capacitor and completes the cycle.

50 , as the generator is connected to the slide by a

coaxial cable of 50 characteristic impedance. The cable
is terminated at the slide by a 50 surface mount resistor
connected parallel with the electrode structure. We have
opted for this brute force solution to establish a ~50
electrical load impedance instead of the more efficient,
but troublesome transmission line transformer approach,
as efficiency is less important than good match over a
range of variable cell impedances. The instrumented slide
installed in the microscope is shown in Fig. 3.






Figure 1. Principle of pulse generation by a diode

opening switch
Our circuit shown in Fig. 2 is a modified version of the
basic model. The modifications are due to the use of nonideal switches and lossy inductors. Switch S1 is two
parallel MOSFETs and switch S2 is a saturable core
transformer. The inductances L are the primary and
secondary leakage inductances of the saturable core

All diodes MURS360




1u 1,8






TTL in 10n









Figure 2. Diode pulser circuit

A. Electrical Load
The load is an instrumented microscope slide. Several
gold deposited electrode lines separated by 100 m and
covered by a second glass slide hold the cell solution [5].
The electrical load impedance is 200 - 400 . However,
the pulse generator must be able to work into a load of

Figure 3. The instrumented slide mounted in the

B. Energy Storage
The final energy storage inductance, L2, can be
calculated from the fall time of the designed pulse width,
tp. The inductor current decays with the L/R time, where
the resistance is that of the load and the inductance is
given by L2. The minimum current commuted into the
load, I2 = V/R, is estimated from the peak voltage
required at the load. However, the nonlinear diode
capacitance needs to charge to the full output voltage, and
the charge absorbed by this and all stray capacitance
increases the current requirement significantly.
The quarter period of the L-C circuit must be shorter
than the diode recovery time for fast current turn-off. A
diode fully saturated with charges will have a delay to
turn-off given by the recovery time presented in the data
sheets and the actual turn-off time will be approximately a
third of this delay. Thus, the diode should not be
saturated, as the pulse width then will be unacceptably
long. The diodes used in our circuit are type MURS360,
600 V, 3 A, 75 ns reverse recovery time rated devices.
Four diodes are connected in parallel in order to reduce
the pre-pulse pedestal due to the resistive phase of the
reverse current and decrease the rise time of the output
pulse. More than four diodes will increase the rise time
due to the increased diode capacitance. The fall time is
shortened by the output coupling capacitor.

The forward pumping current should last about half the

recovery time, L2 C2 , and this value is used to
calculate the capacitance C2.
Equating the energy stored in the inductor L2 at peak
current to the energy in the capacitor C2 gives the peak
charging voltage across C2.
The above estimates are only valid for zero diode and
load capacitance and for a lossless L2 inductor, none of
which hold very well in our case. The saturable core
transformer used as the switch S2 introduces the greatest
departure from ideal conditions.
C. Saturable Core Transformer
The transformer acting as switch S2 is wound on an
amorphous core from Toshiba, type SA 14x8x4.5.
External core dimensions are: OD = 16.3 mm, ID =
6.3 mm, H = 7.5 mm and effective core area Acore =
10.13 mm2. The core supports a flux swing of =
10.94 Wb and saturates at Bsat = 0.55 T. The inductance
factor for intermediate frequencies is AL = 3 H/turn2.
The core frequency response does not extend to the range
we are using it, and the above data is therefore only
approximate. In particular, the inductance is strongly
frequency and excitation dependent and the switching
characteristics are slower than what is necessary for
efficient operation.
Because of these issues the
transformer was matched to the circuit by trial and error.
Best operation, with the shortest output pulse at the full
voltage rating of the diodes were achieved with a 1:4
turns ratio, the primary being a single turn of 16 awg solid
copper wire and the secondary four turns of 20 awg solid
copper wire evenly distributed around the toroid.

Current [A]








Time [ns]



D. MOSFET Switch
The primary switch, S1, consists of two IRFS430A
MOSFETs operating in parallel. Each MOSFET has a
DC on resistance of 1.7 , so the two parallel devices
present a best-case loss resistance in the primary resonant
circuit of 0.85 . Actual losses are significantly higher
due to the turn on switching speed of ~15 ns. The gate
input capacitance of the MOSFETs is only 150 pF. The
6 A rated 4420 type gate driver ICs can saturate the gates,
thus the turn on time is determined by the inherent gate
resistance of the MOSFET devices.
The switch connects the charged up capacitor C1 across
the primary of the transformer. In the absence of losses
this C1 capacitor should be the same effective capacitance
as the secondary C2, so C1 = (ns/np)2 C2. This arrangement
has the highest efficiency, as there is no charge remaining
in C1 when C2 is fully charged. Due to losses, however,
we have doubled the value of C1 to 30 nF, as this enabled
us to stay within 150V primary charging voltage. The
reduced efficiency is not important in this application, but
must be carefully considered when designing similar
circuits for higher output powers.
Another effect of the charge remaining in the primary
capacitor is that the core reset is now dependent on the
on-time of the switch S1, thus causing hysteresis in the
output pulses for long S1 on-times. We avoid hysteresis
by optimizing core reset, limiting the S1 on time to 90 ns.

The present system uses a resistive charging supply.
The pulser has been tested at repetition rates up to 100
kHz with resistive charging, higher repetition rates can be
achieved with resonant charging methods at the cost of
increased complexity, especially in the area of optimizing
core reset. Ultimately the repetition rate is limited to
5 MHz by the duration of the charge transfer sequence.
Typical output into 50 is shown in Fig. 4. The pulse
amplitude is 600 V, and the FWHM is 3 ns.


Figure 4. Total current through the diodes; positive part

until 86 ns is pumping, negative is the reverse current
interrupted at charge depletion at 108 ns.
The saturated secondary inductance was less than the
design value, L2, and the peak current, I2, is significantly
higher, as shown in Fig. 5.
The higher current
compensates for the nonlinear diode capacitance and the
losses of the saturable core. The forward diode pumping
current is not a half sine wave; the distortion is due to
slow core saturation and to resistive losses in the core and
the primary MOSFET switch.

Figure 5. Output of the diode pulser into a 50 Ohm load

Higher amplitude can be generated by using series
connected diodes. However, the saturable transformer
must be retuned for higher input voltages, as the time to
saturation is voltage dependent. This is not a trivial

matter, proper choice must be made between increased

number of turns or increasing the core area; none of
which can be made in a continuous manner. We have
tried using the unmodified circuit with two series
connected diodes, four diode doubles in parallel, and the
best result is shown in Fig. 6. At the cost of increasing the
pulse width to 4.5 ns the amplitude could be increased to
800 V. A new version of the series connected diode
circuit is being designed at present, and we expect that
full 1200 V amplitude pulse output will be achieved with
the 3 ns pulse width.

Voltage [V]

103 107.5




Tim e [ns ]




Figure 6. Output pulse of two diodes in series

+150V in

Saturable core

-26dB out @ 50

+ 18V in

90ns gate in
Pulse out into 50
4 x MURS360 diodes

Figure 7. The completed diode pulser on a 3.8 x 2.5

circuit board
A built-in -26dB attenuator, calibrated by commercial
attenuator sets, was used to sense the output voltage. The
diode current was measured by a P6021 Tektronix current
probe. The complete diode pulser was assembled on a
3.8 x 2.5 double-sided printed circuit board shown in
Fig. 7.
The pulse generator is presently being used for realtime microscopy of cell electroperturbation [8]. It has
operated reliably for a period of over two months.

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[8] P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, L. Marcu, S. Salemi, C. M.
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