Determination of Static Limiting Load Curves For Slewing Bearing With Application of The Finite Element Method

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M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods


Marek Krynke1,*, Jacek Selejdak1, Stanisaw Borkowski1

Institute of Production Engineering, Faculty of Management, Czstochowa University of

Technology, Aleja Armii Krajowej 19B, 42-200 Czstochowa, Poland

corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]

In slewing bearings, a great number of contact pairs are present on the contact
surfaces between the rolling elements and raceways of the bearing.
Computations to determine the load of the individual rolling elements, taking
into account the flexibility of the bearing ring, are most often carried out using
the finite element method. Construction of a FEM full model of the bearing,
taking into account the shape of the rolling elements and the determination of
the contact problem for every rolling element, leads to a singularity of stiffness
matrix, which in turn makes the problem impossible to solve. In FEM models
the rolling elements are replaced by one-dimensional finite elements (linear
elements) to simplify the computation procedure and to obtain an optimal time
for computations. The methods of modelling the rolling elements in the slewing
bearing, in which balls have been replaced by truss elements with a material nonlinear characteristic located between the raceway centres of the curvatures
in their axial section, are presented in the paper.
Available online:

1. Introduction
At present rolling slewing bearings is the
most often applied rotational connection
between the body and support structure
of working machines. The most important
feature of rolling slewing bearings in comparison
to standard rolling bearings is their ability
to transfer axial load Q, radial load H and tilting
moments M acting in planes crossing
the longitudinal axis of the bearing (Fig. 4).
In contrast to typical rolling bearings,
the flexibility of support subassemblies,
including the flexibility of the bearing rings and
size of clearance in the bearing rows, has
a decisive influence on the load-carrying
capacity of the slewing bearings [1, 2].
Although these types of bearings have been
applied for eighty years, brand catalogues still
contain simplified characteristics of their static
load-carrying capacity. The existing state of

Article info
Article history:
Received 10 May 2012
Accepted 9 September 2012
Online 9 March 2013
Slewing bearing;
Load distribution;
Equivalent characteristic
of truss element;
Finite element method
ISSN 1335-0803 (print version)
ISSN 1338-6174 (online version)

technical knowledge is only apparently

sufficient and still needs further investigation.
The selection of a bearing, made on the basis
of the above mentioned catalogue characteristics
could lead to serious structural errors, such as
a drastic reduction in the life of the bearing node
and the bearing capacity to be under-used [3].
Knowledge of the values of the forces
acting on the bearing rolling elements during
work is the basis for estimating the bearings
ability to fulfil its function. The method of
computation of internal load distribution is
the main topic of papers dealing with slewing
bearing problems [4, 5]. Generally, the problem
of determining the force distribution in a slewing
bearing is repeatedly treated as statically
indeterminate problem. The computational
methods used to determine the loads of individual
rolling elements can be divided into classical
methods and numerical methods with the use

Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70

M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods

of FEM. In the classical methods the solution

is determined by the assumption of the ideal
rigidity of the rings, while the numerical methods
allow the flexibility of the bearing rings to be
taken into account.


truss elements with the length equal to

the diameter of roller (Fig. 1). This kind
of replacement elements can be applied to
computational models of ball bearings with
constant contact angle equals 90 [7, 8].

2. Modelling the contact between the

rolling elements and the raceways
Building of FEM models of the slewing
bearings, due to their complex construction,
causes many difficulties. An adequate modeling
of rolling elements is one of them. The FEM
model of the contact zone of one rolling element
with raceway at sufficient accuracy contain
from several to tens of thousand degrees
of freedom [1]. Due to large number of these
elements (tens or more), construction of a full
model of the bearing, taking into account
the shape of rolling elements and the modelling
the contact problem for each of them,
is practically impossible. The difference in scale
of systems rolling element raceway and
support-construction makes it difficult to obtain
exact accuracy of computations and to obtain
convergence of numerical solution due to too
high differences in rigidities between individual
finite elements. It should be noted that
computations considering geometrical and
physical nonlinearity are required to be carried
out. So, to simplify computation procedures and
to obtain optimal time of computations,
the rolling elements in FEM models have been
replaced by one-dimensional finite elements
(linear elements). The most often applied finite
elements replacing rolling elements in
computational models of slewing bearings are:
the truss elements with adequate unilateral nonlinear material characteristic stress strain,
special elements (super-elements), mainly for
ball bearings, on the basis of super-element
proposed by T. Smolnicki in [1, 6].
Replacement elements in the form of
the truss elements are applied first of all to roller
bearings where rollers are replaced by singular

Fig. 1. Replacement truss elements for rollers singular truss element

The truss element is of exactly definite

length and cross-section as well as appropriately
determined material characteristic (). This
element is performing a role of a non-linear
spring [9, 10].
Super-element is mostly applied to model
balls in slewing bearing with variable contact
angle due to the loads carried out by the bearing.
Finite beam elements with joints as well elastic
element with non-linear characteristic force
deflection have been used to build superelement (Fig. 2).
FEM software defined optional nonlinear materials for the truss element [11].
The definition of a material characteristic is
based on introduction into the software particular
points of this characteristic, it means strain
and corresponding stress , in a tabular form.
Therefore every strain of the truss element
causes corresponding stress, what in turn allows
the force carried by the truss element to be
determined. Interruption of computation took
place when deformation of the truss elements
would exceed values given by material

Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70


M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods

Fig. 2. Super-element with non-linear asymmetric material characteristic for balls

definition due to deficiency in convergence of

the solution. Simulation of strain in the contact
area of the contact pair is carried out using the
characteristics described above. Super-element
allows the displacement of real rolling element
and the changes in the contact angle of the ball
bearings to be determined. The real rolling
element is subjected to external load transferred
to rolling elements by the bearing rings.
Examples of application of the truss
elements to the modeling cross-roller and threerow roller bearings are presented in Figs. 3c and

3d, while applications of super-element to the

modeling the balls in a single-row and a doublerow ball slewing bearings are shown in Figs. 3a
and 3b.
3. Computational example
The computation was carried out for
single-row bearing with 84 balls of d = 50 mm
in diameter, placed on the track diameter
dt = 1400 mm. The contact coefficient of
the ball and raceway was equal to kp = 0.96, and
hardness of raceway - 54 HRC. It is the bearing

Fig. 3. Replaced rolling elements in: a) single-row four-point bearing,

b) double-row ball bearing, c) cross-roller bearing, d) three-row roller bearing
Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70

M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods


Fig. 4. Boundary conditions

of a standard construction with the nominal

contact angle 0 = 45. The bearing is fixed
to the rings of enclosure by 36 M24 bolts of
10.9 class with corresponding initial stress
F M = 239 kN. The bearing model used in
computations is presented in Fig. 4.
Half of the bearing and rings of enclosure
were assumed for analysis. Suitable boundary
conditions, resulting from the model symmetry,
were introduced into the model. The bolts
fastened the bearing, placed in the symmetry
plane of the bearing, were modelled as beam
elements with half core of a cross section of A3
bolt. Initial stress equals FM of clamping
screw initial stress was imposed to edge bolts
with intersection of A3. Similarly, half of
intersection At computed is assumed in the truss
elements replacing nodal rolling elements.
Adequate contact surfaces between the bearing
rings and enclosure rings were defined. The
friction factor equal to 0.15 was assumed in the
contact zone of the elements.

Lower surface of support ring, to which

external bearing ring is fixed, was rigidly
supported. Internal ring is fixed on the upper
surface of enclosure ring. The constrains
between nodes placed on this surface (slave
nods) and the central node (master node) placed
in the centre of gravity of nodes slave was
imposed on the upper surface of enclosure ring.
Pairs of nodes, formed in such a way, create
rigid spider with master node as a central
point. External load in the form of concentrated
force and concentrated moment is imposed on
the master node. When model undergoes
deformation, slave nodes are forced to
displacement and rotation in such a way that
distance between slave and master nodes stays
constant and that rotations of slave nodes are
identical as adequate rotations in the main node.
The bearing load is generated by given tilting
moment M, axial force Q and radial force H
(Fig. 4).

Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70


M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods

Distribution of internal load and the load of

clamping screws, obtained from computations at
the bearing loading by limited tilting moment Mmax
when Q = 0 and H = 0, are shown in Fig. 5 and
Fig. 6.
The characteristic of static bearing capacity

considering the flexibility of the bearing rings,

obtained by computation of numerical model
using super-element, are presented in Fig. 7.
The curve of the bearing limiting capacity
obtained assuming non-deformability of its ring
is placed in this figure for the comparison [4].

Fig. 5. Comparison of distribution of internal load at the bearing loading by maximal tilting moment

Fig. 6. Comparison of the load distribution of individual clamping screws of internal

ring, and screws of external ring
Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70

M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods


Fig. 7. Characteristic of the bearing capacity (FEM model and analytical model)

4. Conclusions
Computational models of slewing rolling
bearings must undergo simplifications due to their
complexity. The same goes for the computation
of the bearing capacity using the finite element
The presented analysis justifies the usage
of numerical methods in practical computations.
The analysis allows the force distribution in
the individual rows of the bearings to be exactly
determined, which is impossible using analytical
methods. The analytical methods are reduced
for the bearing computations by the assumption
of the non-deformability of the bearing
rings. Computational modelling allows all
constructional and technological changes
introduced into the geometry of the real bearing
to be quickly verified, and also allows
the geometrical characteristic of mounting
structure of the bearing in machine to be taken
into account. The method of modelling the
rolling elements, which are replaced by special
elements (super-elements), is the key stage
in the presented computational methodology.
Both the structure of the super-element and its

substitute characteristic can have a profound

influence on the obtained results of computations.
To obtain an adequate characteristic of
the bearing capacity one must take into account
both phenomena proceeding in the contact zone
of the rolling elements and raceways, and
the influence of the method of rolling element
modelling in the FEM numerical model of
the bearing.

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Materials Engineering - Materilov ininierstvo 20 (2013) 64-70


M. Krynke, J. Selejdak, S. Borkowski: Determination of static limiting load curves for slewing
bearing with application of the finite element methods

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