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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184

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Computational assessment of the allowable static contact loading

of a roller-slewing bearing's case-hardened raceway
Peter Göncz n, Miran Ulbin, Srečko Glodež
University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A computational model for the assessment of the static load capacity of roller-slewing bearings with a
Received 2 December 2014 case-hardened raceway is presented in this paper. The proposed 3D numerical model considers different
Received in revised form influential parameters (arbitrary roller geometry, actual mechanical properties of raceway's material,
2 March 2015
tilted contact between the roller and raceway segment, etc.) on the allowable contact loading between
Accepted 5 March 2015
Available online 14 March 2015
rollers and their raceway. Within this paper, three representative types of roller geometries and their
effect on the static load capacity are investigated: a cylindrical roller (ZR), a logarithmical roller (LN) and
Keywords: a partially crowned roller (ZB). For each type of roller, two different criteria are then used to determine
Roller-slewing bearing the limit contact loading: (i) permanent indentation criterion and (ii) subsurface damage criterion.
Case-hardened bearing
The results of a comprehensive computational analysis have shown that there are significant
Static load capacity
differences between each roller type with regards to limit contact load. The other important influencing
Numerical contact model.
parameters are the case depth of the raceway and the tilt angle, which mainly depends on the bearing
clearance, and the contact loading. The proposed model and results presented here may allow
manufacturers to take into account some particularities of large slewing bearings to improve their
static load capacity.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the contact pressure [1]. Thus, the first group of approaches for
slewing bearings include analytical (theoretical) methods of dif-
Slewing bearings are large rolling element bearings used in ferent complexities, where the internal contact loads between the
different machines and structures (e.g. excavators, cranes, wind rolling elements and bearing raceways are determined on the
turbines, etc.) for connecting individual construction parts, allow- basis of static equilibrium equations. Thus, a number of computa-
ing the controlled relative rotation and transmission of loads tional methods for single- [2–4] and double-row ball-slewing
between them. As these bearings differ in many aspects from bearings [5] are already available. Recently, more advanced analy-
conventional (small) rolling bearings (i.e. mainly slewing motion tical, computational methods for three-row roller-slewing bearing
and eccentric axial loading, structural ring deformations and have also been published [6,7]. The most accurate of these
clearances, bolted connection of rings to the adjacent structures, computational methods are able to consider arbitrary combination
case-hardened raceways, etc.), attention is required to deal with of external loads (axial force, overturning moment, and radial
these specialities when the structural integrity and load capacities force), arbitrary size, number and type of rolling elements in each
are being computed. row, arbitrary combinations of structural ring deformations and
In technical literature dealing with slewing bearings, significant bearing clearances, etc. However, all of these approaches presume
emphasis is placed on approaches for the computational determi- ideally structurally rigid slewing rings and so do not directly
nation of the internal contact load distributions in different types consider the influence of connecting structure and bolted joint
of slewing bearings. Because of the much lower rotational speeds stiffness. Even more realistic distributions of internal contact loads
of slewing bearings during operation, these approaches differ from can be determined with the finite element analysis of slewing
analyses of conventional rolling bearings, where the dynamic bearings. With these methods, the structural deformability of
loads of rollers on the raceway plays a major role on the size of slewing rings [8,9] and the elasticity of pre-stressed bolted joints
[6,10,11] can be considered.
In both analytical and numerical approaches for internal con-
Corresponding author.Tel.: þ386 2 220 7671. tact force distributions, the actual contacts between the rolling
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Göncz). elements and raceways are substituted with connectors with

0020-7403/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184 175

Nomenclature Q(lim) [kN] contact force (limit)

R [mm] axial roller profile radius
b [mm] contact half-width r [mm] roller end fillet
dc [mm] case depth URx,Ry,Rz [rad] rotation around coordinate axis (x, y, z)
dr [mm] nominal roller diameter Ux,y,z [mm] translation in coordinate axis direction (x, y, z)
dt [mm] transition layer thickness α [rad] roller contact angle
dx,y,z [mm] raceway segment length in coordinate axis direc- δpl(lim) [mm] permanent contact deformation/ raceway inden-
tion (x, y, z) tation (limit value)
E [GPa] Young's modulus Δz(x) [mm] axial roller profile function
HRC [/] Rockwell hardness εp,eq(lim) [/] equivalent plastic strain (limit value)
K [MPa] strength coefficient ν [/] Poisson's ratio
lr[mm] nominal roller length σ1,2,3 [MPa] principal stress component
n [/] strain hardening coefficient σMis [MPa] equivalent Mises stress
pH [MPa] normal contact pressure σy [MPa] yield strength

corresponding contact force-contact deflection characteristics. the determination of the allowable rolling element contact load in a
These characteristics can be determined analytically with approx- ball-slewing bearing is presented. The method is based on the
imate expressions for elastic contact of ellipsoidal (ball bearings) criterion of core yielding, which was also discussed in [20]. In [21],
and cylindrical (roller bearings) bodies [12]. In the case of mis- another calculation method for the static capacity of induction-hard-
aligned and/or profile-corrected rollers, advanced analytical mod- ened slewing rings is presented. In this paper, the authors have cons-
els [7,13] or the use of finite elements analyses [14] are required. idered both the surface permanent indentation criterion and subsur-
For small (conventional) rolling bearings, through-hardened face damage criterion while calculating the allowable rolling element
bearing rings and rolling elements with minimal hardness of over contact load for a ball-slewing bearing.
58 HRC (e.g. steel 100Cr6), the static load capacity is defined with As it is evident from previous works, two mechanisms of failure
maximum contact pressure (pH,max) and corresponding combined are generally recognised [19–21] for the case-hardened raceways
permanent deformation (δpl,max) at the most heavily loaded rolling of rolling bearings (Fig. 1). In the first, when the case depth (dc) is
element/raceway contact [15]. Therefore, for standardized rolling insufficient (Fig. 1a), core/transition layer yielding occurs before
bearings it is presumed that the total permanent deformation of the permissible permanent indentation of the case layer is
10  4dr at the most loaded contact position on the raceway can be achieved. This can result in core crushing and case layer disin-
tolerated in general applications [16]. In case of conventional ball tegration, which seriously compromises the structural integrity of
bearings, this deformation is reached at a maximum contact pre- the bearings' raceway and its operational function. Consequently,
ssure of 4200 MPa, and at 4000 MPa in the case of roller bearings. this scenario should always be avoided. In contrast, when the case
- depth is sufficient (Fig. 1b), yielding occurs only in the case layer
As shown in a case study [17], an insufficient hardness of a slewing before the permissible permanent indentation of the raceway is
bearing's raceway can lead to its premature failure and loss of achieved. Exceeding the permissible permanent indentation depth
functionality. Therefore, a reliable assessment of the static load on the raceway has a negative effect on the bearing operation,
capacity for case-hardened raceways is necessary. Some authors which can result in increased vibrations, surface failure initiations,
dealing with static load capacity determination of slewing bearings etc. In principle, this failure mechanism is identical as for through-
assume in their papers that the load criteria for these types of bearings hardened (standardized) rolling bearings.
are the same as for those standardized through-hardened rolling In [22] the authors presented their experimental findings reg-
bearings [6,18]. Others employ safety factors for consideration of the arding the influence of the actual roller design on the rolling con-
reduced hardness of slewing bearing case-hardened raceways when tact fatigue life of through hardened cylindrical specimens, includ-
calculating the limiting contact load [10,14]. However, neither of these ing the coincidence between the position of flaking initiation and
approaches consider the actual combined influence of the finite depth position of maximum values of equivalent Mises stress (surface or
and reduced hardness of the case-hardened layer of the raceway. This subsurface originated damage). A similar conclusion can be made
influence was discussed in [19], in which a computational method for when comparing different statistical life theories [23]. It appears,

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of insufficient (a) and sufficient (b) case depth of slewing bearing raceway.
176 P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184

that the position and value of the maximum subsurface stress is hardened raceway, a static FE model was constructed. In this
one of the most influential parameters on the rolling contact model, both the roller (dr  lr) and the raceway (dx  dy  dz)
fatigue life. On the basis of these findings it can be concluded, that segments were modelled as 1/4-symmetry geometries (Fig. 2a),
a thorough analysis of the contact conditions and subsurface equ- which allowed a comprehensive, yet time effective analysis of a
ivalent stress distribution is necessary when determining the all- single (misaligned) contact between the actual 3D roller and
owable contact loading of the bearing raceway. raceway in a roller slewing bearing. As seen in Fig. 2a, the fixture
The aim of this paper is the presentation of a rapid and and symmetry boundary conditions of the raceway segment were
straightforward computational assessment method for the numerical established by locking the translational degrees of freedom of
determination of static load capacity (allowable contact load) for corresponding faces in normal directions (Ux ¼0, Uy ¼ 0, Uz ¼0).
case-hardened raceways of roller-slewing bearings. The method The contact loading of the roller segment against the contact
allows the bearing manufacturer to take into account the particula- surface of the raceway segment was established through displace-
rities both of the roller bearings and of slewing bearings when ment control of reference point RP in z-direction, while other
computing the limit contact load between the roller and the raceway. displacements and rotations remained constrained. This reference
This is achieved by employing a parametrical finite element model of point was kinematically coupled with the upper (x  y) symmetry
the 3D contact between the roller and the case-hardened raceway plane of the roller. Possible roller misalignments (tilt α), as a result
segment, which allows the consideration of any detailed roller geo- of non-parallel relative ring displacements of the bearing during
metry, axial roller profile modification, misaligned contact bet- an eccentrical axial loading, were simulated with the rotation of
ween the roller and raceway, hardness property of the raceway and the reference point RP (URy ¼ α/2). Because of the quasistatic nature
case depth. A computational example is presented for practical dem- of the problem (no relative transversal motion between the roller
onstration of these influences. and the raceway), a normal surface-to-surface contact without
friction in tangential directions was defined, while the penalty
method was used as a contact enforcement method.
2. Numerical model of the roller – raceway segment contact As seen in Fig. 2b, the model of the raceway segment was
composed of several discreet layers (case, transition layers and
As it is commonly known, the Hertzian theory of elastic contact core) for which the corresponding elasto-plastic (EP) materials
can be used for the analytical calculation of contact pressure and properties were defined. This enabled an accurate description the
contact stress distributions between spherical and cylindrical elastic measured hardness profile and mechanical characteristics of the
bodies [12]. However, finite element (FE) analyses have been proven induction-hardened raceway of the slewing bearing. It has been
to be an efficient way of dealing with particularities in contact shown in [7] that when the limit plastic deformation of the roller–
problems, such as arbitrary geometries [14,15,22,24,25], misaligned/ raceway contact (δpl,lim) is achieved, no plastic deformation of the
tilted roller contacts [7,21], plastic contact deformations [4,21], etc. roller takes place. This is because of the much higher typical
In the presented work the Abaqus/CAE commercial software [26] hardness and yield strength of the through-hardened rollers (63
was employed to deal with the 3D contact between the roller and HRC; σy ¼2570 MPa) in comparison to the case-hardened raceways
the roller-slewing bearing's case-hardened raceway segment. The of slewing bearings (56 HRC; σy ¼ 1600 MPa). Due to this, a linear-
main objective of the numerical model was to obtain a straightfor- elastic (LE) material model was applied for the roller (E ¼207 GPa,
ward, yet comprehensive and customizable, engineering tool for the ν ¼ 0.3). This also means, that in the presented application the total
computational assessment of different influential parameters (e.g. plastic deformation of the roller–raceway contact is equal to the
arbitrary roller geometry, arbitrary actual subsurface mechanical permanent raceway indentation. However, it should be noted that
material property profile, tilted contact between the roller and such an assumption is not true for the conventional (small)
raceway segment, etc.) on the static load capacity for case-hardened through-hardened bearings, where there is practically no differ-
raceways of roller-slewing bearings. ence between the hardness of the rolling elements and rings. In
As the aim of the herein presented contact model is the such applications, only two thirds of the plastic deformation occur
computation of the allowable static contact loading of the case in the ring while one third in the rolling element [15].

Fig. 2. Numerical model of the roller-raceway contact: load definition and boundary conditions (a), material properties (b) and FE mesh at the contact region (c).
P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184 177

The geometries of both the roller and the raceway segment displacement in z-direction along the x-axis (Fig. 2a)) or equivalent
were meshed with 8-node hexaeder elements with full integration plastic strain (εpl,eq,max; on the x–z plane (Fig. 2a)) in the raceway
(C3D8) (Fig. 2c and d). The appropriate relative mesh size at the segment and compares them with the predefined limit values (δpl,
contact position was determined by comparison of the FE contact lim, εpl,eq,lim). If the maximum values and the predefined limit
model results in elastic deformation region (σeq,max o σy) at given values are equal, then the analysis results (limit contact force
axial sections with analytically calculated contact stress (pH(y)) (Qlim), contact pressure distribution (pH(x)), eq. plastic strain
and subsurface stress distribution fields (σ1,2,3,23(y,z)) for 2D distribution ((εpl,eq,), etc.) are exported and saved. Otherwise, a
Hertzian contact of cylindrical bodies [12]. A good agreement new value for the roller segment displacement (Uz,i þ 1) is set and
between the results of these two approaches was achieved, when the 3D finite analysis is carried out again. For this automated
a fine structured rectangular shaped homogeneous mesh of app- procedure Newton's method is used with a typical number of
roximately 3b was used at the contact line position, while the iterations 3–5.
number of elements along the contact half-width (b) was approxi-
mately 10. The height of this rectangle area was equal to the case
and transition layer thickness (dc þdt). To deal with the possible 3. Case study
local concentrations of contact stresses at the roller ends, addi-
tional mesh refinement was applied at these positions in the In the scope of this paper, three representative types of roller
direction of the x-axis (Fig. 2d). The generation of the 3D cont- geometries and their effect on the static limit rolling element
act geometry model in the software was parameterised, enabling contact load for case-hardened raceways of roller-slewing bearings
prompt geometry and load changes. were investigated. The first analysed roller was the cylindrical
The introduced static FE contact model represents the integral roller (Fig. 4a), also known as the ZR type [27]. This roller type is
part of the computational algorithm for determination of the static without any axial profile correction (Δz(x)¼0). For this type of
limit contact load of the case-hardened raceway (Fig. 3). This roller, contact stress concentrations are expected to be present at
unified procedure allows to take into consideration both of the the edges [12,15]. However, as demonstrated in [12,15,28] for the
discussed static load criterions when computing the limit contact case of through-hardened conventional roller bearings, bearings
force (Qlim): permanent indentation criterion and subsurface with this type of roller have the longest predicted life, if the
damage criterion. The roller segment is in both instances pressed middle section of the contact is considered. In contrast, when
against the raceway segment by an initial displacement (Uz,0) and taking into account the edge loading, the predicted life can be
then moved away, which results in a plastically deformed raceway. reduced by as much as 98%.
A computer script then searches the FE analysis results for the To avoid high contact stress concentrations at the roller ends
maximum values of the permanent raceway indentation (δpl,max; and their negative consequences (e.g. decreased fatigue life and

ANALYSIS INPUT Roller segment Raceway segment

Geometric ▪ dimensions ̶ dx × d y× d z
▪ nominal dimensions ̶ d r × l r ▪ case depth ̶ d c
parameters ▪ profile correction ̶ Δz (x) ▪ transition layer thickness ̶ dt

Material ▪ LE mat. properties ̶ Erace, νrace

parameters ▪ LE mat. properties ̶ E roll, νroll ▪ EP mat. properties ̶ σy, K, n

Contact ▪ contact angle ̶ α /2 (U Ry)

parameters ▪ contact definition

Static limit load criterion (δpl,lim OR εpl,eq,lim) Initial roller load:

displacement ̶ U z,0

Uz,i+1 U z,i+1

δpl,max(i) εpl,eq,max(i)
permanent raceway subsurface =
= criterion
TRUE δ pl,lim indentation criterion damage criterion ε pl,eq,lim TRUE

3D FE contact analysis
δpl,max(i) εpl,eq,max(i)

result request result request

▪ limit contact force ̶ Q lim
▪ contact pressure ̶ pH(x)
▪ eq. pl. strain distribution ̶ εp,eq

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the computational algorithm.

178 P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184

increased wear), many theoretical axial roller profile corrections the corresponding size of the raceway section loaded by a half roller
have been developed [15,22,28,29]. Essentially, all of these profile in the load carrying row of the given slewing bearing.
corrections are mathematically defined with logarithmical func- In the performed parametrical analyses for the limit contact
tions (hence the name logarithmical roller), which results in a the- load determination of the case-hardened raceway both the per-
oretically uniform contact stress distribution along the roller axis manent raceway indentation and subsurface damage criterion
at a given nominal contact load (Q) and contact angle (α). In [13], were used. The limiting value for the permanent raceway indenta-
as an approximation, from nominal contact load independent axial tion on the reference contact length was set as δpl,lim ¼ 10  4dr,
profile correction function is presented as: which is in agreement with the limit value for plastic deformation
! of the roller – raceway contact in the case of standardized, through
1 hardened roller bearings [16]. For the subsurface damage criterion,
ΔzðxÞ ¼ 3:5 U 10 4
dr ln  2 ð1Þ
1  2x=lr the liming value of the equivalent subsurface plastic strain (εp,eq,
lim) was considered 0.2%, which represents a common value for
In industry practice, many other roller profile designs are manu- yield points in high strength steels. These two values have been
factured and used; one of the more frequently used roller geo- used as a target in the iterative computational algorithm used for
metries is the partially crowned roller, also known as the ZB type determination of limit contact force (Qlim).
(Fig. 4c). This type of roller has a flat middle section and profiled In the presented case study, a wide range of different case depths
ends (R), by which the advantageous features of both above- (dc ¼ 0…5 mm) of the raceway segment were considered. As an
mentioned roller types are combined into one roller geometry. approximation, the total thickness of the transition layers dt
In this case study, the nominal diameter (dr) and length (lr) of the (Fig. 2b) was set as 0.2dc. This value was chosen on the basis of
analysed rollers were 25 mm, while standard values [27] for end actual hardness measurements performed on cut out sections of case
fillets (r¼ 0.5 mm) were considered. This corresponds to the roller hardened raceways with different case depths (dc)  Fig. 5. As it can
dimensions in the carrying row of a three-row roller-slewing bea- be seen, the measured hardness in the case layer is near constant,
ring with a mean diameter 1500 mm. The value of the maximum while there is a rapid drop of hardness in the transition layer. The
contact angle between the roller axis and the raceway (α ¼ corresponding EP materials properties for the individual raceway
1.6∙10  3 rad) was determined by analysing the internal contact layer hardnesses, used in the numerical model, were previously
force distribution in a three-row roller-slewing bearing with a pos- experimentally determined [30] and are shown in Table 1. In the
itive axial clearance (with the computational model presented in numerical model the true stress (σ) – true plastic strain (εp) curves
[7]). The axial profile correction for the logarithmical roller type was were calculated with Hollomon's equation (σ ¼Kεnp).
calculated according to Eq. (1), while the roller profile radius (R) for The FE mesh of the roller and raceway segments was generated
the partially crowned roller was 475 mm. The dimensions of according to the above presented structure of the numerical model
the raceway segment (dx  dy  dz) used in the preformed num- (Section 2). The actual number of finite elements varied depending
erical analyses were 32.5 mm  12.5 mm  12.5 mm. This reflects on the analysed roller type and case depth of the raceway segment.

Fig. 4. Analysed roller types: cylindrical roller – ZR (a), logarithmical roller – LN (b) and partially crowned roller – ZB (c).

0 0

-1 -1
Ameasurement Cmeasurement
-2 Nizi4
numerical model -2 Nizi4
numerical model
Depth - z [mm]

Depth - z [mm]

-3 -3

-4 -4

-5 -5

-6 -6

-7 -7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rockwell hardness - HRC Rockwell hardness - HRC
Fig. 5. Comparison between the measured subsurface raceway hardness and the used numerical model – dc ¼ 3.0 mm (a) and dc ¼5.0 mm (b).
P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184 179

In Table 2, the number of generated finite elements for selected 4.2. Logarithmical roller
combinations of roller geometries and case depths (dc) are shown.
Depending on the actual roller type and case depth combination, Likewise, as for the cylindrical roller above, Fig. 8 shows the
the computation times were 10–15 min on a typical modern work- contact pressure and permanent raceway indentation distribu-
station. tions for the logarithmical roller, when the permanent indentation
criterion is considered at two different case depths and contact
angles. Also for this roller type, a positive influence of the
4. Results increased case depth on the limit contact load can be observed;
however, the negative influence of the tilted contact is less
4.1. Cylindrical roller pronounced in comparison to the previous roller type. As can be
seen in Fig. 8a, although the logarithmical roller should give a
The first analysed roller type was the cylindrical roller (ZR). theoretically uniform contact pressure distribution along the
Thus, in Fig. 6 the contact pressure (pH) and permanent raceway entire contact line, the presented distributions are not even.
indentation (δpl) distributions along the roller-raceway contact Additionally, contact pressure concentrations can also be observed
line, with regards to the permanent indentation criterion, are at the roller ends. This can be attributed to the fact that a
presented; two case depths and two extreme contact angles were generalised axial profile correction function was used for the
considered. As can be seen in Fig. 6a, the contact pressure roller, which is optimised for lower contact loads. At high contact
distributions are, for both case depths and contact angles, linear loads and at tilted contact, when the chosen permanent contact
along the central part of the roller, while at the roller ends contact indentation of the raceway (Fig. 8b) is achieved, the contact
stress concentrations are present (edge effect). Bold lines mark the between the roller edge and raceway can be established, which
reference length on which the maximum contact pressure (Fig. 6a) results in edge contacts. Similarly as for the cylindrical roller, the
and permanent raceway indentation (Fig. 6b) values were con- reference contact length is shown with bold lines.
sidered. The values outside the reference length (thin lines) were Fig. 9a and c shows the subsurface equivalent Mises stress
not taken into account, since these values were attributed to the distribution for the contact of the logarithmical roller. It can be
numerical error because of singularity and numerically sharp seen in Fig. 9a that the region of high subsurface equivalent
contact ends. It can be observed that the increase of the case stresses for the case depth 1.0 mm coincides with the transition
depth from 1.0 mm to 3.5 mm significantly increases the limit zone between the case and the core. The negative effect of this is
contact load (55–67%, depending on the contact angle). However, even clearer in Fig. 9b, where high equivalent plastic strains can be
the misalignment of the roller (at the same case depth) evidently seen in this region. Once again, the increased case depth (3.5 mm)
decreases the limit contact load. turns out to be much more advantageous (Fig. 9d) as no plastic
Fig. 7 shows the equivalent Mises stress (σMis) and equivalent strains can be observed in the transition zone and core material.
plastic strain (εp,eq) distribution in the raceway at α ¼0 rad. As
shown in Fig. 7a and c, independently from the case depths, high
subsurface stresses are present at the locations below roller edge 4.3. Partially crowned roller
contact stress concentrations, which is also reflected in the
equivalent plastic strain distributions at those positions, see The contact pressure distributions for partially crowned roller
Fig. 7b and d. However, while for the smaller case depth are shown in Fig. 10a. As the transition from the flat part of the
(Fig. 7b) there are also additional plastic strains present in the roller to the profiled section is relatively smooth, only a slight inc-
transition region between the case and the core material at the rease in the contact pressure is present at this location. This can be
centre of the roller (representing a possible location for the observed for both analysed contact angles. Similarly as for the first
damage initiation, which could lead to case disintegration), this two roller types, the increased case depth has a clearly positive
cannot be observed in the case of the bigger case depth (Fig. 7d). influence on the limit contact load. However, the values for the limit
Based on the results, the 3.5 mm case depth can be considered to contact loads are slightly lower than as for the previous roller types,
be sufficient for this type of roller, while the 1.0 mm case depth because of an increased depth of the permanent raceway indenta-
is not. tion in the transition regions at the contact ends (Fig. 10b).
As can be seen from Fig. 11a and c, the subsurface equivalent
Mises stress distribution is for both case depths almost evenly
Table 1 distributed along the contact length, which is, because of the
EP material properties of the (sub) surface raceway layers [4]. pronounced profile correction towards the roller ends, considerably
shorter than the nominal roller length. However, a slight increase is
Layer HRC [/] E [GPa] σy [MPa] K [MPa] n [/]
observable at the contact ends. The case depth of 1.0 mm (Fig. 11b)
case 56.0 201 1600 3190 0.091 again turns out to be insufficient because, while there is almost no
Transition - 1 48.8 1360 2615 plastic strain present in the case, considerably plastic deformations
Transition - 2 41.5 1100 2040 are visible in the transition zone and core material. When the case
Transition - 3 34.3 760 1470
Core 27.0 740 1435
depth is 3.5 mm (Fig. 11d), all the plastic deformations are in the
case, and the core material remains unaffected.

Table 2
Number of generated finite elements.

Roller type dc ¼0.5 mm dc ¼ 2.5 mm dc ¼5.0 mm

Roller Raceway Total Roller Raceway Total Roller Raceway Total

ZR 24,768 110,288 135,056 24,768 126,936 151,704 24,768 145,664 170,432

LN 23,536 91,458 114,994 23,536 105,264 128,800 23,536 120,794 144,330
ZB 20,728 96,838 117,566 20,728 111,456 132,184 20,728 127,900 148,628
180 P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184

Fig. 6. Cylindrical roller (ZR): contact pressure (a) and permanent raceway indentation (b) distribution.

Fig. 7. Mises stress (σMis) and equivalent plastic strain (εp,eq) distribution in roller (ZR) – raceway contact (α ¼ 0 rad): dc ¼1.0 mm (a,b) – Qlim ¼ 82.9 kN; dc ¼ 3.5 mm (c,d) –
Qlim ¼ 128.9 kN.

Fig. 8. Logarithmical roller (LN): contact pressure (a) and permanent raceway indentation (b) distribution.
P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184 181

Fig. 9. Mises stress (σMis) and equivalent plastic strain (εp,eq) distribution in roller (LN) – raceway contact (α ¼ 0 rad): dc ¼1.0 mm (a,b) – Qlim ¼77.9 kN; dc ¼ 3.5 mm (c,d) –
Qlim ¼ 124.0 kN.

Fig. 10. Partially crowned roller (ZB): contact pressure (a) and permanent raceway indentation (b) distribution.

4.4. Static limit contact load could not consider the axial roller profile corrections, edge effects
and tilted contact loading.
Figs. 12–14 demonstrates the numerically computed static limit In Fig. 12, the static limit contact load for cylindrical roller as a
contact loads (Qlim) for a case-hardened raceway as a function of the function of the case depth is presented. When considering both
case depth (dc) for all three analysed roller types. The limit contact the subsurface damage and permanent indentation criteria, an
loads at given case depths were determined according to the increase of case depth has a significant influence on the increase of
permanent indentation and subsurface damage criterion. The results static limit contact load. This is due to the fact, that a bigger case
are shown for both the uniform contact (α ¼ 0 rad) and for the tilted thickness prevents the subsurface plasticisation of the core mate-
roller alignment, considering contact angle α ¼1.6∙10  3 rad. As a rial, which has inferior mechanical properties when compared to
quantitative comparison of the computational results, values for the case material (see Figs. 7, 9 and 11) and consequently allows
static limit contact load according to the relevant international higher contact loading of the raceway. With bigger case depths,
standard (ISO [16]) and with consideration of safety factors for this influence gradually becomes lesser, and after a certain case
reduced raceway hardness (56 HRC [14]) are shown. These two depth (18% dr) it becomes insignificant. The influence of the tilted
values were also used by other authors when determining the static roller contact on the decrease of the static limit contact load is
load capacities of large (roller) slewing bearings. Additionally, the around 15% in comparison to the uniform contact. When compar-
static limit contact loads were computed according to the perma- ing the static limit contact load with the value from the ISO
nent indentation criterion with a simplified 2D numerical model, standard, it can be seen that the value from the standard at small
where the same material properties was used. However, this model (insufficient) case depths significantly overestimates the actual
182 P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184

Fig. 11. Mises stress (σMis) and equivalent plastic strain distribution in roller (ZB) – raceway contact (α ¼0 rad): dc ¼ 1.0 mm (a,b) – Qlim ¼74.2 kN; dc ¼ 3.5 mm (c,d) –
Qlim ¼ 112.7 kN.

140 140

120 120
Limit contact load - Qlim [kN]

Limit contact load - Qlim [kN]

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Case depth - dc [% dr] Case depth - dc [% dr]

δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 %

(3D; α = 0 rad) (3D; α = 0 rad) δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 %
(3D; α = 0 rad) (3D; α = 0 rad)
δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 %
(3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad) (3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad) δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 %
(3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad) (3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad)
ISO 76
( pH,max = 4000 MPa) δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr
ISO 76 δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr
( pH,max = 4000 MPa) (2D)
Kania, 2006
(56 HRC) Kania, 2006
(56 HRC)
Fig. 12. Cylindrical roller (ZR): limit contact load (Qlim) as a function of case depth
(dc). Fig. 13. Logarithmical roller (LN): limit contact load (Qlim) as a function of case
depth (dc).

static limit contact load. Even at bigger case depths (4 20% dr) it HRC) in comparison with the conventional, through-hardened
slightly overestimates the static limit contact load. This can be bearing raceways. In contrast, the consideration of the safety
contributed to a lower hardness of the case-hardened layer (56 factor for reduced raceway hardness severely underestimates the
P. Göncz et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 94-95 (2015) 174–184 183

140 5. Conclusion

120 In this paper, a numerical approach for the computational

assessment of the allowable static contact loading of a roller-
Limit contact load - Qlim [kN]

slewing bearing's case-hardened raceway is presented. Considera-

tion of static load criterions for standardized, through-hardened
bearing rings is at least questionable, mainly because of the case-
80 hardened raceways of large slewing bearings. Different authors
have addressed this topic, but the published works were mainly
60 focused on ball-slewing bearings. Roller bearings in general have
larger typical load carrying capabilities at given nominal dia-
meters, which is also true for large roller-slewing bearings.
However, when dealing with the contacts of rollers with bearing
raceways, attention is required for dealing with detailed roller
20 geometries and their influences on the subsurface stress/strain
distributions. Additionally, because of the relative bearing ring
0 rotations (tilt) in the case of slewing bearings, the ability to deal
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
with the misaligned roller contact is also necessary. The presented
Case depth - dc [% dr] parameterised numerical contact model allows the user to simul-
taneously consider all of these influences, when determining the
δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 % allowable static contact loading of a roller-slewing bearing's case-
(3D; α = 0 rad) (3D; α = 0 rad) hardened raceway.
As was observed when discussing the results of the case study,
δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr εpl,eq = 0.2 % there are noticeable differences between individual roller types in
(3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad) (3D; α = 1.6∙10-3 rad)
the sense of static limit contact load. However, one important
influencing parameter also turns out to be the relative case depth
ISO 76 δpl,ref = 10-4∙dr
( pH,max = 4000 MPa) (manufacturing parameter) and tilt angles (depending mainly on
the roller clearances and loading) of the roller. In order to
Kania, 2006 determine the actual importance of each of these influencing
(56 HRC) parameters in practice, extensive experimental testing must be
Fig. 14. Partially crowned roller (ZB): limit contact load (Qlim) as a function of case carried out. Thus, the presented numerical approach can serve as
depth (dc). an assistance in this.

static limit contact load by more than a factor of 2, when the
permanent indentation criterion is taken into account. The presented work is a result an operation financed by the
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roller is presented. Similarly, a clear positive influence of the Education, Science and Sport (Researchers at the Beginning of
increased case depth on the static limit contact load can be obs- Their Careers-2013-UM FS-739).
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