Spread Spectrum

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Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry

Our thanks to T3 Innovation for allowing us to reprint the following article.

By Ron Vogel, CEO, T3 Innovation
Electric Utility systems become more and more complex
every day as new features, technologies, and
capabilities are added. Smarter ways of generating and
distributing electricity, including Smart metering,
alternative energy sources, etc., raise the complexity
level and create a need for more information on what is
going on in real time. To meet these new needs, there
are new technologies that have been incubating and are
now ready to be brought to market.

However, these forms of TDR technology, some more

than 40 years old, are limited to unpowered dark
cables since the voltage/current conditions interfere with
the type of reference pulses these older testers utilize.
So, before discovery could be done correctly, the branch
circuit or entire net had to be taken off line to use the
very equipment that is supposed to find where the fault
may be. Customers are inconvenienced and costs
climb. SSTDR technology will change this in the most
fundamental way.

A New Technology brought to market

If something goes wrong in these sophisticated new
systems, the utility wants to know about it immediately
and figure out what to do about it to meet the goal of
reliable electric power for its customers. But what
happens when intermittent conditions pop up and trip
sensors? Crews respond, shut down power, and check
the circuits and equipment at the area of trouble.
However, they find nothing because the conditions that
caused the intermittent condition do not exist at the time
they are on-site.
What if you could look into the electrical conditions of
these cablesany size cable at any voltageWHILE
they are energized and carrying current, to see
intermittent shorts or Arc Faults occurring and be able to
instantly locate the exact position of these events? How
about if you could detect, locate, and time stamp the
event and characterize the problem all while the
electricity continues to flow? A new technology is
making its way to market, and the impact on how faults
are discovered and corrected will change tremendously
in the Utility field.
The new technology is an advanced form of Spread
Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry (SSTDR) and it
is being developed for commercialization by two
American companies now for worldwide applications in
the Electrical Utility market, as well as other electrically
oriented industries.
Traditional Time Domain Reflectometry technology has
long been used by electrical utilities to help them find
locations of cable failures, cable length information, and
problems on cables that are not visually apparent.

Spread Spectrum technology has been around for a long

time. It was first used during World War II for use in
secure communications from submarines. Qualcomm,
in the 90s, developed a version of this concept to help
cell phones connect with each other over noisy and
uncertain wireless environments full of loose frequency
signals that would degrade and block cell signals. The
reason someone in Hong Kong can dial a number here
in the U.S., and vise a versa, and reach the right person
and not any of the other seven billion people on earth is
mostly due to Spread Spectrum implementation. What
has successfully happened in the wireless world is about
to happen in the wired one.

Revolutionary TDR Capabilities

SSTDR technology promises to revolutionize the way a
utility will use TDRs to find and fix cable faults, both
underground as well as overhead. It will make it easier

1547 N. Trooper Road P. O. Box 1117 Worcester, PA 19490-1117 USA

Corporate Phone: 610-825-4990 Sales: 800-832-4866 or 610-941-2400
Fax: 800-854-8665 or 610-828-5623 Web: www.techni-tool.com

to see exactly what is happening and exactly where it is

happening on live energized circuits on all types of
equipment and over all conditions, at any voltage or
current level, transmission or distribution.
A traditional TDR cable fault finder uses a generated
pulse that is shot down a cable to seek out any
variances, such as opens and shorts that exist on the
cable. The reflected pulse is compared with the delay at
the speed of light which is translated into a distance
measurement to the event. Old style TDRs can only
work correctly when the cable they are shooting is
unpowered. This is because the lines voltage noise
interferes with the pulse, and therefore the reflection
gets lost in this noise.
Advanced SSTDR fixes this limitation by generating
pulses at a broad selection of frequencies that spread
out over the spectrum and skip through noise and signal
impediments on the cable while it is energized to find
exactly where the fault occurs, when it occurred, and
what its characteristics are. So, cable faults can be
found, pinpointed, and characterized without having to
take the circuit down and out of the system. In addition,
unlike older TDR technology, SSTDR can also do
dynamic testing which can monitor an energized cable
system while it is under load or stress and wait for a fault
to occur. This is extremely useful in instances of
intermittent Arc Fault conditions caused by wind, water
intrusion, or rogue voltage surges.
Finding buried cable faults will be easier and without
having to damage existing cable to discover the exact
location of the fault as is now done with some thumping
techniques. By generating selective pulses at specific
frequencies, locating pinholes in underground cable will
become easier, cost less and be less intrusive to the
overall system.
Finally, the sensitivity and flexibility of the technology
offers another interesting possibility. By using new
patented Capacitive Coupling techniques, utility
technicians will be able to clamp on to the insulation of
conductors without touching bare conductor or
disconnecting anything, and monitor the lines
continuously to detect, locate, and report intermittent
problems wirelessly.
Who is using the technology now?
Advanced SSTDR technology is now embedded in new
flightline test equipment for the U.S. Navy for use on
board aircraft carriers. Advanced SSTDR is a natural
addition for aerospace applications to find arc faults in
aircraft wiring that cannot now be detected in installed
wiring systems. It is being used by Halliburton to develop
safer monitoring systems for offshore drilling rigs. Volvo
is using it to develop 24/7 monitoring of the entire

electrical control systems on their new generation of

heavy duty trucks.
Schneider Electric has tested the technology on
energized lines up to 33 KV and it has performed
flawlessly. So, utility applications are being investigated
by this worldwide company and others who design and
produce equipment for power systems around the world.

What it means for Utility Systems

The detection, location, and characterization of
intermittent electrical faults on live energized conductors
can now be done easily, which will create safer electrical
networks everywhere in all industries and let service
organizations keep networks running smoothly. Smarter
street lighting systems that self report outages of both
strings of lights, or even individual lamp failures, can be
designed into existing equipment with embedded
modules which are called M.O.L.E.S (Monitoring Over
Live Electrical Systems). Smart Grids can become
smarter and more informative for the owners.
A new emerging technology such as SSTDR will make a
lasting and important contribution to the utility industry
both in the form of handheld and portable test equipment
as well as being embedded in electrical control systems
that will have it built in as an important safety feature for
each and every cable run.
Advances such as this will help the complexity of newer
Utility Smart Grid systems work better and be more
reliable. As they say, Knowledge is Power and SSTDR
technology will give more knowledge to electrical grid
owners on all levels of transmission and distribution,
making for safer and better systems.

1547 N. Trooper Road P. O. Box 1117 Worcester, PA 19490-1117 USA

Corporate Phone: 610-825-4990 Sales: 800-832-4866 or 610-941-2400
Fax: 800-854-8665 or 610-828-5623 Web: www.techni-tool.com

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