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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1S3, December 2019

Soft Computing Methods for Fault Detection in

Power Transmission Lines
Farhan Rahman, Masooma Aliraza Suleman

 thereby causing faults. The faults are further divided into open
Abstract: Communication is a major aspect of our day to day circuit fault and short circuit fault, so the analysis of these
life and for maintaining the transmission of the data; electric faults is quite essential. As in technology, it is requisite to
power transmission lines play a major role in acting as the have a system with the optimal efficiency and for that, every
medium for this transmission. The transmission lines can further
be differentiated as an overhead transmission line and transmission line should be faultless and should have a valid
underground transmission line. But the transmission is often fault recovery mechanism. For this, the system proposed in
hindered by the physical factors or generally known as faults. In the following paper helps a person to detect the fault and the
the past few years, the implementation of the underground cable location of the fault with the help of various fault detection
has seen an upsurge as these cables are not easily affected by the techniques. One of the most used methods is the detection of
physical factors as the overhead cables are, as a result, there have
been various methods adopted by the engineers for the analysis,
fault with the help of Ohm’s Law, but this is method is not
detection and control of these faulty lines. Depending on the automated and does not relate to real-time systems. Another
supply range of a particular nation different materials are used method showing the best approximation of the location of the
for the transmission lines. Different fault detection methods are fault and detection is implemented in this paper using our
used for the exact location of the fault and implementing that in a prototype of a transmission line with fault. Having to deal
digitized way is the optimum solution. Whenever there is a fault
with faults we also need to implement a method that does not
the entire transmission line is affected, to ensure that the safety of
the transmission line a governing system has been implied in our render the functioning of the rest of the transmission system.
proposed work. Locating a fault requires various detection For this to be effective, we need circuit breakers or miniature
methods, one such method is the time domain reflectometry circuit breakers to be installed in various sites for the safety of
(TDR) which we have inculcated in our analysis of fault lines. the entire system. This type of prototyping will ensure the
This technique incorporates the transmission of a pulse down the optimal processing of the power system from end to end-user.
cable, any change in the characteristics impedance will cause a
part of the incident pulse to reflect back, this knowledge is helpful
for locating discontinuities in a system. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
The author of [1] has bestowed the studies of finding the
Keywords: Fault detection, Short circuit fault, Time Domain failure location on a sample cable by exploitation the multiple
Reflectometry, Cascaded System.
pulse reflection technique and also the fault on the results of
the measurement. A generator with an amplitude of 12 V and
a pulse dimension from twenty ns to a pair of USA has been
designed as a multiple pulse reflection meter. The speed of
As we all come across various appliances in our day to reflection pulse is marked in the embedded system. The
day lives from using devices to using the street lights, the SOPC system detects the reflection pulse and measures the
power system is the reason behind this generation, time of N time’s reflection pulses, then decides the fault kind
transmission and distribution of the networks. The power and reckons the fault distance with the corrected speed of
system is embedded with substation which uses transformers pulse developed for the measurement of pulse reflection by
to maintain a certain voltage level to either increase or suggests that of pulse speed correction and is examined here.
decrease the voltage according to the need of the users. The In [4], the author at each the ends of the line, current
electricity generated by the power plant is transmitted with the differential relays are thought of so as to search out a more
help of power transmission lines to the end-users. The refined answer for fault location. The projected fault location
transmission is possible using transmission cables which are technique may be achieved by incorporating differential
of different types and characteristics. Two such examples are protecting relays with the fault locators. In this manner,
the coaxial cable and twisted ac cables. An ideal transmission differential relays communication infrastructure is used. So,
cable has a unique characteristic impedance which is altered extra communication links don't seem to be needed. What is
whenever there is an emergence of fault inside the cable. This more, differential relay utility is increased to an excellent
transmission is at times hindered by the physical factors extent. In order to detach the solely faulted line, it's crucial to
differentiate the faults zone precisely and indicate actual fault
Revised Manuscript Received on December 16, 2019. kind with the help of 1 finish information solely.
* Correspondence Author
Farhan Rahman*, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India . Email:
[email protected]
Masooma Aliraza Suleman, Computer Science Engineering, Vellore
Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. Email:
[email protected]

Retrieval Number: A10471291S319/2019@BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.A1047.1291S319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
246 & Sciences Publication
Soft computing Approaches For Fault Detection In Power Transmission Lines

The author of [5], Koley et al. (2011), has incontestable a IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF FAULT-DETECTION
technique for fault analysis in the six-phase transmission FRAMEWORK
system with the help of artificial neural networks. a In our proposed framework we implemented the TDR
completely unique approach for the double line to ground technique over a modified fault circuit prototype. Using a
faults in teed transmission lines exploitation neural networks cascaded system of different dimensions of ac cable so as to
was bestowed by Warlyani et al. (2011). During this create a joint fault other than the use of lumped elements
methodology, a double line to ground faults was known with
makes the system or the transmission line prototype
the assistance of the voltage and current signals at one finish
redundant with faults at the joints. According to real-time
of the teed circuit. In this paper, a technique for identifying
simulations, there should be a fault or a ripple at the joint
the location with fault appearance in the underground cable is
consisting of a fault. The use of three cables with different
dimensions creates a joint with a fault between two
This paper of [11] deals with fault detection for underground
cable victimization microcontroller. The aim of this project is non-degraded cables.
to work out the space of underground cable fault from the
base station in kilometers. This project uses the easy idea of
ohm’s law. Once any fault like contact happens, free-fall can
vary reckoning on the length of fault in cable, since the
present varies a group of resistors are so accustomed
represent the cable and a dc voltage is fed at one finish and
also the fault is detected by police work the amendment in
voltage employing an analog to voltage converter and a
microcontroller is employed to create the required
calculations in order that the fault distance is displayed on the
digital display.


DETECTION Fig. 1. Non - uniform AC cable for joint creation
In proposed we have used the TDR technique and the ohms
law detection method of fault detection over various types of The figure [1] shows a model of non-uniform joint created
fault starting from open circuit fault to short circuit fault with the help of different sections. In our model, we used
which can further be classified as line-line, line-ground, and three different sections of ac cables for the purpose of the
line-line-ground. The analysis and detection of fault are very joint generation. The introduction of a joint creates a fault in
essential for maintaining the efficiency of the power system. the transmission cable system. The implementation of the
Carrying out our detection technique will provide us with above-proposed work is carried out in Simulink, with the
methods to analyze the efficiency of various types of
help of various appropriate parameter selection for the ac
transmission cables used in electrical transmission starting
from coaxial cables to twisted cables or cross-linked ac cable, which is shown in figure [2].
cables. The comparisons are made keeping in mind the
characteristics impedance values and the change in the
impedance value whenever there is a change in the cable due
to a fault. To create a fault we have implemented a π-network
of lumped elements at the joints and ensured that the
frequency of the system, f = ω/2π ≤ 1 kHz, thereby following
the general standards of the power systems. The capacitance,
resistance, impedance and characteristics impedance value
can be referred from Table 1, depending on the available
characteristics values fault analysis is carried out by the TDR
method and the efficiency of each cable is tabulated. Further,
a study between faultless lines is carried out for a better
understanding of the anomalies caused by the degradation of
the transmission lines. To prevent even worse damage to the
power system connected to the faulty line a monitoring system
is implemented using an MCB. Fig. 2. Simulation of MATLAB/Simulink of a degraded

Retrieval Number: A10471291S319/2019@BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.A1047.1291S319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
247 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1S3, December 2019

Another method implemented in this proposed work is the

analysis of various types of faults, mainly short circuit which The simulated circuits are the equivalent interconnected
involves line-line to a fault, line-line-ground fault and circuits for the figures shown below. The interconnected
line-ground fault using Simulink. The analysis for this method circuits are a result of various faults been integrated into a
is carried out in LT Spice using appropriate circuits shown in normal prototype and applying the necessary conditions.
figures [3, 4 &5] below. The circuits are modeled after Faults in 3Ø Circuits:
standard equivalent faults and for fault detection, we have
used ohm’s law. The results are then compared to the
theoretical calculations in the conclusion section. The
simulated circuits are the equivalent interconnected circuits
for the figures shown below. The interconnected circuits are a
result of various faults been integrated into a normal
prototype and applying the necessary conditions.

Fig. 6. Single line to ground fault

Fig. 3. The interconnected equivalent circuit for Single

Line-to-Ground Fault

Fig. 7. The line to line fault

Fig. 4. Interconnection of sequence networks for L-L fault

Fig. 8. Line –line-ground fault

Fig. 5. Interconnection of sequence networks for L-L-G fault

Retrieval Number: A10471291S319/2019@BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.A1047.1291S319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
248 & Sciences Publication
Soft computing Approaches For Fault Detection In Power Transmission Lines

V. CONDITIONS APPLIED AND FORMULAS USED: applications and can be measured using the ohm’s law and by
Single Line-to-Ground Fault: comparing the obtained results with the prevailing one, this is
For this fault, we have used the standard formulas present in supported by the table [2].
the work by the author of [11], which provides us with the
Table 1: Theoretical and Simulated values of Fault currents
theoretical calculation of a line to ground fault which is
Theoretical Simulated
further matched with the simulated results. For this
Type of fault value of value of
calculation, we have used the formulas for current and voltage
current(mA) current(mA)
across different terminals.

Line-line fault 333 330.4

Line-to-Line Fault:
Line –ground fault 166.6 165.5
The conditions and formulas implemented for this fault is as
Line-line-ground 454.5 451.5

Line-line-ground fault:


The Simulink implementation of the proposed work of the
faulty transmission cable of figure [2] is shown by the figure
[9], with the slight ripple showing a discontinuity in the cable
wherever the fault is created. This type of fault is generated by
placing a cascaded system of non-uniform cables at the joint Fig. 10. Line-Line fault
between two non degraded cables of 200m in length. The
result is consistent as it is expected to show a certain delay
whenever the cable is degraded by a certain kind of fault. The
non-uniform joint in figure [2] is created by using three cables
of a different dimension of length measuring 50 m, 70m and
80 m respectively. As it is known from prevailing studies that
a degraded cable tends to have a certain time delay the below
result in figure [9] is supportive of the claim.

Fig. 11. Line-Line-Ground fault

Fig. 9. Simulink display for a transmission line with the fault

The figures below are the results from the simulation carried
in LT Spice of different faults detected by the Ohm’s law
method. The tabulated form of the same is shown in the table
[2] with both the theoretical and simulated values of current
Fig. 12. The line to the Ground fault
obtained by the equations and conditions mentioned above.
The results are consistent with the practical values as well.
These types of fault are standard in-home appliance

Retrieval Number: A10471291S319/2019@BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.A1047.1291S319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
249 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1S3, December 2019

VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 12. David L. McKinnon, “Insulation Resistance Profile (IRP) and Its Use
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As it is evident from the above table [2], Ohm’s law technique Electrical Insulation (ISEI), San Diego, June 2010, pp. 1-4.
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power system so it better to use TDR method for detection of Aug 2002
fault, as the TDR method is more realistic as it is automated
and predicts the location of the fault for the proposed AUTHORS PROFILE
prototype. In day to day life, the fault is created by bad
weather conditions or physical factors, thereby fault detection Farhan Rahman, currently pursuing Electronics and
is essential for this the method has to be efficient and a natural Communication Engineering from VIT Chennai.
Research interest field consists of Internet of things,
technology. The results from figure [9] verify the Digital Signal Processing .
MATLAB/Simulink simulation of joint configured by the use
of cascaded power cables. The two non-degraded cables are
connected with the help of non-uniform cables of different
dimensions. The faulty cabled is recognized with the help of Masooma Aliraza Suleman, currently pursuing
the discontinuity in the reflection of the signal caused by the Computer Science Engineering from VIT Chennai.
fault in the joint, this can be interpreted as a delay in the pulse Research interest filed consists of Internet of Things,
signal. Therefore the proposed work can be implemented for Networking .
further analysis of fault detection techniques. It can be finally
inferred that for the natural implementation of fault detection
TDR method is practically more accepted because of the
inbuilt and automated detection of a fault. The method of
using theoretical values is often flawed and non-dynamic.

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Retrieval Number: A10471291S319/2019@BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijeat.A1047.1291S319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
250 & Sciences Publication

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