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The document discusses the feasibility of using immobilized yeast in a continuous main fermentation process for beer production.

The document examines using immobilized yeast in a continuous fermentation process for the main fermentation stage of beer production.

Previous experiments with continuous fermentation in the 1950s-1970s were eventually closed down, likely due to instability and contamination issues.


Storgrds, Erna. Process hygiene control in beer production and dispensing. 2000. 105 p. +
app. 66 p.


Kivist-Rahnasto, Jouni. Machine safety design. An approach fulfilling European safety requirements. 2000. 99 p. + app. 9 p.


Tuulari, Esa. Context aware hand-held devices. 2000. 81 p.


Valmari, Tuomas. Potassium behaviour during combustion of wood incirculating fluidised bedpower plants. 2000. 88 p. + app. 75 p.


Mkel, Kari. Development of techniques for electrochemical studies in power plant environments. 2000. 46 p. + app. 128 p.


Mkrinen, Minna. Software change management processes in the development of embedded

software. 2000. 185 p. + app. 56 p.


Hytylinen, Raimo. Development mechanisms of strategic enterprise networks. Learning and

innovation in networks. 2000. 142 p.


Seppnen, Veikko. Competence change in contract R&D. Analysis of project nets. 2000.
226 p. + app. 29 p.


Vaari, Jukka & Hietaniemi, Jukka. Smoke ventilation in operational fire fighting. Part 2. Multistorey buildings. 2000. 45 p. + app. 18 p.


Forsn, Holger & Tarvainen, Veikko. Accuracy and functionality of hand held wood moisture
content meters. 2000. 79 p. + app. 17 p.


Mikkanen, Pirita. Fly ash particle formation in kraft recovery boilers. 2000. 69 p. + app. 116 p.


Pyy, Pekka. Human reliability analysis methods for probabilistic safety assessment. 2000. 63 p.
+ app. 64 p.


Saloniemi, Heini. Electrodeposition of PbS, PbSe and PbTe thin films. 2000. 82 p. + app. 53 p.


Alanen, Raili. Analysis of electrical energy consumption and neural network estimation and forecasting of loads in a paper mill. 2000. 119 p. + app. 17 p.


Hepola, Jouko. Sulfur transformations in catalytic hot-gas cleaning of gasification gas. 2000.
54 p. + app. 80 p.


Jrvinen, Janne. Measurement based continuous assessment of software engineering processes.

2000. 97 p. + app. 91 p.


Dobrica, Liliana & Niemel, Eila. A strategy for analysing product line software architectures.
2000. 124 p.


Safety management systems Audit tools and reliability of auditing. 2000. 175 p. + app. 48 p.


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Kari, Vasara, Petri, Lobbas, Pia & Lillandt, Katja. Implementation of IPPC-directive. Development of a new generation methodology and a case study in pulp industry. 2000. 81 p.


Virkajrvi, Ilkka. Feasibility of continuous main fermentation of beer using immobilized yeast.
2001. 87 p. + app. 50 p.

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ISBN 9513858405 (soft back ed.)

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Ilkka Virkajrvi

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Feasibility of continuous main fermentation of beer using immobilized yeast






Ilkka Virkajrvi

Feasibility of continuous main

fermentation of beer using
immobilized yeast



ESPOO 2001


Feasibility of continuous main

fermentation of beer using
immobilized yeast
Ilkka Virkajrvi
VTT Biotechnology
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology to be presented with due permission for
public examination and debate in Auditorium KE 2 at Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo,
Finland) on the 9th of March, 2001, at 12 o'clock noon.


ESPOO 2001

ISBN 9513858405 (soft back ed.)

ISSN 12350621 (soft back ed.)
ISBN 9513858413 (URL:
ISSN 14550849 (URL:
Copyright Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT) 2001


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Cover picture: SEM micrograph by Paula Raivio, VTT Building and Transport

Technical editing Leena Ukskoski

Text preparing Arja Grahn

Otamedia Oy, Espoo 2001

Virkajrvi, Ilkka. Feasibility of continuous main fermentation of beer using immobilized yeast.
Espoo 2001. Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Publications 430. 87 p. + app. 50 p.

beverages, beer, brewing, primary fermentation, immobilized yeasts, carriers,

stability, flavours, microbes, contamination

Fermentation is the most time consuming step in the production of beer and
therefore the effective use of fermentation vessels is a crucial element in
brewing economy. One means of increasing the productivity of a batch process
is to convert it to a continuous one. Experiments in continuous fermentation
emerged during the 1950s and 1960s, but by the end of 1970s most of them had
been closed down. Immobilization technique revitalised continuous fermentation
research in the 1980s and led to industrial applications in the secondary
fermentation and in the production of low-alcohol beers.
This work demonstrated that an immobilized, continuous main fermentation is a
feasible process for production of lager beer. The immobilized main fermentation was stable for more than 14 months both in fermentation efficiency
and in aroma compound formation. The formation of aroma compounds could
be controlled by varying the composition and amount of gas feed into the first
fermentation stage. The division of immobilized main fermentation into an
aerobic and an anaerobic stage appeared to solve problems related to yeast
growth and viability.
The carrier material affected the formation of flavour compounds in small-scale
fermentations. Moreover the effect varied with the yeast strain used. The carrier
affected the economy of immobilized fermentation: the carrier cost could be as
high as one third of the investment. When a cheap carrier is used the investment
cost for a continuous, immobilized process was estimated to be only about 70%
of the investment cost of a batch process.

This work was carried out at VTT Biotechnology during the years 19952000.
The work formed a part of a wider project of the Finnish malting and brewing
industry aiming at continuous production of beer using immobilized yeast.
Financial support was provided by the Finnish malting and brewing industry and
Tekes, the National Technology Agency, which is gratefully acknowledged.
I am very grateful to Prof. Matti Linko, the former Laboratory Director, for his
encouragement to write papers and this thesis. I also thank the present Research
Director, Prof. Juha Ahvenainen, for providing excellent working facilities and
the possibility to finalise this work. Prof. Katrina Nordstrm provided many
valuable comments during the writing phase. Prof. Timo Korpela and Doc.
Pekka Reinikainen I thank for the critical reading of the manuscript.
My special thanks go to my co-authors. Jukka Kronlf, PhD and Esko Pajunen,
MSc provided valuable viewpoints from practical brewing. Nana Lahtinen, MSc
(ne Pohjala), Katri Lindborg, MSc and Terhi Vauhkonen, MSc I thank for their
pleasant co-operation, keen attitude and interesting discussions. Erna Storgrds,
PhD I thank for continuously reminding that there exist more microorganisms
than brewer's yeast even in a brewery. To Silja Home, Dr. Sci. (Tech.) go my
special thanks for her encouragement, continuous pressure to improve my
writing and valuable discussions.
This work would not have been possible without the pleasant and occasionally
humorous environment generated by all my colleagues at VTT Biotechnology,
especially those of the former Brewery group. Hannele Virtanen MSc, Airi
Hyrks, Marita Ikonen, Kari Lepist, Arvi Vilpola and especially Eero Mattila
have all helped throughout the years.
Lastly, I express my warmest thanks to Seija, Jussi and Juuso for letting me pile
papers at home and for understanding my occasional absent-mindedness.

List of the original publications

This thesis is based on the following original publications, which are referred to
in the text by their Roman numerals:

Virkajrvi, I. and Linko, M. 1999. Immobilization: A revolution in

traditional brewing. Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 86, pp. 112122.


Virkajrvi, I. and Kronlf, J. 1998. Long-term stability of immobilized

yeast columns in primary fermentation. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem., Vol.
56, No. 2, pp. 7075.


Virkajrvi, I., Lindborg, K., Kronlf, J. and Pajunen, E. 1999. Effects of

aeration on flavour compounds in immobilized primary fermentation.
Monatsschrift fr Brauwissenschaft, Vol. 52, No. 1/2, pp. 912, 2528.


Virkajrvi, I. 1999. Profiting from immobilized fermentation. Proc. 5th

Aviemore Conf. Malting, Brewing and Distilling, Aviemore, 2528 May
1998. London: Institute of Brewing. Pp. 290293.

Virkajrvi, I. and Pohjala, N. 2000. Primary fermentation with immobilized yeast: some effects of carrier materials on the flavour of the
beer. J. Inst. Brew., Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 311318.


Virkajrvi, I., Vauhkonen, T. and Storgrds, E. 2000. Control of microbial

contamination in continuous primary fermentation by immobilized yeast.
J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. Accepted for publication.

Some additional unpublished data are also presented.

Abstract................................................................................................................. 3
Preface .................................................................................................................. 5
List of the original publications ............................................................................ 6
Abbreviations and terms ....................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction................................................................................................... 11
2. Beer fermentation and the brewing industry................................................. 12
2.1 Beer fermentation ................................................................................ 12
2.2 Beer flavour ......................................................................................... 13
2.3 Brewing industry ................................................................................. 14
2.4 Productivity of beer fermentation........................................................ 16
3. Continuous beer fermentation....................................................................... 18
3.1 Continuous, non-immobilized processes............................................. 18
3.1.1 Early attempts ......................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Large scale attempts................................................................ 20
3.1.3 Reasons for failure of continuous, non-immobilized
fermentations........................................................................... 24
3.2 Continuous, immobilized processes .................................................... 28
3.2.1 The Bio-Brew Bioreactor........................................................ 31
3.2.2 The continuous main fermentation system developed by Baker
and Kirsop ............................................................................... 33
3.2.3 Alginate as carrier for brewing................................................ 34
3.2.4 Use of immobilized yeast in batch fermentation..................... 34
3.2.5 Process development at Kirin Brewery Company Ltd., Japan 35
3.2.6 Process development at Labatt Breweries of Canada ............. 37
3.2.7 Process development at Meura Delta, Belgium ...................... 38
3.2.8 Process development at Sapporo Breweries Ltd., Japan ......... 40
3.2.9 Semi-industrial main fermentation at Hartwall Plc, Finland... 40
3.2.10 Some other relevant experiments in immobilized main
fermentation ............................................................................ 41
3.2.11 Flavour and economy.............................................................. 43

4. The aim of this study .................................................................................... 46

5. Materials and methods .................................................................................. 47
5.1 The state of the art in 1998 (I) ............................................................. 47
5.2 Microbial and flavour stability (II) ...................................................... 47
5.3 Control of flavour (III and V).............................................................. 48
5.4 Effects of a contaminating bacterium (VI) .......................................... 48
5.5 Economics (IV) ................................................................................... 49
6. Results .......................................................................................................... 50
6.1 Long term stability (II) ........................................................................ 50
6.1.1 The apparent degree of attenuation ......................................... 50
6.1.2 Asepticity ................................................................................ 51
6.2 Flavour stability (II) ............................................................................ 51
6.3 Control of flavour (III) ........................................................................ 55
6.4 The effects of carrier material on the flavour of beer (V)........................ 57
6.5 Contamination (VI) ............................................................................. 59
6.6 Economics (IV) ................................................................................... 61
7. Discussion..................................................................................................... 64
7.1 Long term stability .............................................................................. 64
7.2 Control of flavour ................................................................................ 65
7.3 The effect of carrier material on flavour ............................................. 66
7.4 Contamination ..................................................................................... 67
7.5 Economics ........................................................................................... 68
7.6 Compendium ....................................................................................... 69
8. Summary and conclusions ............................................................................ 71
References........................................................................................................... 73
Publications IVI

Appendices of this publication are not included in the PDF version.

Please order the printed version to get the complete publication

Abbreviations and terms


continuously stirred tank reactor


diamino diethyl


dimethyl sulphide


free amino nitrogen


granulated diamino diethyl modified cellulose carrier material

(Spezyme GDC 220)


high fructose corn syrup


hectolitre, a usual measure of volume within the brewing industry,

equals 100 litres


packed bed reactor


vicinal diketones

degrees of Plato (weight per cent of solids in wort)

Apparent degree of fermentation

100* (original gravity present gravity)/original gravity %, measures
the extent of fermentation
Attenuation limit
the maximum attainable degree of fermentation, a property of wort
(and of the yeast strain used)

Green beer
beer after primary fermentation, which usually has high concentrations
of vicinal diketones, also called young beer
Main fermentation
the first fermentation step in the production of lager beer, also called
primary fermentation; most of the flavour compounds are formed in
main fermentation
Primary fermentation
main fermentation
Secondary fermentation
the second fermentation step in the production of lager beer, also called
lagering and maturation; the main purpose is to remove buttery
off-flavour and its precursors to an acceptable level
Vicinal diketones
diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione, which are responsible for buttery
off-flavour. This flavour may be essential in some ales, as it is in some
red vines.


1. Introduction
Brewing has changed from home brewing into very large-scale manufacturing.
Most beer is brewed by large companies, but on the other hand, the number of
small or very small breweries has increased in recent years. The competitive
factor for these small breweries is not price, but beers that differ from
mainstream beers. In recent years the tendency for globalisation has been
evident, with brewing companies acquiring breweries all over the beer drinking
world. This will make the market very competitive. Beer is a consumer product
for which the image is very important. Another important factor in consumer
products is the price. Only with a very efficient production and distribution chain
can the brewery make this factor work its advantage. However, every step taken
in cost reduction must preserve the flavour of the product.
Christensen (1997) showed that sometimes the market-leading, profitable and
well-managed companies fail to see and react to a change that will eventually
lead to loss of market dominance. Typically this change originally has a lower
performance than existing technologies, but its faster rate of improvement
rapidly changes the situation. Products of new technologies have features that
customers value: cheaper, simpler, smaller and more convenient to use.
Christensen (1997) called this event disruptive technological change. Examples
in his book include companies in hard disk manufacturing, steel making, and
excavator manufacturing, and thus the idea of disruptive technological change
appears to be rather universal and may be extendable to the brewing industry.
Process biotechnology has advanced enormously by science-oriented and
innovative brewmasters. They have published a great number of papers and
patents and established even large-scale continuous fermentation units.
However, by the late 1970s almost all of the continuous fermentation units had
disappeared, leaving a bitter aftertaste of disappointment.
The present study deals with the challenges of continuous processes for brewing.
It attacks the problems encountered in continuous main fermentation of beer and
uses immobilization technology to solve these problems.


2. Beer fermentation and the brewing

2.1 Beer fermentation
All beers in the early days of brewing were produced using top fermenting yeast
strains, but today lager beers, which are produced with bottom fermenting yeast
developed only about 150 years ago dominate throughout the world. Below
is a very short description of the brewing process for lager beer.
The first step of brewing is mashing in which malt is milled or ground and
mixed with water. The enzymes of malt hydrolyse biopolymers: starch to mono-,
di-, trisacchrides and dextrins, glucans to oligosaccharides, proteins to amino
acids and peptides (Hough et al. 1971). A brewmaster uses a temperature profile
to control the extent of these hydrolyses. Mashing takes about two hours. After
mashing the insoluble fraction of malt, spent grains, is removed in either a lauter
tun or a mash filter. Lautering normally lasts about 34 hours, although new
designs of lauter tuns and mash filters have shortened the process to about 2
The next step is cooking, in which the wort is boiled for 12 hours. During the
boiling, hops or hop products are added into the wort. Boiling ensures the
asepticity needed, precipitates protein-polyphenol complexes, solubilises and
isomerises hop components, removes certain off-flavours and brings the wort to
desired gravity (Hough et al. 1971). Enzymes are inactivated during the boiling.
The precipitated material is removed usually by a whirlpool (a wort cyclone),
which again takes about one hour. Then the wort is cooled to fermentation
temperature, aerated and pitched, usually in the transfer line to the fermenter
(Hough et al. 1971). One fermenter may receive one or more batches of wort.
Which of these batches are pitched and aerated are particular practices of a
brewery. This is a description of all malt brewing, but other sources of
fermentable sugars can be used: unmalted barley or cereal starch, which are
added into the mash tun, or sugars and syrups, which are added into the wort
kettle. The addition of hydrolytic enzymes in mashing may become necessary
with the use of unmalted barley or starch.


The lager beer fermentation is divided into two phases: the main fermentation
and the secondary fermentation. The main fermentation lasts from 6 to 10 days
and temperatures used are between 7 and 15oC. Temperature profiles may also
be used. During the main fermentation most of the flavour compounds are
formed. At the end of the main fermentation the beer is cooled down to about
4oC and most of the yeast is separated from the beer. The secondary
fermentation can be performed in the same vessel as the main fermentation or
the beer can be transferred into a second vessel. The main objective of the
secondary fermentation is to remove diacetyl, which causes an off-flavour in
lager beer. The secondary fermentation normally lasts between one and two
weeks, but even six-week times have been reported by brewing companies. The
latter time was common before the lagering temperature was increased from 0oC
to 1015oC (Linko and Enari 1967).
Finally, the beer is stabilised by cooling it down to 0oC or even lower and by
maintaing this temperature for up to 3 days. Different stabilising agents (i.e.,
silica gels, polyvinylpolypyrrolines, tannins) may be used. Yeast and proteinpolyphenol complexes precipitate and these are then filtered off. Carbonating
and packaging ends the production.

2.2 Beer flavour

Beer is a complex aqueous solution containing CO2, ethyl alcohol, several
inorganic salts and about 800 organic compounds (Hardwick 1995a). The
flavour of beer must be preserved despite changes in the process. The flavour of
beer is determined by the raw materials used, by the process and by the yeast.
The compounds produced by yeast during the fermentation exert the greatest
impact on the palate and on smell. Alcohols, esters, organic acids, carbonyl
compounds and sulphur-containing compounds are the most important flavour
compounds formed by yeast.
Ethyl alcohol has the highest concentration of alcohols in beer and it has an
impact on the flavour of beer. Of the higher alcohols 3-methyl butanol (isoamyl
alcohol) and 2-methyl butanol (amyl alcohol) also have an impact on the flavour.
Other higher alcohols affect the flavour of beer through their cumulative effect
as they seldom exist in concentrations exceeding their individual taste thresholds


(Meilgaard and Peppard 1986). Alcohols have taste thresholds approximately 10

times higher than esters and approximately 1000 times higher than carbonyl
compounds, so despite their high concentration their impact on flavour is not the
most important.
Esters are important flavour compounds in beer. Ethyl acetate, 3-methyl butyl
acetate (isoamyl acetate), ethyl hexanoate (ethyl caproate), ethyl octanoate (ethyl
caprylate) and 2-phenyl acetate are the major esters found in beer (Dufour and
Malcorps 1994). According to Dufour and Malcorps (1994) 3-methyl butyl
acetate was above its taste threshold in 90% of the European lagers tested,
whereas ethyl acetate exceeded its taste threshold in less than 50% of the beers
Beer is slightly acidic. Carbonic acid and organic acids are responsible for a
positive taste effect, mild tartness, in beer (Hardwick 1995a). The organic acids
are all essentially by-products excreted by yeast. Acetic, capric, caproic and
caprylic acids are among the most flavour-active acids in beer.
Of the carbonyl compounds, acetaldehyde and diacetyl are the most important.
Acetaldehyde may exceed its taste threshold during the active phase of
fermentation, but normally in the later phase of fermentation it is reduced to
ethanol (Angelino 1991). Diacetyl is the key flavour compound in secondary
fermentation. The buttery off-flavour in beer caused by diacetyl is removed
during the secondary fermentation.
Sulphur-containing compounds come mainly from malt, but hops may also have
sulphur residues (Hardwick 1995a). The yeast-derived sulphur-containing
compounds include hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide. Normally these are
removed from the beer during the fermentation, but in some cases this may not
occur (poor yeast condition or slow fermentation) and off-flavour of rotten egg
or burnt match may be detected (Angelino 1991).

2.3 Brewing industry

In the early days of brewing each household probably made it's own beer, but
soon some started to produce more than their own consumption and thus selling


to others started. An important turning point in brewing was the appearance of

cooling equipment, because only this invention made it possible to produce lager
beer all year around. Louis Pasteur elucidated the importance of yeast to the
fermentation process in the mid-1800s. The use of pure cultures in brewing
started with Emil Hansen in the 1880s.
Since the Second World War the brewing industry has followed the same pattern
as in other branches of process industry: larger production units and fewer
companies. Table 1 below shows the development of brewing companies,
number of production units and total annual production of beer in the U.S.A.
between 1936 and 1989 (data from Hardwick 1995b). It can be seen that the
average annual production from one production unit has increased over 50-fold
in 53 years.
Table 1. Developments in the brewing industry in the U.S.A. between 1936 and
1989. The original data (Hardwick 1995b) have been converted to litres (31
gallon barrel = 177 litres).


Number of

Number of

Million litres




5 300
10 300
10 400
13 700
18 500
22 800
23 200


The same tendency towards larger units/companies is valid today all over the
world. In the UK, consolidation has been very strong and already in 1991 six
companies produced 75% of the total amount of beer (Boulton 1991). Since then
consolidation has continued in the U.K., elsewhere in Europe and in South
America (Anon. 1999, Anon 2000a, Anon. 2000b, Anon. 2000c). Changes have
also taken place in the Nordic countries. But brewing is and will be from now on


an international industry. This will increase pressure to reduce the production


2.4 Productivity of beer fermentation

Traditional batch fermentation starts with filling a fermentation vessel with
aerated, pitched wort. At the end of fermentation the vessel is cooled down,
emptied, washed and sanitised. These operations, without the fermentation phase
take 1 to 2 days. This down time diminishes the productivity of the fermentation
vessel. A typical operation cycle for the main fermentation might be 1 day
filling, 79 days fermentation and 1 day of emptying and washing. A graph of
ethanol formation during beer fermentation is presented in Figure 1. From this it
can be seen that the productivity when defined as ethanol formation rate per
volume (g h1 dm3) is low at the beginning, increases rapidly, reaches a
maximum and then rapidly decreases again. The average productivity of the
fermentation cycle is about 30% of the maximum productivity.






Emptying & Cleaning

Figure 1. The productivity of batch fermentation.


The fermentation efficiency can be increased for example by high gravity

brewing, by increasing fermenter size (Boulton 1991), by increasing
fermentation temperature (Linko and Enari 1967) and by one step cleaning-inplace procedures (Dirksen 1998).


3. Continuous beer fermentation

One way to increase the productivity of beer fermentation is continuous
operation. In continuous operation the productivity of a fermentation vessel (or
rather, of a reactor) remains constant over time. In the optimal case the
productivity is the maximum of the batch fermentation when measured as the
mass of ethanol produced per reactor volume per unit time. The productivity of
the vessel is further enhanced because the down time is minimised.
Below is a review of continuous fermentation processes. The first part (3.1)
covers processes prior to the emerging of immobilization technology. The
second part (3.2) deals with immobilized processes. The aim of the present
review is to identify the advantages of continuous fermentation and the reasons
for not adopting or closing down the continuous fermentation processes.

3.1 Continuous, non-immobilized processes

The level of enthusiasm for continuous fermentation can be read from Ricketts
(1971), which was written when the first commercial continuous processes had
been in operation for some years. According to Ricketts (1971) stirred
continuous fermentation offers the following advantages
approximately 25% lower hop rate
reduced labour costs
lesser beer losses
elimination of duty-paid beer in the pitching yeast in collected wort
collection of all CO2 in 100% pure condition
reduced building and vessel costs by virtue of shorter fermentation

Very similar advantages of continuous fermentation were reported by Steward
(1974) and Smith (1991). Additional costs of stirred continuous fermentation
included electrical stirring and cooling costs (Ricketts 1971). A 30% reduction
in hop rates, reduction of beer losses from 1.5% to 0.7% and marginal savings in
labour and detergent cleaning in the production of ale were reported (Seddon


1976). The fermentation time was reduced from three days to 4 hours and warm
conditioning from three days to zero (Seddon 1976).
The economic advantages of continuous systems were claimed to be such that it
is "inevitable that the future of the British fermentation systems lies in vertical
conical-bottom vessels and continuous processes" (Ricketts 1971). Two major
factors influencing the decision of New Zealand Breweries Limited to employ a
continuous fermentation system in early the 1950s were the restrictive
Government-imposed building regulations and excise paid by pitched wort (so
the brewing company paid taxes on the amount of beer in processing) (Davies
1988). Other factors included higher vessel utilisation and lower costs.
Fortuitous coincidences occurred: the need for brewery expansion at the moment
when the new technology was there and the ability to fabricate steel (Kennedy
In the following section early attempts at continuous non-immobilized
fermentation will be described. The next section will describe a number of larger
scale experiments, through which the advantages and disadvantages of
continuous non-immobilized fermentation are elucidated.

3.1.1 Early attempts

Delbrck (1892) used a very high concentration of yeast within a porous pot.
Wort flowed and diffused through this pot and was fermented in 4 hours at 30oC.
A continuous fermentation process was patented in France 1899 (Barbet) and in
England 1905 (Barbet). A semi-continuous system, consisting of six closed
fermentation tanks was suggested in 1906 (Schalk). In operation the first was
filled with wort and inoculated, then it was allowed to ferment between 18 and
48 hours. After this period, half of the contents were transferred to a second tank
in the series and both were filled up with fresh wort. The division of the contents
of the lastly filled tank was continued until all the tanks were filled. At this time
the first tank was emptied and cleaned. Contaminations limited the use of this
process to one week, although in theory it could be run indefinitely. The Schalk
process was improved to a more continuous one (Wellhoener 1954). This
process used six tanks interconnected with pipes, of which the first three were
held at 10oC and the last three at 0oC. Fresh wort was added daily into the first


vessel and corresponding amount of beer was removed from the last vessel. The
residence time was 18 days in the first three vessels and 9 days in the last three
vessels. The beer was reported to be of normal quality. The amount of yeast in
the system was doubled in 28 days and the yeast had become rather granular
after 28 days of operation (Hlavacek et al. 1959). The experiments above were
not fully continuous and did not succeed. Because of their short operative life
they did not offer any advantages over batch processes.
A fully continuous stirred system was patented in 1906 (van Rijn). The process
had six vessels in series, such that each subsequent vessel was situated lower
than the previous one. Wort flowed into the first vessel and fermenting wort
overflowed into the following vessel. van Rijn must be credited for two reasons.
Firstly, the stirrer was equipped with rubber strips to remove precipitates and
dead cells from the walls and base of the vessel. Secondly, temperature control
was achieved by circulating water through hollow shafts of the stirrers.

3.1.2 Large scale attempts

The Watney Process is a large-scale fermentation process, which was installed in
several British breweries in capacities ranging from 8.2 to 34.3 million litres per
year (Hough and Button 1972). But according to Maule (1986) the Watney
system has been installed by 1970 in four breweries with a maximum capacity of
1700 million litres per year. The beers produced over many years were identical
in flavour to batch produced beers. Bishop (1970b) stated that Watney Mann
Ltd. produced two of the company's major brands by batch and by continuous
fermentation and sent them out unblended, and to "the best of their knowledge
the public has never commented on any differences". One of these installations
operated at the Mortlake brewery between 1960 and 1975 and the continuously
fermented beer was used interchangeably with batch beer (Whitear 1991). The
process is illustrated in Figure 2.



CO2 outlet

Beer out
Coolant in


1st fermentation

2nd fermentation

Yeast outlet

Figure 2. The Watney process.

The Watney process the output could be varied tenfold by controlling
temperatures and flow rates (Bishop 1970a). A rather similar system to the
above in 3-litre scale was used for continuous fermentation in two days,
producing a beer that was comparable to conventional lager beer (Okabe et al.
The Tower Fermenter (Royston 1960) also known as A.P.V. Tower, is a
continuous fermentation process which has been used in commercial scale in
Britain, in the Netherlands and in Spain. In Spain, lager beer was produced from
1966 onwards and in Britain pale ales were produced. In both cases the quality
of beer was satisfactory. The longest reported runs were 18 months (Shore
The first A.P.V. Tower fermenter (see Figure 3) in commercial use (by Bass at
the Burton brewery) was 1.06 m in diameter and had a beer depth of 7.6 m with
an output of 10 million litres per year. The second Tower fermenter at Bass was
larger, 1.83 m in diameter with 70 million litres per year output (Seddon 1976).
In Spain at La Cervecera del Norte brewery the whole process (wort production
and fermentation) was continuous (Anon. 1967). The brewery went into


production in May 1966 and had a designed output capacity of 36 million litres
per year. It had five A.P.V. Tower fermenters followed by four conditioning
vessels, two yeast settling vessels and beer cellar facilities. The investment costs
are reported to have been 60% of those of a comparable batch brewery, the
extract losses were decreased by 50%, fuel and power costs were said to be 50%
of those of the batch brewery and an additional financial advantage came from
billing practice (Anon. 1967).




Final beer


Figure 3. The A.P.V. Tower fermenter.

The start-up of A.P.V. Tower began with laboratory-grown yeast under mild
aeration and slow addition of wort until the vessel was full. Slow continuous
addition of wort was continued until after about one week the full rate was
achieved, giving a residence time of 48 h.
The system was closed, i.e. virtually no yeast flowed out from the system, which
lead to a higher nitrogen content of the outflowing beer Steward (1974). A beer
with a normal nitrogen content could be produced by promoting yeast growth by
aeration (Ault et al. 1969). Flavour matching was possible in lager beer


production (den Blanken 1974). The A.P.V. Tower fermenter could also be
slowed down or even shut down for up to four days (Seddon 1976).
Morton Coutts of Dominion Breweries of New Zealand patented a continuous
fermentation system (Dominion Breweries Ltd. 1956). The following description
of the Coutts' process at Dominion Breweries Ltd. is taken from Dunbar et al.
(1988). The process consists of three continuously stirred tank reactors
(Figure 4) in cascade and employs a flocculent lager yeast strain. A beer with ca
5.5 % alcohol (1.054 original gravity) was produced with a 45 h residence time.
After boiling, the wort is rapidly cooled to 0oC and trub is removed by
sedimentation. Dilution to fermentation gravity is carried out on line to the
fermentation systems. The Hold Up Vessel (HUV) offers some form of
microbial control providing an environment of low pH (< 4.5) and an alcohol
content of >2.0% w/v. The HUV comprises approximately 6% of the total
volume of the system. The flow into HUV consists of wort and recycled flow
from the second vessel (CF1) in the ratio of 1:1. Additionally, yeast is recycled
from the yeast separator (YS) to achieve control of the fermentation rate through
the amount of yeast in suspension. The HUV is continuously aerated. This
aeration is very important for control of growth and ester formation.
Fermentation vessels CF1 and CF2 comprise 66% and 22% of the system
volume, respectively. The flow from CF1 to CF2 is by gravity via a balance line.
Fermentation is at a maximum in CF1 and yeast growth is continued in CF1. The
Yeast Separator (YS) and the Yeast Washer (YW) are conical in shape and the
highly flocculent yeast is separated from the beer by gravity. Surplus yeast is
washed in counter current flow and the mixture of beer/deaerated water is used
to adjust the original gravity of the green beer, thus minimising extract losses.
The amount of yeast produced is similar to that produced in batch fermentation.
The rate of production could be altered by changing the wort flow into the
system. The total residence time can be varied between 36 and 97 hours.
The market in New Zealand was without competition, so the market for
continuously fermented beer was assured (Hough and Button 1972). The
Palmerston North Brewery of New Zealand Breweries Limited was the world's
first brewery to rely totally on continuous fermentation (Anon. 1987). The
Palmerston North brewery (12 million litres per year) was "very cost effective,
producing a good single brand of beer successfully and efficiently" (Anon.
1987), but in 1985 it was closed down, because instead of upgrading it was


decided for economical reasons to move the production to other breweries of the






to sale

Yeast recycle


Figure 4. The Coutts process (redrawn from Stratton et al. 1994).

Geiger and Compton patented a rather similar process in 1957 (Geiger and
Compton 1957). The beer produced using this continuous two-vessel system was
judged by a taste panel data to "show a most gratifying similarity" to batch
produced beer (Geiger 1961). For a short time in the USA a process that
resembled the Coutts process in fermentation was in operation. The Fort Worth
was a fully continuous process (mashing, lautering, boiling and fermentation)
and produced beer essentially indistinguishable from batch beer (Williamson
and Brady 1965). The process was already closed by 1972 (Hough and Button

3.1.3 Reasons for failure of continuous, non-immobilized

By the end of the 1970s most of the continuous systems had been closed down,
the famous exception being the Coutts' process in New Zealand (Portno 1978).
Smith (1991) listed the disadvantages of continuous fermentation as inflexibility
in the output rate or in changing the beer type, the high standard of hygiene
needed, possibility of yeast mutation, extra procedures needed in diacetyl
reduction, lack of control over degree of attenuation, need for highly skilled
supervision, the large amount of ancillary equipment needed, the need for
extremely flocculent yeast, the need for a separate vessel for excise declaration
and the need for unpitched wort storage. Similar reasons for closing down the


Watney Mann Mortlake continuous fermentation were given: wort storage

requirements, duty on-costs, difficulties in changing from one product to another
and the cost of technical support (Whitear 1991). The problems of yeast
mutation and the need for skilful guidance in continuous processes were also
noted (Tenney 1985).
In another early review of fermentation Steward (1977) had already listed
difficulty of maintaining production scale hygiene, yeast mutation, killer yeasts,
flavour-matching problems, and inflexibility for production of several beers.
Steward (1977) was one of the few authors to emphasise the differences in yeast
metabolism: Continuous fermentation as practised cannot reproduce the full
cycle of changing metabolic patterns which characterises batch fermentation,
thus leading to differences in flavour of the beer compared to batch produced
beer. The economics were claimed to be on the side of large-scale batch systems
(Steward 1977). Harris and Irvine (1978) compared the operative and the capital
costs for a semi-automatically controlled and a fully automatically controlled
batch production of ale in dual purpose vessels. Further, the comparison with a
continuous fermentation was made. They found that continuous production had
the highest cost per unit.
Two peculiar reasons for implementing continuous fermentation in New Zealand
were the government restriction on building and the taxation (Davies, 1988).
Removing the building restriction naturally removed this advantage. In the U.K.
the wort-based excise system was a powerful reason for retaining the batch
system (Boulton 1991). Now the taxation system has been changed to an
alcohol-based system (Anon. 1999).
Mutation of the yeast in a continuous process was feared by many brewers. The
formation of mutants of bottom fermenting yeasts during a laboratory scale
continuous fermentation of beer was studied (Thorne 1968). Over a run time of 9
months approximately half of the cells had mutated, losing flocculation,
reducing the fermentative capacity, changing the growth rate and producing
undesirable flavours. Others found no clear-cut evidence of mutants during 6
months of operation of an A.P.V. Tower fermenter (Ault et al. 1969). This may
be a reflection of differences between bottom fermenting S. carlsbergensis
(Thorne 1968) and top fermenting S. cerevisiae (Ault et al. 1969). No mutants in
continuous fermentation in stirred tanks were detected (Bishop 1970a). In the


Coutts system no confirmed mutations in the Coutts system (Dunbar et al. 1988,
Davies 1988) were reported.
Contamination was another threat that was feared to affect continuous brewing
more than batch brewing. Gram-negative, anaerobic or facultative aerobes could
grow in stored wort and produce celery-like off-flavours (Ault 1965). The
principal strains were Aerobacter aerogenes and A. cloacae, with some
intermediate strains. Lactic acid bacteria could grow in the A.P.V. Tower and
were impossible to be removed (Ault 1965). Deliberate contamination of stirred
continuous fermentation led to a constant number of Obesumbacterium proteus,
Acetobacter, wild Saccharomyces or Torulopsis yeast in the vessel (Hough and
Rudin 1959). In all these cases the rate of beer production deceased because the
flow rate had to be adjusted in order to obtain fully fermented beer. Wild yeast
contamination was the most dangerous contaminant in the Coutts system
(Davies 1988).
In some designs there was no substrate gradient in a one vessel system, i.e.
glucose was continuously present in the fermenting beer, which may have
caused some problems. Maltose utilisation may be limited by the presence of
glucose. Too high ester concentrations may be caused by limited yeast growth
during fermentation. The flocculation capacity can be lost more easily.
Although the Coutts system can be operated with different outputs (Dunbar et al.
1988) Inflexibility and a greater degree of brand segmentation affected the
decision of New Zealand Breweries Limited to abandon continuous fermentation
(Davies 1988).
The low number of suitable yeast strains limited the applicability of the A.P.V.
Tower Fermenter (Hudson 1986). Even the Coutts systems uses a very
flocculent yeast strain, although with the use of centrifuges in yeast separation
and recycling should also facilitate the use of a non-flocculent yeast strain
(Davies 1988). In the A.P.V. Tower the yeast growth was severely restricted
(Hudson 1986), which was advantageous for yield, but made flavour matching
difficult. The stirred fermentation (Watney Mann process) was deliberately
designed so that the yeast growth was the same per unit carbohydrate fermented
as in the batch process. Slightly higher yeast growth in a stirred continuous
system compared to batch fermentation was reported (Maule 1973). 40% of dead


cells in a pilot scale A.P.V. Tower fermentation were found (Woodward 1967).
In stirred fermentations the proportion of living cells was satisfactory (Bishop
1970), although variations in proportions of dead cells in stirred continuous
fermentations were reported, leading to a lower productivity (Portno 1968a, b).
An economic analysis showed that the Coutts system had 20 to 42 % higher
capital costs over batch fermentation in cylindro-conical vessels (Davies 1988).
At a discussion panel of continuous fermentation at the same Convention
Warren (1988) reported that in "economic terms ... there was benefit from
neither one nor the other", i.e. continuous nor batch fermentation. Continuous
fermentation over batch fermentation was favoured in economic terms when the
brewery output was about 60 million litres per year (7000 brl/week) or more
(Royston 1970), although this was challenged by MacDonald et al. (1984). They
claimed that continuous fermentation failed to reach the designed output due to
the inflexibility of continuous fermentation in the face of changes in demand and
long start-up periods (MacDonald et al. 1984). The anticipated savings were not
made in practice. Finished beer storage in practice was large in order to meet
peak demands, labour was needed on a round-the-clock basis, which increased
the payroll costs, CO2 was not oxygen-free in the A.P.V. Tower fermentation,
the energy consumption was not reduced due to batchwise wort production and
microbial contaminations eliminated the savings in cleaning costs (MacDonald
et al. 1984).
It is clear that the problems encountered in continuous fermentation are very
many and varied, but there was no single reason to abandon it. Some of the
problems were met in one system, but not in an other. Moreover, in New
Zealand beer has been produced and still is produced by continuous fermentation
(Dominion Breweries). Although continuous wort production processes were
developed, only a very few totally continuous breweries were built. The Fort
Worth (Williamson and Brady 1965), La Cervecera del Norte brewery (Anon.
1967) and the Centri Brew Process (Schffel and Deublein 1980) should be
mentioned as examples of totally continuous processes. Inflexibility with regard
to the production rate and the changes between beers was surely one decisive
factor at least with the A.P.V. Tower, and changes in yeast flocculation capacity
may have caused problems in some stirred tank systems.


The knowledge amassed during experimenting in continuous fermentation led to

improvements in batch processing (Hough and Button 1972). The research and
development of continuous fermentation led to the survival of the batch process:
batch processes became more logically arranged (see Table 2) (Hough and
Button 1972).
Table 2. Advantages of continuous processes and corresponding developments
in modern batch methods over traditional techniques (Hough and Button 1972).
Advantages of continuous

Counter developments in batch


Efficient use of plant

Specialised equipment for unit


Uses smallest amount of space

Optimum flow patterns to use plant
Large number of batches passing
through each line of equipment each
Even demand on services and
continuous flow of product

Parallel lines of equipment working in

regular sequence

Cleaning minimised

Rapid, automatic in-place cleaning

Lower manpower requirements

Consoles giving remote control

Partial or complete automation

More consistent product

Rapid batch plant on fixed programme

and raw materials gives virtually same

3.2 Continuous, immobilized processes

Immobilization means limiting free movement, e.g., enzymes or cells are bound
to a defined space. Immobilization as a tool for mankind has been used for a
long time in producing vinegar (Mitchell 1926), but the first technical papers of


immobilized enzymes in a laboratory scale appeared in the 1950s (Levin et al.

1964). The first immobilized enzyme process in industrial scale was the
production of L-amino acids in 1969 (Sato and Tosa 1993). In 1971 a definition
of an immobilized cell system was reached at the first Enzyme Engineering
Conference: immobilized cells are "physically confined or localised in a certain
defined region of space with retention of their catalytic activity if possible or
even necessary their viability which can be used repeatedly and continuously"
(Godia et al. 1987).
Immobilized cells were used for the first time in industrial scale in 1973 for the
production of L-aspartic acid from fumaric acid (Shibatani 1996). This process
used non-living Eschericia coli cells, so it could be regarded as an immobilized
enzyme process. Since then a few industrial scale processes using immobilized
cells have been reported. The use of viable (living) cells is less frequent, if
production of vinegar and wastewater treatment are not included. On the other
hand, higher cells, especially animal cells, need to be immobilized. Animal cells
can produce many pharmaceutical products. Factor VIII (antihaemophilic factor
for the treatment and diagnosis of haemophilia) has been produced by
immobilized cells in a continuously operated system since the 1980s (Wandrey
Immobilization technology has also affected the food and beverage industry.
Immobilization of an enzyme, glucose isomerase, changed the production of
high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Immobilized continuous production
technology together with an increase in raw sugar prices made the HFCS
economically feasible (Pedersen, 1993). The wide and rapid acceptance of
HFCS by manufacturers of soft drinks, baking, confectionery and canned food
changed the sweetener market as well as the raw sugar market. The production
of HFCS was estimated to increase from 1 million tons to about 9 million tons
between 1975 and 1995 (Pedersen 1993). The immobilization was a disruptive
technology change for some sweetener companies when HFCS replaced
artificial sweeteners.
There exist many ways to immobilize cells (or enzymes), but these can be
divided into four categories, all of which have their own characteristics: crosslinking, adsorption, entrapment and retaining behind a membrane barrier. Of
these, entrapment in different kinds of alginate polymers is the most widely


reported method. One operational difference between entrapment and adsorption

on a solid support is the resistance of mass transfer by the entrapping polymer
that is absent in the case of adsorption.
The effects that are due to the immobilization method and the effects of a
changed microbial physiology must be differentiated when assessing the
feasibility of immobilization technology. The direct effects of immobilization
are very difficult to conclude from the literature. The reported effects vary: in
one paper an increased element is found, while in another the same element is
decreased. Another factor, which must be taken into account, is the reactor
design, e.g., whether the reactor is a packed bed, an expanded bed, a fluidised
bed or a loop bed. All of these designs have their advantages and disadvantages
(Kronlf 1994). For a general review see, e.g., Dervakos and Webb (1991),
Groboillot et al. (1994) and for brewing applications see Masschelein et al.
(1994) and Moll and Duteurtre (1996). The fundamentals of immobilized cell
technology for brewing were described by Pilkinton et al. (1997). Norton and
D'Amore (1994) reviewed the literature on implications of immobilization for
brewing applications. Recent reviews of immobilized beer fermentations include
Mensour et al. (1997) and Masschelein and Vandenbussche (1999).
The brewing industry has been interested in immobilization technology since the
its emergence. The number of papers in which this technology has been used to
produce beer continuously began to increase dramatically after the introduction
of alginate as a carrier by White and Portno (1978). Thus continuous fermentation was seen as an attractive process. In 1991 Ryder and Masschelein
(1991) identified properties of immobilized yeast systems which affect brewing
(Table 3). These could be taken as an indication that immobilization technology
can solve at least some of the problems previously encountered in continuous
In the following some pioneering fermentations using immobilized yeast are
presented. Some larger scale processes are then described. These examples
together with (I) present how immobilization technique is used within the
brewing industry, along with the problems and possibilities.


Table 3. Properties and influences of modern immobilized cell systems (Ryder

and Masschelein 1991).


Volumetric productivity




Biomass separation


Gas-liquid transfer


Process design


Substrate utilisation


Yeast strains








3.2.1 The Bio-Brew Bioreactor

The immobilization method of Berdelle-Hilge (1966) for enzymes was
developed to suit brewing with immobilized yeast (Narziss and Hellich 1971).
Their bioreactor (Bio-Brew) was very simple: a mixture of kieselguhr and yeast
in a kieselguhr filter through which wort was passed. The process is presented in
Figure 5 (Narziss and Hellich 1972). The residence time was only 2.5 hours, but
because of the high concentration of vicinal diketones in the green beer a
maturation period was needed. Furthermore, addition of viable yeast was
necessary. The start up, reduction of vicinal diketones and subsequent cold
lagering increased the production time to 7 days.
There were also some other problems with Bio-Brew. The bioreactor had a
lifetime of only 7 to 10 days before clogging. The amino nitrogen consumption
was reduced, probably because of limited growth, leading to lower amounts of
higher alcohols and esters and too high pH of the final beer. Furthermore, the


yeast viability at the exit of the reactor was decreased. However, probably the
most serious problem was the high amount of -acetolactate in the green beer
(Narziss 1997). Decreased foam stability was noted by Dembowski (1992).

wort tank

Plate heat

Filtered aid
wort filtration

wort tank



Beer to


Plate heat


Figure 5. The Bio-Brew process (redrawn from Narziss and Hellich 1972).
Dembowski et al. (1993) developed the Bio-Brew further by optimising flow
through the kieselguhr yeast bed and adding a cooling plate inside the reactor.
This led to a slower decrease in yeast viability. Installing an aerobic phase in
front of the filter led to improved sensory quality of beer and to better stability of
the Bio-Brew (Dembowski et al. 1993), but the concentrations of low molecular
weight nitrogenous substances in the green beer still remained too high. Overall
the Bio-Brew experiments were not successful.
The very high VDK values of the Bio-Brew experiments still have an effect.
Although in many of the later experiments the high VDK-concentrations are
absent, the question of very high VDK-concentrations is still raised. The fact
that in the Coutts process, yeast does not produce more diacetyl than in batch
fermentation provided that the yeast and wort are kept the same (Dunbar et al.
1988), has not removed the doubt.


3.2.2 The continuous main fermentation system developed by

Baker and Kirsop
The system of Narziss and Hellich (1971) was improved by Baker and Kirsop
(1973). They were the first to report the heat treatment of beer for rapid
conversion of diacetyl precursors to diacetyl and the subsequent removal of
diacetyl by immobilized yeast. This concept is the foundation on which the
industrial scale continuous secondary fermentation (maturation) processes are
built today. Their system consisted of a yeast plug (formed with kieselguhr) in a
tubular reactor for main fermentation and a heating unit, cooling coil and a
smaller reactor for secondary fermentation (Figure 6). The system was gradually
blocked and about 45 times the reactor volume of beer could be produced.
Another problem was changing flavour of the beer. The beer from a plug
fermenter resembled all-malt ale more than malt-adjunct ale (Pollock 1973).

Beer out

Beer + CO2

Support plate

Yeast plug


Wort in

Figure 6. Continuous primary fermentation combined with heat treatment and

secondary fermentation (redrawn from Baker and Kirsop 1973).


3.2.3 Alginate as carrier for brewing

Alginate carriers for brewing were introduced by White and Portno (1978). They
immobilized yeast in calcium alginate flocs and found that the rates of
fermentation and yeast growth were unaffected by the immobilization method
used. They used a 5 litre laboratory tower fermenter to produce beer which had
comparable amounts of flavour compounds to those in batch fermented beer.
Contamination did not pose a problem in these experiments. The formed gel had
no tendency to entrap bacteria. If wort containing bacteria was fed into the
reactor, subsequent injection of sterile wort resulted in a rapid washout of the
bacteria. The operation period was 7 months (White and Portno 1978). The level
of ethyl acetate dropped to approximately 60 % during the last 6 months of

3.2.4 Use of immobilized yeast in batch fermentation

Immobilized yeast in batch fermentation was reported by Hsu and Bernstein
(1985). Their process minimised investments in new equipment making use of a
slightly modified conventional fermentation vessel. However, the beer produced
was not equal to the control beer. This was probably due to the immobilization
method using alginate beads implying unsuitability of alginate for continuous
The authors immobilized yeast in alginate beads and modified a conventional
fermenting vessel with two screens so that the beads were held in the vessel.
Wort was pumped into the fermenting vessel and the fermentation proceeded to
completion batchwise in the vessel. The whole process from wort production to
bottling of beer took only seven days. The beer thus produced had slightly lower
pH than the control beer and lower bitterness, probably due to adsorption of
isohumulones to the alginate beads. Although the physical and chemical
compositions of the beers produced in the bioreactor and in a traditional process
showed very little difference, the quantities of flavour compounds and flavour
precursors were lower in the former due to limited growth of yeast (Hsu and
Bernstein 1985). The advantages of the process included low investment in
equipment, simple clarification of wort, no wort storage and no need for an


extensive maturation process in contrast to the process of Narziss and Hellich


3.2.5 Process development at Kirin Brewery Company Ltd., Japan

The research scientists at Kirin Brewery Company published their process in
1985 (Nakanishi et al. 1985). The process was developed further over the years
and the description below is taken from Yamauchi et al. (1994a). The process
consisted of three bioreactors for rapid lager beer fermentation (Figure 7). The
wort was sterilised prior to entering the first reactor, which was an aerated
continuously stirred tank (CSTR) for yeast growth. The yeast was then removed
with a centrifuge. The beer was fed into two packed bed reactors in series, where
the main fermentation was completed. The next step was the conversion of acetolactate into diacetyl and partly directly to acetoin in heat treatment. This
heat treatment concept resembled that of Baker and Kirsop (1973). Finally, the
beer was matured in another packed bed reactor with immobilized yeast. The
total residence time varied between 72 and 96 hours.

First reactor

Two second reactors

Cooling pipes

Third reactor

Off gas

Off gas






Heat treatment


Figure 7. The Kirin process (redrawn from Yamauchi et al. 1994a).

The immobilization method firstly used was entrapment in alginate beads
(Onaka et al. 1985), but it was abandoned because of decreasing fermenting
capacity, insufficient mechanical strength and swelling of the carrier leading to
plugging of the bioreactor and thus preventing long term operation. Other
disadvantages attributed to alginate beads were heat lability and poor


regenerating properties for repeated use (Yamauchi et al. 1994a). Aseptic filling
of the reactors was also impossible with alginate beads (Inoue 1995). Therefore,
alginate was replaced by porous glass beads developed by Kirin.
The reason for dividing the process into different units was to separate the
different phases of fermentation. The steriliser assured asepticity of the wort. In
the first bioreactor yeast growth, pH reduction and fusel alcohol formation
occurred. Out-flowing yeast in the fermenting beer was reduced below a certain
level by centrifugation. In the second reactors the yeast was in stationary (nongrowing) state for formation of ethanol and esters. The heat treatment converted
-acetolactate into acetoin and diacetyl. The third bioreactor contained yeast in a
stationary state for VDK reduction.
Kirin investigated primary fermentation in bioreactors containing 0.5 m3 and
10 m3 of carrier. In the larger bioreactors an additional cooling device was
necessary to maintain an even radial temperature distribution within the carrier.
Other problems encountered in scaling up were decreased fermentation capacity
per volume with increasing bioreactor size, and channelling (Yamauchi et al.
1994b). The reduced fermentation efficiency was attributed to higher flow rates
with increasing reactor size (Inoue 1995). Continuous operation of the system at
3.6 million litres per year for more than 6 months was possible (Yamauchi and
Kashihara 1995).
The product was sensorily acceptable lager beer, which however differed in
some characteristics from conventional batch beer. It had a higher alcohol
content and less fusel alcohols than the batch beer. It contained the same total
amount of organic acids as the batch beer, but the pattern was different: it had
less acetic acid and more succinic acid. The beer also contained more sulphite
and it had higher bitterness (Yamauchi et al. 1995a). Restricted yeast growth
was claimed to be the main reason for some of the differences. A series of
papers described the formation and control of different aroma compounds in this
process (Yamauchi et al. 1995a, Yamauchi et al. 1995b, and Yamauchi et al.
The Kirin Brewing Company set up a small commercial scale production unit
using the described process on the island Saipan, producing 185 000 litres per
year. The brewing proved to be short lived. Reasons for the economic failure


were low demand and the limited number of products (Inoue 1995). The output
could not be run at one fifth of the designed output without deterioration of yeast
fermentative activity (Inoue 1995). Other operational disadvantages included
slow start up of the system (2 weeks), high energy costs because of the heat
treatment before the third bioreactor and beer losses with the centrifuged yeast
(Inoue 1995).

3.2.6 Process development at Labatt Breweries of Canada

A research group at Labatt Breweries of Canada used -carrageenan beads
containing yeast in a draft tube fluidised bed reactor (Norton et al. 1994,
Mensour et al. 1995, Pilkington et al. 1999). The use of small bead size (0.2 to
1.4 mm) together with a fluidised bed design was claimed to solve problems
such as insufficient amino acid consumption leading to an unbalanced flavour
profile. Most of the improvements in beer quality were attributed to a better
mass transfer. The yeast growth was controlled by air and carbon dioxide feeds
into the bioreactor (Mensour et al. 1995). One advantage of -carrageenan as the
carrier material is its density, which is close to that of water, thus minimising the
energy for fluidisation.
The bioreactor (Figure 8) had a volume of 50 litres. The air proportion varied
between 2 and 5 % in the feed of gas mixture, the rest was CO2. The residence
time was 20 hours. Although a perfect match to the traditionally produced
control was not achieved, the immobilized cell product was judged by a taste
panel to be acceptable and similar to the conventionally produced beer (Mensour
et al. 1995, Mensour et al. 1996).


Thermal jacket

Green beer



Figure 8. The Labatt reactor (redrawn from Mensour et al. 1995).

3.2.7 Process development at Meura Delta, Belgium

The unsuitability of Ca-alginate beads in a packed bed reactor (Masschelein et
al. 1985) was solved by the company Meura Delta by using a different type of
carrier and a loop reactor. They developed a tubular matrix of sintered silicon
carbide. The matrix was 900 mm long, 25 mm in diameter and had 19 channels,
each 2.5 mm in diameter. The pore size of the matrix varied from 30 m near the
outer surfaces to 150 m in the core of the material (van de Winkel et al. 1993).
A number of these matrices can be installed into a loop bioreactor. These
reactors have been used for producing alcohol-free beer (Van de Winkel et al.
1995), secondary fermentation and for primary fermentation (Andries et al.
For the main fermentation of lager beer two similar bioreactors were used in
series (Figure 9). Wort was continuously fed into the first bioreactor through
silicone tubing that allowed control of aeration. A pump circulated the
fermenting beer and facilitated the cooling in an external heat exchanger. The
beer from the top of the first bioreactor was pumped to the top of the second.
From the second reactor the green beer was pumped into a beer vessel to await
the final treatment. The first bioreactor was operated at an apparent attenuation
of 40% and the final attenuation was reached in the second bioreactor. The


residence time was 22 h per bioreactor. The aeration was arranged by diffusion
through plastic tubing in the circulation loop. The productivity reported for one
matrix at 15oC was 6.6 hl beer per year at 12oPlato and 9.1 hl per year at
16oPlato. The productivity per matrix means that for an annual output of 100
million litres over 100 000 matrices would be needed.
Stage 1

Stage 2

Wort vessel

Wort supply

Beer vessel

yeast reactors

Figure 9. The Meura Delta system for lager beer production (redrawn from
Andries et al. 1995).
The beer quality was said to resemble that of conventional batch fermented beer,
although the amount of higher alcohols was somewhat lower and the amounts of
esters were higher. The latter phenomenon can be controlled by aeration. The
utilisation of amino acids was similar to that in conventional batch fermentation.
The system was adjusted for production of top fermenting beer in semi-industrial
scale (Andries et al. 1997a). For this application the second immobilized yeast
loop bioreactor was replaced by a cylindro-conical tank with free cells. This tank
was equipped with an external circulation loop. Thus the system was a
combination of immobilized and free cell stages. The immobilized bioreactor
supplied the second stage continuously with free, viable cells. The beer was
similar to that produced traditionally. Improved productivity and decreased
investment costs compared with the totally immobilized system were the
claimed advantages. At least the Aubel brewery is using the Meura Delta system


with 500 matrices in the production of top fermented beer (Mensour et al. 1997,
Anon. 1997). In Canada at least one pub brewery has been using the Meura
Delta system (Rajotte 1998). A group in Versuhs- und Lehranstalt fr Brauerei
in Berlin (VLB) found the use of (Wackerbauer et al. 1996b) the loop reactor of
Meura Delta to be relatively easy, whereas Tata et al. (1999) reported somewhat
contradictory results.

3.2.8 Process development at Sapporo Breweries Ltd., Japan

Researchers of Sapporo Breweries Ltd. compared different carrier materials for a
fluidised-bed reactor and found that a non-hollow chitosan bead was the best
material. For this material the optimum bead size was found to be 1.0 mm on the
basis of yeast cell density (max 5.0109 cell ml1 beads) and fluidisation velocity
(Shindo et al. 1994). A similar reactor was also used for secondary fermentation
(Shindo et al. 1993).
The fermentation was carried out at 11oC with a feed rate of 40 ml h1 using
11oP wort. The fermentation system could be run for 900 hours without any
damage to beads or decline in the fermentation efficiency. The recycling rate
was 300 times higher than the feed rate and was chosen to remove CO2 bubbles
from the fermenting beer. The wort was treated with glucoamylase to increase
the amount glucose, which led to increased acetate ester concentration (Shindo
et al. 1992). The beer produced in this way was similar in flavour profile to
conventionally produced beer (Shindo et al. 1994).
The process was scaled up to 80 litres in a repeated batch mode using nonporous (non-hollow) chitosan beads (Unemoto et al. 1998). 50 days of operation
was reached, during which 18 batches were produced. The beer produced in this
way had an acceptable and well-balanced flavour profile similar to that of the
traditionally fermented product (Maeba et al. 2000).

3.2.9 Semi-industrial main fermentation at Hartwall Plc, Finland

Hartwall's semi-industrial continuous main fermentation unit is largely based on
the system of (II) and has a capacity of 200 000 litres per year (600 litres per


day) (Kronlf and Virkajrvi 1999). Later the unit was extended to include a
continuous secondary fermentation unit with the same capacity (Kronlf et al.
2000). The yeast is removed from the green beer before the heat treatment
section of the secondary fermentation by cross-flow filtration. Flavour formation
was typical for lager beer (Table 4). The authors stated that it was fully possible
to produce good beer in less than two days with this system in normal
fermentation temperatures.
Table 4. Flavour compounds in beer produced by continuous, immobilized
fermentation in both the main and secondary fermentation (adapted from
Kronlf et al. 2000).
Beer analyses







Total amyl alcohols (mg l1)



Total diacetyl (mg l1)



Ethyl acetate (mg l1)

3-methyl butyl acetate (mg l1)

3.2.10 Some other relevant experiments in immobilized main

An international research group has described a fixed bed reactor system with a
circulation loop for main fermentation (Andersen et al. 1999, Pajunen et al.
2000a). The larger pilot unit has a bed volume of 1000 litres and an output of 50
l h1 (Figure 10). The residence time of liquid was between 20 and 30 hours
(Pajunen et al. 2000b). The circulation loop is reported to handle CO2 removal
and heat control efficiently.



Wort feed
Beer cooling


CO2 removal

Optional yeast
Beer out

Excess yeast

Figure 10. The fixed bed with a circulation loop, described by of Pajunen et al.
(2000a) (adapted).
The system was able to produce stout with close enough quality match over a
period of 8 weeks.
Pectate-immobilized yeast in a gas lift reactor was used by Smogrovicova et al.
(1997). The VDK in this beer was at the same level as in traditionally produced
beer. In a subsequent study (Smogrovicova and Domey 1999) the beer produced
using Ca-pectate immobilized yeast was found by taste testers to be comparable
with traditionally produced beer.
Two different systems for immobilized main fermentation was evaluated (Tata
et al. 1999). A fluidised bed reactor with yeast immobilized on a porous glass
bead carrier produced beer with quite acceptable flavour, albeit different from
the conventionally produced beer. The sintered silicon carbide loop reactor
system did not produce a completely fermented product with the same residence
time as the fluidised bed reactor system. Tata et al. (1999) ended their paper by
stating that immobilized yeast systems have advantages such as "stable and


consistent operation over a long period of time, with minimal operator

Researchers at VTT, Finland, were already experimenting with continuous
fermentation in the 1960s (Mkinen 1966). In 1984 immobilized fermentation
experiments with secondary fermentation started (Kronlf 1994). These
investigations led to industrial applications at Sinebrychoff's Helsinki brewery in
1990 and later at Sinebrychoff's Kerava brewery (Pajunen and Grnqvist 1994)
and at Hartwall Plc's Lahti brewery (Hyttinen et al. 1995). These applications
differed slightly in carrier material and process design.
The research at VTT continued to the main fermentation. The DEAE-cellulose
carrier that had been successful for secondary fermentation was also tested for
main fermentation (Kronlf et al. 1989). Because of technical difficulties, such
as clogging of the reactors, DEAE-cellulose was later replaced by porous glass
beads (Linko and Kronlf 1991). With porous glass the flavour formation was
also satisfactory and stable. The bioreactors used were either 1.6 litre tubular or
5 litre conical vessel (Kronlf et al. 1989).

3.2.11 Flavour and economy

Ester formation could be controlled by the supply of oxygen. A feed mixture of
air and nitrogen or carbon dioxide (2.55% air) was fed to a prereactor at a rate
of 0.1 gas volume per carrier volume per minute. This was found to lead to a
good balance of flavour compounds, to good yeast viability and to sufficient
uptake of free amino nitrogen (Kronlf and Linko 1992).
The flavour of beer is an important factor in evaluating the feasibility of
immobilized primary fermentation. Some reported esters and higher alcohols in
beers fermented by immobilized yeast and beers fermented conventionally are
compared in Figure 11. The differences in esters and higher alcohols between
beers from immobilized yeast fermentations and conventional batch
fermentations are in w/w-%. The concentrations do not match exactly. However,
and more importantly, there is no tendency with immobilized yeast fermented
beers to be either lower or higher. Figure 11 is so arranged that the mixing
power decreases from left to right (from fluidised bed reactors to packed bed


reactors). Interestingly, the relative amount of esters appears to be higher on

right side of the figure. Higher alcohol were unaffected by increased superficial
velocity in batch fermentation by calcium alginate immobilized yeast (Cop et al.
1989). The consumption of amino acids was increased, however.

% of batch







Figure 11. The differences (%) in total esters and total higher alcohol
concentrations between immobilized yeast fermented and conventionally
fermented beers in w/w per cent (data from Shindo et al. 1994, Mensour et al. 1997,
Andries et al. 1995, Linko and Kronlf 1991, Yamauchi and Kashihara 1995).

The economic analysis of immobilized yeast fermentations is more difficult and

only a few published cases are available. Savings in the order of 1 DEM hl1
using immobilized secondary fermentation were estimated by Pajunen at al.
(1991). These savings included savings on capital (only 10 to 20% capital
investment of the conventional process), decreased beer losses and less interest
on beer in lagering. A similar cost analysis for secondary fermentation, with
savings of 1.6 DEM hl1 in a 150 million litres per year brewery is given by
Borremans (1997). The total investment cost is given to be 43% of the
conventional cost and the running costs were only 1/3 of those of the
conventional process. Forschungsintitut fr Technologie der Brauerei und
Mlzerei der VLB Berlin (Wackerbauer et al. 1996a) did not find brewing with
immobilized yeast to be economically feasible at the time of writing.


In October 1995 the European Brewery Convention (EBC) arranged a

symposium "Immobilized Yeast Applications in the Brewing Industry" (Anon.
1995) in Espoo, Finland, where it was stated that "...primary and secondary
fermentation using immobilized yeast leading to beer of sound flavour and other
characteristics is a realistic technical possibility".


4. The aim of this study

The aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of continuous
main fermentation of beer using immobilized yeast. The specific aims were
1) long term operation,
2) control of flavour formation,
3) microbial control and
4) economics.
This study forms part of a larger research project which full-scale continuous
fermentation processes for brewing industry are developed. As a result of this
project two Finnish breweries have installed industrial scale processes for rapid
secondary fermentation of beer.


5. Materials and methods

Materials and analytical methods are presented in detail in papers II, III, IV and

5.1 The state of the art in 1998 (I)

This paper reviewed the state of the art of immobilized processes in the brewing
industry as published in the literature and by personal communications from
investigators working in the field.

5.2 Microbial and flavour stability (II)

Long term stability was investigated in a long run (442 days) using a porous
glass carrier (Siran) in a 20 litre scale pilot reactor system. The yeast strain used
was VTT A-85072. After the first 137 days the system was used to model the
formation of aroma compounds (III). These modelling experiments lasted for
182 days. After this period the original gas feeds were reintroduced and a new
set of aroma compounds analyses was performed. The wort was obtained from a
brewery and autoclaved prior to use. Microbial purity was analysed for the
presence of wild yeasts and aerobic bacteria. The aroma compounds (ethyl
acetate, 3-methyl butanol, 2-methyl butanol, propanol, ethyl caproate, 2-methyl
propanol, acetaldehyde, 3-methyl butyl acetate) were analysed with a PerkinElmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph, Perkin-Elmer head space autosampler (HS40) and FID detector. A 5 cm3 sample was incubated 90 min at 55oC
in a 20 cm3 glass vial. n-Butanol was used as internal standard. The injector and
detector temperatures were 225oC and 250oC, respectively. Helium was used as
carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 cm3/min and nitrogen as make-up gas at
40 cm3/min. The column was PE-5, 1 m film, 50 m. The temperature program
used was: initially 40oC, then 12oC/min to 100oC with a 3.5 min hold at 100oC,
thereafter 12oC/min to 150oC, hold for 5.0 min at 150oC.


5.3 Control of flavour (III and V)

During the long run used to analyse the long-term stability the effects of gas
feeds on aroma compounds were studied. The possibility to control the
formation of flavour compounds by changing the gas feeds into the prereactor
was studied using an experimental design and response surface method. The gas
feed rates were changed according to a central composite experimental design.
Each different gas feed mixture was used for 14 days and then the aroma
compounds were analysed by head-space gas chromatography. The aroma
compounds were modelled into response surfaces using a commercial
programme (Modde 3.0, Umetri Ab, Uppsala, Sweden).
Smaller scale reactors (0.8 litres of carrier material) were used with three
different carriers and with four different yeast strains (VTT A-93110, VTT A93102, VTT A-66024, VTT A-63015) to investigate the effects of carrier
materials on flavour compounds (V). The carriers used were porous glass (trade
name Siran, Schott Engineering GmbH, Mainz, Germany), DEAE-cellulosebased carrier (GDC, Cultor Ltd, Kantvik, Finland) and kieselguhr-based
cylindrical carrier (Celite Corporation, Lompoc, CA, USA).

5.4 Effects of a contaminating bacterium (VI)

The effects of a contaminant (Klebsiella terrigena) were investigated in small
scale (0.8 litres) reactors. The yeast strain was VTT A-85072. The carriers used
were porous glass (from Schott Engineering GmbH, Mainz, Germany), beech
wood chips (Rettenmayer & Shne, Ellwangen-Holzmhle, Germany) and aspen
chips (Tapvei, Kortteinen, Finland). The wood chips were pre-treated by boiling
for 4 hours in water and then for 1h in 10 % (vol/vol) ethanol and finally for 1
hour in water. Two similar reactors were filled with the same carrier and one
reactor was deliberately contaminated. The effects of the contaminant on yeast
viability were analysed by methylene blue staining. DMS and biogenic amines
were analysed by head-space gas chromatography and total nitroso compounds
were analysed by liquid chromatography (Izquierdo-Pulido et al. 1993).


5.5 Economics (IV)

Economic analysis was performed by designing two new breweries on a
greenfield with an annual production of 100 million litres (1 million hectolitres).
The reference brewery used batch main fermentation and continuous
immobilized secondary fermentation, whereas the continuous brewery used
immobilized fermentations for both main and secondary fermentation. The beer
had 4.5 % alcohol by volume and high gravity brewing was used with an
original gravity of 15oP. Only the fermentation part of the brewery was taken
into consideration, as much of the other equipment would be the same in the
conventional brewery as in the continuous brewery. The total residence time in
the continuous fermentation system was 72 hours.
Typical engineering calculations for investment and operation costs were
performed in co-operation with the Laboratory of Plant Design at Helsinki
University of Technology.


6. Results
6.1 Long term stability (II)
6.1.1 The apparent degree of attenuation
The apparent degree of attenuation remained high and very near the measured
attenuation limit of the wort throughout the whole operation of 442 days
(Figure 12). The changes after the prereactor can be explained partly by the
movement of the glass beads in the prereactor. From time to time in the
prereactor some of the glass beads rose and then fell back. This movement
removed non-bound yeast from the prereactor, causing changes in the total
amount of yeast in the prereactor. A similar kind of movement of the glass beads
was seen in smaller scale (0.8 dm3) and larger scale (100 dm3) experiments. The
changes in attenuation after the buffer tank can be partly explained by removal
of excess yeast from the buffer tank. The removal was carried out ca every

Ap parent dergee of attenuation [% ]









P rereactor

224 252
Tim e [d ays]
B uffer tank









M ain reactor

Figure 12. The apparent degree of attenuation in the outflows from the
prereactor, the buffer tank and the main reactor (II).


6.1.2 Asepticity
No harmful microbial contamination and no wild yeast contamination were
detected during the operation. The microbial counts for aerobic bacteria detected
are shown in Figure 13. Although a low number of contaminants was detected in
the samples taken from the system no colonisation occurred. This means that
although main fermentation is more sensitive to contamination than secondary
fermentation (Haikara et al. 1997) normal aseptic procedures are sufficient for
main fermentation.

Microbial count [cfu/ml]




Main reactor







168 196



280 308



392 420


Time [days]

Figure 13. The aerobe counts detected in the immobilized yeast reactor system (II).

6.2 Flavour stability (II)

During the first phase of the run (137 days) the measured aroma compounds
remained stable (Figure 14). This set of measurements is named S1. The only
trends observed were decreases in propanol and acetaldehyde. 3-Methyl butyl
acetate increased in the outflow of the prereactor, but was stable in the outflow
from the main reactor (Figure 14).
After the first 137 days the system was used to model the formation of aroma
compounds (II). These modelling experiments lasted for 182 days. After this
period the original gas feeds were reintroduced and a new set of aroma
compound analyses was performed.








3-methylbutylacetate [mg/l]

Propanol, acetaldehyde [mg/l]




Figure 14. Propanol, acetaldehyde and 3-methyl butyl acetate concentrations

during the first 137 days of operation in the outflow from the main reactor
(linear trends included) (II).
The average values of this set (S2) are shown in Figure 15 combined with the
data S1. It is clear that ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde values in the second set
(S2) were lower. By contrast, concentrations of fusel alcohols were higher in the
second set. These changes in higher alcohols are probably due to the increased
yeast concentrations in the reactors and could be compensated by higher flow
rates. Once, for a short time, the system was run at 750 ml/h (50% increase in
capacity) and the concentrations of 3-methyl butanol, 2-methyl butanol, 2methyl propanol, propanol and ethyl acetate were lower compared with those at
500 ml/h (Table 5).













S 1 C onfide nce lim its (95% )

Figure 15. Comparison of the two sets of aroma compound analyses. S1 is the
average value for the first 137 days and S2 is the average value for days 378 to
442 (II).
Table 5. Concentrations of the aroma compounds at two different flow rates
[mg dm3] (II).
500 ml h1

750 ml h1








2-Methyl propanol



3-Methyl butanol



3-Methyl butanol





Flow rate
Ethyl acetate
3-Methyl butyl acetate


The aroma profile of beer from the immobilized fermentation was compared to a
commercial Finnish lager produced with the same yeast and wort. This beer was
matured, whereas beer from immobilized fermentation was not. A Finnish
brewery can have fermentation vessels of hundreds of thousands of litres and the
production of exactly the same beer in regard to aroma compounds in 20 litre
scale reactors is challenging. High gravity brewing was used in the industry,


whereas the wort was diluted to 11oP and autoclaved for the continuous
fermentation. For comparison, the results have been adjusted to the same
original gravity and the commercial lager has been adjusted to 100%
(Figure 16). The statistically calculated 95% confidence limits (n=16) for the
commercial lager are included. The most serious deviation is in the
concentration of 3-methyl butyl acetate. The beer produced by immobilized
yeast had less than 50% of the 3-methyl butyl acetate of the conventionally
produced beer. The differences in acetaldehyde or in particular in propanol were
not so serious in regard to their taste thresholds.







Confidence limits (95%)

Figure 16. Comparison of aroma compounds with a commercial lager beer.

Values in % of those of the matured, commercial beer. The 95% confidence
limits for beer produced by immobilized yeast are indicated (II).


6.3 Control of flavour (III)

After performing the experimental design with different gas feed mixtures as
described in III, the results were analysed using the response surface part of the
Modde 3.0 programme (Umetri Ab, Uppsala, Sweden). For the modelling the
concentrations of higher alcohols were summed and this sum was used. After
removing one outlier (experiment number 14) a second order model (Figure 17)
had R2 = 0.92 and Q2=0.55. R2 is the goodness of fit (R2 less than 0.8 indicates
poor modelling) and Q2 is goodness of prediction (Q2 > 0.5 indicates good

















N = 12 Q 2 = 0.5518
DF = 6 R 2 = 0.9161

Figure 17. The second order response surface for higher alcohols (III).


The confidence intervals for the second order coefficients for the terms air*air,
CO2*CO2 and air*CO2 were so large that the simplification of the model to a
linear one was justified (Figure 18). The goodness of fit was reduced from 0.92
to 0.90, but the goodness of prediction increased from 0.55 to 0.82.

















0 40



N = 11 Q 2 = 0.8165
DF = 8 R 2 = 0.9033

Figure 18. The linear response surface for higher alcohols leaving the
prereactor (III).
Both models show that with a low CO2 feed rate and high air feed rate the
maximum amount of higher alcohols is formed in the prereactor. In a batch
fermentation high aeration has a similar effect. Kahler et al. (1965) also noticed
that higher aeration led to increased levels of higher alcohols and acetaldehyde
in a continuous fermentation. It should to be noticed that the high value for the
sum of higher alcohols is almost double the low value in the studied range.


6.4 The effects of carrier material on the flavour of beer (V)

The fermentation performance was not affected by the choice of the carrier.
With one yeast strain the apparent degree of attenuation remained low for the
first 40 days with both Siran and GDC carriers. The carrier material had an
effect on the flavour compounds, but the effect varied with yeast strains used.
The statistical differences found in the concentrations of fusel alcohols are
presented in Table 6 (V).
Table 6. The statistical differences found in the concentrations of fusel alcohols (V).
Pair compared




Higher values

Siran A110 vs. GDC A110


Siran A24 vs. GDC A24


Siran A15 vs. Celite A15


Siran A24 vs. GDC A24


Siran A102 vs. GDC A102


Siran A110 vs. GDC A110


*** = p<0.01 (very significant). ** =0.01<p<0.05( significant). * = 0.05<p (almost significant)

A110 = VTT A-93110, A102 = VTT A-93102, A24 = VTT A-66024, A15 = VTT A-63015.

Some of the effects may be explained by the differences in the immobilization

method, surface adsorption or adsorption onto a porous material, and by the
direct effects of the carrier, for example differences in adsorption of wort
components onto the carrier.
With strongly flocculent yeasts, higher amounts of propanol were produced with
Siran as carrier than with GDC or Celite as carrier. Both a flocculent yeast strain
and one non-flocculent strain produced higher amounts of 3-methyl butanol
when using GDC than when using Siran. With a genetically modified, very


strongly flocculent strain 2-methyl butanol was also higher when using GDC
than when using Siran. The beers produced using Siran carrier had higher
concentrations of 3-methyl butyl acetate than beers produced with other carrier
materials. Ethyl acetate was higher in the beer produced using Celite carrier than
in the beer produced using Siran.


Both the yeast strain and the carrier affected concentrations of total diacetyl, but
only the carrier had an effect on the concentrations of total pentanedione. With
Siran both total diacetyl and total pentanedione concentration were lower than
with GDC carrier. With Siran, lower total diacetyl concentrations were found
compared with Celite. No difference was found in total pentanedione
concentrations between Siran and Celite carriers. An interesting phenomenon is
higher pH of the young beers produced using Siran with many strains, although
the consumption of FAN was higher using Siran (see Figure 19).







Time [days]
Siran A24


Figure 19. pH of beer from the outflow from the reactor. A24 = VTT A-66024 (V).


6.5 Contamination (VI)

With all carriers the deliberately introduced contaminant, Klebsiella terrigena,
was able to survive and colonise the reactors. K. terrigena was detected in the
outflowing green beer 611 days after the contamination. Within three weeks the
level of K. terrigena stabilised, reaching 105 cfu/ml in the Siran reactor, 105106
cfu/ml in the beech wood reactors and 104105 cfu/ml in the aspen reactor
(Figure 20).



Siran *
Beech wood *
Aspen *
Beech wood *






Time [days]

Figure 20. Amount of K. terrigena in the outflowing green beer from the
contaminated reactors (VI).
The pH values of the green beers from the contaminated reactors were higher
than those of the beers from non-contaminated reactors (VI). The differences
were small but consistent with all the carrier materials used. The detection time
for this difference was ca two weeks.
The experiments were run in small-scale reactors in which aeration of the wort
was through the tubing only. This possibly contributed to the decrease in
viability of the outflowing yeast, but the decrease appeared to be more
pronounced in beers from contaminated reactors. At the end of the experiments,
samples from the carrier were taken from the top part and from the bottom part


of the reactor and these were analysed for the contaminant and for yeast
viability. In 7 of the 8 points analysed, the viability of the yeast was lower in the
contaminated reactor.
K. terrigena increased the concentration of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) in the
green beers. Three weeks after the contamination the taste threshold (50 g/l)
was exceeded. The carrier material appeared to affect the maximum
concentration of DMS in the outflowing beer.

Siran *
Beech wood *
Beech wood
Aspen *
Beech wood *
Beech wood

Ratio [-]






Time [days]

Figure 21. The ratio of total diacetyl to total pentanedione in the green beer.
* indicates a contaminated reactor; no star indicates a control reactor (VI).
The fastest detection method for the contaminant was plate counting, because
the changes in the chemical composition of the beer were only detected later.
The slight elevation in the pH of the green beer or the change in the ratio
between total diacetyl and total pentanedione (Figure 21) may be used as alarms,
but both require a good knowledge of the process. This contaminant did not
produce nitrosoamines and the concentration of biogenic amines was also low.
The concentration of cadaverine was increased in the beer outflowing from the
contaminated bioreactors.


6.6 Economics (IV)

The process for continuous, immobilized main fermentation is presented in
Figure 22. The annual production was 100 million litres. The wort was produced
batchwise and stored in tanks. The main fermentation was divided into two
reactors, of which the first was aerated with a mixture of air and carbon dioxide.

Wort tanks

Green beer tanks

Main fermentation


Separator Heat treatment

Beer tanks

Figure 22. The immobilized continuous main fermentation process.

After the main fermentation, yeast was separated with a centrifuge and the
young beer was heat treated and pumped to secondary fermentation reactors.
The flow rate was 11.4 m3 h1. In the compared batch process the main
fermentation takes 9 days and the secondary fermentation was an identical
immobilized fermentation process.
The total investment cost for the immobilized process was 102% of the batch
process with a carrier cost of 4000 Euro m3 (7 549 000 and 7 386 000 Euro,
respectively). If the carrier cost (2 412 000 Euro) was excluded the investment
cost for the immobilized process was 70% of that of the batch process. Thus the
carrier cost was significant for the economic feasibility. The price used in the
calculation was a quotation from a manufacturer. The floor requirement of the
immobilized process was estimated to be 660 m2 compared to 770 m2 for the
batch process. This implies about 15% savings in the building cost. The
personnel cost was estimated to be the same for both processes, with 7.5


Operating costs for the immobilized process are 66 Euro per m3 of beer (6 385
000 Euro per year) and for the batch process 63 Euro per m3 of beer. The main
differences were the renewals of the carrier and the higher consumption of
electricity in the immobilized process.
The cost of the carrier material forms a very significant part of the investment
(Figure 23). The price used for the material was a quotation from a
manufacturer. The price of a cheap carrier may be below 0.3 Euro l1.

% of batch investment


carrier price [EURO/litre]

Figure 23. The effect of carrier price on the total investment cost as a
percentage of the investment cost of a batch process (IV).
The electricity consumption of pumps was calculated from the rated power
multiplied by the running time per year. This will be an overestimate, because at
normal workload electric motors use less than the rated amount of electricity.
CIP costs of water and chemicals lead to savings for the continuous process.
Extra income was estimated to originate from lower losses of beer: there are less
tank bottoms. Each transfer from a tank is estimated to cause a 1% loss of beer
and each change of carrier results in a 1.5% loss of the reactor volume of beer. It
was estimated that in a batch process 2% of the fermentable extract is used for
yeast growth, compared to only 1.5% in an immobilized process.


When these extras are taken into account the total manufacturing cost for
processes are: batch 63 Euro m3 and immobilized 64 Euro m3 when the carrier
price is 4 Euro l1 (Table 7). If the carrier price is 0.3 Euro l1 the manufacturing
costs for the immobilized process are 1% less than those of the batch process.
With the annual world production of ca 1.3108 m3 (1 300 million hectolitres)
this indicates savings in the order of 40 million Euros per year in the
manufacturing costs.
Table 7. Manufacturing costs when savings are included (carrier price
4 Euro/litre) (IV).
Extra income

decreased losses
in transfers
less growth of yeast

1000 Euro/a













Carrier price
0.3 Euro/litre




% of the cost of the batch process

The feasibility of two cheap carriers was investigated (Linko et al. 1997) and
found that either aspen or beech wood chips can be used as a carrier material.
The use of these cheap carriers material will favour the economics of the
immobilized process. The use of wood chips as a carrier in secondary
fermentation is patented (Oy Panimolaboratorio Bryggerielaboratorium Ab


7. Discussion
Continuous, non-immobilized fermentation failed to fulfil the requirements
specified by Portno (1978):
The system must maintain a high concentration of yeast to allow

rapid fermentation.
The system must be capable of using a wide range of yeasts.
The system must be capable of producing a range of beers.
The system must maintain a fermentation gradient
The system must allow controlled growth of yeast at levels up to
that of a batch system.
The system must have a facility for control of growth rate to
maintain a young and vigorous culture.
The system must provide oxygen in controlled amounts in zones of
high substrate and low product concentration.

In the present study the feasibility of continuous, immobilized fermentation was

investigated. The process was demonstrated to be capable of fermenting lager
beer in two days and of producing good lager beer for a long period of time. The
formation of aroma compounds was stable for long operative periods. Changing
the gas feed provided a means to control the formation of aroma compounds.
Contamination did not pose a serious hazard to the system. Long fermentation
periods were possible without contamination. The detection of a contamination
was possible before any serious off-flavours or chemical changes occurred in the
green beer.

7.1 Long term stability

The long operation period of 14 months (II) with stable attenuation demonstrated
that the immobilized process is capable of functioning for operative times. An
efficiency loss after 3 months of operation in large-scale pilot reactor, 10 000
litres of porous glass beads, was reported (Yamauchi et al. 1994a). Kirin's
system could not maintain its operational stability for more than 6 months
(Yamauchi and Kashihara 1995). 6 months of stable operation for lager and ale
production with a Meura Delta system consisting of an immobilized and a free


cell stage was reported (Andries et al. 1997b). The long operation time is
essential for economical reasons, although it is not sufficient in itself, as the
reported long operation times of the A.P.V. Tower demonstrated (Shore 1986).
The formation of flavour compounds was stable for long operative times (II).
The first period lasted 137 days and the second period 123 days. The
experimental phase between these constant gas feed periods did not cause
significant permanent changes in the formation of aroma compounds. In the
literature, aroma compounds from such long runs have seldom been reported. 3methyl butyl acetate decreased slowly during six weeks of operation in a 100
litre scale PBR system (Kronlf et al. 1995). The mixing caused by gas feed
may increase the stability of the system used in this study. Oxygen transfer from
the gas phase into the liquid phase and finally to yeast may occur in a large part
of the prereactor.

7.2 Control of flavour

The use of controlled gas feed to control the formation of aroma compounds was
demonstrated in (III).
Yamauchi et al. (1995a) used air sparging at 0.017 dm3dm3min1 (vvm) into the
first reactor (CSTR). By changing the ratio of the extract consumption in CSTR
and PBR from 1:1 to 1:2 they obtained beer with a richer flavour. Acetate esters
were produced in greater amounts in PBR than in CSTR. Mensour et al. (1995)
used air proportions between 2 and 5 % in the gas feed to achieve an acceptable
flavour profile. Andries et al. (1995) produced beer with higher ester
concentration in a loop reactor than in batch fermentation. The aeration was 9.7
g oxygen per minute in to the first reactor, which corresponds approximately to
2.5% vol air. They claimed that the ester concentration could be controlled by
adjusting aeration. Shindo et al. (1992) used another approach to increase the
low ester content of beer produced by immobilized yeast in batch process. They
increased the glucose concentration of wort by treating it with glucoamylase.
The 3-methyl butyl acetate concentration was more than doubled when the
glucose concentration of the wort increased from 0.9% to 8.9% (Shindo et al.
1992). The results were similar when the treatment was applied in a continuous
fluidised bed reactor (Shindo et al. 1994).


The oxygen requirement of yeast is a strain dependent factor. The oxygen

transfer rate from the gas phase into the liquid phase is complex phenomen, to
which the reactor design, PBR, CSTR or air lift, influences significantly. Also
the rate and the oxygen concentration effects on it.

7.3 The effect of carrier material on flavour

The combination of yeast strain and carrier material affected the flavour of beer
(V). Very few papers report direct effects of carrier material on the flavour of
beer. Linko and Kronlf (1991) found that with alginate beads the amounts of
fusel alcohols were low, but that with GDC the amounts of fusel alcohols were
the same as in the batch process. Many different carriers were compared and
tested for impact on beer flavour by soaking the carriers in beer Ruthaut et al.
(1993). This way some components from carriers were extracted into beers. A
process using immobilized yeast was not able to produce a similar aroma
compound profile to a batch process (see Figure 11). Interestingly, the
differences were not unidirectional. Andries et al. (1995) produced less higher
alcohols in continuous immobilized fermentation than in batch fermentation,
whereas Mensour et al. (1997) found more higher alcohols in beer produced by
immobilized yeast.
Higher concentrations of 2-methyl butanol were found (V) with the GDC carrier
than with Siran carrier, but only when using the strongly flocculent strain. This
was in agreement with the results of Linko and Kronlf (1991) with the GDC
carrier: 3-methyl butanol and 2-methyl butanol concentrations were higher than
with porous glass carrier (Kirin Bioceramics). They also found differences in 2methyl propanol and propanol, in contrast to our results (V). Concentrations of
propanol and 3-methyl butyl acetate were lower and ethyl acetate was higher
with Celite compared to Siran. More esters in continuous immobilized
fermentation than in batch fermentation are reported by Andries et al. (1995). In
this work (V), differences were found in the concentration of 3-methyl butyl
acetate: the use of Siran resulted in higher concentrations of 3-methyl butyl
acetate than when using GDC.
The results indicate that the choice of carrier material cannot be based
exclusively on literature data, but that the combination of the yeast strain and the


carrier will affect the flavour of beer produced. The origin of found differences
might well lie in the changes of the yeast cell wall when cell reacts with the
surface. These changes can and probably are strain specific. The final
optimisation for a particular flavour may include changes in wort quality (e.g.,
FAN), aeration, temperature etc.

7.4 Contamination
The primary fermentation systems are much more sensitive to contamination
than the less nutritious secondary fermentation systems (Kronlf and Haikara
1991). Moreover, the contaminating organisms of primary fermentation and
secondary fermentation reactors differ distinctively (Haikara et al. 1997, Kronlf
et al. 2000). Gram negative bacteria, such as Obesumbacterium proteus, other
enterobacteria or acetic acid bacteria are the most common contaminants in
immobilized yeast reactors used for primary fermentation. Besides bacteria, wild
yeasts may contaminate both primary and secondary fermentation systems
(Kronlf and Haikara 1991, Haikara and Kronlf 1995, Haikara et al. 1997,
Kronlf et al. 2000).
K. terrigena was able to colonise the reactors and survive in the process
conditions. The use of beech wood chips resulted in the highest concentration of
K. terrigena in the outflowing beer. Aspen chips and Siran supported lower
concentrations. When comparing the figures for pH, DMS and K. terrigena in
the outflowing green beers it was observed that the fastest detection method for
K. terrigena was plate counting. Increased concentrations of DMS were detected
in the green beer only on day 20, whereas K. terrigena was detected by plate
counting after approximately one week. The change in pH of the green beer was
seen after approximately two weeks. Another possibility is to follow the
concentrations of vicinal diketones and especially the ratio between total
pentanedione and total diacetyl. If this ratio starts to increase over a pre-set value
or shows a stable increasing trend, this could be taken as an indicator of
contamination. The reason for the increase in the ratio is unclear, but it could be
a consequence of the reduced viability of the yeast.
Biogenic amines were not produced during the experiments in amounts that
would be harmful to health. K. terrigena caused elevated concentrations of


cadaverine, but no changes in the concentrations of other measured biogenic

amines were observed. Nitrosoamines were not detected at the end of the

7.5 Economics
The main economic advantages of continuous, immobilized fermentation are
based on the possibilities to use very short fermentation times and to diminish
the non-productive time. Using a very cheap carrier material, the investment cost
was estimated to be ca. 70 % of that of a batch fermentation at an annual output
of 100 million litres (IV). The smaller floor area requirement of the immobilized
process implied 15% savings in the building cost. The running costs of the
immobilized process were estimated to be 5% higher than those of the batch
process. The Kirin Brewing Company Ltd (Table 8) has estimated rather similar
costs (Inoue 1995) for the investment using their own carrier (Bioceramics,
porous glass beads). Contrary to results in (IV), Inoue (1995) calculated the
running costs to be 1.8 fold and the yield of beer to be lower. This may be a
reflection of their experiences from the small scale Boca Boca brewery on
Table 8. Estimated profit gained by immobilized yeast systems in a 100 million
litre brewery (adapted from Inoue 1995). Both main fermentation and secondary
fermentation were continuous, immobilized processes.





Running cost



Space required



Yield of beer



7.6 Compendium
Using the immobilization technique a high concentration of yeast can be
maintained in the reactor. A change in the flow rate will not affect the amount of
yeast in the system, so the output can be varied. The high concentration of yeast
facilitates short fermentation times without an increase in temperature. With the
systems presented in this study the main fermentation lasted about 50 hours (II,
III and IV). In the early attempts at continuous fermentation very short
fermentation times were reported (down to 4 hours), but in many of these
experiments the fermentation temperature was elevated. Yamauchi et al. (1995a)
reported a 1 day fermentation time for their system of CSTR and PBR. Meura
Delta system with an inverted structure a loop reactor followed by a CSTR
was also able to ferment in 1 day (Andries et al. 1997a). Residence times
between 20 and 24 hours gave full attenuation in a fluidised bed reactor
(Mensour et al. 1996). The slow start-up encountered in the A.P.V. Tower
fermenter is abolished by using immobilization technology.
With immobilization technique the yeast strain is not limited to those with
suitable flocculation characteristics, but any production strain can be used. In the
papers II, III, V and VI five different strains were used. None of them posed any
difficulties, although their flocculation characteristics were different. The use of
a normal production strain in an immobilized fermentation process is reported by
many authors, e.g., van de Winkel et al. (1993), Smogrovicova et al. (1997)
whereas others simply describe the strain as brewer's yeast, e.g., Yamauchi et al.
(1995a), Maeba et al. (2000).
Maintaining a fermentation gradient is possible either by the use of multiple
vessels or by using packed bed type reactors. By controlling the amount of
oxygen entering the system the yeast growth together with formation of aroma
compounds can be controlled. When introducing air into wort just before the
reactor, oxygen is introduced into high substrate and low product concentration.
Although, all the requirements of Portno (1978) can be fulfilled by using
immobilization technique, there exist hindrances for the application of
immobilized main fermentation. The total production of beer in the world is
increasing slowly, but the increase is limited to very few countries: China,
Russia, Vietnam, India. Elsewhere the production capacity is in excess (Western


Europe, USA). The amount of money tied up in the existing fermentation vessels
alone could be in the order of 3 000 000 000 Euro (unit cost 0.16 million Euro,
unit size 4000 hl, cycle time 18 days, the world production 1 300 million
hectolitres). The lifetime of a fermenter can be 25 to 30 years. The capital tied
up in the conventional fermenters is a factor against the immobilized main
fermentation. Batchwise wort production diminishes the economic advantages of
continuous main fermentation, as more tanks for wort storage are needed in the
process. Different beers can be produced by changing the type of wort (Andries
et al. 1997b), without any change in the yeast.
The image of the product is a factor that cannot be ignored when considering
any major process changes in the beer production. There will always be
individuals and organisations that prefer to stay with traditional methods and
materials. The beer tasting guru Michael Jackson wrote (1992): "immobile yeast
might be the technique of the future and I probably won't like that, either",
although he did not find any faults in continuously fermented Dominion Kiwi
Lager. Fortunately, Meilgaard (2000) provided an example that new types of
beer may be successful on the market.


8. Summary and conclusions

This work demonstrated that an immobilized, continuous main fermentation is a
feasible process for production of lager beer. Recent larger pilot units confirm
the attractiveness of continuous fermentation to the brewing industry. The
immobilization technique as such has solved some problems encountered in
continuous, non-immobilized processes in the 1960s.
The division of main fermentation by immobilized yeast into two stages, of
which the first is an aerobic and the second an anaerobic stage, has facilitated the
maintenance of yeast viability and vitality so that long operation periods are
possible. In this work an operative period of over 14 months was found to be
stable both in attenuation and in flavour formation. The controlled gas feed rates
provided a tool to control the formation of flavour compounds. This control is
achieved through controlling the growth-limiting substrate, oxygen, and its
distribution in the first stage of the process. An interesting finding in this work
was that not only has the carrier material an effect on the flavour of beer, but that
this influence is strain dependent. The combination of carrier and yeast strain
had an effect on the flavour of beer.
Although economic evaluation indicates that a continuous fermentation process
using immobilized yeast has economic advantages over a batch process, these
advantages should be confirmed in larger scale units than those used in this
work. A key finding of this work was that the feasibility of wood chips as a
cheap carrier material. These chips proved to be as good as porous glass beads,
kieselguhr based or DEAE-cellulose based carriers, which are about 100-fold
more expensive.
Contamination is a hazard, but not more so in continuous, immobilized
fermentation than in batch fermentation. Detection by the plate counting method
proved to be rapid enough to avoid the release of beer of inferior quality. In the
future more rapid detection methods will probably be developed and these will
provide even better protection. If a method to analyse the physiological state of
yeast should emerge, this would give the brewmaster increased assurance, and
the acceptability of continuous, immobilized fermentation would increase


Can immobilized fermentation cause a technological leap or a discontinuity in

fermentation performance; can this technique be a disruptive change in the
brewing industry? This question is still unanswered, but immobilization
technique has elements of a disruptive technological change. Immobilized
fermentation is developing rapidly and good lager beer can be already produced
by continuous, immobilized fermentation.


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VTT Publications 430



Virkajrvi, Ilkka

Feasibility of continuous main fermentation of beer

using immobilized yeast

Fermentation is the most time consuming step in the production of beer and therefore
the effective use of fermentation vessels is a crucial element in brewing economy.
One means of increasing the productivity of a batch process is to convert it to a
continuous one. Experiments in continuous fermentation emerged during the 1950s
and 1960s, but by the end of 1970s most of them had been closed down.
Immobilization technique revitalised continuous fermentation research in the 1980s
and led to industrial applications in the secondary fermentation and in the production
of low-alcohol beers.
This work demonstrated that an immobilized, continuous main fermentation is a
feasible process for production of lager beer. The immobilized main fermentation was
stable for more than 14 months both in fermentation efficiency and in aroma
compound formation. The formation of aroma compounds could be controlled by
varying the composition and amount of gas feed into the first fermentation stage. The
division of immobilized main fermentation into an aerobic and an anaerobic stage
appeared to solve problems related to yeast growth and viability.
The carrier material affected the formation of flavour compounds in small-scale
fermentations. Moreover the effect varied with the yeast strain used. The carrier
affected the economy of immobilized fermentation: the carrier cost could be as high
as one third of the investment. When a cheap carrier is used the investment cost for a
continuous, immobilized process was estimated to be only about 70% of the
investment cost of a batch process.

beverages, beer, brewing, primary fermentation, immobilized yeasts, carriers, stability, flavours,
microbes, contamination
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VTT Biotechnology, Process Technology, Tietotie 2, P.O.Box 1500, FIN02044 VTT, Finland

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