Fermentation Process

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Objectives of biotechnology will be considered in order to achieve a broad


After this session you will be able overall understanding of basic principles.
• To prepare, initiate, observe, and understand fermentation, Define Fermentation ?
out of all the Natural Sciences, modern biology is the most Introduction: Fermentation is a common process in both
diversified exhibiting a varied array of subdisciplines. This natural and man-made environments. In fermentation, yeast
diversity can be attributed to the introduction of other cells metabolize sugars, producing carbon dioxide and alcohol.
scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and Some products which result from fermentation include, among
mathematics. This has resulted in a more profound many others: alcoholic beverages, bread, soy sauce, sauerkraut,
description of life at the cellular and nuclear level. The pickles, and kimchee.
newly acquired knowledge in the field of biology has Observing fermentation provides an interesting platform from
resulted in great contributions to the health and welfare of which to study and understand chemical and biological
man. processes.
• Know many areas of application of biotechnology. The Fermentation is defined as an energy-yielding metabolic
table below lists the main ones from which all others stem: pathway that involves no net change in oxidation state.
1) Fermentation Technology Anaerobic glycolysis is a type of fermentation. The lactic acid
This is, historically, the most important area in fermentation (conversion of glucose to lactate) is important in
biotechnology. There has been extensive development in the manufacture of cheese. Another important fermentation
progress with new products such as medically important involves cleavage of pyruvate to acetaldehyde and CO2, that
drugs, solvents, protein enhanced foods, etc. This also follows: with the acetaldehyde then reduced to ethanol by
includes research on different types of fermentation alcohol dehydrogenase in the reaction
designs to optimize the process. Acetaldehyde + NADH + H+ <-> Ethanol + NAD+
2) Enzyme Engineering As carried out by yeasts, this fermentation generates the alcohol
This area is used for the catalysis of extremely specific in alcoholic beverages. alcoholic fermentation
chemical reactions, for the immobilization of enzymes, and What is necessary to begin fermentation ?
to create specific molecular converters (bioreactors). All that is necessary to begin fermentation is to mix the
Products formed include L-amino acids, high fructose activated yeast and the cooled, pH-adjusted mash in the
syrup, semi-synthetic penicillins, starch and cellulose fermentation tank. Aside from the considerations of pH as
hydrolysis, etc. discussed earlier, the most important thing during the fermen-
3) Waste Technology tation is temperature control. When the fermentation begins,
carbon dioxide gas will be given off. At the height of fermenta-
This has a long array of historical importance, but now
tion, the mash will literally “boil” from the carbon dioxide
emphasis is on the coupling of this field with the
produced. The reaction also produces some heat. The optimum
conservation and recycling of resources. Examples would
temperature for the fermentation process is between 70-85 deg
include foods, fertilizers, biological fuels.
F., and it is desirable not to let the temperature go much above
4) Environmental Technology 90-95 deg F. Cooling is readily done with the use of ice bags, as
Problems like pollution control, removing toxic wastes, discussed earlier, or by the use of a cooling coil. A less desirable
recovery of metals from mining wastes and low grade ores, method of controlling temperature is to dilute the mash.
are just some of the categories that fall under this field. The actual time required to ferment a mash varies with the
5) Renewable Resources Technology material being fermented, the pH, temperature, and several
The use of renewable energy sources, in particular lignocellulose other factors. It can take from one to four days. You will know
to generate new sources of chemical raw material and energy - that the fermentation is complete when the mash ceases
ethanol, methane, and hydrogen. bubbling and the yeast cake, which forms on top, sinks to the
bottom. At this point, the fermented liquor is known as “beer”
Each of these fields utilizes knowledge from Biochemistry,
and it is ready to be distilled.
Genetics, Chemistry, Applied Microbiology, Chemical and
Process Engineering, and Mathematics and Computer Technol- It is advantageous to distill the beer as soon as possible.
ogy. Also, these areas of biotechnology attempt to use the best Occasionally, if it is allowed to sit, it will turn to vinegar.
possible catalysts in optimum environment to carry out various Vinegar is alcohol that has been oxidized to acetic acid. Certain
chemical reactions. In the pages to come, some important areas enzymes present after fermentation act as catalysts and allow any
air present in the mash solution to react with the alcohol to
form acetic acid. In fact, if you want to produce vinegar, all you

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have to do to start the reaction is to bubble air through the NAD+ . When this situation happens, NADH is oxidized to

fermented mash. Once the vinegar reaction has set in, the mash NAD+ by reducing pyruvate to lactate. The enzyme catalyzing
is lost. There is no cure. The only prevention is to separate the this reaction is lactate dehydrogenase. The equilibrium for this
beer from the mash sediment and distill it as soon after reaction lies far in favor of formation of lactate.
fermentation is complete as possible. Until recently it was thought that lactate accumulation in skeletal
It is also advantageous to use a fermentation lock to prevent muscle was largely a consequence of anaerobic metabolism,
alcohol vapors from escaping the fermenter. Otherwise, the which occurs when the need for tissues to generate energy
CO2 gas can carry with it a considerable amount of alcohol. exceeds their capacity to oxidize the pyruvate produced in
Note that the small, glass fermentation locks available from glycolysis. Recent metabolic studies, including 31P NMR analyses
wine-making supply houses are suitable, at most) for a 5-gallon of the levels of phosphorylated intermediates in living muscle
container. Larger containers must have proportionately larger cells during exercise, suggest that lactate is actually an intermedi-
fermentation locks or a dangerous amount of pressure will ate and not a metabolic “dead end,” whose only fate is
build and the vessel could explode. reconversion to pyruvate. These studies show that even in fully
It is permissible to open the fermenter to check progress and oxygenated muscle tissue, as much as 50% of the glucose
take samples for pH analysis, etc. as long as care is taken not to metabolized is converted to lactate. This may represent a means
introduce bacteria that could contaminate the mash. for coordinating energy-storing and energy-generating pathways
in different tissues, but the mechanisms involved are not yet
Fermentation By-products clear.
The principle products of fermentation are alcohol, carbon
Lactate dehydrogenase was the first enzyme that established
dioxide, and fermentation residue. The alcohol is distilled from
the structural basis for the existence of isoenzymes (different
the beer and used as fuel . The carbon dioxide gas in large
forms of an enzyme resulting from variations in amino acid
distilleries is usually compressed or made into dry ice. Another
sequence). Most tissues contain five isoenzymes of lactate
use for the gas would be to pipe it into a greenhouse. The
dehydrogenase that can be resolved electrophoretically
plants will then use it in the photosynthesis cycle, removing the
carbon and giving off oxygen. Lacking a use for the carbon YEAST
dioxide, it can be simply vented into the air as it is totally non- Yeast is an organism belonging to the vegetable family. The
polluting and non-toxic. yeast itself does not take a direct part in the fermentation
What will be left is a lot of water and solids. A portion of the process, but it secretes a complex of enzymes that act upon the
water can be used for backslopping. The remaining solids sugar and convert it to alcohol and carbon dioxide gas.
contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and yeast cells. All of The yeast used in alcoholic fermentation is a special strain bred
the nutrition value of the original feedstock, except the starch or to be tolerant to variations in pH and resistant to alcohol. In
sugar that has been turned into alcohol, survives intact. It may the past, distilleries bred and propagated their own yeast strains.
be fed to cattle, or if suitably processed it can be used for The yeast was kept alive in cultures and grown in batches of
human consumption. However, in the wet state, it will keep for ever-increasing size to be used in the fermenters. Keeping yeast
a maximum of 3-5 days depending on conditions. After this it alive and growing cultures is a tricky business that requires
will begin to rot. Therefore, for long term storage these residues precise control of temperature, nutrients, and the like. However,
(stillage) must be dried. This can be done by straining out the a simplified method is described later. Fortunately, special active
solids and spreading them in a thin layer to dry in the sun, by dry yeast is available. To use it, you merely add warm water to
use of rotary grain dryers, or similar equipment. reactivate it and then add it to the mash in the fermenter. Two
Note of Caution pounds is sufficient for 1000 gallons of mash. It is available
Alcohol produced for human consumption is made under from Universal Foods Corporation as listed in the appendix.
special conditions and purified to a high degree. Ethanol that is This yeast should be rehydrated for 15 minutes prior to use at a
produced according to the procedures in this book will contain temperature of 100-105 deg Fahrenheit, or it can be added dry
fusel oils (high boiling alcohols), aldehydes, and ketones. None to the fermentation tank prior to filling.
of these chemicals affect fuel performance but, if ingested, In a pinch, it is possible to use ordinary baker’s yeast from your
could cause fatal poisoning at worst or a horrible hangover at grocer’s shelf. However, this yeast is not bred for alcohol
best. In addition, if the distillation equipment used later on is tolerance, and you will probably not get the yields associated
not tinned copper or stainless steel, many toxic metal oxides can with the distiller’s yeast.
be introduced to the alcohol. Solder, for example, contains a lot Yeast Propagation
of lead and can react to form poisonous lead oxides. So besides It is possible to grow and propagate your own yeast cultures if
being illegal, drinking your fuel could be hazardous to your you observe certain precautions. Above all, the conditions must
health! be absolutely sterile. Ordinary boiling water does not kill all of
What is lactic acid fermentation ? the bacteria present. It is necessary to use a pressure cooker.
Lactate Fermentation Make a solution of (proportionately) one cup sugar, one cup
Lactate fermentation occurs in anaerobic organisms or in aerobic flour and two quarts water. Place the solution in a pressure
cells that are undergoing very high rates of glycolysis. In these cooker and boil at elevated pressure for at least 45 minutes.
cells, NADH generated in glycolysis cannot be reoxidized to Without opening the pressure cooker, cool the solution to

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about room temperature. Then open the container and add a b) Metric scale

cake of baker’s or distiller’s yeast. Close the container and keep it c) Fish scale
in the refrigerator. The yeast will slowly grow. Some carbon
d) Brix scale
dioxide will be given off, so be sure to leave the vent open. If
desired, the yeast slurry can be transferred to jars. Just be sure 6. The color of wines made from red grapes can be
they are sterile and remember to poke a small hole in the lid to a) red, white, and rosé
let the carbon dioxide escape. b) red only
To use the yeast culture, merely remove a teaspoon or so, place it c) red or rosé only
in another (sterile) container, feed it some sugar and warm it to
d) white only
room temperature. When it becomes active, it is ready for the
fermenter. If at any time your refrigerated culture goes bad (due 7. The process of adding sugar to grape juice before or
to bacterial contamination) it must be thrown out and the during fermentation to achieve higher alcohol levels is
procedure started again. Also, yeast cultures should not be called
frozen. a) Consternation
Yeast convert pyruvate to acetaldehyde in a reaction catalyzed by b) Pasteurization
the enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase. This is followed by c) Fining
reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol catalyzed by alcohol d) Chaptalization
dehydrogenase. The reaction uses NADH and releases NAD+,
which is subsequently used in glycolysis. 8. A full-bodied white wine with deep yellow color and
complex aromas and flavors would most likely have
Yeasts used in baking also carry out the alcoholic fermentation; been produced by
the CO2 produced by pyruvate decarboxylation causes bread to
rise, and the ethanol produced evaporates during baking. a) fermentation and aging in small wooden barrels
Among the dozens of other useful fermentations are those b) fermentation and aging in large, cool stainless steel
leading to acetic acid (manufacture of vinegar) and propionic tanks
acid (manufacture of Swiss cheese). c) carbonic maceration
Quiz Questions d) adding red grapes to the process
1. Alcoholic fermentation is caused by the interaction of 9. The color of red wines comes from
a) sugar and carbon dioxide a) wooden barrels
b) sugar and acid b) adding caramel
c) sugar and yeasts c) the pigments in red grape skins
d) yeast and pectin d) using beet sugar
2. The products of the alcoholic fermentation are 10. Tannins are extracted from
a) alcohol, carbon dioxide, and heat a) grape skins
b) carbon monoxide and sugar b) wooden barrels
c) tannin and sugar c) grape stems
d) sugar and higher pH d) all of the above
3. As the sugar content of the grapes increases during the 11. A wine labelled as Zinfandel will be
growing season, the acids a) white
a) stay the same b) red
b) fall c) rosé
c) rise d) clear
d) change to sugar 12. The term “dry” indicates that a wine is
4. Grapes grown in cooler climates generally produce a) not sweet
wine with
b) low in alcohol
a) high alcohol and low acids
c) astringent
b) high alcohol and high acids
d) in powder form
c) low to moderate alcohol and low acids
13. The bubbles in sparkling wines are
d) low to moderate alcohol and high acids
a) oxygen that permeates the cork and settles in the wine
5. The scale used to measure sugar in grape juice in the
b) carbon monoxide produced by a second fermentation
U.S. is the
in the bottle
a) Richter scale

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c) carbon dioxide produced by a second fermentation in

the bottle
d) the skins of dead yeast cells
14. The year “1996” printed on a label indicates that the
a) was bottled in 1996
b) was made from grapes harvested in 1996
c) was ready to drink in 1996
d) was made from grapes grown on vines planted in


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