RR 09-2004 of The Bureau of Internal Revenue

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Quezon City
June 21, 2004



Implementing Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 9238,

Re-Imposing the Gross Receipts Tax on Banks and Non-Bank
Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi-Banking Functions
and Other Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Beginning
January 1, 2004.


All Internal Revenue Officers and Employees and Others


SECTION 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 244 in relation to Sections

121 and 122 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (Code), these Regulations
are hereby promulgated in order to implement Sections 3 and 4 of Republic Act No.
9238 re-imposing the gross receipts tax
on banks and non-bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions and other non-bank financial
intermediaries, beginning January 1, 2004.

SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS. For purposes of these Regulations, the

terms enumerated hereunder shall have the following meaning:
Financial Institution shall refer to banks, non-bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions, and other non-bank
financial intermediaries including finance companies. This does not,
however, include insurance companies.
Banks or Banking Institutions shall refer to those entities as
defined in Section 3 of Republic Act No. 8791, as amended, otherwise
known as the General Banking Law of 2000. The term "banks" or "banking
institutions" are synonymous and interchangeable and specifically include
universal banks, commercial banks, thrift banks (savings and mortgage
banks, stock savings and loan associations, and private development banks),
cooperative banks, rural banks, Islamic banks and other classifications of

banks as may be determined by the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral

ng Pilipinas.
Non-bank Financial Intermediaries shall refer to persons or
entities whose principal functions include the lending, investing or
placement of funds or evidences of indebtedness or equity deposited with
them, acquired by them or otherwise coursed through them, either for their
own account or for the account of others. This includes all entities regularly
engaged in the lending of funds or purchasing of receivables or other
obligations with funds obtained from the public through the issuance,
endorsement or acceptance of debt instruments of any kind for their own
account, or through the issuance of certificates of assignment or similar
instruments with recourse, trust certificates, or of repurchase agreements,
whether any of these means of obtaining funds from the public is done on a
regular basis or only occasionally.
Quasibanking Activities shall refer to the borrowing of funds
from twenty (20) or more personal or corporate lenders at any one time,
through the issuance, endorsement or acceptance of debt instruments of any
kind other than deposits for the borrowers own account, or through the
issuance of certificates of assignment or similar instruments, with recourse,
or of repurchase agreements for purposes of relending or purchasing
receivables and other similar obligations. Provided, however, that
commercial, industrial and other non-financial companies, which borrows
funds through any of these means for the limited purpose of financing their
own needs or the needs of their agents or dealers, shall not be considered as
performing quasi-banking functions.
Deposit Substitutes shall refer to an alternative form of
obtaining funds from the public (the term public means borrowing from
twenty [20] or more individual or corporate lenders at any one time), other
than deposits, through the issuance, endorsement, or acceptance of debt
instruments for the borrowers own account, for the purpose of relending or
purchasing of receivables and other obligations, or financing their own
needs or the needs of their agent or dealer. These instruments may include,
but need not be limited to, bankers acceptances, promissory notes,
repurchase agreements, including reverse repurchase agreements entered
into by and between the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and any
authorized agent bank, certificates of assignment or participation and similar
instruments with recourse: Provided, however, That debt instruments issued
for inter-bank call loans with maturity of not more than five (5) days to
cover deficiency in reserves against deposit liabilities including those
between or among banks and quasi-banks shall not be considered as deposit
substitute debt instruments.

Insurance Companies shall refer to entities that undertakes for
a consideration to indemnify another (insured) against loss, damage or
liability arising from an unknown or contingent event.
Financing Companies shall refer to corporations except banks,
investments houses, savings and loan associations, insurance companies,
cooperatives, and other financial institutions organized or operating under
other special laws, which are primarily organized for the purpose of
extending credit facilities to consumers and to industrial, commercial, or
agricultural enterprises, by direct lending or by discounting or factoring
commercial papers or accounts receivables, or by buying and selling
contracts, leases, chattel mortgages, or other evidences of indebtedness, or
by financial leasing of movable as well as immovable properties (R.A. No.
5980 as amended by R.A. No. 8556).
Financial Leasing shall refer to the mode of extending credit
through a non-cancellable lease contract under which the lessor purchases or
acquires, at the instance of the lessee, machinery, equipment, motor
vehicles, appliances, business and office machines, and other movable or
immovable property in consideration of the periodic payment by the lessee
of a fixed amount of money sufficient to amortize at least seventy percent
(70%) of the purchase price or acquisition cost, including any incidental
expenses and a margin of profit over an obligatory period of not less than
two (2) years during which the lessee has the right to hold and use the leased
property with the right to expense the lease rentals paid to the lessor and
bears the cost of repairs, maintenance, insurance and preservation thereof,
but with no obligation or option on his part to purchase the leased property
from the owner-lessor at the end of the lease contract (R.A. No. 5980 as
amended by R.A. No. 8556). A finance lease is a lease that transfers
substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
Operating Lease - shall refer to a lease other than a finance lease
of a finance company.
Interest Income - the term shall include interest and discounts
earned on loans and investment transactions.
Securities shall include shares of stock in a corporation and
rights to subscribe for or to receive such shares; and bonds, debentures,
notes or certificates, or other evidence of indebtedness issued by any
corporation, including those issued by the government or political
subdivision thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form.

Government Securities shall refer to securities issued by the
Republic of the Philippines or any of its agencies, instrumentalities, and
political subdivisions.
Private Securities shall refer to securities not covered by
Subsection 2.12. hereof.
Gross Receipts - For purposes of these Regulations, the term
shall refer to the compensation for all financial and non-financial services,
or combination thereof, performed by financial institutions within the
Philippines, which include:
(a.) Financial intermediation service fee;
(b) Financial leasing income;
(c) Rentals on properties, real or personal;
(d) Royalties;
(e) Commissions;
(f) Trust fees;
(g) Estate planning fees;
(h) Service fees;
(i) Other charges or fees received as compensation for services
(j) Net trading gains;
(k) Net foreign exchange gains
(l) Gain on sale or redemption of investments;
(m) Net gain from the sale of properties acquired through foreclosure
lodged under the account Real and Other Properties Owned and
Acquired (ROPOA) or under any other appropriate account, which
is measured by the difference between the selling price or the
consideration received for such sale and the carrying cost or book
value of the asset at the time of sale as determined in accordance
with the generally accepted accounting principles prescribed by the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for banks and non-bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions, or by the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for other financial
intermediaries; and
(n) All other receipts of gross income specified in Section 32 (A) of the
Code not otherwise enumerated above.
In determining gross receipts, any amount withheld by the payor of
the income as taxes, i.e., on rentals, interests, etc. shall form part thereof
under the doctrine of constructive receipt of income.


QUASI-BANKING FUNCTIONS. - There shall be collected on gross receipts from
sources within the Philippines by all banks and non-bank financial intermediaries
performing quasi-banking functions in accordance with the following schedule:

On interest, commissions and discounts from

lending activities as well as income from financial
leasing, on the basis of remaining maturities of
instruments from which such receipts are derived :
Maturity period of five (5) years or less ------------------- 5%
Maturity period is more than five (5) years ----------------- 1%


On dividends and equity shares in the net

income of subsidiaries ----------------------------------------- 0%


On royalties, rentals of property, real or personal,

profit from exchange and all other items treated
as gross income under Section 32 of the Code--------------5%


On net trading gains within the taxable year on

foreign currency, debt securities, derivatives and
other similar financial instruments -----------------------------5%

In computing for the net trading gain within the taxable year on items of
income provided in (d) above, the figure to be reported in the monthly percentage tax
return (GRT) shall be the cumulative total of the net trading gain/loss since the first
month of the applicable taxable year less the figures already reflected in the previous
months of the same taxable year. Provided, that net trading loss on items of income
provided in (d) above may only be deducted from net trading gain on items of income
provided in (d) above, but not from any other items of gross receipt to arrive at the total
monthly gross receipts tax due.
ABC Bank has the following income/loss for the month of March 2004:
Interest Income with Maturity of less than five years
Net trading Loss

For the month of March 2004, ABC Bank is liable for GRT amounting to P
5,000.00 computed as follow:
Interest Income with Maturity of Less
than Five years
Multiply by GRT Rate

P 50,000.00

P 2,500.00

Multiply by GRT Rate

P 50,000.00



P 5,000.00

For the month of April 2004, ABC Bank has the following income:
Interest Income with Maturity of less than five years
Net trading gain


For the month of April 2004, ABC Bank is liable for GRT amounting to
P8,000.00 computed as follow:
Interest Income with Maturity of Less
than Five years
Multiply by GRT Rate

P 100,000.00

P 5,000.00

Multiply by GRT Rate

P 50,000.00


Net Trading Gain for April 2004

Less: Net Trading Loss for March 2004
Adjusted Net Trading Gain
Multiply by GRT Rate

P 20,000.00



P 8,000.00

Furthermore, if for the sake of this illustration, ABC Bank shall have by the end
of December 2004, a cumulative net trading loss of P 50,000.00, said trading loss can no
longer be carried over to taxable year 2005 and deducted against any trading gain earned
on any taxable year other than the year it was incurred.


In the case of financial leasing, the taxable gross receipts shall consist of the
interest income only whereas in the case of transactions under operating lease
agreements, the gross receipts is the gross rental. Whether the lease transaction is
finance lease or operating lease shall be determined by the contents of the document
evidencing the lease agreement or, in short, the substance of the agreement rather than the
form used to evidence such agreement between the lessor and the lessee.
Provided, however, that in case the maturity period referred to in paragraph (a)
is shortened thru pretermination, then the maturity period shall be reckoned to end
as of the date of pretermination for purposes of classifying the transaction and the
application of the correct tax rate.
Provided, further, that the generally accepted accounting principles as may be
prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for the bank or non-bank financial
intermediary performing quasi-banking functions shall be the basis for the calculation of
the taxable gross receipts.
Provided, finally, that the financial statements from which the basis for deriving
the taxable gross receipts is determined must be prepared likewise in accordance with the
generally accepted accounting principles as may be prescribed by the Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas for the bank and non-bank financial intermediary performing quasibanking functions.
Nothing in these Regulations shall preclude the Commissioner from imposing
the same tax herein provided on persons performing similar banking activities.

financial intermediaries (non-bank financial intermediary not performing quasi-banking
functions) doing business in the Philippines shall be subject to GRT at rates and on
items of income provided hereunder:

From interest, commissions, discounts and

all other items treated as gross income
under the Code ------------------------------------------- 5%


On interests, commissions and discounts

from lending activities as well as income
from financial leasing, on the basis of
remaining maturities of the instruments from
which such receipts are derived:

Maturity period is five (5) years or less ------------ 5%

Maturity period is more than five (5) years---------1%

In the case of financial leasing, the taxable gross receipts shall consist only of
interest income (recovery of principal not included).
However, in the case of
transactions under operating lease agreements, the gross receipts is the gross rental
amount. Whether the lease transaction is finance lease or operating lease shall be
determined by the contents of the document evidencing the lease agreement or, in short,
the substance of the agreement rather than the form used to evidence such agreement
between the lessor and the lessee.
Provided, however, that in case the maturity period referred to in paragraph (b)
is shortened thru pretermination, then the maturity period shall be reckoned to end
as of the date of pretermination for purposes of classifying the transaction and the
application of the correct tax rate.
Provided, further, that the generally accepted accounting principles as may be
prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission for other non-bank financial
intermediaries (non-bank financial intermediaries not performing quasi-banking
functions) shall be the basis for the calculation of the taxable gross receipts.
Provided, finally, that the financial statements from which the basis for deriving
the taxable gross receipts is to be determined must be prepared likewise in accordance
with the generally accepted accounting principles as may be prescribed by the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for other non-bank financial intermediaries
(Non-bank financial intermediaries not performing quasi-banking functions).
Nothing in these Regulations shall preclude the Commissioner from imposing
the same tax herein provided on persons performing similar activities.

SEC. 5. PRETERMINATION. - In case of pretermination, the maturity

period shall be reckoned to end as of the date of pretermination for purposes of
classifying the transaction and applying the correct rate of tax. Any adjustment in tax due
caused by pre-terminations of existing agreements shall be reflected as a separate item in
the GRT return covering all transactions of the month in which the pre-terminations take

Mr. A executed on November 10, 2003 a long-term loan from Bank B in the
amount of P5,000.000 payable within ten (10) years with the first installment due on or

before November 10, 2004 and the succeeding yearly installment on the same date of the
subsequent years. Assume that on November 10, 2008, the loan was preterminated and
that the interest paid and other fees received from year 2004 up to year 2008, amounting
to P100,000 annually, were received and declared by Bank B correctly and the applicable
gross receipts taxes were paid as follows:



Amount of
interest, etc.

tax rate



Gross receipt tax

Total Gross Receipts Tax



In 2008, upon pretermination, the loan agreement shall be reclassified and the
correct gross receipt tax, including prior years, shall be recomputed on the basis of the
new category as shown hereunder:


Amount of
interest, etc.

tax rate


Less than
1 year



Gross receipt tax


Total Gross Receipts Tax

Less: Gross Receipts Tax
Previously paid


Gross Receipts Tax Due as Recomputed




GRT due computed and determined in accordance with these
Regulations shall be paid monthly within 20 days following the end of the taxable
month using BIR Form 2551M to the concerned AAB of the RDO/LTDO/LTAID I
where the taxpayer is registered or required to be registered. Provided, that, if the
taxpayer is an EFPS taxpayer, the rules and regulations governing the filing of
returns and payment of taxes under EFPS shall be observed.

SEC. 7.


Conversion From VAT-Registered Taxpayer to That of
Non-VAT Taxpayer. Affected VAT-registered banks, non-bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions and other non-bank financial
intermediaries are required to update their corresponding registration records
with the concerned BIR Office by filing the necessary registration update
forms (BIR Form No. 1905) converting their status from VAT-registered
taxpayer to that of Non-VAT taxpayer on or before July 31, 2004. Provided,
that, all Large Taxpayers that went through the centralized registration
procedures at the BIR National Office in converting their status from non-VAT to
VAT in year 2003 shall follow the same procedure in converting their status from
VAT to non-VAT. Release of the Certificates of Registration and other
registration-related documents shall likewise follow the same procedures done in
Unused VAT Receipts. Taxpayers who change status from
VAT to Non-VAT as a result of RA 9238 shall be required to submit, on or
before July 31, 2004, to the BIR office having jurisdiction over the taxpayers
head office an inventory of unused VAT invoice/ receipts as of February 13,
2004, the last working day prior to the publication of RA 9238 on February 16,
2004, indicating the number of booklets and the corresponding serial numbers
of said unused VAT invoices/receipts. It is stressed, moreover, that starting
February 16, 2004, financial institutions covered by Sections 121 and 122 of the
Tax Code must be issuing non-VAT invoices/receipts as enunciated in Revenue
Memorandum Circular No. 9-2004. For this purpose, financial institutions shall
be allowed, up to July 31, 2004, to use unused VAT receipts included in the
inventory of unused VAT receipts as of February 13, 2004 required to be
submitted herein, provided, they are clearly stamped with the word Non-VAT
receipt, and countersigned by a duly-authorized officer of the financial
Cost of unused VAT invoices/receipts, as listed in the inventory
submitted, shall be allowed as an income tax deduction for taxable year 2004.


Taxability of Collections Received On or Before December
31, 2003 On Account of Services to be Rendered Thereafter As Well as
Services Rendered On or Before Dec. 31, 2003 the Considerations for
Which Were Received Thereafter Collections forming part of gross receipts
on or before December 31, 2003 are supposed to have been subjected to VAT,
the last payment date of which is January 20/25, which collection shall no
longer be subject to the payment of GRT. Advance payments received on or
before December 31, 2003 where the services thereof are to be rendered after
such date shall not be considered as income earned beginning January 1, 2004
subject to GRT considering that the same has already been subjected to VAT in
the previous year. On the other hand, services rendered prior to December 31,
2003, the considerations for which were received thereafter and therefore not
reflected in any VAT return filed shall be subject to GRT.

Transition Period in the Filing of Tax Return and Payment of


All financial institutions are required to file a VAT return and pay
value added tax on or before February 20/25, 2004 for all of their
transactions for the month of January 2004, without any deduction
of whatsoever nature, other than the creditable VAT withheld by
government institutions, such as the Bureau of Treasury and the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). In addition to the foregoing,
all financial institutions are required to file a gross receipt tax
return and pay the gross receipt tax due on all their transactions for
the month of January 2004, without any deduction or adjustment of
whatsoever nature.


All financial institutions are required to file a VAT return and pay
value added tax on or before March 20/25, 2004 for all of their
transactions for the period of February 1-16, 2004, without any
deduction of whatsoever nature, other than the creditable VAT
withheld by government institutions, such as the Bureau of
Treasury and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). In addition to
the foregoing, all financial institutions are required to file a gross
receipt tax return and pay the gross receipt tax due on all their
transactions for the month of February 2004, without any
deduction or adjustment of whatsoever nature.


Under the presumption that all financial institutions are in full

compliance hereof, i.e., all transactions of all financial institutions
are covered by NON-VAT receipt, all financial institutions shall
thereafter be required to file the quarterly VAT return for the first

Tax .


quarter of 2004 to cover for all of its transaction for the period
beginning January 1, 2004 to February 16, 2004 reported in the
two preceding paragraph under this subsection, said quarterly VAT
return shall be the last VAT return to be filed by financial
Additional clarification, guidelines and procedures in the filing of VAT
returns and Percentage Tax Returns (GRT) during the transition period
shall be released by the Bureau of Internal Revenue through a Revenue
Memorandum Circular.
Excess Input Tax Credits - Excess input tax credits on hand
of taxpayers whose status has changed from VAT to Non-VAT taxpayers
shall be governed by Section 112 of the Tax Code.
(6.) Period Within Which Erroneously-Paid VAT of Customers May
Be Refunded from the Financial Institutions-payee For transactions entered
into starting January 1, 2004 up to February 13, 2004 (the last working day before
the publication of R.A. 9238) for which VAT receipts were issued, clients may
refund from the financial institution-payee, on or before June 30, 2004,
erroneously paid VAT provided the issued VAT receipts are surrendered to the
financial institution and the latter cancels the same upon issuance of non-VAT
receipts in place thereof.
Period Within Which Financial Institutions May Credit against
GRT Liability Erroneously Collected and Remitted VAT Subsequently
Refunded to Clients The financial institutions are allowed to credit against
GRT liability reflected in either the March 2004 GRT return or the April 2004
GRT return erroneously collected and remitted VAT subsequently refunded to
clients. Provided, said credit shall be substantiated by attaching to their March
2004 GRT return or the April 2004 GRT return a summary schedule of the
cancelled VAT receipt reflecting the VAT Receipt Number, Date of Issuance,
Name of Customer, and the Non-VAT Receipt Number of the Non-VAT Receipt
Issued as Substitute. The cancelled VAT Receipt should clearly show and bear on
the face thereof the word cancelled.
(8.) Amendment of VAT Returns and Percentage Tax Returns Already
Due and Filed Prior to Release of These Regulations.- VAT Returns and
Percentage Tax Returns Already Due and Filed Prior to Release of These
Regulations that need to be amended as a result of the issuance and requirements
hereof may be filed without penalty until July 31, 2004.


SEC. 8.
SEPARABILITY CLAUSE.If any provision of this
Regulations is held unconstitutional or invalid, all other provisions not affected thereby
shall remain valid.
SEC 9.
REPEALING CLAUSE. - Revenue Regulations No. 18-99,
Revenue Regulations No. 12-2003, and Revenue Regulations No. 20-2003 are hereby
expressly repealed. Provisions of all other revenue issuances, or portions thereof
which are inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations are hereby likewise
amended, modified or revoked accordingly.
SEC. 10.
EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. - These Regulations shall take
effect immediately unless otherwise provided in R.A. 9238.

(Original Signed)
Secretary of Finance

Recommending Approval:

(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue


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