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The Covalent Bond
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sigma and pi bonds

... sigma and pi bonds is a repeat of general chemistry bonding
hybrid orbitals (sp3, sp2, sp and respective geometries)
... hybrid orbitals is a repeat of general chemistry bonding
valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, prediction of shapes of molecules (e.g., NH3, H2O,
... VSEPR is a repeat of general chemistry bonding
structural formulas for molecules involving H, C, N, O, F, S, P, Si, Cl
valence Usual #
eH 1

C 4

N 5

O 6

F 7
S 6
P 5
Si 4
Cl 7
H and C

2 or 6
3 or 5

Typically found in
Hydrocarbon (alkane, alkene, alkyne), hydride. All organic compounds
contain hydrogen.
Alkane, alkene, alkyne, aromatic rings. All organic compounds contain
Amine, amide, imine, hydrazone, oxime, nitro compound, diazo
compound, nitrile/cyanide, azide
Alcohol, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, acyl halide, anhydride,
amide, ester, ozone
Thiol, sulfide, sulfate, sulfite
Phosphorous compound, phosphate, phosphite
Silane, silicon dioxide
Chloride, hypochlorite, chlorite, chlorate, perchlorate



delocalized electrons and resonance in ions and molecules

Resonance structures result from electrons not being fixed in position (that's why you "push"
electrons when drawing resonance structures).
When electrons are not fixed in position, they are delocalized electrons.
For all practical purposes, resonance and electron delocalization mean the same thing.
In ions, resonance and electron delocalization occurs to "distribute" the charge around.
In molecules, resonance and electron delocalization occurs in aromatic rings and conjugated
double bonds.

Multiple bonding
its effect on bond length and bond energies
Multiple bonding decreases bond length.
Multiple bonding increases bond energy.
rigidity in molecular structure
Multiple bonding increases rigidity in molecular structure.
Single bonds can rotate, but double and triple bonds can't.
Even partial double bonds like those found in the peptide bond prevents free rotation.

Stereochemistry of covalently bonded molecules

Same molecular formula, different structural formula.
"Same in writing, different in drawing..."

structural isomers

Structural isomers have the same molecular formula, but different connectivity.
Positional isomers: structural isomers that have the same functional groups positioned
Constitutional isomers: structural isomers that have different functional groups.

geometric isomers

Geometric isomers have the same molecular formula, same connectivity, but have different
orientation across a double bond.
When both sides of the double bond contains the same 2 groups, then cis and trans is used.
Cis = same side, Trans = opposite sides.
When different groups are attached to either side of Z and E is used.
Z is when the higher priority groups (ranked according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules) are
orientated on the same side across the double bond. Zusammen is the German word for
E is when the higher priority groups are orientated on different sides across the double bond.
Entgegen is the German word for opposed.

stereoisomers (e.g. diastereomers, enantiomers, cis/trans isomers)

Stereoisomers have the same molecular formula, same connectivity, but have different 3-D
arrangements across one or more asymmetric (chiral) centers.
Chiral center is any atom with 4 different entities attached to it.
Enantiomers are mirror images of each other. That means ALL chiral centers in one
enantiomer is reversed in the other.
You can't have stereoisomers if you don't have a chiral center.
Diastereomers - more than one chiral center, inversion of stereochemistry on some but not
all of its chiral centers. For examples, diastereomers would have stereochemistries of (R)(R) vs (R)-(S). Another example of diastereomers would be (R)-(R)-(S)-(R) vs (R)-(R)-(R)(R).
In rings, it is easier to assign stereoisomers as cis/trans rather than R or S. Cis is having the
same groups on the same side of the ring. Trans is having the same groups on different sides
of the ring.
A compound will have a total of 2#chiral centers stereoisomers if it is not meso.
Meso compounds may have chiral centers, but as a molecule, they are achiral and optically
Meso compounds reduce the total number of stereoisomers.
Stereoisomers have the same chemical properties.
Enantiomers have the same physical properties.
Diastereomers have different physical properties.
Note: in biological molecules, people use D and L for R and S, respectively.
Caution: D and L (absolute configurations) are NOT the same as d and l (relative
configuration). Read the section below on rotation of polarized of light for more details.

conformational isomers

Conformational isomers have the same molecular formula, same connectivity, same
stereochemistry, but can rotate about a single bond to switch between different
Technically, conformational isomers are not really isomers because you don't have to break
any bonds to convert from one conformation to another. They are more accurately called
Conformers about a single bond
Syn-periplanar: highest torsional strain, most unstable, bulky groups eclipse
each other.
Anticlinal eclipsed: high torsional strain, unstable, bulky groups eclipse
Gauche: low torsional strain, stable, bulky groups 60 staggered.

Gauche: low torsional strain, stable, bulky groups 60 staggered.

Anti: lowest torsional strain, most stable, bulky groups 180 staggered.
Single bonds will rotate such that it achieves the most stable conformation.
Conformers of cyclohexose
Chair: most stable, everything is staggered.
Twist boat: less stable, things are not completely eclipsed.
Boat: least stable, everything is eclipsed.
Hexose rings will twist and turn to achieve the most stable conformation.
Torsional strain: the strain due to eclipsing of groups across a single bond.
Steric interactions
Axial: most unstable because the axial groups are orientated with a high degree of
Equatorial: most stable because the equatorial groups are orientated away from one
Bulky groups like to be in the equatorial position.
Most stable conformation: completely staggered (chair), with bulky groups in the equatorial
Least stable conformation: completely eclipsed (boat), with bulky groups in the axial

polarization of light, specific rotation

Light is an electromagnetic wave.
Electromagnetic waves are waves of electric and magnetic fields (in phase, but perpendicular to
each other and also to the direction of propagation).
Normal light has the EM fields in all directions (in a 360 circle perpendicular to the direction of
Polarized light has EM fields all in one direction.
Specific rotation: chiral molecules containing a single enantiomer will rotate polarized light (to
varying degrees) either to the left or to the right. This is why chiral molecules are said to be
"optically active".
Left rotation: (-) or l or levorotatory.
Right rotation: (+) or d or dextrorotatory.
Caution: (+) or (-) does NOT correspond to R/S configurations.
Caution: d and l is NOT the same as D and L. The upper case letters denote absolute
configurations in sugars.

absolute and relative configuration

Steps in assigning (R) and (S) - refer to figure above.

a. Is the carbon center chiral? For our molecule, the answer is yes because 4 different groups
are attached to the carbon atom.
b. Assign priorities according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules (see below).
c. Turn the molecule such that the lowest priority group at the back.
d. Rotate from the 1st to 2nd to 3rd priority group like a steering wheel. It's (R) if you end up
turning right, and it's (S) if you end up turning left.
note: if you're good at visualizing stuff, you do this much faster by skipping step c.
Absolute configuration is the (R) or (S) that's labeled on the chiral centers.
Relative configuration is always defined in relationship to another chiral center. The direction that
a molecule rotates plane-polarized light is the prime example of relative configuration.
Before the mid-1800s, people did not have an understanding of the tetrahedral carbon atom, so
they did not have absolute configurations. Instead, they used the relative configurations of which
way a compound rotates plane-polarized light.
The definition for relative configuration can be very broad. For example, you may arbitrarily
assign one chiral center to be R* (even though it may or may not actually be R) as long as it is of
opposite configuration to S* (which may or may not actually be S). Additionally, the cis or trans
configuration that describes how one group is orientated relative to another group is also an
example of relative configuration. Reactions can also proceed via retention or inversion, which
describes the stereochemistry in relationship with the original reactant.
Absolute (R)
R, D
Absolute (S)
S, L
Relative (rotate light right) +, d
Relative (rotate light left) -, l

conventions for writing R and S forms

If only 1 chiral center
(R/S)-molecule, where R/S is the absolute configuration and molecule is the name of
the compound.
For example, (R)-2-hydroxyl-propanal.
If more than 1 chiral center
(#R/S, #R/S)-molecule, where # is the carbon number (in ascending order), R/S is the
absolute configuration, and molecule is the name of the compound.
For example, (2R,3S)-2,3,4-hydroxyl-butanal.

conventions for writing E and Z forms

If only 1 double bond
(E/Z)-molecule, where E/Z is the geometric configuration across the double bond, and
molecule is the name of the compound.
For example, (Z)-2-chloro-2-butene. (see geometric isomer figure)
If more than 1 double bond
(#E/Z, #E/Z)-molecule, where # is the carbon number (the smaller one in the double
bond, in ascending order), and molecule is the name of the compound.

Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules for assigning priority

Start with shell 1, which is the atoms directly bonded to the chiral carbon.
The atom with the higher MW has greater priority.
If atoms are the same, look at next shell.
Shell 2, which are the atoms adjacent around shell 1 atoms.
The atom with the higher MW has greater priority.
If same atoms, the more # of the high MW species, or the more bonds to the high MW
species wins.
For example, -CHO will have higher priority than -CH2OH because the aldehyde has
a double bond to oxygen.
For example, -CH(OH)2 will have higher priority than -CH2OH because the diol has 2
oxygens while the alcohol only has 1.
What about -CH(OH)2 vs. CH2F? Ans: It doesn't matter how many oxygens there are,
because fluorine has greater molecular weight. So fluorine has higher priority.
If by now, everything is still the same, go to shell 3 and repeat the procedure.

racemic mixtures, separation of enantiomers by biological means

Racemic mixtures contain equal amounts of both enantiomers. Another name for racemic mixtures
is racemate.
Racemic mixtures do not rotate polarized light, so they are optically inactive.
Separation of enantiomers
Convert enantiomers to diastereomers.
Separation of diastereomers.
Convert diastereomers back to enantiomers.
Separation of enantiomers by biological means
Enzymes are highly specific and can differentiate between enantiomers. For example, if an
enzyme digests or modifies all L-amino acids, then you'd be able to use that enzyme to
separate a D/L racemic mixture.
In nature, all proteins are made up of L-amino acids.

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Molecular Structure and Spectra
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Absorption spectroscopy
infrared region

intramolecular vibrations and rotations

Vibrations: bonds can stretch, compress and bend like a
spring. It is this vibration that is measured in IR-spec.
Rotations: molecules can rotate. Rotations produce waves
mainly in the microwave region. However, part of the
rotation spectra does overlap with the vibration spectra.
Infrared spectra plots transmittance vs. wavenumbers, cm-1
Transmittance increases as you go up the y-axis.
Where transmittance dips down, that's a region of
Wavenumbers decrease from left to right.
Wavenumbers are correlated to frequency.

Peaks toward the left have higher frequency of vibration.

recognizing common characteristic group absorptions, fingerprint
Anything around 3000 cm-1 involves a hydrogen atom, be it
O-H, N-H, or C-H.
Anything around 2000 cm-1 and below does not involve
hydrogen, be it C=O, C=C, C-C, or C-O.
With the same atoms, the higher the bond order, the faster it
vibrates, and so the higher the wavenumber.
1700 cm-1 is for the carbonyl group. Remember this.
3300 cm-1 can be O-H, N-H, or alkyne C-H. OH is the
broadest, N-H slightly sharper, alkyne C-H is very sharp.
Broad peaks are due to hydrogen bonding (OH and NH).
Below 1300 cm-1 is called the fingerprint region.
Patterns in the fingerprint region are unique for each
compound just like a fingerprint is unique for each person.
visible region
absorption in visible region gives complementary color (e.g.,
There are primary colors of light and primary colors of
Primary colors of light

Primary colors of pigments

Complementary color is the color that's on the opposite side

of the color wheel. For example, the complementary of red
is cyan.
The absence of (when you absorb) a primary color of light,
you end up with its complementary color.
The primary colors of pigments is exactly the
complementary colors of the primary colors of light. This is
because pigments absorb a certain color of light and reflect
the rest back into your eyes.
Carotene absorbs blue light and reflect the others into your
eyes. The absence of blue produces yellow, the
complementary color of blue.
effect of structural changes on absorption (e.g., indicators)
Changes to chemical structure can lead to changes in
H-indicator <--> H+ + IndicatorH-indicator absorbs at a certain wavelength and is of one
Indicator- absorbs at a different wavelength so is of a
different color.
At low pH, high [H+], H-indicator and its color will
At high pH, low [H+], indicator- and its color will
At neutral pH, both H-indicator and indicator- will co-exist
in an equilibrium, so the color will be a mixture of the two.
You should know the colors of the universal indicator:
Red: very acidic
Orange: acidic
Yellow: weakly acidic
Green: neutral
Blue: basic
Purple: very basic
ultraviolet region
pi-electron and non-bonding electron transition

Every time you have a bond, the atoms in a bond have their
atomic orbitals merged together to form molecular orbitals.
Every time you have a molecular orbitals, you get bonding
molecular orbitals and non-bonding and/or anti-bonding
Normally, electrons sit in their bonding orbitals because it is
the most stable there. If bonding orbitals are full, then nonbonding orbitals are occupied.
Given enough energy (as in absorption), the electrons
transition from the bonding or non-bonding orbitals to the
anti-bonding orbitals.
If too much energy is absorbed, enough electrons escape the
bonding orbitals / enter the anti-bonding orbitals to break the
bond completely.
For UV absorption, we're not worried about breaking bonds.
We're only interested in the pi-electrons of double bonds
because their molecular orbital transitions result in UV
Double bonds absorb UV because the pi electrons transition
from the bonding and non-bonding molecular orbitals to the
anti-bonding orbitals.
conjugated systems
Conjugated systems decreases the energy of electromagnetic
radiation that is absorbed.
The more conjugated double bonds there are, the longer the
wavelengths of absorbed radiation.
If there are enough conjugated double bonds, the molecule
will start to absorb in the visible region.

Mass spectroscopy: m/e ratio, parent peak

Mass spec is when you bombard a molecule with electrons.

When electrons smash into your molecule, it is fragments into ions.
What if the electrons "miss" your molecule? Ans: Your molecule
is neither fragmented nor ionized. Uncharged molecules are not
detected and are not included in the mass spectra.
What if the electrons do not break apart your molecule, but merely

ionizes it? Ans: this "molecular ion" will be detected as the parent
peak, also called the molecular ion peak.
What if the electrons not only ionize but also fragment your
molecule? Ans: all the fragmented ions will be detected and
plotted in the mass spectra.
The faster (higher energy) the bombarding electron, the more
The more fragmentation, the smaller the molecular ion peak.
These ions have a characteristic mass to charge ratio (m/e or m/z).
A magnetic field resolves (separates) the different m/z ions so they can
be individually detected and plotted on a spectrum.
The resulting spectrum plots Relative abundance vs. the m/z ratio.
The parent peak, or the molecular ion peak, is the peak that depicts the
ion of the molecule without fragmentation. It has the highest m/z ratio.
Peaks clustered really close to one another depicts isotopes.
The base peak is the tallest peak (most abundant species).
Mass spec is useful for:
Measuring the molecular weight of a molecule.
Identify the molecule by fragmentation patterns.
Identity heteroatoms by their characteristic isotope ratios.

NMR spectroscopy

protons in a magnetic field; equivalent protons

Protons have spins of up or down (+ or -, counterclockwise or
clockwise. The detailed vectors are not important here, so simply
up or down is fine).
With an even number of protons, the spins pair up and the up and
down spins of all the protons cancel each other out.
With an odd number of protons, there is a net spin of up or down.
Normally, both up or down spins are equal in energy (they are
degenerate). So, either way goes.
In the presence of a magnetic field, the spin that lines up with the
magnetic field gets the lower energy. If the external magnetic field
is up, then you better spin up. If the magnetic field is down, then
you better spin down.
If we were to give the protons some energy (by radio wave
absorption), then the protons can be promoted (flipped) to the
higher energy spin, which is opposite to the direction of the
external magnetic field. This absorption is called resonance. The
resonance frequency is the frequency of the radio wave that's
needed to cause a flip in spin.
The resonance frequency (or energy or field strength) of
absorption is called the chemical shift.
Different protons have different resonance frequencies.

Equivalent protons have the same resonance frequencies.

You can substitute X at any of the equivalent protons, and
you should end up with the same new compound. If not,
then they're not equivalent protons.
What makes protons have different resonance frequencies
depends on what atom they're close to.
NMR measures the chemical shift relative to a standard
called TMS (tetramethylsilane) in unit of ppm.
The more "different" two protons are, the farther their
chemical shifts
What makes protons "different" is the degree of electron
shielding or deshielding.
Next to stuff like carbon, hydrogen is shielded by
electrons because carbon is not so electronegative.
Next to stuff like oxygen, hydrogen is deshielded
because oxygen is very electronegative.
When things are shielded, the magnetic field is
smaller and they have small chemical shifts and
appear upfield (to the right).
When things are deshielded, the magnetic field is
larger and they have large chemical shifts and appear
downfield (to the left).
NMR is nuclear magnetic resonance because the nuclear stands for
protons; magnetic stands for the external magnetic field; the
resonance stands for the absorption of radio waves.
Signals by n equivalent protons add up to produce one signal the
height n times the signal for a single proton.
spin-spin splitting
Magnetic fields produced by neighboring protons cause spin-spin
Neighboring is defined as 3 bonds away, which is the same thing
as hydrogens attached to adjacent atoms.
Things are split into n+1 peaks, where n is the number of
neighboring protons.
Aromatic protons can split over 3 bonds, which is why the NMR
spectra for the aromatic region is a mess.
The J value defines how far apart things get split.
Protons across single and aromatic bonds get split approximately
the same.
Protons across double bonds get split farther apart.

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Separations and Purifications
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Extraction (Distribution of Solute Between Two

Immiscible Solvents

Organic phase
Solvent Nonpolar solvent
Solute Nonpolar solutes dissolve here
The organic phase does not always
float on top. Chloroform, for
example, sinks below the aqueous

Aqueous phase
Ionic and polar solutes
dissolve here
Water is usually denser than
other solvents, but some
organic solvents are even

Separates liquids based on boiling point. The stuff with the lower boiling
point is boiled off and collected; the higher boiling point stuff remains
Simple distillation = done with a normal column = can separate two
liquids if the difference in boiling point is large.
Fractional distillation = done with a fractionating column = can separate
two liquids with smaller differences in boiling point.
Vacuum distillation = done under lower pressure (vacuum) = lowers the

boiling point for all liquid components so you don't have to crank up the
temperature so high (chemical might decompose).

Chromatography (Basic Principles Involved in

Separation Process)

Gas-liquid chromatography
Good if analyte can be promoted to gas phase.
Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) is the same thing as gas
chromatography (GC).
The gas part is the mobile phase, the liquid part is the stationary
phase coated to the inside walls of the column.
Substrate equilibrates between mobile (gas) and stationary (liquid
coat) phase.
Those with greater affinity for the stationary phase comes out of
the column slower. Polar substrate has more affinity for polar

stationary phase, and hydrophobic substrate has more affinity for

hydrophobic stationary phase.
Paper chromatography
Classically used to separate pigments in dyes.
Solvent = mobile phase. Paper = stationary phase.
Pigments in dyes stick to paper, solvent tries to wash them along,
those with greater affinity to paper stays behind, those with greater
affinity to solvent gets washed along.
Rf value = distance traveled by pigment / distance of solvent front.
Rf = 0 means that pigment has not moved.
Rf = 1 means that pigment moved as far as the solvent front.
Thin-layer chromatography
Thin-layer chromatography = advanced paper chromatography.
Instead of paper, you have a plate coated with a specific stationary
phase of your choosing.
Rf value used in the same way as paper chromatography.

Recrystalization (Solvent Choice from Solubility

Recrystalization = barely dissolving your compound, then let it
recrystalize out of solution = compound ends up being more pure.
Barely dissolving = use just enough to fully dissolve your compound
under warm temperature = saturated solution.
Recrystalize = solution cools, solubility decreases, compound comes out
of solution.
Solvent choice = choose a solvent in which your compound is soluble in
at warm temperature, but not at cool temperature. Also, choose a solvent
in which impurities are highly soluble.
Impurities should remain dissolved in the solvent even your compound
recrystalizes out.
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Aliphatic - alkanes
Name for straight chain
Name for cyclic
After Decane, there is Undecane (11), Dodecane (12), Tridecane
(13), Tetradecane (14), and so forth for eleven membered alkanes
physical properties
London Dispersion Forces present only.
Lower boiling points than compounds the same size but with
functional groups.
Very long alkanes can have very high boiling points due to the
sum of all the dispersion forces. A useful reference is that heptane,
the 7 membered alkane, has the same boiling point as water.
Important reactions
Complete combustion of alkanes: alkane or cycloalkane + O2
CO2 + H2O
Complete combustion of anything: fuel + oxygen carbon
dioxide + water
substitution reactions with halogens, etc.
Alkane + halogen + free radical initiator alkyl halide
Free radical initiators = h (UV light) or peroxides.

Free radical initiators = h (UV light) or peroxides.

Substitution occurs via a free radical mechanism - see below.
General principles
stability of free radicals; chain reaction mechanism; inhibition
The more substituted the radical, the more stable it is.
Stability: 3 > 2 > 1 > methyl.

Substitution will occur preferentially at the more substituted

carbon atom.

The free radical chain reaction is dependent on the presence of free

radicals. Therefore, anything that inhibits free radicals will inhibit
this reaction. One example is antioxidants, which eats up free
radicals and therefore inhibits the free radical chain reaction.
ring strain in cyclic compounds
Cyclopropane has the highest ring strain.
Cyclobutane has the second highest ring strain.
Cyclohexane has the lowest ring strain.
Any ring with greater or equal to 14 carbon atoms has the next
lowest ring strain.
Stick with the above rule and you can answer any questions
comparing ring strain. The MCAT will not require you to make
weird ring strain comparisions, for example between cyclopropane
and cycloheptane.
Ring strain consists of Angle (Baeyer) strain and Torsional strain.
Angle (Baeyer) strain is caused by deviation from the ideal
sp3 tetrahedral bond angle of 109.5
Torsional strain is caused by the molecule having eclipsed
conformations instead of staggered ones.
Cyclopropane has both angle (Baeyer) strain and torsional

Cyclopropane has both angle (Baeyer) strain and torsional

Cyclohexane, in the chair conformation, has no angle
(Baeyer) or torsional strain.
You'll frequently see people write Bayer strain instead of
Baeyer strain. They mean the same thing.
bicyclic molecules

Bicyclic molecules have more ring strain than monocyclic

molecules. Except for spiro bicyclics, which have similar ring
strain as their monocyclic counterparts.

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Oxygen Containing Compounds - Alcohols
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Prefix: hydroxyl, hydroxy.
Suffix: -ol, alcohol.
physical properties
Hydrogen bonding.
Higher boiling point than the same compound without the alcohol group.
Water soluble as long as molecule does not contain a long hydrophobic region.
infrared absorption of OH group: 3300 cm-1 and broad due to hydrogen bonding.

Important reactions
substitution reactions: SN1 or SN2, depending on alcohol and derived alkyl halide
R-OH + HX <--> R-X + H2O

Factors that favor sn1: stable carbocation, tertiary carbon center, protic solvent.
Factors that favor sn2: unstable carbocation, primary carbon center, aprotic (but polar) solvent.
All substitution reactions need a good leaving group.
SN1 = unimolecular reaction, intermediate carbocation formed.

SN1 = unimolecular reaction, intermediate carbocation formed.

SN2 = bimolecular reaction, passes through transition state.
KMnO4 and CrO3 will oxidize primary alcohols to carboxylic acids, but PCC (Pyridine
Chlorochromate) and other weak oxidizing agents will only oxidize a primary alcohol to the aldehyde.
Secondary alcohols always oxidize to the ketone.
Tertiary alcohols do not oxidize.

pinacol rearrangement in polyhydroxyalcohols; synthetic uses

Mechanism of pinacol rearrangement:

protection of alcohols: the best protecting group for alcohol is the trimethylsilyl group.
To protect, add Cl-SiMe3 to R-OH.
The alcohol gets "capped" into R-O-SiMe3.
To deprotect, add F-.
reactions with SOCl2 and PBr3
R-OH + SOCl2 --> R-Cl (by products: SO2 + HCl)
R-OH + PBr3 --> R-Br (by products: H3PO3, R3PO3, HBr)
preparation of mesylates and tosylates

Sulfonates R-SO3- are good leaving groups.

The R can be:
Methane, which makes methanesulfonate.
Toluene, which makes tosylate.
Trifluoromethane, which makes triflate.
Mesylates can be prepared by reacting an alcohol (R-OH) with mesyl chloride (MsCl).
Tosylates can be prepared by reacting an alcohol (R-OH) with tosyl chloride (TsCl).
esterification: acid + alcohol = ester

inorganic esters: replace the carbon of esters with a different atoms.

Reactions involving the formation of inorganic esters:

Formation of mesylates and tosylates are also reactions that involve inorganic esters.
In biochemistry DNA/RNA polymerization, the 3'-OH alcohol group attacks the 5'-phosphate to form an
inorganic ester linkage (phosphodiester linkage of DNA/RNA backbone).

General principles
hydrogen bonding: hydrogen bonding in alcohols give them a higher boiling point than their corresponding
acidity of alcohols compared to other classes of oxygen-containing compounds: lower pKa = more acidic.
COOH (carboxylic acids)
ArOH (phenols)
H2O (water)

ROH (alcohols)
-CH2(CO)-R (alpha hydrogen in aldehydes and ketones) 20
-CH2(CO)-OR (alpha hydrogen in esters)
effect of chain branching on physical properties: going from straight chain to branched alkane (with same #
carbons) = molecules can not pack as well = more fluidity = harder to freeze = lower freezing/melting point.

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Oxygen Containing Compounds - Aldehydes and

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Aldehyde suffix: -al, -aldehyde.
Ketone prefix: keto-, oxo-.
Ketone suffix: -one, ketone.
physical properties
C=O bond is polar, with the carbon partially positive and oxygen
partially negative.
Dipole-dipole interactions give these molecules higher boiling points
than their corresponding alkanes, but not as high as the corresponding
alcohols or carboxylic acids.
infrared absorption of C=O bond: 1700 cm-1

Important reactions
nucleophilic addition reactions at C=O bond
acetal, hemiacetal

Aldehydes and ketones react with 1 equivalent of alcohols to

make hemiacetals.
Aldehydes and ketones react with 2 equivalent of alcohols to
make acetals.
Hemiketal and ketal are the same as acetals except the starting
compound must be a ketone and not an aldehyde. This is an old
naming scheme that is no longer used.
imine, enamine

Primary amine + aldehyde or ketone = imine.

Secondary amine + aldehyde or ketone = enamine.
reactions at adjacent positions
haloform reactions

Ketones + halogen = halogenation of the alpha position (carbon

adjacent to the C=O group).
Methyl ketone + halogen = haloform + carboxylate.
Trihalogenated methyl = good leaving group.
aldol condensation

Occurs because of the acidic alpha proton.

2 acetaldehyde -> aldo.
Works for carbonyl compounds with an acidic alpha proton.
oxidation: aldehydes oxidize to carboxylic acids. Ketones do not oxidize
1,3-dicarbonyls: internal H-bonding

1,3-dicarbonyls have 2 carbonyl groups flanking a carbon atom with an

acidic proton.
Also referred to as active methylene compounds.
Tautomerism causes one of the carbonyls to switch to its enol form,
which contains an -OH group that hydrogen bonds with the other
carbonyl C=O group on the same molecule. This is called intramolecular
(internal) hydrogen bonding.
keto-enol tautomerism

Enol form is the one with the alcohol.

Keto form is the one with the ketone.
Keto form is more stable, it is the predominant form.
organometallic reagents

Organometallic compounds makes R-, which attacks C=O to make R-COH.

The purpose of organometallic compounds is to make carbon-carbon
R-X + Li -> R-Li (byproduct: LiX)
R-X + BuLi -> R-Li (byproduct: Bu-X)
R-Li + C=O -> R-C-OH
Wolff-Kishner reaction: reduces C=O to -CH2-

C=O + NH2NH2 -> -CH2- + N2

Grignard reagents

Grignard reagents are just like organometallic reagents, they produce R-.
R-X + Mg -> R-Mg-X
R-Mg-X + C=O -> R-C-OH

General principles
effect of substituents on reactivity of C=O; steric hindrance: bulky groups on
either side of C=O blocks access to the electrophilic carbon, so reactivity goes
acidity of alpha H; carbanions

Alpha proton is acidic because the resulting carbanion is stabilized by

alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyls - resonance structures

,-unsaturated carbonyl + nucleophile -> addition of the nucleophile at

the position.
Nucleophile attacks the beta hydrogen, pushing the ,-unsaturated
carbonyl into the enol form, which tautomerizes to the original carbonyl.

Old AAMC topics

acetoacetic ester syntheses (this topic has been moved to the keto acids and
esters section)

Acetoacetic ester is synthesized by Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate

in a process called acetoacetic ester condensation
2 x ethylacetate ethyl acetoacetate
acetoacetic ester = -keto ester
Claisen condensation = 1. alpha proton of ester leaves, 2. the
resulting carbanion attacks the carbonyl group of another ester
molecule, 3. Carbonyl group reforms and kicks off the alcohol
"Acetoacetic ester synthesis" is a reaction where acetoacetic ester is
used to synthesize a new ketone.
1. Acidic alpha proton comes off, resulting carbanion attacks new R
2. Hydrolysis of ester turns it into a -keto carboxylic acid.
3. -keto acids undergo decarboxylation because the -keto group
stabilizes the resulting carbanion via enol formation. Enol
converts back to keto form, and the net result of this reaction is
that an R group is made to attach to the carbon of acetone.

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Suffix: -oic acid, carboxylic acid, -dioic acid.
physical properties and solubility
High boiling point due to hydrogen bonding.
Soluble in water.
infrared absorption
C=O at 1700 cm-1
-OH at 3100 cm-1

Important reactions
carboxyl group reactions
nucleophilic attack

Nucleophilic attack occurs on the electrophilic carbon of

Nucleophilic attack occurs by the nucleophilic oxygen of
LiAlH4: COOH -> alcohol.
decarboxylation: occurs for beta-keto acids

esterification: COOH + ROH under acidic conditions = ester.

reactions at 2 position
halogenation: RCOOH + X2 -> halogenation at the alpha carbon (2

substitution reactions: RCOOH + E+ -> substitution at the alpha

carbon (2 position).
1. Carboxylic acid converted to Acyl Halide, which can
2. Acyl Halide tautomerizes to its enol form by abstraction of
acidic alpha hydrogen.
3. Halogen (or some other E+) gets attacked by alpha position.
4. Revert back to carboxylic acid. The net effect is that the
alpha H get substituted by an electrophile.

General principles
H bonding: COOH has high boiling point because of H bonding.
dimerization: Hydrogen bonding causes dimerization of carboxylic

acidity of the carboxyl group: pKa of COOH is about 5. pKa of H+ is 0

while the pKa of water is 16. So, COOH can be classified as a weak
acid. Vinegar is dilute acetic acid, which is CH3COOH.
inductive effect of substituents: electron withdrawing groups makes the
acid stronger.

electron withdrawing groups attached to positions close to the

COOH helps to distribute the charge of the COO- and stabilize it.
A more stabilized carboxylate ion makes a stronger acid.
resonance stability of carboxylate anion: the reason why COOH is a
good acid is because the conjugate base (carboxylate ion) is stabilized by

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Acid Derivatives
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ethanoyl chloride

Acid chlorides -oyl chloride

ethanoic anhydride

-oic anhydride

N-methyl ethanamide


methyl ethanoate


physical properties
C=O bond is polar, so there are dipole-dipole interactions.
No hydrogen bond exists in acid chlorides, anhydrides, or esters
unless there is an -OH group somewhere.
Amides can hydrogen bond because of the N-H group. In fact,
hydrogen bonding involving the amide backbone of polypeptides
form the secondary structure of proteins.
Amides have higher boiling points than the other acid derivatives.

Acid derivatives have high boiling points than alkanes because of

the C=O dipole interactions.
infrared absorption
Acid chloride: the C=O will show up at greater than 1700 cm-1,
pretty close to 1800 cm-1
Anhydride: the double C=O doesn't show up as a single band.
Instead, 2 bands shows up between 1700-1 and 1800 cm-1.
Amide: the N-H shows up around 3300-1, the C=O shows up at
Ester: C=O group shows up at 1700-1. The C-O ether stretch
shows up around 1200-1

Important reactions
preparation of acid derivatives
Carboxylic acid + SOCl2 Acid chloride.
Carboxylic acid + carboxylic acid + heat Anhydride.
Acid chloride + carboxylic acid + base Anhydride.
Acid chloride + alcohol + base Ester.
Acid chloride + amine Amide.
Acid chloride + water Carboxylic acid.

nucleophilic substitution: Nucleophile attacks the carbon center of the

C=O group.

Hofmann rearrangement: Hofmann rearrangement takes away the C=O

of an amide. The alkyl migration is basically how the -R group on the
other side of the C=O migrates and attaches itself to the nitrogen atom.
See figure below for detailed mechanism of the Hofmann degradation
and how the aryl group migrates.

transesterification: Ester + alcohol new ester.

hydrolysis of fats and glycerides (saponification): saponification is

basically the hydrolysis of an ester in base.

hydrolysis of amides: the leaving group is not NR2-, it is the neutral


General principles
relative reactivity of acid derivatives: Acid chloride > Anhydride >
Esters > Amides
Acid halides are the most reactive derivatives because halides are
very good leaving groups.
Amides are the most stable derivatives because NR2- is a terrible
leaving group. Also, the C-N bond has a partial double bond
characteristic. Proteins are made of peptide bonds, and they are
very stable.
steric effects: bulky groups around the C=O group helps protect the
carbon center from nucleophilic attack.
electronic effects: groups that can redistribute and stabilize negative

charges are good leaving groups. For example, the anhydride has a good
leaving group - the carboxylate ion - because the COO- can redistribute
the negative charge to both oxygens via resonance.
strain (e.g., beta-lactams)
Amides have a double bond characteristic between the carbon and
nitrogen. This means that the C-N bond can not rotate.
Normally, the sigma bonds in a ring rotate as to achieve the most
stable conformation, but this can't occur for the C-N bond if the
ring contains an amide.
Because of C-N bond in an amide can not rotate, rings that contain
amides have higher strain.
An example of this is the beta-lactam, which is basically a 4
membered ring with 1 amide in it.
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Oxygen Containing Compounds - Keto Acids and

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Description; nomenclature

-keto acid = 2-oxo acid. For example: -ketopropanoic acid = 2-oxopropanoic

-keto acid = 3-oxo acid.
-keto ester = 2-oxo ester.
-keto ester = 3-oxo ester. For example: methyl -ketobutanoate = methyl 3oxobutanoate

Important reactions

beta-keto esters beta-keto acids enols ketos

decarboxylation of beta-keto acids is facile because the enol stabalizes the
reaction intermediate.
acetoacetic ester synthesis

Acetoacetic ester is synthesized by Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate in

a process called acetoacetic ester condensation
2 x ethylacetate ethyl acetoacetate
acetoacetic ester = -keto ester
"Acetoacetic ester synthesis" is a reaction where acetoacetic ester is used to
synthesize a new ketone.
1. Acidic alpha proton comes off, resulting carbanion attacks new R
2. Hydrolysis of ester turns it into a -keto carboxylic acid.
3. -keto acids undergo decarboxylation because the -keto group
stabilizes the resulting carbanion via enol formation. Enol converts
back to keto form, and the net result of this reaction is that an R
group is made to attach to the carbon of acetone.

General principles
acidity of alpha hydrogen and beta-keto ester

Any hydrogen alpha to (adjacent to) a carbonyl group is more acidic than a
regular hydrogen. The alpha hydrogen of a beta-keto ester is even more
acidic because it's adjacent to 2 carbonyl groups.
The reason for the acidity is the stabilization of the deprotonated species by
the enolate ion resonance structures.
keto-enol tautomerism

enol ends with an "ol" so it has an alcohol group.

keto is a ketone group.
enol keto because the keto form is more stable.
You can change a ketone to an enolate ion by abstracting the alpha
hydrogen. However, that's not tautomerism.
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Prefix: aminoFor example, 2-aminopropanoic acid.

Suffix: -amine.
For example, propanamine.

stereochemistry and physical properties

3 amines can be chiral. But they are always racemic because of spontaneous inversions
at room temperature.
Even protonated 3 amines undergo inversion because the proton comes on and off in
an acid-base equilibrium.
4 amines can be chiral and they stay chiral because they don't undergo inversion.
infrared absorption
primary amines = R-NH2 = 2 N-H bonds = 2 peaks around 3300 cm-1.
secondary amines = R2-NH = 1 N-H bonds = 1 peak around 3300 cm-1.
tertiary amines = R3-N = no N-H bonds = 0 peak around 3300 cm-1.
Major reactions
amide formation

Amine + acid derivative with a good leaving group amide

Usually the acide derivative is acyl chloride with chlorine as the leaving group.
However, any other good leaving group will work.
An important biological amide formation is the peptide bond formation in protein
synthesis. Here amine + carboxylic acid amide. The leaving group is water (not

reactions with nitrous acid
Ar-NH2 + HONO Ar-N2+ + H2O + OHnitrous acid = HNO2 = HONO

The reason why the nitrogen in nitrous acid can be attacked is the following:

HONO NO+ + OHThe NO+ species is the strong electrophile.


multiple products formed from polyalkylation.

Hoffman elimination (Hofmann elimination)

amine + methyl iodide exhaustive methylation of the amine elimination with the
methylated amine as leaving group.
Unlike E1 reactions where the more substituted double bond is formed (Zaitsev),
Hofmann elimination forms the less substituted double bond (Hofmann).

Hofmann elimination forms the less substituted double bond (Hofmann).

A quick review of regiochemistry:
E1 = zaitsev
E2 with bulky base = Hofmann
Hofmann elimination = Hofmann
Hoffman and Hofmann mean the same thing.
General principles

Amines are basic. They like to gain a proton. R-NH2 R-NH3+

It is very difficult for neutral amines to lose a proton.
An amide, however, can lose a proton much more easily. This is because the carbonyl
group next to the nitrogen contributes to a resonance structure that places the negative
charge on the oxygen. Thus, the negative charge of the conjugate base is distributed
over both nitrogen and oxygen.
stabilization of adjacent carbonium ions (carbocations)

The nitrogen of the amine donates its lone electron pair to the adjacent carbonium ion
effect of substituents on basicity of aromatic amines

Aromatic amines are weaker bases than aliphatic amines. This is because the amine
donates its electron density to the aromatic ring. Also, the amine forms stable resonance
structures with the aromatic ring, which is absent once the amine becomes protonated.
Electron donating groups on the aromatic amine increase the basicity of aromatic
amines. This is because the electron donating groups contribute to the electron density
on the nitrogen.
Electron withdrawing groups on the aromatic amine decrease the basicity of aromatic
amines. This is because the electron withdrawing groups steal electron density from the

amines. This is because the electron withdrawing groups steal electron density from the
Anything ortho to the amine, no matter whether it is electron donating or withdrawing,
will decrease the basicity of the aromatic amine. This is because of the ortho effect,
which is basically sterics. The protonated amine will have a greater steric interaction
with the ortho group, so it will be less stable.

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nomenclature and classification, common names
Carbohydrate = Sugars, monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides
Deoxy = it has an -H in place of an -OH at a certain position.
D/L = absolute configuration = assigned based on the chirality of the
carbon atom furthest from the carbonyl group.
/ = anomeric configuration.
Suffix: all sugars end in -ose.
aldose = sugars with an aldehyde group.
ketose = sugars with a ketone group.
pyranose = sugars in a 6 membered ring structure = hexagon shaped. For
example, glucopyranose = glucose in a 6 membered ring.
furanose = sugars in a 5 membered ring structure = pentagon shaped. For
example, fructofuranose = fructose in a 5 membered ring.
#ose = sugar with # carbon atoms. For example, hexose = sugar with 6
carbons. Another example: aldopentose = a five-carbon sugar with an aldehyde
In order to be classified as a carbohydrate, a molecule must have:
at least a 3 carbon backbone.
an aldehyde or ketone group.
at least 2 hydroxyl groups.
common names

The simplest, smallest carbohydrates are glyceraldehyde and


The 3 common monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Glucose

is our blood sugar and the product of photosynthesis. Fructose is the sugar in
fruits, and it is sweeter than glucose. Galactose is one of the monomers that
make up lactose, which is the sugar in milk; it is less sweet than glucose.

The sugar that make up RNA is ribose, and for DNA it is deoxyribose (More
precisely it's 2'-deoxyribose because the difference is at the 2 carbon).
Sucrose is a disaccharide made from -glucose and -fructose joined at the
hydroxyl groups on the anomeric carbons (making acetals). Sucrose is table
sugar, the sugar we buy in stores.

Lactose is a disaccharide made from -galactose and /-glucose joined by a

1-4 linkage.

Starch = glucose molecules joined by 1-4 linkage.

Glycogen = same as starch, but with additional 1-6 linkages for branching.
absolute configuration

The chiral carbon furthest from the carbonyl group determines the absolute
configuration L or D of the sugar.
If in the fischer projection, the OH group on the chiral carbon furthest from the
carbonyl is pointing left, then it's L. If it's pointing right, then it's D.
Note: L and D are enantiomers, not epimers. So, every chiral carbon center inverts.
It's just that you assign L and D based on the chiral carbon furthest from the
cyclic structure and conformations of hexoses

Fructose forms a furanose when carbon 5 attacks the carbonyl carbon.

Glucose forms a pyranose when carbon 5 attacks the carbonyl carbon.

Convert a Fischer projection to Haworth (cyclic) form
-OH groups that are pointing Left on the Fischer becomes Up on the Haworth.
-OH groups that are pointing Right on the Fischer becomes Down on the
The -OH group on the anomeric carbon (the Fischer carbonyl) can be either up
(beta) or down (alpha).
The CH2OH group on the absolute configuration carbon (carbon 5) points up
for D, and down for L.

In the planar conformation, everything is eclipsed.

In the chair conformation, everything is staggered.
All the conformations in between are partially eclipsed.
The Boat conformation has Flagpole interactions because axial groups attached to the
head and tail of the boat clash.
The Twist-boat conformation lessens these Flagpole interactions in addition to
reducing the number of eclipsed interactions.
epimers and anomers

Epimers = different configuration in just one chiral carbon.

Anomers = different configuration in the chiral, anomeric carbon when the molecule
is in the cyclic form.
Anomers are simply a special type of epimers.
Epimers are simply a special type of diastereomers.
Don't confuse with enantiomers (D/L configuration), in which everything changes

Hydrolysis of the glycoside linkage

Glycoside linkage = acetal linkage = linkage involving the hydroxyl group of the anomeric
Glycoside lilnkage can also mean the linkage between the sugar and the base in
Examples of glycosidic linkages = starch, glycogen, nucleotide.
Hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond has the same mechanism as hydrolysis of the acetal

glycoside + H2O + catalyst hydrolysis.

Catalysts include: Amylase for starch and glycosylase for nucleotide.

Reactions of Monosaccharides

Hemiacetal formation = -OH attacks carbonyl group = produces ring form.

Acetal formation = another -OH attack on the same carbonyl group = produces
polysaccharides if the -OH is from another monosaccharide.
Mutarotation = equilibrium between the and anomers.
Strong oxidation turns aldehyde and terminal hydroxyls to carboxylic acids, and other
hydroxyls to ketones. The strongest kind of oxidation turns everything to CO2, and this
occurs in cellular respiration.
Mild oxidation is more selective. Tollens agent (the test for aldoses, silver reagent) oxidizes
only the aldehyde to carboxylic acid. Nitric acid oxidizes both the aldehyde and the
terminal hydroxyl to carboxylic acids, but leaves the other hydroxyls alone.
Reduction turns monosaccharides into polyalcohols.

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absolute configuration at the alpha position

L and D is different from R and S. L is not always S, and D is not

always R.
If the priority of NH2 > COOH > R, then L=S and D=R. For
example, L-Alanine = S-Alanine.
If the priority of NH2 > R > COOH, then L=R, and D=S. For
example, L-Cysteine = R-Cysteine.
L-amino acids are the more common in nature, and are the type
found in proteins. D-amino acids are less common in nature, and
are never found in proteins.
amino acids as dipolar ions classification

At low pH, amino acids exist in the cationic form.

At high pH, amino acids exist in the anionic form.
At pH = pI, amino acids exist in the zwitterion form, which is
overall neutral.
acidic or basic
If the R group contains carboxylic acid, then it's an acidic
amino acid. There are two acidic amino acids: aspartic acid

and glutamic acid.

If the R group contains an amine group, then it's a basic
amino acid. There are three basic amino acids: lysine,
arginine, and histidine.
hydrophobic or hydrophilic
Hydrophobic: If the R group doesn't contain any of the stuff
Hydrophilic: If the R group contains acids, bases, amines or

peptide linkage

Peptide bond = amide bond.

The peptide bond is formed by the amine group attacking the
carbonyl carbon.

The peptide bond is very difficult to hydrolyze. It requires a strong

base, or a biological enzyme.

General principles
primary structure of proteins
Primary structure = sequence.
The primary structure of proteins is read from the N-terminus to
the C-terminus.
secondary structure of proteins
Secondary structure = repetitive motifs formed by backbone
Backbone interactions = hydrogen bonding between the NH and
The two most common secondary structures are helices and
pleated sheets.
The helix is right-handed, with the R groups sticking outward.
In sheets, R groups stick out above and below the sheet.
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Description; structure

Steroids are made from the cyclization of squalene, which is a terpene.


Terpenes are made from the polymerization of isoprene.

Terpenes contain double bonds, which gives the molecule the ability to
undergo cyclization.
Squalene, the precursor of steroids, is a terpene that consists of 6
isoprene subunits. A complex self-cyclization reaction converts squalene
to make steroids.
Squalene is classified as a triterpene. Triterpene = 6 isoprene subunits.
Diterpene = 4 units. Monoterpene = 2 units.
triacyl glycerols

Glycerol + 3 Fatty acids Triacyl Glycerol.

The reverse of triacyl glycerol synthesis is saponification.
free fatty acids

Fatty acids can undergo phosphorylation and transesterification

(commonly called activation by biochemists).

Fatty acid synthesis occurs via a mechanism similar to the claisen


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structure of phosphoric acids (anhydrides and esters)

Phosphoric acid = H3PO4

Pyrophosphate is the simplest phosphoric acid anhydride.

Phosphodiester bonds link together the DNA and RNA backbone.

Phosphoester bonds link the phosphates to the sugar in ATP.

Important reactions
Wittig reaction

Carbonyl + Phosphorus Ylide Alkene

The C1=O + Ph3P=C2 C1=C2
Most Wittig reactions are not stereospecific.
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