Manager Onboarding

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Hit the Ground Running:

Establishing A Model
Executive Onboarding

October 2011

Table of Contents
What is Executive Onboarding .........................................................................................3
THE BUSINESS CASE FOR EXECUTIVE ONBOARDING ......................................4
Defining the Problem .........................................................................................................4
The Current State of Executive Onboarding in the Federal Government ...................5
ONBOARDING DIVERSE EXECUTIVES ....................................................................6
Cultural Awareness ...........................................................................................................6
Political Appointees ...........................................................................................................7
External Hires ....................................................................................................................8
PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION ..................................8
What to Consider when Implementing an Executive Onboarding Program ...............8
Executive Onboarding Program Derailers ....................................................................11
Views from New Senior Executives ................................................................................11
EXECUTIVE ONBOARDING .......................................................................................13
Private Sector Organizations ..........................................................................................13
Technology for Onboarding Programs ..........................................................................15
Networking .......................................................................................................................16
MEASURING SUCCESS................................................................................................16
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................17
APPENDIX A - SAMPLE STRATEGIC QUESTIONS ..............................................19
THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ................................................................................21

We like to think that executives will hit the ground running and try to schedule a full day of
meetings on their first day. -- quote from an SES Executive Onboarding Forum participant

On May 26, 2010, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) partnered with the Senior
Executives Association (SEA) and the Partnership for Public Service (PPS) to host an
event where 115 individuals including expert consultants, experienced and newer
Senior Executive Service (SES) members, and executive resources (ER) and training
professionals gathered to discuss the importance of, and challenges to, onboarding
Federal senior executives. During the event, experts presented their existing executive
onboarding programs, and SES members shared their experiences and recommendations.
Participants spent the second half of the day identifying components of an effective
executive onboarding program.
As a result of this collaborative effort, OPM has developed this manual as a tool to assist
agencies in creating an executive onboarding program and a business case for it. This
document contains the end product of this 1-day event: an executive onboarding
framework with information on the steps that are critical to developing and implementing
a successful formal executive onboarding program from pre-boarding through the first
What is Executive Onboarding?
I had to ask where my office was There was a nametag on my door, but the office had an
antiquated computer and no Blackberry. - quote from an SES Executive Onboarding Forum

Executive onboarding refers to the acquiring, accommodating, assimilating and

accelerating of new leaders into the organizational culture and business. 1 The best
onboarding strategies provide a fast track to meaningful, productive work and strong
employee relationships. 2 Onboarding programs need to be tailored specifically to the
needs of the organization and individuals. Executive onboarding should be strategic, so
that it not only prevents executive derailment, but also expedites the executives
contribution to optimizing strategic achievement. In 2008, the Partnership for Public
Service (PPS) and Booz Allen Hamilton conducted a study entitled Getting On Board: A
Model for Integrating and Engaging New Employees. The study concluded that the
successful onboarding of employees during their first year of service increases
engagement, raises retention by as much as 25 percent, improves performance, and
hastens the time to full productivity. In another study entitled Unrealized Vision:
Reimagining the Senior Executive Service (August, 2009), PPS recommended OPM take
the lead on creating an executive onboarding program for the Federal Government. This
recommendation and the results from OPMs 2008 Senior Executive Survey were the
catalyst for the creation of this manual and the Governmentwide executive onboarding


It is surprising how quickly you need to make decisions that are going to stick . . . and
once you have made the decision, you are locked. It has to be really good the first time.
quote from SEA/RHR focus group participant
Initially, agencies must be able to make the business case for developing the onboarding
process, for example, by demonstrating and communicating success stories. Therefore,
agencies should strategically target the area of greatest need and build a pilot process
tailored to that need. Agencies should then define ways to measure success and assign
accountable champions to drive positive outcomes. Agencies should also build and
manage realistic expectations for early success.
Defining the Problem
What I want to know is what the things that are going to surprise me are. I want to hit
the ground running. quote from SEA/RHR focus group participant
Much has been made of the impending retirement tsunami, particularly in the senior
leadership ranks in the Federal sector, where about 70 percent are eligible to retire in the
near future. 3 This potential exodus has many implications for Federal agencies, including
the need to integrate new leaders into organizations quickly. Within the Federal
Government from January 2006 to the present day, 16 percent of SES members failed to
complete their initial 1-year probationary period successfully, for reasons that included
termination for performance, performance significantly below expectations, or voluntary
resignation from the new position. According to the Corporate Leadership Council, new
executives generally fail for five main reasons:

They fail to establish a cultural fit;

They fail to build teamwork with staff and peers;
They are unclear about the performance expected of them;
They lack political savvy; and
Their organizations do not have a strategic, formal process to assimilate
executives into the organization. 4

Documented examples show that the effective onboarding of executives minimizes the
need for terminations and costly replacements, by helping newly placed executives
navigate the areas most critical to their success. 5 In light of the current hiring challenges,
high-performing organizations use effective onboarding strategies to assimilate their
leaders strategically; they do not apply a "sink or swim" mentality to new executives.
Instead, these organizations understand they must provide support systems for new
executives. 6 The most successful organizations understand they may choose to invest

valuable time and money positioning their executives to succeed rather than expending
those same resources in lost productivity and turnover.
The Current State of Executive Onboarding in the Federal Government
Organizations Mistake
We have hired a senior person. She should be able to figure it out.
Executives Mistake
I am a smart person. I need to prove myself and make my mark as soon as possible.
While many Federal agencies have established comprehensive onboarding programs for
their employees, few agencies have implemented an onboarding process specifically
geared toward assimilating and acculturating executives. Instead, agencies treat
executive onboarding as a crude extension of employee orientation or with the nonchalant
expectation that the executive will figure it out. Some agencies do not emphasize the
onboarding of new executives because they wish to avoid insulting established
professionals, who may perceive an executive onboarding program as suggesting they
require additional assistance. In fact, research indicates the onboarding of executives
often is even more critical because of the significantly greater performance expectations
executives face and the greater impact they have on the overall performance of the
organization. Only a few agencies have implemented successful onboarding programs,
including the National Science Foundations New Executive Transition (NExT) Program
and the executive onboarding programs within the Department of the Navy and the
Department of Treasurys Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Because OPM recognizes the value of the ongoing assimilation of executives and other
employees into Federal agencies, OPM has included a year-long orientation process
among the five components of its new End-to-End (E2E) Hiring Roadmap. Though not
specifically geared toward leadership positions, the E2E Hiring Roadmap can be used to
help ensure Federal agencies recruit and retain the top talent they need to meet the
complex challenges of the 21st century.
Additionally, OPM coordinates with the White House to conduct periodic 2-day
executive orientations (i.e., SES briefings) for new SES members and equivalents.
During these orientation sessions, participants learn about the President's agenda, vision,
and values, and discuss the unique challenges they may face with their new leadership
responsibilities. OPM has also partnered with the White House Offices of Presidential
Personnel and Cabinet Affairs to create the Presidents Appointee Leadership Program
(PALP) -- a 1-day program for noncareer SES and for Schedule C appointees, which
cascades down from a leadership program at the Cabinet Secretary level. The main focus
of this orientation program for political appointees is to establish the alignment between
the administration and executives. Agencies are encouraged to use the SES orientation
sessions and the PALP as an integral part of an executive onboarding program.

Agencies should also consider the need to develop onboarding solutions that address
three types of newer SES members:
Those who have grown within the agency;
Those from outside the agency (but still within Government); and
External hires from outside the Federal Government.


It was very helpful to me to participate in the organizations diversity council where I
met other women SES. - quote from an SES Executive Onboarding Forum participant
A successful onboarding process leads to an inclusive workplace, maximizing the talents
of each person to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. Minority leaders
and professionals often face particular challenges in integrating into a new organization,
demonstrating their worth, and finding internal role models and mentors; therefore,
effective onboarding is particularly important for this group 7. Frequently, companies go
to great lengths to acquire quality talent, only to unfortunately see many of their minority
recruits depart within the first year. Consequently, onboarding programs should include
cultural awareness and other diversity management priorities.
Cultural Awareness
Although agencies have traditionally devoted great effort to hiring diverse individuals
into the SES, historically, little consideration has been given to the value of the diverse
onboarding of new executives. Research indicates, however, that different individuals
have different needs and different ways of processing information 8; consequently,
agencies should provide flexible onboarding programs that appropriately meet the needs
of a diverse array of individuals. For example, agencies may consider providing diverse
types of information or the same information in different ways, all tailored to the specific
individual employee. Some agencies have achieved success by providing new executives
access to a diverse pool of peer mentors with a variety of backgrounds, experience, and
skills. Agencies have also hosted educational events, involving panels composed of
diverse executives, to share advice on organizational transition and success for new
executives. 9 The following are some additional diversity management and inclusion
strategies for successful onboarding: treat similarly all similarly-situated individuals, and
do not draw distinctions based upon non-merit factors (e.g., race, gender, age, ethnicity,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion); recognize and communicate
the value of diversity and inclusion; provide training on equal employment opportunity
and diversity management; and foster development of networks across the organization
through shared and collaborative events and activities. 10

Political Appointees
Agencies may apply the steps of the Executive Onboarding Framework contained in this
manual to assist all types of executives in their transition into new organizations;
however, agencies should bear in mind special considerations for political appointees. In
September 2008, the National Academy of Public Administration, the Partnership for
Public Service, and the University of Pennsylvanias Fels Institute published the results
of a study entitled Speeding up the Learning Curve: Observations from a Survey of
Seasoned Political Appointees. This study surveyed a group of Senate-confirmed
appointees of former President George W. Bush, some of whom had performed
substantial public service prior to their political appointments. The appointees shared
their onboarding observations and experiences.
Survey respondents noted six key observations, for which agencies should provide
education and support during the onboarding phase:

Knowledge of ethical standards and financial disclosure rules is necessary for

rapid effectiveness. This was true during the confirmation process, but was
considered especially important during early months in office.

Performance and results matter. Survey respondents said they thought two
dimensions of performance were important or very important: measuring
organizational results, and evaluating employee performance. Respondents
emphasized the importance of leaders setting standards of performance and
measuring progress against those standards, over the importance of managing
financial, contract, or pay and benefits issues. Additionally, respondents focused
on their need to understand expectations for their performance clearly and to
receive direction on how their performance would be measured.

Policy development and implementation depend on understanding key

Federal Government processes. Respondents specifically identified four
important factors: (1) understanding the Presidents priorities; (2) understanding
how the executive branch operates; (3) understanding the budget process; and (4)
mastering the process for policy development.

Relationships matter. Respondents rated highly the importance of positive

relationships with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, career employees,
and Congress.

Leadership, negotiation, and communication are key competencies. All

respondents cited leadership as a critical competency, followed closely by
negotiation skills and communication.

Support of career executives is critical. Respondents indicated their success

depended heavily on three essential elements provided by career executives: (1)

knowledge of the agencys policies and processes; (2) support for the goals of
agency political leaders; and (3) an understanding of the agencys internal culture.

External Hires
Executives hired from outside the Federal Government are typically valued for their new
skills and different perspectives, as well as their willingness to implement change 12;
however, Federal agencies need to actively help these newly-hired executives transition
into their new positions if they want to reap the benefits of external hiring. Research
reveals that external executive hires that are not provided with this type of support are
more likely to fail than insiders promoted to executive positions. Studies indicate the
success of incoming executives largely depends on the following:

Understanding the unique aspects of the organizational culture;

Understanding the dynamics of the teams the executive is entering (whether as a
leader or colleague); and
The personality, knowledge and leadership skills of the incoming executive. 13

Agencies may help new executives with the first two requirements by providing
information and guidance on the culture and team dynamics of the organization.
Agencies may accomplish the third element by conducting individual assessments of new
executives to inform onboarding and developmental strategies that will help the new
executives integrate more successfully into the new organization with a shorter transition


Managers and supervisors, along with human resources professionals, should answer
some key planning questions before implementing an onboarding program or revamping
a current orientation program.
What to Consider when Implementing an Onboarding Program:


Is your onboarding program tied to a specific business need?

Is there a need for multi-function collaboration?
Is there a dynamic between career and political appointees that needs to be
Do you have stakeholder support? Without it, your onboarding program will not

What are the key relationships that are going to make or break a successful
transition for a new SES member?
How will you obtain commitment from upper management?

When developing and implementing an executive onboarding program, consider the

following tips:
Secure program commitment from senior leadership
Program success depends upon senior leadership commitment, participation, and support
from the highest levels, to provide buy-in and encouragement for new executives to
complete the onboarding program successfully.
Establish relevant program objectives
Agencies must initially develop program objectives, informed by the identification of key
issues concerning the relevant onboarding population. At a minimum, the onboarding
program should assist new executives in understanding the organizations business and
culture, help clarify performance expectations, and shorten the executives learning curve
to enable them to perform to their full potential as quickly as possible. For example,
relevant onboarding program objectives may include the following:

Enabling successful transitions for executives hired from outside the Federal
Developing executives awareness of the agencys mission, culture, people, and
business processes; and
Promoting the value and understanding of diversity management and inclusion.

Target core leadership competencies

Agencies should consider the following four key core leadership competencies:

Understanding the organization, key stakeholders, business goals and objectives;

Understanding the organizations culture, including its unwritten rules;
Navigating internal networks and relationships; and
Understanding the organizations expectations for executive leadership.

Use a blended learning approach

Agencies may most effectively provide new executives with the tools, information, skillenhancement, and support through multiple and diverse mechanisms. To help new
executives reach their full performance as quickly as possible, agencies should provide
various learning options to reinforce messages (e.g., a dedicated website for executives,
handbook, online tutorials, peer mentoring and executive coaching). Agencies should
deliver important information through a variety of ways and at several different points
throughout the onboarding period (e.g., before arrival, during the first month, 3-to-6-

month follow-up), helping executives stay engaged and focused on learning throughout
their onboarding period. Agencies should facilitate networking and relationship-building
by providing information on, and interactions with, cross-agency organizations and
employees. For example, some organizations pre-schedule one-on-one meetings between
the new executive and key organizational contacts during the executives first 30 days.
Agencies may also offer informal meet-and-greet gatherings to bring leaders together to
network and share information.
Frame the program in terms of hours
When onboarding executives, agencies should clearly and specifically articulate the time
frames for executives to complete the required tasks, allowing the executives to more
effectively plan and schedule time to complete the tasks. In typical onboarding
programs, executives are assigned tasks to be completed at various points during the
onboarding stage (e.g., the first week, the first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and, finally, the
first year). Ideally, the new executives manager will provide the executive with a
calendar already populated with onboarding tasks, as well as other essential meetings and
activities, to help the new executive structure his or her schedule and time.
Establish clear accountability mechanisms
Agencies should define and clearly communicate to new executives how the executives
will be held accountable for completing the onboarding program in order to ensure
effective participation. Agencies may include the executives supervisor as a key
facilitator in the onboarding and long-term integration process to bolster accountability
by ensuring the new executives onboarding needs are being addressed and by monitoring
Establish program metrics and evaluation criteria
Onboarding programs should ultimately have a positive impact on both individual and
organizational performance; therefore, agencies should identify and establish meaningful
evaluation criteria to measure program success. The establishment of meaningful metrics
(e.g., retention rates, performance ratings, and organizational performance measures)
helps to ensure that an agencys onboarding program is aligned with the agencys larger
strategic goals. Agencies should also conduct regular evaluations to monitor program
success and identify necessary adjustments to the programs design and delivery.
Keep the new executive's family in mind
Agencies may readily enhance the effectiveness of onboarding programs by considering
how to support work/life issues, including how the onboarding programs may help the
families of new executives adjust to a new job, particularly where the job required
relocation. 14

Executive Onboarding Program Derailers
The following are several common omissions or obstacles to successful onboarding

No written plan. Successful onboarding programs begin with the development

of a formal written plan, integrated into agencies overall business plans, and
aligned with succession, talent management, and recruitment plans.
Ownership by Human Resources (HR). The onboarding program design
should make it clear that onboarding effectiveness depends on commitment and
buy-in from the top of the organization, and sharing this commitment throughout
the organization, including by hiring and supervising officials.
No continuous improvement component. The best onboarding programs have a
formal process for continuously identifying and assessing successes and
deficiencies, to inform improvements.
No best practice sharing. Onboarding programs must have a formal design
component for the rapid identification, adoption, and sharing of best practices
related to onboarding.
No data-based decision-making. Agencies should make major onboarding
program design and resource decisions based primarily on data, rather than
anecdotal understanding or historical practice.
Delays in offering onboarding. Agencies frequently postpone most onboarding
components until a large group of new hires can participate in a single session;
however, delays hinder new-hire productivity and increase the risk of new-hire
mistakes or failure. Agencies may improve timely delivery of onboarding by
providing services on multiple occasions or by requiring onboarding to be
conducted no later than the first week after a new employee is hired. 15

Views from New Senior Executives

During the onboarding panel discussion hosted by OPM, the Partnership for Public
Service, and Senior Executives Association, new executives offered their perspectives
and onboarding experiences within their agencies, highlighting the benefit of consulting
current SES members when developing or modifying agency executive onboarding
programs. The following are examples of some of their comments:
What were the biggest challenges to being a new SES?


Family issues provided a disincentive for accepting SES jobs (e.g., personal
transitions, living away from family).

Going to an agency where the new executive did not know anyone.

The deputy in the office had applied for the SES position and had expected to
be selected.


Inheriting a budget crisis without any knowledge of causality or solution;

being held responsible for all mistakes or failures in the agency.

Transition from the role of peer to supervisor.

Difficulty in establishing credibility and qualifications.

Predecessor had a different style.

Difficult to establish and improve relationships successfully.

What tools were useful to meet those challenges?

Interactions with the Secretary and major division heads provided a good
learning experience and opportunity to meet people

Predecessor stayed on for 60 days to provide guidance, and upon departure,

other managers were very supportive.

Familiarity with the program and opportunity to select a deputy.

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently during

Address earlier staff preferences for past practices.

Obtain more information on congressional relations, including identity of key

committee members, sources of information, and priorities.

What recommendations do you have to improve executive onboarding?

Continuous engagement is important for new executives to learn their new


Agencies should give senior executives permission to take time to ask

questions and learn the organization.

New executives can establish credibility by being included in networking and

collaborative activities with established executives.

Agencies should provide photographs and names of key agency officials.

Agencies should inform new executives of training requirements, and provide

a position description, objectives, performance standards, and an action
checklist before reporting on the first day.

Agencies should consider onboarding a mission-critical program and properly

provide leadership support and funding.

Agencies should administer 360 assessments to all new executives.

Agencies should help new executives obtain agency-wide perspective by

supporting their participation in cross-agency events.



Private-Sector Organizations
Many private-sector organizations have successful executive onboarding programs.
OPM invited one such organization, PepsiCo, to share information about its executive
onboarding. Phil Golino, Director of Leadership Development at PepsiCo, and Marjorie
Derven of Hudson Research Consulting shared program information and results of
PepsiCos onboarding program. In short, PepsiCo identified a significant difference in
satisfaction and performance between managers who went through the onboarding
program and those who did not attend the onboarding program, with those participating
in the program reporting far greater levels of satisfaction while demonstrating higher
performance. Furthermore, PepsiCo selected 90 percent of its General Managers from
within the organization. PepsiCo provided the following summary of some of its
successful onboarding practices.
PepsiCos Onboarding Process for General Managers:
Information for Candidates and New Hires:
Provide relevant information to candidates on the terms and conditions of their
prospective employment (e.g., candidly discuss with candidates the need for
relocation in order to achieve career advancement);
Provide regular opportunities for new hires to familiarize themselves with the
workplace, and create an environment conducive for new hires to ask questions
and seek information; and
Provide new hires, from the first day of employment, with information and
opportunities to build important workplace relationships.
Design, Development and Deployment Methodology:
Develop onboarding solutions linked with specific business needs;
Identify key colleagues and stakeholders with whom new hires should
immediately establish positive relationships;
Create functional checklists to standardize the onboarding process;
Create and maintain a business dashboard to allow executives to maintain
operational awareness while maintaining a strategic focus;
Provide executives a list of agency contacts, identifying the key 5-7 people with
whom executives most interact, including subject-matter experts; and
At the outset, develop and apply performance appraisal metrics that may be
integrated into an organizational assessment tool, enabling new leaders to align
individual performance with organizational goals.
Create a Business Assessment Tool:
Create a list of 90 questions for executives to use during their first 90 days.
Executives use this set of strategic questions as a roadmap during their first 90
days. They seek answers to these questions to better understand the office, the


agency, and their role in contributing to the organization. Executives use the
results of this exercise to develop an action plan by the 90-day mark, which serves
as a foundation for discussing the way forward with senior leadership.
Require managers to bring the answers to the 90 questions with them to an event
for all new executives. (Army has developed a similar structure for helping
commanders pinpoint the existing problems in the organization; they conducted
interviews with the staff to identify blind spots).

The following private-sector companies also apply additional successful executive

onboarding practices:
Johnson & Johnson, Canada
Johnson & Johnson tailors its onboarding program to the specific needs of each new
employee. For example, new hires from outside the company enter a different
onboarding track than those hired from within the company. Internal hires are also
onboarded differently according to their key skill gaps, which the company has
previously identified through its performance management process. Johnson &
Johnsons onboarding program also includes the following:

An external onboarding coach who provides support to the new executive for 6
months, including by collecting and using business/organizational data (e.g.,
employee survey feedback, customer feedback) anonymously to prepare an
onboarding development charter for the new employee. The
business/organizational data is put into an individualized dashboard and provides
a stakeholder relationship map;
A senior mentor buddy outside direct reporting relationships, who helps
acclimate the new employee to the organization and provides advice on policies,
procedures, and the unwritten rules of the organization;
Networking appointments with key leaders;
Workshops to help new executives plan their onboarding process and network;
Solicitation of feedback on the onboarding progress at the 6-month milestone of
employment to identify transition issues and adjustments.

American Express

On the first day of employment, provide each new hire with an HR partner, hiring
manager, and external assimilation coach to formulate a 100-day transition plan,
and to provide continuous support during the onboarding stage;
Build an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for each new executive based on
individual assessment data collected during the recruitment stage, requirements of
the specific job, and the executives career aspirations;
Facilitate formal networking meetings with the CEO and senior management


Provide learning and networking experiences involving various parts of the

company; and
At 6-month milestone:
o Provide executives with 360o assessment, and use this data for further
o Gather feedback to improve onboarding process
o Provide for new executives participation in annual New Leaders
Orientation Summit

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Assess leadership ability and organizational fit at the interview stage, which will
help determine the executives future development and where he or she will be
most effective in the future;
Schedule meetings for the new hire with influential colleagues;
Track the progress of each new executive during the first year of employment;
Tailor onboarding process based on information gathered about the individual
during the hiring process (e.g., information obtained during pre-selection
assessments and behavioral interviews)

Technology for Onboarding Programs

Many high-performing, innovative organizations leverage technology to optimize their
onboarding processes. 16 These organizations achieve more efficient methods, through
technology, to convey data to new executives and to track their progress (e.g., through
intranet portals and web-based tools). Additionally, these solutions allow organizations
to provide information and onboarding services before the new executives first day on
the job. For example, Capital One designed a series of e-learning modules that new hires
can access on a website. The site provides information on culture, values and business
lines, and includes PDF versions of essential forms to download in advance of the on-site
onboarding class. Such technology-aided preparation enables immediate and direct
knowledge-sharing between managers and new executives, and helps new hires feel
much more prepared and familiar with the companys policies when they begin their new
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) uses an online system to notify
appropriate organizational units in advance of the arrival of a new employee so
appropriate personnel can prepare information technology (IT) equipment, establish IT
system accounts, and prepare facilities and utilities. 17 Also, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture uses automated processes that allow new hires to complete all necessary
forms before the first day of work.


Such uses of technology allow organizations to improve the speed and ease with which
the organizations complete onboarding preparations and make it easier for new
executives to access information and complete paperwork. Consequently, new
executives will experience a much smoother and customer-friendly transition into the
new organization, while having the support to concentrate on important responsibilities
rather than transactional procedures.
Organizations also enhance the scope and success of their onboarding programs by
including networking strategies during executives transitions into their new
organizations. For example, the Shell Oil Company invites new executives to an
onboarding workshop 6 months into their new jobs, bringing together all new employees
from around the world. At these events, new executives share experiences and solutions
on goals, challenges, and expectations. In addition to providing an opportunity for
knowledge transfer, these events provide opportunities to develop relationships, lines of
communication, and future collaboration.
Organizations with effective onboarding programs are able to identify specific
onboarding metrics tied to strategic organizational outcomes. These organizations have
measured the impact of onboarding on their retention successes. 18 Organizations also
examine important indicators such as expense savings, customer satisfaction (internal and
external), processing time for employee equipment and tools, and employee engagement.
Many tools can help assist in planning, documenting, and evaluating an onboarding program.
One of these tools is the Logic Model. The logic model is an evaluation tool that will
guide program planning, documentation, and reporting, as well as program
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Agencies should complete logic models to
determine the inputs, activities, target participants, and short, intermediate and long term
goals of their executive onboarding programs.
In order to develop and implement a successful onboarding program, Federal agencies
must emphasize a number of key elements, and proper sequencing of these critical tasks
will produce better results. 19 The following are key components to which every agency
should give special prominence:
During the first few days, agencies should support new executives emphasis on:
Learning the protocols and processes of the agency
Obtaining clarification of expectations
Engaging in timely and accurate communication with key stakeholders


Devising regular and effective communication processes with peers, superiors,

and other stakeholders. This process starts on the first day and improves on an
ongoing basis.

During the first 30 days, new executives should emphasize the following:
Understanding cultural issues
Obtaining consensus on top strategic priorities
Devising a 90-day plan (see appendix for a list of strategic questions that can be
used to develop an action plan)
Familiarization with senior leadership relationships and determining potential
risks and problem areas in the new environment
Examining and considering improvements in the immediate organizational
During the next 30 days, the key tasks for a new executive typically include:
Identifying early wins
Identifying learning priorities
Finalizing an action plan to discuss with senior leaders
Refining specific job expectations and resource requirements with the executives
During days 60 to 90, the new executive should emphasize:
Articulating a vision and engaging the team
Developing and implementing action plans to support execution of early wins
Strengthening alliances with key stakeholders
Maintaining regular and effective communication processes with peers, superiors,
and other stakeholders.
On average, new executives require a minimum of 6 months to become fully productive
in their role. 20 Federal agencies may readily pave the way to ensure a new executives
effective integration into their organizations by implementing a specialized executive
onboarding program one of the simplest and most cost-effective strategies to optimizing
the success of new hires. Executive onboarding programs help prevent and address a
number of important issues common to most new executives making the transition for
new executives smoother, more efficient, and more positive, and allowing new executives
to transition quickly and effectively into their new roles. Successful onboarding further
contributes to leadership retention, and promotes long-term organizational success.





Below is a sample set of questions executives should ask and get answers for to better
understand the agency and their role in contributing to the organization. The process of
asking and ultimately answering these questions should enable the executive to quickly
understand the organization and perform basic job functions; know the correct
individuals or departments who can provide assistance and answer questions; perform job
tasks in compliance with agency and Government policies; and access key information
about leadership resources and development opportunities. Note: The number of
questions is not important, but the substance and relevance of the questions to the
success of the executive is important.
Questions leaders need to:
Ask themselves
and/or their

Ask other

Ask manager
and/or key

Ask direct

Ask others in
order to access
about available

What is the agency

vision and

What are the 3

things we should
be very proud of as
an organization,
and why?
What are the
unspoken norms?

Who are our


What is a recent
decision you did
not understand?

How can I advance

in the

Why do customers
do business with

How do I request

What does the end

state look like?

Where do the great

ideas come from in
your organization?

How and when

have we made it
hard for them to do
business with us?

What is the state of

the talent within
my group?

How is personal
success measured?

What do our
customers need
from us now?

What does the

leadership team do
that gets in the
way of you doing
your job?
How can we
decisions more
How do you feel at
the start of the

What are the

organization norms
regarding dress
and appearance?

How do you
encourage others
to communicate
the core values?

What will our

customers need
from us in the

How are my goals

and objectives tied
to the vision?

How do you feel at

the end of the

How do I register
for training?

How and when can

I initiate a
opportunities for


What are the

organization norms
What is the
process for
requesting and
Are there any
quick wins?

What support do I
need to achieve
success for my

Where can I go to
find the most
recent Employee
Viewpoint Survey
(or other employee
opinion survey)
results for my
What is my role in

SES members?
With whom should
I discuss

How do you help a

new employee
understand the
culture of the
When faced with
two equally
candidates how do
you determine
whom to hire?
How do I locate
information about
departments and
What is one
mistake you
witness leaders
making more
frequently than
What is the one
behavior or trait
you have seen
derail more
leaders careers?

What gets in the

way of us doing
our job?

What are the key

metrics to track
progress and

What are the

expectations for
my role as a

What are the short

term priorities?

How do I find out

about required

How is
success measured?

What tools are

used to manage
(appointments)paper, outlook?
What is my role in

How can I access

leadership training

What are some of

the challenges that
incumbents in this
position have

Where is the
alternate operating

When and where is

the next SES
Briefing? How do
I register?

Why do people
stay in this

Where can I find

information about
the current
What key policies
should I be aware
of in the first
month and which
ones do I own?

What process is
used to collect our
customers needs
and measure their
What are the short
term priorities for
the organization
and my office?

Who are my key

partners and what
do they

What are the

results of the most
recent third-party
inspection (IG,
GAO, etc.)?

Are there any

leadership tools I
should be aware
What are a few
resources you
would recommend
to someone
looking to gain
insight into
becoming a better
What are you
doing to ensure
you continue to
learn and grow as a

What strategic
relationships and
internal networks
should I be aware

What motivates

What do I want to
be remembered

What are the

norms about travel
(not the

What are the


Where can I find

reading materials?

What are the major
risks associated
with my positionto me, to my

In my first twelve
months, what can I
do to help you and
your staff be

What are the

results of the most
recent employee
morale survey?

What are 3
capabilities we
have that are
or under-utilized
and what should
we do about that?

What is one
characteristic you
believe every
leader should

How does the

work I do
contribute to the
overall success of
the organization?
What is the
commitment to
telework and other

Who are the

power players?

What is the current

and future year
budget outlook?

What are the three

things you would
change around
here and why?

What skills do I
need to be most

What is one thing

you would change
about the

committees are
concerned with the
mission and

What is the most

pressing issue for
me to address with
our customers?

When should I
complete my
Development Plan


Executive Onboarding Program Framework for the Federal

Executive onboarding is a way of acquiring, accommodating, assimilating and
accelerating new leaders into the organizational culture and business. Documented
examples show that onboarding of leaders minimizes the chances of costly replacements
and terminations by helping newly-placed executives navigate the areas that are most
critical to success. The best approaches recognize that a successful onboarding process
involves process owners, process champions and new executives. The following are
typical responsibilities for each group:
Process Owners (e.g., Human Resources, Executive Resources)
Serve as a bridge between the recruiting phase and the onboarding phase;
Ensure appropriate feedback mechanisms are in place for all involved in the
Assess the need for additional organizational support/resources (e.g., IT,
Are prepared to address issues of diversity (diversity is a broader concept than
ethnicity, race, gender and age; it also includes disability, religion, nationality,
and sexual orientation); and
Partner with the manager and executive to focus the executives transition efforts
in the most productive directions.
Process Champions (e.g., senior leaders, managers, supervisors, mentors, coaches)
Provide explicit encouragement for new executives to take time to learn, build
relationships, and set the stage for performance;
Are accountable for seeing that the strategy and process are accomplished;
Ensure expectations are clear and provide regular and constructive feedback;
Consider diversity in all aspects of onboarding;
Assist the new executive with integration into his or her peer group; and
Explain and set realistic milestones and cultural expectations (e.g., decisions that
can be made without manager approval, communication styles).
New Executives
Actively learn about the organizations history, values, vision and mission,
strategic plans, leadership structure, metrics and performance, processes and
Take responsibility for ensuring integration is accomplished effectively by
achieving the measurements for success that have been put in place, absorbing
critical information, and building valuable relationships; and
Regularly communicate expectations, objectives, and accomplishments.

The following framework is intended to be general enough to meet the majority of the
needs of all new and newly-assigned executives from pre-boarding through the first year;
however, agencies should modify the framework and assign responsibility according to
unique agency processes and practices and according to each new executives individual
needs. Agencies should assign responsibility for these tasks to specific offices and
individuals to ensure accountability.
Tasks outlined in the framework may be accomplished in several ways, including
handbooks, webinars, agency websites, face-to-face meetings, checklists, handouts,
retreats, e-binders, transition meetings, etc. We also recommend agencies specify the
amount of time it should typically take (in hours) for the executive to accomplish the
tasks within each phase. Also, see in the framework where automation is recommended
( ).

The goal of the pre-boarding phase is to plan and prepare for the executives
arrival and to ensure the executives successful entrance into the organization.

Provide the executive with:

o Bios and resumes of direct reports
o Required applications and forms (e.g., benefits, ethics information, travel
card application)
(Encourage the executive to review and complete necessary paperwork before the first
employment day.)

Work with security to ensure timely clearance processing.

Work with IT and Facilities to coordinate work space so the executive has an
appropriate parking space, office, equipment, identification, PDA/Blackberry, etc.

Order nameplates, flags and business cards.

Pre-populate the executives calendar with tasks in the framework as well as other
essential activities and training. This will demonstrate leadership support for the
strategic onboarding of the executive as well as help ensure the executive takes the
necessary time to complete the specific tasks (e.g., meetings with
mentor/sponsor/coach, lunch with senior leaders, formal feedback sessions).

Create a list of key stakeholders and agency leaders with name, title, phone
number and email address. Provide to the executive on the first day.
Assign an executive sponsor. A sponsor accelerates the new executives ability to
quickly address and properly deal with early confusing issues. Questions about normal
protocol in the organization, finding the right people to go to for information, correct
procedures, and learning what is right and wrong should be easily answered by a
sponsor. Be sure the sponsor knows his or her responsibilities. Provide a checklist if
Assign a mentor to help immerse the executive into the culture of the organization.
Assign a coach to help the executive progress in his or her current position, as well
as with individual development and career goals.


Develop a briefing book or website with:

o Key information about the agency (e.g., structure and mission,
background, financial information)
o Organizational chart and phone book
o Photos and bios of key executives
o List of acronyms
o Message from the Director/Head of Agency
o Benefits, work life programs, transit subsidy information
o Required training information
o List of recurring meetings
o Maps and building information
o Payroll calendar
o Information of personal interest (e.g., information packet on local schools
and realtors)

Obtain items with the agency logo or brand to give on the first day as welcome
gifts a nice touch to say we are glad you are here and you are a part of our team.

Schedule mandatory training (e.g., IT security, ethics, No Fear Act, performance

management, employee and labor relations, Hatch Act, EEO, diversity awareness).

Executive should provide direct reports and staff with a bio, photo and a letter of

The goal of the first day is to ensure the executive is welcomed into the
organization by senior leadership and new staff and is satisfactorily in-processed.
The remainder of the week should be dedicated to deliberate introduction and
acclimation of the executive into the organization as well as training to help the
executive understand pitfalls and critical issues.
Welcome the executive by conducting a swearing-in ceremony, including the
executives family, photo and a press release.
Introduce the executive to direct reports, staff, senior leaders, etc.
Produce an article for agency publication to note the arrival of the executive.
Executive should complete any paperwork and security requirements that were not
completed during the pre-boarding phase.
Conduct an executive briefing, transition meeting or other forum to provide the
executive with information about the work group. The briefing should include:
o The 12-month calendar and a letter from the previous executive to gain a
perspective on organizational history, culture, priorities and lessons
o Fact sheets on the hot issues that will require the executives attention
within the first 90 days
o A quick introduction to personnel policies and rules (financial dos and
donts, acquisitions, hiring, firing, contractor support)
o A discussion of initial projects and roles and responsibilities, including


past performance standards

o Training and information designed to provide initial familiarity with
crucial systems and procedures. These are crash courses but will serve
their purpose by making executives aware immediately of vital systems,
laws, procedures, etc.
Introduce the executive to his or her assigned mentor and sponsor.
Executive should review the list of key contacts and stakeholders and begin to
schedule introductory calls/meetings.
Meet with executive to ensure job roles and responsibilities are clearly
Take the executive to lunch.
Executive should meet with direct reports and staff.
Executive should attend any necessary training as described in the pre-boarding
Executive should create an action plan. This can take the form of a set of strategic
questions an executive should ask and get the answers to over time, in order to better
understand the agency and his or her role in contributing to the organization. (See
Appendix A of the OPM manual Hit The Ground Running: Establishing a Model
Executive Onboarding Program for a list of sample strategic questions.)

Register for the OPM SES Briefing for New Executives
Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish
tasks in this phase.

The goal within the first 30 days is to establish roles and responsibilities of the new
executive as they relate to performance, development and ethical behavior.
Executives should also begin to build relationships and business partnerships.
Finalize the executives performance objectives.
Executive should create an Executive Development Plan (EDP) with his or her
manager and solicit input from coach/mentor.
Executive should schedule a formal feedback session with his or her manager and

Facilitate networking opportunities and provide resources to make networking

Discuss with the executive his or her individual work styles and preferences.
Executive should meet with his or her coach.
Executive should seek out unwritten rules (e.g., how to get things done; who can
help and who cant or wont; what to do and, more importantly, what not to do) with
mentor, sponsor and peersthis could be included in the risk assessment initiated in
week 1.
Executive should begin scheduling appointments with key stakeholders from other

organizations (e.g., programs, policies, and budget). Executive should consult with
his or her manager or mentor to identify stakeholders.
Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish
tasks in this phase.

Contact the executive to get feedback on his or her experience after 30 days.

The goal within the first 90 days is to cultivate the new executive by building
competence in the job and providing frequent opportunities for open forum
discussions. Executives should begin to have a full workload while managers
monitor performance and provide early feedback.

Executive should identify professional development opportunities.

Executive should develop an action plan based on answers to the strategic questions
provided in Week 1.
Executive should review performance objectives with his or her manager.
Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish
tasks in this phase.

Contact the executive to get feedback on his or her experience after 90 days.

The goal within the first 6 months is to provide guidance and feedback to the
executive to ensure continued success and to make plans for his or her future with
the organization.
Executive should engage in a leadership assessment process (e.g., 360, MyersBriggs Type Indicator) for developmental purposes and to identify areas for
improvement; follow up with coaching and/or an action plan if appropriate.

Executive should schedule a formal feedback session with his or her manager.
Executive should reflect on his or her role with coach/mentor.

Executive should revisit the EDP to assess professional development goals and
track progress.
Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish
tasks in this phase.

Contact the executive to get feedback on his or her experience after 6 months.

Notify the Hiring Manager the probationary period is ending.

The goal within the first year is to monitor performance, individual development,
goals and desires and to engage the executive in advancing the mission of the


Executive should complete a 360 assessment (or other leadership assessment

process) in addition to the annual performance appraisal.
Executive should develop a roadmap for long-term success.
Provide an anniversary pin and card from the Secretary/Director.
Follow up to ensure executive has attended the OPM SES Briefing.
Provide the executive with the resources, tools and time to successfully accomplish
tasks in this phase.
Contact the executive to get feedback on his or her experience after 1 year.
Close out and assess next steps.

The onboarding process may conclude 1 year after the incoming executives arrival, with
a final 360 assessment or other leadership review. This provides the leader with
additional feedback and an opportunity to see if change efforts are working as intended.

The following chart provides an overview of Key Onboarding Goals. While all
executives are expected to continually learn, build relationships, deliver results and
constantly monitor performance and individual development, the time periods identified
in this chart simply illustrate when those objectives should be emphasized during the
onboarding process.
Day 1/
Week 1
Days Days Months Year
1. Plan and prepare for the
executives arrival and ensure
the executives successful
entrance into the organization
2. Ensure the executive is
welcomed into the organization
by senior leadership and new
staff and is satisfactorily inprocessed. The remainder of
the week should be dedicated
to deliberate introduction and
acclimation of the executive
into the organization as well as
training to help the executive
understand pitfalls and critical
3. Establish roles and
responsibilities of the new
executive as they relate to
performance, development and
ethical behavior. Executives
should also begin to build
relationships and business

4. Cultivate the new executive

by building competence in the
job and providing frequent
opportunities for open forum
discussions. Executives should
begin to have a full workload
while managers monitor
performance and provide early
5. Provide guidance and
feedback to the executive to
ensure continued success and
to make plans for his or her
future with the organization.
6. Monitor performance,
individual development, goals
and desires and engage the
executive in advancing the
mission of the organization.

United States
Office of Personnel Management
Employee Services
Executive Resources & Employee Development
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415


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