Case Facts
Case Facts
Case Facts
Robert D. Garrison working with Ronald Olson invented in 1965 the ODI lens to mimic
the effect of cataracts on chickens
The contact lens for use on chicken was originally designed by Robert Garrison and
collaborations were made with Ronald Olson to test and refine the lenses
In 1966 an investor saw the project feasible and they had formed a corporation; Optical
Distortion Inc.
The company was formed in response to huge opportunity lying due to inefficient practise
of debeaking
The process of debeaking carried a host of problems such as trauma, temporary weight
loss, and retardation of egg production.
ODI agreed to pay New World $50000 & to purchase lens exclusively from New World
Frequently caused severe irritation in the last month of chickens 12 month laying life
California, North Carolina and, Georgia accounted for 25% of nations chickens
The number of small farms has been declining at the rate of 25% per year
Hierarchical type of social order was established through fighting and pecking
Cannibalism was a greater problem when birds were confined in cages
A crew of 3 was used for debeaking at $2.50/hour for 220 chickens per hour
Chicken wearing ODI lens had its depth perception reduced to about 12
ODI lenses claimed to reduce mortality to an average of 4.5%
Trained crew could install the lenses in about 225 chicken per hour at $2.50/hour
The lenses were harder to take out than to put in
Food disappearance per 100 birds per day was reduced from 24.46 pounds when the feed
in trough was 2 deep to 23.68 at 1 deep
Annual savings amounted to $158
Annual cost of west coast regional office and warehouse was $196000,40000 for
salesperson and $35000 for technical representative
Headquarter expenses would rise from 184,000 at 20 million pair to 614,000 at 60 million
and 1.2 million at volume of 20 million pair
Although ODI does not face any direct competition as of now but has its competitor as
debeaking process; used to reduce cannibalization behaviour of chickens satisfying the
same need.
Despite the fact that the debeaking process lowers chicken morality caused by
cannibalism from 25% to 9%, there are heavy and drastic repercussions for the chickens
and farmers, in terms of production and chicken morale.
Thus ODI can maintain its monopoly if it is able to capture the market by targeting and
influencing the farmers in right direction.
The case says that its not profitable to sell to small farms having chicken count less than
10000. There are three segments based on size of farms:
Increasing the selling price above 15 has lesser impact on the
reduction of required units for break even. So for the company it doesnt provide much
incentive to raise the price from 15 to 20 as compared to raising the price from 10 to 15.
Also, the decrease in the "net savings for farmers as a percentage of total profit" is more
when price is increased from 15 to 20 than from 10 to 15. Hence the farmers would lose
much more if price is increased from 15. Moreover, since it is a new technology, the
farmers would be reluctant to buy the product if it is highly priced. Hence it is
recommended to fix the selling price at 15.