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Ever since the massive success of the Intel Inside initiative, the power and potential of ingredient branding
has been well understood. As the name implies, ingredient branding means giving a component of a product
its own brand identity. It can be a tantalizing proposition for those looking for new ways to differentiate.

But ingredient branding is full of hidden dangers and often doesnt deliver the expected results. To
understand some of these dangers, lets take a look at the animal kingdom and see what we can learn there.
Nemo, the clown fish star of his own movie, represents the best case for ingredient branding, living as he
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does in symbiotic harmony in an anemone for the mutual benefit of both.

But for every clown fish, there are many more animals that are predators or parasites. Take, for example, the
cuckoo. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds nests and its demanding chicks often push out the host
birds eggs to get more attention and space. Whats true of the animal kingdom turns out to be true in the
world of ingredient branding. Many ingredient branding partnerships dont turn out well for both parties
theres usually a winner and a loser. The question for those determined to take the ingredient branding path
is: Are there any clown fish out there and, if so, how do you find them?

1 de 6 09/12/2017, 17:41
The Pros And Cons Of Ingredient Branding | Branding Strategy Insider

Ingredient Brands: The Temptation

Why step into the world of ingredient branding in the first place? Its the allure, the whiff of opportunity. If your
brand is weak, bland, or undifferentiated, ingredient brands can add strength, color, and distinctiveness. If
your brand is commoditized, ingredient brands can add value, and if your brand is average, ingredient
brands can add quality. If the ingredient brand is already well known and built by someone else, it can
deliver these benefits very quickly.

The Pros: Ingredient Brand Success Stories

Westins Heavenly Bed is one of the greatest ingredient brand success stories. Back in the late 1990s hotels
were battling one another over amenities and in-room entertainment. Westin chose another pathit went
back to basics developing and branding a better bed. Instant differentiation!

The Heavenly Bed had all the elements for a perfect ingredient brand initiative: It gave Westin ownership of
something critically important to guests (a good nights sleep).

Westin was the first mover in this type of amenity, and competitors could not easily follow (they could match
the quality of the bed but they could not use the brand name). The impression of Westins hotel rooms was
altered by the bed. Because of their perception of the bed, guests gave higher ratings to the rooms in terms
of other criteria (such as cleanliness), and these better scores translated into better occupancy rates. All this
has equaled great success. To date, 60,000 Heavenly Beds have been sold. And 100,000 pillows.

Hemi: Although the hemispherical combustion chamber design had been around since the earliest days of
the auto industry, Chrysler was the company that trademarked the name and then used it extensively in
advertising its Dodge Ram and other trucks and cars with Hemi engines.

Techron: In a category where consumers often choose a gas station based on how easy it is to get to the
pump, Chevron has been able to differentiate its product by using its Techron additive. Consumers may not
know what Techron is exactly, but they know enough to associate Chevron with a better, cleaner gas.

Geek Squad: Faced with increasing competition and pricing pressure from Walmart, Best Buy reinforced its
service credentials by acquiring Geek Squad and its in-store, in-home, and online customer service and
support, and its more than 18,000 agents.

The Cons: Ingredient Brands Eat Their Hosts

If ingredient branding brings this kind of success, whats there to worry about? Lets take a look at some
sinister examples where ingredient brands, if not eating up their hosts entirely, then at least took a large bite
out of them. The Intel Inside initiative, the most famous of all ingredient brand programs, is a cautionary tale
worth examining. Launched in 1991, Intel Inside followed a model that chemical companies had successfully Brand Education Programs
used to promote their patented products further along the value chain. DuPont was a pioneer of this idea
and had used it to establish the Lycra, Kevlar, Teflon, and rayon ingredient brands. These brands provided
enhanced credibility for the host company and proof of specific and important benefits (for example, Teflon Your future depends on many things, but mostly on
equates with nonstick). you. ~ Frank Tyger

But Intel took this approach to a whole new galactic level. The company negotiated deals with all the leading If you find our thought pieces on brand strategy and
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and supported the Intel Inside launch with significant marketing brand management insightful and would like a deeper
dollars both directly to the consumer and indirectly through advertising subsidies to its OEM partners. understanding for yourself, your marketing teams or
leadership teams we can develop a tailored learning
As the program gathered momentum, Intel was transformed from a component supplier to a marketing and engagement for you.
branding powerhouse. Recognizing what they had unleashed, some leading OEMs (IBM and Compaq) tried
Brand Education is a core competency of The Blake
to pull out of the program. But it was too late. The OEMs were addicted to the money, and consumers had
Project, the brand consultancy behind Branding Strategy
been trained to look for the Intel mark as the most important seal of quality.
Insider. As practitioners and educators we deliver
interactive brand education workshops and keynote
The Intel Inside ingredient brand initiative worked out extremely well for Intel but not so well for the OEMs.
speeches designed to align individuals and organizations
Intels brand value went into orbit (it consistently ranks as a top 10 global brand) while the OEMs gave up
on essential concepts in brand management and
important ground on differentiation because they were all using the same Intel chips.
empower them to release the full potential of their

Additionally, we host a unique competitive-learning event

annually: The Un-Conference: 360 Degrees of Brand
Strategy for a Changing World featuring Brandingo:
The Brand Management Safari Game.

For organizations seeking to transform and mobilize their

employees around the brand we custom design and
develop brand academies / brand centers of excellence
which include live training and distance learning powered

2 de 6 09/12/2017, 17:41
The Pros And Cons Of Ingredient Branding | Branding Strategy Insider

by i-STORY, our proprietary learning technology.

Abbott, Air France/KLM, Bayer, Darden Restaurants

(Olive Garden, Red Lobster et al), GE, GlaxoSmithKlein,
Kawasaki, OgilvyRed, Monsanto, Unilever, U.S. Army
and Wyndham Worldwide are some of the organizations
that have turned to The Blake Project for help in
meeting learning objectives.

Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and

increased constantly, or it vanishes. ~ Peter

Other Ingredient Brands That Appropriated Their Host Brands Equity

Kevlar: Just one product from DuPonts stable of ingredient brands, Kevlar was developed in 1965 and
originally used as a replacement for steel in racing tires. Its been used for body armor since the 1980s. Do
you know who makes a Kevlar vest? No? Whoever the manufacturer is, these vests are always known as
Kevlar vests.

Gore-Tex, Juan Valdez, and NutraSweet: There are so many more examples. The Gore-Tex website lists
85 brand partners from Adidas to Spyder that use Gore-Tex fabric technology. For years, Juan Valdez, the
icon for Columbian coffee, has been helping promote this coffees quality on all the cans of the major
brands. As for NutraSweet, even Coca-Cola put the ingredient label on its Diet Coke cans (at least until
Monsantos patent expired). Getting access to quality credentials, technology, or innovation has driven many
host brands to consider ingredient branding solutions. But, as Marlin, Nemos dad, would say: With fronds
like these, who needs anemones?

Are There Any Clown Fish Out There?

After reading these examples, you may conclude that (1) as a host brand, you need to develop ingredient
brands yourself, otherwise you will get locked into a partnership that sucks the equity right out of you; (2) as
a component manufacturer, you must find a way to bamboozle a host brand just so you can, in fact, hook it
into such an equity-sucking program.

The chances for a mutually beneficial partnership seem remote. After all, both the host company and the
component manufacturer want the same thing: to build up their brands and business. What the host
company wants out of an ingredient partnership is exclusivity and supplier choice, whereas the component
manufacturer wants the exact opposite: multiple partnerships with exclusive (that is, no other supplier)
arrangements. Can opportunities for win-win partnerships exist? Here are some clown fish contenders:

Starbucks/Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble has an exclusive partnership with Starbucks to run its in-store
coffee shops.

Why this partnership works: Even though coffee shops are a vital part of the business model in terms of
competing against Amazon, these in-store coffee shops are still a complementary service for Barnes &
Noble. The bookstore does not need to prove its own credentials by selling coffee and can safely outsource
to Starbucks, which has the proven expertise.

Tetra Pak/juice and other beverage manufacturers: With a long history of packaging innovation, Tetra
Pak supplies complete solutions for processing, packaging, and distributing food and beverages.
Manufacturers, rather than try to develop packaging solutions for themselves, typically prefer to partner with
Tetra Pak.

Why this partnership works: Tetra Pak does the packaging and the manufacturers do the productthey are
complementary activities (just like the Starbucks/Barnes & Noble partnership). However, the sameness of
beverage packaging structures presents a differentiation opportunity. In a sea of Tetra packages, anyone
who chooses a different supplier will stand out from the crowd.

Oreo McFlurry/McDonalds: The McFlurry is McDonalds vanilla ice cream dessert with pieces of candy or

3 de 6 09/12/2017, 17:41
The Pros And Cons Of Ingredient Branding | Branding Strategy Insider

cookies mixed in. Oreo is one of the varieties. (Theres an M&Ms version as well).

Why this partnership works: This is not an exclusive partnership (Dairy Queen has its own version of this
product-the Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard), but the few times that McDonalds allows other companies to brand
their products in its restaurants arent going to undermine its brand. This is one area where McDonalds can
afford to be generous. Dont expect to see anything like this with McDonalds hamburgers, though.

Woolmark/clothing manufacturers: Australian Wool Innovation established the Woolmark logo in 1964 to
help promote the Australian wool industry. Its label has become one of the most widely recognized quality
seals throughout the world and is seen on over 50 million new products a year.

Why this partnership works: Unlike the Intel example, this is a case where the use of an ingredient brand as
a seal of quality is less risky. The Woolmark logo gives all of those who use it a quality assurance benefit.
But theres plenty of room left for differentiation in clothing type and styles.

Tide with a Touch of Downy is a mutually beneficial partnership between two powerhouse P&G laundry

Five Key Questions To Help Determine If Ingredient Branding Is Right For You:

1. Do you need it? In a study to determine the benefits of ingredient branding, Research International found
that the use of a premium brand of chocolate chips added value to a middle-of-the-road cookie brand
(Nabisco) but actually detracted from the value of the category leader, Pepperidge Farm. Consumers
already expected Pepperidge Farm to have the best ingredients, so branding these ingredients generated
consumer skepticism. If you are already perceived by consumers to be differentiated, ingredient branding
may be unnecessary and even counterproductive.

2. Can you do it yourself? The examples of Intel Inside, Kevlar, and others should warn you that ingredient
deal partnerships are risky. Sure, a partnership gives you access to the equity of brands that already have
some strength. But when a host brand and an ingredient brand partner are both trying to build their business
and brand, its often a zero-sum game and only one will come out ahead.

3. When should you stop? Even the introduction of a single ingredient brand will take attention from the
host brand. Sometimes (for example, Westins Heavenly Bed), branding an ingredient can help you establish
ownership of an important and differentiating benefit. But often its one more piece of unnecessary
information. Have you ever read a sales brochure from a technology company that presents a blizzard of
trademarked features that fight each other for your attention? In branding, less is often more.

4. What should you brand? By branding an ingredient, you are drawing attention to it, over and above all
the other features that are not branded. You are telling consumers that this particular thing is particularly
important. Pick carefully. Its risky to brand something thats core to your main brand (think of the risk
McDonalds would have if it ingredient-branded its hamburgers), and irrelevant to brand things that
consumers dont care about. Important but not critical seems about right.

5. Can you find your Nemo? There are times when ingredient brands can lead to harmonious and mutually
beneficial relationships if you look and evaluate carefully. But its definitely a challenge to find a partner that
can make a real and impactful difference to your business and wont eat away at your brand.

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The Pros And Cons Of Ingredient Branding | Branding Strategy Insider

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Build A Stronger Brand. Join us for The Un-Conference: 360 Degrees of Brand Strategy for a
Changing World, May 2-4, 2016 in San Diego, California. A fun, competitive-learning experience reserved
for 50 marketing oriented leaders and professionals.

Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in
Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education

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