Once Upon A Time - Illustrations From Fairytales, Fables, Primers, Pop-Ups, and Other Children's Books (Gnv64)

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The document discusses the history and evolution of illustrated children's books in America from the 19th century onwards, focusing on books from the collection of Ellen Liman.

The book aims to introduce and discuss different genres of illustrated children's books from the 19th century, including primers, Mother Goose rhymes, fairytales, novels, cautionary tales and Christmas books.

The book covers a wide range of children's book genres including primers for learning the alphabet, Mother Goose rhymes, fairytales and fables, novels, history books, anthologies, Christmas stories, and cautionary tales.


Illustrations from

Fa i ry ta l e s , Fa b l e s , Pr i m e r s , P o p - u p s
and other C h i l d r e n s B o o k s


published by
Princeton Architectural Press
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2005 Princeton Architectural Press
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5 4 3 2 1 first edition

All of the books illustrated in this volume are held in the collection and reproduced
through the generosity of Ellen Liman.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without
written permission from the publisher, except in the context of reviews.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify owners of copyright.
Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions.
editing: Nancy Eklund Later
editorial assistance: Dorothy Ball
design: Sara E. Stemen
photography: Nicola Bednarek
special thanks to: Nettie Aljian, Janet Behning, Megan Carey,
Penny (Yuen Pik) Chu, Russell Fernandez, Jan Haux, Clare Jacobson,
John King, Mark Lamster, Linda Lee, Katharine Myers, Lauren Nelson,
Jane Sheinman, Scott Tennent, Jennifer Thompson, Joseph Weston, and
Deb Wood of Princeton Architectural Press

Kevin C. Lippert, publisher

library of congress cataloging-in-publication data

Weinstein, Amy, 1957
Once upon a time : illustrations from fairytales, fables, primers, pop-ups, and other children's books / Amy Weinstein.1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 156898541X (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN 1568985649 (pbk.: alk. paper)
1. Illustrated children's booksUnited States. 2. Illustration of booksUnited States-19th century. 3. Liman, Arthur L.Art collections. 4. Liman, EllenArt collections. 5.
Illustrated booksPrivate collectionsUnited States. I. Title.
NC975.W45 2005


Ellen Liman

Once Upon at Time

Fairytales and Fables


Fact and Fiction

Novels, History Books, and Anthologies

To Amuse and Instruct

An Introduction to Illustrated Childrens Books

From Apple to Zouave

Learning the ABCs

Through the Air on a Very Fine Gander

Gems from Mother Goose

Twas the Night Before

Christmas Books

Virtue and Vice

Cautionary Tales for the Nursery

Suggested Readings

// v


t h e 1 9 0 5 o b i t ua ry of John McLoughlin, Jr., in Publishers Weekly

declared, Every child in the land knows the McLoughlin books. . . . In
fact, the history in the last decade of colored toy books for youngsters is
the history of Mr. McLoughlin and his firm. McLoughlin Brothers held
an important role in the childrens book publishing world. In fact, as my
husband, the late Arthur Liman, and I discovered in our research, the
firm was instrumental in creating it. The publishers preeminence in the
field was the result of its entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, competitiveness, foresight, and perseverance
How was it, then, that Arthuran intense attorney with characteristics similar to that of McLoughlin Brothersended up sitting behind a
collectors convention booth selling childrens books and games, all the
while reading a brief? Or charging at lightning speed, flashlight in hand,
amidst rain and mud in the early morning hours, through a remote country antiques fair? Or mysteriously vanishing from a critical corporate conference to negotiate, instead, with a slightly disheveled dealer waiting in
his office, or to aggressively bid by phone at a London auction? And what
Au n t M avo r s P r e s e n t

were all those mail order catalogs, letters of offerings, and bills of sale for

for a Good Little Girl

McLoughlin Brothers books doing commingled with court papers?

Published by George Routledge & Co.,

London and New York
Publishers in England and America
frequently employed the device of a
kindly female storyteller, including

For twenty years, Arthur was this crazy closet collector. His
big-deal clients could never have imagined where or how he spent his
weekends. A tough lawyer with a soft center, he was enjoying a second
childhood. But demanding and focused, he always wanted to win in the
collecting arena, as much, if not more, than in the court room.

Aunt Mavor, Aunt Louisa, Mother

Over the years, a little, innocent interest in collecting childrens

Bunch, Mother Bantry, and Dame

books and games became an all-consuming challenge for Arthur and me.

Wonder. Here, Aunt Mavors pre

Why did we choose to focus on McLoughlin Brothers and, to a lesser

sent is a collection of short stories

degree, other American publishers of its era? There was a lot of pleasure

and verse. Little Pollys Doll House

tells of a girls joy upon selecting a

here, but no prestige or profitthe impetus for many collectors.

furnished dolls house, taller than

McLoughlin Brothers books were scarce, making the hunt intense and

she, a spectacular gift at the time.

discovery all the more exciting. Made from paper during the late

// vii

viii // preface

preface // ix

nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, these ephemeral objects were

often too fragile or damaged to survive. Many were also so inexpensive
that they were not considered worth saving or, from a dealers perspective, selling. But it was for different reasons, which reflected our disparate
interests, that we became attracted to and enchanted by McLoughlin
Brothers books.
The appeal of the books for Arthur lay in their subject matter, which
he viewed as a reflection of the history and culture of the times in which
they were published. For example, the education of children was a national
priority, so there was an abundance of alphabet books. Teaching about
morals became a paramount concern: in Jack and the Beanstalk, good triumphs over evil; in Cinderella, virtue is rewarded; in Little Red Riding Hood,
the company you keep proves to be potentially dangerous; and in Puss in
Boots, faithful friends are recognized as the best type of friends.
As an artist, I was personally drawn to the magnificent aesthetic of
McLoughlins books, to their extraordinary design and sophisticated,

dazzling color, which was made possible by the perfection of the chro-

pl ays a n d g a m e s

molithographic printing process in the late nineteenth century. In addi-

for little folks:

tion to the beautiful, imaginative graphics and fine workmanship of the

s p o rt s o f a l l s o rt s ,

books, I loved their charm and humor.

fireside fun, and

singing games

Like many collectors, we did not collect with any grand plan. The

Illustrated by Schuyler Mathews

collection just grew and grew and grew. We tried to make it comprehen-

Collected and arranged by

sive. If books were published as part of a series, assembling the complete

Josephine Pollard

set became a priority. If McLoughlin created a game using a plate that

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

also appeared in a book, we searched for both. Ultimately we discovered,

New York
Copyright 1889

as many collectors do, that there is real satisfaction in creating and caring
for a collectionin carefully conserving and meticulously cataloging each

This collection of diversions includes

many games and songs still enjoyed by
young children today, including musi-

itemand in knowing that you have preserved the past for the future.
I hope that while reading this book the message comes through to

cal chairs, Pop Goes the Weasel, and

readers young and old, especially our grandchildren, that books are beauti-

London Bridge, as well as some less

ful, that learning is exciting, and that collecting for us was a wonderful col-

commonly recalled, such as Draw a

laboration. Behind every purchase there is a personal adventure, and for

Bucket of Water. The hefty volume also

includes directions for making shadow

each of the images depicted here there is a precious memory.

pictures and for playing conversation

and fortune-telling games.

ellen liman


i cannot remember a time when I did not love to read. Examining

the magnificent collection of childrens books acquired by Ellen and
Arthur Liman reawakened the joys of childhood reading and the pleasure of seeing a story come alive in words and pictures on the page, as it
does in the imagination.
Many people were instrumental in seeing this book to fruition, chief
among them Jan Seidler Ramirez and Margi Hofer, who first urged me to
pursue this project. Paula Kelberman shared her passion for childrens
literature and her knowledge of the form. Steve Jaffe, Craig Williams, and
Kathleen Hulser, colleagues in the museum community with a special
interest in the history of childhood and nineteenth-century American
life, lent expertise and thoughtful comment. Staff at the New-York
Historical Society and New York State libraries, both of which house
marvelous collections of childrens literature, were all generous with
their time and resources. Nancy Eklund Later was not only an excellent
editor but also a wonderful partner. Grateful thanks are also due to Beth
Kelley, Laura Handlin, and Mina Weiner. I am especially appreciative of
the unwavering words of encouragement and support offered by my
friend Steven Taylor.

// xi


a n i n t ro d u c t i o n t o i l lu s t r at e d c h i l d r e n s b o o k s

ho would not give libraries for that dancing buoyancy of atten-

tion, and intensity of delight with which the first story-book of childhood
is read? This rhetorical question was posed by a writer for The New York
Daily Times charged with reviewing the array of books published for
juveniles in time for Christmas giving in 1852. He went on to describe a
bounty of books, ornamented so profusely, and gilded and silvered so
prettilyto say nothing of the variegated contents, stories, facts, and
fables. Such a wealth of childrens books was a new cultural phenomenon, and from mid-century on,American children were the beneficiaries
of a blossoming trade in illustrated books created expressly for their
enjoyment. Prior to this time, childrens reading had generally been limited to the Bible, schoolbooks, and, for those from wealthier families,
books written for adults.
Illustrated childrens books flourished at a time when educational
theories inspired by the eighteenth-century Enlightenment and evolving
concepts of childhood innocence took firm root in the growing American
middle class. In the introduction to their 1855 Painted Picture Play Book,
London-based publisher Dean and Sons advised parents that leisuretime reading was a valuable pastime for children, suggesting that,
Like a tender plant, the Infant Mind requires the aid of watchful care;
Direct its early thoughts aright, the good effects will soon appear.
With pleasing pastimes now and then the leisure moments pass away,
The more important tasks may well engage the mind of riper day.

2 // to amuse and instruct

Amusing Stories for

L i t t l e B oys a n d G i r l s ,
Pa rt I

Published by David Felt and Co.,

New York; Cook and Schoyer,
Pittsburgh; and N. and G. Guilford,
Using examples drawn from
everyday life, these short stories
reveal how ordinary children
learn good behavior. Unlike many
cautionary tales of the period that
exaggerate the consequences of
bad behavior, these stories adopt
a gentle tone.

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 3

The publishers choice of words reflects the pervasive influence of

philosophers John Locke (16321704) and Jean Jacques Rousseau
(17121778), whose revolutionary principles of education and childrearing were instrumental in radically altering established doctrine that
regarded children as miniature adults, sinful creatures whose innate
propensity for evil demanded eradication through stern discipline. In
Some Thoughts Concerning Education, Locke proposed that a child was a
tabula rasa, or blank slate, upon which ideas and principles could be
imprinted. He coupled learning to read with notions of play, recommending that a child be given an easy, pleasant book, suited to his
capacity . . . wherein the entertainment that he finds might draw him on,
and reward his pains in reading. Believing in the inherent goodness of
children, Rousseau advocated that they be given the opportunity for
their innate love of virtue to emerge and mature naturally, with gentle
adult guidance and age-appropriate activities. Both philosophers
observed the paucity of reading material for children in their day.
Although their writings were directed at the education of upper-class
children (especially boys), their theories ultimately helped foster a
thriving British and American publishing industry catering to children
opposite, bottom
T h e T oy M e r c h a n t

Sugar Plum Series

as children, with unique needs and abilities.

The antecedents of illustrated childrens books may be traced to sev-

Published by Peter G. Thomson, Cincinnati

eral intertwined sources. With his first printing in 1744 of A Little Pretty

copyright 1884

Pocket-Book: Intended for the Instruction and Amusement of Little Master

Anticipating the reward of toys, Peter

Tommy and Pretty Miss Polly, Britains John Newbery (17131767) is gener-

overcomes laziness and learns his

ally credited as the originator of illustrated books created expressly for

multiplication tables. His mastery of

children. Each page of his innovative volume featured a letter of the

arithmetic comes too late, however,

alphabet, a picture, and two verses, one describing the picture and the

to earn the toys for which he yearns.

Although the story ends with advice

other containing a moral precept. Newbery embraced Lockes tenet that

to the young reader to study hard and

learning should be an agreeable exercise, not an activity filled with the

you will be rewarded in the end,

dread of punishment.

this volume is actually little more than

a brazen attempt to market the publishers line of games, blocks, magic
lanterns, and Jack-in-the-Box wind-ups

Newbery was also a brilliant marketer, whose innovative techniques influenced American printers of childrens books more than a
century later. A letter from the fairytale hero Jack, the Giant Killer, and

generously illustrated throughout its

the alluring possibility of buying a ball or pincushion for an additional


sum, came with early printings of A Little Pretty Pocket-Book. McLoughlin

4 // to amuse and instruct

Brothers, a firm that would come to dominate the American illustrated

book industry, took a similar approach, selling nesting blocks papered
with illustrated scenes from its editions of Old Mother Hubbard, Jack &
the Bean-Stalk, Little Red Riding Hood, and other fairytales and nursery
rhymes. The companys name and suggestions to buy the book were discreetly but deliberately printed in a corner of the blocks.
While Newbery added the critical dimension of pleasure to childrens books, his accomplishment was foreshadowed a century earlier by
the innovative educational theorist Johann Amos Comenius (15921672).
In 1658, Comenius included images of the world around us in his Latin
textbook for German schoolboys. Reflecting Comeniuss belief that children should learn about the world in their own language, and not solely
in the Latin of scholars, each page of his Orbis Sensualim Pictus featured a
picture of an object or idea with an explanation in both Latin and
German. Editions in English and Latin were soon published, and the
book became known in the United States not long after. Reprinted
throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, his groundbreaking
volume was used by students of all ages, from young children learning to

T om T humb Nest ing Blocks

Manufactured by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1889
Building upon the 1881 invention of
a new childrens toylightweight,

identify objects to older pupils and adults studying Latin. Comeniuss

hollow wooden nesting blocks

revolutionary pairing of picture and text would become the norm two

McLoughlin Brothers added brightly

hundred years later with a profusion of illustrated books teaching the

colored chromolithographed images

alphabet to American children.

to sets of blocks. Pushing the firms

marketing ingenuity to new heights,

Also bearing directly on the creation of illustrated childrens books

blocks with scenes recycled from Tom

were their immediate predecessorschap books, sold by traveling ped-

Thumb, Goody Two Shoes, Puss in Boots,

dlers in Britain and America in the eighteenth and early nineteenth cen-

and Jack and the Bean Stalk carried the

turies. These inexpensive four- (or multiples of four-) page pamphlets

enticement, Get the Story Book.

featured folktales, Biblical stories, nursery rhymes, and topics of mass

appeal, all of which eventually were adopted by childrens book publishers. Chapbooks were illustrated with crudely printed, occasionally handcolored, woodcuts. Often, the wood blocks had been recycled from other
chapbooks so that the images did not fit the stories. Not specifically
intended for children, they were enjoyed by both young and old: in his
autobiography, Benjamin Franklin, who described himself as bookish
from an early age, recalled purchasing a collection of small chapmens
books, and cheap as a youth.

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 5

If the concept of uniting words and pictures in books created especially for children was revolutionary, then John McLoughlin, Jr. (1827
1905) may be considered the movements great American general. At the
creative and commercial helm of McLoughlin Brothers from the 1850s
until the early years of the twentieth century, a period often described as
the golden age of childrens literature, McLoughlin employed innovative
production and marketing techniques to bring a bestsellers list of titles
to the juvenile market. Like other successful entrepreneurs and industrialists of the era, McLoughlin was ahead of the curve in adopting new
technology. Among the first American publishers to issue books with colored, rather than black and white, illustrations, the firm also embraced
chromolithography early on to enliven the pages of its inexpensive books
with a vibrant color palette.
Early childrens books tended to be small, often measuring no more
than a few inches along each side. Illustrations were few and were created
through the traditional printmaking techniques of woodcutting and wood
engraving. In each process, a design is cut into a block of wood, ink is
applied, and the design transferred from wood to paper. The earliest and
least expensive of such illustrations were printed in a single color, usually
black. A book issued in honor of John McLoughlin, Sr.s entry into the
new field of childrens publishing in 1828 (with a second-hand press on
Tryon Row, the heart of New York Citys newspaper and printing industries) described the process of hand-coloring the black and white wood
engravings adopted by McLoughlin Brothers in the 1850s and early 1860s.
Using a stencil printed and cut from the same engraving, colored ink was
applied with a paintbrush. Each color required its own stencil.The individual character of each hand-tinted picture, generally executed by girls and
young women, lends an air of charm and nave beauty to the illustrations.
Brighter areas of solid color replaced the unique and idiosyncratic
effects of hand-coloring when two-color wood block illustration was
adopted later in the 1860s.That innovation, also taken up by McLoughlin
Brothers, brought a new boldness to the design of the firms books. It led
the way for continuing experimentation with color printing and for the
expansion of the firms business, including, in 1871, construction of its
own color printing factory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 7

For the next three decades, McLoughlin Brothers enjoyed a heyday

of industrial-age success, bringing out new titles and re-releasing proven
sellers, sometimes changing little more than a books title or cover. This
practice, engaged in by other childrens publishers of the day, makes it
difficult to precisely date childrens books of this era. In the case of
McLoughlin Brothers, this dilemma is somewhat eased by the presence
of the companys street address on the covers of many of its books. New
York City Directories list a business address for John McLoughlin at 24
Beekman Street from 1857 through 1863, engaged variously in the book,
printing, and publishing businesses. Thirty Beekman and 80 Beekman
Street appear from 1864 through 1870, followed by other addresses on
Greene and Duane streets, and later, on Broadway. (For a complete list of
McLoughlin Brothers addresses, see the last page of this introduction.) In
some books, it is the presence of cultural clues that provide vital information about publication dates: Z stands for Zouave in some alphabet books
printed in the 1860s, when volunteer units on both sides of the Civil War
adopted the name and dashing uniform of the elite Zouave battalion of
the French Army of the 1830s.
McLoughlin Brothers emerged as the largest force in publishing
inexpensive illustrated books for children, but it was not the only competitor in this market. Bostons DeWolfe, Fiske and Company and
Cincinnati, Ohio-based publisher and toy manufacturer Peter G.
Thomson, among other others, offered similar titles. Thomsons inventory included literary classics, fairytales, and other favorites like Children
in the Wood and The Night Before Christmas. The firm also followed the
Ta l e s o f t h e Fa i ry W o r l d ,

practice of issuing its childrens books in series, under names such as

B o n n y b e l l , B r av e L i t t l e

The Chimney Corner and Little Mary Bells. As in preceding cen-

Ta i lo r , S n ow W h i t e :

turies, books by British publishers held a large place on the shelves of

S e l e c t i o n s f ro m G r i m m

American booksellers as well.

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1883

McLoughlin Brothers success in creating a market for affordable,

lavishly illustrated childrens books was buoyed in no small part by a stable of talented illustrators, ranging from anonymous copyists of illustra-

The vivid reds and yellows of this illustration, created through the process of

tions pirated from more luxurious publications to the most well-known

chromolithography, set off the figure of

providers of pictures to the popular press. Further enabling the firms

Snow White.

vast commercial success was a business climate that permitted great

8 // to amuse and instruct

license in reproducing the work of others. Although copyright protection

had existed in the United States since colonial times, its enforcement
especially international enforcement of the copyright of writers and
artistswas neither active nor universal. Thus, many American publishers offered complete and abridged versions of classics such as Paul
Bunyans Pilgrims Progress, as well as unauthorized versions of new titles
such as Alices Adventures in Wonderland, without crediting the author or
copyright holder. Nonetheless, publishers took the precaution of copyrighting their own publications as well as pirated works, audaciously
printing the copyright date on their book covers. One of the most blatant
instances of such design piracy was the wholesale American appropriation of the drawings of English illustrator and writer Kate Greenaway
(18461901). Her drawings for British editions of fairytales and nursery
rhymes were steadily reproduced in the United States, frequently without
the sensitive and painstaking attention to color and line exercised by
Edmund Evans (18261905), who engraved her designs for their initial
publication. McLoughlin Brothers in particular assumed the marketable
assets of Greenaways name and the whimsical imagery associated with
it, even using the title of her first book, Under the Window, as the name of
a series of books it offered to growing numbers of her American fans.
A major shift in the appearance of illustrated childrens books
occurred late in the nineteenth century, with implementation of the technique of chromolithographic printing. Invented in Europe at the close of
the eighteenth century, chromolithography employed oil-based inks to
produce vibrant, deeply saturated colors. When perfected and adopted for
production on a large scale in the 1870s, it created an explosion in vividly
colored books. Illustrated verses and stories, from moral tales to nursery
rhymes, became widely available to American consumers as printing
processes improved, making it possible to produce attractive volumes in
quantity. Books grew larger and their illustrations more numerous.
Strategic use of metallic ink lent additional eye-appeal, and enticements
such as printed in gold were highlighted on the covers of books. As
middle-class prosperity reached growing numbers of Americans,they were
able to select from a wide variety of titles available in editions ranging from
luxurious bound volumes to inexpensive and ephemeral pamphlets.

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 9

S t e p s t o A rt,
A f t e r K at e G r e e naway

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Precursors of coloring books and
paint-by-number kits taught children
to draw and paint.Tracing paper bound
into the spine of the book allowed
children to copy images, just as the
publisher copied Kate Greenaways
work to illustrate this book.

The marriage of visual pleasure and utility became a major selling

point for illustrated childrens books. McLoughlin Brothers adopted the
catchphrase amusing and instructive and frequently incorporated it
into advertisements for titles in its inventory, which were often printed
on the back covers of its books. As early as 1830, however, authorities
were advising parents not to tip the balance on the side of amusement.
Lydia Maria Child (18021880), an American novelist, abolitionist, and
author of books of practical advice for women, recommended in The
Mothers Book that reading material chosen for young people should as
far as possible combine amusement with instruction; but it is very important that amusement should not become a necessary inducement.
One must conclude that Child would have been dismayed by the
proliferation of books containing magic transformations, dissolving
circles, and other moving parts in which the balance tips in favor of
amusement for its own sake. Although some of these devices were ingen-

10 // to amuse and instruct

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 11

Circling Surprises:
A N ov e l P i c t u r e B o o k f o r C h i l d r e n

Verses by H. M. Burnside
Illustrated by H. K. Robinson
Published by E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, and Ernest Nister, London
ca. 1890s
One picture appears to dissolve into another when a child
pulls the magic tab and reconfigures the illustration.

12 // to amuse and instruct

iously used to illustrate difficult concepts in scientific manuscripts as

early as the thirteenth century, they were not generally deployed for the
delight of children until the eighteenth century, after London printer
Robert Sayer introduced The Harlequinades around 1765. Layering a
group of printed images and splitting them in half, Sayer gave children
the opportunity to create new scenes as they turned the upper or lower
half of each page. With greater emphasis on notions of play, books that
metamorphosed and transformed gained a greater presence among
the array of illustrated childrens books and toys available to American
children by the 1870s. Providing amusement for its own sake, accordion
folds, flaps, rollers, three-dimensional peep-show effects, and dissolving
circles engaged children on a kinetic as well as intellectual level and
added a lighter note to traditional stories. In some cases their novelty
overshadowed the text completely.
McLoughlin Brothers also offered a variety of fairytales and other
stories in a format that resembled a theater between book covers. Closed,
the volumes give the appearance of a performance about to begin,
moments before the curtain rises over the proscenium arch. The footlights are glowing and the orchestra has just begun to play. A vertical slit
down the center of the cover and each successive page allows the reader
to direct the action; turning the pages reveals a sequence of lavishly illustrated scenes to a full audience, which enjoys the performance from
tiered boxes.
The books that appear throughout Once Upon a Time are drawn from
the collection of Ellen Liman. Assembled by the artist and her husband,
the late Arthur Liman, they reflect the great diversity of books read by
American children throughout the nineteenth century and are a treasure
trove of visual culture. Turning the pages of the fairytales, fables, alphabets, and other books, the tone and texture of the daily lives of the children who read them is revealed. But beyond the particulars of time and
place, what emerges most clearly is the timeless passion uniting all who
have loved to read since childhood.

an introduction to illustrated childrens books // 13

McLoughlin Brothers Establishments, 18501905

from New York City Directories
6 Spring Street

listed as printer, 185054

18 Division Street

listed as books, 185152

3 Tryon Row

listed as books, 185253

265 Bowery Street

listed as printer, 185556

24 Beekman Street

listed as books, 185455, 1857, 185863

listed as publisher, 185556, 185758

30 Beekman Street

listed as publisher, 186364

listed as books, 186466, 186769

80 Beekman Street

listed as books, 186667, 186970

52 Greene Street

listed as books, 187071

73 Duane Street

listed as books, 187274, 187881, 188384

listed as toys, 1874
listed as publisher, 187778, 188283, 188486

Mot her Goose Melodies

Published by McLoughlin Brothers

Copyright 1894

71 Duane Street

listed as publisher, 187677, 188182

623 Broadway

listed as publisher, 188692

874 Broadway

listed as publisher, 189298

890 Broadway

listed as publisher, 18981905

learning the abcs

: In Adams fall we sinned all was the opening line of many edi-

tions of The New England Primer, the book used by young children in the
English colonies of North America to learn their letters. Having its origins in medieval devotional books, the primer also contained prayers.
Next to the Bible, it was the book most frequently read by American children well into the nineteenth century.
One of the first editions of The New England Primer was printed in
about 1690 by Boston publisher Benjamin Harris. Based upon English
antecedents, its tone was harsh and puritanical. A less-severe approach to
teaching children the basics began to evolve around the middle of the
eighteenth century, and by the end of the nineteenth century, prayers
were no longer part of the primers content. The book still adhered to the
same general format, however, with the alphabet appearing first, in
upper- and lower-case letters, followed by an illustrated alphabet accompanied by verse. Often Arabic numerals from zero to nine appeared on
the primers final page.
Colonial-era American children also learned their letters from hornbooks, which were not actually books at all but rather wooden paddles.
At a time when paper was expensive and scarce, the alphabet was written
on a single sheet, which was then pasted to a wooden board and covered
with a translucent layer of horn. Not surprisingly, children devised other
functions for the paddles in the schoolyard.
Illustrated alphabet books transformed the straightforward teaching of the primer. Stern verses like F the Idle Fool is Whipt at School (a

16 // from apple to zouave

visceral reminder that corporal punishment was a well-established form

of disciplining minors) eventually gave way to more light-hearted verses,
such as A was an Apple Pie, B baked it, C cut it. Following on the heels
of its first publication in London in 1823, The History of an Apple Pie and
numerous imitators were frequently issued in the United States, where
the baker of the pie was sometimes pictured as a smiling Mammy figure,
complete with signature headwrap. Virtually any topic, however, could
serve as the thematic basis around which letters might be taught in an
entertaining fashion. The names of children typical and distinctive, of

page 14
The Doings of
t he Alphabet

animals domestic and exotic, and of places distant and close to home

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

provided subject matter for childrens alphabet books. Bird and animal

New York

alphabets were widely published in the mid- to late-nineteenth century

ca. 1880s

perhaps a reflection of the growing popularity of natural history and


heightened concern for the compassionate treatment of animals. And

Li t tle Linen Primer

although today they seem unlikely choices, sophisticated multi-syllabic

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

words with complex social meanings such as urchin and miser also

New York

frequently graced the pages of childrens ABCs.

In addition to books, childrens publishers created and sold nesting
toy blocks featuring letters of the alphabet and related pictures. Probably
evolved from the dice alphabets proposed by John Locke as a way of

ca. 1880s
Though it includes no prayers, this
book relates to the New England Primer
in both its title and content. As the title
suggests, it is printed on coated linen

teaching through play, these toys, in turn, appear on the covers and pages

fabric, intended to repel spills and

of many illustrated alphabet books.

stains from dirty hands.

learning the abcs // 17

Little ABC Book

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s
Autobiographies reveal that girls enjoyed many of the same
kinds of active, outdoor play as boys during the nineteenth
century, but the pictures in childrens books portray a different story. Here the letter H shows a little soldier playing with
a hoop and sticka popular and inexpensive toywhile a girl
performing one of her chores with an accommodating goat
illustrates the letter G.

learning the abcs // 19

G i r l s a n d B oys Na m e A B C

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1889
The Old and New Testament, historical
figures, flowers, trees, and other
elements of the natural world were
frequent sources of childrens names
when this book was published.Young
readers could find their own names,
along with those of friends and family
members, on its pages, accompanied by
pictures of children playing, doing
chores, and learning about the world
around them.
Little ABC Book

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1880s
In addition to teaching the alphabet
with pictures or rhymes, some books
contained lists of words starting with
each letter and short sentences using
words learned in earlier lessons.

G r e at B i g A B C

Illustrated by J. H. Howard
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 71 & 73 Duane St., New York
ca. 187080s

learning the abcs // 21

22 // from apple to zouave

T he Pict ure Alphabet

O b j e c t T e ac h e r

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Illustrated by C. J. Howard

Copyright 1883

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1884
The publisher of this novel, instructive and in the highest
degree amusing book promised not only constant occupation
and pleasure to its readers but also the development of habits
of observation and criticism. Flowers, animals, furniture, and
objects familiar to us today are arranged randomly on each page
alongside those now less familiara quill pen and bottle of ink,
blacksmithing tools, and the boot lacer (shown here above the
dogs head).

24 // from apple to zouave

M e r ry A l p h a b e t

Alphabet Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1890

learning the abcs // 25

S ta r ry F l ag A B C B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1899
As accurately as newspaper headlines, illustrations in childrens
books reveal the ardent patriotism aroused by the outbreak of
the Spanish American War in 1898. Adults and children read
daily accounts of the progress of Teddy Roosevelts Rough
Riders and closely followed the war at sea waged by Admiral
Dewey and other Naval heroes from Guantnamo Bay, Cuba to
the distant Philippine Islands. Their widely-heralded victories
stirred patriotic sentiments and revived the fashion (begun by
Queen Victoria in the 1840s) for American children to wear
sailor suits such as that sported by the boy on the cover of this
book. Carrying the patriotic theme further, the American flag
appears throughout the volumes pages, with stars and stripes
incorporated into the letters of the alphabet.

26 // from apple to zouave

Apple-Pie ABC

Kris Kringle Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1897

learning the abcs // 27

T om T humb Alphabet

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s
Professions from the mundane butcher, farmer, and hunter to
the more dubious quack and robber, form the thematic basis
around which this humorous alphabet was created.

30 // from apple to zouave

learning the abcs // 31

T om T humb Alphabet

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1880s

O n e , T wo, B u c k l e M y S h o e

Aunt Marys Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s

32 // from apple to zouave

learning the abcs // 33

left and opposite

A l p h a b e t o f C ou n t ry S c e n e s

Illustrated by Bruton
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1880s
As the nation grew less agrarian and increasingly industrialized,
many American families moved to cities in pursuit of work.
Urbanization fostered a nostalgia for country life, which some
children experienced only through romanticized depictions in
books such as this.
Ou r P e t s A B C B o o k

Designed and printed by Koerner & Hayes, Buffalo

Published by W. B. Perkins & Co., New York and Buffalo
Copyright 1895, Koerner & Hayes
Nineteenth-century childrearing experts advocated allowing
children to care for animals. In The Mothers Book, author Lydia
Maria Child maintained,It is a benefit to children to have the
care of feeding animals, such as lambs, chickens, & c. It answers
two good purposesit excites kindness, and a love of usefulness.

34 // from apple to zouave

C o m i ca l P e t s A B C B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

890 Broadway, New York
Copyright 1899
The practice of keeping animals as
companions blossomed in America in
the nineteenth century, as reformers
sought to prevent cruelty to animals
and as urbanization distanced people
from the animals they had once
encountered in the wilderness or on
the farm. The gaily dressed creatures
illustrated in this book engage in all
sorts of childhood activities from
playing to going to school.

learning the abcs // 35

ABC of Funny Animals

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1892
Once the prized pet of the wealthy, the pug dog on the cover of
this book plays nursemaid as she pushes a baby in a wicker
pram, the latest innovation in period childcare. Exotic animals
take on human characteristics and engage in human activities,
from reading and writing to dancing, throughout this humorous
alphabet book. Anthropomorphizing animals was a common
practice in the nineteenth century, with complex emotions characterizing not only the animals pictured in childrens books but
also those in natural histories published for adult readers.

learning the abcs // 37

C i r c u s a n d M e nag e r i e A B C

ABC Book of Birds

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Written by Carolyn S. Hodgman

Copyright 1897

Illustrated by Will F. Stecher

Circuses featuring clowns, acrobats, and performing animals

toured the United States from the early part of the nineteenth

Published by Stecher Litho. Co., Rochester

Copyright 1916

century on. Traveling menageries and decorated circus wagons

Ordinary, exotic, and extinct birds, including the albatross, bird

housing exotic animals drew crowds as the circus traveled from

of paradise, and dodo, to name just a few, populate the pages of

town to town, becoming attractions on their own. On the

this early twentieth-century alphabet book, one of several

vibrant cover of this book, clowns assist potential readers with

created by this writer/illustrator team.

their ABCs.


g e m s f ro m m o t h e r g o o s e

r i n g i n g joy to the ear and delight to the soul, the rhymes of

Mother Goose have been amusing children of all ages for countless generations. Heard first in infancy, they remain forever in memory. The origins of some lie in antiquity; the origins of others, in the first stanzas of
folk ballads. Lighthearted and silly on the surface, the rhymes nonetheless have been the subject of much study, from scholars who delve into
their roots in global storytelling and lullaby traditions to those who seek
the identity of the real Mother Goose, convinced that she can be located
in history. In jest and with all due seriousness of purpose, many have
sought to find a female figure with a name approximating goose, pointing to such historically disparate figures as the medieval Bertrada, Queen
Goosefoot, the mother of Charlemagne, and Elisabeth Vergoose, whose
son-in-law Thomas Fleet, a colonial-era Boston printer, was long erroneously credited as the first to publish Mother Goose. Finding proof of
such speculations about the authorship of these delightful rhymes had
the same probability of success as all the kings horses and all the kings
men putting Humpty Dumpty together again, and so the author of
most of these traditional verses will likely remain anonymous.
Historians have, however, traced Mother Gooses earliest appearances on the printed page; two individuals who figure broadly in the history of childrens literature are credited with giving life to Mother Goose
there. Charles Perrault, the seventeenth-century French writer who first
put fairytales into print, included a frontispiece in his first edition that
depicted three people gathered in front of an elderly woman seated

40 // through the air on a very fine gander

Mother Gooses Chimes

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1886
page 38
Mot her Goose Melodies

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1894

before a fire, apparently listening to her weave a story. The illustration

It is unclear when American publishers

was inscribed La mre oye, which, when translated for a 1729 English

adopted the practice of adding a goose

edition became Mother Gooses Tales. Early books with nursery rhymes

to images of Mother Goose, but it

by John Newbery also carried the name of Mother Goose. In 1780, the

became a steady feature. Old Mother

son-in-law and successor of this pioneering childrens literature publisher sought copyright protection for Mother Gooses Melody; or Sonnets for
the Cradle, based on a 1760s Newbery book.
But it was in the United States during the nineteenth century that
the name and likeness of Mother Goose became synonymous with early
childhood. Her nursery rhymes have remained steadily in print and a

Goose,When she wanted to wander,

Would ride through the air, On a very
fine gander, served as the first verse
of an early nineteenth-century chapbook about a goose that laid golden
eggs. Mother Goose herself has been
depicted in a variety of ways: as a
warm, grandmotherly figure, as an

perennial favorite with children from their first American publication

old crone carrying a broom, and as a

in 1786. Various publishers offered editions of Mother Goose in the early

hag in a pointed witchs cap.

gems from mother goose // 41

Mot her Goose s Melodies

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Between the shaped covers of this
book are traditional nursery rhymes
associated with Mother Goose, including Jack Sprat, Little Bo-Peep,
Tom the Pipers Son, Hiccory
Diccory, and John Sprig, who is
shot through the middle of his wig.
On the cover, a grimace lends a scary
aura to the face of the traditionally
benevolent storyteller.

Mother Goose In An Air-Ship

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1909
Air travel captivated the imagination of many at the turn of the

Mother Goose, when of old she would mount to the sky,

twentieth century, including Mother Goose. The introduction to

Relied on her gander to bear her on high,

this collection of nursery rhymes, copyrighted after the invention

But modern inventions are quite to her mind,

of the zeppelin in 1900 and the Wright Brothers historic flight

And to sailing in air-craft shes greatly inclined;

near Kitty Hawk in 1903, explains the new mode of travel

A balloon or an aeroplane now serves her need,

adopted by Mother Goose:

And she travels through cloudland at wonderful speed.

gems from mother goose // 43

part of the nineteenth century, but illustrated childrens book publishing

powerhouse McLoughlin Brothers dominated the genre in the decades
after mid-century, shaping the figures image and iconography. Although
M o t h e r G o o s e F ro l i c s

the verses may be appreciated entirely through sound, when accompa-

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

nied by brightly colored, humorous illustrations, they gain a new sensory

New York


Copyright 1907

Just as some scholars have pursued the literary identity of Mother

Mother Goose smiles and kicks up

Goose, others have analyzed her lyrics in search of historical signifi-

her heels, dancing with her signature

cance. The nonsense verses of Ring around the Rosie, for example, have

feathered companion, as she gaily

invites young readers to open the
cover of this collection of rhymes.

been associated with the plague. Particularly in Britain, theories abound

about the royal identity of nursery rhyme characters: Mary Queen of
Scots has been unmasked as Little Bo-Peep, and Queen Elizabeth I


identified as the fine lady who rode a white horse to Banbury cross. More

Little Mother Goose

rigorous scholarship has disputed most of those speculations, yet popular

I l lu s t r at e d

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

interest persists. Of course, much of this effort is lost on children, who

New York

seem content to accept the rhymes at face-value, reveling in the pure joy

Copyright 1901

of sound and imagery they present.

44 // through the air on a very fine gander

this page
G e m s f ro m M o t h e r G o o s e

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1899
With his hair in long golden curls, Little Jack Horner wears
a lace-collared velvet suit of the kind worn by Little Lord
Fauntleroy, the title character of Frances Hodgson Burnetts
enormously popular 1886 book. Although written for children,
the greatest fans of Burnetts book were mothers, who dressed
their sons in similar finery.
opposite and overleaf
N u r s e ry R h y m e s

Grandmother Gooses Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1870s80s
Nursery rhymes were also known in the United States during
the nineteenth century as nursery jingles and nursery songs,
phrases commonly used in Britain until very recently.

gems from mother goose // 45

48 // through the air on a very fine gander

left, top and bottom

Bo-Peep Mot her Goose

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1887

Li t tle Bo-Peep

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

24 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1850s60s
Although many versions of Little BoPeep end with the sheep coming home,
wagging their tails behind them, this
book features additional verses little
known today. Little Bo-Peep eventually
finds her sheep, and their tails, and
tries her best to re-attach them to the
little lambs bodies.

gems from mother goose // 49

N u r s e ry S o n g s

Grandmother Gooses Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1870s80s
The lively and enchanting double-page illustration at the center

conflation of all six stanzas of the rhyme. The only tune that

of this book depicts Tom, Dolly, and Old Dame Trotall charac-

Tom could play was Over the hills and far away; he played so

ters in Tom, the Pipers Sonmerrily dancing in a fantastic

well that he entranced even pigs to prance on their hind legs.

50 // through the air on a very fine gander



Old Mot her Hubbard

Old Mot her Hubbard and her Dog

Illustrated by William Momberger

Santa Claus Series

Mama Lovechilds Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York

Copyright 1889

ca. 1860s

Persons interested in finding historical references in nursery

The initial publication of The Comic Adventures of Old Mother

rhymes have linked the dogs antics in this verse to King Henry

Hubbard and Her Dog became an overnight bestseller when first

VIIIs machinations to obtain a divorce (the bone) from the

published in 1805, contrasting sharply with the moral tales

church (Old Mother Hubbard). Even if accurate, such arcane

dominating the childrens market. Mama Lovechild is a

allusions would have been lost on nineteenth-century American

permutation on Nurse Lovechild, one of the many fictional

children, who would have been drawn instead to the auditory

storytellers to whom publishers in Britain and the United States

pleasure of the rhyme and the visual delight of the old womans

attributed collections of verse.

dog who, dressed in finery, feeds a cat and plays a flute.

52 // through the air on a very fine gander

A n c i e n t I l lu m i nat e d
Rhymes: Old Mother
Hubbard and Her Dog

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1880s90s
The back cover of this vibrant book
yields a clue to its odd title.There it is
described as,gorgeously illuminated
after the Mediaeval manner, in Colors
and Gold. The intense coloration
and metallic gold highlights are
marvelously suited to the images of
stained glass on Mother Hubbards
cottage windows, an unlikely yet
striking decorative setting for her
bare cupboard.

gems from mother goose // 53

54 // through the air on a very fine gander

L i t t l e Da m e C ru m p
and t he Whi t e Pig
( T h e H i s t o ry o f L i t t l e
Da m e C ru m p a n d h e r
Li t tle Whi t e Pig)

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Finding a silver coin while sweeping
the floor, Dame Crump walks to market
and buys a pig. Her amusing struggles
to get her stubborn purchase home
comprise the story, told here in verse.

gems from mother goose // 55

Da m e C ru m p

Illustrated by J. H. Howard
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1880s90s

56 // through the air on a very fine gander

Jac k S p r at t a n d O t h e r R h y m e s

Aunt Marys Little Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Surrounded by children, Aunt Mary sits in a rocking chair and
reads aloud in this adaptation of the earliest known depictions
of Mother Goose. McLoughlin Brothers used this illustration in
other books it published in the same period.
S t o ry o f S i m p l e S i m o n

Susie Sunshines Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
The escapades of the simple boy, whose lack of common sense
leads to mayhem, date to the seventeenth century. This story
concludes when, He went for water in a sieve, But soon it all
run through, And now poor Simple Simon Bids you all adieu.

gems from mother goose // 57

M o t h e r G o o s e s M ag i c
T r a n s f o r m at i o n s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1870s

58 // through the air on a very fine gander

left and below

T h e H ou s e t h at Jac k B u i lt

[no publisher given]

ca. 1860s
T h i s i s t h e H ou s e t h at Jac k B u i lt

Cinderella Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1890
An anonymous writer exploring the origins of The House that
Jack Built on the pages of The New York Times on February 9,
1901 observed, As the occupations and pleasures of childhood
produce a powerful impression on the memory, it is probable
that almost every reader who has passed his infantile days in an
English nursery recollects the delight with which he repeated
that puerile jingling legend, The House that Jack Built.

gems from mother goose // 59

60 // through the air on a very fine gander

Five Li t tle Pig s

Pleasewell Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1890
In this narrative version of the traditional tickle game played
on the fingers and toes of toddlers, the richly colored illustrations provide visual clues to the action. The well-dressed and
well-mannered pigs belie the disdain in which the animals were
held in the early part of the century, when pigs were a common
sight on city streets, creating a public nuisance while they
rooted for food.

T h e O l d Wo m a n a n d H e r P i g

Pleasewell Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1890
An accumulative poem, like The House that Jack Built, each verse
in this tale is built upon the one that precedes it and all are
repeated.The story begins when the pig refuses to jump over the
fence and the old woman is forced to call upon an array of creatures and objects (all illustrated here) to encourage him home.

62 // through the air on a very fine gander

T h e S t o ry o f t h e
Three Little Kittens

Little Kitten Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1892
The nursery rhyme about three little
kittens who lost their mittens was
probably first published under the
authorship of Eliza Follen in the 1840s
and became popular in the ensuing
decades. This extended version of the
familiar tale follows the frolicking
felines throughout their lives, as they
dance, marry, and raise their own little
kittens. Grounding the saga in a world
familiar to children at centurys end,
the poem nods to the growing
popularity of the new American sport
of baseball: These kittens went round
to the base-ball ground, to see how the
game was played.

64 // through the air on a very fine gander

S a d Fat e o f P o o r Ro b i n

T h e D e at h a n d B u r i a l o f C o c k Ro b i n

Illustrated by Edward P. Cogger

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Aunt Marys Series

ca. 1900s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 24 Beekman Street, New York

ca. 1850s60s

gems from mother goose // 65

T h e D e at h a n d B u r i a l o f P o o r C o c k Ro b i n

Illustrated by William Momberger

Mama Lovechilds Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 186070s
In an era that witnessed high rates of infant and maternal

Burial of Poor Cock Robin features birds playing all the parts.

mortality, American children were not shielded from the reality

Questions, such as Who killed Cock Robin? Wholl dig his

of death. Death and mourning were inserted into childrens

grave? and Wholl be the parson? are answered in verse. At

poetry and literature throughout the nineteenth century.

the conclusion of the tale, all sob when they hear the bell toll

Published under many variations on the title, The Death and

for Cock Robin.

66 // through the air on a very fine gander



F u n n y R h y m e s f o r L i t t l e P e o pl e

C o c k Ro b i n

Aunt Kittys Nursery Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Illustrated by Howard Del

ca. 1890s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York

ca. 1860s
American publishers offered prequels to The Death and Burial
of Poor Cock Robin, in much the same way that they created new
stories featuring favorite characters to satisfy readers cravings
for new books. Among the most popular was a tale about the
courtship and marriage of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren.

gems from mother goose // 67


fa i ry ta l e s a n d fa b l e s

n many different languages, storytellers around the world have

uttered the words once upon a time, transporting listeners of all ages to
magical lands, home to giants, witches, talking animals, and enchanted
objects. The fairytales read by nineteenth-century American children are
those we know today and are indebted to efforts to amuse the French
aristocracy. In 1697, Charles Perrault (16281703) published Histoires ou
Contes du temps pass. Avec des Moralits, a collection of eight captivating
tales: Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Blue Beard, Puss in Boots,
Diamonds and Toads, Cinderella, and Hop o My Thumb, along with one other
that has not survived the test of time. Gaining immediate popularity
among children and adults, the stories were translated into English in
1729 and soon were known in America.
The popularity of fairytales, as well as a battle over their fitness for
juvenile consumption, waxed and waned throughout the eighteenth
century. Interest was rekindled in the nineteenth century, through the
efforts of Jacob Grimm (17851863) and Wilhelm Grimm (17861859).
The brothers recorded folk tales told by ordinary people in their native
Germany and published their work in 1812 as Kinder-und Hausmrchen.
Translated into English in 1823, the Grimmss fairytales eventually
numbered approximately two hundred, including many of those
recorded earlier by Perrault, along with Snow White, Hansel and Gretel,
and other now-classics. Culling from these sources, and from Danish
storyteller Hans Christian Anderson (18051875), American publishers
printed copious fairytales in the nineteenth century, occasionally taking

70 // once upon a time

liberties with their plots and adding new twists that reflected the
American social landscape.
Sir Walter Scott (17711832) was a strong advocate of fairytales and
their ability to stir childhood imagination, boldly stating his preference
for the genre over the moralizing good-boy stories that dominated the
American juvenile fiction of his time. In 1898, The New York Times reprinted his impassioned championing of fairytales: Truth is I would not
give one tear shed over Little Red Riding Hood for all the benefit to be
derived from a hundred histories of Tommy Goodchild.
Not everyone embraced the genre, however. Some American authorities objected to their purely imaginary content as foolish and immoral.
In the September 1850 issue of Woodworths Youth Cabinet, publisher
Francis C. Woodworth railed against the tales told in The Arabian Nights
as being too strange and marvelous and lacking in good moral influence although he admitted reading them with pleasure in his younger
days. A more pragmatic view was recommended by Lydia Maria Child, in
her widely read book of childrearing advice The Mothers Book: A strong
reason why we should indulge children in reading some of the best fairystories and fables . . . is, that we cannot possibly help their getting hold of
some books of this description; and it is never wise to forbid what we
cannot prevent.
Fables, like fairytales, are ancient stories. Narrated by talking animals, they emphasize common sense, rather than magic. Most are attributed to Aesop, who is thought by some to have been a seventh-century
storyteller. Aesops Fables were among the first books printed following
the invention of the printing press, an English-language edition illustrated with woodcuts appearing in 1484. Like fairytales, fables made their
way to America with the countrys first settlers, and have been educating
and entertaining children ever since.

page 68
Little Red Riding Hood

Aunt Friendlys Colored Picture Books

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1880s

72 // once upon a time

fairytales and fables // 73

Jac k a n d t h e B e a n - S ta l k

Aunt Louisas Big Picture Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
71 and 73 Duane Street, New York
ca. 1870s80s
Despairing at her sons lack of common
sense, Jacks mother tosses away the
handful of pretty beans he accepted in
trade for her cow and they go to bed
hungry.The next morning, Jack finds
that a wondrous vine, growing into the
clouds, has sprouted from the beans and
sets off for the top. He meets a beautiful
fairy,who explains that he can avenge
his fathers death and mothers poverty
by outsmarting the evil giant who
caused their misfortune. Hiding in the
giants house at the summit of the stalk,
Jack does just that, retrieving a magic
hen, bags of money and an enchanted
harp, and escaping down the beanstalk
just ahead of the giant.

74 // once upon a time

above left

above right

Ro t t k p p c h e n . L i t t l e R e d R i d i n g H o o d

Little Red Riding Hood

German, for the American market

Red Rose Series

ca. 1880s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Most versions of Little Red Riding Hood feature an ailing grand-

Copyright 1889 and 1901

mother, her granddaughter (dressed in a red cape), and a sly


and hungry wolf who tries to pass himself off as granny. The
endings vary, however. In Charles Perraults late-seventeenthcentury telling, the wolf is the victor, consuming Little Red
Riding Hood and her grandmother, dramatically underscoring
the storys moral that young ladies should not talk to strangers.
This version of the fairytale adopts an ending like that recorded
by the Grimm brothers. At first, the wolf appears to triumph,
eating grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, and taking a
nap after his big meal. A passing hunter hears his loud snores
and surmises what has taken place. He cuts open the wolf s
belly and frees the old woman and child. In their place, he substitutes heavy stones. Waking up thirsty, the wolf goes to the
well, where he promptly falls in and drowns.

Little Red Riding Hood

Illustrated by R.Andr
Little Folks Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1888

fairytales and fables // 75

76 // once upon a time

above left

above right

Aladdin or t he Wonderful Lamp

A l a d d i n , o r t h e Wo n d e r f u l L a m p

Wonder-Story Series

Fairy Moonbeam Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York

Copyright 1889

ca. 1860s

The story of Aladdin and his wonderful lamp is one of many

opposite and overleaf

found in The Arabian Nights, the legendary epic of a beautiful

young woman who saves her life by telling a murderous sultan
a different story every night for a thousand and one nights.
Originating in Persian, Indian, and Arabic folklore, the tales

A l a d d i n Pa n t o m i m e T oy B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1890s

have been known in Asia and the Middle East at least since

Aladdin is a careless, idle boya description that also applies to

a.d. 850. The cover image of this edition conflates the origins

Jack the Giant Killer, a hero of western fairytales. Aladdins tri-

of the tale, adding pseudo-Chinese motifs to heighten its exoti-

umph over wicked magicians who seek to steal his magic lamp

cism. Aladdin, Sinbad the Sailor, and Scheherazade became best

and jewels parallels Jacks mastery over evil-doing giants.

known of the tales in the western world after all were translated

Reminding readers of their own real-world obligations, both

in the eighteenth century.

heroes use their new-found riches to provide for their mothers.

78 // once upon a time

fairytales and fables // 79

80 // once upon a time

fairytales and fables // 81



S l e e p i n g B e au t y Pa n t o m i m e T oy B o o k

B lu e B e a r d Pa n t o m i m e T oy B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1890s

ca. 1890s

Sleeping Beauty is known in many cultures, with variations on

In this tale of trust and temptation, Blue Beard hands his new

how the curse that causes the princess to sleep for one hundred

young wife the keys to his castle, enabling her to unlock treas-

years is inflicted. In this version of the tale, the ugly witch

ure boxes and rooms full of luxuries. He warns her, however,

Cassandra rides to the castle on a horrible beast, bringing the

never to open the door to one small chamber.When Blue Beard

darling baby Rosebud a thorn, symbolizing the curse that she

leaves the castle in a test of her obedience, his bride cannot

will one day prick her finger and die. As always, a good witch

resist the urgings of her friends to unlock the forbidden door.

arrives to minimize the harm: when the inevitable accident

She yields to temptation and finds the murdered bodies of Blue

occurs, Rosebud falls into a deep slumber. A handsome prince

Beards many previous wives. A bloodstain that magically

awakens the sleeping beauty, and they live happily ever after.

appears on the key immediately reveals her transgression to

Blue Beard, who has returned early from his journey. At the
end of the tale, the disobedient wife is rescued from her murderous husband, escaping the fate of her unlucky predecessors.

fairytales and fables // 83

D i a m o n d s a n d T oa d s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s1900s
In this tale, a pretty young girl ill-treated by her mother and
spoiled sister is forced to fetch water from a distant fountain. One
day, she graciously gives some of the water in her humble jug to
an old womana fairy in disguise. In exchange for this kindness,
the fairy bestows a special gift: roses, pearls, and diamonds fall
from the girls lips whenever she speaks.Witnessing this good
fortune, her mother sends her haughty daughter to the well
with a silver pitcher, in search of the same bounty. But the girls
begrudging offer of only a sip of water triggers the fairys curse:
her words are turned into toads.The generous daughter thrives,
while her sister withers and dies, revealing the thinly veiled moral
of this story: be kind to everyone you encounter in life.

84 // once upon a time


Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1891
or t he Glass Slipper

Cinderella Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
The story of a sweet young girl rescued
from a life of servitude and drudgery
by a handsome prince has become so
entrenched in American popular culture that the phrase Cinderella story
is now a part of everyday speech. In
this retelling, tenets of nineteenthcentury American morality find their
way into the text of this classic fairytale. Cinderellas godmother maintains,
fine clothes are of little worth in
themselves, nay, they often do more
harm than good to those who wear
them, but you must have a fit dress for
the ball.

fairytales and fables // 85

86 // once upon a time


Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1891

fairytales and fables // 87

Cinderella, or the
Li t tle Glass Slipper
Pa n t o m i m e T oy B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1890s

88 // once upon a time

above and opposite

T h e B a b e s i n t h e Wo o d

Illustrated by R.Andr
Jack and the Bean Stalk Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1880s90s
In this folktale, a brother and sister are left in the care of an
uncle after their loving parents die, leaving a fortune that will
be theirs when they are grown.Within a year, thoughts of the
money that could be his cause the uncle to renege on his promise
to raise the children. He leaves them in the woods to die at the
hands of ruffians. Although the children meet a sad fate,Gods
blessed will prevents the villains from profiting from their bad
deeds and brings them only want and misery instead.
T h e C h i l d r e n i n t h e Wo o d

Aunt Kates Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
The death of model children is found in many nineteenthcentury American and English stories, meant to encourage
children to comport themselves properly at all times. The
Children in the Wood deals directly with the childrens death:
They died in one anothers arms, from hunger, fear and grief.

90 // once upon a time

Tom Thumb

Cinderella Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1870s
First published in England early in the
seventeenth century, the tales of a tiny
childs strange and wonderful adventures reached the United States by
1686. They had become so familiar that
in 1842 General Tom Thumb was
adopted as the stage name of P. T.
Barnums famously petite performer.
Toms fantastical escapades, set in the
mythical time of King Arthur, begin
with his tumble into a bowl of pudding
in his mothers kitchen. Subsequently
swallowed by a fish, he narrowly
escapes a gruesome fate when a cook
discovers him while filleting the kings
prospective dinner.
Tom Thumb

Little Folks Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1888
Toms ultimate demise is prefigured on
the cover of this edition of the tale: the
tiny boy is bitten by a spider.

fairytales and fables // 93

opposite and above

Tom Thumb

Kriss Kringle Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1897

fairytales and fables // 95

above left

above right

H o p - O - M y- T h u m b

Hop O My Thumb

Hop-O-My-Thumb Series

Fairy Moonbeam Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1860s70s

ca. 1860s70s

This story of a tiny boy who uses his wits to save himself and

Tom, the youngest and smallest of seven children, overhears

help his impoverished family was among those documented

his parents desperate plan to leave their offspring in the woods

by Charles Perrault in France in the late-seventeenth century.

when they can no longer afford to feed and care for them. Tom

It shares plot elements with Tom Thumb and with the Grimm

fills his pockets with small stones, and as they are led into the

brothers Hansel and Gretel. Like the main characters in those

wilderness he marks a trail that he and his abandoned siblings

stories, Hop O My Thumb must fend for himself in the woods,

use to find their way back home. Left in the forest a second

outsmarting a wicked eater of children.

time, Tom scatters a breadcrumb trail, which proves less useful.

Undaunted, the brave little boy manages to outsmart an ogre who


tries to kill the children.With the help of a fairy, he makes off

Hans Thumbling and Other Stories

with the ogres fortune, enabling his family to live together again.

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s90s
Thumbling and The Travels of Thumbling, stories about a boy
born no larger than his fathers thumb, were compiled by the
Grimm brothers.The miniscule hero embarks upon a series of
adventures in which he foils thieves, lands in a mouse hole, and
is swallowed by animals. A model of self-sufficiency like Tom
Thumb,Thumbling saves himself from desperate fates through
the strength of his own wits.

96 // once upon a time

Pu s s i n B o o t s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1870s80s
The youngest son of a poor miller
receives only a cat upon the death
of his father and wonders how he will
get on in life. Luckily for him, the cat
is an enchanted and cunning creature,
whose wits, aided by the magic boots he
wears, lead to wealth and happiness for
his master.This version of the fairytale
concludes with the moral,A handsome
monument was erected containing a
life-size statue of Puss in Boots, and on
the base of it were these words:A Faithful Friend is a Mans Best Fortune.

fairytales and fables // 97

Pu s s i n B o o t s
Pa n t o m i m e T oy B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1890s

fairytales and fables // 99

Au n t L ou i s a s C h a r m s f o r C h i l d r e n ,
C o m p r i s i n g P u m p k i n H ou s e , S l e e p i n g B e au t y,
D i a m o n d s & T oa d s , B o b s S c h o o l Days

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1890s1900s
Richly colored illustrations accompany the fairytales in this hardcover volume, which would have made a lavish gift. In addition
to traditional fairytales, the compilation includes a story with
themes that would have resonated with Americans of the period.
The Pumpkin House, or the Adventures of Little Flora and Jack, tells
of a beautiful, idle, and vain girl and her friend, a poor, bright,
and willing boy, who are carried to a magical land of mammoth
scale. As the plot unfolds, the pair migrates steadily westward,
making resourceful use of materials at hand to feed and house
themselves. A friendly red squirrel poignantly describes the
prejudice she encountered after marrying a black squirrel. Jack
and Flora learn tolerance, respect, and self-reliance on their
journey and float safely home on a giant puff of thistle down.

100 // once upon a time

Wo r l d W i d e Fa b l e s

Aunt Louisas Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1870s80s
Like fairytales, the morals contained in
fables often change with successive
reprintings to reflect the times and
mores of their particular era. Here,
puritanical austerity and American love
of freedom are woven together in The
Town and Country Mouse, in which an
unpretentious rodent rejects the trappings of the city, concluding, Give me
again my hollow tree, a crust of bread
and liberty, after huge dogs chase him
and his host from the remains of their
fancy dinner in town.

T h e S t o ry o f t h e T h r e e L i t t l e P i g s

Little Kitten Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1892
In this classic fable, poverty forces three little pigs to leave
home and seek their fortunes. Although a villainous wolf outsmarts the pigs who build their homes of straw and wood,
the third little pig triumphs over the wily enemy by using his
wits and building in brick.

102 // once upon a time

L a dy F ox

Published by Peter G. Thomson, Cincinnati

Copyright 1887
Finely detailed, occasionally macabre
illustrations accompany this story of
the enduring bond between lion and
jackal, and the fox who sought to
destroy their friendship for her own
benefit. This complex story comes with
the extended moral: Now little children,
learn from this story of the sly fox how
wicked it is to try to deceive, and how
contemptible to try and get some other
person to do your own work. The fox was
strong and well, and plenty able to provide the food for her young, but did not
wish to ruffle her fur and brush by labor;
in fact she wished to be a Lady Fox, so she
thought to impose on the generous lion.
Such meanness may sometimes flourish
for a time, but it always in the end
receives the punishment it deserves.

fairytales and fables // 103

Lit tle Delight s Three Wishes

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1860s
In this retelling of an ancient story in which a fairy grants three
wishes, a wifes careless wish for a large string pudding (a common sausage-like concoction) precipitates her husbands rueful
wish that the pudding would stick to her nose. They use their
last wish to remove the pudding. All is not lost, however, for
when the fairy vanished, she left the pudding which they
cooked for supper, and so [the couple] consoled themselves.
The tale concludes with the admonishment, by using a little
common sense, they might have been comfortable for life, and
they were justly punished for hankering after splendor and
riches, which, in their station of life, would be ridiculous.

104 // once upon a time

T h e Wo n d e r f u l L e a p s o f S a m Pat c h

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1870s
This illustrated childrens volume presents the legendary
exploits of Sam Patch (ca. 18071829), a factory worker who
gained notoriety by executing daredevil leaps from ever-more
dizzying heights. Patch began jumping off waterfalls with
other boys for fun, transforming the practice into a public
spectacle as a young man. Soon after becoming the first person
to survive the 120-foot plunge at Niagra Falls, in October 1829,
Patch died when he jumped the more modest Genesee Falls in
Rochester. The Wonderful Leaps of Sam Patch embellishes
Patchs life story with imaginary jumps from New York to
Boston and across the Atlantic.

fairytales and fables // 105

T h e F ox a n d t h e G e e s e :
A n A n c i e n t N u r s e ry Ta l e

Pleasure Books
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Stories about foxes preying on geese and geese outsmarting
their wily predators may be found in Aesops Fables, stories
recorded by the Grimm brothers, and other collections of folktales. In this version, reminiscent of The Three Little Pigs,
three young geese are warned about the dangers posed by their
enemy. Their mother teaches them how to build safe houses, but
only one little goose heeds her advice; she lives to kill the fox.

n ov e l s , h i s t o ry b o o k s , a n d a n t h o l o g i e s

n c e the notion of writing and publishing books for children

became firmly established in the nineteenth century, the field knew no

bounds. Science, biography, history, and literature all proved fertile
ground, as childrens books reflected mainstream adult interests as well
as childish pursuits. When addressing adult purchasers of books, publishers stressed their products practical and instructional value, but they
also made sure to include plenty of illustrations to enhance the visual
appeal of their volumes to the children who would ultimately read them.
They also included movable parts and eye-catching devices, such as
shaped covers and fold-outs, to animate their pages.
In the realm of literature, novels written for adult readers have long
been adopted by younger, less sophisticated audiences. Many versions of
these novels were printed just for children, their plots condensed, their
syntax simplified, and their words occasionally restricted to those of a
single syllable. Even the works of Shakespeare appeared in editions
edited and designed for childrens pleasure.
Among the time-tested favorites were adventure stories such as
Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels of 1726 and Daniel Defoes Robinson
Crusoe of 1719.The shipwrecked Crusoes struggles to survive on a remote
island resonated so strongly with American children that industry giant
McLoughlin Brothers alone printed more than eighty versions of the
story. Parents who had been warned by nineteenth-century reformers
about the dangerous trumpery of novels that imparted no useful information could rest assured that Robinson Crusoe would do their children no

108 // fact and fiction

harm: educational philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau had recommended

the novel during the preceding century as one that would teach children
to judge things by their usefulnessa practical skill for children at the
dawn of the advertising age.
Also popular were richly illustrated volumes of natural history created especially for young readers. A field of sophisticated scientific
inquiry during the eighteenth-century age of reason, natural history
reached a non-scientific audience in the following century. Lectures by
leading researchers instructed and entertained audiences of all ages in
Europe and the United States. Rev. George Woods sketch lectures did
much to broaden the appeal of the discipline in the 1880s, and his many
books published in England influenced childrens offerings on both sides
of the Atlantic. Reports on global explorations from the North Pole to the
Galapagos Islands inspired childrens interest in geography, while the
great worlds fairs of 1876 and 1892 brought many in direct contact with
exotic cultures and wildlife. By the end of the nineteenth century, books
on zoology, ornithology, botany, and marine life had entered the juvenile

page 106

market. In addition, the centennial of the American Revolution and the

T h e A dv e n t u r e s o f

four hundredth anniversary of Columbuss landing in the New World

C o m m o d o r e Pau l ,

awakened and renewed Americans interest in their own patrimony and

T h e Nava l H e ro

inspired the publication of childrens books on the history of the nation

and its leaders from its earliest known times to the present.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, American publishers
began to offer collections of stories, verses, and images reflecting the

Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks

Uncle Sam Series
Published by Peter G. Thomson, Cincinnati
Copyright 1884
This biography of John Paul Jones

daily lifealbeit often idealizedof the children for whom they were

equates the Scottish-born American

intended. Some were meant to help children read and featured dashes

naval officer with other famed

between syllables as an aid to pronunciation. These anthologies incorpo-

European heroes of the American

rated diverse reading material, from vignettes of happy childhood days to

Revolution, including the Marquis de

Lafayette and General von Steuben.

short, informative essays on topics of a scientific or historic nature. Many

All are stirringly described as brave

encouraged charity, benevolence, and humane behavior toward ani-

men animated by a love for Liberty

malsthemes present in earlier moral tales. Here, however, the stories

who moved by their Sympathy with

feature a more realistic portrait of children, who are neither entirely

an infant people in defense of their

virtuous nor incorrigible. Influenced by the success of Robert Louis

rights and liberties against the most

powerful Nation of the World, crossed

Stevensons A Childs Garden of Verses of 1885, these collections begin to

the ocean to fight their battles and

depict the world from a childs perspective.

contribute to their success.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 109



S t o ry o f Ro b i n H o o d

R i p Va n W i n k l e

Robin Hood Series

Written by George P. Webster

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Robin Hood Series

Copyright 1889

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Accounts of the legendary exploits of Robin Hood, aided by his

Copyright 1889

merry band of followers in Sherwood Forest, date at least as far

Rip Van Winkle is one of the most well known and beloved of

back as the Middle Ages. The story of a brave individualist who

Washington Irvings fictionalized tales of olden days in New

battled oppression, authoritarianism, and poverty, it is easy to

Netherland. Originally published in 1819, this humorous story

understand the heros appeal to children raised in a culture that

follows a genial man who drinks too much and fritters away his

sought to instill principles of liberty and justice. So popular was

time in idle pursuits. Children immediately sympathize with

Robin Hood that McLoughlin Brothers adopted his name for

Rips plight when he awakes from his afternoon nap to find that

one of the firms series of books.

time has moved ahead by many years while he slept.

110 // fact and fiction

novels, history books, and anthologies // 111

U n c l e S a m s Pa n o r a m a
o f R i p Va n W i n k l e a n d Ya n k e e D o o d l e

Illustrated by William Momberger

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1870s1890s
In this magnificent moving picture book, a scroll is rolled

Germany and again in the United States, where he emigrated in

from one wooden dowel to another behind a miniature prosce-

1848, created the rich, dimensional illustrations; his signature

nium to reveal vignettes of two American classics: Rip Van

appears on the covers of a variety of childrens books published

Winkle and Yankee Doodle. William Momberger (1829-?), who

by McLoughlin Brothers.

studied painting and chromolithography first in his native

Ro b i n s o n C ru s o e ( M a s t e r J. S p r ag g l e s :
H i s V e r s i o n o f Ro b i n s o n C ru s o e A s
Na r r at e d & D e p i c t e d t o h i s S c h o o l
F e l l ow s at D r . T i c k l e t o by s Aca d e m y )

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1870s
This wry version of Robinson Crusoe is told from the perspective
of a young schoolboy, Master J. Spraggles, who recalls the essentials of this beloved story from memory, using his own words.
He illustrates key scenesthe shipwreck, building a hut,
Crusoes meeting Friday, and Fridays educationin drawings
scrawled on a slate.

114 // fact and fiction

Ro b i n s o n C ru s o e

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1893

novels, history books, and anthologies // 115

Ro b i n s o n C ru s o e i n W o r d s o f O n e Sy l l a b l e

Written by Mary Godolphin

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Published in 1719 as The Life and Strange and Surprising
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoes work is often
considered the first English novel. Crusoes thrilling escapades
spawned a host of imitators that eventually bore the sobriquet
Robinsonnades. Mary Godolphin adapted the popular book
and many others in the McLoughlin Brothers lineto the use
of the youngest readers in the 1880s. In her preface, she notes
the novelty of her approach in bringing one-syllable construction out of the bland spelling book and into the realm of the
adventure novel.
Ro b i n s o n C ru s o e

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1897
The publisher of this radically condensed version of the popular
novel advises youngsters, As soon as you can read yourself, you
should read the complete life of Robinson Crusoe.

116 // fact and fiction

novels, history books, and anthologies // 117

G u l l i v e r s T r av e l s

Published by W. B. Conkey Company,

ca. 1890s
Jonathan Swifts account of Lemuel
Gullivers fantastic voyages to Lilliput,
Brobdingnag, and other imaginary
lands and the curious people he met
along the way resonated with children
in the United States, a melting pot of
immigrants from many lands who
transported their native costumes,
goods, and cultures from abroad.
Oblivious to Swifts satirical commentary on eighteenth-century British
political and social life, children
delighted instead in the thrills of
Gullivers adventures.
A W i n t e r s Ta l e :
S h a k e s p e a r i a n Ta l e s
in Verse

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1892
Not even the great English bard
was safe from having his iambic
pentameter translated into monosyllables.

118 // fact and fiction

A l i c e s A dv e n t u r e s i n Wo n d e r l a n d
a n d T h rou g h t h e L o o k i n g G l a s s

Written by Lewis Carroll

Illustrations after John Tenniel
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1900s10s
Many artists have portrayed the fantasyland and strange inhabitants of Alices Adventures in Wonderland, including the author,
Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (18321898), whose
sketches animated his first handwritten manuscript of the
extravagantly whimsical story. But it is the 1865 black and white
wood-engraved images created by political cartoonist Sir John
Tenniel (18201914) for the first publication of Alice that have
become inextricably linked to the startling saga of her adventures in Wonderland. This undated American edition reproduces
Tenniels iconic images of Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad
Hatter and his tea party guests, and many others; it also reworks
the images, adding color to many and adapting details to frame
the text.

120 // fact and fiction

above, left and right

opposite, top

T h e M o t o g r a ph M ov i n g P i c t u r e B o o k

T h e Ta b l e - B o o k

Cover design by H. de Toulouse-Lautrec

Dame Wonders Picture Books

Illustrated by F. J. Vernay, Yonick & Co.

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, 30 Beekman Street, New York

Published by Bliss, Sands and Co., London

ca. 1860s


In words and pictures, this book provides the terminology

Capitalizing on the excitement generated by moving pictures,

needed to measure all manner of things in a nineteenth-century

first seen by Americans in the 1890s, this exquisite volume of

childs universe. Especially practical at a time when clothes were

illustrations forms an interactive at-home family entertainment.

made at home is the table of equivalencies for measuring

The book makes use of a transparencya small, rigid square

lengths of cloth.

of ribbed translucent material (a proto-plastic). When the

square is placed as instructed (as shown on Toulose-Lautrecs

opposite, bottom

cover), the underlying image appears to move just as the object

B oy s H u n t i n g B o o k

would in real life. Water sprays gracefully from a fountain; the

Published by McLoughlin Brothers

silken folds of a dress ripple; and cogs, wheels, and gears move

ca. 1900s

with industrial precision. Here lava spews from the top of a volcano, off the page and into the readers living room.

This book was likely published around 1900, when the biggame hunting exploits of Teddy Roosevelt and others coincided
with a growing concern with wildlife conservation.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 121

122 // fact and fiction

Wild Animal Stories

Introduction by G. Manville Fenn

Published by Ernest Nister, London, and
E. P. Dutton & Company, New York
ca. 1890s1900s
Wild animals leap from the pages of this panorama picture
book automatically,without requiring the child to lift a flap or
pull a tab, as other moveable books of the period required for
their animation.
Wo o d s I l lu s t r at e d Nat u r a l H i s t o ry

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s1900s
English naturalist Rev. George Wood broadened the appeal of
natural history by writing a series of best sellers in the 1850s
and 1860s, including volumes especially for children. Flora and
fauna of the jungle and desert are delightfully conflated in this
probably unauthorized version of one of these.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 123

Big Animal Pict ure Book

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1902
Pictures of animals on the farm, in the wild, and in the home
are accompanied by short descriptions of their species in the
Big Animal Picture Book. The more exotic the animal, the longer
the text.

124 // fact and fiction

J u m b o a n d t h e C ou n t ry m a n

T h e S na k e C h a r m e r

Little Showmans Series

Little Showmans Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1880s

ca. 1880s

Pop-up books in the Little Showmans Series presented a picto-

In an era of colonial adventures on many continents, unfamiliar

rial scene around which children could read the simple accom-

people were often seen as exotic, as were strange animals.

panying text and invent their own stories.

Vibrant images enhance the thrill of the pop-up effect here.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 125

M o d e s o f T r av e l , o r By L a n d a n d Wat e r

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1902
Presumably reinforcing geography lessons learned at school,
the illustrations in this book describe means of transportation
throughout the world. Modes range from the ordinary horsedrawn farm wagon to the exotic bejeweled elephant and manpowered rickshaw. In a nod to changing times at home, the
book pictures a modern American touring caran exotic
mode of travel of another sort, available only to the wealthy
and adventurous.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 127

E . E l e p h a n t, E s q . S h ow m a n

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1894
opposite and right
M o n k ey T r i c k s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1894
The engaging monkeys in this shape
book go to school, do tricks, and
engage in antics to delight the young

128 // fact and fiction

Wo n d e r s o f t h e C i r c u s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1883
From the Roman Empire to the Victorian era, circuses featuring
costumed performers, prancing horses, and exotic animals have
provided centuries of entertainment, if not always for children.
The modern circus, in which acrobats, jugglers, and dancers perform in a ring, interrupted by the antics of trained animals and
colorfully costumed clowns, came to the United States from
England at the close of the eighteenth century.With the introduction of three rings of constant amusement, the circus reached
its peak of popularity as family entertainment in the late nineteenth century, after evangelical fervor warning against its evil
effects on children had subsided.
Circus Tricks

Circus Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1890

novels, history books, and anthologies // 129

Circus Friends

Comic Animal Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1898

130 // fact and fiction



Ou t d o o r F r i e n d s

Pl ay f u l P e t s

Friendly Animal Series

Friendly Animal Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1904

Copyright 1904
The practice of bringing animals into the home and caring for
them as pets grew in popularity during the nineteenth century,
as industrialization and urbanization distanced people and
nature.The stories in this collection, which feature not only cats
and dogs, but also monkeys and squirrels, chronicle the lively
antics of mans furry friends, charming children and adults alike.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 131

F r i s ky t h e S q u i r r e l

Written by C. E. B. (probably Charlotte E. Bowen)

Snowflake Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1889
This short adventure story reveals the bonds of affection
between a boy and his squirrel. During the colonial era and into
the nineteenth century, children tamed baby squirrels, teaching
them tricks and sometimes even keeping them indoors on leash
and collar. Here,Archie rescues an injured animal, which develops a fondness for sitting in the young boys pocket.When
Archie falls while learning to ice skate, the frightened squirrel
runs off. Archie searches in vain for his lost pet. Frightened and
exhausted, he falls asleep in the cold, dark woods. Rescued by his
worried father,Archie is relieved to wake up at home but misses
his squirrel.To his great joy, he soon discovers that Frisky has
slipped back into the warmth and comfort of his pocket.

132 // fact and fiction

novels, history books, and anthologies // 133

opposite, clockwise
from top left
Spring; Summer ;
W i n t e r ; Au t u m n

Little Showmans Series No. 2

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1884
Cutout images are arranged in layered
effects and attached to each other and
to the back cover of these pop-up
books.When the front cover is lifted,
the backdrop and cutout figures pop up
and rock back and forth on hinges. A
descriptive verse or narrative, but no
sequential plot, accompanies the image,
giving the childs imagination free rein
to present his own showan early
example of an interactive plaything.
T h e H i s t o ry o f t h e
U n i t e d S tat e s , T o l d i n
O n e Sy l l a b l e W o r d s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
This compressed history of the United
States takes young readers from the
voyages of Norse explorers a thousand
years ago through the significant events
of their own day. In typical McLoughlin
Brothers fashion, the identical text

appears behind two different covers

designed to entice the broadest possible
audience: this one portrays American
soldiers of the Revolution and Civil

S t o ry o f t h e F i r e m e n

Published by McLoughlin Brothers New York

Copyright 1908 and 1911

War; the other features historical fig-

In words and pictures, this book provides thrilling factual

ures of different time periodsGeorge

descriptions of the hazardous and exciting work done by fire-

Washington, Christopher Columbus,

men in a big city. Illustrations depicting the newly introduced

and Native Americansall of perennial

automotive fire engines emphasize the growing presence of

interest to American children.

cars in the American landscape at the start of the new century.

136 // fact and fiction


opposite, top

W i n t e r S p o rt s

Childs First Book

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

Copyright [no date]

New York

This twelve-foot accordion-folded book presents a plethora of

Copyright 1886

winter activities for boys and girls to enjoy, from ice skating to
opposite, bottom

sledding to playing hockey.

W e e B a by S t o r i e s

Cassell & Company Limited,

London, Paris & New York
ca. 1890s1900s
The verses, short stories, and engraved illustrations in this anthology feature very young children (the age of the intended reader)
playing with their toys, doing chores, and learning to grow up.
They teach lessons of kindness, hard work, and generosity.

novels, history books, and anthologies // 137

138 // fact and fiction

above left

above right

G r e at B i g S t o ry B o o k

Ou r Da r l i n g s S t o ry B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1897

ca. 1890s1900s
B row n i e Y e a r B o o k

Written and illustrated by Palmer Cox

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1895
The impish Brownies created by Palmer Cox (18401924) made
their first public appearance in the popular childrens magazine St.
Nicholas and soon after romped through the pages of other books.
In the Brownie Year Book, the frolicsome fairies engage in antics
appropriate to each month of the year, twirling umbrellas in April;
swimming and boating the summer days away; and sledding, ice
skating, and building snowmen during the winter months.

christmas books

uch of the imagery that has become inextricably associated with

the American family Christmasstockings hung by the fire, a jolly Santa

Claus, and a reindeer-pulled sleigh filled with presentsmay be traced to
A Visit from St. Nicholas. This lyrical Christmas Eve call on good boys and
girls was first published in the Troy Sentinel on December 23, 1823, one
year after Clement Clarke Moore had read his joyful poem aloud to family and friends in New York City. The poem quickly became part of the
popular imagination and helped to establish Christmas as a festive, childcentered family celebration.
In seventeenth-century New England, the Puritans had forbidden
the celebration of Christmas, and few of the Dutch Protestants who settled New Amsterdam had carried Hollands tradition of a gift-giving Saint
Nicholas with them to the New World. By the nineteenth century, most
wealthy and middle-class Americans observed the day quietly. American
children knew about St. Nicholas and Santa Claus but linked neither figure to the holiday. In A Visit from St. Nicholas, Moore blended the two
characters, eliminating the ecclesiastical aspect of St. Nicholas, giving a
joyful new image to Santa, and deploying merry rhymes to heighten the
eager anticipation of receiving gifts on Christmas morning.
In the years following its initial publication, A Visit from St. Nicholas
was steadily re-printed in newspapers and magazines, spreading its colorful images and associations to a broad audience and inspiring illustrators to give form and shape to Santa, his sleigh and reindeer, and the
happy children who breathlessly awaited their Christmas Eve arrival.

142 // twas the night before

A V i s i t f ro m S t. N i c h o l a s

Poem by Clement Clarke Moore

Illustrated by F. O. C. Darley
Published by James G. Gregory, New York
Copyright 1862
Felix Octavius Carr Darley (18221888),one of Americas most popular
illustrators during the nineteenth century, helped shape the visual vocabulary of A Visit from St. Nicholas. In a practice that would be followed by
other artists who illustrated the poem,Darley deviated from Moores text,
depicting Santa Claus not as an elfin figure but as a rotund adult.
page 140
Doings of Kriss Kringle

Kriss Kringle Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1897

Helping Christmas take root in the popular imagination was cartoonist

Thomas Nast, one of the most prolific portrayers of Santa Claus. In books
and on the pages of Harpers Weekly, he captured the essence of Moores
twinkling-eyed, rosy-cheeked elf and established the visual parameters of

right and overleaf

the Santa we know today. A Visit from St. Nicholas was printed countless

The Night Before

times, illustrated with vibrant images of Santa Claus descending the

Christmas, or A

chimneys of cozy middle-class homes to leave delightful gifts for sleeping

V i s i t o f S t. N i c h o l a s

children to find on Christmas morning.

The evolution of Christmas as a family holiday and a time for giving
special gifts coincided with the rise of American consumerism. Books of
all types, not only those with Christmas themes, became especially popu-

Published by McLoughlin Brothers

Copyright 1888
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to
his foot,And his clothes were all tarnished

lar presents as the practice of exchanging store-bought gifts gained

with ashes and soot; is the description

momentum: in December 1872, The New York Times noted, As the holi-

of Santas costume poetically described

days approach, the presses groan with the work of providing books

by Clement Clark Moore.Those who

which will prove acceptable presents to the young. Newspapers and

illustrated the verse, however, took

liberties with the poets imagery and

magazines offered guidance in selecting just the right book. Highly rec-

portrayed him wearing fur-trimmed

ommended were collections of stories, poems, and pictures created espe-

garments of varying colors, like the

cially for Christmas giving. Published for children as well as adults, these

green suit he wears here. It was not

gift books came in editions ranging from economical to luxurious. The

until the twentieth century, when

hand-written inscriptions on many volumes illustrated in Once Upon a

advertisers wholeheartedly adopted

Santa Claus for marketing purposes,

Time indicate that they were Christmas gifts presented to children by lov-

that a red suit trimmed with white fur

ing relatives.

became Santas signature outfit.

christmas books // 143

144 // twas the night before

christmas books // 145

146 // twas the night before

The Night Before Christmas,

o r A V i s i t o f S t. N i c h o l a s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1896

christmas books // 147

T h e Ro b i n s C h r i s t m a s E v e

Uncle Neds Picture Books

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1870s80s
Cold and hungry, a little bird feasts on
breadcrumbs put out for him by a kindhearted sexton. Eventually, he finds
warmth inside a church, symbolizing
the religious nature of Christmas, rather
than the consumerism that had come to
dominate its celebration.This American
book is an adaptation of an 1867 British
version of the story by C. E. Bowen with
illustrations by Winifred Warne.

148 // twas the night before

Nellies Christmas Eve

Written by Miss Fanny Wight

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1880s
Nineteenth-century Americans yearned for a simple, noncommercial version of the family Christmas, even though the
holiday had never quite existed as they imagined. Although its
cover shows a happy family with toys and books beneath a
Christmas tree, Nellies Christmas Eve does not dwell on the giftgiving aspect of the holiday. Rather, it tells the story of an
orphaned girl searching for heaven so that she might join her
mother and the angels.Wandering for days, she declines many
offers of help, in the hope that she will be reunited with her
dead mother that much sooner. Fortunately, she faints in front
of a welcoming home and is taken in by kind strangers.

C h r i s t m a s S t o ry B o o k

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Copyright 1901
A handwritten note inside this book marks it as a gift from
Santa Claus December 25, 1901. Its cover features a rare
illustration of a child actually reading a book, and reveals that
it contains a collection of stories that a child might enjoy
hearing read aloud, and some that he might read by himself.

christmas books // 149

A rou n d t h e W o r l d w i t h S a n ta C l au s

Illustrated by R.Andr
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1891
Reflecting a pervasive late-nineteenth-century interest in the
exotic, each page of this book illustrates holiday celebrations in
countries around the globe, while retaining key elements associated with American ChristmasSanta Claus, presents, and
childhood delight. Whether in cold or tropical countries, Santa
wears his iconic fur-trimmed suit. He does change his means of
transportation, however, riding atop a camel in the desert of the
Middle East, for example, instead of in a reindeer-drawn sleigh.

150 // twas the night before

S a n ta C l au s a n d H i s Wo r k s

Written by George P. Webster

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
Copyright 1897
By the end of the nineteenth century, young readers did not
require the authors explanatory introduction to know that
Santa Claus, Christmas, and toys had become bound together.
A moral element was brought into this story with the description that Santa Claus works and he whistles the moment away.
For he knows that in labor is happiness found. Although illustrations for many childrens books depicted Santa Claus visiting
prosperous middle-class homes, this book notes that, He looks
in the houses of the rich and the poor, Of those who have
plenty, and those who endure.

152 // twas the night before

V i s i t o f S t. N i c h o l a s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1870s90s

christmas books // 153


cau t i o na ry ta l e s f o r t h e n u r s e ry

he moniker Goody Two Shoes today carries with it a ring of con-

tempt for the overly pious, but when the term originated in the eighteenth century as the name of a heroine in a John Newbery story it was a
label of praise.The subtitle of Newberys Goody Two Shoes reveals both the
plot and moral of his story:
Otherwise called, Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes. With the Means by which she
acquired her Learning and Wisdom, and in consequence thereof her
Estate; set forth at large for the Benefit of those, Who from a State of Rags
and Care, And having Shoes but half a Pair; Their Fortune and their
Fame would fix,And gallop in a Coach and Six.
Little Margerys good spirits and virtuous conduct in coming to terms
with sudden poverty, learning to read, and teaching other impoverished
children to love learning set the tone for many nineteenth-century
American childrens stories.
The moral tone of childrens books was also influenced by the theories of philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, who theorized that children
were imbued with an innate love of virtue, which, if fostered as they
grew, would mature into a genuine obedience, love of nature, and love of
reason. Whether through plot or subtext, such stories feature proper girls
and boys who are well-behaved in school and church, share their toys
and sweets, cheerfully do their chores, and always obey their elders.
Although these prim children stretch the bounds of credulity today, they

156 // virtue and vice

M a ry G o o d c h i l d

Dame Wonders Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1860s
Even well-mannered young girls must
be warned of the perils that await them
in the shops on Broadway, for going
a shopping is a favorite pastime for
young Misses, and is often apt to learn
them to be too fond of dress. Readers

were considered appropriate role models for young, middle-class readers

who needed to learn the rules of decorum demanded by their world.

were encouraged to adopt worthier

leisure pursuits such as needlework
and drawing instead.

More engaging and humorous, if also somewhat frightening, were

the cautionary tales that explicated (often in gruesome detail) the horrify-

page 154

ing fates that would befall boys and girls who sucked their thumbs,

G o o dy T wo S h o e s

refused to obey their parents, ate too many cakes, or captured baby
birdsa nadir of wicked behavior. Other stories employed graphic words
and pictures to teach important survival lessons; their depictions of children being consumed by flames after playing with candles portrayed a

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1898
This short version of the mideighteenth-century English classic

very real and horrifying danger in an era of candlelight, oil lamps, and

retains the colorfully named main

open hearths.

characters that feature in Margerys

Many of these tales may be traced directly or indirectly to a collection

of mid-nineteenth-century German stories featuring a little boy named

story: Farmer Meanwell, the heroines

father who loses his livelihood and
savings at the hands of the lazy and

Peter who refuses to wash his hands and face or comb his unruly hair,

wicked landowner Sir Thomas Gripe;

earning him the nickname Strewwelpeter, translated variously as Shock-

and his overseer, the equally avaricious

headed Peter or Little Slovenly Peter. Written in verse and illustrated by

and covetous Farmer Graspall. Mar-

Heinrich Hoffmann as a Christmas present for his young son, the stories

gerys travails are radically compressed

about Cruel Frederick, Fidgety Philip, Little Suck-a-Thumb (who loses the

in this American version of the story,

but her kindness and diligence are

offending digit to great big scissors), and others like them were published

rewarded with spiritual and worldly

in Germany in 1848 and were soon translated for an American audience.

comforts, as they are in the original.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 157

K i n g G o b b l e s F e a s t, o r
T h e Fata l E f f e c t s o f P r i d e

Dame Dingles Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1869
Illustrating the biblical proverb that
pride goeth before a fall, a turkey,
proud of his magnificent array of tailfeathers, falls prey to a shotgun. Geese,
pigeons, and other birds around the
farm take note and avoid his fate on
the dining table.

McLoughlin Brothers and other publishers adopted the unruly characters

for a series of books bearing Peters name. Their plots and characters
remained more or less true to their antecedents, if occasionally losing
some of their charm from the overlay of puritanical severity.
Despite the popularity of these stories, their sinister view of children
was at odds with much nineteenth-century thinking. Physicians and other
childrearing advisers counseled a softer, though still firm, approach to
raising virtuous, well-mannered children. Nevertheless, whether through
positive or negative reinforcement or role modeling, all of these stories
reinforced the code of social conduct that children were expected to internalize as adults. They offer a revealing glimpse not only into methods of
childrearing but also the ideals and aspirations of American parents.
The genre of moral tales was embraced by John McLoughlin, whose
sons John, Jr. and Edmund formed the McLoughlin Brothers partnership
in the 1850s. His successful start in the publishing world began with the
printing of small religious tracts for adults and children. The firm maintained this line of business throughout the nineteenth century, offering
titles such as Half Hours with the Bible and Illuminated Texts for Sunday
School Rewards, sometimes for as little as three cents each.

158 // virtue and vice

above left

above right

T h e L i t t l e D ru m m e r

Da m e Wo n d e r s H i s t o ry o f t h e S a i l o r B oy

Dame Wonders Picture Books

Published by John McLoughlin, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1850s

ca. 1860s

Readers of this rags to riches tale of virtue rewarded follow

Published around the end of the Civil War, The Little Drummer

Poor Jack from an impoverished childhood working on the

trades on the magnetic lure of the military for boys. Boys as

docks into a successful career in the Navy.

young as twelve years old volunteered to serve with the Union

and Confederate armies as soon as war broke out.The youngest


were musicians, sounding calls on their drums, bugles, and

O l d Da m e T ro t a n d H e r C o m i ca l Cat

fifes; they also witnessed the horrors of battle as they assisted

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

with the dead and wounded. Undaunted, the hero of this story

Copyright 1905

proclaims,And should another war break out,Will bravely fight

for home and kin.

Old Dame Trot probably predates Old Mother Hubbard, but she
never gained that characters widespread following. Here, the
storytellers cat assumes the role of the child reader and learns
that pride and vanity are conditions to be shunned: Dear Puss,
said Dame Trot, tis the love of fine clothes,/ That brings on good
people one half of their woes,/And sooner or later youre certain to
find / That pride has a fall of the very worst kind.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 161

E m m a , M a ry,
a n d O t h e r Ta l e s

Willie Winkies Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Childhood fun and peril alternate on
the pages of this book of short stories.
George and Lucy run and play as a
reward for quiet time at home, while
an imprudent child pays the price for
playing with fire.
E a r ly Ca r e s

Little Pleasure Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
Copyright 1895
Although the girls that populate this
books pages exhibit model behavior,
they are also clearly humanno longer
the prim and priggish characters of
earlier childrens stories.
Home Kindness:
A Pict ure Gift Book
for the Children

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
ca. 1890s
As eighteenth-century views of children as depraved beings yielded to
concepts of childhood innocence, pictures of children also became more
sentimental. In this book, short verses
and pictures of sweet-faced children
illustrate the bonds of affection among
family members.

162 // virtue and vice

The Three Good Friends

Familiar Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1870s

cautionary tales for the nursery // 163

164 // virtue and vice



A dv e n t u r e s o f T h r e e L i t t l e C row s

L i t t l e S u c k-a- T h u m b

Cinderella Series

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

ca. 1870s

New York

In this story about a family of crows, Dick is the sensible, good

ca. 1860s70s

child,while Bill is the wicked one. Caught taking food that was

Ruined clothes and broken bones will befall the banister-sliding

not his, Bill is shot and killed. Charley, the third brother, likes fun

Jimmy Sliderlegsthe central character of the second story in

and mischief, but learns through his brothers mistake never to

this book.

steal while searching for food. The picture of Bill on his deathbed in the familys nest serves as a reminder not only of the consequences of criminal behavior but also of the reality of death.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 165

cautionary tales for the nursery // 167

F r e a k s a n d F ro l i c s
o f L i t t l e B oys

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York
Copyright 1887
This collection of stories about the bad
behavior of little boys (aptly named
Teasing Tom, Gunpowder Jim, Climbing Will, and Lazy Sam) carries on the
tradition of Little Slovenly Peter but
allows a greater latitude for acceptable
behavior; by the late 1880s, the notion
that boys will be boys had gained
some currency. Here, for instance, the
antics related in Monkey Tricks occasion only the wry observation,everybody said such boys as Ben were nicest
when securely tucked in bed.
Girls are pictured here as well, quietly amusing themselves with books
and having their pigtails tied to the
backs of chairs.They became the subject of their own Freaks and Frolics,
described by McLoughlin Brothers as
picturing little girls in all manner of
sports and showing the mishaps that
befall those who are careless.

168 // virtue and vice

cautionary tales for the nursery // 169

L i t t l e Jac o b a n d
H ow H e B e ca m e Fat

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1860s70s
Readers of Little Jacob and How He
Became Fat are advised, Be this story
true or false, Sure gluttonys a sin.
Jacob, a skinny little boy, is encouraged
to eat heartily by well-meaning parents, eventually growing so fat that he
bursts into two.
Sammy TickleTooth

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
Sammy has a sweet tooth and secretly
eats so much cake batter that the
expanding ingredients make him blow
up like a balloon. Similarly, the central
characters of Tom The Thief, The Dirty
Child, and Carry and the Candle each
suffer the unique consequences of their
bad deeds.
Tom the Thief

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1860s70s
Ca r ry a n d t h e Ca n d l e

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
30 Beekman Street, New York
ca. 1860s
T h e D i rt y C h i l d

Little Slovenly Peter Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,
New York
ca. 1860s

170 // virtue and vice

above left
Jemmy String

Fathers Series
Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s70s
Jemmy String neglects to tie his shoelaces,with predictable results.
above right
S u l ky M a ry a n d O t h e r Ta l e s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1860s
G r e e dy G e o r g e

Aunt Marys Little Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1850s60s
Candy is Greedy Georges constant companion, rendering him
unable to run and skip and jump as you can, and when the
other boys play marbles and leap frog, he has to look on, because
he is too fat to stoop down and when he attempts to run, he puffs
and blows like a steam engine. The story concludes,Be temperate in eating as well as drinking, for both lead to ruin.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 171

T h e S t o ry o f t h e S p o i l e d F ro c k

Aunt Oddamadodds Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s70s

172 // virtue and vice

top left and right

I n d u s t r i ou s B oy

Young America Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s
middle left and right
T h e N o i sy B oy

Young America Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s
bottom and opposite
D i s o r d e r ly G i r l

Young America Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s

174 // virtue and vice

Nau g h t y P u p p i e s

Little Peasewells Series

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York
ca. 1860s
Punishment follows folks who play tricks, including puppies
who fight with the turkey, scare the hens, chase the cat, and
make a mess. Papa is a grave, respectable dog, faithful and full
of affection. Charged with keeping the farmyard safe, he dutifully punishes his young offspring by withholding dinner for
three days, in an effort to teach them to mend their ways.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 175

Wat t s S o n g s Ag a i n s t E v i l :
Wat t s D i v i n e a n d M o r a l S o n g s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers, New York

ca. 1870s
The work of the prolific British hymnist Isaac Watts (16741748)
was widely published in the United States, and many of his
hymns were especially favored by colonial- and revolutionaryera Americans.Writing about the value of music and verse in the
education of children,Watts observed,There is a great delight
in the very learning of truths and duties this way.There is something so amusing and entertaining in rhymes and metre that will
incline children to make this part of their business a diversion.
McLoughlin Brothers followed suit, offering its Songs Against
Evil well over a century after Watts 1715 publication of Divine
Songs Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children.

cautionary tales for the nursery // 177



T h e S t o ry o f

Nau g h t y G i r l s a n d B oy s M ag i c

Rich Mrs. Duck

T r a n s f o r m at i o n s

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

Published by McLoughlin Brothers,

New York

New York

Copyright 1899

ca. 1870s

Gluttony kills the wealthy and finely attired Mrs. Duck, despite

Transformations here signals a double entendre: as the young

Dr. Drakes efforts to treat her aches and pains. Her tombstone

reader turns the pages, characters such as Greedy Kate, Monkey

serves as a reminder to little ducks and young readers about the

Boy, and Cat Girl are transformed as punishment for their bad

likely outcome of overindulging.

conduct. Polly Patter, who did nothing but chatter, sprouts

feathers and claws A punishment to those who wag their
tongue too loud and free! Here, sneaking a few puffs on his
first segar brings tears to the eyes of a little boy, and soon up
his dinner comes.


The American Antiquarian Society. http://www.americanantiquarian.org.

Avery, Gillian. Behold the Child: American Children and Their Books, 16211922. Baltimore,
Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Child, Lydia Maria. The Mothers Book. Boston: Carter & Hendee, 1831; reprinted
Cambridge, Mass.: Applewood Books, 1989.
Crain, Patricia. The Story of A: The Alphabetization of America from the New England Primer
to the Scarlet Letter. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000.
Heininger, Mary Lynn Stevens. A Century of Childhood 18201920. Rochester, New York:
Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum, 1984.
. At Home with a Book: Reading in America 18401940. Rochester, New York: Margaret
Woodbury Strong Museum, 1986.
Hofer, Margaret K. The Games We Played: The Golden Age of Board & Table Games. New York:
Princeton Architectural Press, 2003.
Larcom, Lucy. A New-England Girlhood: Outlined from Memory, 1889. Boston and New
York: Houghton, Mifflin Company.
McLoughlin Brothers. Catalogue of paper, linen and indestructible toy books, half-bound and
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. One Hundred Years of Childrens Books: And a Presentation of Modern Style Trends in
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Nissenbaum, Stephen. The Battle for Christmas. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996.
Pierpont Morgan Library. Early Childrens Books and Their Illustration. Boston: D. R.
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Opie, Iona and Peter Opie. The Classic Fairy Tales. London: Oxford University Press, 1974;
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. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952. 2nd ed.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
The University of Mississippi. McLoughlin Brothers Papers at the de Grummond
Childrens Literature Collection. http://www.lib.usm.edu.

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