Qcs 2010 Part 10.02 Telemetry-SCADA
Qcs 2010 Part 10.02 Telemetry-SCADA
Qcs 2010 Part 10.02 Telemetry-SCADA
Section 10
Part 2
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TELEMETRY/SCADA .................................................................................... 3
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 3
Quality Assurance
Delivery, Storage and Handling
Site Conditions
DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 5
Pre-Design Documentation
Hardware Design
Software Design
System Security
Operator Interface
Visual Display Unit (VDU)
Logging / Alarm / Report Printers - Continuous Feed
Colour Printers
Monochrome Printers (Laser)
Audible Alarm
Data Storage
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System
Display Facilities
Monitoring and Alarms
Equipment Control
Data Archiving
VDU Mimic Displays
Tabular Representation of Data
Trend Displays
Manual Data Entry
Manually Corrected Data
Point Record
Data Manipulation
Database Query Facilities
Downloading PLC Configuration
Access Levels
Control Loop and Sequence Programming
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Future Expansion
RTU Hardware
RTU Software
PLC Hardware
Input Modules
Output Modules
PLC Software
Communication Standards
Control Room Data Highway
Leased lines or PSTN
Radio Path Profiles
Radio Transmitters/Receivers
Base Station Radio Transmitter/Receivers
Aerials and Aerial Structures
Fibre Optic Network
INPUTS/OUTPUTS...................................................................................... 22
Analogue Inputs
Digital Outputs
Analogue Outputs
RTD Input
Thermocouple Input
Pulse Input
2.11.1 General
2.11.2 Test Plan
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 27
2.12.1 Tools
2.12.2 Training for Owners Personnel
2.12.3 Site Inspection and Testing
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2.10.1 General
2.10.2 Mosaic Tile
2.10.3 Projection
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This Part includes the hardware manufacture, system software, factory testing, installation,
site testing and training of Owners personnel in Telemetry/SCADA.
Functional Design Specification (FDS). FDS shall be submitted to the Engineer and
approved before manufacture and purchasing commences. The ICA Subcontractor shall
include the following information as a minimum :
Drawings and Documentation. All drawings of telemetry and ICA equipment shall be on A3
or A4 size sheets with title blocks approved by the Engineer. The signature of the
Contractors authorised representative shall appear on each drawing to indicate the drawing
has been checked prior to submission.
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This Section
Part 1, General
Part 4, Panel Mounted and Miscellaneous Field Instruments
Part 5, Panels and Control Room Hardware
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Subcontractors Drawings. The ICA Subcontractor shall submit four (4) reproducible copies
plus two photocopies of general and detailed dimensioned arrangement drawings,
schematics and wiring diagrams of all major items of equipment for the Engineers approval.
Manufacture of an item of equipment shall not commence until the associated drawings have
been approved in writing by the Engineer. All modifications or revisions to drawings shall be
clearly indicated and the revision reference changed. Drawings affecting work by other
disciplines shall be provided to the Engineer within 6 weeks from the date of placing of the
order for the works. Drawings for electrical equipment shall include:
Where modifications to existing systems are involved, the Contractor shall modify existing
drawings to show the modifications. If suitable existing drawings are not available the
Contractor shall provide drawings showing the modifications.
Instruction Manuals. Comply with Part 1 of this Section and provide the following additional
(a) configuration of data base, reports, logs and screen displays
(b) data communication interface standards and protocols.
The submittal shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit the
final documentation based on the Engineers comments. The Engineers comments/approval
shall be issued to the Contractor within 21 calendar days of the submittal.
Quality Assurance
All hardware and software proposed shall have been successfully proven in a similar
wastewater application for a period of at least three years, and be from established and
reputable suppliers. A single hardware vendor for each functional component of the system
shall be used exclusively on a given site. If this is not possible full compatibility shall be
Upgrades and improvements to the manufacturers standard system that are released before
the expiration of the warranty period shall be supplied, installed and commissioned at no
additional cost. These shall include all hardware and software necessary to implement the
The Contractor shall arrange for the delivery to Site, off loading, temporary storage in a
suitable environment.
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Contractors general arrangement drawings for all items showing clearly the position of
all cable glands and main components including, where appropriate, foundation plans
showing the position of all required holes and cutouts
manufacturers schematic diagrams and connection diagrams for all items showing all
internal wiring and terminal connections suitably referenced. Connection diagrams
shall include existing and proposed outgoing cable connections
general layout of equipment showing cable routing
block diagram showing all equipment, cable runs and cable reference numbers
cable schedules giving full details of use, destinations, size and number of conductors,
grade and class
layout of grounding facilities
proposed arrangements for cables laid below and above ground showing identification
references, voltage, depth of laying or cable rack size , route and length, crossings with
other services, location of any joints and position of ducts with cross Sectional
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Site Conditions
Generated Interference. The Contractor shall ensure that the computer, instrumentation and
communications equipment conforms to BS EN 50081-1 for noise emissions.
Sequencing. The Contractor shall make applications to Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL) for provision
of communications and Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (QGEWC) for power
supply services. Applications shall be made in time`qw to ensure services are available for
installation and commissioning of the telemetry equipment.
Coordination. The Contractor shall check with other trades to ensure equipment and material
can be installed in space provided. Provide other trades with information necessary for them
to execute their work. Details on Drawings which are specific regarding dimensions and
locations, are for information purposes. Coordinate with other trades to ensure work can be
installed as indicated.
The Contractor, the Engineer and any appropriate personnel of the Owner shall be present
when the equipment or installation is commissioned.
Commissioning shall include operating the equipment in a variety of modes and sequences to
prove its satisfactory operation, prior to initialising the formal site inspection and testing.
Pre-Design Documentation
Hardware Design
PLCs shall be installed at strategic locations throughout the plant areas to make optimal use
of the LAN and to minimize hardwiring of I/Os. Man machine interfaces (MMIs) shall be
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strategically located and installed within each nominated process area. These installations
shall form the nodes of a supervisory and distributed control and monitoring system.
PLC nodes and MMI nodes shall be connected via the selected PLC/network communication
system to form a Local Area Network (LAN) for the site.
Loss of the communication shall not impact on the internal control strategy.
All system shall be capable of redundant communication. The failure of either of these links
shall not result in loss of system communication functionality and response. The failure shall
cause an alarm to the operator and to remote monitoring systems where required.
Plant areas and functional groups shall not be split across PLCs unless reliability benefits are
demonstrated. Any PLCs failure shall not interfere with more than a maximum of one plant
Investigation of the surrounding environment (physical and other hardware components) shall
be conducted for all hardware components to optimize components selection and location for
the site.
For retrofit installations, PLCs used to replace conventional hard-wired process system
control/starter controls shall be compatible to existing SCADA system and standards.
Software Design
PLCs software shall support higher-level languages such as ladder logic or any other
language (Function Block concept etc) and should comply with the intent of relevant British
Standard and International Standards.
Machine coded program segment shall not be offered nor accepted as solutions for control
Application software shall be selected from packages with ample support and market base,
proven in the industrial field to which it is applied. They shall have adequate local resources
for support and program development. Provision for automatic upgrade from the delivered
versions and future versions of software for a period of up to five years after delivery, shall be
included in the base contract.
Application software shall provide information in a clear and simple manner, at both summary
and details levels. This information shall include plant operational status, and the ability to
adjust and optimize readily start/stop or isolate the plant processes or individual items of
equipment. The specific control actions required shall be as described in the functional
The system shall have provisions for an operator to intervene or select alternative predefined
control strategies.
The software shall allow data exchange and have software to allow external application
software developers to add-on to the functionality of the software.
The system shall be capable of providing additional parts for communication with the
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No degradation of the plant SCADA system response times shall occur because of overhead
imposed on the SCADA operating system as a result of these interfaces.
System Security
All access to the system shall be via password for operator access control functions and
system configuration. A minimum of two-step multi-level security shall be used. An
automatic timed log-out shall be provided.
An automatic timed log-out shall be provided. Timing configuration for the log-out shall be
adjustable and determinable by the sites needs.
External access to the system shall be secured in such methods as dial-back and encryption.
All disk used in the system shall have scanned (including the data) labels and shall have virus
protection maintenance schedules.
The SCADA software shall provide for Console Mode Assignment features, giving the plant
operational team the ability to limit the use of the MMIs to specific levels of control and
monitoring as required.
Operator Interface
Number and location of MMIs and input devices such as touch screens or keyboards shall be
determined depending on plant production needs. Full control and monitoring capability shall
be available at each screen.
There shall be no single point of failure, i.e. the failure of one screen or its associated
hardware will not compromise the integrity of other MMIs.
The failure of any one screen or its associated hardware shall not compromise the integrity of
other MMIs.
For services plants a minimum one printer shall be provided for alarms/operators actions.
The use of the printer shall be minimized and all alarms and operator records shall be
electronically stored and shall be periodically (and as required) printed in reporting format.
An additional printer shall be provided as required to satisfy report generation needs. At least
one colour printer shall be provided for serviced sites.
MMIs shall provide a focus for such activities as alarm reports generation, events logging and
the archiving of historical data. Where it can be justified operationally, remote MMI may also
be installed in area equipment rooms for the control of adjacent systems and plant items.
Where the MMI is used in an office environment, it shall be capable of generating business
reports using commonly used packages and shall have access to printer via LAN.
For plants with permanent staffing besides MMI, a programming console shall be provide for
on-line system modifications and maintenance without disruptions to production activities.
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For unattended (remote) plants provisions shall be made for the connection of a portable
programming console and printing facility.
The system shall be designed so that data input shall be collected/entered only once and
shall be accessible for various business reports. It shall also be capable of sharing this data
with external computing systems as required, to provide the necessary plant information to
other applications in an accurate and timely manner.
The Plant operator/Management shall be able to access the plant from remote sites through
dial-up or secured Internet laptop MMI. Critical alarms shall be reported to the central control
room as required for any emergency response during after hours.
A standard library of interface screens, graphics, symbols and colours shall be utilized to
create uniformity between systems. This shall be in accordance with BS 1646, BS EN 60073
unless otherwise stated in the contract documents.
The system shall support hardware and software interconnectivity to Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs) over RS 232/RS485 serial link or Ethernet over fibre/copper media using
appropriate protocols, or similar, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
The memory capacity supplied shall be sized to accommodate an increase in inputs, outputs
or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) of up to 50% of the original specified without
replacement of the memory unit. Further memory expansion shall be possible. The
Contractor shall state the maximum memory capacity that may be fitted.
The master station shall be supplied with dual redundant computer equipment and suitable
software to ensure high system availability and to prevent loss of operational data.
Visual Display Units (VDUs) shall be 21 inch colour monitor screens unless otherwise stated,
capable of displaying information in alphanumeric, bar histogram, graphical. Monitors shall
simultaneously display a minimum of 16 bit true colours, non - interlaced, low radiation, flat
screen with no discernible flicker. Display of characters shall be legible and stable on a
shadow mask tube, having a resolution of not less that 1024 by 768 pixels and a refresh rate
of not less than 70 Hz. The units shall include all the necessary picture controls to adjust the
sharpness, contrast and position of the image. The VDU shall have non-volatile memory of
2MB minimum. The VDU shall be industrial type, mounted on the MCC.
Control room VDUs shall be 21 inch and VDUs at other locations, 17 inch.
VDUs shall be fitted with a power management system to reduce consumption upon
detection of a stand-by signal from the PC.
The master station keyboards shall be of an enhanced pattern personal computer (PC)
keyboard, separate from the VDU, low profile and have non-reflecting surfaces and keys of
low intensity to minimise unwanted reflections.
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Printers used for logging of system wide events and alarms shall comply with the following:(a)
print speed
print quality
paper feed
paper width
print pitch
print width
character set
noise level
Colour Printers
Laser printers shall be used for the production of colour screen dumps and reports and shall
have a sufficiently sized buffer memory such that system performance will not be degraded
when the colour printer is operational and comply with the following:
print speed
print speed
paper feed
paper width :
resolution :
Audible Alarm
An audible alarm located on the control desk, shall be provided which is initiated by any fault
condition arising and silenced on operator acceptance of all fault conditions. An alarm mute
function shall be provided to silence the audible alarm without accepting any fault conditions.
It shall be possible to enable/disable this audible alarm only at the highest system access
Data Storage
Provide a historical data storage system with removable media for archive and backup.
The data storage system shall store alarms and events, with the time of occurrence for one
month and selected analogue signals connected to the system. All alarms and events shall
be archived in a first in first out buffer, for a period of 40 days.
A high speed back up device with removable media, such as streaming tape cartridge or
optical disk, shall be provided for each server, suitable for backing up the whole system on a
weekly basis.
Data selected for archive shall be written to removable media which shall be sized to support
at least 180 days worth of archive data.
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The Contractor shall supply a UPS system with sufficient capacity to maintain power to the
computer equipment, its peripherals and process critical instrumentation during a mains
power failure for a minimum period of 8 hours.
In the event of power failure, the master central system shall be supported by the UPS.
The central system equipment shall be programmed to degrade gracefully once UPS power
is exhausted or execute a shutdown routine after a preset time from the original mains failure.
The UPS systems shall be monitored by the SCADA and a fault in the UPS system shall be
accorded the highest priority alarm status.
The FDS shall detail modes of failure and process shutdowns and itemise signals to be
supported by UPS.
Power distribution from the UPS in the control room area shall be via protected sockets, the
design of which will be such as to prevent inadvertent connections of non-system hardware.
The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying complete software packages to enable the
equipment to operate as stated in this specification. Provision must be made for the adding of
further software tasks as and when required. All software functions shall be user friendly with
instruction and messages to aid the operator. The Contractor shall make available all
standard software functions even if not specifically detailed in the specification.
The computers shall utilise a real time multi-tasking and networked operating system with a
proven track record in real time control applications.
It is a requirement that the system be supported by on line configuration and editing of all
VDU mimic displays and database and to create new displays and additional database.
The system shall be capable of supporting the allocation of equipment groups into zones and
these zones may be allocated for the attention of Particular operator workstations (OWs).
Operational mimics and other graphics shall be presented in an industry standard graphical
user interface (GUI) format. A minimum of two active windows should be displayable
concurrently. Both text and graphics shall resize automatically to accommodate changes
made to the size of a window. The system shall be designed to minimise the operators use
of the keyboard. All major functions shall be accessible on-screen through use of the mouse
or track ball.
VDU mimics will display dynamic colour details of flow rates and pressures, pump status, well
levels, alarms, electrical power supplies and other general equipment status conditions. All
requests and commands shall be via icons, whether menu linked or linked to equipment
control actions. A permanent dynamic alarm banner shall be displayed at the bottom or top of
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each operator screen. Each control action will be routed through a series of confirmation
The complete system database shall be available to each master-station OW offering
preconfigured reports per process area. These reports shall be available for printing in graph
or tabular format. Dynamic trend displays shall also be available for all analogue flow, level
and pressure values. Custom, as well as preconfigured reports and trends shall be available
to a higher level of entry. A colour A4 size screen dump printer shall be provided for graph
and trend prints.
An operator help utility shall be provided offering help linked to the particular action being
carried out by the operator at that time. At least one help screen per screen page shall be
available. This facility shall be preconfigured with an option for updating by operators via a
password entry. Typical information available shall consist of guides of actions to take under
Particular equipment conditions, general process information and help in operating the
telemetry system itself.
Provide a software watchdog timer function connected to one set of normally closed relay
contacts which are held open whilst the watchdog is healthy.
Display Facilities
The displays shall be user configurable, with the user being able to construct any desired
symbol for display. Any display shall appear (excluding historical recall) within 3 to 5 s of
selection and the displayed data shall be updated from the database as information is
recovered from the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Alarms shall typically appear
within 3 to 5 s of occurrence and within 1 s of being received into the central system
The Contractor shall configure all display pages as fully as possible. However, facility must be
incorporated to permit easy construction and modification of the display pages by using a
standard library of shapes and symbols. The library shall be added to and modified by the
user as required. The configuration shall be object orientated for ease of use.
The initial application software shall provide for the display pages listed below and any pages
necessary for the system to function as a complete entity.
mimic displays
alphanumeric configuration pages for the complete I/O and PLCs
graphic displays
trend displays
process alarms with tag, date time and cause
event logs of past 72 h with date and time
tabular display of data
inset windows showing an analogue trends may be mixed with mimic displays. In such
a display the main mimic and inset trend shall all be live with automatic display
network status and configuration.
main power supplies status.
system alarms with equipment identity, date and time.
Indexing of information and menus shall be presented in the form of active windows on the
screen while the mimics etc. are still available for view.
No display or function shall effect the logging/monitoring of data. It shall be possible for the
master station terminal and auxiliary terminals to perform different tasks within the displays
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The operator shall be able to monitor all of the information at all workstations. He shall be
able to view active equipment information on a series of VDU based graphical and tabular
In the event of an equipment alarm, the following shall occur at the master station:
alarm message displayed in the alarm message area of the screen
the audible alarm shall sound
the appropriate Section of the display page shall change colour and flash
a full message shall be written on the alarm page
the full alarm message shall be printed on the alarm printer
the full alarm message shall be recorded, stored on disk and automatically archived.
The operator should be able to acknowledge the alarm by pressing an accept alarm key or
icon. This action shall stop all associated alarm messages and displays flashing, however
the display shall remain in the alarm state fixed colour to indicate an accepted alarm. When
all outstanding alarms have been acknowledged the audible alarm shall be silenced.
Once the alarm has cleared, the messages and displays shall return to normal. The alarm
message shall stay recorded on the event/alarm log and an alarm cleared message shall
also be recorded.
If the alarm clears before being acknowledged the sequence of events shall continue as
above except the message shall change to indicate a cleared alarm.
An audible alarm silence function shall be provided to enable an operator to silence the
audible alarm without acknowledging all alarms. On occurrence of any subsequent alarm the
audible alarm shall sound.
For multiple bit points (where two or more inputs are combined to function as one point) the
assignment of status/alarm levels shall be on the combined signals.
Each signal within the configured system shall be capable of being assigned an alarm based
on the following:
(a) four levels per analogue (Lo Lo, Hi Hi, Lo and Hi)
(b) rate of change
(c) deviation from setpoint or other control parameter
A minimum of four alarm priorities shall be provided so that those requiring immediate
attention may be separated from alarms of lower priority. An audible alarm shall sound for
alarms requiring operator action. It shall be possible to acknowledge alarms from any
operator station provided the operator is logged on to an approved access level.
critical alarm
non critical alarm
The alarm software shall produce an alarm summary which will show all currently active
alarms in priority and chronological order.
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Equipment Control
The system shall support a high security equipment control facility and employ revertive
checking of control outputs based on a select, checkback and execute philosophy of
operation. Any command entered at any OW shall complete its action within 2 s.
Command execution performance time excludes the time for call set-up on PSTN and
assumes no transmission errors or re-transmission of data occurs.
Data Archiving
Continuous process (analogue) data, digital event states, alarms and operator actions shall
be archived to a removable media system. The archive media shall be sized to store logged
analogue data, at a maximum sample rate of 15 min for a period of 15 months. Data
recording shall be on dual media. The archive system shall generate an alarm when a file is
90 % full.
Analogues will be stored at a rate selected by the operator in the range 1 second to 1 hour.
The operator shall have the facility to select the way in which an analogue is stored. The
system will provide any combination of the following:
(a) instantaneous value
(b) average value
(c) maximum value
(d) minimum value
(e) not stored.
Maximum, minimum and average values shall be calculated over a period set by the operator
in the range 15 min to 24 h, the default shall be 1 h.
The logging of new data and reception of alarms must be carried out at the same time as the
operator is viewing archived data. Any alarms received must be displayed as an overlay on
the visual display unit.
The Contractor shall configure all the mimics to provide total detailed coverage of the
monitoring and control of equipment as detailed in this specification. It is expected that
display modifications will be required in the future and therefore the ability to change the
displays without programming skills is essential.
Instrumentation shall be displayed using ISO standard symbols. For mimic configuration, it
shall be possible to call up a library of standard symbols representing items (e.g. pumps,
valves) and add new symbols to the library. Building mimics shall be simple and be achieved
by using a mouse or tracker ball pointing device. The mimic displays shall consist of the
following pages:
a general diagram covering the whole of the system on a single screen with key data
a general block diagram for each site or area of Site showing the equipment displayed
on a series of single screens with key data
mimic of the equipment and instrumentation connected to each PLC displayed on as
many screens as necessary.
It shall be possible to put any data into a tabular format, with the data entered in row or
columns. The user shall be able to add headings to any of the rows or columns and store the
table as a blank for later use.
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Trend Displays
It shall be possible to plot dynamically updated real time data and archived data on a line
graph to represent analogue or digital information. Each graph shall be capable of displaying
8 plots overlaid on a graph of different colours and line texture. Next to the graph, there shall
be a key relating each colour to its function. The horizontal axis shall be time based and user
selectable in minutes, hours, days, weeks, for example, together with a start time.
The vertical axis shall be scaled as a percentage of range and be displayed in the colour of
the selected reading. To avoid cluttering, the vertical axis scale shall be changed by selecting
the individual display. The vertical axis shall be automatically scaled for each selected point
between limits entered by the user. Actual values in engineering units shall be displayed by
positioning a cursor at the desired point of the trend graph.
The system shall be provided with facility for entering data manually via the keyboard. This
data will fall into two types.
constants which will be changed infrequently. This data may have time and date
associated with it
maintenance related comments.
The system shall allow a person with authorised access to manually correct erroneous data
via the keyboard.
There shall be a real time spreadsheet facility supplied and installed by the Contractor in the
master station. The users shall be able to transfer data from either the archive system or live
data to the spreadsheet. The user shall be able to produce daily, weekly, monthly and annual
reports using any data and a mixture of formats (tables, graphs, summaries, spreadsheets).
Typical reports would be:
power consumption
total flows
failures of equipment
maintenance schedules.
It shall be possible to configure and store blank templates for later use. Facilities for editing
stored templates shall also be provided.
Point Record
Each input shall have a record covering every characteristic of the input. This data shall be
automatically sent to the appropriate locations when the user has completed entering or
modifying data into the record. The Contractor shall compile all input records as indicated in
the input/output schedules, plus any other I/O to enable the complete and optimum
monitoring and control of the equipment. The user shall be able to modify, amend or create
new records. The Contractor shall ensure all possible characteristics are included in the
record including the following:
point identity
point description
point type
point state
point range
point units
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From an average, typical or manually entered plot, it shall be possible to set an exception
profile whereby readings within an upper and lower level are acceptable. Profiles shall be set
graphically via OW. The user may select for the system to alarm if the reading is outside the
profile and highlight such exceptions as Part of a report and so reduce the need to examine
all data to ensure acceptability. The number of exceptions shall be logged.
Data Manipulation
It shall be possible to perform simple mathematical functions on any data, including the
following functions:
(a) addition
(b) subtraction
(c) multiplication
(d) division
(e) square root
It shall be possible to log, display or use in a control loop the resultant data.
The system shall support the use of database relationships and wild card characters to
provide database query facilities. It shall be possible for applications integration to easily
configure queries and save them for future use. Support of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
or Structured Query Language (SQL), to permit data exchange between the SCADA Master
Station and external applications, including spread sheets and databases.
Data shall be presented in tabular format and contain any combination of fields from the main
system database.
It shall be possible to manipulate the data by specifying search and sort criteria to define data
range limits.
Once a query table has been created it shall be possible to store the configuration and initiate
successive look ups using a point and shoot technique.
It shall be possible to download configuration to the PLCs from the engineers terminal.
The system shall have on-line diagnostic facilities to report system faults as they occur. A set
of off-line diagnostic routines shall be supplied for more extensive fault diagnosis.
Access Levels
The functions available on the system shall be fully flexible so as to allow users access levels
to be customised by the system operator to suit individual user requirements.
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The method of programming will depend upon the Manufacturers system requirements.
However, the following standards shall be followed:
all programs shall be written such that they lend themselves easily to alterations and
good programming practice shall be followed using structured programming
techniques. All programs shall be tidy in format and logical to follow, and shall be
accompanied by flow diagrams. Programs should be extensively annotated with
comments and be self-documenting
the system shall be supplied with programs that use a high level language for the OW.
Program - Documentation
Future Expansion
The system hardware, application software and database shall be sized to accommodate a
total of 10 % increase in signal capacity overall and up to 25 % increase in an individual RTU.
Sufficient plug in modules shall be provided and wired to terminals ready to accept future
signals of up to 10 % or a minimum of one module, for each RTU.
RTU Hardware
Each microprocessor based RTU will be the main device used to control loops in each RTU
process area. Each RTU shall be able to receive analogue and digital inputs from the field,
perform input signal processing and alarm checking, perform algorithms control, and output
to valves and other actuators.
Each RTU controller shall be mounted in an IP65 enclosure and constructed to allow easy
replacement and maintenance of cards.
The RTU shall be suitably protected against exposure to the severe environmental conditions
prevalent in sewerage systems.
The RTU shall be an intelligent device capable of handling data collection, logging, report by
exception, current data retrieval and pump sequence control programs.
Each RTU shall be sized for controlling the specified input/outputs and future expansion.
The RTU shall be of single board construction and as a minimum shall include input/output
16 digital inputs
8 digital outputs
4 analogue inputs
It shall be possible to add one of the following input/output types on a single plug-in module.
16 digital inputs
8 digital outputs
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4 analogue inputs
4 analogue outputs
4 pulse inputs
The program and data held within memory shall remain intact and error free if all external
power is removed from the RTU for a minimum period of two weeks.
The Contractor shall supply batteries for each RTU with sufficient capacity to maintain full
power to the RTU for 8 h, or as designated in the Project Specification, after a power failure.
The UPS system shall be integral to the RTU. The batteries shall be of a sealed maintenance
free type.
All field connections shall be made in terminal strips located for easy access. These terminals
shall be clearly marked and identified. Terminals carrying voltages in excess of 24 V shall be
fully shrouded. All terminals shall be of the flip up isolator type with test points.
A hand held programmer, shall be provided for local display of signals, programming and
fault diagnosis.
RTUs shall be capable of being equipped with RS232/485 links for interconnection to
standalone control systems and standard equipment packages.
(a) connection to other devices will use Modbus ASCII or RTU protocol as standard
(b) details of other protocols available should be included within the tender
RTUs shall be configured such that a single RTU failure will not interrupt or degrade
equipment monitoring and control functions. RTU failure shall be alerted to the operator at
the highest alarm priority.
RTU Software
The RTU shall be capable of processing locally input equipment information before
transmitting it to the master station to reduce transmission overheads.
Total internal scan time interval for all inputs and outputs in an RTU shall not exceed 1 s.
There shall be two pairs of alarm settings for each analogue input, one an alarm warning of a
possible fault, the other warning that the input is outside a valid range of readings.
The RTUs shall have sophisticated in built control facilities to permit control loop
configuration using simple building blocks. These blocks shall sequence control, three term
control and other control routine components as required by the Specification. The RTU shall
be capable of routine signal processing including integration, summation, subtraction and
totalisation of one or more inputs. Control loops shall incorporate deviation and rate of
change alarms, bumpless transfer facility, set point and output high and low limits.
The RTU shall be capable of executing sequential control logic. Programming of sequential
control shall be by means of vendor supplied high level function block language or ladder
diagram format as Part of an integrated package.
The RTUs shall have standalone capability, able to continue monitoring equipment and
executing control loops if the communication link to the master station fails. In the event of
such a failure the RTU shall log all alarms and required analogues until all the total memory is
filled. When the communication link is restored the RTU will automatically upload the logged
data to the data archiving system.
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The RTUs shall have a watchdog function and full self-diagnostics capable of detecting and
reporting faults to the master station and displayed locally.
The Contractor shall program the RTUs fully under this Contract. It shall be possible to
modify the programs remotely by downloading from the engineers terminal.
It shall be possible to initiate a current data retrieval on demand, from the master station,
leaving the original RTU data contents intact for routine up-loading.
PLC Hardware
The PLC system shall comprise of a central processing unit, input/output modules, serial
interface modules and programming units. The PLC shall be of modular construction with
plug in I/O cards and facility to install expansion racks/modules when necessary. The system
shall include 25% spare capacity in hardware and memory for future modifications.
PLCs shall be supplied complete with a laptop programming and diagnostic device plus all
necessary leads and programming software & manuals. When a local Scada computer is
installed and connected to the PLC locally, the PLC programming software is to be installed
in the same computer and the necessary cables/adaptors required for programming are to be
PLCs shall have a minimum of 1 x RS 232 plus 1 x RS 232 /485 ports and 1 Ethernet port.
Compact Version and/or Fixed I/O type PLC shall be considered (physical I/O counts only) at
the discretion of the engineer depending upon the application requirements. The compact
version CPUs specification shall meet all other communication parameters.
PLC control equipment shall be housed in the common controls section of the MCC and shall
be fed by non door interlocked MCCB. A separate signal marshalling section shall be
provided to accommodate all input and output signals to the Control and Telemetry section.
The equipment shall accept status and analogue (4-20mA) signals from both field and panel
mounted instruments. Analogue inputs shall be scanned into a 12 bit binary (minimum)
analogue to digital converter with buffered inputs.
PLC power supply shall be 24Vdc, 110V ac as specified. The equipment shall be maintained
in operation during a period of mains failure drawing power from the battery or UPS system
for a minimum back-up time of 8 hours. The battery/UPS system shall include diagnostic and
automatic self-test routines with volt-free contacts to initiate an alarm in the event of
If required by the particular specification a HMI/Text Display Unit as specified will be provided
as a permanently connected means of accessing set points and timer settings.
The HMI shall be pre-programmed to provide a basic graphical display of the process. Realtime numeric display of process variables and alarm messages shall be available. All process
control functions shall be accessible for the operator from the HMI. The application program
shall be stored in "Non Volatile Memory".
A schematic block diagrams for an overview of the PLC system and general arrangement in
the MCC section indicating the location and proposed placement shall be submitted for
Engineer's review.
The contractor shall ensure while submitting his proposal that the PLC systems selected
provides high availability and high level of integrity.
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PLCs used for controller applications require a minimum built-in redundancy of Power supply
and CPU modules with a hot-backup logic configuration.
Input Modules
Digital input modules shall be 16-point (maximum per Card), 24 VDC, signal source type, with
individual screw terminal connections. Where space restrictions or high-density signal
requirements are apparent 32-point 24VDC digital input modules may be permitted with the
approval of the engineer.
All digital input units shall be capable of accepting, a volt-free contact signal, the source
voltage shall be regulated 24VDC and shall be derived from the PLC panel.
Where the input from an external source is not volt-free then suitable isolation devices shall
be provided in order to prevent cross-connection of different supplies. This device may be
e.g. interposing relay or optical-isolator. For frequencies of operation greater than 30
operations/hours, the use of electromechanical devices shall not be permitted. All
interface/isolation devices shall provide visual indication of Signal State.
All Input modules shall be segregated into groups, which relate to 24VDC supply commons.
Where different supplies are apparent in input connections, these shall be segregated in
accordance with supply common grouping.
Inputs signals from 'DUTY' equipment shall not be allocated to the same input module as
signals from 'STANDBY' equipment performing the same function.
Resolution of the converted analogue current input signal shall be minimum 12 bits binary
All analogue signals shall be updated each scan into a dedicated area of data registers.
The conversion speed for all analogue current input channels shall be within
All digital input modules shall be provided with LED for each point (channel) for testing and
maintenance purposes.
All digital input modulus shall be provided with a dual independent power supply.
Output Modules
Discrete AC output modules shall have separate and independent commons allowing each
group to be used on different voltages.
Discrete AC output where used shall be provided with an RC snubber circuit to protect
against transient electrical noise on the power line.
Discrete AC outputs shall be suitable for controlling a wide range of inductive and resistive
loads by providing a high degree of inrush current (10x the rated current).
Discrete DC output modules shall be available with positive and negative logic characteristics
in compliance with the IEC industry standard.
Discrete DC output modules shall be provided with a maximum of eight output points in two
groups with a common power input terminal per group.
Discrete DC output modules shall be compatible with a wide range of load devices, e.g.
motor starters, valves, and indicators etc.
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The current rating of the relay output shall be capable of supplying the load according to the
The analogue voltage output module shall be capable of converting digital data to analogue
outputs in the range of -10 to +10 volts.
All analogue signals shall be updated each scan into a dedicated area of data registers.
Output signals to 'DUTY' equipment shall not be derived from the same output module as
'STANDBY' equipment performing the same function.
Digital outputs used for AC inductive loads shall be fitted with arc suppression devices as
close to the load as is practicable.
Means shall be provided to allow the disconnection of outputs causing unsafe movements or
actions without removing power from the PLC Processor or inhibiting program execution.
All digital input modules shall be provided with LED for each point (channel) for testing and
maintenance purposes.
All digital input modulus shall be provided with a dual independent power supply.
PLC Software
Standard IEC libraries of Functions and Function Blocks shall be used when writing
application software.
suitable comments;
function description;
symbolic addressing local data areas;
symbolic addressing global data areas;
descriptions of all constants;
list of cross-references.
The PLC shall be suitable to employ minimum two programming devices for development of
application programs, a small hand-held device with back-lit LCD readout and a Software
programming package running on a PLC compatible laptop or desktop computer.
On-line and off-line, CPU and I/O configuration and application program development shall
be achieved with a PLC compatible computer and programming and documentation software.
Both the PC compatible computer and the hand-held programmer shall be connectable to the
PLC via built-in serial communication port. The PLC shall connect to the computer over the
computer's RS 232C serial port for programming.
In addition to the serial communications, the PLC compatible computer shall be connectable
to the PLC via Ethernet TCPIP supporting the SRTP application protocol.
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The programming devices shall have access to the application program, the CPU and I/O
system configurations, all registers, CPU and I/O status, system diagnostic relays, and I/O
over-ride capabilities
Communication Standards
The protocol used shall safeguard against false data transmission, allow for error detection,
recovery, failure detection and initiate switchover the redundant data highway. A diagnostic
routine shall be included to monitor the highway performance. Data protocols and
diagnostics shall be fully documented.
All master station operator workstations and control room hardware shall be linked by a totally
redundant local area network to transfer data between the servers, work stations and serial
line multiplexers. The system shall continuously monitor the performance of both links and
output an alarm on detection of an abnormal condition.
The system shall use the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or leased data circuits to
transfer data between the master station and the RTUs located at remote sites. The
modems used by the master station and the RTUs shall have auto dial, auto answer
capability and be PTT approved.
All radio equipment shall comply with the appropriate local recommendations and shall have
been approved for licensing by the radio frequency allocation authority. Additionally the
equipment shall comply with the most recent edition of the appropriate national and
international standards specifications.
Type approval numbers issued by the national frequency allocation committee in the country
of manufacture shall be supplied, together with CCIR recommendations, national and
international standards, specification and recommendations met by the equipment at this
time of tender.
The radio system shall be of the following type :
: UHF/VHF as allocated by Frequency Allocation Authority
: FM
base mode
: full duplex
outstation mode : two frequency simplex
channel spacing : 12.5 kHz
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The Owner shall provide path profiles and subsequent technical examinations prior to
detailed design of the radio system.
Radio Transmitters/Receivers
Transmitter/receiver radio units shall be single units without standby facilities. These units
shall have sufficient battery back up for the system to function for 8 h in the event of mains
failure. Provision for this may be from the main RTU battery back up supply. The units may
be either wall mounted or incorporated within the RTU enclosure.
Base Station Radio Transmitter/Receivers
Base station transmitter/receiver radio units shall be of a dual main/standby type with auto
changeover of the duty units. The Contractor shall supply within the tender document and
explanation of how this changeover shall be accomplished. An alarm signal shall be
transmitted to the Master Station when a changeover occurs. The base station shall be
provided with power supply equipment, including nickel cadmium battery and 240 V 50 Hz
a.c. mains fed battery charger and have sufficient battery back up to allow for the system to
operate for 4 h in the event of mains failure and capable of automatically recharging the
battery to full capacity within 24 h while the radio equipment continues to operate at full duty.
The Contractor shall supply and install all aerials and aerial support structures and shall
provide drawings to show how each type of aerial is to be mounted.
The base stations shall have omnidirectional aerials plus any associated duplexers.
UHF outstations shall have a single 12 element, yagi aerial with a gain of 12 dB with respect
to a half wave dipole on the corresponding base station. Any VHF outstations shall have
3 element yagi VHF aerials planned on the corresponding base station.
The Contractor shall supply and install all necessary low loss coaxial down leads for
connection for the radio unit and lightning protection for the aerial system.
The Contractor shall carry out a study whether it is necessary to lay a fibre optic
communication media for use as main data highway link. The study shall include the security
level required in the designed site communication where fibre optic cable considered being
highly secured and highly accurate communication medium.
All process I/O and equipment interface boards shall comply with the following:
Hot (powered) removal of I/O boards shall be possible without special tools.
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all alarm and state indications shall be from dry contacts or 24 V d.c. wet contacts.
An isolated +24 V d.c. supply shall be provided to source the opto-isolated inputs
when connected to dry contacts, adequate filter circuits and software debounce
techniques will be necessary.
Contact operation shall be as follows :
Alarms: in the healthy condition the contacts shall be closed with the relay
coil energised: in the alarm condition the contacts shall be opened with the
relay de-energised.
States: contacts shall be open with relay coil de-energised in the off (logic
0) condition, and closed in the on (logic 1) condition.
Two bit Digital: One contact shall close when the equipment is in one state
and a second contact shall close when the equipment is in the opposite state.
Analogue Inputs
Independently configured channels in the range 4 - 20 mA, 1-5 V d.c., 0-1 V d.c., 0-5 V d.c.,
0-10 V d.c. or +/-10 V d.c. All analogues shall be screened and segregated from other
cables. The signal ground shall be separate from the system ground. Input impedance shall
be greater than 1 M for voltage inputs. ADC conversion at ten times per second shall be
16 bit, system accuracy 0.2% of span.
Digital Outputs
All control circuits shall operate from a 24 V d.c. supply. The contact will be normally open
and energised to close when an action is initiated. Outputs shall be either open-collector or
volt-free contacts as follows:
Open collector
100 mA at 35 V d.c.
1 A at 24 V d.c. or 120 VA (resistive) 0.5 A at 24 V d.c. or
120 VA (inductive).
Analogue Outputs
In general all analogue outputs shall be 4-20 mA or 1-5 V d.c., selectable, and drive a
maximum loop impedance of 1000 for current outputs and 2000 for voltage outputs. The
signal ground shall be separate from the system ground. DAC conversion shall be 14 bit,
system accuracy 0.2% of span.
RTD Input
Thermocouple Input
Pulse Input
Capable of receiving a zero based pulse or rectangular wave or sinusoidal wave form with
amplitude of 4-6 or 21.6-27 V and rate of 0 to 5000 pulses per second for totalizing. Where
frequency counting is required a rate of 0 to 1000 pulses per second should be provided
All power supplies provided by the Contractor shall conform to the following:
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Where required in the Project Specification a modular mimic diagram shall be provided. The
Mimic will be configured to display the status of all principal items of equipment in the area
No Part of the mimic panel display area shall be below 760 mm or above 2100 mm from the
All layout details and dimensions, including main construction, colours, symbols, line
diagrams, legend text and indications, shall be agreed with the Engineer.
The mimic diagram driver shall be housed in either the mimic diagram enclosure or a
separate enclosure. In either case the driver shall consist of modules mounted in standard 19
inch card frames. The mimic driver shall consist of a client device directly connected to the
data centre LAN.
Colour coding shall be in as provided below and where not stipulated in accordance with BS
EN 60073:2000:
Satus of Operation
Equipment running and normal
Equipment stopped and normal
Equipment tripped
Equipment selected on Auto
Equipment or process unsafe / danger in operation
Panel Energised /isolator or ACB ON
Process Flow ON (e.g. Valves open)
Process flow Stopped OFF (e.g. Valves closed)
Colour Code
Mosaic Tile
The face of the mimic diagram shall comprise a mosaic of precision formed tiles, which shall
clip into a supporting grid to form a robust construction of flush and neat appearance. The tile
faces shall have a durable, scratch-resistant non-reflective finish. The background colour of
the mimic diagram tiles shall be to the approval of the Engineer. The face dimensions of tiles
shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
The face of the tile mosaic shall be engraved and/or printed or painted to provide a diagram.
The printing or painting shall be durable throughout the lifetime of the equipment.
The mimic diagram face and supports shall be rigidly held in a robust floor mounting frame.
The surround to the mosaic tile area and the ends of the frame shall be enclosed in
decorative panelling to provide a high quality aesthetic finish. The complete construction shall
be formed into an enclosed panel, with a access to enable the ready replacement of defective
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components and the rearrangement of tiles. Tiles and components shall be replaceable
without disturbance to the surrounding areas of the mimic face.
Wiring troughs or clips shall be provided at the rear of the mimic diagram to enable wiring to
electrically driven components to be neatly dressed and supported. Flexible wiring of
adequate length shall be used to enable electrically driven components to be relocated on the
mimic diagram without the necessity for rewiring.
All illuminated indications shall use high radiance, light emitting diodes (LEDs). Either single
peep-through or multiple-element/planar types shall be used, as appropriate. The illuminated
area shall have even intensity across the whole face. All LEDs shall have a wide viewing
angle in excess of 60 without significant change in perceived luminosity.
A 20 % spare capacity shall be provided (equipped) within the mimic driver and the wiring to
the mimic board to allow for future modifications. The spare capacity shall be evenly
Lamp test facilities shall be provided such that operators can initiate the test from their
workstation positions. This facility shall ensure that both the mimic LEDs and the driver
circuitry are exercised.
The mimic diagram shall be displayed using high resolution 1280 by 1024 panel rear
projection technology onto multiple projectors and screens arranged in a matrix to produce
an integrated display, or an equivalent quality as specified in the particular Specifications.
The screens shall offer a wide viewing angle, + 40 horizontal and + 12 vertical, and good
contrast in full ambient light conditions. The projector and screen assembly shall occupy a
floor space of less than 1.5 m, deep by the length of the mimic.
Dynamic configuration of the display shall be from X-windows style environment and provide
intuitive on screen menu drive display. The ability to interface multiple sources, up to a
maximum of 10 using an RS232/422 serial interface shall be provided.
A software package shall be provided to adjust brightness, contrast, time, colour, sharpness
and geometry and convergence settings from one computer. Image adjustments shall be
stored for each source such that the projector will automatically select the correct settings for
the Particular source.
An auto convergence system shall be provided to automatically align the projected image on
the screen, manual convergence shall also be possible.
A live video window facility shall be provided to display real time video images anywhere on
the screen matrix. The video signal may originate directly from a site security video camera
or via a live antenna signal.
A remote pointer facility shall be provided to allow the operator to use the local keyboard and
mouse to move the cursor on the mimic display and interact with the applications. The
system shall support upto three operators simultaneously with a security interlock system to
avoid conflicts between users.
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The Contractor shall advise the Engineer the date on which the equipment is available for
factory inspection and tests. No equipment shall be shipped to Site without written permission
of the Engineer.
Before dispatch from a manufacturers works each item of equipment, software and its
components shall be tested in accordance with the relevant specification or code issued by
the British Standards Institution or similar internationally recognised standards authority. In
the absence of such a specification or code, these tests shall be performed in a manner
subject to the approval of the Engineer, and may be witnessed and approved by the Engineer
or his representative.
The equipment will be generally inspected by the Engineer or his representative, to ascertain
compliance with the functional design specification, satisfactory finish and workmanship, and
relevant functional tests shall be carried out with simulated inputs/outputs as necessary.
If simulated inputs/outputs are necessary then the simulation equipment shall be provided by
the Contractor as Part of the Works unless otherwise agreed.
Subject to the Engineer agreement, the works system tests shall take place according to the
program detailed by the Contractor.
Any surface coating applied prior to the initial inspection of equipment shall be considered
sufficient reason for its rejection. Where any attempt to conceal defects is discovered the
works may be rejected.
Test Plan
A test plan shall be produced for the Engineers approval, by the Contractor, for the factory
and site acceptance tests. The plan shall indicate a logical step by step schedule comprising
step, action and reaction, e.g.:
Step 1
: Simulate high level
: Tank Symbol Change Colour
Hardware Tests
All hardware including spares shall be required to pass an agreed preliminary
hardware performance test to ensure known hardware operability before
software testing begins.
Functional Testing
Functional testing using the system software shall be comprehensive.
Simulation of the inputs and responses from equipment operation shall be as
realistic a reproduction as possible of Site conditions. Systems to which the
DCS is required to interface with but are outside the scope of this contract
shall be emulated to demonstrate correct operation of the DCS hardware and
System Diagnostics
The means of fault detection and diagnostics provided by the system
software shall be validated. This will involve making provision for including a
sufficient variety of faults and out-of-range conditions in the system to ensure
the detection processes are adequately tested.
The Engineer shall have the option not to attend these tests and to instruct the
Contractor to carry them out on a Self Certification basis.
Three copies of all manufacturers tests certificates, log sheets, performance curves,
etc. relating to the tests at manufacturers works shall be dispatched to Site for
the Engineers approval prior to system installation and commissioning.
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The Contractor shall include for the supply of all spanners, key, special tools, gauges and all
other electronic and calibration tools required for the efficient installation, commissioning and
operation of the equipment.
Training shall be conducted by personnel employed by the ICA Subcontractor, familiar with
the system supplied, experienced and trained in developing and implementing instructional
The Contractor shall submit information on the training program for approval prior to
shipment of the equipment. This submittal shall include a course outline, time required,
course schedule, sample workbook and instructor qualification information for each level.
The Contractor make a workbook on each course available to every person taking the
courses listed herein. The workbook shall be of sufficient detail so at a later date a trainee
could review in detail the major topics of the course.
The training times shall be scheduled by Owner in advance so as not to disrupt Owners
ability to operate the equipment.
Specialised training shall be provided for a minimum of three of the Owners personnel in the
operation and maintenance of the system at the manufacturers facility or in Qatar, as
specified in the Project Specification. The training programme shall be divided into two
segments and each shall consist of at least five, eight hour working days.
The maintenance training programme shall be developed for personnel that have electronics
maintenance and repair experience and a general knowledge of computer systems, but shall
not assume any familiarity with the specific hardware furnished. As a minimum, the following
subjects shall be covered:
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System Management:
The training in this area shall cover the following:
the daily supervision of the System: e.g., archiving data, system housekeeping, fault
reporting, preventing repetitive alarms
system administration e.g., planning and providing system expansion and
reconfiguration of hardware, control of users and privileges, software and hardware
fault analysis
Engineering functions, configuration and application programming e.g., additions and
changes to the system, points, displays, reports and logs, preparation and
downloading of sequence control programs and schedules and software development.
Site Inspection and Testing
The Engineer shall have the option to attend the inspection and tests before setting the
equipment to work. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, 48 hours before
commencing tests.
A Site Acceptance Test (SAT) shall be conducted as part of the ICA system validation and
shall include all equipment and software within the Contractors scope of supply. This test
shall be conducted after the above equipment has been installed at the Site and the
Contractor is satisfied of the correctness of the installation and of the operation of the
communication test
the Contractor shall firstly conduct a test to establish the correct functioning and
ability to correctly transmit data to and from each port on the system
communications network. In the event of any problem or deficiency being
identified in any equipment supplied by others, this shall be reported fully in
writing by the Contractor to the Engineer
hardware test
demonstrate correct operation of hardware using off-line diagnostics
functionality test
demonstrate the system performance and functionality meets the specification
test details
the SAT shall be carried out in accordance with a test specification produced by
the Contractor, and approved by the Engineer
test equipment and test software shall be provided by the Contractor to load the
system to the worst case scenario defined in the test specification
the Contractor shall prepare a test report following the SAT.
System Commissioning
where required in the Project Specification the Contractor shall provide staff to
work in conjunction with the Owner to ensure the satisfactory operation in service
of all equipment in the system, and to assist the Owner to adjust configuration data
and to develop/modify application programs e.g., sequence controls.
System Takeover
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Following satisfactory completion of the above, the Engineer will issue the necessary
system takeover certificate.
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