Qcs 2010 Section 10 Part 5 Control Panels and Control PDF

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QCS 2010

Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 1




GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2


Reference Standards
Quality Standards
Approved Manufacturers
Delivery, Storage and Handling


PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3


Panels General
Panel Construction
Panel Wiring and Termination
Instrument Labelling
Control Desk


INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 6


Site Inspection
Testing and Commissioning

QCS 2010


QCS 2010

Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 2







This Section covers control panels for work of the ICA Sections, and all unit panels unless
modified under other Sections.

Related Sections and Parts

This Section
Part 1, General


Reference Standards

The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 88 ------------ Fuses
BS 546 ---------- Electrical outlets
BS EN 60898 -- Design of MCBs
BS 7430--------- Code of practice for earthing
BS EN 60529, - Ingress protection
BS EN 60439 -- Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies



Submittals shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section.

Shop Drawings. The ICA Subcontractor shall submit shop drawings for all control panels,
including details for the following items, as applicable:

electric power wiring circuits and schematics

air supply piping schematics
electric signal wiring circuits and schematics
pneumatic signal tubing schematics
fabrication drawings
details of all panels accessories
listing of all panel mounted (both front and rear) instruments
control panel layouts and nameplate inscriptions

The submittal shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit the
final documentation based on the Engineers comments. The Engineers comments/approval
shall be issued to the Contractor within 21 calendar days of the submittal.

Factory Test Reports. The Contractor shall submit from the equipment manufacturer, or his
authorised representative, a certified test report in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant test procedure.


Quality Standards

All equipment furnished shall be of a design that has been used in similar applications and
shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the quality is equal to the
specified equipment. The manufacturer shall have successfully designed and furnished
similar sized or larger panels for a similar application.

The Engineer or his representative may inspect the panel at the factory. The contractor shall
notify the Engineer at least three weeks prior to shipment so that the factory inspection may
be arranged. Factory inspection will be made after the manufacturer has performed

QCS 2010

QCS 2010

Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 3

satisfactory checks, adjustments and tests. Approval of equipment at the factory only allows
the manufacturer to ship the equipment to the site and does not constitute final acceptance.

Approved Manufacturers

Control panels and all the associated hardware shall be provided by approved, prequalified
manufacturers and suppliers designated in the Project Specification.


Delivery, Storage and Handling

Control panels shall be assembled and shipped in sections, properly packed to prevent
damage during shipment. Panel sections shall facilitate easy handling and Site installation.
Panels and associated instrumentation shall be handled carefully to avoid damage. Proper
lifting and handling equipment and accessories such as grounding straps for handling
electronic cards, shall be used.

ICA equipment shall only be delivered to Site just prior to their installation to minimise the
possibility of damage. Delivered instrumentation shall be protected and not scattered or left
unprotected on the Site.

Materials and equipment not required for immediate installation shall be stored in a separate
store protecting them from shock, weather, dust and damage from chemical and construction

ICA equipment shall not be stacked unless crated.




Panels General

Control panels shall be free standing and floor mounted cabinets of console or desk pattern.
Console layouts shall permit the operator to readily observe all instruments.

The panels shall be manufactured to a high standard of quality in terms of visual appearance,
colour and finish. The panels located in the main control room shall have an appearance and
quality suitable for a pumping installation environment.

The panel design including colour, style and appearance and detailed specifications of panel
instruments shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to manufacture.

Control voltage. Panel instruments and controls shall operate from 110 V a.c. power supply,
unless otherwise specified in Project Specification. A separate 24 V d.c. circuit shall be
provided for the indicating lamps and panel instruments, as necessary.

Where specified in the Project Specification, panel space shall be provided for instruments
supplied by others. Installation and wiring of such instruments shall be carried out by the
panel manufacturer. Coordination of instrument delivery shall be the Contractors

Unit Control Panels for mechanical and electrical equipment can be the manufacturers
standard panels. Details of such panels shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval, prior
to manufacture. The Contractor shall be responsible for interfacing the unit control panels
with the main control panel or central control system, as necessary.


Panel Construction

All consoles and auxiliary cabinets shall be fabricated of cold rolled sheet-steel and be of rigid
and stable construction without bows and ripples. The front surface shall be flat and the
corners and edges shall be rounded to give a smooth appearance.

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Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 4

Panels shall be of sufficient size to enclose all the panel instruments with ample interior
clearance to allow for installation and maintenance of instruments. Annunciator displays shall
be located in the top portion of the console assembly. Control panels shall be of sectional
design with provision for easy extension. Pushbuttons shall be provided to enable
acknowledgement and resetting of alarm annuciators and lamps on the console.

Panels shall be formed of IP55 panel sections and each enclosure shall be a maximum of
2100 mm high, 800 mm wide and 600 mm deep unless otherwise specified in the Project
Specification. Each section shall be fully enclosed including the top and bottom with no
visible seams on the front. Externally visible screws and bolts shall not be acceptable.

Each panel section shall be provided with two door rear access. Door hinges shall be knuckle
type. Handles and other hardware shall be chromium plated. Where necessary, removable
access covers secured by quick release fasteners shall be provided to facilitate easy

Undrilled gland plates shall be fitted at a sufficient height above the floor level to provide easy
access under the gland plate. Suitable side covers shall provide access to the gland plates
and also provide the specified ingress protection.

Electrical general purpose outlets for test and repair purpose shall be provided in all consoles
and cabinets. The outlets shall be in accordance with BS 546.

All consoles and auxiliary cabinets shall be ventilated mechanically or by natural circulation to
maintain the internal equipment working temperature to below 10C above ambient.

Panel lighting shall be provided to ensure adequate illumination for carrying out delicate
adjustments or repairs on small items of equipment.

Finish. After fabrication, all external welds must be ground smooth. The entire unit shall be
thoroughly degreased, then filled and sanded. At least one coat of synthetic primer shall be
applied, baked on, and sanded. This first coat shall be followed by two coats of baked-on
synthetic enamel. The first coat shall be sanded after baking. The final two coats shall
provide a glossy or semi-matt finish to a colour and finish approved by the Engineer. The
average overall finish shall be at least 1.25 micrometres in thickness. Any minor damage to
the finish during installation shall be touched up at Site, provided such remedial works are to
the approval of the Engineer.


Panel Earthing. A copper earth bar shall be provided within the panel for earthing of the
panel, all the panel instruments and the cables to BS 7430, code of practice for earthing.


Panel Isolation. Isolating switches shall be provided for all incoming power supplies. These
switches shall be clearly identified, labelled and suitably protected from inadvertent operation.


Panel Protection. MCBs to BS 3871, shall be provided for the distribution of electrical power
within the panel. The MCBs shall be arranged to minimise disruption to the equipment
operation and also to prevent unsafe operating conditions. Power supplies from control
panels shall conform to BS 5486.


Panel Wiring and Termination

Panel wiring shall be carried out in PVC insulated multi-strand cable of adequate grade and
rating. Wiring within each panel shall be done in a structured manner, grouped and supported
to give a neat appearance.

110 V a.c. wiring shall be colour coded with black-unswitched live phase, red-switched live
phase, white-neutral and green-ground. Signal and d.c. wiring shall also be neatly segregated
under an approved colour coding scheme. Wiring shall be bundled and laced or tied with
plastic ties and supported to prevent ragging or damage.

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QCS 2010

Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 5

All control and auxiliary cabinets shall be manufactured and assembled with all internal wiring
connected to terminals blocks, requiring only connection to external wiring at Site.

Separate terminal blocks shall be provided for incoming and outgoing analogue and digital
signals and power supply connections. Each terminal block shall be clearly identified and
labelled. Layout shall permit convenient access to terminals and wires and enable ferrule
numbers to be easily read. Terminals shall be at sufficient height from the cable gland to
facilitate easy routing of wires. Terminals shall clamp the wire between two plates using a
captive screw. Where wires are terminated on screw terminals, insulated crimp spade lugs
shall be used.


Instrument Labelling

All panel instruments shall have engraved nameplates showing their tag number and service
in the English language.

Materials for nameplates shall be selected in accordance with the relevant environmental
conditions and shall be of non-metallic material, with black inscription on a white background.

Name plates on control panels shall be mounted on or near the relevant instruments to
ensure clear identification

An additional nameplate engraved with the instrument tag number only, mounted at the rear
of the panel, shall be provided for each panel mounted instrument. These plate shall be
attached to the instrument, the panel or instrument support near the instrument.

For panels where opening the circuit breaker does not shut off all of the power, the following
sign shall be provided:
Letters shall be 6 mm high, red colour on a white background.


Control Desk

The control room desk shall be a pedestal type, of modular construction and located as
indicated in the Project Specification. The exact designs including colour finish and location
to be approved by the Engineer.

Sufficient rack space shall be provided in the base to adequately enclose all control desk
equipment and permit access for installation and maintenance purposes. Cable entry shall
be via floor mounted cable gland plates with facility to route cables through desk sections as

Desk construction and material shall be generally as specified for control panels. Work
surfaces shall be of smooth finish, durable, stain resistant and easy to wipe clean. Sufficient
surface area shall be provided for all necessary monitors, keyboards, telephones and
workspace for a minimum of two operators.

All control desk cabling shall be arranged in a structured way such as to permit relocation of
any terminal. Power supply sockets shall be provided for future expansion and maintenance

Control desks shall be provided for each operator workstation (OW) as detailed in the Project

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Section 10

Part 5

Control Panels and Control

Room Hardware

Page 6





Installation, testing, calibration, validation, commissioning, and instructions shall be in

accordance with Part 1 of this section.


Site Inspection

Each instrumentation item shall be checked by the Contractor upon receipt for compliance
with purchase specifications, damage, shortage and shortage of components. Items shall be
repaired, replaced or the vendor notified of non-conformance as instructed by the Engineer.


Testing and Commissioning

All control panels and instruments shall be tested and commissioned by the Contractor
according to procedures outlined in Part 1 of this Section, prior to final inspection and
acceptance by the Engineer.

Calibration of all panel instruments shall be tested and corrected as necessary.

Panel wiring shall be tested to ensure that wiring is done as per the submitted wiring
schedules. Correct identification on ferrules and tag plates shall also be verified.

Panel power supply voltages shall be checked to ensure that they are within the operational
limits of each instrument.

Damaged or defective instruments and equipment shall be identified and replaced.


QCS 2010

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