The Artful Eye: Drawing & Painting As Contemplation
The Artful Eye: Drawing & Painting As Contemplation
The Artful Eye: Drawing & Painting As Contemplation
as Contemplation
We often unlock and release a stream of words during the time the
images are created and later when they are reflected upon. Its as if a lid has
been pulled off and we can engage in dialogue with ourselves.
Dreamworker, Jeremy Taylor speaks of the power of dreamwork to bring
the not yet speech ripe into view. Contemplative painting and drawing
can do the same.
The first four paintings created during the Awake in the Wild retreat
were initiated by opening to what was present for me each morning. I started
with a quiet meditation in my tent having organized my paper, paints and
water beforehand. I closed my eyes to choose the colours and painted with
both hands, keeping my eyes closed. The images mirrored my shift from
feeling contained and prickly, to finding energy and heart that ener-gized
and dissolved my bound state.