Yog Sandesh July 09 (ENGLISH)

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"kMsrs ;=k orZUrs r=k nso lgk;Ñr~AA Editorial 4
Your Experiences 5
Punarnava : Qualities And Benefits 6
The Natural Remedies For The Diseases
Year : 6 Issue : 11 July 2009
Occurring In Rainy Seasons 9
Editor Permanent Cure For Throat Diseases 13
Acharya Balkrishan Yogic And Natural Remedies
For Healthy Hair 16
Motherhood in Teenage :
Dr. Rajendra Vidyalankar Bad Effect On The Health 17
Jayshankar Mishra Treatment Of Syphilis 20
Subscription Avoid The Disorder Of The Bowel 21
Yoga : The Basis of Healthy Life 23
Single copy.........................15- The First Rule Of Protection Of Our Health:
Annual................................150/- Awakening Early In The Morning 26
Five year.............................700/- Causes And Cure Of Acidity 27
Eleven years......................1500/- Wise Pundit And Foolish Emperor 30

Outside India (Annual)......800/- Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj And

The Future Of India 31
OFFICE The Axis Power Of The Health:
The Nabhi Chakra 33
Maharshi Dayanand Gram,
Delhi-Hardwar High Way There Is No Knowlege Without A Guru 37
Near- Bahadrabad, Hardwar, Vedic Appeal 38
Uttarakhand, (INDIA) 249402
The Divine Chemical Of Air 39
Ph: 01334-240008, 244107, 246737
Fax No. 01334-244805, 240664 Vedic Secret Of Other World And Rebirth 40
e-mail : [email protected] Mandukyopanishad 41
Visit us at : www.divyayoga.com
Swaraj Or Self-Dependence
Is Our Birthright 43
After The Awakening Of The Dharma,
Publication & Distribution Office Why India Is Still In This Situation 44
Knowlege Of The Time : Kaal Tattva 47
Diamond Comics Group of Publications
D. C. Magazines Bharat Swabimaan (Trust):
Punjabi Pustak Bhandar Goal, Philosphy and Principle 50
257, Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006 The Evidence Of The Ayurveda
Contact : Gulshan Rai In The Vedas 51
Fax % (0120)&4238010 The Patanjali Medical Center Opened
E-mail: [email protected]
With The Blessings Of
Revered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj 54
T he revered Swami Ramdev Ji expressed his desire to launch the Awareness For true Democracy” was
Maharaj has played the trumpet to Ayurvedic system of treatment for the launched and a rally was organized by
spread the preachings of “YOG” in the extensive diseases like diabetes, cho- the Bharatiya Swabhimaan (Trust) ad
far off countries beyond the seven lesterol and blood cancer. He added that Patanjali Yog Samiti, UttaraKhand.This
oceans and seas. The people of their country would provide undue sup- was started off from Tanakpur at Nepal
Mauritius are aware and know the ben- port and coordination for Patanjali Yog Border. In this In this context, while ad-
efits of “YOG”.This is the main reason Peeth in order to spread the knowledge dressing a huge gathering at Hari Ki
why a decision has been taken by the of “Yog” to every person residing in Paudi, Swami ji highlighted that India
government of Mauritius wherein The Mauritius and to make Mauritius an would be nurturing dreams of many pa-
Minister of Culture, Education and Hu- “Herbal Country”. There is only one triots and martyrs and this would be
man Affairs-Shri Vasant Kumar national Channel called Mauritian fulfilled in 2014.The country as it was
Vanwaari- and other senior officers from Broadcasting Corporation wherein only imagined by the martyrs is totally lost
his department held a meeting at Yog single programme titled “Herbal Roots somewhere and we need to establish it.
Peeth.The outcome of this meeting was and Plants” which has been extensively Without the proper cleansing and puri-
to roll out the same syllabus and prac- recorded in the botanical garden of fication of the entire political systems,
tices of “YOG” in different schools of Mauritius and is telecasted in various our country cannot be the world leader
Mauritius as it is taken care of by the episodes. In order o spread the philoso- at any cost. Bharatiya Swabhimaan
Patanjali Yog peeth.The curriculum phies of Yoga in Mauritius, there are (Trust) has begun with the movement
would be taught in the first classes of more than 200 classes conducted on for the cleansing process of the politics
the Primary Education in the schools of daily basis.Swamiji has established in the forthcoming elections. The dream
Mauritius. After this, the same would “Bharat Swabhimaan (Trust)” to create of making India a powerful country
be continued till the twelfth standard as “Nation wide Awareness of casting would be fulfilled by the next Lok Sabha
part of the formal education. According Votes”. He is of the opinion that 100% elections to be conducted in the year of
to the Education Minister of Mauritius,” of voting system would ensure that In- 2014. Swami ji has added that our coun-
For many years I was striving for the dia would be free from corruption from try requires leaders like Ram, Krishna,
root knowledge to be established in the all angles. Today under the banner of Chandra Gupta, Gandhi and Patel. Un-
schools and I was determined about i.e. ruling and administrating the country fortunately, our existing political system
was trying my best to plan and design India, there are unethical actions like has become the target for corruption.A
such a curriculum.Today,with the bless- wrong practices, ill-treatments, injustice, total amount of Rs.100 lakh crore is de-
ings of Yog Rishi Swami Ramdev Ji,I am tortures and corruptions are existing at posited in the Swiss Bank and this en-
able to procure such a curriculum. I a very large scale. The entire country is tire sum of money should be brought
hereby touched by the Yog Patanjali in the grip of insecure ness and back to the country by the next elec-
Peeth and would be always attached to untrustworthiness and such an environ- tions. This is only possible if people are
it emotionally”. Swamiji Maharaj has es- ment is already created. In such a sce- aware of their national and democratic
tablished the philosophy of “YOG” and nario, the country requires a purified rights of voting and selecting their own
awareness has been created about it nationalized thought or awareness must appropriate candidate to rule the coun-
worldwide. The result of this is that the be created among the common mass. In try in a very pious manner. They should
international governments are moti- this context, on the occasion of the 60th come forward and cast their votes and
vated and ignited to design and plan anniversary of the Independence Day, form a government of true lovers or
out a curriculum for the education of Bharat Swabhimaan (Trust) had written devotees of the nation. Swamiji asserts
the Yoga. This is the success of the In- a letter on behalf of the many national that once there is this awakening among
dian culture and practices associated citizens to 7 national, 44 district and 100 crore of people, then only there
with it. Infact the Yog courses should other 179 registered political parties. The would be an end to all kinds of prevail-
be rolled out and taught in the different main content of the letter highlighted ing corruptions. This is the main reason
parts and schools of India.In this re- on the selection of right kind of the can- why I opted for stepping ahead for
gards, the Minister of Agriculture and didate and a trust has to be created from 100% participation in the elections. I
Fertilizers-Shri satish Fogo-of Mauritius all political parties. Such a candidate have not desired to enter into the poli-
has decided to revolutionize the agri- should be able to protect and provide tics. The corruptions of our political
cultural sector and has approached the welfare for the nation. The leader should leaders are rising day by day. I aim to
Patanjali YogPeeth.He has requested to be able to take the onus and responsi- eradicate such political power and lay
join hands with the Yog Peeth for “Chap- bilities of the nation and must have con- them in honest and loyal leaders.
ter On Fertilizers” Industry. Even the cern for the feelings of the Indians Swami Ramdev
Minister of Health, Shri Rajesh Chitaa, also.In this regards,” Nation wide
RELIEVED FROM 12 DISEASES joined “Officer’s Training academy” on
WITH AYURVEDIC MEDICINES 13th April, 2009.Here I am sharing the
AND PRANAYAAM benefits and information on Yoga and
Swamiji Maharaj! Pranayaam to people.
With all due respects was suffering from Thanking you,
12 kinds of diseases like thyroid, blood Shalini Singh, Quarter No. G-13/8
pressure, pain in the knees, back- Kaloria Chemicals Industries (Ltd.)
I had already recovered 80% by that Renukoot, Sonabhadra (U.P.)
aches(due to slip-disc),cervical, gastric
time. I visited Haridwar and met the Doc- Mobile No. : 09455565941
problems, head-aches, Colitis, Obe-
tor. I recovered from the remaining 20% FREEDOM FROM DIABETES
sity(85 Kg), sleeplessness, allergy and
of the diseases due to the prescription Swami ji!
black spots all over the body due to it,
of medicines by the Doctor at your Whole hearted salutations to you.
high depression, and hemoglobin count
ashram. The hemoglobin count reached I am 62 years old person. I was suf-
in the blood was less(5.2).I was suffer-
to 15.08 by the consumption of the fering from diabetes from the last 2 and
ing from all these diseases in my body.
wheat bran, anjeer and raisins. When I half years. I was taking medicines regu-
I had to be in real agony due to lack
was completely back to my normal state, larly to cure it. Sometimes I used to for-
of sleep and suffered in night and day
I realized that this is all due to Pranayaam get to take them also. I am aware of the
times. I had to somehow suffer with them
which helped me to recover and be fact that I would be suffering from it
and was very much in distressed and
healthy. I wanted to teach and guide throughout my life. I had no other op-
discomfort conditions. This ultimately
Pranayaam to other sufferers also. I tions to think about other than this and
led to high depression. I lost my hopes
started teaching Yoga to many individu- was totally convinced by it.
that I would be surviving anymore in
als. I had the wishes to join and be part A shop was inaugurated by you in
the world with these diseases. I was
of your institution fully. In the year of the month of December,2008 in the city
leading an isolated and less attracted
2006, I completed the training programme of Bhusaval.I purchased a book written
towards the life. I gained a weight of 85
for the yoga at Haridwar and became a by you and titled “ Pranayaam
Kg due to my consumption of Allopathic
full fledged teacher of it. Now I have Rahasya”;Yoga sadhana;Secrets of
medicines. I could not move from one
taken the responsibility of spreading Yoga Treatment;Aushadh darshan
place to another freely, discomfort dur-
and informing people about Yoga and (authored by Acharya Bal Krishna) and
ing sitting and getting up and gained
was determined to help those individu- a C.D. on Yoga Vigyan (for Diabetes).
lot of weight also. As a result, I am suf-
als suffering from pain and agony due From last 4 months, I am practicing
fering from pain in the knees and en-
to diseases and illnesses. This is my goal Pranayaam (for 40 minutes), Yoga Exer-
countered slip-disc problem also. I had
in my life now. Swamiji I once again sa- cises (15 minutes), Acupressure (2 min-
to spend lot of money to buy the medi-
lute you once again and bow my head utes), walking for 35 to 40 minutes be-
cines. I started chanting the mantra
to you hundred times. fore commencing with Pranayaam and
“More I spend, therefore, I suffer”. Later
With lots of hopes, walk for about 25 minutes after my din-
on, I was in the grapevine of the dis-
Shrimati Tara Devi ner in the night. This is being done on
eases like thyroid, cervical, gas, head-
House No. 500, Mahadev Jharkhandi, regular basis. I take 6 chapattis in a day
aches, and colitis .Moreover, there were
Gorakhpur (U.P.), Mob.No: 9838634442 (morning, afternoon and night).In the
the side effects of the medicines and
whole body was in their control only. I afternoon; I take 1 and half cup of curds
CURE OF THE BENDED BACKBONE and curry. I consume one and half cup
had black spots on the body due to
WITH YOGA PRANAYAAM of daal (1 cup-150 milli liters) in the night
them. The hemoglobin count was 5.2.
Revered Swami ji, time for my dinner. After the lunch in
In the year of 2004,I saw you in-
I joined “Army Staff Selection the afternoon, I prefer to take 125 gm of
structing and guiding about the Yoga
Board” on 26th of December, 2008.I was grapes, from last two weeks, I am eating
and Pranayaam had lost all hopes on
successful in the examination.However, 1/3 part of mango (i.e. 300 grams of one
any kind of treatment, I thought why
and I was rejected during my medical mango) in afternoon and night hours. I
should I leave this opportunity to try
checkup rounds wherein it was declared do take 1 tablespoon of sugar also.I am
treatment with help of Yoga and
that I am unhealthy on permanent ba- eating Divya Madhunashini Vati pre-
Pranayaam learnt and practiced
sis. This was due to the slight bending pared from your side from the last three
Pranayaam and different exercising pos-
of my back-bone on the right side of the months.However; I have stopped this
tures also. Slowly I was experiencing
body. I was given a time limit of one from last one month.Now the sugar con-
relief from agonizing diseases. This
month to get some cure for it. I got it tent in blood and urine sugar are nor-
motivated me more and I practiced
cured from the “Patanjali Yoga Samiti” mal. I have undertaken three tests to
Pranayaam under your instructions
in Renukoot where the camp was orga- keep a check on sugar in my blood and
regularly and on daily basis. I intro-
nized and the Yoga instructor guided urine.
duced some changes in my daily rou-
me to amend it properly. This is due to With due respects,
tines and food habits also. After one
Yoga Pranayaam only. Consequently, I Sudhir Kumar Mahendroo
year i.e. in the year of 2005, there was a
was admitted on the basis of merit. Survey No.193/2+3, Plot No.74
camp organized by your institution at
Now I have reached Chennai and Gad Kari Nagar, Bhusaval-425201.
Gorakhpur (U.P.) and I participated in it.
Acharya Balkrishan Ji

Species name : Nyctaginaceae

Latin Name : Boerhavia diffusa Linn. External Features:
This grows multiple times in a year. The plant is usu-
English name : Spreading Hogweed ally 2-3 meters in height. It has many multiple branches
Sanskrit : Punarnava,Shothaghni and sub-branches. The leaves are either long round or
elliptical in shape and of half to one inch in length. They
Gujarati : gadahpurana,Sathhi,Gadahbindo are tender and are co-laterally arranged to each other.
Tamil : Sukeyetit The flowers are small and pinkish in color and found in
bunches. The fruits are half inch long, there are five lines
Telugu : Atavasa,Midi and roots are strong and white coloured.The flowers and
Punjabi : Itasit fruits are seen only in rainy seasons.

Marathi : Ghetuli The Chemical Composition:

Arabic : Handkuki In this, we find a chemical called punarnava along
with potassium nitrate and traces of chloride, nitrate and
Kannada : Muchohumosi chlorate are found.

Introduction: Qualities:
The Punarnava grows very well under heavy rainfall The plant is known for removing swelling, giving cool-
and in the rainy seasons everywhere. This is found in ness, heart stimulator, colic pain in the stomach, and pain
different species i.e. in red and white colours.Out of these while urinating. This is used to cure swelling, heart dis-
two, the general growth might be observed for the red eases, and dropsy, and jaundice, problems while curing
colored species called Boerh Avai Diffusa.It has been used out the urine and kidney diseases. The special effects of
as medicinal herb. The petals are succulent and red col- this are seen on Kidneys and urinary bladder.Thus; it is
ored by nature. Once the fruits are ripened, the exterior called mutral and Shothahar also. This also has effects
parts dry up soon.However, the roots are well established on the blood and heart.
and remain in the soil only. This helps in further enhance- This helps in controlling urinary passage, swelling,
ment of the plants to grow in the rainy spreading of poison, and radiance in the old age, initiation
season.Consequently, the plant acquired its name as of ulcer or boil or tumor, curing ulcer or tumor or boil
Punarnava. with swelling, blood pressure, sweat, and etc.It helps in
the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles sieve it and consumption of this would bring in relief
alongwith the presence of the nitrogen nitrate. Other from the defects.
medicinal herbs curb the presence of the potassium ni- Take 5 to 10 milli liters of the juice of its leaves; add
trate wherein the Punarnava helps in giving potassium to milk to it and this would help in the removal of the pre-
the body. vention of the urine.
v Insomnia: The patient should drink 50-100 milli li- Take the five different parts of the punarnava or the
ters of Punarnava decoction to remove this disease. dried roots. It is beneficial to use the powder of this to
v Eye-Diseases: Prepare the paste of its roots, add remove the swelling, defects in the urinary bladder and
ghee to it and should be applied to the eye in order to heart. Add honey or warm water to approximately 3 gm
remove the swelling in the eye. Similarly the paste of of it and consumption of it in morning and evening daily
it should be added to the honey and it removes the would bring relief to the body.
redness of the eye. v Healthiness of the Body: One must consume it with
v The Itching in the Eye: The paste of its root should milk to remain healthy.
be mixed with the juice of the intoxicating hemp in v Leucorrhoea: This is eradicated if one consumes 3
order to remove the itching ness in the eye. gm of it with water plant.
v Blinding darkness of the eye: Prepare the paste of v Colic pain in the Vagina: This pain is reduced if the
its root and only water to remove the blindness of the juice of the plant is applied in the area.
eye. v Painless Delivery: The delivery of the child is done
v Blisters: During this, one should make paste of its very easily if the root of the plant is fried in the oil and
root and milk. This should be applied on the blisters placed in the tract.
for quick relief. v Dropsy: It is beneficial to use the punarnava during
v Heart Diseases: It is very beneficial to eat the leaves dropsy.
of the punarnava when one is suffering from the heart v Jaundice: It is a very beneficial herb to cure jaundice.
diseases. Take 5 different parts of the plant and prepare 10-20
v The Injury of the heart: When such a patient has gm of juice. Add powdered lentils to it. This would
blood in his or her spit, then the patient should con- help in eradicating the disease.
sume 5-10 gm of Punarnava roots and Shathi rice. v Diseases of the Kidney: Take five different parts of
Prepare the paste of this mixture with the juice of the plant and prepare the decoction of it. This helps in
raisins, milk and cook it with ghee. Give it to the pa- removal of the defects of the kidneys.
tient. v Jaldhar:The disease might be removed by the con-
v Cough: Add sugar to the powder of its roots and con- sumption of the dried decoction to which 1-2 gm of
sume it twice in a day in order to remove the dry nitre or saltpeter is added.
cough. v Spleen: This is cured by the consumption of 10-20
v Asthma: Add 500 milli gram turmeric to the powder gm of powdered white punarnava roots and rice husk.
of 3gm of its roots and consume it in dawn and twi- v Wheezing: One should massage their legs with the oil
light hours to eradicate the asthma. in which the roots of white punarnava are soaked for
v Diseases of the Chilren: Take 100 gm of punarnava quite sometime and this would help in its removal.
leaves, 200 gm of powdered sugar-candy and 12 gm v Torpor of the bowels with flatulence: The decoc-
of powdered long pepper and cook all of them to- tion of punarnava and camphor with 1 gm of pow-
gether. When the syrup is thickened, seal it in a bottle dered dried ginger should be prepared and consumed
with a tight lid. The children should consume this 3 for 7 days.
times in a day in order to get relieved from cough, v Swelling: Take 10 gm of the root of the punarnava
breathing ailments, defects of the lungs, extreme flow and nagar motha and prepare the dedoctionAdd 640
of the saliva, and swelling in the chest and other de- gm of cow’s milk and boil it thoroughly. Consump-
fects, catarrh and frigidness. tion of this in morning and evening’s would be benefi-
v Vomitting: The person would be vomiting if the cial for this
paste of 2-5 gm of its root is consumed more in quan- v Swelling of the whole body: The 20 gm of the de-
tity than in its prescribed condition. coction of punarnava, the external bark of the margosa
v Hunger: A person can increase their appetite if 3 gm tree, patol leaf, dried ginger, katuki, giloi, daru-haldi,
of its powdered root is added to the food. lentils water 320 gm and boil it. Once only ¼ the is
v Purgativeness: If the powder of the root of punarnava left behind, sieve it and consume it 20-30 milli liters in
is consumed in a teaspoon on daily basis, it acts like a morning and evening times on daily basis. This is help-
purgative. ful in removal of the swelling of the whole body, jaun-
v Diseases of the stomach: If the powder of its root dice, etc.
is taken along with the cow’s urine, then all kinds of Swelling: take exactly 3 gm of the mixture of the root
swellings and stomach ailments would be removed. of the punarnava, dev-daru and murva and add it to honey.
Diseases of the Urinary Bladder: This should be consumed by the pregnant women in or-
If 5-7 leaves of this are grinded with the black pepper, der to remove the swelling in the body.
The Swelling due to water: The exact volumes of root Bite of The Scorpion:
of the punarnava,chirayata and dried ginger and take 20 • The poison content is reduced in the body with the
gm of the mixture to be mixed with 400 milli liters of consumption of the leaves of punarnava and the
water and boil it till only one –quarter of it is remaining in branches of the Apamarga tree.
the utensil. This dedoction should be consumed to have • If the punarnava plant is uprooted on Sunday and
the benefits against this kind of swelling. in Pushya nakshtra, then it is advisable to chew it
Breaking of the bones: Take 3 gm of punarnava and in order to remove the poison of the scorpion.
consume it along with the pulpy catechu in order to avoid Boil or Pustule: It is beneficial to apply the paste
this. of the root of the punarnava and buttermilk over the
Humours: Take 25 to 50 gm of its roots and con- boil or pustule on the breasts.
sume its decoction in morning and evening to remove Uses In the Medicines and Tonics:
humors. • After the medical treatment, there is some kind of
Leprosy: Consume it with the betel nuts to get the weakness in the body. This can be taken care by
benefits against the leprosy. the consumption of the tonic which is prepared
Fever: chemically and good for health.
• Take 2 gm of the root of the white punarnava and • It is the excellent tonic for the women.
consume it with betel leaves or milk in mornings and • It is highly beneficial for the patients of heart fail-
evenings on daily basis. ures and cardiac asthma.
• It is beneficial even with the kind of fever which is • Our age increases with the consumption of 20 gm
due to the infection of the urinary tract. of punarnava with milk on regular basis for 6
• It is beneficial to consume the Red punarnava, leaves months.
of parwal, fruits of parwal, bitter gourd, pachelik, Other Uses:
kakora during the fever times. • The decoction of punarnava and kapas’ roots are
Poison of the Serpent: It is the antidote for all kinds given to those suffering from anartav, defects dur-
of snake-poisons. ing pregnancy and with birth defects.
Vidradhi: Take 5 gm of white punarnava and boil it in • The powder of its roots should be mixed with 2
500 gm of water.Once it is ¼ of the total quanity, con- gm of cow’s milk in order to retain youth in the
sume it 20-30 milli liters in morning and evening hours. old age.
Naru: Take the juice of the punarnava root and add • Prepare thick and condensed decoction of its roots
dried ginger to it. Tie the naru to remove it. and add equal amount of powdered
asagandh.Prepare small balls of it and consume it
one at a time along with the milk with candy-sugar
dissolved into it. It would provide energy and re-
move wrinkles in the skin.
S.No Name of book Price (Rs.)
1. Pranayam Rahasya
(Hindi, English, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu) 50
2. Pranayam Rahasya (Hindi & English International) 180
3. Yoga Sadhna evam Yoga Chikitsa Rahasya
(Hindi, English, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu) 125
4. Yoga Sadhna evam Yoga Chikitsa Rahasya
(Hindi & English International) 400
5. Aushadh Darshan (Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Telugu, Urdu) 30
6. Aushadh Darshan (English) 50
7. Ayurveda Sidhanta Rahasya (Hindi, English) 125
8. Ayurveda Jadi-Booti Rahasya (Hindi) 350
9. Jivani Ashtavarga (Hindi & English) 75
10. Yoga Darshan (Hindi) 50
11. Sant Darshan (Hindi) 200
12. Bhakti Gitanjali (Hindi) 30
13. Vedic Nityakarma Vidhi (Hindi) 25
14. Divya Aushadhi evam Soudarkaran Poudh (Hindi) 20
15. Yogasan Chart part 1 & part 2 (per copy) 10
16 Vigyan Ki Kasauti Par Yog 300
(Send a DD in favour of "Divya Prakashan" (courier charges inclusive) to procure abovementioned books, CDs,
audiocassettes etc.

There is humidity present in the yellow colored pus also oozing out powder and apply it.
• Squeeze out the liquid from the
air during the rainy season. In case of these wounds. The liquid spreads
someone does not properly take care very easily on the skin and other ar- cow dung and apply it on the boils
of their skin, then there are chances eas are also infected. This has effect with help of the cotton wool.
of acquiring skin diseases. There are on the health also.The severe eczema • Take some fermented sugar cane
some skin diseases which would be is really bad and creates lots of diffi- juice and mix it with honey and
permanently present in the individual culties for us. apply it.
in case proper care and treatment is Natural Remedies • Take mixture of onion and garlic
missing. The individual would never • Avoid consumption of spicy and juice and apply it.
be relieved from it. The beauty of the Chilli food, meat, eggs, sugar, Remedies through the Yoga
person lies and is associated with the sweets, jaggery, oil and raw fruits. • One must practice the postures
skin. The beauty of the skin is visible They might increase the disease. which improves the blood circu-
to all and every body appreciates it. • Keep the stomach clean. In cases lation and functioning of the
It is necessary to keep the skin clean of constipation, consume one tea- stomach
and free from dirt particles and mi- spoon of triphala powder and drink • Tadasan, Katichakrasan, uttanpa-
crobes. If we do not take the precau- it with hot water. dasan,sputa Pawanmuktasan,
tion, then there are chances that we • Apply warm ground oil on the gomukhasan and
might never get rid off the skin dis- skin. ardhamastyendrasan, etc.
eases. The list includes eczema, itch- • Take bath with salt water in win- • One must follow the Pranayaam
ing, boils and wounds, swelling in the ters. In summer times, add the red exercises of nadishodha, shitali
body, acne and pimples, etc.The rainy medicine and take bath. and sitkari.
season help in promoting them more • During rainy season, add some • Daily practice first five activities
and aggravate them also. margosa leaves in water and boil of the subtle exercises and ad-
it. With this water, one should take vanced ones also.
ECZEMA bath. One might add juice of
This might occur on hands, margosa leaves on the effected ITCHING
mouth, elbows, neck, stomach, etc.It portions of the skin. Itching causes marks on the skin.
might occur on any part of the body. • Apply the paste of the leaves and Later on there are boils coming out
The various reasons for this are heat seeds of the radish on the boils. of it. These cause further itching. The
strokes, irregularities in the menstrua- • Add alum in water and apply this skin might crack and appear very
tion cycle of the women, diseases on boils at least 5 to 6 times in a odd. It is communicable by nature and
associated with the blood, using more day. transmitted through the clothes also.
of soaps, calcium carbonate, soda, • Take two pinches of the harad There is increase in the inflammation
etc., wearing tight clothes, wrong kind powder and consume it. also.The skin turns out to be rough
of foods and increase I the consump- • Mash bitter gourd and apply the and scaly. One suffers at night times.
tion of the alcohol, etc juice on the boils.Drink juice also. It is said that this occurs due to
Symptoms • Roast the wheat grains and add bad food habits, consumption of oily
There are red colored boils on the some mustard oil to it.Apply it on and spicy food, too much of jaggery,
skin and they are inflammatory by effected areas. etc.The acute constipation also gives
nature. Sometimes they leave their • Drink carrot juice on daily basis rise to this. The blood defects might
marks permanently on the skin. There and apply its juice to boils also. also be present. Sometimes acidity is
are wounds also. There is white or • Add mustard oil to the turmeric also responsible for skin diseases.

• Take the juice of the leaves of afternoon, morning and evening
peepal tree and add it to the wa- hours.
ter. Wash the effected areas on • Add red colored medicine and
daily basis in morning, afternoon wash the itching areas. Once it
and evening hours. dries apply ghee to it.
• One should not consume too cold
or hot substances. Nettlerash
One should keep fast and • Squeeze half a lemon into water This occurs when bile juice in-
consume only water.Hence the and take bath. Apply coconut oil creases in the body or too much heat
to the hair. is present in the body. Other reasons
body is detoxified, one might Remedies Yogic Cure are irregular digestive activities, suf-
resume to take normal food. • One should practice yogic pos- fering from cold, bile juice is not be-
Bran should be mixed with the tures like kunjal, jalneti and vastra ing secreted, undigestion, constipa-
flour and green vegetables dhoti.Perform sankhprakshalan tion, etc.Apart from this,there is some
should be consumed. Take and bahya Kriya once in a month. problem with the embryo, sting of
coarsed meal with vegetables. • Practice surya namaskar in morn- bar,bee sting,and any other insect bite
ing and perform Tadasan, results in the secretion of the bile
Katichakrasan, uttanpadasan, juice. This also occurs if one eats too
Natural Remedies sputa Pawanmuktasan, sarvanga- much of red chilli, meat, fish, eggs,
• Clean the stomach with anima. san, chakrasan, halasan, bhujanga- alcohol, etc and consumes drugs.
• Fasting is one of the methods to san, dhanurasan, paschimotta- Symptoms
cure it. One can keep small and nasan, gomukhasan and ardhama- • Red colored boils are seen on the
lengthy fasts and this depends on tsyendrasan. skin.
the patient and the disease. Con- • Practice Pranayaam including nadi • One experiences inflammation,
sumption of Vitamin C juices is shodan,shitali and sitkari itching and pain in the boils.
recommended. Pranayaam. • They spread very quickly on the
• One should avoid sour, spicy, fried Home Remedies skin. If one area of the skin is
and oily foods. One should not • Take lemon juice and jasmine oil- cured, then one might observe that
grains and consume more of fruits both of them should be in equal boils are spread to other region.
and juices. This would allow us quantities and apply on the itch- • This disease spoils the sound box
to reduce acidity and defects in ing areas. and tongue is black in color. This
the blood. • Take chalmogra and margosa-in is the sign that the patient would
• One should keep fast and consume equal quantities-cook in mustard surely die.
only water.Once the body is oil and apply it. • Vomiting takes place and person
detoxified, one might resume to • Apply the juice of the cow dung feels very tired.
take normal food. Bran should be to remove the itching quickly Natural Remedies
mixed with the flour and green • Grind margosa leaves in water and • Apply black mud mixed with wa-
vegetables should be consumed. apply ter on the whole body. If mud
Consume coarsed meal with veg- • Take the wood of the tamarind tree dries up, add some more water to
etables. and burn it to make coal of it. it. After two hours, one should take
• Drink a glass of water with lemon Grind it to a fine powder. Add bath with fresh water
juice squeezed into it. powdered alum to it and apply • Try to consume water through
• Take some black mud, add little • Powder chakbad,harad and kanji nose and apply enema and cleanse
bit of salt and powdered gum of and apply it.Consume only boiled bottle
babul tree. Apply this on all areas • Take some goose berry, gandhak, gourd and nothing else for the
where itching takes place. The camphor and blue vitriol-all of next two days.Add very little salt
mud should be wet and keep add- them should be in the proportion to the boiled bottle gourd.
ing water to it. of 10-10 gm-mix it with ghee and • Wash waist, hips, buttocks, back-
• Wash the infected areas with wa- apply on boils. side of the body and stomach
ter with red medicine added to it. • Take few leaves of the peepal tree properly for 30-30 minutes.
• Once the water dries off, apply and extract its juice. Add water to Daily Activities
ghee to those areas. it and wash the effected areas in • Consume proper food and when-

ever it is possible walk for some- one might go for the second dose
time. Avoid constipation. also.
• Consume light, digestible and • Add camphor to the margosa oil
foods that give coolness to the and apply it on whole body.
body should be consumed. Take • Add camphor to coconut oil and
thinly rolled out rotis of wheat massage it properly to remove the
flour, whole lentils dal, green veg- rash.
etables, dry fruits, seasonal fruits, • Take 3 gm of akarkara and con- If there are any kinds of
etc. sume it with fresh water. It is ben- defects in the blood or the
• Add margosa oil and take bath. eficial. blood is polluted, then a
• Avoid eating foods like meat, fish • Take 6 gm of nag saffron and person has boils and pimples.
and other hyper stuff. grind it with honey. This should The main causes are consump-
Home Remedies be consumed in 2 absorbable man-
• Take 50 gm of thyme and crush it ner.
tion of too much of mangoes
properly. Add 50 gm of jaggery to • Chew 20 gm of onion seeds. in the rainy season, the juice
it. Prepare 6-6 gm of small balls • Take 8-10 gm of alum and dis- of mango sticks to the skin,
of this mixture. Consume one ball solve it in one cup of water.Soak mosquito bites,etc.
in morning and evening with fresh a clean piece of cloth in it and
water. Cure might be observed in clean the entire body with this
a week’s time. cloth.
• When nettle rash is present, avoid • Take 5 gm of batuwa seeds and times too much of Chilli and spicy
taking bath. Exposure to the air powder them. Add honey to it and food or consumption of food which
and consuming salt causes it. consume. gives rise to the heat in the body are
• Take 6 gm of mint leaves and dis- • Consume half spoon of the pow- also responsible for them.
solve it into water after grinding it der of the gooseberry with jaggery Symptoms
(in winters try to boil it) and sieve on daily basis. First of all, we might see the red-
it thoroughly. Add 12 gm of sugar • Take some sandalwood oil and add ness on the skin and pain is felt. Once
to it and consume it in morning some rose oil to it. Massage with they are fully matured, the patient
and evening hours on a daily ba- this oil on daily basis. might experience pain and it increases
sis. One would observe that rash Yogic Remedies day by day. Some of the pimples lay
is not present on the skin. • One should perform postures of permanent marks on the skin. Polluted
• Take two portions of almi oil and uttanpaddasan, halasan, pawan blood is accumulated in them. Some-
pour it in a bottle. Add one por- muktasan, vjrasan, sputa vajra san, times there is inflammation also.
tion of camphor to it and close the shashaasan, paschimottanasan, Natural Remedies
mouth of the bottle with the cork. ardhamatsyendrasan, etc.All of • Knead black mud in water nicely
Keep it aside for 10-15 minutes remove constipation and help in and prepare a bandage out of it.
so that they might mix giving energy to the body. It even Tie it across the pimples and boils.
properly.Massage with this oil in frees us from the rash. • Mix juices of carrot, spinach and
the whole body. The rash would • Various kinds of Pranayaam like batuwa together and apply it on
not burst out, spreading of it and kapalabhati, anulome-vilome, the boils and pimples with help of
immediate exposure to the air nadishodhan, shitali, etc should be cotton wool.
would not cause anything else to practiced. This is benefit to re- • Consume boiled bottle gourd
the body. move the rash. without salt on daily basis.
• Clean margosa leaves and chew • Cleanse the stomach and keep
them till the time they stop tasting BOILS AND PIMPLES fast.Next day take two leaves of
bitter. During this disease, the If there are any kinds of defects margosa and chew it. After wards
margosa leaves do not appear to in the blood or the blood is polluted, drink cow’s milk.
be bitter in taste. then a person has boils and pimples. • Allow the water to flow on the
• Take 2 seeds of margosa and pre- The main causes are consumption of boils and pimples continuously for
pare paste of it with water. Small too much of mangoes in the rainy two minutes.
children should eat it to get rid off season, the juice of mango sticks to Home Remedies
the rash. If some more is left out, the skin, mosquito bites, etc. Some- • Take two spoons of juice of un-

Tie it. its ash. Add coconut oil to it and
• Prepare paste from sandal wood apply it on boils.
and apply it. • Grind turmeric and clove together
• Boil some myrtle leaves in water and apply it.
and wash boils with this water. • In summer season, apply turpen-
• Crush carrot or grind it. Heat it tine oil on the boils.
Take few batuwa leaves, half on fire and tie it on the boils. • Prepare poultice of margosa
• Take few batuwa leaves, half tea- leaves and tie it on boils.
teaspoon of dried ginger and
spoon of dried ginger and pinch • Grind karanj, margosa and
pinch of salt. Grind all of of salt. Grind all of them
them together.Mix this with nirgundi and apply it.
together.Mix this with wet mud • Grind margosa leaves,hing and
wet mud and apply it with and apply it with help of a ban- garlic and apply it
help of a bandage cloth. dage cloth. • Take barley’s flour, liqourice and
• The boils is maturing internally
desi ghee. Mix them together and
however it is not bursting at all.In
apply three times in a day.
such cases,take leaves of lasoda
• Take chirchita, javakhar, turmeric
and grind them. Prepare poultice
and clove-Prepare poultice to cure
cooked potatoes in morning times and tie.
with water. This helps in drying • Take some grinded rice; add some
of the pimples and boils. It also water and mustard oil to it. Pre-
pare poultice and tie it. Yogic Remedies
reduces the pain also.
• Take the flour of masur dal and • Practice the postures which pu-
• Take four to five leaves of guava
prepare a poultice. Tie it on the rify the blood like surya namaskar,
and boil them in one cup of wa-
ter. Apply it on the boils. boils so that they might burst out ardhamatsyendrasan,
• In case the boils are bursted out easily and quickly. sarvangasan, gomukhsan,
or entangled with each other, • Apply the paste of cloves on boils chakrasan, paschimottanasan,
crush onions and add little bit of • Apply the pulp pf pineapple. tadasan, suptapawan,
jaggery to it. Tie it on the infected • Application of bitter gourd juice uttanapadasan,etc.
area. on the boils helps in drying them • In Pranayaam, one should prac-
• Crush the root of the banana tree, quickly. tice nadishodan, shitali and sitkari.
add little bit of turmeric powder • Grind dry mango or fresh raw • The first five activities of the
and mustard oil. Apply it. mangoes and apply it on boils. It sukshma exercise and advanced
• Prepare poultice of wheat, little bit helps in drying. activities like udar shakti should
of turmeric powder and desi ghee. • Burn pomegranate leaves and get be practiced.

Italy and Buckteeth should be cleaned In researches, it is observed

regularly to avoid atherosclerosis (in that the middle aged individuals
which the walls of the arteries be- suffer from teeth and gums dis-
come rigid and hard), stroke and other eases. It was observed that proper
The doctors always advice us
heart related diseases are reduced. care and treatment of the teeth and
to keep our teeth and gums clean
According to the researcher gums for one year reduced the ri-
as far as possible. In a recent re-
Mario Clairiki, the diseases of the teeth gidity and constriction of the ar-
search, it was stated that a protein
and gums are responsible for the teries. Another researcher called
called “CRP” is responsible for the
atherosclerosis.Research asserts that Gerald Wiseman states that there
heart diseases. This protein causes
one should take hygeinic food along can be none other way to reduce
swelling in the gums and inflamma-
with it one must take proper care of the constriction of the arteries other
tion also.
their teeth and gums also. than proper cleaning of teeth.
According to the researchers of

T he food that we take enters When a person suffers from tonsil,
into our body, passes through the in the both sides of the entrance part
esophagus and settles down into the of the throat, there is the develop-
stomach for further digestion. The ment of muscular notch which keeps
various nerves also pass through the on increasing from time to time.
throat to the sound-generating organ. These are called as tonsils. When-
In this way, throat is an important ever a person consumes potatoes,
part of our body, with which many rice, fine flour, chocolates, sugar, and
Throat is an important important processes take place in our sweets in large quantities, soar and
part of our body, with human body. In case, there are any too cold things, then the swelling in-
which many important kind of disease occurring in the creases in the tonsils. At this stage,
throat then our lives would be in dam- the person complains of the consti-
processes take place in our age. pation. The coldness of the winters
human body. In case, there It has been generally observed is also responsible for increasing the
are any kind of disease that people have swelling in their growth of the tonsils. The person
occurring in the throat throat; there are some problems experiences problem while drinking
then our lives would be with the sound box and experience water or spitting out the saliva. He
the pain in the throat. In such situa- or she experiences lot of pain in the
problematic situation. tions, the person suffers from high throat. There is even headache and
It has been generally fever, complains about the constipa- fever accompanied in the person
observed that people have tions, passes out thickened urine suffering from tonsils. The person
swelling in their throat; which is yellow in color, experiences even has difficulty speaking. There
there are some problems pain in the back and complains about is itching in the throat accompanied
the headache also. Apart from this, with the cough.
with the sound box and the person complains about the pain Diphtheria: This disease is
experience the pain in the in the whole body and cannot speak more common in children. One
throat. In such situations, properly, the tongue is unclean and should not delay the treatment even
the person suffers from there is a foul smell in the breathing. for few days also. This disease
high fever, complains Slowly the pain in the throat spreads starts off with throat and nerves.
to the ears also and lot of pain is This is prevalent in the cold and hilly
about the constipations, experienced while the person con- regions. This is infectious disease.
passes out thickened urine sumes something in the form of liq- This disease is more prevalent once
which is yellow in color uids or solids. This aggravates the the children suffer from severe cold,
experiences pain in the tonsils on both the sides of the throat. disease of the throat like severe
back and complains about There are different kinds of throat cough, typhoid. This disease begins
disease and they are enumerated in when the microorganism attack the
the headache also. the following order – membrane tissue present in the
Tonsils: One can see the swell- throat. This is contagious by nature
ing present on the inner side of the because the microorganisms are
throat. This is present when there thrown out of the person suffering
is a collection of poisonous elements from diphtheria through sneezes,
at the opening of the throat. The spits and by coughing to other people
poisonous bacteria develope in this living the same environment. People
part of the throat and are respon- also suffer from this disease if they
sible for the swelling in the throat. consume stale food, live in polluted
environment and in cold places. greasy substance in the throat of in honey, mix them properly and
Sound defect: This problem the person and the patient should consume it.
arises and the person cannot speak gurgle with warm water. 16.In order to remove various dis-
properly and the voice is not very 3. One should gurgle with salt ease of the throat, one should
clear. It appears as though there is added to the warm water. consume grape juice and its
something obstructing the sufferer 4. Grind the basal seeds with honey. syrup.
while speaking. The lump in the This mixture should be consumed 17.One should consume 1 gram of
throat increases more and more. so that the smelling can be re- powered lentils with 10 mL of
The person has blisters in his throat. duced. dakh juice on a daily basis to re-
He might even suffer from syphilis. 5. Prepare decoction of black pep- move the throat disease.
There might be irritating itching sen- per and horse bean and add 18.In order to be free from the in-
sation, tingling feelings, and overflow honey to it to get the benefits. flammation of the glands of the
of the saliva, dry skin, cough, and 6. Take some leaves of arandi, put neck, one should grind the leaves
some sort of irritation in the throat. them on a hot pan and apply of the wood apple, prepare a
The patient cannot breathe properly some honey on it. Take this and small ball of it and tie it on the
and finds it difficult to swallow paste it on both the sides of the neck.
through the mouth. When the pa- throat and tie it. This is very ben- 19.Grind the leaves of the bhangara
tient starts coughing, it appears as eficial for the people suffering and fry it in ghee and the mix-
though there is some kind of prob- from tonsils. Add 5-6 leaves of ture should be tied on the neck
lems in the lungs. However, it is not basal in water and boil them. Add to get its benefit quickly.
the case. little bit of honey to it. Gurgle 20.Take the husk of the rice and
Injuries in the throat: There with this water to get the ben- grind it along with the roots of
might be cases wherein injuries efits. the bharangi and applied it on the
might be produced in the throat. At 7. If a person finds it difficult to neck to remove the inflammation.
that time, the sufferer experiences speak, he should make the paste 21.Take 5-10 grams of coriander
unlimited pain and agony. of black pepper and honey and seeds and chew them at least 2-
Swelling of the sound box: consume it after taking the 3 times in a day to be free from
The person who speaks a lot like meals. the agony.
singers, orator, people possessing 8. Laryngitis would be taken care
22.Take some 10-15 mL of black
high pitch like leaders, actors and of if a person chews the candy
plum and consume it on a regu-
actress, suffer from the swelling in sugar or liquorice or cloves.
lar basis to eradicate the neck
the sound box. 9. If there is defect in the sound,
disease. Take 10-20 grams of
Causes for the throat dis- the person should chew black
the external bark of the Kachna
eases: The various reasons for this pepper and candy sugar.
and mix it with 400 mL of water.
disease are: drenched up in the rain, 10.One should consume a nicely rip-
living in cold and polluted places, ened mango which is baked in the Prepare the decoction of this and
changes in the climate and weather, fire in order to cure dry cough. consume 1/4 of this to remove
staying in places of humidity, acid- 11. Take 2-4 grams of lentils pow- the inflammation.
ity, fever, etc. der, swallow it and then consume 23.In order to remove the swelling
Bacteria and other kinds of tox- sugarcane juice. of the throat, one should consume
ins are responsible for this, sleeping 12.The sugarcane should be roasted the fruits of the Kantkari and 10-
with the opened mouth, sinus, block- properly and then consumed in 20 grams of its juice with water.
age in the nasal passage, severe cold, order to irradiate the sound de- 24.Take some dried bitter gourd and
excessive speaking, smoking, con- fects. grind it with the help of the vin-
suming alcohols, breathing in of poi- 13.Burn the onion in fire and mash egar. Apply this paste on the
sonous gases, eating lot of fried and it properly. Take 250 grams of swollen parts of the neck. Take
oily food, cold things, speaking in high fried Borax and mix it with the the roots of the plant Palash.
pitch, mimicking different sounds, mashed onion. This will allow the Make a past of it and apply this
constipation are responsible for ton- person to regain with sound de- on the inflammatory areas of the
sils and irritation in the sound box. fects. legs. Take some black mustard
Herbal Remedies: 14.Take the roots of the drumsticks, oil and massage the swollen ar-
1. A person should consume Borax prepare decoction of it. Gurgle eas. Take the roots of the Hurhul
mixed with pure honey for diph- with this water to remove sound plant and garlic and grind them
theria. defect. together, apply the paste on the
2. There has to be some kind of 15.Mix Shatabar, Kharaiti, and sugar inflammatory regions.

Treatment remedies for ton- sume tomato, spinach, bottle gourd, of sour food should not be con-
sils and tyroids: Take 50 grams of tinda, thorai in the form of soup. One sumed. Person should not consume
powdered trikut, 20 grams of pow- can even consume the starch of the tea or coffee. One should stay away
dered bhahera, 10 grams of Pisti. rice to get more benefit. The pa- from junk and fast food. The per-
Mix all of them together. The aged tient should consume the wheat floor son should not even consume to-
person should consume only 1 gram mixed with other floor and eat the bacco, fine flour and gram flour. The
of this and a child only half gram of rotis with boiled vegetables only. person also should not eat chocolate,
the mixture on empty stomach with One should consume the juice of biscuit and bread. They should eat
lots of fruits, vegetables as much as
honey both in the morning and oranges as much as possible in or- possible along with sprout and salad.
evening times. The continued con- der to fight against the contagious Yoga: The person should do yo-
sumption of this will help in giving bacteria and other micros present in gic exercise, meditate and do
relief from thyroid and kids will be the throat. A person should not drink pranayama on a daily basis. This
free from tonsils. cold water at all. The person should would ensure that that the person is
Food: People suffering from avoid fried and oily food and should healthy, free from various kinds of
various throat diseases should con- not drink water after it. Too much diseases and is protected from them.

Dr. Rajkumar Bapna

It is necessary for us to know the total units of calories and nutritious contents of various eatables substances
are present in our food. This would allow us to spend less on food and concentrate on the hygienic content of
various food substances. In this regards the following table enumerates the units present per 100gms weight
in various fruits and vegetables.
Name Carbohydrate Calcium Phosphorous Iron Vitamin B-1 Vitamin-2 Calories
Gm Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg
Apple 13.3 9 20 1.3 0.02 0.02 55
Guava 11.2 10 28 1.4 0.03 0.03 51
Grapes 16.5 20 30 1.5 - - 71
Berries 16.8 4 9 1.8 0.02 0.05 75
Orange 8.9 20 20 0.5 - - 40
Papaya 7.2 17 13 0.5 0.04 0.25 32
Banana 24.7 10 30 0.06 0.05 0.17 104
Mango 11.3 35 13 1.6 0.07 0.10 81
Cabbage 4.6 39 44 0.8 0.06 0.03 27
Radish(With leaves) 3.4 294 60 16.1 0.03 0.16 30
Spinach 10.8 73 21 10.8 0.03 0.07 72
Potato 22.6 10 40 0.7 0.10 0.10 67
Onion 10.0 110 50 0.7 0.08 0.01 49
Carrot 10.6 80 30 2.2 0.04 0.02 47
Lady’s finger 6.4 66 56 1.5 0.07 0.10 35
Brinjal 4.0 18 27 0.9 0.04 0.1 24
Bitter Gourd 4.2 20 70 1.8 0.06 0.01 10

-Dr Vipul Bhatt
Yoga Trainer and Researcher, Patanjali Yoga Peeth, Haridwar.
Symtoms bean, lemon, butter milk, goose
It is quite natural for some strands berry and honey.
of hair to fall from our head, how- v Consume rotis prepared from
ever if we see more hair falling in bran.
bunches, then it is a sure for us to be v Consume the paste of goose
I t is known that men look very alert. berry,coconut,ginger,garlic and
attractive in short and nicely cut hair. Causes coriander.
In the similar manner women look 1 When there is lack of the elements Avoid
beautiful and more attractive with like silicon, iodine, chlorine mag- v Spicy and oily food
thick and black hair. It is very well nesium etc. and lack of protein, v Tea, coffee and sugar
known fact that hair occupies a very Vitamine-A,Vitamine-B, Vitamine- v Gram flour and refined flour
important position in our personality E.All these help in reducing fall-
v Chocolate and toffee
development. The hair is produced by ing of hair.
v Food from the external sources
a protein called ‘Carotene’; it is pro- 2 The hair is damaged while
should be avoided.
duced in the head. There is a jelly colouring,perming and straighten-
Exercises and Postures
called folliclin present in the surface ing at a beauty parlour.
One should massage the hair with
of the upper region of the head. It is 3 In the cases of an unwanted flow
rigorous movements of the fingers and
the jelly that produces the hair. The of the hormones, at the com-
oil must be applied to the dermal re-
cells present in the hair roots are very mencement of the menstrual
active by nature .We also find oily gions of the head. This is in a way an
cycle when there is less of estro-
cells which gives shine and glossy to exercise for the hair. The oil massage
gen and progestrone, there are
the hair. Whenever there is some de- chances for the rate of hair fall to also provides exercises to the hair.
fect or problem in three layers of the be increased. This helps in the removal of the pas-
hair, then the hair starts falling as a Herbal treatment siveness of the hair, dryness and any
result it gives rise to baldness. It is Apply the oil of the mango seeds kind of defects in the hair. The move-
normal for 50-100 hair strands to fall and this would help in changing white ment of the blood helps in the growth
in a day, however more than this it is hair to black coloured.The black hair and to retain healthiness of the hair.
a sign of some disease prevailing in would not be white also. It helps in The movement of the blood is
the body. reducing the dandruff and hair fall more with the performance of the
We can divide the structure of the also. yogic postures like Halasan,
hair into three parts. The region of Diet Shirshasan, Sarvangasan and
the cortex gives form, shape, quan- v One should eat cabbage, onion, let- Matsyasan.These give natural and hy-
tity and length to the hair. There is a tuce, cucumber, bottle- gienic growth to the hair. This pre-
different pigment present in this re- gourd,carrots and turnip. all of vents the falling of the hair. There are
gion which is responsible for giving them have proteins like silicon, other postures like paschottanasan,
us different colors like black ,brown cysotene, chlorine, calcium, Chakki Chalan asan, Janushirshasan,
and red. As we grow, the quantity of systin, iron, iodine.These are im- Kurmaasan, Uttanpaad Asan,
the pigments reduces. This is respon- portant for the growth of the hair. Ustrasan, Ardhamatsyendrasan,
sible for the growth of white hair. It v One should eat apple, papaya, Chakrasan, Dhanurasan, pakshi asan,
could be due to heredity that a per- guava, pear, banana, orange, bhujanga asan and shalabhasan,
son might get white hair or it falls in mausambi, etc during the break- Kapaal bhati, anulom-vilom and
an untimely manner. It is present in fast. Dirgha Svasan,pranayaam and medi-
our genes also. In such a scenario it v Sprouts like gram, lentils, yellow tation helps in the growth of the hair.
is impossible to get some kind of rem- gram, groundnuts, etc should be This removes the dead and other kind
edies to prevent white hair or falling consumed. of hair diseases. Besides this, it helps
of the hair. v It is beneficial to eat curd, Soya in the purity of the body and mind.

Vaidya Garima Tiwari
G enerally the term of them are targets for the diseases
teenage refers to the age like lack of blood,lack of
group of 10 to 19 years old food,etc.Thus,it is better to take
youngsters.This is the age wherein some steps asap to remove such
there is a transformation from being problems.There are cases wherein
kid to teenage.There are changes in we are not giving proper attention
mind,mental faculties and emotional to such problems of the child and the
The term teenage refers to the feelings also.This phase prepares a young mothers.It is necessary for us
age group of 10 to 19 years old person to take decisions and prepare to understand and comprehend it
youngsters.This is the age themselves for marriage,parenthood very well and develop methos and
wherein there is a transforma- etc.This is a stage for personality procedures to overcome them.
tion from being kid to development of the individual.Even The life cycle of a human being
teenage.There are changes in the teenagers cannot understand this does not restrict itself in equal num-
mind,mental faculties and stage of their growing age.If the ber of years for old age and
emotional feelings also.This teenagers are able to understand this development.The development oc-
phase prepares a person to part of their life,then it might lead to curs in childhood and teenage
take decisions and prepare some serious and deep thinking ac- only.Following are the important
themselves for
tivities as some wrong steps might changes in the teenaged boys and
marriage,parenthood etc.This
be taken by them.This might even girls:
is a stage for personality
lead to some harm or pose danger
development of the
to them. Beginning of the puberty among
individual.Even the teenagers
cannot understand this stage The problem with the teenagers Boys:
of their growing age.If the is not a simple one.At the moment, The age of puberty for boys be-
teenagers are able to under- there are around 19 crore teenag- gins at 10 years and extends till 16
stand this part of their ers in India which forms the 20% of years of age.They grow much faster
life,then it might lead to some the total population.This section of than girls.generally it is said that they
serious and deep thinking the population is either married or are two years back as compared to
activities as some wrong steps actively participating in the sexual that of the girls.there are changes in
might be taken by them.This activities.It is a fact that in the the voice box and one might see
might even lead to some harm villages,the population of the changes in the voice for being deep
or pose danger to them. teenaers is twice that of the and seriousness.
cities.This vast population is facing With the changes in the voice,
many problems associated with there are also some changes in the
motherhood for specially the mother chest tissues also.There might be
and newly born child like death of some changes in the weight
the child and polio issues. Maximum also.however, there should not be

any changes in the color.After two tions in the body at the time of the hand only
or three years,there is reduction in puberty. • Sexual oddity
the weight also.In some cases, obe- There are changes in the breasts • Wrong or non ethical acts during
sity might be prevalent and it is a and mammary glands and this be- sexual discourse
serious concern for us. gins at the age of 9 to 13 years.At It is necessary to give knowledge
There are possibilities that some 11 and half years,one might see the about certain problems occurring
of the boys are maturing slowly as development of the pubic hair.All during teenage.There are
compared to the rest of the male girls maintain the menstrual psychological,cultural,medical and
members of the same age group and cycle.There are certain emotional beharoiural problems for the
they might be teased by them.This and behavioural problems at this teenagers.Thus,it is important to give
might demotivate and develop into time among girls.It is necessary to proper knowledge of all these to the
stress conditions for them.There is let them know about the cleanliness youngsters.
a development and changes in the during menstruation. From different points of view,the
hair growth on the body,hair on the The young girls must adhere to teenage is the best time in the life
face,pubic hair and in the sperm for- cleanliness and take care of cycle of a human being.Many re-
mation also.There is unlimited num- themselves.care should be taken searches have been conducted to
ber of small hairs growing on the from the unpolluted things as they introduce different theories about this
bodies of the male members at this might create some problems.The particular age.Many believe that
age.This gives us some information uterus is very sensitive during the many important variations and de-
about their personality. menstrual cycle and improper care
velopments occur within this stage
It is a serious concern to see the would lead to undesirable growth of
and it has impact on the person
onset of the puberty among boys the microbes.
through his or her life.There might
quite late in life,however,this should During the menstruation
be ups and downs in this phase,still
be causing any problem to us as they time,young girls must take care of
it is important to make the young-
would be growing till they have at- their bodies and private areas.They
sters realize and create awareness
tained complete growth in them.One need to focus their attention on
among them. Sexual intercourse and
should perieve the growth in terms cleanliness and practice certain
giving birth to a child are very com-
of strength and hard work of the things like washing properly,not al-
mon activities of this time.An indi-
body also. lowing the blood to stay for a long
vidual understands about the impor-
time,using clean sanitary
tance of sexuality and reaches to its
Puberty Among Girls: napkins,etc.We should take precau-
prime stage in this age.It is better to
The girls gain 60% of the weight tions with respect to the microbes
educate them about the sex and sci-
as soon as they enter into their and other micro-organisms.
ence of the sex.Some of them are
teenage.There is accumulation of fat An individual might face differ-
in the certain parts of the bodies of ent experiences or problems.Such enumerated in the following manner:
the girls as compared to the things might be stressful for the Unwanted pregnancy and abor-
boys.However,there is a small gap youngsters.There are dertain prob- tion are two problems for us.They
and after it, they have to fully ma- lems which are solved all by are against the medicine and social
ture themselves in terms of themselves.Following are some of practices.If the teenager is very
puberty.This comes before the on- the problems: young ,then chances of danger are
set of the menstrual cycle and the • Satisfaction of the orgasm more.Some common issues are
body is slightly passive by • Impotentency or cruel acts dur- irritatibility,abortion,death of the em-
nature.Generally,there is no reduc- ing the initial phases bryo or child before its birth,delivery
tion or shortage of fatty accumula- • Completion of the act before before time and giving birth to a
death child. castes and tribes.They are totally One should not be neutral or si-
Communicable Diseases Among unaware of certain things with lent about the sex disorientations.
teenagers(STD) respect to the healthy sexual One must educate about various top-
Younsters are aware of the dan- intercourses and life after it. ics like pregnancy,abortion,unwanted
gers arising out of the sexual unions • It is dangerous to practice self- child,different forms of abortions,
or physical relationships.One of abortion,giving birth to a child stages of pregnancy,etc.
them being HIV or AIDS.Even if before time,death of the new Diseases associated with sex like
the young girls are married,there are born baby,babies with less HIV,AIDS,etc. are very harmful for
cases that they might be the patients weight,etc. the person as well as the whole
of RTI and STD. Various reasons for early moth- society.More than anything else,it is
The diseases associated to the erhood in India are illiteracy,poverty harmful for the mother and the child
sexuality begin with the sexual or- and child-marriages.However,there that is going to enter into the new
gans only.This causes lot of tension are other reasons also as we might world.hence,one must focu on the
among the youngsters.Early sexual observe in other countries wherein welfare of self,other person and the
associations might lead to some dis- the the young girl is aware of cer- whole society.
eases like cancer in the reproduc- tain facts about the pregnancy and Women have always taken the
tive organs.Thus,it is seen that if the motherhood.In India the situation is role for taking decisions in their lives
sexual itercourses are taking place worst.We do see that young girls more than anyone else.They have
in the age of 14 to 15 years,then being mothers as compared to other taken important role in education and
there are more chances of acquir- countries like USA and UK.There health care departments. However,
ing cancer.The destruction or dam- had been success in the cases of we do still perceive the gap between
age of the reproductive tract and child deaths and death of the the role of a man and a woman.the
transmitting sexual diseases to oth- mothers.However,we are unable to rate of male population s compared
ers are equally dangerous to us. control the cases wherein girls are to women has reduced,rate of detah
Cancer might develop in the becoming mothers at a very young of a mother and bad health of the
cases of early marriages,sexual age.There are many kinds of reports mothers are still at a high rate. Con-
unions with many people and bad and researches done on this particu- sequently, it is essential to increase
sexual practices. lar topic also. the rate of maintaining the health of
Pregnancy in the teenage might It is very scary to see that in the girls to boys.Both should be re-
pose danger to both mother and India,the rate is increasing for girls sponsible and equally should fight
child.This is specially for those moth- entering into motherhood at an early with bad practices.
ers whose age is very less.The popu- stages than in any other developing Another important topic of dis-
lation growth is seen more in the age countries.One can compare this with cussion among teenagers is sexual
groups of 15 to 18 years. countries like Pakistan,Nepal, and desires.There is a close relationship
• Danger for girls who are less Bangladesh. between sexual desires and birth.It
than 18 years of age The rate of the death of a child is essential to know that the physi-
• We can prevent abortions, un- is more in Pakistan as compared to cal bodies should be ready for sexual
wanted pregnancy,etc. India.In this acse,China is in better intercourses and to enjoy them
• Fistula might promote the growth position even in comparison to coun- properly.If we attempt to practice
of the micro-organisms and this tries like USA and UK.In this them before only and without proper
might lead to serious diseases in study,the UNICEF has laid empha- knowledge, there are many disad-
later stages of life. sis on the cultural,gender and human vantages. One should pay attention
• Pregnancy is more in the cases rights’officers to prepare a report for to one’s age and take care of it prop-
of poor people and scheduled them. erly.
This is a very highly communicable and dangerous disease. It is transmitted
from one person to another. It is transmitted from infected person who has
sexual relationship with the healthy person and the disease is transmitted.
This is curable by the medicines and proper treatment. One should not delay
the treatment at any cost for any reason.

S yphilis occurs during the sexual intercourse with in one kg of water. Leave the mixture for the entire
prostitutes and is transmitted to each other. Initially there night. Sieve the water and allow the patient to drink it
is a yellow colored wound on the penis of the man. in the next morning. Let the remaining water be utilsed
And it is very painful. It is cured in three weeks of to wash the remaining wounds on the body. This is
time. Then after one and half or two months, there are easiest way to get rid of the disease.
brown colored boils on the skin. This disease is transmit-
• Take the 40 gm of juice of the myrtle leaves and add
ted through parents to their offsprings.This is a very highly
communicable and dangerous disease. It is transmitted 20 gm of candy sugar to it. Consume this mixture for
from one person to another. It is transmitted from in- 10-12 days. This is beneficial.
fected person who has sexual relationship with the healthy • Take 25 gm of catechu,10 gm of camphor, and 5 gm
person and the disease is transmitted. This is curable by of vermillion. Prepare a paste of it and sieve it. Take
the medicines and proper treatment. One should not de- 100 gm of it and add to 125 gm of butter and prepare
lay the treatment at any cost for any reason. a paste of it. This should be applied on the wounds of
the patient.
Natural Treatment • Burn yellow harad, suhaga, and goose-berry.Powder
• Prepare the paste of Harad,Baheda,goose berry, bark
this mixture and sprinkle on the wounds.
of the margosa tree, bark of the chhaal tree, bark of
the banyan tree, wood of the berry, leaves of Vijay • Take 4-5 drops of sandalwood oil and add sugar tab-
and adusa.Sieve it and make a paste of it. Add guggal lets to it. Consume this for one week to get rid of the
to it in equal proportions. Prepare 6 tablets of this disease.
mixture and keep it safely for further consumption. • Take some cumin seeds and half-fry them. Add black
This helps in eradication of the syphilis, defects of the salt to it .prepare the juice of this mixture and con-
blood and the wounds present due to the boils on the sume it in order to get rid of the spots.
body. • Take equal quantities of gorakhmundi and giloi.Grind
• Take 50 Gms of Anantmul and mash it. Add ½ kg of them together and sieve it. Add 4 parts of honey to it
boiling water to it. Soak the mixture for two hours and consume it with cold water in morning and evening
and later on squeeze out the water present in it. Con- times on daily basis. This cures the disease of
sume this liquid 4 to 5 times in a day to cure syphilis. leprosy,syphilis,etc.
• Take the fresh bark of the mango tree and prepare
• Take equal proportions of the roots of akarkara and
juice of it. Consume it on daily basis with goat’s milk
aak.Add 2 parts of black pepper and 4 parts of candy
in morning and for the next 6 days.
sugar and prepare a paste of it. Consume it in 4 gm of
• There are defects in blood because of the syphilis. quantity to get rid of the disease.
There are marks on the entire body and joints experi-
• Take the root of dhatura plant.Reduce its size and pre-
ence pain. Take paste of the sugar and add it to milk
for good benefits. pare its paste.Take two small portions of it and put it
in a betel leaf for consumption and this would get rid
• Mash the external bark of the margosa tree and boil it
of the disease.

-Vaidya Nimesh Agrawal

The problem of the chronic disorder of the bowel ginger, black pepper and 5 grams of rock salt. Grind
takes place due to the dysentary.The over consumption and prepare a paste of all these. One should consume
of the fats and proteins is also responsible for this dis- one tablespoon of this with hot water every morning.
ease. An individual cannot digest the food properly and • One should consume 4 ripened plantain fruits with
cannot eat food in an organized manner. rock salt on daily basis. Dry the bark of black berry
Symptoms of the Disease and grind it. Add honey to half tablespoon of this
• The stools are either in dense or thickened or liquid powder and consume it.
form. It gives out bad odor also. A person throws out • Prepare a past of 10-10 grams of ginger, black pep-
the excrement at least 15-20 times in a day. The pa- per, pomegranate seeds, rock salt, asafetida cinnamon.
tient suffers from back-aches, muscle pulls or twists Consume one tablespoon of this on daily basis before
suddenly in the body. Sometimes blood is also present taking food.
in the excrement. Sprinkle rock salt and black pepper powder on the

• In the beginning, the dysentery starts off in the morn- pineapple pieces and consume it. Take 10 grams of
ing hours. There is no pain in the leaves of the wood apple tree and take out its juice.
stomach.However,after the consumption of the din- Add 2 grams of rock salt and black pepper before
ner, the patient immediately has to excrete. consuming the juice. One should drink this for 15
• There are symptoms of it like the bloating of the stom- days for proper cure of the bowel system.
ach, some noises are produced in the stomach, the • Take little bit of saffron and half a teaspoon of lemon
bad odored gas is expelled from the juice and consume it.
body,undigestion,saliva flows out of the • Prepare a decoction of 2 harad and 4 cloves. Add one
mouth,depression,light fever, and difficulty in breath- pinch of rock salt to it and consume it. Add cow’s
ing takes place in the body. urine to the juice of a mixture of 3 kinds of myrobalan
• In children, there is mucous present in the excrement. and consume it. Prepare condiment of raw pulp of
There is green colored matter present in the excre- wood apple fruit and dried ginger. Consume half a
ment. The person sweats a lot also. spoon of it on a daily basis along with the food.
The Ayurvedic Treatment What should be consumed and avoid
• Take 10 gm of white raisins and 20 gm of unrefined • One should consume green vegetables, fruits, and
sugar. Prepare a fine powder of both of them. One eatable fibers.
should consume this with water during morning and • One should eat rotis prepared from bran. The rotis
evening times. should be chewed properly after soaking it with the
• Consume the condiment of gooseberry in morning and help of the saliva.
evening hours. One should avoid consumption of chilly, spices, meat,

• Add salt to the onion juice and consume this for 15 fish, eggs, alcohol, coffee, tea and pan masala, etc.
days. It is beneficial. One should take one cup of pomegranate juice in the

• Take equal quantities of thyme, small lentils, rock salt morning.
and asafetida. Grind them to make a fine paste. One • If it is an ongoing problem, then one should eat a dish
should consume one tablespoon of this paste in the prepared from rice and pulses boiled together with
morning with fresh water. good amount of water and temperate with cumin seeds
• Take 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in one cup of wa- before consumption.
ter and boil it. Sieve the mixture to consume it in the • One should 10-12 glass of water in the whole day and
morning and evening hours. no water should be drunk while eating the food.
• Take one tablespoon of lemon juice, one piece of gar- • One should drink warm water in winters and fresh
lic, small bunch of green coriander leaves, 10 black water (no refrigerated one in summer seasons).
pepper corns, little bit of rock salt, and half tablespoonTreatment with diet
of cumin seeds to make a fine condiment of it. This • One should fast for few days or the whole week as it
should be consumed on daily with our food. This is beneficial for the health – during fasting time one
helps us a lot in this disease. should consume lemon juice prepared with warm and
• Take 50 grams of dried coriander seeds, 25 grams of cold water as per the requirement of the season and
rock salt, and 25 grams of black pepper and half table- consume it 2-4 times in a day, apple juice 2-3 times
spoon of asafetida. Make powder of all these ingredi- and similarly for the pomegranate juice. If wood apple
ents and consume it on daily basis after the dinner and is available, it is beneficial to drink juice of it with
lunch. sugar on a daily basis for 6-8 times in a day. It is also
• Take 10-10 grams of cumin seeds, long pepper, dried beneficial to consume butter milk with salt and cumin
seeds added to it or vegetables soups at least twice in us from the pain in the knees.
a day. One should do Bhujungasan – it is a kind of an exer-
• One should take complete rest throughout the day
during fasting period. Later on add honey to the raw Makarasan
vegetables, juice, and drink it. It is good to consume
the juice of raw vegetable as it is good for the diges-
tion and helps in increasing our appetite.
• Sometimes one can eat chapattis, salad, curry, curd,
fruit, milk, juice of the vegetables, soup, etc in a day. cise meant for the stomach and helps in all kinds of de-
As we regain our health, we can increase the quantity fects of it. It removes the problem of constipation.
of the food and try to maintain to take fruit and veg- Practice of Makarasan - This helps in living long
etable juice, salad, soup, etc. life. Any kind of defects of the lungs is cured by this and
• One should take care not to over eat. It is always is really helpful to relieve us from the pain in the knees.
better to eat less. This is very good for the spinal cord and helps in diges-
• If we feel thirsty when he takes little less work, it is tion to give us good health.
recommendable to drink warm water. Drink lemon Pawanmuktasan – This is very good exercise and is
water half an hour before the food as this helps in very popular one also. It removes all the defects of the
increasing our appetite and for proper digestion. breathing systems, acidity and is beneficial for the dis-
• After completion of the dinner or lunch, one should ease associated with the women.
get up from the left hand side as this helps in digestion Kamarachakrasan – This helps in eradicating of the
of the food. constipation, removal of the tiredness and helps in diges-
• The dinner should be taken at least 2 hours before the tion.
sleep and one should tie a covering of cloth with cold Janushirasan – This helps in the growth of the mus-
water and cover it with a warm shawl. This should cular part of the breathing and digestion system. Some-
be removed after two hours or in the morning. times there is constriction in the stomach. It helps in
Natural treatment removal of it.
• Take anima in the morning as this helps in the clean- Ardvamtsyendrasan – this is a really useful exercise
ing of the stomach. After this, one should consume for the people suffering from bad bowel systems. It also
boiled vegetables along with rotis prepared with wheat helps in diabetes and
floor and bran. This should be consumed for 15 days backache. It gives lot
continuously. of energy to the
• Take a belt with wet mud and tie it on the stomach for whole body and the
20 days. nervous system
• If the bowel system is in a bad condition for a long Ardvamtsyendrasan
time, it is advisable to drink water 4 times a day with
half a lemon juice squeezed on a regular basis. One
should sit in water in such a manner that the water
level comes up till the waist and the stomach should
be exposed to that water.
• The water should be flow on the waist and the area
below the naval or belly part for two minutes. really functions very well. This exercise should be done
• It is advisable to lay straight, take a deep breath and with lot of care and under proper guidance.
allow the water to be thrown on the stomach for two Pranayaam – This is very useful and very important.
minutes. Without this, no disease can be completely eradicated. It
Treatment with yogic exercise is advisable for the patient to perform this on a regular
The physical body is in a weak condition when a per- basis.
son suffers from the bad bowel system. He cannot be One should do Agnisar Kriya : With this activity,
very active nor do some kind of hard the digestion system really functions very well. The prob-
work. It is advisable for the patient to lems of constipation, gas, ulcers, etc are removed com-
perform Vajrasan and this should be done pletely, person really feels hungry after doing this exer-
for 5 minutes after eating the food. This cise on a daily basis. There are no problems in the uri-
will help in digestion, removal of acidity, nary system. This also helps in controlling the urinary
gas, and constipation. This also relieves system. It is beneficial for the patient suffering from
obesity and diabetes.
Bhujungasan Proper function of the blood vessels : One should
do Anulom and Vilom exercise of the Pranayaam. One
should pour water in the nostril and do it continuously.
After that one should meditate for sometime.
Tara Devi

I t is very sad to note that India is adopting foreign culture and leaving behind
its own culture. There is not even a single person who would like to come for-
ward to change the environment of our country. Even the government discussed
about these topics however they are meant only for giving speeches to the people.
Nowadays, people are forgetting their own culture and ready to take away other
culture easily. It has observed that people are suffering from one or the other
disease and they are getting attracted towards the English medicines other than the
medicines prepared in their own country. The people are really blind towards it
Looking at the current and the results can be seen on our own bodies with their side effects.
scenario with respect to Looking at the current scenario with respect to our culture and lifestyle, it is
our culture and lifestyle, seen that we are far more away from the actual Indian culture, primary medical
treatments, the remedies through the herbs and plants in order to live a long and
it is seen that we are far
healthy life. If we adopt our disappearing culture, then it is sure that there would
more away from the be growth and people would be free from diseases and live for a long time. There
actual Indian culture, are only few people who are aware of the fact that we can even adopt euthanasia
primary medical treat- or voluntary death through the ancient method. For this, there is necessity of
ments, the remedies Yoga and Pranayam. There are many benefits of this. Pranayam helps us to
through the herbs and reduce 8-10 kg of weight, blood pressure and thyroid can be cured. It is also said
plants in order to live a that thyroid and other disease are bad for health and ultimately we might even die
long and healthy life. If also, however Yoga and Pranayam helps us to eradicate all these things. It also
helps in avoiding heart attack, free from all kinds of other disease and save lot of
we adopt our disappear-
money which is spent on the bypass surgery. One can be free from all kinds of
ing culture, then it is sure addictions also through Yoga and Pranayam.
that there would be People who really practice Yoga and Pranayam, they are free from all kind of
growth and people would diseases and never tend to become a patient. They are free from depression and
be free from diseases and always believe on themselves.
live for a long time. Yoga really controls all the activities of our lives and life is given to us as a
There are only few people blessing from the god. It is through our prayers to the God through a single word
who are aware of the fact OM that all living organisms are connective with the ultimate being. In this man-
that we can even adopt ner, Yoga is superior religion as compared to the other religion. The main reason
behind this is that Yoga is the only instrument through which a human being is able
euthanasia or voluntary
to see the humanity and the welfare of it can be desired by him only.
death through the ancient
method. Pranayaam:
The controlling of the life is called Pranayam. Our body really guides and
controls many activities in it, all these are either perceived or unperceived by the
living organism. Life and death has a very extraordinary relation with the human
being. This is all due to the life only. As fire and other processes help in removing
the polluted particles of gold and other metals, similarly all the sense organs and
the mind are cleaned by the Pranayaam. Through Pranayaam, we are able to
remove all the unreality and wrong kind of coverings from our body. Through
this cleaning process, we experience the reality.
It is through the realization of the saints and sages, Patanjali, etc that really
established a complete scientific method for Pranayaam.
This helps in eradication of incurable disease. After the
treatment one is free and attains a peaceful life. If we Adhyantaravrutti:
look at Pranayam through the health and spiritual point of Method:
view, it is very important for the human beings. From • We have to sit in a meditative posture and throw out
the medical point of view, it is useful in the treatment of the air from the body and breathe in maximum vol-
all kinds of diseases and illness except for the defects of ume of air. This depends upon us how much we can
the bones. It can cure diseases like heart attack, asthma, take it. Raise the chest portion towards the upper
side and pull in the stomach in such a manner that it
diabetes, etc, and gives us life free of diseases.
touch in completely. In this posture one should per-
There is a positive aspect of Pranayam also wherein a
form Mulabandh or any other kind of bandh.
child and old man can easily perform Pranayaam without
• Keep the air as it is inside the body and when we
any difficulties. It is a very simple method wherein the
desire to throw it out then remove the Jalandharbandh
lungs become stronger. There is a proper flow of the
and slowly release the air out of the body.
blood and men attain a long life.
Benefits: This removes all the defects of the lungs
Pranayam helps in the natural treatment of various
and it is highly beneficial for the diseases occurring due
diseases with the help of the life giving air. It is practiced
to the fact. Through this, person really shines and is full
during the pious activities and during the meditation time
of radiance and beauty.
also. In this way, a person discipline and all the negative Stambhavrutti:
feelings like depression, stress, anger, fear, etc, are re- Methods: When we breathe out, we should allow
moved very easily. This improves even the memory, in- the air to remain outside and when we breathe in, little bit
telligence, cognition, intuition, etc and men become psy- of air should be kept inside which means when there is a
chologically a strong human being. This allows him to cycle of breathing in and breathing out of the air, then we
lead a happy life. should not go against it. We should be along with it and
Pranayaam also helps in long breathing process and it take care of the whole process into our control.
is done in a very natural manner. Benefits: Person really gains strength and completes
As per the Yoga philosophy there are four different all the principles of his livelihood and intelligence is really
kinds of Yoga: sharpened. This is very difficult and we cannot grasp it
1. Bahruyaviutti very easily. The body really increases its strength and
2. Adhyantaravrutti. we are able to conquer our own sense organ. The con-
3. Stambhavrutti. sciousness becomes calm and quiet. Even women can
4. Bahmabhayaltra. practice these yogic exercises.
Bahruyaviutti Pranayaam: Rule regarding the Pranayam:
Method: • It should be practiced in a clean and pious place. It is
• In this we do Simhasan, Padmasan, or any other pos- always advisable to do this exercise near a water
ture and sit in a proper manner allow the air to enter source.
into the body and with the same path it should breathe • One should not sit near the polluted places. The place
out. should be highly perfumed or posses some good smell.
• After the above step, one should do Mulabandh, • In order to do Pranayaam, one should sit in Siddhasan,
Uddiyalbandh, and Jalandharbandh and breath in. af- Vajrasan, and Padmasan.
terwards slowly release the air step by step. • This really allows the flow of energy from one part of
• Again without any stoppage, take the air inside the the body to the other and we should sit on a blanket or
lungs and continue the above steps at least 3 to 21 a mattress.
times. • We should always breathe in with the help of the nose
Benefits: This is a Pranayam which does not bring and not through the mouth. The main reason behind
any kind of harm to us. The playfulness of the heart is this is that, nose acts as a filter and prevents the pol-
destroyed in this, there is some kind of enlightenment luted particles to enter into the body. Moreover this
within us and we get the benefits to be free from many helps the body to maintain its temperature and the
diseases. Intelligence is very subtle and moves in a very spinal cord is in its right posture.
quick manner. The strength also moves very quickly and • Pranayam should also be done at least 4-5 hours be-
the defects of dream, etc, are taken care of. fore we consume the food.

• Our bodies should be purified and cleansed before go- time. One should consume sattvik and food which
ing for yogasan and Pranayam early in the morning, consist of milk, ghee, and fruits.
i.e. we need to complete all our daily activities, like • One should not stop air in or out during Pranayam. It
bathing, cleaning off the teeth, etc. should be done in a nature manner. In order words,
• We need to practice about 5-10 minutes and later on no force should be applied.
increase our timings from 30 minutes to 1 hour. • There should not be any kind of stress on face, eyes,
• While doing this, we need to be absolutely in peace nose, and any other part of the body while practicing
and happy state. Pranayam.
• We should take bath and then sit in to meditate in this • It should be done with extreme cautiousness and one
process. should not be curious or anxious about it.
• After completing Pranayam if we desire to take bath it
Methods to sit for the Pranayam:
should be done only after 15-20 minutes.
One should sit absolutely straight while doing the
• One should not attempt to do Pranayaam or any other
Pranayam. One should use a meditative posture for this
yogic exercises after reading the book. It should be
done under strict instructions of the trainer or guru. like Siddhasan, Padmasan, sukhasan, Vajrasan, etc. If a
• One should know their own nature and habits in order person is not able to sit in these postures, the individual
to practice the Pranayam.One cannot lie anything about can sit in a chair to do Pranayaam. However, the spinal
our physical bodies. cord should be absolutely straight. Nowadays people are
• Pregnant women, people who are hungry individuals doing this while walking or roaming casually. However
and people having fever should avoid it. They should this is a wrong method. This might be very harmful for
not even be performed during the time of menstrua- the body. Pranayaam develops Pranshakti and helps in
tion. the awakening of various Chakras in the body. There-
• One should really take care of the complete fore it is always advisable to sit straight and this helps in
brahamacharya in order to do Pranayaam from long focusing on the mind.

Dr.Madan Lal Verma “Krant

People are asking “What kind of object Ram Dev Is?”

Utters “Krant” in this person, has the seeds of “Bismil”.
Ram was one person in an era, “Bismil” Ram-Prasad,
Gave freedom to us, and left us forever Prasad.
All were the British, true they were very cruel,
Always they acted upon revolutionaries, destroyed all of them.
Year 1937 was he rised, hunged was Ram Prasad,
20 years after that, country was independent.
While dying he wrote, Bismil thought these words,
I would take birth again here only, do not be unhappy Mother.
Certainly in this birth only, there was some more missing,
Due to which not me, could not do something special.
However in next birth, with complete power,
Again I would come back to meet the cruel, shake hand-hand with them.
In year 47 they gave, country was divided,
It is the yoga of Ram Dev, it would cut the cruels

Shrimati Reena Mishra

Human beings have strong relationship with the envi- tions.

Therefore it is not at all beneficial to sleep till the time of
ronment. There is mutuality between the environmental loss
and it is necessary for the human being to take care of them. the sunrise. One should inculcate to awake quite early in the
The first rule focuses on waking up only in the morning as it morning on daily basis. Is not it possible for us to perform an
is excellent for our health. All the great people in the world impossible works if we have great determination?
used to get up early in the morning. As per saint Manu who writes in his Manavsamhita -
It is always advisable to getup quite early before the sun- czkãks eqgrw Zs cqè;rs /ekZFkksZ pkuqfpU;srA~ dk;Dys'kka';
rise and the human being should perform exercises, pray to rUewyku~ osnrÙokFkZeo s pAA
the heavenly bodies, Gods, Goddesses, parents and all the
divine beings after proper cleansing and purification meth- This means one should getup at bhramamuhurta and medi-
ods or activities in the morning. It is Indian sanatan culture to tates on the daily religious activities. The first pious activity
chant Gayatri mantra and meditate on it in order to attain long is to meditate on God and take the decision that all the works
life. All these activities are called the daily rituals. If a person performed on that particular day should be performed in the
is not able to perform all these activities before the sunrise very pious manner. The meaning of meditation here is that
then there would be no time left to perform them. Thus the
one should do all their work with complete honesty and loy-
first and primary discipline to maintain good health is to take
care of all good activities. alty. Such activity would give good money and provide ulti-
The’Brahmamuhurta’ time is one and half hours before mate happiness within us. One should allow their bodies to
the sunrise. At this time one can see twilight and four stars work hard and tend to remain healthy because unhealthy
are visible in the sky. This is also called as ‘Amrita vela’. This body means that the whole life is going to be a worst case.
is the idle time for meditation. As per the rules of the environ-
ment, on the animals, birds and all other living organisms ^'kjhek|a [kyq /eZlk/ue~A*
getup early in the morning to experience the real and actual
happiness in the ‘Amrita vela’. In such a situation if man-the This means the moment we getup in the morning is al-
highest animal species -cannot be lazy and continue to sleep ways good to see both of our hands specially the
when the whole world is enjoying the valuable gift of the palms.’Acharya pradeep’ writes -
divine bond. Would not it be shameful deed for him? djkxzs olrs y{eh% djeè;s ljLorhA djewys fLFkrks czãk
It is said that if a person sleeps till the sun rise, then his/ izHkkrs djn'kZue~AA
her intelligence and sense organs tend to be less effective for
functioning properly. It is said that such a person who gets It means the upper part of the palm is the residence of
up late in the morning tends to remain poor through out the Goddess Lakshmi, Sarasvati resides in the middle portion
life. There is a important line given in the Dev vani -
and Lord Brahma resides in the lowest portion of the palm.
dqpfS yua nUreyksi/kfj.kaA czÞuf'kua fu"BqjHkkf"k.ka pAA Thus it is advisable to see the palms in the morning time
lw;ksnZ ;s pkLrfers 'k;kuaA foeqfPr Jh;Zfn pØikf.k%AA while waking up.
Meaning: The person whose physical body and clothes In reality there is an extraordinary beauty seen in the en-
are dirty, dirt is accumulated on the teeth, eats plenty of food, vironment at the twilight hours. We can really be happy only
always utters rude words, wakes up late after the sunrise and if we balance this with the environment. In this way the first
awakens at the time of the sunset. Such a person is known to meter to protect our health is - to meditate very early in the
be a worst case of remaining through out the life. It is also morning and to awaken before the sunrise on daily basis and
said that Goddess Laxmi leaves Lord Vishnu in such situa- to perform good and beneficial actions in our lives.
Vaidya Suchi Mitra
A cidity is not a serious and dangerous disease.However, it is serious causes
due to which the patient is always tensed and in depressed condition. It is also
known as Acid Dispepacia, Acid gastritis and hyper-chlorahydria.The history of this
disease is very old one.It has not been clearly discussed in the literatures of Charaka
and Sushruta.It is only Acharya Kashyap who has discussed about it in length in his
work. It was Madhavkar who wrote about this disease as a separate topic in the
book called “Madhav Nidaan”.Acidity is formed due to continuous consumption of
Acidity is formed due
stale and cold food by an individual. This produces lots of acid and bile juice. This is
to continuous con-
sumption of stale and called as the state of the acidity. It is directly associated to the changing of the
cold food by an indi- seasons and weathers. This aggravates in the rainy and winter seasons. In these
vidual. This produces seasons, there is over production of the acid and bile juice which causes problems
lots of acid and bile and discomforts to the individual. The gastric mucosa is produced and is in large
juice. This is called as quantities. This is the cause of hyper-acidity in the body. Due to improper and mal
the state of the acidity. treatment of such diseases, the individuals suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers
It is directly associ- also. This might even lead to the stages of the cancer also.
ated to the changing
of the seasons and Symptoms
weather. This aggra- • The person tires very soon
vates in the rainy and
• The person experiences heaviness and bloating of the stomach
winter season. In
• The individual feels nauseatic and the bile juices are vomited in the colors of
these seasons, there is
yellow, blue, green or red.
over production of the
acid and bile juice • The person hates to eat anything and des not like the taste of the food. There
which causes prob- are burps produced.
lems and discomforts • There is irritation in the stomach, chest and throat
to the individual. The • The person experiences sour and bitter tastes
gastric mucosa is • There are blisters formed in the mouth
produced and is in • Individual experiences sourness in the teeth also
large quantities. This • There is sensation of heat in the stomach due to non consumption of the food
is the cause of hyper- • Patient cannot sleep properly
acidity in the body. • Tension is created
Due to improper and • There is a layer of dirt formed on the tongue
mal treatment of such
• There is a problem of gas and there is a complaint of bloating, pain in the
diseases, the individu-
stomach and discomfort ness
als suffer from gastric
• There is sensation of inflammation in hands, legs, eyes, etc.
and duodenal ulcers
also. • While urinating, the person experiences inflammation
• The person keeps on spitting the saliva and this becomes a habit later on
• The air coming out of the nostrils is hot and the gases come out of the nostrils

with a bad smell or sour tastes • Prepare a fine powder of black pepper, dried ginger
Causes and bark of the margosa plant and consume it twice
• The disease is due to wrong food habits a day with water
• Consumption of alcohol, tobacco and smoking are • Grind the equal proportions of peepul, dried goose-
the main causes berry, small harad, coriander and kutki.Add equal
• Oily and spicy food also are responsible for this amount of raisins in it. Take a cup made of mud and
disease prepare a mixture of this with water. Sieve it next
• Consumption of bread,jam,jelly,fast food, cold morning and drink it. This should be ritually con-
drinks,etc also cause acidity sumed for the next 2 to three months
• Acidity also occurs due to • Stomach pain might be reduced if we prepare
tea,coffee,chocolates,biscuits and sugar decoction of the bark of the banyan tree and water.
• Stress and depression also cause this disease Add jaggery and rock salt to it
• Consumption of sour food items like vinegar, sour • Take fresh goose berry and add fine powder of
curd, sour buttermilk,etc are also causes of it candy sugar to it and consume
• If one consumes gram and refined flour in large • Take 10 gm of raisins and aniseeds.Soak them in
quantities ,it causes this disease 100 ml of water.Mash it in the morning and sieve it
• Drinking of less water and keeping fasts are also its thoroughly for consumption
causes • Take Dakh and harad in equal quantities. Add equal
• Chocolates,Kulfi,tinned food items,cream,ice- amount of sugar, grind all of them together and
cream,toffees cause acidity in the body make 1-1 balls of it.
• Polish and refined rice also cause acidity • Take 6-6 gm of small branches of coriander, dried
• Lack of bran is also responsible for it ginger, sugar and margosa.Prepare decoction of it
• Individuals are consuming allopathic and anti-biotic and drink it twice in a day. This helps in digestion,
medicines in large quantities. This results into curing sour burps, hiccups, etc.
acidity as it has direct effect on the digestive system • Take half a teaspoon of triphala daily twice or thrice
and acts against the acidity. Due to this, a person in a day.
might experience swelling in the joints, wounds are Home remedies
produced without any reason and acidity increases • Avoid to add salt to cucumber and kakari and one
in the body. must not drink water after eating them
• Acidity is also present in case the food is not • Boil potatoes; add black pepper powder and cumin
masticated and chewed properly. seeds to it along with some rock salt. This is really
• Pregnant women experience it more beneficial
• Acidity might create additional diseases like dysen- • Add jaggery in cow’s milk and this would help in
tery, bad bowel systems, swelling in the body, etc. increase of urine and acidity might be cured
• This might be the cause for the diseases of the • Take the past with the jaggery
teeth, joint problems, pyria, defects of the liver, etc. • Consume the equal amount of coriander and ginger
• Bad and polluted water is also responsible for acidity • Drink coconut water as much as possible
• Consumption of both hot and cold substances • Eat black gram with the black pepper condiment
together at the same time might cause acidity • Consume the juice of black berries with jaggery
Herbal Remedies • Consume the power of goose berry with butter milk
• Consume triphala or goose berry with honey Remedy through the Yoga
• Take powder of harad and honey Yogic exercises also benefit to remove the acidity. The

person should wear dhoti and perform jal dhoti, baghi jal • Keep fast once in a week
neti and sankh prakshalan.One should regularly practice • Consume seasonal fruits
the following postures: janushirshasan, Vajrasan, • Boil and cool milk. This must become a habit or each
uttanapadaasan, ardhamatsyendrasan, yoga mudra, one of us.
dhanurasa, etc. • It is beneficial to eat almonds,pistachio,aniseeds and
Food black pepper and prepare its syrup
• Avoid stale food • Develop good habits like sleeping early, getting up at
• One must walk in mornings and evenings the right time, eating food at appropriate time, it.
• Rotis should be prepared with bran mixed in flour • Drink boiled water
• Roasted grains and sprouts should be consumed Avoid
• Consume vegetables like radish, tinda, torai, spinach, • Do not consume potatoes, tomatoes,cauli flower,
methi, parmal, white gourd, cabbage, bitter gourd, etc Brinjal, etc.
• Consume pomegranates, goose berry, papaya, ba- • Gram and refined flour should be avoided
nana, mango, apple, litchi, etc. • Heavy and fried food must not be consumed
• Consume juices of grapes, bottle gourd,carrots,etc • Avoid eating while there are feelings of anger, stress,
• One should consume sweetened goose-berry(murabba) jealousy, etc.
and baheda • Do not eat chat,pakori and other spicy dishes
• Eat sprouts of lentils, black peas, corn, wheat, etc. • Avoid eating tinned food items,pickles,condiments,etc
• Consume roasted jowar in summer season • Avoid eating Kabuli chana, rajma, oil stuff, etc.
• Liquid items and water must be consumed • Do not take dinners quite late in the night
• Eat light food rather than heavy, spicy and oily food • Avoid to consume less pastes or powder to help in
• Consume sattu with candy-sugar or rock sugar digestion of the food while having bad constipation
• Eat food in peaceful environment free from tension problem
and stress


Jw;rka /eZloZLoa JqRok pSrRiz/k;Zrke~A vkreu% izfrdwykfu ijs"kka u lekpjsr~AA
ekr`oRijnkjka'p ijnzO;kf.k yks"Vor~A vkReoRloZHkwrkfu ;% i';fr l i';frAA
ipua oS'onsokFksZ ijkFksZ ;Pp thfore~A ,rn~HkosPp loZLoa /krwukfeo dk'pue~AA
loZHkwrfgra jktÂ/hR;ke`re'uqrsA
“Listen to the summary of the dharma and understand it after listening to it-something which is unfavorable
to you, it should not be given away to others. One who understands that hoping to accumulate someone
else’s money is sheer waste of time and it is same as the mud accumulated in a place and it might be washed
away later on and would not belong to us any more .there is no difference between the external elements
and one’s own soul as they are made up of same kind of elements only. Such a person is True and with
correct vision with him or her. Such a person is called Jnani or Elevated Person. The person whose kitchen
is equal to that of BaliVaishvaDev and quenches the thirst and satisfies their hunger. The individual is ever
ready to help others without any partiality. We call such person as Wise individual. Like gold is superior
among all elements, similarly helping and taking care of others is excellent dharma or activity. It is all
pervading in the world. The one who takes care of all organisms without any biasness-we declare that such
a person to possess Amrita tattva or golden element

-Acharya Satyanand 'Naishthik'

story like Ramayana” Spontaneously Pandit asked, “Emperor! Sita was the
Pandit took the advantage of the situa- queen for Raja Ram and Ravan kid-
tion and said “Sir, with your instructions napped her and abducted her. Can you
I would really like to start off the work please tell me the name of that horrible
T he stories of the foolish Sheikh for you?” The Emperor was very happy person who abducted your begum? This
Chilli are too famous in India. He was and this was visible on his face. He is the information that I am looking for
not a seal character. He was a symbol said “can you do this work for me?” from you. Your Ramayana is incomplete
for a foolish individual. Anyone who Pandit answered – “emperor I can do at the moment and I really wanted to
does a foolish act, such a person gets this work for you, however, I need time know and take the information from you.
the title of being Sheikh Chilli. Simi- for this and money also” I cannot ask someone else and it is not
larly, we had a foolish emperor. Once The kind asked him “how much time the correct action from my end.”
upon a time he and his minister were do u required?” The moment the emperor heard this,
invigilating their kingdom. During one “I would take at least 6 months.” he was totally zapped and said, “No
such trip in the evening they were near “Al right, and how much money you pandit, no! Please forgive me; I do not
a village and saw a group of people col- would take?” want anyone to write such a Ramayana
lected together. They perceived that “Sir, I would take not less than 10000 for me”
there was a lantern hanging on the top from you” “Emperor! It is already completed”
of a tree and with its light a person was “Al right, you will get it” replied the The emperor was angry and said “I
reading a book siting beneath the tree. emperor – “can you start off right now,
The king asked his minister as to had already declared that I do not re-
why you want to do it from tomorrow?
what was the reason behind it. The min- quire such Ramayana”
“But I need money.”
ister was also a similar kind of a foolish The Pandit was not convinced with
Emperor said, “You would get your
person. He took a pandit along with all of these. He thought that one fine
money tomorrow”
him in order to find out the truth. Ev- day, the emperor would again have cer-
“Alright Emperor!” I would start it
eryone thought that he was an emperor off right away. However, the whole tain doubts and while roaming he would
and stood up immediately to welcome thing would be completed not less than ask what are you doing and I do not
him. The moment they saw the pandit six months.” have any answer for it. I have to narrate
the minister wanted to say something The emperor went off to his palace the story of raja Ram Chandra every-
to the king however, the emperor asked, and next day he sent Rs. 5000 to the body, you cannot question me at that
“What is happening here?” The answer pandit. After six months, emperor re- question again. He asked, “Emperor
was “reverent emperor! I am listening ceived the message that there is a pandit what should I narrate to the villager?”
to the story of the king Ram Chandra”. from some village who would like to meet Immediately, emperor, without any sec-
The moment the emperor heard this, him. The emperor was very excited and ondary thoughts replied “You can nar-
he lost his temper and said, “How can happy to hear this. He understood that rate the story of Raja Ram to everybody
you listen to the story of another king it is none other than pandit who is back wherein the queen was abducted by
in my present?” with his work. He invited the pandit to Ravan”.
Pandit was surprised to hear this for his court and said, “Pandit! Have you Pandit was very happy and did not
a moment and immediately responded completed the entire Ramayana?” hesitate for any other query. He had
“Sir, Raja Ram Chandra is known for the Emperor! You can assume that this recited and was successful with his own
origination of the story of Ramayana. is fully done, however…” created Ramayana story. He made quick
However, emperor there is no Ramayana The emperor was furious and asked money and even the freedom to narrate
kind of a story for you. Thus, how can him, “Yes, tell me. What is the matter? the actual story of Ramayana to each
we narrate your story of others? If there Do you think the money that I gave you and every person.
is one please let me know I would start is less for your work?” Lesson – An intelligent person can
narrating your story from tomorrow on- “It is not the money that matters to attain his goal with his risk taking
wards?” me emperor, there is something less…” strength and power in difficult situa-
The Emperor was worried to hear “What is that something else? Tell tions. Man should learn to get his work
these words and said, “No, I do not have me immediately. done by hook or crook.

T here had been many incarnations and births of great

people from time to time to bring in peace and humanity in
India. The divine souls of Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Buddha,
Mahaveer, GuruNanak Dev, Sai Baba, Tulasi, Kabir, Maharishi
dayanand, Swami Vivekananda and many more took birth in India and at-
tracted the race of humanity due to their thoughts and behavior.
However, at the beginning of the 21st century and with the birth of Swami
Ramdev Ji, it seems as though there is a new ray emerging from the Sun and it
is spreading the light all over the world. It seems that the whole universe was
waiting for this great personality to spread the message of Yoga Philosophy.
However, in the garb of development and progress with help of the science
and technology, the world is deterioting rather than progressing in the correct
direction. Nevertheless the birth of Revered Swami Ramdev Ji changed the
whole scenario only with his dedicated approach of bringing in refarms in the
Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, society and it is for the betterment of the human society only.
Buddha, Mahaveer, Swami Ji cannot be identified with only his persona or character or pious
GuruNanak Dev, Sai soul. Rather it seems that the mother Earth had given birth to him right from her
Baba, Tulasi, Kabir, womb similar to a very powerful weapon to protect the whole humanity and it is
Maharishi Dayanand, very different from the swallowing of poison by Shiva. This would enable him to
Swami Vivekananda and remove all obstacles and negative actions and initiate to set up a golden era with
many more took birth in his own efforts.
India and attracted the The entire environment has selected his place to be none other than India-
the land of Piousness. He has attempted to make us understand the true mean-
race of humanity due to
ing of life and to be thoughtful. He has enlightened us to see the entire world and
their thoughts and Universe, various activities of the physical and material world and spiritual world,
behavior. and the path of oneness between the diversity.
However, at the begin- India is a land which has witnessed many changing facets of goodness and
ning of the 21st century badness. Still there are people who take birth and are responsible to remove
and with the birth of evils from the society. This helps to retain our basic nature of being true
Swami Ramdev Ji, it Atman.Thus, we are fortunate enough to see that Swamiji belongs to our coun-
seems as though there is try and he has taken responsibilities to cleanse the entire society.
a new ray emerging from Swami Ji is exposing himself to the welfare of humanity and asserts to make
a healthy path for all human beings. This can be done by staying healthy. By
the Sun and it is spread-
remaining healthy, staying fit for a long time, enjoying various things in the world
ing the light all over the ,etc are some of the things which is being attracted the common man to Swami
world. It seems that the Ji Ramdev.The individuals have tasted the honey through him and would desire
whole universe was to be associated with him only. They received happiness beyond their imagina-
waiting for this great tion. It has spread like a fire in a jungle and entire world of human beings are
personality to spread the linked with him for their own benefits.
message of Yoga Philoso- This is what Swami Ji desired and he achieved it without any difficulty. Now
phy. everyone-irrespective of the caste or creed-are working along with him. All of
them have become his devotees or followers.
Anything is possible now. Individuals are ready to bring in changes. India can

make him a world spiritual leader. He intended for this and he
made it possible for himself. He is slowly exhibiting his true
nature. He has changed his outlook. Initially he was yoga Rishi -Girijesh Baratia 'Karun'
and with changes in the time, he has become Yoga purush.The No earth is required no skies are reuired,
time and era would definitely change. The blind faiths would We need peace for our nation.
be washed away and new dawn would be present wherein
Swami Ji would be introducing new picture for India as well Let there be love forever,
as the entire world. He is born for this purpose only. Clouds we require such kind of showers
With respect to the beauty of India, Swami Ji remembers from you.
those times when India was at its Golden age and possessed The eyes opened to see such kind of a na-
everything. India was known as Golden Sparrow.However, tion only,
with the onset of the rule of the foreigners in India, the entire
Give us such kind of eyes and actions only.
scenario changed. They remained with the few corrupted In-
dians and while leaving the country also, they gave away the It would be awesome to see namaaz offered
responsibilities of ruling the Independent India with them only. in temples,
That’s why Swami Ji says,” The fair complexioned British And bhajan and kirtan to take place in
left the country,however,the power has been transcended to temples,
the Black Bristish.Till there is a sharp blow over this rule,
We require such a worshipping places only.
there cannot be any kind of solution for the prevailing prob-
lems. Where there are shameful actions in nation,
This was understood by Swami Ji and he had established We do not require such body and heart,
“Bharat Svabhimaan (Trust)”.New India has to be created
We do not require such a body and heart at
and enlightenment for every individual has to taken care as
soon as possible. We need to re-organize the entire Universe.
This is an arrow aimed by Swami Ji for goodness of the soci- BHAJAN
ety and proves to be another topic of discussion in our history Let us chant the name of literal freedom
books. Why should heart be scared of, let us sing
There are few people responsible for the corruption in our in praise of God,
country. These people have knitted such a net that casteism, Let us chant the name of literal freedom
crimes, statehood, differences in languages and blind faiths
With Bhakti you would get of comforts
are well placed in it and people are trapped in it forever. Apart
from these, we have further added the colors of foreign cul- With Bhakti you would remove the dirt of
ture like alcoholism, drugs and sexual desires are your soul
prevalent.However, Honorary Swami Ji has taken the respon- Why should heart be scared of, let us sing
sibility of blowing out all these with his own efforts. in praise of God.
He is a saint, it is his efforts, it is his own beliefs, and he is Group together with pious people
ever ready to organize a new world with strong ethical values You would medicine for all diseases
and pious actions. He is trying to awaken the people from Make life a garden for yourself
their deep sleep and know their real ego power. Now the ulti-
Let us chant the name of literal freedom
mate goal is easily achievable by him.
All of are fortunate enough to be involved in this great This is the sign of all saints
work of Swami Ji.In this pious movement, we are not only Good words and sweetness is present in
immediate perceivers, rather, we are coordinators also. All of their voice
us have taken oath, pledged and determined to help him with Suppress anger and ego
full support and give place to a new world around us. Every- Why should heart be scared of, let us sing
thing-world around us, the country and ourselves-all of these in praise of God.
would be changing with his help.Baba Ramdev should live Peep outside from the world of darkness
forever and should be immortal. All of us would not be present Lit the lamp in your inner self
in the historical records, however, we would be contributing in
Let there be union between soul and God
some form or the other and our next generation would get a
new world for their survival. Let us chant the name of literal freedom

Agya Chakra

Vishuddhi Chakra
Hridaya Chakra

Ravi Kumar Nirmal

the student or the learner is able to perceive these illuminated
paths very clearly. Such a person experiences their activities
Manipur Chakra
also. According to Patanjali,” Nabhi chakra kayavyuha
Muladhar jnanam”.
Chakra There is a subtle body called Manipurak in this system.
Chakra This is related to the sun and directs the lively activity of the
digestion and helps in providing energy to rest of the body
available through the food. In this manner, Manipur chakra is
the centre for all heat and energy.
The main role of the nabhi assembly is to maintain the
good health of the material or physical body, to adjust the
organs and sub-organs, and to direct and control various
activities of the nerves. When it is in its normal state in the
body, each and every part of the body functions in its normal
I t is very important and of the primary necessity that the
way just like the machine and its parts. The nerves flow in the
nabhi chakra must be properly placed in the individual’s body
nadis and maintain the life force by giving health and proper
in order to be disease free and maintain good health. In case
functioning of the entire body. The individual is energized
there are any kinds of displacements in it, there would be
and in its influence performs every work and duty with hope,
disorders in the body and it might transform into various
enthusiasm and anxiety. Such an individual accepts different
diseases and surface in front of the individual. The advanced
challenges in the life and is aware to win and be victorious in
medicinal doctors are helpless to cure such diseases because
life. There is motivation in their lives. The individual is full of
they are unaware of the knowledge of the naval chakra and
positive forces and creative qualities.
details of the place and position of it. They cannot focus on
it at all. As a result, there cannot be any kind of remedy
The Reasons for the Displacement/Misplacement of the
available especially for defects of the digestion processes
Nabhi Chakra:
which can be controlled through in some form, however, can-
Nabhi is called “The Centre of Fear”. Whenever an indi-
not be cured only by herbal medicines and their treatment
vidual experiences the feeling of fear, then it is the nabhi
through them only.
chakra that shivers and shakes in the first place. In such a
The herbal treatment might help in subsidizing the quali-
situation, many people lose control over their urinatory sys-
ties and symptoms of the diseases, however, the physical
tem or urinate quite frequently. It is due to the activity of the
body might not be free from the diseases. It might emerge in
nabhi chakra.If the modern life style, many individuals are
a new disease and prevails in the body. Once proper research
continuously under the forces of stress, domination and de-
has been conducted on various diseases, it has been discov-
pressed environment due to which the nabhi chakra is in the
ered that all this is responsible due to the displacement of the
state of fear or impatient or perplex. This is responsible for its
navel chakra.If there is control over the nabhi chakra, there
misplacement or displacement. Other reasons might be dur-
the health would be gained back without any kind of prob-
ing running, jumping, bending right and left sides without
proper care, lifting heavy things either with one or two hands,
What Is Nabhi Chakra?
ascending or descending stairs, slipping of the leg into a
It is situated in the middle of the abdomen region. As per
man-hole or a hole in the ground, weight on one leg, sudden
the yogic scientific study, there is a round shaped root be-
push to the body, etc.In some cases, it is in defective condi-
neath the navel. It is from this place, all nerves or the blood
tion right from the time of the birth. If we do not take care or
stream are created and spread throughout the body. Out of
provide treatment for it, then there are chances that it might
these, there are 72 thousand main nerves associated with the
take the form of serious diseases at a later stage. Whenever
life and among these, 10 nerves are the important ones. The
there is a pain in the stomach, there is no herbal medicine
Sanskrit word “Nadi” means flow or stream. The path in which
which might cure it at any cost.
various chakras of the subtle bodies and different stations of
Disorders Due To the Misplacement/Displacement of the
the unperceived senses join together is called nadi.It is
through this place the life energy flows to the entire body.
When there is misplacement or displacement of the nabhi
Since all of them are related to the subtle body, one cannot
chakra,then following occur: disorders in the abdomen re-
perceive them with the ordinary body organs. It is through
gion like stomach aches, sounds in the stomach, constipa-
proper and rigorous training and practicing of the yoga that
tion, formation of gas, diarrhea or dysentery, stools accom- original place, then one might experience immediate and in-
panied by blood from bowel system,etc.Apart from these stant relief. It is generally experienced and observed that
disorders, there are problems like heart diseases, diabetes, nabhi is misplaced on the left side and right side for the
headaches, migraine, defects in the menstruation, flow of women.
extra blood during monthly periods, frequent monthly In case the nabhi is in disordered position for a long time,
periods,abortion,giving birth to defective child,etc.It is al- then there would be defects of the abdomen region and per-
ways better to get the nabhi chakra examined. The main rea- son might experience its contrary effects on teeth, eyes and
son being there is no treatment or surgical activity to get hair also. There is less natural gloss in the teeth. There is pain
those diseases cured. If it is misplaced, it is always to get it in teeth from time to time. The beauty and vision of the eyes
corrected and bring it back to its original position and be free keeps diminishing slowly with time. Untimely graying of hair
from all problems and difficulties. There is no need for any starts in the individual.
kind of treatment at all. In the cases of problematic intestine, Apart from bodily diseases, there are other negative emo-
defects in the colon, abortion, piles, hernia and any other tions or feelings created in the body due to disorders of the
kind defects of the stomach, it has been advised to perform nabhi chakra like laziness, tiredness, irritation, not willing to
surgery for permanent removal or relief from them. After thor- perform duties and work, bad and ill thoughts, depression,
ough research of these above mentioned diseases, it has unnecessary fear, etc.The person in such situations adopt to
been observed that there are disorders in the nabhi arrange- perform and practice different yogic exercises, meditation,
ment only. It is the simple correction of the nabhi chakra that Pranayaam which forms part of the yogic treatment. People
the patients were relieved from their problems.There is no do complain that they do not get any kind of relief even after
need for the surgeries at all.It is necessary to get the nabhi practicing the yogic exercise, etc for a long time. It has been
chakra examined only through a yoga trainer or skilled per- established scientifically that regular practice of yoga would
son only. surely benefit both body and mind in a positive manner. It is
Diagnosis of the Disease: quite possible that the concerned person has not got the
Depending upon the situation or position of the nabhi, proper examination of the nabhi chakra done through a skilled
one might be able to diagnose and find the cause of the trainer or doctor or might have not focused to know about
disease. If the nabhi is misplaced to upper part, then consti- the position of the nabhi chakra in correct procedure or man-
pation occurs. There is formation of gas and heart diseases ner.
It is always better to take proper guidance and support
occur. In case the nabhi is misplaced to the lower portion,
from a person trained in Yoga or yoga learner or trainer in
then indigestion, stomach ache and sounds in the stomach
case there are any kinds of disorders or defects in the
occurs. If the nabhi is moved either side, then there is rigor-
nabhi.They have special techniques due to which nabhi
ous pain in the stomach begins. If the nabhi is moved to its
chakra might be corrected to its original position.


I t is very difficult to get rid of the has been clearly mentioned that they television and its different channels
addiction of both cigarette and alco- are able to conquer the addiction and on daily basis. There are more than
hol and it is same as fighting in a war. desires through yoga and Pranayaam 100 camps organized by Swami Ram
It is said that “Yoga” is only ray of only. Those have been ended in a posi- Dev in India and other foreign coun-
hope to leave this bad habit of smok- tive manner. Yoga has played a very im- tries. In each and every camp, there
ing and drinking alcohol.Patanjali portant role in the promotion of veg- are different camps organized for the
YogaPeeth has established this fact etarianism. It is not only in India, how- children and the officers. In this man-
at its centre. ever, the countries like Canada, America ner, more than one lakh of people
It has been witnessed in various and The Great Britain has adopted Veg- participate in the camps. It was highly
yoga camps of Swami Ram Dev Ji that etarianism through Yoga and are no and directly beneficial for one and
lakhs of people have left smoking and more non-vegetarians. In the last seven half crore of people by attending to
drinking.Patanjali Yoga Peeth has years, there is a ray of health being these camps. Out of these, fifty lakhs
written testimonials from different spread through Swami Ram Dev Ji in of people have left smoking and
people who had claimed that with the the whole world. Once the unwanted drinking. There are as many as one
help of Yoga , they have been suc- desires are eradicated, then the dangers lakh of important yoga trainers and
cessfully eradicated the addiction of of the incurable diseases are no longer learners who attend the yoga camps
smocking and drinking and are fully present. The movement of the camps and started off the movement in dif-
liberal from them. In the past few days, organized and started in the year of 2001 ferent cities and villages of India. In
five lakhs of people have filled forms benefited lakhs of people. There are entire country, there are at least 1000
on their own and mailed it to the Yoga around 2 lakhs of people watching yoga Patanjali Service Centers wherein
Peeth.In these oath taking letters, it programmes through the medium of the yoga and Ayurveda facilities are eas-
ily and freely available for people.

-Swami RamDev

dk;kdk'k;ks% lacU/kla;ekYy/qrwylekiÙks'pkdk'kxeue~ kayasampad.

AA42AA Meaning: The hard and determined construction or
Word meaning-{kaa-akashayoh} It is (in relation to) making of the form, elegance, strength and radiance is
the body and akash [sambandh samyamat] to have some called the kayasampat
kind of union in the relationship, [laghutulasamapatteh xzg.kLo:ik¿fLerk¿Uo;kFkZÙola;ekfnfUnz;t;% AA47AA
ca] and like the light cotton which is sometimes invisible Word-meaning: [grahanasvaroopa asmita
to the eye [akashagamanam] like the movement in the anyavarthavattvasamyamat] With the abstinence assump-
sky. tion, form, recollection, other elements, etc [indriyajayah]
The meaning of the sutra-Let there be a union in one obtains the victory over the sense organs.
the body and the akash and looking at the light cotton Meaning: The abstinence from assumption, form, rec-
wool, one might establish that the yogi is moving in the ollection, help from other elements etc., a person gains
sky. victory over the sense organs.
cfgjdfYirk o`fÙkeZgkfonsgk rr% izdk'kkoj.k{k;% AA43AA rrks eukstfoRoa fodj.kHkko% iz/kut;'p AA48AA
Word meaning-[bahih] Outside the body [akalpita Word meaning: [tatah] With the victory over the sense
vrittih]beyond imagination quality [mahavideha] it is called organs [manojavitvam] similar to the speed of the mind
mahavideha [that] with its availibity [vikaranabhavah] The becomes expert in the topics asso-
[prakashavaranakshayah] the covering of the light gets ciated with body in the absence of the sense organs i.e.
destroyed. understands the perception of those things which are not
The meaning-The external unimaginable condition of perceived through the sense organs [pradhanjayah ca]
the body is called “mahavideha”.It is through the benefit gains knowledge of all the things existing in the nature.
of this condition of the mahavideha”.It that there is de- Meaning: With the victory over the sense organs, the
struction of the covering of the light. yogi gains the speed of the mind and understands or grasps
LFkwyLo:ilw{ekUo;kFkZoÙola;ekn~ Hkwrt;% AA44AA those topics which are not perceived immediately through
Word meaning-[sthula-svaroopa-sukshma-anvya- the sense organs. Such a person also understands all the
arthavattvasamyamaat] Abstinence of fat, form, subtle, defects and forms existing in the nature or the environ-
mutual relation, other elements, and the yogi might be ment.
able to conquer and be victorious on the elements. lÙoiq#"kkU;rk[;kfrek=kL; loZHkkokf/"Bkr`Roa loZKkr`Roa
rrks¿f.kekfnizknqHkkZo% dk;laiÙk¼ekZ¿ufHk?kkr'p AA45AA p AA49AA
Word-meaning-[tatah] With that victory on the ele- Word-meaning-[sattvapurushanya-takhyatimatrasya]
ments [animadipradurbhavah] siddhis like anima etc are The yogi who is able to differentiate the differences be-
perceived [kayasampat] one obtains skin etc ,[taddhaarmar tween intelligence and purusha [sarvabhavadhishthatrutva]
anabhighath ca] and there would not be any kind of the administers all feelings [sarvajnatrutvam ca] and is knowl-
obstruction created by the elements for the yogi. edgeable about all the activities around
Meaning: There is the existence of the various kinds Meaning: The yogi who is able to clearly differenti-
of siddhis like anima, etc, one obtains the kaya sampat ate between the differences in intelligence and purusha
and there would not be any kind of obstruction or inter- would be able to administer all the feelings and possesses
vention of the elements in the work of the yogi. knowledge of all kinds of activities.
Query out of the curiosity: What is the r}SjkX;knfi nks"kcht{k;s dSoY;e~ AA50AA
“Kayasampat”? Word-meaning-[tatdvairagyaat api] If one detaches
:iyko.;cyotzlaguuRokfu dk;lEin~ AA46AA from the previous expansion of the intelligence
Word-meaning-[ r o o p a - l a v a n y a - b a l - [doshabijakshaye] after the destruction of the seeds of all
Vajrasamhananatvani] the determined construction of the defects or wrong things [kaivalyam] attains salvation.
form, elegance, strength, radiance [kayasampad] is called Meaning: If the yogi is detached from the previous
stated intelligence also, then there is destruction of the [tatah] with that clear knowledge [pratipattih]it is
defects and the person attains the salvation. determined.[tarakam]without any motive it is self cre-
LFkkU;qifueU=k.ks laxLe;kdj.ka iqujfu"Vizlaxkr~ AA51AA ated meaning with help of the external factors it is pro-
Word-meaning-[sthanyupanimantrane] If someone duced [sarvavishayam]suksham-sthula,action/behaviour-
invites the yogi with lots of respect [sangasmayakaranam] nonaction/nonbehaviour etc and makes the subject of all
sang-attachment and smaya-there should be no ego then materials,[sarvathavishayam]it makes the topic of discus-
there are other topics also. sion of all materials,[akramamamca iti] and is doing it in a
Meaning: The yogi, when invited by others with lots disciplined manner,[vivekajam jnanam] such is the wise
of respect, should not be self-attached and possess self- knowledge .
ego. There are other topics also. Meaning: The difference between two particular ob-
Summary: When an individual practices yoga, then jects is done on the basis of their determined species,
there is a special kind of attraction and radiance and it is quality and state. For example, let us consider a black
a natural one. With this, he gets lots of respect and praises cow and a black buffalo standing together. In this case,
from those who interact with him. Others would like to the differentiation is purely done on their species and this
associated to him or her more and more. They invite such is determined by nature. In other words, the cow is rec-
a person to their places also.The writer is cautioning the ognized due to its resemblance to the species called
practioners of Yoga that one should not be attached to “cowness” and buffalo with its identity to the
such people because such kind of attachments would “buffaloness”.In case the species and state of their na-
lead him or her away from the spiritual path and attract ture are same, for example black cow and white cow, we
him or her to the material world. With lots of meetings have to distinguish them with respect to their colors i.e.
and interactions, there might be obstructions in the daily black and white. If the species and qualities are same,
routine also. like in the case of the two gooseberries with same form
It is very weird nature of the man that he or she is and shape. We might like o distinguish them in reference
attached and build in the ego with the self as well as the to their state or place i.e. one belongs to eastern part of
other material things also. Simultaneously he sacrifices the country and other hails from the northern direction.
In case, a man hides or mixes their statehood or the place,
the same wealth and feels proud of it. This is a natural
then we cannot distinguish them properly.However, the
disease developing the ego in the self.Patanjali was aware
wise yogi might differentiate it properly and correctly.
of this nature of human being and ,thus, warns the yogic
The question arises in front of us-how does the wise
practitioner to be alert at all times. They are reminded to
yogi distinguish between them? We might answer that
be detached from everything and be egoless person also.
the wise person recognizes the fact that the moment the
It is development of the ego which brings us back to the
gooseberry belongs to the northern region, it has the time
material world.
fact attached to it and same is true for the goose berry
{k.krRØe;ks% la;ekn~ foosdta Kkue~AA52AA
situated in the eastern side. This is possible only through
Word meaning-[kshanatatkramayoh samyamat] Tak-
the wise knowledge and not through anything else. This
ing the abstinence or the control over the time and its
kind of knowledge is self-generated and does not rely or
sequence [vivekjam jnanam] one obtains the clear and
depend on anything else. All kinds of topics are discussed
pure knowledge.
by the yogic in an easy manner and there is no problem
Meaning: One should be able to control or abstain
for such an individual. We do find such names present
from the time and its sequence, then the yogi is said to
only in the scriptures.
obtain “clear and pure knowledge”.
Question out of curiosity: What is the nature of the
Question out of Curiosity: “What is nature of the “kaivalyam”?
“Vivek Jnana”? lÙoiq#"k;ks% 'kqf¼lkE;s dSoY;fefr AA55AA
tkfry{k.kns'kSjU;rk¿uoPNsrkn~ rqY;;ksLrr% izfrifÙk% Word-meaning-[sattva-purushayoh] in the intelli-
AA53AA gence and purusha [shuddhisamye] out of the identity of
rkjda loZfo"k;a loZFkkfo"k;eØea psfr foosdta Kkue~ the purity and it takes place [kaivalyam] salvation is at-
AA54AA tained [iti]we need to understand it in this manner.
Word-meaning: [jatilkshanadeshaih] With species Meaning: When there is the identity between the pu-
,quality and desha [anyata anvachchedat] the reason is rity of the intelligence and purusha, salvation takes place
that there is no determination of the differentiation or is attained.
[tulyayoh] two objects which are identical to each other …Contd

W hen a great teacher is born on this earth, then there is perceive each one of you while talking r conversing”. Guru is
sudden awakening of each and everything in the world. It is said the ultimate knower of the truth and has knowledge of
similar to a full moon night which removes the darkness com- each and everything. He attains the Ultimate Truth in him.The
pletely. In the same manner, the Guru also removes the igno- person who remains his or her ego and comes forward to
rance and illuminates the learner. The guru acknowledges learn from the Guru and attains complete blessings from him
each and everything and grants the knowledge to the learner and knows the knowledge of the soul or self. Guru teaches
without any discrimination. The real meaning of the word his disciple the truth and takes him away from the world of
Guru is-“Gu” means darkness or dark space and “Ru” means life and death. He is absolutely free and liberal person.
removable or removes. In other words, Guru is one being The life is not known for the material comforts only. It is a
who removes us from the darkness and takes us from igno- spiritual practice and meditation. One cannot be satisfied
rance to the world of the knowledge. Such a person is called with their daily chores only and moves towards the spiritual
practices also. There is a complete comprehension of one’s
guru. It is quoted “girati ajnanandhakaram iti guru”.Guru
own identity.
means that knowledge,meditation,devotion,who gives direc-
Our consciousness is sleeping and we are awakened with
tions and instructions, entire Universe is in the grip of the the help of the Guru and there is total illumination. We are not
Guru and is said to be complete with such an individual. It is healthy with mental satisfaction or comforts of the physical
the superior teachers or Guru who gives support to the body or with the spiritual exercises. It is only two Gurus who
younger Gurus. have helped us to awaken from the sleep, two divine god-
Guru is similar to an ocean. Whosoever gets his or her desses help us to know the truth and through Acharya BAL
blessing, and then the person attains everything in the world. Krishna and Yoga Rishi Swami Ramdev Ji.
There might be many problems for learners, still everything Acharya Bal Krishna helped and guided us to know our
seems to be fine and path seems to be easy going. This is due daily activities and how to take them. He elaborated on our
to the blessing of the Guru. The learner attains the excellence life styles, food habits, Ayurveda knowledge and in herbal
and reaches to the ultimate goal. There is no level of imagina- medicines.He had an extensive study in the Himalayas about
tion which would let us know that these are the limitations of various herbs and medicines. So that we all remain healthy
the world. It totally depends upon the student how much he and wise. He gave us the knowledge about it. We wanted to
or she would like to grasp from the Guru and learn from them get rid off the western food habits and re-introduce our an-
ASAP. It is the devotion and admiration for them. cient Indian culture for education and life style.
Maharshi Raman narrates,” Guru’s blessing is like an There was a divine light that descended from the skies
ocean. if a person approaches to a Guru with a small utensil, and it is none other than Swami Yoga Rishi Ramdev.When
then there would be same amount of water available in the such an illuminated person descends on earth, there the en-
utensil to be carried away. We cannot blame the ocean for tire sleeping world is awakened and given knowledge. He
this at all. If the utensil is a bigger one, then there are chances gave a proper direction to our country. He made people real-
of getting more quantities.Guru, God and self are one and ize the corruptions prevalent in the country and made them
national conscious individuals. He is the one who taught us
same.there is no difference between them.One should trust
the lesson ‘perform the superior actions in order to achieve
and believe in the words of the Guru and Guru would be
the targets”. He introduced the concept of “Bharat
distributing everything he possesses with him.
Svabhimaan”.He gave lectures on national awareness and
In The book called Guru-Gita, Lord Shiva praises the glory importance of our own culture and products.We were proud
of the Guru in the following manner: of achieving the culture of the western countries.He shook
,dks nso ,d /eZ ,dfu"Bk ija ri%A us and gave electric shocks to realize the importance of our
xq:ks% ijrja ukU;r ukfLr rRoa xq:ks% ije AA own culture.He gave us the knowledge of the mind, body
Guru Gita 168 and how to remain healthy and wealthy without being igno-
There is only one God, there is only one religion, only rant.
one discipline and devotion and this is only the great medita- He introduced the Yoga Philosophy in a very simplified
tion that states that there is nothing or no element greater manner and in a very natural way. He educated and created
than the Guru. so much awareness among the people that it has become
There is no superior element in the world. There is no daily chore for the individuals.Thus, it is truly said that with-
more than the element of the Guru. out proper Guru, one cannot achieve true knowledge of each
Guru does not rely or adopt on the verbal knowledge at and everything. We bow our heads to such a guru.
all. Guru is an ultimate being who has complete knowledge It is a great Thinking Being that creates consciousness in
and truth.Vivekanand asked Ramakrishna Param hansa,” Rev- us and is valuable by nature. On behalf of millions of Indians
erend person did you see the almighty?”Thakur Ramakrishna we bow our heads and salute to the great Guru Yoga Rishi
replied,” Yes, I have seen the almighty in the same way as I Swami Ramdev.
Vaishakh - 15

-Acharya AbhayDev Vidyalankar

He Protects Us Once
He Hears Our Voice for Him

&½- 1@30@8_ lke- m- 1@2@1@1_ vFkoZ- 20@26@2

Rishih- Ajigarthih shunah shepah ll devata -Indrall Chandah - Nichrudgayatri ll

Word meaning
Yadi-If nah havam - our voice, Shravat-In case Lord Indra hears it, then he Utibhih-He comes
out with his powerful and protecting powers which are in millions in number Vajebhih - He is
accompanied with many intellectual powerful people around him Gha-With full determination
Upagamat-They all reach there.

He comes over without any failure and it is determined and there are no doubts about it. He
appears right in front of us. In case he hears our voices for him and pleads for his help. It is
matter for him to listen to us and without any failure he would approach us. It is very difficult for
us to approach and seek him. We need some kind of capability in order to call him towards us. In
case he listens or hears our prayers, then he might appear before us. He would arrive with all his
army around him and protect us. We realize that his powers are unlimited by nature. In order to
protect us, he needs to use little bit of his power. In case we seek him with true heart and with lots
of devotion, then he cannot ignore us and would certainly help us no matter what it is for him. In
case the lord Indra listens to our prayers and perceives our sufferings and agonies, then he would
surely come forward and help us by providing his support and help. It is only our prayers that
should reach to him.He might illuminate us and remove all kinds of defects, problems, issues, etc.

Prof.Vinod Kumar Sharma, Patanjali Yoga Peeth,Haridwar

The writer of Anandkanda was Manthan Bhairav and he commented that Air has the special
divine chemical. All of us are aware of the tonics like Chawanprash, Amritprash, Siddha
makardhwaj, etc . However,it is important to ponder upon the fact whether air is also a chemical?.

With the help of the tonics, an individual is able to dosh, dhatu and mal.The are more like nouns by nature.
(Sha.San.Pu.Kh 5/24)
improve longevity, youth, radiance, good colour, and soft-
ness in the voice, strength of the body and sense organs While describing in tridosha about the importance of
and clearness in the voice. the air, Acharya Shangadhar states that bile, phlegm and
The individuals who are attached to the Ashtanga Yoga body have Dhatu and mal.The are called as Pangu i.e.
Philosophy, practice truth,yama,adhere to the rules, the they cannot move from one place to another on their
sense organs and soul is dedicated to the Ultimate Being, own.However, it is air which helps in their motion from
if such an individual consumes the medicinal tonic would one place to another identical to that of the clouds
be blessed with youthfulness and live for a long time. movement.In other words, air is their director and moti-
Such a person would enjoy all kinds of benefits in the vator for movement (Sha.San.Pu.Kh. 5/25).
world. (A.Ch.U. 399/1) According to the Prasnopanisadokt Panchpran
The writer of Anandkanda was Manthan Bhairav and Anusharan has been explained in five different ways in
he commented that Air has the special divine chemical. Ayurveda.They are: 1.Praan 2.Upaan 3.samaan 4.Udaan
All of us are aware of the tonics like Chawanprash, 5.Vyaan.Out of these, praan is present in the heart, upaan
Amritprash, Siddha makardhwaj, etc .We know the im- is in duodenum, samaan in navel cord, udaan is in throat
portance of the herbs and fruits like goose and vyaan is present in entire body.
berry,harad,etc.All these are call medicinal herbs or fruits In the throat regions, polluted air results into diseases
or seeds or tonics.However,it is important to ponder upon like solder and eczila.The polluted air in heart gives rise to
the fact whether air is also a chemical?. (Anandkanda 20/ hiccups, fat, etc.The polluted part of navel cord gives
190) rise to the diseases like dyspepsia, diarrhea and disease
According to the Acharya Sushruta,¶nks"k /krq eyewya related to the excreta. The air allows and helps in the
fg 'kjhje~¸ meaning defects or dosha (of air, bile and removal of the unwanted particles and gases out of the
phlegm),Dhatu (like juice, blood, muscle, meda, asthi, body. If they are accumulated in the body, then they pro-
majja and shukra), mal (mal,mutra and sveda) are impu- duce dangerous diseases. The air helps in the movement
rities or unwanted particles present in the body.(S.Sutra of the gases, blood and juices in the body. If any of these
15/3) are polluted in the body, then there are chances of dis-
It means that The cloth is made of the threads and pot eases to be present (Ma.Pra.Pu.Kh. 3/103-119)
is created out of the mud, in the similar manner, the physi- While explaining the respiratory process, Acharya
cal body is made up and with the help of defects, dhatu Shangdhar states that the air present in the navel cord
and mal.The manner in which the growth of the tree is touches the praan vayu in the heart and is responsible for
dependent upon the roots, the above mentioned catego- the blooming of the lotus. In other words, it increases the
ries are necessary for the growth of the body. longitivity, helps in breathing in of the oxygen gas9Vishnu
While describing the air, bile and phlegm,Acharya Padamrut-oxygen) present outside the body, after absorb-
Sushruta says that the manner in which moon,sun and ing the oxygen and with great speed, it comes back to the
air, give the gift of the nectar to us, accepts the juices,etc human body. This conjoins with the oxygen and gives
and through vikshep spread across the world, in the same energy to the whole body (Shan.Sam.Purva 5/51-52).
manner air, bile and phlegm also take their positions in Hence, it is the truth that air is essential to human
the human bodies.(S.Sutra 21/8) body and whole universe. It is Viswakarma (responsible
As per Acharya Sankara, all the above three mentioned for life and belongs to it), Vishwatma (the soul of each
categories become polluted due to the consumption of and everything), Viswaroopa (external as well as spiritual
polluted or undesirable food and pollute the human body form) and father of all. It is responsible for all good and
also.Thus; they are called the dosha though they are de- bad actions.Thus; precaution should be taken in order to
fects. They pollute the juices, blood, etc and acquire the avoid it to be polluted under any circumstances. In other
name of Mal or unwanted substances in the words, it is through Pranayaam that one might consume
body.Consequently, air, bile and phlegm have individual the medicinal tonic of air and enjoy its fruits.

Pandit Devi Prasad Shastri ‘Parashar’
T he human beings born on the land cannot witness di- These are widely known topics. It is through these that there
rectly heaven, Yam Lok, Pitr Lok, etc. present in the collection is a realization that the soul after the death goes through
of the higher skies.However; we need to believe the status of Pitrulok,Yam Lok and Heavens and it is established doctrine
the Vedic mantras. There cannot be the perception for each also.The people who are known for their pious inner world of
and everything existing in this world.Thus,we have other thoughts,yajna,giving gifts and alms to others, meditate are
tools of knowledge like Inference, Comparison, Meaning of known to be great should and surely attain Heavens. It is at
the word,etc.These are the objects of the perception. For the time of burning the pyres that the places in the heavens
example, there is no existence of the son at the time of the called Indra Lok are ascertained for each soul. It is for this
embryonic stage. It is through the verbal testimony that there reason that such a soul experiences all kinds of luxuries and
is determination of the father and becomes the inheritor of comforts (Atharva Veda 4 A 34 A 2)
the father’s property in future. If we look at our entire sanatan There are many evidences for the rebirth also in Vedas.
literature, it is full of stories about the other worlds and re- Following are the citations as the examples:
births. There are our puranic literature and other vXuso;a izFkeL;ke`rkuka eukegs pk# nsoL; ukeA
Dharmashatstras providing us many evidences of the per- l uks eák vfnr;s iqunkZr~ firja p í'ks;a ekrja pAA (½Xosn 1 A 24 A 2)
ception. For example, the stories of rebirth of sage Narada vo l`t iqujXus! fir`H;% ;Lrs vkgqrJjfr Lo/kfHk%A
and Garg samhita which is part of our pious books and they vk;qol Z ku mi osrq 'ks"k% la xPNrka rUok tkrosn%AA (½Xosn 10 A 16 A 5)
can be read for more information on these topics. In these mantras, one is praying Lord Agni for the rebirth.
In the modern times, there is a widespread of unortho- It is stated in the mantra: “we chant the name of Lord Agni
doxy and irreligiousness. The human beings are being lead among all the Gods, he would be happy about it and should
strayed and there are no good direction provided to him or grant us to take rebirth on earth. In this way, we would be
her through the unorthodoxy doctrines. The topics of re- able to get both Mother and father. Lord Agni! the live soul
births and existence of the other worlds are known to be which is under your control and direction, please send them
illusory by nature and no one gives value to them.Thus, they to the Pitrulok.While they are returning back from there, kindly
are going against the religion and determined to destroy the see to it that they are born in someone else’s house as a son”.
whole religion only. In such situations, it is better to know Even if we think about this in a very logical manner also,
and understand that there are few pious souls known for we would come to the conclusion that there is rebirth. I we
their honesty and religiousness. They are the voices of the look at the present times, there are enough evidence also. It
God and spread the message of the secrets present in the is through these extra-ordinary experiences and perceptions
literature. Let us first discuss on the Primary or first world. only that we are aware of there rebirth. If there was no rebirth,
The Vedas describes in the following manner about the Godly then why should there be diversity and differentiation in the
path and the path for the Ancestors: world? It is through this differentiation only that we might be
}s l`rh vJ`.koa fir.kkega nsokukeqr rR;kZuke~A able to ascertain the fact that there is something called re-
rkE;kfena fo'oestRlesfr ;nUrjk firja ekrja pAA (;tqonZs 19 A 47) birth in the Universe. One who does not believe in this theory,
There are similar citations for these two paths mentioned then that person would not be able to answer any kind of
elsewhere also: question about the rebirth at all. Thus, Vedic studies has
l ,"k nso;kuks ok fir`;k.kks ok iUFkk%A always been the source of the evidence for the perception for
The devotee prays in order to gain the heavens and other all thinkers and philosophers.It is through the pious and im-
pious world in the following manner: We should be debtless pious acts that different worlds are decided or determined for
for the paths of the divinity and our ancestors, and we should the human beings. In other words, one’s own actions would
be able to attain the heavens through these paths”. decide the future fates for us. It is said in Chhandogya
^;s nso;kuk% fir`;k.kk'p yksdka% Upanishad that the person who is very good and performs
lokZu~ iFkks vu`.kk vk f{k;seA* only good actions is the one who reaches the Heavens very
The primary motive of the ritual of offering prayers to our quickly whereas the person who is not good ,such a person
ancestors is to help the ancestors to attain the heavens in a would be placed in the lower yonis only. They might attain
very easy and peaceful way. In Rig Veda, one of the mantras the births in the form of dog, untouchable being or chandal
states that the atman after the death accompanies the rays of yoni”.Therefore, it is better to be pious and righteous kind of
the sun to travel the entire world (Rig Veda 1 A 109 A 7). person and one should be responsible for this.
In the same manner, in Atharva Veda also it is stated by In this respect about the secrets of Vedic understanding
the Bandhav of the soul after the death that “Hey Death of other worlds and rebirths, there is a detailed description
Soul! The one who is father of my father and great grandfa- about maintain good behavior and action and sacrificing of
ther and others who had already entered into the higher skies, about actions and described in length. The human life is
it is the illuminating sun who would be taking them to the known for its satisfaction and attainment of the other
entire world, kindly give them the body of the Pitru Yoni as worlds.Thus, it is better for each one of us to try and attempt
soon as possible”(Atharva Veda 18 A 3 A 51). to lead a good life and it is necessary.
In the above mantras, there has been the illustration of osnizf.kfgrks /eksaZ á/eZjrf}i;Z;%A
the paths and the process of attaining the higher realms. osnks ukjk;k.k% lk{kkr~ Lo;EHkwfjfr 'kqJeq AA
vek=k'prqFkks¿Z O;ogk;Z% izi×pksi'ke% f'koks¿}Sr ,oeksd
a kj only, one can say or comment a lot.However,apart from this
invisible,noncongnisable,nonbehavioural and nonqualified
vkReSo lafo'kR;kReuk¿¿Rekua ; ,oa osn ; ,oa osn AA12AA form, one might know its visible, thinkable or cognizable or
‘Omkara” is the fourth with its elongated vowel. The body behavioral and qualified form also. What could be this form
from its awaking state, dream state and deep sleep comes out and this creativity? The Great Sage says that this form and
and the jeevatma attains it fourth state. In the same manner, the creativity has the “Prajnaghan” i.e the Concentric Con-
Prakriti also comes out of its three stages and the Brahma sciousness of the Brahma. From this state, the development
attains its third state like a,u,m—apart from these three states of the Brahma begins with “Antah Prajna” i.e. introvert con-
of waking, dream and deep sleep ,there is another word repre- sciousness and then the state of “bahih Prajna” i.e. extrovert
sented by the combination of all these letters called Omkara.It is present. These are the two states of the Brahma. This is
does not fall under form category, it is called Shiva-the subtle similar to the two stages of development in Jeevatma also. It
body, it is non-dual by nature, and all the five senses are not is through the “Prajnaghan”,the Brahma comes out its pure
differentiated at all and are in the calm state of tranquility. form to the external world and creates the universe and while
This non-elongated form of Atma meaning “Jivitam” and is retrieving back, returns to its original state only. While pos-
the true and elemental form of the “brahma”.In this form, sessing positive qualities, the Brahman is in its external phase
Omkara is the atman. One who knows this form of Omkara, and moves from deep sleep mode to the state of the dreams
does not travel anywhere outside and enters internal to know and from dream-state passes to the awakening state and while
the knowledge of the atman and is inside the Atma (12). moving back, passes through the stages of awakening to
(The object which we do not know at all, there is only one dream state to deep sleep. In this state, there is no difference
way to know about it. That method is to “know” through between the deep sleep and Brahma. This is similar in Jeevatma
“Unkowable”.Like a small kid does not know what a river is, also. We might perceive all these in Jivitam and all of them are
we might show him canal and say that in case we increase the interrelated and united with each other.Similarly,the form of
size of this canal, it would be called a river. In this Upanishad Brahma is also united with everything in the Universe. It is
also, in order to know Brahma, we are trying to know from only in the deep sleep that we might experience certain things
known to unknown and rely on this knowledge. If we know in which though we are present in the body, still we feel that
something about a topic, then we say that it is “known” to we are differentiated from it. There is no differentiation be-
me. One which is microcosm is only the macrocosm also. In tween the body and Jeevatma in the awakening and dream
this manner, we know the knowledge of the entire world states. There is no way that they might be separated from
through this microcosm only. That is through the knowledge each other. It is only in the state of the deep sleep that the
of the jeevatama; we might gain the knowledge of the difference might be perceived to exist and that also in shaky
“Brahma”. This is the comment of the learner of the condition. The body and Jivatma,though are present very
Upanishad. close to each other, yet there is little bit of differentiation and
it might be experienced. One might see the actual form of the
We are trying to know “unknown” through “known”. body. In this state, the body cannot speak,listen,move or
Then question arises “How can we know ‘Brahmanda’through experience and appears to be in the state of death or rooted.
‘microcosm’ or know ‘Brahman’ through ‘jeeva’? What is the What is the form of Jeevatma at this stage? At this stage, we
method we use to know it? We are able to know the elemental comment that it is a state of true happiness. How did we get
form of any object only when we know about its ‘creation’ this happiness? The body is in the state of absolute rooted
and the way its functions or activates in the world. The great form, it did not experience at all anything. We all have to
saints have described in The Mandukya about the creation agree to the fact that the Jivitam was separated from the body
and the work of the jivatma.From the manner in which the and is still aware of the happiness state. We are able to re-
Jeevatma is created and functions, we come to know about member it or recollect it. If we separate this form absolutely,
the creation and action of the Brahman also. This is very then we might be able to see or glance at the pure form of the
clearly instructed. atma.Even the knowledge of the Brahma is also the same. In
We are not aware of the creation of the Jeevatma and the awaked state, there is complete union between the Brahma
Brahman. The form is invisible to and the Universe; however, it is only in the state of the deep
us,noncongnisable,nonbehavioural and no qualities are at- sleep, that we might perceive the difference between the
tached to it. This form is discussed with “Neti-Neti” only i.e. Brahma and the Universe. Once it is finally separated, we
Not this and Not this. Even the great guru or the reverend might be able to know its true form or nature.
Teacher also prefers to remain silent. With help of this silence This is the “subtle-creation” of the Brahma. Both of them
are “Prajna” and “Prajnaghan”.In other words, we know about are-in the awakened state, it is “grosser or actual-state”, in
their subtle nature only when they are absolutely separated the dream state, it is “pravivikta-state” and in the deep sleep
from the physical body and the Universe. We see their true state, it is in the “happiness state”. In the awakened state,
and elemental nature.However, what is their actual creation? the Jeevatma and the Brahma function at grosser levels only,
That is, how are they actually created? The answer to this is thus, both of hem are said to be in grosser world only. In
that there is no actual creation of the Jeevatma and the Brahma. dream state, both of them leave the external world, and enter
The actual creation is meant for the physical body and the inside or internal world. In this stage, the attention is either
Universe. Since the material body and the Universe are said intentional or unintentional by nature. In the unintentional
to be created by the Jeevatma and the Brahma, we would state, one might perceive the dreams and they are not in
conclude that their actual creation or existence is also through series or in continuity, no in consequence to each
Jeevatma and Brahma. During the subtle-creation at the stage other.However, if they are intentional by nature and are pulled
of deep sleep, the creation of the Jeevatma is through “Prajna” from the external to the inner world, then a human being is in
or Consciousness and the creation of the material body is a state of deep thoughts, it is in series form and in conse-
“Prajna” or Unconscious. This Unconscious has been very quence to one another. It is in this series only, that all the
elaborately discussed in later work titled Manovisleshanvada work is being organized. In reality, all the work is performed
by researcher Freud. From this Unconscious state only,” The only in the state of the thought. This is also “dream state”.
Psychology of the Unconscious” has been developed. It is The sages have called this stage to be “Pravivikt-bhuk”.The
better to remember that the unconscious thought is not the word “vivikt” is from the word Vivek or rational thought. The
description of the atma.This is the explanation of the body Jiva enjoys various aspects of the world through these ratio-
only in which fully discussion and explanation about the nalized and intelligent thoughts only. The state of “deep
unconscious states to their active state of the entire nervous sleep”, coming after the dream state, is said to be the state of
system has been presented.However,Jivatma is the combina- the happiness. In this state, though it appears that there is a
tion or union of both conscious and unconscious. One is relation between the Jiva and body and the Universe and the
Brahma, still it seems that they might be separated from each
conscious and other is nothing but death, one is knowable
other. The human being awakens from the deep sleep and
and other is unknowable, one can be studied and other can-
says that he or she had slept peacefully or happily. The hap-
not be understood at all. There has to be union between them
piness achieved through the separation from the body and
and then only the entire Universe might be active and func-
the Jiva or the Universe and the Brahma, it is only present in
tion properly. It is in the subtle and actual creation states that
the memory or is remembered by the human being. This hap-
the body arrives to its dream state from deep sleep and then
piness is “Negative” by nature. The moment the body is
Jeevatma is in “introvert” state and the body is in its “mag-
separated from the Jiva, there is happiness experienced. If
nificence or splendid” state. The Jivatma’s “Prajna” form
this separation is increased, and the Jiva is in union with the
changes to “Inner-Prajna” state. The “unknown” body form Brahma as it was with the physical body, then it is for sure
immediately acquires its magnificent state. Then we are in a and certainty that Jiva would experience the state of the hap-
state of both known and unknown.However,we are not com- piness permanently. This is the state of the Brahmanand.It is
pletely aware of this state at all. The light is said to be the a sign for us to understand that we should remember the
“Magnificent” one. When the body comes from the dream state of happiness and try our best to achieve it.This happi-
state to its awakened state, then the Jeevatma moves from ness is created only when Jiva was separated from the body
“Inner Prajna” to “external Prajna” state. Then the body and unified with the Brahman. That is the reason why it is
changes from “magnificent” to “Definite” state. It can be said to be negative by nature. In case, the Jiva experienced
observed in different forms of life or organisms to us. These the state of the happiness only when it has been separated
are the three stages of the body due to the atma, in the same from the body forever, it might have been called “Determinis-
manner, due to the Ultimate Soul or Absolute Soul, the Uni- tic” happiness rather than “negative” one.
verse moves from Deep sleep with “Indefinite”, Dream state- In this manner, after providing the explanation about the
it is “magnificent” state and said to be “Nebular” and in its creation and work of the Jeevatma and Brahma, the great
awakened state, it takes the form of “definite”-these are the sages have returned back to the Omkara to the levels of the
three actual or the grosser states of creation. vowels of a-u-m.It is through this reduction to the vowels of
After comprehending their subtle and actual creative or a-u-m of the Omkara that one knows about the positive quali-
finer and grosser structures, it is necessary to know about ties of the Brahma and through the vowels form, we know the
their “activity” or “work” also. What is the structure or cre- “Negative” quality of the brahma and should meditate upon
ation of “Jiva” and “Brahman”? The finer structure is called it.
the “Prajnaghan” and the grosser structure is for the body Thus, the “Atma-tattva” in Mandukyopanisad i.e. the de-
and Universe.However, Jiva and Brahma are hidden in these scription of the Jeevatma and Param Atma and their four
stages. In the awakened state, it is called “Definite”, in the stages of awakening,dream,deep and turiya are discussed in
dream state, it is called “magnificent” and in deep sleep, it is Chhandogya (“Indra Virochan” episode,8-12) and
called “Unconscious”. The “work” of “Jiva” and “Brahma” Brihadaranyakopanisad(4-2,3 and 2-1) also.

R D Dubey
cause of him” val. We cannot find such a leader
Lok Manya Tilak was born on 23rd nowadays.” He further adds on that
July 1856. He started the Marathi Lok Manya was a creative thinker and
daily newspaper called Kesari in the conjoint Ganesh Utsav with the na-
year of 1880. This was published in tionalist movement. This kind of
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Pune and he was the main editor. It thoughts we cannot find nowadays.
Lok Manya Tilak was a national-
A fter the establishment of the was his grandson Deepak Tilak who
said “It is believed by Lok Manya that ist leader. Apart from this, he was
Congress in India, it was Bal also known for his revolutionary
Gangadhar Tilak who yelled out birth anniversaries are meant only for
gods. However, once I die, he thoughts also. He was born in
Swaraj for the first time and this Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. He com-
prompted the literary personality Sri wished that no one should celebrate
his birthday. We all obey his wish pleted his education in Deccan Col-
Krishna Saral to declare that Lok lege of Pune in the year 1877 and
Manya was the first person to fight and we do not celebrate his anniver-
started teaching mathematics in
for Swaraj in his book titled “Swaraj sary.”
Ferguson College. He invited lot of
Tilak.” It was later on that Subash He further added ….Lok Manya
readers to read his newspaper titled
Chandra Bose was motivated by this is the first kind of the leader who was
Kesari, which was established in the
goal and said “You give me the blood, very much associated with this news-
year of 1880 by appointing many edi-
I will give you the freedom” paper and was pulled into a court be-
tors from different languages so that
It is the 153rd anniversary being cause of some crime but it was the people can read his thoughts and
celebrated on 23rd July – the birthday same court, later on, took the story news all over the country. Apart from
of Lok Manya Tilak. The statement from his own newspaper and was being established editor, he openly
of Tilak was “Swaraj is our birth right successful. This is present in took the side of the young revolution-
and I would fight for this at any cost”. Bombay High Court and it was the aries like Khudir Ram Bose and made
In this context Saral wrote down same court which have sent him to the English Government his target.
“The Congress was formed in the the prison” People started to think about his ex-
year of 1885. However, it was in the Lok Manya really wanted to mo- tremist thoughts after he joined con-
year of 1929, when a proposal was tivate people and developed a national gress in the year 1890. He was the
kept in front of all the nationalist lead- consciousness among them. Thus he representative of the Extremist Con-
ers that freedom has to be achieved, was successful in his thoughts in 20th gress Party. He separated from Con-
however no one declared it as strongly century. He was the first on e to start gress in the year of 1907 and again
as it was done by Tilak much before off the ritual of celebrating Ganesh rejoined the party in the year of 1916.
in 1897. Thus he is the first person Utsav in Maharashtra. In this con- In between, he even joined the group
to declare it strongly with full deter- text, his great grandson says, “Lok called All India Home Rule League
mination. Similarly, Bose also took Manya really wanted to start off with started off by Mohammad Ali Jinnah
the mission further to achieve the in- his ritual of Ganesh Utsav wherein and Annie Besant.
dependence. It is said that it is due to people are collected all together in a Tilak was against the non-
the influence of Mahatma Gandhi that place and nationalist movement obelience principle of Mahatma
Tilak had moved further with the no- started off with this. He was respon- Gandhi. However, Gandhi always
tion of freedom but this is not the sible for awakening national con- called him the creator of modern In-
truth. Saral had written that once sciousness among them. Even now, dia. Vir Savarkar also made him his
Gandhi was invited to attend a dis- these kinds of celebrations are taking idol in the nationalist movement. Lok
trict meeting. Then Tilak commented place, however, we cannot search for Manya Tilak wrote the book titled Gita
to his companion, “I am 100% sure his kind of thoughts and it is very dif- Rahasya and this book is well known
that this person cannot join our group ficult to find out also. We require a among all the books written on the
and is not the right candidate at all, leader who can show us a direction same topic. After a long illness, he
however India will never suffer be- to the people in such kind of a festi- died in August, 1920.

India was totally in the tight grip of the British rule. At that time,
Swami Ram Krishna Param Hansa was born in 1836.He medi-
ated a lot and with his own efforts, he re-established the new
wave of the religion and gave direction to it. It is well-known
fact about his meditation, the way he witnessed and expe-
rienced the pure form of the God, and his philosophical
thoughts. He showered his powerful energies on Swami
Vivekanand.This is the reason why Swami Vivekananda is
popular personality and well being in the whole world. He
considers his pious actions to be the form of swami Param
Hansa only. According to him, there was a divine reason
for the birth of Swami Ramkrishna.He wrote a letter to
his Guru brother that it is due to the birth of Revered
Gurudev that the holy mother land has witnessed the good
and true times. And at the appropriate time only the Satyug
would begin.
However, why are such situations prevailing now in the
world? There are problems everywhere and it is a sign of
danger for each and every person. There is no place for the
culture of Europe to be prevailing in the current times. They
have crossed the limits of patience. It is now the empire of disrespect
and uncultured society. The religion is also on the shaky grounds. If
people speak about pious and good things, they are thrown out or totally
ignored. The European culture has established such a culture that the
rate at which such wrong actions are taking place is increasing day by
day. This is the inequality among the members of the society. This is
giving rise to problems within humanity, problem for the environment,
terrorism, alcoholism, drug-addiction, debts, poverty and exploitation,
sexual exploitation and untreatable diseases. How can we dream of a
good society and environment around us? How can we bring in such a
state of piousness? How can we stop all these things? In order to answer
all these questions, it is better for us to return back to our past and see
how east India Company-in the name of trading with us-entered our
country and exploited it to it full extent. This is all due to wrong and
malpractices in the society. The main reason is Adharma.
There is a section of one class who are too excited to establish their
own religion in the world. They have prepared themselves for this in
complete form and not lacking anything. In order to establish that their
religion is superior to others, they had organized a great and big seminar
and had invited all the world leaders for it.
The City of Chicago, in America, was in its full swing and preparing
for the great event to take place in September,1893.Swami Vivekananda
wanted to participate in it and started off his journey to Chicago in
May,1893.Actually he was not invited for the conference as a represen-
tative of a religion. After facing many problems, he ultimately got the
approval to attend the conference. The clock struck 10 o’clock. No one
realized that this was appropriate time for the Sanatan Dharma to enter in
front of the whole world. Almost all representatives gave lectures on
behalf of their religions or cultures. After paying due respect to his Guru
and Mother Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda started to speak-“My dear
brothers and Sisters”. Hearing these words, the entire gathering was
Jaya Shankar Mishra, Co-editor, Head Of The Department-Yog Sandesh, Patanjali Yoga Peeth, Haridwar.

excited and motivated. One could hear the sounds of clapping for quite some Swami Vivekananda is
time. After calming the people, Swamiji said, "I am proud to say that I am popular personality and
disciple of such a religion which teaches you to be compassion and maintain
brotherhood. Not only this, we consider that all religions are unique and true and well being in the whole
in our ancient times, our ancestors gave shelter and protected those who needed world. He considers his
our help. When Jews escaped from the clutches of the Romans and arrived to pious actions to be the form
India, we welcomed them with great love and respect. We behaved very well of swami Param Hansa
with them. Similarly we protected the Parses from Iran also and they are still
residing in India with full respect. It is sheer madness to differentiate ourselves only. According to him,
in terms of religion and be blinded by it. This is simply destroying the beauty of there was a divine reason
our earth. Many wrong things have taken place due to this on our land. There for the birth of Swami
was blood shed and destruction of our culture. People are drowned into the Ramkrishna.He wrote a
wells of depression and agony. Imagine in the absence of such people, we might
have progressed and a good humanity might have existed in the world. I do not
letter to his Guru brother
want to extend my speech more.However,I would like to reiterate myself that that it is due to the birth of
the bell that was rung sometime ago was the sure sign of God’s will towards Revered Gurudev that the
humanity with the feelings of respect for each other, brotherhood and it would holy mother land has
bring in the death of the wars and fights that are taking place in the world."
witnessed the good and true
The whole gathering at the conference were surprised to hear Swamiji and
had a positive aura in it. It was published in almost all newspapers in America times. And at the appropri-
about the speech given by him.The established Hindu religion, defined its pros ate time only the Satyug
and cons and declared that it is a very pious religion. With this conference, there would begin. However, why
was one benefit gained for us and that was the fact that Americans got the favor are such situations prevail-
of being Indianness and scenario of the country.
It was his first experience to face such a huge gathering in the conference. ing now in the world?
In the beginning only, he had started off his lecture by declaring “All American There are problems every-
citizens, Brothers and sisters”. This attracted lots of admirers for him from the where and is a sign of
western World. He was not differentiating any caste or creed at any cost. He danger for each and every
emphasized on Universal brotherhood. It was a message for the new world.
Later on he explained different doctrines of Hinduism and stayed in USA for person. There is no place
some more months. From here, he visited Europe and UK also.The was like a for the culture of Europe to
bridge between the ancient and western culture. be prevailing in the current
In the year of 1897, Vivekanand returned to India. The whole nation stood up times. They have crossed
to welcome him back from a great journey. It seemed as though he was the
reincarnation of Swami Adishankaracharya.He was invited to India with full
the limits of patience. It is
enthusiasm and respect for spreading the message of Hinduism in a way direc- now the empire of disre-
tion altogether. He reminded Indians about the great work and mission lying in spect and uncultured
front of us. He made it very clear that it is really great indeed to be born in a society. The religion is also
country like India. He said that it is due to spirituality that India would always on the shaky grounds. If
remain eternal throughout the ages. According to him, India transformed into a
new horizon. people speak about pious
It was the hard work of Vivekananda that Hindu religion got its recognition in and good things, they are
the world. One would be surprised to see that Hinduism was spreading like a fire thrown out or totally ig-
in a jungle throughout the world. It was the thirst for both microcosm and nored. The European
macrocosm knowledge. He did not appreciate the ruling of British over India. He
was reminded bout his own sufferings and pains when he saw the prevailing culture has established
agonies and exploitation in the hands of the British. Every nationalist leader was such a culture that the rate
studying and practicing the great lessons present in at which such wrong ac-
Gita,Ramayana,Mahabharat,Veda and Upanisads.There was some kind of desire tions are taking place is
to sacrifice their own lives for the name of Hinduism.There were innumerous
sacrifices to mark this and one cannot count them at all.
increasing day by day.
The British were trying their best to suppress the In- gotten the importance of the idol worship and the time
dians and their revolts. They were scared of the national- that is spent on it. They did not try to understand its
ist revolts and movement against them. They were cer- significance at all. Every method of worshipping is best
tain that they had to leave our country some day without and it gives us the feeling of being calm and quiet, peace-
any kind of choice left out for them.However, they wit- ful and provides happiness to us. They did not use their
nessed the strength of Indians and the power of the thirst intelligence and were blind towards it. There were many
for free India. There was no differentiation between Hindu amendments and changes in the religion itself. Buddhism
and Islamic person. They started identifying themselves did not encourage fights and wars. It is interesting to
as Indian and began their mission. The British adopted note the fact wherever Buddhism was spread; there was
“the policy of Divide and Rule” and were successful in not a single drop of blood dropped on the earth.Thats the
their cruel intentions of breaking the national unity among power of the religion. Buddha was a great religious leader
Indians. and he was not at all interested in the politics or to ac-
They designed a plan in the year of 1835, through the quire any kind of political role.
plan of the Education system of Michael, they launched The humanity is totally lost with the introduction of
there intentional plan and succeeded in it. In this, Indians the concept of commerce or economics. This kind of
lost their cultural, intelligence and wealthy powers to the culture is based only on the principle of give and take. In
British. India was maintaining agricultural sector, taking India, the religion of Hinduism is a scientific study. Ac-
care of the animals like cows and rearing of the cording to the Hindu Dharma, the life of a human being
cattle.However, the new educational system pointed and depends on the all kinds of living organisms and believes
attracted them towards the industrial and governmental in the utilitarian philosophy. There is no movement or
sectors and somehow the interest in our own sector di- importance given to our economics, protection of the
minished permanently and forever. In this manner, the cows, protection of the wild life and environment, pro-
British made a strong hold over the Empire over India. It tection of the earth and water. In the ancient times, none
was Vivekananda who took the initiative to break this of the above mentioned categories ever had any kind of
forever and stood up to fight against it. danger from human beings. We are worshipping the dei-
Anyone who adopted the new educational plan, they ties like sun, moon, air, water, wealth, etc.; at the same
were exploited and were aware of the fact that Indians time we focus on its nature and quality also. We do not
were being maltreated by the British. He met lot of people neglect or ignore its utility for us in all manners in our
and great leaders to discuss this issue. He left his own lives. We do accept the presence of Gods and goddesses
legal practice and fully focused on the national move- in the form of the birds or animals; we are readily taking
ment. Mahatma Gandhi also invited many people to join care of our environment also. Such a society was never a
him in the ahimsa movement.Maharishi Arvind is another follower or devotee of non-vegetarianism. In the current
example of this. He participated in the nationalist move- time, the religion of Hinduism is totally lost and there is
ment after giving a farewell to his I.C.S.degree.He was no adherence to it principles also. This is due to the ex-
finally settled in Pondicherry with his mission and vision. ploitation on all due to the foreigners.
Though India received its freedom, however, we were Swamiji did not stop after giving an explanation to all
unable to come out of the exploitation traps that were laid of us. He was an idol person with the quality of unifying
down by the British in our country. The country was everybody. He decided to open an institution in the name
divided into two different classes. The Indian constitu- of his Guru and run it without any hesitation. In this man-
tion was not designed as per the requirement of the coun- ner, we have Ramakrishna matt and Ramakrishna Mis-
try. This is the main reason why certain dreams are still sion in India. The main headquarters of this is at a place
unfulfilled in India. It is inevitable that Vivekananda had called Belur near Kolkatta.The main motto of this insti-
hoisted the flag to promote Hinduism at its excel in the tute is “Atmano Mikshartha Jagaddhitay Ca”.It means this
world, attracted the admiration from all corners of the institute is dedicated for one’s own freedom and welfare
world and established the sanatan dharma of Hinduism of the world through self-knowledge and service to the
and it is the truth.However,our country turned out to be humanity. This is a great gift from his side to the entire
called “India” rather than “Hindustan”. We were all asked humanity.
to be fully aware and were awakened from deep sleep He took Samadhi before he could reach 40 years of
through the great lecture of Vivekanand, still we are at age and left us.Hoever, we cannot think and match his
this stage and we all need to put our thinking caps as contribution with the number of years or age. It was
soon as possible. This is something we all need to think during the span of 10 years that he provided immense
upon very seriously. help and support to humanity and made them aware of
Christianity tried to bring in changes in the Buddhism the fact that development and progress is possible with
and include the new transformed meaning of the wheel in true and correct intentions. His thoughts were very ex-
their religion.However,it was futile because they did not traordinary and invaluable for us. His contributions can
think properly in a rational manner. They did not attempt be divided in to two main classes-national and interna-
to full comprehend the philosophy of Buddhism. It is quite tional. It was worthwhile to note that his contributions
true that the disciples of Buddhism refused and agreed to towards each one of them is beyond comparison and
worship without idols. This was because they had for- cannot be put into words.

Jayraji Vashishtha

The element of time is a very precious ornament. One cannot de-

scribe its form, quality and nature. The five elements are earth, water,
Time does not have any smell, fire; air and akash are known to be non elements. Time does not have
juice, form, sensation and word any smell, juice, form, sensation and word for it. Thus it is nonsensory
for it. Thus it is nonsensory part part of our knowledge i.e., we cannot pursue it through sense-organs.We
of our knowledge i.e., we cannot
cannot determine or be undetermined about it and it is also not its nature.
pursue it through sense-
It does not even have the quality of intelligence or the egoistic thought. It
organs.We cannot determine or
is the life of the human beings which is determined by the lord himself
be undetermined about it and it
and the limits of the time have not been verbalized by anyone. The hu-
is also not its nature. It does not
man being does not know in unlimited time. The individuals with three
even have the quality of intelli-
qualities fall within the time limit. It is said that the cosmic creation,
gence or the egoistic thought. It
position and destruction are within limits of time. In this way the principle
is the life of the human beings
of the three qualities of time has been established. The nature of the
which is determined by the lord
truth is knowledge, comfort, peace, sacrifice, sympathise- compassion
himself and the limits of the
do not fall under the limits of the time. The time is also not limited to
time have not been verbalized by
Rajoguna like desire and comfort the qualities of the tamas like lazy,
anyone. The human being does
ignorance, sleep, etc.- all are away from the time.The question arises
not know the unlimited time.
that what kind of matter is time?
The individuals with three
Every thing cannot be established through the evidences or proofs of
qualities fall within the time
limit. It is said that the cosmic the principle of three qualities of the time. Thus it is better to establish at
creation, position and distine the moment. The only object is the qualified element- the element is soul
are within limits of time. In this and the ultimate being also.
way the principle of the three The soul cannot take birth. Time also cannot take birth at all because
qualities of time has been every thing is born within the limits of the time. Which means time is
established. The nature of the beyond birth and within it every thing is born and established. All cre-
truth is knowledge, comfort, ation takes place within the time.
peace, sacrifice, sympathise- Soul is eternal. Time is also eternal because time specifies the length
compassion do not fall under of survival for each and every thing in the universe. It is within this time
the limits of the time. The time limit that the death also takes place. In other words time establishes
is also not limited to Rajoguna death of each and every thing.
like desire, comfort and the The soul cannot be destroyed. Time is non destructible by nature
qualities of the tamas like lazy, because it destroys everything by remaining nondestructable.
ignorance, sleep, etc.- all are Soul is present every where and time also possesses the same quality
away from the time .The ques- because the ultimate destroyer of all atoms takes place continuously
tion arises that what kind of with in the time and it is present in each and every atom.
matter is time? Soul is present in every thing yet it is differentiable by nature. Time

also has the same quality and cannot be described be- lacking, one cannot determine or undetermined some-
cause time does not have any friends or enemies or thing, eyes cannot perceive properly, ears cannot hear
relatives or someone who can be near and dear to it. properly, nose looses it smelling sensation, skin looses
Soul is similar or even in the world, soul is time also.The its power of sensation and tongue looses its capability
reason is that time cannot be partial towards particular of recognizing some flavour.Is it the case that soul func-
action or nonaction.It is within time that all activities tions only when there is the illuminating factor? Thus
takes place equally and participate without any differ- this is the question about the concerned cognitive facul-
entiation. In other words time is like a coin with two ties? Did we get or hear or see something if this king in
sides. our lives? The answer is absolutely no. It is the time
Soul is eternal, so is time because everything is tak- which gets illuminated through are self awarness.this is
ing place within this time. proved through self awareness only. Without self aware-
Soul cannot be separated, so is time also. Because ness there can be no evidence for intelligence, percep-
time establishes the theory of separateness for each tion, sense organs, material body, state, time, thing and
and everything in the present,past and future tenses. it world. It is the first specification for the difference in
has the capacity to become the past tense to end some- the soul and the time.
thing which has started off in the past. Soul is all powerful by nature. It gives power to one
Soul is unlimited and time also possess the same atom. Similarly the whole universe gets it power from
quality because it limits everything within its one single soul. Does it mean that time is also all pow-
unlimitedness.Soul is away from the field of knowledge, erful by nature? Can time give its power to micro and
so is the time. The intelligence is itself within in the macro cosmos? Again the answer is simply no. Its main
bound of the time - so how can we cognize something purpose is to give time, calculation and time
which is imperishable? measurment.the time combines with all powerful soul
Soul is all-pervading. This is because time besides to be in continuous motion and is proved by the soul
the end of each and every thing. only. How can it give power to something else? This is
Soul is not an object of cognition. Time is also the second clear-cut specification for the difference
noncongnisable by nature because it is not self proved between the soul and the time. The soul is known
and proves the existence of everything in the world. through knowledge and experience. This is not true for
From the above study of various qualities of both soul the time because time cannot be proved through the
and time, it seems that there is no differentiation be- knowledge and on cannot experience by time, it would
tween them., Is it the case that soul and time are same be paradoxical by nature.
object with two different names? In this way time seems Time is said to be noncognative element and soul is
to be present everywhere and besides the fate of each said to be an element or cognation. This has been es-
and everything in the universe. With this logical argu- tablished by the scriptures where in soul is said to be
ment can we raise the question whether being identical the time for the time itself. Thus the time cannot de-
to soul; can time really destruct the soul? stroy the ultimate being or soul.
Soul is aid to be self illuminated and with this light, Is it the case that everything has been created within
other objects are recognizable the world. The awaken- time and this includes the ultimate being also? We would
ing of the soul is same as illumination, When the self understand it through the sentence ‘eko - ahum bahu
awareness is present in the intellegence,then it illumi- syam’.
nates the intellegence.In a similar manner it is known to The ten members created by the God’s determina-
be giving radiance to brain , sense organs, heart or cog- tion are desire, the par of piousness, boundaries, time,
nitive faculties and the physical bodies. It illuminates motion, the three qualities, ego, punchabhut, number and
every thing in the cosmos and establishes their reality. the living being. The desire has the capability of multi-
Without this light in the world they can be no plying more and more in numbr.The ethical values are
ontellegence, contemplation or corgnation, memory is again pre-determined by nature and is totally depen-

dent upon the Divine Will. Each and every play and act sence of all these activities, then we might not be expe-
is dependent on God’s will only. This is the power of the riencing any kind of time or it form at all. There would
action. The ego and three qualities also co-exist in the be no usage of the tenses in our language also. In other
world. It is with the help of the five elements that the words, the very existence of events and circumstances
entire cosmos is created. It is within the limits of the proofs the existence of time and are the measures of
space and time. There is also presence of self-intelli- time also. In this way, it is very clear that time is re-
gence and ego-intelligence also.
sponsible for all kinds of changes, events, circumstances,
All this is due results of the Divine Will. This with
etc.It is very paradoxical nature of the time, it is form-
the help of the ten members created by the God, the
less and it is said:
whole world is present.However; time is not created at
all. The nature of the time is to set the purpose of the
time limits. This is extended to all elements, material xq.kO;frdjkdkjks fu£o'ks"kks¿izfrf"BrA
bodies, world and external worlds, etc.Thus, the main iq#"kLrnqiknkuekRekua yhy;kl`tr~AA
function of the time is to set the limitations and measure fo'oa oS czãrUek=ka lafLFkra fo".kqek;;kA
each and every thing. Time is the ultimate end for all. bZ'ojs.k ifjfPNUua dkysukO;Drew£rukAA
How do we experience this Nirakar form of the time? (Shrimad Bhagwatam 3 l 10 l 11-12)
We sleep in the night, wake up with the ringing sounds The nature of the time is to bring in chnages.It is self-
of the temple-bells and comment that it is morning after formless and nonproved entity. The God makes himself
hearing the chirping of the birds. In case there is ab- to be undifferentiated form through this nature of time.


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Reverend Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaja has five important losophy of Yoga and create a healthy atmosphere around
goals and they are the following: us. We would bring in the realizations among all residents
1) 100% voting in the country and remove all kinds of corruptions, un-
2) 100% Nationalist Thoughts happiness, hatred towards one’s self and fraud and these
3) 100% out casting of the foreign companies from India are due to wrong facets of our own personalities. Every
4) 100% encouragement to use svadeshi products and to individual must recognize himself or herself with full re-
collect all people spect and this must be awakened as soon as possible.
5) 100% establishment of “Yoga Maya” India and to pre- This would enable us to regain our own self-respect by
pare it. constructing our country with the development of per-
The main goal of the “Bharat Svabhimaan” is to create a sonal and nation’s character.
healthy, wealthy, and cultural India. This would surely bring The creation and various activities of the Bharat
in true and new kind of independence, new administration Svabhimaan (Trust) are the following:
and India would be a popular country. Along with these By following the above mentioned oaths, there would be
changes, there would be complete removal of the biggest healthy, hygienic, wealthy, self-made, free from all kinds of
problem of corruption. This would pose to be the final jolt corruptions, unemployment and free from poverty. This kind
and answer to the society also.There are five oaths taken of atmosphere in the country and this would be our primary
from the side of Honorary Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and goal and vison.In order to achieve this determination, follow-
they are enumerated in the following manner: ing institutions and movements have been present: 1) Divya
1) Teach Yoga religion and enlightenment through it for each Yoga Mandir(Trust), 2) Patanjali Yoga Peeth(Trust)-in India
and every individual and international levels), 3) Bharat Svabhimaan International
2) To establish healthy growth of body, heart and thoughts (Apravasi Bharatiya Sanghtan), 4)Patanjali Chikitsalaya,
3) To enrich the person’s character and through it to create 6) Patanjali Yog Samiti, 5) Mahila Patanjali Yog Samiti
a proper character of the nation All these above mentioned institutions would be associ-
4) Train the teachers properly in the specially organized ated with 15 different groups and all of them together would
camps for Yoga bring in revolution of the Yoga and enlightenment among the
5) Oath should be taken by all the individuals participating people. The groups are:
in these camps 1) Youth Wing
One might motivate and take self-oath and make any 2) Academicians Wing
teacher, practitioner, special member, official, ordinary mem- 3) Doctors Community
ber and any other citizen of India might take this oath to 4) Taxable Service Class
establish a healthy, wealthy and culturised India. This should 5) Advocates and Retired Judges to form Judiciary Group
be a determination for each person and abide it thoroughly 6) Ex-army individuals
without any excuses. Following should be taken care of: 7) Farmers Group
1) We would vote only those candidates who are true devo- 8) Industrial and Mining Group
tees of the nation, loyal, powerful, and intuitive and can 9) Laborers Group
see immediate effects of certain things in the immediate 10) Owners Group
future. We ourselves would participate and cast our votes 11) Service Class
in 100% and make others to do so. 12) Scientific and Technical Group
2) We would collect and gather only those people who are 13) Arts and Cultural Group
devotees of the nation, are responsible for their actions, 14) Media Class
enlightened beings, thoughtful, perceive properly and are 15) Extraordinary and Special Citizens Group
loyal by nature. We would even invite all powerful groups In other words, there would be 15 groups working to-
of the nation and work hard to establish a new kind of gether. These groups would be present in various districts
freedom, new set up and introduce new amendments. This and in total, there are 21 groups. In a way, these 21 groups
would enable India to be a powerful and the best country would make 21st century to be the best time for India to reach
in the world. to its goal and mission in every possible way and manner.
3) We would abolish all foreign things made with the help of Every district our 1100 Yoga teachers would create 2100 more
the pure technology and we would use and encourage teachers. They would in return prepare 5000 members which
only svadeshi products. would in turn be 11000 official members of the Bharat
4) We would 100% follow our own religions like Hindu, Is- Svabhimaan (Trust).later we would have around 11 lakh ordi-
lam, Sikh, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism in our daily nary members. One might associate with one of the above
lives. Yet these differentiations would disappear at the institutions of the Patanjali Yoga Peeth and contact either
national level and we would strive to work hard to be a Patanjali Yoga Samiti or Patanjali Chikitsalaya to be either our
true Indian and Hindustani. teachers or members. This is the invitation from the side of
5) We would make India a 100% country of following phi- our Reverend swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
- Dr. Jyotir Mitra

The store house for all knowledge and sciences are the Vedas. We cannot find any
other ancient literature in the world other than this. The science of Ayurveda is
said to be the sub Veda or subcategory of the Vedas. The Samhitas of Charaka and
Sushruta are known to be the literary forms of the Ayurveda in a compiled form.
Many researches have been conducted in order to form the Ayurvedic literature.

According to the Indian culture the store house for Maud, Shaunakiya, Jajal, Jalad, Brahmvad, Devadarsa,
all knowledge and sciences are the Vedas. We cannot and Charna Vaidya.
find any other ancient literature in the world other than There are different names given to Atharva namely
this. The science of Ayurveda is said to be the sub Veda 1 Atharva Veda
or subcategory of the Vedas. 2 Atharvagirsaveda
The Samhitas of Charaka and Sushruta are known 3 Agirasaveda
to be the literary forms of the Ayurveda in a compiled 4 Brahma veda
form. Many researches have been conducted in order 5 Bhrigvagiroveda
to form the Ayurvedic literature. 6 Chandoveda
Before we could discuss more about Ayurveda, it is 7 Mahidveda
necessary to understand the Vedic scriptures. Under 8 Kshatraveda
the Vedic categories, we have Samhitas, Brahmana, 9 Bhaishajyaveda
Aranyaka, Upanishads and Vedanta literature. The four Introduction to Atharva Veda
Samhitas are Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and There are twenty chapters of different topics of
Atharvaveda.These are all known as the four catego- Atharveda.The first chapter discusses about the nature
ries of Vedas. They are popular because of various of different diseases, digestion, destruction of those dis-
branches of studies in them and some of them are not eases, attaining pregnancy and long life. In the second
available to us. According to great philosopher of lan- chapter, there are mantras with respect to the destruc-
guage - Patanjali - there are 21 branches for tion of the diseases, destruction of the enemies, destruc-
Rigveda,100 categories of Yajurveda, 1000 branches of tion of the worms, long life etc.The third chapter in ref-
Sam Veda and 9 branches of Atharveda.There are many erence to the wars methodologies and techniques. The
different varieties and interpretations given with respect fifth chapter focuses on Brahma vidya ,destruction of
to the subcategories of Vedas. In the contemporary times the enemies, attainment of divine weapons etc.The sixth
we have only different branches namely Taittiriya, chapter defines about the methods and processes of
Maitrayaniya, Katha and Kapishthal - Katha.The nine the destruction of various diseases, bad dreams, attain-
different branches of Atharveda are Pippalad, Taud, ing strength, agricultural growth etc.The seventh chap-

ter discusses about atma, anjan, fullmoom, amavasya, of Ashtanga Ayurveda.For e.g.: Maharshi Kasya,
etc.The eight chapter describes about the attainment of Kaumarbhritya and agadtantra were special teachers.
longlife, procuring of precious jewels, etc.The ninth Similarly we have Bhasuki for Shalyatantra, Bharadwaj
chapter focuses on madhuvidya,how to treat the guest, for skin treatments and may others.
destruction of the yakshas etc.The tenth chapter is the The Sushruka Samhita gives the following descrip-
description about the destruction of the poisonous snakes, tion for its eight different branches which are enumer-
to be victorious, to become ultimate being, etc.The elev- ated in the following manner:
enth chapter is about Brahma, destruction of the en- 1 Shalya/surgery - This discusses about the surgery
emies, rudra, life, etc.The twelfth chapter focuses on and its different forms. A detail description about its
the importance of the earth,cattle,etc.The thirteen chap- methodologies and processes are discussed.
ter gives the detail description of the spirituality. The 2 Shalakya - This discusses about various diseases
fourteen chapter discusses about the various rituals and associated with head, eyes, nose, etc.
culture of conducting various kinds of marriages. The 3 Skin treatment - In this we have an explanation of
fifteenth chapter discusses abut the brahma etc.The fever, leprosy, etc. and its treatment also provided.
sixteenth chapter discusses about the eradication of 4 Skills to treat these spirits- This is meant for the
unhappiness and pain. The seventeenth chapter is to- Gods and Gandharvas and the treatment to remove
tally based on the prayers to the ultimate the evil spirits from them.
consiousness.The eighteenth chapter gives the detailed 5 Kaumarbhritya- This explains the various ways and
description of the ancestors and the ceremonies asso- methodologies to keep the children healthy, examine
ciated to them, The nineteenth chapter gives the de- the mothers health etc.
scription about the Yajna, purush, sukta,stars, various 6 Agadtantra - In this, various kinds of treatments
gems Atharva Veda and its divisions etc, and the twen- and remedies have been provided for the various
tieth chapter is the description of Soma Yajna. animal bites like snakes, insects etc and to remove
Kaushik Sutra: their poison from the body.
Kaushik Gruhya Sutra is also known as Kaushik 7 Tonics and syrups - Various tonics and syrups are
Sutra. This is very important sutra in order to get the prescribed in order to lead a long life, to attain strength
knowledge of different topics of the atharveda.in this; and energy etc.
there is good description about the 16th cultures and 8 Bajikaran- In this there is a description about the
the different Suktas of the Atharveda.In this we even removal of various kinds of defects caused during
come to know about the various mantras which are young, old and childhood, etc.
used in the magical studies. The logical discussion of Ashtanga Ayurveda:
The eight categories of Ayurveda and Atharva Veda. 1. The techniques of surgery in atharveda.In and
We get the detail description of the eight categories of Atharva samhita : It is a surprising to know the
Ayurveda in literatures like Charaka samhita.However, fact that the ancient, surgical literature is far more
prior to this; we have three different varieties of Vedas advanced than the other literature on the surgeries.
giving us the description about the remedies for various The ancient surgery priest a doctor use to treat a
kinds of pains and agonies. These are based on spiritu- simple disease in a very simplified manner. The hu-
ality, spirits, animals and material things. It is very diffi- man body has been compared to the various parts
cult to give the name of the first person to start of with of a chariot. So it is said that if we take care of
Ashtanga Ayurveda.In the times of Samhita there chariot properly the person traveling on it will not be
are different kinds of specialists for different branches able to find any problem while riding on it.In the simi-
lar manner one should take care of their physical we know the way gandharva, Yakshas, Rajas, graha
bodies to be free from all kind of diseases. etc enter into our body and polluted. In such cases,
2. The various treatments of the upper part of we need to introduce some kind of activities like giv-
the body : In this we get various description of the ing money performing puja, etc. this is called as the
diseases associated with the different portions of the knowledge of the spirit. All these are present in
head. Various treatments and remedies have been Atharveda only. We have many scriptures describ-
suggested to cure them. ing such activities in the literature of Charaka,
3. Treatment of the skin : A detailed description has Shushruta, etc.
been provided for the different kinds of treatments 8. Kaumarbhritya : This is also one of the branches
for the skin, there are herbal treatments to eradicate of Ayurveda. It focuses on onset of pregnancy, tak-
the diseases. There are more than hundred agonies ing care during the pregnancy, protection of preg-
and diseases described for the skin. It starts of with nancy, methods and processes of good delivery of a
the diseases of the head and gives a description of baby, etc are discussed. It even talks about various
various problems. kinds of medicines, mantra and amulets.
4. Names of some special diseases: Some of the 9. Agadtantra : This is another branch of Atharveda
names are takman,a asrava, mutravarodh,nadivrana, discussing about permanent poisonous and nonpoi-
jalodar, shirshakati. kaas, kilaas, mutravarodh, sonous cases like poison, bites from various animals
jayanya, apachit, sleshma, balaas, harimaa and like snakes, Scorpio, etc. We have a long list of
hridayaamaya,etc. mantras to cure such cases. There are clear de-
5. Hard and small time diseases : Palit, Paapya- scriptions as to how to remove the poison and ex-
kshma, ajnatakshma, akshat, visar, prushthayamaya, planation of all different kinds of snakes have been
ashrik, vishrok, vishalyak, vidradhi. kshipta, hridyot, described. Many different kinds of methods and pro-
jalaji, shool, pama,etc. cess have been described in various chapters to help
Special and long-spanned diseases : Takman, human beings to be away from such conditions.
Asrava, Mutravarodh, Nadivrana, Jalodara, 10. Rasayana tantra : In this we have description about
shirshakati. kaas, kilaas, mutravarodh, jayanya, various kinds of tonics and syrups which help in re-
apachit, sleshma, balaas, harimaa and moving diseases and gaining our health. The tonics
hridayaamaya,etc. are also meant for longevity and to remain young. It
6. Hard and short spanned diseases : Palit, helps in removing all kinds of bodily defects and many
Paapyakshma, ajnatakshma, akshat, visar, herbal treatments have been described.
prushthaya- maya, ashrik, vishrok, vishalyak, 11. Bajikaran : Atharveda gives us description about
vidradhi. kshipta, hridyot, jalaji, shool, pama,etc.The our development and progress in our lives. There
literature of the Atharveda.In gives a long list of the are various kinds of mantras which guide us to per-
different kinds of diseases or skin treatments. They form sacrifices like horse, elephants, bulls, etc to
never differentiate this mission for example the dif- achieve our own goals and motives.
ference given in the books of Charaka and Especially in Atharveda, different kinds of methods
Shushruta. In this book, we find that they have given and processes are spread to make us leave a happy
a very neat and clean description of all the diseases and a comfortable life. We need to follow some of
of human beings. them so that we realize their important in our lives. In
7. The spiritual knowledge : The one branch of this way, Ayurveda and Veda are associated with each
Ashtanga Ayurveda is the study of the spirits in which other and clearly mention about their association.
It is the vision and mission of Swami Ram Dev to free 09954092126, (4) Dispur, Guwahati, Mob: 09864062661, ph:
human beings from different kinds diseases and to lead a 0361-2229159, (5) Guwahati, Mob: 09954710807, (6) Zorhat,
peaceful life. With this desire, he started two main centers Mob.: 09435844839, (7) Karimganj, Mob.: 09435074560,
called Divya Yoga Mandir and Patanjali Yog Peeth.In this (8) Kokarajhar, Mob: 09435026515, (9) Silchar, Mob:
center, many people are members and have great respect for 09431575380, (10) Silchar, Kachar, Mob.: 09435787174, (11)
the country, to free from the diseases and a center for spiritu- Tejtur, Sonitpur, Mob: 09864541111, (12) Tinsukia, Mob:
ality has been opened. 094353356666.
Now with the pious determination, it has been decided to 3. Bihar : Shahjaanand Nagar, Begusarai, Mob: 09835064517,
open many Patanjali medical centers in each and every cor- Khaliphabagh, Bhagalpur, Mob: 09334286034, Badi
ner of the country in order to free people from the diseases. Chowk, Aaraa, Bhojpur, Mob: 09430622667, Motohari, East
In this way, there is no need for required people to trouble all Champaran, Mob: 09955511608, Betiya, West Chemparan,
the way to Haridwar. Right now in India, all the medical cen- Mob: 09334666858, Gayaa, Mob.: 09334863037, Jahanabad,
ters are opened and actively helping people to cure diseases. Mob: 09334343019, Katihar, Mob: 09709697004,
They are very respected and skilled doctors appointed at Madhubani, Mob: 09470031001, Muzaffarpur, Mob:
these medical centers to cure simple and extra ordinary dis- 09334448910, Patna, Ph : 9931102523 Purnia, Mob:
eases with out charging any kind of taxes. From these cen- 09308203772, Raksaul, East Champaran, Mob:
ters, we get all kinds of medicines, litterature, C.D.s, VCDs 09905212882, Saharasa, Mob: 09430965047, Samastipur,
and “Yoga Sandesh “magazine. In this addition, we are pub- Mob: 09431208642, Sitamadhi, Mob: 09835049755, Hazipur,
lishing our contact list for all Patanjali medical centers so that Vaishali, Mob.: 09431026377.
people can easily reach and contact them. 4. Chattisgarh : Bastar, Mob: 09424281238, Bhilai, Mob:
1. AndhraPradesh: (1) Adilabad, Mob: 09423702333 (2) 09425245593, Bilaspur, Mob: 09425583197, Dhamatari,
Badi Chavadi , Hyderabad ph : 040-24735946 (3) Langan Mob: 09406084790, Durg, Mob: 09893865010,
House, Hyderabad, Mob : 09441076855 4. Tarnak, Janjgirchampa, Mob: 09425223286, Jashpurmob.:
Secunderabad, Mob: 09490313580, (5) Hyderabad, Mob: 09425275600, Korba, Mob.: 09826111738, Mahasmund,
09490313580, (6) Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Mob : Mob: 09752094819, Raigarh, Mob: 09425571089, Samata
09618010106 (7) Dilshukh Nagar, Hyderabad, Mob : Colony, Raipur, Ph : 0771-4020983, Shankar Nagar, Raipur,
09866064716 (8) ECL 2, Hyderabad, Mob : 09866473009 Mob: 09329482700, Rajnandgaon, Mob: 09827181617,
(9) RamNagar, Hyderabad, Mob : 09948424365, (10) Sarguja, Mob: 09752094824,
Vijayawada, Krishna District, Mob: 09000009054 (11) 5. Chandigarh: Chandigarh, Mob : 0172-6535156, Sector-45,
Mehboob Nagar, Mob: 094411670679, (12)Nizamabad, C, Chandigarh, Mob.: 09417059821.
Mob: 09246782555 (13) Kalilawadi, Nizamabad, Mob: 6. Daman and Dui: Daman, Mob.: 09228757365
09000009061 (14) Cellar-22, Secunderabad, Mob: 7. Delhi: Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, Mob.: 09350233882, Burari,
09440952684, (15) Vishakhapatnam, Mob: 09490807512 Delhi-84, Mob.: 09811663038, Samayapur, Delhi-42, Mob.:
2. Assam: (1) Bongai gaon, Mob: 09435020020, (2) 09899996960, Preet Vihar, Delhi, Ph: 22548254, Naya Ba-
Dhibrugadh, Mob: 09435031987, (3) Dhabari, Mob: zaar, Delhi, Ph: 23985167, Model Town, Delhi, Ph:

27224985, Hari Nagar, Delhi, Mob.: 09811444809, New Mandi, Mob: 09816351133, (9) Mandi, Mob: 09418042540,
Rajendar Nagar, Delhi, Ph: 42411100, Near Uttam Nagar, (10) Saraka ghat, Mandi, Mob: 09418805394, (11) Nalagadh,
Delhi, Mob: 9910182525, Cohat Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi, Mob: 09416274893, (12) Neharan Pukhar, Kangra, Mob:
Mob: 09891974743/44, Mehrauli, New Delhi-30, Ph: 09811031069, (13) Palampur, Mob: 09816726064, (14)
26806693, Dwaraka, New Delhi, Mob: 09811211785, Diyoga, Shimla, Mob: 09459089435, (15) Nichali Phagali,
Dwaraka-kakarola Road Delhi, Mob.: 09818274240, Saritha Shimla, Mob: 09816254479, (16) Rampur Bushehar, Shimla,
Vihar New Delhi-76, Ph: 26977777/8, Greater Kailash-1, Mob: 09418152025, (17) Talanta, Shimla, Mob: 09218533333,
New Delhi-48, Mob.: 09811526515, Narela, New Delhi, (18) Solan, Mob: 09218533333 (19) Paravanu, Solan, Mob:
Mob.: 9911276396, Nazafgarh, New Delhi, Mob.: 09218633333 (20) Una, Mob: 09418043126.
09871020444, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, Mob.: 11. Haryana: (1) Bahadurgadh, Mob: 09315520980, (2)
09760006293, Lakshmibhai Nagar, New Delhi-23, Mob.: Bhiwani, Ph: 01664-242253 (3)Ambala Cant, Ph: 0171-
09810015266, Mahipalpur, New Delhi-37, Mob.: 2633064 (4) Ambala City, Mob: 09813852392, (5) Charkhi,
09899924290, Piragadhi, Delhi, Mob.: 09811542351, Sam Dadri, Bhiwani, Mob: 09416504480 (6) Faridabad, Mob:
Vihar, New Delhi-43, Mob.: 09212509673, Shahdara, Delhi, 09311268177 (7) Sector 37, Faridabad, Mob: 09818399047
Mob.: 09910266293, Vivek Vihar, Delhi, Mob.: 09873183337. (8) Palwal, Faridabad, Mob: 09811693737, (9) Fatehabad,
8. GOA: Mapusa, Goa, Ph: 0832-2266424, Upper Bazaar, Mob: 09315381356, (10) Friends Colony, Gurgaon, Mob:
Ponda, Goa, Mob.: 09766621189. 09911220500, (11) Arya Samaj Mandir, Hisar, Mob:
9. Gujarat: (1) Anand, Mob: 9427054031, (2) Bharuch, Mob: 09896170938 (12) Hisar, Ph: 01662-234123 (13) Shop - 24,
09428329027, (3) Bapu Nagar, Ahmedabad, Mob: SD College Road, Near SBI Hansi, Hisar, Mob:
09428479899, (4) Maninagar, Ahmaedabad, Mob: 09255103637, (14) Jhajjar, Mob: 09315520980 (15) Govind
09428076578, (5) Paladi, Ahmedabad, Mob: 09898225311, Colony, Kaithala, Mob: 09813219136, (16) In front of the
(6) Savarmati, Ahmedabad, Mob: 09724336806, (7) Sanand, Naravaniya Building, Kaithala, Naravaniya Building,
Ahmedabad, Mob: 09374226256 (8) Satyam Mall, 09812040507 (17) Karnal, Mob: 09896347831, (18)
Ahmedabad, Mob: 098253969900 (9) Shahi Bag, Kurushetra, Mob: 09416026571, (19) Mahindragar, Ph:
Ahmedabad, Mob: 09825549661, (10) Banasakantha, 01282-025003, (20) Panchkula, Mob: 09417042837, (21)
Mob: 09925047338 (11)Baroda, Sri G, Mob: 09898702548, Panipat, Ph: 0180-3201230, (22) Sector 12, Panipat, Mob:
(12) Manjjalpur, Baroda, Mob: 09428151333, (13) 09760006293, (23) Rewari, Mob: 09416499887, (24) Shila
Bhabangar, Mob: 09898201194, (14) Bhuja Kuchch, Ph: byepass Chowk, Rohtak, Mob: 09416312445, (25) DLF
02832-255335, (15) Gandhi Dhan, Kuchch Mob: Colony, Rohtak, Mob: 09416401037, (26) Vinay Nagar,
09426454902, (16) Tagore Road, Gandhi Dham, Kuch, Mob: Rohtak, Ph: 01262-266292, (27) Sirsa, Mob: 0925412145,
09909005268, (17) Nadiyada, Khera, Mob: 09825472915, (28) Mahalana Chowk, Soniphat, Mob: 09466569636, (29)
(18) Nakhatarana, Kuchch, Mob: 09898612295, (19) Sector 14, Soniphat, Ph: 0130-6451642, (30) Professor
Bilimora, Mob: 09427469333, (20) Himatnagar, Mob: Colony, Yamuna Nagar, Mob: 09896880051, (31) Near
9426361816 (21)Junagadh, Mob: 09724336808, (22) Nirankari Bhavan, Yamuna Nagar, Mob: 09416459506.
Mahasana, Mob: 09426405519, (23) Rajkot, Ph: 0281- 12. Jammu and Kashmir: (1) Purani Mandi, Jammu, Mob:
223223, Mob: 09426987888, (24) Surat Mob: 09824760059, 09419193602 (2) Jammu Tawi, Mob: 09419893360, (3)
(25) Surendranagar Mob: 0942623388, (26) Wapi Mob: Uddhampur, Mob: 9469093542.
09427463630. 13. Jharkhand: (1) Bokara Steel City, Mob: 09334783470, (2)
10. Himachal Pradesh: (1) Bilashpur, Mob: 09425583197, (2) Bokara, Sec 4, Mob: 09431128267, (3) Devgarh, Mob:
Hamirpur, Mob: 01972221797, (3) Mehare, Hamirpur Mob: 9431003654, (d) Dhanbhag, Ph: 0326-2224447, (5) Godda,
09816688072, (4) Dharamsal, Kangra, Mob: 09418234000, Mob: 09939163678, (6) Jamshedpur, Ph: 0657-3297260 (7)
(5) Kangra, Mob: 09816120109, (6) Kulu, Mob: Mango, Jamshedpur, Mob: 09204485892, (8) Ramgarh,
09817082310, (7) Lahaula Sphiti, Mob: 09418574366, (8) Mob: 09934300002, (9) Ranchi, Mob: 09931102522, (10)

Adityapur, Saraikala, Kharsava, Mob: 09431183825. 09422804236 (45) Lokmat Bhawan,Nagpur, ph: 0712-
14. Karnataka: (1) Bangalore, Ph: 080-26768560 (2) RT Nagar, 2448283 (46) Sadra,Nagpur, ph: 0712-2528182 (47) Station
Bangalore, Mob: 09342886181, (3) Belgaum (4) Hauspet, Road, Nanded, Mob: 09823068808 (48) Shivaji Nagar,
Mob: 09448120443, (5) Hubli, Ph: 0836-2237511, 12 (6) Nanded, Mob: 09423702333 (49) Malegaon, Nasik, Mob:
Mangalore, Ph: 0824-2211040. 09371255588 (50) Tidaki Colony, Nasik, ph: 0253-6990208
15. Manipur: (1) Imphal, Mob: 09436027817. (51) Arabian, Mob: 09403525301(52) Oudh, Pune, Mob:
16. Meghalaya: (1) Shillong, Mob: 09436100482, (2) Police 09822025236 (53) Baramati, Pune, Mob: 09422331597 (54)
Bazaar, Shillong, Mob: 09436101262. Chinchavad, Pune, Mob: 09850453774 (55) Ghorpadi,
17.Maharashtra: (1)NaviPeth, Ahmednagar,Mob: Pune, Mob: 09371002301 (56) Hadapsar, Pune, Mob:
09372416555, (2) Savedi, Ahmadnagar, Mob: 09420344777, 09822437298 (57) Kasarvadi, Pune, Mob: 09872109737 (58)
(3) ShriRampur, Ahmadnagar, Mob: 09822806349, (4) Nana Peth, Pune, Mob: 09890581884 (59) Pimpari, Pune,
M.G.road, Okala, Mob: 9373220021, (5)Near L.R.T. Col- Mob: 09823320060 (60) Rastapeth, Pune, Mob:
lege, Mob: 09822699398 (6) Amaravati, Mob: 09823651112, 09371006718 (61) Gulistan Poona College Road, Pune,
(7) Aurangabad, Mob: 09822391825, (8) Bid, Mob: Mob: 09372583838 (62) Pune Nagar Road,Pune, Mob:
09822670053, (9) Parli-vaijanath, Bid, Mob: 09822503465, 09371000367 (63) Alibagh, Pune, Mob: 09822832378 (64)
(10) Bhandara, Mob: 09422804236, (11) Buldhana, Mob: Panavel ,Raigarh, Mob: 09224273173 (65)Sangli, Mob:
09860555034 (12) Khamgaon, Buldhana, Mob: 09372141415 (66) Vishram Bagh, Sangla, Mob: 09422615570
09822699398, (13) Nandura, Buldhana, Mob: 09890519051, (67) Satara, Mob: 09422062979 (68) Sore gaon, Sholapur,
(14) Dhulia, Mob: 09421531300, (15) Lane Number-6, Mob: 09822079039/09970916089 (69) Dutt Chowk,
Dhulia, Mob: 09823695054 (16) Gadhchirauli, Mob: Sholapur, Mob: 09823025501 (70) Kudal, Sindhudurg, ph:
09421808129 (17) Gorelal Chowk, Godiya, ph: 09421261352 (71) Ratnagiri, Mob: 09422966106 (72)
07182&231314 (18) Hingola, Mob: 09860555034 (19) Bhivandi,Thane,ph: 02522&248729 (73) Dombivili (East),
Chandrapur, ph: 07172-258283 (20) Bhusawal, Jalgaon , Thane, Mob: 09324024343 (74) Navapada,Thane, Mob:
Mob: 09326190209 (21) Jalgaon, Mob: 09422772126 (22) 09823121738 (75) Tendi Naka,thane, Mob: 09320615412
Jalna, Mob: 09823068050 (23) Shahpuri, Kolhapur, Mob: (76) Vagle Estate, Thane, Mob: 09324023024 (77) Vayale
09226340955 (24) Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Mob: Nagar,Thane, Mob: 09987043484] (78) Vashim, Mob:
09860808048 (25) RajaramPuri, Kolhapur, Mob: 09422522749 (79) Aarni Road, Yavatmal, ph. :
09226340955 (26) Latur, Mob: 09421445577 (27) Udgir, 07232&327743 (80) Dhaam Gaon, Road, Yavatmal, Mob:
Latur, Mob: 09422471525 (28) Andheri (East) Mumbai, ph: 09421845067 (81) Ingole Chowk,Vardha, Mob: 9372854555
022-32954412 (29) Andheri (West), Mumbai, Mob: (82) Bachelor Road,Vardha, Mob: 09325653177.
09322328094 (30) Bandra (East), Mumbai, Mob: 18. Madhya Pradesh: (1)Bhopal,ph: 0755&6454990 (2) Bhopal,
09892261817 (31) Borivili (West), Mumbai, Mob: Kolar Road, Mob: 09752591900 (3) Balaghat, Mob:
09819811471 (32) Chembur, Mumbai, Mob: 009821211177 09300626243 (4) Betul, Mob:09425002724 (5) Bhind, Mob:
(33) Dadar (west), Mumbai, Mob: 09619158989 (34) Dahisar 09826761407 (6) Chhatarpur, Mob: 09893327808 (7)
(East), Mumbai, Mob: 09820275929 (35) Ghotkopar (west), Chhindvada, Mob: 09425834141(8) Damoh, Mob:
Mumbai, Mob: 022-32408989 (36) Lalbagh, Mumbai, Mob: 09425455434 (9) Devas, Mob: 09424874397 (10) Guna,ph:
09322590678 (37) Marine lanes, Mumbai, ph: 022-66396525 07542&254548 (11) Gwalior, ph: 0751&2237112 (12)
(38) Belapur, Navi Mumbai, ph: 022-67214071 (39) Sector- Hoshangabad, Mob: 09827513029 (13) Indore, Mob:
28,Vashil,Navi Mumbai Mob: 09819856592 (40) 09302120554 (14)Anand Bazaar,Kharana Road, Indore,
Worli,Mumbai, Mob: 09821118765 (41) Dr. Mob: 09752975147 (15) Jabalpur, ph: 0761-6451291 (16)
A.B.Road,Worli,Mumbai, Mob: 09821118765 (42) Sion Katni, Mob: 09425412630 (17) Khandava, Mob:
(East), Mumbai, Mob: 09969543668(43) Ambedkar Chowk, 09425927931 (18) Khargaun, Mob: 09425313567 (19)
Nagpur, ph: 0712-2778283 (44) Suyog Nagar, Nagpur, Mob: Mandala, Mob: 09993881531 (20) Muraina, Mob:

09752591934 (21) Rajgadh, Mob: 09752591901 (22) Ratlam, 09216440999 (26) Patiala, Mob: 09417015804 (27) New
Mob: 09893330555 (23) Riwa, Mob: 09827329630 (24) Sagar, Officer’s Colony, Patiala, Mob: 09878901185 (28) Nabha,
Mob: 09329238999 (25) Satna, Mob: 09425173657 (26) Patiala, Mob: 09417158861 (29) Phagwara, Mob:
Sivani, Mob: 09425873745 (27) Shahdol, Mob: 09872217062 (30) Ropar, Mob: 09876464417 (31) Dhuri Gate
09752591942 (28) Ujjain, Mob: 09425093688. Road, Sangarur, Mob: 09217223442 (32) Patiala Gate,
19. Nagaland: (1) Jitendra Tower,Dimapur, Mob: 09436019729 Sangarur, Mob: 09876566696] (33) Sunaam , Sangarur,
(2) Sikosi Building, Dimapur, Mob: 9436007288 Mob: 09463676768.
20.Orissa : (1) Angul, Mob: 09861080789 (2) Balasaur, Mob: 22. Rajasthan: (1) Ajmer, Mob: 09829523111 (2) Tej Mandi,
006782&262812 (3) Bargadh, Mob: 09777433044 (4) Alwar, Mob: 09414017756 (3) Bus Stand Road, Alwar,
Berahampur, Mob: 09437122776 (5) Bhadarak, Mob: Mob: 09414401321 (4) Banswada, Mob: 09414567567 (5)
09437297497 (6) Bhubhaneshwar, Mob: 09937929834 (7) Balotra, Badmer, Mob: 09460461427 (6) Bharatpur, Mob:
Bolangir, Mob: 09437124211 (8) Kaushal Kalamandal 09414715377 (7)Bhilwara, Mob: 09414115423 (8) Boondi,
Road, Bolangir, Mob: 09437570677 (9) Chowdavar,Cuttack, Mob: 09414176312 (9) Saradalganj,Bikaner, Mob:
Mob: 09437666028 (10)Bajarakabati Road,Cuttack, Mob: 09413557138 (10) Rani Bazaar, Bikaner, Mob: 09252063246
09438369660 (11) Madhupatana,Cuttack, Mob: (11) Churu, Mob: 09413378935 (12) Dausa, Mob:
09437016323 (12) Jajpur, Mob: 09437027310 (13) 09414821189 (13) Doong- garpur, Mob: 09460022133 (14)
Jharasuguda, Mob: 09937728187 (14) Klahanie, Mob: Kotputali, Jaipur, Mob: 09414823635 (15) Mansarovar,
09437070764 (15) Khurda, Mob: 09437480348 (16) Koraput, Jaipur, Mob: 09414821188 (16) Near Sindhi Camp, Jaipur,
Mob: 9437236687 (17) Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Mob: Mob: 09414071022 (17) Sanganer Gate, Jaipur, Mob:
09437320079 (18) Naya Gad, Mob: 09438362035 (19) 09829064334 (18) Sanganer, Jaipur, Mob: 09414071022 (19)
Nuvapada, Mob: 09437119634 (20) Puri, Mob: 09437000060 Tonk Road, Jaipur, Mob: 09414053776 (20) Vaishali Nagar,
(21) Chind Colony, Raurkela, Mob: 09437248788 (22) Jaipur, Mob: 09413236785 (21) Vidyadharnagar, Jaipur,
Sambalpur, Mob: 09438150381(23) Sundargadh, Mob: Mob: 09461664099 (22) Jalaur, Mob: 09413502428 (23)
09937677994. Jhunjhuanu, Mob: 09950893550 (24) Jodhpur, Mob:
21. Punjab: (1) Amritsar, Mob: 09814808121 (2) Tarantaran, 09829598255, (25) Hanumangadh Town, Mob:
Amritsar, Mob: 09915045404 (3) Lawrence Road, Amritsar, 09828529123 (26) Hanuman Gadh Junction, Mob:
Mob: 09417253060 (4) Barnala, Ph: 001679&234461(5) 09460392575 (27) Bhadara, Hanumangadh, Mob:
Bhatinda, Mob: 09316074066 (6) Kota Kapura, FaridKot, 09828836218 (28) Hindaun City, Karauli, Mob:
Mob: 09417582111 (7) Ferozepur, Mob: 09855649490 (8) 941430794142 (29) Kota, Mob: 09414406430 (30) Kunadi,
Gurdaspur, Mob: 09814575387 (9) Hoshiarpur, Mob: Kota, Mob: 09799498452 (31) Sumerpur, Pali, Mob:
09463024851 (10) Nakodar Chowk, Jalandhar, Mob: 09829504787 (32) Rajsamand, Mob: 09414169792 (33)
09417540510 (11) Nakodar, Jalandhar, Mob: 09878081766 Shriganganagar, Mob: 09414094874 (34) Sikar, Mob:
(11) Shahkot, Jallandhar, Mob: 09815188103 (12) Shri Devi 09413463177 (35) Durga Nursery Road, Udaipur, Mob:
Talab Mandir Charitable Hospital, Jallandhar, Mob: 09351324806 (36) Bata Gali, Udaipur, ph: 0294&2410626.
09417006231 (13) Kapurthala, ph: 01822&325438, (14) 23. Sikkim : Gangtok. Sikkim, Mob: 09434029507.
Khanna, Mob: 09878992927 (15) C.S.F., Khanna, Mob: 24. Tamil Nadu : Chennai, Mob: 09283234444 (2) Mandaveli,
09878992927 (16) C.N.Tower, Link Road, Ludhiana, Mob: Chennai, Mob: 09003074296 (3) Coimbatore, Mob:
09878992927 (17) Civil Lines, Ludhiana, Mob: 09878506023 0936310248.
(18) Near Shringar Cinema, Ludhiana, Mob: 09988005756 25. Tripura : (1) Agartala, Mob: 09436126559 (2) Saraseema,
(19) Raikot, Ludhiana, Mob: 09357535333 (20) Mansa, Belonia, ph: 03823&222427 (3) Teliamura, Mob:
Mob: 09217290767 (21) Muktasar, Mob: 09815962929 (22) 009436188848.
Moga, Mob: 09988337227 (23) Mohali, Mob: 09417042837 26. UttarKhand : (1) Dehra Dun, Mob: 0135-6456898 (2)
(24) Navamshar, Mob: 09814880088 (25) Pathankot, Mob: Ballupur Chowk, Dehra Dun, Mob: 09219280321 (3)

Vikasnagar, Dehra Dun, Mob: 09411192708 (4) Haldwani, 09811688223 (50) Sector-34, Noida, Mob: 09837094135 (51)
Nainital, Mob: 09837023498 (5)Pithaur Gadh, Mob: Noida, Sector-8, Mob: 09910032999 (52) Pratap Gadh,
09897089882 (6) Roorkee, Mob: 09897046386 (7) Kashipur, Mob: 09839029569 (53) Rai Bareli, Mob: 09839129116 (54)
Uddham Singh Nagar, Mob: 09917384346 (8) Rudrapur, Saharanpur, Mob: 09411959905 (55) Sant Kabir Nagar,
Uddham Singh Nagar, Mob: 09412120763. Mob: 09936248265 (56) Shahjahanpur, Mob: 09451645099
27. Uttar Pradesh: (1) Barah Khamba Road, Agra, Mob: (57) Sitapur, Mob: 9235736718 (58) Renu Koot, Sonbhadra,
09897500500 (2) Kamala Nagar, Agra, Mob: 09897007181 Mob: 09453324857 (59) Roberts Ganj, Sonabhadra, Mob:
(3) Sector-16 B, Agra, Mob: 09897327755 (4) Aligarh, Mob: 09415679062 (60) Sultanpur, Mob: 09451494301 (61)
09359512771 (5) Ambedkar Nagar, Mob: 09919567035 (6) Unnav, Mob: 09450365426 (62) Sigara,Varnasi, ph: 0542-
Ajam Gadh, Mob: 09415208437 (7) Kurmi Tola, Ajam Gadh, 221062 (63) Durgakund Road,Varanasi, Mob: 09452309100
Mob: 09415208163 (8) Kareli Bagh Colony, Ajam Gadh, 28. West Bengal: (1) Bankura, Mob: 09835174777(2)
Mob: 09335137703 (9) Ram Bagh, Allahabad, Mob: Asansol,Bardvan, Mob: 09474122128 (3)Bardwan, Mob:
09415236885 (10) Balia, Mob: 09451551467 (11) Barabanki, 09332100418 (4) Burnpur, Burdwan, Mob: 09333469723 (5)
Mob: 09415007404 (12) Bareli, Mob: 09411091083 (13) Bon Masjid, Burdwan, Mob: 09732049803 (6) Durgapur,
Basti, Mob: 09415037104 (14) Bijnaur, Mob: 09837392151 Burdwan, Mob: 09434002234 (7) Rani Ganj, Burdwan,
(15) Bulandshahr, Mob: 09456250215 (16) Devria, Mob: Mob: 09434002234 (8) Kuchbehar, Mob: 09434748722 (9)
09889665041 (17), ETa, Mob: 09412896921 (18) Itawa, Mob: South Dinajpur, Mob: 09434120786 (10) Hugli, Mob:
09760095209 (19) Faizabad, Mob: 09451205999 (20) Khyali
09831296592 (11) Uttarpada,Hugli, 09433195993 (12)
Ram Memorial Society, Hospital Road, Fatehgarh,
Sirampur,Hugli, Mob: 09433061901 (13) Tarakeshwar,Hugli,
Farukhabad, Mob: 9450005482 (21) Ferozabad, Mob:
Mob: 09422615570 (14) Nadiya, Mob: 09434949776 (15)
09837369291 (22) Patel Nagar, Ghaziabad, Mob:
Nadiya,Krishnanagar, Mob: 09434343094 (15) Pradhan
09871161867 (23) Sector -10, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, Mob:
Nagar, Siliguri, Mob: 09832066480 (16) Bardwan Road,
0120-2822285 (24) Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Mob: 09899522277
Siliguri, Mob: 09832041418 (17) Howrah, Mob:
(25) Gazipur,ph: 0548-2220024 (26) Gorakhpur, Mob:
0033&32421357 (18) Shibpur, Howrah (19) Jalpaigudi,
09839820080 (27) Jail Road, Mob: 09451049610 (28) Greater
Mob: 0943405876 (20) Baliganj Palace, East Kolkatta, Mob:
Noida,Gautam Budh Nagar, Mob: 09910407269 (29) Greater
09883017969 (21) C,I,T, Scheme, Kolkatta, Mob:
Noida,Gautam Budh Nagar, Mob: 09891408721 (30) Greater
09331260507 (22) DumDum, Kolkatta, Mob: 09433532864
Noida,Gautam Budh Nagar, Mob: 09313110330 (31) Hapur,
(23) Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkatta-73, Mob: 09830665005
Mob: 9312633918 (32) Jaunpur, Mob: 09935853010 (33)
(24) Parvati Ghosh Lane, Kolkatta - 07, Mob: 09330105000
Jhansi, Mob: 09415030154 (34) Hanuman Mandir Road,
(25) Chinar Park, Kolkatta, Mob: 033-27116454 (26) Betik
Kanpur, Mob: 09336102101 (35) Aradhana
Street, Kolkatta-1, Mob: 09830077899 (27) New
Complex,Kanpur, Mob:09838835001(36) Vishnupuri,
Alipur,Kolkotta, Mob: 09007789242 (28) Barasat, 24
Kanpur, Mob: 09336206670 (37) Lakhimpur Khiri, Mob:
Paragana, Mob: 09830325795 (29) Baruipur, 24 Paragana,
09451904034 (38) Lal Kuan, Lucknow, Mob: 09839640205
Mob: 09831832733 (30) Kanchapara, 24 Paragana, Mob:
(39) Vices Nagar, Luck Now, ph: 0522-2738555 (40) Matura,
09331022220 (31) Shyam Nagar, 24 Paragana (North), Mob:
Mob.: 09412727288 (41) Mau, Mob: 09336312446 (42)
Hanuman ghat Road, Mau, Mob: 09450757698 (43) Merit, 09331036752 (32) East Midanapur, Mob: 09932208029 (33)

Mob: 09897044107 (44) Modinagar, Mob: 09837371444 (45) Murshidabad, Mob: 09932488979 (34) Shri Rampur, Mob:

Chandausi, Moradabad, Mob: 09411009512 (46) 09433061901.

Moradabad, Mob: 09927069521(47) Kanth 29. Nepal : (1) Kathmandu, ph: 009771-4674666 (2)
Road,Moradabad, Mob: 09927069521 (48) Muzaffar Nagar, Roopandehi, Butval, ph: 0097771-544714 (3) Kaski, Pokhra,
Mob: 09359317793 (49) Noida. Sector-26, Mob: ph: 00977-9856027826.q


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