Akhandjyoti-Englishmay Jun03

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Volume – 1 FOUNDER - PATRON Annual Subcripition:

Issue – 3 Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya India – Rs. 60/-

May-June, 2003 Mata Bhagwati Devi Sharma Abroad – Rs. 600/-
Date of Publication : CHIEF EDITOR
15.4.2003 Dr. Pranav Pandya


Mutual sharing and caring is a common human trait. It is by this process
of ‘give and take’ that the entire universe is sustained. This process is seen to be
working incessantly among matter, vegetation and other sentient creatures.
Contributing towards the sustenance of this process is essential.
However, it should be remembered that it is self-reliance that is the prime
factor in worldly success and in self - growth of human soul. Those who are
dependent on others can neither sustain their lives nor move forward on the
path of self-growth.
Everyone is familiar with the gravitational force of the Earth. This force
attracts everything towards the Earth. A human being too has a magnetic field
of his own. This not only holds together similar people, objects and favorable
circumstances but also pulls them towards itself forcibly. A person instinctively
searches a like - minded friend. The water of rivers ultimately reaches the
ocean. The ocean again returns this water to the source of rivers through its
messengers – the clouds.
One should develop worthiness in tune with one’s aspirations. There is a
natural law which rewards according to one’s worthiness. Therefore, instead of
knocking at other’s door for help and succor, we should not only introspect
ourselves but also try to uplift and refine ourselves according to the light given
to us during introspection. This is the highway to success in all fields.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 3

1. Amrit Cintan : Not only self–introspection but also
self-refinement 3
2. From Chief Editor’s Desk 5
3. Yagyopathy: Applications of Yajóa for Healing 7
4. Dharma : The Righteous Way of Life 11
5. God: Reality or Myth? 14
6. Significance of Dev Sanskriti 17
7. New Dimensions of Research in Psychology 20
8. How to Realize the Ultimate Truth of Knowledge? 27
9. To Become Work-efficient is Yoga 32
10. Children are the Foundation of Cultural Uplift 34
11. Give up Vices – Imbibe Virtues 36
12. Is it Possible to Change Old Habits? 38
13. Saint Versus Mimic 40
14. The Sunrise of My Life’s Fortune
(From My Life: Its Legacy and Message) 42
15. Amrit Vani :The Supreme Significance of the
Gayatri Mantra 44
16. Key to Transliteration 48

4 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

From Chief Editor’s Desk
The Chaitra Navratra has already heralded the advent of the New year of
Vikram Samvatsar 2060. Time flies so fast….! It has already been four months
since we launched the publication of English version of “Akhand Jyoti” which has
been a source of inspiration to millions of Hindi reading parijans for over six decades.
We are very glad to know that our new venture has been welcomed by you all. The
feedback we have received is exceedingly encouraging. We shall continue upgrading
the quality of this magazine, which will be the vehicle for conveying the enlightened,
empowering, enriching thoughts of our Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya to
our readers. Your constructive comments and suggestions would help us in our efforts
to enhance its quality and usefulness with each successive issue.
The critical phase of the epoch struggle between the forces of light and
darkness, appears to be reaching its climax and human consciousness is undergoing
a turmoil and tension of titanic dimensions before the dawn of the prophesied Era
of Light. How will it come about? Revered Gurudev envisioned this process and
foresaw the arrival of the ‘Age of Truth’ and as a prior preparation, founded the Yug
Nirman Yojana for social, cultural, and spiritual transformation of humanity. He
proclaimed with conviction that it was the Will of God, working through the
instrumentation of the Himalyan Siddhas and Rishis that humanity would soon usher
into an Era of Light, Love and Radiant Life.
Recently we had an opportunity of meeting His Excellency President of India,
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, himself a visionary and sage. During this forty-minute long
interaction, the President again and again asserted that India is bound to rise as a
super power by the year 2020 and will guide the whole of humanity. Dr. Kalam is
very optimistic of the mental, intellectual and spiritual potential of Indians and is
focusing his special attention on the children and teenagers between the age group
8 -20 years.
It is not a mere coincidence that the Yug Nirman Mission- Gayatri Pariwar
has also reached out to over three lakh teenager students in India through the medium
of its “Bhartiya Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha” project. This special examination scheme,
aimed at dissemination of awareness about Indian culture and values among the
youngsters, was launched in 1994. It is notable that students of about forty thousand
schools/ colleges participated in this examination and the associated special study
programs. The number is increasing every year. The process of establishing Sanskriti
Mandals (Groups for continuing education and training-by-practice programs for
constructive participation of teenagers in spreading the divine cultural knowledge

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 5

and value-based personality development) in each of these participating schools/
colleges has also begun. These Sanskriti Mandals will play a key role as architects
of the new age of Enlightenment. This special cultural awakening campaign of our
mission will soon spread amongst our Gayatri Pariwar parijans abroad.
The silver-lining of hope is brightening and widening day by day that our
youth will have the righteous vision, potential and motivation to build a corruption-
free and economically and culturally strong India that will be a beacon of light for
global enlightenment. Towards this end and considering the ardent wish expressed
by the President, we have planned to organize a grand gathering of youths of India
from all strata of society in his presence at the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya this
year. About ten thousand students selected from the different Sanskriti Mandals
across the country, their teachers associated with this activity and our karyakartas
(volunteers) who are in-charges of conducting the Dev Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha
and are instrumental in shaping these mandals will participate in this convention.
We expect this unique event to take place sometime in the third week of July 2003.
We shall intimate the exact date, as soon as possible, in Gayatri Pariwar’s fortnightly
newsleter “Pragya Abhiyan”, other magazines, including the July-August’ 2003 issue
of this magazine. Those interested in attending this trend-setting convention may
kindly contact us well in advance.
If our resolve to enlighten and empower the new generation to be the torch-
bearers and architects of the coming era of Light has to be fulfilled, we will have to
immediately start sowing the seeds of love and dedication in their tender minds
from this very moment. Every passing year is taking a large chunk of youths away
from us. Our Akhand Jyoti Pariwar (the family of the readers of “Akhand Jyoti”) has
to play a decisive role in discharging this responsibility. We have to focus our attention
on positive nurturing of the future citizens of our great nation. We have to guide and
mould them as seekers of scientific spirituality. We also have to understand their
psychology, their difficulties and their aspirations, with genuine concern and care
and make the process of their career-counseling more practical and farsighted.
Our mission’s organized efforts for self-reliance, informal education and eradication
of individual addictions and social evils should also be accelerated and specifically
targeted towards the youth. We seek active support of our readers in these endeavors
to enable us to achieve the set goals in a year’s time.

– Dr. Pranav Pandya

Shantikunj, CHANCELLOR

6 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Amidst the fascinating achievements of parameters viz. heartbeat rate, ECG lead-II,
the modern era of science and technology in blood pressure etc were made on both days.
improving our comfort levels, stress and The results showed that while the mind (brain
pollution have posed the major challenges for waves) remained unaltered during the first day
our well-being. The world is beginning to realize agnihotra, significant changes occurred after
that the comforts provided to us by modern the proper agnihotra; these included – (a)
science and technology do not necessarily G.S.R. remained significantly higher during the
always make life happier. In fact apart from proper agnihotra; (b) ECG showed DC shift
stress and tension, more and more unknown in the base line; (c) EEG showed alpha
diseases, untold anxiety and fear are caused enhancement and delta suppression for more
by the highly polluted environment and than 15 minutes.
ecological imbalances. This has raised alarm Diabetic Treatment: The urine sugar
bells for rethinking and changing the life style level of some acute diabetic patients was found
and mode of healthy management. Yajóa to be totally absent and the level of blood sugar
appears to be a godsend gift of the ancient was reduced to normal just after two to three
Indian sciences for achieving this purpose weeks of daily agnihotra. (A sample of these
[1-3]. In this article, we highlight possible pathological reports is shown in [3]).
medicinal applications of yajóa in terms of Relief from Drug Addictions: An
some recently reported research findings. officer of 25 years age who had been a poly
Some Case Studies on Results of drug abuser in the past was selected for the
Research in Scientific Laboratories: study by Lt. Col. G.R. Golecha, a senior
The following sample of experiments and case advisor in the psychiatry division of the Indian
studies were reported in [4]. army. The patient was at that time addicted to
Some Physiological Studies: In his heroin for 2 years. He had underwent some
study Dr. Selvamurthy has observed de-addiction courses twice in the past with no
neurophysiological effects of the mantras of a benefit and had become de-motivated and
special kind of agnihotra (described in [3]), resistant to such methods. He was then
which is performed at the time of sunrise and introduced to agnihotra. The practice of
sunset. In this experimental study eight healthy agnihotra resulted in improving his motivation
men were chosen as subjects. They reported to abstain from smack and showed significant
on two consecutive days: First day was for decrease in his urge for it within a few weeks.
control recording when rituals of agnihotra Bhopal Gas Tragedy and
were performed but instead of the prescribed Agnihotra: The tragic incident occurred on
mantras, some irrelevant syllables were the night of December 3, 1984 when the
uttered at specific time periods. Next day the poisonous MIC gas leaked from Union Carbide
agnihotra was performed with proper factory at Bhopal. Hundreds of people died
mantras. Recording of physiological and thousands were hospitalized but there were

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 7

two families – those of Shri Sohan Lal S and pure herbal medicines available at no-profit
Khushwaha and Shri M.L. Rathore, living about prices here. The yagyopathy lab studies the
one mile away from the plant who came out properties and effects of these herbs when
unscathed. These families were regularly sublimated in the fire of yajóa.
performing agnihotra (havan). In these The yagyopathy laboratory has a
families nobody died, nobody was even havan kunda placed in a glass chamber and a
hospitalized despite being present in the area gas analysis wing for the collection and analysis
worst affected by the leakage of the toxic gas. of the fumes and vapors of yajóa. The efficacy
This observation implies that agnihotra is a of various herbal ingredients in the havishya
proven antidote to pollution. (English Daily- and the quality of the samidh³s are assessed
“The Hindu’ of 4-5-85; news item under the in the phytochemistry lab, which is equipped
heading ‘Vedic Way to Beat Pollution’.) with units like the gas-liquid chromatograph.
The Yagyopathy Lab at Brahm- The purpose is to analyze the raw content in
varchas:The Brahmvarchas Research Centre the beginning and what is left after these
was established by Pandit Shriram Sharma substances have been fumigated [5, 6].
Acharya in 1979. It is situated at the Blood samples are kept in the glass
Saptsarover road about 6 kilometers from the chamber when it is full of the fumes and vapors
Hardwar railway station in the direction of during the daily yajóa (havan) and the changes
Rishikesh, in India. This centre is actively in the blood biochemistry and haemetological
working for the integration of the modern and parameters are recorded for these samples.
ancient sciences. Innovative scientific research A large number of experiments are
work is being carried out here in the science of carried out on random samples of healthy and
spirituality. Apart from a dedicated team of diseased persons, living on the Shantikunj and
scientists, doctors and engineers and other Brahmvarchas campuses for prescribed
scholars of high calibre and well equipped periods. The subjects include the s³dhakas
laboratories for relevant research in different as well as the non-s³dhakas of all age groups
scientific disciplines including neurology, (both men and women) from all walks of life
biochemistry, haemetology, phytochemistry and irrespective of their social or religious
sound therapy etc, other features of attraction background. During such experiments, the
here are collections of about 450 herbs which subjects are asked to sit in the glass chamber
include some rare species of the Himalayan and inhale the fumes of yajóa for specific
herbs and the yagyopathy lab. periods of time. A thorough analysis of their
The Ayurvedic (herbal medicine) lab bodies and minds is made before and after
of this centre and its pharmaceutical unit have performing this experiment.
produced new herbal medicines that have The measurements (carried out by
shown superb healing results in some cases of chromatographs, multi-channel physiographs,
nervous system disorders, asthma, heart etc) of the above experiments include –
diseases, diabetes, lung infections, a wide haemetological parameters like Hb, TRBC,
variety of skin diseases and the diseases of the TWBC, Platelets, RBC fragility etc;
eyes and ears. Tens of thousands of patients biochemical changes like those in the levels of
benefit every year from the free consultancy blood urea, sugar, cholesterol, cretinine,

8 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

SGOT, SGPT etc; and the immunological digestive system. Oral medicines also upset
changes like the antibody levels and innate digestion seriously. The same is more or less
immunity towards various pathogenic offending true of medicines directly injected into the
organisms. blood. They produce quicker results, but their
The EEG, EMG and ECG recordings adverse side-effects are more pronounced.
are carried out in the neurophysiology labs. The White corpuscles of the blood resent intrusion
psychometry lab assesses the aptitude, learning of any foreign bodies into the blood, and
potential, memory, the intelligence quotient, sometimes the reaction of the system to the
emotional quotient and the overall personality sudden, massive and direct intrusion of foreign
makeup of the subjects. The cases are followed matter into the blood through injection is most
upon at regular intervals (e.g. after performing serious, and even fatal. In a yajóa, medicines
yajóa regularly for a week, or a month etc.) and herbs are vaporized by offering them into
These experiments may be extended, in the sacrificial fire, and they enter the human
collaboration with some neurochemists, to also system in a gaseous form through the nose,
record the levels of various hormones like lungs and the pores of the skin. This could
cortisol, thyroxin, ACTH, androgens etc in the prove to be the easiest, least taxing, least risky
endocrinology lab. and most effective method of administering a
The general conclusion of the results medicine so as to reach every single cell of the
obtained so far is that performing yajóa body.
significantly enhances the vitality and resistance The possibilities of curing mental
against adverse metero-biological changes and diseases by yajóa are even more encouraging.
against the invasion of otherwise lethal viruses Diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases is
and bacteria. Mental peace, emotional stability still in its infancy in the modern systems of
and creative development of the mind are the treatment. There are neither well-established
general observations of the analysis on the diagnostic aids, nor any recognized system of
psychological fronts. treatment of diseases like Neurosis, Psychosis,
Potential of Yagyopathy in Curing Schizophrenia, Depression, Tension,
Psychosomatic Diseases: Melancholia, Mania, Hysteria, etc. On the
In a physical laboratory it might not be possible other hand, psychosomatic diseases are even
to get and demonstrate the spiritual effects of more rampant than physical diseases and they
yajóa, but certainly the physical and mental break their victims even more acutely than the
effects of yajóas can be tested, and the claims latter.
to cure physical and mental diseases through Symptoms of psychosomatic diseases,
yajóa can be verified [1-3]. except in extreme and advanced cases, are not
It is to be noted here that the traditional so apparent, and that may explain why enough
systems of treatment of physical diseases attention has not been paid to them. The stress
employ medicines, which are mostly and strain of modern life, degradation of social
administered orally. They therefore produce norms and all-pervasive fall in moral values are
effects only after they have been digested and contributing to an alarming increase in
absorbed into the system. Major part of the psychosomatic diseases. Yajóa might offer a
medicine taken orally is not utilized by the solution to this serious problem as well. The

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 9

Brahmavarchas Research Centre, Shantikunj, recognize the role of psychology in prevention
Hardwar has taken up research on these and cure of diseases of different kinds. As the
aspects of yajóa. Their initial results on several atmosphere, pr³ña and mind are interlinked;
experimental groups (who performed yajóa the individuals naturally experience relaxation,
with specific herbs for a prescribed duration peace, quietening of the mind, loss of worries
every day for about fifteen days to a month) of and stress in the yajóa atmosphere [5-6]. The
patients suffering from depression, anxiety, increase in the level of pr³ña (vital energy) in
stress, etc have been very positive and the atmosphere when a yajóa is performed –
promising as compared to the control groups was also recorded with the help of Kirilian
(of patients who did not perform yajóa). The photographs of human hands before and after
experiments would be extended to thorough yajóa in the experiments conducted by Dr.
analysis of yajóa-ash, which is said to contain Matthias Ferbinger of Germany [5].
certain ingredients that soothe, pacify and The atmosphere surrounding the place
tranquilize the mind. where a yajóa (or agnihotra) is being
The technique of yajóa for the performed and the ash produced in the kuñÃa
treatment of physical and mental diseases does are suffused with energetic currents and
not comprise mere vaporization of the soothing and uplifting ambience.
medicines or herbs to be used, but various Further scientific research and large
samidh³s (special kind of wood pieces) are scale experiments on the potentials of
offered into the sacrificial fire of yajóa to create yagyopathy will help make it a distinct,
the desired effects. Research on all these alternative therapy of far-reaching benefits to
aspects of yajóa is also being conducted in humanity at large and open up newer directions
the laboratory of Brahmvarchas Research for constructive integration of the modern and
Centre. It might well lead to the development the ancient sciences.
of a new scientifically established mode of REFERENCES
alternative therapy – yagyopathy, like 1. Selected Articles from Akhand Jyoti (Aug. ‘84,
Allopathy, Homeopathy, Chromopathy, July & Aug. ‘92, March ’93, Sept. ’97). Publisher,
Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura.
Naturopathy, etc. It would also offer a unique 2. Fumigating Substances used in Yajóa –– article
benefit of preventive cure and healthy published in the proceedings of Ashwamedha Yagna
development of body and mind together with held in Montreal, Canada (26 to 28 July, 1996).
spiritual elevation. 3. “The Integrated Science of Yagna”; book
The technical details and results of this compiled by Dr. R. R. Joshi. Publ. Yug Nirman Yojna,
Mathura (1999).
experimental research will be published 4. “Agnihotra: The Message of Time” – Paper by
subsequently in the relevant scientific journals Dr. Madhukar P. Gaikwad. (Presented in the National
to give directions for therapeutic use of different Symposium on Unification of Modern and Ancient
herbal medicines by means of yajóa and further Sciences, held in Andheri, Mumbai on April 30, 1995).
research on herbal medicine and to establish 5. Yajóa’s Scientific Interpretation – article
published in the proceedings of Ashwamedha Yajóa
firm ground for other scientific applications of held in Montreal, Canada (26 to 28 July, 1996).
yajóa. 6. “The New Age Force of Gayatri”; book by
Newer Directions: In the recent years, the Ashok N. Raval. Publ. Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan,
established healing therapies have begun to Mumbai (1981).

10 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

It is essential to follow the path of as blind beliefs because they have been tested
dharma to achieve abiding peace and rationally and practically; they have proved to
happiness in life. People wrongly confuse be eternally operating principles of noble human
dharma with ritualistic religion. In fact life. All religions, sects, prophets, saints and
conscious observance of religious rituals mahatmas have stressed the practice of these
inspires us to imbibe true attributes of dharma virtues for well-being of individuals, societies
and eliminate from our minds, hearts, speech and humanity as a whole. Let us discuss them
and acts the evil tendencies and practices. in some detail.
Dharma, when rightly practised gives Dh•ati (patience) Man cannot live
permanent peace and happiness. It provides without activity. The development of an
right solutions to conflicts and averts crises. Life individual, the maintenance of a family, social
becomes more and more joy-filled and service, etc. is dependent on action. If man had
purposeful. not been active, he would not have progressed.
Prominent Indian seers and There would have been no buildings, no crop
practitioners of the Art of Life discovered a cultivation; no distinct manmade edifice of
sunlit path of righteous living through which life human civilisation and culture. Whatever we see
could be lived happily and peacefully. They today has been made possible due to human
termed it dharma (path of righteous living) with activity.
its ten main attributes or virtues. Any person Any work undertaken can only be
who practises these ten virtues attains true accomplished with patience. Before beginning
happiness and also makes others happy. These a work, a patient person thinks about its
features are: positive and negative results, and thus chooses
dh•ati kÌam³ damo”stute yai ïaucamindri nigra¡ the right method to execute it. An impatient
dhºvidy³ satyakrodho daïaka® dharma lakÌañam person, on the contrary, neither thinks about
Meaning: “Patience, forgiveness, self- the consequences of his actions nor of its
control ,non-stealing, cleanliness and purity, worthiness. He acts haphazardly, without due
restraint over the senses, wisdom, knowledge, planning, and so his actions remain infructuous.
truth and calmness are the ten attributes of For him, it becomes a wasteful exercise.
dharma” These are not only the attributes of Impatience is a very bad habit. There
dharma but also of humanism and are the is lack of seriousness in an impatient person,
cornerstones for bringing about world peace. due to which he is ignored, condemned and
To consider anyone who practices these sneered at in the society. His mind remains
ten features as a follower of a particular organised unstable and hence he cannot think methodically
‘religion’ would be a narrow-minded attitude. on any subject. He also cannot make wide
They are not confined to one sect or religion but choices. Due to disorganisation, indecisiveness
have a universal import for all humanity. and incapability, he suffers constant failure and
These virtues cannot be brushed aside becomes miserable. A person who is patient

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 11

performs all his actions wisely, with full others. He practices truthfulness in thought,
concentration and zeal. He performs his duties speech and action. Such a person acquires trust
without worrying about results. Hence the of all who come in contact with him. He lives a
success or failure of his efforts does not bother pious, pure, fearless and happy life.
him. Such persons achieve stupendous success
and attain peace and happiness in life. Self-dedication does not depend
Kïam³ (forgiveness): A person who on the particular work you do, but on the
forgives others their trespasses creates no spirit in which all work, of whatever kind
enemies and adversaries. He thinks about the it may be, is done. Any work done well
welfare of everyone in the world and obtains and carefully as a sacrifice to the Divine,
people’s support and blessings in his
without desire or egoism, with
endeavours. He receives love and respect
wherever he goes. equanimity of mind and calm tranquillity
Forgiveness is not a sign of cowardice in good or bad fortune, for the sake of
or weakness but a sign and symbol of stable the Divine and not for the sake of any
mind, peaceful heart and awakened soul. To personal gain, reward or result, with the
forgive someone who has committed a crime, consciousness that it is the Divine Power
not to harbour ill feelings or feelings of revenge to which all work belongs, is a means of
against such a person is beyond the capacity
self-dedication through Karma.
of a weak or fickle-minded person. It is
impossible to imagine that a person who has -Sri Aurobindo
no enemies, who is loved by all, lacks happiness Ïauca (cleanliness and purity): The
and peace. body of a person whose mind and pr³ña are
Dama (control over the mind and pure remains healthy. Bodily and mental
desires): It implies reining in of erratic, wayward disorders or sinful activities do not invade him.
and unbridled mad rush of chaotic thoughts, He always maintains an inner and outer purity
desires and unrefined instincts. It is not possible and cleanliness. He keeps himself free of mental
to overcome evil with a thoughtless, vengeful and physical impurities. He performs altruistic
approach. Fire can be extinguished by water acts and attains inner peace.
and hostility can be ended by kind-heartedness. Indriya-nigrah (sense-control):Res-
A person possessing the quality of ‘dama’ traint over senses means the development of
remains attuned to the noble urges of his soul three qualities in a person: optimum food intake,
and protects it from ignoble thoughts and rogue judicious use of money and restrained speech.
desires. He thus conserves energy which would Optimum food intake protects him from
otherwise have been wasted in self indulgence; diseases, judicious and wise use of money
and thus conserves, augments and refines his protects from poverty and indebtedness and
psycho-somatic energies for performing noble, restrained speech keeps him away from
joy-filled, altruistic acts. unwanted conflicts and arguments. He thus
Asteya (non-stealing): Here non- attains health and happiness. On the contrary
stealing also means integrity and honesty. An a person who is a slave of the senses remain
honest person does not covet what belongs to

12 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

ever dissatisfied, discontented, unhappy and the masquerade of any person or object and
unhealthy. does not try to imitate anybody or covet any
Dhi (wisdom): A wise person is never object. He ever remains a seeker of truth and
daunted by the gravity of any difficulty because tries to discover the reality behind every event,
of his wisdom. Discriminative wisdom makes person or object. The speech of the seeker of
him ever wakeful and fearless and engages him truth is straightforward and his deeds resonate
in righteous deeds. Hence a wise person lives with his innate integrity and honesty. Truth is
a life of abiding peace and happiness. the essence of life. It is an impregnable armour
Vidy³ (knowledge): Vidy³ refers not against all evils.
only to school/university education but also to Akrodha (non-anger): Akrodha means
practical knowledge of the laws of life gained refusing to be provoked to anger under all
through experience. In the absence of practical circumstances. Conquest of anger means
knowledge a person rarely develops humility conquest of the world. An angry person does
and becomes arrogant. He is not respected not think about the consequences of his actions
anywhere; people ignore him as much as they and commits unpardonable blunders. Anger
can. All his wealth and possessions become stuns the reasoning and discriminative faculties
useless due to the lack of right knowledge. If and inexorably pushes a person towards self-
an ignorant person inherits wealth, he would destruction.
not be able to handle it wisely or use it for noble On the other hand a person who is
purposes. He suffers at every step in his life. calm and cool in the face of gravest of
Even in most adverse conditions, a person provocations meets all that life brings to his
endowed with knowledge and wisdom would door with equanimity and becomes a source
live in peace. of inspiration and strength for others. Thus
Satya (truth): Truth means absence of one who practises the above principles of
falsehood or distortions in all its masks. One dharma experiences unalloyed peace and
who worships truth does not get influenced by happiness.
Kathiya Baba had no desires, no worries, no problems left after the ultimate realization
of G³yatrº. He was free from all bondage. Nothing was unknown to him. Supramental
powers like clairvoyance, precognition, etc. were naturally awakened in him as siddhis of
this great Mantra. He was able to remove all difficulties and adversities of his disciples,
devotees or any one who had ever come to him with any problem. His voice was also
endowed with the siddhi of absolute truth; whatever he said came to be true. As a true saint,
he lived a perfectly austere and humble life despite having the power to generate any amount
of resources. Some ignorant, greedy people used to think that he had preserved some
magical kits or golden coins underneath his wooden loincloth. In their blind avarice to gain his
hidden treasure, they even entered in the service group of his disciples and attempted to kill
the Baba. However, despite being given a dose of over ten grams of poison on three different
occasions, no toxic effects were seen on the Baba. This opened everyone’s eyes that this
simple saint was indeed a great siddha yogi. Getting a glimpse of the aura of this great
devotee of G³yatrº was considered a boon by the masses.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 13

Atheists often argue that – “There is individual self and the cosmic self-spirit or god-
no entity called God because we cannot self. It is due to the inability of our existing tools
demonstrate its existence explicitly by any and methodologies that we are unable to
instrument or logic”. These rational thinkers understand the mysteries of the ground of reality
believe that only whatever is visible or that is called ‘God’ in common parlance.
scientifically verifiable is true. Their reasoning Prior to the emergence of communism,
says: “As no scientific method can prove the about a century ago, the state of scientific
presence of God, why and how can we believe thinking was narrow, obscure and primitive.
in Him?” This, perhaps, was the reason for the negation
While considering their argument, we of the god or the so-called intellectuals of that
should first check whether the modern age. But now things have changed; scientific
scientific methods of inquiry are capable of thinking has broadened and deepened
fathoming the absolute truth of existence. Had significantly. Savants and pioneers in various
science deciphered the ultimate truth, there fields of scientific enquiry are open to the
would have been no need for scientists to possibility of modern science probing the field
engage themselves day and night in any further of consciousness, which could lead them to
painstaking, ever-deepening research into the supreme discovery of God. Even now, the
mysteries of existence. frontline scientists, who are the true researchers
The plain fact is that modern science, of truth, do not deny the existence of a supreme
even at its cutting edge, has yet far more to being as the source and foundation of the
know, than what it has unrevealled so far. Who supreme cosmic play.
knew about the dormant energies of steam, Few decades ago, renowned scientist
electricity, petrol, nuclear power, etc, around Richardson had expressed the view that the
a century back? As the scientific research complexity of enormous problems of the world
progressed, these became familiar facets of cannot be resolved simply by scientific
modern life and technological development. instruments or mathematical principles. Neither
Scientific research is mainly focused on the can the functioning of the human mind be
physical and tangible domains of Nature. explained by the laws of science. There
Scientific studies in the realms of consciousness certainly are horizons of truth that lie beyond
are only in a nascent stage at present. The riddle the reach of the mathematical, physico-chemical
of conscious and sub-conscious layers of or material sciences. One will have to adopt a
minds itself have posed daunting challenges new subjective approach for this self-discovery.
before the researchers. However, we should Dr. Macbright’s views on this issue
not lose patience. As scientific thinking focuses could be summarized as – “There is a definite
on the deeper levels of mind and possibility of a supreme force hidden behind
consciousness, it will perceive the subtler this world which is endowed with preeminent
domains of spirituality and the truth of the knowledge and limitless willpower. Sooner or

14 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

later we will have to change the conviction of The modern science has reached remarkable
modern science that regards all the invisible and heights in physico-chemical and biological
visible activities of the world running fields along with many other pertaining to the
independently on their own.” perceivable existence of Nature. If the
Another eminent scientist Dr. Mordel hypothesis of “generating consciousness from
says– “Science does not approve the matter by some combination or processing of
mythological depictions or other forms of God material atoms or compounds” were true, then
presented by different religions. But it appears it should have demonstrated its reality at least
to be true that a sublime impulse of partially in some laboratory, or, would have
consciousness is acting at the core of the (sub)- manufactured a living being or induced life in
atomic world. A universal inspiration seems to a dead body by now. (It may be noted that
exist behind the atomic activities and powers. test-tube babies and cloned organisms
Scientific proof of this possibility would itself produced by biotechnological advancement
affirm the existence of God.” necessarily need the basic genetic substances
Reputed scientific thinker Prof. Ingold and specific components from the body of a
has expressed the view – “We are at present living being). If life could be generated by
unable to understand the true form of the material processing, death would have been
supreme consciousness governing the Nature. under the control of modern science in this
Our present convictions and beliefs in this age of ultra-advanced technology.
regard are incomplete, unauthentic and Along with its upward trajectory of
dissatisfactory. The (scientific) hypothesis that progress, science has had to do an about-turn
some combination of life-less atomic particles and change its convictions outright on many
could somehow give rise to the consciousness issues. About a century ago, scientific experts
in the living beings will remain shallow, baseless regarded the age of the earth as about seven
and doubtful.” hundred thousands years only and largely
Over the years scientific thinking has annulled with scorn the insights of the Vedic
moved closer to accepting the presence of astronomers that stated it to be about one
consciousness as the base of creation. John billion nine hundred seventy million years. It
Stuart Mill’s views clearly reflect it – “The was only after the uranium-based radioactivity
existence of supreme intelligence could be testing that the scientists realized their mistake
accepted in view of the grand order and super and changed their wrong notion.
intelligence used in the system of Nature and Science has revealed many laws
creation of this world.” The antitheist underlying the activities of Nature. However, in
philosophies and theories of Kant, Hells, Holtz, most cases only the nature and steps of what
Lang, Huxley, Dante, etc, have now become happens and the manifested causes are
the faded memories of the past. The arguments analyzed. A lot remains unknown about the
and logic used to disprove the existence of the interlinked phenomena and the purpose of
god have now lost their relevance and validity. “why” things happen the way they do. For
Dr. Flint has countered these prejudiced example, the chemistry of protoplasm has been
theories and arguments with a scientific studied but “what triggers its natural formation
perspective in his book on “Theism”. and how?” is still a mystery. Similarly there are

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 15

ample manifestations of Nature’s mystery power that works in the hidden forces”.
even in our familiar surroundings, which are What we can conclude is that the
unresolved or labeled as random outcomes or knowledge of the Supreme cause (god) cannot
coincidences. Merely because of our inability be perceived with the help of the available
to undertake in-depth subjective search, we scientific means and cannot be explained by
cannot deny or ignore the existence of a the scientific theories developed so far. Modern
supreme creature consciousness as the prime science also has realized the fact that there
cause of the cosmos. remains a lot in the latent folds of the unknown,
George Darwin once said – “The riddle which is far more than what has been
of life is as mysterious today as it was before”. discovered and invented so far. The existence
Prof. J. A. Thompson opines likewise and of God is paramount among these unresolved
observes – “We do not know from where a mysteries. Newer directions and approaches
human being arrived on this earth? How he has of science have begun to hesitatingly accept the
arrived and why? We do not have definite and existence of Divine Consciousness Force.
complete answers to this quest. Neither do we There appears a silver line of hope that they
hope that modern science would ever reach at would follow the right approach and investigate
any conclusive answer in this regard”. spirituality as a science. It is thus that discovery
Eddington writes in his book entitled of still unknown forces, and attainment of
“On the Nature of the Physical World”: “we knowledge of the deeper realms of Soul and
have not been able to know anything precise Spirit would become possible. But it will always
about any existence beyond the physically remain a fascinating and endless journey in
existing world. But, there surely is an unknown countless Realm of Light.
Rajarshi Purushottam Das Tandon was at the time a Member of
Parliament. Once, when he went to collect his salary cheque in the Parliament
Office, he asked the clerk there to transfer the amount directly to a “Public Service
Fund”. The officials over there were pleasantly surprised by his generosity. One
of his colleagues standing nearby said: “There are hardly four hundred rupees
as your allowance for the whole month. And you are donating the entire amount
for social service?” Tandon ji humbly replied – “You see, I have seven sons and
all are earning sufficiently to raise their families; each one sends me one hundred
rupees per month. I spend only about rupees three to four hundred from that and
the rest goes to some philanthropic causes. This allowance as a Member-of-
Parliament is again extra for some one like me. Why should I save it for my self
or my family?
It was because of this natural austerity and detachment from selfish
possessions that he was called a “Rajarshi”. This episode of his life reminds us
that wealth may come to us in varied amounts and from many sources, but the
best way to use it to spend it for the well being of the needy, after providing for
one’s minimal needs.

16 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Indian Culture is called Dev Sanskriti material terms also due to its culture so much
(divine culture). Its significance lies in the values, that foreign countries called it “the land of
traditions and subjective practices carried out gold”. It is a historical fact that the progress of
in the realms of soul-spirit by Indian seers and ancient India was due to the adoption of the
savants, whose conscious practice in daily life principles of Divine Culture. Today, our nation
enables a person to naturally manifest in his life has lost everything because it has forgotten its
divine virtues. These contemplative and cultural heritage. Re-embracing and reactivating
energizing practices of s³dhan³ are designed Dev Sanskrkiti can check the present all round
after testing on the touchstone of personal moral and ethical decline, restore our ancient
experience, to awaken the indwelling divinity glory and ensure bright future for the country.
and bring about radical transformations in soul, India can once again share with the world
mind and body of s³dhaka. The saints and through her awakened children the principles
sages who formulated and popularized Dev of this divine culture.
Sanskriti affirm that man is a spiritual being The underlying principle of the divine
going through a human experience with a view culture is the thought that the real purpose of
to awakening and rediscovering his forgotten human life is to uplift, refine, and transform it
identity as a spark of Spirit. into life divine. Why? Because present life offers
According to this culture, a deity is one nothing but pain, suffering, struggle, conflicts
in whom the divinity has to be awakened and and mental frustration. There is hardly any
who became a boon and blessing wherever he moment when a man enjoys real and abiding
lives. Man has the inherent potential to become happiness in today’s world. He does hope that
divine. When his true identity as spirit awakens he will get it tomorrow and in this chase of
his inner nature is transformed into a being of mirage he loses his today. But the irony is when
light and love although outwardly he conducts the tomorrow does arrive, he experiences the
himself. same pang of suffering as he did yesterday. The
Dev Sanskriti originated and hope is then pitched on the next day, then the
prospered in India. It is an invaluable gift of day after and so on. Man spends his entire life
India to the world. Rich Indian heritage has in this wild goose chase and gets only pain and
several gems in its treasure but Dev Sanskriti suffering in return. In this quest for happiness
is the greatest among them. It has been he sometimes makes the life of other people
perennial source of inspiration for countless painful and miserable.
generations of Indians; and with it India has Two conclusions can be deduced from
quenched the spiritual thirst of world in the past. the above situation: one, there is no happiness
India was hence honored with the honored title and it is futile to seek it; two, the present way
of “Jagadguru” (teacher of the world) and of life does not contain it. The first conclusion
chakravati (conqueror of the globe). India is a pessimistic outlook, which is ultimately
became immensely wealthy and prosperous in suicidal. People with such an outlook on life

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 17

remain deprived of the blessing granted by emerges through which all external situations
God. Those who arrive at the second can be handled, moulded and faced with
conclusion become successful in realising the equanimity and confidence.
truth that for attaining real and enduring History is full of the life-stories of
happiness it is necessary to bring about an people who moulded themselves and lived in
attitudinal change in life. There are options in accordance with the principles of Dev
bringing about a change in life; the first is to Sanskriti. They became living legends and
change external aspects related to life (e.g. gods in human form. Through spiritual wisdom
situations, people we interact with, available – knowledge they immensely augmented their
materials, facilities etc.); by doing this we may inner powers. They also made miraculous
get temporary respite from pain and suffering. discoveries in material sciences. As a result,
The second aspect is that we leave several streams of spiritual and scientific
external aspects as they are but basically knowledge came into existence. Sages and
change our own nature and attitude towards seers, the exponents of Dev Sanskriti
life, become independent of external factors established through scientific exploration, that
and discover the source of true happiness and fundamental ground of existence is sat
bliss within- in soul-spirit, our true identity. Man (existence), cit (consciousness) and
has experimented on all possibilities. Pessimists ³nanda(bliss).
have not tried to understand life and therefore The Truth and the Principles of Divine
lost its meaning and importance. People who Culture have been uninterruptedly flowing in
tried to change external aspects succeeded in India. The speed of the flow has certainly
accumulating facilities and gaining power but altered with time. Innumerable saints and seers
due to lack of self-introspection their success born in India (e.g. Mahatma Gandhi, Swami
proved to be the cause of their downfall. Vivekananda, Guru Govind Singh, etc.) have
People who chose the last option i.e. changing demonstrated in their lives the truth inherent in
ones sense of self-identity as immortal soul- the Divine Culture. They have confidently
spirit and not the body made the truly right and declared that if divinity can descend in the lives
correct choice. This is the aim and purpose of of a few people, it can certainly descend in the
Dev Sanskriti – to bring about a basic spiritual lives of all. It is sure to happen by refining,
transformation in our attitude towards the uplifting and transforming human nature through
purpose of life- and to life in its light. practice of principles of Divine Culture.
Saints and seers who made who Whenever and whoever has adopted this path
searched and discovered the inner layers of has attained eternal bliss.
their souls declared that human life can be Divine Culture is the contribution of
blissful only if spiritual s³dhan³ is given divine beings who incarnated in India through
preference over material pursuits. S³dhan³ is the ages. The land of India is suffused with the
the spiritual practice that improves the quality spiritual energy and divine light of such beings.
of life through self-control, self-discipline and Since the Vedic ages, every era has had a
self-discovery. To make life blissful, man needs distinctive group of divine souls who expressed
to change his attitude and nature. Based on the truth of Divine Culture in their own specific
this change, a revolutionary outlook on life ways in tune with the needs of the times. For

18 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

example sages like Vishvamitra, Vashistha, of the Knowledge (Vedas) of Divine Culture,
Valmiki and Vyas considered Divine Culture to so he was called “vedmurti”. Through
be synonymous with the Knowledge of Eternal unwavering tapasya, he maintained the
Life and expressed it in the form of “art of living”. practice of the truth of Divine Culture. That is
They inspired their disciples by saying sva® why he was called “taponishtha”. He was the
sva® caritra® ïikÌaòte p•thivy³® best self-restrained person (mary³d³
sarvam³nav³¡, meaning, “Go now and explain puruïottam), just like Lord Rama, and was
the principles of the Divine Culture to the people one of the latest links in the chain of divine
of the world through your conduct and beings who have preceded him. He gave new
character.” This is the secret behind the global expression to the eternal spiritual truths
spread of the Divine Culture. The teachers of propounded by the scriptures worldwide. He
Divine Culture did not explain its principles to is revered as “Gurudev” by millions of devotees
people through lectures but by themselves around the world.
adopting them in practice. They repeatedly said, According to Revered Gurudev, Dev
“Human life is a precious gift by God. They sanskriti is a comprehensive way of s³dhan³
said that we have not understood reality and which synthesizes matter and consciousness;
this has resulted in misconception about the aim science and spiritually. For example, we sow
of life.” And it is true, if one person in the world a seed and it sprouts. Water and sunlight play
is standing in light, it means light exists; then, if a crucial role in this process. If we plant a stone
we complain that there is darkness, it means instead of a seed, then even the most fertile
we have not searched for light. We have closed land, best quality of water and plenty of sunlight
our doors of our heart and mind for the entry would not be able to make a plant grow out of
of light. Similarly if one person can attain bliss, it. On the other hand, if the seed were planted
surely everyone can. This possibility exists for in an infertile and arid land then also it would
every human being in every era. not develop into a healthy plant despite
In this era Param Poojya Gurudev adequate amounts of water and sunlight. Just
demonstrated the principles of Divine Culture as several factors come into play for the
in his life. He lived this truth in this era; therefore sprouting and growth of the seed, similarly
he came to be known as “yugrishi”. He taught several principles of science and spiritually are
the principles of Divine Culture after necessary for the transformation of human life
experimenting them on himself and practising into Life Divine and attainment of bliss. Divine
them throughout his life; hence he gained the Culture is a harmonious combination of such
title of “acharya.” He was a living embodiment principles.

Max Planck, widely regarded as the pioneer of quantum

mechanics conceded the following in one of his papers published
in 1936 – “Science means unresting endeavor and continually
progressing development towards an objective, which the poet’s
intuition may comprehend, but the scientist’s intellect can never
fully grasp…”.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 19

Introduction: “Mana Eva spirituality, pioneered by Pandit Shriram Sharma
ManuÌy³ñ³ma K³rañam Bandha Mokïayo” Acharya, has offered new directions for
–– this scriptural quote conveys the essence comprehensive and practically feasible research
of human psychology i.e. mind is the cause of in this area.
our bondage as well our freedom. The state A noted saint, scientific spiritualist,
of mind directs the thoughts and actions and scholar and social reformer, Pandit Shriram
thereby determines the ultimate state of the life Sharma devoted his life for the realization of
of an individual. Everybody experiences the human life as an excellent and perfect creation
immense power of mind in day-to-day life. It of the Supreme Creator. His fundamental
is indeed the mind, which, depending upon its insights have offered detailed knowledge about
samsk³ras (inherent tendencies), leads the the physical, psychological and spiritual
individual self towards either a life bound by components of human life. He has not only
the materialistic attachments and agony of considered the subtlest features of the human
unlimited desires or a life that is free and mind but also presented the solutions for
glowing with divine blissfulness. eliminating its ailments and awakening its latent
Malice, animosity, anger, jealousy, or divine qualities. His missions of “Vichara
the soothing sentiments of love and Kranti”, “Yuga Nirmana” and “Pragya
compassion, originate and grow in the domain Abhiyana” are aimed at practical
of mind. The inherent qualities and tendencies implementation of his findings for an overall
of the mind are reflected in the character of a elevation of the human society towards the
person and make it agreeable or disdainful as creation of a bright future for everyone.
per their original instincts. Nothing could be His vast literature (comprising of over
analyzed or judged about a human personality 3000 books in Hindi) stands as a masterpiece
without deciphering the human mind. Intensive of excellence in almost all branches of
research into different aspects of the science knowledge associated with human life and
of mind is essential for an in-depth Nature, encompassing religion, philosophy and
understanding and glorious development of the science. This distinguished thinker had always
human life. conveyed through his writing and speeches that
A thorough study of all aspects of scientific spirituality is indeed an advanced and
human life in general, and human psychology comprehensive science of human psychology.
in particular, becomes feasible by a In the present times of conflicts and
comprehensive study of the interrelationship crisis, everybody has, to some extent, realized
between the human mind, the Nature and the the importance of psychology. It is now well
Omnipresent Consciousness. A quest for the known that the physical health of a person is
elucidation of this relationship has been the largely controlled by his psychological health.
center of attention for great seer-thinkers of all The corruption of emotions and thoughts
eras. The dedicated scientific approach to manifested in corresponding actions is indeed

20 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

the generator of complicated problems at attitude followed in the development of various
personal and the social levels. The quality and branches of modern sciences, the science of
the end-result of every action, every kind of emotions and thoughts also needs a
work depends upon the mental status of the multidimensional integrated approach. It is
subject who performs this action or task. The rather unfortunate to note that extensive
internal desires, convictions and emotions, research in psychology has so far not given due
though implicitly, play the most important role attention to the findings and implications of the
in conditioning of the mind. research work done in ancient India. In order
Having realized that the roots of evil to carry out research in a truly comprehensive
actions lie in the evil instincts of the mind, we manner, it has become necessary that we re-
must first look for the ‘treatment’ of the sick investigate the ancient scriptures and bring out
human mind in order to heal the ailing state of the essence of their insights for the solution of
humanity today. It is not sufficient to study only our problems of present times. Studies at the
the science of behavior because that is simply Brahmvarchas Research Centre have been
a manifestation of the status and activities of proceeding ahead to meet this objective.
the mind. The real focus should be set onto The Place of Soul and
the root cause, the innermost tendencies, which Consciousness in Modern Psychology:
impel the mind. But, “What is mind”? What Scientific research at large has done excellent
could be the comprehensive science of its work in elucidating and utilizing the jaÃa
structure, functions and control? How could (inanimate material forms) component of the
this science be used for the awakening of divinity Nature. The remaining half, viz., the cetan1
in human life? Search for the answers to these (consciousness) manifested in the individual is
queries has been the focus of the theoretical yet to be explored scientifically. Beginning of
and experimental research at the Brahmvarchas this search has been trapped in the study of
research centre, established in Hardwar, India sentient systems in general and is focussed only
by revered Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma at the presence of consciousness in terms of
Acharya in 1978. organic functioning in the animals. It should be
The Indian schools of thoughts and noted that the amount and quality of the basic
some of the western, mainly the American and element of consciousness existing in a human
European schools, occupy recognized places being is well-nigh unlimited as compared to that
in the history of the development of knowledge in any other organism.
in the field of psychology. The research Apart from its magnificent functional
activities in the laboratories of Brahmvarchas manifestation in the finest instruments of the
are novel in the sense that they are focused at human body and brain, the enormous reservoir
those fundamental issues that somehow were of consciousness ‘contained’ in the human mind
not considered by the modern researchers and and the core of emotions itself is infinite like
experts in this field. The domain of research at the cosmos. Its subtle power and functions at
Brahmvarchas is so structured that it the spiritual levels are indeed beyond reach.
encompasses the western as well as the ancient The advanced developments in the material
Indian theories in a unified way. Likewise the realm would prove to be futile or obnoxious
broadly open, logical and comprehensive unless the possibility of their uncontrolled

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 21

wastage and misuse is checked. It is therefore on psychology have been published in the
necessary to realize the importance of the western countries, some of which do mention
consciousness part of human life and give it about the conscious component but without an
due focus in the scientific research. in-depth analysis. George S. Brett’s authentic
Gurudev Sriram Sharma, a great book entitled “History of Psychology” was
scholar, an authority in the science of spirituality, published in three volumes. In the 18th chapter
was the first spiritual master and scientist par of the first volume, he talks about the Indian
excellence who had spelt out the need for an theories of psychology. He has highlighted the
integrated scientific research in the field of treatment of human psychological aspects, as
consciousness and spirituality and inspired an discussed in the Vedanta, Sankhya,
easily executable, viable and useful line of Vaishashika and the Buddhist philosophies.
research accordingly. This line of research is His attempt was a good initiation to introduce
what could be termed as “Total Psychology”. other researchers to the ancient Indian schools
Several M.Phil. and Ph. D. degrees and of thoughts in psychology. Similar attempts
research papers, dealing with different facets were made by the editors Herald I. Kaplan,
of Gurudev’s philosophy and scientific insights, Alfred M. Friedman and Benjamin J. Sadock
have been awarded during the past one in “Comprehensive Text Book of Psychiatry”.
decade. The introduction to the projects at The first chapter of this book discusses the
Brahmvarchas as cited in these dissertations foundation of psychiatric healing referring to the
and the support offered here for the Vedas, Upnishadas, Bhagvad Gita and the six
corresponding Ph. D. research works have Darshanas. A brief but intense analysis of the
been well received by the intelligentsia in the elements of human psychology is presented here
associated universities. Many distinguished in the context of the Indian Philosophy.
experts feel surprised to note Acharya Dr. George Moore (1852-1933)
Sharma’s strong hold on diverse disciplines of elucidates on the further analysis of these
science and the originality of his research elements of the history of psychology. He notes
foundations. that the western philosophers basically deal with
Guidance and support for Ph. D. and the philosophy of Nature; Chinese philosophers
D. Lit. research-projects on the topics are contemporary thinkers and the Indian
pertaining to Gurudev’s literature, his theories philosophers are the philosophers of human
of socio-economic development for global psychology. Dr. Moore’s conclusions (cited in
welfare, his philosophy of human religion, his his book entitled “Historical and Theoretical
comprehensive teachings and writings on the Trends in Psychiatry”) indeed recognize the vast
science of mantras, the science of spirituality knowledge of the Indian rishis pertaining to the
and the great knowledge of Gayatri has become hidden folds of human psychology. However,
an integral part of the activities at it is unfortunate to observe that no significant
Brahmvarchas. However, this is only a small contributions were further made in this series
component of the agenda here. The real focus of literature on the history of psychology. The
is on intensive research in Total Psychology vis- modern trends of ‘short and fast’ and
a-vis the spiritual core of human beings. ‘popularity oriented publication’ had even
A large number of books and theses affected the later editions of the above

22 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

mentioned books. The compact compilation of outside as well. However, the gradual shift in
Brett’s treatise in a single book by R. S. Peters the lifestyle and culture of the human society
(MIT Press, Cambridge 1962) did not contain towards materialism has weakened the linkage
any mention of the Indian philosophy of between human psychology and the philosophy
psychology. Similar was the case with the of life. The so-called scientific development of
condensed edition of the book by Kaplan and psychology as a behavioral science gradually
Sadock. When they compiled the eliminated its philosophical foundations.
“Comprehensive Book of Psychiatry” in two Ancient developments in psychology
volumes they had somehow missed the portions had emerged from the realization of the soul
dealing with the Indian theories of Human and spirituality was its principal focus. After
Psychology. several centuries, the subject matter of the soul
The ignoring of Indian Philosophy by was discarded as being a part of religious
the followers of Freud, the founder of modern philosophy alone. Then onwards, psychology
school of psychology, may be quite natural, but became a science of activities of the mind alone,
most disheartening is the fact that the Indians, without any basis or comprehensive idea of the
the successors of the rishis, have also chosen origin and the development of mind.
not to bother about their own heritage. In The popular quote, used out of fun
today’s India, studies in psychology are –– “What is mind? Never matters. What is
confined to the western theories and models matter? Never mind”, does convey the
only. How many of the Indian psychologists or shallowness of the modern considerations. It
psychiatrists are today familiar with the details is well known that mind is not a material form.
of original Indian theories of psychology? These Then what is it? What should the psychologists
‘devotees’ of the western schools try to escape investigate about this ‘unknown’ entity? As no
the blame by doubting whether there was any satisfactory answer to this query was available,
contribution to psychology in the ancient Indian the materialistically oriented, modern
schools? They argue that whatever is regarded psychologists described the focus of
as the ‘Indian school of Psychology’ simply psychological research as the study and analysis
deals with Indian philosophy and religion and of the behavior.
has nothing to do with psychology as such. That behavior could be observed
They believe that the field of psychology is a and characterized according to scientific
creation of the research of modern times only. methods oosted the idea of studying
The above assertions of the blind psychology in terms of behavior. This approach
followers of western theories are based on the to modelling and analysis in psychology gave
considerations that philosophy and psychology rise to its different branches, such as Systematic
are two distinctly different subjects. We do not Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Creative
want to enter into any etymological debate on and Applied Psychology etc. In this series of
classification or nomenclature here; it would be developments, a student of psychology became
sufficient to look into the history of the trends a student of ‘zoological behavior’. Instead of
in philosophy in this context. Until the past few focusing on the different faculties of mind and
decades, psychology was indeed given its realization as a spiritual component, the
significant place in philosophy in India and ‘scientific’ study in today’s psychology has

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 23

become confined to the collection and analysis science”. As mentioned in his articles and
of data on different reactions and books, Dr. Rhine has obtained several
manifestations of mental conditions of the living evidences of the existence of life after death
body. There is no consideration of the deeper and he is trying to prove them scientifically. In
levels of consciousness in the human beings. this connection, he writes that “so far he does
The propagators of ‘Gestalt not have appropriate methods and facilities for
Psychology’ did attempt such a study of conducting scientific experiments; it appears
consciousness but at a superficial level. When that he will have to adopt an entirely new
Freud threw light on some of the conscious approach”.
and unconscious faculties of mind, the Research at the Brahmvarchas
behavioral scientists-cum-psychologists had no Research Centre:The exploration of new
escape. They had to give due place to the methods still remains a distant reality. Apart
other roles of human mind rather than its mere from the objectives set by Dr. Rhine, there are
manifestation in the behavior of the body. A many other domains of mind and the human
new term “Psychosomatic” was coined to define consciousness, which need to be addressed
the collective study of the body and the mind. scientifically. With the support of the unique
Here the word “psyche” represents the guidance of its founder, the Brahmvarchas
conscious and subconscious properties of the research centre has accepted this challenge.
mind and “soma” means the physical body. Scientific experimental methods are being
Thus, the history of studies in developed here to study the higher levels of
psychology has had variations in its trends since consciousness existing within and beyond the
the beginning. Apart from the psychosomatic human mind. The approach – based on the
research, a new dimension has now been added novel concept of total psychology – adopted
to the field of psychology which attempts to here is promising in this regard.
resolve some basic issues associated with the The philosophy of revered Gurudev,
expansion of mind or pertaining to the quest the founder father of Brahmvarchas is the latest
for “what is beyond mind?” This new branch in the tradition of the ancient Indian rishis. He
is named Parapsychology. Researchers of this always considered philosophy as a field of
branch have also tried setting scientific manifestation of spirituality in all walks of life
experiments to analyze the ESP (extra sensory rather than just a subject of intellectual exercise.
perceptions). He had acquired the true knowledge and
Dr. J.B. Rhine’s book “New experience of even the subtlest aspects of
Frontiers of Mind” (first published by Farrar human consciousness through his dedicated and
& Rinehart, 1937) throws pioneering light on intense s³dhan³s throughout his life and had
ESP and related topics. His earlier article successfully awakened the divine potentials of
published (during 1948-1970) in “The the cetan component of life. His comprehensive
American Weekly” describes his ideas and approach to spirituality and psychology has laid
initial attempts on finding scientific ways to the basis for research projects at Brahmvarchas.
understand the mystery of life after death. The The research projects at Brahmvarchas have
conclusion of his research states – “that there emerged from the following fundamental points
is no life after death has not been proved by of his theory and experiences:

24 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

The original nature of every human sentiments and characters; it will be an era of
being is spiritual. He (Gurudev) accepted the the evolution of altruistic emotions of
principle of evolution but not its Darwinian compassion, kindness, love and caring.
version. According to him, evolution is an Intelligence without spiritual awareness or
expression of the higher levels of consciousness; uplifted humane sentiments cannot bring about
evolution in the physical bodies or functions of real peace and progress in the world. Intellect
the living beings is a manifestation of the former. alone, without any control of the inner self,
Higher dimension of the human consciousness would rather create harmful effects and be
begins at the level of divinity. In order to keep engaged in misusing the knowledge and talents
pace with this natural evolution, the human gained by intellectual efforts.
society today will have to adopt those value- Recent developments in
systems, ideals and deeds in life which behooves psychological research indicate that even in the
the dignity of divine children. west, frontline researchers have begun to
Among the external (dealing with the realize the significant role of emotions in human
physical world) and the internal (pertaining to life. Daniel Goleman’s measure of emotional
emotions, inner convictions and latent quotient is a good evidential example of this
tendencies) domain of human life, the ancient trend.
Indian adepts of psychology had given · In the experiments of total
importance only to the internal realness of psychology, carried out at Brahmvarchas,
consciousness whereas the western methods and analysis are based both on
psychologists are concentrating on the external introspection and intuition both. The western
behavioral part. Brahmvarchas has recognized trends seem to have given more importance to
the relevance of both. Adoption of ideal introspection and the ancient Indian theories
behavior and altruistic deeds in day-to-day life have focussed more on intuitions. In the
are given equal importance along with the comprehensive approach selected here, both
spiritual experiences of self-realization, the faculties of mind are utilized in a creative
awakening of supernatural powers, etc. manner.
The findings of its research work The research work at Brahmvarchas
completed so far indicate that as the inner self deals with the multifaceted expansion of the
of a person gets purified, balanced and uplifted, conscious component of human mind. Each
it is reflected in his external life, in his aspect of human consciousness is classified into
responsible and generous contributions for the several fields and sub-fields and experiments
welfare of the family and the society. are designed to focus on each of these
The measure of one’s qualities and components in detail. The s³dhakas, who
potentials should not be based on intelligence participate in different programs of spiritual
alone. Gurudev Sriram Sharma has emphasized training and personality development
the importance of the quality one’s emotional organized at Shantikunj, the parent
being along with the intellectual and other organization of Brahmvarchas, are the subjects
creative talents in making an assessment of a for these experiments. A large data has been
personality. He has predicted that the future collected so far and a thorough analysis of the
era will be built by people endowed with noble impact of various spiritual s³dhan³s and

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 25

practices – conducted under the Yug Nirman can only be identified or analyzed by the
mission of Gurudev – on total psychology is knowledge of the inner self and through
currently under progress. spiritual methods.
Revered Gurudev has also The theoretical research at
invented a method of integrated Brahmvarchas deals with an in-depth study
psychological development of mankind via of the ancient Indian and other oriental
a system of education that focuses on the philosophies, the Western philosophies, the
art of living from the platform of religious oriental and occidental theories of
philosophy. The applicability of this method Psychology and Psychiatry and Ayurveda,
is most relevant in the context of the present along with the vast treatises of Gurudev Pt.
way of life where man has become ignorant Shriram Sharma Acharya on the topics
about himself and is overwhelmed by a related to “Total Psychology”.
multitude of problems. This method of experimental
In this era of scientific studies is unique and has given promising
advancement, whatever knowledge a human results. Considering the request of the
being has gained about the individual self via readers of “Akhand Jyoti”, glimpses of these
scientific research is negligible as compared research findings would be serially presented
to what he has yet to know. It is because of in this magazine for general information.
this incompleteness of knowledge that the Detailed description of the research planning,
learned psychologists like Freud, who methodology, data, analysis and results etc
advocated gratification of all tendencies of would require publication of comprehensive
mind for the fulfillment of its sensual urges, books and journals; this will also take place
could not comprehend the real import the in due course.
Yoga Philosophy stated in the quote The research activities initiated at
“Yogashcittavratti Nirodhah”. The true Brahmvarchas will expand further and open
interpretation and significance of this up the ways of liberation of humanity from
statement, in the context of the highest state the bonds of evil tendencies like prejudices,
of healthy human body and mind, can be seen malice, selfishness etc. After realizing the
in research laboratories like Brahmvarchas. inherent elements of total psychology, our
The research work being mind would become a source of divine
conducted here also takes into account the revelation and blissful liberation rather than
fact that the method of investigation and a battlefield opposing desires, attachments,
analysis should be compatible with the nature cravings, pulls and pressures.
of the entity under study. It is well known Notes:
that measuring something in terms of volume 1. JaÃa and Cetan: JaÃa refers to
will not give appropriate observations if the
the material based or perceivable
object of interest happens to be a mass or
weight. Similarly, it would be unscientific to entities; Cetan implies what pertains
insist on recording all facets of human mind to the omnipresent subliminal
with the help of physical instruments only. existence of consciousness and its
Some of its properties are so subtle that they expression in the living beings.

26 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

How to Realize the Ultimate Truth of Knowledge?
Science, as regarded today, is the developments and conclusions of the specific
discovery and reasoned expression of discipline. What is accepted as ‘true’ at one
knowledge pertaining mainly to the laws and point of time by the scientific community is
principles of exterior nature. What is justified negated or replaced by some new and even
or proved within its current theories and contradictory results later. Thus, the ‘scientific
principles is supposed to be scientific truth and truth’ or knowledge keeps reshaping and
acceptable knowledge. But Truth can neither updating, while the spiritual truth and
be confined to nor defined by specific mind- knowledge is consistent, complete and eternal.
made norms, howsoever vast these may be. This is why the knowledge realized and
The approach of modern science, expressed by the rishis of yore is still applicable
which stems from the study of the material today; it is universal and remains true and does
existence and perception of Nature, is therefore not change or lose its relevance even in the
gross and rigid vis-à-vis the limitless, ever new midst of the gigantic tides of time.
origin and expansion of knowledge. True In their efforts to rationally formalize
knowledge is an unbounded flow in the hidden knowledge, the modern scientists seem to have
as well as sentient domains of consciousness enslaved themselves in the narrow confines of
that continues eternally in Nature, the universe intellectual arguments. Their thinking and
and the infinite realms beyond cosmic depth…. conclusions are often driven by the complexities
Its realization by human mind gives an of accepted theories, principles and recognized
expression to its subliminal existence. But this (as per the ‘conventions’ of their times)
expression is only partial as per the narrow or approaches. Validity of the so-called novel
incomplete evolution of human consciousness. approaches too needs to be proved under
Therefore, much remains unknown, certain norms. In their attempts to be precise,
undiscovered, undeciphered and beyond scientifically correct and logical, they often
mental grasp. sidetrack many untouched, unknown aspects
It is this inexplicable, sublime, absolute of reality and thus lose more than what they
truth of knowledge that was realized by the gain in terms of knowledge…. Influenced by
Vedic rishis in the state of the absolute silence the predominance of their sharp and analytical
of trance and was referred by them as – intellect, learned mind and specialized expertise,
“Satyam Gy³namanantam Brah®”; “Gy³na they tend to neglect the basic fact that the seeds
(pure knowledge) is ultimate truth, it is infinity, of enlightenment lie dormant and germinate in
it is an expression of the Brah®”. The the depths of the inner self, in the sublime core
approach of modern science is confined only of pure emotions (bh³va samvedan³), that
to the derived or verified ‘truth’ of knowledge. enable unrestrained linkage with the supreme
It does not consider the absoluteness and knowledge of the Truth within. Intellect vainly
infinite dimensions of truth. The definition of truth tries to arrogate to itself the credit for the hazy
here also remains confined to the current trends, reflections of this knowledge within its reach.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 27

If there were no inspiration, no quest, disapproved by the greater, more rigorous,
no yearning, no spirited inquisitiveness and scientific discoveries of Einstein in less than a
imaginations in the inner springs of the heart century. The latter’s theory seems to be smiling
(source of bh³va-samvedan³), what would at that of Newton as though pointing: “dear
have nurtured the intellect and motivated it to friend, do a little modification; your law of
deal with knowledge? What ‘knowledge’ it gravity is fine with our earth but not universally;
would have then analyzed, formulated and that way, even our nearest satellite ‘uncle moon’
found within its possession? does not obey the force of earth’s gravity…!”.
In its early days, the modern science In the modern era of ultra-fast
boasted of deciphering the secrets of Nature technological advancement, the phase, craze,
and and its basic laws of gross operation. But trends and norms and hence the methods of
which truth of Nature has it really fathomed or scientific knowledge are also cropping up and
been able to encompass completely in its vanishing like bubbles in boiling water; their
theories? Have they known its perennial gist, foundations are sandy, that could be wiped out
the absolute core element (tatva)? Or gathered with a single splash of water or a squall of
only some waves of its expressive reflections breeze. The scientific world is caught up in a
– taranga (e.g. in energy and matter)? It whirlpool of uncertainty; every one appears to
should be noted that the waves of an ocean be in pathetic haste to prove and establish
are only superficial and can never measure its himself in this race…
grandeur or visualize its depths. Any attempt There is no doubt that the scientific
of studying its waves to know about the ocean research and developments have bestowed
will prove to be ridiculous and futile. enormous comforts and technological
The knowledge of the modern empowerment upon manhood. It has brought
scientists, who ignore the need to know the magical changes in the modes of
tatva of Nature and remain preoccupied in communication, transportation, medical
researching the mysteries of its superficial treatment, etc. At the same time, it has ‘gifted’
manifestations is wavy and hollow like these dreaded weapons and equipment to destroy
waves; the conclusion of one result is negated this grand human civilization and the mother
or rejected by the other findings. The epochal earth itself in a matter of moments. The
results established as scientific truth at some achievements of science and technology are
time lose their validity and are proved to be fascinating and mind-boggling on the one hand,
false, wrong or incomplete by the proceeding and horrifying and calamitous on the other!
investigations. In the post Galleleo phase of There seems to be everything in the world of
scientific developments, a scientific truth was science except the unalloyed peace of truth.
acceptable only if it were demonstrated We can’t expect anything better from a
physically by some visible experiment(s). These superficial approach confined to the ‘waves’
norms changed in the post Newtonian era and that also has an added compulsion of proving
rigorous mathematical theory became the the ultimate validity of the knowledge gained
yardstick of proving the truth. What was within their own set norms conceding no scope
acclaimed as the unshakable principle of for the unlimited breadth and depth of supreme
scientific foundation by Newton was knowledge.

28 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Who would convince the scientific community include the philosophical aspects and feel of
that what they know as true knowledge which the inner realms of pure emotions too.
keeps changing in the flow of time is not true The scientific methods and tools of
knowledge. The foundation of their knowledge today help in gaining deep and accurate analysis
shakes and diminishes with the tremors of new of gross as well as subtle forms of matter and
investigations in the uncertainties of time. What the laws governing its functions. But these
has attracted the quest of science so far is only methods are inapplicable for research in the
a tarang – a quivering shadow of the multiple fields of thoughts or emotions. Because of its
reflections and manifestations of the tatva of rather ‘materialistic’ foundation and restricted
knowledge. It is the nature of a tarang, a wave approach, material science often backtracks
to disappear after a while, it is bound to be from its own ‘scientific’ propositions or theories
momentary. Then how could anything created and annuls what it once was proud to have
on the wavy base sustain for long? How could achieved. Many of its conclusions continue to
the ‘knowledge’ gained on such shaky be further researched without any end in sight
foundations testify to the eternity of truth? It is and remain incomplete or inconclusive. Thus,
only in the infinite ocean of the tatva (the despite being known for its rigor, precision and
ultimate Truth) that the grand ships of true innovation, the research in scientific disciplines
knowledge could sail forever… till date has largely been ‘conventional’ in terms
In order to reach the depth of tatva, of the contemporary norms and traditions of
our search will have to cross the barriers of science in a particular time period. If it were
the gross (physical) existence and the not so and science had adopted the non-
perceivable or the theoretically derived and prejudiced, prudent, comprehensive approach
defined space of truth. It will have to enter of the rishis, then the Physica of Aristotle,
the subliminal, limitless expansion of Almagest of Tolmy, Lavechier’s Chemistry,
consciousness. Several eminent scientists of Newton’s Principia, Loyel’s Geology, etc
our times have begun to realize this fact and would not have faced such great difficulties and
envisaged that if science has to attain true delays in their recognition.
knowledge, it will have to expand the scope Tolmey’s theory was quite successful
of its investigation and broaden its vision…. in analyzing the dynamic states of stars and
Drs. Brooner and Postman have suggested planetary arrangements, but it was discarded
incorporation of psychological aspects in this or considered with suspicion until full
context. They argue that the state of mind recognition of Copernicus’s system. The
plays a pivotal role in any analysis or reason was simple. The theory was non-
judgment; therefore all investigations/ conventional or was not in tune with the then
research should also encompass the popular beliefs. Same rigidity of convictions had
psychological realms of our existence. Noted vehemently opposed Newton’s principles of
scientific thinker, Dr. J. K. Feebleman has light spectrum. The Theory of Quantum
written an unparalleled book in this regard. Mechanics, too, had to face lots of criticism,
In this book entitled “The Scientific opposition and denunciations before attaining
Philosophy”, he writes that the basis of a prominent place in modern science.
scientific research needs to be expanded to

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 29

Because his contemporary and senior Where is the flaw? Where are the
scientists had incomplete and contradictory difficulties in refining the otherwise innovative
knowledge about the nature of the cathode approach of modern science? This perennial
rays, Maxwell could not get scientific approval question should be addressed first and the
for his now well known principle of foundation and purpose of research should also
electromagnetism for a longtime. Similar was be reviewed along with the methods of
the fate of the discovery of X-rays. The scientific investigation in this context. It is time all of us
authorities of that time, like Lord Kelvin, even accept the fact that – it is the truth, the
rejected it labeling Runtgen’s experiment as a knowledge, which is important and not the
tactful fraud. But the world later witnessed the method or approach of its search. The latter
great boons of this discovery and continues to need to be open-ended and compatible with
benefit from X-rays in varieties of ways. the infinite dimensional expressions of
The experimental results and knowledge rather than attempting to bind
explanations on fission of Uranium atom could knowledge in the framework of specific notions
not be accepted by the scientific experts for a of what is “scientific”. The truth and unlimited
long time because they were ignorant of the expansion of knowledge cannot be
atomic reactions and none of the then available encompassed in the laboratories and theories
methods and theories were able to understand of modern science alone. What is discovered
the complexities and possibilities of atomic or invented there is only a negligible fraction, a
energy. The last decade of the 19th century saw blurred reflection of what still remains to be
extensive scientific research towards filling the known. Knowledge is immeasurably beyond
gaps in Mandeleaf’s Table. It was a difficult the reach of the reasoning and the analytical
task because, even when some new chemical power of the intellect.
element was found and analyzed, it used to The inner realms of consciousness and
remain unacceptable to the scientific deeper emotions and the spirituality activated
community of their times due to the latter’s by s³dhan³ enable unconditional, liberal and
prejudices and rigidity. natural realization of the inner roots of
The ‘epochal truth’ of the modern knowledge and eternal truth. This gradually leads
science – the theory of relativity, too had faced to awareness of absolute knowledge. There
stiff criticism and scorn mainly owing to the remains nothing to be known thereafter. This is
inability of the then popular scientific norms and what is cited in the Upanishads as –– “Tasmin
convictions to explain or understand its rigor. Vigy³te Sarvam Vij³n³t” (Knowing “That”
These historic examples continue to recur in known, all is known). Great yogi Sri Aurobindo
newer forms even today. These illustrate the also reiterates this fact in his noted treatise “The
fact that the scientific findings, howsoever great, Human Cycle”. He elucidates that without
accomplished and true they might have seemed knowing the subliminal, the supramental
at one point of time, largely tend to obstruct Nature, we cannot decipher even the physical
the scope of future search of truth by trying to aspects and laws of Nature.
judge it within the narrow peripheries as per A comprehensive, integrated approach
their own methodologies. This is what generates of scientific spirituality is the dire need of the
rigidity and prejudices in scientific research and present times. For this, both these streams of
hinders the advent of the pure light of truth…

30 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

search (science and spirituality) will have to light –this motivation of Scientific Spirituality
be more open and acceptable to each other. would integrate the search for true
Along with scientific investigations and knowledge. Bertrand Russell eloquently
intellectual perceptions we will also have to conveys it as –“Informative knowledge and
strive for inner enlightenment through spiritual pure discerning intellect should both go
s³dhan³ and experience and learn from the together”. The scientific spirituality practiced
inner inspirations and divine sentiments and guided by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya
aroused thereby. This is how we could know in the recent times raises the hope towards
the tarang as well as the tatva in every realization of “Satya® Gy³nam Brah®” and
dimension of knowledge. Realization and grasping the infinite streams of the ultimate truth
adoption of the eternal truth and applications of knowledge in the realms of the inner, cosmic
of the scientific knowledge and results in its and supreme consciousness.

Whatever the Khalifa would get during the day, he used to distribute all among the
helpless children, the needy people, and the saints and fakir. This was his principle of life.
Retaining something in self-possession was a sin in his eyes. He was such a devoted
believer in God that he would never care for tomorrow. He would sleep empty handed; the
dawn of the next day would again bring him lots of wealth and resources in the form of
taxes, gifts, donations etc, from the visitors. Once he fell ill. His wife distributed the alms on
his behalf. She kept five Dinars (Arabian currency) with her to meet the emergent needs
in view of the Khalifa’s ill health. What would they do without a penny if there were any
urgency at mid night…..? It was this concern that prompted her to break the Khalifa’s
principle that day.
It is said that the Khalifa could not sleep that night… ; He was feeling unusually
restless. Later in the night, he told his wife that it was an unprecedented experience and
that he had never felt so uneasy; his mind is perplexed and bemused. “Have we committed
any mistake? Has any thing gone wrong today? I always used to get blissful sleep. But,
today…? It is not because of any bodily ailment. My restlessness appears to be like that of
most rich men engrossed in possessing more and more. They keep turning sides on the
bed and hardly get any good sleep. The barefoot chap like me never had to worry about
any thing in the night”. Suddenly a doubt fleshed across his mind. He asked his wife ––
“Have we committed some sin? Have you retained something in stock somewhere today”?
Poor wife! With tears in her eyes she uttered the truth and showed him the five gold coins,
which she had kept for his treatment in case of an emergency. Khalifa was shocked to
hear it and screamed – “What have you done? It is a breach of faith. This act of yours will
blot all my credibility. With what face I will face my God?” It was past midnight….; Moments
later, there was a knock at the door. His wife saw a beggar there. Khalifa said – “Look! If a
taker can come at mid night, why can’t a giver…? So why do you worry?” His wife happily
donated the five gold coins to the beggar in front of the Khalifa. Now they both felt relieved!
It is said that the Khalifa slept in ultimate peace that very night. It is truly rare to find such
great saints, such great examples of absolute faith in the grace of God….

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 31

Yoga is acquiring perfect efficiency in functional, supervisory and analytical – were
a work. A writer of good expressive poetry is going on simultaneously and in coordination.
an efficient poet. An efficient artisan is one who Had even one of these faculties not cooperated,
builds a good house and an efficient artist is problems would have cropped up and the work
that who is able to exhibit the right emotions not finished.
and gestures in a play. Acquisition of skill or Body-organs are not capable of
proficiency in a work or activity is thus to functioning on their own. They are guided and
become work efficient. This is called yoga in controlled by the mind. Hence, it is the mind
spiritual terms. which is held responsible for any success or
An acrobat performs a variety of feats failure. If the bullock-cart falls into a ditch, it is
like rope-walking, climbing, jumping etc. He not the fault of the cart. This inanimate thing
executes all the movements with precision and has no sense, it is not self-propelled. Even the
control, without the slightest bit of faltering. If bullocks cannot be held responsible. Their nose-
a work is done in the proper way, without strings are controlled by the cart-puller, whose
mistakes, and with greater degree of success commands they have to follow. Hence, the
than that achieved by others, we would say blame must lie with the driver. The entire
that the doer has acquired proficiency in that responsibility for safe driving was his. In
work. We can also say that the person is a successful completion of any work by the body,
yogi in that particular field of work. mind is the regulator and controller. Other
When we are engaged in an activity organs are mere instruments which become
our organs of sensations and action and also activated at the command of the mind.
the mind and citta – all function in unison and The cause of error or failure in a work
in one direction. We can observe this in a is the disorganized state of mind. If the work is
simple activity like white-washing a wall. One done haphazardly, if there is lack of seriousness
hand holds the bucket; the other wields the and the thoughts are not focussed, it would
brush while the feet are firmly planted on the almost certainly result in a faulty execution or
ladder. These different organs, even though downright failure.
engaged in different functions, had one It is possible to make mistakes in a
common goal to achieve, viz., lime-washing the work about which one knows very little. One
wall. The eyes kept informing : “Here is a patch has to learn the methods and procedures. Still
to be done, this much portion is complete, and many complexities may arises. But these
the lime is over there and so on”. The citta problems, too, can be tackled with a calm and
was also centred in that direction. Was the work composed citta and fully focussed mind. The
progressing in the right direction ? How rules of arithmetical operations are the same
beautiful did the wall look? The citta-vrttis for every one- first the operation of thick line,
were alert. The task could be successfully then, in sequences, brackets of, division,
completed because all the processes - multiplication and lastly, addition or subtraction.

32 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Every student learns this general rule. Yet, while merely going through the motions of reading.
doing the sum, one student follows the set This would lead to no mental or moral
procedure and obtains the correct answer, development. Contemplation of what is read,
whereas the answer of another one is found is essential; otherwise the exercise would be
wrong. This is because the latter committed meaningless. A student may wonder how he
the error in the steps. His citta was not has been failed in spite of his reading the books
concentrated on the task at hand. The same many times. What he does not realize is that he
principle holds good in every walk of life. Full merely skimmed the words and sentences; he
dedication, concentration and sincerity lead to did not apply his mind to the meanings of the
success. Without these qualities the right text. Any reading, or any bit of information, only
direction of work is not created resulting in when subjected to reasoning and analysis
defective or unsatisfactory outcome. A person becomes knowledge. The thoughts should be
may be unaware of the nature of an object. then translated into action. Only then self-study
But, in the realm of action, if his efforts bear no acquires meaning and rationale. Merely voicing
fruit the reasons can only be attributed to the the written words is not enough.
fickleness and instability of his citta. Actions done in a cavalier manner or
Patanjali Yogasutra says, - with sinful motive only increase inner turmoil;
“Yogascittavrittinirodhah”. That is, yoga is they are unable to give happiness or satisfaction.
to control the wayward flow of tendencies of Contentment comes only from acquiring
citta. In other words, to become fully involved efficiency in the right actions and conduct.
in the task at hand is yoga. The Gita expresses Excessive materialism increases man’s
the same thought thus – “yogah karmasu propensity for wrong doing. People are
kausalam” (to acquire proficiency in work is increasingly developing negative qualities of
yoga). Both definitions are one and the same, pretentiousness and chicanery, turning the
whether we call yoga, work-efficiency or modern society into a ‘yoga-deviant’ society.
control of citta-vrittis. Only by control of The powers of mind and body, without proper
vrittis or full concentration can efficiency be channelling and discipline are causing a variety
achieved. The core idea in each case is that of ills. This is the sole cause of man’s
for success in any activity composure of citta unhappiness today.
or full dedication is a pre-requisite. To achieve peace, we will have to
Mistakes generally occur because of revisit the past and derive inspiration from its
a restless citta. Indeed, even an error can only perennial wisdom which would rekindle and
be noticed when the citta is calm. In a state of spread sat vrittis (right tendencies) in the
agitation, the mind of the doer is somewhere society. If man’s vivek, jnan and vaibhav
else, and not on the target. Consequently, he is (reason, wisdom and glory) increase, then yoga
indifferent towards the result. No wonder, such will emerge out of that. The basis of enduring
results are bad. peace lies in mankind’s deep commitment to
For learning any skill or obtaining satkarma (right action). Only then it would be
knowledge about a thing, too, the right course possible to remove those shortcomings which
is to pay rapt attention to what the instructor is are responsible for the air of indifference and
saying or doing. Even self-study does not mean ennui which pervades the modern day living.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 33

Even after a hard penance and deep and vices of society because they are
repentance a person of advanced age, carrying surrounded by them only. Formation of
the burden of accumulated errors, mistakes and personality starts in womb itself. Keeping in
sins is not likely to become pious and noble in mind this fact Indian rishis introduced ritual
the short time left to him. On the contrary, a system ( sanskars). This gave the children
young child, given proper guidance, training and moral training in a natural manner.
education can become a paragon of virtues and A lady went to Socrates and asked,
noble character. Whenever animal instincts “Sir! When should I start educating my son?”
hidden in inner psyche find favourable “What is the age of child?” asked Socrates.
circumstances they create terrible tribulations “Four years” the lady simply replied.
in the mind which generates uncontrollably dirty “Then your are lagging behind by four years
and dissolute thoughts and emotions in adults and nine months,” Said Socrates. Instincts of
and the persons of advanced age. This makes the child start forming by mother’s daily routine
the purification and control of mind very difficult. hence it will not be exaggeration to say that
Hence the Indian sages had stressed that children’s education should be started right
character can be made strong and noble in from pregnancy. This system was methodical
childhood only. Advancement in age makes the and scientific. This was the reason that spiritually
character traits very rigid. Only those who went evolved children like Dhruv, Prahlad, Bharat,
through a regimen of self-control and self Abhimanyu used to be born in many families.
refinement in childhood can become great, Today there is an urgent need for revival of
intelligent and spiritually elevated. So long as these traditions. Foundation of cultural elevation
this tradition continued properly there was no should be started with upliftment of children,
lack of happiness, peace and prosperity in only then will nobility of character prosper in
society – which is a collection of individuals. society.
This important aspect of character Practice of making children cultured
building in children is neglected to-day, which should be started right from their conception.
is a matter of deep concern. Seeing the speed Mentality of parents affects the mentality of the
with which moral crimes are increasing in child. His body is made with the flesh and blood
children, social reformers are bound to be of mother’s body. Subtle effect of the way of
worried. When hatred and vices get deeply living of the parents affects the soul-
rooted in nature at young age no reformative development of the child. Hence parents should
programmes would give desired success even practice purity and piety in their eating and
after great efforts. Practical difficulty is that the drinking, way of living and behaviour as soon
guardians do not bear this responsibility as the child is conceived. Mothers who eat
consciously and seriously. Most of them do not chilly spices, sour, acrid, stale food would give
even know how to inculcate nobility of character birth to children who are mostly hot tempered,
in children. Self-willed children adopt only evils wicked and vile. Clothes, ornaments, language

34 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

spoken, etc. also affect the child in womb. If introduced but guardians can atleast train them
there is no warmth and love in the relationship in self-control, altruism, compassion and caring
between husband and wife, children born to concern for all sentient beings. It is a blunder
them are likely to be vicious, atheist, and of to marry them so long as they do not become
irritating nature. Parents should definitely be mature, responsible and self supporting;
aware of these plane facts. otherwise they may prove as miserable failures
From birth to adolescence the child is throughout their lives. The condition of family,
mostly under the influence of his mother. During whose members neither know the art of living
that period the child keeps observing very nor have the requisite knowledge and
minutely the attitudes and activities of his experience of life to opt for it, is as miserable
mother, hence the mother should behave very as that of a chariot having unreined horses.
responsibly during this period. During this period What sorts of conflicts are going on in the
it is harmful to inculcate fear in the children, to families of today running on the pattern of blind
keep them dirty, to give them drowsy drugs to beliefs is known to every body.
sleep, etc. Sexy gestures, anger, quarrels etc. Education is supposed to have a
are bound to make children impertinent and cleansing, uplifting and refining effect. If this
self-willed by nature. Hence one should always education system is enlivened by inclusion of
be cautious not to act or behave in a way, moral, ethical and spiritual values, it will lead to
which may leave a baneful impression on the training a new generation of young persons sizzling
delicate mind of the child. with zeal to embrace and uplift the lowliest and
On attaining five years of age child’s the lost by voluntarily educating them in an exclusive
thirst for knowledge starts increasing. Now pattern, inculcating in them qualities of love,
he starts becoming curious about the things and kindness, compassion, sharing and caring. Earth
the environment around him. At this age can thus become a place worth returning again
children learn rapidly through pictures and and again. For social progress and national uplift
stories. Their interest is aroused for lullabies also every citizen should compulsorily be educated
and sweet music. At this time children should in ethical, moral and spiritual values. Education
be shown beautiful pictures containing portraits develops a person’s intelligence and makes him
of great persons and natural scenes etc. House fit to earn worldly as well as spiritual boons. There
should be decorated with artistic things and can be no other better way for overall development
children should be made to have interest in them. of life.
Biographies of great persons should be narrated For cultural elevation, we should
to them in easily understandable and interesting develop our life by introspection and
way. Pathetic, peace-inducing and entertaining purification but should not forget that with this
lullabies amuse children, encouraging much only it will not be possible to raise our
emergence of noble instincts in their inner being. culture to a per-eminent place in the world. The
At this age a child can be made to apply his greatest need of today is the character
mind in any direction. development of our children. The day our
At present the only aim of education is children get morally and ethically elevated the
to develop the capacity to earn lot of money time will not be far when dignity of our society
hence Gurukul tradition can not be suddenly will again start attracting world attention.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 35

Nothing is more inimical to a person’s look into the future he would become actually
wellbeing and happiness than his own vices and aware of the lack of education of his children,
negative tendencies. A person overpowered by marriage of his daughters and no provisions
negativity of mind and vicious habits becomes for old age. Drunkard is blind to all his duties
a mental and physical wreck. Not only liquor, to society and the family. If he misses something
gambling, adultery but laziness, negligence, acutely it is the bottle of liquor and the
backbiting etc. are vices which need to be imaginary pleasure that he derives from the
shunned as poison. poison of its intoxication. There is no end to
If a man takes liquor or is used to some the worries of a drunkard. When he is in senses
other addiction, gambles or is a inconigle he is weighed down by the remorse pf his
adulterer, he not only wastes money but also undischarged responsibilities. But since he is
invites serious physical, mental and intellectual not in a position to remove the causes of his
disorders. worries, they go on eating into his vitals.
However healthy and rich may be a Troubled by the unending worries the drunkard
liquor addict, this habit of his will definitely make again craves for liquor, becomes restless if he
him weak and poor with the passage of time. doesn’t get it and after getting it gulps it down
Till there is strength in body and money in the and remains lying lifeless. To get rid of his
pocket, one does not feel the slow poisonous genuine worries he craves for liquor and after
effect of liquor. But with the diminishing of his the craving is satisfied, he sinks back into the
monetary resources he is forced to take low usual delirium. Worrying and only worrying
quality liquor resulting in rapid fall in his health, becomes his life schedule when he is in his
making him an easy pray of fatal afflictions of senses. His capacity of removing them is
body and mind. Life becomes a tortuous hell. exhausted, and slowly and steadily he worries
He is prepared to sell and stake his dearest himself to self-destruction.. How horrible, how
possession to satisfy his addiction. painful and how dangerous is the life of a
A drunkard remains blind while having drunkard.
eyes and foolish while having an intellect. He is Gambling is the king of all the vices. A
unable to intelligently assess his past, present gambler lives and dies every moment. Bearing
and future. If he could wisely look into the past a new blow every moment, he passes a terrible
he could take lessons from the fate of past life. Tormented by law, afraid of society and
drunkards, from his own loss of prosperity; scared of his family he burns his own and his
health and happiness. If he could attentively family’s life by staking his fortune through
look into the present he can then feel the depth indulgence in this pernicious pastime. While
of his depravity which has resulted in his sitting at stake there is pulsation of life and death
disgrace in society and miserable conditions of in the beating of his heart. Possibility of losing
his family and can resolutely try to pull himself a stake dries up his blood and joy of winning
out of this morass of wretchedness. If he could makes his heart to explode it.

36 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Winning in Gambling is worse than sinful. He is always lewd and covetous. A
losing. On losing one can be disappointed and debaucher does not have any consideration
being disappointed he can leave gambling for either for his own or for any one else’s dignity.
some time. But on winning one gets puffed up. He wantonly flouts an ethical and moral codes
He bets like an insane person, talks arrogantly of conduct.
and makes moves like a mad person. When Where an adulterer finally falls prey to
the excitement of winning is taken away by the life-threatening diseases of flesh, he becomes
stroke of defeat he becomes furious like a mad an object of great disgrace in society. Nearest
dog. Putting his all at stake he wants to win relations and closest friends shun him. Whatever
once and in this process he becomes a beggar, post and status an adulterous person might be
loses his reputation in society and is entrapped holding nobody looks upon him with honour.
into the clutches of law. His family laments, wife Instead of welcoming an adulterer on his arrival
weeps and children starve. It is the same sordid people avoid and detest.
story with all gamblers. The only worry of a The adulterer undergoes all this
gambler is to arrange money to bet. He seeks disgrace helplessly because of his animal like
the solution of all his problems in his stake only. indulgence of sex. Obscenity, incivility, loafing
On every bet he expects to win. He always become part of his nature. Human qualities like
thinks that if not on this stake, on the next stake prestige, modesty, mercy, etc go away from
he will take back two, three four times more his conduct. He ends up by being a blot on his
and with that very money he will solve all his family, and an enemy of society.
worldly problems. Solutions to the problems The adulterer causes maximum
of education of his children, their marriages and damage to society. He pollutes the
their boarding and lodging seem to him hidden atmosphere of society by his lecherous
in the next stake. How enormous a deception, tendencies. He spreads vices in society and
how great an irony and how dangerous a self- converts many innocent persons into his
conceit is this wild expectation. ignoble path of debauchery. Many of them
Where defeat makes a gambler beggar, end up by taking their lives – a pathetic end
win makes him a drunkard, adulterer, arrogant indeed.
and culprit. A person, entrapped by the net of A virtuous person is always treated
the vice of gambling goes on lamenting and with respect, honour and dignity.
dying slowly. Life of a gambler is a curse. Safety Cooperation, goodwill and sympathy come
lies in remaining away from this vice as a to him unasked. A virtuous man is contented
scourge and a curse. and happy. Therefore, vices must be shunned
There is no misery which a lecher has as poison and virtues ought to be cultivated
not to face. Appearance of a lecher is always as life giving nectar.

Seasons know that balance is the heart of

change. And understanding that, they always
rearrange… But still, the order seems as an endless

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 37

Habits play a crucial part in life. The The refinement of gross and perverse
personality of a person is determined by his tendencies in a person’s personality or bad
habits. Good habits make a person gentle, manners in his conduct is possible only by long-
genial and great while bad habits deform and term practice and unwavering determination.
disfigure a personality. Everyone is aware of Every self-confident person, if he wishes, can
the importance of habits and many wish to dramatically change for the better his mentality
change their bad habits in order to improve their and outward conduct through regular practice.
character, traits and personality. However, Children are particularly vulnerable to
people complain that they find it well nigh easily imbibe good or bad habits. They
impossible to uproot their deeply ingrained bad constantly imitate the habits of people they
habits. This is a counsel of despair and is not come into contact with. To make our children
true. It is, of course, difficult to uproot and well-mannered, cultured and responsible
change bad habits, but it is not impossible. If a citizens, it is necessary that we ourselves
person is determined and musters the requisite present an example of an ideal conduct before
willpower, he can certainly succeed in his them so that they can follow in our footsteps
efforts. and enrich their lives with inspiration and
What is a habit? It is a mental rut enthusiasm. If parents exhibit laziness or
created by mechanical repetition of a task. The misbehaviour in their conduct (for example in
tyres of a car travelling on a muddy road make getting up late in the morning, conversing rudely
a distinct impression. Similarly, the repetition with people, making inappropriate gestures,
of a task makes an impression on the mind. etc.), then how can we expect their children,
The more we repeat a task, the deeper becomes who remain with them for 15-16 hours a day,
the impression. Every habit, thus, gets firmly become civilised and well-mannered?
fixed in the mind. To an extent we ourselves determine
A habit can be uprooted by steadily the environment around us. A cultured person
and persistently working against it. Just as will keep his things in an orderly and appropriate
performing a task again and again creates a way. His shoes, clothes, hat and even his comb
habit, performing an opposite task again and would be clean and tidy. There would be no
again eliminates it. If the mind forces you dirt on his shoes; his clothes would be ironed
towards the old habit, gently but firmly divert it and folded neatly. He would appear attractive
towards the positive habit you want to imbibe with simple limited set of clothes compared to
instead. It is always easy to go back to old an untidy person with a overstuffed wardrobe
habits and therefore the mind gets effortlessly of costly clothes. He would attain happiness
inclined towards them. The formation of a new with minimum expenditure. He would not be
habit is therefore very difficult initially. However, consumed with the desire to possess a palatial
with repeated performance, it takes roots and house. In a small house, or even a room, he
becomes a part of one’s nature. would live a rich, refined, cultured and caring

38 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

life. Good manners do not mean how we people have become careless with respect
verbally interact with other people; they mean to their health. Many people have enough
that we conduct ourselves with dignity, humility wealth, which permits them good lifestyle, food,
and warmth. clothes and palatial house. Yet they remain in a
You may ask: how can one say that state of perpetual tension and agitation. Thus
I am conducting myself in a reprehensible we live in a self created hell.. Other examples
and disorderly manner? It is easy and self of self-destructive habits are to watch a movie
evident. You know that by waking up even though the eyesight is weak; to smoke
regularly, exercising the body regularly, tobacco, drink alcohol knowing well the
having health-giving eating habits, remaining damaging effects it has on the body; etc.
tension-free and taking a good rest to keep It becomes the bounden duty of
the body vibrant and healthy. But alas! How mature and responsible members of society
many people can control their eating to be vigilant against imbibing ruinous habits
preferences? In today’s hectic lifestyle, how and guide and inspire their children by
many can remain tension-free? In the mad personal example to grow into healthy, happy
race for earning more and more money, caring and warm-hearted citizens.
Some people brought a young man to Maharshi Patanjali and said – “Despite
the best efforts from our side, we are not able to teach this man the importance of
yoga s³dhan³ in human life. Kindly help us in this regard”. The Maharshi asked
the young man to stay back in his Ashram for a few days.
Several days passed. The people who had brought that man to the Ashram
came to meet him there. It was indeed a pleasant surprise for them to see him
completely transformed. That man, who was addicted to intoxicating drugs and
sensual pleasures a few days back, was now living a life of austerity and self control.
He was engrossed in deep meditation beneath a huge tree when they reached the
“How did this magical change occur?” – they couldn’t help asking Maharshi
Patanjali. The latter humbly replied that there was nothing amazing in this. It was
due to healing and soothing influence of the spiritually suffused vibrations of this
Ashram, where every inmate is a devoted s³dhaka s³dhaka; this acts as an attitudinal
therapy. Those people were well aware that the environment also plays an important
role in the progress of s³dhan³ but they could not follow what the Maharshi meant
by attitudinal therapy. Maharshi further explained – “An eye-specialist cures the
problems of eyesight but treatment of the mental-sight, the outlook towards the self
and the world…, is the job of a rishi. Because of the deep insight awakened by
long-term s³dhan³
s³dhan³, a rishi can view the hidden tendencies and nature of a person
and diagnose the ailments of the mental and emotional selves. Using their spiritual
powers, rishis can heal such ailments and infirmities of the inner selves of a person.
The treatment and righteous orientation of one’s mentality is achieved not merely
by preaching and teaching but by the impact of the rishi-level s³dhan³

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 39

A mimic reached the court of a king him out of curiosity. The ascetic was so
and begged from him a paltry sum of rupees absorbed in his meditation on a deer- skin, that
five only as his family was famishing without he did not betray any sign of noticing the crowd
food. standing in front of him.
“I am an admirer of arts. It is the moral ‘Swamiji’ where from have you come?
duty of State to encourage and honour an artist. Should we arrange for some fruits, milk and
I shall gladly reward you in appreciation of a dry fruits for you?’
feat of your art, i.e. mimicry; but I do not There was no response whatsoever
consider it appropriate to give you even rupees either by gesture or word from Swamiji.
five as alms,” said the king. In the evening all cowherds went back
“Doesn’t matter your Highness, I don’t to town along with their cattle. They spread
want you to violate your principle. Please give the news of arrival of a great saint outside the
me three days time to show you my next act of town. The next day many elites of the town,
mimicry.” Saying this, the mimic left the court. courtiers, merchants, traders and devout
Next day a saint was seen in a persons rushed out of the town in their vehicles,
meditative posture on a mound outside the carrying fruits, sweets, sumptuous dishes and
capital of the kingdom, with erect spine, closed preparations for the Mahatma. Everybody was
eyes, glowing face and long matted hair. anxious that the Mahatma would bless him by
Cowherds grazing the cattle near the mound accepting even a morsel of his offerings. The
spotted the saint from a distance and went to saint did not even blink his eyes. He remained

Once upon a time, there lived an erudite man in a town. He had

studied a vast range of scholarly works. He used to feel proud of his
intellectual attainments. Whether it were day time or night, he used to
walk with a lighted lamp in his hand. If asked about this peculiar habit,
he would arrogantly reply – “There is darkness everywhere in this world.
I walk with this lamp so that there could be some light”.
Once this arrogant scholar came across a saint. The saint started
laughing when he saw the scholar with the lighted lamp and said: “My
friend, if your eyes are not blind of the ever shining sun then don’t tell
that there is darkness around the world. What will this tiny lamp of yours
add to the limitless glow of the sunlight? Where does the light of your
knowledge stand before the infinite knowledge of the Omniscient? If
possible, try to know this simple fact that true knowledge can’t be attained
just by reading and cramming tonnes of books and treatises. True
knowledge comes through the realization of the indwelling light of
everywhere present Divinity”.

40 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

sitting there unmoved. The news of the they were fortunate to have darshan of a truly
presence of a highly evolved saint reached the great saint free from all worldly allurements.
prime minister of the kingdom. He too rushed On the fourth day the mimic again
to the mound in his chariot full of gold and silver entered the court and with folded hands said,
coins which were placed in front of the saint as “Oh King! You must have seen the miracle of
an offering. The prime minister humbly the art of mimicry and must have been
requested the saint “Just oblige your servant impressed by it. If so, please do give me at
once by opening your eyes oh great yogi. I least a prize of five rupees, so that I may manage
have not come to plead for fulfilment of any to procure simple food for my family.” The king
desire.” Even the request of prime minister went exclaimed: “I have not seen a foolish person
unheeded; and he became assured that the like you. When the public of the whole populace
sadhu was a highly elevated soul indeed - free of the state was standing at your feet eager to
from all worldly attachments. He went back to offer you the riches of the world, you did not
the town and apprised the king of his impression even look at the treasure heap of wealth and
about the Mahatma. The king started lamenting riches and now you are craving before me for
“When such a great yogi has come to my state a paltry sum of five rupees.”
I should have definitely gone to welcome him.” The mimic replied “Your Highness!
Early morning the next day he started for the At that time it was the question of dignity of
darshan of the yogi. The news spread the robe and role of a saint. I would have
throughout the state like wild fire. The pathways degraded the exalted status of a saint if I had
through which king had to pass were cleaned. succumbed to temptation in the saint’s
Policemen were posted in the way. apparel and role. Now I have come to you
The King offered one lakh asharfis as an ordinary mimic requesting for reward
(gold coins) at the feet of the ascetic and and remuneration for my labour to be able
bowing his head at his feet besought his to discharge my minimum duties as a
blessings but the saint remained unmoved and householder – to provide mere sustenance
self absorbed. Now every body was sure that to my famished family.”

It happened in the initial days of the Banaras Hindu University. Some

students went to meet the founder vice-chancellor, Mahamana Madan Mohan
Malviya. They had many complaints against some of their teachers and
classmates. Malviyaji was an eminent scholar and patriot, who genuinely
cared for the younger generation of the nation. He patiently listened to the
complaints, then replied affectionately – “My young friends! There may be
some thorns of angularities in those people, but these thorns would bother
us only when we are not able to see the beauty of the flowers of their positive
qualities. You should endeavor seeing the flowers of the good indwelling
their lives; then the thorns will lose their prominence and your life will also
begin to get fragrant with the sweet scent of those flowers”.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 41

(Autobiography of Poojya Gurudev Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, titled

MY LIFE : ITS LEGACY AND MESSAGE continued from previous issue)

I have completed seventy-eight years that G³yatrº mantra was K³mdhenu of a
of my life in 1989. During this long life-span, I Brahmin and had enjoined me to at least
pursued only one aim and that was to perform five malas of G³yatrº jap (chanting
investigate how siddhi (spiritual awakening) the mantra 540 times) regularly; and that it
could be attained by s³dhan³. It occurred to would be all the more beneficial if more japs
me that just as several scientists had devoted could be performed. I kept this direction in mind
their entire lives in doing basic research work and followed it regularly and religiously.
and had thus served mankind, it should be It was all of a sudden that God’s grace
seriously examined whether the age-old belief descended on me at the age of fifteen as if it
that s³dhan³ leads to siddhi is correct or not was preplanned and predestined. I got an
and that this experiment should be done not opportunity to dedicate myself single-pointedly
on others but on myself. This idea sprang up towards the realisation of my childhood dreams.
within me when I was ten years old and It was the day of Basant parva. While I was
dominated my thoughts till I was fifteen. In the engrossed in worship in my room during the
meanwhile, the only thing which is worth small hours of the morning (brahma muh¿rta)
mentioning is that my father had got my I saw an aura of light. I was stunned, amazed
upnayan (sacred thread) ceremony performed and awestruck. I rubbed my eyes to ascertain
and I had been initiated in G³yatrº Mantra by whether it was a hallucination or something
his classmate, Mahamana Madan Mohan astral like a ghost or demon, but it was none of
Malviya. I completed my elementary education these.
in the primary school of the village and my father An astral body of a yogi emerged in
taught me Sanskrit grammar on the basis of the middle of that aura of light. It was astral in
Laghu-Koumudi and Sidhanta-Koumudi. I the sense that his figure was visible although it
used to accompany my father on his visits to was hanging in the empty space with an
rulers of princely states to deliver religious envelope of light all around it. I was wondering
discourses on Srºmad Bh³gvat Pur³na and as to who he was. The apparition said, “I have
thus I learnt Bh³gvat from the beginning to the been linked with you and guiding you during
end. your past several lives. Since your childhood is
In the meantime, I was married. My now over, I have come to impart you the
wife was disciplined, industrious, service- necessary guidance. Probably you have no
minded and she cooperated in all my efforts. recollection of your past lives and so you are
In this way fifteen years of life passed. Morning frightened and amazed. See the events of your
and evening worship and prayers (sandhy³- past births and remove your doubts”. His grace
vandana) formed part of my daily routine. At descended on me and I had a feeling of
the time of my initiation, Malviyaji had told me drowsiness. I experienced, for the first time in

42 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

my life, what is known as yog-nidra, a stage courtesy that if a person visits somebody’s
which is also called jagrat samadhi. While house, the latter wants to know about the
bathing in that state of elevated consciousness, former’s purpose of visit.
I had cinematographic view of actual events of The figure in my room of worship, who
my several past births. was enveloped by an aura of light, further said,
I can still vividly recall how a glimpse “ Your thinking is correct. Before spending their
of that divine personage in the form of waves time and energy divine souls test persons with
of light, of whom I am part and parcel and who whom they want to establish their soul
appeared in my room of worship when I was relationship. They do not appear before any
fifteen, had immediately aroused a host of Tom, Dick or Harry to fulfil his fancies. No
questions in my mind. Generally, people wise and discerning person ever tries to
wander aimlessly in search of Sadguru (spiritual establish deep relationship with a person
guide) and consider themselves extremely without considering his worthiness and
fortunate when they succeed in finding one. But eligibility. Several persons consider it beneficial
what happened with me was altogether to get linked with great and spiritually
different. I had already been initiated by resplendent personages but they forget that no
Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviyaji in one likes to waste his energy and capabilities
G³yatrº Mantra when I was eight years of age over a worthless person.
and so the question of selecting any other “I had been searching through my
person as Guru (spiritual guide) had ended then subtle vision for a fit medium who could be
and there. I had not even imagined of meeting directly instrumental in promoting universal
another Guru. The miraculous way I was welfare. This body of mine is not physical. A
blessed in this manner all of a sudden was a person having physical body has to be made a
matter of great wonderment for me. medium and used as an instrument for action
Seekers are always in search of Guru on the physical plane, which cannot be directly
(guide). They consider themselves blessed if done through an astral body. These are critical
they happen to find one. Often they seek from times and there are great chances of mankind
their Gurus worldly boons. Then why had the being grievously harmed and overwhelmed by
grace of such an elevated soul been suddenly the forces of darkness. I want to make you a
showered on me? Was it a hallucination or was medium to help solve the problems bedevilling
something inauspicious or calamitous to befall humanity. You will get my guidance and
me? Such fears and doubts passed through my cooperation and your shortcomings will be
mind after I had the first encounter with the great removed. It is for this purpose that I have come
Guru. to you. Till now, you were engrossed in your
He did not feel annoyed and could normal life and considered yourself as an
understand my dilemma. It appeared to me by ordinary man. These days nobody believes any
the cheerful demeanour of his face that he one all of a sudden. Your doubts would not
appreciated my suspense. Without wasting have been properly removed by a mere verbal
time, he introduced himself to me and explained description of your competence. Therefore,
the reason for his appearance by reviving the you have been given a glimpse of some of your
memory of my past births. It is a normal past births.” ...(To be continued in the next issue)

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 43

(Translation of the original discourse in Hindi given on the last day of
an anushthan camp at Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura in the 1960s;
Original Title: G³yatrº Mahamantra Kº Mahatt³
Let us all begin with the collective devised the methods of experimentation with
chanting of the Gayatri Mantra, use of these subliminal tools.
“Om Bh¿r Buva¡ Swa¡ Tatsaviturvareñyam Mantras and yantras have been in
Bhargo Devasya Dhºmahi, Dhiyo Yona¡ existence since prehistoric times. The Vedic
Pracoday³t ||” scriptures describe that once the devas (gods)
Sisters and Brothers, and the asuras (demons) argued as to what
Gayatri Tapobhumi1 is the living abode was superior – mantra or yantra? The demons
of Goddess Gayatri. It is an Ashram for the regarded yantras as superior and mightier as
s³dhan³ of the Gayatri Mantra. The spiritual material resources and capabilities were more
experiments using mantras are of unique important to them. The gods affirmed the
importance because mantras are carriers of prominence of mantras; that is, spirituality was
immense occult potencies and can be used to of greater significance to them. We all have seen
accomplish great tasks. A snake -charmer can and used several types of yantras in this age
relieve a person from the poisonous effects of of materialistic progress. Let us acquaint
snakebite by perfecting the practice of the ourselves with some knowledge of mantras
particular mantra. The utility of mantras for here. The effects of mantras largely pertain to
spiritual s³dhan³ is like that of instruments the mental, emotional and spiritual realms of
(yantras) in the material world. Yantras play life. Mantras inspire positive and penetrating
a key role in the materialistic development of thoughts and enlighten the emotional and
the world. The history of the ascent of human deeper levels of consciousness.
civilization is, to a great extent, the history of The genesis and development of the
the invention and advancement of yantras. knowledge of mantras has a deep scientific
Mantras also have their own history basis. The production of speech or
of discovery and mastery of inner realms of pronunciation of sound involves specific
consciousness by a long line of masters and vibrations of the vocal chord and the
seekers of spirit. Mantras have great harmonious movements of the tongue, palate,
significance in the mental and spiritual evolution lips, teeth etc. The grand network of nerves
of harmony. These could also manifest connected to these organs is spread across the
tremendous results in the physical world; they body. Each phoneme, vowel or consonant
could be powerful like a Patton tank or an uttered silently or spoken loudly affects this
atomic bomb. Our spiritually empowered, network in specific pattern as per the vibrations
eminent ancestors – the rishis, knew this fact it generates. Mantras are very special
and had therefore developed a whole gamut configurations of sounds or syllables.
of mantras for specific purposes and had also Accordingly, each mantra has specific patterns

44 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

of enunciation or chanting. Mantras work on possible only through mantras, by turning
the yantra of our physical body and also on towards spirituality i.e. by realizing his own self-
our energy-body, mind and the inner-self. fulfilled divinity within.
Everything, which is made up of matter, Mantras are not some verbal
including our physical body, is perishable. The structures to be enunciated rhythmically and
gross manifestations of life are short-lived: A repeatedly. Rather, these are subtle means of
child looks so cute and fresh. He most often contemplating that can reorient the mental
continues to be energetic and attractive in his tendencies. Many people suffer from a variety
youth as well. But all his charm and strength of adversities, scarcities and worries because
are gone after the age of 55 or 65 years. Your they do not have the aptitude to be initiated
wife looks so dazzlingly beautiful in her into proper mantras (of sane thinking, righteous
ornaments as a married woman; but how would attitude, etc). Mantras are defined as the tools
the same lady look if she were a widow? for liberation from ignorance, illusion, infirmities
Nothing is stable or long lasting in this world. and sorrows. These can transform the course
Movement and change appear to be the law of of life and convert agonies into joys. Indeed,
Nature. In other words, the world seems to be mantras, as special carriers of the energy of
created by vibrations, movements and cosmic sound, do have amazing potentials for
variations. affecting the physical world also (as some of
Man usually thinks that if he had enough you might have seen or read about mantra
money, he and his family would live happily and based healing of physical and mental ailments,
peacefully. But extra wealth brings new worries etc). But the spiritual powers and benefits of
and tensions; he now has the fear of it being the mantras are far more intense and creative.
stolen, worries about its safety from thieves and The domain of spirituality is
dacoits. If one is well educated and trained, immeasurable and so is the field of the activities
he would often dream of excellent jobs, power, of the mantras. The Gayatri Mantra is given
self etc. But the hunger of his desires and paramount recognition in the Vedic science of
cravings can be never fulfilled. If we look at spirituality. The s³dhan³ of this mantra
human life closely, it will appear as though man illuminates and opens up the inner treasure of
begins his life with problems. He lives with his intelligence. It has the ability to inspire the
problems, related tensions and stresses, and human self towards great ideals and eventually
spends his whole life in attempting to resolve elevate and transmute it into divine self. Each
them, creating newer ones in the process. He syllable of the Gayatri Mantra enfolds
leaves this world carrying a burden of too many tremendous energies of spiritual knowledge,
unresolved problems. The life of a person enlightenment and wisdom. The Vedas,
usually revolves around this cycle, always Upanishads, Darshanas, Smritis, Gita,
hunting for some joy or calmness outside him. Ramayana, and other vedic Scripture are all
The living yantra of human body seeks to get derived from it and are, so to say, detailed
peace and happiness through extrovert, commentaries on this mantra.
materialistic means; it does find some at times, Gayatri is said to be the Mother
but only momentarily. If man could ever attain (origin) of the Vedas. The scriptures describe
long-lasting peace and happiness, it will be that the commentary of the four segments of

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 45

the Gayatri Mantra through the four mouths of linkage and also content the inner self. The
Lord Brahma has been compiled into four sublime contact with God is as essential and
Vedas as indicated below: important for the awakening of our souls, as
The segment of Gayatri Mantra and the pranic energy is for the existence and
the Veda generated from it: sustenance of life in our gross bodies. A person
Om Bh¿r Bhuva¡ Swa¡ The Rig Veda whose soul is not spiritually awakened lives like
Tatsaviturvareñyam The Yajur Veda a corpse or an animal in human form.
Bhargo evasya Dhºmahi The S³ma Veda When the inner self of the devotee
Dhiyo Yona¡ Pracoday³t The Atharva comes in contact with God’s inspirations (during
Veda Gayatri Up³san³), he opens his heart before
Later on, the in-depth understanding, Him and lays all his worries and problems
detailed explanation of and discussions on the before him. God listens to him, pacifies his
Vedas by the rishis gave rise to the six agitations and fulfils his deserving aspirations.
Darshanas, ten Aranyakas, hundred and eight The Almighty also loosens the grip of the ego
Upanishads, eighteen Puranas, twenty Smritis, centered cravings and instead bestows the
etc. grace and blessing on the sincere devotee.
The microscopic sperm and ovum Divine blessings bestowed upon a s³dhak3
contain the complete genetic blueprint of a include virtues like courage, contentment,
human being. A seed possesses the information alleviation and eventual elimination of mental
(DNA) for the development of a tree. Similarly, weaknesses, removal of adversities and
each letter of the Gayatri Mantra comprises all complexities, happy family life, social esteem
the elements of knowledge, sciences and and benevolence. Most importantly, the
philosophies. Be that the knowledge of the vibrations and inspirations of the G³yatrº
visible or the invisible world, that of making Mantra also refine the mental and emotional
gold, or that of the divine empowerment of life, domains of the s³dhaka and inculcate divine
all is subliminally present in this mantra. sentiments like altruistic love and compassion
Gayatri Mantra also provides the and endow him with virtuous tendencies. This
supreme method for the up³san³ (worship) spiritual elevation gradually results in divine
of God, as its meaning is a universal prayer for transformation of the s³dhaka’s personality.
the enlightenment of the human intellect towards As you have seen, here in Gayatri
the righteous path. The awakening of this pure Tapobhumi, so many people visit me every day
intelligence brings boons for the spiritual as well and seek solutions to their problems. I have
as worldly progress of life. The Sanskrit word tried to provide them relief and give them
“up³san³” means – “sitting nearby”. Up³san³ strength and direction with the help of Gayatri
of God means sitting in contemplation of divine Up³san³. Once a principal of a high school in
attributes. If a calf will not cling to its mother Madhya Pradesh came to me with a severe
cow, how will it get the milk? How will an iron complaint of insomnia. Despite several
piece be converted into gold without touching therapies there was no improvement in her
the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’? How will the soul sufferings. I could heal her without any
be strengthened without a conscious awareness medicines and now she is able to sleep normally.
of God? Up³san³ and devotion enable this By the blessings of Mother Gayatri, many

46 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

people have similarly been relieved of dreaded moral path thereafter and achieved stupendous
diseases, pains and adversities. Worldly success. These and many other live examples
problems and difficulties of people have also of transformation of common people illustrate
been resolved here in a way that might appear the majestic powers of the Gayatri Mantra.
to be miraculous at times. A couple of years Notes:
back, a rich businessman came and told me 1. Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura is one of the
that he had not paid the income-tax and was five main establishments of the World Gayatri
now under the tension of being caught and Pariwar.
hauled up for dodging the income-tax law. He 2. S³dhan³: Devout spiritual endeavor aimed
had Rs.3.2 million worth of property at that at inner refinement and elevation.
time. I advised him that he should be honest 3. S³dhaka: Who sincerely performs a
and pay the tax (together with penalty) of Rs. s³dhan³.
1 million that was due from him; and that he 4. Japa: Repeated rhythmic enunciation (of a
would still be left with Rs. 2.2 million, which mantra).
was sufficient for the growth of his business. I
also guided him to perform the japa4 of the (To be continued in the next issue….)
Gayatri Mantra with devotion. He adopted the

After the discourse, disciple Vartantu raised a doubt before his teacher, Acharya
Sumedha. This is usually the doubt of most us who are not conversant with the basis of
the Gurukul system of teaching. He asked – “Respected Acharyashri, intellectual sharpness
is supposed to be the basis of knowledge acquisition. But, why are then self-restraint
and self-discipline given so much importance in our school?” Achary Sumedha told the
student that he could get the answer at the right time.
Several months passed, One day, while Acharya Sumedha took his disciples for
an excursion tour, they all halted near the beautiful banks of The Ganga in a forest. It was
sunset time and they were all engrossed in watching the golden reflections in the majestic
flow of the Holy River. Suddenly the Acharya asked – “Dear children, do you know where
from the Ganga begins its journey and where it ends?” His most brilliant disciple Vartantu
replied instantly – “It originates from Gomukha in the Himalayas and merges in the Bay
of Bengal at Gangasagar”. The Acharya again raised a question – “Could it traverse such
a long distance without being bounded by the two banks?” “Not at all! Then its waters
would be spread haphazardly and disastrously flood over large areas of its basin creating
a havoc. None of its enormous benefits would then be available to anyone” – replied
Vartantu. “Good” said the Acharya and further continued – “Dear Vartantu, your own
reply answers your question asked the other day. The potentials and talents latent within
you all (the students) would also get frittered away without the bounds of self-discipline
and self- restraint. Your bodies and minds will be drained of the vibrancy, vigor and
talents latent within you without the transmuting process of s³dhan³
s³dhan³. In that case you
won’t be able to achieve anything worthwhile in this precious life. Strict discipline is,
therefore, a must for the accession of knowledge and its manifestation in a glorious life.

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 47

Key ToT
To ransliteration and P
Transliteration ronunciation
Sounds like Sounds like

¥ a o in son Ç Ã d in denU
¥æ ³ a in master UÉ Ãh dh in godhood
§ i i in if ‡æ ñ n in under
ü§ º ee in feel Ì t french t
U© u u in full Í th th in thumb
¤ ¿ oo in boot Ï dh thh in with-hold
«¤ — somewhat Ù n n in not
between r in ri  p p in pen
ð° ai y in my Ȥ ph ph in loop-hole
° e ay in may Õ b b in bag
¥æð o oh Ö bh bh in abhor
¥æñ au ow in now × m m in mother
·¤ k k in keen Ø y y in yard
¹ kh chh in UÚ r r in run
blockhead Ü l l in luck
» g g (hard) in go ß v v in avert
æƒ gh gh in ghee à
æ ï sh
U¾ ò ng in singer á Ì sh in show
¿ c ch in chain â s s in sun
À ch chh in catch him Uã h h in hot
Á j j in judge ï
× ® m in sum
æ jh dgech in hedgehog ÿ
æ kï somewhat like ksh

æ ó somewhat as æ̃ tr as in French tres
in french æ
™ jó somewhat between
UÅ Ú t in ten gn and gy
UÆ Úh th in ant- hill

48 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003 49
50 Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2003

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