Spinal Cord Injuries and Feldenkrais
Spinal Cord Injuries and Feldenkrais
Spinal Cord Injuries and Feldenkrais
Cindy Allison
MA (Psychology)
October, 2008
I would like to extend a warm thanks to all those people with spinal cord injuries,
Feldenkrais practitioners and other friends who have provided me with testimonials,
DVDs, books, photographs, articles, information, advice and encouragement.
October, 2008
Table of Contents
If I have ever met a genius in the flesh, it is Moshe Feldenkrais.
Avram Baniel, Professor of Industrial Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Rosenfeld
1. The Importance of Relearning .....................................................................................2
2. What is the Feldenkrais Method? ................................................................................6
3. Research into the Feldenkrais Method.........................................................................9
4. SCI Rehabilitation Programmes and Case Studies ....................................................11
5. SCI Endorsements and Testimonials .........................................................................16
6. Some Feldenkrais Principles in Practice ....................................................................20
7. Feldenkrais Practitioners and Resources ...................................................................26
About the Author ...........................................................................................................27
References ......................................................................................................................28
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The system developed by Dr Feldenkraishas as much potential for understanding the
mind/body relationship as Einsteins general theory of relativity had for physics.
Bernard Lake, MD, Cardiologist, Author, Feldenkrais practitioner (Wildman, 2000)
This booklet is intended for people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and their support crew
including family, friends, carers and health professionals.
This booklet is intended as a brief introduction to the Feldenkrais Method and its
relevance to recovering sensory motor function in SCI. Other benefits, such as reduction
in pain and spasm, are mentioned and a brief introduction to the sensory motor system is
included. It is not intended to cover all the benefits people have experienced through the
Method. For many with pain and disability, the Feldenkrais Method has been life
At times I have included the academic qualifications of people I have quoted. This is to
illustrate that many people with scientific backgrounds have scrutinised the Method.
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Sensory nerves
Motor nerves
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focus in SCI rehabilitation with a focus on relearning how to move in a coordinated way
(Behrman, Bowden & Nair, 2006).
The presence of isolated muscle contractions
(whilst encouraging) is not enough. We need to
know how to organise those movements in a
coordinated way. Without coordination,
movements are characterised by spasms, tics and
tremors and functioning is painful, tiring, slow
and often impossible.
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Proprioception (or joint position sense) is the ability to determine where parts of the body
are in space. Loss of proprioception is a significant consequence of SCI, yet it is
frequently overlooked in rehabilitation (Committee on Spinal Cord Injury et al, 2005).
Proprioception is important for a number of reasons.
1. It is critical in coordinating walking and other movements (Committee on Spinal
Cord Injury et al, 2005). With compromised proprioception, mo vement is awkward
or impossible.
2. It has been found that decreases in proprioception have been associated with increases
in pain (Schwoebel, Friedman, Duda & Coslett, 2001; Byl & Melnick, 1997).
3. Loss of proprioception has been found to result in people ha ving negative feelings
about their body (Sacks, 1990).
4. Proprioception is also important in our ability to stabilise joints and reduce injury
(Alexander, n.d.).
Related to proprioception is kinaesthesia, the ability to feel ourselves moving.
Kinaesthesia and proprioception are often used interchangeably, but with kinaesthesia
there is more emphasis on the sense of motion. Without kinaesthesia, the input to the
brain via the sensory nerves is adversely affected. This in turn affects the message to the
motor nerves.
Proprioception and kinaesthesia can be relearned.
Proprioception and joint stability
In order to move easily, we need to be able to stabilise our joints. Joint stability is
attained through the engagement of tonic muscle (type 1) fibres. Tonic fibres are found
predominantly in the postural muscles and help one to stay upright. They are responsible
for control and protection of the joint and are resistant to fatigue. In contrast, phasic
muscles fibres (type 2) are generally responsible for producing movement and fatigue
quickly (Alexander, n.d.). After SCI, tonic fibres change to become phasic fibres (Scelsi,
2001) which may compromise stability, movement and proprioception and increase the
risk of injury. On the other hand, proprioceptive training has been found to reduce injury
(Alexander, n.d.).
When one is unable to stabilise joints with tonic muscles, they may compensate by cocontracting phasic muscles. This means the phasic muscles are unavailable for
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There is now a growing number of people choosing to train in the Feldenkrais Method,
drawn to it by its effectiveness in their own lives or the lives of their clients. One
example is Ed Muegge (MA in Psychology) who came to the Method almost 20 years
after sustaining an SCI at C5/6. He was so impressed with the benefits that he got from
the Method that he went on to train to become a Feldenkrais practitioner. Another is Rich
McLaughlin (also with an SCI) who is currently seeking funding to do the training.
How is the Method taught
The Feldenkrais Method is taught in two ways: Awareness Through Movement (ATM)
lessons and Functional Integration (FI) lessons.
Functional Integration lessons are
performed one-to-one. The client
usually lies on a low padded table
or bed. With precise handling or
instructions, the practitioner helps
the client to feel new ways of
organising their movement. When
loss of movement is significant
(such as with SCI) it is a good
idea to have one-to-one sessions.
Awareness Through Movement
lessons are usually taught in
A Functional Integration lesson
groups. In ATM classes, the
Feldenkrais practitioner verbally guides clients through a sequence of gentle movements.
Many of these movements are based on functional activities such as reaching and looking
behind yourself. Attention is drawn to the process of each movement so clients can learn
to observe and feel how they do the movement, what parts could be more involved and
how they may be hindering the movement.
The learning experience
The learning is a relaxing and rewarding experience. People usually notice they feel
better immediately after a session. Some of this new learning is lost and then recreated in
a later session. Other aspects are retained and may often be really obvious to you in the
next hour or so. Then they become an unconscious part of your repertoire and you may
no longer notice them. Over the long term people notice gradual and cumulative
Although sometimes change can be dramatic, generally it is slow with more severe or
long-term injuries. However, whether you have been diagnosed with a high level
complete injury or a low level incomplete injury you may be able to learn to increase
your feeling of comfort and stability and improve the way you move.
Practical examples
To view examples of Feldenkrais in practice, search for Feldenkrais on
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Research has provided evidence of benefits with chronic illness, disability and the ablebodied. Some of those benefits are listed below.
Multiple Sclerosis
improved ease of movement (Stephens et al, 1999)
improved stability (Stephens, DuShuttle, Hatcher, Shmunes & Slaninka, 2001; Batson
& Deutsch, 2005)
improved balance confidence (Stephens et al, 2001)
improved well-being (Stephens et al, 1999)
decreased stress (Johnson, Frederick, Kaufman & Mountjoy, 1999).
improved stability (Batson & Deutsch, 2005)
improved mobility (ibid.)
greater recruitment of the affected part of the motor cortex (Nair, Fuchs, Burkart,
Steinberg & Kelso, 2005).
Chronic pain
decreased pain (Bearman & Shafarman, 1999; Lundblad, Elert & Gerdle, B, 1999;
Malmgren-Olsson & Branholm, 2002)
improved functioning (Bearman & Shafarman,1999; Phipps et al, 1997 as cited in
Stephens, 2000)
improved coordination (Schon-Ohlsson, Willen & Johnels, 2005)
improved body awareness (Dean & Yuen, 1998, as cited in Stephens, 2000)
reduced fatigue (ibid.)
improved sleep (ibid.)
reduced psychological distress (Malmgren-Olsson & Branholm, 2002)
improved quality of life (ibid.)
improved self-efficacy (Malmgren-Olsson & Branholm, 2002)
improved health locus of control (Dennenberg & Reeves, 1995, as cited in Stephens,
improved self image (Malmgren-Olsson & Branholm, 2002)
reduced costs (Bearman & Shafarman, 1999)
improved posture (Lake, 1992).
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improved coordination (Stephens, Pendergast, Roller & Weiskittel, 2005)
improved vitality (ibid.)
improved mental health (ibid.)
improved balance (Hall et al, 1999, as cited in Stephens, 2007)
increased gait speed (Connors, Galea & Said, 2007)
improved balance confidence (Connors et al, 2007).
improved stability (Buchanan & Vardaxis, 2000)
increased range of movement (Ruth, & Kegerreis, 1992; Stephens, Davidson, Derosa,
Kriz & Saltzman, 2006)
increased ease of movement (Ruth & Kegerreis, 1992)
improved reach (Dunn & Rogers, 2000)
reduced anxiety (Kolt & McConville, 2000; Kerr, Kotynia, & Kolt, 2002)
improved mood (Netz & Lidor, 2003)
improved breathing (Saraswati, 1989, as cited in Stephens, 2000)
improved body image (Elgelid, 2005; Dunn & Rogers, 2000).
More information
Information on research and case studies can be found in the folder labelled "Feldenkrais
Research and Case Studies" in the Alan Bean Centre library (NZ).
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Although there has been no systematic research with SCI and Feldenkrais, there is a
growing body of evidence of its effectiveness. A number of rehabilitation providers have
been using it as part of the ir practice and some practitioners have provided documented
case studies of their work. What is interesting about the case studies is that many people
report improvements over 10 (and even 25) years after their injury when it is normally
presumed that SCI stabilises within two to five years of the injury.
Rehabilitation programmes
Nottwil Paraplegic Centre in Switzerland (one of the largest spinal hospitals in the world)
has been using Feldenkrais for over 10 years. According to Dr Markus Meyerhans, Head
of Psychology, it is used there to enhance body image, coordination, breathing and
stability and to reduce pain. Many clients report on the importance of the Method in their
rehabilitation and appreciate its sensitivity. Physiotherapists also notice that clients are
better able to coordinate function after a Feldenkrais lesson (personal communication,
February 2, 2007).
The Shake-A-Leg programme in Rhode Island, founded in 1982, is a holistic
rehabilitation programme designed mainly for people with SCI and related conditions.
The programme was initiated by Harry Horgan, a young man with a T5/T6 injury. Harry
offered a range of approaches that he found helpful. Among them was Feldenkrais so
Carl Ginsburg (PhD, Feldenkrais practitioner and former chemistry teacher) was invited
to join the programme. Carl has documented some of the changes that took place for
participants of the Shake-A-Leg programme (Ginsburg, 1986). For example, Providencia
recovered leg movements after 16 years in a wheelchair. Jack, who came to the
programme with strong spasms in his legs and limited use of his hands, recovered nearnormal use of his right hand and significantly reduced his spasms.
It is also part of the inpatient programme at the Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Centre (n.d.).
Case studies and documented sessions
In 1980, Carl Ginsburg published two case studies on his work with long-term paraplegia.
The first was with a woman with a complete T11/12 injury, 10 years after her injury.
With a combination of Biofeedback, Rolfing and Feldenkrais she had a reduction in
painful spasm and a return of sensation and movement in her legs and she learned to
stand. The second was with a woman with a T10 injury, also 10 years after her injury.
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With a combination of Acupuncture and Feldenkrais she regained sensation, stability and
movement in her legs (Ginsburg, 1980).
Helga Bost (Feldenkrais practitioner and
teacher) documents a case study that
takes place over five years beginning in
August 1991 with a pause in 1995/96.
During this time she worked with
Michael, with T12/L1 incomplete
paraplegia, almost 2 years after his
accident. To begin with he could walk
with two braces and two crutches but he
couldn't sense where his legs were. In
the second session, he felt more
connected to his lower spine and pelvis.
In the sixth session, he could feel where
Compressing the legs gives Michael an image of his
his right leg was. From when they
legs - and the pain diminishes
started working together, Michael
repeatedly noticed "a sudden leap in muscular coordination". At the end of the case
study, Michael is walking without crutches. He reports walking back and forth across
black ice with a bucket of hot water to remove ice from his windscreen, without feeling
unsafe (Bost, 1997).
Helga and Michael have developed a film based on their work. The film includes an
interview with Carl Ginsburg and helps to provide insights into the way the nervous
system processes information. Helga
describes the learning process on the
cover of the film - Firstly, it begins
with sensing oneself, continues with
learning to become aware of one s
movement which leads onto learning to
control the intended movement, like in
Michael's learning process." See her
website www.helgabost.de. The DVD
is available in the Alan Bean Centre
library (NZ).
Irene Lober, who translated the film into
English, is a Feldenkrais practitioner
Movement of the leg is integrated with the spine
with an SCI. Before becoming a
Feldenkrais practitioner, she learned to walk and documented her learning process in a
book "Walking in ones own feet: Paraplegia - a somatic investigation." This was first
presented as a Masters Thesis at Antioch University, San Francisco. The German version
is entitled "Auf eigenen Fen gehen - Somato-psychologische Erfahrungen einer
ehemals Querschnittsgelhmten", Der grne Zweig, 131 (ISBN 3-925817-31-X) (Helga
Bost, personal communication, August 16, 2008).
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Foster (2004) reports what she describes as a "miraculous demonstration". She observed
Gaby Yaron, a Feldenkrais practitioner, working for almost an hour with a woman with
paraplegia. Towards the end of the hour the woman, coaxed by Gaby, stood and took a
few tentative steps.
A Nottwil case study describes the experience of Lisa, a keen sportswoman, who had an
injury at T8 (ASIA A). A significant issue for her was feelings of instability ("fear of
falling"). She found that she continually toppled over when sitting and sometimes
exhausted herself performing tasks such as dressing and doing wheelchair transfers. It
also limited her ability to participate in physical activity. Interventions included
counselling, swimming, fitness training, circuit training, hippotherapy, body balance
training, repetitive training of transfers, wheelchair training, sports activities, drugs and
Feldenkrais. Of all the interventions, she felt Feldenkrais to be the most helpful with her
instability, which she felt had almost gone (Swiss Paraplegic Research, 2007).
There is documented evidence of Moshe Feldenkrais doing functional integration
sessions with people with SCI. Ginsburg (1980) reported observing Moshe working with
a woman with paralysis in 1977. At the beginning of the session the woman did not
know where her body was below the injury. During the session Moshe restored her body
image and at the end of the session she was able to move her leg. In an article by Fox
(1978) Moshe reports on a session where he restored muscle tone in the foot of a man
who had been paralysed from the neck down for 32 years.
The International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF)
North American Video library holds a video
recording (recorded in 1980) showing Moshe
completing 11 sessions over six weeks with
Ronald who, 16 years before, had sustained an
SCI after a fracture at T4. Spasticity of the legs
was a particular issue for this Ronald. During
these sessions Ronald learnt to improve his ability
to rotate to look left and right, to organise his legs
more effectively when rolling, to use his pelvis in
flexing and extending, to engage his stomach
muscles, to begin to abduct and adduct his right
leg, to stabilise his legs when prone and to
improve the connection between his neck and
Anthea finds that being able to use
spine. The spasticity in his legs was reduced,
her pelvis helps with her horseriding
proprioception was improved and functional
improvements included an improved ability to do wheelchair transfers, an improved
ability to come to stand with the standing frame, and an improved ability to stabilise
himself in sitting meant he was more able to put his shoes on and off without
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SCI Testimonials
I was amazed at how much improved physical function I acquired after having completed
the Feldenkrais training program, given that I was over 20 years post spinal cord injury at
C5 &6 with partial paralysis in all extremities.
Edward Muegge, MA(Counselling Psychology), Feldenkrais practitioner
I came to the Feldenkrais Method (in 1997) nine years after my spinal cord injury. The
Method has helped me see the intricacies of movement. Each session reveals new
possibilities that can overcome a lifetime of conditioning. It has been and continues to be
valuable to my ease in movement.
Rich McLaughlin, BA(Archaeology and Religious Studies), [email protected] Rich is
currently seeking funding to train in the method. Any information on available funding
would be much appreciated.
It never ceases to amaze me ho w after one session with Cindy, I notice dramatic
improvements in body awareness, often in places where I have little sensation or
movement. Feldenkrais should be a mandatory part of the rehabilitation process I believe.
Claire Freeman, BDesHons, PG Dip Re hab, PG Dip Mk; graphic designer, NZ Spinal
Trust, injured 1995
You feel so relaxed, and at the same time, you're doing something really good for
yourself in a physical sense.
Andrew Hall, BAgCom, CEO NZ Spinal Trust, injured 1983, www.spinaltrust.org.nz.
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Feldenkrais has made a huge difference for me. I did Feldenkrais work with a physical
therapist after having developed bilateral elbow and wrist tendinitis from computer work.
The symptoms became chronic enough for me to stop my work as a computer graphics
designer and manager in 1992.
To have gained a full sense of how my body moved and where my power was made a
huge difference. Three examples:
Given my T12-L1 level, I have full use of my hips. When I do transfers into and out of
the wheelchair, I now use my trunk and hips while rotating my body, rather than doing
it mostly from the arms and shoulders.
When I open a door, likewise, I don't just use my triceps to pull with my arm, but
rotate my trunk.
When I push my chair, I involve my trunk much more.
After doing the Feldenkrais work in 1993, people noticed the difference in how I was
using my body as I pushed. I share your view that it has much to offer people with SCI.
Gary Karp, BArch; Guest Speaker, NZ Spinal Conference (2000); Speaker; Author;
Trainer, injured 1973
In the beginning, I was surprised that unexpected movements were possible again.
Important for me, above all, was to learn to feel myself once more, although I have a
complete loss of sensation. I could feel once more my feet and legs through pressure,
movement, warmth and the orientation of my legs in space.
In the session, I could feel myself whole again, as Helga gave me an impulse for
organisation to stand, compressing from the foot to the head. And because of that, the
pain diminished. (Translated from German)
Michael Willems, Marpingen, Germany
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I had experience with Feldenkrais prior to rolling my car and sustaining the C5-6 spinal
cord injury. I was able to call upon its basic premise, that of bringing awareness to the
parts of the body where the energies are blocked or stagnant, feeling from the inside-out
and the outside- in.
From the beginning, even though I
was paralyzed from the shoulders
down, I could feel the difference in
my right and left sides energetically.
Feldenkrais work assisted my bodys
cellular knowing, allowing what was
ordered in my left side to inform my
right side. The consistent patterning
practice of Feldenkrais, whether the
movement was a visualization or
actual hands on work with a
practitioner, enabled my body to keep
reclaiming more of itself.
I have being using Feldenkrais for almost a year now and as a result have a new
awareness of my body which I feel not only benefits my wellbeing but also helps with my
posture and balance.
Hamish Ramsden, BAgCom; company administrator; Spinal Network News Editorial
Team Member; C5/6 tetraplegia; injured 1994
I really enjoy working with Cindy and her ideas make a lot of sense to meI found that
over the course of our sessions I noticed improvements in awareness and sensation
I have adopted Cindys techniques into my daily routine and believe as a result they
relieve my pain and spasm, keep my body supple, and increase the potential of recovering
sensation so much more than if I was to neglect these techniques.
I totally recommend the ideas and techniques that Cindy offers.
Johnny Bourke, Psychology student, Massey University; Spinal Network News Editorial
Team Member; initial diagnosis - C4/5 ASIA A
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as the changing position of the arm shifts the centre of balance. All these actions are
sequenced in a timely manner to enable coordination of this component of eating ice
If the amount of learning required to perform this action sounds overwhelming, take
heart. Many of the components of bringing the spoon to the mouth are also involved in
other functions such as brushing your hair, using a computer or operating a wheelchair
(power or manual). The task of the practitioner is to facilitate your learning of these
Introducing new movement options
Generally after SCI, when the condition has stabilised, people move in the same way,
from thereon in, without knowing that they have other options. For example, they may
not be aware that they have the capability of sliding the shoulder blade down whilst the
collarbone rolls up, thus enabling the upper arm to supinate. The Feldenkrais practitioner
introduces new possibilities to the client.
In time these new possibilities become
part of the client's repertoire.
Often I find that as a new movement
becomes part of the client's repertoire,
proprioception and kinaesthesia expand.
For example, teaching a client to
articulate the shoulder and roll the upper
arm, can lead to increased awareness of
the shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand.
Teaching a client to move the pelvis can
lead to increased awareness of the legs.
Modifying the image of movement
Often (in the absence of SCI) an inability to move is perceived as a structural issue (at the
site of the joint or muscle) over which one has no voluntary control. For example the
inability to move the leg in relation to the pelvis may be thought to be due to stiffness in
the hip joint or tightness in the hamstrings. Attempts to remedy this include stretching or
using various forms of bodywork to release muscles or manipulate joints. This does not
address the fact that the tightness or stiffness is a consequence of an inaccurate image of
how to perform movements. Our actions do not match our intentions if our self- image
and image of the action is inaccurate. By changing our self- image and the way we move,
we reduce the tightness in the muscle. A study assessing the ability of able-bodied
participants to lengthen the hamstring muscles using Feldenkrais found Feldenkrais to be
significantly more effective than stretching (Stephens et al, 2006).
Modifying habitual responses
In the presence of SCI, the inability to move is frequently perceived as a consequence of
messages not getting through the damaged spinal cord. This may not always be the case.
The inability to move may be a consequence of the way in which one is attempting the
movements. For example, every time you try and move using the agonist muscle, the
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antagonist muscle may be activated simultaneously, thus restricting the movement of the
joint. This may be a consequence of how the brain is processing information. The cocontractions of agonist and antagonist muscles are a habitual response. Often this
response is initially triggered as a result of injury or disruption to the central nervous
system (e.g. pain, SCI, stroke) and, with repeated attempts to perform the movement,
becomes habitual.
Common ways of trying to overcome co-contractions of agonist and antagonist muscles
is to apply more effort, i.e. work the agonist muscle harder. This causes the antagonist
muscle to work harder in response thus limiting any gains in movement.
The Feldenkrais practitioner has a number of ways of facilitating the clients ability to
modify the ir habitual response. For example, they may change the client s orientation in
space and teach them to move the hip joint in a different way. One way is to move the
trunk against the leg, rather than the leg against the trunk. Thus we have "tricked the
brain", the habitual response is not triggered and the hip joint is no longer so "stiff".
Enhancing kinaesthetic awareness
A key feature of the Method is enhancing awareness of how you move. As Moshe
Feldenkrais said "How can you change what you're doing if you don't know what you're
When we lose the ability to perform a function such as eating a bowl of ice cream, we
often end up contracting muscles that, rather than supporting the function, interfere with
it. Clients are encouraged to pay close attention to the kinaesthetic experience of how
they move. With the help of the practitioner, they can discover how they interfere with
For example, one of the ways that
people tend to interfere with the
sliding of the shoulder blade over the
ribs is to contract the muscles around
the shoulder blade, thus inhibiting
the movement of the shoulder blade.
Another way that people interfere
with the function of eating ice cream
is by co-contracting muscles around
the chest which inhibits the
movement of the shoulder. One of
the roles of the Feldenkrais practitioner is to help the client become more aware of how
they are interfering with the function.
In order to know that one is inhibiting the sliding of the shoulder blade, one may first
need to know or feel the position of the shoulder blade and how it moves. Feldenkrais
practitioners spend many years learning how to touch and move their clients so that
proprioception and kinaesthesia are heightened.
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This quality of attention produces results. Often, I have heard clients make comments
such as "when other people touch my foot it spasms, but when you touch it I can feel it"
or "when other people move my leg it spasms, but when you move it I can feel it
Feldenkrais lessons are in themselves rewarding and a key principle of the Method is a
focus on pleasure. When movement has become a source of pain, involves a lot of effort
or is impossible, it is a relief to once again feel that movement can be pleasurable and
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Alexander, M. (n.d.) Mark Alexander argues that the standard approach to strength and
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