Homeopathy Families

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Getting Started

Families is a computer program designed to guide you towards those families of remedies most indicated in your cases. Using whatever case
information you provide Families will analyse, match and determine which homeopathic families seem most similar to the case.
No repertory and no materia medica are used. Families operates directly on the data you supply either the themes that you have determined
after analysing a case or even a full case transcript. Underpinning all that Families does is a comprehensive database of words and expressions
for many homeopathic families and miasms.
Due thanks, credit and acknowledgement must be given to the two homeopathic pioneers in this field whose work provided the basis, framework
and inspiration for Families:

Jan Scholten for providing modern homeopathy with a system of understanding and using the elements and minerals represented in the
periodic table.

Rajan Sankaran for his unique insights, initially into Plant families and Miasms and more recently with Minerals and Animals.

Thanks are also due to other teachers whose devotion to this subject continue to inspire and provide valuable information for us to apply in our
Frans Vermeulen, Massimo Mangliavori, Roger Morrision, Harry van der Zee, Patricia Le Roux and Jayesh Shah.
Several aspects of Families are unique, for example:

Use of information from many different homeopathic teachers

Analysis of case data without the need to mark or prepare the data before

Fully featured word processor built right in so you can type your cases directly into Families (and save them as Word documents for use
No use of Repertory or even Materia Medica Families works from the case straight to the families
Automatic leading remedies analysis
Advanced analysis techniques to balance analysis results across Kingdom and Family

I am sure these new techniques will be refined over time with your help and input. I am happy to offer this Families software to the profession as
a useful tool with which to explore homeopathic families and to select remedies using the families approach.
David Witko DIHom. RSHom (Hon)
Designer of Families. Homeopath.
Installing Families
Families simply installs into its own folder on your computers hard disk. Until permanently activated Families runs in trial mode (see next section)
The only requirement to run Families is the presence of Microsofts DotNet Framework v1.1. This may already be on your computer if others
applications use it if not then it will be installed during the Families installation.
Trial Period
Families will run for 14 days from this first use. During this time you have access to all the features of Families, including the Sankaran specific
analysis and book materials.
At the end of the trial period you must purchase a licence to continue your use of Families. Simply click the Buy button to purchase and activate
When purchasing you can either buy the basic Families system which excludes the Sankaran books and materials or you can buy the entire
system including all of the Sankaran books for your on-screen convenience.
You must purchase a license for each computer you wish to run Families on.

The Families database contains information published by many homeopathic authors primarily Scholten, Sankaran, Vermeulen, Mangliavori,
Morrision, van der Zee, Le Roux and Shah.
There are 2 distinct parts of the Families system. The first and main part uses all of this information from all authors.
The second part of Families is a system that works in the way that Rajan Sankaran uses families and miasms. Should you purchase and use the
Sankaran System with Families then only data supplied by Rajan will be used for analysis purposes when you use the Sankaran System.
The Sankaran System also provides the following 4 Sankaran publications::

Sankaran Schema 2005 (displayed as a full colour PDF file)

Miasm Charts
Sensations (2 volume work)
Insights (2 volume work)

The text of the latter two may also be searched simply type in a word or expression into the Find box provided at the top of the display to step
through every match.
Using Families
Follow these simple steps to using Families:
Entering your case information
In the opening screen either:

Type in the themes of your case or

Type or paste in a verbatim case transcript or
From within ISIS Vision click the Families icon on any clipboard (every word in every rubric will be loaded into Families automatically).
Although Families is a stand-alone program (and works as a great adjunct to any other homeopathic program), if you have ISIS
Vision then you can transport rubrics straight from ISIS Vision into Families to be analysed

Optionally add further notes if you wish and use the shortcut insertion text provided

Insertion Text
Saving Cases
Wen you save any data typed into Families it is saved in Microsoft Word format. This means you can open the case data in Word or any other
application that is compatible with Word.
Decide whether to use Synonyms (on is the default in the toolbar). Synonyms are very useful especially if you type in the exact words of the
patient. Having synonyms set on makes sure that you get the best match to the themes of the families.
Click the Analyse button
Review the Kingdom chart offered. See if it confirms what you already feel from the case. If one kingdom is very highly represented this is very
important and can help clarify your thinking. As an example if the words indicate a Mineral case focus in on the Minerals chart to see which
families are the most similar to the case.
Examine the Miasms chart if you like working with the 10 miasms.
Plants, Minerals, Animal, Other
Examine each of the individual kingdom charts to see the leading families. Cliock on any bar or conme to see the themes of that family and which
themes are present in the current case.
Families Comparative Chart
Click the Families globe in the centre of the screen and view a special Families chart which shows you all families/kingdoms on the same
screen for comparative purposes. Visually see which families are the leaders. Left click any family to view the feeling or sensation of the
family and those remedies within the family
Click the Remedies button and Families will show those remedies having most similarity to the case based on the family data and optionally
miasmatic analysis. The miasmatic factor is initially disabled as many of our remedies do not yet have an accepted miasmatic affiliation. Simply
disable the setting in the check box provided to utilise miasms in the analysis.

Click the mouse on any remedy to see which families and miasm in the current case this remedy is associated with..
Sankaran Module
If you wish to use only Sankaran specific data then click the Sankaran globe in the centre of the screen. An analysis will be provided that ranks
Miasms and Families and then tries to cross these to show you the matching remedies (where understood by Rajan). Access to the 4 Sankaran
publications is available on this screen.
Contact Us
For more information and to read our FAQ for Families please visit our website
Problems? Email : [email protected]
Miccant Homeopathic Software

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