During Recruitment Job Specifications and Job Descriptions Information Is Provided To The Applicant Pool

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Factors effect on Job Satisfaction

Organizational Reward:
Rewards play a vital role in determining the significant performance in job and it is positively
associated with the process of motivation.there are two factors which determine how much a
reward is attractive, first is the amount of reward which is given and the second is the weightage
an individual gives to a certain reward. Good managers recognize people by doing things that
acknowledge their accomplishments and they reward people by giving them something
tangible. Fair chances of promotion according to employees ability and skills make employee
more loyal to their work and become a source of pertinent workability for the employee.when
employees experience success in mentally challenging occupations which allows them to
exercise their skills and abilities, they experience greater levels of job satisfaction. Incentives,
rewards and recognition are the key parameters of todays motivation programs according to
most of the organizations as these bind the success factor with the employees performance.
promotions create the opportunity for personal growth, increased levels of responsibility and an
increase on social standing. Similarly, the recognition which is a central point towards employee
motivation adores an employee through appreciation and assignsa status at individual level in
addition to being an employee of the organization. the factor in Fortune best companies which
discriminates companies from the others is recognition that is the most important factor of their
reward system. the conditional recognition is that type of recognition which one has to earn by
his own efforts and which is gained by some sense of achievement of an action or result.
Employees are definitely closer to their organization as their job can become the major
satisfaction in their life after having a proper rewards and recognition at their job. Rewards
enhance the level of productivity and performance at job whether its a first time performance or
repeated activity at the job in a progressive way. consistently found that intrinsic motivation is
conducive to producing creative work, while extrinsic motivation is unfavorable to producing
creative work. new model of knowledge-sharing motivation which provides suggestion for
designing five important human resource management (HRM) practices including staffing, job
design, performance and compensation systems, managerial styles and training. there is a
statistically significant relationship between reward and recognition respectively, also motivation
and satisfaction. The study revealed that if rewards or recognition offered to employees were to

be altered, then there would be a corresponding change in work motivation and satisfaction
rewards offered by organizations may have a powerful impact on employees attitudes towards
their jobs and the company for which they work. Hence in this context, it is vital to distinguish
between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are inherent to job or they exist within
the job itself such as variety, challenge and autonomy. Extrinsic rewards on the other hand
include pay and fringe benefits, promotion or advancement opportunities within organizations,
social aspect and workplace conditions.

During recruitment job specifications and job descriptions information is provided to the
applicant pool. Applicants who feel fit for the job would apply for the posted job description and
specification. Detailed job information indicating high valence and high expectancy would
inspire talented applicant pools to apply though it might inhibit less qualified applicants from
applying. If too much information is provided to the applicant and there is a perceived mismatch
between the job information and the actual job activities then it may lead to job discontent. Job
discontent is the feeling of missing something from being complete on the job.
The process of obtaining the right manpower requirement, desired qualification levels, expected
competency and experience base, from the various organizational departments is an important
step in the recruitment of employees. The ability to gauge the labor market for targeting and
employing is another important step. The know-how and experience of HR professionals and the
processes they adopt has been seen to have a strong bearing on the recruitment and selection
process. Job performance and job satisfaction are related and if the manpower planning is not
appropriate then it will affect the performance and in turn the job satisfaction of the employees.
The potential recruit and the HR manager and other relevant managers interact with each other in
the interview process. This interaction platform provides both first hand and close understanding
of each other. The understanding gained in this interaction helps in figuring out the suitability of
the candidate by the organization and the person job-fit by the individual. The selection process
thus ensures a better fit between the employee expectations and the employment environment in
the organization. An academic study attempted to explore the relationship between the
recruitment practices with job discontent and job pleasure. organizations have to strengthen their
selection process to attract the most suitable potential applicant for employment. A robust job

selection process helps in augmenting the job satisfaction of employees this is because a good
experience in job selection process stays with the individual and thus is a healthy beginning for a
congenial job experience. This research also indicates that job information plays a significant
role in the recruitment process. Adequate job information sets the tone regarding what is
expected from the individual as an employee. And thus this has a bearing on job satisfaction and
job discontent.

Many studies were conducted to examine the relationship between job satisfaction between
leadership and job satisfaction.When the studies are examined, it is deduced that the leadership
styles have a crucial impact on job satisfaction. The compatibility level of leader and workers is
one of the most essential factor on job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.A leader who had
participative leadership feature , failed to improve the company. The company stayed in the same
point for a long time and couldnt show any headway. Furthermore, it was revealed that, such
kind of leadership behaviour decreased the job satisfaction, increased worker turnover and
shortened the range of burnout. In corresponding this, the managers supportive behaviour on
labour and prefer clearness in communication affect performance of workers in a positive
way.The companies which possess leader managers in those charasteristics have an improvement
on job satisfaction. Workers want their managers to be the leader ones.The job dissatisfaction
appears when there is a gap between the workers expectation of leadership features and the the
ones manager have.The job satisfaction level increases when the gap between the workers
expectation of leadership charesteristics and the the ones manager has declines when the
leadership styles which workers expect from the managers and the managers exhibit bocame
closer each other, it was observed that, the job satisfaction level became higher and the
leadership styles that affect job satisfaction are respectively ; participative, instrumental,
achievement-oriented and supportive leadership. Managers leadership behaviors which they
exhibit within an organization enables the existence of clear communication between leader and
workers.This situation provides getting rid of job stress within the organization of workers and
supply an organizational environment helping to promote performance of employee.As a
consequence job pleasure of workers increases and workers turnover level decreases However,
on the case that the workers are not contended with their leaders, job dissatisfaction appears and

their organizational relationship decrease.Thus, in such casesthe worker turnover increases,

burnout level rises and behaviours such as sabotage are to be seen

the tripartite affect of personality on job satisfaction. They asserted that, the cognitive component
of personality influenced how individuals interpret characteristics of their jobs; the affective
component influences individuals mood at work; and the behavioral component operates
through job performance. The present study examined this relationship using the core selfevaluation (CSE) theory of personality. CSE, which composes of four bi-polar personality traits
(self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, emotional stability, and locus of control). The theory
holds that individuals with positive CSE are likely to be satisfied with their jobs because they do
not focus on negative factors or experiences. Conversely, individuals with negative CSE are
more likely to be dissatisfied because they are highly sensitive to bad experiences and perceive
the workplace more negatively self-esteem is the extent to which individuals like or dislike
themselves and believe that they are worthy or unworthy as a person affects job satisfaction.selfesteem plays a significant role in how individuals perceive and respond to content in their lives.
Individuals with high self-esteem are governed by self-enhancing motives. They are much like
optimists because they expect positive outcomes, but also have the mental capacity to repair bad
moods quickly when negative outcomes do occur. Individuals with low self-esteem, on the other
hand, are governed by self-protective motives. They expect negative outcomes to occur and tend
to psychologically prepare themselves for disappointment. Their disposition is based on their
retrospection on negative experiences and as such they are prone to feeling negative emotions.
Even more, individuals with high self-esteem view challenging jobs as deserved opportunities to
master and benefit from, whereas individuals with low self-esteem are more likely to view them
as undeserved opportunities or chances to fail. An individuals with high self-esteem have
confidence in their ability to overcome adversity. They maintain positive outlooks and tend to
ignore or deny negative or threatening information. These studies suggest that self-esteem should
be related to job satisfaction, as individuals with high self-esteem are optimistic about work
outcomes, cope well with stressful situations, and are less sensitive to negative experiences due
to this they play major role in job satisfaction.

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