Research Proposal 1. Title of The Study

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1. Title of the study

A study on motivational climate in AMUL and job satisfaction among

middle level managers at AMUL, Anand.

2. Significance of the title

Against the background of increasing local and global

competitiveness, it is crucial for any organisation, particularly for those
in developing countries with limited skills resources, to ensure that it
consistently develops and retains a loyal, committed and able
workforce. This presupposes employees who are satisfied with the
work that they do and with the culture of the organisation that they are
employed by and who are consequently motivated to continue
their relationship with that organisation. Certain needs and motives
experienced by employees are indicative of their energy and dynamism
while at work, such as their need for achievement and power, their
level of activity under pressure and the extent to which they are
motivated by a competitive environment. people are motivated by
challenging tasks and by the sense that their abilities are being
stretched directly impacts on the job satisfaction that they experience.
People are motivated by their objectives and goals ,goal involvement
and goal attainment have also been shown to be positively related to
job satisfaction. These results are explained by the contribution that
achievement makes towards a person’s self-esteem, which reinforces
his or her sense of contributing towards an organisation. A need for
achievement is often linked to a need for power in the workplace and
it has been shown that power is a significant predictor of job
satisfaction for those workers who are motivated by it. Another
dimension of work motivation relates to the synergy that people
experience between their motivational drive system and the
characteristics of their work environment. This includes the extent to
which they are motivated by opportunities for interaction at work, by
praise and tangible recognition, by the synergy between their own and
the organisation’s values and principles, by their need for job security
and by their need for opportunities for continual growth and
development. The need for security is one of the most basic needs. Job
security refers specifically to one’s expectations about continuity in
a job situation and extends to concern over loss of desirable
job features, such as promotion opportunities and working
Conditions. This variable has been shown to be an important
Predictor of job satisfaction. Studies have also shown that many
employees experience job satisfaction because their affiliation
needs are being satisfied to some extent at work. Needs related to the
self and higher-order needs that affect job satisfaction include
the recognition of performance and opportunities for training and
development that satisfy the need for self-actualisation.The intrinsic
motivation dimension refers to an increase in motivation corresponding
with meaningful and stimulating work, flexible structures and
procedures, and an adequate level of autonomy. Literature shows a
positive relationship between job satisfaction and the need to perform
jobs that are challenging and that provide variety, interest and
stimulation .Literature also shows that repetitive jobs lead to lower
levels of job satisfaction. Autonomous activity is an innate need
experienced by many people and scope for greater self-regulation in a
work context leads to greater job satisfaction. An employee’s perceived
control over his or her own work was also found to moderate the
relationship between levels of motivation and job satisfaction
experienced. The extrinsic motivation dimension is represented by
aspects such as the need for financial reward, positive promotion
prospects, and position and status. Extrinsic rewards provided
by an organisation are those that are tangible and visible
to others. A significant positive correlation has been found
between the extent to which people are motivated by financial
reward and their level of satisfaction with the work. Praise and
recognition seem to be valued more by senior employees. This
represents the affirmation of an individual’s self-worth, which is also
represented by the positive relationship between position and status as
motivators and the experience of job satisfaction. Many employees,
especially highly achievement-orientated people, are strongly
motivated by opportunities for promotion. This has been shown to
improve job satisfaction significantly From the aforegoing, it is clear
that the realisation of personal and job-related characteristics that
motivate an individual is related to increased job satisfaction. It was
therefore hypothesized that the different dimensions of motivation
representing these characteristics are positively related to job
3. Objectives

 To study the mapping of motivational practices used in

workplaces that affect job satisfaction.
 To study the relation between motivational climate and job
satisfaction in the organization

4. Hypothesis
 There is significant relationship between employee motivation
and job satisfaction
 There is no significant difference between personal variable
and Motivational climate & job-satisfaction among the

5. Universe
All the employees at managerial level of the organization

6. Sampling Method
Random sampling method would be selected by applying chit method

7. Sample Size
The sample size will 80 respondents.

8. Variables under study:

Variables for the present study are as follows:

Independent variables

1. Age
2. Education
3. Income
4. Experiences

Dependent variables

A study on motivational climate in AMUL and job satisfaction among

middle level managers at AMUL, Anand.

9. Research Design

Present study is descriptive in value as researcher want to know the

detail aspect of a study on motivational climate and job-satisfaction

10. Tools of Data Collection

A Questionnaire is to be used as a tool for data collection which
consisted of both closed-ended Questionnaires. It is a structured
questionnaire prepared by Uday Parikh

11. Data Management

Data management will be done in the form of frequency and
percentile distributions if needed statistical inference would be

12. Operational definitions

Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals.

In the field of organizational studies and management which
describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values
(personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has been defined
as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by
people and groups in an organization and that control the way they
interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her

13. Chapterisation

1) Introduction:
2) Review Of Literature
3) Research Methodology
4) Research setting
5) Data Analysis and Interpretation.
6) Major findings, Conclusion and suggestions
7) Reference
a) Appendix
b) Bibliography
c) Questionnaires

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