LotteryAR2013 English

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The report discusses the California Lottery's sales, funding amounts provided to education, and strategies used to increase sales and funding.

The California Lottery achieved a record $4.45 billion in total sales for the 2012-2013 fiscal year, an increase of $80 million over the previous year. It generated $1.28 billion for education, representing the 13th consecutive year of providing over $1 billion.

The California Lottery joined Powerball in November 2012 and experienced record sales after the first ticket was sold in April 2013. It also increased prize payouts on certain games as allowed by legislation to boost sales and funding.

We are the






Lottery Again
Breaks Sales Record in
Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Financial Highlights
Looking Ahead to Fiscal
Year 2013-2014 at the
California Lottery

In the 20112012 Fiscal Year, the California

than one billion dollars to state schools.

Lottery was proud to achieve its greatest-

And through the efforts of our staff, we

ever fiscal year in terms of total sales. We

know that while the amount is only about

also continued our tradition of sending to

1.3 percent of educations overall budget,

our public schools and universities, our

these dollars help schools in real ways.

sole beneficiaries, needed supplemental

We achieved a record sales year

funding they use every day for critical

by continuing to use the provisions of

educational programs. A large part of the

Assembly Bill 142, which was passed by

$4.37 billion the Lottery generated in

the Legislature and signed into law by the

sales during Fiscal Year 20112012 can

Governor in 2010. The measure allows

be attributed to the record-breaking

the California Lottery Commission to set

$656 million Mega Millions jackpot which

prize payouts at levels it deems to best

World Lottery Association

Level 3 Certification

spurred tremendous sales. We didnt quite

increase sales, which in turn allows us

have a jackpot like that in Fiscal Year

to generate more funds for California

20122013, so how could we possibly

schools. So far its working exactly as

Large Jackpots,
Bigger Winners!

break our sales record? Well, we just did.

it was designed. The games we have

And we did it with the support of our

control over Scratchers products,

players, vendors and 21,000-plus retailers,

as well as our Daily Games category

as well as our hard-working Lottery staff.

all performed above expectations. The

Lottery Funding
Delivers Again!

Comes to California
Promotions, Promotions
and More Promotions!
Digital Media
Program Launch
21,000+ Retail
Locations and Growing

At the end of June 2013 we had achieved

sales of our $5 and $10 Scratchers tickets

$4.45 billion in total sales an increase of

helped increase our Scratchers sales by

$80 million over the last fiscal year. While

eight percent for the year.

the amount generated for our beneficiary

Another highlight of 20122013 that

came up slightly short of our record

helped increase our sales was when

$1.32 billion amount from last year,

the California Lottery officially joined

the $1.28 billion we did generate will

Powerball, our second multi-state game.

undoubtedly be welcomed by the

After years of careful study, the Lottery

thousands of parents, teachers and

Commission unanimously approved

administrators throughout the Golden

joining the popular game back in

State. This amount represents the 13th

November 2012. We sold our first ticket

consecutive year the Lottery has sent more

the morning of April 8 and experienced

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Thank you for your continued support.

The rest of this report highlights our
achievements. We hope you see why we
are proud of our work this past year.

record sales from that point forward.

and pay out just under $2.7 billion in prizes

fiscal year. Its going to take a lot of

With increased sales and new, higher

to our loyal customers. Our retailers

effort, but we just put forward a new

prize payout games on the market, there

many of them small businesses in our

three-year strategic plan that will serve

were more big winners than ever before.

state received more than $300 million

as a road map for future plans, growth

Ronald Willis of Riverside won a $120

in commissions and bonuses for selling

and direction. All this has been carefully

million Mega Millions jackpot. The Agnite

our products. For instance, when Mr. Willis

thought out because we want to be the

family won a $52 million jackpot after

won his $120 million, the 7-Eleven in

most successful lottery in the nation. We

purchasing their ticket in Fremont a

Riverside where he bought his ticket

are a lottery that is single-minded in its

truly great story made even better by the

received a $600,000 bonus just for selling

focus to maximize supplemental dollars

fact that we had to release a surveillance

the big winner! And Kwik Stop, located at

for public schools and our children while

photo to find them in the first place! And,

3157 Walnut Avenue in Fremont, received

simultaneously protecting our players

scores of other Californians became

a $260,000 bonus when the Agnites won

interests and the integrity of our games.

millionaires thanks to new games with

$52 million.

Its a tall order, but when we all work

higher prize payouts. In short, people

In short, it was a great year for the

were winning big every day.

California Lottery. Each year that passes,

It wasnt just our players and California

higher, and I know that weve got a team

Year 20122013, even though we did

in place that will help us continue to keep

create more millionaires than ever before

growing to new heights in the current

More than one billion

dollars to state schools

able to achieve.

we continue to raise the bar that much

schools that came up big winners in Fiscal

$4.45 billion in
total sales

together theres no telling what well be

Scratchers sales
by eight percent

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Ronald Willis won a

$120 million Mega
Millions jackpot

PAULA D. LABRIE | Acting Director

Officially joined

The Agnite family

won a $52 million

Financial Highlights
Prize expenses

FY 2012/2013

28 Years

$ 2,652,095,102

$ 39,273,355,122

Retailer compensation


$ 4,913,873,412

$ 3,744,476,505

Direct costs


$ 1,659,429,304


$ 3,371,173,483

Operating expenses


$ 3,332,809,076


$ 2,230,506,068



$ 4,361,389,604

Less bartered
operating expenses

Hot Spot



$ 9,905,820,182

Daily Derby



Total administrative

Daily 4



Total sales

$ 4,445,874,040

$ 74,551,691,468

$ 1,215,815,313

$ 24,726,035,658

Allocation of investment

Operating income
to education

Total sales and portfolio


$ 4,445,874,040

Interest Income



Administrative Savings



Unclaimed Prizes



Other Income



Less bartered
operating expenses



Total to education

$ 1,284,370,779


FY 2012-2013

28 Years


$ 3,010,119,929

$ 34,347,025,165

Total prize expenses

SuperLotto Plus


$ 25,597,740,607

Administrative expenses



Mega Millions


Fantasy 5

Daily 3



$ 74,613,074,630

* As required by law, each year an independent accounting firm audits the California Lotterys financial
statements. KPMG LLP conducted an independent audit of the Lotterys annual financial statements
and issued an unqualified opinion on those statements as of and for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2013. The State Controllers Office and other independent accounting firms also audit various
aspects of the Lotterys operations. For a copy of the audited financial statements, contact the
California Lottery Communications Office, 700 North 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. For
comprehensive financial information about the California Lottery, log on to


Revenue to education

$ 26,631,173,178

How Your Lottery

Dollar is Spent
The following graphic breaks down
how the Lottery spends the more
than $4 billion that it brings in
every year.

28.4 operating income to education

59.7 prizes

6.8 retailer costs

3.4 operating expenses
1.7 game costs

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Looking Ahead to
Fiscal Year 2013-2014
at the California Lottery
The Lottery had another record-breaking

In June 2013, the California Lottery

year of sales in the 20122013 Fiscal Year.

Commission approved a new three-year

To continue to grow and reach new

Strategic Growth Plan for the California

heights, were looking at every aspect

Lottery. Included in that plan are a

of our business to see where

of our business to see where we can

number of different areas where the

improve practices and be even more

Lottery can achieve growth, and thus,

we can improve practices

efficient and effective.

contribute even more supplemental

and be even more efficient

dollars for California public schools

and effective.

Looking ahead to Fiscal Year 2013

2014, a number of focus areas have been

Were looking at every aspect

and universities. Among them:

discussed that should help us meet all our

sales goals.

Offering $5 and $10

Scratchers games, as
well as our first-ever
$20 Scratchers ticket

A revised Mega Millions

game offering more lower-tier
prize winners and
a higher starting
jackpot amount

A well thought-out
and aggressive retailer
recruitment plan

An expanded
Hot Spot game

Expansion of the
Lotterys Corporate
Social Responsibility

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Building on our social

media efforts to
strengthen our
status as the
#1 Lottery in
the nation for
social media

An upgraded Second
Chance Program including
a player loyalty program

More events and promotions

to help attract new
players and
retain existing

Better customer
service through an
upgraded IVR
system and
an expanded
Call Center

Other upgrades to
various departments
and systems within
the Lottery


Lottery Funding Delivers Again!

California Lottery Funding Update

educational programs. Now, watch Lottery

Varied Uses, All Equally Important

The California Lottery really has one goal

TV and witness for yourself how those

Unlike other forms of public school

and one goal only: provide supplemental

enhancement dollars go to work on

funding, Lottery supplemental funding

funding to state public schools, colleges

campuses across the state, impacting

allows for greater local control over how

and universities. We are proud to say

students and our neighborhoods.

that we have, once again, come through

on our commitment. For the 13th year in
a row, the California Lottery was able to
contribute more than one billion dollars
to support public education in California.
That was $1.28 billion in supplemental
funds this fiscal year alone. Along with
our hard-working staff, we can attribute
this success to the continued popularity
of our Scratchers tickets, the addition
of the multi-state Powerball game and,
of course, the renewed excitement it
generated for us. All this helped us
achieve this milestone and celebrate as
schools receive this critical funding for

Who Benefits
You dont have to go far to see this Lottery
funding in action. As it arrives each quarter,
the money is divided between every single
public school in the state. That includes
K-12, community colleges, UC, CSU, and
other specialized districts from every
social and economic setting imaginable.
From rural schools to inner-city schools,
even schools within the confines of the
California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation Lottery funding is there.
The way these schools utilize this funding
is varied too.

its used. Educators tell us they know

exactly what their schools need, so they
can use their Lottery funding to better
target those specific issues. Glenwood
Elementary School in Sacramento
purchased plastic pencil boxes loaded
with supplies for each of its students, the
vast majority of whom come from lower
income families. When you give them a
colored pencil or a crayon its amazing
how you can see their work just come to
life. They get so motivated and they want
to do more, said Sara Henderson, the
schools intervention specialist. E.C.
Reems Charter School is in one of
Oaklands toughest neighborhoods.

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013



For the 13th year in a row,

the California Lottery was
able to contribute more than
one billion dollars to support
public education in California.

Show me the Money!

programs. With that in mind, weve

Weve captured many more school use

devoted a large display case at our

stories, and we encourage you to view

Headquarters Building in Sacramento

these Education Funding reports on

just for that purpose. The Lotterys

the "Happenings" section of our public

They were finally able to stock their

library with books using their Lottery
money, while Luther Burbank Middle
School used their funds to print what
they call consumable books. Natomas
Prep spent some of their funds on

Imagination in Education art display

website, as well as the California Lottery

program was developed to showcase a

YouTube channel. Check out the links

wide variety of award-winning artwork

above! If youre wondering how much

from California students. Weve seen

money your particular school receives

sculptures, ceramics, photography,

from the Lottery every quarter, you can

digital media and graphics. You name

look that up on our How Much Money

it. If you know of a school in California

page under the Giving Back tab.

that has a great art program and would

be willing to have their student artwork

Advanced Placement books, while one

Supporting Student Art

on display, let us know and wed love to

school in Stockton wired their school for

The Lottery is always on the lookout for

speak with them! We always want our

their growing computer lab. All campuses

more ways to support public schools and

lobby to look good, and what better way

have specific needs for their student

their accomplishments. One way weve

to do that than to show-off the best of

populations. We at the California Lottery

done that is by recognizing the outstanding

California public school talent! Send

are proud to do our part, as modest as

artistic abilities of kids all across the state.

us an email at [email protected] and

it may be.

Lets face it, some of the first programs

put Student Artwork in the subject line.

on the cutting block are music and arts

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013


We use every nickel we can get.

We are grateful for Lottery funding.
Jacqueline Cloud, Principal, Johanna Boss High School, Stockton, CA

We try to use everything that we can to give

students the best possible experience in the class.
Marthaa Torres, Principal, Thurgood Marshall Academic High School, San Francisco, CA

When kids are talking, when theyre discussing

the assignment, when theyre discussing the
materials that theyre usingtheyre engaged!
Dr. Brian ORourke, Principal, Luther Burbank Middle School, Burbank, CA

Lottery supplemental funding is helping us keep

up with the times and make sure our students have
modern tools such as laptops at their disposal.
Catherine Real, Principal, Diamond Bar High School, Diamond Bar, CA

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

World Lottery Association

Level 3 Certification
The California Lotterys responsible

Responsible Gambling

gaming efforts are underscored by our

In an effort to continuously improve

prestigious Level 3 Certification from

its Responsible Gaming programs,

the World Lottery Association (WLA),

the California State Lottery placed

awarded to us in July 2011. As one of

advertisements in four major California

only two U.S. lotteries to hold this

regional newspapers during this years

designation, the Lottery has started

National Problem Gambling Awareness

programs to ensure the highest

Week in the first week of March.

standards of consumer protection and

Additionally, the California Lottery

security while taking all reasonable

displayed English and Spanish Point

measures to prevent problem and

of Sale (POS) messaging at Lottery

compulsive gambling.

retailers across the state to increase

As a WLA member, the California

Lottery promotes responsible gaming in

the awareness of problem gambling.

This year the California Lottery received

This year the California

Lottery received the
Responsible Gambling
Award from the Office
of Problem Gambling.

This Contributions:
year the California

all aspects of its activities, including the

the Responsible Gambling Award from



development, sale and marketing of its

the Office of Problem Gambling for the


Six public service

products and activities. Together with

Lotterys strong and continued support

the engagement of our stakeholders,

of related programs that include the

that were
the Office

the Lottery delivers responsible play

1-800-GAMBLER Hotline; the production

practices and encourages a positive

of six public service announcements that

impact on the environment.

were translated into 12 languages;

participation in the annual Problem
Gambling Awareness Month; and, joining

12 languages

of Problem Gambling.
Participation in the annual Problem
Gambling Awareness Month
Promote problem gambling

forces with other state agencies to

promote problem gambling awareness.

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013


Top 10 Largest

Large Jackpots,
Bigger Winners!

Fiscal Year 2012-2013


$120 million
Riverside, Mega Millions

$33 million | Massoud and Homeira Ardalan

$52 million
Fremont, Mega Millions
$35 million
Bellflower, Mega Millions
$33 million
Walnut Creek
SuperLotto Plus
$30.5 million
Fresno, SuperLotto Plus
$23 million
South San Francisco
SuperLotto Plus
$15 million
Walnut, SuperLotto Plus
$14 million
Milpitas, SuperLotto Plus
$14 million
Clearlake Oaks
SuperLotto Plus
$14 million
Mission Viejo
SuperLotto Plus

Massoud Ardalan loves pumpkin seeds,

that he should check his tickets. He did.

but they arent easy to find. So when he

He couldnt believe his eyes all six

found them for sale at Heather Farm Shell

numbers matched! He went back to see

in Walnut Creek (Contra Costa County),

his wife at the salon where she works as

he made that retailer his regular stop for

a hairdresser and asked her to come

pumpkin seeds, gas and his Lottery

outside because he had something to tell

tickets. Unfortunately, on March 6, 2013,

her: We won the Lottery! he said. Even

he only had $15 with him $10 for gas

as they recounted the story, Homeiras

and $5 for Lottery tickets which meant

eyes sparkled and she giggled, I didnt

no money for pumpkin seeds. The

believe him. Ardalan and his wife of

trade-off worked out well because the

25 years were all smiles as they claimed

fifth line of his Lottery numbers were the

their multi-million dollar prize.

ones that counted they won him a

$33 million SuperLotto Plus jackpot!
The following day Ardalan, a

Ardalan plans to start his own

business, possibly in reprographics, and
give much-needed jobs to friends and

reprographics manager by trade, was

family who are out of work. He also may

having a typical Thursday, dropping

buy some rental property and a salon

his wife Homeira off at work and then

for his wife to run. Ardalan explained

going to look for work himself. You see,

through laughter, Thats a lot of money,

Ardalan was laid off in November 2012

we can do a lot of things, buy a lot of

after being with the same company for

pumpkin seeds! Maybe buy a pumpkin

16 years. Once he got home, he had a

seed factory!

message from a friend telling him that

someone in Walnut Creek had won the
$33 million SuperLotto Plus jackpot and

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Our children know how to cook

and how to clean. Weve tried to stick
together whatever was happening.

$52 million | Marita and Bladimir Agnite

Chalk this one up to the power of the

image taken from surveillance video from

nursing assistant at a Bay Area hospital.

media! Nearly a month after a winning

a Kwik Stop store in Fremont. Thats where

The humble couple is determined to

$52 million Mega Millions ticket was

the winning ticket had been sold.

remain level headed about their win and

sold but not claimed the California

I scanned it multiple times. The readout

to keep their children grounded. They

Lottery released a photo to the press

said, See the clerk. We didnt see the

know how to cook and how to clean.

asking for help in identifying a potential

amount, just see the clerk. We didnt

Weve tried to stick together whatever

winner. Officials circulated the image after

know, said Bladimir explaining why they

was happening, said Marita. She sees

noting that someone had checked the

had waited over a month to come forward.

college in her childrens future. The

ticket multiple times at area grocery

He heeded the advice from his in-laws

Lottery winnings will certainly cover

stores, but had failed to claim their cash.

to go on the Lotterys website to see the

those expenses. The money will also

The fear was the winner would mistakenly

photo image for himself. Once he saw

throw their ticket away! As luck would

him and his wife on the screen, he

have it, one day later that person walked

immediately got his wife out of bed

were renting an apartment, said

into the Lotterys Sacramento District

to share the news. He said, Were

Bladimir. Even after the massive win,

Office to claim their colossal prize.

cover the cost of a much-needed house.

We have been living with friends. Now

wanted! said Marita, who added that

the Agnites say they dont want to take

The winning ticket was for the Mega

she was also floored when she saw the

anything for granted. So even though

Millions draw on July 27, 2012. Marita and

picture. My stomach startedI started

she is now a multi-millionaire, Marita

Bladimir Agnite of Fremont said they didnt

crying. He hugged me and we just cried

believes she will keep working. You

know they had hit the jackpot until a

and cried, said Marita.

relative called Bladimir, telling him they

What an amazing turn of events.

thought theyd seen his picture on the

Bladimir had been laid off from his job

news. The picture was a screen capture

at a printing company. Marita works as a

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

cant just quit the job. You never know

whats going to happen, said Bladimir.


Large Jackpots, Bigger Winners!

$120 million

$14 million

Ronald Willis

Antonio Velasquez

How would you react to winning a Mega

June of 2005 and they consist of

Antonio Velasquez lives in a quaint

Millions jackpot worth $120 million?

birthdays and anniversary dates. He

community. Its the kind of community

For Ronald Willis, he stayed extremely

only plays Mega Millions and SuperLotto

where everyone knows each others

calm, although there was some giggling

Plus and always buys six lines for each

names even the Postmans name

that could be heard throughout the

draw, twice a week, and he says he has

or the Postmasters name, for that matter.

claims process at the California Lotterys

a thing for even numbers.

So its no wonder that Antonios name

Inland Empire District Office.

Willis found out from his co-workers

The jackpot ticket was sold at a

will sound familiar to those in Lake

7-Eleven location in Riverside, but Willis

County. Only now he wont simply be

that a winning ticket had been sold in

hadnt ever gone to that retailer to buy

known as Antonio Velasquez, the retired

Riverside. So when he got home that day

his tickets this was the first time! He

Postmaster hell also be known as

he got on his iPad and compared the

happened to be picking up his paycheck

Antonio Velasquez, the winner of a

winning numbers to his ticket they

and decided to stop at this retailer

$14 million SuperLotto Plus jackpot!

all matched! Im not a yeller or jump

because it was close to his work. Lucky

around type of guy. When I realized I

for that retailer he did, because the

that someone who bought their ticket

won, I just stayed calm, sat back and let

retailer will receive a bonus of

at Oaks Red & White Store in Clearlake

it soak all in, he explained in his calm,

$600,000 for selling the winning ticket.

Oaks had won the SuperLotto Plus

baritone voice.

It was Velasquezs son who told him

With four children ranging in age

jackpot. When he found out it was him,

from toddler to high school, Willis says

all he could say was, Oh my God, oh my

numbers 20, 5, 33, 36, 11 and the Mega

they can all plan on becoming future

God! Velasquez was quick to call his

number of 11. Willis numbers were not

college graduates! Other than that he

wife, who is in Greece, but he didnt tell

a Quick Pick they were his own

says, I want to invest this money and

her the whole story. She knows I won,

numbers that he has been playing since

make it grow. Again, remaining as

she just doesnt know how much, he

Mega Millions started in California in

calm as always!

explained. As for what he plans to do

The ticket successfully matched the

with his prize, he says he wants to help

his four children and eight grandchildren
and also donate money to a couple of his

Im not a yeller or jump around type of

favorite charities.

guy. When I realized I won, I just stayed

calm, sat back and let it soak all in.


California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

$23 million | Julie Cervera

It took more than five months and

Now heres where the story gets

a surveillance photo released by the

interesting; Charliena gave the ticket

daughter Charliena a tidy sum, and help

California Lottery, but nevertheless, Julie

to her mom and Julie then stashed

out other members of her immediate

Cervera is one happy and lucky

the ticket in the used car she had just

family. Julie adopted two special needs

woman. Her story is unlike any other in

purchased. Excited about the car, Julie

kids, and also wants to make sure that

recent Lottery history, and its a story

rolled off to show some friends and

the three kids left behind when her son

that ends with a $23 million SuperLotto

completely forgot about the ticket. So,

was killed in an accident are also well

Plus jackpot prize. Usually when it takes

when Charliena called to tell her the good

taken care of. Being a widow herself, Julie

a person more than five months to come

news, she immediately went out to her

has had to take on a lot, and this money

forward and claim their prize its because

car and found the ticket right where she

couldnt have come at a better time. I

they lost their ticket. Or, they just never

left it more than five months ago.

think I have $1 in my purse right now and

come forward to claim their prize at all. In

When she called me, my first thought

then added that she plans to give her

my checking account is overdrawn, she

Julies case, she was on the receiving end

was, please dont be playing a prank on

said before adding that she might indulge

of a very interesting text message from

your mom, said Julie in describing the

a little and take a trip to Disneyland.

her daughter the day before she claimed.

moment her daughter called her after

Julie really did claim her prize just

Julies daughter, Charliena, sent

sending the photo. I didnt know what

in the nick of time. Had she not come

her a picture of the exact photo the

to feel or do. She added that after her

forward to claim her prize by the close

Lottery released on October 30, 2012.

daughter sent her a photo of the news-

of business just about three weeks later,

The surveillance video photo shows

paper account of the win, she put on

she would have lost her fortune, and

Charliena buying what turned out to be

her 99 Cent Store glasses and checked

the unclaimed money would have been

the SuperLotto Plus ticket that won the

the photo. It was then that she realized

transferred to California public schools.

$23 million jackpot exactly five months

she was a big winner; but like most Lottery

earlier on the evening of May 30. When

winners Julie had to double-check. So she

Julie saw the photo she immediately

went to a local retail location and had the

imagined the worst for some reason,

clerk check her ticket. He just said wow,

in her mind, those photos are always

Julie said, then he gave me a copy of the

thought was, please dont

associated with people who had just

numbers from that night. That sealed the

committed a crime. In this case, however,

deal for her.

be playing a prank on your

it was a photo of her daughter about

When asked how she planned to spend

to buy the jackpot-winning ticket for

her winnings, Julie said, I want to take

her mom.

my time and not buy anything crazy. She

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

When she called me, my first

mom. I didnt know what to

feel or do.



Powerball Comes to California

April 8th, 2013 marked a huge milestone

from Florida to the California Lottery

Lottery staff all across the state who

for the California Lottery as tickets for the

Headquarters office in Sacramento in

worked hard to bring the Powerball draw

long-awaited Powerball game finally went

honor of our first draw.

to California. Its an amazing job they

on sale. Powerball fever quickly spread

It didnt take long for California to get its

have done. And remember to play

across California as players purchased a

first big winner either. Less than a week

national record-setting $3,101,816 worth

after the Powerball launch, California had

Powerball is a multistate game played

of tickets in just 24 hours!

its first Powerball millionaire. Tom Ngumi

in California (and 42 other states, plus

of Buena Park, Los Angeles County,

the District of Columbia and the U.S.

simultaneously at the Embarcadero Center

matched five of six numbers and won a

Virgin Islands). Players pick five

in San Francisco and at the infamous The

cool $1,306,323 in just our second

numbers from 1 to 59 plus a Powerball

Grove in Los Angeles to help us celebrate

Powerball draw in Californias history!

number from 1 to 35. Draw times are

Exciting launch events took place


the addition of Powerball to the California

Regarding the addition of Powerball,

Lotterys game portfolio. We were lucky

California Lottery Commission Chair Phil

PST. Tickets are $2 and can be

to have actor and Extra! T.V. personality

Tagami said: Powerball advances our

purchased from any of the more than

Mario Lopez host the festivities for us

work to help fund education in California.

21,000 California Lottery retailers.

in L.A.

Record sales dont just happen selling

And most importantly, jackpots start at

more than $3 million in tickets requires

$40 million, which has enticed millions

work by a lot of people. Id like to commend

of Californians to play the game!

If that wasnt enough, for one special

night the Powerball draw was moved


Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:59 p.m.

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Powerball advances our work to help fund

education in California. Record sales dont just
happen selling more than $3 million in
tickets requires work by a lot of people.

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013



Promotions, Promotions
and More Promotions!
It was truly a ground-breaking year for
the California Lottery, not just because
of the addition of Powerball, but we also

win a pack of 80 $5 Scratchers tickets.

ticket which had its own fabulous

During the holidays, we launched a

promotion. Players had a chance to play

Spread the Joy promotion through the

the Pyramid Challenge game for fun, or

launched more promotions than ever

California Lotterys Facebook page that

for real prizes which included a California

before. We literally had something for

gave participants a chance to win up

vacation worth $7,500!

everyone, from a 2nd Chance promotion

to $10,000!

where you could win a pack of 80

Some promotions were based around

The California Lottery is always looking

for fun new ways to reward our loyal

$5 Scratchers tickets, to a song contest

our Scratchers tickets, such as the family

players and give them what they want,

where the winner received $5,000 and

of Monopoly Scratchers. Players could

which is more chances to win. This year

the chance to play live at our San

enter their non-winning Monopoly

was no exception as we raised the bar

Francisco Powerball launch event.

Scratchers into 2nd Chance for another

and launched more promotions than ever

chance at prizes, including the top prize

before. Be on the lookout for lots more

of a marble bust with your face engraved

exciting new promotions to come.

For our players on social media, we

had an Adventure Pet Photo Contest,
where participants submitted photos of

on it. Seriously, how cool is that?! There

their adventurous pets for a chance to

was also the $5 Fortune 55 Scratchers

Win a pack of 80
$5 Scratchers tickets


Adventure Pet
Photo Contest

Spread the Joy


Monopoly Scratchers
2nd Chance Prizes

And many more

innovative promotions!

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Digital Media
Program Launch
From smart devices to social sharing,

interest. Additional boosts, driven by

digital media is a significant element of

Powerball launch content, entertaining

how people connect today. In Fiscal Year

extensions and marketing campaigns,

20122013, the California Lottery

helped California close the fiscal year as

launched an effort to improve internet

the number one Lottery in social media

and digital communication usage in

reach across Facebook, Twitter and

relation to greater participation by our

YouTube. We hope to add more social

customers. This multi-divisional effort

media sites to the list next year.

addressed several areas that included

Lottery relationships and limited
advertising budgets to help maximize
supplemental funding to California
public schools.

New Online Experiences

The California Lottery turned to the
internet to extend the reach of our
limited advertising budget. By tapping

End of Year CA Lottery Social

Media Stats (as of June 30, 2013)

119,437 fans
2,183 subscribers
Coming FY 13/14

into the low-cost, high-impact value of

They Like us. They really,

really Like us!

and extended play opportunities,

Fiscal Year 20122013 marked a record

the Lottery debuted new ways for

year of social media growth following

consumers to interact with products

the successful implementation of a

that traditionally were not advertised.

best-practice social media program.

The Lotterys 2nd Chance Program

Across popular social media platforms,

also received an upgrade with new

microsites, special online promotions

the Lottery built relationships with a

promotional draws and extended

diverse audience of consumers and

play features. Feedback from

stakeholders interested in two-way

core and new consumers has

communication with our brand.

been positive.

The Lotterys mission, our lucky

winners, along with a spirit of fun were
brought to life through interactive dialog
and fresh video content delivered where
people want it. Optimization maintained

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013


California Lottery
Retailer Benefits:
Increased revenue and profit

21,000+ Retail
Locations and Growing

Bonus compensation
Marketing support from
Supplemental funding for
California public schools

Sign me up! Thats what an increasing

additional 179 CVS locations throughout

Cashing inLottery Retailer Style

number of California retailers said during

the state, and signing San Fernando-based

Since the California Lotterys inception

Fiscal Year 201213. In fact, an additional

Vallarta a supermarket chain that caters

back in October 1985, retailer profits

140 business establishments began selling

to the growing Latino population.

have totaled a staggering $4.6 billion

our wide selection of popular California

Lottery products. To put that number in
perspective it was the first time in five
years that we actually increased the net
number of Lottery retailers in the state. So
what happened? We believe much of that
success is attributed to a change in sales
strategy, combined with even better
customer service.
During FY 2012-13, we started the
Lotterys Retailer Recruitment Division.
Initially, five employees were hired with
the sole responsibility of helping to attract
new retailers stretching from the

Show Me the Money!

During Fiscal Year 201213, California
retailers earned a whopping $303 million
in commissions and incentives for selling
Lottery Scratchers and Draw Games
an increase of more than $7 million over FY
201112. No other Lottery pays out larger
retailer bonuses for jackpot and top prize
wins! (California retailers who sell
jackpot-winning tickets or Scratchers
prizes of $1 million or more earn one half of
one percent of the amount, or a maximum
$1 million!) We enjoyed a number of

Oregon line down to the Mexican border.

notable retailer payoffs during FY 2012-13:

Its the first time the California Lottery has

In December 2012, Eddies Liquor Jr.

and the numbers are growing. Not only

do we depend on our network of
21,000-plus retailers to provide strategic
placement of our Lottery products for
optimal sales results these business
professionals act as the primary point
of contact for our players throughout
California. Theres no question these
ambassadors are a major key to our
continued sales success. In return, we
put our marketing dollars to work,
providing the resources retailers need to
keep their cash registers ringing.
Our retail goals for the future are lofty.
They include adding up to an additional
4,000 retailers over the next three years.

had a specialized unit dedicated to

Market in Bellflower (Los Angeles

recruiting retailers. No question its a

County) earned $175,000 after

California Lottery Retail Recruitment

giant task in a huge state encompassing

selling a $35 million Mega Millions

Manager David Cole. By selling Lottery

164,000 square miles but its working

winning ticket.

products, were bringing them more

very well! In fact, to help keep up with the

Three months later in March 2013,

Retailers are seeing the benefits, said

customers. People are not just going in

demand, nine more people are expected

Heather Farm Shell in Walnut Creek

to join the recruitment team in the near

(Contra Costa County) received a

getting a bag of chips and a drink. Its a

check for an $165,000 after selling

win-win for everyone!

future. Highlights of FY 201213 include

welcoming 85 Rite Aid stores to the

the winning $33 million SuperLotto

California Lottery family, adding an

Plus ticket!


to but a Lottery ticket they also may be

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

Top 10 California
Retailers by
Sales Volume

Retailer Spotlight
Kwik Market | McFarland, CA

(FY 2012-13)

For more than a quarter of a century

actually makes him a big winner too! Not

Ben Garza has been selling California

only does Garza give scholarships to

Lottery products at his Kern County Kwik

underprivileged kids in the Central

Stop market. Very few retailers have

Valley he contributes money to the

been with us longer! Garza says he rings

McFarland Parks and Recreation District

up an average of $4,000 worth of

and helps the local Lions Club with food

Scratchers and Lottery Draw Games

baskets for the needy. He also donates

every week and loves helping to create

cash to his churchs Benevolence Fund.

millionaires and making his customers

Garza estimates he pours at least

dreams come true. But his involvement

$15,000 of his own money back into the

in the McFarland-area community

community every year most of it to

help kids. Needless to say, the California
Lottery is thankful not only for the
generosity to his community, but for his

Not only does Garza give

scholarships to under-

long-standing commitment to help

supplement California education through
his role as a Lottery retailer since 1987.

privileged kids in the Central

I think there is a parallel in what I do

Valley he contributes money

and what (the California Lottery does),

to the McFarland Parks and

explains Garza. The biggest impact we

both can have on the next generation is

Recreation District, and helps

education, and it makes me happy to

the local Lions Club with food

have said it better!

baskets for the needy.

California Lottery Report to the Public 2012/2013

have that kind of influence! We couldnt


Primm Valley Lotto

Gold Ranch Lottery
Bluebird Liquor
D & G Group Company
San Francisco
Gallop Liquor
3 Kings Liquor
Kavanagh Liquors
San Lorenzo
Lichines Liquor & Deli
Luong Hao Drinking Water
Los Angeles
Caf Trang
Garden Grove


Important Phone Numbers



(916) 8228131


(650) 8752200



The California Lottery provides

a help line for individuals or
families to provide information,
counseling and assistance for
problem gambling.


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