Connally V General Construction (1926)

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269 U.S. 385
CONNALLY, Commissioner of Labor of Oklahoma, et al. v.
GENERAL CONST. CO. No. 314. Argued Nov. 30 and Dec.
1, 1925. Decided Jan. 4, 1926.

Messrs. George F. Short, of Oklahoma City, Okl., and J. Berry King, of

Muskogee, Okl., for appellants.[ Connally v. General Const. Co. 269 U.S.
385 (1926) ]
[269 U.S. 385, 388] Mr. J. D. Lydick, of Oklahoma City, Okl., for appellee.

Mr. Justice SUTHERLAND delivered the opinion of the Court.

This is a suit to enjoin certain state and county officers of Oklahoma from
enforcing the provisions of section 7255 and section 7257, Compiled
Oklahoma Statutes 1921, challenged as unconstitutional. Section 7255
creates an eight-hour day for all persons employed by or on behalf of the
state, etc., and provides:
'That not less than the current rate of per diem wages in the locality
where the work is performed shall be paid to laborers, workmen,
mechanics, prison guards, janitors in public institutions, or other
persons so employed by or on behalf of the state, ... and laborers,
workmen, mechanics, or other persons employed by contractors or
subcontractors in the execution of any contract or contracts with the
state, ... shall be deemed to be employed by or on behalf of the state.

For any violation of the section, a penalty is imposed by section 7257 of a

fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500, or imprisonment for not less
than three nor more than six months. Each day that the violation continues
is declared to be a separate offense. [269 U.S. 385, 389]

The material

averments of the bill, shortly stated, are to the following effect: The
construction company, under contracts with the state, is engaged in
constructing certain bridges within the state. In such work, it employs a
number of laborers, workmen, and mechanics, with each of whom it has
agreed as to the amount of wages to be paid upon the basis of an eight-hour
day, and the amount so agreed upon is reasonable and commensurate with
the services rendered and agreeable to the employee in each case.
The Commissioner of Labor complained that the rate of wages paid by the
company to laborers was only $3.20 per day, whereas, he asserted, the
current rate in the locality where the work was being done was $3.60, and
gave notice that, unless advised of an intention immediately to comply with
the law, action would be taken to enforce compliance. From the
correspondence set forth in the bill, it appears that the commissioner based
his complaint upon an investigation made by his representative concerning
wages 'paid to laborers in the vicinity of Cleveland,' Okl., near which town
one of the bridges was being constructed. This investigation disclosed the
following list of employers with the daily rate of wages paid by each: City,
$3.60 and $4; Johnson Refining Co., $3. 60 and $4.05; Prairie Oil & Gas,
$4; Gypsy Oil Co., $4; Gulf Pipe Line Co ., $4; Brickyard, $3 and $4; I.
Hansen, $3.60; General Construction Company, $3.20; Moore & Pitts Ice
Company, $100 per month; cotton gins, $3. 50 and $4; Mr. Pitts, $4;
Prairie Pipe Line Company, $4; C. B. McCormack, $ 3; Harry McCoy, $3.
The scale of wages paid by the construction company to its laborers was
stated to be as follows: Six men at $3.20 per day, 7 men at $3.60, 4 men at
$4.00, 2 men at $4.40, 4 men at $4.80, 1 man at $5.20, and 1 man at

In determining the rate of wages to be paid by the company, the

commissioner claimed to be acting under [269 U.S. 385, 390] authority of a
statute of Oklahoma, which imposes upon him the duty of carrying into
effect all laws in relation to labor. In the territory surrounding the bridges
being constructed by plaintiff, there is a variety of work performed by
laborers, etc., the value of whose services depends upon the class and kind
of labor performed and the efficiency of the workmen. Neither the wages
paid nor the work performed are uniform. Wages have varied since
plaintiff entered into its contracts for constructing the bridges and
employing its men, and it is impossible to determine under the
circumstances whether the sums paid by the plaintiff or the amount
designated by the commissioner or either of them constitute the current
per diem wage in the locality. Further averments are to the effect that the
commissioner has threatened the company, and its officers, agents, and
representatives, with criminal prosecutions under the foregoing statutory
provisions, and, unless restrained, the county attorneys for various
counties named will institute such prosecutions; and that, under section
7257, providing that each day's failure to pay current wages shall constitute
a separate offense, maximum penalties may be inflicted aggregating many
thousands of dollars in fines and many years of imprisonment.
The constitutional grounds of attack, among others, are that the statutory
provisions, if enforced, will deprive plaintiff, its officers, agents and
representatives, of their liberty and property without due process of law, in
violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution; that
they contain no ascertainable standard of guilt; that it cannot be
determined with any degree of certainty what sum constitutes a current
wage in any locality; and that the term 'locality' itself is fatally vague and
uncertain. The bill is a long one, and, without further review, it is enough to
say that, if the constitutional attack upon the statute be sustained, the
averments justify the equitable relief prayed. [269 U.S. 385, 391] Upon the
bill and a motion to dismiss it, in the nature of a demurrer attacking its

sufficiency, an application for an interlocutory injunction was heard by a

court of three judges, under section 266, Judicial Code ( Comp. St. 1243),
and granted; the allegations of the bill being taken as true. General Const.
Co. v. Connally (D. C.) 3 F. (2d) 666.
That the terms of a penal statute creating a new offense must be
sufficiently explicit to inform those who are subject to it what conduct on
their part will render them liable to its penalties is a well- recognized
requirement, consonant alike with ordinary notions of fair play and the
settled rules of law; and a statute which either forbids or requires the doing
of an act in terms so vague that men of common intelligence must
necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its application violates the
first essential of due process of law. International Harvester Co. v.
Kentucky, 234 U.S. 216, 221 , 34 S. Ct. 853; Collins v. Kentucky, 234 U.S.
634, 638 , 34 S. Ct. 924
The question whether given legislative enactments have been thus wanting
in certainty has frequently been before this court. In some of the cases the
statutes involved were upheld; in others, declared invalid. The precise
point of differentiation in some instances is not easy of statement; but it
will be enough for present purposes to say generally that the decisions of
the court, upholding statutes as sufficiently certain, rested upon the
conclusion that they employed words or phrases having a technical or
other special meaning, well enough known to enable those within their
reach to correctly apply them, Hygrade Provision Co. v. Sherman, 266 U.S.
497, 502 , 45 S. Ct. 141; Omaechevarria v. Idaho, 246 U.S. 343, 348 , 38 S.
Ct. 323, or a well-settled common-law meaning, notwithstanding an
element of degree in the definition as to which estimates might differ, Nash
v. United States, 229 U.S. 373, 376 , 33 S. Ct. 780; International Harvester
Co. v. Kentucky, supra, at page 223 (34 S. Ct. 853), or, as broadly stated by
Mr. Chief Justice White in United States v. Cohen Grocery Co., 255 U.S. 81,
92 , 41 S. Ct. 298, 301 (65 L. Ed. 516, 14 A. L. R. 1045), 'that, for reasons

found to [269 U.S. 385, 392]

result either from the text of the statutes

involved or the subjects with which they dealt, a standard of some sort was
afforded.' See also, Waters- Pierce Oil Co. v. Texas (No. 1), 212 U.S. 86, 108
, 29 S. Ct. 220. Illustrative cases on the other hand are International
Harvester Co. v. Kentucky, supra, Collins v. Kentucky, supra, and United
States v. Cohen Grocery Co., supra, and cases there cited. The Cohen
Grocery Case involved the validity of section 4 of the Food Control Act of
1917 (Comp. St. 1918, Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1919, 3115 1/8 ff), which
imposed a penalty upon any person who should make 'any unjust or
unreasonable rate or charge, in handling or dealing in or with any
necessaries.' It was held that these words fixed no ascertainable standard of
guilt, in that they forbade no specific or definite act.
Among the cases cited in support of that conclusion is United States v.
Capital Traction Co., 34 App. D. C. 592, 19 Ann. Cas. 68, where a statute
making it an offense for any street railway company to run an insufficient
number of cars to accommodate passengers 'without crowding' was held to
be void for uncertainty. In the course of its opinion, that court said (pages
596, 598):
'The statute makes it a criminal offense for the street railway companies
in the District of Columbia to run an insufficient number of cars to
accommodate persons desiring passage thereon, without crowding
the same. What shall be the guide to the court or jury in ascertaining
what constitutes a crowded car? What may be regarded as a crowded
car by one jury may not be so considered by another. What shall
constitute a sufficient number of cars in the opinion of one judge
may be regarded as insufficient by another. ... There is a total
absence of any definition of what shall constitute a crowded car. This
important element cannot be left to conjecture, or be supplied by
either the court or the jury. It is of the very essence of the law itself,
and without it the statute is too indefinite and uncertain to support

an information or indictment.
[269 U.S. 385, 393] ... The dividing line between what is lawful and
unlawful cannot be left to conjecture. The citizen cannot be held to answer
charges based upon penal statutes whose mandates are so uncertain that
they will reasonably admit of different constructions. A criminal statute
cannot rest upon an uncertain foundation. The crime, and the elements
constituting it, must be so clearly expressed that the ordinary person can
intelligently choose, in advance, what course it is lawful for him to pursue.
Penal statutes prohibiting the doing of certain things, and providing a
punishment for their violation, should not admit of such a double meaning
that the citizen may act upon the one conception of its requirements and
the courts upon another.'
In the light of these principles and decisions, then, we come to the
consideration of the legislation now under review, requiring the contractor,
at the risk of incurring severe and cumulative penalties, to pay his
employees 'not less than the current rate of per diem wages in the locality
where the work is performed.'
We are of opinion that this provision presents a double uncertainty, fatal to
its validity as a criminal statute. In the first place, the words 'current rate of
wages' do not denote a specific or definite sum, but minimum, maximum,
and intermediate amounts, indeterminately, varying from time to time and
dependent upon the class and kind of work done, the efficiency of the
workmen, etc., as the bill alleges is the case in respect of the territory
surrounding the bridges under construction. 1 The statutory phrase
reasonably cannot be confined to any of these amounts, since it imports
each and all of them. The [269 U.S. 385, 394] 'current rate of wages' is not
simple, but progressive-from so much (the minimum) to so much (the
maximum), including all between; and to direct the payment of an amount
which shall not be less than one of several different amounts, without
saying which, is to leave the question of what is meant incapable of any
definite answer. See People ex rel. Rodgers v. Coler, 166 N. Y. 1, 24-25, 59
N. E. 716, 52 L. R. A. 814, 82 Am. St. Rep. 605.
Nor can the question be solved by resort to the established canons of

construction that enable a court to look through awkward or clumsy

expression, or language wanting in precision, to the intent of the
Legislature. For the vice of the statute here lies in the impossibility of
ascertaining, by any reasonable test, that the Legislature meant one thing
rather than another, and in the futility of an attempt to apply a
requirement, which assumes the existence of a rate of wages single in
amount, to a rate in fact composed of a multitude of gradations. To
construe the phrase 'current rate of wages' as meaning either the lowest
rate or the highest rate, or any intermediate rate, or, if it were possible to
determine the various factors to be considered, an average of all rates,
would be as likely to defeat the purpose of the Legislature as to promote it.
See State v. Partlow, 91 N. C. 550, 553, 49 Am. Rep. 652; Commonwealth v.
Bank of Pennsylvania, 3 Watts & S. (Pa.) 173, 177.
In the second place, additional obscurity is imparted to the statute by the
use of the qualifying word 'locality.' Who can say, with any degree of
accuracy, what areas constitute the locality where a given piece of work is
being done? Two men, moving in any direction from the place of
operations, would not be at all likely to agree upon the point where they
had passed the boundary which separated the locality of that work from the
next locality. It is said that this question is settled for us by the decision of
the state Supreme Court on rehearing in State v. Tibbetts, 205 P. 776, 779.
But all the court did there was to define the word 'locality' as meaning
'place,' [269 U.S. 385, 395] 'near the place,' 'vicinity,' or 'neighborhood.'
Accepting this as correct, as of course we do, the result is not to remove the
obscurity, but rather to offer a choice of uncertainties. The word
'neighborhood' is quite as susceptible of variation as the word 'locality.'
Both terms are elastic and, dependent upon circumstances, may be equally
satisfied by areas measured by rods or by miles. See Schmidt v. Kansas City
Distilling Co., 90 Mo. 284, 296, 1 S. W. 865, 2 S. W. 417, 59 Am. Rep. 16;
Woods v. Cochrane and Smith, 38 Iowa, 484, 485; State ex rel. Christie v.
Meek, 26 Wash. 405, 407-408, 67 P. 76; Millville Imp. Co. v. Pitman, etc.,
Gas Co., 75 N. J. Law, 410, 412, 67 A. 1005; Thomas v. Marshfield, 10 Pick.
(Mass.) 364, 367. The case last cited held that a grant of common to the
inhabitants of a certain neighborhood was void because the term
'neighborhood' was not sufficiently certain to identify the grantees. In other

connections or under other conditions the term 'locality' might be definite

enough, but not so in a statute such as that under review imposing criminal
penalties. Certainly, the expression 'near the place' leaves much to be
desired in the way of a delimitation of boundaries; for it at once provokes
the inquiry, 'How near?' And this element of uncertainty cannot here be
put aside as of no consequence, for, as the rate of wages may vary-as in the
present case it is alleged it does vary- among different employers and
according to the relative efficiency of the workmen, so it may vary in
different sections. The result is that the application of the law depends, not
upon a word of fixed meaning in itself, or one made definite by statutory or
judicial definition, or by the context or other legitimate aid to its
construction, but upon the probably varying impressions of juries as to
whether given areas are or are not to be included within particular
localities. The constitutional guaranty of due process cannot be allowed to
rest upon a support so equivocal.
Interlocutory decree affirmed. [269 U.S. 385, 396] Mr. Justice HOLMES
and Mr. Justice BRANDEIS concur in the result, on the ground that the
plaintiff was not violating the statute by any criterion available in the
vicinity of Cleveland.

[ Footnote 1 ] The commissioner's own investigation shows that wages
ranged from $ 3 to $4.05 per day, and the scale of wages paid by the
construction company to its laborers, 25 in number, ranged from $3.20 to
$6.50 per day, all but 6 of them being paid $3.60 or more.

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