Effects Industry Worksheet

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Name ___________________________

Directions: Match each effect to the category that best matches it.


Poor working conditions

A. Factories burned coal that left a layer of ash across cities.


Better forms of transportation

B. Since goods could be made more cheaply, for the first time
many people were able to afford products for their home.


Higher standard of living

C. Some people were able to get jobs managing and owning

factories and new professions became more prominent


More & better education

D. In 1763, Frederick II made schooling mandatory for all children

in Prussia, the first country to do so.


Environmental pollution

E. In 1807, Robert Fultons steamboat could travel the Hudson River

from New York City to Albany & later crossed the Atlantic.




Growth of the middle class

F. Due to coal and manufacturing jobs, Glasgow became one of

the first cities in Europe to reach a population of one million.
G. Factories had poor lighting and no safety procedures leading to
countless accidents and injuries.

Urbanization had a big effect on the lives of people who went from living on small farms to lives in bigger cities. On one
hand, plumbing systems and fresh water were supplied for the first time to many people. Additionally, they could shop for
products close to their homes and find services and entertainment within the city. However, rapid urbanization also caused
poor living conditions, such as poorly-built tenement buildings, sewage systems that often failed, and pollution. Families
forced to live in such small space often spread disease quickly. Sewage that contaminated drinking water resulted in several
deadly outbreaks of cholera in England that killed thousands. Another disease called tuberculosis or TB affected those who
had been poorly fed and were under nourished. TB is spread by a person breathing the air of someone who already has the
disease. In the overcrowded tenements of the industrial cities, one infected person could spread the disease very easily. It is
believed that TB killed one-third of all those who died in Britain between 1800 and 1850.

8. What were some of the negative effects of urbanization?

9. What were some of the positive effects of urbanization?

10. What diseases killed many during the Industrial Revolution and how were they spread?


For this unit, you will look at England, the first European country to industrialize. Study the map

below and answer the following questions.

1. What country is represented in the map? ______________________________
2. What is the distance, in miles, between London and Ashby? _______________
3. What is the distance, in miles, between London and Exeter? _______________
4. What role do the canals play in industrial England?

Imagine that you are a farmer who has been forced off your land due to the enclosure movement that fenced off large pieces
of farmland for wealthy landowners. Would you go to a city or look for a new farm? What would be your reasoning? How
would your life change if you did?

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