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Ancient River Valley Civilization Review Sheet

Mesopotamia Egypt
Geography – Euphrates and Tigris River (Flooding irregular); Fertile Geography –Nile River (Flooding regular); Surrounded by Sahara
Crescent; Modern Day Iraq; Silt; Land between the rivers. Desert; Cataracts; Silt; Upper -v- Lower Egypt; Deltas.

Religion – Polytheistic; Humans to serve gods; Afterlife bad; Ziggurat. Religion – Polytheistic; Pharaohs rule from the afterlife; Pyramids
(Tombs of pharaohs); Mummification.
Achievements – Wheel; Sail; Cuneiform; First written code of laws;
Irrigation; Mathematics. Achievements – Hieroglyphics; Papyrus; Rosetta Stone; Solar calendars;
Flooding calendars; Irrigation; Geometry.
Society – Had distinct social classes; Know the levels; 90% Farmers.
Society – Had distinct social classes; Know the levels.
Government – Monarchy; City-States (Sumer, Ur, Uruk)
Government – Theocracy; Pharaohs; Organized Government.
People – Hammurabi; Sargon; Scribes; Akkad (First Empire).
People – King Menes; Ramses II; Ra (Sun God).
Miscellaneous – Gilgamesh; Sumer (First civilization).
Miscellaneous – Sphinx; Direction of River flow.

Indus China
Geography – Subcontinent; Indus and Ganges Rivers; Deccan Plateau; Geography – Huang He and Yangtze rivers; Geographically isolated;
Mountain ranges (Himalaya and Hindu Kush); Monsoons. Gobi Desert; Himalayan Mountains.

Religion – Polytheistic; Early ties to Hindu. Religion – Polytheistic; Ancestor worship; Oracle bones.

Achievements – Planned cities (Grid system); Sewage system; Achievements – Use of silk; Walled cities; Timber-framed houses; Use
Plumbing; Oven baked mud bricks; Stamps and seals for trade; Toilet. of bronze.

Society – No distinct social classes; Prosperous society; Relatively Society – Social Classes; Centered around the family; Women were
peaceful; Info largely unknown (no deciphered written language). Inferior; Elderly had special privileges; Warrior nobles; Peasants.

Government – Strong central government. Government – Dynasties; Mandate of Heaven; Feudalism.

Miscellaneous – Mohenjo-Daro; Harappa; Also known as Harappan Miscellaneous – Loess; Dynastic cycle; Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Civilization. Mysterious collapse.
1) Monsoons
Major wind and rain storms that swept through India and China were called _________________________.
2) _________________________
Harappa Mohenjo-daro
& _________________________ were the two major cities of the Indus civilization.
3) Polytheism
Early religions were _________________________, this means that they had many gods.
4) _________________________
Papyrus is the reed that grew in the Nile river delta used by the Egyptians to create paper.
5) Mesopotamia
_________________________ means land between the rivers.
6) This Egyptian leader united Upper and Lower Egypt and was the first Pharaoh _________________________.
7) This is a government in which the head of the state is also the head of the religion _________________________.
8) Prehistory
The time before the invention of writing is known as _________________________.
9) These are shallow Whirlpools / Rapids on the Nile river Cataracts
10) Chinese writing was able to be understood or deciphered by all people, even those who spoke other dialects
because it was Universal
11) In China, the idea that someone is in power because god wants them to be is known as
Mandate of Heaven
12) Ziggurats
Stepped pyramids in Mesopotamia were known as _________________________ and used observed the
stars and talk to the _________________________.
13) Scribes
_________________________ were the special group of people who were able to write in ancient civilizations.
14) Breeding wild animals to be tame is called Domestication
15) Hammurabi
_________________________ created the world's first written code of laws.
16) Rosetta Stone
_________________________ was what helped to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics.
17) The dead in ancient Egypt were preserved through Mummification
18) The Mesopotamian form of writing was called _________________________.
19) Natural Barriers
China remained isolated for many centuries because of _________________________.
20) Dynastic cycle
The changing from one ruling family to another in China is known as the _________________________.
21) Loess
The Yellow River was named because of _________________________; or its yellow silt.
22) A town that had its own, independent government is known as a _________________________.
23) Shang
The _________________________ and theZhou
_________________________ are the two early dynasties of Ancient
24) Feudalism
A land granting system from China that exchanges rent for protection is known as _________________________.
Sumer China Babylon
Indus Egypt Akkad

1) Sumer
Invention of the wheel _________________________
2) Dynasties _________________________
China, Egypt,Sumer
3) Pyramids used as tombs only _________________________
4) Plumbing/sewage system _________________________
5) Babylon
Hammurabi's code (first code of laws) _________________________
6) Leader was seen as a god _________________________
7) Indus
City set up in a grid pattern _________________________
8) World's first empire _________________________
9) Sumer
Pyramid like structures for religion/government/storage _________________________
10) Worship of ancestors _________________________
11) Stamps and seals for trade _________________________
12) Traded with the Nubians and Kush _________________________
13) Monsoons caused problems _________________________
14) Idea of “Eye for an Eye” _________________________
15) Ziggurats _________________________
16) Predictable flooding _________________________
17) Can't read their writing _________________________
18) Used the Mandate of Heaven to say they should rule _________________________
19) Cuneiform _________________________
20) Flood calendar _________________________
Unit 2 River Valley Civilization Matching
F 1. Curved shaped land between two rivers A. Nile N. Dynasty
I 2. Thick bed of mud
R 3. Ditches that carry river water to fields B. Polytheism O. Harappa /
B 4. Belief in many gods
C. Hammurabi Mohenjo-Daro
N 5. Series of rulers from one family
P 6. Spread from one culture to another D. Subcontinent P. cultural diffusion
C 7. Ruler of Babylon and wrote a law code
_____ 8. Area in which silt is deposited along a river E. Pharaoh Q. mummification
_____ 9. Government led by religious leader
E 10. Egyptian god-king F. Fertile Crescent R. irrigation system
Q 11. Egyptian way to preserve dead bodies
G. Oracle bone S. Mandate of Heaven
V 12. System of writing using pictures
_____ 13. Paper made from reeds
H. Ganges / Indus T. Delta
_____ 14. Land mass that includes India
_____ 15. Seasonal winds Rivers U. Huang He /
_____ 16. Cities in Indus River Valley
K 17. Fertile soil found in China I. Silt Yangtze Rivers
G 18. Method used in China to communicate with gods
S 19. God given right to rule · J. Papyrus V. Hieroglyphics
W 20. Rivers found in Mesopotamia
K. Loess W. Tigris/Euphrates
H 21. Rivers found in the Indus River Valley Civilization
A 22. River found in Egypt L. Monsoon
U 23. Rivers found in the China River Valley
Civilization M. Theocracy
River Valley Civilizations Map Review
Mesopotamia and Sumer (RED)
Nile River Valley (Red)
Indus River Valley (Orange)
Chinese River Valley (Purple)
Indus River (Blue)
Huang He River (Blue)
Red Sea (blue)
Mediterranean Sea (Blue)
Persian Gulf (Blue)
Indian Ocean (Blue)
Pacific Ocean (Blue)
Himalaya Mountains (Brown)
Zagros Mountains (Brown)
Hindu Kush Mountains (Brown)
Gobi Desert (yellow)
Sahara Desert (yellow)
MAJOR CITIES - Label with a dot
The Four Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Huang He River
Gobi Desert

Mediterranean Zagros Himalaya Mountains

Hindu Kush Chinese River
Babylon Mountains Indus River
Sea Mountains
Ur Harappa Valley
Mesopotamia and Sumer
Persian Indus River
Red Sea Gulf Valley
Nile River Valley Ocean
Indian Ocean

Sahara Desert

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