100% gold which does't melt down it is a fake like roldgold or something
like.we have something else made up of herbs and copper .
there is herb or a tree called kala simali ( krishna nirgundi) i don't know abou
t botanical name u take 3 anna coin made copper or any other purifeied copper co
in and put this in the stem of this tree for a week or so u will have perfect 18
c gold no doubt about it.
question is where do we find it.purification of copper coin : heat it up and put
it in pure madhu or honey atleast 50 time u will get god purified copper same w
ith milk of safed arkgot some more methods..... .....
ohm guruji ohm namo narayana --- On Wed, 15/4/09, ashu bobby <arif_2arif2000@ .c
o. in> wrote:
ashu bobby <arif_2arif2000@ .co. in>
some easy peocess for making gold@ s.comWednesday, 15 April, 2009, 2:51 PM
Dear Friends,
Each element in the nature undergoes some transformation after a long time as pe
r the natural process and this process and rules are then analysed by the Alchem
ist by which he can conduct this Transformation process at a much faster rate in
its RASSHALA or the Lab and gets success much easily through his processes We have
many things around us through which we can make Gold / Silver By reading the impor
tant points of this and the PARAD SAMSKAAR you have to understand the Swarna Tantra
m & Swarn Siddhi very thoroughly and also have to analyse the same
The fact behind this is these processes in the ancient books have been named & w
ritten as the Shuddhikaran (means Purification) These processes provide the element
the property of piercing anything at a very rapid state and this is how these ma
tters can be made active by these processes
That s why I have urged you all to Pls.go through the holy & divine books and lear
nings given by the Sadgurudev and understand the same
Here, I am giving those processes which are already accomplished in all respects
and you all have to do only to take care about the purification of these matter
s so that the processes gets succeed and Your s life also becomes happy and peaceful
For getting success in RAS SHASTRA
Raseshwari Sadhna & its convocation (DIKSHA) is
necessary By doing the Sadhna through SWARNAKARSHAN BHAIRAV SADHNA ,the devotee defi
nitely gets success in the processes
Take 1 Tola (1 Tola = 10 gms) of Ras Kapoor (Camphor) and put in the between of
the Papnas Nimbu (Lemon) and wet the same into the cloth .Allow it to dry. After thi
s give a light blow through kg.(Dry Cow Dung also known as Kande) As soon as it ge
ts cool extract the ash of the Ras Kapoor from the cloth Now if a devotee puts 1 Rat
ti (also known as Carat) of this Ras Kapoor into melted Copper, his difficult work
can also be accomplished Take 1 Tola (10 gms.) each of Varki Hartaal, Haldiya Vis
h & Parad and mortar them with the Aloe Vera Juice for 12 hours and make Bars of
these After this, place these bars in a casket (Sam put) of Earth Lamp and tie th
ese with Seep Choona (Oyster Lime) under a cloth and give a light blow through 3
Kande(Dry Cow Dung) and as soon as it gets cool, take the same out When 1 gm.of thi
s is treated with the 10 gms.of Melted Copper, it becomes GOLD Take 3 Tolas of ea
ch Haldiya Vish & Smbhar Salt and mortar these with the 1 Kg.of Palash Tendrils (
the tree Butea frondosa)) and make a soft dough of it and keep it wet in a cloth
and allow it to give a light blow of 1.5 kgs.Kande As soon as it gets cool extract
out the ash of the same When 1 gm.of this ash is treated on the 30 gms.of Tin, th
e Tin changes into Silver .
We will discuss about the 8
18 Values (Samskaars) of the Parad in our next Artic
le Till then
JAI GURUDEV & take care Thanks & Rgds A.K.Nikhil