Rasa Sindhoora Method

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The key takeaways are that Kupipakva-Rasayana involves preparing medicines using mercury and other substances in a glass bottle with heat. It aims to produce strong bonds between mercury and other ingredients like sulphur for treating chronic diseases.

Kupipakva-Rasayana involves preparing medicines using mercury and other substances like sulphur in a glass bottle (kupi) using heat. The mercury and other ingredients are ground together and heated gradually in the bottle to form compounds for medicinal use.

Kupipakva Rasayana is considered important because it can potentially upgrade mercury's curative power and enhance its efficacy in proportion to the amount of sulphur used. These rasayanas are also seen as effective for treating chronic diseases.


The preceptors of Indian rasa shastra were initially indulged very much in the
achivement of a disease free and decay free body ( deha veda) and the conversion of
a lower metal to a higher metal i.e. a metal having higher economic value (loha veda )
simultaneously . but later their attempts in the field of deva veda became dominant.
Since the necessity of the removal of elements was the primary concern .acharyas
showed their keen intrest on the by products of veda karmas for therauptic purposes .
Acharyas found mercury and few other metalsminerals are very
useful. They observed that some toxic and harmful effects are likely to be produced in the
body if such metalsminerals are such.hence to minimize or to remove sodhana, marana,
gandhakajarana etc. gandhaka(sulphur) is considered as an essential element for various
purposes of mercury such as murchana,jarana etc..
It is also claimed in different texts that mercury does not become
therauptically useful unless in cinerated with sulphur (bali jarana ) in different ratios .
As rasa shasthra developed, the methods of effective preparation
of drugs are also developed because of as time goes on the human community
suffered due to the lot of elements Kupipakva method is developed mainly for
gandhaka jarana in which sulphur is added with mercury in different proportions and
burns it with the help of fire in glass bottle(kupi). The aim was to produce strong bond
structure between the molecules of mercury and the sulphur, to combat the strong and
chronic diseases .
As time and requirements increased our acharyas and vaidyas
Invented new experiments by adding some metals ( eg, gold, silver, copper, tin) and
non-metals ( like haritala, manahshila ) in the kupipakva method. Due to the miraculous
and dramatic effects in the dreadful & chronic elements, kupipakva rasayanas got lot of
name & fame. And thus the streams of practicing kupipakva rasayanas gradually
It means the medicine which is prepared by treating or cooking mercury and other
medicines on fire is known as Kupipakva-Rasayana. Mercury & other medicinal
substances are treated on fire in a specially formed glass bottle which in Rasa-shastra
texts is known as Kupi. Hence the preparation is called as Kupipakwa.
Medicines which are prepared with mercury as one of the main ingrediant, in a
glass bottle (kupi) in valukayantra are called as kupipakva Rasayana.
Kupipakva method is developed mainly for gandhakajarana in which sulphur is
added with mercury in different proportions and burns it with the help of fire in glass bottle.
According to Ayurveda Prakash, murcchana and jarana may be used as synonyms but
which is true only in the context of gandhakajarana.
Pure parada or Ashta sanskarita parada & gandhaka are grinded in a mortor &
pestle to make them into an amalgam which is black in colour & known as kajjali. This
kajjali is then triturated with said different herbs juices & is treated with the heat (Agni) by
the help of kupi (glass bottle). For the heating gradual increasing of heat is necessary like
mild, moderate & more. Depending upon the ingredients & paka kala, the colour varies
like Red (sindoora) & white (karpoora) etc.
The entity Rasayanshastra has two special words Rasa & Ayana. Rasa means
mercury & Ayana means a way or path. Hence all mercury containing medicines are
called as a Rasayana. Mercurial medicines cures the diseases, increases strength,
immunity (oja), intellect (medha) & stablizes the life, hence called as Rasayana.


In kupipakva method, mercury with or without sulphur is converted in the suitable
compound even without being reduced to ashes. Through this process, mercury gets
potentially upgraded and enhances its curative power; in other words, the potency and
efficacy of mercury increases in proportion to the amount of sulphur burnt in the jarana
Kupipakva rasayanas are consider more beneficial than other medicines due to the
specially designed preparational methods.
Due to the lot of heat processing all, ingredients becomes free from their blemishes.
In Rasasashtra their are many preparation mentioned for the therapeutic use. For
eg.. Parpati, Kupipakva, pottali, Bhasma etc. for these preparations, the does is very less
& also it has no taste. But its efficacy is more & acts very fast. All kupipakva rasayanas
are very Uksha, Tikasha, Laghu, Ruksha. Thats why its action is faster than other
mercurial preparations.
Jarana of equal quality of sulphur with mercury cures the diseases. Double quantity
Jarita parada cure the Rajayakshma (T.B). triguna jarita prada is very useful for
kaminidarpanashana means it increases the semem (sukra) quantity. Chaturguna jarita
parada increases the fairness of skin & also increases the intellectual power of brain. By
taking this mercury one can understand all shastra (sciences). Panchaguna gandhak
jarita parada gives siddhi & shadguna gandhaka jarita parada is conqueror of all diseases
& gives immortality (means stops untimely death due to the diseases).
Kupipakva rasaushadhis are magnificent in the main stream of ayurvedic
medicaments that are frequently used for dreadful diseases.
Global Health Problem:-
Now a days, due to the sedentary life style many kapha predominant ailments like
Hypertension, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Hypothyroidism, Impotency, Asthama, Amavata
& many mores are causing the global Health problems. In these kapha predominant
ailments no mercurial preparation is effective as kupipakva rasa due to their ushna,
tikshna, laghu etc, properties.
Historical Aspect of Kupipakva Rasayana Vidhi:-
In 13A.D. Shri Yashodara Bhatta has mentioned Rasa-sindoora preparation under the
heading of Udayabhaskara Rasa in his text: Rasaprakash sudhakar (R.P.S 3/10-14).
Here itself he has also mentioned Ghanasar-Rasa as a name of Rasa-Karpoor with the
preparation & its pharmacological properties.
Shri Yashodara Bhatta has used kachaghati (kupi/bottle) & sikata-yantra in the
preparation of these above medicines.
Shri Anantadev Soori of 15th century A.D. has described Rasaparthiva-Rtasa for the
same preparation in his book Rasa-Chintamani.
This preparation is also mentioned in textbooks of 16th century A.D. like Rasakoumudi &
Rasakalpayoga & of 17th century A.D. Ayurveda Prakasha as Sindoornama Rasa i.e.
Sindoora like Rasa (Red cloloured) or sindoora name like rasa.
Rasastaranagini has many preparatioal variants of Rasa-sindoora, Rasapushpa,
Rasakarpoora, Makarshwaja & swarnavanga etc.
Sindoora kalpa are developed in a process of Gandhaka (Bali) Jarana. To make mercury
useful for curing purpose (therapeutic purpose) shadguna bali jarana is done. In this
process a specific ratio of parada & gandhaka i.e. is converted into sindoora at a specifics
temperature (approximately 270 C)
Gandhaka jarna is first of all seen in Rasahridayatantra of 9th century A.D. Later on this
process is blossomed completely as Kupipakva Rasa Vidhi in furthur treaties.
Advent of kachkupi (glass bottle) & valuka-yantra:-
- Rasavada started use of kachkupi in 10th century. Treaties dating back to this
period does not have any reference of kachkupi. Inspite of that MUSHA are said.
- These textbooks prepared kupipakva kalpa in Mud/Earthen musha i.e. Andha-
Musha (Blind Crucible) & Tushagni is used for paka (Cooking) or Tula-yantra is used &
paka is done in valukayantra.
- We start getting references of valuka yantra since 9th century. Rasa-hridaya
Tantra has a reference of valuka-yantra but the he might have not used kachkupi (glass
bottle) for prepartion of Rasa-sindoora or Gasndhaka Jarana. Due to the unavailability of
kachakupi Bhagawata Govinda padacharyaji used Andhamusha (blind/close type of
Invention of glass took place outside of India. Before availability of glass in our country
somebody might be prepared Iron-kupi. eg. Rasendramangala has described shadguna
(six time) Balijarana in mercury by the help of Loha-crucible.
Types of Kupipakva-Rasa Vidhi:-
According to the use of suphur, the process is divided into two groups as follow:
1. Sagandha (Preparation with sulphur)
2. Nirgandha (Preparation without sulphur)
Sagandha - type of kupipakva rasaushadhis are more common & popular in practice
as they are easy in preparation and safe to use. They do not produce any hazardous
symptoms in the body when used internally.
The formulations of Nirgandha type, where mercury is converted in the murcchita state by
adding other drugs, are not so sommon and should be used with care as they may
produce some harmful effects.
On the basis of presence of fumes during the process, Sagandha type of Kupipakva
rasaushadhis are again sub-divided_into three :- (Nirmana Bheda)
1. Antaradhuma Talastha
2. Bahiradhuma Kanthastha
3. Nirdhuma
Sagandha Kalpa: These are furthur divided as follows
1. Mercury + Sulphur - e.g. Rasa-sindoora, Sugamsindoora
2. Mercury + Sulphur + Metals - e.g. Tamrasindoora, Rajatasindoora
3. Mercury + sulphur + Non-metals - e.g. Mallasindoora, Talasindoora
4. Mercury + Sulphur + Nonmetals + Gold eg. Poorna-chasndrosaya, Talachandrodaya

Nirganadha kapla:- ( eg. Rasakarpoora & Rasapushpa )

* These medicines are also classified according to their availability in specific part of
1. Gaslastha/ Kanthastha:- It means the medicine is found at the neck of
the bottle i.e. upper portin of the bottle e.g. Rasasindoora, Rasakarpoora,
2. Talastha/Adhastha:- these medicines are available at the bottom of the
bottle eg. Sameerapannaga & Rasasindoora.
3. Ubhayastha:- i.e. thses medicines are available at both parts i.e. neck of
the bottle & the bottom eg. Poorna-chandrodaya, Manikya Rasa.
Some more discussion on the above types- (Ref: Kupipakva-Rasa nirman vigyan Vd.
Rasavada has divided all kupipakvas into two main types-
1. Tala-lagna
2. Urdhwalagna
1. Talalagna-Rasas:- These are the rasa which need not evaporation & condensation,
only the necessity is to give mild, moderate & more heat ( mruda, madhyam, Tikashna
Agni) at the bottom of glass bottle to prepare the compound. This is known as Talalagna.
Talalagna Rasa are of 3types according to the ingredients:-
a. Type 1st Talalagna:- These are the preparations which are added by metals &
non-metals in their natural forms to produce new compound by the influence of Agni.
E.g. 1st Agnikumara- Rasa. This preparation has mercury & Lead (Naga), 2 natural
metals & sulphur as a non-metal.
b. Type 2nd Talagana:- These are the preparation in which natural metals & non-metal
converted into compounds & some metal & non-metals added directly as compound
form. Eg. 2nd Agnikumara-rasa. It has mercury as a natural metal & Gandhaka, Somala
as a natural non-metals. It also contains compounds like Abhraka Bhasma,
Cinnabar(Hgs) Harital (AS2S3), & Tamara. After trituration & Agni-paka in kupi, some
elements (moulika) gets converted into compound (youngika). (These rasas are prepared
on mild & moderate heat). Along this some changes also occurs in compund (yogika)
c. Type 3rd Talalagna:- It contains all the drugs which are in compound (yougika)
form. Eg. 3rd agnikumara-rasa. It has Rasasindoora, Abhraka, Loha etc, all compound
2. Urdhwalagna Rasa:- These are also of two types
A. Type 1st Urdhwalagna:- In this type only one metal is converted into copound
(yougika) by the help of any non-metal (Adhatu) or gas. Later on it evaporated in granule
form.eg. Rasa-sindoora, Hingula, Rasakarpoora, Darchikana, etc.

B. Type 2nd Urdhwalagna:- In this prepartion metals, non-metals, elements

(moulika) & compound (yougika) are added & evaporated, to get medicine, at the neck of
the bottom. Eg. Tala-sindoora, Sameerapanga-rasa, etc. In this type of preparation,
mercury, suphur & Somal (As2O3) etc are added as a element (moulika) forms & Haritala
(As2s3), Manashila (As2s2) are added as a compound form.
Place for preparation:
Important instruments: a. Kach-kupi (Glass bottle)
b. Valuka-yantra & Valuka
c. Bhrashtri/Bhatti/Hearth/Furance
d. Pyrometer
Miscellaneous: a. khalwa-yantra b. Kupi-stands
b. Different size trays & spatulas
c. Iron-Rod
d. Brick-cork
e. Copper coin or Copper foil
f. Knife
g. Wooden-rod/ wooden piece
h. Air-tight bottles
Material: a. Drugs Mercury, Sulphur, Minerals, Metals
b. herbs
c. Clay (multanimitti) Wrapping material.
d. Water
e. Match-Box
f. Kerosene
g. Firing-material (wood, coal etc)
h. First Aid Box(Containing important medicines)
i.. Observation-Book
Place for preparation of Kupipakva Rasayana:-
The room in which the furnace (Bhatti) is to be built should be enough high & must have
proper ventilation i.e should have enough number of windows & gate. So that the smoke
& heat of the furnace does not cause any trouble to the Worker/Maker or Observer.

Furnace is not to be built in open space, otherwise rain in rainy season & scorching
sunlight in summer will cause trouble during the preparation & with winds flowing, the heat
will not be provided sufficiently.
The room should be sufficient roomy or should have sufficient place to store fire material
like wood, coal etc & extra bags of sand.
It is better to built the room to near by the water reservoir or water-store.
The room/place should be away from the residential areas. But should have all
requirements which are required for the preparation of Rasa.
Must have the Light system, electrical supply. Because kupipakva rasayana preparations
requires 2-3days & nights. For night it must have Light system.
a. Kupi (Bottle):-
Even after the development of the technique of kachakupi (glass bottle) preparation, the
earthen crucible, copper bowl and damaruyantra were very much in use for the
preparation of medicines like kupipakva.
Rasataragini refers to the glass-coated earthen vessel for the preparation of Rasapushpa,
but in due course, the use of glass bottle became more frequent due to its availability,
easy handing, economical factor & its inertness towards different components of mercurial
Advantage of glass-bottle: The most important advantage of glass-bottle is, the rasas
which prepared in glass-bottle, they get very beautiful & smooth, slippery surface. This is
not possible in any another material bottle.
- In earthen crucible (Mrunmusha) the chances of breaking or tearing are more. And
also some chances to leak the volatile material from the bottle.
- Iron kupi gets reacted with sulphur & leaves thin layers of iron.
- Breaking of glass-bottle to collect the medicine is also very easy & convenient.
- The bottom of the bottle should be flat or dome shaped (convex). Do not take the
bottle having concave bottom-surface.
- A Beer bottle is a good choice.
The neck of the bottle should not be long:- (Ref : kupipakva rasa nirman vigyan)
While preparing kupipakva rasa a thing we came to know that the prepared medicine
does not stick at very high in bottle neck, in spite of that, its sticks at that height of 3-4
inches from the bottom of the bottle. If heat is increased yet to some more extent in such
circumstances the rasa will stick above the level of 5 inches. But, sulphur &
Navasadar(NH4CL) will definitely stuck to the more upper level. If bottle neck is
unnecessary lengthy, sulphur & navasadar are definitely to accumulate in the lumen &
occlude the passage resulting in the tearing of the bottle. Generally the fumes of sulphur
& Navasadar are responsible for braking of the bottle. The height of the glass-bottle
should be approximately 12-13 inches.
b. Valukayantra:-
Valukayantra, also known as sikatayantra, is the apparatus to provide heat to kupi.
Generally valukayantra made-up of iron (bucket shaped) is used for Kupipakva
formulations however, Ayurveda pralash describes it made out of clay and coated with
clay & cloth for kupipakva methods. The size of valukayantra should be selected in
comparison to kupi. i.e. almost of equal height, to achieve the better results and to avoid
the loss of fuel.
Valukayantra is filled with sand(valuka) and it is called Lavanayantra when filled
with lavana (Salt). The purpose of filling sand or lavana in Valukayantra is to provide a
constant temperature and also to provide support to the kupi.
Ayurveda prakash describes valukayantra having a small hole covered with mica
sheet at its bottom for kupipakva processes, perhaps to increase the temperature at a
faster rate.
Accordint to R.R.S 9/33-36:-
A beer bottle is taken & coated by 7 layers of clay & mud of 1 finger width & is allowed to
dry. Now kajjali is poured up to 1/3rd part of the bottle. As big Iron bucket is taken. Pour a
sand in that iron bucket up to the height of 2 inches.
Now the bottle is placed in the bucket & the vacant part is filled with sand up to the
neck of the bottle (up to the 2 inches below of the bottle-mouth).
The bottle should be at the center of Iron-bucket (valuka Yantra)
While pouring the sand, in valuka yantra, care should be taken to seal the mouth of
the bottle with a cork or paper, to prevent the entry of sand in the mouth of bottle.
Otherwise this sand will spoil the inner medicine (kajjali).
Now this valuka yantra is placed on furnace and gradually increasing Agni (heat) is
given i.e. Mrudu, Madhyam & TivraAgni.
For how much time one should heat the bottle? When a dried grass placed on
the heated sand starts getting burnt up to that time we have to heat it.
We can fill the Iron-bucket with sand, Lavana or Bhasma (Ashes).
This valuka yantra is used for gandhakjarana, kupipakva rasa nirmana & parada
golaka paka.
The Iron bucket/pot should occupy totally the diameter of furnace with open space
of approximately 1 Angula (2cm) surrounding it equally. With this surrounding open space
Agni-Jwalla (Flames of Agni) will give constant & equal heat to all parts of valukayantra.
And it also allows to escape the smoke or fumes from the furnace.
The Iron bucket shape pot should be 12 inches in height & width should be enough.
So that after placing the kupi in it, a sufficient space of 2 inches be remain vacant
surrounding to the bottle.
In case of mud-pot tie a iron wire surrounding to the mouth of mud-pot to prevent
the tearing or breaking of the pot.
Valuka (Sand) for Valukayantra:-
- It is better to procure the sand from river-bank.
- The sand should not be very fine nor having big sized stones.
- The sand particles size should be moderate & having same size of particles.
- Sand from seas-beach is not allowed.
- Same sand is useful for 3-4 times. Also store the extra sand bags in the Room, so
that eventually if the valuka yantra is broken & sand is wasted, you need not run at the
eleventh hour for searching the new sand.

Upto which level we should fill the sand in sand bucket or valuka yantra?
Fill the sand around the glass-bottle upto 2 3 inches below the neck of the bottle. Never
fill the sand up to the neck and in this condition if bottle will break by some reason, then it
is very difficult to pull out the bottle outside. Second reason is there may be the chance to
enter thje sand through the tears of glass, bottle, if filled upto the neck. It may spoil the
If bottle will be open upto 2-3 inches at the upper side, it is very easy to pull out, in some
emergency conditions.
C. Furnace (Bhrashtri):
Muffle Furnace:
As a heating device for Kupipakva muffle furnaces are very much convenient in
various aspects. Any type of temperature pattern for any short duration could easily be
maintained through it. Muffle furnace checks the fluctuation of temperature. It is eco-
friendly also, neither it requires wood as fluel nor it produces a lot of fumes & dirt.
Wood Furnace: ( furnace in which fuel is wood)
If we are using the furnace in which we will use wood as a fuel, then it better to
insert iron rods in that furnace while constructing. It is easy to burn firewood over the
mesh of rods. The meshwork formed due to the iron rods enables the heat, that is
generated by burning small wood pieces, to be utilized upto the maximum extent than
compared to general furnace which not have iron-rod meshwork inside it.
For maximum burning of wood pieces air is very necessary. (O2). This iron-rod
mesh enables the more entry of air in the mouth of furnace. The more entry of air in the
mouth of furnace. The wood pieces, burns on the mesh easily & produce more heat than
the furnace where wood is place in the mouth of furnace on the ground.
It saves the more consumption of wood.
For this furnace outlet for the smoke will goes outside & heat is provided to the
valukayantra in proper manner.
Baluka-Yantra is to be inserted in this furnace as such its half part should be
inside the lumen of furnace.
Mineral Coal Furnace:
Production of heat in the coal furnace is very high. If proper ventilation ( supply of
oxygen) will be there, at place where the coals are burning, temperature goes to upto 700
- 800C. In order to control the entry of air in the mouth of this furnace, a valve
arrangement at the mouth of furnace is must. So that by opening & closing or adjusting
the valve we can control the heat, by controlling the air-entry inside it.
Gas Furnace:
In this furnace the temperature depends upon the flow of fuel-gas to the furnace. If
flow is more the heat production inside the furnace will be more.
Electric Furnace:
In Electric Furnace the production of heat is depends upon the flow of electricity.
With the help of regulator having numbers 1-2-3-4, the electric flow can be controlled
leading to change in heat generated.
It is wise to know prior hand that how much temperature can be generated in this
furnace. And also the prior knowledge of at various indicated (1-2-3-4) of the regulator
how much electric flow is going inside & producing how many heat, is also must. Once we
knew these things & temperature at which various kupipakva rasas are prepared, then
we have to just insert the kupi in furnace & adjust the temperature accordingly that rasa.
The rasa will prepare automatically without any feat of breakage of bottle. And due to the
constant & sufficient heat the kupipakva - rasa will also become pakva without any
According to convenience Electric Furnace is most useful than other furnace.
Secondly gas furnace then mineral coal furnace & then wood furnace are convenient.
d. Pyrometer:
The meter or instrument which measures the temperature is known as pyrometer.
Measuring the temperature at different stages during the kupipakva-rasa preparation is
must for the standardization & convenience.
Pyrometers are of Two Types:
Pyrometer which can be inserted directly in the fire flames of the furnace. It shows the
temperature of Agni in furnace.
The second one are small in size & can be inserted in the sand upto the bottom of the
valukayantra. (it is better to keep this pyrometer in the iron canal, which covers this
pyrometer). This shows temperature of sand.
These pyrometers are made up of different different metal alloy.
Rasavaidya should know the different temperature levels for the preparation of different
kupipakva-rasas. Eg: Rasa-Sindoora forms the compound at 260C and if and if heat /
temperature exceed ti 270C - 275 C. It starts evapouration & stick to the throat of the
bottle. When compound (or rasa) is prepared, remember not to exceed heat than 270C -
275 C, otherwise fumes will come out in large quantity blocking bottle mouth & leading to
the brakage of bottle. So care must be taken to reduce the temperature when mouth of
bottle occluded.
It is very much mandatory to control heat in kupipakva rasa preparation, to prepare proper
medicine. Every Rasa-vaidya must know the temperature pattern and heat regulation.
a) Khalwa Yantra: Khalwa Yantra is necessary to prepare Kajjali (Powder) of
required drugs for kupipakva rasayana. Prior to heating procedure in valuka yantra proper
mixing of drugs in khalwa yantra is must for better result & to get maximum quantity of
It is also useful & required for trituration (Bhavana) of kajjali by means of different
herbal juices. Eg: To prepare Malla-Sindoora, Bhavana of Kumari-Swarasa is
And also after the completion of kupipakva-rasayana medicine, we will get that
rasa in thick layer (like scale) form & some rasa in granules form. To administer for
therapeutic purpose, it should be very fine. Thats why mardana (pounding) in khalwa-
yantra is necessary.
b) Kupi-Stand: After the wrapping clay & cloth on the glass-bottle, it is must drying
of that layer. Then & then only we should wrap another layer (total 7 layers). For the quick
& proper drying of layers of clay & cloth, kupi-stand is necessary.
In the absence of kupi-stand we can put that bottles inverted on the plane surface
for drying the layers.
c) Different sized trays & spatula are also required for the drying process of kajjali
after each trituration (Bhavana). Prior to filling the kajjali in bottle it should be properly
dried. To fill trhe kajjali in bottle, different size of spatula are also required.
d) Iron-Rod (Loha Shalaka): While heating the medicine / kajjali in bottle,
the mouth of glass-bottle can get obstructed with the condensed fumes of Sulphur &
Navasadara (Ammonium Chloride). This obstruction or occlusion may cause the breakage
of bottle.
* To avoid this, it is must to relieve the obstruction by means of hot iron-rod (shalaka)by
inserting it in the mouth of bottle frequently.
* The rod is heated & then inserted into the mouth of bottle, thus the sulphur and other
kshara are burnt and the obstruction is relieved.
* For the sake of convenience the length of rod should be 3 foot (36 inches).
* The grip of the rod should be made up of wood and the rod should be slender at the
e) Copper coin or copper foils:
* After complete burning of the sulphur, the blue Flames will be stopped. After this, the
whitish fumes will be come out from the mouth of bottle. These are the fumes of Mercury.
* To test that whether these are Fumes of Mercury, copper foil should be kept on the
mouth of bottle. After removing if white coloured spot will be there on that copper Foil, it
confirms that now the mercury is evaporating. It is a right time to apply mudrana (Sealing
of the mouth of bottle) by the cork and clay.
f) Knife:
* After removing the kacha-kupi from the Valuka-yantra, Knife is recquired to remove the
closely adherent layers of clay and cloth.
* Sometime it is also useful to break the bottle to remove the collected medicine, from
inside the bottle.
g) Wodden-Rod or Wooden-Piece:
* After removing the layers of day-cloths and breaking of the bottle, wooden-rod is
required for hamering the bottle to slip the layers of pakva rasa from the bottle.
h) Airtight bottles/Containers:
* After collection of the pakva-rasa from the bottle, it should be preserve and store in the
airtight bottle.
* If airtight container is not used, some reactions of the atmospheric gases may be occur
on the prepared medicine.
a) Drugs and Bhavana Dravyas:
Mercury for Kupipakva Method:
Mercury for Kupipakva Method: inspite of hingulottha parade, if Vishesha shodhita parade
is used, it is increases the rasayana property & also it gives veryt quick result.
Bubhukshita parade, if added in this method, it increases the rasayana property more
than vishesha shodhita parade
* The main ingredients of kupipakva-rasayanas are Mercury and Sulphur. Before going to
prepare Kupipakva-rasa Collection and Purification of all ingredients should be done, to
save the time.
* Every ingredient should be purified (Shodhita) prior to Kupipakva-vidhi. Unpurified
(Ashodhita) ingredients may cause some severe adverse effect.
* Most of the Kupipakva-rasa needs trituration i.e., Bhavana of various herbal drugs prior
to paka process.
e.g Kumari swarasa, Vatakura-swarasa, Nimbu-swarasa, Raktakurpasa pushpa Swarasa
b) Clay & Cloth: [Wrapping Material]
* Ayurveda Prakash describes saindhava & anaskriti for coating khadiya clay, whereas in
Rasendracintamani, Khatika, Mud & Saindhava are described for coating on glass bottle.
* Clay should be sticky and not contains any stones or foreign material. It is better to add
some powder of cowdung and Horse stool with the clay (or earth) to provide more
* It is also better to use plane Multani-Mitti with water for the clay.
* The pieces of cloths should be enough long and wide to cover the whole bottle at a time.
Do not take very old pieces of cloths.
* Many rasavaidyas use smooth cotton inspite of cloth with Multani-Mitti and applies it
only once as it is stout enough.
c) Water:
* For different purposes eg.
* To wet the multani-mitti and pieces of cloths water is required.
* During the heating process in furnace, it is also important to keep a big reservoir of
water aside the room as a preventive care to avoid burn accidents, if occur. Water is also
required for Mudra (sealing) preparation.
d) Firing Material:
Fire Wood: It is better to use dry wood pieces of Babbula (Acacia Arabica). Babbula
wood produces more constant heat. The thickness of firewood should be approximately
equal to the circumference of human forearm storage of enough firewood is necessary to
avoid further problem. To give three Agni approximately 5 mana ( 200 kg) Firewood is
The Firewood should be properly dried otherwise it will produce unnecessary
smoke in the furnace and also supply less heat than requirement.
Coal: Mineral coals are useful, storage should be enough useful for coal-furnace.
Gas: Fuel gas is useful for Gas Furnace.
Electricity or Power Supply: For Electric Furnace.
e) Match box and Kerosene:
This material is required during the process of breaking of bottle. [see the point breaking
of bottle].
f) First Aid Box:
In kupipakva-rasayana vidhi most of the work is related to the heat/Agni. Sometimes
during the handeling the apparatus burns or scalds may occur to the worker or vaidya.
Also, during the cleaning of the mouth with the iron-rod, some toxic fumes of sulphur,
Arsenic trioxide (Somal), Harital, Manashila etc. may cause some adverse effects, if
inhaled. To treat this some medicaments should be present with us.
g) Observation Book:
* Observations increase the knowledge of person. It is better to keep Record from the
Starting of the preparation to the end, of each procedure.
* This record is also useful for to write the quantity of different drugs taken & obtained final
* Most important is to note the temperature in different stages.
* This previous records and observations are very much useful for future drug
Procedure ( Method of Preparation):
Kupipakva rasayana procedure can divide into three phases:
1. Preheating Phase : It includes
a. Kajjali Preparation and Trituration
b. Coating of bottle (Kapadmitti)
c. Filling of raw material in bottle.
2. Heating phase :It includes
a. Heating procedure and temperature pattern.
b. Observations
c. Cleaning of mouth of bottle
d. Paka-pariksha
e. Precautions
f. Mudrana (Sealing ) Procedure.
3. Post-heating Phase:It includes
a. Breaking of bottle
b. Test of prepared medicine
c. Storage

Pre Heating Phase:

a) Kajjali Preparation and Trituration:
* Mixing of Mercury with Suphur Pounding of Mercury and Sulphur gives a Fine, Black
coloured powder known as Kajjali.
* For preparation of Kupipakva rasayana, it is must to prepare Kajjali of given
ingredients, prior filling the bottle.
* We can not get any medicine without proper pounding (Mardana) of all ingredients, prior
to kupipakva vidhi.
* Whenever we want to add sulphur in mercury it should be added before adding others
non-metals like somal etc.
* But in case of adding metals like Gold, Silver, Tin etc in Mercury, it should be add porior
to adding Sulphur. After proper amalgamation of metal and mercury, then we should add
sulphur to prepare Kajjali.
* There are two types of Amalgamation:
* 1. First Procedure is in which metals are melted by means of heat and added to the
Second one is in which foils of metals (like Gold, Tin) are added and pounded with
mercury. It also change in amalgamation.
But in these two procedure first procedure is more effective and convenient
After Kajjali preparation Navasadar etc minerals should be added as requirement.
Trituration or Bhavana:
Before subjecting the heat to Kajjali, trituration of diff herbal juices is required. (swarasa
* Bhavana should be given as per that particular reference of text.
e.g. Vatankura swarasa bhavana for Rasasindoora.
Kumari swarasa bhavana for Mallasindoora.
* What is the importance of Trituration ? it reduces the combination of drugs to fine
powder and also removes some blemishes if any before paka.
Many times bhavana dravyas gives good colour to the prepared medicine i.e. final
* After bhavana, Kajjali should be dried before filling it in the bottle. Wet Kajjali may cause
burst of bottle.
b) Coating of Kupi with clay and cloth: [ KAPAD MITTI]
* Rasaratnasamucchaya describes the method of coating of Kupi with clay and cloth in
detail. (R.R.S. 9/33-35).
* The bottle should be placed upside down in a rod stand keep a thin layer of clay at the
bottom of Kupi and then a single piece of cotton strip, smeared with clay, should be
placed downward from its bottom.
* The cloth piece/the strip should be lengthy enough to cover both sides upto bottles
* After proper drying of the first layer, put second layer
* Another cotton strip smeared with clay should be placed in cross direction to previous
strip from the bottom to the mouth of the bottle.
* Press these coating by hand to made it plane, smooth and so also to make sure that no
free space or air bubble is present in between the bottle and strips, then it should be dried
in sun.
* Likewise, the texts of rasashastras describe total SEVEN layers of coating of clay and
cloth on kachakapi to make it strong and heat resistant.
* Ayurveda Prakash describes saindhava and Ayaskriti and coating Khadiya clay(Ayu.
Pra.1/194) whereas in Rasendra Chintamani, Khatika, Mud and Saindhava are described
for coating on glass bottle (R.C.2/18).
* Precautions:1. If thin bottle is taken then 10 times wrapping is require.
2. Dont apply all 7 layers at a time. Simultaneously done coating of 7 layers is not stout
3. The thinkness of 7 layers should be approximately 0.5 - 0.75 inches.
4. Dont apply more clay repeatedly. It will increase unnecessary weight of bottle.
5. Coating should be done very carefully to avoid. Further complications during
heating procedure in valukayantra.
6. If coating is not done as above, it may cause burse of glass-bottle due to the
unequal surfaces of bottle.

Is it is necessary to coat the hole bottle?

* It is not necessary to coat the hole bottle. Coating should not be done upto the mouth of
bottle. It is sufficient to coat the bottle upto below 2-3 angulas (approximately 4 5 cm) of
the mouth.
* Because if both parts of the bottle that bottom & mouth are enough stout due to the
wrapping, bottle may burst in case of obstruction of mouth.
* But if wrapping is not done at the upper side of mouth, it would be not enough stout. In
this condition, in case of obstruction, bottle may gets only tears from the mouth. It will
save the bursting of bottle.
* Hence stouting should enough at the bottom of bottle. Because here quantity of heat is
much more, than the mouth region of bottle.
c) Filling of Raw-Material in the bottle:
* Though there is description of different amounts of ingredients to be filled in kupi without
describing the capacity of bottle in different texts of rasasastra, it is not very clear in which
amount the raw material should be filled in.
* However, practically 1/3rd (400 gms) filling of kupi is found best for better results and
also to avoid any sort of miss happening during the procedure.
* Only 1/3rd part or less than it volume of the bottle be filled with kajjali & remaining space
should be kept vacant.
* If more kajjali is filled, it will spill out & the medicine will be waste.
* Only dry kajjali should be filled. Wet or damp kajjali may break the bottle.
a) Temperature Pattern:
* After placing Kupi in the center of Valuka-Yantra / Furnace. Accourding to the need of
formulations. Gradual temperature pattern of Mrudu-Agni (250C), Madhyam-Agni(250C
- 450C) & Tivra-Agni(450C - 650C) should be given for different periods.
* In the classics of rasashastra, different periods i.e. from many hours to days are
described for different temperature ranges of kupipakva methods.
* Necessity dependent upon ingredients and their percentage in the formulation; for
example: in Shadagunajarana of gandhaka (incineration of mercury with 6 times sulphur),
we have to provide all the three ranges of temperature for longer duration where as for the
preparations of Rasakarpura, Rasapushpa and Swarnavanga, temperature ranges of
mrudu & madhyama for shorter duration are sufficient.
* From time to time variations are seen in the form of Agnmi i.e.wood, coal or electricity
according to the convenience. Electric furnace is also used successfully. A major plus
point in electric furnace is that the heat can be easily regulated & also there is no neeed to
used valukayantra in this furnace.
* Temperature / Heat to be given is divided into three phases:
1. Mrudu-Agni: The temperature at which kajjali remains in melted condition &
Paka is in process. For this purpose 200-250C temperature is useful.
2. Madhyam-Agni: The temperature at which the kajjali remains boiling & smoke
starts coming out fast and then flames starts to come out. Till the flames are subsided
totally temperature should be maintain as madhyamagni. This is a temp of 250 to 450-
500C. the formation of compound medicine (Yougika) occurs on this temperature.
3. Tivra-agni: The temperature at which Rasasindoora (or formed compound)
accumulated at the throat of the bottle by Urdhwapatana i.e. sublimation. Before this
stage when then flames of sulphur subsides, the mouth of bottle should be closed by
means of cork. This is a temp. of 450C - 650C.
* In wood Furnace, it is better to use dry wood pieces of Babbula (Acacia Arabica). At
the end of the preparation a high temperature is to be provided. If it is not given properly
the medicine will be apakwa and if it exceeds over required temperature, the bottle will be
melt away or medicine will burn or evaporated so one must be careful for giving Agni.
* Thin bottle required some less heat simple black coloured bottle required more heat and
red coloured stout bottle can tolerate more heat.
Observational Action/Procedure:
* Give the Agni in a sequence of mrudu, madhyama and tivra within 2 -3 hrs. after the fire
is lit, valuka-yantra starts becoming hot and the fumes of sulphur starts coming out of the
bottle. After 6 hours when sulphur started melting, increase the temperature gradually. If
temperature will increase suddenly the Kajjali will spill out of the bottle.
* If kajjali starts spilling out, then immediately pull out some firewood from the furnace and
insert the iron-rod in the bottle. This will stop the spilling.
* If care is not taken to dothis immediately, within 15 -20 into the sand and will be waste.
* After 12 hours when fumes (smoke) starts coming out of the bottle excessively, heated
iron rod insert in the bottle be burn with a blue flames at the mouth of bottle otherwise the
bule flame will not bunt.
* If flames continues to bur, just increase the temperature. The (blue) flames generally
keeps on burning for 12 hours. First the flame is seen at the opening of mouth of the
bottle, later on it depends into the neck of bottle.
* As the medicine gets on cooked and flame starts declining, increase the temperature
gradually so that the medicine will prepared on time.
b) Cleansing the mouth of Bottle:
When total sulphur/Gandhaka is burnt out and flame stops coming, little fumes are seen
coming out of bottle, then the hot iron-rod is being inserted at very half hour to clean the
throat of bottle.
If Kshara (eg. NH4CL etc) is added in the kajjali then kshara with sulphur fumes keeps on
obstructing the throat completely the bottle can burst out or blast. So the heated iron rod
is carefully kept on being inserted in the throat of bottle. This frequent cleansing of bottle
will reduce the percentage of kshara and medicine will be prepared quickly and properly.
Dont disturb the medicine at the bottom:
One thing must be borne in the mind, not to disturb/move the medicine at the bottom
frequently while inserting the iron-rod only throat is to be cleared. Due to the frequently
disturbing the talastha medicine it will not prepared properly.
c) Determination of proper paka [ paka Pariksha ]
* To determine the samyaka paka of prepared compound (Yougika) insert the rod into the
bottle and take out and smell it immediately. If smell of sulphur will not comes, consider
that the medicine is well prepared.
* When the paka is being taking place dont disturb the compound by insertion of irod-rod,
it will lead to evaporation of mercury.
Copper Foil Test:
For determination of proper paka, copper foil test is also useful. After complete
evaporation of sulphur, mercury gets evaporated. When mercury gets evaporated, it
evaporates with white-fumes. In this condition if we will put the copper foil on the mouth of
bottle, we will get a whitish spot on that foil after 2 3 minutes.
These are the particles of mercury.
This test will confirm the properly prepared medicine.
Pakalakshana For Nirdhuma Kupipakva-rasas:
Appearance of flames in the grass stick placed on the surface of valukayantra and other
different pakalakshana should be observed very carefully during the nirdhuma kupipakva-
rasas like Rasakarpura, Rasapusha etc.
Others Pariksha for Paka-Lakshana:
Flame must be stoped coming out of the mouth of the bottle.
When darkness is created around the bottle & the bottom is seen it should be red in
colour (like a red colour of Dawn). It is most important test.
If torch light is thrown inside the mouth of bottle. It should be seen that some mercury
particles are coming out. If a cold iron-rod (shalaka) is inserted in the bottle smoke should
not stick to the rod. These are the same test to confirm the paka of Kupipakva-Rasa:
e) Important Precautions:
1. If Navasadara (Ammonium Chloride) or any Kshard is added, keep on cleansing
the throat of the bottle with the start of smoke itself. Because the kshara starts coming
upside with smoke.
2. If temperature is not provided in sufficient quantity, the medicine will remain at the
bottom in Apakwa i.e. halfripen state & the stuck medicine at the bottle-neck will also be
difficult to take out.
3. Dont look inside the bottle repeatedly as it is harmful to eyes. Inhalation of fumes
during the process should also be avoided to restrict the harmful effect in the body.
4. temperature of valukayantra should be increased gradually. Fluctuation of
temperature in valukayantra should be avoided.
f) Sealing of mouth: (Mudra & Kupimukha Mudrana)
(Application of Daat / Cork)
* Process of closing the mouth of the bottle is called as mudra.
* After getting above Paka-Lakshna, it is immediately require to apply the seal the mouth
of bottle. Otherwise valuable mercury & other drugs will get evaporated & goes outside. It
will lead to wastage of valuable medicine & time also.
* When the sulphur is totally burnt, smokes stops coming out & a red coloured hue is
observed at the bottom of bottle, a piece (cork) of brick or chalk is covered with a cloth
which is smeared with lime & honey is fit in the mouth.
* Sometime, if due to some smoke remaining inside the bottle the cork is forced out one
should not afraid. After half an hour insert the brick cork again. After inserting it a cloth
smeared with lime & honey is wrapped around the mouth to proper sealing.
Another material for sealing:
* On appearance of Paka Lakshana, the mouth of the bottle should plugged by a piece of
brick or clay and sealed with mixture of jaggery and lime if requied.
* Sealing of the mouth of bottle with copper foil is also described in
Rasaratnasamucchaya (R.R.S.15/11-16)
* Brick cork covered by the cloth smeared with multani mitti is also useful.
g) How to prepare Cock / Daat:
It is prepared of a chalk piece or brick piece by rubbing it slowly on the
surface. It should be of enough length. So that one inch of it is inserted inside the bottle &
remaining round shaped part remains outside the bottle.
h) After sealing, the sand around the neck of the bottle should be removed to
facilitate the deposition of final product at the upper side of bottle. Also pull out the bottle
from sand upto 2 4 inches after sealing, to prevent heating at the upper side of bottle.
After Mudra / Sealing the agni should be Mudru (mild) for near about - 1 hour. Then
increase the heat gradually. Lastly the Agni should be Tivra for another 12- 36 hours to
prepapre the final product.
Precautions: After sealing if the sand around the neck region not removed, the
condensation of fumes will not occur inside the neck region of bottle. Hence to get
condensed drug it is also useful to pull out the bottle from sand upto approximately 2 4
inches, after sealing.
After giving Tivra-Agni lastly, the Yantra should be cooled selfly. For that
we should wait for another 24 hours 36 hours.
Post Heating Phase:
i) Removing of the bottle: After self cooling of Valuka-Yantra, remove the sand
around the bottle, upto the bottom. Now pull out the bottle by holding firmly. Valuka
removed from the yantra should be stored properly for further use.
Cleaning of furnace by removing ash from it & repairing if any damage, is also important.
j) Breaking of Kupi:
* Covering / Coating of bottle should be scraped off by a knife, & then clean the bottle
surface by the cloth. Now we can see the position of stucked final product.
* According to the position of final product, i.e. one fingerbelow the lower border in cvase
of Urdhvastha formulation, one finger above from the upper border in case of Talastha
formulation, a thick thread soaked in kerosene, should be tied and burnt. After complete
burning of thread, the heated portion of bottle should be covered with a wet cloth. (After
hearing the breaking sound remove the wet cloth). This immediately breaks the bottle
spherically in a very sharp manner and the final product should be separated by harming
with a piece of wood.
* While breaking the bottle it should be kept in a big tray. After breaking the bottle if some
smoke will come from inside, care should be taken, not to inhale it as it may causes Kasa
& Shwasa.
* A tabular structured stucked medicine should be remove carefully. Along with the
medicine if there is nay blackish material is also stucked to the bottle, remove it separately
& keep aside. Add this blackish material in Kajjali, for the next same drug preparation.
* We will also get some useless ash of sulphur at the bottom.
* If the ash is sufficient heavy in weight, it is then having some particles of mercury. Due
to the unsufficient agni/heat some Bluish-Blackish ash (Bhasma) remains inside the
bottom. We can add this bhasma in the Kajjali, if we will prepare same medicine next
* If Kajjali is added with Gold, a black coloured bhasma will remain inside at the bottom.
Wash it in the way told in case of Suvarna Bhasma & prepare a bhasma from it or with the
help of acid purify it & covert into gold.
k) Test for prepared medicine:
When it is laborious excessively to scrap the prepared Kupipakva-Rasa, which does not
separate easily & does not separate at once, is considered as a apakva ( half-ripened)
When the rasa separates from the wall of bottle, very easily it is considered as a properly
prepared medicine.
L) Adverse effects of Apakva/Unripened Rasayana
It includes excessive salivation (praseka), gingivitis & Lossness of Teeth et.
M) Way to prepare Apakva Rasayana to Pakya stage:
Apakva rasayana should be added with equal quantity of sulphur & made into Kajjali. This
Kajjali then again subjected to heat upto 24 hours in Kachkupi in Valukayantra. This
reheating with sulphur, will change the medicine from apakva stage to pakva stage. This
process will save the valuable prepared medicine.
Doubts & Answers:
Whether is there any time limitation for the completion or preparation of Kupipakva
It means gradually increasing Mrudu, Madhyam & Tivra Agni for three/four/five days are
advised to prepare Kupi-Pakva Rasayana Kalpa. But those who keeps on harping to
abide the above advice are now proved wrong.
* Now this time limitation is not required in this new era of science. Now a days everything
is advanced. New instruments i.e.modern furnaces does not need that much of time.
* In old age the instruments were different, now a days instruments has changed.
Situation has changed.
* Today the furnaces are changed, pots are changed, method of giving temperature is
also changed, in this condition the time requirement will definitely change. It does not
need that much of long time of 4 5 days.
Some vaidyas take doubt that Kupipakva-Kalpa prepared in short time will not be so effect
as much as which are prepared according to shastras advice. But it is not correct?
Ans: Why because the time needed to prepare Kupipakva-Kalpa is depending
solely on heat provided. It temperature is given properly, the formed compound is getting
evaporated & at the site of its condensation the temperature is enough less, rasa get
accumulated & get formed there, in proper & less time.
Is there any difference in properties of early prepared & late prepared Kupipakva Kalpas?
Ans: If the structure (Chemical & physical) of prepared compound is same, then
there will be no change in properties of early & late prepared kalpas. This is a well known
principle of chemistry. (Rasayan Shastra)
Is there any breaking takes place of Kupipaka compound, if Tivra-Agni is given?
Ans: Yes, in some Kupipakva Kalpas like Rasakarpoor, darchikana, during their
evaporation, if temperature is given very high their compound will be separated. Likewise
in another kalpas also, due to the very high temperature formed compound may break.
Hence solemn study of chemistry & solemn study of temperature pattern is must for every
rasa vaidya. At which temperature the compound will form & at which temperature it may
break, this type of knowledge will get by the experience & proper study.
Kupupakva Rasa & Prakruti (Constitution) of Patient:
Except Swana Vanga remaining all kupipakva rasas are more suitable for Vata & Kapha
Prakriti people & less suitable for pitta prakriti people.
If we want to give any Kupipakva Rasa to patient having pitta prakriti in pitta
predominance & hot season. We should give the medicine with shita virya drugs like
Mukta, Prawal (coral), Vanshalochana as a vehicle. And also should not continue the
medicine more than 4 6 days. Discontinue it & again start it. This care will prevent the
adverse effect in pitta prakriti people.

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