Kassel University

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Information for international




Admission Requirements
Application Procedure of Undergraduate
and Postgraduate Courses
Study Credits
Obtaining a Doctorate
Financing Your Studies
Advice and Enquiries


Dear Applicant,
Thank you very much for your interest in the University of Kassel.
This booklet contains information for applicants to the University of
Kassel (with German or other nationality) who have obtained their
university entrance qualification in countries other than Germany.
For these applicants, the admission procedures are the same as for
German applicants.
The following pages will advise you how to apply for a place at the
University of Kassel and how to organize things before starting to study at Kassel. More information is available from the Studierendensekretariat (Admissions Office/International Office) of the University.
Phone numbers, office hours, and addresses can be found at the end
of this booklet.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as an international student
at our University.
Issued by:
University of Kassel
Moenchebergstrae 19
34125 Kassel

University of Kassel
Admission Office

Phone: +49 (0) 561/804-2205

E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.uni-kassel.de/internat
Date: January 2012
Edited by: Petra Castillo



Table of contents

III Application Procedure Postgraduate Studies..................21

I Admission Requirements.................................................6

University Entrance Qualification

German Language Examination (DSH)
German Language Course (Preparatory Course for the DSH)
Entrance Test for Fine Arts, Visual Communication,
and Product Design
Private institutes offering German language courses
University Entrance Examination (Feststellungsprfung)
at the Studienkolleg (Preparatory Course before Studies)
Entrance Examination to the Studienkolleg
Courses Offered at the Studienkolleg Kassel
Subjects or Examination subjects at the Studienkolleg
External Candidates Examination (Externenprfung)


Who should apply to uni-assist for a place at the

University of Kassel?
Where do you have to apply to uni-assist?
When do you have to apply to uni-assist?
How do you have to apply to uni-assist?
What is a complete set of documents?
How much is the application fee?
How can you pay the application fee?
What happens after your application?



V Obtaining a Doctorate....................................................24
VI Financing Your Studies...................................................26

Student Contributions
Health Insurance
Miscellaneous Expenses
Living in Kassel


VII Advice and Enquiries Admission Office




VIII Enclosure.....................................................................32


Who has to apply via uni-assist?

Where can the address of uni-assist be found?
What are the application deadlines?
How is the application procedure via uni-assist structured?
What is a complete application set?
How much does the application fee amount to and
how is the payment procedure?
What steps follow up after a successfull application at uni-assist?

IV Study Credits.................................................................24

II Application Procedure Undergraduate Studies................17

Payment by direct debit/credit card

Payment by VISA- or EURO-/Mastercard credit card


IX Services.........................................................................34

I Admission Requirements
University Entrance Qualification
International students can be admitted to the University of Kassel if
they have completed a school or university education which qualifies
them for university admission in Germany.
Candidates need to prove that they are qualified for university
admission or (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung). You will usually have
to submit notarised photocopies of your school leaving certificate
(i.e. the vocational baccalaureat diploma, Senior School Certificate,
Liceum, Lise Diplomasi). Applicants from some countries must have
passed the university entrance examination in their home country
or successfully studied for several years.

If your qualification for admission to German universities is equivalent to a German secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur),
you can be directly admitted to the University of Kassel.
Before you commence your studies, you will have to pass the
DSH (German Language Examination for University Students).
In case your qualification is not fully equivalent, you will need
to attend the Studienkolleg for one year (Preparatory Course
before Studies), and to pass the Prfung zur Feststellung der
Hochschulreife (Feststellungsprfung/University Entrance Examination), (see page 12).

Some university entrance qualifications are valid only in the country

of issue, but not in the Federal Republic of Germany.


German Language Examination (DSH)

The DSH is held in March/April for the summer semester and in September/October for the winter semester. Please note that if you fail
the examination, you retry it before the following semester.
The DSH examination at the University of Kassel may be taken only
by applicants who:

have been admitted to study at the University of Kassel

and who

have produced certification of a command of German equivalent

to the Mittelstufe level of the Goethe Institute until the deadline
for application.

Applicants who have learnt German at a secondary school or

university must submit certification proving at least 800 hours of
instruction in German.
The DSH is classified in three levels: DSH-1, DSH-2 and DSH-3.
In order to begin the study you should prove that you have passed at
least DSH-2 (Exception: see Aufnahmepruefung fuer kuenstlerische
Studiengaenge Entry Examination for Art Related Studies).

If you have passed the level 4 Test-DaF examination in your home
country (in the four sections required), you will not have to take the
DSH examination. Please consult the Test-DaF institutes web pages
(http://www.testdaf.de) for more information.


German Language Course

(Preparatory Course for the DSH)

Entrance Test for Fine Arts,

Visual Communication, and Product Design

The University of Kassel offers a preparatory language course in

order to obtain the DSH. If you have been admitted to study at the
University of Kassel and passed the Mittelstufen exam, nowadays it is
called Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (ZMP) you will be accepted.
To sort you in a level appropriate to your language skills there is an
entrance examination at the beginning of each semester

The deadline for application to the art courses (Fine Arts, Visual
Communication, and Product Design) is 30th of April. Applicants are
required to prove their artistic abilities in an entrance examination,
in which they must present and discuss a selection of their works in
front of the examination board of the art academy of Kassel (Kunsthochschule).

You will receive the dates of the DSH and the entrance examination
together with the notification of your admission (Zulassungsbescheid). Thus, you can decide on your own which of the two exams
you would like to participate in.
The German language course cannot be directly applied for.
First, you have to apply for an admission at university of Kassel.
If you have to attend a Studienkolleg before starting your studies,
you cannot join the German language course.

In order to be admitted to the entrance exam, applicants must prove

German knowledge equivalent to Level C1 (ZMP), or at least 800
hours of German lessons. After they have taken the artistic entrance
examination, they are also required to pass the DSH (Stufe: DSH-1).
In case an applicant achieved at least three points in all four sections
of the Test-DaF examination, it is not required to pass the DSH as

In addition to the regular student contribution

(closer information under: www.uni-kassel.de/go/servicefee),
participants must pay a fee of 360 per semester for the course.
Since no basic level course is offered by the University of Kassel,
interested students should consult private language schools or the
adult education centre. A list of private language schools in Kassel
can be found on page 10.



Private institutes offering German language courses

Volkshochschule Region Kassel
Wilhelmshher Allee 19-21
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 10 03 - 16 81, Fax: (0561) 10 03 - 16 60
[email protected]

Inlingua Sprachschule
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 32-34
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 10 32 31, Fax.: (0561) 77 99 00
[email protected]

Institut fr Sprachen
Die Freiheit 19
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 28 600 20, Fax.: (0561) 28 600 21
www.ifs-kassel.de/[email protected]

SZ Sprachen- und bersetzungszentrum

Dr. mit zen
Garde-du-Corps-Str. 1
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 5 21 48 68/5 21 48 69, Fax: (0561) 5 21 48 70
[email protected]

IB (Internationaler Bund) Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Knigsplatz 57
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 57 46 37 - 26, Fax.: (0561) 57 46 37 - 10
[email protected]
CoNaS Lernstudio Schewe
Koelnische Str. 5
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 76 679 94, Fax.: (0561) 76 678 40
[email protected]
Das Spracheninstitut DSI
Untere Knigsstr. 58
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 72 98 71 - 09, Fax: (0561) 72 98 71 - 10
[email protected]
www. spracheninstitut.com

- 10 -

Kasseler Sprachschule
Fuenffensterstrasse 4
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 71 26 630, Fax.: (0561) 71 26 626
[email protected]
Dialog Institut Dr. Kilian
Tischbeinstr. 32
34121 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 71 05 86, Fax.: (0561) 71 05 87
[email protected]
Europa-Kolleg Kassel
Wilhelmshoeher Allee 19
34117 Kassel
Tel.: (0561) 77 67 88 oder 77 76 89, Fax: (0561) 77 99 73
[email protected]

- 11 -

University Entrance Examination (Feststellungsprfung)

at the Studienkolleg (Preparatory Course before Studies)
It is not possible to apply directly for the University Entrance Examination. International applicants whose admission is not equivalent
to the German Abitur need to demonstrate their ability to pursue
university studies by passing the University Entrance Examnination
Since most applicants will not pass this examination without special
preparation, they need to attend a course at the Studienkolleg beforehand. The Studienkolleg is a one year course which includes 30
35 lessons per week in general education subjects such as German,
Mathematics, Chemistry, etc.
Please note that if you should fail this examination, you may take it
only once more and only at the same Studienkolleg.

Entrance Examination to the Studienkolleg

There is an entrance examination to the Studienkolleg for those
applicants only who have submitted certification of a command of
German equivalent to command of German equivalent to the
(Zertifikat Deutsch) at the Goethe Institute, participation of level B1
at a german language school, documentation of 400 German lessons,
2 years of a successful study of German (language/literature),
complation of secundary school in Germany, Test-DaF certificate with
grade 3 in all four subareas.

Only about 50 students can be admitted to the Kassel Studienkolleg.

Since there are usually 10 or 15 times as many applicants, not all can
be invited to the entrance test.
Hence there is a preselection test, in the course of which the best
applicants are chosen to be invited according to the regional and
national quota and their qualification (average mark).

Courses Offered at the Studienkolleg Kassel

The Studienkolleg at the University of Kassel offers a T-course for
technical subjects and a W-course for Business and Social Sciences.
Applicants for History and Languages have to participate in a Gcourse. Applicants or Agriculture, Biology and related subjects have
to participate in an M-course. However Studienkolleg in Kassel
does not offer G/M courses. The next Studienkolleg offering these
courses is the Studienkolleg Mittelhessen at Marburg. In order to be
admitted, please apply to the University of Marburg or to the University of Giessen. After passing the university entrance examination at
the Studienkolleg Mittelhessen, it is possible to apply for a place at
the University of Kassel.
The University of Kassel accepts the final examinations of
Studienkollegs at other German universities.

The entrance examination will determine whether the applicant has

got a command of German sufficient to follow the lessons.
If more applicants pass the entrance examination than there are
places available, those with the best results in the entrance examination will be admitted.

- 12 -

- 13 -

Subjects or Examination subjects at the Studienkolleg

T- course:







Microeconomics or English


Geography or Sociology

Which course you have to participate in depends on the studies

you would like to apply for. The following table shows you which
courses are related to various studies.
English and American Culture and Business Studies
(Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Wirtschaft)


English and American Studies

(Anglistik und Amerikanistik)


Mechatronics (Mechatronik)

Nanostructural Science (Nanostrukturwissenschaft)

Ecological Agriculture (kologische Landwirtschaft)

Philosophy (Philosophie)

Physics (Physik)

Political Science (Politikwissenschaften)

Industrial Design (Produkt Design)

Psychology (Psychologie)


Social Work (Soziale Arbeit)

Sociology (Soziologie)

Urban Planning (Stadt- und Regionalplanung)

Environment Engineering (Umweltingenieurwesen)

Visual Communication (Visuelle Kommunikation)

Industrial Engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)


Economics Teaching (Wirtschaftspdagogik)

Architecture (Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Wirtschaft)

Economic Law (Wirtschaftsrecht)

Civil Engineering (Bauingenieurwesen)

Visual/ Fine Arts (Bildende Kunst)

Studies of Romance Languages and Literature/Spanish



Biology (Biologie)

Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnik)

Studies of Romance Languages and Literature/French



German Philology (Germanistik)

Economics (Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

History (Geschichte)

Computer Science/IT (Informatik)

History of Art (Kunstwissenschaft)

Landscape Planning
(Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur)


Mechanical Engineering (Maschinenbau)

Mathematics (Mathematik)

- 14 -

G = Liberal Arts (Geisteswissenschaften)
T = Engineering (Technik)
W = Business Social Science (Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften)
M = Medicine/Biology (Medizin/Biologie)
K = Study of Arts (Knstlerischer Studiengang)
S = Languages (Sprachen)

- 15 -

External Candidates Examination (Externenprfung)

It is only possible to take the external candidates examination
without having attended the Studienkolleg if the following requirements have been fulfilled.
1. Very good grades during your previous education, equivalent to
a German grade of 2.0 or better
2. A very good command of the German language, certified by the
central Mittelstufen certificate of the Goethe Institute or level 4
of the Test-DaF (in all four sections)
3. Attendance at least one consultation at the Studienkolleg.
4. Consent of the head of the Studienkolleg.
The Externenprfung may only be taken in the summer semester
(June-July). If you wish to do so, please apply to the Studierendensekretariat by 15th of January.

II Application Procedure
Undergraduate Studies
At the end of 2003 the university of Kassel joined the uni-assist
-Application Service for International Students (Arbeits- und Servicestelle fr internationale Studienbewerbungen).
uni-assist will deal with international student applications on behalf
of the University of Kassel. uni-assist will precheck applications for
completeness of all required documents.

Who should apply to uni-assist for a place at the

University of Kassel?
All persons who acquire their university entrance level in foreign
countries have to apply to uni-assist for a place at the University of
Kassel. University entrance level certifications are e.g. the Matura,
A-Levels, High School Diploma, the vocational baccalaureat diploma,
Gaocao and others.

Where do you have to apply to uni-assist?

Please send your application to the following address only:
Universitaet Kassel
c/o uni-assist e.V.
Helmholtzstrae 2-9
D-10587 Berlin/ Germany
Please find further information under:

- 16 -

- 17 -

What is a complete set of documents?

When do you have to apply to uni-assist?

WinterSummersemester semester

General deadline

July 15

January 15

For the Studienkolleg

(Preparatory Course before Studies)

April 30

Teaching Profession Music/Art/Sports
Art (Visual Arts, Product Design,
Visual Communication)

April 30
April 30

Please note that the complete set of documents should arrive

at the deadlines mentioned above. Otherwise, they can only be
considered in the following semester or academic year.
In order to clarify open questions it is recommended to submit
the application at least six weeks before the final deadline.

How do you have to apply to uni-assist?

Please send a completed and signed application form. uni-assist

requires this set only once, even though applicants may want to
apply to several universities.
Please pay the application fee the same day the application form
is posted.

- 18 -

National certificate of aptitude for higher education.

Certifications, tables of grades or transcripts concerning
previous studies at a university, in case you studied beforehand.
Certificate of command of the standard German language.
uni-assist requires notarised photocopies and notarised German
translations of certificates instead of the original documents.
Unfortunately, uni-assist cannot deal with incomplete sets of
application documents.

How much is the application fee?

For your application to be processed by uni-assist, a service fee

has to be paid. For detailed information please visit
For every additional application for submission at a further university applicants are charged per university and semester 15.
The service fee needs to be paid for one application set only.

How can you pay the application fee?

By direct debit to a German bank account: The necessary form is

on page 32 of this booklet (Enclosure). Please fill in the form,

- 19 -

What happens after your application?

uni-assist will forward your documents to the University of Kassel as soon as you have fullfilled the requirements in form and
content. Then the University of Kassel will send you the decision
with further information.
Should your documents not fulfill the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will notify you accordingly. Unfortunately, we
cannot send your documents back. You will have to reapply with
new documents in the following year or term respectively.
In case we accepted, your documents will only remain with us
or with uni-assist for one year. After that they will be deleted.
Unfortunately, we cannot send back your documents.
uni-assist will save your file in a data base for a period of four
years. During this period of time your documents will only be
available to uni-assist and the universities you have chosen.
After that all data will be deleted.

III Application Procedure

Postgraduate Studies
Who has to apply via uni-assist?
You are looking forward to pursue your postgraduate studies at the
University of Kassel? You have successfully completed your undergraduate studies at a foreign university? In case these conditions apply
to you, an application via uni-assist is required.

Where can the address of uni-assist be found?

Please visit page 17 of this booklet for detailed address information.

What are the application deadlines?

In general, application deadlines for
Master programmes are


September 1 March 1

However, please take into consideration that application dead-

- 20 -

lines might vary depending on the chosen master programme.

Therefore, please visit the homepage of the individual master
programme to learn more about application deadlines and
beginning of master programmes (i.e. summersemester, winter
Please make sure that your complete application documents
reach uni-assist at the latest on the given deadlines. Otherwise,
your application will not be taken into consideration for the requested semester and application procedures will be postponed
to the next semester.

- 21 -

It is requested that applicants hand in their application documents at

uni-assist at least 8 weeks prior to the application deadline.

The formal evaluation of your application at uni-assist takes up to
two weeks. The evaluation of the eligibility at the University of Kassel
will take at least another two weeks. In order to be able to apply
for your visa on time and arrive in Kassel before lectures begin, it is
requested to apply as early as possible.

How is the application procedure via uni-assist structured?

Please find detailed information on page 18 of this booklet.

How much does the application fee amount to and how

is the payment procedure?
For detailed information on the application fee and the bank transaction please visit the pages 19 20 of this booklet.

What steps follow up after a successful application at

uni-assists evaluates your documents with regard to formal ad-

What is a complete application set?

Please make sure to add the following documents to your application:

The school certificate that entitles you to study at a university in your

The degree of your current university.

Transcript of records including your grades of your prior and/or cur-

home country.

rent studies at a university.

Language certificates.
In case you are looking forward to studying a programme with English as instruction language English language certificates are required.
Depending on the master programme, further documents might be
necessary, i.e.: curriculum vitae, reference letters, letter of motivation, additional documents. Kindly visit the homepage of the University of Kassel prior to sending your documents to uni-assist in order to
learn more about additional documents:
Please make sure to hand in two sets of your documents at uni-assist:
1st authenticated copies in the original language, 2nd authenticated
copies in a translated version (German or English). Please make sure
to not hand in original documents since they will not be returned to
Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration by uniassist and therefore not forwarded to the University of Kassel.

- 22 -

mission criteria for the given master programme (GPA, German

language knowledge, etc.). In case you meet the formal requirements uni-assist forwards your data to the University of Kassel.
You will be informed by uni-assist about this procedure.
The department of the given master programme now evaluates
your eligibility with regard to the study content.
Once a decision is been made, you will be informed about admission or disaffirmation.
Uni-assist will keep your documents saved for four years as data
package. Documents will only be forwarded to the university of
your choice.
After those four years, your documents will be deleted.
In case you do not meet the profile of the master programme,
you will be informed by uni-assist directly. In that case your documents will not be forwarded to the University of Kassel.
It is not possible to return the certificates, however. In case you
wish to apply for another programme at the University of Kassel
you would have to apply once more with a complete set of

- 23 -

IV Study Credits
Generally, credits for previous studies at another university are possible if results and content are comparable.
Please submit your study certifications to the Studierendensekretariat (after being assessed by uni-assist). They will be passed on to the
examining board (Prfungsausschuss) of the respective department.
Applicants who have already studied in the Federal Republic of Germany can submit their documents directly to the examining board.

V Obtaining a Doctorade
In order to study for a doctorate, it is necessary to be accepted as a
candidate by the respective department. It is required that:

a professor states in writing that he or she is prepared to be the

supervisor of your doctoral thesis and

the committee appropriate for doctorates of the department in

question confirms that your degree is equivalent to a German

the requirements for doctoral studies at the University of Kassel (in

participating in particular courses or passing certain exams).
The average period of time to obtain a doctorate is 3 to 5 years.
For further information please contact:
Universitaet Kassel
Moenchebergstrae 19
34109 Kassel
Mr. Floether Phone: +49 (0)561/ 804-2168
Mrs. Salzmann Phone: +49 (0)561/ 804-2170
Fax.: +49 (0)561/ 804-2199
Internet: www.uni-kassel.de/go/doktor
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours:
Mon till Thur: 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
and by appointment

If the applicants are not personally known to their future supervisor,

they are expected to prepare an outline of their intended research
project, and to submit it to the professor for approval. Should he or
she agree to supervise the dissertation, the application may be sent
to the departments committee appropriate for doctorates in order
to be examined for the recognition of their degree.
Studying for a doctorate in the German system includes preparing a
dissertation under the supervision of a professor and attending a colloquia for doctoral candidates. Usually there are no special courses
for doctoral candidates. An exception to this rule is an agreement 14 who inflicts certain obligations on the doctoral candidate to fulfill

- 24 -

- 25 -

VI Financing your Studies

Health Insurance

Before entering the country please make sure that sufficient financial
means are available for your complete period of study. The Embassy
or the Foreigners Registration Office (Auslnderbehrde) will require
proof that funds necessary to cover living expenses (accommodation,
food etc.) are available. Please take into consideration that expenses
will range between 500 and 600 per month.
Attending a German language course at a private school before
taking up your studies will entail additional costs of between 250
and 750 a month.

All students under 30 years of age must be insured in the government health insurance scheme. The service provided by this insurance includes among other things the payment of medical treatment, drugs and hospital charges. Currently, the costs are about
60 per month (including the Pflegeversicherung, the additional
nursing insurance). This amount has to be paid to the health insurance company before your university registration.

Furthermore, it is important to consider expences discussed below.

Student Contributions
Every student needs to pay a registration fee and aquires the right to
use buses, trams and regional trains as part of the public transport
in the area of the North Hessian Traffic Combine (Nordhessischen
Please find closer details under: http://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/index.

- 26 -

Students over thirty years of age, and those who are not regular
full time students, since they attend a language school or a Studienkolleg, are not subject to compulsory insurance. Please contact the
health insurance company in question whether they are willing to
insure you.
In general, you have the opportunity to choose a private health insurance company. However, this might be considerably more
All people in Germany are now obliged to have health insurance.

Miscellaneous Expenses
Students may have other expenses, e.g. for buying books, instruments and materials. Depending on the field of study, these might
amount to 300 per semester.

- 27 -

Living in Kassel


The halls of residence at the University of Kassel are managed by the

Student Services (Studentenwerk Kassel). At present there are about
1,000 rooms available in halls of residence. A room costs between
100 and 200 a month, depending on location and furnishings.
Furthermore the Studentenwerk acts as an agent for renting rooms
and flats (free of charge).

In general, German universities do not offer scholarships.

Therefore it is pointless to apply to the university for a grant before
commencing your study. There are, however, national sponsors that
offer financial assistance to international students also. This support
mainly depends on previous academic achievements, while the social situation of the applicant is of secondary importance.

Flat-hunting students please contact:

Studentenwerk Kassel
Abteilung Studentisches Wohnen
Wolfhager Strae 10
34117 Kassel
Office hours:
Mon till Thur

+49 (0)561804 2552

[email protected]
10:00 a.m. 03:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon

Information about scholarships can be obtained from the DAAD

(German Academic Exchange Service) or the diplomatic and consular
missions, e.g. the Goethe Institutes and the offices of the DAAD in
your home country. They will inform you about the necessary qualification and deadlines and will provide information about the offices
which accept applications for a scholarship.
The DAAD adresses and phone numbers in Germany are:
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Tel: 0228/ 882-0
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.daad.de
Markgrafenstrae 37
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30/20 22 08-0

- 28 -

- 29 -

VII Advice and Enquiries

Preparatory Course before Studies (Studienkolleg)

Admission Office (Studierendensekratariat)

The Admission Office offers advice to international applicants and
students on the following issues:

admission requirements and procedures

recognition of international education certificates
entry into higher semesters and postgraduate courses
Change of course or subject
admission to a Studienkolleg
admission and matriculation procedures
re-registration, leaves of absence, exmatriculation, guest attendance

Studienkolleg fuer auslaendische Studierende der Universitaet Kassel

Kurt-Wolters-Strae 5 I Zi 2027
34125 Kassel

+49 (0)561 - 804-7384 or 804-7387

+49 (0)561 - 804-7383
[email protected]

The Preparatory Course before Studies (Studienkolleg) advises international applicants about the admission to Studienkolleg courses and
about the University Entrance Examination (Feststellungsprfung).

Universitt Kassel
Moenchebergstr. 19
34125 Kassel
Office Hours of the Admission Office:
Mon till Thur
1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
Mon till Thur

10:00 a.m. 03:30 p.m.

10:00 p.m. 12:00 noon


+ 49 (0)561 - 804-2205
+ 49 (0)561 - 804-7202
[email protected]

- 30 -

- 31 -

VIII Enclosure
Payment by direct debit/credit card
You can pay by direct debit or by credit card (VISA or Mastercard/
Eurocard). Please fill in the following and ask the holder of the account ao credit card to sign the application:
One- off direct debit (only for applicants with a German bank account)
Name of the bank:
BIC (Bank Identity Code):
Account number:
Account holder:
Amount in Euro:


Signature account holder

Payment by VISA- or EURO-/Mastercard credit card


Amount in Euro:
Card holder:
Card number:
Valid till (month/year):
Check number of credit card*:


Signature account holder
*The check number consists of the last three figures of the
number in the array for your signature on the back of your
VISA or Mastercard.


9876 5432 1098 7654 321

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IX Services
financial advising for students

study enquiries
Erstinformation Studium
The Erstinformation Studium offers general information and
answers frequent questions about applying to and studying at the
University of Kassel. It also forwards the enquiries, if required,
to the respective local services and /or offices.

admissions office
The Studierendensekretariat is the universitys central administrative unit. It is responsible for the enrolment of students and the
processing of main administrative tasks and student formalities.

The Studienfinanzierungsberatung provides information about

scholarships and student loans. You can also get in touch with them
to apply for a student loan.

PhD Office
The Promotionsgeschftsstelle processes applications and admissions for postgraduate programmes and provides advice in technical
and legal formalities of the academic proceedings to obtain a PHD or
a habilitation( postdoctoral lecture qualification).

Allgemeine Studienberatung
academic advisory service
The Allgemeine Studienberatung provides information and advice
concerning enquiries about the choice of the field of study, transfer
to a new course of study, and further problems in and around studying.

foreigners authority
ist insbesondere Ansprechpartner bei der Erteilung und Verlngerung von Aufenthaltstiteln (Visa).

Allgemeine Sozialberatung
social advising
The Allgemeine Sozialberatung provides counselling and guidance
to students on an individual basis on issues pertaining to their social
and academic life, family problems, and difficulties, so that students
can better participate in academic life (reconciliation of studies &
family/work/ disability & financial matters).

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