Physics I Problems

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CHAPTER 20 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

(Recall that the room radiates back into the person and that the
emissivity of the skin is 1.00.)
20.49 .. CP BIO A Human Engine. You decide to use your
body as a Carnot heat engine. The operating gas is in a tube with
one end in your mouth (where the temperature is 37.0C) and the
other end at the surface of your skin, at 30.0C. (a) What is the
maximum efciency of such a heat engine? Would it be a very useful engine? (b) Suppose you want to use this human engine to lift a
2.50-kg box from the oor to a tabletop 1.20 m above the oor.
How much must you increase the gravitational potential energy,
and how much heat input is needed to accomplish this? (c) If your
favorite candy bar has 350 food calories (1 food calorie 4186 J)
and 80% of the food energy goes into heat, how many of these
candy bars must you eat to lift the box in this way?
20.50 .. CP Entropy Change Due to the Sun. Our sun radiates from a surface at 5800 K (with an emissivity of 1.0) into the
near-vacuum of space, which is at a temperature of 3 K. (a) By how
much does our sun change the entropy of the universe every second?
(Consult Appendix F.) (b) Is the process reversible or irreversible? Is
your answer to part (a) consistent with this conclusion? Explain.
20.51 . A monatomic ideal gas is taken around the cycle shown
in Fig. P20.51 in the direction shown in the gure. The path for
process c S a is a straight line in the pV-diagram. (a) Calculate Q,
W, and U for each process a S b, b S c, and c S a. (b) What
are Q, W, and U for one complete cycle? (c) What is the efciency of the cycle?
Figure P20.51
3.00 10 Pa

1.00 105 Pa

0.500 m3

0.800 m3

20.52 .. CALC A Stirling-Cycle Engine. The Stirling cycle is

similar to the Otto cycle, except that the compression and expansion of the gas are done at constant temperature, not adiabatically
as in the Otto cycle. The Stirling
cycle is used in external com- Figure P20.52
bustion engines (in fact, burning
fuel is not necessary; any way
of producing a temperature
difference will dosolar, geothermal, ocean temperature grad
dient, etc.), which means that
the gas inside the cylinder is not
used in the combustion process.
Heat is supplied by burning fuel
steadily outside the cylinder, O Vb 5 Va/r
instead of explosively inside the
cylinder as in the Otto cycle. For this reason Stirling-cycle engines
are quieter than Otto-cycle engines, since there are no intake and
exhaust valves (a major source of engine noise). While small Stirling engines are used for a variety of purposes, Stirling engines for
automobiles have not been successful because they are larger,
heavier, and more expensive than conventional automobile
engines. In the cycle, the working uid goes through the following
sequence of steps (Fig. P20.52):

(i) Compressed isothermally at temperature T1 from the initial

state a to state b, with a compression ratio r.
(ii) Heated at constant volume to state c at temperature T2.
(iii) Expanded isothermally at T2 to state d.
(iv) Cooled at constant volume back to the initial state a.
Assume that the working uid is n moles of an ideal gas (for which
CV is independent of temperature). (a) Calculate Q, W, and U for
each of the processes a S b, b S c, c S d, and d S a. (b) In the
Stirling cycle, the heat transfers in the processes b S c and d S a
do not involve external heat sources but rather use regeneration:
The same substance that transfers heat to the gas inside the cylinder in the process b S c also absorbs heat back from the gas in the
process d S a. Hence the heat transfers Q bSc and Q dSa do not
play a role in determining the efciency of the engine. Explain this
last statement by comparing the expressions for Q bSc and Q dSa
calculated in part (a). (c) Calculate the efciency of a Stirlingcycle engine in terms of the temperatures T1 and T2. How does this
compare to the efciency of a Carnot-cycle engine operating
between these same two temperatures? (Historically, the Stirling
cycle was devised before the Carnot cycle.) Does this result violate
the second law of thermodynamics? Explain. Unfortunately, actual
Stirling-cycle engines cannot achieve this efciency due to problems with the heat-transfer processes and pressure losses in the
20.53 .. A Carnot engine operates between two heat reservoirs at
temperatures TH and TC. An inventor proposes to increase the efciency by running one engine between TH and an intermediate temperature T and a second engine between T and TC, using as input
the heat expelled by the rst engine. Compute the efciency of this
composite system, and compare it to that of the original engine.
20.54 ... A typical coal-red power plant generates 1000 MW of
usable power at an overall thermal efciency of 40%. (a) What is
the rate of heat input to the plant? (b) The plant burns anthracite
coal, which has a heat of combustion of 2.65 * 10 7 J>kg. How
much coal does the plant use per day, if it operates continuously?
(c) At what rate is heat ejected into the cool reservoir, which is the
nearby river? (d) The rivers temperature is 18.0C before it
reaches the power plant and 18.5C after it has received the plants
waste heat. Calculate the rivers ow rate, in cubic meters per second. (e) By how much does the rivers entropy increase each second?
20.55 . Automotive Thermodynamics. A Volkswagen Passat
has a six-cylinder Otto-cycle engine with compression ratio
r = 10.6. The diameter of each cylinder, called the bore of the
engine, is 82.5 mm. The distance that the piston moves during the
compression in Fig. 20.5, called the stroke of the engine, is 86.4 mm.
The initial pressure of the airfuel mixture (at point a in Fig. 20.6)
is 8.50 * 10 4 Pa, and the initial temperature is 300 K (the same as
the outside air). Assume that 200 J of heat is added to each cylinder
in each cycle by the burning gasoline, and that the gas has
CV = 20.5 J>mol # K and g = 1.40. (a) Calculate the total work
done in one cycle in each cylinder of the engine, and the heat
released when the gas is cooled to the temperature of the outside
air. (b) Calculate the volume of the airfuel mixture at point a in
the cycle. (c) Calculate the pressure, volume, and temperature of
the gas at points b, c, and d in the cycle. In a pV-diagram, show the
numerical values of p, V, and T for each of the four states. (d)
Compare the efciency of this engine with the efciency of a
Carnot-cycle engine operating between the same maximum and
minimum temperatures.

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