Group - A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)

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Group – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer all questions:
i) In a reciprocating compressor, air is generally
a) adiabatically b) isothermally
c) polytropically d) none of these
ii) The saturation temperature at the partial pressure
of water vapour in the air-water vapour mixture is
a) dry bulb temperature b) wet bulb temperature
c) dew point temperature d)saturation temperature
iii) The slope of constant pressure line on temperature
diagram is given by
a) Cp/T b) T/Cp c) S/T d) T/S
iv) During throttling process
a) heat exchange does not take place
b) no work is done by expanding steam
c) there is no change of internal energy of steam
d) all of these
v) An engine operates between temperature limits of
900 K and T2 and another between T2 and 400 K for
both to be equally efficient, T2 will be equal to
a) 600 K b) 650 K c) 625 K d) 700 K
vi) The air standard Otto cycle comprises
a) two constant pressure processes and two constant
volume processes
b) two constant pressure processes and two isentropic
c) two constant volume processes and two constant
isentropic processes
d) none of these
vii) Which is an intensive property of a system among
the following?
a) viscosity b) temperature c) density d) none of
viii) (∂p/∂v)T (∂v/∂T)P (∂T/∂p)V is equal to
a) zero b) 1 c) -1 d) infinity
ix) for same maximum pressure and temperature and
same heat rejection for an Otto and Diesel cycle.
a) Otto cycle is more efficient
b) Diesel cycle is more efficient c) both are equal
d) efficiencies can’t be compared
x) A positive value of joule Thompson co-efficient of a
fluid means
a) temperature drops during throttling
b) temperature remains constant during throttling
c) temperature rises during throttling
d) none of these

Group – B
(Short Answer Type Question)
2.Prove that volumetric efficiency of a single stage air
compressor working in a maximum pressure P2 and
minimum pressure P1 is given by

ᶯvol = 1+C-C(P2/P1)1/n
Symbols have their own meaning.
3. A mass of 5 kg of water at 300 C is mixed with 1 kg of
ice at 00 C. The combined system is open to the
atmosphere. Assuming the mixing processes as
adiabatic, find the entropy change of the universe.
Latent heat of ice is 334.5kj/kg.
4. Show that the optimum intermediate pressure of a
two reciprocating compressor, minimum work is the
geometric mean of the suction and discharge pressure.
5. Air enter an air compressor at a temperature of 35 0
C and RH = 70% and leaves at DBT = 250 C and RH =
50%. Show that the intermediate processes on a
representative psychometric chart.
What is this processes called?
6. From the Tds equation prove that
Cp-Cv = -T (∂v/∂T)p2 (∂p/∂v)T. Symbols have their own
(Longer Answer Type Questions)
7. a) Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged
in series, A rejecting heat directly to B. Engine A
receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 4210 C from a hot
source, while engine B is in communication with a cold
sink at a temperature of 4.40 C. if the work output of A
is twice that of B, find (i) the intermediate temperature
between A and B, (ii) the efficiency of each engine, (iii)
the heat rejected to the cold sink.
b) 10 gm of water at 200 C concerted into ice at -100 C
at constant atmospheric pressure. Assuming at specific
heat of liquid water to remain constant at 4.2J/g K and
that of ice to be half of this value, and taking the latent
heat of fusion of ice at 00 C to 335J/g, calculate the
total entropy change of the system.
8. a) compare the efficiency of Otto, diesel and dual
cycle for same compression ratio and heat rejection
with the help of P-V and T-S diagram.
b) What do you understand by engine knock? How
does it originate?
c) In an air standard dual cycle has a compression ratio
of 16, and compression begins at 1 bar, 500 C. The
maximum pressure is 70 bar. The heat transferred to
air at constant pressure is equal to that is at constant
volume. Estimate:
i) The pressure and temperature at the cardinal points
of the cycle
ii) The cycle efficiency
iii) m.e.p. of the cycle. Take Cp =1.00kJ/kg K, Cv
=0.718kJ/kg K.
9. a) What will be the velocity of the fluid leaving the
nozzle, if the velocity of approach is very small?
b) A mass of wet steam at temperature 1650 C is
expanded at constant quality 0.8 to pressure upto 32
bar. It is then heated at constant pressure to a degree
of superheat of 66.50 C. Find the enthalpy and entropy
changes during expansion and during heating. Draw
the T-s diagrams.
c) Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.4 kg/s through am
air compressor, entering at 6 m/s with pressure of 1
bar and specific volume of 0.85 m3/kg and leaving at
4.5 m/s with a pressure of 6.9 bar and a specific
volume of 0.16m3/kg. The specific internal energy of
the air leaving is 88 kJ/kg greater than that of the air
entering. Cooling water in the jacket surrounding the
cylinder absorbs heat from the air at the rate of 59
kJ/s. Calculate the power required to drive the
compressor and the inlet outlet pipe areas.
10. a) Steam initially at 0.3 MPa, 2500C is cooled at
constant volume.
i) At what temperature will the steam become
saturated vapour?
ii) What is the quality at 800C?
iii) What is the heat transfer per kg of steam is cooled
from 2500C to 800C?
b) A system maintain at constant volume is initially at
temperature T1 and a heat reservoir at the lower
temperature T0 is available. Show that the maximum
work recoverable as the system is cooled to T0 is
W = CV [(T1−T0) −T0 ln (T1/T0)].
11. a) A heat engine operating between two reservoirs
at 1000 K and 300 K is used to drive a heat pump which
extracts heat from the reservoir at 300 K, at a rate
twice that at which engine rejects heat to it. If the
efficiency of the engine is 40% of the maximum
possible and the coefficient of performance of the heat
pump is 50% of the maximum possible, make
calculations for the rejection of the reservoir to which
the heat pump rejects heat. Also workout the rate of
heat rejection from the heat pump if the rate of supply
of heat to the engine is 50kW.
b) Derive Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
c) prove that the entropy is a property.

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