1202 (2012) Chris Eliasmith: Science Et Al
1202 (2012) Chris Eliasmith: Science Et Al
1202 (2012) Chris Eliasmith: Science Et Al
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neural network research and have not yet been demonstrated in spiking networks (e.g., counting, question
answering, rapid variable creation, and fluid reasoning). The eight tasks (termed A0 to A7) that
Spaun performs are: (A0) Copy drawing. Given a
randomly chosen handwritten digit, Spaun should
produce the same digit written in the same style
as the handwriting (movie S1; all supplemental
movies can be viewed at http://nengo.ca/build-abrain/spaunvideos). (A1) Image recognition. Given
a randomly chosen handwritten digit, Spaun should
produce the same digit written in its default writing (movie S2). (A2) RL. Spaun should perform
a three-armed bandit task, in which it must determine which of three possible choices generates the
greatest stochastically generated reward. Reward
contingencies can change from trial to trial (movie
S3). (A3) Serial WM. Given a list of any length,
Spaun should reproduce it (movie S4). (A4) Counting. Given a starting value and a count value, Spaun
should write the final value (that is, the sum of the
two values) (movie S5). (A5) Question answering.
Given a list of numbers, Spaun should answer
either one of two possible questions: (i) what is in
a given position in the list? (a P question) or (ii)
given a kind of number, at what position is this
number in the list? (a K question) (movie S6).
(A6) Rapid variable creation. Given example syntactic input/output patterns (e.g., 0 0 7 4 7 4;
0 0 2 4 2 4; etc.), Spaun should complete a novel
pattern given only the input (e.g., 0 0 1 4 ?)
(movie S7). (A7) Fluid reasoning. Spaun should
perform a syntactic or semantic reasoning task
that is isomorphic to the induction problems from
the Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) test for
fluid intelligence (11). This task requires completing
patterns of the form: 1 2 3; 5 6 7; 3 4 ? (movie S8).
Each input image is shown for 150 ms and separated
by a 150-ms blank (see table S2 for example inputs
for each task). The model is told what the task will
be by showing it an A and the number of the task
(0 to 7). The model is then shown input defining
the task (see Figs. 2 and 3 for examples). Spaun is
robust to invalid input (fig. S10) and performs
tasks in any order without modeler intervention.
Figure 1A shows the anatomical architecture
of the model. Connectivity and functional ascriptions to brain areas in Spaun are consistent with
current empirical evidence (table S1). In general,
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we modeled neuron and synaptic response properties on the electrophysiology literature for the
relevant anatomical areas. For instance, the basal
ganglia have largely GABAergic neurons, with
dopamine modulating learning in the striatum,
and the cortex has largely N-methyl-D-aspartate and
AMPA synaptic connections (supplementary section S1.3). As a result, the dynamics in the model
are tightly constrained by underlying neural properties (see supplementary section S2.4).
The functional architecture of the model is described in Fig. 1B. The network implementing the
Spaun model consists of three compression hierarchies, an action-selection mechanism, and five subsystems. Components of the model communicate
using spiking neurons that implement neural representations that we call semantic pointers, using
various firing patterns. Semantic pointers can be
understood as being elements of a compressed
neural vector space (supplementary sections S1.1
and S1.2). Compression is a natural way to understand much of neural processing. For instance, the
number of cells in the visual hierarchy gradually
decreases from the primary visual cortex (V1) to the
inferior temporal cortex (IT) (12), meaning that the
information has been compressed from a higherdimensional (image-based) space into a lowerdimensional (feature) space (supplementary section
S1.3). This same kind of operation maps well to the
motor hierarchy (13), where lower-dimensional firing
patterns are successively decompressed (for example, when a lower-dimensional motor representation in Euclidean space moves down the motor
hierarchy to higher-dimensional muscle space).
Compression is functionally important because
low-dimensional representations can be more efficiently manipulated for a variety of neural computations. Consequently, learning or defining different
compression/decompression operations provides a
means of generating neural representations that
are well suited to a variety of neural computations.
The specific compression hierarchies in Spaun are
(see Fig. 1B): (i) a visual hierarchy, which compresses image input into lower-dimensional firing
patterns; (ii) a motor hierarchy that decompresses
firing patterns in a low-dimensional space to drive
a simulated arm; and (iii) a WM, which constructs
compressed firing patterns to store serial position
information. The WM subsystem includes several
subcomponents that provide stable representations
of intermediate task states, task subgoals, and context.
Spauns action-selection mechanism is based
on a spiking basal ganglia model that we have
developed in other work (14) but is here extended
to process higher-dimensional neural representations. The basal ganglia determine which state
the network should be in, switching as appropriate for the current task goals. Consequently,
the models functional states are not hardwired,
as the basal ganglia are able to control the order
of operations by changing information flow between subsystems of the architecture.
The five subsystems, from left to right in Fig.
1B, are used to: (i) map the visual hierarchy firing
pattern to a conceptual firing pattern as needed
The neural connection weights of these subsystems can be learned with a biologically plausible spike-based rule (15), although we use more
efficient optimization methods to determine the
synaptic weights (supplementary section S1.2).
To help explain the functioning of the model,
we consider the serial WM task. Figure 2A shows
the information flow through the model for this
task. The storage and recall states of the network
are common to many tasks. For the WM task,
these states occur immediately one after the other,
although the delay is task-dependent. Initially, seeing the task identifier (A3) switches Spaun into the
storage state. In the storage state, the network compresses the incoming image into a visually based
firing pattern (FP in the figure) that encodes vi-
Fig. 1. Anatomical and functional architecture of Spaun. (A) The anatomical architecture of Spaun shows the
major brain structures included in the model and their connectivity. Lines terminating in circles indicate
GABAergic connections. Lines terminating in open squares indicate modulatory dopaminergic connections. Box
styles and colors indicate the relationship with the functional architecture in (B). PPC, posterior parietal cortex;
M1, primary motor cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; PM, premotor cortex; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; AIT, anterior inferior temporal cortex; Str, striatum; vStr, ventral
striatum; STN, subthalamic nucleus; GPe, globus pallidus externus; GPi, globus pallidus internus; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; SNc, substantia nigra pars compacta; VTA, ventral tegmental area; V2, secondary
visual cortex; V4, extrastriate visual cortex. (B) The functional architecture of Spaun. Thick black lines indicate
communication between elements of the cortex; thin lines indicate communication between the actionselection mechanism (basal ganglia) and the cortex. Boxes with rounded edges indicate that the actionselection mechanism can use activity changes to manipulate the flow of information into a subsystem. The
open-square end of the line connecting reward evaluation and action selection denotes that this connection
modulates connection weights. See table S1 for more detailed definitions of abbreviations, a summary of the
function to anatomy mapping, and references supporting Spauns anatomical and functional assumptions.
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30 NOVEMBER 2012
visual FP
concept FP
trace FP
trace FP
concept FP
motor FP
Fig. 2. The serial WM task. (A) Information flow through Spaun during the WM task. Line style and
color indicate the element of the functional architecture in Fig. 1B responsible for that function.
FP, firing pattern. (B) A screen capture from the simulation movie of this task (supplementary
section S2.1), taken at the 2.5-s mark of the time course plot in (C). The input image is on the
right, the output is drawn on the surface below the arm. Spatially organized (neurons with similar
tuning are near one another), low-passfiltered neuron activity is approximately mapped to
relevant cortical areas and shown in color (red is high activity, blue is low). Thought bubbles show
spike trains, and the results of decoding those spikes are in the overlaid text. For Str, the thought
bubble shows decoded utilities of possible actions, and in GPi the selected action is darkest. (C)
Time course of a single run of the serial WM task. The stimulus row shows input images. The arm
row shows digits drawn by Spaun. Other rows are labeled by their anatomical area. Similarity plots
(solid colored lines) show the dot product (i.e., similarity) between the decoded representation
from the spike raster plot and concepts in Spauns vocabulary. These plots provide a conceptual
decoding of the spiking activity, but this decoding is not used by the model (supplementary section
S1.1). Raster plots in this figure are generated by randomly selecting 2000 neurons from the
relevant population and discarding any neurons with a variance of less than 10% over the run.
denotes the convolution compression operator.
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However, Spaun has little to say about how
that complex, dynamical system develops from
birth. Furthermore, Spaun has many other limitations that distinguish it from developed brains.
For one, Spaun is not as adaptive as a real brain,
as the model is unable to learn completely new
tasks. In addition, both attention and eye position
of the model is fixed, making Spaun unable to
control its own input. Also, its perceptual and conceptual representations are largely limited to the
space of digits from 0 to 9. Anatomically, many
Time (s)
Fig. 3. Time-course plots for two Spaun tasks. (A) Results of the copy-drawing task. The input/output
pairs for 20 additional runs are shown to the right. (B) Results of an example run of the RPM task,
plotted using the same method as described in Fig. 2C. See text for details.
0. 9
0. 9
0. 8
0. 8
0. 7
0. 6
4 items
5 items
6 items
7 items
0. 5
0. 1
0. 7
0. 6
4 items
5 items
6 items
7 items
0. 5
0. 1
Item Position
Item Position
Fig. 4. Population-level behavioral data for the WM task. Accuracy is shown as a function of position and list
length for the serial WM task. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals over 40 runs per list length. (A) Human
data taken from (18) (only means were reported). (B) Model data showing similar primacy and recency effects.
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Supplementary Materials
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S12
Tables S1 to S3
References (2174)
Movies S1 to S8 (at http://nengo.ca/build-a-brain/spaunvideos)
28 May 2012; accepted 15 October 2012
30 NOVEMBER 2012