The 21st Century Has Begun. What Changes Do You Think This New Century Will Bring?

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1. The 21st century has begun.

What changes do you think this new century

will bring?
I think this century will bring lots of changes in all the fields that are very important in our lives. They
have a lot of effects on our lives in very different fields. There are both positive and negative aspects.
First of all, in the near future computer controlled robots and machines may replace manual labor and
the use of human efforts because of technology improvements. For instance, we can expect a big change on
transportation system.Cars and trains would be changed to the faster and automatic ones. They won't need
any drivers and we may take a long distance just in some minutes. The Computers will improve and they
may work with our voice and do our orders without our interferences.
About the next case, the new century will bring some improvements in healthcare and medical science.
Medicine will be the development and treatment of diseases will be easier. Scientists are finding new drugs
for some diseases like AIDS and cancer are some untreatable disease.
In spite of the fact that we will have a lot of improvements in the near future,there would be some
difficulties like new diseases, growing population, lack of energy and fuel or gas. The world has some public
problems that can affect our lives in every where such as global warming, air pollution, unknown diseases
and catastrophe like earthquake, tsunami and flood. Thus, I hope new century to bring some exact solutions
for these problems to save people's lives.
In conclusion, I think that new century will definitely bring some changes in our lives with both
positive and negative aspects. All of us have some predictions about future, but no one knows that what is
exactly waiting for us in the near future.
Cred c acest secol va aduce o mulime de schimbri n toate domeniile care sunt foarte importante n
viaa noastr . Ei au o mulime de efecte asupra vieii noastre n diferite domenii . Exist att aspecte
pozitive, ct i negative.
Mai nti de toate , n viitorul apropiat roboi controlate de computer i utilaje poate nlocui munca
manual i utilizarea a eforturilor umane , din cauza mbuntiri tehnologice . De exemplu , ne putem
atepta la o schimbare mare pe sistemul de transport . Maini i trenuri vor fi schimbate cu cele mai rapide i
automate . Ei nu vor avea nevoie de nici un driver i am putea lua o lung distan doar n cteva minute .
Computerele se vor mbunti i pot lucra cu vocea noastr i de a face comenzile noastre fr interferene
Despre urmtorul caz , noul secol va aduce unele mbuntiri n domeniul sntii i tiinelor
medicale . Medicina va fi in dezvoltare si tratarea unor boli va fi mai usoara. Savantii vor gasi noi
medicamente pentru unele boli ca SIDA si cancurul care sunt niste boli netratabile.
n ciuda faptului c vom avea o mulime de mbuntiri n viitorul apropiat , nu ar fi unele dificulti ,
cum ar fi boli noi , n cretere a populaiei , lipsa de energie i combustibil sau gaz . Lumea are unele
probleme publice, care pot afecta vieile noastre n cazul n care fiecare , cum ar fi nclzirea global ,
poluarea aerului , boli necunoscute i catastrof cum ar fi cutremur , tsunami i inundaii . Astfel , sper secol
nou pentru a aduce unele soluii exacte pentru aceste probleme pentru a salva vieile oamenilor .
In concluzie eu cred c noul secol va aduce cu siguranta unele schimbri n viaa noastr , cu att
aspectele pozitive, ct i negative . Toate dintre noi au unele previziuni despre viitor , dar nimeni nu tie c
ceea ce este exact ne ateapt n viitorul apropiat .

2. How do you think computers have changed the world?

I think that computers have changed the world through the opportunities that offer us . The firstly a
computer gives us a lot of information in all areas, thus informing us .
Through computers we have progresses in science, medicine, business and education. In fact the
computer is a wonderful electronic brain that we have come to rely on.
They also allow a person to calculate mathematical problems with ease. Finally, computers allow
people to communicate with one another through internet sites such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter.
Without a computer, life seems quite impossible. It is the most versatile machine ever been made.
In conclusion, computers have changed our lives and it will continue to do so.

3. What are some advantages of the Internet?

The Internet provides opportunities galore, and can be used for a variety of things. Some of the things
that we can do via the Internet are:
Access Information: The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information
on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet.
Shopping: Along with getting information on the Internet, you can also shop online. There are many
online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using your credit card.
Online Chat: There are many chat rooms on the web that can be accessed to meet new people, make
new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends.
Downloading Software: This is one of the most happening and fun things to do via the Internet. You
can download innumerable, games, music, videos, movies, and a host of other entertainment software from
the Internet, most of which are free.

4. Write about an enjoyable family event that you have attended and explain
why you liked it.
A pleasant family event that I attended was when I reached the age of ten. Then me and my family,
relatives went to a picnic in the forest town. It was a beautiful day full of sunshine that we enjoyed very
much. That day was the happiest in the world because relatives had gathered together, so a lot of gifts made
me happier. I spent all day in the woods so much fun with my cousins loved. In the evening we went home
with a very great pleasure. How much I would like to turn those beautiful moments of childhood.

5. In america any by may become the president. how much do you know
about the institution of presidency of the united states?

6. Name some things that define a country's culture.

Culture is a series of distinct features of a society or social group in terms of spiritual, material,
intellectual or emotional. Culture is an inheritance that is transmitted using specific communication codes
such as gestures or words, writing and the arts, media (press, radio, TV), interactive media (phone).
Similarly transmitted gestures, rituals, theoretical knowledge, abstract rules, religion.

7. Write about education system in Moldova.

Moldova education was modeled on the educational pattern of Soviet Union. Moldova education is
mandatory for a period of eleven years from the age of six to seventeen.
Russian and Romanian are the principal medium of instruction in the schools. There are different types
of schools in Moldova that are an essential part of education in Moldova. There are Kindergarten, primary
school, elementary and secondary school, secondary school. In the category of high school there are
technical and professional schools, Liceum . Special schools are there in Moldova that imparts education to
the handicapped.
The structure of education at Moldova follows a particular pattern. The primary education covers a
period of four years. The duration of secondary school period is from seven to eight years. Out of these total
eight years, five years are covered by lower secondary school and the remaining two years are covered by
upper secondary schools whereas, the institutions of higher education include academies, institutes and
Most of the universities are owned by the state. But there are many higher education institutions that
happen to be privately owned too. Apart from the formal pattern of education of Moldova, there are many
vocational and correspondence courses offered in Moldova.

8. Describe a musical event in your country and explain why you enjoy it.
A music event in RM is International Pop Music Festival "Twin Hearts" in memoriam Doina and Ion
Aldea-Teodorovici. It is a festival of us all, because it's two artists beloved by many, not only in Moldova
and Romania, but also in many other countries. This festival is held every year organized by their son.
Festival brings back a lot of feelings, being proud of these outstanding personalities of our people. Doina and
Ion Aldea-Teodorovici died on October 30, 1992, following an accident that took place near the village
Coereni, 49 kilometers from Bucharest.

9. Describe a country you plan to visit and explain why you would like to go
A country that I plan to visit is Britain. The main reason why I would choose Britain as my
destination is that I want to visit London and Cambridge.
The firstly I visit London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is one of modern cities in the world. It
often draws my attention with its theaters, museums, and art galleries. Moreover, London has a good public
transportation system, underground and double-deck bus. I could go any places via the convenient
underground and do sightseeing by bus.
The second city of Britain I would like to visit is Cambridge, well known for its university. A Chinese
poet wrote several poems describing the beautiful sights about the town and the River Cam, and I am
enchanted with those poems.
Of course, there are other countries I could visit if I had the opportunity to visit a foreign country.
However, I think Britain would be my first choice.

10. Symbols of the United States

The Liberty Bell was commissioned by the Pennsylvania colony in 1752. The colonys leaders wanted a bell
for its state house (now known as Independence Hall) that could be heard around the city. One side of the bell has a
biblical quote: Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. The most notable feature
of the bell, though, is a crack in the metal that runs up from the bells lip. Although there is no proof, many people
believe that the Liberty Bell was rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776. In the
1830s, abolitionists adopted the bell as a symbol of their struggle to abolish slavery; they popularized the name the
Liberty Bell. Between 1885 and 1915, the bell traveled around the country for exhibitions and patriotic events. The
bell currently resides in the Liberty Bell Center on Philadelphias Independence Mall. The bells crack is the source of
many stories that have reached nearly mythic proportion; the cracks appearance may have added to the bells
symbolic power.
The flag of the United States is commonly known as the Stars and Stripes or Old Glory. On June 14, 1777,
the Continental Congress adopted a resolution stating: Resolved, That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes,
alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation. It is
unknown whether Betsy Ross sewed the first flag created under this resolution; many historians view this story as a
myth. The current 50-star flag is the 27th edition of the flag and the one that has been in use the longest, since 1960.
In 1818, Congress passed a law stating that a new star be added for each new state; the 13 stripes would remain
constant to represent the 13 colonies. (At the time this law was passed, the flag had 15 stripes; two stripes had been
added to represent the first two states added to the unionVermont and Kentucky.)
The Statue of Liberty (its formal title is Liberty Enlightening the World) was a gift to the United States from
the people of France. Dedicated in 1886, the statue shows Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. Located in New
York Harbor, the statue holds a torch in one hand and a tablet representing the law in the other. The date of the
Declaration of Independence is inscribed on the tablet. A broken chain sits at Libertass feet. The statue is an iconic
symbol of freedom. Protestors around the world have used the image of the statue in their struggles for political
freedom; a replica was erected in 1989 in Beijings Tiananmen Square.

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