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By Andrew Hargreaves and Michael Fullan

rofessional capital has a fundamental connection to transforming teaching every
day, and weve seen many examples of
this at work in schools and school systems
around the world. Here, we explore the
powerful idea of capital and articulate its
importance for professional work, professional capacity, and professional effectiveness. Systems
that invest in professional capital recognize that education
spending is an investment in developing human capital
from early childhood to adulthood, leading to rewards of
economic productivity and social cohesion in the next generation (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012).
Professional capital requires attention not only to political and societal investments in education but also to
leadership actions and educator needs, contributions, and
career stages.

Many teachers find the concept of capital a difficult

idea because of where it comes from. Capital is not something wed normally associate with teaching. The original idea of capital comes from the economic sector, and
whether you are Warren Buffett or Adam Smith or Karl
Marx, one part of the idea is basically the same. Capital is
something that adds value to net worth. If you want to get
a return, you need to make an investment.

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Right now, there are two visions for capital and how
it can be used to improve teaching in the U.S. and elsewhere. One is a business capital approach. In this view, the
purpose of public education is increasingly to yield a shortterm profit with quick returns for its investors. The purpose of public education is to be a market for technology,
for testing products, for charter schools and companies and
chains and their look-alikes in Sweden and England and
other parts of the world.
Theres nothing wrong with business or making a
profit. But when the overwhelming orientation of public
education is to yield short-term profits in a fast market, it
distorts fundamentally what it is that we do, and it carries
troubling assumptions with it about teachers and teaching.
One of the ways you increase the returns on public education in the short term is by reducing the cost of teaching,
educations greatest expense.
In the business capital view, teaching is technically simple. Teaching doesnt require rigorous training, hard work
in universities, or extensive practice in schools. In this view,
teaching can be learned over six weeks in the summer, as
long as you are passionate and enthusiastic. Imagine if we
said that about our doctors or architects or engineers.
A business capital approach says that teaching can be
driven by data, that data give you all the answers, that
numbers and spreadsheets will set you free. This business
capital view of teaching also says that technology can often
replace teachers.

June 2013

Vol. 34 No. 3

his article is adapted from a keynote address

by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan at

Learning Forwards Annual

Conference in Boston,
Mass., in December 2012.

The opposite stance toward teaching is a professional

capital approach. In this approach, teaching is hard. Its
technically difficult, for example, knowing the signs of Aspergers, differentiating instruction, learning all the skills to
deal with difficult adults. It requires technical knowledge,
high levels of education, strong practice within schools,
and continuous improvement over time that is undertaken
collaboratively, and that calls for the development of wise
Over time, professional capital policies and practices
build up the expertise of teachers individually and collectively to make a difference in the learning and achievement
of all students. In a professional capital approach, teachers
should and do work with technology to enhance teaching,
but not where the mouse becomes a replacement for the
Our book spells out the three kinds of capital that
comprise professional capital: human capital (the talent of
individuals); social capital (the collaborative power of the
group); and decisional capital (the wisdom and expertise to
make sound judgments about learners that are cultivated
over many years). Thats the vision of professional capital.

A simple but powerful study from Carrie Leana of the

University of Pittsburgh helps to illustrate the idea of the
relationship between human and social capital. She did
a study in New York City with a sample of 130 elementary schools (Leana, 2011). She measured three things.
She looked at human capital the qualities of the individuals, their qualifications and competencies on paper.
She measured social capital with questions like: To what
extent do teachers in this school work in a trusting, collaborative way to focus on learning and the engagement
and improvement of student achievement? And then she
measured math achievement in September and June as an
indicator of teachers impact.
Leana found that schools with high social capital
showed positive achievement outcomes. Schools with strong
social and human capital together did even better. Most important, Leana found that teachers with low human capital
who happened to be working in a school with higher social
capital got better outcomes than those in schools with lower
social capital. Being in a school around others who are working effectively rubs off on teachers and engages them.
Human and social capital are both important, but hu-

June 2013

Vol. 34 No. 3

The concept of professional

capital and how it can
affect the future of teaching
and public education is
also the subject of their
book, Professional Capital:
Transforming Teaching in Every
School (Teachers College
Press, 2012). Professional
Capital shows how to
demand more of the teaching
profession and from the systems that support it. The
book includes action guidelines for groups, individual
teachers, administrators, schools and districts, and
state and federal leaders. Available at http://store.

man capital is not as influential as social capital as a lead strategy. To

enact change faster and more effectively, to reduce variation in effective teaching in a school or between and among schools in terms of
networks, our advice is to use social capital. Use the group to change
the group. This means developing how teachers as a team or group
can best identify and respond to the needs of individual students.
Back this up with the human capital that comes with being able to
attract the best people in the profession, develop them as they come
in, and build on that to be effective.
To attract people to the profession, you need a good set of
schools for those people to work in. Continuous professional development pays off in Finland, Singapore, Alberta, and Ontario.
The best way you can support and motivate teachers is to create the
conditions where they can be effective day after day, together. And
this isnt just about intraschool collaboration Its about interschool
and interdistrict collaboration. Its about the whole profession.

We know that both human and social capital have links to student achievement. Decisional capital, a notion that comes from the
field of law, is about how you develop your capabilities over time,
particularly your capacity to judge. All professions involve judgment
in situations and circumstances where the evidence and the answers
arent incontrovertibly clear.
Judges have to judge because the facts of the case do not speak


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for themselves. How do judges learn to judge? By dealing with

many cases over many years, by themselves, with other people,
in the courtroom, out of the courtroom reflectively, alone introspectively, and collectively with their colleagues. This is what
all professionals do. In part, Finland does so well in education
because of the amount of time teachers spend in their day outside of the classroom. They spend less time in the classroom per
day than any other country, which gives them time to reflect,
discuss, and develop judgment.

In teachers development, we look at a couple of factors

that bear on the development of decisional capital. One is commitment: How enthusiastic, how dedicated, how driven by a
moral purpose are you as a teacher? The other is capability: How
good are you, can you do the job, can you manage a class of
kids, can you differentiate instruction? Both of these things are
important, but one is often confused for the other.
There are three career stages that are critical in considering
the development of decisional capital. In the early career one
to three years experience teachers are, on average, more
enthusiastic than at any other point in their career. They are
more committed, more dedicated. But, on average, they are less
competent; theres still a lot to learn.
In the later years of teaching 22 years and onwards we
see that teachers commitment is, on average, declining. It has
to do with many things their lives, aging parents, experiences
with change, principal turnover, etc. And their capabilities are
all over the map.
The stereotype is that teachers late in their career are resisters, but, in fact, there are four types of teachers. There are the
renewed, who are constantly learning and challenged. The disenchanted teachers were once very excited about change, but
through negative experiences have become discouraged; however,
they can be re-enchanted. Then there are the quiet ones. Introverts
are more likely to work with two or three people rather than the
entire school to make improvements, and thats the best way to
work with them. The fourth group is the resisters and reprobates.
These are the educators that those running performance evaluations often focus on, the deadwood to get out of the way. While
there may be a few teachers in this category, dont confuse the
other types of late-career teachers with them.
And then there are teachers in the mid-career range with
anywhere from four to 20 years experience. These are, on average, the most committed and capable. Their time in teaching
adds up to about 10,000 hours, which is the time that Malcolm
Gladwell in Outliers tells us is how long it takes in any profession to become the equivalent of orchestra class as a musician
(Gladwell, 2008). If you want to play in the pub on a Saturday
night, it will take you about 4,000 hours, which is about the
equivalent of three years of teaching.
In teaching, do we want to create teachers who are good

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Andrew Hargreaves, left, ([email protected]) is the

Thomas More Brennan Chair in the Lynch School of Education
at Boston College and cofounder of the International Centre
for Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education at the University of Toronto. His website is www.
andyhargreaves.com, and you can follow him on Twitter at
Michael Fullan, right, ([email protected]) is professor emeritus
and the former dean at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
at the University of Toronto. He is the special advisor to the
premier and minister of education in Ontario, Canada. His website
is http://michaelfullan.ca.

enough to play in the pub on a Saturday night, with three years

or so of experience? Or do we want to keep developing, to wire
in all the skills and stretch the capacities, so educators reach that
moment where theyre in the zone, where they can improvise
with a range of strategies effortlessly? If so, it takes most teachers an investment of around 10,000 hours to get to that point.
This career stage is important and its the one we commonly neglect. We focus on the first three years to get teachers
going. And then we focus on the people who may sometimes
prove difficult at the end. We think we can leave the people in
the middle alone. If we leave them alone, though, theres the
danger that things become too easy, that they wont stretch
themselves. And then were headed for a worrying end, and
instead of quiet ones or disenchanted ones or especially renewed
ones, we find ourselves dealing with reprobates and we created them. We need to focus more on the teachers in the middle
and to keep challenging and stretching them.

In considering how to create a professional capital culture,

its critical to know that there isnt just one way to collaborate. Social capital is not only or sometimes even mainly about
professional learning communities sitting down and looking at
spreadsheets of student data together. Here are five examples
from five countries that weve worked with that use social capital in different ways.

June 2013

Vol. 34 No. 3

The power of professional capital

Finland: Local curriculum development

One of the things teachers do in Finland that makes them

effective is that they create curriculum together, school by
school, district by district. They dont just implement curriculum, they create curriculum together.
Singapore: Give away best ideas

Singapore is the highest-performing country on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and its
a place where people excel at every level. Here, educators give
away their best ideas to other people. Think of that at a school
this notion makes educators have to keep inventing new
ideas to stay ahead. They dont hog their ideas. How can you
expect your teachers to collaborate if their schools compete?
Alberta: Collaborative innovation and inquiry

Alberta is one of the two highest-performing provinces in

Canada. For the last 11 years, in collaboration with the government, the Alberta Teachers Association has spent 50% of its
resources on professional development. The College of Alberta
School Superintendents has also worked cooperatively to promote inquiry and innovation in schools and districts. Professional inquiry fostered by leaders at all levels has become central
to the development of the profession.
Ontario: Collective responsibility and transparency

When teachers look at data together in Ontario, they arent

just looking for quick fixes for how to lift up achievement scores.
Behind every number is a child. Teachers sit together with the
transparency of the data, and all teachers take collective responsibility for all children across grades. The teachers say, Theyre
our children, not my children, my class. Its whats behind the
data, not whats in the data that is most important for Ontario.
California Teachers Association: Teacher leaders drive
system change

California is of the lowest-performing states in the U.S. Years

ago, the California Teachers Association sued then-Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger for several billion dollars. With the money that
it won, the association collaboratively set up the Quality Education Investment Act for several hundred low-performing schools
in the state. The early data indicate that with teachers as drivers
of system change, achievement gains are being made, especially
with Hispanic and African-American populations.

the push-pull-nudge idea.

Push is when you assert, pay attention, and intervene for
more professional capital. When you push someone who is reluctant, they change, and they thank you afterwards. But you can be
too pushy, and what started as a push for peoples own good can
turn into a shove that is enforcing compliance for its own sake.
It can be your habitual first move, rather than your next or last
one when other strategies fail. Pull is when you draw people into
the excitement, into the vision, into the development. But not
everyone is always ready to be pulled in this way. In between is
nudging. Nudge is a way to enable people to make choices but to
try and guide them a bit at a time into making better ones. Some
of the ways to nudge people are: to use key language constantly
that repeats and affirms what is important; to adopt tools like
data walls that are visible to everyone, conceptual anchor charts
in every classroom to emphasize key learning skills, or critical
friends protocols to promote deeper discussion; or to change the
structures by positioning a struggling new teacher alongside an
experienced pro, rather than placing him or her out in a portable
hut where no one else wants to teach.
All good leadership is a judicious mixture of push, pull,
and nudge. This is a sophisticated practice. Its a combination
of nonjudgmentalism, not being pejorative about where people
are at the beginning, combined with moving them forward. In
all this, there is a not a reluctance to insist on collaboration, but
there is a sensitivity to career cycle issues and different starting
points. In the end, its best to pull whenever you can, push
whenever you must, and nudge all the time.

As we state in our book, Professional capital is about enacting more equal, higher-attaining, more healthy countries in just
about every way that counts. This is why successful countries
treat their teachers as nation builders, and how they come to
yield high returns in prosperity, social cohesion, and social justice, (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012, p. 185). But this cant be just
a slogan. Our book has hit a responsive chord with educators
at all levels of the system. Professional capital has turned out
to be a sticky concept it resonates with where people are
and what they see as a promising and necessary solution. What
we need now is a committed effort to implement this powerful
conception of the profession across the system. The responsibility
is ours. Lets make professional capital our primary investment.


Professional capital is a function of the interactive, multiplicative combination of the three kinds of capital discussed above.
With our responsibility to move professional capital forward,
proactive action is necessary. A combination of push, pull, and
nudge will move systems forward. We explore a range of actions
for leaders to take in our book, but here is a quick overview of

June 2013

Vol. 34 No. 3

Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. New

York, NY: Back Bay Books.
Hargreaves, A. & Fullan, M. (2012). Professional
capital: Transforming teaching in every school. New York, NY:
Teachers College Press.
Leana, C.R. (2011, Fall). The missing link in school
reform. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 9(4), 34.


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