JSD Power of Professional Capital PDF
JSD Power of Professional Capital PDF
JSD Power of Professional Capital PDF
36 JSD | www.learningforward.org
Right now, there are two visions for capital and how
it can be used to improve teaching in the U.S. and elsewhere. One is a business capital approach. In this view, the
purpose of public education is increasingly to yield a shortterm profit with quick returns for its investors. The purpose of public education is to be a market for technology,
for testing products, for charter schools and companies and
chains and their look-alikes in Sweden and England and
other parts of the world.
Theres nothing wrong with business or making a
profit. But when the overwhelming orientation of public
education is to yield short-term profits in a fast market, it
distorts fundamentally what it is that we do, and it carries
troubling assumptions with it about teachers and teaching.
One of the ways you increase the returns on public education in the short term is by reducing the cost of teaching,
educations greatest expense.
In the business capital view, teaching is technically simple. Teaching doesnt require rigorous training, hard work
in universities, or extensive practice in schools. In this view,
teaching can be learned over six weeks in the summer, as
long as you are passionate and enthusiastic. Imagine if we
said that about our doctors or architects or engineers.
A business capital approach says that teaching can be
driven by data, that data give you all the answers, that
numbers and spreadsheets will set you free. This business
capital view of teaching also says that technology can often
replace teachers.
June 2013
Vol. 34 No. 3
June 2013
Vol. 34 No. 3
We know that both human and social capital have links to student achievement. Decisional capital, a notion that comes from the
field of law, is about how you develop your capabilities over time,
particularly your capacity to judge. All professions involve judgment
in situations and circumstances where the evidence and the answers
arent incontrovertibly clear.
Judges have to judge because the facts of the case do not speak
JSD 37
38 JSD | www.learningforward.org
June 2013
Vol. 34 No. 3
Singapore is the highest-performing country on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and its
a place where people excel at every level. Here, educators give
away their best ideas to other people. Think of that at a school
this notion makes educators have to keep inventing new
ideas to stay ahead. They dont hog their ideas. How can you
expect your teachers to collaborate if their schools compete?
Alberta: Collaborative innovation and inquiry
As we state in our book, Professional capital is about enacting more equal, higher-attaining, more healthy countries in just
about every way that counts. This is why successful countries
treat their teachers as nation builders, and how they come to
yield high returns in prosperity, social cohesion, and social justice, (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012, p. 185). But this cant be just
a slogan. Our book has hit a responsive chord with educators
at all levels of the system. Professional capital has turned out
to be a sticky concept it resonates with where people are
and what they see as a promising and necessary solution. What
we need now is a committed effort to implement this powerful
conception of the profession across the system. The responsibility
is ours. Lets make professional capital our primary investment.
Professional capital is a function of the interactive, multiplicative combination of the three kinds of capital discussed above.
With our responsibility to move professional capital forward,
proactive action is necessary. A combination of push, pull, and
nudge will move systems forward. We explore a range of actions
for leaders to take in our book, but here is a quick overview of
June 2013
Vol. 34 No. 3
JSD 39